Article Molecular Features of Cancers Exhibiting Exceptional Responses to Treatment Graphical Abstract Authors David A. Wheeler, Naoko Takebe, Toshinori Hinoue, ..., Typicalyp Responsep Barbara A. Conley, S. Percy Ivy, Louis M. Staudt Exceptional Response Correspondence
[email protected] DNA Damage Response Prognostic Genetics Temozolomide In Brief Phenotypically aggressive + Profiling multi-platform genomics of 110 GBM Ovarian Ca APEX1APEX1 RAD50RAD50 MGMMGMTMT cancer patients with an exceptional Molecularly indolent TRC102 therapeutic response, Wheeler et al. IDH1IDH1/2/2 PPOLEOLE Base excision repair identify putative molecular mechanisms Direct repair Double strand break repair explaining this survival phenotype in 23% of cases. Therapeutic success is Signalinging PPathways Immune Engagement related to rare molecular features of Targeted responding tumors, exploiting synthetic inhibitors NK cells lethality and oncogene addiction. Signaling B Cells Imatinib Sunitinib Highlights d Genomics of 110 patients with exceptional response to therapy profiled d Plausible molecular mechanisms related to therapy identified in 23% of cases d Proposed mechanisms involve DNA damage, signaling, and the immune response d Synthetic lethality with temozolomide in tumors with a defective DNA damage response Wheeler et al., 2021, Cancer Cell 39, 1–16 January 11, 2021 Published by Elsevier Inc. ll Please cite this article in press as: Wheeler et al., Molecular Features of Cancers Exhibiting Exceptional Responses to Treatment, Cancer Cell (2020), ll Article Molecular Features of Cancers Exhibiting Exceptional Responses to Treatment David A. Wheeler,1,2,17 Naoko Takebe,3,17 Toshinori Hinoue,4 Katherine A.