The Narrow Way and the Broad Way Oct - Dec 2013 the Worldthrough Thepastfewyears
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77 OCT - DEC 2013 THAT GOD’S NAME BE GREAT AMONG THE NATIONS THE NARROW WAY AND THE BROAD WAY destroyed in this way, what sort of GREETINGS people ought you to be in holy con- duct and godliness, looking for and Another year has passed, and the hastening the coming of the day of new year is upon us once again. The God....” - II Peter 3:11-12 swiftness with which the years are passing is a validation of one of the Peter sets forth three characteris- greatest truths of Scripture regarding tics that should mark our lives. First, the plight of all men: we should be a people who are con- stantly cultivating conformity to Jesus “Man is like a mere breath; his Christ through renewing our mind in days are like a passing shadow.” the Word, strengthening our hearts - Psalm 144:4 in prayer, and walking circumspectly. Secondly, we should look for Christ’s The brevity of our lives becomes return. We should set our eyes upon even more apparent when we con- eternity, and invest our lives accord- sider that even the works of creation ing to the will of God. The Scriptures itself are only temporary. The psalm- promise that “the one who does the ist writes, “Even they will perish, ...all will of God lives forever” (I John 2:17). of them will wear out like a garment” Thirdly and lastly, we should hasten (Psalm 102:26). The Apostle Peter the day of God. This does not mean writes, “...the heavens will pass away that our actions have power over God’s with a roar and the elements will be decrees, but it points to our role in the destroyed with intense heat, and the working out of His decrees. We are to earth and its works will be burned up” be a people who are constantly labor- (II Peter 3:10). ing for the Gospel to be proclaimed to In light of this undeniable reality, the whole world, a people constantly “How then shall we live?” Peter asks crying out “Maranatha!” – “Our Lord and answers this question in a single come!” breath: Your brother, “Since all these things are to be Paul Washer IN THIS ISSUE The Narrow Way and the Eastern Europe ............................ 23 Broad Way .................................. 3 HeartCry Coordinator Don Currin shares A brief discourse on Matthew 7:13-14 about the lives and ministries of three lady by Paul Washer. missionaries who serve with HeartCry in Eastern Europe: Natasa Terenti, Dana L., Africa ......................................... 14 and Ruxi Vandici. Reports from HeartCry partner Conrad Mbewe and academic dean Isaac Middle East................................. 26 Makashinyi on the new pastors training Read the testimonies of HeartCry mis- college among the Lozi in Mongu, sionary Boutros B. and a recent convert Zambia. from Islam. South Asia .................................. 17 Eurasia ....................................... 29 An outline of the training conferences HeartCry Coordinator Holden Barry held by HeartCry in India and Nepal in shares about the recent progress of the 2013 and a brief summary of the teach- Gospel in this needy area of the world. ing in one of these conferences. Latin America .............................. 33 Statistical Breakdown ............. 18-19 Read about the progress of our theologi- A removable poster which gives a statis- cal academy in Lima, Peru; the advances tical overview of HeartCry’s labor around in church planting in Rosario, Argentina; and the purchase of a new boat for minis- OCT - DEC 2013 the world through the past few years. try in the northern jungles of Peru. HEARTCRY MISSIONARY SOCIETY | PO BOX 3506 RADFORD, VA 24143-3506 (540) 707-1005 | WWW.HEARTCRYMISSIONARY.COM ' -:::::-~ --- - =-· -- THE NARROW WAY AND THE BROAD WAY by Paul David Washer "ENTER THROUGH THE NARROW GATE; FOR THE GATE IS WIDE AND THE WAY IS BROAD THAT LEADS TO DESTRUCTION, AND THERE ARE MANY WHO ENTER THROUGH IT. FOR THE GATE IS SMALL AND THE WAY IS NARROW THAT LEADS TO LIFE, AND THERE ARE FEW WHO FIND IT." - MATTHEW 7:13-14 In the text before us, we find not by passing through the narrow only a gate but also a way, both of gate, but the evidence that we have which are small and narrow. From passed through this gate is that we this we understand that conver- are now walking in the narrow way!3 sion is not merely defined by a gate We are justified by faith alone in the through which a person passes but person and work of Christ; however, also by the way in which he walks. the evidence of our justification is When we survey contemporary our on-going sanctification. The Evangelical preaching, however, it narrow gate and the narrow way are seems that only half the story is be- inseparable.4 The man who enters ing presented. through the former will find his life By God’s grace, most of the defined by the latter. Evangelical world continues to hold to the truth that Jesus is the only Savior and Mediator between God THE NARROW and men.1 Also, we can praise God that most remain steadfast in the WAY DEFINED doctrines of sola gratia and sola fide: salvation by grace alone through he word “way” is translated faith alone.2 However, although from the Greek word hodós, there is a great deal of preaching T which literally denotes a nat- about how to enter into the king- ural road or traveled way. Meta- • dom, little or nothing is said about phorically, it refers to a way of life, the evidences that prove one’s en- a course of conduct, or a way of trance.• We enter into the kingdom thinking. The word is used six times THAT GOD’S NAME BE GREAT AMONG THE NATIONS 3 in the book of Acts as of God,9 strengthened a synonym for Christi- in his inner man,10 anity itself.5 Thus, we THE REDEEMED led in the way that quickly discover that DO NOT WALK he should go,11 and the Christian faith is disciplined when he more than a one-time AIMLESSLY; strays.12 Those who decision to accept THEIR COURSE IS have passed through Christ. It is an endur- MARKED OUT OR the narrow gate will ing faith which alters walk in the narrow the very course of WELL-DEFINED way. The nature of one’s life. BY THE WILL OF salvation and the The word “nar- providence of God en- GOD AND HIS 13 row” comes from sures it. the Greek verb thlí- RELENTLESS The notion of a bo, which means to PROVIDENCE. path or way marked press or crush as a out by God for the worker in a vineyard conduct of His people might crush grapes is a common theme or a crowd of people might press throughout the Old Testament against one another. In the passive, Scriptures. It is referred to as the the word means to experience trou- way of the Lord,14 the way of the ble, difficulty, or affliction.6 Com- righteous,15 and the way or path of bined with the Greek word hodós, it righteousness.16 It is above all things refers to a compressed, straitened, a road that is marked out by God’s or contracted way. Various writers commands. In the book of Psalms, and preachers have chosen to illus- we discover that the way of the Lord trate the meaning of this metaphor and the way of the righteous are by painting the picture of a narrow synonymous with the way of God’s gorge where men can only walk sin- commandments,17 statutes,18 pre- gle file. On each side are high walls cepts,19 and testimonies.20 Further- of sheer rock. The confined or re- more, it is a path that is well-worn, stricted nature of the path seems to because the great multitude of indicate two important truths about God’s people throughout the ages the nature of the Christian life – it have traveled it. In the twenty-third is a way defined by the will of God, Psalm, David gloried in the truth and it is a way marked by difficulty that God was leading him in paths and struggle. of righteousness. The word “path” is translated from the Hebrew word ma`gal, which denotes a trench or a FIRST, the narrow way is long, deep, narrow depression in the a way defined by the will of God. ground. It is well-worn and hemmed Those who walk in this way are in on both sides. It is the path cut hemmed in with little room to wan- into the ground by the countless der. saints that have tread upon it from the very beginning of God’s dealing The redeemed do not walk aim- with men. Another important truth lessly; their course is marked out or about this narrow way is that its well-defined by the will of God and markers become clearer and clear- His relentless providence. The man er as the saint journeys upon it. For who has truly been converted has the path of the righteous is like the become a new creature with new light of dawn, which shines bright- affections.7 He desires to do God’s er and brighter until the full day. will, and it is not a burden to him.8 21 When the new believer first sets Furthermore, he has become an foot upon the path, the way is often object of God’s providence, which hard to distinguish; however, as he involves teaching, empowering, di- continues to walk, the way becomes rection, and discipline.