SMALLEY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Parish Council Meeting Held Remotely Via Zoom on 16 November 2020 at 7.30Pm 67/20 Present
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SMALLEY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held remotely via Zoom on 16th November 2020 at 7.30pm 67/20 Present Cllrs S Bower (Chairman), J Walker MBE (Vice-Chairman), G Rogers, W Judson, L Pizzey, J Saddington, R Saysell, and J Ainsworth 68/20 Apologies for absence Cllr R Illiffe and Cllr K Buttery 69/20 Declaration of Members Interests RESOLVED: Members agreed to take any Declarations of Members Interests as they occur in the meeting. 70/20 Minutes of Meeting held on 19th October 2020 RESOLVED: Members agreed the minutes were correct record and the Chairman to sign the minutes and return to the Clerk. The electronic speed sign is not working correctly, Clerk to report this to Derbyshire County Council. 71/20 Planning AVA/2020/0951 Extend garage and covert into ancillary accommodation 206 Heanor Road – No objections AVA/2020/0982 Proposed garage conversion into living accommodation Olive Farm, Barnes Croft – No objections AVA/2020/0701 Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of 7 dwellings with new access drive. Amendment to planning application The Councillors object to the above planning application. Concerns of highway safety Lack of infrastructure to support the additional housing Not within the development plan AVA/2020/1042 Demolition of existing garage, single storey rear extension and proposed detached garage to rear. 161 Heanor Road, Smalley – No objections AVA/2020/0771 Mill Farm, 18 Wood Lane Demolition of existing dwelling, construction of a replacement dwelling including amendments to the existing access – No objections 72/20 Report of the Clerk a) Playground Inspections Dobholes Lane Recreation Ground All the play equipment on Dobholes Lane Recreation Ground has been inspected and is in good working order. The hedge which runs parallel with Dobholes Lane was cut 2 weeks ago. Football matches have been suspended until 2nd December due to the pandemic. Stainsby Meadow All the play equipment on Stainsby Meadow Recreation Ground has been inspected and is in good working order. The Meadow has recently been cut. Kerry Drive Play Area It was reported that the play area on Kerry Drive is in a poor state of repair, Clerk to report this to Amber Valley. b) Stainsby Meadow Entrance Members agreed to wait until the building of the house is completed and better weather before commencing work on the new entrance to the recreation ground. c) Speed Watch - Purchase of Speed Gun with Horsley Woodhouse Parish Council Cllr J Saddington, Cllr Bower and Cllr Pizzey have completed the Speed Watch training, however due to lockdown they are unable to carry out speed checks in the village. Clerk reported that Horsley Woodhouse Parish Council would be happy to share the purchase of the Speed Watch equipment. RESOLVED: Members agreed to purchase the Speed Watch equipment with Horsley Woodhouse Parish Council. d) Police Beat Teams – email from Police Community Support Officer Clerk to ask the Police Community Support Officer what information regarding contacting the police can be published on the Parish Council website. Clerk to request there is a greater police presence in the village. e) Request for grant from PCC RESOLVED: Members agreed a donation of £1000 be given to the PCC to help towards the upkeep of the churchyard. f) Update from Village Asset Committee Clerk to complete the application form from Amber Valley to register The Bell Public House as a Village Asset. g) Approval of Memorial RESOLVED: Members approved the memorial submitted by Hawley Stone Masons. h) Request for burial plot RESOLVED: A request for a burial plot to be used for family ashes has been made to the Council, a vote was taken 1 Councillor against, 1 Councillor abstained, and 7 Councillors approved the application. However, the rules and regulations of the burial ground will be revised next month. 73/20 Finance Financial and monthly budget report previously circulated. Shelter Maintenance £85.14 Clerk/Groundsman/Expenses HMRC/Pension £1681.90 NT Services £382.75 Civic Pride – summer hanging baskets £2346.00 G Long – Trees pruned £600.00 Smalley Play Group £500.00 St John The Baptist – Grant £1000.00 Excel Stationery £97.80 Sutcliffe Play - £259.91 74/20 Correspondence None 75/20 Items for the Internet Smalley Parish Council’s grant application form to be put on to the website. The Community Group are creating a Community Hub live website, village organisations can input data on to the hub giving residents real time information, this will be linked to the Parish Council website. 76/20 Date of next meeting Monday 21st December 2020 at 7.30pm The meeting closed at 9.01 pm .