Winchester Cathedral Record 2019 Number 88 Friends of Winchester Cathedral 2 The Close, Winchester, Hampshire SO23 9LS 01962 857 245
[email protected] Registered Charity No. 220218 Friends of Winchester Cathedral 2019 Royal Patron Her Majesty the Queen Patron The Right Reverend Tim Dakin, Bishop of Winchester President The Very Reverend Catherine Ogle, Dean of Winchester Ex Officio Vice-Presidents Nigel Atkinson Esq, HM Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire Cllr Eleanor Bell, The Right Worshipful, the Mayor of Winchester Ms Jean Ritchie QC, Cathedral Council Chairman Honorary Vice-President Mo Hearn BOARD OF TRUSTEES Bruce Parker, Chairman Anne Newsome, Vice-Chairman David Fellowes, Treasurer Tom Watson, Geoff Howard Natalie Shaw, Nigel Spicer Ex Officio Chapter Trustees The Very Reverend Catherine Ogle, Dean of Winchester Annabelle Boyes, Receiver General STAFF Lucy Hutchin, Director Lesley Mead Leisl Porter Friends’ Prayer Most glorious Lord of life, Who gave to your disciples the precious name of friends: accept our thanks for this Cathedral Church, built and adorned to your glory and alive with prayer and grant that its company of Friends may so serve and honour you in this life that they come to enjoy the fullness of your promises within the eternal fellowship of your grace; and this we ask for your name’s sake. Amen. Welcome Another momentous year in so many respects. The opening of the fabulous new exhibition and all its associated works in the south transept was nothing short of mind-blowing. The special service of celebration planned for October this year will have been a most fitting tribute to all those who have worked so hard on the project over the past few years.