Saving Is a Pleasure Hitler Ends Journey of Triumph

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Saving Is a Pleasure Hitler Ends Journey of Triumph ^ riOSTWBLVB » ...... THUB8DAT. MABCH16. U 6S'^ S U m O u ttK Ettfutao S n att AVEBAOB DAILV aBCCLATIOM THB WBA1BKB tor Um m satb o f Fabcuary, 1888 Mra. R. K. Anderaoa and Mrn. Loyal CIrelo of Ktng'a Daugbtem ovaaing st and TiM Woman'n Home MtoMonary Mr. aad Mm. WUUaai DavM WU> W. W. Eella. promiaant raambaia of will aarvn aa appetliring auppar to- again Friday evening, March 84. >deto of the South Metbodiat a torn taken np hnaaifcianlim- at i ABOUT tOWN nlgbt In Canter church panab balL W tn c . Now rBritain “ • win broadcaat 6 , 2 1 0 Omiamgy fair tm» oenmwhM the Manchaatar Oardaa club left thla church will meet tomorrow after­ I Walker itmd. Mm.. WIIboo Member of Um AudK morning for MUtoo. Mean., wbara For the oottvantenoa o f bualneaa a tranaerlbed meaaaga by Luther If'i Tha Truth! l E w m i m 1 eeldsr toolgbt; Satarday fair and noon at 8:80 with Mm. Me- prior to her marrlaga waa IT HALE'S Mn. ftui Oomntl ot Birch atraet they wUl ha guanta af rwlaUraa o f people who am la the atoraa thla C. Steward, praaldam of tha Na> Klnnsy of Focter atreeL Dr. Eari Irena Houm, danghtar of Mr. i A wtss aflcsM Irailds s ■utiau of dmotoUeno r eanUnuril COM, « tto « w nm oved to 8L Prmneii Uia. Asdaraon tor J m waek-ond. evening, they win bo ready to aerve tlonal Fedamtlkttan of Federal pnt- B. Story wlU giva tatm addmaa. Mra. Hamid Honaa a f South M at S o'etoek aad win ecotlnue until Brldgs B m es rmaalng • S E L F S E R V E MANCHESTER - A CTTY OF VH.LAGE (liA R M hoapItaJ MMdhjr and oparated on They win attend tha annual flower siKUkai — ethers Jamp Bi| TuMalay mornliir, la makinf aatia- khow o f tha Uaaaachuaatta HorU- 7. Proflta wot be need In aandlng Tba daaa torXba atudy of the fhetoty profreaa, but am be un­ cultural aodaty at the Hechanica flowera aad fruit or earda to thoee General Weltom OMter No. 41 VOL. LVnL, NO. 142 am Fags td> MANCHESTER. CONN„ FRIDAY. MARCH 17, 1939 who am in or abut Ig- A total of Italian langnaga wm maat gt tba m FViday 2:30 to 5:30 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE raRBB CENTS able to MMra her Mvnda for aer- building, Boaton. will hold Ma regular weakly meet­ Stota Trade aehool at 7:18 toalght. ctal daya yet. <S b o o M ta o f flowam have been ing at the Eaat Stda Rao tomorrow Spedalfl aant out during the Winter numtba. evening nt 8 o’clock. X full attend- Keep floors and Mr. and Ura. Walter L>t]an have Group 4 of Center church women. Mra. WInthrop Meniam, leader, will nnee la raqueeted. It wlU be open to returned to their home on Main Bacaping with minor facial lacer- the public. A mport toom the Ad- “Tumor Boy** in Flight for Life atrect after apendiny the winter In hold a food aala Saturday morning atkma whrm he waa atruck near bla *'cold zones**, W o l n u f o r JUDGE MANTON at 0 o'clock at Hala'a atora. They viaory Board will be mad. PUBLIC SETBACK HITLER CONDEMNED St. Piteiabury, Florida. home by a ear laat night, Herbert .1 will feature baked baana, breada o f BlaaeU, It, o f 684 Middle Turnpike Maachflstar Grsaa 8dM ^ Almond Meats I i J i . ......................... varloua klnda aa well aa the uaual w a i m I HITLER ENDS JOURNEY eaat, waa treated at the Manebeater Tba Vatamna o f Foreign Warn PrMag At S P. M. PraaqR! AGAIN INDICTED line of home baked fooda. Mamorlal hoopital. Ha waa hit by and tha Brlttah War Vatorana and Tall Cedars! the auto o f Emanuel WlUlama of thatr AuxlUartoa win bowl at the 8 CssB PrIsasI A4sl SSe. i-lB . pk g. 23c BY UNITED STATES The N.T.C. card Club met laat Allaton, Maaa., who aald ha w Weat Side Rae tonight. BY G R ^ JURY night with Mra. Etbel Cowlea of blinded hy rain and did not aee Bla- BINGO Hudaon atreet. A drawing on the aelL PollCemaa W aller Caaaella, Jack FVast OF TRIUMPH THROUGH hand-made handkerchiefa waa held who Inveatigated, made no armat. Confoctionary^ FOR USE OF FORCE Tonight— 8 :3 0 and Mra EUla A. Bolton o f 48 Bla- O ic k M R a if aell atreet held tha winning number, _ A maatlng of the Democmtie 96. S u g o r Masonic Temple ^ Town Committee haa been announc­ Monthly Supper F0LKX04AN CANT WEAK t ers ADefcd To Havo h - ed for tonight at 8 p. m. In tha Wellet, Adiif SecreUry Of OEBBN SHIRT AND TIB I TWO NEW PROVINCES 20 Games 2Sc r Due to tha funeral o f Father municipal building. MON., MAR. 20 5:30 to 7:30 Reldy Saturday morning the Satur­ CHURCH COMMUNITY 6 c p k g . Kanaaa a t y , March 17— (A P ) I flMDCcd DedrioK h h t- 135 iXK)R PRIZk X day morning claaa of St. Biidget'a w ith ANTHRACITE Slate, Isnet Fonaal —Patrolman John M cOoi^a' IN SEVEN $a.M PRIZES. C church baa been cancelled. HOUSE greeted St Patrick's day with Has Most “Oomph* Arrives At V iein 0 i Plauty al ParMag la rear ol T NBRTH COVENTRY C k B ip beirs Statement, Aptnroved By somewhat lasa of a amlla *»«««« : o i l lafriDgemoRt C ast. JEWIRRESIS Temple ar an Baat Center 'St. ^ Mra. Jane Parker, mother of MIm Parish Supper A h e m to pmvenl N e ll aanm* and could be tkpeetod from an blah- ! • 4 Clara Parker and Frederick H. Par­ MENU: Ham. baked beans, scal­ T o m a t o J u i man wbo fought the Black aad cBlTnii Frea Bi THURSDAY, MARCH 16. D rive U Seats l i t k aama Iw lam dkm ker of thla towrn, received the con- loped potatoes, gteea ealad, FDR, On Land Seizure. Tan In the Easter mbelUon of New Tork, March 17.—(AP)—A gratulatlona of her relatlvea and 5 to 7 P, M. pickles, rolls, eoflee, aesartod hm toah Im AND S U E S 1016. Mcond Indictment, containing three Meravii; GkeereA frlenda today on reaching her 63nd CENTER CHURCH iiome made cahee. na my dept He mported for duty wearing birthday. Mm. Parker la keen Deer Priae! Sapper 88ak 1 4 - O Z , C O B ooimta of eonaptracy, was mtumad SPEOAL PARISH HALL S a fely Waahlngtoii, March 17— (A P I— a green Ue aad a green ahlrt. and In fairly good health for a per- “1 caa apprsdats bow you today against former Federal Judge O N W m S E T k e u u M s AiHe . aon o f her years. She la at prev­ dp pay fcr Tho United Statea govemnient ex- In n er spring Loyal ardeT ktoga Daaghtora. baayaaaidi feel,’’ said hia Uautenaat. MarUn T. Menton by the same Fed­ ent at the Clay Convaleacent home. MENUi Stmfed freab ham, If yoor windshield wiper m J E l M t i c s a preaaod today ita ''condemnation'' of “ But— I eral grand Jury which Indicted him maalied petatoea, taralpa, pege, works very slowly or not st la CaaL SM ear mrvlm i Oarmany’a “wanton lawleaanaaa' And John want home to eeveral ereelu tgo. FonMT Military Camp 25 Hilel; Reviews Task MATTRESS Mary C. Keeney Tent. Daugbtem dtUvary, md ear adrim m bew is The counts charged conspiracy to of Union Vaterana of the Civil War (mnerhrant If dealred), reU^ sU. we can repair it. We and "arbltrafy force" in occupying change to regulation bhie ahlrt! anplamnca, rolla, lemoa me- FBIGIDAIRE me mill I and black Ue. obetruct jusUce, conspiracy to de­ will meet thla evening at tha State rlagne pie, eoBea. Caecboalovakia. vwoa h Msraviui Armory. Delegatee will be voted also huve s very completa I mill gra ---------------------------------------------i, prive tha United States o f the Im­ Miles From Prafie Now AdaMa IWe; TERMS — TRADES! With the approval of Prealdent partial services o f a Judicial ofnear o 1 2 . 9 S on and plana dlJKmaaed for tllb two- ELECTRIC stock of new wipers. Rooacvelt, Acting Becmtory of day atate convention to be held here Ohildrea nader IS. 88c. and oonapiracy to bribe a Judicial State Wellea laaued a formal atate officer. Conceatration G oiter, Vtaium, March IT.— (A P )- A ^ I t and 80, aa Maty C. Keeney RANGE G . E. W illit & Son, ment In which he apoke of Ger­ Teat la tha home tent o f the prea- Borsfow ^ s The indictment named William RUlar arrivad at Vlmm at 8 p. Otvee many'. abaorpUon of most of SENA11 PASSES J. Fallon, described as bualnaas ent department prealdent. Mm. Oeeklag and NORTON I n c . Phses 8884 Est Iftt Cbactiaalovakla aa a “temporary ex- Pkrty To Be Diisohred. Ill a. uu, a a i.) today after a I KEMP'S Frederick R. Manning o f Maple agent for Manton, as tha interme­ Bahfaig performaaee ever OeaL Lnmber, Blaaens’ tlngulahment of the UbertlM of day Journey tbraugb Ms now atreet. kaewB. diary In tha coUecUon o f 887,000, Waller N. Leclerc ELECTRICAL Paint frea and tndepmident people with BILL ALLOWING aOagedly paid by Almon & Hall taetarataet Bohemia aad Ma Aa Law As glldXS, 8 Mstai St.
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