Private Sector Assessment
Laos Private Sector Assessment A Preliminary Scoping Study The primary objective of the study is to provide a broad-based overview of the private sector in Laos as a stakeholder in com- bating modern slavery in the country PB The Mekong Club Laos Private Sector Assessment The Mekong Club Laos Private Sector Assessment 1 The Mekong Club 1. Contents The Mekong Club is a catalyst 2. Objectives of the Study 4 for change – engaging, inspiring and supporting the private sector to eradicate slavery from 3. Definition of Terms 5 their business. Given that the majority of modern-day slavery 4. Demographic Overview & Key Social Trends 6 exists in the private sector, these companies are ideally placed to help turn the tide of this global 4.1 Summary 6 epidemic. 4.2. Population Distribution 6 The only organisation of its kind, 4.3. Social Indicators 8 The Mekong Club steers away from the approach taken by other 4.3.1. Human Development Index (HDI) 8 players in this space, which is to 4.3.2. GINI Coefficient 10 ‘name and shame’ companies – 4.3.3. Poverty Rate ousting bad behaviour or issues 10 related to this subject. Instead, we believe in starting and ending 5. The Labour force 11 with collaboration. 5.1. Employment and Income 11 In fact, The Mekong Club 5.1.1. Employment Distribution 11 originally formed as a direct 5.1.2. Income response to the growing 13 number of companies looking 5.2. Gender Gap 13 to develop strategies to address 5.3. Comparative Minimum Wage 14 forced labour risk through a professional forum.
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