More News The Seasonal Newsletter of St. Catholic Parish Scranton, September 2019

pensive, and there is much more work to be I hope that Deacon Davis and at least one From done. Please speak with me if you can make a of our instituted acolytes will accompany us to the donation to help facilitate making our buildings Rome next year in the first part of September, better and brighter. so our pilgrimage coincides with the beginning The last time I wrote I mentioned the of the school year. We will have Joe Long, who donations made in memory of my late father, led our pilgrimage to Rome in 2017, organize and I noted my nephew’s confirmation project, one for our parish that month that will be for the Marian grotto to be built on our campus on students at Maria Kaupas Academy, but which Dear Members the corner of Theodore and Church. Since that will be open to all those who might wish to go & Friends, time, we have lost two more people dear to our along. Details will be forthcoming shortly, and You will soon notice that our campus has parish. Arthur and Michelle Gardner’s son, we will produce a handsome brochure that you a new resident. Hannah Reedy, originally from John, died, as did Andrew and Marie Smith’s will be able to share with those who may also Idaho, and more recently from Quebec, has daughter, Marika. Both families are heart- be interested. In the meantime, please pray moved in to the third-floor apartment in the St. broken, and they each spoke to me about the over whether the Lord may be calling you to Church Convent. Miss Reedy has family possibility of memorials to their loved ones. make this pilgrimage, remembering the fruits here in Scranton, actually just up the street in What shape those memorials will take has yet that such past sacrifices have borne for our the High Works, and she comes to us with to be determined, but one thing I have dis- parish and for the Church universal. To help glowing reviews from her former employer, a cerned is that our Marian grotto should be a you pray, we have produced a new Maria group of religious brothers for whom she memorial for many, which will increase the Kaupas holy card, which we will distribute prepared the meals. Her role here will initially comfort it will offer when finally erected. We soon. Maria Kaupas Academy Upper School is be twofold: she will replace Kern as the will figure out how to incorporate the memory one of the fruits of our pilgrimages, so our own sacristan, whose position has been unfilled of all our dearly departed brethren for whom a return to the Eternal City will in a sense be a since his retirement early last year, and she will monument is desired. To those who have pilgrimage of thanksgiving, as we plead God’s help supervise the students at Maria Kaupas prompted this discussion, we are most sincere- graces for the health and growth of our Academy, especially during the midday activi- ly grateful. I’m certain the end result will be a educational mission. ties of Mass, lunch, and recess. In an expansion fitting tribute that gives glory to God. I ask your prayers for several of our parish- of the sacristan’s role, she will organize and Even as we mourn our losses this summer, ioners who, having graduated high school, will supervise for our large altar server corps the we can rejoice over the arrival at the beginning now enter educational and vocational pursuits distribution of the cassocks and cottas, ensur- of this new school year of another Ordinariate far from home. Elden Bergman, Camp- ing that each boy takes his vestments home or family. Deacon Josh Davis and his wife, bell, Grace Haas, and Angelina Huffman have at least properly hangs them up in the same Margaret, have moved with their children to gone or will soon depart, and we pray that the location each week. As we discover who does our area. A chaplain in the federal prison sys- Catholic formation they have received here will not yet have a cassock and cotta of his own, she tem, Deacon Davis has been transferred to a make them a blessing to all whom they en- will oversee the ordering of new ones. If you new assignment to which he will commute four counter. We pray also that the Lord keep them serve on the altar, please know she will soon days a week. Since Bishop Lopes has assigned safe and sound, so that before long we will be approach you, in order that she might arrange him here, on many days he will be found as- reunited joyfully with them before the altar of for your proper attire at Mass. sisting at our Masses, as we help prepare him praise. I will visit each of them personally, as I Hannah’s apartment was completed over for ordination to the priesthood, God willing, have every parted graduate, and bring to them the summer by Gene DeLucy, who has been this coming June 29th. His permanent presence all our affection that recalls they are gone from our in-house contractor for several years now. will mean the celebration much more often of us but not forgotten. Gene has also replaced all but four of the Solemn High Masses, for which a man in the Finally, please join with me in giving windows in the Convent, and he is right now subdeaconal role is required. Therefore, later thanks for the marriage of German and Marta converting two cells into one room, in order in September we will send three parishioners, Berrio, our parishioners, who this weekend will that we will have a third classroom fit for Phil Huffman, Richard Goberdon, and Chris celebrate with their family 50 years of wedded twelve students. He fenced in the school yard, Carr to our Cathedral in Houston to be insti- bliss. Grateful beyond measure for them and so that our students have no access to the busy tuted as acolytes, which will allow them to their daughters, one of whom became my wife streets when all the gates are closed, and next wear the tunicle on the altar and chant the 23 years ago, I am, month he will finish the efficiency apartment at Epistle at Mass. They will join my brother the back of 115 Ferdinand Street, our new David, and David Kern, who were instituted Your servant in Christ, Lower School classroom center. These im- two years ago, in fulfilling on a rotating basis provements are necessary, but are not inex- The Rev. Eric L. Bergman this important ministry. Worship

Fall Schedule Adjustments All are warmly encouraged to avail them- followed by 20 minutes of small-group in- selves of these opportunities to pray, adore, struction in vocal technique and sight-reading With the ongoing development of Maria and worship in our Lord’s very presence. musical notation, for those choristers grades Kaupas Academy, the weekday Mass schedule 2 through 5 not studying that material already has seen minor annual adjustments to help through Maria Kaupas Academy. enmesh daily Mass with the school schedule; Instituted Acolyte Training Teens (grades 8-12) and Adults do not this season will be no exception. Beginning In 1972, Paul VI revised several have a mid-week practice, but rehearse on after Labor Day, we will return to our long- ministries and minor clerical orders. One min- Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. beginning accustomed pattern of weekday Parish istry that was preserved was the ministry of September 8, following 8:30 a.m. Confirma- Masses at 7:00 a.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, the instituted acolyte. While the term acolyte tion and Post-Confirmation Sunday school Thursdays, and Fridays; and at 5:30 p.m. on is sometimes used generically in reference to classes. Wednesdays (preceded as always by 5:00 altar servers, the ministry of instituted acolyte is a permanent institution of minor orders, licensed by the Bishop and appointed to assist the deacon and serve the priest in the cele- bration of the liturgy, often in the role of Subdeacon at Solemn High Mass. He may also serve as an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion, and may assist in training others preparing to serve at the Altar. Children, teens, and adults of all abilities p.m. Evening Prayer and Rosary). Weekday and walks of life are welcome to participate in School Masses will be offered on Mondays, the parish’s choir ministries, for which there is Wednesdays, and Fridays at 11:15 a.m., on no formal audition. Trained voices and music- those days when Maria Kaupas Academy is reading ability – while most welcome – are in session. not required; the only prerequisites are a Despite designations as “Parish Masses” desire to sing and the ability to keep a com- and “School Masses,” all Masses are of course mitment. Simply contact Music Director Paul open to all who desire to attend (i.e., students Campbell at the Parish Office to indicate your and their families are most welcome at Parish interest, and/or present yourself at our Masses, and parishioners are always welcome inaugural rehearsals on September 4 (grades at 11:15 a.m. School Masses). 2-7) or 8 (grade 8 - adult).

John Henry Newman Eucharistic Adoration After a brief hiatus in July, our monthly Training for new Instituted Acolytes for Mass Oct. 13 offerings of Eucharistic Adoration are back to our Ordinariate parishes takes place at our Bl. John Henry Cardinal Newman will be their regular pattern. Cathedral in Houston on the weekend obser- canonized a on Sunday, October 13 in 24-Hour Adoration is offered on the First vance of its solemnity of title, Our Lady of Rome. Two days later, our Ordinariate – which Friday & Saturday of each month. We begin Walsingham (this year, September 20-22). for obvious reasons has a strong affinity with at 4:30 p.m. on Friday with Exposition of the Our Parish intends to send three trainiees: Cardinal Newman – will observe the occasion Sacrament, and Evening Prayer or Chora Chris Carr, Richard Goberdon, and Phil with Solemn Choral Mass at the Cathedral Huffman. Please pray for these men as they Basilica of Ss. Peter & Paul in Philadelphia, at undertake this ministry. Travel costs for each are approximately $500, and are not antici- pated in the Parish budget; if you possess both the means and the calling to sponsor one or more of our trainees, please alert Fr. Bergman. l Evensong & Benediction (sung by our Maria Parish Choir Season Begins Kaupas Academy Choir), concluding at 4:30 September 4 & 8 p.m. on Saturday. Mass punctuates the 24 Resuming after the less demanding pace 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 15. Vicar hours on Saturday at 8:00 a.m. Adorers are of Summer Choir, Choir School and Parish General of the Ordinariate, Very Rev. Timothy asked to sign up for a time slot on the sheet at Choir rehearsals are set to begin after Labor Perkins, will be the Celebrant, and Fr. the back of the church. Day. The Choir School (so named because of Bergman will have a role in the liturgy. A flyer Monthly Adoration is also offered on the its substantial music education component) with details about the Mass is available online First Sunday of each month, immediately will begin for choristers entering grades 2 here. following 10:00 a.m. Solemn Mass until the through 7 on Wednesday afternoon, Septem- Sacrament is reposed at 1:30 p.m. ber 4 at 3:45 p.m.; 45 minutes of rehearsal is


Ministries Resume wall between two former cells. Formerly meet- ator Annie Lefler here, or Upper School coord- ing on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, our inator Katy Kadonoff here. After Labor Day High Schoolers will shift their Tuesday session Following our usual pattern, all Parish to Mondays this season, resulting in a more May 2020 10th Anniversary discipleship ministries for children, youth, and symmetrical Monday - Wednesday - Friday adults will resume activities after Labor Day. schedule. Ordinariate Rome Pilgrimage Join us for a new season of growth in Sunday The Lower School will resume in its new In May, Bishop Lopes will lead a pilgrimage School, Youth Group, and Adult Formation! home, the building at 115 Ferdinand street to England and Rome in commemoration of the recently purchased by the Parish and now fully 10th anniversary of the Ordinariates’ founding integrated into the campus footprint. This will

Maria Kaupas Academy Our comprehensive homeschool academy is set to launch its fourth successful season, the mark the first time that each class will have its second season for our newly founded Upper own classroom, having spent our first three School. New students have registered at both years rubbing elbows with each other in the levels, and work has been undertaken over the Parish Hall. We are deeply grateful for the gen- summer to upgrade our physical plant to ac- erosity of so many who made the purchase of commodate our ever-expanding program. this new property possible. document, Anglicanorum Coetibus. Sites in- The Upper School will continue to occupy It’s not too late to join us for an exciting clude Oxford, Cambridge, Norwich, Walsing- the Convent building, with an additional class- new season! Interested families should call the ham, London, and Rome. Further details are room soon to be formed by the removal of a Parish Office; or, email Lower School coodin- available at the Ordinariate website, here.


Companions of St. Eustace Feast Day Weekend The Companions of St. Eustace – the Parish’s outdoor recreation group – will cele- brate the feast day of its namesake with an overnight trip to Camp Lackawanna on Friday

monthly gatherings will be retained – making official our formerly casual tradition – with tion sung by our Maria Kaupas Academy Choir monthly “birthday bashes” for all parishioners (the first Friday of most months the Academy celebrating a birthday in that month (*as well is in session). Please bring a snack to share as anniversaries of weddings, confirmations, and join us after Evensong! & Saturday, September 20-21. Those desiring and baptisms!), be they children or adults.

further information are encouraged to con- Please join us for our first such event with tact group organizer Mr. Corey Comstock. Second Sunday potluck lunch and cake on Sunday, Sept. 8! Birthday* Bashes Post-Evensong Fellowship With so many children in the Parish, over Bishop Lopes Cites Parish In an effort to provide fellowship and the years it has become a de facto tradition to Fellowship as Critical for relaxation time for parents, students, and celebrate all of the birthdays in a given month Understanding Eucharist teachers of Maria Kaupas Academy – as well with a single gathering of the families con- Many readers may have learned of the as parishioners, who are always welcome – cerned, with potluck lunch and birthday cake. recent Pew Research study which revealed informal potluck hors doeuvres receptions will Though our Family Enrichment program now that over two-thirds of American Catholics do begin being offered in the Parish Hall after seems to have run its course, it has been not believe in the transubstantiation of the each service of Choral Evensong and Benedic- decided that the fellowship aspect of these Bread and Wine into the Body, Blood, Soul, Right. Absolutely. It flows from [the and Divinity of Jesus. In a subsequent inter- Eucharist], and then it leads back to. …So it view with the National Catholic Register, our begins in the Eucharist, and it leads you back Bishop credits both the reverent worship and to the Eucharist. Because once you're inter- the lively fellowship of Ordinariate communi- acting with your brothers and sisters in Christ, ties as commendable to the wider Church to you’re going to be more aware of their needs, help imbue a full understanding of the Real more aware of the human brokenness and Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist: relationships and what not. And then out of “Now in the experience of many Cath- love for them, of course, when you go back to olics, once Mass is done, there's a general “And that’s true of the bread and wine: Mass, you’re bringing their prayers, their stampede out to the parking lot. Is that really that through the operation and outpouring of intentions and your concern for them. And the Church’s real vision for Catholic worship? the Holy Spirit, the bread and wine are trans- then it informs your prayer; these are the “…The Catholic understanding has put formed into the body of Christ. Well, that things we pray for at Mass. equal accents on the seriousness of worship same Holy Spirit is called down upon the “How then would you say that this ex- and the seriousness of fellowship. …Again, church and the Holy Spirit does, if you will, the perience of parish fellowship, following the another thing that's true about the Ordinari- same thing. It transforms that assemblage of Eucharist, relates to evangelization and the ate is that there's a real emphasis on spending people into the body of Christ. …And so to proposal of the Gospel? time together, not just getting to Mass and celebrate Mass means of course to reverently “Well, I think it relates very directly, then going home. A lot of Ordinariate parishes receive the Eucharist, but also reverently to honestly, to the largest driver of people who will have a very serious fellowship; …several receive your neighbor as members of the stopped going to church. …Most people just of our parishes try to do lunch every Sunday. same body of the church. So the worship/ ‘stopped going.’ The biggest driver of that is Because if what happens at Mass is that the fellowship dynamic goes hand in hand. the feeling of anonymity, the feeling of ‘that if Holy Spirit descends and is called down upon “So then parish fellowship after Mass is it doesn't matter if I’m there, then it doesn't the altar to transform what it touches into the intimately connected with Holy Communion, matter if I’m not there.’” Body of Christ. with our Eucharistic worship?” The full interview is available here.


Neighbor Nights not to be insular, but to provide a low-thresh- old opportunity to invite non-Catholic or non- to Resume September 21 Christian friends and neighbors to experience After a summer hiatus, our monthly our hospitality and fellowship. Please pray Neighbor Nights will resume on the third about a friend or neighbor you would like to Saturday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the invite! A flyer is available here to aid your Parish Hall, beginning Saturday, September invitation. 21. Featuring FREE pizza, pool, ping-pong, board games, wifi, conversation, and a movie on the big screen. These events are intended


Inquirer’s Class Participants may be Protestants, lapsed Cath- olics, or non-Christians, and may range from This fall, the Parish will resume offering the merely curious to those resolved to seek our Sunday evening Inquirer’s Class, a winsome Confirmation in the . Beginning introduction to the Catholic faith for adults. after Labor Day, the class will meet on Sunday evenings at 5:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall for free light supper, excellent video-based catechesis, and discussion. Please prayerfully consider extending an invitation to a friend! Flyer here.

Two Ordinariate through the imposition of hands and the Priests Ordained invocation of the Holy Spirit by Most Reverend With praise and thanksgiving to Almighty Steven J. Lopes on June 29, the Solemnity of God, the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Peter and Paul, Apostles, at the Cathe- announced the Ordination to the dral of Our Lady of Walsingham in Houston. Sacred Priesthood of Rev. Mr. Robert Chap- Online readers can view video of the Mass man Kirk and Rev. Mr. Gregory Blake Tipton, of Ordination here. Msgr. Carl Reid Installed as “Please join me in praying for Father Carl the best tradition of the Anglican patrimony, and for his wife, Barb, as they transition into including Mass, Matins, and Choral Evensong New Ordinary of Australia this new adventure.” and Benediction. Further details will be an- On August 28, Msgr. Carl Reid – formerly nounced in due course, but please mark the With prayerful best wishes, I am of Canada, and thus of our own Ordinariate – dates on your calendars now and we look for- Sincerely yours in Christ, was installed as Ordinary to the Personal Ord- ward to seeing everyone in Toronto this fall.” inariate of the Southern Cross at St. Mary’s Most Rev. Steven J. Lopes Cathedral, Sydney. A video of the Mass (which (The full letter is available online here.) Important New Videos featured particularly excellent music, archi- tecture, ceremony, and preaching by Bishop Introduce Protestants to Lopes) can be viewed here. The Principal Cele- November 2019 Catholicism, Ordinariate brant was the Most Rev. Archbishop Anthony Conference in Toronto In can only be a good thing when engaging Fisher OP, Archbishop of Sydney. The Anglicanorum Coetibus Society – materials are made available to help Protestant formerly the Anglican Use Society – has Christians (and for that matter, Catholics, and announced the resumption of its annual all people the world over) to more fully under- conferences, after several years’ hiatus; long- stand the Catholic Church in general, and the time parishioners may recall that the first two, Ordinariate in particular. Several videos of this held here in Scranton back in 2005 and 2006, sort have recently been posted on YouTube. were instrumental in the life of our congrega- The first (a pair) were produced by Matt tion and the the growth of our movement. The Whitman, an evangelical Protestant with a ACS website states: popular YouTube channel called the “Ten Min- Back in March, Bishop Lopes wrote to “The Anglican Use Society held eight ute Bible Hour.” As part of his series, Mr. inform the faithful about Msgr. Reid’s back- annual conferences between the years 2005– Whitman has visited numerous churches of ground: 2012 in Scranton (2005 & 2006), Washington other Christian traditions (Orthodox, Anglican, “Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, It is DC (2007), San Antonio (2008), Houston (2009), etc.) and interviewed their clergy to try to un- my privilege and joy to share with you the hap- Newark (2010), Arlington, Texas (2011), & derstand their beliefs and practices. One such py news that our Holy Father, Pope Francis and Kansas City, Missouri (2012). These Anglican visit was to the Cathedral of the Madeleine in has appointed our own Father Carl Reid as Use Conferences were of great importance for Salt Lake City, yielding the videos linked below. Ordinary of the Personal Ordinariate of Our the Anglican tradition movement in the Cath- Lady of the Southern Cross in Australia. This olic Church, attracting some very high profile comes as the Holy Father has accepted the speakers, contributing to a shared sense of retirement of Monsignor Harry Entwistle, who community and identity amongst Catholics of headed the Ordinariate there since its founding the Anglican tradition, and encouraging nu- in 2013. Monsignor Harry has served well be- merous Anglicans along their path to becoming yond the retirement age of 75, all the while Catholic. laying a firm foundation for the future flourish- “Now, after a hiatus of a few years, as we approach the 10th anniversary of Pope ing of the Ordinariate ‘down under.’ Mr. Whitman is deeply respectful and clearly Benedict XVI’s Apostolic Constitution that fascinated by what he learns from Cathedral created the Personal Ordinariates for Catholics Rector Fr. Martin Diaz… so much so that – of the Anglican patrimony, it is time to gather touchingly – he desired to participate in Con- once again, both to carry on the tradition of fession. Here are the links to the videos: worshipping together and to mark in a par- ticular way this occasion for thanksgiving. The A Protestant Tours a Catholic Cathedral ordinariates have been an answer to genera- tions of prayer, and it would be remiss were we A Protestant Talks with a Catholic Priest to let this anniversary pass us by without a Also recently online is an interview with proper celebration. Fr. Jason Catania, Pastor of St. Ordin- ariate Parish in Omaha, Nebraska, and former Pastor of Mount Calvary Parish in Baltimore. “Australia’s new Ordinary, Father Carl Watch the informative interview here. Reid, was born on December 14, 1950, and was baptized in the Anglican Church of Canada. He earned a Master of Divinity Degree from St. ’s Theological College. In 2006, he was given the title of Doctor of Divinity honoris causa. He was ordained a deacon in the Angli- can Catholic Church of Canada in 1988, and a minister in the same jurisdiction on June 23, Therefore, we are delighted to announce 1990. He was ordained a suffragan bishop of that our ninth conference, focusing on the the same communion on June 27, 2007. Most Anglican Tradition in the Catholic Church, will of his ministry as an Anglican was spent in be held in Toronto, Ontario on November 15th Ottawa, Ontario. and 16th, 2019. It will feature choral liturgies in

St. Thomas More Catholic Parish 116 Theodore Street Scranton, PA 18508 [email protected] 570 -343-0634

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