Board Policy
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Cranford Chronicle June 19, 2003, AMC I I MITSUBISHI PONTIAC MOTORS Serving Cranford, Garwood and Kehilworth WE ARE PROFESSIONAL GRADE Vol 115, No 26 FUEL FOR THE SOUL wake up and drive Thursday, June 26'2003 ,; 50 cents Board policy By GREG MARX mry moisuies. students .('ace • Instead of relaxing the penalty the board's June 10 meeting/sajd apply to incidents that happen JHI undei the district's ADAPTpror for athletes, as school adminis- the board's decision would put; away from school property and gi ml The existing policy had trators suggested, the; board-, kids at greater risk; "I think not that are addressed-by other agen- CRANrORD - Ihc Board of imposed suspensions pi' twolengthened the suspension' from keeping the kids involved is cies. .;.'••• : '." .'..- ': . ....-• 1 ducation s newly toughened wet ks on athlotes. For; a. in'st co-curricular activities for a'sec- increasing the risk .of alcohol •'.. "The teens who are caught by policy on student duig ind nlco oflenbe followed, by a. one-year ond o.ffenae from four weeks to abuse," she said.'."..v'What we're', the Granford Police Department hoi .ibuse ditw cnticmin fiom suspension ior a-second, offense; six months.. In response, /board looking -at 'here1 is . changing are nbt free from consequences," 1 hoird membcts uid lesuhnts it studditt, involved in co-curricu-' • Member. Rita. Veca; and four resi- .behavior.and-changing attitudes, . said Resident Peg Pipchick, k" <i Monday meeting hi activities I s.uspensio'n . dents'^—.a-tidal vvuve of.protest, and what's the best-Way to do..licensed, family therapist who At its June 10 met ting, the foi i hi st ofk nse' and a four-Week by the board's docile standards '.—•that.;. Punitive doesn't really- served on the ad hoc committee board moved I itcommonda suspension (oi a second offense. • spoke out Monday against the work." '..'.• •• ' •' •--. •••• '•': :•.• that created the ADAPT policy. tion fiom high school adminis(r 1 'Ihe pioM mi also includes educa--.. new penalties. -. -:. , -: •'•'.-•'• ;. Yecii .anil other-opponents -also:': tois to rti,iv some of th< chsciph tlon uid counseling components. ' V6ca,vvh;o was not present iit. objected to the.fact the penaltieij v. • (Cpiitinued on page A-2) Smashing success 3-year contract Senior JL^ICICvroll helped the W i M . — ^> *J Cranfotd Hitih •.oltbjll tovn lo another sucusvltil ri won Ste %ison u ipup Pan: C I By GREG MARX introductory-teachers' salary-will .THE CHRONICLE .. "-. • be $39,119 in.the 2008-04 school year and will rise t6 $41,900 in .CRANFORD— The Board of 2005-2006, the.•> last year, of the . Education and the Cranford. deal.Fei'nsod said. • Education' Association . ' have A teacher at the top of the: FIVE STAR reached agreement on a new.salary schedule will earn $74,715 • three-year contract. in the coming school year and DEALER . was formalized when, $77,717 in the last year of the' the, board unani- • ' • — ; x—- deal, Feinsod LOANER CARS AVAILABLE SALERNODUANE mously approved. said.- , . ' , • •'•• HOURS' 9-9 MON-FRI, 9-6 SAT a memorandum • "I'm very pleased that • Support staff, 267 BROAD STREET, of agreement at T MILE FROM SHORT HILLS MALL CLICK: we can go back in such.. as secre- ; SUMMIT, NEW JERSEY www. .com ... its Monday meet-. taries-, custodi- ing. The mem-September.:, and get on ans and. class- Prices include all costs to be paid by a consumer except tax title & MV fees Prices include all manufacturer rebates/incentives if any "Severity of credit may effect down payment ^Example 04 Jeep grand Cherokee LTD Vin#4C104i 10 MSRP $37 940 bership of thewith the business of edu- room assistants, Sale Price $31 495 t. Just bring in any current competitors ad and we II beat the price Based on same year, make, model & equipment. Dealer reserves .the right, to purchase competitors vehicle if necessary. See dealer for details, ffTotal Salerno CEA , : had will get a slightly Duane Auto Group inventory. All'offers are subject to approval by primary lender. Not responsible fortypographical errors'. Offers expire 6/24/0$. " .. • . ' ••• •; ••• '•' •• •'•'•'• "•-.-' '•:'•'•' : ' .'• cating the students of approved. the larger ; raise, deal Friday!,- ; Cranford." \ ; ' II you have a -., , Feinsod said. '• 'Job, asocial ("I The agree-- — Charlie Kiamie Those workers security number x IT'S EZ JUST CALL! Rained out ment. goes .into will ;••:.. •;receive . and a phono bill effect Tuesday ". ... .-'• we'll give you a A couple gloomy. Cranforti girls pul QEORCI6 PACCIELLO/STAF:F. PHOTOGRAPHER 7 7~^ " 7 increases .of 5.25 CREDIT PROBLEMS ... car loan" an'old nursery rhyme to good use A little help from a friend and expires June 30, 2006. percent in each of the three in an effort to get the steady rains Urjder the agreement, said years.. -! • ••• • •; ..'. .'.- ... •-. •• to leave the area. For the full '• Janine Bird, a member of the Cranford High School Class of 2003, gets some assistance with her Superintendent Lawrence At press time, details about picture, see Page. B-1.\ cap from fellow graduate Nereida Heller before the June 19 ceremony. For more photos of the Feinspd, teachers' salaries wilt- health benefits arid other aspects - event, see Page B-1. ' ; v ; rise by 4.25 percent in each of the three years. That moans that the .(•Continued onpageA-2) •'. ; owners u By GREG MARX "•Cqmniissiono.r-' Scott -. Mease, , The property owners also pre- that the Township Committee' recently, Mayer said, he was not ; ASchimliach said. - ••: •;-'- •••:ferred-fewer new trees :than had would 'formulate a more concrete ' receptive to being assessed' for : •'•' owners had little been proposed, Aschenbach said, , proposal detailing the ; projected-,: 'sidewalk. imp'r6yements!- .'•''.. D costs' for eiich property and pres- : But, ho said, "If it takes kicking /OAPH .. : CRANFORD — A meeting interest-iii installing the Victorian- •but. .did endorse the idea ..of IBS VEHICLES between municipal officials and lights that decorate other parts of upgraded landscaping. :. ent, that back, to the owners. No,, in to'improve the total area, Tm FINANCING' III : USED CAR south-side-property- owners, pro?, the township, said.- But the issue of how those date has been set for that second ••more, than willing to do my (iiir MUST GO BY JUNE 3Oth! ; UP TO BO MONTHS '•"•' REBATES duced- some narrowing, in theIJxit they-were very interested in .upgrades. •—• along with the.curb' meeting, Aschenbach said. : . share;..'I'm certainly for anything. scope of-proposed 'improvements:' upgrading, the existing s.treet- and. sidewalk 'improvements.-that One property owner'said he that would.pretty,up the area, and UP MONTHS • for Centennial Avenue, but also. lights.with modern, more effective are also central to the.project- was encouraged township officials .more importantly, bring • people: TO EARLY! 'hope on both sides that a project lamps. ,. • • . ."'•••.•" would'be paid for is still ah open: initiated the meeting, '.': . .. down here." ...••• • " . • i^ Kit) PENALTIES! 6 can be successfully -undertaken.. •Eliminating the. decorative question. While the • towiiship, '• "I am a little happy to see that /. White indifferent to brick SUPERSTORE ' A group of about eight, or nine lights'substantially reduces the. could make the improvements. they haven't, forgotten'about'us,". • pavers and Victorian lanterns, ^ m^ 1 property owners, representing cost of' the , project, Aschenbach' and assess the property owners; said . Mark Maypri who- owns . Mayer said he supported the land-; GUARANTEE about 60 percent of the properties ' said. And.if the modern lights are "there are some concerns about Cfisanti's Shoe Hospital, and scaping suggestions and, especial in the commercial district, attend- installed.;' he • said he. believes- •assessing it/ fully," Aschenbach Cranford Comer. ly,. the lighting upgrades. Now, he' : : . ed the June . 18 meeting with . PSE&G will bear the cost of said. ' : . •.-.. ' • • •'..•' • Because his family paid to Mayor Dan Aschehhach.•',and. installation. .. • ; , • The • resolutioh, • he said, • was • replace his : sidewalk relatively : (Continued on page A-2) • . BRAND MEW eoO3 CHEVY BRAND MEW HOD3 CHEVY TRAIL BLAZER YOU'RE APPROVED! Into the swing of Neighbor h ooflsfUxttt 'OO Cheurolot '9a Hondii Malibu Sodnn Accord Coupe summer VI5,.niito Iran:;, pvvi alr/AHS. AIR vr.:. (, ,,p '- Jt>;-i.i u-.i,r,'.. • AM/FM r.lurob, cruisio, lilt, rcliil, This, warm feather this week ••.:. •'lirbiinr/,, 1fl,35C -mi. VIN YGD500 brought families oultc> enjoy the. sun- curbside trash ban for iihat'seeins like Hie first time all: By GREG MARX Officer Warren Hehl, in at least 'OO Dodgo '99 Ford .'. year. For. the full picture of Mso:- . two of those neighborhoods resi- Intrepid Sod an Explorer XLT 'toddlersat Nomahegan Part see •' , THE.CHRONICLE . • ' .-' • • y«»,• ,,i uio ,i mm'- . pvk f * ti • • .1 il I O fi.,1 m; |>VJ i • dents have continued to use 1 iH KAn6?wnifJ-liicjl,i.i''Ju;il-,; >\ift r. AH,S-A mil. Idrh;,!>•,niitv Allt : PageA-3. -" •' •'.-.' " AM/| M;.litn-Ki.CD, ciuiui^'iluiinvhl!. \Y\'tA siitr.'u CU.'.Jiilr.H. AI,i!iO. '. CRANFORD -- The town- curbside pickup. Hehl said he,' -i/.anti. nit. VIN ' *vn-i i ;H)'K' i. VIN ,'/XUA;V/(J/;J ' • .- ship's difficulties with enforcing; has received formal complaints sign and facade and: property about the .two neighborhoods. BRAI\ID IVEW •O1 Ford maintenance ordinances in coin-, But enforcing the ordinance',. Bootlo Sport E-1 SO Cargo Von 2003 CHEVY I1 (|C •! CV' itlt.MJl; t> <.txj 111,111 Illifi:, n;vt VU, aulo lrai);i, pwr ^tr/brk. mercial districts has been much- in entire neighborhoods, is • •i.irAIIK.wnul'SiMlsWa!. AMI AMTM : V6. aulo Irans, pwr str/Drk/locks,.AIR, AM/FM slqroo c,-|ss, till, f dpi. cloth inf. inlor Wip, ',fw>t),u'r.i,.Cli lill.uni:-,.! .iliuyL till:.