ONNECTION CA publication for the family and friends of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Fall 2010 Volume 18. No. 3 Scranton,

“The Heritage Display is better than I imagined it would be. Leave it to the IHM Sisters if you want it done right.” - C. Pascucci

path at times leads to a jour- Aney, and, as with any jour- ney, once you embark, you are meant to follow. IHM Foundress, Mother Theresa Maxis Duch- emin, gladly accepted an oppor- tunity to leave Monroe, Michigan and travel to Pennsylvania never quite knowing what her journey would bring and how many were to eventually “come and walk with her.” us reminds us each day of the breadth, Pictured above, Sister Eileen depth, and diversity of our ministries.” Palma pointing to her class One hundred and sixty-fi ve years later, her and appearing below are vision of hope continues to be the integral The Heritage Display was unveiled on June participants during the blessing piece of the missions and ministries of the 27, 2010, following the installation of the which took place in July. IHM Sisters of today. This story can now new IHM Leadership Team. Many others be best understood in Scranton through the have strolled the halls admiring, learning, new IHM Heritage Display, featured beau- and remembering. Sister Eileen Palma tifully in the IHM Center. When improve- made a visit as part of a special activities ments were needed for the original Heri- program from Our Lady of Peace Center tage Room those discussions introduced and was amazed to fi nd her Marywood this novel idea. graduating class depicted in the display. Sister Margaret Gannon, who was re- Both Sister Anitra Nemotko and Sis- sponsible for most of the text included ter Kathleen McNulty, members of the in the display, remarks that, “Sisters are Heritage Display Committee, marvel at thrilled when they recognize sisters, friends Congregation of the Sisters, the fi nal outcome, noting that Interpre- and even themselves in photographs…this Servants of the tive Solutions and Lynch Designs were project displays beautifully our past, pres- Immaculate Heart of Mary responsible for the fi nal production. After ent, and future and the IHM connections many hours of tedious review of the infor- with other congregations and associates.” IHM Center mation that would be included in the fi nal 2300 Avenue representation, they could not be happier. The sisters invite all friends and supporters Scranton, PA 18509 “This was a great experience, as well as to visit this extrordinary gift made possible a great opportunity for me to learn much through the generosity of Michael C. Pas- Development Offi ce more than I had ever imagined about the cucci, and other gifts made in memory of 570-346-5431 congregation”, says Sister Anitra. Sister Mary Keenan Hecht, the sister of Sister M. E-mail: Kathleen agrees, stating that “understand- Michel Keenan and Sarah Drake Cryan, the b donate@sistersofi hm.org ing our heritage and now seeing it before mother of Sister Maureen Cryan. www.SistersofIHM.org Mother Maria People & Places Declared Venerable Mother Maria Kaupas, a Lithuanian- b In July 2010, Sister Maryalice Jacquinot assumed the born nun who came to the role of president of St. Center in Scranton. Sister and established the Sisters of St. Casimir Ann Walsh became the chief executive offi cer of Friends Congregation in 1907 in Scranton, was of the Poor in Scranton. Sister Ann also was honored at a recognized by Benedict the XVI for reunion held for participants of the Joseph’s Center her virtues. The Vatican announced on Mother Infant Program, where she is director, on June 22, July 1 the fi rst major step toward saint- 2010, for her work over the past eight years. Those pres- hood by declaring her Venerable, bringing ent included mothers and children who participated in the her closer to Beatifi cation. Casimira Kaupas was born in Ra- program along with sisters, volunteers and staff. mygala, in 1880. She traveled to Scranton to work b Sister Margaret Gallagher retired after forty-two as a housekeeper for her brother who was serving as a parish years of service in the Diocese of Raleigh. Her work in priest there. She soon became attracted to the religious life North Carolina began in 1964 as a teacher at St. Monica and sought to participate in it. She was asked to form an order Catholic School in Raleigh. She also served at Our Lady to sustain Catholic education among Lithuanian immigrants, of Perpetual Help in Rocky Mount, Mother of Mercy in and the Sisters of St. Casimir was established with the help of Washington, and St. in Lumberton. In Mother Cyril Conway and the IHM Congregation. She took 1990 she was appointed full-time pastoral administrator of the name of Sister Maria. In 1911 the congregation moved St. in Plymouth and in 1999 was transferred their headquarters to , where there was a large Lithu- to St. Joseph the Worker. Sister Margaret has returned to anian population, and where they established schools and hos- Scranton where she continues her pastoral work. pitals over the years. The holiness she exuded throughout her life and deep faith and love for God, along with the years of b During the week of June 7, 2010, Sisters Mary service her Congregation has provided, all testify to Mother Schoberg, Ann Parker, Catherine Luxner, Beatrice Maria’s life of virtue, which continues to be an inspiration Caulson and Nancy Elder joined teachers of Queen of to many. As a result of Pope Benedict’s recognition she will Peace Catholic Academy in Gainesville, Florida to pres- now be known as Venerable Maria Kaupas. ent a series of interactive presentations centered upon “A Look at the Actions of the Spirit within the Church and IHM Charism.” Topics included Pre- and Post- Vatican II, and Holy People, Traditions and Symbols, Culture and Charism, Liturgy and Prayer. Presenters and partici- Something Beautiful from God pants alike noted that the foundation of Catholic Identity at A 2010 Daily Queen of Peace Academy has continued to grow stronger Refl ection Guide and the IHM story is still much alive. Advent and Christmas Seasons b The North American Conference of Associates and Religious hosted their biennial convention in St. Louis, Missouri, in June, 2010. A membership organization, NA- More than 40 CAR acts as a catalyst to serve, empower, and promote IHM Sisters and the associate-religious relationship. Multiple congrega- friends share their tions of both women and men from Canada and the Unit- refl ections on the ed States participated. Pat Baker, IHM Associate, and scripture readings Sister Jean Louise Bachetti attended the sessions where for each day of they happened to connect with Monroe IHMs and associ- these seasons. ates. The keynote speaker, Michael Crosby, OFM Cap., addressed “Jesus’ Understanding of Leaven: Transforming the Power Dynamic of Charism,” which supports that The To reserve your gift of charism has the power to build up the body of Christ copy or for more information Cover art by: Donna Korba, IHM through mutuality and equality. contact Sister Fran Fasolka at (570) 346-5404 or at communications@sistersofi hm.org 2 Fall 2010 Wishing Sister K athleen From The Director’s Desk Much Success! “We, the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, rooted Our own, Sister Kathleen in God and in the Gospel, stand together and courageously commit Lunsmann, has been appointed ourselves to enter into the joys, hopes, griefs and anxieties of the people of president of SOAR, the this world.” - from the IHM Direction Statement, 2010. Washington-based organization which supports aging It is a great honor for me to serve the IHM way to celebrate the 200th Anniversary of religious. The Sisters in the area of development and to the birth of our Foundress, Mother There- organization carry forward the tremendous efforts of Sr. sa Maxis, IHM! Our display continues, in was founded in Kathleen Lunsmann, IHM and those who beautiful pictorial images, to document the 1986 to provide came before her. Sr. Kathleen and her pre- ministry of our sisters, our religious life to- for the needs decessors have set a course for us to follow gether and our commitment to social justice of elderly men as we “walk with” those whom we serve. through the years. and women With great pleasure, I thank our dedicated You will also enjoy an article religious across friends, donors, and supporters who about Sr. M. Michel Keenan, the United have shared the journey with us. In Come Walk IHM, a former congregation States. As indicated in Catholic the months to come, I hope to thank administrator, who shares News, Patricia Gorman, chair many of you personally for your with Us, much of her interesting life of SOAR’s board of directors commitment to our IHM mission. Dear concludes that “under Sister story as an IHM Sister, com- Kathleen’s leadership, we Our 2010 IHM Direction Statement Friends! mitted to answering the call anticipate a bright future for calls our sisters to stand in solidarity of God in so many diverse SOAR.” with the people of our world. We have been ways. You will read the story of Alejandra, Sister Kathleen has served the called to enter into the joys and struggles who is preparing to become an IHM Associ- IHM Congregation for 15 years of God’s people and to examine how this ate, as she too walks with the IHM Sisters to in the area of development and challenge infl uences our choices to affect share in our prayer and our mission. recently obtained certifi cation those in need. This recommitment to God’s We thank you and invite you to Come Walk as a fundraising executive people reminds us of our heritage as Sisters with Us as we journey and rejoice in our and has a masters’ degree in of IHM and challenges us to continue this mission to serve God’s people. public administration from journey together. New York University. In this issue of IHM Connection, we learn of the dedication of the Heritage Display in Queen of Peace the IHM Center. Thanks to the generosity Sister Ann Monica Bubser, of a few special people, the IHM story is Catholic IHM told as visitors to our display walk through Academy Director of Development the history of our foundation and the ear- celebrates ly years as a congregation. What a lovely 10 Years Queen of Peace Catholic Academy, Gainesville, Florida celebrated its 10th Anniversary on Sunday, August 22, 2010. Gathered at an overfl owing 10AM Liturgy, the children present proclaimed God’s word in English and Spanish and sang the Hail Mary in Chinese. An open house with a reception followed Liturgy.

“Handmaid”, a sculpture by Timothy Schmalz was dedicated for this occasion. The inscription reads, “In Thanksgiving for the 10th Anniversary of Our Queen of Peace Catholic Academy and the Sisters Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary with Cover art by: love and honor of my family past, present and future—Trinity Annabelle.” Donna Korba, IHM Pictured left to right: Sister Beatrice Caulson, IHM, Sister Nancy Elder, IHM, Nancy Briles, Trinity Annabelle Graftt, Doris and George Armento 3 Fall 2010 IHM Vocations

In July 2010, Sister Ruth Harkins, IHM SSJ Associate Director for the National Vocations Director, reports that a grant Religious Vocation Conference speak at the received in the amount of $129,000 over recent IHM Assembly 2010 on some cur- two years from the Gerald and Henrietta rent implications gleaned from the results Rauenhorst (GHR) Foundation would im- Students participating of the CARA Vocation Study. This session mediately impact plans for vocation re- in The Gift of Mission was further enriched by the inclusion of a cruitment and re- panel of young adults. The grant covered tention. The the cost of these presentations. initial goals were as follows: to pro- In addition, these funds will expand our vide a marketing current “Best Practices” beyond the Scran- plan that would ton area into New York, Maryland, North positively impact Carolina and Florida over the two years. not only our IHM “We will now have a unique opportunity to Corporate image expand programs such as ‘The Gift of Mis- but also religious sion’ for high school students; Pizza and life; to expand Prayer / Jesus and Java for young adults our IHM Voca- and Come and See retreat weekends to oth- tion and Discernment Programs to other er regions where our sisters minister”, says regions; and to provide support of a forma- Sister Ruth. These programs will provide tion program in Peru. The mar- young women a unique way to experience keting portion of this plan is be- our spirit firsthand, pray with us, share ing supported by the generosity community with us and learn more about of GHR by allowing us to pursue charism and core values. a much needed redesign of the Yet another way the congregation looks current IHM Congregation web- to expand our vocations internationally site, which will ultimately serve IHM Vocation will be to nurture new life in Peru. We see as a gateway for young women to billboard sample young women being drawn to take a closer learn more about the Congregation. look at the IHM Congregation because of The desire to expand both the current vo- the energy, passion, and spirit with which cation and discernment activities need- Sister Norma ministers daily to the people ed some groundwork. In an attempt to in this part of the world. To learn more strengthen our current culture of vocations about vocations visit www.sistersofihm.org within the IHM Congregation Soujourners or contact Sister Ruth Harkins at 570-346- Mission Group recommended to the Mis- 5413 or [email protected] sion Board that Sister Charlene Diorka,

The Spanish Catholic Center in Washington, DC recognized the work of Sister Janice Heisey as she celebrated her 25th Anniversary at the Center. They honored this wonderful servant of God by naming the clinic, The Sister Janice Dental Clinic on Friday, August 27, 2010.

4 Fall 2010 IHM Spotlight Sister M. Michel Keenan, IHM

ister M. Michel Keenan, IHM re- with them and teaching them how to lic High School in Portland, Oregon. S cently returned from serving as dance so that they could attend social Along with Sister Coleman Nee, Sister special assistant to founding President, functions. As a high school sophomore spent three years at the University of Dr. Kathleen Ross, snjm at Heritage Sister Michel was already certain of her Notre Dame where she completed her University in Toppenish, Washington. call to religious life. doctorate in philosophy. Living in the western part of the coun- Sister Michel attended telegraph school In 1958, Sister began twenty years of try was not unfamiliar to Sister as she upon graduation from Marycliff High service to Marywood University as was born in Payette, Idaho and raised in School in Spokane in 1941. At age 16 Graduate Dean and Vice President of Spokane, Washington from the age of Sister Michel was employed by West- Academic Affairs in the Presidency’s four. In 1988, having served at Mary- ern Union, fi rst in Ontario, Oregon as of Sister St. Mary Orr and Sister Cole- wood University for twenty years, Sis- a manager of the telegraph offi ce, and man Nee. In 1978 she was elected Su- ter Michel and Sister Espiritu Dempsey later in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Small perior General of the IHM Congrega- both experienced a “pioneering” call to telegraph offi ces have unusual tasks tion, serving for two terms, until 1986. serve at fl edgling, six-year-old Heritage like chopping wood for the wood-burn- In the same year, Sister served in the College located on the Yakama Indian ing stove, hopping on the bike to de- Peace and Justice Center and began to Reservation. Bringing knowledge and liver messages, doing the bookkeeping update the history of the IHM Sisters experience in education, along with fer- and many more tasks! from 1919-1974, published in 2005. vent prayer, they were able to further Also completed are the history of the the university’s mission of “providing A position at Fort George Wright, a sixty-nine native Irish Sisters, and the quality, accessible higher education to permanent Army base in Spokane, was story of the IHM’s service in Peru. multicultural populations which have next and in her “spare” time she com- been educationally isolated.” pleted her fi rst year of college at Holy At 86 years of age, Sister Michel is still Names. However, it was time to re- active, living in Sacred Heart Commu- Sister Espiritu served fi rst as the Aca- spond to the call to religious life. Sister nity in the IHM Center. b demic Dean and later as Vice President came to Scranton in February of 1946 for Academic Affairs with Sister M. at age 21. The train trip took nearly four Michel Keenan as her Assistant, and days, but she recalls meeting many in- Chair of the Humanities Department teresting people, even a few cowboys, from 1988 through 2000. Sister Mi- which was helpful upon her arrival in chel refl ects on the years she spent in Scranton when asked Toppenish as truly rewarding in being (having come from part of the growth of Heritage Univer- the West) whether she sity to over 1,500 students. When Sister knew any “cowboys or Espiritu’s illness recurred in 2000, both indians!.” Sisters returned to Scranton and, sadly, Sister Espiritu died in 2006. Sister Mi- Upon completing her chel returned to Heritage University in undergraduate studies 2007, serving through July, 2010. in English at Mary- wood University, she Sister Michel was one of three Keenan was professed in 1948 children who attended the IHM Acad- and her teaching as- emy in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho as board- signments included, ing students. She recalls that not only Sister M. Michel Keenan, IHM Saint John’s High School , Pittston; did they have excellent teachers, but Saint Paul’s High School, Scranton; also those teachers, the sisters, became and went on to Boys Central Catho- their friends, even engaging in sports 5 Fall 2010 help our sisters with your gift With Thanksgiving and Christmas drawing please refer to the last page of this issue near, it is truly the time of giving thanks, or visit our website www.sistersofi hm.org thinking of others, and of course, gift-giv- where forms are available. ing. Many times we hear that it is becoming If you desire, there are many ways you can more diffi cult “to buy” for others. During express your thanks to our congregation. this special time, why not consider making The convenient way for most Sister Donna Korba, IHM a gift in honor of a loved one, a with friends from Guatemala. people is to use the envelope pro- special occasion Remembering vided to send a gift. IHM Direct in your life, or the allows you to extend a pledge of simply a gift support in monthly installments. made in thanks- IHM Sisters Should you have a personal way giving for per- at in which you think you would sonal reasons. Christmas like to support a specifi c project Gifts made to or cause administered by the sis- the congregation ters, kindly contact our offi ce. can be used to help educate our younger members, to Remember it is our policy to protect the pri- support our work among vacy of our friends and donors, so we never disadvantaged persons, to share the names and addresses of our bene- support our foreign min- factors with other organizations. We truly istries as well as to ensure value your friendship and are most grateful that the sisters are cared for for your support. For further information on “We have to begin to during their later years. assisting the IHM Sisters, please visit our website www.sistersofi hm.org or contact walk and we are no Our Silver Circle Program is underway our offi ce at 570-346-5431. b longer allowed to go where many of our donors choose to sup- backward or stop. It port our retired sisters by becoming mem- Pictured below, left to right: Sisters Mary bers. Simply put, for each $25 membership, William Philbin, Angela Miller, Maureen Willis, would be little use a ticket will be entered for a chance to win. Rosella Salvato, Jeanne Marie McAuliffe, Karen Marie O’Neill, Patricia Hauser and to be on the right Should you be lucky enough to be chosen a Raymond Mary McIntyre road if we remain winner, your name will be stationary.” returned into the pool for a chance to win in the re- maining drawings. Draw- - Father Louis Florent Gillet ings are held once each month from October 2010 through June 2011 at the IHM Center in Scranton. For more information

During this time of year, it is truly important to remember those in need and to remember that we have much for which to be thankful. We invite you to remember the IHM Sisters as year-end approaches. For more information on estate planning and stock transfer instructions, kindly contact Sister Ann Monica Bubser at 570-346-5431 or donate@sistersofi hm.org. Legal Title: Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 2300 Adams Avenue, Scranton, Pennsylvania 18509 6 Fall 2010 IHM Associate Spotlight In 2007, Alejandra Marroquin found her to holiness and choose to be in self in search of something more in her life. a covenant relationship to move Not quite sure whether she had a calling forward together the spirit of our for religious life, she knew that there was founders, Theresa Maxis and something deeper in store for her. Having Louis Florent Gillet by partici- been acquainted with the IHM Sisters for pating in the unconditional love over fi ve years, she took the opportunity to of Jesus for all. (IHM Charism). speak to Sister Jean Louise Bachetti about Her experience has offered her her feelings. By 2009, Alejandra found plenty. “The Circle has chal- Alejandra with members of Circle of Grace. herself participating in the IHM Associate lenged me to think differently and now I Pictured (l to r): Marilyn Casey, Mary Byrne, Program. Sister Joan Marie Thompson, Alejandra and approach situations differently, and, even Sister Rose Marie Mozzachio. Alejandra is in the midst of Circle of pray differently. It has allowed me to em- her undergraduate degree from Pennsylva- Grace, which allows those embracing an brace the feeling of peace.” From the be- nia State University (Erie) and is currently associate experience to form solidarity ginning she found that she needed to work working with Catholic Social Services in with each other during this step of the pro- hard at her approaches to prayer and being Scranton as a case worker. gram. The program began in 2004 and was at peace. Now during each gathering with established to offer the time and resources fellow Circle members and Sisters, she Presently, there are groups of women and for aspiring associates and sisters to build says it is much easier because of the tools men that have formed Circles of Grace in up the family of God through the IHM the Sisters provide to her. Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Florida, charism and mission. It revolves around a North Carolina, New York and Peru. For Born in Guatemala, Alejandra came to the mutuality, which dispels the fl awed under- further information please visit the www. United States on January 3, 1993 with her standing that holiness is limited to priests sistersofi hm.org or contact Sister Jean Louise family and settled in New Jersey before and religious. Within this circle both IHM b coming to Scranton in 2004. She received Bachetti, IHM at 570-963-2480. Sisters and IHM Associates claim their call EDUCATIONAL ENRICHMENT INSTITUTE 1989-2010 The IHM Sisters have been providing an children with special needs. He was a children are praised for their success, outstanding service to children and adults very shy child and the teacher could get which leads them to complete the rest of in Scranton and the surrounding area no response from him. I sat with him for the lesson independently. for more than twenty years, through the a few sessions and watched him point to Over the years, the program has served the Educational Enrichment Institute where the right picture and then the correct word needs of children and adults who simply over one thousand people have benefi ted on the page. I knew immediately that he required a little more attention. Sister from the one-on-one tutoring program. understood what I was presenting! I was refl ects upon three families who adopted Located on the Marywood University delighted when he started to read with me. children from Russia. With help and campus in the IHM Center, this program The joy that I saw on his face remains in encouragement from EEI tutors, some of began in 1989. When asked a few years my memory. I recently met him again them are now in Honors’ programs. These ago what percentage of their clients after four years and he reminded me of the successes prove that the Institute provides improved in their studies, it was so easy to dinosaur pictures and the game that I left a great service not only to the students but respond with the answer – 100%. on his desk because I knew that he loved also to the parents, as the program strives dinosaurs. He told me that he is doing very Sister St. Monica Costello, IHM, Director to help children become independent well in school because of what he learned of EEI, says that there are a thousand learners and better students. at our Institute,” says Sister St. Monica. success stories to tell but the following Sister states, “In the words of John F. story about Emmanuel comes to mind. “I Sister goes on to say that they fi nd that Kennedy, ‘a child mis-educated is a was asked to test this child whose parents children who are reluctant students in a child lost’. We fi nd the reasons for mis- had recently come from Mexico. The regular classroom situation are eager to educated children and supply what is school that Emmanuel show their tutor what needed in order for them to be happy and was attending wanted they know. They are successful human beings. We feel that we to keep him back in the asked questions when accomplish this daily in our Educational grade or have his family they are unsure. When Enrichment Institute.” b put him in a school for they “get it right”, the

Sister Celesta Sinisi, IHM with an EEI student 7 Fall 2010 Non-Profit Org. CONNECTION U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 39 Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Scranton, PA IHM Center, Development Office 2300 Adams Avenue Scranton, PA 18509

Become a Member of Our Silver Circle! # Yes! I would like to support the retired IHM Sisters. Please send me Silver Circle Membership Forms @ $25 each. Please make checks payable to: Sisters of IHM




State Zip Code Sister Ann Monica Bubser (left) with Sister Phone Kathleen Joy Steck submitting her returns E-mail as one of the top three Silver Circle sellers. IHM Center Development Office 2300 Adams Avenue, Scranton, PA 18509 visit www.ihmsilvercircle.org

IHM Connection is published by the Development Office of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, IHM Center, 2300 Adams Avenue, Scranton, PA 18509. The purpose of this newsletter is to communicate the works and needs of the IHM Congregation. President: Sister Therese O’Rourke; Director of Development: Sister Ann Monica Bubser.