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Board Policy Cranford Chronicle June 19, 2003, AMC I I MITSUBISHI PONTIAC MOTORS Serving Cranford, Garwood and Kehilworth WE ARE PROFESSIONAL GRADE Vol 115, No 26 FUEL FOR THE SOUL wake up and drive Thursday, June 26'2003 ,; 50 cents Board policy By GREG MARX mry moisuies. students .('ace • Instead of relaxing the penalty the board's June 10 meeting/sajd apply to incidents that happen JHI undei the district's ADAPTpror for athletes, as school adminis- the board's decision would put; away from school property and gi ml The existing policy had trators suggested, the; board-, kids at greater risk; "I think not that are addressed-by other agen- CRANrORD - Ihc Board of imposed suspensions pi' twolengthened the suspension' from keeping the kids involved is cies. .;.'••• : '." .'..- ': . ....-• 1 ducation s newly toughened wet ks on athlotes. For; a. in'st co-curricular activities for a'sec- increasing the risk .of alcohol •'.. "The teens who are caught by policy on student duig ind nlco oflenbe followed, by a. one-year ond o.ffenae from four weeks to abuse," she said.'."..v'What we're', the Granford Police Department hoi .ibuse ditw cnticmin fiom suspension ior a-second, offense; six months.. In response, /board looking -at 'here1 is . changing are nbt free from consequences," 1 hoird membcts uid lesuhnts it studditt, involved in co-curricu-' • Member. Rita. Veca; and four resi- .behavior.and-changing attitudes, . said Resident Peg Pipchick, k" <i Monday meeting hi activities I s.uspensio'n . dents'^—.a-tidal vvuve of.protest, and what's the best-Way to do..licensed, family therapist who At its June 10 met ting, the foi i hi st ofk nse' and a four-Week by the board's docile standards '.—•that.;. Punitive doesn't really- served on the ad hoc committee board moved I itcommonda suspension (oi a second offense. • spoke out Monday against the work." '..'.• •• ' •' •--. •••• '•': :•.• that created the ADAPT policy. tion fiom high school adminis(r 1 'Ihe pioM mi also includes educa--.. new penalties. -. -:. , -: •'•'.-•'• ;. Yecii .anil other-opponents -also:': tois to rti,iv some of th< chsciph tlon uid counseling components. ' V6ca,vvh;o was not present iit. objected to the.fact the penaltieij v. • (Cpiitinued on page A-2) Smashing success 3-year contract Senior JL^ICICvroll helped the W i M . — ^> *J Cranfotd Hitih •.oltbjll tovn lo another sucusvltil ri won Ste %ison u ipup Pan: C I By GREG MARX introductory-teachers' salary-will .THE CHRONICLE .. "-. • be $39,119 in.the 2008-04 school year and will rise t6 $41,900 in .CRANFORD— The Board of 2005-2006, the.•> last year, of the . Education and the Cranford. deal.Fei'nsod said. • Education' Association . ' have A teacher at the top of the: FIVE STAR reached agreement on a new.salary schedule will earn $74,715 • three-year contract. in the coming school year and DEALER . was formalized when, $77,717 in the last year of the' the, board unani- • ' • — ; x—- deal, Feinsod LOANER CARS AVAILABLE SALERNODUANE mously approved. said.- , . ' , • •'•• HOURS' 9-9 MON-FRI, 9-6 SAT a memorandum • "I'm very pleased that • Support staff, 267 BROAD STREET, of agreement at T MILE FROM SHORT HILLS MALL CLICK: we can go back in such.. as secre- ; SUMMIT, NEW JERSEY www. .com ... its Monday meet-. taries-, custodi- ing. The mem-September.:, and get on ans and. class- Prices include all costs to be paid by a consumer except tax title & MV fees Prices include all manufacturer rebates/incentives if any "Severity of credit may effect down payment ^Example 04 Jeep grand Cherokee LTD Vin#4C104i 10 MSRP $37 940 bership of thewith the business of edu- room assistants, Sale Price $31 495 t. Just bring in any current competitors ad and we II beat the price Based on same year, make, model & equipment. Dealer reserves .the right, to purchase competitors vehicle if necessary. See dealer for details, ffTotal Salerno CEA , : had will get a slightly Duane Auto Group inventory. All'offers are subject to approval by primary lender. Not responsible fortypographical errors'. Offers expire 6/24/0$. " .. • . ' ••• •; ••• '•' •• •'•'•'• "•-.-' '•:'•'•' : ' .'• cating the students of approved. the larger ; raise, deal Friday!,- ; Cranford." \ ; ' II you have a -., , Feinsod said. '• 'Job, asocial ("I The agree-- — Charlie Kiamie Those workers security number x IT'S EZ JUST CALL! Rained out ment. goes .into will ;••:.. •;receive . and a phono bill effect Tuesday ". ... .-'• we'll give you a A couple gloomy. Cranforti girls pul QEORCI6 PACCIELLO/STAF:F. PHOTOGRAPHER 7 7~^ " 7 increases .of 5.25 CREDIT PROBLEMS ... car loan" an'old nursery rhyme to good use A little help from a friend and expires June 30, 2006. percent in each of the three in an effort to get the steady rains Urjder the agreement, said years.. -! • ••• • •; ..'. .'.- ... •-. •• to leave the area. For the full '• Janine Bird, a member of the Cranford High School Class of 2003, gets some assistance with her Superintendent Lawrence At press time, details about picture, see Page. B-1.\ cap from fellow graduate Nereida Heller before the June 19 ceremony. For more photos of the Feinspd, teachers' salaries wilt- health benefits arid other aspects - event, see Page B-1. ' ; v ; rise by 4.25 percent in each of the three years. That moans that the .(•Continued onpageA-2) •'. ; owners u By GREG MARX "•Cqmniissiono.r-' Scott -. Mease, , The property owners also pre- that the Township Committee' recently, Mayer said, he was not ; ASchimliach said. - ••: •;-'- •••:ferred-fewer new trees :than had would 'formulate a more concrete ' receptive to being assessed' for : •'•' owners had little been proposed, Aschenbach said, , proposal detailing the ; projected-,: 'sidewalk. imp'r6yements!- .'•''.. D costs' for eiich property and pres- : But, ho said, "If it takes kicking /OAPH .. : CRANFORD — A meeting interest-iii installing the Victorian- •but. .did endorse the idea ..of IBS VEHICLES between municipal officials and lights that decorate other parts of upgraded landscaping. :. ent, that back, to the owners. No,, in to'improve the total area, Tm FINANCING' III : USED CAR south-side-property- owners, pro?, the township, said.- But the issue of how those date has been set for that second ••more, than willing to do my (iiir MUST GO BY JUNE 3Oth! ; UP TO BO MONTHS '•"•' REBATES duced- some narrowing, in theIJxit they-were very interested in .upgrades. •—• along with the.curb' meeting, Aschenbach said. : . share;..'I'm certainly for anything. scope of-proposed 'improvements:' upgrading, the existing s.treet- and. sidewalk 'improvements.-that One property owner'said he that would.pretty,up the area, and UP MONTHS • for Centennial Avenue, but also. lights.with modern, more effective are also central to the.project- was encouraged township officials .more importantly, bring • people: TO EARLY! 'hope on both sides that a project lamps. ,. • • . ."'•••.•" would'be paid for is still ah open: initiated the meeting, '.': . .. down here." ...••• • " . • i^ Kit) PENALTIES! 6 can be successfully -undertaken.. •Eliminating the. decorative question. While the • towiiship, '• "I am a little happy to see that /. White indifferent to brick SUPERSTORE ' A group of about eight, or nine lights'substantially reduces the. could make the improvements. they haven't, forgotten'about'us,". • pavers and Victorian lanterns, ^ m^ 1 property owners, representing cost of' the , project, Aschenbach' and assess the property owners; said . Mark Maypri who- owns . Mayer said he supported the land-; GUARANTEE about 60 percent of the properties ' said. And.if the modern lights are "there are some concerns about Cfisanti's Shoe Hospital, and scaping suggestions and, especial in the commercial district, attend- installed.;' he • said he. believes- •assessing it/ fully," Aschenbach Cranford Comer. ly,. the lighting upgrades. Now, he' : : . ed the June . 18 meeting with . PSE&G will bear the cost of said. ' : . •.-.. ' • • •'..•' • Because his family paid to Mayor Dan Aschehhach.•',and. installation. .. • ; , • The • resolutioh, • he said, • was • replace his : sidewalk relatively : (Continued on page A-2) • . BRAND MEW eoO3 CHEVY BRAND MEW HOD3 CHEVY TRAIL BLAZER YOU'RE APPROVED! Into the swing of Neighbor h ooflsfUxttt 'OO Cheurolot '9a Hondii Malibu Sodnn Accord Coupe summer VI5,.niito Iran:;, pvvi alr/AHS. AIR vr.:. (, ,,p '- Jt>;-i.i u-.i,r,'.. • AM/FM r.lurob, cruisio, lilt, rcliil, This, warm feather this week ••.:. •'lirbiinr/,, 1fl,35C -mi. VIN YGD500 brought families oultc> enjoy the. sun- curbside trash ban for iihat'seeins like Hie first time all: By GREG MARX Officer Warren Hehl, in at least 'OO Dodgo '99 Ford .'. year. For. the full picture of Mso:- . two of those neighborhoods resi- Intrepid Sod an Explorer XLT 'toddlersat Nomahegan Part see •' , THE.CHRONICLE . • ' .-' • • y«»,• ,,i uio ,i mm'- . pvk f * ti • • .1 il I O fi.,1 m; |>VJ i • dents have continued to use 1 iH KAn6?wnifJ-liicjl,i.i''Ju;il-,; >\ift r. AH,S-A mil. Idrh;,!>•,niitv Allt : PageA-3. -" •' •'.-.' " AM/| M;.litn-Ki.CD, ciuiui^'iluiinvhl!. \Y\'tA siitr.'u CU.'.Jiilr.H. AI,i!iO. '. CRANFORD -- The town- curbside pickup. Hehl said he,' -i/.anti. nit. VIN ' *vn-i i ;H)'K' i. VIN ,'/XUA;V/(J/;J ' • .- ship's difficulties with enforcing; has received formal complaints sign and facade and: property about the .two neighborhoods. BRAI\ID IVEW •O1 Ford maintenance ordinances in coin-, But enforcing the ordinance',. Bootlo Sport E-1 SO Cargo Von 2003 CHEVY I1 (|C •! CV' itlt.MJl; t> <.txj 111,111 Illifi:, n;vt VU, aulo lrai);i, pwr ^tr/brk. mercial districts has been much- in entire neighborhoods, is • •i.irAIIK.wnul'SiMlsWa!. AMI AMTM : V6. aulo Irans, pwr str/Drk/locks,.AIR, AM/FM slqroo c,-|ss, till, f dpi. cloth inf. inlor Wip, ',fw>t),u'r.i,.Cli lill.uni:-,.! .iliuyL till:.
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    DAN’S INSIDE DELAND/LAKE HELEN DELEON SPRINGS PIERSON LAND LINES He’s looking for a signal that it’s Valentine’s Day Page A3 Vol. 4, No. 52 Your Local News and Information Source • Friday, Feb. 12, 2016 Community Commemorative Air Force notes Pet adoption days set flying to New Smyrna Beach ARK will host pet adop- By Tom Holton Wing leader Col. Woodie Sprouse told Air- tion days from 11 a.m. to 1 For Hometown News port Advisory Board members Jan. 14 the p.m. Saturday, Feb. 13 and [email protected] wing had outgrown the DeLand location and 135062 20, at The Funky Mutt Mar- wanted to move to New Smyrna Beach. After 20 years in DeLand, the Florida wing of Suggesting a new hangar could be built, he ket. 441 S Woodland, the vintage military aircraft Commemorative Air DeLand. said members were looking for an area at Force wants to make the New Smyrna Beach the airport that offered room for expansion, Dogs and cats are fully Airport its new home. vetted. For more informa- easy access and visibility from U.S. 1. In January, a proposed relocation was dis- Prior to the meeting, the wing commander tion, visit time,” cussed with airport officials and members of the and other wing members, met several times to he pointed out. “There are Airport Advisory Board. discuss available sites with New Smyrna Beach DeLand library hosts a lot of moving parts to this thing.” Originally known as the Confederate Air Airport manager Rhonda Walker, and airport A new hangar at New Smyrna Beach Airport Force, the CAF Florida wing has been based in staff members.
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