^ riOSTWBLVB » ...... THUB8DAT. MABCH16. U 6S'^ S U m O u ttK Ettfutao S n att AVEBAOB DAILV aBCCLATIOM THB WBA1BKB tor Um m satb o f Fabcuary, 1888 Mra. R. K. Anderaoa and Mrn. Loyal CIrelo of Ktng'a Daugbtem ovaaing st and TiM Woman'n Home MtoMonary Mr. aad Mm. WUUaai DavM WU> W. W. Eella. promiaant raambaia of will aarvn aa appetliring auppar to- again Friday evening, March 84. >deto of the South Metbodiat a torn taken np hnaaifcianlim- at i ABOUT tOWN nlgbt In Canter church panab balL W tn c . Now rBritain “ • win broadcaat 6 , 2 1 0 Omiamgy fair tm» oenmwhM the Manchaatar Oardaa club left thla church will meet tomorrow after­ I Walker itmd. Mm.. WIIboo Member of Um AudK morning for MUtoo. Mean., wbara For the oottvantenoa o f bualneaa a tranaerlbed meaaaga by Luther If'i Tha Truth! l E w m i m 1 eeldsr toolgbt; Satarday fair and noon at 8:80 with Mm. Me- prior to her marrlaga waa IT HALE'S Mn. ftui Oomntl ot Birch atraet they wUl ha guanta af rwlaUraa o f people who am la the atoraa thla C. Steward, praaldam of tha Na> Klnnsy of Focter atreeL Dr. Eari Irena Houm, danghtar of Mr. i A wtss aflcsM Irailds s ■utiau of dmotoUeno r eanUnuril COM, « tto « w nm oved to 8L Prmneii Uia. Asdaraon tor J m waek-ond. evening, they win bo ready to aerve tlonal Fedamtlkttan of Federal pnt- B. Story wlU giva tatm addmaa. Mra. Hamid Honaa a f South M at S o'etoek aad win ecotlnue until brldgs b m es rmaalng • S E L F S E R V E MANCHESTER - A CTTY OF VH.LAGE (liA R M hoapItaJ MMdhjr and oparated on They win attend tha annual flower siKUkai — ethers Jamp bi| TuMalay mornliir, la makinf aatia- khow o f tha Uaaaachuaatta HorU- 7. Proflta wot be need In aandlng Tba daaa torXba atudy of the fhetoty profreaa, but am be un­ cultural aodaty at the Hechanica flowera aad fruit or earda to thoee General Weltom OMter No. 41 VOL. LVnL, NO. 142 am Fags td> MANCHESTER. CONN„ FRIDAY. MARCH 17, 1939 who am in or abut Ig- A total of Italian langnaga wm maat gt tba m FViday 2:30 to 5:30 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE raRBB CENTS able to MMra her Mvnda for aer- building, Boaton. . will hold Ma regular weakly meet­ Stota Trade aehool at 7:18 toalght. ctal daya yet. t]an have Group 4 of Center church women. Mra. WInthrop Meniam, leader, will nnee la raqueeted. It wlU be open to returned to their home on Main Bacaping with minor facial lacer- the public. A mport toom the Ad- “Tumor Boy** in Flight for Life atrect after apendiny the winter In hold a food aala Saturday morning atkma whrm he waa atruck near bla *'cold zones**, W o l n u f o r JUDGE MANTON at 0 o'clock at Hala'a atora. They viaory Board will be mad. PUBLIC SETBACK HITLER CONDEMNED St. Piteiabury, Florida. home by a ear laat night, Herbert .1 will feature baked baana, breada o f BlaaeU, It, o f 684 Middle Turnpike Maachflstar Grsaa 8dM ^ Almond Meats I i J i ...... varloua klnda aa well aa the uaual w a i m I HITLER ENDS JOURNEY eaat, waa treated at the Manebeater Tba Vatamna o f Foreign Warn PrMag At S P. M. PraaqR! AGAIN INDICTED line of home baked fooda. Mamorlal hoopital. Ha waa hit by and tha Brlttah War Vatorana and Tall Cedars! the auto o f Emanuel WlUlama of thatr AuxlUartoa win bowl at the 8 Cssb PrIsasI A4sl SSe. i-lb . pk g. 23c BY The N.T.C. card Club met laat Allaton, Maaa., who aald ha w Weat Side Rae tonight. BY G R ^ JURY night with Mra. Etbel Cowlea of blinded hy rain and did not aee Bla- BINGO Hudaon atreet. A drawing on the aelL PollCemaa W aller Caaaella, Jack FVast OF TRIUMPH THROUGH hand-made handkerchiefa waa held who Inveatigated, made no armat. Confoctionary^ FOR USE OF FORCE Tonight— 8 :3 0 and Mra EUla A. Bolton o f 48 Bla- O ic k M R a if aell atreet held tha winning number, _ A maatlng of the Democmtie 96. S u g o r Masonic Temple ^ Town Committee haa been announc­ Monthly Supper F0LKX04AN CANT WEAK t ers ADefcd To Havo h - ed for tonight at 8 p. m. In tha Wellet, Adiif SecreUry Of OEBBN SHIRT AND TIB I TWO NEW PROVINCES 20 Games 2Sc r Due to tha funeral o f Father municipal building. MON., MAR. 20 5:30 to 7:30 Reldy Saturday morning the Satur­ CHURCH COMMUNITY 6 c p k g . Kanaaa a t y , March 17— (A P ) I flMDCcd DedrioK h h t- 135 iXK)R PRIZk X day morning claaa of St. Biidget'a w ith ANTHRACITE Slate, Isnet Fonaal —Patrolman John M cOoi^a' IN SEVEN $a.M PRIZES. C church baa been cancelled. HOUSE greeted St Patrick's day with Has Most “Oomph* Arrives At V iein 0 i Plauty al ParMag la rear ol T NbRTH COVENTRY C k B ip beirs Statement, Aptnroved By somewhat lasa of a amlla *»«««« : o i l lafriDgemoRt C ast. JEWIRRESIS Temple ar an Baat Center 'St. ^ Mra. Jane Parker, mother of MIm Parish Supper A h e m to pmvenl N e ll aanm* and could be tkpeetod from an blah- ! • 4 Clara Parker and Frederick H. Par­ MENU: Ham. baked beans, scal­ T o m a t o J u i man wbo fought the Black aad cblTnii Frea Bi THURSDAY, MARCH 16. D rive U Seats l i t k aama Iw lam dkm ker of thla towrn, received the con- loped potatoes, gteea ealad, FDR, On Land Seizure. Tan In the Easter mbelUon of New Tork, March 17.—(AP)—A gratulatlona of her relatlvea and 5 to 7 P, M. pickles, rolls, eoflee, aesartod hm toah Im AND S U E S 1016. Mcond Indictment, containing three Meravii; GkeereA frlenda today on reaching her 63nd CENTER CHURCH iiome made cahee. na my dept He mported for duty wearing birthday. Mm. Parker la keen Deer Priae! Sapper 88ak 1 4 - O Z , C O B ooimta of eonaptracy, was mtumad SPEOAL PARISH HALL S a fely Waahlngtoii, March 17— (A P I— a green Ue aad a green ahlrt. and In fairly good health for a per- “1 caa apprsdats bow you today against former Federal Judge O N W m S E T k e u u M s AiHe . aon o f her years. She la at prev­ dp pay fcr Tho United Statea govemnient ex- In n er spring Loyal ardeT ktoga Daaghtora. baayaaaidi feel,’’ said hia Uautenaat. MarUn T. Menton by the same Fed­ ent at the Clay Convaleacent home. MENUi Stmfed freab ham, If yoor windshield wiper m J E l M t i c s a preaaod today ita ''condemnation'' of “ But— I eral grand Jury which Indicted him maalied petatoea, taralpa, pege, works very slowly or not st la CaaL SM ear mrvlm i Oarmany’a “wanton lawleaanaaa' And John want home to eeveral ereelu tgo. FonMT Military Camp 25 Hilel; Reviews Task MATTRESS Mary C. Keeney Tent. Daugbtem dtUvary, md ear adrim m bew is The counts charged conspiracy to of Union Vaterana of the Civil War (mnerhrant If dealred), reU^ sU. we can repair it. We and "arbltrafy force" in occupying change to regulation bhie ahlrt! anplamnca, rolla, lemoa me- FBIGIDAIRE me mill I and black Ue. obetruct jusUce, conspiracy to de­ will meet thla evening at tha State rlagne pie, eoBea. Caecboalovakia. vwoa h Msraviui Armory. Delegatee will be voted also huve s very completa I mill gra ------i, prive tha United States o f the Im­ Miles From Prafie Now AdaMa IWe; TERMS — TRADES! With the approval of Prealdent partial services o f a Judicial ofnear o 1 2 . 9 S on and plana dlJKmaaed for tllb two- ELECTRIC stock of new wipers. Rooacvelt, Acting Becmtory of day atate convention to be held here Ohildrea nader IS. 88c. and oonapiracy to bribe a Judicial State Wellea laaued a formal atate officer. Conceatration G oiter, Vtaium, March IT.— (A P )- A ^ I t and 80, aa Maty C. Keeney RANGE G . E. W illit & Son, ment In which he apoke of Ger­ Teat la tha home tent o f the prea- Borsfow ^ s The indictment named William RUlar arrivad at Vlmm at 8 p. Otvee many'. abaorpUon of most of SENA11 PASSES J. Fallon, described as bualnaas ent department prealdent. Mm. Oeeklag and NORTON I n c . Phses 8884 Est Iftt Cbactiaalovakla aa a “temporary ex- Pkrty To Be Diisohred. Ill a. uu, a a i.) today after a I KEMP'S Frederick R. Manning o f Maple agent for Manton, as tha interme­ Bahfaig performaaee ever OeaL Lnmber, Blaaens’ tlngulahment of the UbertlM of day Journey tbraugb Ms now atreet. kaewB. diary In tha coUecUon o f 887,000, Waller N. Leclerc ELECTRICAL Paint frea and tndepmident people with BILL ALLOWING aOagedly paid by Almon & Hall taetarataet Bohemia aad Ma Aa Law As glldXS, 8 Mstai St. l u . l u s whom, from tba day iRian the re- aim U C Hall, brotbara aad chick- Prague. March 17.—(A P )—Ra- A towsial train brought Mm pubUe o f Cbedtoalovakla attained an raiaars o f Wallingford, Conn., to porta of armaU and sulddas among ,B n ^ Monvto. Funeral Service KEMP'S, Inc. INSTRUMENT CO. A ita ladepandence, tha people of tbe tM68ouBPtie.pet80uoeotee«r Influence Judge Manton's dacMoa antl-Nasla and Jaws taeraaaad today Rs waa abiarad by tbauaau 880 Na. tlahi 8*. Pboae | United SUCtof have maintained ape- EXTRAJUROBS in a patent Infringement nctloa la- aa non-Jaws bagan taking over ad* ba autamd tbs Rotal Impaitol ‘ daily cloae aad friendly raUUooa.' volvlng a method of Incubating riuutaa tolar. ' AMATEUR BOXING Wallaa dedam d: “ It ia manlfeat chleka from agga. minlatratlon o f Jawtab-oemad atoraS Ha wont Immadtotaly to Mo i F. E. BRAY that acta o f wanton lawlaaanam aad Action Takoi After Adopt- Samuel B. Smith of Clavelaad, la- Hdd M tha arms ed gtawardaaa Alloa Dorsey, two year-old Harold to Urn farmer Caech rapuHle. n tba Slat Soar wMia tlw : ' FRIDAT m OHT—8:S0 JEWELER of arbitrary force am thmatening ventor of the Incubator matbod, Holt, Jr., arrived by plane at Newark eirport, en route from Ms borne to Tim nawspapar "Bxpraa" reportad iMoittgd vwMMlidly THE DRAMATIC CLUB world peace, and the vary atructure through which ha had batched some Monongahela, Pa., to New Rochelle, N. Y., whom a doctor erlU attempt *Rall vleloiy" -m d-TFa State Theater Baildinw of modem clvUlaatlon." mf Amendiieit To lik e 80,000,000 eggs, brought suit 80 sulddaa among Jaera, todudtog OF ST. BRIDGETS CHURCH 787 Blaia Stnet to check a tumor which threatened the child's death wtthto a fortnight. Eugene Zuckar, mtlrsd dirsetor of sea anr Fuahiarr STATE ARMORY A fter your doctor hoB Approved By Boeaevelt against the Hall brothara to tbe At the right la Harold's mother. Mr*. Wilma Holt. X-ray deep therapy tha Anglo bank; Rudolf Waklo, n Thau ho bpuaamd an a Tha acting aacretary of atate Noisire Conform Witk Connecticut Federal District Court, treatments wlU ba tried at a New Rochelle hospital. aad guvs the N m eahita. RESERVED RINGSIDE SEATS ON SALE AT: finish^ his diagnoi^ mad# bla atatament after conferring wUcb handed down n dadalon hold­ rstirsd Judge; and Pnul Doonar, METTER’S SMOKE SHOP — CENTER BILLIARD POPULAR with tha praaldaa. aad ha aald bla ing tbs brothers had tofrtogad on to fir dtraetor of tba caaeh radto Hs way to Presents W atch and \ Jew elry PARLORS ARMY A NAVY CLUB — RED MEN’S the treatment inviiri- atntamant bad raoeivad tba chief Law Enacted 2 Tears Ago bla rights. , wMablmMII anacutlva’a approval. Be rial oa Fhvared HaSa Tim torniar mllltanr eaaap at CLUB ~ DEPOT SQUARE GRILL. Repairing At ably calls for a pre­ "Tbla govemmmit,” ha aald, The . ease went befom Judge Mlhovtoa, 88 nrilaa tram m g im , waa tba Oa.4 “founded upon aad dedicated to tha Mnatoa oa appeal to tha United BRITAIN ORDERS ENVOY turned Into a eoneantlhtion camp. Rtncrvcd RingnMc MARKET scription.. Bute Capttol. Hartford, March tho Sodal Damoent party waa to 855 MAIN STREET RUBINOW BLDG. 'The Luck of the Irish* Reasonable Prices prindpiaa of human Uber^ aad of Statea Circuit Court of Appaale, Rmh Ringaidt . . . damomney. cannot rafrain from 17.—(AP)—Tha Senate peamd to­ aad although tem other drelilt ba dtaaolvod duttag tba day. Gtocral Adnitlson "Where Thrifty Shoppers Shop" The quicker yon get making known this country's con- day and sent to tha Hbuss a bU courta aad several lower courta had AB Jaws eetawetod with fllm pro- At the step In and Sec One of aan- damaatloa of the acts'* of Germany. authorixlng the eelectton of tero al- upheld the validity of Smith'e pat­ HOME FROM GERMANY duefaiR ware ouatad from their Jobs that prescription, me BoUywood, M M 87.—)APJ— Chester’s Largest Seleethms Baiiler, the president told n prem Uraatea to serve with dvfl and ent, Judge Manton emote a daclalcn and afltatlca atartad to grt rid at sooner yon can start conference that European deveiop- to favor of tha Hall brothara. Jeerlah distributom aad oeman of Twanty-flvu nmu from Um p n iw - Hltlar ririawud Ma" THURS. EVENING SPECIALS s f Greeting Cards for All criminal Juries after adopting an ThU dadaton bald that, while the motion pictura housaa. dMata M Iba meata damonstmtod the need for a' C e n r i i F n a n O t atoaa, tho arts, aoei^, tba toaator ST. PATRICK’S PARTY OecaaioBS. taking the medicine. levlaloa of tha Amarlcaa neutrality amandmant to make the maaaum flndtoga of other courta tram prop­ m Tha nawapanar “A-ast" with a and Um moriea todtor ImnoMd Asa Mid Ml eonfom with the law enacted two er. the Hall brothara bad totroduoad DALAINERASKS MEDIUM SIZE 1 That PreseripthM Can Be act. at this aaaaioa o f Oongmaa. circulation of about 100,000 was ■boridaa. red balrad etoaum boauty. bag wbara tba It's Easy To Start An Argum ent! IN THE CHURCH HALL Mr. ftooaavsit would not go Into year* ago parmItUng women juron. amm eenvinctog ovIdaiMo o f “prior Fonikk Pralest Ti auspanded aad lla plant oonflacatod os the glri wttb tba moat •Woe-*'’ of 4NpV < 1 O T S T l W S In Your Hands J b Leas Thaa The meaaura, dkrigned to pre- laat ab|M tor pffllaMM • ptotura trathm walafln ’ " A Homan waa worUag a eroea werd pamale aad aaM to her E O G 8 dataU. HsretoCem. them hgve been rant mir i^ M.a remdt -tf ^ huabaadi “ Darling, what la the three-letter werd tor a female An Hoar By Phootav reports that tba admlnlatrsUon dcdth or aleknem’of a member ar a FOR FREE HAND of RldSr wMaktha HfiflSdli not i'l'i Friday, March 17th, 8:15 p. m. niy Over Akirp- Uha. 'Tho phata^ aph oditor m a ar- aheep7“ would pmfar greater tmadom or regular Jury pasok was brausM Into four oh aiw between Nov. 88, 1888, And be repHrdi “ Ewe. dear!“ 1 9 s p<- 2 1 o rio z . j flaodbiUto In Impnaing arms « ' of Sa Wa«- batgoea la araut of tonisa Warn. aL-1 Well, any married man In the andlenoe caa tell yea what hap- WOODLAND ST. tiM 01 CiicbteiiteikkL RD1JMG11IANCE wtro ■nriHp ■WMW mMsae MaPI* pmid thea aad, like we mid bi atartlag, It'a eaay to atari aa 1 SMOKED Refreshments Served 7aS7 Twt Of Stotameat ^ trlotf. |S7A00.ia ea * on April'A Tba acmat af 47 toJR.^ argument. Wrilaa' atatomant taxtually la aa Tbam, tor the flmt tUna to Ooa- day tha Manton daetSea « toad- Vtoy fbw| BUTTER BARBERSHOP Bccaoee we will eaO for toOawa: nactleut history, altamata jurem addown. .Anotherebaditor88JI00 toa”ytoto! aueauG^fe^tba aa tbo aqpars waa amtkafl warn choaen to alt with tha panel liOndaB, March 17.—(A P )-;B rtt- Serit P*mr (U Nn. N country. Among thcoo Jailed eras I... ttoiiow,, waa was touatod taaatad at a t a Moat people are partloalarly partial to SEA FOOD. Bonae S h o u l d u r a Admission 25c n Waadlnad Btmet your preseriptioB aad deliver * “Tbe govamment of the United waa paid tha tollowtog day, tba to- party , Throe agmMaua of aaw Hke Oyatera. otbem Clama aad moot everyoae enjoy* fmm oae tnring Mayor Frank Hayaa and 88 oto ordered bar ambaaaader home Ada Saqolkava, wbo had night by tba Jwy,ad M, raarod i it to your hone, carefully Stntaa baa on frequent occaalnna dictm sat aald. wbleb Metudsd■dad tfa R bi) ad’ tokr- to a half doiea ktada o f Flab. We've fonad a aimple way o f Ladlea^ . ChUdren’s aad Men's atntod Ita oaovtettoo that ou^ otham on eonapUacy ehargaa, but Part of . tba money, tha ladtotawnt from Berlin today In a rebuff paral- tanka roUgd by wMh S'1 oettUag the queaHoa by getliag the very flaeot, freoheat o f all 2 S e lb . eomponaded. thsir aalactlon had to be made by TcBcbter Dcfcnet Of wiek. Jack Kriaudlar of a New tSkt 1 5 c ■•>• through Intomatloiial aupport of a lid, was. tmoafarrsd to tha Fomat laltog UbMad Statea aettai Mat No­ M ^ t y » , Or ekaatra three . . . aUpulatlon o f oppoaing eounsal ba- Hills Tarrace Corporation “of which -I ____ 4. H A I R C U T S We Are At Yoar Senricel program of erdar baaad upon law cauaa them wag no permissive law vember and conaulted wNh France can world paaoa ba aaauted. Manton. to n atochholdar and wlioUy NatiMhView O f G il- ■ B A m y on tba atatute. ' eu a poealble protest to tho Nwl dirsotor; Phatosnurimr Oaoega Rur- FISH OYSTERS CLAMS NOTE!! 2-POUND “Thla govammant, founded upon The amendment was adt^tod or nubrianttolly oontrola,” by mtaita rail, Aetor MOa Oautar, Karl O v- aad dedicated to the prindpiaa of of cbodte drawn against tha govarnnant ever her absorption of rall, Ootoamlat Imetaa Baabe, Radto •Tl’ nmgii Irigar aad gettlag them only la soch anaatltlea that we sell short oa PACKAGE after Senate Chairman Anthony J, U.S.WIIiSiiOW Q u o n r s human liberty aad of dentbemoy, Rich (R) of the Judidary axpwbied eount of the Allied Radlaeount Cor- moat od Cseeboslovakla. hyse Of Cnckodovikku S to iw FCaak Parker ChrtooMot them abont noon Friday, so yon are sure of gettlag absolalely LOAF CHEESE poraUon o f erhlch Fallan (Owgitonail FRESH FISH FROM PINEHVRST. SETBACK TOURNAMENT cannot refrain from makiag known that through an omralgiit a refer- Sir Nevlla Hendamou eraa called Oaorga MeMauua aad Reward Jouac^ Not 8 packagee aa adveHlaed la Wedaeaday’a PHARMACT this country's condemnation of tba enoe waa made In tha bO to a “ Jury offlear. hack from tha German capital "to Uatvoralty ad Southsm ------HomMs Manton’s 8rst todlctmant waa to ITS DiSPLEASDRE tootbaU coach. Boneless FiUcU TOMORROW NIGHT — 8 O’CLOCK acts which have raaulted in tba tarn' of U man." Baeausa of the woman connection erlth Ua JikHelal activl- report'* on the moves which ended Paria, March 17—(API—Pmariar porary axtlngulabment of the libar- Jurom law, ha aald. It waa necaaaary the existence of tho wnr-bern Da butler called oa ParUamaat today * MIm SbatMaa, MtoMtof a Red Parch...... lb. 25c to adopt an amandmant changing nrila, aooaptad tba oi OYSTERS EVERYONE WELCOME TO PLAYl tlas of a free and tedepandent peo­ (I On Pago two) Ckaehoalovak repubile thla weak. tor a frm hand to govern Franca AMERICAN Especially Tender, Sweet ple with whom, from the day when tba word “man" to paraons. Whila Britiah and French govern­ af Um nmls Jury afl Stowing Oynters MACKEREL FILLETS..lb. 25c DELICIOUS FOOD AT ALL TIMES ments wem'to dose eontaot off by daetea uatU Nov. 80 to boMor Myiter FrekiMy W i U aSe pint an rn ge B tm .) Senate pa mage of the alteraato soureas elooa to tha French tha aatteo’s dafanaea to view o f tha DDRING Frying Oysters Fresh Genuine Special Friday and Saturday: Juror bm came aa tha Oanaral An- I Office aaM tha quaoOou od ooDapas o f CUaeboalovakla.. 45e ptat aambly droned through a ronUna ID SHOW CONCERN summoning the French naato msm h Pingie (htil ■ m i o f War­ HADDOCK FILLETS . . .lb. 25c HOME MADE RAVIOU meal on which praoadsd a committaa to BafUn to Paris was not The bm to atmugtban Franca wick oaUad N •% Oysters sa tha half agatoat any menace from expanding aMUty wMeh eaa bo eheS If order la In by bearing at erhkh the long-eontio. considered at tbs priaant time, Gieck E m y Cell Onbn Fillet of Sole...... lb. 42c Range and Fael Oil StMka — Chops — Tasty Saadwkiies veralal laaua o f whether CanaaeU- (Jermaay contained only tbs one ar­ pitggura bvt CtflMt Mg o m U iK S o’cleefc Friday naora- cut riMuld ratify tha Fbdaral child USEDASHUMNY od ticle autboridng decree powetU tor with mapartaMMy.'* tog. Cod Fillcto ...... lb. 23c ' 24 H(|UR SERVICE labor amandmant waa aehaduled tor The order to Sir Nevlla had tha period ed mors than d ^ Smoked Haddock Fillets. Telephone 3873 BEST BEERS ON DRAUGHT -Weuaataa. wdar eonaldaratlen atooa yaatarday ■ u u jm M i lilflt Btoitm The Judiciary Committee also and pamew daaa to tha gnvimnnut tt waa approved by tbe eabtaat TEXACO CRYBTALITE RANGE OIL daacribad it aa a gaatnra o f dtoap- n — HALIBUT (Chilled) ....l b . 35c i8^ng-^)>^Amba weat Into eueut)ve aearion to con- Alctn A n ^ Check Gva aad aent to tbe cauunber ofr o ~ t ^ H u r b • Hb SWISS TDROED TAVERN aetjaedad tedUy aider tbe tor-rearWiig plan tor “re­ proeal of tha toathoda Adotf BMMr'o Fresh Cod Whole Hsddoek CLAMS form" of Oonneetleut’a minor oonria. govarnnwit aaed to Ita aaatwaid ad- /■ The chamber began debate_____I owtha 120 Charter Oak Street Oonunltteemea eald Juatlee Newell Gcrind^FniUidlTe toca to ewtral ■nmpa. Boston Fresh Pollock ...lb . 15c Chowder Clama MORIARTY BROS. ■ y altnatlcn ariatog from Oormaay’a Opened ...... I5e pt. Unltad Statea tmbaaaadBr Joaaph Moodleaa oonquaat of c aaebodo- SIRATEGK ROAD Strictly Fresh Eastern Mbell ...... 2 qto. SSc 301-315 Center St, Cor, Broad St ) Bqr Stock Per Leery. P. Katmady aonferrad at th o' Fkr* vakto, once part o f Fraaee'a ooUae- Tha UMIad Statoi lagaUau I HALIBUT...... lb. 58c Steamlag Clama dgn Offleo With VlaeouBt RalUW. ttva aaenrlty atructure. Britiah tomlBB saemtary. Lord raperta today that Peter Uttle Necks A eota of confldenee oonferrtag IS-yaormId tmarinai Setaaon. SMELTS, lb. 23c Halifax. BrlA'toralgB ateratory. the fun powem asked by tbe Dala- ffiikwiy BsHeriig lltlj Watotbury, M ar^ 17— (AP) — Lard Hdtfax alao raealvod Major Bad Tnaa Fresh Scallops ...... p|„t 35^ nGBT TO PREVENT Spodal Proas eutar Rna^ M. Alourn, dlar government waa expected to Oamaat R. Attlaa. itfa m tVem Laadar eendudo tho debate. t o C M i PINE AND DANCE • * ’* . tho atatoto tha Watar- M tha Houaa ad (YiuiMana, and k d kn tik Meets Ssae OOMFB8SB8 BLAyilfO TIVO. DEATH FOR ( M D tony ariUJen dollar fraud trial, toM Laboclta Arthnr Orawwoeg « * e S u m id o f Oarpatbo-Ukratoi. at-- RITZ CRACKERS 19e Sigimtor Court Jodgo EruaM A Tha anaounaonwri that Mr NavDa OoauBnaiat Deputy Gabriel Perl lodijr tlMit IIm itel# ptoMMd fflartod the forelgB poMey debate Oppsfltioi F na GnlsM WBs*^Mborioral^M * 2 i 5 DANTE'S RESTAURANT today 1i aa-yeer eld to show that tha OouascUeiR Supply that bu waa aomliig “to rapoit.'' But with aa. attndi on tte government told the legation Uaal Royal Lunch or Oyster Crackers . . Plain 18 Beal Oaelsr Stmal odd Mtowa MMtog OOIJoatnaagr,------a ■ eontracttaif-----^ Arm.— ----- tor ylatdtag to aermany*# expanaiaa during a batUe batwaa Mr Jokn SfeuTahaiiaaHoe ad lha gandarama and Uktntolaaa SAVING IS A FBATVBINO 017R SEA FOOD BARt Deap Tkrapp TrataMtis ta arapetralt . . they are extra large . . geed tor yee. dcaallncsto extra cstoxeiileMe and extra econoaiy had abanrtenad hena far tba bey, (A P )-H . a Wood, pmatdan t a f tho 8aya Attack Means War rangemanta to sand thou Owing To The Death Of ASK POR FORlkNJO OP MANS AND Mo death MUST, aad Paparfmaut. to etoaMf the Ameri­ Economies Minister Hanaann Mra. , Holt eeaeptod the eSer af Dr. Now Hm I— d OouaeO. prtpaaad m ad tba govaraocF sp ­ mfugeaa back acroaa tbe of Lehigh Valley CeaL P M COPY OP "HOMI B A lO O ir year to a Now Tatk can Mgntloa nt Prague, would tal­ Obrschtxpaaktog tt Basri, dsciarad 8 J .. ChBm aC New ied nongraaainnal low tbo prooodura adaptad to tba over which tbay bad flad. Judge lagUB auenaw Om Jnry aight-polnt program tor tho do- fiMght rataa flbr Obracht, apaaktog to Basel, dtelarad To facilitate this tbs G^PEFRUIT 4 for 25c AB w m b d S M i fk Aif|« ^ treated *twa a valepmant o f Now Bagla ad s t to­ case of Oernmuy's CaD 5145 today and try a tpn er tww efOthk extra ealue haa am dstouaa aktactad. to glva ad tha nouth to tha da- Auatrla laat yaar. would mean war. xay waa praparlag to leave a i ' to gay aB < Aleeru a ckanoa to ^ ‘ trluiiut «f Now Bagtou Without direct manUon od Ger­ SauB Seadlcee Grapefruit...... 4 for 85e F A T H E R REIDY e o e tertaSty the day's fldtt quarteriy m iillw aador DiacMmflr bad Mfnrmifl tba raw frantler rtrtp unooeunlad xtbipg V faeL You’D be g M ywi did. AT A 6LANCN 'T k a Now Bagflaari oon u d rs Im- Sttouriatleu and nnordlnattno. dapartamut ad tba fnaloa, but Preat- many's absorption od Anatrlr a camps could be eatabOahad Late BIoom Sweet Oraageu...... dot. 28c T e i^ Maaih H —— M aflorts to attnet aMtom to Now daut Beaaivrit aad Koeratory Hull Omcboalovabto. Obratot doctored Ukratelan refugeea Mllflaafl to aflBmt tba loaa of eaea- reCnasd to ast unifl aftar Aaatrlan “It must be known abroad that diem erbo fled toeI Carpetbo4nBUh|^:Oa Fmah Oman Fees OraroOr Beaaa SptoMh. I Sc peek. " - dietrict ____ Wa am i St James's Bmgp Carnes W ill ttou ridlam w bkb Maw Figlandara Mtoiatar Editor L. anyotm who attacka ua or lOarmto . . large j i g ^ maady weaderfWItor T h a tMa yaar wM apmid s t Nbw TorTa naarly atrikae a blow at our todapondence ef GeMea Oaimla, 8 I 'X. W o fM 'e P W and territorial Integrity win an- Ide to, and aloe letbatg 1 TBBASUBT BAUUflCa W . G . G1 annoy C o. ’’A. ShapllSaatSau and urifarBiity oountor ww. Be Cancelled TWs Week of rtato iawa and ragntotSaw to “A pUgriaoage nbroad arm not get An official bam potntad out-tbat Washington,. March 87— (A l^ MANCHESHR LUMBER ------^ Oarmany's ocrupatfau af Cbacbo- its start to Switaarland." Na. IM . 41tt ■lovalda waa to eecMiet witb (German armaxatlcm od Austria Tim poaitian ad Um ' And For 30 Days Thereafter four-potat foroigB pottey which made a third ad Bultmilamra fron­ : March 88: ■ ' Wooaavalt imttoiid at A tier oonUguotm wttb OarmauFA Ut Baoalpta. 840B18AS8.4S; & FUEL COMPANY Tba Um tiny tayubUe's dAflflAOO in- TEL. 5145 tw cxN m ar. haWaritA 71 par eaat am tUTOA 8IUnJ8ft||^ M AN Cm SlU t CVENTNO HXHALD. IIANCHISTES. OONM. FBIDAT. KABCBIT. im kANGHOTEB feyciNlNO Hg»AU>. atANUtuaBmnL OONM. FRIDAY, MARCH 17,1989 m iaoC i . - l aad a memorial to JuUatta Low Ke saM tha faith to dto path aftor hto death they took I whtoh ahould go on eairylBg out bar hod ptoaad hi th a _____ Of tha o f tha Btoea.' efhiBiolata. heat Apprexiaeataly BO were In tba JEW ARRESTS P la to German ambagaador. MaJ. tdaala Ihay eroatad a fund to be » MOtoetacatB wtoiM DALAOIER ASKS tori a f Only fdSyfSS hearing room. FORMER CURATE here: baowa as tha JuUatu Law ifa ------1 M lh to Wtlar os BtoM, m Tha teoatal pmesmitni sold that JUDGE MANTON May Oo T* Beltee FORMER OFFICERS Bugena Ott, took over th* mqptal.fuad for tba promottoa of tha portof 1_____ atotorhra o«ar faada oarand to Ub whna tha Oenasetteat Bupity Ooi HOLD UP ZONE DECISION Sees Attempt To Control Slovak legatem OB tastrnctiaMi He told Csecbe to Today It waa understood that If > OF GIRL SCOOTING GM gooutlag aad Olrl Guiding ANDSDHTDES ba calm and FOR FREE HAND m v dOoeimqnen. Raamvadat paay bad raeatrad nsAOCOTmia’a tbe local autborltlM do net permit Berlin today. Japan Is thraagbeut tha world aa a eontrlbu- work honorably aad araattvsiy to- tomu) (Bruno). Moravia, apptosatly AGAIN INDICTED HAS MISSION CHURCH to close her legattan to gethar. esUte waa valued at about 840,300. him to erect a garage here, Oleon tloa toward world peace aad good routo to BimtlaUm. caattol of ths ehoek was admitted aa svl- will go ever the Hae Into Bolton 1940 Democrat Delegates h s m i o m i wlU". ON INCREASE Raobs received tho Posolat load- glovakla. Proat Bratlatova ha waa daoes by tbs court aftor lengthy ON kOBlNSON’S PETITION which town will have the 816,000 or, Oaaacal Oajdo. wh* waa aamad RULING FRANCE eapaeted to go to Vlento. argnaottta . during which defense value of the new etructure edded to Washington, March 17.—(AP) — . Ediflee At Goodyear To Be k Siny WkoitM Sib> Chalet fo Saltaeilaad hmd of tha now caaob National Pour yaara aad a day oftor the BY GRAND JURY Senator Oorge (D-Ge) charged the •* 9M*. Oa oounral ssssrtsd it was "too ro- , in in oit Horan street The Rev. Charles Its grand list Inatead o f the benefit Dedicated Sunday; Branch Toward the attainment o f thla (Oeelt—ai from Faga naa) Counril wbCM pmrpoaa to to amootb (Cacti ewad k) tlaw am y eerparal toforawd rooto." Roosevelt admInUUatlon today with goaL alnoe 1BS3, IB American girle frora Page Out.) mmieter, arose lest accruing to Manctaester. attempting to gain control of dele­ Of St. Joseph's. Kiwaiit Hcd Cans Ftr AM m*Mhima 2Ia*w3£'^»3 ■b Aitide i A Ai- relationa between Cheehs aad Oer- tba world ho would out the »«— Tho svidsneo was put toto ths Appeals Board COUiderBg 1 Tendency to do this has been 0 27 aad M foreign glrla from 22 differ­ closely slaee Munich with Engllsb of tho Vonamw tnaty, ho waa oa a * I night during the Appeals Board gates to the 1940 Democratic con­ aloa Sunday to rush tba measure to record while Jaamo P. Moors, oon- ; hearing, but proteated more against viewed with oonoere by many local ent oountriea have bean aant to odr and American groups. adoption. tour o f Mnndlaaa nnnqiiiat tho aao- Uas in the SeUek Dry Raaor Com­ vention through diepensatlon of Rats ot later- naetod with Uis Supply Company, pany ease. O a S B O S *' an eotabUabed tavern acroas the people lately. Many have polated Federal patronage. Most Rev. Maurice F. UcAuIlffe, h Serrict Wtrk Aid Fib- ■ftrary Of MifOMl chalet, the mtematlonal Olrl Scout ' Lists of theae trying to Sea Prague M SOUMBBS mnamn Tha caUaat also approved a for- ond stoee he rede toto Auatrla last anotbar Of tha accused. Reqaest For out t)iat aonlng delineatlona, partle- set l„e*r esnl camp at Adelboden, Swltserlaad, the were aeiaad, among them tha wamm March. Upheld to Soprome Court street from his borne than be did 'I know that Is happening In Btsbop of the Hartford DIoceae will moathlr oa ua- Waraaw, March 3T—(AP)—The wmmaat statemaat oa tba eaatral Moors testified late ysstetday fol- Judge Man ton’s decirion was up­ ulorly as regards bustoeas sooes, paid principal ------j gift o f aa American woman, Mrs. o f 300 Jews. Wealthy, they bad nswopapor Kuijor Waraaawau ra- Buropaan rituaUon to ba daliverad Iha Puahrer waa tooktag over against the proposed garage. John­ Georgia," he said, ‘‘end I understand dedicate on Siuulay St. IgfiaUus’a Ec Affairs Adhriliei Oeratany'a now olbeer rooaa-^ha lowtog complrilon ef teotimony Iqr held t o the United Statoo Suprame Usage Oa Middle Tan- son termed the “rum shop'' a have not been properly laid out to that BulMtantlelly the same thing la not exeetdlng its* and I par esna? U n . •Mm t WhMtM of tba Jamao Storrow. In 1BS7 every ooun- agreed to provida for emigration of portad today mora than M aoldloia In tba Chamber of Daputlos to for- JnaiM P. Puroon, eblsf accountant Court provide for a normal growth of tbe church In Goodyear, In the town of moathlir on any romalndor. try m the World Aaaoeiatlon of Gin "Leboaoraum” or ttrito ipaeo The daeielon Itoelf U not nulaanoe, and said that he was op­ taking place In several other states." Floor No. t Itoem Ro. * Oirt Scout ObuaeU, la 300 lem fortunate coUeoguas, aad wrara Ktllad whan Csaoh troepo rs- rign poUey dabatra starilag this af­ in tha city comptroUor’a office, who under attack, but tba govoRunsnl town. Business adds greatly to the KUUngly. The church was formerly ^ n i Main SL-Hanehoot" Scouting waa offered an award from tbemselvm planned to go to San riatad tba Garmaa oeeupatton of ternoon. which bo told the lUlehatag JaaTw pik^ Hofanan Expbiat posed to tee loeaUon near his home WhUe George declined to dteeuas Oklahoma City. March 17c-(AP) •fM lM r obam raaca o f tho 21th aa- Oormaay'a miniOBa had tolm va ua- aa one of the atato’a most Important charged that right or wrong, it wa* of any more “nuisances." grand list, and naturally bolds to specificelly any atate other than hla a Protestant church and waa known Phono Mo. 14M. Ucoaao Ifo, Ml the Juliette Low Fund, to come to Domingo. Caach SUasto on Tumday. Tbs cablnat communique sold witnesses hod occupied the otand for tolluonced byt o «»•the *aUegsd------paymant main thoroughfares. It la claimed oa the Community Caiurch. On be­ -H. Q. Hatfield, preildant o f Kl- iHtaaiaaiy of GM Seoutlac la Amor* our Silver Jubllse camp at Androc; Tba nawspapar aald ona elaab oe- meraly that "tha MU would confer ISM they could toeraaos eaporto and The hearing last night continued own. Senator Smith (D-SC) ex- A relief kitchen run by BngUsh imporu In great moaours I f days. Judga Manton, who boeama sAri- to be unfair to all property owners presacd the belief the administration ing discontinued It was purchased wanls International, today eaOad m 36 nations responded aad apent 4 as tha Ga oa the govoranMnt the powora nao- “Error." the prescribed procedure for aon­ tea. haa anbeilttad U foUewlag ar> women and Quakers for Oerman currad as tha Ganaana awvad toto Moon testlflad yaaterday that the oualy ill after the return ef the first oonceraed to Include main highways waa trying to exerclae direct control by Rev. Ignatius Kost, poster of SL upon all past olHcera o f Klwanle In­ weeks with American girls from and Sudeten refugaaa waa closed. tba Frydak dlstriet, aaar Polish assary to eoneoUdato aad tocraoaa Cenncctlcttt Supply (fompany be­ tndtetment. is now roeuporatinf lng mattera- Olson, as prospecUve In residential areas that surely wil) Joseph’s church In Kllllngly and ternational to aaelat th* orgaatoaUaa avery state la the Union. Again this buyer, wished to Include in the busi­ of patronage In this state. Senator TWaatjr^aavae jraara ago tMa This story was told by one peiw Taseban. In this flght 'U Omoh sol- tba straagth of Priuieo." came tho Frank J. Santalucia Com­ from on operaUon. later be encroached on by bu^asa Tydlaga (D-Md) said that at ona renovated. It will tie. a mimlon of In Its eervioa work and pubUo a f­ year live girls will go from our diars and a Caacb oolooal wara ra- Political sources said tha maaaura United State* Attorney John After over two hours of private ness sone the entire Robinson prop­ unleie the growth of tbe town la to a w th . JuUatta Law, Uia fouadar of eon; Two prominent Prague real- pany late to 1887. Santalucia u Ume on unsuccesaful attempt was St. Joseph's. fairs aeUvItiea. country to Adelboden, to apend S danU boarded a plana yssurday, portad killad aad tbars wars Gar- would permit Dalaldar to govern by anoihar of tha accured. CabUl, who presented evidence '.consideration following a public erty. To effect this, he went be­ be totally choked off. Father Kost waa a former curate "The problems oonfrontlng the GM Soouttaf In America, returned the grand Jury In both cases, mod* to organize a New Deal pa­ fn ae Enfland, where she bad been weeks with girls from other coun­ having dyed their hair In aa effort man lomm but the number waa not dacraa for a UmlUd parted aad was N. Y. Stocks Mora said Santalucia became os- hearing on a change of sone re­ fore the Board of Zoning Commis­ Many feel that ImmiSdlately, be­ tronage committee In Maryland. at SI. James's church here, serving United Stotea and Canada today call tries. at disguise. The plana did not taka known. drafted for tba aaptraa purpose of aoelated with the concern Jen. 1, Manton probably r.ould b* arraign- sioners. Here, besides tbe opposi­ fore further building is enter^ Into (These three Senatora were op­ from 1903 te 1904 end was the flrat for leadership of experienced men," Grad Iqr Lord Badea-Powell'a an* stop|itog up "Industrial ' " ad for pleading next week. He ask­ quested by Prank C. Robinson, the or more damage Is done, all main thaalaam for Boy Seoutlas, to atart 'The fund made a different con­ off beeauaa o f tho prohlbtUon ■aeven German aad tkrm Csaoh meboUaa< 1W7. tion of a few residents, he ran into posed unsucceasfiilly by President curate asalgned te SL Jamee'a. he said "and former Klwanle offi­ tribution of good wUI this ysar when against dvil transport. Tha two aoldlara wara roportad killad durl^ Efun. Adame IM p...... Before offering the check. Alcorn, ed Federal Judge John W. Ctoncy, Zoning Board of Appeals last nlgbt the queaUon over the extent of the routes should be definitely placed in Roosevelt In lest year's primary He later was pastor of the CathoUo cials must take part In community, Oka float Girl fleout troop la bar Ptaa Spaetal Mh however, to issue a bench warrant the busineas sons, la their entirety. borne town. Savannah, Oeorfla. ISOO was sent to tba American Red were rocognlasd as they left the tha oeeupatloB of Mlatek when part A ir R e d u e ...... through Moore, presented evidence a<|Journed without reaching a decl- sone, and the request he submitted electlona because of tbelr oppoeiUon church In South (Toventry. state and national affairs." « Cross in war-tom China. It la place and were shot of tba local Caaob Infantry rsgt- Stmultanaottsly a movomant for showing that sbecta appearing to be for the arraat of Fallon who 1* 1 on the question. It waa report- was not granted. to various administration 'meas­ Th* servic* club prasideat was as­ 'V a r BNaaafe to a friend w ^ m a spheial mlaatoa to eaatral and Alaska Jun ...... ing an Indeterminate eentence slgniflcant that thla sum la being The assistant manager of the mant rsfusad to surrandar. Caacb aa Inventory of tba company’s ^^K ^tbat the outcome of the Board's Seeking relief, Olaon then, last ures.) sured that In Oonneetlcut district t ifea Invited to help In tbta project Rathachlld-owned Wltkowlte Iron SUasto la ooontad a part o f Moravia. aaotam Buropa to rastora Preneb Allied Chem .... equipment lUted five trucks oa of the dty penitenUsry for con night took his petition, under Rob­ maa, 1 have acmathlnA for the i^rla dispensed by the Chmeae Girl Scout ^VeMberatlons will be announced by. VETERANS’ DAUGHTERS A few weeks ago, Senstore Byrd CHILDREN'S MUSEUM governors of th* past tea yean will organisation, which la working band Works In Mherlscb Ostrau, which prestige got under way. Am COB...... Pab. 37,1987 ao avaUahle for carry­ eUl fraud. inson's aponsorahlp, before the Zon aad Glaas, Virginia Democrata, as­ participate In district aad Inter­ I o t Savaaaah, and on America, and fen to tha Germans Tuesday night. A Radleal-Soclaltit chamber ing teetertaJ. MasnwhUe, CabiU said, the . ^ .b e fo r e , Mardi 28. ing Board a t Appeals. f anall tba world.' i la band with tha Red Cram. Am Home Prod . serted that President Roosevelt had national actlvitleo. shot bimsalf yssforday. ' group nmt privately and studied a Earlier to the trial, which started Jury will oonUnue It* investigation Robinson, iqipearlng before the ExplalBS PeUtloa ARRANGE FOR PARLEY turned over Virginia patronage GIVEN $10,000 DONATION "Lost Saturday national leaders gHaglalato^ m ^ a totof trip to Am Rad St 8 . . . into the actlvlUe* of the Federal Charlea H. Lee, of Hartford, was ‘Viieb waa the flrat Olrl Scout'e The manager[er of Prague___ Radio COUPIE m OBSERVE Am S m a lt...... Nov, 99,1988, the state brought out Board, petitioned for aa extenaion matter* to Gov. Jemea H. Price. Internatloaal vteo-prsoldeBt, 1910. vWeo cf a gift to girlhood the world of tha Girl Scout organlaatioa dedi­ umanla. Sovtot Ituoato o m other Judiciary. His aaeutanta, be Inti­ At the hearing last night Robin­ Station No. 3, whleh tranemita in Am Tel and Tal . that among payments made uie c'gy o f tlie businese none on the north Oeeupies Senate Atteattoa Roy P. Cooke, of Orange, Maao„ and from that inapirad be* cated la the chUdren’s area o f the the German language, also was re­ u tlon a which once formed poirt o f mated, ora studying hundreds of son In writing explained hts cbance Mary C. Keeney Tent Picks Hartford, March 17.—(AP)—The New York World's Fair, on axact COUIEN ANNIVERSARY Am Tob B ...... were some to Santalucia or tha com­ side of Middle Turnpike east so that to sell to Olson, and noted Uwt his The patronage sltuaUon occupied an administration sets up patronage tnuteea o f the C^hlldren's Museum la the 1989 governor o f th* Now ' through bar uaflanlog ported to have kUlad hImsaU. Prance's oollacUva saeurity atruc Am Wat Wki ... pany for carting more than 10,000 declaiona handed down In th* lest It would Include In that zone all of Dqlegatea For State Conven the attenUon of the Senate briefly committees In the states, patitmage rapUea o f our chalet as a symbol of tura. several year* both by th* United land Is 13 feet below the level of of Hartford, Inc., announce that the England district, and 'George A. I an IdeaL Girl Scouta have One Csaoh waa arrmted by two Anaconda ...... tons o f trap rock from Meriden to e lot with a 350 foot ffonU ge, altu- tion To Be HeM Here. yeoterday during-debate over the committees which, I mlgkt add, are Horrleon, o f Portland, Me., la Im­ _ ------to number BOO.000, with tolarani------loe and democracy and Inter­ Storm Troopers In a hoUl lobby Harriot announced ba was ready Waterbury. State* Circuit Court and by the sted Just cast o f property o f Aaron the highway, and Is not fit for reei- government reorganlzaUon bill, Institution haa received a gift of national good will. During this Oero- Foraiar lUsidcBts And Friands Armour Hi ...... denUal development except at great euppoeed te have much te do with 810,000 from (^ r t e a L. Goodwin, mediate poet governor. > tioepa la an thaatataa o f tba Union, oftar ba was ovarhaard to make a to leave immediately, *nM plan waa Atchison ...... District Court. Cook, who owns from the Vernon Mary C. Keeney Tent, Daughters when George declared that pati on- the selection of the delegatee te tbe aad with Girt flcouU or Girl Gulden mony Louis Broldo, vies presidant of daregatory ramarti about Adolf To Cdldbrsto Tha Erant In jmdaratood to have tba appioval of expense. He noted that the town of Elizabeth street, Hartford. Thla PaH governora who era enltatod Aviation Corp .. street Intersection east 380 feet to of Union Veterans of the avtl war, age oomrideratlone In shifting about next national convention.'’ la given as a special fund to be la SI eouatrlan o f the world. Glabel Brothers, donors of the buUd- Hitler—wdio departed from Prague East Hartford. MUiUUr Gom gos' Bonnet MYSTIFIED BY CHABOB the Robinson line. now gets only $15 annually In taxes or eliminating government bureaus for active work In Conaacticut tor Baldwin CT . . . . from the lon^ but that Olson'a plan at its meeting lost night made plans Meanwhile, Senator Wheeler (D- known aa the George R. aad Anna the aervie* organtaaUoa thla yoar Ing, said that tha chalet waa ap­ last night. but Daladlar'a Anal word on the Bolt and Ohio ... WaiUngford, March 17.— (A P )— Be— dary Queatian for the state convention here In might hot be of so much Importance Mont) announced to newspapermen propriately located In the children's Under the Naal protectorate, the achams waa awraltad. AUnon B. Hall, Wallingford jpoul- H la contended by Robinson that would call for development of the to Congress In the future. M. Goodwin fund in memory o f tha are: Tb* Rev. Brneet P. McGregor ‘;fnnotta Law aaw GM Soouttaig Mr. aad Mra. Winum M. Saun- BondU ...... Manchester. April 19 and 30, aa he would be a candidate for re-elec­ donor'e brother and sister. The In­ world, becaum the world of tomor­ Caechs are to ba permitted to main­ Tba dacraa powers Daladlsr Both Steel ...... Local Stocks tryman, informed today that a o*e- the present delineated business property to a taxable value of the present state department Is Mrs. "Thera could not be so much in­ tion next year. Wheeler was a lead­ (1938), Norwalk! John P. Harrtaon i an mora than a lalaura tlma, char* row sriU be the world o f the ehUdren tain their own laws Insofar as they data of T Ellawertb otrmt. Bast Mugtat wrould jd v a him vast au- ond Indictment returned by a grand 116,000. The proposed building Is terference by Senators and mem­ come only will be used for the gen­ (1980), Hartford. > Mlar bunding program for giria, Hartford, foraor Maacbeotar rsal- Beth Steel 7. pfd zone mcludes 130 feet of his front­ rederick Manning of Maple street. er In tbe fight against the Roosevelt eral expenses ot the corporation, or o f today. do not conflict with Germany. t h ^ t y to put Praneb Induatriea on Borden ...... Jurv in New York accused Federal age, as, on all official zoning maps, neat appearing, and would appear Mrs. Emma 8 . Swanson will be bers of tbe House under the new dla- court bill, although he has oupport* vatnabU aa that baa baeoma. She dants, wriu obaarva tha SOth aanl- a virtual warUma basto. for any other purpose of the mu­ "So the work of Olrl Scouting _ Takat—- Over - Jewish Stores can Pae ...... Judge Martin T. Manton of receiv­ the busineas none Is marked aa ex­ much better than nearby commer­ chief of staff. Mlos Virginia Arm­ pensaUoa,” he said, "under which ed a number of New Deal propooale. TAKES OVBE LBOAIION > lovad aU gM a BO matter what their varaary of tbolr nartlago, Sunday, While Daladlsr and his ministers PUrnlahed by Putnam aad C o. ing $67,000 from Hall and hi* broth­ cial structures, be sold. seum which the Board of Truateea goao on, with aver widening vision, today—under the Nasi Case (J. I .) ...... 8 Omtral Row tending 500 feet east of the Vernon strong, president of Mary C. Kee­ t oolor. oread er aatiooaBtr. aad aha ------rastriotlona—Jawiab- Afareb IB, wbaa a dlnaar fo r mam- mat at nyaaa Paiaca. ravlowtog tha Cam De Pae ... er, L. C Itell, allegedly to Influence street Intersection. This would Mra. John Hayden, opposing, said ney Tent will bead the reception may deolgnate. Tokyo, March IT—(AP) — 'nw wanted to bring thaaa tegatbar aa carrying out tha sans and hopeful “ “ •■•bUiIc bora of the fondly aad elera frtoada impUcatlons of Garmaa aapansloa Hartford. Ooaa. Ideals of Julietta Low, who m IBia owmad atoraa wrera being taken over Cbaa aad Ohio . . a dectslen, said he was mystified at place all of Oook’a property In the that ake lived across the street committee and bring the greetings. ured. He commanded te* 11th th- i MoiradiB to laara oaoh otbar'a oua- by admlnlatratom until they can ba wUl bo aorvod at tba bbma of tbolr at ^ eost o f a free Caaobooloviikta, Chrysler Tilapbona 8-0181 the charge. zone, plus 120 feet of Robinson's from tbe Robinson property, and AU members of tbs tent will act as. Deaths Last Night i toaw aad vMwpotata ao that whan brought to America something tor son aad daugbtar-to-law, Mr. aad t^ o n oa another phase of Preneb imo p. m. QnstattoM fantry Brigade of the Sixth Dlvl- the girls of Savannah, of aU Ameri­ sold to non-Jews. Col Carbon ...... Hell declared he had oc know)- h o ld in g felt that commercial use for It boateaeea at the banquet at tbs alaa overseas during th* World , thay baoaaM woman, they might be Jewish doctors and lawyers no Mrs. WUUam M. Saundars, Jr., o f id foreign Miiey broke Into a froa- Co) Gas and El . . of any such payment and waa Recently Robtoaon bee bed e would Injure tbe outlook and value Masonic Temple Wednesday eve­ I aa lafluaooe for friandablp and un* ca, of aU tha world." Coonaetleut Boulevard, Bast Hart­ for-all light between Ooi^ualst Inenranee Stocks Grand Ladgo, MIeh.—Prank D. War. longer can pracUca here, 'mere are (foml Inv Tr ..., to New York “to find out chance to sell hla frontage o f 350 of her home. This view woe echoed ning, April 19, at 0:80. Manager Bridgeport, Conn.-RL Rev. Mon- i flarataiiilliia amoog the natlooa. about 400 Jewish lawyers to ford. and Nationalist deputies. Bid X what It'* all about.” E. J. McKnlgkt of tbe Hotel Sheri­ Pltagerald, 84, RepubUcan governor Uehem Halt Fist Fights. Oaml S o lv ...... Aetna Casualty...... 107 feet to C. Walter Olaon, who wish­ by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Prentice. of Mlcblgan. He served as governor signor John J. MoGIvney, 80. i 1 niwniirtSa S S r y m m or b a r ? ; Prague; perhaps 3S0 more In all Mr. and Mra. Saunders wara mar- -- y ■ am* • e^naap. Cons EOlaen .... es to erect there a large sales and Harold Maher feared the extension dan win cater. I in u lataraatlanal phaae o f acoutlag BBgT PUNTEB, riad la tha rectory o f 8L Mary's Chamber o f DepuUss ushare Aetna Fire ...... 46 Delegates elected last nlgkt from in 1084-38 and defeated Gov. Frank preme chaplain of tha Knighto of THE SALVATION ARMY Moravia. Cone O U ...... Aatna Life ...... 39 service garage. In the course of of the business sone would creep Columbus and pastor of S t Charlea f — 1^ taUraat, aad aha Csecb radio stations and news- B plset^ church by tba Rav. Jamm quickly halted the flet-flgbUng In Cont Can ...... MARCH IN PARADE the local tent are aa follows: First Murphy, Democratle candidate for Iforaga, Calif.— Pigurm luat re- the parliamentary corridm. A Automobile ...... 33 75,000 mapping out his development, Olaon down to bis home on Horan str«M ra-nlectlon, last November. church of Bridgeport i martmd aa rapraaentaUva from tha papera wars under Nasi auparvt- H. LaRooba. rector at tba Ume. Corn P r o d ...... claiira be approached Chairman eventually, 'tee Rev. Mr. Johnsdn delegate, Mrs. Luna Hutchinson; i Orttad Itataa on tha fatanuUoaai — aad ^ the Amer ican FootbaU Their attendants were Mra. few fegisletora wqre bruised. Conn. Genoral ...... 27 second, Mrs. Jennl* Cook; third. New York—Harriet BUdutona, akw. Tha Caeohoalovak Pram Bu- Del Lock aad West Hartford Fire ...... 7BM Cbarica W. Holman of the Zoning opposed tbeBrectlon of any moro OwnMl (BOW tha World OOaamlttaa) Btatlatleal Bureau Show that Jerry and the late J. Davenport Cheney. The chamber had taken up the Douglaa Aircraft .. TO HONOR ST. PATRICK Miss LllUan Keeney. artist known especially tor por­ RED SHIEU) STORE rsau, ifonaar official nawa aganoy, Hartford Steam Boiler Oommisalon, and received assur­ "nuleancee." iMU bar death la IMT. Dot^ I t Mary’s star Uoker, had Mr. Saunders who to a brother of Sp^ah refugee question when a Du P ont...... 54 First alternate, Mrs. Clara Loo­ traits and Imaginative figure p ^ t- tho bast puntl^ average to the now la a part o f DN8 , tba German Radical Socialtat crIUeisod the <3om- Nattonal F ire ...... o i ance that the 500 toot busineas zone Speaks la Favor Inge. CaiMlitCold? ^dilar death tha GM goovt aganoy. Caaob papers today print­ Walter Saundera of Linden etroet, Eastman Kodak shown on the maps was correct. mis; second, Mrs. Ida OUman; third, oountiy lost year with M.7S yards Bnu^t deputy, Andre Marty, or- Pbeente ...... 77 New York, March 17—(AP)—A Speaking in favor of the petition, Mra. NelUe Hagedorn. Mlaeoula. M ont—Delom 8mltb, relieve dlettem hA 183 NORTH MAIN STREET WaUcnal BaaeuUva Oommlttaa plan* par try. ed only DNB reports and comments isUM aenoftlM latoM r. sad Mrs. gatotora o t ludrid govenunant to- Elec Auto Uto . Travelere ...... 455 grand parade It la that comae ' Olson then went ahead, made a Michael McDonnell, though not a from Berlin pubUeaGonm James Monroa Sauadara who Uvod Gon Else ...... 04, dean of Montana University atlonal brigades PubUc rtUlriee bravely up Fifth avtnu* thla St payment on the property, had plans property owner In tbe lorallty, said School o f Muale sine* Its fountUng PWralgn logaUooa wrara oleamg oa Poraat atraat Mrs. W. M. Saun- abouted protests, the eestion Gen P o o d s ...... for the building drawn, and pre­ MANCHmER,, Gen Motora .... Conn. Lt. aad Paw. l atrlek'a day with th* eld oneo he favored such a development, 35 years ago. ) down, but tho Amariean legation dans was tha fonnar Mlaa Lana Hel- ided ) ■ ' " rtarted as from Ireland and th* young of them pared to build. sriiich would add to- the gro^ list STUDENTS IN PROTEST aald it bad not yet racolvad inatrue- Ustar. daughter o f tba Uto Mr. and GlUette ...... Coon. Pow...... 48H Large Stractare Atlaata—Brigadier-General WU­ llSi |i M> { Ml) r H I M 01)1 0» •bout 60 oammunitate and 15 Na- Hartford Elec. Lt ... eSH lively oe angela and every man's and benefit all taxpayers. He point­ Uam R. poalilril. 78, U. 8. A „ to­ ttonai Mrs. Stapbaa HoUlstar who lived on tlonallats fllad out of the ehamber. Haekar Prod ... Olson's prelected garage would OPPOSITE RAILROAD STATION Hudson Motora . lUumlnating S b s .___ 54 heart among them tender wltb ed out that If the town is to grow AT DISMEMBERMENT Aa Bmbaaoy night club hn tho Hartford Road. Parliamentary deputies said that dreams o f Kathleen to HouUhan. have a frontage of 138 f««t. As only at all, there must be room made oo Ambaaoador hotaf on Saint Wan- to t Harv ...... Hartford Oaa ...... 86 130 feet o f the Robtoaon property EASTER Mr. aad Mrs. Saundars era ea tha'“ rapid eastwardeaat^rd push "by Ger­ 8a Now Eng. TeL Oo. 188 John J. Sboiban, tha parade main highways for commercial ex- oaalaa square, waU-knowm to tour­ joytog good health, aad Mr. laua- many nod oonvtooad tha pramisi to t Nlek ...... showed on the sonlng maps aa Deb.g tot Tal tad Tri Waatorn Maas...... 84 fthalrmen. estUnated at 78,0(So, the panaton, and he noted that la the SoSa. Bulgaria, March 17— (AP) ists, baa bean turned toto a bar- dera la aavloyad by tha Hart ManU' tha only way to offoat GfoaMo number merehtog under the ene- to tka bustoeas aone, Olaon desired loeallty in questloo, there already la —Several thousand SoSa Untverrity Let Us Give You A Figure On raokA Tba twanky elub haa bmn foeturtag company of Hartford. domination of Biuopa waa to maka Johns MaavUlo . lauaatrtal te have Included in that sone the Kenaeeott ___ Acme Wire ...... s i plee* of the Andent Order of Hlhor- a miU, grocery stores, gas etattona, studenU were chased by mounted COATS cloaad aad aoldlara alaap on straw Franca ready to light at a momant'a remaining 180 feet of the 3B0 foot convalescent home, tavern, dairy poUce from tee street to front of ncttca. Lahlgb Val ltd .... Am. Hardware ...... 24H nlans. the Clen-Na-OeoL Prlonds of That New Home You Are aprtad on tba floor. Irteh Preodom, Cununn Na Mban froat be waa bargaining for with farm, lumber yard and other hurt- the former Caechoelovak legation (HtAND OPENING Caoeb faaltog waa avldant PollUoal drclea reported that Ugg and Myers B Arrow H aad H. Com. 87H RaMnoon. In atao^ he wlahed. to Ib Dm s p FflMeg af IRELAND CELEBRATES L0sw*s ...... Bluings and Spooear. 4 aad kindred Irish eoetetiea. nesses not usually Included la a today aftor they had demonatrated VM* Ttm b O f PiUwawB Daladlara’ plan for rule undtr a purebaee tbs total 250 foot frontage, strictly reeldenUal neighborhood. nofrily against tb* dlsmerabennent Planning To Build Rundradaef paroona atoed out­ qr>taai of dacraa powars, which baa LoriQard ...... Bristol Braea. 88 and desired to have all of It located TwIO. PhtgMi Mont W s r d ...... CMt’s P a t p ireiu n s. 79 MoDonnell wee of the opinion that, .oT <>*clioiriova)da. ride tba BrlUab consulate sbouttog PATRON SAOVrS DAY baooma Prance's habitual way of within the busineas eons Instead of because a t the character of tbe land Good WoitauuMh^ At RosBoaablo Prkos. Saturday, March IB, 1939 "wa want to get away." fllngly and — jttog oriosa, ooneerna partlmilai- Ntab K s lv ...... Bagla Look ...... 13 APPOINTMENTS SCARE only a po^ aa ehown ^ en Tbe demonstration oecniTod Juat G*. . I fa K C n p a a a i Eapongau ly tha Baavy national dsfonsa t n ^ Nat Btse ...... Fafttlr Bearing ...... 95 on both rides of Middle turnpike as German diptomatle offloUla' ar­ to groupa 'many Casoba Jouraayad east of Vernon street. It never rived St tbe legation to take over jaoU rday to tba tomb o f tba Caaob Dublin, March IT— (A P )—Five tries Net Cash It^ .... Gray Tel Pay Station 9 I* therefore took hie problem to unknown soldlor. Moot o f thorn mUtlon Iresbmea tucked sprigs oif Atida from tha sstback which Nat D a ir y ...... Hart aad Coolay ___ lOO POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS would lend itself to residential de­ Caecb affair*. RAYMOm T. SCHALLER the Zoning Ciommiseton to an at­ velopment, aad now sbouki be In­ Tha atudenta reaosembled near tbe Undi$puttdly atoed there quietly. Some wrere cry- riiemrock to tbelr .utton-bolea to­ Garmaa salsura of Caacboalovakla Nat DlstiU ...... Heodey Mach., B. ... 9 tempt to have that group make Um CARPENTER AND BUILDER tog. day to honor St. Patrl^ daalt to Praneb bopaa of kaaplai N T Central ...... Landen, Frary A Clk. 38 cluded to the bualnees aone fb avoid Parliament buUdtog and continued Reconditioned Furnlturo — (AP) — Tha ajmeint- rqqulrad extenolaa. At the aonlng future compUcatlone. their proteetoi » 8 PwlMr S t TiL $44$ Maachoater tlM lOMliaff BMtO. Oerman reaidants, however, stood Cathc- - ithoUes aad Protestants, Rapub- friendly wltb Adolf HlUer. the NY NH and H .... New Brit Maeh., Com 36H mente of modern American Mtols bauing before that group, the ex- Neana and Orangeman, parUUooUU serious result wee eonaldered to be North Am ...... do., pfd. 96 After the comments had been (Bulgaria was Oermaay*a ally to outeldo the mammoth Hradcany arc scaring away potential custom­ tenrion waa epporad ^ oeveral i^- reglotered, the Appeals Board ask­ the World War.) Stoves Clothing Shoes rihla of tha draaa castle much of the day, unUl Hitler and antl-partlUoalata cetebratad In trsmeadoua euperiorltv of war ma­ Packard ...... North aad Judd ...... 36 er*. say* Glenwood J. Sberrard. jacent rasidente.-^ every hamlet of Ireland (Blra, the terial which the thIrd'Raich gained. Param P ie t ...... Peck, Stow A Wilcox 6 ed camirman Charles Holman of appeared on a eastle balcony to re­ Boston hotel manager. Then there developed an enUrely the Zoning Commission, who waa Coat Parade. ceive their ealuta A group of Hit­ former free state) and northern Penn ...... RuaseU Mfg. C o. ___ 34 "Many people are afraid to atop new angle. Books Magaiines ' ler Youth and a few other Oermane Ireland. Pbelpe Dodge ...... Soovill Mfg. C o...... 38 present, to explain why hie board wm HAVE WARRANT SUex Co...... 121,4 in botoU,” ba told tb* Hotel tales refused to grant Robtoson's request AH ooata Tall- were permitted Inside. ' Quiet prevailed, but Britlab police HITLER ENDS JODRNEY PhU P eto...... Mansgera Ataoeiauon to aaaetoo Chairman Charles W. Holman In- The Cmeb repubUe’e last presi­ redoubledlied preceutlona egalait pos­ Pub gsrv N J ...... Stanley W orks ...... 80 her*. "Tbs doorman Is draasad Ifln originally. Holman pointed to the •nd to tha do., pfd...... 38 trodueed a letter from Engtoeer F. opporitloa as oa* cause, but rested FOR GARY PURUSRER dent, Dr. Cmll Heoba, to a speech sible Incidents such os recent vlo- Radio ...... a Ruaalaa ganeral and tb* lobbv t* Peny Cloas who drew up tbs ao— Telephone 6732 Rablno w*a lost night took the responsibility OF TRIUMPH THRODGH Reading ...... Torrtngtoa ...... 35 dreeaed up to look tarrlbly oxp*A* me ease mainly on what he aaeert- lenca attributed to the outlawed Vaader Root 48 maps, In which ClOaa reported tlwt ad aa a “mlstaka” to tha sonlng Staadard a f for "placing the Ceech people In Hlt- Irish RepubUcan Army. Rem R a n d ...... alvo." bla work waa In error, that tb* busi- Gary, Ind., M ardi 17.— (A P ) — Ur*e bands." RapubUe Steel .... New York Banka map. Ha read a letter from Engi­ NOTICE OBhUtp W ork, noH aoM did not extend 500 foet (TIty' JudgeJud Winiem Fleteher said Dr. Hacba indicatad be Intended TWO NEW PROVINIB Rey Tob B ...... Bank o f Now York .. 400 neer Ferry dose which purported today J. R. Snyder, Gary Poet- atanahip. Sizea Tha Detroit river eometlm.n la Safeway Stores ... Bankers Tnut ...... 81 east from Vernon street, but gnly to have subetantiated that there 11 t o 49. to remain at laaat for the Ume being called tba "Derdenellea of tha New SATURDAY ONLY 880 fort eoet This would have MR Tribune publisher, would be arrsst- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES as bead of the Orech nation with the (Owttoatd from Page Oee) SchenUy D la ...... Central Ranovar .... 98 was a "draftmaa’s error" In mark­ od aftor ha ratunm from Mian. World.” Chase ..-...... 81H on a t Cook’s land to ths son*, but ing the mans. Bsara Roebuck .... THE NEW non* e f Robtoeoo'a frontage would Fla., next week on a whrraat aimi- with awaatlkoa and a baUlag popu- Shell Ttolon ...... X Chemical ...... 44 Stop lar to thoo* on whldi hla brother. Soeony V a e ...... City ...... 34H have so been located. Owing To^ The Death Of latloa, greeted...... the triumphantAdoU — w... If this to so, then Cook Is assured Then, although he admitted an H. B. Snyder tb* nawapaper’s edi­ $ 1 0 .7 5 Soutb Pae ...... CoBtlnsatal ...... 18 " e m t '’ exleted. Holman, erbon tor, and A. Myron Hai^.manag­ Hitler today In hie heavily-guarded South Rwy ...... Cora Exehangs ...... 6SH CIRGLE ef having no compeUtlon from en sweep through tho Moravian oaetlon adjotaing oU dealer or garage. quesUaned, raid that the "800" ing editor, were arrested yesterday to St Braads ...... First Nattonal...... 1700 LOVB (ML OABBBBr marked on all aonlng maps opposit* Fletcher sold the newooaper'e of his new prtoeetorato of Bohemia St Gaa aad E l ___ (3uaranW Ttuat...... 863 RoMnaon. however, contends that aad Moravia. Hivaalii At toot. tea "mletake” aad attempted "cOr- th* area in queeUon did not repra- Wednesday editorial whleh criUdaed Pure ^UTO OWNERS! St OU Cal ...... Itvtog ‘Trust ...... 9H The sent BOO fOst hie hondUng of gambling cases wee FATHER REIDY Tba newly made ctUaeas of Oar- St N J ...... Maaiifaet Trust .... 89H Nctlcn" are merely subteifuge, and $ 2 7 .5 0 many who form 80 per eeat of the Oaraor Womnnl' -teat, M the maps were legally "That doeont mean 800 Jeet", "false, slanderous aad contomptl- Vaseline EXTRA VALUES ON YOUR AUTO Ten C orp...... Maabattoa ...... l7 Holman aald. Me did not sxplato, 1^ ” end added, T wont etaad tor CARROLL CUT RATE citya populattoa eaeared wUdly aa Timken Ron Bear . N. T. Trust...... 108 adopted teey abould stand. (Naon. proopeetlve buyer of RoMneoa'a bowover, what the figures did mean. I t " St James's Bingo Oames >^ll BYsrjr Dap b Ssb Dap At Cam Ritl NEEDS FOR SPRING the Fuehrer arrived from Prague Trana America ___ xPubUe National .... SO H. B. Snyder and Harrie gatoeO by train at 11:80 A as. (B;80 a. m. mad, bolda that be baa actually *af you oeal* IT, Hetman aald, "Ttm union OarMds .... ‘nua Guarantee...... 0 win find tba answer. Scaling of Um quick release on IIAOO roaltv bonds s a. t.) en routo to Vlanaa. union P n e ...... U. S. Trust...... 1890 aeode a eaoh outlay oa th* baris a t maptL sad oan prova aaoricod to toielnera aeo* allowed by AUmi Hoiv*. blind r n ( Behind him Hitler left eeeret unit A ircraft...... X—Ex-D4vtdend. very doee to 500 feet and dearly porter for te* ptowr. Be Cancelled T h is W eel^ 5 0 1 . j police engaged to a clean up of "un- Unit C o r p ...... ^ aBy^Bge now. R* baa ratoi^ FREBt Bass UtflHp D M WHk Judge William 8 . Hyde as on attor- w o re than 880 fe e t N'8 PREMIUM (ierirable olemeato," aii'aoUig’ Caodt unit G u Im p...... Tha eRptonaUan o f aa "arror" o p - AOCiPKHT BB8 TOBBS 8ICWT. ISe PMilpif TIwUi Paste far ...... I / C leaders, social walfars groups aad U 8 Rubber ...... niera are more than'1,000,000 foUowara of tha eport of arobsry *%M property owaen who oppesr- paored to amura the atteadano*. aad A nd For 3 Q Days Thereafter 500 otbars to tha qwoud old city erhioh, U 8 Smelt...... , several prof essed to see "preeeura" Watertoo, N. T „ M ardi 17,- -(AP) GASOLINE untU Tuesday, was tba oaplW of tba U ■ B to e l...... to tha UblUd SUtoa. ad lost a l^ t to obJecUon to tea use —Aa automobile ooddsnl iOcDRENE SHAMPOO OlaoB plan* to put tea MM to a n la tee a e t J . V . G . CMcbostovak rapubUe. Vick Chem ...... Aeeordtog to Hohnoa, th* preeint ereditod today wltb reetoring the R. J. DE8CY, Oulrauw. S5e DANYA LOTION Wnaton union .... teerama who appaared bafora the sight of John Or*)*, 91, former ClesnMne *] G A L L O N S DUNreat Pratoetl aa flaaaad previous Eoatog Oommtoridn bsor^ ^ n era aone todudes th* Cook $1.00 In Bertto.. meanwhile, WDbelto West HI aad Mfg . attd exdudea the Roblaaoa higb school foetenU otar, after be woenvoftB ...... tog. They are Mrai John Hoyden. d been bttnd for terra weeks. TisBues 4$Sc V A L U E etraeoa drelra eold Hltlar aad hla p*2 * t y - mmmmsBmasBBss **“ ®„^*^ premium taaoliiie haa appeared la adviaera were planning aa entirely Blae Bead aad Sbara (Curb). •tiitar at Cook. Pxteeemaa J o ^ The haartaf waa not aaarkad (m M and^w , Wa don't handle thirt gnde gaa—or thla different ktod of protocUon for STJWI Prentlee and bis wife, who llvo a w d ^ riaakea of optokatAkd ■ o-callcd 8 fo r 11.00 stu ff. Slovakia than th to have astabUabad peotto tee Robtoson property, aad Eitbougli tbert w u aa m cIu a ^ oC SSe ITALIAN BALM to tha protoetonto o f Bohranto aad James Mober, who Uvea a aril* away S$e COOLIES BOTH TO SHOW CONCERN TOOAT AND BOMOGBOW vlewa. te* BMattog dto aotgm m rate Moravia. FOB Rttler aeaumod pcotoetlen Slovakia yesteiday but oA____ _ OSED AS D U U ir m o w e r . . ^ 5 5 c V A L U E W e S a y That W e Do FRONG TIRES while not givtto any dotana. sold 6$e tbrea was a vital dtftarenoa batoraaa m STANDARD' tha "pretoetloa" tha Phahrer agreed f/ E B P EO O P A lk a 75c PITCH SHAMPOO to give Dr. Joaoph Tiao. pnastar ef Gut Rate UQUOR8 lie Flteh MASSAGE BRUSH BOTH 4.50x21 ieeseeeeeeoeaoee» S5eS8 t WILCOOMW " S eltxer Slovakia, and the protaotorar ------F O R 4.75x19 ...... 5.80 invoked for the Oaciba. General Automobfle 5.00x19 *Tiw stoto M ^ l •WCM PAOBOr P m U. S. P. . OH Dr. Gnp*s GIN I 1 J 5 V A L U E > • e a a • I leeeeeoeeoe.oaoae OeOO OrthodoK ckaraotariaUra a f a pan- 5.50x17 toetorato, such oa the taking over tha WBk JAOK BANBAIL ALCOHOL Mr, Benton ROCKS 90 Proof leaeeeaeeeooeeeee Te85 was a h *1 6.00x16 of foraign affairs and laUltaiy da- to difitotol tba 91,5$ NECTARS RYE 91.19 'e ...... 7.85 tanas, wara vialbla to tka easa o t city of Wa with ths fainilv- I V II ' I 111! I - . . .1 QimH 91.19 Plat Mesdqnmrters for Baby Needs Other Sixes At Proportlonato Savings! Pehaata aad Moravia. oada aad tha aritvnvn aastotoMs at 91.90 Pbt ■ Qaart 49 Repairing P L U t Carl Olaea." (formar Wafatoiry baaksr aad oaa of ths aoeuaid). A N39 RitIDAIRE «Hk 6m IblwNlMi! VABBTOLABOni Mattiiktly a t LENTEN n*BCIALI 2 5 e P A B u n t ...... 4 3 c CJnVJte ••••000009*** 2 5 e *uiMttopBi r m r tee----- FOUR WaHaaMr And We Mean It! - on. garM as aecompBabsd Aleeia sold that ths ehaek was ■More SYcwOHCdtfanb ROSES 18* Q . Thsra waa aone doubt as to bbrnd as lean nta> to ths prsoT' SSk YM M AtlPOO E B Z e BOBIO A C I D ...... W C For Those Who Wish Ts 8sv« Monap! wbetker Hitler would go to Bratt- that xasrt thna 0 jow hi wnthtoiiy ft-eo WINES, Eos. 49c. 91J4 VfciteHtoXildWirRMihicator Wa rapair aaii aarvlea oil aiakaa of can , ao briag aa lOO^l slava. Slovak ooptUL A RtoMa aMMy waat to boy LnSGtonasf Qaart 2 Q w rte ...... O i f C PENNSYLVANIA OIL — 60e PER GALLON m dsolad thera i Pbt BAinr*roonB, s for 2 0 c L u t t u ' m a p ... 3 9 c j m t car NOW u d let aa get U la ahapa for bettor In Y o o r O w b Coatsiaar. ___ tfOODR or I tta rla; n u a oO la made by tha BradfoH RaHaliic Compaap tonnad aUtofuard) uatto to . *Tro.* attd Alania . U t o a < mPOBTED A r M a t 4 a y g aliaaA city although Qanaan eolitlsra enter- af ths state that th BRANDY CUBAN ...... 2 1 c ■ a m X u *...... 4 3 c •f Bradford, Paaa. ed other parta ef Slevakto asrilar la SCOTCH WHBREV ♦h^ WMk. 4$c O varSYsm OH RUM Ws Abo Have A Good 00 A t ...... 4$c par rJ . Hitler left Prague vahMa, the madtaSL th__ __ Ceemtolgaae demfailraaenBotrel Rltlra left PragM with hla aMia to defraud tha city of Whteetoey.' COSMETICS - -TOILETRIES ymterday“ * —ay gatoiaoMlaautooto hut trsM - H Pbt etc H Pbt You Can Depend On fornd 'to a opoelal trala for tha flaal phua ot toatfb te Oto Irtni FRED' i E* $Z095th ____ A to Braaa. nruito wtortead to l y . has KEMP^, Inc. - BATTERIES - aan of BonanM. BsatePa W i W s GmetPs ^ S S f Z u t m ..... 6 0 c 5 5 c lha Oarstoale hO^jra pent og V & D Power Pack Batteries, 12 Months Rram^a pepulatten. plae Mtol MS isttthte teaSSn atea A lW h iS v DRY Paarilr R a in B M i GIN 97c WUte S ^ r-oran ... 4 9 c S m m L M i * ... 4 5 c Depok^ S


psnatta. Tbs bejrB wfll Btost at tha r e h ^ l SBd start from thara fllIN D S ENIERTADIED EN G IBH U N RESCUED Conunaninir With Old Sol CAPT. HATHAWAY A totter has basa rsailvad by tha To Learn to Cook I^t h e r r e id y’s b o d y Rav. Ralph RowloBd fr«B iCga 1 prlaonsr by AT A SHOWER SOCIAL AFTER nDNAIWG • »«rta.______Haskell Wsleh talMiig how auKh hsr News From Manchester’s Neighbors GAINS NEW POST iBothar. Mm. Mary E. Barvay. wtfa NOW LYING IN STATE of a tonasr Oolnmbia pastor, SBJoy- ’nsotsta, China. Uareh 17^—(A P ) OCNEOa FOOT B t u ll •d ths wMhly bultotiaa asat hsr Mia AHet K. Bhiwr OrmI Of -H. F. Dyott, ch ttm an o f the atorza, March 17—(AFV-Ibai oda ars fooUag tba thto from this ehurrta Mra Morvsy *' ‘ks.. Honor At Soefad HeU In caught his hand underneath the Tientsin British diambsr of Com­ lag at a o’cloek by Kav. VlaoaBt psassd away on Maieh third at tha BocUand Last Night. mssUng WlU be held on Wednesday mrtting which was "Neighbor’s merce, waa rescued today after hav­ •ad at COoascUent Stata O m Tramferred Frai P h u Am! planer. He wo* taken to the Johnson evening, March 23 at the home of Nlght’^. There were twenty-six visi­ Ths annual danoa tonight will Hines, acting pastpr. ■ horns o f her daughter la Wladaor, STAFFORD iUcraorial hospital where h* wa* ing besB held briefly by thrss armsd tAm frm Rectory To OOOB. FACULH PLAY TONIGHT Mrs. Jobh O. Tsicott. Jr. Mra tors from (tonterbury, Chspitn, Staf­ Cblnsss kldnspers. tract girt itudafita aad thsir gea— . ToBlght’s Bertiess trsat*d by Dy. John P. Hanley. Mr. Hsisna Foater aad Miss Margaret Ths chanting of tha offito of the Trainf Sectioi Tt Be Isvsa mambam o f Oolumbia Mra Harold Madden of Buckland ford, Vernon and Klllingly. An In­ The kidnapers surpriaed Dyott la mea sseorts as part ef eo-od lOnHI' SPRINGS Pelllzsari is now resting com­ Wcllss are la charge o f ths meeUng teresting program was given which hla horns within Tlw tala's Japaa- wsok-sad during wktoh tb* cottoai.'' ^ ( k r c h TIk Aftenooi; dead win start at S o’xdook and artll Oraagb wsat to Gtaatoabury on itsrtalBad with a mMeaDaaaous JOHN U NETTO fortably at hR home. •ad Mra Talcott sad Mrs. Elsis Mc­ be given by a number of visittng Moodoy svsBlBg to atu ad tha Included a sketch written by Bsni- sa«-oceuplsd arsa and took hka out prsvalto. ..^tl gift shower at bar tema tost night, AT SYKES AUDITORIUM 473, Stafford Nally ars the hostessss. ard Cfliurch on "Chaplin makss Hto- priests. They wUI be lead by Father Regneitol AdjataoL School' of Inatnictloa tor East Osa- Paul Msgura of Forsstvills. 311 Serrkes; Hon­ in honor of Mlm ABeo R. Baksr of Norma Bllck of OrcuttviUs . Tbsrs was a goodly attendancs at tory." llioroas Dennehey, instructor of tral Pomona Oraaga Thoos attsad- 306 Center strsst, who to to bs mar- ths church supper held on Wednes­ lag wars Msatsr, Wsstoott Rica, ford Theological Seminary wlU be The town of Stafford received this Richard O. KIbbe of HydevlUs wsrs Postmaster Arthur J. Oktoss of music and the Qregorlan Chant of I* . risd thto spring to Raymood Ahem day evening. Rev. Jan Van Denblink orary Aid Adhre Bear- SL Thomas Seminary, Bloomflald. OspUia RusssU Hathaway o f this Trsssursr, Donald Woodward, C^p- of Hartford. Moro than 10 rinnts Proceeds To Go Toward the speaker at the third seasion of week from the state 33,413.00 In among the 42 student* to schlevs gave a very interesting talk on South Wllllngton Is llrutenont of A apeclal guard baa been aelset' town, aosiatant plans sad training Ub, Mm. Lostar Hutehlns, Asst wers la attendaneo from motoi. I the Religious Education Institute on payment of the shore of this town in first honor* for their high BcholssUc "Life on th* Island of Java". The Compatw L. 18»th Infantry, Connec­ sd from tha members o f tha Fourth officer of the 18»tb Infantry, C. N. Steward, Fraacto Hutchins, Lady Rockville, Hartford a ^ this town. Christian Leadership to be held this the annual state enumeration grant. work at Oomicctlcut State OoUegs speaker taught six years in the Ucut Notional Guard, which was an­ ora Are Sdoctod. O.. today was named to the pest of Asst, Steward, Mlm Mary Sasgdo, Mrs. Madden used SL Patrick’s Washington Trip For evening at 7:30 p. ra. at the Talcott- Thia *um represent* $3.38 for each In Storr*. Robert Pero and Howard Christian school thsrs. The telk ws* nounced Tiieaday, the regimental Degree o f the Knights o f CMumbus winner In the Hears! musketry com­ of Campbell Council, under tha dl regimental adjutant by the adju­ and Mrs. Raymond Squisr, a mem­ decoration o f green and White. The vllle C^ongregational church. He wlU child between the age* of 4 and 16 I. Wagner of Hydevllle were among enjoyed by all pre*ent. There were tant general's olTIce. ber of the executlvs eommlttes, sad bride-elect was rsqussted to explain have for bis subject, "The Inner having legal residence in Stafford. the 113 students to achieve second also rtaao selection* by Miss Bar­ petition. The 166th rifle team re­ ractlon of State Deputy William J. RockriDe Ifigh School cently won the state National Guard I k s kodjr et fUv. waium P. lUldy. Sbra. They will wear tha Fourth Do* Carlton Hutchins. how she would uss each unwrapped Life of the Church." Lo»t year the town of Stafford re­ honors. bara Robb of Vernon Center sod ^ and thto ersated eoBsklsrable ^ Head* Varsity Team ceived 32,567.25 while In 1987 the title. pMUir ft tt. ehureb was gree uniform and'’ have seats near Hartford, March 17__ g at ths rsgutor ssrvle* .with a rial High school, st South Windsor, WILLINGTON •arvlsas win be held arhen the body Rose. Oscar Anderson and Junior special dedlesUon servlcs and dsposlt in London. Ths exact "1 have always wanted to Isom church wlU officiate. Burial will be shoddy manufacturers. Hs wUI con­ AUSfi JENNIE a CHURCH la hurled In Winsted later. ran lo view tbs body until It la thro* othsr requaste, and denied one. Jones. These men will hold a meet­ amount la Nsw Tork to unknown. to cook," she chirruped. In Grove HUI cemetery. who has been confined to hla home tinue to make hla boms In Wales. T. time to remove It to the esmetery appropriate sermon ly tbs Rsv (OsstlBBid trwf rag* OhAl by lUneos for the past several Kenneth Neri to oonvatosdng Active Bsariia. A petition for the removal of a ing In th* next tow wssks to get Ralph Rowland. Of added Interest Ons auUioriteUvs sourM mid “ It to ons o f my amUtiont.’* Mr. Glass was found lying beside F. HuUen announced that Mr. John­ lb s aativs baarera wars named A meeting If the ushers of the beer and ale selling permit from a The couple arrived from Ban weeks. Is reported ss Improving. from an attack o f bronrtUtto, Mtoa Emily Parlssk tt Wlfllngton full instruotloBs In thair work. Is ths sBiMMiaosmsnt by ths Board Cssohoslovakla bad no gold on de- Ids automobile In the garage, and son bad been assoclsted with the The membsrs of tbs Rainbow 4-H tadip as fOUoara: John F. Tynan, church will be held at the eloos of location at a First Nations! store on posit In thto country. Francisco by alrplsns at 8 p. m. spoaUng, 31 fboneh, afai ItaUaa aad Medical Examiner Dr. Thomas F. The South Windso. Fire Depmt- HIU sad Ralph Kenasraon Instaflsd tha chanting of tha office o f the The forest flr* wardens, for this of Trustees of ths church that tbs tha balance speak othsr languages.) ment la planning a benefit program firm to cover the entire New gfaig- Sewing club bsid a meeting on Mr. aad Mra. BugwM Wliicb t t West MM af the truatsM of ths church Main atrsst to a new site at 32 Eaat season will bo Paul Msnaggis, E. MssnwhUe, Minister Hurbaa, and County Clsrk W. J. Korth mst thsm O’Loughlin said death was ood land territory. Bom in Stafford Mr. •Bd Joaaph Wmaks, Sr., o f the dead tonight when Inatructtons will •ntirs amount of ths cost et ths Switaarland In recant months has for Saturday evening March 38. at Thursday afternoon at tbe boms of Wlfllngton 00 worthy patron and Osnter atrsst was unopposed. Th* Atwood and R, %forra. Wre per­ steeple has been met by local mem- bis Amsrlean-hora wife faced a fu­ at ths airport to lasus a marriags dental and was due to carbon mon­ Johnson lived hers oil bto life until 3ftoa EUaabsth Las. Both Mtos Nor­ _____ I Heart church, Vernon Depot, be given aa to the manner of hs^ store company agreed to maintain ture filled with qusstlon "—vk". llcsnss, and thsy burrlsd to tha bssn clomping down on ssparatlst oxide poisoning. the South Windsor Town Hall. The worthy matroa tt Climax Chapter, dUng the gathering tomorrow. mit* must be obtained from nay one 1^7* and friends of ths church ss tondeneiss within her divsrss popu­ proceeds wlU be used to help furnish be moved with bto parents to Wales. ton, (k>unty club agent and Miss Baatern Star, Wadasaday night Oimallna Foley, onarof tha older th* Main street rent for 80 day* o f Uiss* men for any brush Bra horns et Wallace’s brother, John IL . Mr. Glass was bom in Lithuania abata a f BL Jamara church, Pat- All delegates who will attend ths well ss many contributions from Wsltocs, mayor of Salt Lake C3ty, lation. * and was a World War veteran. He the club room at the new firehouse. He was an executive of the Fabyan ICacDonald of atom gav* tba glrta BUa Douda t t WUIIagtoa HlU waa from date o f vacating to Insure ex­ from now on. KNOWS OF CRIMES company for more than a decade and lectures on "Good Potturs.’ tlek OaiTon, representing the Holy mass tomorrow are asked to bs la piration of tho right to use of th* membem and friends living away Tbs Rsv. Tbsodore O. IJllsy of The press In gsnsral dsnouaeed had beea a resident of this country Hr. and Mrs. David Graham aad Installed •asoetots matron; Kath- ths lower church before 10 o’clock Herb Hutchinson is building a from Oolumbia. Mra. Howard T4o- Paris. 'Mareh 17—(API—United served as treasurer of the Stafford Tbe oondlUon ot Mtos Marilyn Haaia society.r. SatlM OT»wa prsvloue hearing, cona taking tho leading part os a date. principtos of Ute American Lagioa, The govemroent’c $1,300,000 ex­ Sow to MMri SMssBisMa ssO *s M r — t meeting, to be nrtd the second Dfsos the petition of Sherwooil and Aus­ prodigal nephew. Aunt Julia bia BuUItt sold ths United States gov­ hibit at tha Ban Francisco world’s aad Rockvine Dtotrict aa at the week In April, the topic wUI ba 14salS-TaMMa lO c lT lS e •tan, Thomaa Ferguaon. David John I. Olson, who Tedecoratod pnsent time Ellington, Veracm, CHECK-UP Cha inhere. Herbert B. Houec, Frank Kansas City.—(API —Two years tin Beschler was approved. Th* aunt was uctoil by Hazel Hutchin­ the church and library about 13 ernment was Bttemptlng to promote fair to devoted largely to Indian Ufa. "H sM ta” T^SgLy *"***"**” "— AW foadoalladtabl^^^^ Bsscblera ask the right to alter a psae* with thss* sam* prindplM oa Brood Brook and RockvUle come un­ Daiknar, Dr. John Bany, Thomas police and Federal men smarted at son. Irma -Morra who played bsr months ago was at the church ob der the Rockville District. ' Mrs. Louis A. Kingsbury enter- i.«atoM faaow7o«M wiM of ^esmkataik,eSmm\ J. QuMh Dr. Oeorga Calllouette, all the thought a certain narcotics two family house at 16 Winter flrst part in any play given by tha Tuesday making a few minor rs- a fouadatkm. teined the Ladles Mlsslonsry Asso­ tlias—with a w*ndsrfala(rir saiio- “ ^ - peddler was calling them a chump itreet Into a four family dwelling. There wlU be a Camporee held MASONS’ SUPPI.IBS . . . koBimrdachMbssa sadsd af ibactMater. club took her part aa Florence Arn­ palre to plastsr and palnt.whlch bs- June 8 and 4 at the Horace Mc- ciation at her home oa Wedaeaday 'stmeCM From VoTBon ; to his friends. Recently the Zoning Commloslon old. an actress. Norms Peace was afternoon, with 23 in attendance. »«>*i6lbfi Oamaat, Ume, Ptaalar. stttojss/loamsiajvailM i They never could get anything cams damaged while th* steeple Kaigbt farm In EDlington with Frederick Foley, James Costello, granted a change th the district HatUo t^halbiers, a soldlereis o f for­ Wi.a bslBg srMitsd. priaea awarded to the troops mak- Tha topic was “Cflirtotlanity at Work S t o c k W i TUa aad Sawst Ilto RiflMwhhibsr Jolw Mar, WUUam Qrady, Joseph on the man. Ho spumed msrkad from rstidsnoe A to residence B tune, whlch'ahe acted very well. Ed­ CURB QUOTATIONS Today," with readings by Mnv wkhtoukkmoRlaltott.hukkerstolBkial. sOUmd. Yaa wiUMaitoko#J| money, avoided stool pigaons and Raymond Bquier, sexton o f ths Positively The Greatest n g the best ebenving. There was a 1 WIDeke, Jr., Martin Murphy, Patrick sooe, but ths Besebisr's Intended ward Dedoser uia.ved a comic role cemetery, Is cleaning up the trees great deal of Interest la this tost RoMaaon, Mra. tJnH* Staalay •K wsr^tlMmw—^w i« arthe wtoMpsUtoRioiaQMgSlH__ Bunivan. Jamas Tuohey and Martin was uncommonly clever about hid* usage comes under residence C as Mr. Chalmeia, the husband. Mtoa Hattie Ooomba regarding medl- G. B. W IIXIS A SON. INC. ' his stock in trade, which were blown down during ths By ABJMKTATED PRESS ysar, aad tt to axpected that this RisipsdsleRrt laaaalMaaoakiBlr. UBimaa, from ths Sacred Heart BOBS hsne* th* nssd for a spscial A treasure hunt will be held Sun­ win bs laersassd this year os tbs eal mlssksisry work hi Turkey, aad a MaH Stratt lOL it M ehureb. Vernon. lecently police and U. B. agents exception. hurricans. Tbsss hugs spruce trem, Am Cite Pew and Lt B ...... 1 % Typewriter Value We oa the Bowery MtoaloB. Rtra WUUam HIGH QUALITY-PLUS EXTRA VALUE BttabisWaAtal^ Otto oaaboa llairti t L .& ’ day afternoon at 3 p.m., at Bolton seven In alL which hsvs stood guard Am Gsr ...... 4H tlma approaebss for the camping. Proas Bolton raided bis horns and selaed soma D^led was a petition submitted A. Loeaer and Mrs. E. L. Braanoa paper money. They took him and Center. A list will be given each over the burying ground ever sines Ark Nat Gas ...... The foUowing committee chairmen B. U MeOurk. Anthony Maneggia, by Allan Barrett, asking tor th* group which will have to be filled have been announced for the irear: will entertain the April meeting at JTn l^ is Massollnl and Joseph the money Into s darkened room at it wsa sst of by Ute town, all west Asad Gas and El A ...... the home of Mrs. Losasr oa South headquarters. right to erect a new four tenement In one hour and a half. Refresh- bsfors tha 80 mils on hour wind. Am Sup Pow ...... Have Ever Offered Camping, Manley Cole; Court of Bums, from St. Maurice's chapel. house In th* rear of a pressot four men 1* will be served after ths bunt. Honor, William Schaeffer; Civic street M to u . They put s bUl .under aa ultra* Tha largsst eos which paced < a ts S srv...... Tba teatetive date of May l has WELDON DRUG CO. tensmsnt at 83 Oak strsst. Ths lot Service. Lebbeus F. BIseill; PubUc- OUmt IM en ltoM violet ray. Nothing happaaad. msasures better than ninety f( ats Ssrv., p fd ...... 4< In qusstlon has an 83 foot frontage Mother Nature worked wisely L. H. Chapman; Finance, been set tor the re-opetdng of the Proscriptloa PhanaadsUi Baaarvatlena have baen made for They tried a second and a third. tall, and about four feet through El Bond and S b s r s ...... ii Booth-Dtmock Library, cloaed slnoa On the fourth bill a* word glowed by 181 foot depth. Th* new house, when she made the tortolas travel ths bu tt Ford limited ...... Clwriea Squtree; Health and Safety. SO dalttatei to rspraoent the differ ROYAL. PORTABLE Dr. Donald Beckwitta: Readlag, Mra. December. This will ba the chief 903 Mala Strsat Dial 5321 Ws Otfoar ant orgaaisatlona as follows: Camp* fai greenish-purple Isttera under tbs it was cold, would have been located in alow gssr, mpsetoUy slaos hs Tbs girl oeouto win hold a Salat Nlag Hud Pow ...... j lamp. M feet back from tha atrsst, and cannot gst up whsn tumsd on hla Pona Road ...... Aloo E. Taylor; Senior Scouting. subject for consideratloa at a mmo- hell CouncS K of St. James's Patrick’s Day whist on Friday after­ Bbdo to MO at I41M Arthur B. CStottertaa; Troop organ- lal meetlag of the Ubrary Amoda- Holy Name Boelety, Divlalon No. 1 The word was "chump." about one third of It would have back. Quick-moving creatures fre­ noon at ths horns o f Mm. Ralph Sogal Look ...... U besB at th# rear o f the present toattoo. WUUam Pretiss; Treasurer, tloa to be held April 17, wbaa avaU- A.OJI., Children of Mary, Ladles T gusss.” said th* peddler, "the quently toll OB their backs, and Wolmsr, troop toadar. Unit Gas ...... : able reaourcea wlU be eaavaaaad to $ . H E V R L H - . , . . £ r » Keaaeth White. AuBllUiy to the A.O.H., Daughters cops has got over bein’ chump*.’’ building, with the remainder tn view such a mishap might provs fatiu for Unit Lt and Pow A ...... mti WEST’S JBRGBBP8 0 Ths PloRssr Club will go on a hlka aaosrtala If a workabla baato ***»» ba a f laahalla, Ladlss of Columbus, The officer* had marked I f bills of th* strsst. Th* lot Is In th* ths tortoise. UU1 Pow sad U ...... 1 K o n ly $ found. Through tiM undsr tbs ultra-vlotst ray. buslnsss sons at present Thsr* OB Saturday aftarBoon If wsathsr 3 4 .5 0 Tba M i^ strsst hsskethan team gg 35eta--- Watorgroofid - a Tooth iBafUs o f tha Sacred Heart. win closetooa Ita asaaon this svsaiiig certain bonds bald by tbs assocla- BnMi i SOeLotiaa Rascrratlon has also been made was no opposition, but th* petition tton the Incoms of Um Ubrary t was denied. FIRBf--POOETI * Bad lygiB g e k J U r ^ * * wbsa It ptojrs ths final gama otmei- 26c Tooth Paata ^ 25e Paea Cresa fo r tha mtalaters o f the different risa with the Broad Brook team at bssn reduosd, mshiny asosssary 1 chuTchaa In town. Rsv. Dy. Watson DOING, NOT SAYING, New BstB. N. C.—Cbarlsn J. ths Maptoto k rse t gymaaalum. It la tolnporary suq>snaloa o f Ita n c SOc VALUE • 75e VALUE All That’s Best at Lowes Ttnaa Aa Law Aa Woodruff, pastor of the Center Con* Brinson was ID and bsdriddsn wImb •awetod that there wfll be a large tisa. An affort la being mads i» m gatleoal church and president of DAILY PATTERN his houaa caught flra. 11.00 Par Waak attendaace to ‘ witness , build up the membership of tbs aa- tha Mialsters' Association has boon BEST QUAUntATIONS Y, M» C . A, Notes a rivals aoclatlon, which wiU aupptomsat ita Both lor 39c Both for 39c *■ Flrstrucka cam#. Aa ambutoasa artiad to Mtend tks Invitation lo the iff OAMX. DAT eama. Brlnsoa rsfuasd to bndga. Sot ] Incoms and encourage more people other clergymen. Today; The ToltoDd Grange win sponeor a l®,8®wpt tha civic respaartbUi^M- Tho regular church ushers will be Washington. — (AP i — Senator 3 :00—Social dancing class for la tho adddto of hla hot firii «m - Service Typewriter G>. •OeCtBfarala Syrap of 60e Tah Aohurst (D.*Arlz.l bellevss that aa This drsss, Pattom 3436, to bsau- par, ha oxptalaad.- ha oouMat ba pnblle setback party thto evening at volvad. in tbs Institii- ••••oaoae e'e e • a 40C IB chaiga at tha mass tonMtrow bojrs and girls. AD ctossss wUI be­ tifulty darigiMd for womm who IM TraatbaO St. Sad Ploar Hartfard, CL |.07|t the Community HalL There will be tion. Tha anmial dues are oaa dol- Tooth Brmhas . ..2 for lie You can p a y m ore Bmnilng. There will be eight ushers appointee's qiisUficatlons for a Job gin rsbesrsal for th* rscttsl which M lm rod .’ FlraoMB o a tla g t^ s d should be Judged by what be has taka totito riaoo sad Inaiat upon tha tba hamm bafOro ba finished r refreabmeota served and prizes will jy yer pmaoa. AppUeatioas lOr UBdsr ths dlrscUon of Arthur is to bs held In the gymnsrium oa hoot sad smartsat ttBOo. bs awardsd. .. BMmbcrshlp may bs made to Louis S5e ItaSui Baloi O’Neill. Csrds hsv« been printed done rather than what he has said. March 38. OOe Draae ShsaiMo Ashurst, chairman of the Senate Voiy rintpla aad almoat alralght. Ta Leave ORy * - ■*«*«y-treaaurer 20e Drookin CooHoa you .can’t get SBd will bs placed on tho pews which 4:00.3:00—Ora "T"s gymnasium 3lr. and Mrs. Howard Taft who of the library Aasortatton. 25e Daa/a HsaiLoUaa win show vdiere the different organ, Judiciary CompiUtec, mad* th* period. tha omooth-hlppad oklrt baa oa la* SSeVALUB point during committee considera' vortod plaat la tha ftoat, gtviag have mada their bonM la Rortevi^ She VALUE laatlona arlH be seated. The organ- B:00-8;30—Business Man’s voliey. youth aad anlrestkm to tha r A k ths past two aad one-half ysars laatlons that wUI attend ths funsral tloo of a Federal court appointraent. ball play. I «m toava hsrs oa Saturday, March POORFISM mere quality! wOI msst in the bswment by 10 He said b* told bis oollooguss: without any nabaeoBdag fliili Both for 35c Both or 53c you're going to Judge men by TJd.C.A. Interanedists bssketbsll Tba bedlea haa rtdrrod rtwiddar^ Uth for their bogos la Boston. Mr. ■ ‘•^Wt. end msreb "it Issgue. 10ft haa baen la charge of the coo- Ita craabf „ lata ths church. whst they say. well all be on tbs 8:80—UIrstss vs. Sulcldsa aad ths maiost blouso at tha oralot- ttact work wtlh the local mills does rtiot la tba dark! flrreaiiiliig OsBisr Ssetioa Besoned spot, because we have sU been on Hao, fo r eorroet fit aad a look o f —three victims. all sides of every queaUea. 7:80—Tigers va VsmoQ. kgr ths C. J. Bostueb firm of Boston. •Mkef lis«mda.....36e Sqaibb Aa>Wa ...... M e Ths csBter sscUon o f ths church "Ansru'sy, whst sr* words 3:30—Center Springs vs. Hawks. with a rimpis, lamusorty Trade In Your Old Tires ! MHttary Card Party ^^^ g y **vctlag tbs eriato^ poUes wtg bs rsservsd for the delegations wind?" 7:80—Refinlshlng class w lUcs thto. Tha lASTAimUlaryofUM A. O. Bad msabers of ths family. The TInksr. yott' eaa H. win hold R^lUam TOrra’a eat m ast tha 50e GlSatto Bbto Borth sad south front SMtIon win broochso, cllpa sad aowoi thto ovsBlM 3:00—Concordia Luther Bowling ths bseointagty da*i goldfish bowL TOrra tasarfi tba hs rsfsrvsd tor priests. M Is estl- League. special Prices Now On New Tires thsir haO la «a i^ fayod a bogtor, firsd la tba I-OeSO. 25e Shai^ Cneoi And you eaa siihoMtuta a nai Blaylag wU atari at p. aa M - BMtsd that over 100 wtU bs in at A Thought 8:00—Bolton group party to tha white Uagerta eoUar fOr tha SM dark. Nstgkbocs, narlondy r^ort- tOBdanca. la addlUoa there will be banquet hafi. Hi* first floor social MWtag tha church servicaa. Tha lag aa saploakm and a anrdsrTai ' WeVAUIZ 7^ VALUE Shout M BUBO who win bo given a room will also be used. ia g o f w ut% too^ wiiHnUttaa la chaiga ineludas Mtos tbs squad eaiB. For Mssoa aoM, HsBSBf thy Flat dopo. MIk irtBla aaettaa as the north aide of the Mta M. Ecktos, Mrs. Jossphlas Dsv- Tba vtcUms w sn tba goU fitt. church. father and Ihy methsvi and, wbsae rtMoro are bsot fo r bade d n sii Ua, Mra. Jaaastta Ooagrova. Mra Both for 36c Both for 49c curaeth Ms father er mathsv, 1st Pattern 84Sa to dsalgaad fo r Roes HammeBd. Mias Margaret saatlng capacity of the him die ths death.—Math, 7:18. S5e lAureh la but TOO It win mean that siae* Sa, 3a. 40, 43. 44, 46, 48. $0 6:00x 16 Recap Tire $ Roaaa. Mra Cbtharlaa Prsuaa, Mra OOantAiro PERPORMANOI 500 . brteolve Veoeam •eorWilli. SeSr br ItofecteS Louisvllte. Ky.—Rsspondlag to a and aa. aiaa la rafutioa 4 $4 yards there will bs hardly mors *»«sn loo Unbiassed is ths son who doss not Haimah Priartir, Mra Garris Fur- WMch Bmal...... plat 17* knock at the door. WllUsm T. Doylo, of aa-tach matsrtol; 1-4 yard to an*. M ra NsOto B oat a ^ Mra Ckamiaf Ttaaasa...... 19a 19yotein*-ttt S m leooeft teal fto i , asBto Bot raosrvsd that win be opsu honor his parents; but If rsvsrsnt M l IMClUtMb a k to g o -A U a s r s D o a Ctoifsjr bad to tho Bismbars o f tha church and 84. a dtotlllory employ*, thought hs to do to wia bto eaa* la eourt « and obedient to them, h* win rs- •aw a (host when bs admlttto bto ' Tbs new SPRINO AND SUM­ 25ePfcinw the _ esiv* th* asm* from Ms owb ehll- tIOaIgM to awaUow thras awoida. ProphyiBctk drsa.—pirlpidsa. brother, Robert P. Doyle, 81. MER PATTERN BOOK. S3 pogoo with good ceuing — t k o Moato > of tos EtUagtoa Ho MS eaipta tbsm ysotoidaF TOOTH PASTE |B adMtIOB to tha efflescs of ths "1 came back to see U you ws sf attrootlvs dsaAgaa Cor ovsiyrias TOOTH POWDER Siraady uMMd. tt u expected church will bold a wbaa bs waa taksa into euatody ( 2 -45c CsM dsad", said Robert Doyls. ^ .srery oaosoioa. to worn rsady. FOTsr aad Boa haaqnot this svo- Stats strsat Ha ‘nrl ba w . tout MnuHgunii Duggan. Piynn and INBIDB OCT Tbs two brothers, saeh bsHsvtag 18e Ptou win attoBd tha fuaaraL They tt th* church aortal rooaia a profsOsIpaal sword owaDowor. NsshvtUs, Tcna. — -Whan they tho othsr dssd, had not mat for M pattanto bstag w ABtooa Ray Has pa pastor e f BsMeoi DIsli Prael wffl oemqiy •auU la the aaaetuaiy. yssrs. a fOoturo you wUl oajoy. Let A U , OTHER SIZES IN PROPORTIOM Tha aksptleal offleata shaigod hi Both for 25c a«V te »MMM w M amytU»a tef Ite teg —Slhr A O H V K O U n Iho maile will ba by the diurcb couldn't open the rsar door of a the tho lIsBMrtal cknrtt ta Spriagitold wltb dtoordeity ccadnet psadt patrol wagon In which OBOther of- charadag dislghs fat thto J * ^ fhott opsahsr. 'Ihora win proof of Ha f r f* * * ^tha mawibsM win aiag the h ^ you la your see flesr and a drunkw prtaoBsr antvad *0 a ttsrt pngiaai of satartalamsat *tf you oaa show ma that you M police static two efflcars want pattsm a tt tho doss Of tho U. 5P g to t win BMg t h e iS e t o l aa>ae- aad BummsrSummer Pattern m swaQow those awacda'' « to work with a erowlMr, a hamawr Ltsto Bdrtmaa. *Tn tat p and a oerswdrtver. oqprta. Pattara ar akma—}$ j - s n YOUR LOCAL CHiyROUT DIALlR _ Bsyir a a f OMb Pfert They got Uis door off at tha Roy. le M .1 r. lector o f B t PIUM B O^olaok thto •ftswooB ub- Qtrtoy pot ow fata net aad walli .31.49 ktosto-thsB touBd that tha Beer .. Fer • PAnWN of this attxao. I Campbell’s Service Station ehlaF0nto«. a 0 • a • • • erne • • • $1.19 B obtaak taatoM to addtttoa to latch worksd psrfscUy frooi tha to- tiva im M osad iac»la QOOf, your toosaher at ths L BRto fM iB «g h « a r Hoy Boowto WAME. ADDRB88. ffTTlM Nt)M. Out of Gas FM Hre ■NBhmr at a t • • ••• o • • a $1.19 31A5 a f RHI oad a m to TMS 3L a \m e i to craaraR Rvatmci* m e r a S h ill 6 m aad HMor O ik. r ^ ' t RILEY CHEVROLET (X) • 5 T PO A TL^ WATimUf mmsAXJli ... 50e 31A9 . s'- \ ^ ' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. FRIDAY, MARCH IT. 19St IIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. nUDAT, MARCH 17, IMS f ^ A G E B I X wife both are victims of the ''flii".! F. Kelly, ie recovering from tofln- Hla sickroom was closed for ths ad­ enzs In his Lansing hotel. centage of placement for all grad­ -iy0$kimgtoit Dafb90km to put aa enlea bdlb late the GOV. FITZGERALD ministering of the oath as governor tiotui, wouM bd • f*r niopa detor- ground and watch the first amar- uates during the year Ineraaasd 10 Inasmuch os he was unable to come The printing and ptiblleblng in­ 4Umri(e«tfr rniwMi and enthudUatle flcbter thui ald aboota coom up. DAILY RADIO PROGRAMS to the Capitol here par cant over 1087, tbotigh the tat­ RAISING Quotations- dustry ranks fifth tn frequency and tbd OdraAir, beectias for the prea- PRESTON GROVER But os groiMd cannot bo weriMd OF MICHIGAN DIES Furthermore the next In line of third in eeverity of accidents among ant At lamst ha la Inaplied by tha ter was a better bustnaaa year than too oaity, and as many people have succcMlon, Secretary of State Harry Xnntitt|| Hfralb A F A M I L Y not ground at all for gardana, early thirty major Industrlee, ~ oonviotioa that ha U a dtlaeii, a 1088. rn n ea will ba wllUag ta glee By Olive Roberta Barlon March oUU pnasnta poaalhiHtlaa Oonlon te Rely juat « m day after •‘comrade"*—bn entity In ■ great We bear of no. suggestion from Washington — People curlous iDoan and was lying down In for tba young Burbank. An Indoor It ••■Mil «tn «t bed with an tea bag on hla cbest. the UMted States rstuma Ixwilalana Heart Attack'Fatal To Exec- and reroluUonary movement. AKy quarter whatsoever In New about what foreign oorraapoodenta In the spring tbqra’s a kind of garden eon ha a matter at a orla- to France. lUaaiiMiar. Omhl but ha sbowad Uttls dwngs hi hla dow-iill or a coupla at sbnd boxes nuHAi rEHuuioii Wheraaa the Oerman baa been York of the abandonment of trade la America aead to their home pa­ axpreadon. Ha reqelrad tha wrltar magic that effseta the aouL Chil­ —AMtte n n ip , rrmMh dspalir. WTIC OcMral Maiiuar schools. On the contrary, the voca­ pers oversaaa wU be Interested to in the baacmsnt leetnrteg te dm U. 8. RADIO ‘’y alive Who Made Come­ POPULAR MARm with a amlla and, Inatsad of talk­ VMatat OMoMT 1. tin beaten with whipa for yaarn, bul­ dren feel the quickening as well os Yrsvelers Broadcastlag Seivwe tional high school appears to have read dispatches seat''from here ing of hla conditidn, bs began to Reeks WH Help ------_ Day .■Inc OMpt lied, coerced and. Instead of being, do grown-ups. Tbsy get tired of A trip to tha U h r ^ will ha Because there was a thing called Hartfurd, Conn only begun Its career In the metrop­ about news breaking in this country. talk calmly on ths nurrant lamiee Bostera Staadard rima and SELF SERVE GROCERIES and Roildairalid,) Baorad at lha like tba Ruaatan, far mora of aa In­ Not long ago Hirost Salto, for- in whichhicb the Ouan^questk'question was monotonous routine aad long for a worth while. There ire doaens of NRAi which made mtatekea, sveiy- MMMW W. KMO K U M.X 14 back A^inst Morphy. OClea at Manehtatar, Conn., aa olis, rrhlch even now Is bulkUng one easily-digested books on the sub- thlng that even remotely reeemblea “WHERE THRIFTY SHOPPERS SHOP” H Claaa Mall Mai tar.______dividual than he used to be, he la far mer Japanese ambassador to the Involved. change of some sort. Contrary to Bostora Standard rime iesa. The Riimlan bellevaa himaelf of the largest schools In tba coun­ United Btatea, died in bis apart­ 'Before the writer naked' any tba belief that spring fever dulls jecL Seed oataloguea (look up the It need not ba condenmed. ^•w York, March 17—Two week­ MAIN STREET ______RUBINOW BUHJ)IN6 CUStSCRIPTION r a t e s try which will be devoted to educa­ ment here after a lengthy lllneaa. questions the former ambaaaailiH' the ssnass and stops energy, ths ads) will furnish ideas. Don’t get —Jerome Frank af the 8BC. end features put on by the CBS net­ PM. Lansing. Mleh„ March 17.— (A P ) V asa aa Mail .•...•.■*....taaa a serf set free—the Oarmaa knows too ambitious. Stick to simple The last man to Interview him wav d tha Amarlcaa people somo- sight of tba first roUa stirs up the work bid sdleti to broadcasting this 4:00—Backstage Wife —The mantle of the late Gov. ■a M a ll • • .• • ...• • • • a aa that arhat freedom he once had has tion In tha various departments of ttmee aeem to go to the extreme In tilings that grow easily. I f you make .say nolae, madam, .a Maauo Kata, Washington corre­ imagination. week-end. ' 4:15—Stella Dallas Frank D. Fitzgerald descended to. Taaa ..IlH been taken from him. ■Ingle Industry, tha garment spondent for Domel, the Japeneie sentimentaliam, but os wna the Now la ths time that we want to Patten Beard in his book, "Ad­ 111 scream. «S«t T blrin ventures In Dish Gardening" will —Sneak thief who onOared a Boa- 4:30—Vic and Sade day on Ueut. Gov. Luren D. Dickin­ In a conflict between the two, trade. News agency. A translation of bU case In the vote in the Houaa on do things dcfferently. We want to FIret announced to go is the Sat­ 4:45—Girl Alone t a n OF THE ASROCIATED the Guam question'thqr ware sane be worth reading. It la simple and toe apartmeet, and came taee urday Swing Club, which departs son, who will be 80 years old on FRBSC even on a banla of military equality, story o f that* Interview—the atory and get away from the rut 5:00—Dick Trscy April 18. W E E K - E N D SPECIALS Aaaoalaiad Praaa la aaolualtala be sent to Domel in Japan—la In­ and acted with common senee. Custom becomes a burden and we easily followed. “Gardena in Glass,” 1# face with the ooenpeat. after more than three years on the W h e r e t la tha aaa at rapablimlon the odds would seem, at thin time, ON RECEIVING END "His death Is a great loss to Ja­ by Mildred Norton Andrews la an­ air. The other to leave will be 5:15— Your Family and Mlfce Dickinson—like bis predeeeiaor, n tottahe cluded below, along with the atory fairly burst to express ourselves in 5:80—Jock Armstrong Republican—automatically succeed­ M aawa dlaaatahaa eradnad la It to greatly favor tha Russian. he sent when President Roosevelt pan, eapeclally in connection with some other way. * other guide for the amateur garden­ life la too short to make speechar^ "This Is New York,” s program ■at atbarwiaa aradllad la Ibla For quite a number of years the er. "(%Udren and Gardens" by 8:45—LitUe Orphan Annie ed to the governorship of Michigan aad alaa Iba laeal aawa p«b> supplied a cruiser to take back the American-Japoaese relations So let us loqjc about and make If we are not going to do any ' ' using guest stars and preaented in BONE D.A.R. had a pretty good time kick' Gertrude Jekyll; "Beginning to 6:00—News and Weather barala to Japan the ashes of the dead en­ as we need euch a man as Salto to an effort to help the children put about them. rompeUUon with the Charlie Mc­ —I ‘-■Mnrhslr-JF.^ LESS All rlckla at rapablleatlona at ST. PATRICK’S DAY Ing some quite conspicuous Amer­ voy. adjust the relatlona between the themselves Into something of In- Garden"'by Helen WodtU; “The —Harry HopUBo, SMietaig at Carthy hour on NBC st the same 6:15—Patti Chapin S^ngs For Your lal diaaaickaa barain ara alao ra> Japan It one of the three "axis" two countrlea.” tarest Tha stamp album will Gardener’s First Tear” (alao "The Commerce. time. Supper I A c A lot of people who don’t happen icans aro'ond without encountering POT ROASTS nations repeatedly scolded by this wait So will ths Chinese check­ Gardener*! Second Tear") by AJfrpd “This Is New York” concludes af­ 8:30—Wrightville C3srion B a ll aaralaa allant at N. B. A. tafT- to be Irish and CsthoUe stem to very much In the way of coroebacka country. It has a censored preaa. hfodame iM te AppreUettie. ers or the anagrams. Spring slips Bates; "1001 Garden Questions Joy In robust fun seems wlde- ter 15 weeks on the sir. Both pro­ 6:45—Lowell Thomas V|Ma Ina- think, for soma reason that In a —until the Marian Anderaon epi­ Nevertheleis the stories aent from And the aaAnd dls^tch; away before we know I t and Answered” by Alfred C. Hottes, are spre^. grams have had no sponsora their 7:00—Amos 'n' Andy MILK especially helpful to children. 7:13—Jimmy Fiddler ! Maabat ABMHaaa Nawapa»ar Pab> fun llfeUros era have never been sode. One of them was Bishop here to Japan are strikingly m "Washington — President Roose­ there la n>ndltions In - r«Mila I* tba ManabaatAt teenth of March wearing a great bars-knuekla ptinch at the Daugh­ 10:30—Uncle Ezra's Radio Station that’s tht volut” ■arsM. read; earring the remains of a former 'A' Made in Grand Rapids Cxechofiovskla." noUfleaUon that he E-Z-R-A floaring green nackUs—which ters, just by way of a counter jolt. "Washington—T believe In the ambassador In a warship to hla na­ would not speak came from Prague, common sense of the American tive country. but the networks said "no reason 10:45—Story Behind The Headlines nUDAT, MARCH IT one of the cutest Imaginable things Talking to a women's commutes of —Cesar Saerchlnger story bahind to do shout forty years ago—has ths American League for Peace and people,' were the lost memorable "Several American friends of the was given.” words the writer heard from the writer told him It was a high trib­ ★ Solid Mahogany Frame 11:00—News and Weather ^ t o e a . his prototype today In tha non-Irish Democracy at New York, he warn­ 11:15—Legislative News — William tiiest smart now. lb. MERIT LAWS lite Ambassador HIrosI Salto, who ute to the late Ambassador Salto, Ustening tonight: and non-CaUijolIc celebratlona of d t ed bis bearers that they would And lived In this country for IS years who was so popular In this country A. Sheehan P o rk 16 ’ Ooeemer William H. Vanderbilt and was tbs most frlsndly gesture Talks—WJZ-NBC 8:30. Postmas­ 11:20—Johnny Meesner's Orcbeatra Patrlck'a day by woman's clubs, It increasingly difficult In the next os a diplomat. A" Down Back* ter General Farley at Providence, aBnouneas, wltb every Indteatlon of "These words can be taken as on the part of tba United Statss 11:80—Bradley Kincaid FRESH arKMOKED bridge cotartsa and various other ten ireare to maintain dvtl liber­ R. L, Friendly Sons of St. Patrick 13:55—News CROinstasUe ataiearlty, that Rhode hla Arm belief In the people of the Government. They further com­ Ooveteer FltsgeraM SPRING groups—usually stsarsd by blonds ties, and referred to "another or­ United States. Salto had many mented that there were many mls- 'banquet; WOR-MBS 9:30, Attorney 11:45—Dance Orchestra's Maad, by- adopting tha “finest, General Frank Murphy st Baitt ladles Wbo look sxcepUonslly wsU ganisation In thla country called friends among the Americana In underitandlnga between Japan and AM. when a heart attack ended the I and fairest” elvll sarvics A’ Yet only $ 3 9 .50 more; WOR-MBS 10, Alfred E. In groan—and know it the D. A. R., who might better ho ell walks of life. He understood the United Btatea, but the offer of 1:00—Silent career of the 54-year-old Fitagerald lew M tha VMtad IBUtas, baa ra- the American people better than President Roosevelt might become Smith, Sen. James M. Meade' and last ntgbL You cat a lot of wood aorrel and called the Mothers of Fasdsm." others at New Yorl|. Friendly Sons SUITS Mesad amdsney to the staU gov- any other Japanese.” an Important factor In adjusting A special purchase made at the Grand Rapida Fttz^rald rose In a quarter of a ■(#'1 paaa It around for staamroeka and Tha Daughters have been dishing 'ITie writer met him and had e the relations between tbs two cotm- of 8 t Patrick dinner. Tomorrow's Program cCMBant, has mads government Market in January . . so you can own a century from an unimportant clerk­ Brandon suite era made ef have soma new wisaersek already It out for a long Urns to whosoever talk with him 13 hours before trles, as nothing Is nobler than the Sports — WJZ-NBC 10. light­ 6:00—Reveille with Jake and (Tori ship In the state's service to be 949.76 chair for only $39.80. Typical Grand 6:30—Sunrise Special the woolens reguterly faw loa a. eartbr and has removed expressed oplnlooa conflicting with hie death early Sunday morning, friendship remembered In bereave­ weight fight A1 Davis vs. Msxle elected governor twice. He began Shoulders thought up about snakes, and If Rapids styling in its cabriole feet, graceful seen at $25 . . . the kind W threat af the poUUcat axe-man without realising that would be­ ment of a friend. Salto was one Fsrber; WOR-MBS 11:80 NsUonal 7:00- Morning Watch his second two-vesr terra lost Jan. you're real aophlsUeatad you wan­ their own peculiar social and eco­ of teiloijng (with plenty We have beard a good deal of the come the lost talk with him. He of the very beat friends of ths moulded base and delicate stump arms . . A.A.U. basketball at Denver. 8:00- News and Weather 1. 4 ^ ^ TOP and BOTTOM gle one of those stone bottles of 1 nomic Ideas. Now they arc getting looked a little bit pale that after- American people.” all of solid mahogany. The usual fine tailor* WEAF-NB(3—8 Lucille Manners 8:15—HI ^ y s of handwork) yon expect cassa aort of thing about Conneetl- The administration of Frank Mur­ Irish whiskey—and as Uksly as not some practice In the art of "taking ing you expect in Grand Rapids-made chairs. concert; 9 WalU 'Dme; 9:30 Death 8:80- -Radio Bazaar phy, now United States attorney- ■I $25 . . , the fit end cefa mailt qratem. We have beard VaUey Days; 10 Guy Lefinbardo; 9:00—Bradley Kincaid wearing qualiliee found commit the unpardonable sin of It ’’ Big. comfortable, loose pillow back flUe4 with general, was sandwrlched between] ’It btfor% lo^ ago, from atatea a beauty contest and tbs failure of Constructing bridge et Thomaston- 10:80 Uncle Ears. 9:18—Food News ^tzgerald’s two terms. Murphy, at highar pricaal PLUS serving It with ginger ale; or you •60% down and 60% goose feathers . . the * 5 * "ROUND ROASK " 2 ^ Whldi hi mora recant tlmea have Sally Rand to click with her Watertown town llna. Temporary WABC-CBS—7:30 Jack Haley; 8 9:80—Saturday Morning Cnub Democrat., defeated Fitzgerald for] the nawcat roodela end order a couple of quarts of pista­ DInlude Ranch out at Flushing bridge In use. Woodbury. Installing ideal combination for comfort without be* First NIgbter; 8:30 Burns and Al­ 9:45—Women's Clubs Program reelectlon at the end of the Repub­ patterns of tbe spring eea- fnmd A |oed deal to complain chio les ersam—and there you are. Hsadowa la nothing to mourn. For storm sewer on Main street No In­ coming mussy. Choice of heavy brocatelle * len: 9 Oraon Welles play "Beau 10:00—The Wise Han lican’s flrst term, and In turn lost to ■on. No elteretiM ebarga. ffteut MROaraliig poUtleal patron- ill New York bos not Eleanor Holm, the Fair's •gt,, There Isn't often anything III na- terference with treffie. covers in rust, green, or red . . while our Oeate” ; 10:80 WRVA dedteaUon. 10:16—No School Today Fitzgerald when he sought to retain HoatUr Utmt. By Oebrge Rota Aquabells, corns out to ask: "What Route No. U.S. 7—Norwelk. Main WJZ-NBC—7:80 Oscar Shumsky 10:SO—Florence Hale's' Radio <3oI- the governorship. F r a n k t u r t o turad In this sort of thing, but tt I stock lasts. No reorders at this pricsl \VzC Pathape tt Is not tba boat thing has that Sally Rand got that I street About 1 mile of lebiforeed vioUa; 8 Warden Lawes; 0:30 March umn Serving Seventh Term Jtwa or Mobammsdaim or Oontu- haven't got?" She even went fur­ concrete pmvement. of Time. 10:45—K8TP Presento Dickinson woe serving hla seventh tha mwM to aoospt aa flnal dls- New York.—Of ths many Treas­ clsns artrs to make a common prme- ther. Far enough,* anyway, to taint Route No. 13: liedjrard. Two 11:00—Betty Moore. presenting term oa lieutenant-governor since Sliced Bacon lUon of the dvtl aarvlee prob- that Sally's figure never came near tics of making a clowning out of ure Hunts that have aeht folk with bridges end epproeebea over What to expect Saturday: talks on Interior Decorating his first election to that post in 1914. even the "flneat, toughest and nothing better to do on the prowl In the dirornslonal perfection of her Cove. Norwich. Norwick-Putaam 11:15—Dol Briosett's Orchestra He Is Michigan’s first Ueutenent- CSirUtmaa day aome at these same own. The two girls probably will Of WCAF-NBC—13 noon NBC Em- governpr to sacend to tbe governor­ H a m b u r g merit system law aver New York, the goofiest was inspired road from Norwich city Uas north' lbs. ployaa program; 1:80 p.m. Merchant 11:45—Eastman School of Music 8t. Patrick celebrants wouldn't be be pulling hair before long to settle criy. About H nlla of coacrate 13:00 Noon—Omn. State 0>Uege ship, FItsgerald being the stote'ej That problem la juat a by the Werner Brothers the other their spat. Martaa program; 5:15 Youth Meets first chief executive to die in office. able to tana a amlls over It day. The Warners, It eeems had highway .Temporary bridta provid' WATKINS Government Farm Forum lib. Hha tha tn » preaented by tha Meanwhile, other belles at scant Influenee played a strange part In I t Patrick la one of the moat just lost sight of their AdonU star, ed. • R O T H iR S I N C WABC-CBS— 11 am. Young peo­ P.M e a l L o a f plats and the great guni you drapery ere moving In on the aus­ 12:80—Ckll To Youth the change In governors. Ftt^erald daaply rtvarad of hlatortcal figures Errol Flynn. Errol had flown the tere facade at ths World’s Fair. Route No. 14; Bcotlaad. Bridge ple's concert; 1:15 p.m. Interviews armor that wtu stop any coop, cheeking out of bis New 12:45—Theater Interviews was ordered to bed with the ailment to evary Irlah Catholic. He may Just as Eleanor laaued her manlfea- over Beaver brook and npproaebas. ef beat drearod women; 8 U. df Monday at bis home in Grand L«ige. ROLL SBLBCTBD MBDIUM proJactUa—and tha next York hotel end leaving no forward­ to against the bubble dancer, Mar­ Temporary bridga. Wotk tanpomr- Michigan centennial; 6:30 8 w W 1:00—News, Weather, Market Re- not maan anything In particular to ing sddreaa. . port where he succumbed lost night His as M Iew Invents n gun and gie Hart, a local atrtp-tease meen, lly ttiut down. Plainfield. Bridge Club flnale. WJZ-NBO-13;80 Ns- physician la ld . compUcatlona attri­ an American Baptist or an Bngllab The Wamara aaedad their white- over Moosup river aad allmination 1:30—Agricultural BulleUn MlsetOa that wfll penetrate any got In touch with the Fair officials tloQal Orange; 1:80 Ben. Robert A. buted to an illness several years ago episcopalian—but bs Is a moat pro­ haired Miy In a burry. So, with the —not on her own behalf, but of R. I t gniide eraaalag near Almy- Taft on “Progreee Without Defi­ 1:80—Campus Notes figured in hla death. BUTTBR WMM armor plata. Or the burglar- aseletance of a press aervlee, they 1:58—Metropolitan Opera Com­ found spiritual value to the pmple Gnesnor'a. "Give me a couple of vllle. cits"; 3:80 Debate Harvard va WII- Dickinson la in bed at his real- i MOf safa aad the safe-proof bur- floahed an "SOS^' on the wire to weeks," said Margie, "and I can Route No. IS; Glastonbury. Bridge Uam Jewell college; 5 S t Patrick’s pany dance In (Tbarlotte, where he and his Hasa'i a Maeay-Savar/ , Safe' ttmafar Oego.Saia whose patron aalnt bs has been for all members of the Fourth Estate, have Miss Holm stripping all the over Holland Brook. Work abut 2 ^ 0 ■>. offering a fSOO reward to the news' These tickings were program from San Francisco. 2 1 « a long, long procewion of centuries. other gtrla out of the picture." down for winter. Union. Relocation Dnnderry Hatp M en’a Oxfurtlg ^ Pathaps Rhode Maa(ra dvU paperman who could bring in any Thare M nothing In the world Confident Marge also offered to of Route 15 at Masbapaug. 4(4 miles ifvlea law la eomplataly adequate Informatkm on Flynn's whereabouts Some weekead short waves for more mischievous, bsttar calculated take on any other untutored maids of rolled gravaL Work uoaad dowa teiariS f tyiarff filf aiarb' I.M BLICBD protect the stats*a dvU sarvlea that would lead to hU "spprehen who are eager to learn how to dis­ for winter. formerly used on Saturday; 8RO Rome 7:80 Chamber 8TRO> to divide people Into mutually sus- elon." mutte; TV5RC Caracas 9 Dance m tba debauching method# uf robe for the World of Tomorrow. Route No. 30: Hortlaad. Bridge FUR FELT—qoalitr you'd aa- A wing-tip tiM'e on ideal picloua groups, than a flippant dla- An hour after the Wamara flash­ That's tha situation out at Flush­ music; OSD OSC 08B London 10 poUUdana—the methoda, that ed their offer on the ticker, Larry and approaches. Temporary b rid ^ PKt at 2.50 . . . and even iqeref round shoe, ttte touifdi regard for each other*! thrlnes and ing Meadows. It la our Fair's Aqua, Rugby, Scotland va Bn^land. For DEPENDAM.E . . . . . ripe foan legther sweatband^ crepe eolei wear longer. ■ •llaC Bmm BACON L ansployad up to thU time. But Sisk of the Houston Press located Work mut down for winter. mattresses selling 8and^: DJD Berlin 5:80 Ught mu- spiritual rallanosa. bells vs. Ban Francisco's D(n) ude Routs No. 83: WladhaaL NortttCh a dMuld hate to depend on any Flynn on an air-llner an route to Rancher now and may the best girl ttc; PCJ Eindhoven 7:15 Program That's why we ftsl that making Texa^ A check for five hundred WUllmaatlc mad betwaaa WlUlam'a for waatern world; OLR4A P n ^ e Wines ond Liquors ictainty that the poUUdana, Ilka win. crossing and 8outh Windham. About even a half-joke out of 8t. Pat­ dollars Is being forwarded to that 39 0 4 5 .0 0 8:45 Entertainment gun maker or the burglar, won't lucky joumallet. IH mUos of coacrate pavemant at S .S and $ rick's day lan't very amart It'a a Msrae aad re-Moroe Work temporarily abut down. Wtl' » « A t M6d«rote PricBs SMEl 'far tetter Lamryf able to Invent new methods whta But what 1 started out to re. As Irving Hoffman tells tt, the little too much as If the Nssts cele­ cord waa that manhunt conducted Ungton. Bridga and approachaa / ieh to circumvent that suppoaed- pretty girl waa seated with her es brated February. 32 by passing by the FourUi-Eatater In Man­ over Roaring Broedc. PRICa EFKCTIVi MARCH 14-11 patronage-proof enactment cort at one table, close enough to Route No. 33A: New London. New 3 -T h r M il around peiuiy roonkays-on-s-stlck hattan. Five hundred dollars looms the next one to hear tba occupants^ Aa a inattar of fact we don't ba­ large In the eyes of city room toil­ London-Norwteh road (Mohagan WDRC [ R o a s t i i i g with the monkey In a white wig, sounds and conversations. Aa a avenue) about 1 mile at ooaerete. Spoftffag't Shieer Hose it la possible to protect the ers and all of them put forward matter of fact, there was no con­ 889 Horttaed, Uaaa H offow oy*t representing George Washington. their beat efforts. Through traffic will use present LEXINGTON tlve funcUons fo govem- versation at the next table. There Route No. 83. toetero 8tea8ar8.TM They telephoned every bistro were merely sounds. PURE t against sxploltaUon or even boniface they knew and legged It Route No. 85: Ridgefield. H mile to— v EE 8ILVRR PLOCm The two men seated ■ there dH M nr 0 ption by any Automatic de- GETS HER CONSERVATIVE around to all the retreats where o* rolled gravel and box culvert at BEDDING ' Friday, MaNh IT SCOTCH 4 X S U G A R seemed to be nervously tapping New York state line on new loca­ P. M- CIN CATSUP SAUERKRAUT whatever. There Is a means When Michigan went "conserva­ Flynn bad been seen at one time their plates with tbslr knives. Bud' ^ or another. Tbey called the friend tion. Because we were ({uiek to alD> 4:00—Man’s Oierua— Notro Dante r » » IverytUng pnii w«gt ta a protection, but U isn't an auto- tive" at last fall's election and sup­ dsnly, the girl’s sacort picked up a •Sr of a friend of a sister to the man Route No. U. 8. 44: Ashford. cept 8 special offer made by the Univeralty . VO Rnoof Fifth 95c ateeWng, UcIntiM a awriiit IpBtle coq. it doesn’t depend on kntfa and started .tapping, too. One 4:15—Bt PatriMt’s Dgy^Measago— 2 .0 9 b o N planted Governor Frank Murphy by who aat down at Flynn'e table tbat Bridge over Hope river and ,>p- Holman-0. D. Baker 'oomp«itye to prloaf B yin airo laaWng of the members of Hoffman's party proeclMS. Temporary bridge. Can­ Bamon DaValara ftom Dub- ifce tmpregnabUlty imparted by choosing Frank D. Fitxgersid it night last September aad they ware —wbo used to be a railroad dis­ 'ou may now have your Lex* ria^Ms s(lk in entoft c»pr Mien the beat of. aU possible laws, In direct contact wltb Mr. Billings­ patcher and knows tha morse code ton. Simabuiy. Wlnstad-HnrtfPrd B want further to the "right'* than It ngton Mfittresfi and Box Bareard*s Merry Min- 9* ley of the Stork Club where Flynn —tedd that what went on was ai road. K mile et graval M ifata. Nqr- ? tt la tha alsrtnsss and stesdfsst- knew. Along with FItsgerald, aa hangs out. Unfortunately, none Spring in • $80.60 to $46,00 stuls.' S m m I f O I sm ^ 3rir,5r""“ ”" followa: The two fellows were mak' folk. Repairing rioraa damage about 1 U ly Pm h iu I BiitfBr Maas of the electorate In choosing bis running mate, the Republicans them shares In Sisk's cash reward. mile west at Norfolk Center. 19.75 gndfi covering! The nukers 8:00—Ad Linar. Fr^ SalfiiM Craekm ' Ing remarks' about tba pretty girl, 8:80—March of Games. the right kind of elective olflcera. nominated Luren Dickinson, habit­ Aa for the Wamere, they found that thinking apparently, that np one Route No. 88; ProepecL Proepeet- collected «U the short suds of their anxiety woa well worth $800 Naugatuck road. About 1% mllaa at 0:45—Tbe HIgbty Show. WHISKEY_^^^, P)or that there la no substitute. ual lieutenant-governor, who was else knew the Morse code. thsas fine tickings in tiieb riiop 8:00—B«eo Reporter — Newa for all the newspaper space they It just happened that the gentle­ Mtumlnous macadam. i * b . > There are only aids. even then In hla eightieth year. got. Routs No. 74: Tolland-WUUngtoB. . . enou^ for one to six mat* weather. 2-K>. box man with the girl was a railroad 8:08—Tbe World of Sports—Jack Atksrtos "DeUnte" 11. FItsgerald was fifty-four.' executive who had come up from Bridge ever WUUmaatle river and tresses. Rich damasks; star* ^lH^e Seim eed SMk Seltet Cliyesy Reputation approacbea Temporary bridge. BbUdsii. 1 HOW STRONG IS RUSSIA? Now FItsgerald Is suddenly dead the ranks. He knew the code pretty dy stripes. Gorgsous cotorings 8:18—Howie Wing. The most conglomerate throng Route No. 89: Aslffafd. Ap­ and Dickinson becomes governor of well. And whst he tapped bark . . beige, blue, .oichid. Unen. 8:80—**roday," with Bob Trout RYE Walter ^Duranty, well known to gather at the milkman's hour Is was; "Lay off, fellows, she’s my proacbea for bridge over M t Hope 1 . 9 9 U bby*! P illtb u iy Bm I Michigan.'He Is 111 himself and per­ that 3 s. m. coterie which jams tan. green; contrasting and 8:46—WDRC String Ensemble, S a le ! 1.RO N gw Suprgmg press authority on Russian affaire. w ife " river. 1 mila aoutb a t WarrenvUla. to o —"County Seat" starring Ray haps wlU never actually function LIndy’s on upper Broadway. When Route' Ne. 91; BSostford. Bridge matching taped edgea! Lim« Is convinced that Russia's peace the lights have gone out on madxa Oottou. M o a ffe o ffo CORNED BEEF as chief executive of the great state Skmet Ooidl and approslcbas at Bigelow Brow, ited quantity of each. Meet 7:18—4mm aad Ahnat 4*Gore aUp FLOUR CRISCO time army now embraces, without lone and the sweepers clear the Keepers of restaurants now bsvs temporary bridga promad. in §oe4 Quart of Mldilgan. If he does the state street for another dawn and day. earlyl 7:80—*^ondar 'Show** — 'Jack counting certain supplementary ele- discovered a double source of In­ Route No. 109: Themaatna. Oob- Halay— Ted Plorito’s Or* RYE lOOfroof-S^OW Is likely to get fully as much "con­ Its patronage Is s cross-section of atm tlng 1% mllas at Mtumlnous ■nents Ukt secret police In city bar­ the Broadway populace. come. When the dining patrons cbMlbn. servatism" as tt wants. He Is, like have gone horns, theae roaourcefu) ynacadam from Wigwam reaar rolr racks, at least three million men. Dignified actors and actresses, 8:00—“Campana First Nightar." Rod C re w a i5=* 0 8 * FItsgerald, a property-rights cham­ bontfaces put epicurean notions out east. 8:80—Burna and A)I«n. better armed and organised than it song pluggers with mile-long col­ Route N a 158: WaterfOn). Ap­ e 3‘”H>. can pion, only a gc4B deib more ao. A lars off *nn Pan Alley, denizens of of tbclr heads, hide tbs fragile 9:00—Campbell iHtoyhoqw. 9Q Pro«F . rifih p M fto groatef •#•- was thres years ago, and so confl- chlnawars and convert their premis­ proximately 1 mile at Mtumlnoue , AcOO—Grand 'Cancel Statlan. GIN Jma or aMtonlilary professional politician for many Ether Lane, racetrack followers and macadam highway, from Jordan vU- |c .dsat of Its own strength that ita es Into night clubs But they make ! tO.'tO—Prof. Geo, Roes Wellx''— p derelects, play producers and film IC 2 4 ^ -L b . years, he has alao been a farm own­ sure first that the chef has gone lago waoteiw- "rhe Good and Bad of Com* 7C leaders refuse to recognise either stars and magnates, all take adjoin home and retired to bed. For good Route No. 167: Simshary. Bridga peUtloa.” t HoH PIceolliio ' W l-PWnS Cu ...... 1 7 * er and ostensibly a "son of the Ing booths. •Cur* • • Fear ftaw y and the Japanese or the Polish army as chefs are temperamental about the over Hop river. Work clooed down ■ 10:40—Organ SUbouettes. XO sou." Which was hli poUtIcal etoek The waiters ore the sauciest on CdtexTypa •era tte. Uses 38-44. • R potential opponent. The only Broadway. Tliey are not awed by clientele they serve and are unwill­ for winter. UrtX)—Esso Rspoiter — .'lerra RUM comparisons they make are with in trade. He is the kind of "con­ ing to share their glory with a hot- Route N a ITS; Bouthbuiy. Oon- WMtiMr. '“ 1 . 2 9 servative" who would be Ukely to famous faces, having seen enough cha entertainer. .- FURE EGG NOODLES the armies of Germany and Franca. of them, but .their knowledge of atnicUng new brtdn aad ap­ U:06--*ldal^too ffoble's Orcbaitim. DILL PICKLES solve any labor trouble after the proacbea at South Briuta. UAO-JinuBla Dorsey’s Orcbeatra There bee been a very general their customefs* tastes In culinary UffM)—Ben Bernie’s Orchestra Hitler fashion—turn the job over to night-caps Is uncanny. Ltndv’a eerv- Route No. 175: Newlagtaa. Bridge Saimt Patrielfs MapoaiUoa to think of. Soviet mill- ee a brash American rulMne. It aad approachaa ever nper brook. I8A0—Ordiastra Dag SmeeM C a^rSprliift some reglmenu of aoldlera with Trmporary bridga Cahafdkwa/ Seteatl CaSI lory strsngth os having waned isn't anything fancy but the cheese Conditions Of ' ' llously since the much discussed belts fuU of baU cartridges. He Is cake has become a famed delicacy Route No. 177: T en n ewli Program. ' IbribraiiPilblOril one of the most extreme of prohlbl- A. M. ■ ■ . army "purge" of 1987, but thU has between here and the Pacific Coast. villa road. Bridge over XO* 1 State Roads TAO Sboppera Special. JOHNJAMiSON , ,0* Uonlsts—« national vtce-president In fact, many an ex-patrlste of the river. Work abut dowa fOr winter. Bmmimf pnobably been more In the nature 7:|0—Brno Reporter—Newa OXYDOL C A M A Y S O A P of the Anti-Saloon League. Rlslto often pleads with Lindy’s to Route N a 18L Barkhamsted. OVALTINE If wishful thinking than of either dispatch a eheeae cake to Holly, ODoatructloa In force In the State Pleasant Valley bridga ever Want 7:80—Sboppere SpedoL « 4 T e a ia Siylem ^ So If Michigan really wanted a miSH'^SfWSKIY OU Qxtetl tiformatlon or logic. Now, aa Hit wood by plane — just to make him tk Connecticut announced by the branch at Farmington rivor. T w i- T:00—Baro Reporter — Newa "conservative" governor the re­ feel at home. Comieetlcut Highway deputment weather. 3 STAR M ill $ 2 .4 f mfu flgiitleas victories have brought V grettable tragedy of -Governor Undy'a earned unwonted nation­ March 16, 1939 for the week ending Route N a 818: Oroton. Noank- 8:00—Sboppere Special. lie authority closer than over be- 8:80 Bmo Rqwtter-News. iSmiwZr J ® ® al notoriety some years ago as the March 35. 1889. Wsat Myatlc road. 8H tettaa Mtu- MdOiimi 81m ...... $c FitzgeraM'e untimely death has Cl osed For Constnictioa— SA8—Oonaole Oontneta SauD59 S i x ...... $ 3 . lore to the RnaMaw Ukraine, the restaurant whence the late Arthur mlboua macadam klghway. z * given her one-^wlth a vengeance. Rothsteln went to bis death by aa- Detew Presided Route N a 818: New Hartford. 9:18—Montana BUaa 5* pMstloa of wbether or not tha 8o- Bsaalnatlon. But the atory la on Ioil Route No. U.S. 1: East Haven Bridge aad approachaa ever Napaug Box Springs Barvlca . ilct Union will be able to atop him Iktee Ptkee BffaetlY* At lU a A lP UqMr Etant SeedHe* GRAPBPRUIT PLORIDA ORANGES L u c Snridto ORANGES now and its faithful customers cut-off. About H mile reinforced ilvar. Work. Mint down tor winter. •AO—Fiddler's Fancy. laeomca one of Uvaly tateraot to the TRADE SCHOOL SUCCESS aevar even mention It. Out-of-town- concrete ^vament. , toKIO-^atlaaal RUjMfilly (Sinin- •ect of the world. •vs have vivid recollections, how­ Route No. 8: Seymour. Bridge on $ 1 9 - 7 5 doz. 2 $ C d o x . *' The guidance director of New toAO-FBur Cggnera Tbaater. IN MANCHESTER In nccuroes and In avmllablw ever. and never fall to ask to see Broad street for York CttiTa vocational high school iM t aasm (at same oet* UAO—^ - Terk Pkfibannoaie 8 ths exact spot where ths gambler Rente No. 15A; Portland bridga RuoalR Ic tor stronger U n a ) aat aha eaaerVaa 8*4 Main Sheet t^eL 3822 reports tbat in 1888 the number of sat before be departed to hla doom. over O n 's brook. —Tha eanrt T o w PMpte*B Coocart — BROOOOU- D^CIOUS APPLES ran the widely expanded to . . ottheaeaw L E T T U G B 5 graduates. Including both girls aad No route numbers: Bridgeport whOo tko'pet krowad aad a etvtt AAO—Koto 8mii^ Whether tt Is equal tai or- boys, who were placed la Industry Rooseoelt street bridge. CUatoo. trial enoounterod delay. This rib of contention out at the Bridge on KeSaeytown road sn<< one- », M. ixinch 4 lbs. 2 5 . 1 he^h. 1 5 « 1 Bd armament is. of A t U a m. after a 18 ml t:Ifr-A d liner. numbered 5,073, or 85 per cent of New York World's Fair Is ths apape half mile of rolled bank run gravel. eeoa a eouat and racouat ef something eC n aaystery. tbs whole number of graduates. In Adam gave up when the matter of North Branford. R ^alr* to wooden ben taeae totaled oa^ elevoa. % Ii6®-**ljtop9rter — Newa is ens potet on which tt aome Unas of training, such as aax appeal first came up. What to h rite on Totoket road. eottit martwd ttaM Jar 88 ad " RAISIN BREAD ^LBSOi^DRO^^^ do about tba famlatna aagta out Stores n fs to flfuro—that the prtntiag, tha naadla trailaR OanaBrntdIia T iaBle Matatalm thw reemeed to8a. aa whet mobtygomery thereT (3rovar Whalen Is gravely Route No. 8: Glastenbuiy. Bridge SM*8I8 IW M RR tMdhrtdual, Mia Mary B. MnWmma tali ZAO—Man AgnbiS’ DMUi. ■arctal art, dressmaking and pow- non-committal, but than have bami and approaches Dear Roaring B N d t Ha U t Oat hark* a aiv af WATKINS 2 1 5 . Ngna a totanat at Tompotarjr hrUfa. WatR Matt Bx to M $ « * •"‘f- .--K- '■J jV t lM j Fort Ma n c h e s t e r 'EVENING h e r a l d . Ma n c h e s t e r , c o n n Fr id a y , m a r c ^ , ids* S. Janalnn of tba ■taU SuprwB* aastst or build up aa aggreoaor. We Bridgeport Chordi The junior boys’ room will be Ooort of Errors, msnibw* of & coin* have learned that when we delib­ A funeral maee waa celebretad by THE MORE YOU BUY THE MORE YOU SAVE! Gathering At Orange HaD open from B to 9 o'clock. CtNtEft 'PRM<--- art of Err erately try to legleUUve neutrality, Rev. James P. Tbnmina, pastor ef ed Then h Waridiiie. IB anplatetng tba bndrada of Deisir Sksrif. IPlMlOD which BubmlUad oltoraot* problama whlA waca aoUrnd la eon- The bowling aUeye ar* reservsd siitBor totxrtf bOla, w u Inrltod to our aeutrellty lews may operate un­ the church. Mrs.' Arlyne Garruty aU svsnlng for Mr. Palmer. evenly and unfairly—may actually presided at the organ end sang the struetlag tba Abaauda, Woods ra- Bridgaport March iT— (a F)— A pri^rem of specialty dancing Hm MMlon. tetad tba dUrianlUM aaoouatarad la Kaighte of Columbus throughout The women's plunge period will Xho doy »l»o w«* oirooctod to give eld to an aggressor and deny soloa. The body was takaa to the re­ Buffalo, N. T .»(A P 1 — A young and musical entertainment w u pre­ be from 7 to t o'olodc. Pbwan, wyo., March 17—(A P W it to ths victim. Tha Instinct of ceiving vault In St. Jemes'e ceme­ asronautleal engineer who created ^Isdag tba two aigbt and ana-half JACK FROST pS OoanecUcut and the nation today bring » meeting of the Houee-Sen- eelf-prseervetlon should warn u« feat aaU-alreraft caannwa. sented at the regular meeting of The AU Stars srtll pruttee bea- A rlffa-wtea peau at ifyomtaff aad bte ci^ereee on the duel job liill, tery and in the spring will be burled whet a military expert termed the amuraed the death of their supreme ketball from 6 to 6 o'clock. that we ought net to let that hap­ In St. Bridget’s Mmstary. Tba bear­ To obtala «” »*T**rT aCDelaaer. Seandla Lodge, No. 33. Order of Moatoaa afficara gatharad today to ■telemeted for Mverel weake m • world's ‘‘most strtkl^ dcvslopmsut” tba oaaaoaa bad to ba plaoadte iSa ohaplein, Rt. Rev. Monalgnor John Tha Shamrocks wllf preetlee bas­ tMult of dleigreelng ectton between pen any more.” ) ers ware, Welter, Cain, Raymond Veee. at Orqnge hell last night be- ketball from 6 to 6:48. trbek doau a raw mast eating, Another mqulry wee whether the and William Mahoney, , John Dll- In Sgbtlng plaoss modsstly dlstslas- of tba ablp. n la amda It 4. MeGivney, who died sudduly last fora a large ettendence of mem< the two cluunbere. The conference isceauiT to put the prapoUsM night In the rectory of St. Charles ununlttee mid they hoped to meet United States would rseognlse Gen­ worth end John KHroy. ed the feat reeently by saying he bare. WBBT BUM. sstffaasnLs^-s eral Franco's government In Spain' "merely oolleeted opinions end eon- bladdad and rsvsrt to Um ’>ial’>iahor" S U G A R 5 church of which be wee putor. He Mlee Faith flpiilene presented nemetlroe during the nftemoon. Today: Tha Prasldent replied that the Loy- solidated them." type of craft 69 years old. ouUaw and flghter In ‘The Oklahonu KcACHI^^i^C^ Booree of BUle Senpped WITH 82.00 PURCHASE IN OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT Kid, ebowlng at the State theater beginning next Sunday. Mvaral tap dances. Miss Marion 6 to 7 Clifford's Men's Shop teem sllet government atUI had an am- Thus did Robert J. Wood*, 84, But the eaglaee oould act ba .Plena for honoring at hie funeral SpUtena also gave a Up dance end will play e besketball gams. Ootamr Ray Baatoo of pu k UUrnlly ecoree of bill* were bassa^ m Waahlngtdn. - just ten yeare out of tha University placed back wltb tba propallara or J aervloM the spiritual director of the the talented ststers appeared In e dumped^on the legUlatlve acrapbenp ABOUT TOWN 7 to 8 Women's badminton cteu Durand, 38, flxU Ha also ttotad that tha United of Michigan end chief engineer of the Blip would bo tall haavy. A spa- SHBFPIBLD ' national orgaalntlon ware being duet erf soft shoe end Up dencea. In the gym. 'SMOifCS. thru rtwti at UadaralMrtff D. M. during the day aa the reault of un­ etatci bad a diplomatic represen­ Members end friends of Lady the Bell Aircraft Corporation, dee- del long moaaUar abaft arraaga- furthered by officials of the Knights CAniOUEITE CHOSEN Miss ijSSiUs Kshler f^sve s tsp 8 to 9 Junior ping pong and pool VMrYlt. X . B ^ ^ Ttnm Marshal (Sartu a favorable eonisjlttee reports. tative te whet remained of the Loy Roberts Lodge, Daughters of St crihe bis deeignlng of the United ment aolvM Uda dUBculty. of Ooiumbue. * NATIONAL FRUIT CO. deuce end also eang, while Miss matches. Uwto of PewoIL ktUtag Baku m* The Senate agreed to reconsld?r alitt govsmmsnt. which, he said, Btetee Army’s ‘‘Alnmuda." a twin- The problam at raooU from tha Monalgnor McGIvney, who was Imelde Vlncek appaered In an acro­ still controlled many miles of ter George, will have a bingo party 7 to 8 two bowling allayt reserved ^ U y aad wemidteg hunt. next Tuesday a Waterbury bill Tuceday evening at tba home of engined high epeed monoplane which heavy cannoaa w u met by attach­ ' I a domeeUc prelate by the lets BY TOWN COHMITTEE NOW IN BANKRUPTCY batic dance number. Mies Ann for Mies McCollum's group, Dunuid opsoad lira on tha twa o<- adopted yesterday after a stiff bat­ ritory. has bean nicknamed “the tiger of ing them to tba notofa wfelcb ab- I Plus XI In 1983, succeeded bis Tha Presldeiit would not enswe' Mrs. William Lawrence, 148 Hollis­ Evaporated M ILK »»5 Strickland w u the eccompanlst end 8 to 10 four bowling alien ra- /itM c o J . toan whan they dron up te tba tle which mw that cltjr’e two Demo- ter street. the Bky." aerbad tba abook. r, the lets MouelgBo; Patrick the program w u wsrmly applaud- urvad for the Lebanon grOup. *•“ 8 tosu «fjite Huwtt five telteB eruUc senators, George T. Culhan# a queatlaa whether he thought de­ Mej. Gen. H. H. Arnold, ehlef of Tba reuaa wa awuatad aueb SALES LOlITEDt ”Me01vBey u putOr of St. Approved By Domocrbtic sd. and Edward Egan, opposing each velopments In Europe might pre­ the Army Air Corps, recently told large canaou la tha ship w u that rlpa church hers and u supreme Now Haven Firm Wma One Of vent the King and Quaea of Eng­ Captain Herman Schendal of ths Gronp For Poat Of Deputy U m soclel oommlttee. consletlng other. The measure would extend Manchester police force will be the a Hoiisa appropriations committee tha moat effactlva wtapoa a ga ^ t .plain at tha IjCalghta of Oolum- Large Purchaaers At Tho of Herbert EMnson ae cheirmen, HM« GC£N-<* the time In which property owners land carrying out their proposed In Washington tbs alracuda wee Boxing CommiMiOner. ROOSEVaT DELAYS trip to this country In June. guest tpeaker at ths meeting of ths bombara )ma baaa tba aatl-aireraft DAVte bua In 1938. Another brother, the Local Auction Market. Mrs. Cterl Hultin. Mrs. John Miller, -----OV iMUNOeRyWy oould pay sewer asseesments, Manchester KIwanIe club. Monday the most striking example of air­ gua, but as alrMaau wars ahia ta SEAL OF m Kr it late Michael McGIvney of New Mri. Helen Armstrong, Oscar John- o2Sy& aipwep non-controverslal meas­ Aetieii postpoaed ^ - . W e PMrty Oa Hiofl at 19:18 at the Hotel Sheridan. Ha plane development of the pest year fly highar, tha « n c l« » y of tba guna HpveB who died in 1S90. wee ths ijxi, Rudolph Carlson and Herbert ^bCy-PKr.,7,/f/2>70*«Nf ures Its tit** by the Senate was a bill The Senate postponed action on anywhere In the world." t>r. Georg# A. CaUlouatte, area The Netlonel Fruit Company of COURT APPOINTMENT will talk on ‘‘Doge," e subject tn deersaaad.*’ Woods dladoaad. ‘T da- BAKING 1 founder of the order. last night backed by the Democra­ Bangaton, had charge of the pro- «ais»jpsL!?',ar: tacorporatlng the Travelers Life In- eontroveralal provialens of tha gov- Csrrlee Two Can none State Chaplala U Years New Haven bu flled a voluntary pe­ ITTAnie WMNmcic ^ rifle tab40M te tba lalL Ha hsfl aurance Company with an author­ which be la deeply interested. The cldad ta taka tbi aaU-alreraft guu tic Town Oommlttee u their selec­ arnment reorganisation btih today ettcndanca prise will be contributed The flve men ship carries two up whara they would da the awat PEACHES #*• Monalgnor MoGivnay had urved tition In bankrupts in which It lists Another aocial will be held at the ..TMorSCGflOL ahorad m iu aboofl oT u m m mI ised capital stock of ( 10,000,000, aftsr several members bad Indl- tion for ths office of deputy booing llabllltlee of (14,478 end sssete of Washington. March 17.—(AP) — by Russell Potterton. entl-Blrcraft cannons, four machine good.’’ POWDER u atate chaplain of tha KnighU of commission for Manchuter. Hla April 30 muttaig of the lodge, end OPeiWrtS rttodF yjNflr'cWdflt' MN8N8 jH08S • t e ^ ^ tba honaa plaaned as a subsidiary of the ceted oppoeltlon. gune and has a trameodoua oruUlng (8,528. the oommlttee will also have charge President Roosaveit's delay In fllHng f^velera Insurance Company. The Tba flrat taat ahto roDad ant cw a oelnmhw for 38 years before be- name will be sent to the etate box- the Supreme court vacanav croated ¥#0N t**FRn8 FOR flM'ceNNA*n!KMflM$9P( Orabbte two mors rUtet aqd • On motion of Senator MoNary In order not’ to conflict with a range. It also has a large supply of ooailag aubrsme chaplain. He The Netlonel Fruit Company w u of tbe 37th anniversary celsbratlon tokpwyk own Um raiieh hejea ‘ hUl gees to the House. (IL. Ora.1. tha minority leadar, the hangar ready for flvbt o u aad tag commiealoaar aad it te axpacted one o. the large huyen la tba Man­ speculation on Capitol HIU today PRSSIMNr MANCHBSTBM SPMffl* CUIR gathering of another Italian eoctety, aerial bombs with time fuses which half yaara aftar wooda draw N. Y. STATE 1 aUidiad at Niagara Ualveralty and that tt will ba approved at once. The te May. Duraafl wont to a oagblMrtqf Also adopted was a BenaU btu charobef delayed until Monday a explode like entlelreraft ehelle when chester Auction Market te put sea. that a "dark horM" oimdldata might the officers of the Sente Lucia so­ hU original plana, Tblrtaaa mora at BL Joba’a Bemlnaiy, Brighton, committee made the selection It wu announced that e joint In­ be named te succeed Jiiatioe Loute providing penalties for the deatruc- vote on a provtaion axamptlng a ciety, have decided to postpone dropped near enemy alrplenea. sons. Representatlvu of the com­ stallation of oflneers of Group No 1 mn of plants upon which wild ganm score of Independent agencies from ara undar eaaatniatloa u “axparl- 1 S P A M Maaa., and w u ordained to the unealmoua The quMtlMi bed been pany would come to the market on Brandelt, retired. their thlfd annuel banquet, which 'The beevyset and jolly Woods meatal" craft APPLESAUCE prleathood In 1896 by the lets Considered for the part month. at Um Dlatriet, of wbtoh Bcandla is feeds. tha proposed■ Praatdeni ■■ lual power to "consolldeted'' the ideas of 800 Charter Oak place when the market Borne senators often taken into ^trick'll dav, tha jaatfoa Oan cl reorgenlu Federal bureaus. waa to have been held on April 16, And, w tfn atlO mablag chaagu BIMiep Ludden tat Syracuse, N. Y. Because of tautniCtlOu received a mamber, will be held in Hertford JUSTICE BirriER NOTEJ this eoavlncteg procadeot: The Senate concurred with the for one week. It will be held April Army experts and 48 dviuan dsalgn- Re w u bora tat 1870 tat Weter- opened for the etrawbcrry aaeaon on May B wfth the Providence de- the president's eonfldenee expreeaed Rouae In adopting a meaaure trans­ Other devslopmente In Washing­ and Improvamaata,’’ tba young an- from Vincent J. fluUlvan. state ad- end would be among the first buyers surprise at the delay aad profeaaeil Hte fathar. who bora tko bteh 28 In the Bub Alpine clubhouse. ere, drafteman end engineers Into bury, the youngest of 18 children of mlalatrator of WPA, Workera not fljw team prasanUng the ceremo- iy^ ..te abia to ferring from town oSlclale to the ton: ths alracuda. glnear added. In the fall wbeq tha fruits aad cauU- to be ta tba dark u to doralo name of Patrick, ateo w u boro i President Roosevelt said the ed< ■ X V * Falnsfc tfni Mary Lynch McGIvney. to to polities, tba raaignatloa oteL At the buaineee session, it waa mente. HIS 73R0 BIRT1DAY at. Patiioh'a day. Commlaaloner of Welfare authority Company No. 8 of ths South He worked over drawing boarda . * 1 flower arrived. rated to teersaw (teeth beneflt dues mlnUtratton was trying te aolve tha I reeetvad bla aarly aduutlon In of WUUam DaHaa aad Bernard Sul­ Among the creditors listed is the Even mors punUag. aom« Mtd. to kuptag with tbo boaaatao. tba aver the deportation of paupers who cotton surplus situation without Meneheater Are department was (or eight months before the flrst of 4 25 »-jj a public acboola of that city. livan, timakeapars 6a WPA prajaeta from $1.00 te $1.S0 annually, aSec- S East Hartford Potato Growers' As­ were reports that tha White Roou are non-resideate of the state. bankrupUng the Treaaiuy. called on a atlll alarm at 10 o’clock ir.ora then 80,000 parte wee under HOSPITAL NOTES 1 CANNON BRAND—ALL GREEN here, were received. They were Uva next January. Wartitaig^ March 17—(AP) — Faseed under suapenslon of the this morning to exttngulah e chim­ construction end a yaar and a half SEAL OF MERIT SLICED \ sociation for (1,908. It w u not poa- ...... — had sent word to the Bonata ysater- Bimrsma ^ r t Justice Pier ButiU, Treeauiy dieeleaed that tn- members of the town committee. aible, under tha plan at the Men- day to expeot an appointment late rulaa in both chambers was a law eoma tax ooUection In tha Srst IB ney Are at 111 Middle Turnpike, before the test ablp waa complete. AU IS IN READINESS RhMa tatend beat, eruplng bent, wkeu fsaulogy te u IrMi u the Dn^bair a( thaflfl parmltUng Msnlal inataad of an- Bast. He started hti job when a 80- cheatar Market, to secure goods on in the day and aubaaquaatly had no- Bhamroeh, celebrated St Patrick's tha Dularottea at : days of March ware about SB per Admitted yaatarday: ‘niomu and CMiadlan bluegrau are the tifled Senate officiate that thara nual slectlona In the town of Sims­ cent below ths same days last year. word military department "dtrec ASPARAGUS PINEAPPLE credit. Each person iw w iw « pur. best grasses to pfant in shady dw to becoming 73 yeara old. t^oaO^bradi tfl —. Lucaa, SO William aatrut ebsM slthsr paid by cash or chW . would ba none forthoomteg ImnniM fte ir adwcatteai 3 'wart bury. The Prseldsnt told reporters he There bee been a larga advance tic" said a new ship w u needed for Diacbargad yaatarday: MOtan FOR JOINT BANQUn PAPAL COAT OF ARMS pteeas. etely. to the event snyom cballengso hia waits for B femate to •propoeq* to Ths House romped over rough hoped to make an appotntmant to sale of tiekste for tha annuel St. "eusteined attack" on botUle air­ right to hara a birthday on 8 t to tutan: ifl Nowaah, 4U FKm m v itVMt. tw y Wtte laamitor. abed a bill which would have pro- tha Supreme Court soon. Patrick's Day family party to be craft AdmliM tadayi Oaraaea T ay 1 2 25« biWtad anyone receiving a salary of Senator Hatch (D„ N. M.) pre­ held In St. Bridget’s hall tonight, The catch was the word ‘‘susUln- lar. 81 Itow t atraat 2 2 0 * 1 AB4Bn«i4UiaB Post Aad Aar ADOPTED BY Fills XD $#.000 or more from engaging in pared for Introduction In the Senate •nie comedy, "Tha Luck of the Irish' ed," which Implied the plans must btaahargad tadu: Edward Fits- iUbry To Hold Tho Affair the poultry buelneas unless iasued a bill making It a falony. punlahable will be presented at S;1S end at the not only b* fsst enough to overtake arald, Bralaardird Flau; Tbenma Mo- Tonorrow Evoalog. a Itoenae hy the State Department by a year'a Imprlaonmant or $1,000 close of the entertainment there bombers, but able co stay tn tho Slaim, 10$ Ron atraat Vatican aty, March IT— (A P )— of Agriculture. The mambere adopt- line, for any person to engage m will be refre^ments served. The air a long time. O n tu : 74 patlanta. Pope Plus Xn adopted hte papal coat ad aa unfavorable report after A dm turkay auppar will ba aerr- of arms today. poUtteal eetlviUae designed to Itner- esat bee been drilling for several Made Bosgti Daalfa It w u laearractly rapartad that •d by tba AuxlUaiy oommittae at bearing an explanation that the bill rare with another person's voting weeks In preparation for tonight’s From Interviews with flo or more a son w u bam Thursday to Mr. and PALM OLIVE The aeal been the traditional I sraa “claea lei^latton.” ights In e Federal alacUon. '»"!«> . tba aaaual Joint banquet of Aader- tiara and crossed kaya under wkleh entertainment end a flnlahed per­ Army man on what they thought Mr*. Elmsr Borst of 718 Mala ■Ob Bbta Pott, VFW, at the poet Te Enlarge Military Camp Tba House Ways m i Means Ofim- the propoaed airplane should be street Tbs child w u a daughtar. 17 ja a dov* baartag aa oUva braach. Number! Number! Whose Got A Numbw? formance Is promised. homa, MaaebaMor Graaa tontorrow A hUl reoelved by ths House mittee voted unanimously today to able to do. Woods made e rough r S O A P ? J tanpoaad on a background of aky, OXYDOL avaolag at 6:80. A program of aa- would permit the state to enlargo exclude farm labor, domestic help design of a thip and aubmltted It to earth and srator. T U meaning la I and employea of wlliniii i lieillililii Washington L. O. L. Social club A watch coatalM aa avaraga of tartatauaebt b u bean arranged aad Ibe military reaervatloa at NIaauc. the Army. It -vu accepted and the dlaUut parts, aroductioo of peace oq lead, sea aad In tha air. •It would allow tbo exchange of 3S and non-ipreAtymaUtutlonsfftnn-any wlU have an all Irish Night tonight 180 dancing wfll ha anjoyad. Maaehaa- In the social club rooms. The com' work reaUy started. which raqutrea $700 aaparata opar- tette Gold Ster mothera win attend A motto which tha Pope’s eardl-1 acres of the Stone finch for ISO rsvlalon of tM Social Security Act Aealetanta srere essigiied to work Kingan't nal’a eaal bora - ‘‘opu juMttea pag” acres adjacent to tbs northern which maykb made in this aeulon mitta bee made every arrangement aUoaa. CTw Giant Tiger 4 CSfil tbs baamat. ‘La m art willwui oaba marts by aiam- mu ntn^ peace Is the work of jua- boundary of the rsaervatlon. to hays this night a auecesa and ties -wu mteatng from tba paprt •*Figure It Out For Yourself!” Other biUa reported favorably bopea that avary mamber will at­ or tba poat te hav* would remove state fire wardana tend. Refrashments will be served. 1 PIGS' FEET ^ S i COFFEE RwaMad R. aaidwlB. who will la town for tba avealag at the Paociste bad bald that tbla motto from the merit system, end give w u tba aqulvalaat of Premier Mue- broad leasing powers to the Eorest A special train, going west, ar- Highland Park Ooauaualty club OBITUARY ampar, to can at tbs heme for a aOUaTe "paaca through juattca** I and Life rtvad at tha Meneheater railroad stO' 1 CAMPBELL’S HOMAR BRAMD FANCY 1 formula. ' Bills passed by the House and tlon at 9:3S and remained on a eld' $nr adflutea before ratunitaig to aent the Senate Included; „ Ing until the 9:38 train went seat. A n n o u n c in fir t h e _____ Olvlng the Ukrainian Catholic DEATHS Tbs train atartad from Pomfrst and ------1 ef tba post aad auaU- Bamlnery at Stamford the right to waa carrying etudenta home ftom PORK dt BEANS CRAB MEAT taiy bowBag tanara aad awmbara of Mra. John Mmar tha BrttMi W u Vateraaa poat aad OFFERS TO SPmSOR f e H y Saves at Everybody s Market! grant the degree of bachelor of the school In that town to New l im it Mia. John Millar eg 1I7B Boule­ OPENING onaUlary unit hoivlara vialtad the FREE DELIVERYt RflSlRVBDf arts. Tork. for tha vacation period at the cans beau after ths bowling last night Baqulrlng Industrial banks to Sle vard, West Hartford, who was fatal­ school. 1 REOTAlBYNEiatOl DIAL 57211 a statement of their condition aa of ly Injured when struck by an auto­ 1 8 * '■ Mm gopbls Aaderaoa haads tha Bept. so with the bank commission- mobile while abovellng snow In Saturday MBUaiy cemnUttea wotfcara aad Elmer Weden, of tha J. W. Hale VtoeOommaadu Nathan MUler tho OWWR rOUR COMBINATIONS BY NUMBERI or by Nov. 1 of escL ymr. front of her home yesterday and Corporation, Is a patient at the Mo- Boaton, March 17.—(A P) —Miss died before reaching the Hartford of boat oommlttoe for the banquet to- Margam Hatflald, preaMeat of tha Both branches adjourned until mortal hospital. Hie condition wee 1 HEINZ’S CUCUMBER SIZE CAN SUNRISE ■trrow aigbt 11:18 s. m. Tuesday. boapltel. spent her mrlhood In Maa- reported today to be serious. paaceadante of ^ American Ravo- f cbeeter and Is wall known here. She tetlon, Uheral offshoot of the Sou wee the former Mlaa Martha Ann “ “ American According to eatl metes, much PICKLES PPMh PRUNES Itevolutlon, dlaclcaad today tha m w Metchett and her marriage to Mr. more then half of the fur germenta Sylvia’s Dress Shop WER HiUmWBWblUN i [ N O . 1 HniER CONDEMNED Miller took place at St. Mary's organisation hu offsredlo sponsor sold are made frqm the Inexpensive • 20 Depot Squars • to Marten Anderaon, Negro . _ ------itNG. R1- Episcopal church, the late Rev. pelts provided by cate, goats end 1 1ar|e jar nUED SHOVIUNG SWW COQtlWtO. 1 1 O'UlcM or lowo Sfoto BuftorB^yrH BY UNITED STATES Jaoob Biddle, rector at that time of- sheep. Scleted. The wedding reeeptloa waa 2 2 5 * A t the aante time eba uld the (i" Lb» Plc9,) Tofloy Too ro* • 5-Foimd Clo^ Bog Jack Froif$ii9or i Hartford, Itanb 17— (A W _ group wm Invite Mrs. FnakUn D. OF In Odd Fellow* hall which before A flicker, on Flibers Island, t Featuringr _____ Beoaavalt to boeoma a member 'of wSftSrSsiBF'"’"“ '***v I, «, n*. ,,*1 m nwifM lT, 1 Sguot Con Sliced Bincopolc...... FOR USE FORCE the fire wee located In what la now N. Y., unable to And a suitable MM. Joba laner of West Hartford ^ liijurad tetany lu t night while the deecendante. Mra. Rooasvalt ileflflstofliaL the House end Hale building. nesting tiu. hollowed out e dleh- Women’s. Mlsseg Biid Chfldran’i MEAT DEPARTMENT recently crltlclaed a national organ- (OeattBoed from Page Una.) Mrs. Miller leevsa beside her •haped nest on tha ground. BbowMbw uow in front of her taatloo, tram which aha said aba •[NO. 3]— — — i husband three brothere, Richard w u rartgateg, bacauu It refused to * ( N 6 . SHORT CUT CHUCK OF CREAMERY TUB Mloemaa Vlacaat Hurihut aad 1 Lofta Cui Swfft’B FsBcy Contod Jtonf! > 0 ^ FOR the republic of Czechotlovakla at­ Metchett of Tucson, Aria: David $1.95 to $12.95 larmlt Mlu Anderson to sing in 1 Largait Nte 2H Ca« FRUIT OOCITAIU I t N O . 5 ]* tained lU Independence, the people Metchett of Paterson, N. J.; and ’ Dresses J. Kaagaa mid aba w u struck Yaablagtaa's Oonttttuttam ban. Tha 1 Larga Caa Araioar’a Comad Baaf Haaht t o aa aidomeblia operated by II an BALTDOBI (t»M M b) BOm BOB of the United Stales have malntaln- Joseph Metchett of Belfeat, Ireland. Both Cotton and Silk ban la ControUad by tha Daugbtera « I 1 U w N N ..| 4 C m FEACRRi!«*CSBB 1 llteraANUTiUTriwT ad specially close end friendly rela­ She. also leaves a sister, Mrs. Mery R t o P. Byaa. Jr„ 31, ateo of West cf tha American Itevolutlon. tions. The position of the govern­ Neill of Tucson. Mrs. Mery Matebett L a m b E n t t e r »*fri!io8 FSiSftr,S5SaBf'*- of 336 Centar etreet thta town, w u quoted to tba oOtoara u 1*1 ffirt.’oRAiSK' ment of the United States has been tba woawa had ahovsisd ______nude conalatently clear. widow of John Matebett, Is e sleter- mgtim In-lew. Gor-jus Silk Stcx:kings oaartdsrahte aaow into tba atraat PROTESTS DESntOYDIG T t has emphasised the need for w u atebdlng In tba gutter at respect for the eanctlt. of treetlee Mrs. Miner waa e member ef "> • 1 2 ^ tha tbaa. and of the pledged word end for Btorer Chapter, Order of the,East- THE EliOKIMI 79c and $L00 OF MISSION SCHOOL] non-intervention by any nation In era Star, of Wladom Court, ‘oMer It Oak as. wkne* «a«> the domestic affairs of othsr na­ of Amaranth, and tha South Con­ tt|t|»s8«ftB Cirri* TkFRtrt BONELESS COTCK GENUINB SPRING LEG OF , . IBT OF naffiPORATORS tions: and It has on repeated occa- gregational church. Her funeral — 9t of laeerporaton. lacdui^ tba Tuaaday te a Japaasaa alr| ctvtUsaUon. —BIte Of eevsral loot) laauraaea 1 2-Ppui^ Jor Pure JAM (Any Flovorl) ' * ’■ n c u tlraa, waa attaebad today to Tba" ABMrteaa''>chnreb . ®*7 A y-Lb, Foelmga Edueofor Toastorattat G •The Imperative need for the ob- * tba Mn ebartwlag tha Hartford Ool. aervance of the principles advocat­ 2 3 * (■ p to cM ) laformad tea Haakow ^ Annoar^t Milk cunnjsni ATBragaStofPOBBds.23 life of laauraaeo new pendlag la ------obMteteteat tr ■ Its“ BL — JamM - acboel —' "totoar totes arftoa tony ateaa la flflat n o U B B trO D T ed by, this government has been I With Each L0a.Hg. Educator "Ciox" * ^ tha Oeaoral Aasamhly. ^ Im lsd to tomto. la tea part fru clearly demonstrated by the de-* V-. The eenaga win epea neat gap- iteo dam thru ef tea four IcllaM| ^ [ N O . s y ------valopments which have taken place temhu aad win ba operated te eoa- j r ^ o ^ af tea mtartOB haubMB INlEC]'------during the last three days " CUT UP FOWL Jnactiea with the Hartford Oanago .BOTH FOR w a 101* Relations Being Considered SAUERKRAUT Law. It win be tha Bret dtbru T U Uteted Btetee eonoul at| AOaBBlBa BOTR FOR Welle said that questions with re­ Bting aaheel Is this eouatiy da- Haakow flrat prataoted Msreh 9. gard to United States diplomatic each ^ entirely to lasuraaoe tasbtie- >ol8tlag out teat tea Japaaaoa I Olimbaka Bakina. Dish and relations with the old Czechoalovak been advlaad at tha tocatkm of tea government ere now under conald- 3 * ^ 1 0 * Aamrlcaa propartlao. i, |A Larga Pcwkofls ftcydol eratloD. naarty 1,000 mtlu up tea Tangtu Secretary of the Treasury Mor- from Bhanflbal, ‘ genthau, be said, would have an an- R U N *WHiiE im iir BBUncement to make, probably to­ FANCY BEETS 2 b u n e h ^ morrow, with regard to the trade Pure Preaervea U tD E IIS ARRESTED YERY LARGE GRAPEFRUIT for c agreement with Czecboalovakie. Tomato Paote 5 25 Answering a question. Writes de­ The Poet*t Coluinn j clared he had nothing as yM to eey Oenl OehteeTiniu, March 17 — on the question of Czecboriovekle's rro™*'*’ 2 Ih. hr (A PI—PMIU Baigt W. F. Kay said . ■ « • M x u e n DAT I SpoundsIS debta to the United Btetee. •uea fBaa. thru of srbom wore uni* •wort Joy of ttao, ob tend of Mrtb. LARGE LEMONS SforlOe Welles' strong statement wee 2 * r 7 * fortu rtiaUu te tbeu of Kart storm Tour prtdt It dwaOs oa on tbo iaeued. he said, despite the fact that tpoepeu aad carriad Htaratura of aa earth. 2 pounds 9c this government has received no WStlW or CIDER BBECR.NUT—VACUUM PACKED anti-Bamttie *terblte foonf*, were ar- ^ flay or (ten atways bo JUICY TANGERINES 2 d LARGE FANCY LETTUCE 2 hoods 19c attitude toward recent developments to tiM uatfotBMd men tevited (tea- •[Na 181“ (te ^ htert had of Hmofald but that PhllUpe had not advised the moo to 'tenlte agatert Jowo". Aa la- i t j * dtnvtment ae to the rq^ly. wtrtigstlMi tato eauoa of tbo flgbt grua, PANCAKE EYnUP! (Raealarly 88en The Praaldeiii. aa hie prase eon- WHIPPED CREAM FANCY OINMBR waoairaagod. WbuB Joy hao bo«L 2 Lsa.n^.wiHnM 1%S imaca, told one nswmnan that he PANCAKE f l^ U R i a o ? S l ) heUavad revirion of tha neutrality .3 T \ bom b r t ^ forth a . law could ha-worked out In con Puiia Rolls A U , r o t ...... That oaoo w u oora; tho ■ teancaa tnstpad eg hla reoommeeda------Maicb 17-.(AP) [ N O . 2 0 ] late W O . 241* ttona for daang« balag put in the —Tbora Who ae *tesarte’ • of tbo When old aad young, 1 Largfl Caa goUd Wkfta Maat TUNA FI8R! ■"■•■"^""[Na aoi* turn eg a maHBga to mn. LABB* ^ todto te tbla tlay vUtega day * . , D0U6HNUTS vb Largato Siaa PUcfcaffB BI8QUIC11 m m with tbo temad bteh S M Bute. Aad grart aub otbu oa teMt 1 Caa SARMNES (Nanroglaa ia F ^ O I i Peand WALNUT MEATSaBbtete wraidgohey I22.J* PwBMiyl- J to Oil) ~ BOTR FOR Aad B lOe Jar dMcelBto D E C O R C n n ! heyowd tha aetia ptavWea CRULLERS^' M S * JELLY C A . tw te e Ortcb oowtiy aad tbara’s Baoaou tbay pnyL iJPott^ BULK CQCONUt 2 9 * that baUgenata pay cai$| art aa IrtahaMa ta town. BOTH FOR •SPa^*1a i iL CUPCAKES^ ROLLS *"1Q * *• WXIXUM UOOttK. ■•aeaaeaooa ■ a a BO^R Few ..te'e#***.*,.*»*$ MAMiauansK cvutlM O HSIULD^ MANCHEgTO, OONM. FRIDAY, SIABCH 17. Ittt

Circle Saturday Only sqolrrsl saw Pstunl* and daatiei tlqiartiiisBt, *Ta that’ tt’s BRITAIN ORDERS ENVOY BIRDS jom FORCES for the nearest sanctuary, arhieh easier to spell Incorreetly than ear* greens of cooked beet tops; salad of was the pole. Tba Urda acattersd recGy. TTi* m l* should ba tba la* • SERIAL STORY POUSH-AMBK CLUB grated carrota on lettuce; gelatin. Invents A Sun-Dial to nearby treat. Joined In htirll^ aaiaa." Sataiday HONE FROi GERMANY TO HATTIE SQDOtRE invective at the intarl^ar. Pattmla, Btom* fkxr our orthogTaphlcal calmly settled down at th* bMs ot corymt fT . tsss, TO SPONSOR DANCE Breakfast: Wbol* wheat carnal; -----irlaad product would not As Good As A Clock the potq, and sedmpd sathnw d^ peeularittaa. he said, can ba laid ea ^MRS. OOC' NKA MIIVICC. IMC. A Week’s Supply coddled eggs; Melba Toaat. produce a superior effect. The only fraai Pag* o**.) Winiam ths Conqueror, :whaaa Lunch: Baked squash; atrlng bean JackaonvUte, Fla.—(A P ) — Four aaralt dwelopments. BY TOM HORNER reason for using It Is that It may scribea thought- they arere property First Social Affair Of Organi­ For (lood Healtfi aalad; olivea. be leas objectionable to the patient DtSas-rWhen htr tfaetrle tin*-^ many’s aatl-«arotUe drive. He has lM« r atop* bacwiM of a power Woodpeckera and a doxen aparro***- recording the phonaUeal BngUsh sation To Be Held At Armo­ Dinner; Broiled lamb chopa; than the ordinary variety. If kero­ not returned to Berlin. language when they weren’t. Tha chsrsctera sad oltustioa Recommended bm k. Mra. E. K. Mead cao step called off a aeven-day dispute over atranded at A done*. Grandma ry On .April 22. steamed carrots with parsley; celery sene U used at all. It la beet diluted. May Retara to Parts posaesalon of eight holes In the top “Quick,’’ sold Dr. Crolfsant, rwas thla story are wholly flctlonsl.^ By Dr. Frank McCoy and toasted nut aalad; apple aauce. Into her farden. look at her aun- BLAMES EARLY SOIIBES Frank fall and broke her hip and' However, I recommend that tbe Although no almllar step by of a polo to form a coalition against origlnaUy apeUed cwle. H m Nor* CAST OP CaAKACm s •BAKED STUFFED APPLES — dla] and react the atcpped dock cor­ Alan bod to dash off to the hospital. ’ A benefit donee sponsored by the tcalp ba stimulated by maaaage, the rect to the second. France was considered Imminent, a aquirrel seeking refuge from a mans put In tbi qu." ALAN WAUtEN — AmMtlow D.AILY MENUS Remove the coroa from tha dealred application of ice, and frequently She may bo the only In sources close to the Foreign Minis­ cat. F(Nt WRONG SPELLING He believes almpllflad apelUag la ymoMf cooBtry doctor. He said to tell you to take me home. members of the Polish American number of apples. Discard saads. John Msthar Ckavtar, woman You will, won’t you?" Dr. McCoy’s menus suggested for brushing. Proper cleanllneaa through the word who can do this, for she try aald that Robert Ooulondre, The bird dispute started when the the solution. The time will come, he BM ILy WABREN—Ala*'* wife. Athletic club will be held In the the week beginning Sunday. March Next scoop out aa much as possible i-egutor ahamfioolng Is also neces- TO THE POSESSNM Da Hnlay, wOI attend la t|ie first to have a aun-dlal that French ambaosador to Berlin, might 'peckera returned from a tempor­ apeculated, when you can spell a 'ERIC RANE—Oo*ati«Ctlon "Probably. But I don’t want to." state armory, Saturday, April 13. 19, 1939: of the apple. Run the scooped out aary. These measures ar* probably 9L Mary's rtmreh will Bhow exact clock time. Her return to Paris later to give "neces­ ary absence to find the a rro w s in Washington— (A P )—Dr. De Witt wrord If you can pronounoa It. gtaMCr. “Tben I'U get someone else. There Proceeds from the dance wlU be portion through the food chopper safer than the application of kero­ ore at loost flv* eligible becbeiora Sunda) ObUgatoiy Boaday) huaband. “Sky" Mead. Invented It. sary explanations concerning recent holes they had hewn. For oeveral Clinton Croissant of George Waah- DR. P A R R B U ^ A ta a ’a eMoviy used to create a fund for sick and Breakfast; Poached eggs on toast­ with nut mesU. Heap thl^mlxture sene aa the latter it generally uied OF CATNEDRAL NAY U He la executive editor of the Dallas events." daya the sparrows held out, but who’ll take me home.” Emily woe Tha tavttotlaa was ington university advised Ameri­ Lick Observatory was complet* Injured members of tbe club. ed cereal biscuit; stewed raisins. into the apple shells and bake in s at home by an Individual who may Times Herald. Coulondre's trip, however, was not yesterday the woodpeckers re­ teasing him. The dance U the first larga scale moderata oven. Serve hot or cold use It too strong and thus Irritate Itov. J. a NiOL U m boya cans young and old not to get an ed In. 1888, but James Lick, its Lunch: Clanned com; cooked brtas thair aMthan wlUi The Invention top.* a min-dlal his­ expected until after the state visit gained two holes and were 'appar­ yeatmday: At * pMty at Aloa’a "They will not," he answered, social event ever attempted by the beets; lettuce sal.'id. with cream. the scalp. VaUcan Q ly, March 17.— (A P )— ently planning flanking- maneuvers inferiority complex they can't founder were placed ijx a vault They ar* to mast st tha MaaimH tory that goes back to the prophet of French president Albert Lebrun Rrte reveola Ma worry oboot hi* half angrily. "Alan sold for you to the olub and if succesaful will be Dinner: Roast beef; pumpkin Isaiah. In II Klnjcs. xx. II. the old when Petunia saw the squirrel. spell. within the base of the telescope The Vatican announced today that '. " * n ^ promptly at lOrtM a^sloak and Foreign Minister Oeorgea Bon­ dam. |tot*r, to blmoett, he eo*- go home with me, and you’ll do just held each year. It will feature both (canned); eggplant; carrot and ap­ QUESTIONS AND ANSU-ERS Teatament reads: net to London next week. French Petunia la the cat. Very soon "The trouble with our spelling." aa a flttlng monument to Ijis that, and like It.” (Hot careol) Pope Plus X II had art May 18 for Sunday atenlag. Pram thmra tb « said the head of the university’s memory. • hl* worry abo*t Bmlly, •■- Polish and American rhythms and ple salad; gelatin. (Using Beroeene) "And Isaiah the prophet cried unto quarters in Paris expected It to be after Petunia aaw the squirrel the 'Tm sure I shall, Eric," she said. dancing and will being at 8 o’clock QueaUon: Lottie C. writes: "Try taking poswsslon of Ui* Ckthsdial wUl auuah In a body to tba rtmreh. .ether BMui's wife. He la I* lov* with hlonday QusaUon: Henry B. inqulrea: as I Wll, 1 can not gat my live the Lord; and he brought the shad­ only the' cover for a "atop Hitler" In the car, she snuggled close to to laat until midnight. o« SL John Lateron which la tha All majority membora aia m a d ow 10 degrees backward, by which Breakfast: French omelet; Melba "What la the affect of using kero­ healthy youngstara to eat hot mush conference. him. The perfume of her hair left The Tedrig orchestra, which la pontiff’s See a* blahop of Roma. to attaad. * . It had gone down In the dial of CHAPTER DC Toast; apple sauce. sene on the scalp T Is the deodorised for breakfast. They eat the cold It had been dlscloocd earlier that him tingling. regularly featured over Station Hla Holtneaa also decided to cele­ Abax." Lainch: Apples or oranges; milk. kind any better then the ordinary cereals which come already prepar­ mrOB NPOOET BEBOa i BR Britain and France were consulting A scene from the new Republic production, "Woman Doctor." star­ Work brought little peace to Bhic "Brr! It’s cold." She chattered WTHT, Hartford, every Sunday kind?" brate maos In St. Peter’s baalUea on The instrument was a sun-dial, afternoon will furnish muatc. Dinner: Meat loaf; cooked celery; ed In peckagea without any ^UM. la Moaoow.— (A P )—Now and the event an ecllpe<- of the sun. on a possible protest over the dtaoo- ring Frieda Inescort. The companion feature is "The Gun Packer" with Ks m . Evan *t tha dam, whera a her teeth In a mock chill. "Just the Esstsr Sunday and afterward to Jack Randall. Members of the club ere cooperat­ raw cabbage salad; baked apple. Answer: Kerosene has bean oam- it all right to let them go on using ort that at Oytotois, wtalcb astronomer* now date at lutlon of the Csechoelovak republic. hitfldred man toUod Uka gaJlay olavea kind of weather you've been asking Tuesday monly used as a aealp aUmulaat; these cold onea?” bisas Ih* crowd ta SL Pstar’a British Prims Mlnialsr Chamber- to carry out his ordera, ha could not for. I hope you get your flU of It, Mr. ing In making thla affair a success. -chak Boldflalds of Ws eS9 B. C Since then many things Breakfast: Whole wheat muffins; however, U the undiluted kerOaeaa Is Squar* from the haloony what* hs mlnoia tumod. up a m, have been added to s\in-dlals. Sir lain yesterday expresoed his bitter • Bmny. Eric Kane, while the reet of us have The MIsms Felicia Pletrowakt and WM ofownzd iMt SiindAy, Anne Mordavaky are co-chairmen of butter; stewed prunes. weighing 18H poonda. Francis Drake having one with a regret of Oermany's Imperialism In Germanic millions into the Reich. ? MAKING blKL JEALOUS ^ like era’ll make It, Uhlef." to freese.” Lunch: Cooked string beans (can­ tide table, star map and survejdng taking 10.000,000 Blava under her Chamberlain was expected also to WINS WIFE FOR MAN WM at hla elbow. 'Hiay stood "Heater button right there on the the dance and ’Ihomos Gleason, An- tbony Gryk and Alphonse Buebow- ned); raw esiTot salad; milk. Instrument. protection. He hod founded his show a firmer attitude In tonight’s th* •ngtaM*!*' offto*, nigh dash In front of you," Erie aU ore In charge of the ticket and Dinner: Mutton chops; buttered Small nadget Does It. hopes for peace on the belief that address before the Birmingham Denver.— (A P )—Miles Bruns­ th* dtvwrrton dam, looking shortly. A good offons* la tha best beets; lettuce, celery end parsley But never before. It is claimed, Hitler wanted to rule In Europe Unionist Association on the eve of wig of HalgIsr, Neb., wrantsd Lu­ th* gr*vol trucks, edging defense, be thought. poster committees. Victor Haponlk la In chorg* of publicity. A large aolad; gelatin with whipped cream. was there one which would read only over Oermanlc peoples. his 70th birthday. cille Stuta to marry him right out akmf the high trostls, dumping “All right, grumpy. Would your clock time. It has always been pos­ Asked today If Britain had pro­ Some diplomatic correspondents away. She said no. their load o t ston*. then rumbling oommlttea group ho* been selected Wednesday disposition Improva any If 1 aheuld to Insure the efficient handling of Breakfast; Coddled eggs; Melba sible to compute clock time from a tested yet to Berlin, Sir John Simon reported the speech would reflect Brunswig went home and put bock to tba gravel dumps, piled high slngT-Really you don’t bav* to be sun-dial. What Mead added I* a a gradual abandonment of the a note In the local paper he had I the dance plena. Toast; stewed epricots. answered a questioner In Parlia­ along th* railroad track. Unmindful mean, Juat beesusa 1 oak you to tok* Tlcketa for the dance may be Lunch: Rice; cooked carrots and small attachment which reads the ment: prime minister’s appeasement pol­ married another girl. Mias ot danger, awn wortted at the edge m* hom*." S E L F S E R V E "shadow" In clock Instead of sun Stute took tha next train and secured at tbs Polish Amerleon taa; raw celery. "That Is ona of the matters on icy. ot th* trestle, guiding the gravel in­ "I’m not being mean. Just smart.' t h e ORIGINAL IN NEW EN6LANDI time. Stronger Policy Imperative demanded on explanation. She | Athletic club or from committee Dliiner: Broiled steak; rutabaga; which we are In oommunlcatloa with to chatee, to spUl It over the dam. Emily mode no ansirar. Inotaod members. spinach; vegetable oolad prepared Thsre is no figuring to be done. the French government." got It—there wraan't any other It Is only necessary to push a pin Even his own adherents were girl. “Pay tboee men out tber* double," she loaned against him, bar 1 with galatto; no deeaert. which sets the aun-dlal so that sun To ReBeet AtUtode said to feel that a stronger policy Erie orderod curtly. "And keep them on bis ahouldor, and oloaad bar ayos, Ilinrsday toward the Fascist states was Im­ Denver friends now have there. Any reports on the westherT” POOR YIELD time and standard time are the Chamberlain, speaking In Bir­ heard of her marriage to Bruns­ a plctura o t partaet oontontmmt. Breakfast: Waffles; small slice of and Health Mark* same on the dial for that day. The NEWSPAPERMAN MEAD mingham at > p.m. (3 p.m., ea.t), perative If he were to remain In of­ “Tenpersture rialng steadily,’’ Eric gloncad from tba road ahead hroOad horn; applesauce. fice. wig. i Atchison, Kao.—Bean Lawrwca new device which makes this set Makes Sundial Reading Simple. was expected to reflect a hardening :------■■ a: **Spi7 eo«ta m little to Me for ell Baker answered. "But w* con stand of him to th* tut of her aoaa, the Lunch; Baked potato; turnips; ting possible la an analemma scale. British attitude In an Important Absorption of Cxcchoalovakla—a bektaf sad fi^ g «** that. If we don't get rain. long eyalaabea, tba omoU curia Invested 1100 In th* soU, found It lettuce wlad, didn't pay. It raatsns, like a short slide nile. day. The dial can be set for any declaration of foreign policy and to process that began when Chamber- • x e «r t “I f tha rsin holds off for another around bar ftoalMad. Dinnor: Rosot pork; oookod to the pivoted metal "ring," a flat, Ir.la put hi* signature alongside In foreign affairs, compared Brit Whll* visiting a farm loat foU h* longitude and the scale for daylight, meet opposition clamor for bis sin’s action to President Roosevelt’s **And what a dlfferanca you’ ll lee .’* declaret week and It may—all that mow She hummed aofUy to haraelf, celery; spinach; salad of grated car­ SATURDAY SPECIA curved atrip of metal common to lost a purse containing that anjount. standard or any meridian time resignation or scrapping of bli con­ that of Relchafiiehrer Hitler at Mu­ order of lost Nov. 14 to Ambassador Kdna M. F erfu to n . “ T ou 'll And that baking: wlU bt BMltod and post tbs dam. If but aald nothing more untU they rota and calory; apricot whip. •aun-dlals, which carries the hour* wanted. ciliation program. nich-brought Germany Into the ind frylna tha Spry way maann tehder, flaky It tslns, and rains hard. It's going turned into the driveway of her It apporontly was plowed , undar. Frtdny Hugh R. Wilson to return to Wash paatry>>-crlip, tatty fried foods— light, dell* and aUnutes of the day, and along The prime minister probably will new role of an Imperial power with to ba Just too bsd." home. Recent rein* uneovored the wallet toaaktest: *Baksd stuffed apple » * e Green Stomps Given With Cash Salat. A dally check for a year showed Ington, a gesture of American dls cata cakea. And how easily they’re mixed.” Holding only $40. A $0 bin was vrhlcb the shadow of a tAln wire never anre than one minute error face a barrage of queatlona on nearly lO.OOO.tXX) Slav eubjects. "Brio—tetepbona!” on aoslatant “W ont you eoma InT" she aokad. with oraam. prograaaea as the sun advancs. approval of Oermany's antl-Ssmitlc found nearby. He charged the last at any time. When the sun was Csechpalovakla In the House of Those Immediate developments drive. dtoutod from thb'offlee door. “Alan should ba bars ooioa.“ Bb* Lunch: rrsneii omalet; ealary. n e analemma scale resembles were possible: to erosion. Hale’a qnaSty high the aun-dlal was always right. Commons Monday. "The recall of an ambassador for Ibnfly’a votes coma to him ovar tumod to leav* tba ear. Dinner: BroUed flah; artlchokaa; an abbreviated calendar of the Liberal Oeoffrey L. Mander gave the wire, giving him s pleasant months, and Is made so that six The error came only when the sun Some form of universal conscrip­ a report Is a method Introduced into ’a brand new, grand new EASY recipe for 'Don’t go, Emily. 'Btsy Just was low on the hnrlron because notice he would oak Chamberlain tion of British manpower and fur­ international politics by Roosevelt, thrill. "You’re coming down for the minute. I’ve something to teU you.' Milk Breod Lamb Legs ' ^ 2 5 months fit along one aide of the then the atmosphere bend* the ray*. to consider negotiating Immediate­ 2 ioBvgg 9c time strip and the remainder on ther acceleration of British rearma­ Is said, " i f they expect any results Country dub dlnner-donce tonight Just os arell got it over now, Kane, the other. Pushing a pin moves the Mr. Mead spent two years, using ly with Soviet Rusala toward com­ ment. from It In London—well, let them do Eric. Alsn and I won’t take 'No* tor Eric told himself. Then oha’U not ba months and days of the analemma his garage o.s a workshop, to per- bining with Britain and France “for Military and ministerial staff what they can not refrain from do­ LEMON MERINGUE PIE-try itl on answer. You’ve been up st that colling yon to come down again teeie to the proper position for the fact the new dial. A. ll. 8. patent Joint action In restraint of aggres­ talka with France. ing. oM dsm sU weak. Pm having a fow Maka tba break. It cant burt h*r. Jelly Doughnuts and Pot Roasts current day. application has been filed. sion" in union /« dlrtt^ balsa Sts wte mani la SaoUe bollw. sat esak I “Pm begging, Eric. Pva counted It to the man next to him. As the Laborlte Philip ‘'J. Noel-Baker, Hitler’s latest action aroused. Brooklynite. Out dropped a flO ssa; -d --i. c«i. —so digestibis a ^ild can cat it. she be eo beautiful? Hs wanted to check and a note. on you so". She sounded like a small look sway, but be couldn’t. Fowl ____ drum passed down the line, each In­ however, told Sir John that the Leaders of the Labor party, how- . *SS wuta sam sUfl. bat aet drv- AM a i^ andssBT (slisat I And notka Spry’s crMSMaerr.CookingaB* child. you’ re sure ot Armour's Star Hum dian rose and sang four songa. government "will hhva luilveroal sver, expressed their determination The note explained the writer “It Just can’t be like this. It Isn’t NARCOTIC DANCE hadn't made enough to be taxed— iCTDoa BigBi^ MM la noonwaiy inw oww r j is naaiate at m ti parts for 381 homtomaki^ schools say Spry’s “An right Pn tty to moke I t But fair to AJon. He’s the finest a "The chief passed peyote to each support of the House and tin coun­ not to Join any government under so marveloutly creamy it mixes Uk* magjc. alnger as he tlnlshed." try If they represent to Berlin that Chamberlain. but be waa enclosing 8S from him­ don’t be disappointed If I don’t get Pve ever Imown, EmUy. And he’s so Roost Veal namn SMT ra MOL Tty Spry today. Save money, get dw )*lb. can. tber*.” H* oiwd hear Emily la u d ­ Pra.ver* Interrupt Singing such acts of aggression render Im­ self and 85 from his wife for Uncle caps gftsd aB-perps* flow great and. honast and boaorabie getting hetter Prayer* on behalf of the alek In­ possible normal relations of friend­ Sam because he believed everyone H tsaspQoa salt ing, doUgbtodly. that h* thinks sveryene rtos Is that Rindlest Bocon DISMISSED DERISIVT.LY ^M|fclsato,tlb.M«i.AlMSisblt«> town toe "Pina," sha sold. “WeH wait for A M t Edicalion Leader De­ terrupted the singing at Intervals. ship and good faith between Ger­ Berlin, March 17 — (A P ) — Bri­ should pay something to support the ^ tow «*4 ^ .tg s ttb w . A U H 8^s^!SipSS tosUCTuTg way toa Pm iiet. Alan saved my Hamburg 2 Wilson said. Although he does not many and the rest of the dvlUaed tain’s summons to her ambassador government you.“ lb * know b* would b* that*. life. He’d do It again—avan It ' scribes Strange And Se­ understand the Uto language, he nations of the world.” to Berlin, Sir NevUe Henderson, to ester. I tiMsisniis w * lias. <------’----- ‘ And Brie ta*w It too. knew—" liread when heard the recurring word "Jesus" The tenor of questlonr In Com­ return to London was dismissed Although cooler than '‘the out­ S o r v ^ ^ OonlHotlng thoughts need tbreoBb “P a w If he knew - w h a t Ertor^ Armour's Pgro Lard and other Christian references. mons reflected a general hardening derisively today by the Deutsche side sir, the InterLpr of the Great «hortaiitn g~ Brio’s ertnd as ha drove toward Her voice thrlUed hkn. cret Rite Of Utes. "Sometimes." he said, "a tea of sentiment toward Germany as a Allgemelne Zeltung as a futile ges­ Pyramid at Glxeli. Egypt, Is ex- to m . H* triad to think ot tks dsm “That I love you, BmQy." brewed from peyote Is passed at the result of the Csechoslovak coup-- ture. cecalvely hot, due to lack of venti­ (AC sm isressa i to Ih ttt n e tp n m * IrwO —famsmbi r to ten Baker about tbst Somehow sh* waa In Us anna, "OU ask tor.. Gropofruit Jqieo 3 ceremonies, corresponding In the especUilly becatiae It brought non- The publication, which speclalltea lation. (Ctn W ts fs ilii S tn rsrtM)—* ——■ TRIPLE-CREAMEDI low ensk b*ak up strssea—If water her faoe waa cloae. Slowly, da* J commtmlon cup, while the peyote It­ book* up t b « * It win out oH Hherately, Brie bwt, blase d : a ; Btlt Uka aty.—(AP) -A WPA self represents the bread. I tasted tothwagr—bob th* awtor of hto-e*r Ups. Na. 1 YhS oaa “ r r a " ' , ‘ education leader who epent the peyote and found It very bitter, ■an# "Bmlly, Bmay” and bar fso* Then, almost roughly, be puahed ^atx aontha alone with an isolated like quinine." danoad out beyimd th* h**dUgbto. bar away, raachad past her to open Land (YLokot Blittar tk. 29e Apricots 2 Itodlaa tribe deacribed recently a As the drum and peyote went “Order mot* graveL Wonder ( tka doer. strange and aecret seml-Chiistlan down the line again and again, said sIwTI wear that asm* avening gown? (T* Be Oeathiael) Wilson, the music grew louder and Btrangthan that trasU*. She donees rite known as the narcotic "dance the tribesmen assumed an almost dlvtaaty. Kaap that grsvol aeevlag. « f the Peyote.” hypnotic attitude. The meeting last- l l tm i aeber how eh* danoad that first RedBdgCoffo# u. 15c The educator, James W. Wilson c<’ until daybreak, with the Indiana niflit Tbos* men sr* ta Pineapple of Balt Lake City, aald the ritual slumping nearer and nearer the The M anchester Public M arket eksnoos. My P sliy Prlnjaas." Overnight News Involved the uae—In a form similar ground as the narcotic look effect. And Alas H * was so big, so so fiOOD WE CUM im E EVEIV 4amg mmm to the sacrament of Christian com­ "Afterward." Wllaon said, '’my Th* man who had aavod Brie** Ufa. O f Connecticut White HougeG>ffee u.23c munion service—of Peyote, the nar­ Indian friends described their Why did It hsv* to b* Alan’s wuar I Fruit cotic bud of a small Mexican cactus. vision*. Why dM BmQy hsv* to amny INHEDIENT ON THE WIAPFER l t £ 2 i SAVE NOW ON QUALITY FOODS By ABBOCIA'nD I Wilson said ha was one of few "Invariably they bad fantastical­ iillow nks tksk; hs trustod you os white men ever permitted to wit- ly beautiful setttnga—skies unbe­ Saturday Poultry Specials Walnut Meats or Bess the all-night ceremony, wbicn kls frtmd, Ba waa bund. Lavtng lievably blue, foreata greener than Bmity with on his hssit, ndoting bar MerMeo—OoratUna J. Oukite deapite Its name does not Involve we know, Incredibly abundant crops. A Lorgg Display of Fancy Milk - Fed Poultry For dancing. Af Your Monchetfer Public Market — Be„ Content! aveiy movs, AIsr oouM not drasm tacoBtly appotatad stato labor com* "One Indian, however, saw a huge that ok* m igh t not lov* him Almond Moots ^.u, ?■«. 23c lapse Into Stupor. red demon. He hasn't touched beyote Your Selection ^ T R Y O U R mioskmar. waa honecad by a large snaes any. Ha muet know that other number friend* at a teaUmoaial Partlctpants. he said, lapse Into a since." SUGAR CURED CORNED BEEF o t stupor and experience what they Fkncy Mi|k*Fad Capoiw, 5 to 7 aeon war* attraetod to bar. banquat la the EUn club. Goa. believe to be "divine visions.’' ponnda each, lb ...... O r C Fancy Boneless Brisket, nice end EGGS, Locolg Strictly Fresh, Large Size 2 dozen 55c H wna hla IsBh. kls baUef ta th* Rayaaead B. BaMwla, who BHEEP-I.IKE SHEEP kooeaty Of an mm tbst made A**" MazolaOil <». $1.09 Wilson bad lived for months on STRt'CK BT TRAtN Nativt, Draased, Hot Honsa Broilars, niisad mlh). Ib...... J m w C araoag the toaakata, praised th* la­ the remote eastern Utah Ulntabou- feUnd. Bite laaaoBsd. Thera was bor record o i Daaahar. Friday and Saturday I st ja Cha undar (laaa, 2 to 2h poniida each, Chock Pieces of Corned Beef, ^ A .. tay reservation, riding the range FolU City, Neb. — (API — Gene eOMT smisnsttori. Why. * Hartford—Total raoelpta to Oon* with the Indians by day and con­ DoweU’a flock of 300 sheep trusted R U Ie u L llK ...... X Y C FROSTED FOODS BUTTER SPECIALS ootoMPt Aton iMv*^ passed I aooUaat fioai tho rsowt eaaapa Waldorf Tissifo ducting classes In sgriculturs and Its leaders once.too often. Fraidi Cat lip F o w i ...... Smoked Sboalder Hami, lean sod ^ • Honor Brand —* None Better-! tker* la the bUseardt n r fOada tor tho pravwUaa o t Darby Roost Beof teB Brio hod tofod Bmlly fkst. iSaatOo p a n M a wars asttawtod at government at night, before be was The flock postured along rail­ ■hinkleea, Ib...... XIC Land O X a k w ...... 2 Ibe. 57c __5 '*-."2 1 ^ allowed to attend one of the relig­ road track* for some time. When StrawbMTks ...... box 2Sc Fairmont’s ...... 2 lbs. 55c Baer atooo tbst first aiqrt, hi IIAAOO V T w a a a >• Sadth, etat* SPECIAL ious meetings. F r^ Cat Up Yoouc PaOata, 9 3 ^ Lookb hs had kaom that an Ms chMrawa o t Ih* eoaualtta* tor th* a train appeared the leaders would PRIME MILK*FED VEAL PeMheo, sHced ...... box 19cBulk Cream C h e c u ...... Ib. 31c "A creocent-shaped mound of mud run awa’j’. and the rest would fol­ Ufa he would lav* th* Patry m n * olwarvaae* o t Praaldwt ReoaavaR’a Boneless Rolled Vcsl to Rout, — Mithday. had been placed at the front of the low. Chickens for Routine or Lim a B eam ...... box 21e aeas. And that kaawlsdBa hod kept Corned Beef Hath jCoio Dog Food Qoe-room log building, like an al­ This time the leaders became I b ...... him from amrtyliig aayona ohM. Por Nerwidi—Ah 3 Cut 21c Frying, madinm aiiai^oRch x y c P«M ...... box 25c Apricota, whok peeled, R S., AW At Lundy's Orange Car tar." said Wilson. confused, end ran Into the train’s $1.09 rs ba had sseratly hoped to lad betwaaa 80 and 00 years eld, was M uty Veal Shuika, hugest can...... ^.:...... XIC fawtoatly kUlad whw ha laa tot* "On top of It was peyote, the path. The entire flock followed. again and then, whm sU traee e< ___ __ 15c 2 n.25c m C B A L t buds resembling small dried apri­ Forty-live sheep were killed and A DELICIOUS COMBINATION! Ib...... /,-f. . . I C th* old* o t aa outomobOa oparatod. Grapefrait, R 8. fancy, O l ^ bar was lost, ba bsd M t that he poilM said, by Jota Oamtt o t this cots. The chief sat near the 12 injured. Tender Cahraa’ Liver, (W aatam ), 4% W would have ehm ted any other girl naound. and about 25 other Indiana FOR A NICE MEAT LOAF CHEESE 1^ 0. 2 cans, 2 f o r ...... X I .C dto. V/ lb. bo might bars aaarrtad. sat around the room In the form of Potter wss[va bullil beaullfiil, A Combination of V crL Beef and Pork Appkmoct, R S. fancy, W A Hartford—Oov. RayaaoBd B. BMd* a Mild American ...... Ib. 21c Cbeatad a glrlT What was he do­ wla eaUed on Oanaecttent etttawa 2 Wox Boons °"9 c Dos. 95c Fancy Sugar Cared, Sliced Baco^ Grapefruit vase-llke mud cells, w-hlch they use Groand for n Loaf, 29c Ib. W W - No. 2 cans, 2 for ...... 1 7 C chief began the ritual with as nests. M oeaatar ..lb . 19c ing to Alan, new? Foatng aa n to obaarva Natlaaal WfldUf* Raster- f r e s h f r u it s a n d v e g e t a b l i s 2 pounds Ow iwAs Peaches, Sliced or Halves, . <1.1? m m A laving Un wife. « atloa waek. Marefa i t to St. Ha Na. 8 Ctoi It. I,a im in ^ . ' Bacon In Haea. nice and Y ellow $ l k e d ...... Ib. 23c *niUa la th* last time PU ai F t^ ly Groand Hamborg, 4 ^ ■■ Brownie, largut can ...... I D C aald that “bitrtUgaat, thoaghtfoi « n 4 D o s . I b ...... 29c Imported Sw ka ...... I!.lb. 59c naa har.“ Brie told hlmaeu. “I ’d bav* eOOrt should b* g m a at thla ttaw P a rs B eef, lb. Tomatoes, Red Line, extra A g* tonight, and tbm PB navor a . to Notortng" aataral haMtata of Fresh Lima Beans 9c ite.95c ..vt A-vf Chock Beef Groand, A A.* A”. hOCrl"*' P R IM E B E E F standard, No. 2 cans, 3 f o r ...... XDC n a t ’a th* only fair thing to wUdUfa graidly daamgad in th* Srapofruit 6 <^15c ^icOWlNIlO*! Bonekaa Rolled Chack RoMt, 7 0 g s Ib. »«ee«eaeo« Telephone Peas, Royal Scarkt. A u 1 be maaat It. nda and htmtoane of last year. N a t O m ORANGES! Lower Round Groand, No. 2 eaaa, 2 f w ...... XDC H arttord-A Jadgmant for IlMOO OSB He*va Just had rushed to u* by fast was awardad by Jpdg* Alfiw l a Tangealiies JOHNSON’S WAX SPECIALS Ughto. Mttrte. freight, a fresh ahlproenl of Fancy .Inra- Ib. »e.eeoeae*eeeeeee4 Comi Golden Bantanb R 8.. ' A A BaUNrta la SapartOr eourt to M n W Diced Carrots Pork to Roast, Strictly Fresh! ognln, bearing ber gay bo .Site Florida Oranges. They're thin No. 2 cans, 2 for ...... X ^ C Pint Glo*Coat, EA 1. MtotUiig to bar ttn* C. Haosatt oC Naw IQUard skinned nnd Just rendy to hurst open Rib Cat. lb ...... * I C Fancy Lamb Legs, Whole or Half, nod thra* truataaa o t tha N o w ______N a S J u ic y Oranges n. with vlgoron*. alknllilng Juloea. A Carrote, Oked, Fancy, R W W 1*3 P in t F re e ! . D V C kllng huigh. Shaam teuttfuL Mm Fresh Spare Ribs, ’ Oftwi F om of Lamb, Boned and Rolled if yon surrounded her conotantly, beggiag RaUread Company for tho dooth o t dozen of theoe Omngrs wrtgb nenriy 10 No. 2 cans, 2 fo r ...... I D C Paste Wax, 1-poand can, C A hot hnaboiid. John 3. Baaaott Tho lb. zgaw f G w i ^ Bdt dancas. Whenever EMc danoart FREE poond*. Everybody enn nfford n dotea MIxad Vegetableo, Webstaria, 1 A » 1*3 pound F r e e ! ...... D V C aasd d M by alactroeatiaa to Gordon Boots unanimously or two nt only . , . with har mmaone was bound to cut THtY 2 Qnarts GhnCoat, a w March ItM , tba ouit tor ilamagaia wrra EACH PBCK or ^ P tCOMMfNO QUO STCCt No.2quM .2for ...... I V C to. And b* let thasA gladly. rhaigad. w hw b* cam* In eonUet Iceberg Lettuce Appikr Free! ...... $ 1 . 0 9 fOO TWTirrY SUYIN(5 / AT OUR BAKERY DEPARTMENT SanprkraaL R R Fancy, N .T . a a It aeu dsagaious for him to b* with a Uv* wir* aa the property o t dozen 27c dozen too hoar Badly, tonight. He waa Cob S teth, 3 hugest cam ...... X ^ C Pint Jar CO Um diifMMlGOtZ. Large, Native. StrlcdT afraid that he might m y Just a part Hartford Jadga Bdward J. Qato- Oranges Qt gpe Com Home Baked Beane, Liqnid W a x ...... D V C Coffee Rings, sugar frosted, e f tba thoughts that wera keeping Ion o t Buparter cootil tu M that M S H c e o FRESH EGGS dozen 27c uoert e•*# • e• 15c each* 2 for% ...... X« Sugar, Ceafectioners’ or Brown, A A _ Mm In a tamioll, Alaa’s drinks studwts avaUabl* tor part tbaa Carrots Hot X Bona, ff n s d u g w ...... X l I C Instant PwtnaL huge ha*k too strong. Why must a men weeb are w u t M to haartMi Radar Tha Mew Soap Flake: Oar Hoam Made Bread, aaoorted ^ g tortat on your having anothor drink, dosen ...... c u ...... the uhemplaymwt rnmpenaallw Sougilcrauf if you wlali. lOe loaf. S for .... X u Bahm-’a Choedata, H*lh. cakea, A W whaR ka atovild have known you act UnomployBMBt Oompaawtiw Royal Souiet C ^ee, Temple Oranges Fresh Peas QUICK ARROW I g e . box 19c Nat Coffu Ringa, Fancy Layer Cakes, a choke of A M * f d ^ ...... X l C w on In lava w iu Ida wlfcT Oommiaatoaer Frank J. Odhim had .•OaoBh A bottle of Old EnglMi Faraltars Polish FREE! l*ponnd ca n ...... 8a was rtanding In a doorway, previously g tv w «a atadlar raUas icinge, e a r t ...... X « Swam Down Cakt Floor, A O Cte Grape Jelly, Royal Scarkt, Pure, jjg jS ff nt tks danetiA asarrhlng for ^ ^ „ M t waay gw art l ayptolad Kraft Leaf HonwMadeRoIb Whipped Cream Cakes, Pies, Etc. large package ...... X 3 C Tomdteos It’s Easy To Maks Year 8 ^ l*pennd Jar ...... Rate- Bnrtdmty he fait a kind oa A te JM . Soup Bunches CHEESE, 2 lecrtoB of CoM Meats From Biasakk Floor, huge Ms arm. heard aomaona aayftm: aodfflatowa—I » . Oail A Harviy. Pecans lb.25e Oar Large Variety. Over BO Natty Krimh, tha New Peanut •***• RMaWy. Thaia’B package .... • ***e***oo«eeo* any crtmlaal BBeed Sagsr Cored Blada. FRUITS AND FRESH VE6ETAGLES Batter, Royal Scarkt, l*lb.. ja r.. • IHtow toOowiag ma. He’s dniak.“ Cot*Rtte Waxed Paper, Sardinm in Tomato Sauce, ■ I««fWng, ayae aactioa wRh tba death aC Patrol* I Dill Pickios Made Freia Par* Posh! Ji r. •*.' Giapgfruit 6 lor 15c and up ...... SAUSAGE MEAT. o%4% 125 ft, roll Royal Scarkt, 15*os. cans, 2 for . 27c r w Eattat An*., M B Frcah P u a Graea Baaaa struck by Barvay*s ear loat Tbaaha. Potatoes Ib...... 2 J C ^ ••••••seeessesseaeessss “Tan am“ oka m aaaomo^p mwwmm STi^r 3“"20c King Orangsa. 4to|> N a P e ta ta is W k H s ] K> Jhst w yair could MSarla a . LAND OXjUEBS RaiPnBemaad AK4hktks89c,eDntonta. Ruppeetk Boar and Bock. 8 bottka 25c. lasciM dm Wrubel said M hto i tbabHar- Kumquatt , 'qt.lOc Bisquick rreab Orsoad m Lbs. ^ A _ dosen ...... m aaothar drauk." Idaho Baking Potatou Lifebuoy Soap ...... 4 hnn 25c Las Teikt Soap ...... 4 lMu%25e Brie lovad tor that TUa was vay was aet o tl Celery Hearts HAMBUBG A Z7C BUTTER Ib. 27e the tlam o t tha i Na. f Jaky Florida Orangse, large eisc. A A tba way B i Ud and. la tka Nks Ripe Thmatou Seolt Tkaoo, 1,000 ah aetrote8 |tor 28e 'ScottTowck ...... 2 rolls 19c Oramnrleb—Mr. Mra: Atooac OOMB jF C ’ say naoad. wouM tk* craaNi c .__ M e Fancy Carrota, » Jihaegr C * e y Hearts PREBPAEKING POE BALTS ANI^ KLEIN'S FOOD STORE torsvar. Sha « M s ja c r ^ C U E T W O M D I T M I Z A B O r j mOMtorM. baach i u C ^ Lundy^ Orange Car White OidMW— ltc. DIAL 5137 *** FREE DELIVERY b u S m b L . ' ^ i s v e n s A : TteBkbl ■ o t " S U JMlUOfZIBBU FREE OBUyitelY ON Uk MANCHEffTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. VRIDAT. MARCH IT. ItSS VAOBTWILVB MAHUIUC8 THR ^EN U fO HKRAl.a MANUUABTEat UWN. FRTOAY. MARCH 17.19»' tNy yndueUen et at least ena tf •Baaek (data aot setl bcfleia tha iglaad adn bo WUta Raaaa gnaata $8,000 MVMi>ro«n hom» oa lOpte tba asodals ia to atari with a mlai- N agio achoel at Tnakagaa. He re- iJ then be roeclvad at Hyda Paric AITENDiCnB DEATHS R nm THAT DRECTOR rowl. h««. toUy. Th* coup!#, ARMYGEISLOOl mum of dalay. OontraeU may ba n u m SCHEDULE tu m to Washington AprU 10. after gotag to fair 3mm 10. uid U n, Fnmk H*U, both mbout 70, awarded to all the oompetinc man­ April 14—Rpaaks at Mount Vm- The preeidaat has been iavitod to ■r* believed to have bem ufacturers, instead of merely to the non to eeaunamorate tha 160th an- Idreas tha uahm eonfereaeo of pRAStKAlLT REDUCED ■AT GIVE or rosr in an upatalra bedroom. The Metbodiri churchea at Kansas City. n AT FAST PLANES builder of the plane adjudged beat. ,10 KEEP FDR BUSY alvaraary of Oooigo WaMilagtoD’s were recovered ahortly before Arnold eaUmated US would ba In notlfleatlan of hM alecthm aa Snt April 8$, but priAab^ will and a a. m: m m m rnm m m Irish Feature Fistic Show At Armoru actual aervlca by tha mlddla ct oast ptMldCBi. ^ meanga JnotaaiL He aMo has bon Baltimore, M ar^ IT — (AP) — April 18—Attanda Orkttrea dinaar ariiad to addreoa tba annual dinner Clwinuni Of T BMrd Say* yaar. of the United Mktae Chamber of Deaths from_ji|q>andlcltlK eal'sd a OfflMat drclas undaratood tba In wMblnctoo. ”Natlanal disgrace” last weak, have W nUia Fleminff’a Contraet REIRED RAHXOADER Attack BMibert Reported proepmtlva coat, would be reduced StartBf Marck 29 Presieit A ptG lT—Throws out flrat tmnMTTU May # at Washington. W u For Short Period. by quanti^ production to about t opening American League baaa- He has this under eonsldaratlon. ban drastically reduced through aa Stengal Make* Mighty Try $100,000 each from about $000,000 ban game, la Waahingtnn improved technique developed at STATE TEAMS WIN N. E. CA(X OPENERS To Hi t o Spoods Ap- Wfflite ki Aii (tet Of DOn-ELUS TO CLASH * A fifiott etrdulated today that IS PRESENTED PURSE on a ‘‘tailor mada" " Boorivaa Bayalty * 6 U U , BHAIEBB. Temple University. .WUUaa Fiamlne, apotta director of Capital D id April 3$—Goes to Hyde Park, N. Dr. W. Wayne Babcock, profeaanr To Put Umph In The Bees Forner Aaaodatea Vlalt Dan­ proockiig 6 H o t Minlo T* homa to raealva tha Crown Berantoa, Pa„ ICarrii 17.—(AP) Of clittleal aurgary at Ttmpis'a the T. it. C. A.. wlU relinquish his Prtnea and Crown Princess of Nor­ —S t Fatriera fast to drivlag the School of McdidM told tha regional CEN1KAL, BASSICK SHAMROCKS CUNffl IN THE MAIN CONTEST duties here on April 1 and that a iel Griffin; Railroad Aim UKUL TEAR DEFEATED way. aaakea out of Ireland had a modern meeting of the American College of White Trounces Tronsky By OAYLB TAiaOT irau to gat cut there end baL bim- successor will not be appointed. Awards Hint A Gift. Waabtaigton, March IT.—(AP)— Aorll SO—Motors from Hyde Park eouaterpart in Lackawanna county Surgeons fata’IUea In pattents who Mlf. Washington, March IT—(AP)— today, flportsmn started a cam­ Bradentoa, Fla.. March 17—(AP) Wells A. Strirkland, chairman of The Army ffot Its Bret oSIcta] look BY BUT THREE POWIS President Rooeevelt's engagement to New Tork to open World’s Fair. developed peritonitis after appn- TO MEET AGAIN IN By 113 Pins In 40 Games RUNNERS HONORS —Ossay Itengei of t e Boaton Beu Speelfleelly, Oaeay to pieatteg oa the board of directors, said that Mr. Daniel OrUrtn, who was retired by Returaa to Hyda Park to receive the paign to kill off all tha water snakes dectomles arere 35 per cent In 80 to making a nervous flght agalnat third bau one Joluuqr (Fewer) HUI, Bqitoi Asi Dsm Are ST. NICKS CHHCE the New Haven Railroad on Pebru- today at aevatal of tha world'a faat- schedule for the next few months, fat their favorite trout streams. -fleminr'a contract with the Y was aa tantattvsly outUaod today, em­ Chown Prince and Crown ‘Print casas treated up to 19S4. Deaths ------»— time—trying to dig up some batting who with AtlaaU Mat year hit JSt for only a short period but that no ary 16. waa yesterday visited by for­ est light bomMnff planea which of Denmark. dropped to six per cent In 80 cases strength before the jreara Iteally and left t e Seuthani Aametetion. I mer aasodatee of the section and Manebester Marksmen Bow To braces one of the buoleet travel PROCLAIMS ARMY DAT at the unlveralty’a boopital , T H E S E M f lN A L S New Haven. Ooan., March 17 —gsparas. 10 strflm, aad miasad thrae watched him Mt, aad ha leoka vary action has as yet been taken on the will be turned out by the bundreda itlnerariai of any comparable period May 1—Dedtcataa post office apart laavea. Tronaky waa credited IN JUNIOR LEAGUE claim one of the b u t pitching riaifs matter. maintenance cresra over which be under tha Air Corpa axpanaion pro­ MiddlefleM— 191 High Score huUding at Rhlneheck. N. T. sclentlata develop a glads (A P)-Jack WhlU. New Havne's te rith u league. good, ladted. PORBOCKEYTOE had charge and be was given a In hla admlBlatratlon. Washington, March 17—(AP)— for the Uquid borne Infection. duckpin bowling ace, defeated Nick with $$ aparce, tight atrikas. At shortstop, replacteg Babbit ICr. fVmlng: has been here about gram. Startliig March 39 with a trip to May 6—Reoeivas President Somo- missed aiilit epare leavaa. Durtag For a couple et seasons now ths Eresl; Q{& SUri Far a omitb, sucoeedlny Harry Tbomp- purse. New model tsm-motor attack In a ekas match between the $a of . .icaragua at White House. Preaidnt Rooaevrit today proclaim­ The glaaa tube, anchored flrn Troosk:' of Naw Britain, by 31$ pins WarsUsr, who kaewa af a haaSblt In addition to the purse he waa Warm SprtngK Qa., ha arlU ba la edges of the indalon. Is Inserted ] the match both bowlers mada Beu have had tnily phenomenal only by haaraay. ha to laatalUng Bd ana, also of New Haven, who reai$n- bombers submitted by their build- Manebester American Legion rifle aad out of Waahliiirton until mld- May 7—Bamen da Valera. Ameri- ed AprU fl as Army day, and or­ ^ ^ e p o r t Rhrak Collide in their 40-game pinfail match, tha doublt atrika. Whlta mada 19 q Orib lirooos h Pbyoif Ftr pitching and fleldiag, but all It got m ad after a month here. alao preaented by tha railroad with era at Wright Flald, Dayton, Ohio, ft*-" and the MIddlefleld team at m-bora prime minister of Ireland, dered miUtaiy units throughout the the peritoneum—a membrane I New Havener taking the flaal bloak MUlsr, who eleutad J30 With K aatu "BM iffilkBiiliM ; T I h t i u l AAD T( a safety card, ahowing that during suDuner mahing ap ^ hsK racelvliig Unea the abdominal cavity—for as leavaa la hla fliat four gamu tea them lu t y u r w u llfth place In tba City and to a poltohad parformw In In an Air Oerpa daaign oompeUtloo MIddlefleld last night the locals woo rojralty, and attandlag tha World'a vMts White House. nation and poaaeaslona to assist dvie of 10 games at Kelsey's Resort last Ing tha fourth bos of tha fifth gama National Leagua'a hot race. They tha past eight yeara not one of the ware reported In official cirelea f three points, the score being, June a aad 9—King and Queen of bodlaa la “appropriate observance.” long aa thrae dajra, be said. After Gainiiif Eiiy^Vic” Stcood Pbee, 44-22; every raapaeL WaiaUsr sriU ba ra- lilcto Os Rri I n COUPLE DIE IN m iB men employed under him had been S Fair at New Torfc. night by 113 pins. Wblta’a victory befora ba mlaud a apare, plckuig a couldn't hit. They had only one play, tataed as uUUty teflslder. O rissTifliiA lltarlir here to taava apeedt approaching anchester, 934; MIddlefleld, 931. He alao bopaa to go to Saa Fiaa- stamps him u tha b u t money bowl- threa-ptaner. er, Debe Ganns, who t o p ^ JOO. injured, ahowing that he had taken ■lx milea a minute. Kuhn of MIddlefleld was high gun At first bau w hu t e siMon I Easton, March 17.— (API—An exceptional cars In not allowing daco for tha OoldeB Gate Bxpoal- In First Games Of er in tha nattoa, bavlag pravtouMy Tha Naw Havanar rollad aa avar- Wla Meat At Beam Briatling with mmchine guna had with a score of 191 out of a possible defeated all opp^Uoa aaat against aga of l$3-t for last Bl|tet’a match Wallop Cooiars, glnq no doubt, wU ba Buddy Ha» C i t i uR v S vQMIHWi aUer^ couple perished when Ore of thsro to be exposed to unnecessary equipped to cany lethal bomba, the 300 and Newcomb of Manchester UoB, but ba win aot laake a dsdaloa Parhape tha beat picture of t e utt, te twut ringer aad eapabto unde r mined orlfin destroyed their danger. waa nest witb a score of 190. until Oongriiaa adjourns. Alto­ M m M M O n * and TreaShy had l$l-«. For tha an- club to afforded by the fact that bitter aemdrsd from Brooklyn. lane Is a "brand new typo” to the gether, he wUl add ooaalderably to EvenL Whits aotarod lu t night's matcA tira 40 g am ^ TVhlta hit a total pte- Faleois Trip Speedboyi they won more home gam u than Tnited BUtee. MaJ.-Oen. Hanry H. The ecores; here by 98 pins, havlag won tha flrat fan ef MOO for aa avaraga of itl-fi Tea* CueolMUo wlU bakapt at ited-tetriMd Bad Doty ef Bart- Arnold, Air Corps chief, recently Msneheeter. tba 160,000 mUee ha haa traveled any team te their league. Their park Bscoad to hold this new teter-warka New Havsa, Marek ...... fl K OH Tot since he became president block of 10 gam u at Hartford by 14 aad Tronaky rollad a total of 8,081 to a epacloua affair with a prevailing foNd aad grIm-Uppad'Babiy BUto ef ■t. Patrtak’9 dear flMufl t e told Congreas. P ins, the aaoond u t at Bridgaport by for 138-87. together, despite hto .888 stteking Becauaa of their speed only the Newcomb .49 49 60 43—190 Hla TeutaUve Behedals Tha atage w u aet teat night for Tha Shamrocks took wla •posse*- wind in the batter's face. Rtvri mark last yaar. Stengal to too smart New BriUta Witt AuBlrii t e fsatan Nieks asatri efNow Yatk a 1 49 48 47 48—187 Hla tentatlva aehadula follows: St sticks, aad tba third block at Last night’a seoiaa: rioB af aeeead plau te the Tbutaday teama even claimed the fhvarito today to wla fastest pursuit planes would oe Anderson the fourth meeting of Connecticut’a Willimantio by a singla pin. Whlta Whlta—138, 118, 133, ISO, 138, to wrack ooaiplatoly hto grand C riMtw of the Bad Hm’a amateur AAU ks Pinehurst Butter 4c Lb. Lower... able to cope with them. Foreign na­ McEvUt 49 49 46 48—187 March 39—Ooaa to Warm Rprlaga leading aehoolboy cag«r»M>ntral Junior League by giving the Ma- groundakuper let te grau -grow fensa. IImiPb quite a drsp from last Saturday's pitea. Take yaur eholee 60 60 46 40—18« for a vacation and to dedicate a aew received a puru of $BM) for whuUng 188, 138, 143. 141, 137; total ptafaU, nons a sound lacing last night at long In order to slow up t e hall. flrito eud at t e Btata Armary tg- tions have concentrated on the Donse and Baaalek High of Brldgepofl— the plnfan affair. 1383. tkto attaraaea. , . . load OXekes, SbnrSae, Ctoverbloem or Iowa State. 2 9 c type for two or three yean. Csrison 49 48 46 43—184 school aad hospital at tha lafaatUs t e Bast Side Rec. The score w u Thera tba Beu ware wall nigh Simmons, waived** out* of t e 8l^t-~« aatorat from avaty aagto Paralysis foundation. During this fa) tha aeml-flnali of the »nnn*) New Whlta was la flaa form laat Bight, TNaBkjr-lSS, 114, 133, H, 138, 44 te 83 when t e flaal whtsUa Mew. unbuteble. Thalr veteran pitchars, American League during t e winter, aad riagad on te aaa flay la te Three Submit Flaare ___934 England baaketball champlonahipa takiag tight of tha tan atrlnga. Dur­ 116, 140, 134, 117, 118; total ptefau. yur that to glvm avar to^toBmia. Save Money, Too, On These Special Items . . . trip be win motor to Alabama for a in the othu two playoff gamu tha Lou Fette, Danny MacFayden, MU- to a riaeb te sharo t e outflald with Three manufacturen, offlclala MlddlMelA at Springfleld, Mau. O ntru'a ing the match Whlta raalad off 41 1316. Heights beat t e Oougars, 39 tqjn, burn Shoffnar and Jim Turner, never Garasa. Jim Outlaw, who hit J38 for •L Patrick's Day. , ■rare advtaed, aubmltted completed P 8 K OH Tot Btata Champa aaally turned back and the Falcons topped off itbe asked for more thaa two or th ru Syraeuu; Balph MeLoOd, who stom- Tbsu ara aataral rivals te t e ari R a n i Gold PICKLES, PRESERVES planes. They were Martin of Balti­ Kuhn 60 49 48 44—191 Cathadral High of Burlington, Ver­ runs, and their support afield waa ef u ^ b t t a g aara u eb with a •#. t i t t i Is sm Din. Plala Sweet aad Ssreet mont, 43-31, M Bamick'i ninner- p eed b y 84 to 31. aud 881 for Hartford, aad Balph torac aai otliu4lAa warn. aa$ la AOxed neUee—or more, tha Stearman Division of the OgoBslek 60 60 46 40—186 The Oougata ware kaoekad Into admlraMa. But whan tba Bau want Hodria. rscoBuaendad by a jin 9VU for a prari- PEACHES Boeing Aircraft Corporation, with a Lsuritsen 60 48 44 48—186 npa eliminated Window High of vtoiUng. where home runs and oua dsfut aad aw e^ to te Mia to teaaaatoAto te ram te te flUead ar Halves S u ^ Jeri of Seedleaa Black 48—186 Maine by 44-87. t e oanar barth te t e flrat gama Biark wttb Bvaaarilla, are chtof Raspberry I f t o . plant at Wichita, Kans., and North Ahiberg 80 49 48 whrii t e Haigbto b u t them out in triplu came cheaper, thalr faUure aaairaats for t e third fly-riuMiag apri to a toa-bout t m i to aattto t e American Aviation, Inc., Inglewood, Dowling 80 80 46 48—181 M a h l e u ' s Ih the other gamea played In the EAGLES, SAINTS STAY to hit mada them a soft touch. gueatte ef who to t e bettor mam...... 4 9 c Freaerve ...... IV V STOCK U Pl flrat round, Adama, Mau., defeated thalr playoff. LojasM, Resooa and job. fltegri flaally gave up cnl Vte- Calif. 183 SproM Strati McGulra lad tha Halghta te aooring, Well, Stengel to maktag a haroto ^ t rafagfto, brother of t e Yaa- Aiwitorttat thia bent wm to t e ar- t Na. $Vi With unprecedented speed, quan- Total ...... e e e e e ...... 981 Poitsmouth'e New Hampehlra tltl- griuive (3iariia BagteaM ef IteriS. •f ••• Bay In Dozen lata. 89-17, and Hop# High of Prov­ whl|a Fhiria. Pratt s m Buetnr were effort to ramady tha rituatlon before kau' fsirtoua Joe, aad shipped him It's too late. He's loaded hla training baek to t e mtaiorB. Mid, a bey who holda a dtetotoa • 1 A A SpectsI Salt On Soodlese Lsnd OlsskM and Casa Lota! idence, R. L, turned back Engliata TIED FOR Y CAGE LEAD t e bast performara for t e Oougara High of hyaa, Maaa, 30-34. Tha la t e saeoad gama t e Fatooaa cump bars with men and boya who Al Todd, 1338 Pittsburgh catch'' over Bebb7 toy of Rartfosd aad H eleV ll HLACK RASPBERRY B utter, Ib...... A O C aeml-flnala wUl be .played tonight a lte r hava proved they caa kit Mg w, haa b m riitalaed te tote out Al emridatad OM ef t e b te Far tba email family ws offer PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY broke up a fourth plau tla with t e laagua pitohlag or who teak Uka te Naw Baglaad, HFU m Native Fresh Eggs, Extra with the Anal gama for tha New Speadboya by edging them out Tbto Lopu with t e Aatchtag. 'Dm Bau Ko. 1 tafl ease St d cmm far SSe, PRESERVE England tltla, bald laat yaar by Fonner BhiU Bohoi they m l^ t He's even grabhad t e ategotoutflrite Joha Dtrinhot te Daria of Jtow Britola. ar the i emiee oaaa. 4 far 'toe. Large S in , SABIN’S NET WINS was a t e t and wau played gama, onee-great Al fllmmona te t e fer­ Bddto BUa wagforaad ICaneheatar, tomorrow nlghL both taama dteplayteg a flaa brand t e i ^ d a a i that s u t Bay Muriur If ysu prefer the Shortcake Fun Pound d o n n ...♦« C PEACHES Baadck and Cantral mat twlea vent hope that Al has a few more t o t e Plratoa, but I can’t a u t e UB tbto weak n w te to a badly Emehas they are S eaus far Tte. J s r ...... 2 5 c Nation-Wide Stores PEAS Airing tba regular campaign and Utter Treocet ofvbaakatbaU. p arriu , Wusu ll and* boomlii^diiyu toft te hla boaaa. h ^ John fltuag teto Rtsagri’a S acted bead. Ha w aptotavaiiiri W heatiea, BLUE A W H IT E ...... 2 No. 2 Una 23c Baadck gained two dectdve tri- SNAPPED BY COOKE Jebaaon foaturad for t e Faleona larlan OaMtaig OM ' Uly ritagaralfl of SNm Brttata te LARGE, LOCAL, FRESH Com of 34—03-60. RED A W HITE ...... 2 No. 2^1 tins 35e with GalU Ganolfl and McCollum Tou su , Fatte, MacFaydaa NATTON-WIDB 2 pkgfl. ampbs but It w u a different atory and T ^ meat pronUataf ef the rooWa t e Bute to u t liM y Boy PhUllM SOAAETHING NEW IN M EA T... Par Dsaan $ta« ______• ______when the Bridgeport rivals tangled Rodmfle, 43-29; Teneei starring fbr tha flpaadheyB. Tuniar au ara S3 yaara __ pttebars appaara to to Joha Pisa- r i Hriyolto o K Bnriy Jane Tha Shamrocks toft ae doubt aa A new Iteah proeeased by Albany Pneking Company, oae of BUTTER Kellogg’s Diilhilima mifnd flhtrtrahr Style In the finale eff the .state C9au A flhoffaar to S3. That's gattteg old for itewbowMilflaiid tori 3 for Pmkera aroand . . . FOUrr PRIZE SMOKED The Better Batter! EGGS SEA V IE W ...... 3 No. 2 tins 25c eweat last week at Naw Haven aa Edge ffifUaid Pkrk, 27- to which team deurvsd t e right |e a pitcher, ahd UMy sbowad rigas of Savaaaah to -te (ari South Attaatto to flU la t e tori ef t e sard after rO M LO » , , . yea may have a roast of chops . . . year fam- All-Bran, Chee of 84—$1 Ja. RED A W HITE ...... 2 taH tins SSe h 4 M r ChiBpioi UpMt h claim t e aaeoad plau hoaors, by begteatef to crack teat yaar. Oftosy H r Diasn Q1 JO. ______Cantral tmargad with tba eovatad toagus tori mar. t e Bbaynaoag waa *n*«i**»*$ ■y wffi aajsy the aew ffavar. Poaad ...... g$e 2 poundt 55c 3 doien 80c large pkgr._ adats diadem. Moet experta fhvor trouariag t e Marooas. With K ate- can’t souat upon them much leagar AU to all, Stoagri prababte wUl ef H e l j ^ aafl JohMy Baadeh to rtvaru that daelden to- 25, h Hard Tisde. Soa-Fink Of Bennda vaek ahd Mahoney drqppteg to twte If aay kmger at aU. But ha’s prayliig hava a batter chib, aad to eartala- Tkoaqpuavilto ta rn t e California )l Im d T WHITH ."^^'jarga tin 27e alght aad to go on from thera to ‘prihtara t e GMaa and White ran this gray-beard quartet cea out the te wUl |f Miateons bite for hUa. itet foUowod next by Haary Boovaa PINEHURST POULTRY... BACON, Eaifcrn Cured Ib. 27c Sardinef, 1 Ib. ' TOMATOES annax tha N. B. crown. m a 10 te 0 lead sad wars m teiwtard Juet onu more, aad ha's sUmbteg tote Itetli TTtedaor adto maato Adrtpb Laa* Saturday, we eajeycd a regular beSday PouMry hwl- can. cans f o r .. I I» Tb» Bagtoa and 8t Joha'a coa- ETMtt; R ifgi Wios. tfiria|anid- fuarantoateg them ha win gfva them t e flrri dtetrioa, baeauu U’a H ite af flpriiNmHd. Maaa. Ohtok 2 7 BLUE P E T R E ...... 4 No. 2 tin s S7c a few asore ruaa to woric on If be ready crowded. Case of 14—03.18.______■ * thuiad thalr dsadloeh for top heaora Tba Maroons tookad Uka a aadly 1 1 ^ of Naw Britata aad Bmla SSUi-’T ST A C ir Krafldhie outclauad Ubm, although tbay pevto ef SpriagflaM are third aB .te PEAKS Sports Roundup to tbs YMCA Banlor Lsagua’a aae- HSasItton, Bermuda, Match IT — aevar gava m flghtteg o a u durtag pregraaL Prudence H ath, 2 16-oi. cant 33c Sbrimp, 2 chiifl 2 5 c ond round laat night aa tha formar Tsndsr, Plump FOWL, each $1.23 BLUE A W HITE ...... 2 No. 2 Ft tins 20e (AP)—nffayna flabte oa t e Daria tha gama. Tte Sbamroeka* spud IrUhriobaay ICIek of Boekynto) pauads average. MBD J^W Hr^.. •. .bri* By BDOIB BKIETZ Waatad out a 73-31 triumph over Cub team” boom te te a atoto and pautag waa too much for t e n who fteitot hto way tote local fhvar Natlea-Wlfle Fiflh (Thkes, Par Dsaan—01-88, Hhr D ia l 014$. Duehs win he prieed at tSe n>., aad Fowl iiirger thaa 4VS pouada Bolton and tba latter dispoaed of coOapM today, for t e aatlonal te- Ratgavack and Mahoaay ware t e two w a te age, wm atari Harp c«n w«tTS Fsnrtr nnHd rank New York, March 17.—(AP) — RockvUIa by the dadatva aoota of door riagtos champion of the U nite leading scorers whUs Packard, ARMSTRONG KNOC UT TOMMIJf of Ktertfnd. at SSe Ih. Reestiag Chtekeas, S7e to 4Se lb. Mayonnaite 16c 28c ^ 4 9 c Si tha Phlladalphia Eaglu caa get Stotu has bean aUminated dedriva- Tomhto Sauce, ' M ^ _ RED A ^ ^ i n ^ ...... 3 No. 2 Una SSe R O ^ 'o EoIX ; : ...... hffga tin 15e 48-39. In the other gaase plurad, Moorbauaa, Holmu aad MoOoavUI aatuirafaadI riwalflabottlfl pradaaa a l$l at Freehly Chopped Ossa of $4—0S.TL btiako NagureU away from tha Maaon’a Tsxaooo ware hard preaBsa ly foam t e Barmada tanato eham' put up a flna. u hlMtlcn of teaatwork t t o Baokefoa-PimUpflgg SLICED 8-o». can, 8 cans ‘1.7$. Chteago Basra, tbeyni apring a aur- to rim out a narrow 37-38 derislen pioasblps. which waa a great faeter te helping GROUND BEEF....II). 27c Ivory Soap, l^ u frtw and play the farnona fuUhacb Blamed Oocka, t e mathodteal FELDMAN IN FIR$ OUND tops te towrir half of te pregrau. RACON, Ib. 3 2 c Butt Hhlves of Ham. .lb. ^ at tackle....Step right-up, ladlu m Hlghlaad Park. , tbafar team to victory. Bunu and Uonard M3d CNgMa, wka neartaw i a Tuna Fish ...... 1 7 C S mediam bare ., 1 r V Sheffleld Milk, With lb s league nearing an end, Oragoatea, tutaad t e trick yastar- Butler were outetsmdteg for t e uerai aaritttoa to1 ovsKoveKthiue wUk Daisy H snis ...... Ib. .39e and gents, and aas throa ta m m only tha two top taama hava a 0 V ta a u aff flaal m ^ Tba Olivo Oil, Natkm- 0%^^ Chipao FlakeA 0 7 u ^taH^cans^^^^^tdC Ne. 0 h a a v ^ lg h t champs In tba saae Mkroeaa. Toaaff Otow a t ara v^^Mq^^ga WpDLMMR OF LAMB give you dae vahw ebaaoe to anasa tills honors out- s e m wara fl-B 7-8, 4A with taku oa Wm. raw Mkrtuafl e i aerve them WMa IwUlt ... ASC 3 toedian pkga. Social Tea 17.. ihig at u a aaaes dma. They ara rir tt^ a y ^ Itockvflla, ‘Ikaaeos aad Oaeka’B praelM giouBd flOUYirOOD QUINT C h a v Ti Im (h ir with Raaad Sweet Pate toe. aad Brown Gravy ISO lb., they Campbeira Beans, S up plans for a lour-iouBd matabad a g a ^ flahto’s stn p. a p. T. ■psiagflsM. la t e Joe ■ — ^^mamimirw iM M m m su e i ■ ** Oxydol, OQu Park bavlag staader pres- ■ treat but S0e to $1 We earefaIN boae aad roll the’ia, or BiscuItSj_2 j g k g ; _ J j ^ ^ m batwaan eld Jack Jobn- ptetoPBCtfl of tytef1__, for t e erowa. RoM- rafhlaw attack. 1 LeJaaU. rf . . «• 3-3 14 Btotoa fight, saotber total bsar Nbe ------aad dx the rest for i______a stewtag eat. 2 CUM ...... I ^ C 3 median pkga. teO C ‘ CORN aw Bad old Jaaa'TVUIard, with Jack HOrvatk, If . 0 0-0 0 Twi Ihtoiii 12 Secidt Uriurad while at warh, ^ pog- ' fAga Fork Roasta Salada Tea, ^ E _ villi torfUted‘ tr ite a gama from Bebto lUgga, t e tatonted C hiu SCORE CAGE U P ^ Pot Roaata Kipparad ' lf|u Criaco, lOm Dempaay la thera rafaradng... .Ilia wariCa alata to Highland Park. To­ foea, ttled the other— half — of the fl Boaeto, e .. . 4 0-0 a 1 OMkt Miko Driaasy aflgM la- Teader Roast Beef Herring, Igc. can ttoFV Ib. can ...... 1 7 V Vi-ib. pkg...... J 3 C Cincinnati squad in Florida h u Mann, rg . e e a g a a. 1 1-3 3 I taatehL MUy BEANS MIXED FRUITS been hard hit by tba flu. morrow night the Eaglu will ^ round by defeatteg Frwik Tt Stop hffiUjm Rhol ■ a t ^ o f Itoekv PHONE SERVICE CNTH. SiOS TONIGHT. Wheatiea, S Bon Ami Powder, Fsaey Cat Befagu Fkanj Fiall Baled « . - t e Hlghtendara and naxt Tuesday ** "*«• toatltoto. t e 1 Habarsn, Ig . 0 0-0 0 Baekrilto aaflTlte Bateflfl Grapefruit Juice, Bight S t John's wm tangla with ‘ MeOuIra, Ig a g e e a e .e 3 0-0 4 at ipriaiMd, VKiiwfunif Ige. pkg...... I w C toil call 1 1 9 c RED A-WHITB ...... 8 No. 2 tins Sic RED A WHITE ...... 2 taO tliw SSe Both Califorala aad Stanford want Uhltod Btatu taterooUagteto ebaas- atopr i u latoteto tthe e p4pieture here. S large c a n s .... OSM ef 34—03.40. Psr Deaen—fll-flfl- Bolton. ptoa, 8-4, 8-L 3-fl, 8-3. 3 Ftoctor, rg . 0 0-0 .0 )nn Finiri jOH^Im u Bifora 10/H)0 Fan; PINEHURST VEGETABLES... Notra Dams on their football achad- Staadouta te laat nlghfa gimte ^ R ate B enterd of New York de- The writer talked with Mflteh- ulM... .Llgbtwdflht A1 Daria will makar Jm DaMaria firi teght aatt Cauliflower Red-Ripe SheflMd Orange Juice, 0% 0 . Fsaey—Cat OeMee Wax Feaey—Otoe*—CeehtaO - . m hava $1,000 riding oa hts perannal wars Derrlek, Davto aad Boutltor- u 3-10 S3 Qtj M«re h to n Spinach TOMATOES ...... large cans ... J L 9 Q RED A W H IT E ...... 3 No. 2 tiiu 31c RED A WHITE ...... 2 toll tliw 27e ~ of t e Bagtoa, B. flhtoaar of T s u b ^ W. 7-8. Bbe win meal Oaagan Rifh T« Chh U B L te eoaveruttoa wall as ' .lb. 15c 8 aosa whaa ba row agabwt Miekay itoiL B)imlalaakl aad M. Rubacha P. arouad CHfHfl’a laqusri to Green Beane Califorala (Heavy Stalks) Evaporated Milk 3 c a n s 1 8 c CsM ef 38—fl3.U. Per Dsiu fL88. Farher la tha Oardaa tonight (Tlw Iteultea Beta, t e U4L todeor Palmolive Soap, Irish are burning beeanse Mika Js> of 8t John’s, Behrump and Kulmlay p te foam Aiteetoq to t e fl Smitk, rf ...... I F M - F n a l i . DaSarifl riatofl that id titofl W atercress ASPARAGUS ...... Ib. .12e eobs forget It w u S t Patrick’s day ef Roekvilto, VIttaar aad Cenvaiae m b flaaL MlaTBeta raUtod to de­ 1 Farrto, I f ...... «... haf6 to M6k# tMt ittvtoli ssM MR Chicory FIrah Freak Ubby*s 1 7 c ...... 2 hrgfl tliM 49e aad Adn't put a single harp on the of t e Texacoa and Forde of High- feat Marta BarnaU ef Florida 4 4 , 0 Pratt, e ...... ■ iiaahia 9a oa tha WofOMlaa hov aoa MISCELLANEOUS toad Paric. Tha box sooru; 6*5p ••2e only a e te i avar a ssss to t e Parsnips ICEBERG LETTUCE ...... lOe I^rkman'a Borax 0% E . eard)...,Lioolm Ilka eld nasM to Maoaa Tsxaoea, Cummtega, rg . . . . Mureh 17.—(AP)—Two Cucumbers Firm, New, Red R e d S o l m o n toll can 21c Bed A TWdto BueB G tua sea John A. Heydler, former Na­ Ik the msa’a douHu quartor- Ben. I g ...... I t n t S aad‘was ari ui gaad tep*. LIMA R E A N S ...... 2 No. 2 tina Sle F B r fteto Blgga and Cooke paired to teams tod tto eherge for that t e shOd iriiek Za talkte with (>toeB'8hittSwK French Endive RADISHES ...... bunch 5e tional Laagne p ru d en t vlsitlnf the 3-1 Buoter. r g ...... Per Doom—fllAA trainlBg eampm agala... .Eastara 0 Vittnar, (f ...... a down Bve-Wardman. e-a, fl-l and Tedford, r g ...... !.!. 1fl 04 A t e Kattoaal A. A, U. tMakstbaU Mvar, DsMaiia atatod that t e Freeh Telepboae - ' s* MEAT VALUES FANCY FRUITS KiriemanV Soap PICK-OF-THE-PACK • Modun, I f ...... a 1-4 OuecBsey aad J. 0Hlb«« HaU ef — gaaaiMiaatto toau aM aian l RHUBARB eollega eoachw ara latsrastad la 0 Cenvaraa. e ...... 3 1* VtoGlo. Ig ...... 0 0 4 / 0 chewptonriitp into t e ■amt-flnal 15c lb. PEAS ...... 2 qts. 29e Lamb Legs, AND VEGETABLES nakeSjJgejj^g^ Bed A While Fimer-BUeed Jaaeph Mtadt crack forward of tbs Oraaga, N. J„ allmlnatod the Frtto r i ^ ^ i ^ y . Meriflg fltote aad mrely Uka a aafsr to have thafla baj Hotbed Boaton Flarlda Oraagaa, BEETS ...... 3 No. 2Vi tiiM 35c A P P L E S A ^ b I*. N * I Um Bsvaratraw (N. Y.) high ariieol 4 Vaniaat t g ...... 0 4-< enbruek brotosra, g-t, g-i; O^OllL Tlia MhlfhflMlMIP I Bermuda Geaalae Bprfaig b. 2 5 c 1 Uikas. Ig ...... 1 i-{ ^ i« 5 ef te rn s w ift teto t e aext- Burtag aMMhteo, t e Ugbtwrighi BEET GREENS ...... Ib. 18q Large, $ d ean...... ^ S C Oakite, Oeu et t«—83.73. Oeu ef 34-I*SJfl. cage team. to-tori round after daUverteg t e *25 .*®***y*W . ebawpliB t S It was RrilalwaiB alwampatete to i Slicinff Onions Chnek Roasts, Prime Freeh Bpiaaeh, Befereee. BuuHl Hotbed Boatoa 2 jk g flj_ Bed A TThito Flwey—JNced Red sad White—Fsmy—Stoe* •-31 37 BWri.balr-ratsiag overthrew te thM Juri • Bdaotu aad |g stsSsA s to aafl t e at^aBtofisiatto White fan peek PINEAPPLE ...... hrga tin 21e The Lm Angelw TImaa aaya WaL 3 M rsaewal ef haekriball’a ”worM etoUsagar Law BsMuga ef aa afly said ware D A N D EI.IO N S...... lb. 25c r':.... 29c*- 3 3 c Fairy Soap, CARROTS ...... 3 No. 2 tina 25c laaa Wad* h u wrtttea U. 8. C say­ in wbtoh 48 taama freai ^ aaaii t ail affdfoa. Boilinff Onions Double Bunehea af/M-fllAO. r u Deara fli 43. r P. / a r . Daisy Ifauas, Street,. 3 b m . . . . ing ba waa misquoted after the Rose 4 Forde, If ...... ;s 0 Strver. ft. flflff^geee B fl-3 aarasrg of t e aatlea have bomptd r v A a ts a wm flflsd this u te te Green Peppers WHITE CELERY ...b u n c h 13c 1 1 c 8 m gSRie and what ba maaat la teto dafaat atoea flundky. at Titl^atoflk aBd^flarihM iB Tnder, Ib...... 3 3 c Bed A TVItePhBey Befl A WhMe Beyri Arne ovpr waa that ba and hla boys 1 BOberte, I f ...... 0 3 Aracld. If jrAflogeng R 0-1 Yellow Turnips Crisp, Goldea, Callfomla Siaaked ShoaMers, FItas, RIgS) 3 Ha, ... 2 5 c Gold Dust, 17ffs SAUERKRAUT ...... S No. 21^ tfaw 25c C H E R R IE S ...... h rg o tin 27e 8 Bed OoiMlrae. rf ..3 3 Jotawaa, Je eeegseae 3 3-$ Twg toSM |rom t e powerful 'ari flat te t e fliri tguad.’* ■ihflflulad to atari at 840 fl^riasB tSilI a good Haas out thara and would MtoSourl Vkltoy A. A. U. Is^ im, t e A y w sM Maaimsrta’ H m ry sharp. New Beets CARROTO...... 2 bunches 15e W...... 2 1 c BaNhria Appin large p k g ...... I # C C ue ef 34—fli JO. Pm Plata <31*. Uks to go ba«k... -Whaa Tsoy Oa- 0 Hutobtaeoa. rf ...0 0 RusssUypR seeegees 4 1-3 8 Wa...... 2 5 c 1 Agarde, e ...... 3 3 P sreiia IR eesesse T 3-4 _ Nuggato aad t e ledefl flv a to ^ to Ineeh flte t e The gooae rMes high . . . we mean the *TMae Oooae**. We Juet laato geaa oa his peraoaal aapsor- 1 Hyda e ...... 1 Silver Dust, 7 1 ms Bed A a n t e Fssmy aaet tour his steoge . wUl be itaily Winter Sport 0 P sto te 1R eeggeees _ P 0-fl _ „ , id u p o , a u toft raeelved aaotber shlpmeal of SOD peck saoka of Ihrae Sne coekiaa THESE PRICES ARB QUOySD FOR CASH SPINACH ...... t hrgfl Uaa 88c PnffiAFPLE^WCE ...... 3 No. 2 tlBfl S7c 3 J m Doaabue, rg ..0 * ”UAr * to b a ttto w ltb t e PaeUto Coast BLUE GOOSE POTATor.8 . . . try a peeh . . . we gaeraatel Oallaghar the e a ^ guy who avar 1 Ntoes, tgr ...... • ttm ^ for te titto wMeh wm W g A r ’s H w n aattafhetloa . . , $7o peck. atopped aaleate..,.K w p aa ays on Conditione 15 4-U Eddla Mfllvr, forasar BanaBa Clly 0 Cbapmaa, Ig ...... 1, baadafl aat toasecrew alght lOMT Ottd ~ ~dwa We also have Idaho Baking Potatoes at $ for tSe, aad New PATRONIZE THESE NA'HON-WIDB STORES: S tar la toaighrg asBd flOals, t e Hal- ueend l 8-rauaB a t e ^ Worid' ba AMKKBATBB Florida Potatpea, 4 Iba. XSc. Graham Crackers, 1 Mortatop, BOW abowtog ptoaty ef 14 11 34 35 Beataa, Marsh 37—( i ^ . Ifwood Mrirea, who perpatratad t e dUfarsat m what It Ddus iritb thaltoatealteM 3 Mihr, rf g e g g g g g ABflalte, U|M • KITTBL’S MARKET W. HARRY ENGLAND WhtM No, $ te Fleridq.... Beforee, Oowtae. la t had 7.0M apactatera Tto I t LeatobaiB Magro appar* 1 1$ Bleaen St. Tri. MIS | O ran TM.84S1 Tie* Oepitefl,, If _ tori aliht. wm owri te fhoanloGp out 3 MaCWhaa, If 34 mtiy had hto flwa idem O B te ^ tefla.134.' Naw Tosh. (3). PINEHURST FRESH FRUIT... H.-0. Quick Oats, 2 pkgx. •eaw of our Mteaouri vallsgr IWIMpg at • ffrieek (aMuntala BUR8 ACE BROS. $ 1 . 6 9 p . 3 o a n . a aggggggg ■taaflarfl te g ) . Tha Nuimta wm Cxtnt IdUrgv - 1 W. add 1 |kg. Heeker’a Fari* PEAS =s friasria ars burataf^up tha wtras 0 Traeon . e rggg ggg with grads a Muawka boesusa wt ptar t e Boa Vtoaetoee Olypspto M , sU 7 iEM» Bril aafl wrhH»— M 0 Derrick . reoeegogeel ItoTriem aaraar^lB te Worttora OaUflarala A. A. U. Natlen-Wlds.rMd I laf New ovsrlooked tba ifktlenal tatareanfr- toft a flu pga - ^ 3 MaCkka, Mr FLORIDA ORANGES doz. 35c for ...... A giats caga tonrnay te our baakst- Davto -r. ••••••• '"Masptaa, la t e aaeoad eaeounter. _ up at te m w it of aiaa. . Pin—Obto flS She Florida Juice Orange*...... doten Sgc Evaporated M ilk ^ 2 5 c 0 Oowlu . Walhsr, m, Atlaata, M)U pises tba m a r day. Wall, 3 MUWirit Tto gtttflt fN u t e awria eotoay, t e Brodidya flghtof raa Jatoii am pefm lt...... 6 for :Sc, 4 for tSc. and I for Sic Pioawtsr Bail Liatoa bas it going 34 33 hurriafl along by D ev a^ Jack flurry of poaehm that ssat hha teroy Kayea. m i APPLES . . . more fancy, large Northern Spy Apples, g Iba. S5ej 3 Brewa .*,■•■••■•■•3 BaCsraas. Tori aad Ictatosriuddt (3$)j & “ - . . 4 1 c full btaat out te KaiMBa City wltS 3 Se^fsr •«, a, , , , , , , ,3 H<9 p aad eantar Vida ir tite . da- daaad agalari t e repmi Hfl Mdntosb Apples, 'iSe bos; Baldwin Cooking Applea, 4 Ib*. »o. Salada Tea !?X;;.ir i8c 21c ■actional ebampa and runnara-ap Id ea t e touiaaiamt’a euttteg oounted out la a litttoBaah. Ripe Avocados...... ipr emeh, S for SSe Bril aafl aVMto .an parts ef the country an- 0 SoutbergUI...... 8 Ifl rama floar te tte flteai flf t e Ptoa Bhdf, .Aih,, vwpaoi Ita te F k ay 1 Hemiiigway...... fl Hewto, isk T u to e ro ir ..Benny Leonard to asalring 0 Koeaek ...... 3 t e IcIuiuvBriia rid eteira ited —- .tOklakflua CMy Parta, m of t e FeidaMBb flaw Ught taaq 1 VIRGINIA DARE Pure Presonres * ) ^ 2 1 c a referee beeauu be leane BUM taritsttoa flgarahm lau at Packard, r f ...... g 0.3 gf p u M r i to- Naw SamriCoan—Mtok P te ars. 1 Caa HORMCL Ptohkam Mgteh, 0 Katkavaek, If . . . . . 7 0 4 34 out to a sort af tm tiS ra way. 347. Naw Tech, 4 ' PATTERSON’S MARKET 'tbS ropes between bouts and > S3 S-lt 73 Iff 44^ te tto didn’t bottor Haary. Tto Ntffite eiWIEI IIITI tortaTBueeSr the fans with light ateries 3Moartmuaa,a...... 3 0 4 4 144. Maw V A N I L L A TELEPHONE 3388 101 CENTER STREET Peanut B utter ‘ , S ^ 1 9 l ■ttchad-dewB, garly btaek hair wm (fl). Iw 1* RMN pWGiMW «l r. .friends of Mclto Bstttea (N. Y. P B r 0 Saimaa, i f ...... 3 o-i $ Tha PhllUpa DriSlit fli a thriU- PATTERSON’S FOR QUALITT AND DEPENDABILITY, state Ught hfavywMttbt champ) will M t 0 Matoam, I g ...... 4 0-3 g tha Ooiondo muaasd •Ughtiy to a altosh, add that Attaatto Oltoi M. J —PraiQr BtolL 12 CANS SPAM S-Oaaet ' ...... 3 M. BUnaer ...... fi 3-3 waajteabori^thtogwii i m . SdfllXMtaHBd. ^ gut- Bottle . 2 5 c ALWAYS WE PROVIDE WITH ALL OUR ABIUTYt toss a ”vletoty dance” te Pougb- 3 B. Sklnaer...... 1 0-1 13toM I 0 J. Melfoigb, rg . . . . fl 04 0 . . r $3-84. . up- . . to d ham to a fight AT MEAT MARKETS keepete next week. 1 Warrm ...... #...fl 3 MeOanviUa, r f ...... 3 0 4 • potetad Jamm J. IJsSriaq 370, o e Blar. ' ~ ~ 118 fcgwa ih ^30), r Pare, extra streagth va­ nNEST FRESH CHICEENS 3 U oyd...... 1 0-3 3 L, McVaigli, Ig ••• 3 0 4 3 t e Mghtwififot la r i, to 3fl4 fter nilla. Special! Freeh Pork ShoRHtn, Rke ...... 20e M. Lua.^tefl.r Note to Joe Louis: Tour double. n tte d iu aa fbr eastor tiSm t e flU hr ia A Average 5 Potmds ...... 35c Ri. Buddy Moors, to callad the 1 Huubtaam ...... • 0-0 > to 3fl Feldsua. ^ M « double-tte a l^ imrai F^eah BHddle Cata P erk B easts . . . .2Se fc. Pork to Roast I b . 2 4 c 3 Utvtoehyk ...... fl 1-1 graktttor. 33 flOS to which MflOywood aad OwPIdlUps boot " * We have a full Uaa of ^ndyFraeltFoed^^^^^^^^j^^ Bsaaatlooal haavywsigbt pr ‘to riattoasfl. eiitcHmsd a hard- ilOamrillo.j Virginia Dare Caha Ooler- ausr devetoped In tbs New York 1 Jnaes ...... fl 0-0 to 33 .7, S W E A T E R ^ S Oar Good Saeaegee, eHced...... SSe to u M u rB u f 1 Osrvtal ...... 3 0-1 ytog i sgttli, WariL, Alplam ‘ Mhslb, S . J.- lags at ISe battle — aad Our Good Scotch H aai...... 35c Ib. R i b R o a s t e* i b . 2 9 c ■OaldsB OHovaa. Mabbs you’n ba ■aaa, flfl to N E D NE L S O N “ pRCAsinoir* OR t e i r beam fleor. Tka Baat BMa U 3-7 ms, TrasktogtoB. two af th ru faito. a ig g R i^ m b s e e e s R e e t $1$ Main a t tU . V MaatosaiB Pmsteii|S>*4a S t e , Mp. Ttov ,.Mc,18c.85cb. Pt)tRaRRla...28c.80c.Mc^8lc;Mcb. iSfJE2f51^ ” '*• FM«9 of im. tb a WOdeata bava esfly bssa bsatea NewTsshB I S3. Naw Tflth A paradatlv Amarieam A ! A M J 1 A ] A L A i § l Jve Sarvtcal FhMat Qaality Gracarloa! BaaaaMbla Priesat foMteO rtoA i____ I ^ DiDcUvary e l l i U B C I l W "Piric/tu n/Q roccri/ ^iu\ WOkla’R Nib Brewa’i Batter Sm IOi> Egga K2?C«.SSW A3S , g --faaaafl Providsam AI te Cater of te B to ^ i Wa WU Ba *«aaiRr Ts«r ), $g -aa-a.d U “ ■ 'Ar- , , • , • ai# tag i u r . E D f :. WHITE M •••a a a al OTBTBEB • • Aa• • a a a a a• la a a a . a aaas Tarlt*.:^ PAGE POURTEEH MA^CH£8TEK EVBmMG HERALD. MANCHBBTER. CONN. FRIDAY. MARCH 17, 198* buOTS AND HER BUDDIES That’s That

GO nSBXNO, s a l e s m e n Juslor—Tbe barmoalea yea gave me was tha bast preset 1 ever got. Bttppeela’ fish don’t trite at first Uncle—rm glad to hear that. what are you goln’ to do 3 Junior—Yea, Mother given me i Throw down your pole, chuck out quarter a week not to play It jmiir bolt and say your flsbin'a through? INOLINCEMENTS REPATED AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE WEARING APPAREL oparattoos ta baaBtiall than la any Tou bet you ain't; you're goln’ to One morning early. T did w-hat I M^CHESTER OONVALESCKM —FURS 57 othar Una of eadaavor . . . blaaiea it Um K Loula Oaedinals tor Don fish an' filth an' fish an’ wait felt was merely duty: FOR .SAL.F.- 1921* Ford 1 1-2 ton BASEBALL ntAlNER Until you'vs katebad a bucketful or lo T D f for a|(ed. ctironio and ron- truck rnt'k tsidv, also 2 pickup on cold drinks In hot stomachs. Training Camp Outtertdga. For another thing And I’ve been paid‘a thousand times 'valesoenls. Mrs. Mary Uiblin, HARRIH TW EED mill, else alK)ul In the tarly training stages, most pitchers Van Mungo and Wayne used up all your bait. in lilting tunes — and beautv iKHlle.". Apply 4.64 .Vlain street after BASKETBALL Suppose success don't come st first. Cottage street. 6 p, m 16. 2 piece hand knit drrmi. aIho clubs now take only one workout Lamostcr have developed sore arms 'Twas very cold—Ice e\-erj'whero— doth coat. Telephonr .M22 MUST BE KNOW-ALL, . . . taking advanUge of the noon­ Notes ^ wen M e n secreUy (T ) to BACKETEERS. r a m s WDf what ars you goln' to do ? and, oh, so gray and drear; Throw up the sponge and kick your­ day sun. The Yankees work only iMeland for treatment by Denny In a double feature basketball When suddenly a tiny bird appeared AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 By ASSOCIATED PRESS Carton, Detroit Tiger#’ trainer. self, and growl and fret and BUSINESS SERVICES WANTED—TO BUY 5» two hours , . . from II to I. program at tbe West Side Rec last —and came quite near The clubs that sUU take two Los Angeles—Chicago's dty rf- stew? Because It had no food or drink—in m36 FORD rA V F:L delivery, newly ______OFFERED_ i :j cuRE-Au orauB n^ht, Ben's Racketeers defeated eSTRINfi CLEANING hringn out tlif workouts, which Include the CardI valfl, the Cubs and White Sox. Uned San Antonio, Tex.—While pre- the High Hatters 48 to 17 and the Tou bet you ain’t—you're goln' to pity for this guest— painted, 11*34 riymoiith panel de up at virtually full power today In PMing for their fourth exhibition fish, an' bait, and bait again. IV.- ',-1 i.ii.lllUin, tP33 Ford Hotr.SKHOI.,1) A.N’I) .a.mmerrlHl iv- Junk. Oonvrrt it Int^i unnh Uy call­ nals, start at 10 a.m„ stop at 11:30 took a 52 to 46 decision from I gave it crumbs, and watered It; frlgeralor H«;rvl( e at reasonahle an effort to get the Jump In their game with the SL Louis Browns, Until success wiu bite your hook— *■'*■■1 ' ' l.'an, (ipen evenings ing Wm. OalrliiRkv. IH2 HlesrN. for lunch, and continue for another the Maroon*. In the opening and was my action blest? rates. Wayne W. Phillips. .63 Walk Tcl. .'>879. hour and a half starting at 1 :45. exhibition series opener. The only who won all three previous con­ for is sura to win. Bright birds of every kind and bus Cole Motors 6463. Big League Players Wouldn’t rookies assigned to start for the Murdock, Chapman and J. Bailie er street. Telephone 497k Although hla club does thls^ Dr, tests, the Philadelphia Phils pon were the stars for the ivlnnei* w & a have, since then, graced my Toonerville Folks 1938 NA.SH UA FA YE TTE 1936 Weaver of the Red Birds opposes It, Sox were Catcher Ken Sylvestii dered tbe disclosure of the nvw Charley BeUis tossed In 14 jMjHOrsa Owner—I'm afraid, sir, I yard. By Fontaine Fox and First Baseman Merv Couiora, Oldsmoblle 6. 1934 Nash 6. 1933 RELIARI..E SERV'ICE, washing ma- APARTMENTS,* FLATS, and frankly teUs you that. In his manager Doc Prothro that he was for the Maroons. Most of the . ask you to pay in advance for They pay their board by singing Get To First Base Withont while the Cubs called on Shortstop tCe hire of the boras, 1 Dodgs panel trnelt. Messier .Nash chines and refrigerators House­ TENEMENTS 6.1 opinion. It Is done by Sam Breadon ready to weed out the roster and eteers took part in the scoring „ songs: but—stlU—such work's! Steve Meaner and Pitcher Newel would ask waivers on a half dozen 10 Henderson Road. Tel, 7266. hold anil comnierrlal. Kemps Inc. and Branch Rickey simply because Wilkie and MastoifVdld most at fxm ateur Rider—What’s that for? not hard. Phone .6680 FOR RENT—THREE OR four room Kimball among the youngsters unnamed veterans. Are you afraid I shall come back OUR BOARDING HOUSE Him; Here’s The Low they have put out considerable damage for tbe High Hatters. —Lyla Mysre apartment; fumlahed or unfiimlah- money to brtog 50 players to St, without ths horse? ed. Call Centennial 4131. * Boil’s Bocketeen (48) Horse Owner—Oh. no, sir. But down On His Big Job. Petersburg and want to see some Bradenton, Fla.—The New York ^••riburg, Fla.—Elated by P B h a w , l a d « / o n i/ AfMOTBR/ MOVING—TRUCKING action for their money. Yankees were a united family to­ weir lO-lnnlng triumph over the 1 Frey, rf ...... 4 the h o ^ might come back without BVKIOVINa ■you* FUbV FOR RENT—ONE ROOM (very day with third baseman Red Rolfe ^ t o n Bees yesterday, the Boston A R M M o u s a Manchester STORAGE 20 •kfRe) apt. with ahower bath and 8 Fraher, I f ...... 3 TO TWE FU LL »N IVlto signed and In imlforra for the world Red Sox hoped to make It two 1 J. BeUis, if ...... 2 • STORIES M W T B R ■TWACTlS AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS T/h*n you kitchenette. Available .March 16th, B.v H.AIUtr GRAYSON McCa r t h y c l a im s o n e champions' exhibition against the •tralght against National league ' I I OB NOT MBW viOOPLE PMRX, X Evening Herald wiint the best In Loral and Long Orford Bldg. 869 .Main street. Ap DAILY WORKOUT ENOUGH teaiM today in a game svlth the SL 1 C. BeUis, c ...... s .HOOPLB HIMr A U . NEA Servloe Sports Editor Boston Bees. The last New York 1 Fogarty, c ...... a lAnta'cUe region is about 30 ftEE— KATFt Distance Moving. Dally Bxpreaa ply Marlows. But Joe McCarthy of the Yankees holdout came to temu yesterday lAuls Cardinals. Manager Joe Cro­ degrels colder than tbe Arctic. IN STAMPS WHO OAVe RKI$4T< CLASSIFIED Hartford, Manchester, Uockvilla. and other managers hold that If a nin chose Eldon Auker and Frits 1 Toman, rg ...... 3 MA»-l*«4jMPM'y 1 FOR RENT-ATTRACTrVF, four St. Petersburg, Gla., March 17— reportedly at the club’s figure of 2 Runde, I g ...... 1 TH' MlLUOI>J LOOK A *f Phone 6260.—68 Hollister street. club puts everything In Its first Ostermueller for the mound chore. Interviewer—What have vou to h a d IKTTVKID6D ADVERTISEMENTS rfs*m leriement. rent rally located When Willie Schaeffer, the old fight­ $13,000, a raise of $1J500 over last 3 M. Weiss, I g ...... 0 *rO AAAKB H I»B I workout, It will only soldier and get year. The Yanks, fresh from two say about anonymous letters ?’ BUtLDIKia A FACTOCRV Gouni SIS avsrsa* words to a lias CALVIN C TAOOART.—Moving all Improvemrnls. Inquire 701 Main er, applied for the trainers' post -T H ^ P A R K A M ''T H E N Initials, numbers and abbrssisilons slreet. little or nothing out of the second. pitching diyls with Cincinnati, l*k e Charles, La.—Having dis­ 13 Professor—They're stupid: I read MERE, BLn” 1VIB, sanb oouni as a word and compound and tru< king. 39 Woodland street with the New York Giants some So why not work a little longer In looked for more of the same when posed of third baseman BIU Werber 21 6-18 48 them but I never answer them. ? A T T H ' words aa two words Minimum cost Telephone 636,6. High Hatters (17) «30V OF M W M a FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM flat, with years back, the laU John McGraw one setting and call It a day? Manager Casey Stengel of the Bees to tbe Ctnclnnatt Reda by the s t a t c h b k / pries of throo llnoi. said he would use lyju Fette and 0 Fishers, rf THE SUCCESSFUL MAN c tt w m je e n a p p y Uno ratos per day lor iranoleni heat fumlahed. Apply M. J. Cough iked him what he would do if a Doc Painter of the Yanks and waiver route, Connie Mack put up 2 SobiskI, rf ...... ada Jim Turner on the mound. •SHOWS WHAT HE CAN DO H lil- lln, 186 North Mstn street. baseball runner broke bis leg slid­ otoer first class trainer# anticipate • front to the Philadelphia PIRMTAIUBD AMD J RWoettee Mareh IT, IPST ______REPAIRING 23 iRTuries. Athletles two remaining holdouts 2 Maston, If . ... SELF—WHILE THE FAILURE ing Into second. 0 Wltae, c ...... ,OEClDeD-IO DONMre . - Caab Cbarge ROOFINO A SPECIALTY. Also Painter contends that he can tell New Orleans—Manager Oscar to^y. Saying he hadn’t heaid from TALKS ABOUT WHAT HE BUT TH' J ^oaecuUro Uaye ..I 7 otsi S ote "I'd call a doctor," replied Schaef­ VItt of the Cleveland Indians seems p.tcher Leroy Pannelee and our- 0 Bcglnskl, c ...... WOULD DO IF HE WERE SOME­ ”TM« «P c r r -ID -THB AW, ME f Days .. • ots! il cu siding, carpentry and mason work HQU8 ES FOR RENT 65 fer. whether a base-runner has strained 2 Modonls, r g ...... Fur Trodars Opengd STATCHSM his knee or ankle upon seeing him convinced that Jimmy Webb Is the ' '• <*'• Reaaonable. Tims payments ar He got the Job. 3 Zapatka, r g ...... AtKFTO C rr All ordart for Irregular Insertione ranged. W. Vancour, .66 Wells St SEVERAL MODERN SIX ROOM slide or whether an outfielder has Mswer to hla shortstop problem. he declared, *'i don’t see why Canoda's Wheot Country tSR O W B D be charged si tke one time raio single houses, also two family flats. One of the more Important thlnga With holdout Lyn Lary officially 0 Yeltema, Ig ...... Now York la the home of the MO falaa for long (erw every Phone 3336 pulled a muscle In throwing while w *y expect major league salaries THAT P U r t In excellent locations. Apply Ed­ baseball trainer must know Is off balance. unheard from by the club. Vltt said until they show they can play ma­ Scotch story . . . but it is left for T H E prairie Canada the British MUBThCHB •^▼•rtletng flven spun requeei. 9 UMOOR HtS _ ordered before tbe third or arth WE SPECIALIZE In applying roofa ward J. Holl. Telephone Manches­ when hla work ends and that of the he believed Webb superior anyway jor league ball." 6 8-12 IT Philadelphia to produce the perfect king and quean will tea this doi-tr,r begins. Most modem players report with year was a barren wildemese Just t will bo oharged only for the ee- and siding. Workmanship guaraii ter 4642 or 8026. Uttle excess weight, and the average afield and that a full season’s test Hcoro at half 28-3, Racketeers. example. F. Wallis Armstrong re­ SCHMOaeZLB wumber ^ thnes the ad appear- teed. Time payments arranged The baseball .ralner'a work differs against major league pitching Baton Rouge, La.—BUI Terry set Referee, Earl Blssell. lates that a prominent and success­ 100 years ago when the first white SMMCa TH* obarglng 4t tbe rate enrnetf but from that of the coUegs trainer In will lose from six to 10 pounds In a explorer in the wesL La Veren- M olloeranee #v refuode can be made Painting and carpentry. A. A. Dion spring workout and put It right might show him adequate at the some kind of a long distance record ful American business man of STACCHCR .. that be Is not concerned about a plate Rama (62) drye. camped one night at the K e ' •• alB time o4e otopped after Jhe Inc., 81 Wells street. Tel. 4860. REAL ESTATE FOR back on. today by announcing his starting Bcoteh descent visited Scotland for w keM A B m J ttta day. EXCHANGE 76 building program. Ha deals with pitcher for the National League P B .iho'iflrst time. Junction of the Astinibolne and No *‘ttn torbtde dteplay itnee not mature athletes. Diets vary. Some players require 1 Oole, r f ...... Red rivers. But La Verandrye \RK —UL more red meat than others and Tampa. Fla.—Cheered by their opener against the Brooklyn Dodg- . .2 He stormed into his hotel In The UeraJd will o«t be reeponaible HELP WANTED— I HAVE CLIENT who wishes to The fighter or runner may let toat of holding the New York era AprU 18 would be Harry Gum- 1 Dorcoss, If ... ..4 .fllissgow one day and said to some saw the spot might prove impor­ exchange a 2 family house for down completely after a brief alege there are those who require the sl- 3 Murdock, c ... tant in the future, so he erected a ■bf More than o&e Iboorreei ineertion FEMALE 35 coholic contents of an occasional Yankees to two run In 20 Innings, bert. While be was looking into the ..7 0f his American friends: bay advertleemeni ordered for motlem single house. The 2 family of Intensive training. one of the runs a homer by Wea 2 (Chapman, rf . crude fort Mere than otie time glass of beer or ale. future, Terry also delivered him­ ..6 American—For years 1 have been W ANTED- OIRL FOR general house Ib In goi>d conditiun and well The baseball trainer’s task Is to Ferrell which won .yesterday's game self of the opinion Harry Daiuilng 2 J. Beilis, If ...... 5 jflafendlng the Scotch from what I It was not used, however, for Tbe loadvertept oruieeioo ut ti)cur« The day of drowning an athlete In P«J**«et*on of advertlainc wttl be hoiisework. call 3.643 after 7:30 located and brings In a good rental get . . . and keep . . , 28 chargea on DO. the ClnclnnaU Reda helped the would be the best catcher In base­ iBonsldered the unfounded charges the fur traders were yrt to oome. rMU0ed oeir by oaneellallon of the p. m. TTie single miiat be Ip a good loca­ a plane of normal living that en­ liniment Is past. Liniments are still Detroit Tlgena open their exhibition ball this year, "not excepting Bill 9 24 They arrived In a pack, some 68 A used for heating and cooling, but 4-9 68 at panuriousnesB that it has become * rendered tion anil In the |6.(MM) to S7,uuu ables them to go through six weeks program today. The Tigers were Dickey.” and that BUI Jurges would fbe fashion to hurl at them, but I years later. Two packs, in fact- All advertteemente moei oonform HOUSEKEEPER. EXPERIECKU, sparingly. IB etyJa, copy artd typography with price range. Arthur A. Knofla, Dial or more of training In a highly-spc full of trade nimors. Including a bo the Giants' beat shortstop since ,Riu all through. Just now I stop­ the Nor'-Weetars of Montreal end reliable, refined, iineneumhered. for The trainer chiefly works with rbfulatloaa enforced by the poblleh* 5440 or .6938, 873 Main atreet. claused game and a 164-game ached f^atcher Tebbetta for Shortstop Travis Jackson. 0 Buttler, rf .. ped iu a cigar store and bought the Hudson’s Bay company. Im­ '-JUr''. S . ^ raaerve tbe right to motherlesa home, one child. Reply ule lasUng from mid-April until electric heating apparatus of differ­ Travis deal with Washington. 2 Brown, If ... mediately there was a blttar con­ e^U MvtM 01 reieei any copy ooa> ent penetrations. This and skillful ihree cigars—high priced elgara. I to Box L. Mancbeater Herald. early October. SOUTH CHURCH LEAGUE 2 Bunce, c . ... M t the end off one of them and test for the control o f tha west gfdered ebjectlonaDla manipulation are the more Impor­ BOURS^iaaaidad Me WANTED—REAL While the good baU player must Orlando. Fla.—President Clark (“ Y " Alleys) 0 Aceto, rg ... .fisked the salesman for a light. He and both oompanlaa built outposts A l «• bd PBbllahed eama day miiat be re- 77 be alert and hla musclea attuned at tant thlnga. Griffith of the Washington Senatora 2 C. BeUis. rg Fort Gibraltar and Fort Douglas. 36 ESTATE Team No. S (8) paaaed mu 6ut a box of matches, 1?*5# ^ ** oelocb noon: Seiurdaya HELP WANTED-MALB all times, his training program must Baseball training on the field L put his approving stamp on young W. Turklngton 2 Toman, ig .. gemarking/that they cost one penny. Then came Lord Selkirk, ag­ about the same everywhere. Mc­ Morris Aderholt today, Just about . 89 80 92—261 gressive bead of the Hudscti’s Bay MEN WITH SELLING a>)lllty and I WISH TO HEAR from owner of not be too rigid at any one period. J. Adam s...... 98 101 102—301 Z, told him I had plenty of matches A e o w - nice single home, Interested In sell­ Severe training over a protracted Carthy of the Yankees brings hla making It unanimous. Ths second U Pbllllpe ..., 8 20 6-12 46 fit tha hotal, so I ^dn’t want to buy company. It was SeOcitk who TELEPHONE YOUR ear. Proapecta furnished. Long es- .133 131 103—366 saw that the oountiy opened by .a f & if it i ing to private rash buyer, at rea­ period frequently causea combat­ pitchers and entire club along a bit baseman from Wake Forest coUege C. Banka ...... Score at haU 32-23, Rams, Ref- fiBy, I only wanted a light. He said WANT ADS Ubllshed house, handling most already had been praised by Mana­ . 88 111 90—289 the fur traders was a farming sonahle price. No agenta. Please ants to go stale over the long slower than the others. Marse Joe eree, Biascll. that I would have to buy tha box acceptable electrical appliances, llkea his athletes to get Into the ger Bucky Harris and even Buddy country at well, ao from U II.15 seoepted oesi tba toiaabSM write P O. Box 36, Rockville. championship route. et matches in ordsr to gst IL I told •t tbs CRAROE h ate glean abova household and commercial. Will Myer. whose Job Aderholt U trylne 408 423 386 1217 be brought hundrada of aatflars swing of things smack dab on open­ Team No. 4 (1) blm that tn America every dgar •• • •cneanlanoe to adesrtlssrA bsi train men aelecterl. Kemp's Ine. DIET. FEET, BUSTERS ing day. This may leave them a to get. ’ “ OAMERA-SHT into the fertile Bed river viUey SCUKCHY Si\IlTH Cash Ra TEB wiU bo aoooptod aa H. Kimball ...... 74 go 113—277 fitore had a lighter from which cus- Heading for the Last Round-Up 763 Main street. Phone ,6680. Uttle behind in the spring, but It's from his native SooUand. Aad, PATH ENT If paid SI l b ; ^ “ CO.NRAN’S LEAUI K TRAINER'S BIG WORRIES W. Holman ...... 86 98 81—266 texaen could obtain a UghL He rs- By JOHN C TERRY .Most major league trainers today his belief that this system keeps San piego, Calif.—Here to open Rockford, Rl.—In the S3 yean despite all manner of SEE, AMC THAT , 31!* ®* • ' ssrsnlb W. Harrison...... 104 92 125—321 r id that that was not ths custom Nonti'pojn'-i\x day following tbe 4.60 per load Apply E.lwsrd bonesettera. at San Bernardino and declared, P. Burr ...... 103 100 109—312 Reports could find no photograph It becana a vital trading poat and CLASSIFICATIONS Tart’ll ReNtaiinint (4) league outfit tHesc da.ya Is supposed fi dog, aad was proudly demonstrat­ J. Holl, TeL 4043 or 6186. to be the finished article. "we hope to be back next year." S. N ichols...... 101 98 86—285 of Pearson. He aras camera-shy. scttlars’ dapoL Maanwhllt; a set­ aiftbs ...... SniiroEiniikl . . . . too 1.36 107—34.3 A trainer's principal concern In J. Cheney ...... 83 70 80—232 ing hU good points to a friend. Ssgsgaments' ill the spring are dleL feet, and blis­ And he is in thi hands of a man­ tlement was growing up outaide I ^ H lUrrtagaa ...... FOR RALE — SEASONED hard Taft ...... 107 10(* 99 -300 Oearwater, Fla.—Taking advan­ Mrs. Brown--I know he is not the fort iteelf and the plnneaii Dealha ------ArulerRon ...... III 86 101—'2«« ters. The skin Is soft and tender ager who can yet the most out of SOUND SLEEPER Mbat you would oall a pedigreed w^Hl. 1-2 coni 84..60, JH.OI* cord after a winter of Inactivity. The him and in the care of a trainer tage of an open date in their exhibi­ 379 376 870 1126 called It Winnipeg, from S e O e e For Furnace. Edward Ruacnglia Holiert* ...... 1,30 71* 107-;ilH tion Bchedule, the Brooklyn D ^ - Team No. 2 (I ) but no tramp or beggar can words. Win, meaning murky , and ...... trainer krepa an eagle eye peeled who knowi all there Is to know Lzigansport, Ind.—A brick budd­ eome near tha bouse without his ^ .1 sod ponnd Tel, 8639. Kelley ...... 113 101 127—341 era went deep sea fl.6hing today— A. Gibson . 92 79 96—267 Nipiy, water. for cuta, abraslona and scrapes. about the latl.sslmus dorsl, or the G. Trueman ing ooUapaed here wbUe Paul R. letting us know IL AftBogDcemente ...... power throwing muscle. but left a lot of confusion behind. . 94 92 91—277 Rea, 65, was asleep in IL Thus Canada’s plains were Paiwonala ...... •o.eoeeawogsgggg ...... 661 602 641 1604 There Is more danger of Infeotlon In For one thing there were well sub­ R. Mercer ., 1 Friend—What does he de? Bark the semi-tropical climate of the .101 123 121—345 Police, searching the ruliia for opened. Old Fort Garry is shown y 'i V dnlemoMlee WIndMir Ian'Icb (0> stantiated rumors that a trade was R. Nichols .. (be bouse down?' HUIISEHULD G(M)DS 51 camps. The osprey, a bird that lives on . 85 86 83—266 his body, found the man surround­ above ea a current Canadian A^temoblle• fur 8al« ...... Jamroga . .. .. 97 107 i n —318 being cooked up which would send Mrs. Brown—No; he crawls under stamp. AutOfsobllea for Eachunge ’ ! ] * * ’ Bridea and Or(M)ma! See Our Lovely Howanl .... Limping players or those'batting fish, can neither dive nor swim. ed by fallen timbers and bricks un­ tbe sofa. Auto Accceieorlee~Ttrea , . . 95 66 100—283 third baseman Cookie l/ivagetto to •72 379 891 1142 harmed—and etlU sleeping. (Ccprrlrlit. IMS, NBA Service, Ine.) Aoto Repelfing—|«alnfiMg 3 and 4 ROOM FURNITURE G oyrttr...... 92 90 and throwing with blistered hands 101-283 lose ro-ordinatlon and timing which Auto bchoo.ia ...... By kll means see theae beautitui Phillips ___ . . «1 60 1^ AbIow—Ship by Truck 105—2«« may be difficult to recover. & 3 and 4 room outflta. We don't want C O'HrIght . . . 95 136 Autoe—For Btre ...... to exaggerate, but If you'll Just give 100—331 Sudden overheating under a hot FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosser WASHINGTolS TUBBS OArasea—6ervtoo--Btora0a . us the opiKirtunlty of showing them aun In the middle, of the day de­ 8 ' Crane OUT OUR WAY Motoreyelaw—Bloyelao ...... 460 501 617 1478 HOLD EVERYTHING WUUanui Wanted Aoteo^lfotoroyeiee to you. this Is all we ask. .Save you velops abnormal thIrsL After FUPPER FANNY •OT. X AR.GOMUVfOV.THArS OH.TMIUMWTS T 3 * LAID AWAKE.' 'IX J By Sylvia O m, FReoG.es, BMK. VOU \ WOT TMl TROPICS f - R I WHV.'IP X WAS AT Buslw* money? Well, Jual see for vourHelt drinking too much cold water, play­ , T L e y s e m t l a r d **' W tOA-TOIAS 'HIROMIU', A NOPE/ X CANT THAT’S W > mm4 Freteealeiiei g#rvUv Htar .Market (8) YOUR AGE AM’ HAP mTVEHAO ButlovM Svrvico Oflr«r«g 3 ROOMS EUR-VITtfRE ! . »13|* er# frequently get so they can't look SO MAPPT a b o u t 'YOUR. /AND MS AN ADVANCE GEEM GO r n POWE T8 $\E. TWUWU* UTTLf *0•OV BACK TAKETU* 30B-> TROUBLE WriH Houavbolg ftvrvlc«» Off«r»g Piillnskl .... 100 96 108 .3UH at solid food. SONS BEINO PUBUSHED/ DtFFEeeMT. A OPFER LIKC THAT A c o u p le CBI 110 Down (18 months to pay I I'liirk ...... -F if t e e n buocs W0M t.*OH.T SORROW AND X CAATT WORK m o s t BulMIng-ContraciIn, _ . ! . . 91 95 106— 291 Erie Vansant Painter of the Yan­ I’D QUIT HERE AM’ O P U S - CHANCeSTO ^orlsts—NurssiiM ...... 3 ItOO.MS EUR.NITURE . »l.6sII Waynrr .. . . 1(H) 66 APIECE f ^b0l THe RIALTO TDMTHIR AiEAM. ilvn t TO P A W ?-— I'M* y)iiii'i Help Wanted—Male or Fomale.. n ed when players toss off bed covers e i ^ A OATS AND Agvnt* Wantvg ...... • - * THOK WASHKH rebuilt like new. F. H. A. PLAN—OR whlla asleep. 4BATRM IF ntuatlonv W&etvd—Fvm*lV *.* *’ .* It A rc«l bAi-)(iilr). uneij refrlieenitor W i^ ALL GO *10 U'LL STAND Bltuatlene Wented—Male ...... it ' INS. CO. 5IUNEY Lon Wameke, greaf rtgh-hand THB RIALTO I THB Xmploymeni agenolet ...... to in A -1 uomlition, J.'to Kemp's Inc pitcher of the Chrdlnala, saserU Im­ AFTBR THe Phone 5680 CONSTRUCTION LOANS ORCHESTRA ~IHER» OR^BSTRA PLATS id.” - PeeltlT— Vebirict proper dress off the field ranees as p o«»—Bird*—Pets ...... ,, No Commiasions or Bobimcr. many sore arms as are developed ~ GONNA FLAT OUR 6 0 N6 ,AN0 t e y »e Stock-V.blclte l4 Ml- PFKN KLKCTHIC refrlgcTators, to , J-RBMBfiBBR. /-^ WON- Poultry and guppliet ...... *4 thomiij-hly recombtlonrrt. ami Horses airs walked and eoolsd out SONOS*/ / OERPULI Wanttd— Ptte— Poultry—giocii Kuaranteetl $25.(H) ath\ up. Wayne The Lomos & •a u t h o r / "'•celleeeeee U Phillips. .'iS Walker street. Tel sner a race,* explatna Watneke. ▲rtlclvft For 8o)« but many pla.vers, steaming hot 'it S 'S S j* / AoeooooHot 49T^ Netfleton Co. BaUglng Matoriftio after n game or wOrkout, hop un­ ' t u b BM Diomoodo^ KOH a^ALK -UNK C,HEY comblna- Ilaiifonl — l-sjll der a shower and haatan but In the m A ? Onr RepreaeaUUve la T M « cool air before their pores hsvs had f « * ‘ « 5 ‘ t»r*n roaj and gas range, oil burn­ er Includeil Reaaonable. Tel. 4833. Every Week. time to dote." assib^id's^ie^r?^. 126 Tnunball Street Trainer PalnUr of the Tankes«.>-. ligcblBory ond Tools ••••ee bellevea there are more sppcndlclUh “The market hasn't been so good to Gregory lately. ** hbM ?h ^ fd but n i bat ho'g 15^ ^rtooi u.trum.ssr MACHINERY AND aw jou Mt nit teeth in that bet cloeeupT^ Offloo BBd Storv KautpoMot g e e l ^ at the TOOLS 52 Aggarsl—Pure ...... Wanted—Te Bay•'Ww .••••••ewsegbam ...... USED FARMALaLs, John Deere. MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE t m c c r a m p Fordeone, C»lerpllle.re, need pftowe. The Real Test A LLEY OOP _____ • n - ■sswa Biaii Uotele By THOMPSON AND COLL _ Beatawrante harrow*, complete etock Fordeon b y H A H O N ganaie Wltboui Board ...... pxrta. Dublin Tractor Oonpenv -w So X CAN TAKB A BOW— > 1 BMIdara Waatad ...... Wllllmanlii'. V HRRMfi WlUikF ...... ^ RLIMPUS AND 1H*rU. /DAiMy^Ncim _____o u z l fr fs l* —Rsatawraote ...... Pu t to u OUT AND tou t o u r monbt YMXr BGG'GOME- WHOD MUkir D F M TS 1 0 * HB WANTBD Wanted—Rooma—Board B A O C ,^ TOU CAM i SS n IT .BooyawnPEO BAD SNOUOH TBIBH ^ THAT IG G Brnml Baufo Fat RaM BAD* J M B 'IH A r s A p a^eatg Flau. Teaemenu MC / s » ? IT/ THKia. nbch btealiiJ w r w f f i TH A G R lG H r/ Buelnaa t«catloaa ter Real . ( T f Babarbaa For Real ...... FOH SALE Summer Hemae For Rent BOLTON CENTER Wanted to Ran* ...... 6- ^ m Cape Cod; steam heat; ■aal Batata Far Sala attached garage. ^ A A ^ T t ! Apartmaat Ballding tot Bale ... Bualneaa Property tor Bala ...IJ All Modern. $ 4 4 7 5 Paras and Land tat Bala ...... MANCHESTER GREEN Houaw for Sal...... a-Room; Ule bath; Late ter^ Bala oU burner. 9 0 9 5 0 ^ 41C9e. Stuart J. Wader Real Eatale aad laauM lw BMk- TeL aMS-nu .m W
