2013-2014 Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Mellon University 1 2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog Foreword Administration This catalog is intended to detail the University’s academic programs, SUBRA SURESH, President. policies and services for use by current undergraduate students, faculty, and administrators. We appreciate that applicants, prospective MARK S. KAMLET, Provost and Executive Vice President. students, and many other people will read this material, as well, for some RANDAL E. BRYANT, Dean, School of Computer Science. understanding of University programs and culture. AMY BURKERT, Vice Provost for Education. Information in the catalog is current as of August 2013; the next Catalog will be published in August 2014. In the interim, new courses will be announced JAY S. CALHOUN, Treasurer. in the course schedules which are usually available in November and April ILKER BAYBARS, Dean, CMU-Qatar. and on the Web (www.cmu.edu/hub ). GINA CASALEGNO, Dean, Office of Student Affairs. The program requirements and academic policies set forth in this Catalog are subject to change. As a consequence, students are expected to MARY JO DIVELY, Vice President and General Counsel. consult with their individual college or department for the most up-to- date information about program requirements, and should consult the ROBERT M. DAMMON, Dean, David A. Tepper School of Business. University’s policy website for the most current statements of University DAVID DZOMBAK, Interim Vice Provost of Sponsored Programs. policy. JAMES H. GARRETT JR., Dean, Carnegie Institute of Technology. Any changes or updated information from any member of the campus community should be directed to John Papinchak, University Registrar. FREDERICK GILMAN, Dean, Mellon College of Science.
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