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Ms. Michele A. Beguhn ICI Americas, Inc. Agricultural Products New Murphy Road & Concord Pike Wilmington, DE 19897

Dear Ms. Beguhn: l Subject: Fusilade 2000 Herbicide EPA Registration NC'. 10182-104 Your Applications of February 6, April 16, and October 27, 1992

We have completed O'lr review of the subject applications requesting amendments to your label for Fusilade 2000 Herbicide. Our conclusions are as follows:

1. In your application of February 6, 1992, you requested to add directions for use of a tankmix for Fusilade 2000 and Option II Herbicides. In our conversations with you by telephone you indicated that Option II is alternative name for product registration 8340-40. We did not find this name among those listed for the referenced product in our registration records for this product. Therefore, this ( request will not be approved at this time.

2. In your application of April 16, 1992, you requested to add directions for use of a tankmix for Fusilade 2000 with Bugle Herbicide for use on cotlon and soybeans. We find this amendment acceptable according to the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, as amended (FIFRA), with comment. A stamped copy is enclosed for your records. / . ,J- J ,"", '

3, .n your application of October 27, 1992, you requested to add an "Information on Weed Resistance" section to the label. We find this amendment acceptable according to FIFRA, with comment. A stamped copy is enclosed for your records,

Comment: Note that spinach is still officially a part of this registration. A 6F Notice is being filed to remove spinach from the label. There will be a 90 day comment period following the pUblication.

Submit five (5) copies of the final printed labeling before releasing the product for shipment.

Thank you.

Sincere! y yours,

Joanne 1. Miller Product Manager (23) Fungicide-Herbicide Branch Registration Division (H7505C)

Enclosures: 2

H7505C: Mayes:jem:Rm23S:305-5218: 11117/92

2 , ( .-:-:. :~/ I '.J.' YM~3 101 ~.- )oLl , Page 1 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSK - RS-l02392K

(F ront Cover)

:\ ".. .:'::., e '.i" FUSILADE 2000 Herbicide ," \. . .! .

Postemergence Herbicide for Control ~lh / /IJ / Jj £I d---- of Perennial and Annual Grass Weeds {IV' I . l ~ ~.': " • ~ '!'"" Complete Directions for Use and Use PrecautionS' ~I;i':~':Q/?!c9 -I ()/ / (Inside of Front Cover) ....l-.-- '7


IMPORTANT: Read the Entire Directions for Use and the Conditions of Sale and Warranty before using this product.


The Directions for Use 0: this product are believed to be reliable and should be followed carefully. However, it is impossible to eliminate all risks inherently assOCiated with !he use of this product. Crop injury, ineffectiveness or other unintended consequences may result because of such factors as timing and method of application, weather and crop conditions, mixture with other chemicals not specifical!y recommended or other influencing factors in the use of the product, all of which are beyond the control of the seller. All such risks shall be assumed by Buyer and User, and Buyer and User agree to hoid Seller r, :rmless for any claims relating to such factors.

Selier warrants that this product conforms to the chemical description on the label and is reasonably fit for the purposes stated on the labe:, subject to the inherent ri!OKS referred to above, when used in accordance with directions ur.der normal conditions of USf'. T,lis warranty does not extend to the use 01 this product contrary to label instruction~3, or under abnormal conditions or under conditions not reasonably foreseeable to or beyond the control cl Seller and Buyer and User assume the risk of any such use. SELLER DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF FITNESS OR MERCHANTABILITY. :" •• ! .. • .. f. ~ .. When Buyer or User clilims losses or damages resulting from the use or haQ~lit10.of this.p[Q~uct (including claims based on contract, negligence, strict liability or other legft th~dries), Suver or User must promptly notify in writiny Seller of any claims to be eligible to r~y~!~e eit~6~ if.,the remedies set forth below. The EXCLUSIVE REMEDY OF BUYER OR USER:an(i the LlMi ... OF LIABILITY of Seller will be, at the election of Seller, refund of the purchase pri~e :paid for, rr9€Uct hought, or replacement of amount of product used. SELLER SHALL NOr BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES RESULTING FH()M THE ,US': OR HANDLING OF THIS PRODUCT AN[) SELLER'S SOLE LIABILITY AND BUYER'S AND 0S[R'S EXCLUSIVE REMEDY SHP.LL BE LIMITED TO THE REFUND OF THE PURCHASE PF,lIC;::. . " BEST AVAILABLE cop\, J . - II I/~, :; './ ,. " Page 2 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSK - RS-102392K

TABLE OF CONTENTS Page STATEMENT OF PRACTICAL TREATMENT PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS DIRECTIONS FOR USE Re-entry General Information Application Directions Spray Additives Ground Application Band Application Aerial Application Spot Treatment General Use Precautions Apricots, Cherries, Nectarines, Peaches, Plums and Prunes Asparagus (WA, OR, MD, DE, NC, VA, NY and NJ only) ( Carrots (including seed carrots), Dry Bulb Onions, Garlic Coffee (HI only) Cotton Endive Pecans Rhubarb (MD and NJ only) Soybeans Stone Fruit (Apricots, Cherries, Nectarines, Peaches, Plums and Prunes) Sweet Potatoes and Yams Tabasco Peppers (LA only) Regional Use Map Annual Grass Use Rates Region A Annual Grass Use Rates Region B Perennial Grass Use Rates Region A Perennial Grass Use Rates Region B ( Annual & Perennial Grass Use R3tes For Coffee Tankmixes for Soybeans FUSILADE & REFLEX 2LC FUSILADE & BASA3RAN FUSILADE & REFLEX + BASAGRAN FUSILADE & BLAZER or TACKLE FUSILADE & CLASSIC •I •• I ...• FUSILADE & PURSUIT • FUSILADE & WHIP 1 EG eel' • t,. I' • ~ I • Soybean Tankmix Rate Table , .. • Soybean Tankmix Use Precautions • , ' , , , . • Tankmixes for Cotton • •• Golton Tankmix Rate Table .. Cotton Tankmix Use Precautions Non-food Uses General Use Precautions Fallow Land, Non-crop Areas, and Non-bearing Crops ·• . • Omamentals · .. , '. I' Page 3 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSK - RS-l02392K


Storage and Disposal Rate Conversion Table Scientific Names of Weeds (Appendix)


't~:·,: '~(1 • • • • • • f , , , ••, •• • • • · .. ·• • ..

·' .. Page 4 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSK - RS-102392K



ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Fluazifop-P-butyl Butyl (8)-2-[4-[5-(trifluoromethyl)-2-pyridinyl]oxy] phenoxy]propanoate* ...... 13% INERT INGREDIENTS ...... 87% TOTAL 100%

*FUSILADE 2000 herbicide contains 1 pound (+) isomer (fluazifop-P-butyl) per gallon

EPA Reg. No. 10182-104

STATEMENT OF PRACTICAL TREATMENT ( IF IN EYES: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water. Call physiCian if irritation persists.

IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water. Get medical attention if irritation persists.


FOR CHEMICAL EMERGENCY: Spill, leak, fire, exposure, or accident call CHEMTAEC 1-800-424-9300.



HARMFUL IF ABSORBED THROUGH SKIN OR INHALED. CAUSES EYE IRRITATION. MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTIONS. Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing. Avoid breathing vapor or spray mist. Wear protective clothing and PVC gloves when spraying. Wear protective clothing, PVC gloves, apron and full face shield when handling or mixing co~cer.iffile. Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash thoroughly with soap an.d.water after handiing...... • ..... • •• ·• ."• .. .. ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS • • f , • , •• • This product is toxic to fish. Do not apply directly to water, or to areas where, ~urfac~ w~{er is / present, or to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark Do not cont'l'llir!ate '.vcl.Ii3".vrhen disposing of equipment washwaters. Do not apply when weather conditions favor drift from:arget area.

, , PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL HAZARDS . • • • Do not use or store near heat or op'ln flame. .. • Page 5 of 57 FUSIUDE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSK - RS-102392K


It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.

This labeling must be in the possession of the user at the time of application.


Do not apply this product in such a manner as to directly or through drift expose workers or other pe!Sons. The area being treated must be vacated by unprotected persons.

Do not treat areas while unprotected humans or domestic animals are prosent in the treatment areas. Do not allow entry into treated areas without protective dothing until sprays have dried. Because certain states may require more restrictive reentry intervals for various crops treated with this product, consult your State Department of Agriculture for further information.

( Written or oral warnings must be given to workers who are expected to be in a treated area or in an area about to be treated with this product. When oral warnings are given, wamings shall be given in a language customco.rily undef'3tood by workers. Oral warnings must be given if there is reason to believe that written wamings cannot be ur.derstood by workers. Wamlngs must include the following information:

CAUTION: Area treated with FUSILADE® 2000 herbicide on (date of application). Do not enter without appropriate protective clothing until sprays have dried. In case of accidental exposure to pesticide spray, wash the skin thoroughly with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing and wash beiore reuse. If in eyes, flush with plenty of water. If irritation persists, get medical attention.


Read all label directions before using. \. FUSILADE 2000 herbicide is a selective postemergence herbicide for control of annual and rerennial grass weeds in apricots, asparagus (restricted to Delaware, Maryland, tJew Jersey. New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Virginia and WaShington), carrots, cherries, coffee (restricted to / Hawaii), cotton, endive, gar1ic. nectarines, onions (dry bulb), peaches, pecans, plums. prunes, rhubarb (restricted to Maryland and New Jersey), soybeans, sweet potatoes and yams, Tabasco peppers (restricted to Louisiana). FUSILADE 2000 herbicide can also be used on falloy{ lar.d: on noncrop areas, and on nonbearing crops and omamentals. FUSILADE 2000 herbicir.l.~ will provide effective control of grass weeds in conventional tillage, minimuf'!l,tiII6pe, ahd .n6-till plantings. FUSILADE 2000 herbicide does not control broadleaf weeds or :;edgE:s (nutgrass). , , , , ...... •• • FUSILADE 2000 herbicide is a systemiC herbicide which moves from the treat~~ loliag~ in}9 the shoots, roots, rhizomes, stolons, and growing paints (meristematic region!') .0f trea~tj IJl"dSS weeds.

FUSILADE 2000 herbicide is rain fast in one hour. , , ,• .. r .1

Page 6 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FU8104B.RSK - RS-l0239~K

Control Svmotoms: Thorough coverage of all weed foliage is important for good activity. Optimum weed control is achieved when young actively growing weeds are treated that are not under stress from moisture, temperature, low soil fertility, mechanical, or chemical injury.

Growth of treated grass weeds stops soon after application. Symptoms include loss of vigor, yellowing and/or reddening, and eventual death to the treattld grass plant. Symptoms are generally observed within one week after treatment, depending on grass weed species and environmental conditions.


NatuiallYl>ceurringbiotypes ofcertaingl'aSs specieswHhresistance to this herbicide and related products.(samemode of action ) are known to exist. Selection of resistant biotypes, through repeated use of these herbicides,may resulllrfcontrolfailures.

If poor performance cannot be attributed to adverse weather conditions or improper application methods, a resistant biotype may be .present. In such a case, additional treatments with this herbicide or related products is not recommended. Consult your local company representative or agricultural advisor for assistance.


Timing - Best control of susceptible grasses is obtained when FUSILADE 2000 herbicide is applied to actively growing grasses before they exceed the recommended growth stages shown on this label. Refer to the grass weed table for soecific recommendations on weed growth stages.

Spray Additives - Only crop oil concentrate and non ionic surfactants cleared for use on growing crops under 40 CFR 180.1001 may be used in spray mixture.


• Crop Oil Concentrate - Add a non-phytotoxic cro!) oil concentrate or a once-refined vegetable oil concentrate containing 15-20% approved emulsifier, at 0.5-1 % v/v (1-2 pints per 25 gallons) of the finished spray volume. For aerial applications, add 1 pint of crop oil concentrate per acre.

• Nonionic Surfactant - Add non it' surfactant containing at least 75% surfal::3.·aC:ive • agent, at 0.25-0.5% v/v (1/2-1 pint PL' 25 gallons) of the fil1ished Spi '1y volume fo~ orQund sprays. For aerial application, add 1 pint of surfactailt per acre. , .. .,, . . • ••.. f, f of, • In addition to crop oil concentrate or nonil)nic surfactant, liquid nitrogen fertil;7er (:;>8% cj( iirMar) can be added to the spray mixture in soybeans only. This 28% liquid nitrogen fe:tilizer is :~ater soluble and should be us eo at a rate of one gallon per acre. Liquid nitrogen fprtilizers sil.'N10'not be used as a substitute tor crop oil concentrate or non ionic surfactant in the rprcy mixture.

Diammonium phosphate (aqueous ammonium polyphosphats) commonly sold as a solution (10-34-0) can be added to the spray mixture. This water soluble material should be \;sed';::t a rate of 2 pts. per acre. Diammonium pnosphate should not bp Ilsed as a substitute It' ";01' oil concentrate nor non ionic surfactant in the spray mixture. .. , Page 7 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS 104B. RSK - RS-l02392K

GROUND APPLICATION - Use suffic;ient spray volume and pressure to ensure complete coverage of the target grasses. Apply in 5-40 gallons per acre 01 spray mixture with spray pressures' 140--60 psi at the nozzle tip. When grass foliage is dense, use 60 psi and a minimum 01 20 gallons per acre to ensure coverage of weed foliage. Do not exceed tile maximum application rates for FUSILADE 2000 herbicide.




BAND APPLICATIONS - Thorough weed coverage is important lor control. Best coverage is obtained with a minimum 01 two nozzles, one directed to each side of the planted lOW. Application with a single nozzle directed over the top of the row is not recommended. Cultivation 01 untreated areas may be needed following band applications.

When making band applications and cultivating in the same operation, position nozzles in advance of the cultivation device. This will reduce dust in the spray area. Dust can intercept the spray, reducing weed coverage, resulting in less than adequate weed control.

Calculate the amount 01 herbicide and water volume needed for band treatment by the following formulas:

Band width in inches X broadcast rate = Band herbicide rate row width in inches per acre per acre

Band width in inches X broadcast volume = Band water volume row width in inches per acre per acre

Band applications to perennial grasses are not recommended as reinfestation of the treated band from the untreated middle may result.

AERIAL APPLICATION - Use sufficient spray volume to ensure complete coverage 01 target grasses. A minimum 01 5 gallons per acre should be applied. When grass foliage is de..,se"use a minimum of 10 gallons per acre to ensure coverage of weed foliage. Add one pinVA'6( crop oil concentrate or nonionic surfactant in the spray mixture. • •••• .,.", .';' • •• CUL TIVATION - Cultivation of treated grasses is not recommended withiOl 7 days'pRor to PI w(thin 7 days after application of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide as weeds may be put unC:~r Wess Ce6~I~rng weed control. Timely cultivation 2-3 weeks after afJplying fUSILADE 2000 hero;citle m~y ,as!'jist weed control.

·• .. eEST AVt.tl.AD~E COPt i ',.' ./ '~JI'P Page 8 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSK - RS-1023921<


Mix fUSILADE :2000 herb!cide and crop oil concentrate or nonionic surfactant with water according to the amounts shown below. Spray to obtain thorough coverage, but do nol spray to runoff. Re-treat if necessary.


Add These Amounts I

To MakE) This CropNegetable Nnnionic Spray Volume FUSILADE 201J0 Oil Concentrate" or Surfactant

1 gallon 1-1/~ II. oz. 1-1/2 fl. oz. or 1/2 fl. oz. (3 tt>sp.) ------( I 10 gallons 13 fl. oz. 13 !I. oz. 3 fl. 01 25 gallons 1 quart 1 quart 1/2 pint

50 ga!lons 2 quarts 2 quarts 1 pint I - 'Do not use a crop oil concentrate on ornamentals. Use only non ionic surfactant on omamentals.


Apply FUSILADE 2000 herbicide as a postemergence ground application. Apply with sufficient spray volume to ensure complete coverage of the target grasses. Applications can be made as a broadcast, strip band, or spot spray application.

Apply 32 ounces per acre of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide along with 1% crop oil concentrate (2 pints per 25 gallons) or 0.25% (1/2 pint per 25 gallons) of a non ionic surfactant to annual and perennial grasses at the recommended growth stages in the weed tables.


Apply FUSILADE :2000 herbicide as a directed postemergence application in the interspaces ar:d around the base of the trees while avoiding contact of spray with foliage of trees. Apply. :~ith sufficient spray volume and pressure to enwre complete coverage of target grasses. Applications can be made as a broadcast, strip band, or spot spray application at rates and growth~ta.£ias listed in the weed tables. Do not apply when harveslable fruit or nuts are ~·t~e:ground: • • , • • • • DO NOT GRAZE ANIMALS IN TREATED AREAS_ • .,• • • .. , , , .. REFER TO THE GRASS WEED TABLES FOR SPECIFIC RECOMMENDA°,-'OI\'S ON'W!:EO GROWTH STAGES. ..~ , , , ,• . , Page 9 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSK - RS-102392K


• Apply to actively growing grasses. Do not apply to grasses which are stressed due to moisture, temperature, low soil fertility, rrechanical or chemical injury.

• Apply at the recommended rate to grasses at the recommended growth stages as outlined. Do not apply to grasses which have til/e(ed, formed seed heads, or exceeded recommended growth stages.

• Apply when the first grass weed species in a mixed grass weed population re2ches the recommended growth stage for treatment. Use the highest recommended rate lor grasses in that group.

• Where irrigation is used as part of normal cropping practice, best results are usually obtained when FUSILADf 2000 herbicide is applied within 7 days after irrigation.

• Best perennial grass control can be obtained if rhiZOMes or stolons are cut up by preplant tillage practices (discing, plowing, etc.) to stimulate maximum emergence of grass shoots.

• Do not plant rotational grass crops such as com, sorghum, and cereals within 60 days of last application of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide.

• Avoid drift to all other crops and nontarget areas. Grass crops are highly susceptible to FUSILADE 2000 herbicide.

• Do not tankmix FUSILADE 2000 herbicide with other pesticides, liquid fertilizers or any other additives except as specified on this label or other supplemental labeling. Use of liquid nitrogen fertilizer (28% or similar) as recommended on this lahel is for use in soybeans only.

• Sequential applications of other herbicides except as specified on this I; ')el or on supplemental labeling within five days before or after FUSILADE 2000 herbicide application may result in crop injury and/or reduced grass control.

• Thoroughly clean spray tank with water and a commercial tank cleaner belore and after each use.

• Do not apply FUSILADE 2000 herbicide if rainfall is expected within 1 hour.

APRICOTS, CHERRIES, NECTARINES, PEACHES, PLUMS, AND PRUNES , · ' , , , • Do not apply a total of more than 1 4 II. oz. 01 FUSILADE 2000 herlilcfdEi, .. per a'ere'. per season. . , ...... , . ••. .. • , . , • Do not harvest within 14 days of anplication. , . .. . , .. • Do not graze animals in treated areas.

, . • •• 1 . Page 10 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSK - RS-t02392K


New Jersey, Maryland, Oregon and Washington only:

• Do not apply a total of more than 96 oz. of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide per acre per season to bearing asparagus.

• Do not harvest asparagus within one day of application.

Delaware, North Carolir:a, New York and Virginia only:

• Do not apply a total of more than 96 oz. of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide per acre per seaS0n to bearing asparagus.

• Do not harvest asparagus within 7 months of last application.

• Sprays !l1l1st be applied after last harvest.


• Do not apply a total of more than 96 oz. of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide per acre per season to carrots, dr'J bulb onions or garlic.

Do not [larvest carrots, dry bulb onions or garlic within 45 days after application.


• Do not apply a total of more It·,an 96 fl. oz. oi FUSILADE 2000 herbicide per acre per season to coffee.

• Do not harvest calfee within 1 day 01 application.


• Do not apply a total of more than 96 oz. of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide per acre per season to cotton.

• Do not apply to cotton after boll set. • • - , ... ·• • Do not harvest cotton within 90 days of FUSILADE 2000 application. • I , , • , ~ f ..... , .. • ••• • • Do not graze or harvest for forage or hay. • • , , , , , . ·- • .. ENDIVE · . •• • Do not apply a total of more than 96 oz. of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide pol .::ere per seCison to endive. ·, • Do not f]b.rvest endive within 28 days of application. . , ) _. / t }II ' J Page 11 of 57 FUSILAOE 2000 Booklet FUS104B,RSK - RS-102392K


• Do not apply a total of more than 144 fl. oz. of FUSILAOE 2000 herbicide per acre per season,

• Do not halVest within 30 days of application.

• Do not graze animals in treated areas.

RHUBARB (Maryland and New Jersey only)

• Do not apply a total of more than 72 oz. of FUSILAOE 2000 herbicide per acre per season to rhubarb.

• Do not halVest rhubarb within 14 days of the spring application.


Do not apply a total of more than 64 oz. of FUSILAOE 2000 herbicide per acre per season to soybeans.

Make the last FUSILAOE 2000 herbicide application to soybeans before bloom.

Do not graze or halVest for forage or hay.


• Do not apply a total of more than 96 oz. of FUSILAOE 2000 herbicide per acre per season to sweet potatoes and yams.

• Do not halVest within 55 days of application.

TABASCO PEPPERS (Louisiana Only)

• Do not apply a total of more than 96 oz. of FUSILAOE 2000 herbicide per acre per season to Tabasco peppers.

• LJ , not halVest Tabasco peppers within 45 days of application, , , , .

t." . I, • : 4 ~ ~ ••.- • • ..• • • .. • , , , I

• ·• • .. Page 12 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSK - RS-102392K



Regional Use Map

Region A

Region B

Region A - Includes the following states or portions of states where FUSILADE 2000 herhicide can be applied at recommended rates.

Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California (Northem; see regional map), Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada (Northem; see regional map), New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma (east of Interstate 35), Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas (east of Interstate 35), Utah (Northem; see regional map), Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

R2gion B - Includes the following states or portions of states where FUSILADE 2000 herbicide can be applied at recommended rates.

Arizona, California (Southern; see regional map), Colorado, Hawaii, Oklahoma (west of Interstate 35), ~Ievada (SoIJthern; see regional map), New Mexico, Utah (Scuthern; see regional map), and Texas (west of Interstate 35),

... , I' , , . 1:- -:.Jt il U Page 13 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSK - RS-102392K

COTTON, SOYBEANS, AND OTHER REGISTERED CROPS (EXCEPT COFFEE) FUSILADE 2000 HERBICIDE ANNUAL GRASS CONTROL USE RATE TABLE REGION A Ht. No. of Leaves Rate(s) Special3 Rate(s) Annual Grass Species1 (In.) Not to Exceed fl. ozlA fl. ozlA -- Barnyardgrass 2-3 3 24 20 Broadleaf signalgrass 2-4 5 24 20 Crabgrass Large crabgrass 1-2 4 24 20 Smooth crabgrass 1-2 4 24 20 Southem crabgrass 1-2 4 24 20 Tropical crabgrass 1-2 4 24 20 Downy Brome2 2-6 4 16 Fall Panicum 2-6 6 24 20 Field Sandbur 2-4 4 24 20 Foxtails Giant foxtail 2·6 4 24 20 Green foxtail 2-4 4 24 20 Yellow foxtail 2·4 4 24 20 Goosegrass 2-4 6 16 Italian Ryegrass 2-4 4 24 20 Itchgrass 4-24 6 16 Johnsongrass, seedling 2-8 4 12 Junglerice 2-3 3 24 20 Red rice 1/2-1 2 32 20' Shattercane 6·12 8 126 Sorghum almum 6-12 8 16 Southern sandbur 2-6 6 24 20 Texas Panicum 2-8 8 24 20 Volunteer Cereals V. Barley 2-6 6 16 V.Corn 12-24 10 126 10' V. Milo 6-12 4 126 V. Oats 2-6 6 16 V. Rye 2-6 6 16 V. Wheat 2-6 6 16 •· 6 Wild Proso Millet 4·8 6 12 • Witchgrass 2-4 6 24 . , ' . , 20 ·• Wild Oats 2-6 6 16 Woolly cupgrass 2·4 6 24 20 :'.".· .. J - L .. (Footnotes on following page) ,r, , "F~ J,) I Pdge 14 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSK - RS-102392K

'Retreatment at the recommended rate may be needed to control later germinating grasses or if regrowth occurs.

ZNot registered in Califomia for use on this species.

'USE DIRECTIONS FOR SPECIAL RATE !lates of FUSILADE 200() herbicide/acre can be reduced to the rates listen for species indicated under the foHowing conditions:

• Application under favorable soil moisture and humidity conditions, normally within a few days after rainfall or irrigation. Avoid extreme air temperatures.

• Application at earliest growth stages indicated on rate tables.

• Application in highly competitive crop stands such as narrow row or drilled soybeans, or where cultivation is planned.

• Application to light or moderate weed densities,

• Application with 1% v/v crop oil concentrate only.

• Application alone, avoiding tank mixes with other pesticides.

'Most infestations require two applications at20 oz. of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide/acre to achieve satisfactory control.

SA second application of 10 II. oz. per acre may be necessary if infestations of this weed are heavy or 10 conlrollater germinating such as those emerging from buried ears.

6Use 12 to 16 II. OZ, per acre when !ankmixing with broadleaf herbicides in soybeans. Use the 16 II. oz. rate when under conditions allow soil moisture or low humidity or when weeds have reached the maximum recommended grow1h stage.

. . • •. ·• . .. Page 15 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B,RSK - RS-102392K


Barnyardgrass2 1-2 3 24 Cana;ygrass, Littleseed3 2-4 4 24 Crabgrass, Large3 1-2 3 24 3l4 Crabgrass, Smooth 1-2 4 24 I Johnsongrass, seedling 2-4 3 16 Junglerice3 2-3 3 24 Panicums 3l Fall Panicum ' 2-6 6 24 3/4 Texas Panicum 8 8 24 Rabbi~footgrassC 2-4 4 24 I Volunteer Cereals V, Barley 2-4 3 24 V. Com3 12-18 6 24 V. Milo 2-4 4 24 V. Oats 2-4 3 24 V. Wheat 2-4 3 24 Wild Oats4 2-4 4 24 ~ 'Retreatment at the recommended rate may be needed to control late germinating grasses or if regrowth occurs. ?Use 48 oz. in California and Arizona. 3Not labeled for control of this species in Arizona and California. 4Recommended for use in Colorado, Oklahoma, and Texas on these species.


Ht. Rate Perennial Grass Species Application (In_) flo ovA Bermudag rass 116 1st 4-8 24 oz. (runner length)

2nd 4-8 16 oz. Quackgrass2i6 1st 6-10 24 oz. up to 2nd 10 in. 16 oz. Rhizome johnsongrass:1i6 1st 8-18 240z.' 2nd 6-12 16 oz. Wirestem muhly'16 1st/2nd 4-12 24 oz.

1 Make second application to Bermudagrass if regrowth occurs (usually about 4 weeks after first application). Bermudagrass control may be improved by directing the spray bE'neath the crop canopy. To improve coverage, make applications in a minimum of 15 gallons per acre.

2 Make second application 2-3 weeks after the first, but before the Quackgrass exceeds 10 inches in height. Always use 1% v/v crop oil concentrate. In no-till soybeans, a preplant application of GRAMOXONE EXTRA herbicide is recommended. Spot treatment is not recommended.

3 Make first application before the boot stage. In eastern Oklahoma, the Brazos Bottoms, the Blacklands, Coastal Bend and Rio Grande areas of eastem Texas, make the first application at 8-12 inches. If new shoots emerge or regrowth occurs, make a second application at 4-6 inches.

, This rate of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide/acre can be reduced to 16 oz. for control of joilnsongrass under the following conditions:

• The directions in (3) above are followed. , . • Application under favorable soil moisture and humidity conditions, normally within a I("~" Jays after rainfall or inigation. Avoid extreme air temperatures. • Application in highly competitive crop stands such as narrow row or drilled:33~. t(;ans, 'a .. uj I(He cultivation is planned. ' ' • Application to light or moderate weed densities. • Application with 1% v/v crop oil concentrate only. • Application alone, avoiding tank-mixes with other pesticides.

5 Make second application if regrowth occurs. f. Rates of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide should be increased to 48 oz. for the first applica:,iOfl 'qnel 32 oz. for the second application when applied in sodded orchards. ·,] \

"I '. \-..') \ ; J


For best results, apply FUSILADE 2000 3 days before to 7 days after irrigation.

Ht. Rate Grass Species Application (In.) fl. ovA

Bermudag r1lSS 1/2 1st 4-8 32-48 (runner length)

2nd 4-8 32-48 I Rhizome johnsongrass314 1sl 12-18 32-485 2nd 12-18 32-485 - . j

1 Make second application to 8ermudagrass il regrowth occurs. (Usually about 4 weeks after first / application.) 8ermudagrass control may be improved by directing the spray beneath the cror, 1.-/ canopy. To improve coverage, make application£ in a minimum of 20 gallons per acre. In soybeans, do not aprly more than 64 oz. in one season.

2 In Colorado, Oklahoma (west of Interstate 35), and Texas (west of Interstate 35) under good soil moisture and favorable growing conditions, make applications at reduced rates of 2<1·32 II. oz.lA.

3 Make first application before tha boot stage. II new shoots emerge or regrowth occurs, make a second application. (Usually about 4 weeks after the first application.) In soybeans, do not apply more than 64 oz. in one season.

4 In Colorado, Oklahoma (west of Interstate 35) and Texas (west of Interstate 35) under good soil moisture and favorable growing conditions, make the first application to 8-18 inch johnson grass at a reduced rate of 24 II. ozs.lA. Make the second application to 6-12 inch johnson grass at a rate 01 24 II. ozs.lA.

5 FOR CALlFOPi"IA ONLY, make lirst application to Johnsongrass at 32 II. ozJ A; and second appli'~ation at ;4-32 II ozJ A.

, ,. , ------~- - r \( -, . '-" • ___ ..,)' ) F""t-

Page 18 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSK - RS-102392K


Annual Grass Species Make applications when grasses are 2-8 inches tall, but before tillering and/or heading.

Barnyardgrass Prairie cupgrass Broadleaf signalgrass Red Rice Crabgrass, large Shattercane/wildcaneNolunteer milo Crabgrass, smooth Sorghum almum Crabgrass, southern Southern sandbur Crabgrass, tropical Southwestem cupgrass Fall panicum Texas panicum / Field sandbur Volunteer barley / Foxtail, giant Volunteer corn 0/ Foxtail, green Volunteer oats Foxtail, yellow Volunteer rye Goosegrass Volunteer wheat Guineagrass, seedling Wild oats itchgrass Wild proso millet italian ryegrass Witchgrass Johnsongrass, seedling Woolly cupgrass Junglerice


Perennial Grass Species Growth Stage --~---. -~------Bermudagrass 4-8" runners Kikuyugrass 4-8" runners Quackgrass 6-10" Rhizome johnsongrass 8-18" tall and before boot stage Wirestem muhly 4-12" tall and before seed head initiation Page 19 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSK - RS-102392K


See Tables 1 and 2 for Tankmix Application Rate Table.

Fill the spray tank with half the amount of required water and add the recommended amounts of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide, an appropriate broadleaf herbicide, and proper rate of approved adjuvant while the agitator is running, and then add the rema.ining quantity of water.

NOTE: Tankmix applications sometimes have resulted in reduced grass weed control and possible increases in crop injury as compared to either product used alone. If grass regrowth occurs following an application of the tankmix or an additional flush of grasses emerge, make a second application of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide to actively growing grass weeds, as per the label recommendations. When perennial grasses are the predominant grass to be controlled, a tankmix is not recommended. Follow the directions for sequential applications of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and the appropriate broadleaf herbicide.


Refer to the REFLEX 2LC ~,erbicide Label Use Map for specific state/county recommendations. Refer to the Application Rate Tables for recor,1mendations by weed species and growth stage.

A maximum of 1Y, pints per acre of REFLEX 2LC herbicide may be applied per growing season for soybeans in Region 1. A maximum of 114 pints of REFLEX 2LC herbicide per acre may be applied in alternate years in Region 2. A maximum of 1 pint REFLEX 2lC herbicide per acre may be applied in altemate years in Region 3. A maximum of 1 Y, pints of REFLEX 2LC herbicide may be applied per acre in altemate years in Region 4. (Do not make more than one application per growing season.)

(REFLEX 2LC Regional Use Map)

Page 20 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Bookie! FUS104B.RSK - RS-102392K

FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and REFLEX 2LC herbicide may be used together in a postemergence program for broad-spectrum weed control in soybeans.

FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and REFLEX 2LC herbicide may be applied sequentially or in a tankmix. The growth stage of weeds at the time of application will determine which method of application will provide the most satisfactory results.

Both FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and REFLEX 2LC herbicide should be applied to actively growing weeds. Do not apply either herbicide if weeds appear stressed due to unfavorable temperatures, drought and/or low soil fertility. Do not apply REFLEX 2LC herbicide or FUSILADE 2000 herbicide tankmix if soybeans show ;njury from prior herbicide applications.

METHOD 1: Sequential Application· FUSILADE 2000 Herbicide· Followed by REFLEX 2LC Herbicide

(Annual and/or perennial grass weeds at proper growth stage for treatment, prior to broadleaf weed treatment.)

Apply FUSILADE 2000 herbicide with an approved adjuvant to aflnual and/or perennial grass weeds at the recommended rate and growth stage listed in the APPLICATION DIRECTIONS L/ SECTION.

FUSILADE 2000 herbicide is a systemic herbicide; therefore, wr,en treating annual grasses, allow at least 3 days, and when treating perennial grasses, allow at least 5 days to elapse prior to a REFLEX 2LC application. This will enable FUSILADE 2000 herbicide to be adequately translocated to the meristematic regions of the plant.

After the appropriate time interval has elapsed, apply REFLEX 2LC with an approved adjuvant at the recommended rate to susceptible broadleaf weeds as outlined on the REFLEX 2LC label.

METHOD 2: Sequential Application· REFLEX 2LC Herbicide Followed by FUSILADE 2000 Herbicide

(Broadleaf weeds at proper growth stage fer treatments, prior to annual anclior perennial grass weed treatment.)

Apply REFLEX 2LC with an approved adjuvant to susceptible broadleaf weeds at the recommended rate and growth stage. : __ • ~ . • .... A sequentiai application of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide may be applied follo"l'illQ A RER,E;~.2LC application when grasses resume active growth with the development of a flew h:laf. Follaw the recommended rates and growth stages listed in the APPLICATIGN DIRECtl,ON$ SEq'fI,ON. for the grass weeds being treated. . •• •

·• .. , .;" '~-llv)

Page 21 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSK - RS-102392K

METHOD 3: Tankmix Applications· FUSILADE 2000 Herbicide ancl REFLEX 2LC Herbicide

(Annual grasses and broadleaf weeds are at the paper stage of growth for treatment, as per respective labels.)

A tankmix of FUSILADE 2000 and REFLEX 2LC herbicides may be applied at the recommended rates and growth stages to susceptible annual grass and broad leaf weed species in a manner consistent with respective labels.

Use a nonionic surfactant or crop oil concentrate in the tankmix. Follow water volume and spray pressure recommendations, as per the REFLEX 2LC label.



FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and BASAGRAN herbicide may be used together in a postemergence program for broad-spectrum weed control in soybeans.

FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and BASAGRAN herbicide may be applied sequent:ally or in tankmix. The growth stage of weeds at the time of application will determine which method of application will provide the most satisfactory results.

Both FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and BASAGRAN herbicide should be applied to actively growing weeds. Do not apply BASAGRAN herbicide or FUSILADE 2000/BASAGRAN herbicide tankmix if soybeans show injury from prior herbicide applications. Read and observe all applicable label directions and limitations for both FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and BASAGRAN herbicide before using.

METHOD 1: Sequential Application - FUSILADE 2000 Herbicide Followed by BASAGRAN Herbicide

(Annual and/or perennial grass weeds at proper growth stage for treatment, Drior to broadleaf weed treatment.)

Apply FUSllADE 2000 herbicide and an approved adjuvant to annual and/or perennial grass weeds at the recommended rates and growth stages listed in the APPLICATION DIRECTIONS SECTION of this label. Following the FUSILADE 2000 herbicide application, allow al IpRst 24 hours to elapse prior to a BASAGRAN applicalion. TIlis will enable FUSILADE 2000 herbicide to be adequately translocated to the meristernatic regions of the plant. Apoly BASA(;iRAt~ to susceptible broad leaf weeds according to the BASAGRAN label. : :: .. METHOD 2: Sequential Application - BASAGRAN Herbicide Followed 'b\'FtISILliDE 2000 Herbicide ' .,

(Broadleaf weeds at proper growth stage for treatment, prior to annual and/or rerE'nnial grass weed treatment.) . !

Page 22 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSK - RS-l02392K

Apply BASAGRAN to susce"tible broadleaf weeds al the recorrmended rate and growth stage according to the BASAGRAN label. A sequential application of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide may be applied 24 hours after a BASAGRAN applicatioll following I.he recommended ratp-s and growth stages in the APPLICATION DIRECTIONS SECTION of this label for the grass weeds being treated.

METHOD 3: Tankmix Applications - FUSILADE 2000 Herbicide and BASAGRAN Herbicide

(Annual grasses and bruadleaf weeds are at the proper stage of growth for treatment, as per respective labels_)

A tankmix of FUSILADE 2000 and BASAGRAN herbicides may be applied at the recommended growth stages to susceptible annual grass and broadleaf weed species in a manner consistent with respective labels.

Use only a crop oil concentrate in the tankmix. Follow water volume and spray pressure recommendations, as per the BASAGRAN label. This tankmix can be applied by ground or aerial application.



Refer to REFLEX 2LC Herbicide Regional Use Map on page __.

FUSILADE 2000 herbicide, REFLEX 2LC herbicide and BASAGRAN herbicide may be used tagether in a tankmix as a postemergence program for broad spectrum weed control in soybeans. The tankmix should be applied at the recommended rates and growth stages to susceptible annual grass and broadleaf weed species in a manner consistent with respeclive labels.

The FUSILADE 2000/REFLEX 2LC/BASAGRAN herbicide tankmix should be applied to actively growing weeds. Do not apply this tankmix if weeds are stressed due to unfavorable temperatures, drought and/or low soil fertility. Do not apply the FUSILADE 2000/REFLEX 2LC/BASAGRAN herbicide tankmix if soybeans show Injury from prior herbicide applications.

Use a nonionic surfactant or crop oil concentrate. Apply in a minimum of 15 gallons per acre of spray mixture with spray pressures of 40-60 PSI at the nozzle tip.

.' , . USE OF FIISILADE 2000 HERBICIDE WITH BLAZER«> HERBICIDE: (:IR TACKLE«> HERBICIDE·· - SOYBEANS ONLY , , ..., .. . FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and BLAZER or TACKLE herbicide may be used toge:hd'in a pastemergence program for broad spectrum weed control in soybeans.

FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and BLAZER or TIIDKLE herbicide may be applied sequeOltinl:yor in a tankmix. The growth stage of weeds ilt the time of application will determine which rtlelhuri of arplication will provide the most satisfactory results. • , Page 23 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSK - RS-102392K

Both FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and BLAZER or TACKLE herbicide should be applied to actively growing weeds. Do not apply either herbicide if weeds appear stressed due to unfavorable temperatures, drought and/or low soil fertility. Do not apply BLAZER or TACKLE herbicide and FUSILADE 2000 herbicide as a tankmix if soybeans show injury from prior herbicide applications.

""TACKLE herbicide is not registered for use in Califomia.

METHOD 1: Sequential Application - FUSILADE 2000 Herbicide Followed by BLAZER or TACKLE He:rbicide

(Annual and/or perennial grass weeds at proper growth stage for treatment, prior to broadleaf weed treatment_)

Apply FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and an approved adjuvant to annual and/or perennial grass weeds at the recommended rate and growth stage listed in the APPLICATION D!RECTIONS SECTION.

FUSILADE 2000 herbicide is a systemic herbicide, therefore when treating annual grasses allow at least 3 days, and when treating perennial grasses allow at least 5 days to elapse prior to a BLAZER or TACKLE herbicide application. This will enable FUSILADE 2000 herbicide to be adequately translocated to the meristematic regions of the plant.

After the appropriate t:me interval has elapsed, apply BLAZER or TACKLE with an approved non ionic surfactant to susceptible broadleaf weeds according to the BLAZER or TACKLE label.

METHOD 2: Sequential Application - BLAZER or TACKLE Herbicide Followed by FUSILADE 2000 Herbicide

(Broad leaf weeds at proper growth stage for treatment, prior to annual and/or perennial grass weed treatment.)

Apply BLAZER or TACKLE with an approved nonionic surfactant to susceptible broadleal weeds at the recommended rate and growth stage .

.A. sequential application of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide may be applied following a BLAZER or TACKLE application when grasses resume active growth with the development of a new leaf. Follow the recommended rates and growth stages in the APPLICATION DIRECTIONS SECTION for the grass weeds being treated.

METHOD 3: Tankmix Applications - FUSllADE 2000 Herbicide and B'_A7.~R or iM~KlE Herbicide : : ... . (Annual grasses and broad leaf weeds are at the proper stage of growth'or treaUnel'it, as per respective labels.) . .,

A tankmix of FUSILA.DE 2000 herbicide und BLAZER or TACKLE may be applied c~ the recommended rates and growth stages to susceptible annual grass and broadleaf weed sJJE:cies in a manner consistent with respective labels. Page 24 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS 104B. RSK - RS-102392K

Follow water volume and spray pressure recommendations as per the BLAZER or TACKLE label. For BLAZER, use only an approved non ionic surfactant in the tankmix. For TACKLE, use an approved nonionic surfactant or crop oil concentrate. This tankmix can be applied by ground 0 aerial application.



Sequential Application - FUSILADE 2000 Herbicide Followed by CLASSIC Herbicide

FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and CLASSIC herbicide may be applied sequentially in a postemergence program for broad-spectrum weed control in soybeans.

Sequential applications can only be made by applying FUSILADE 2000 herbicide first followed by CLASSIC herbicide. Use of this sequential application is appropriate when annual and/or perennial grass weeds are at the I=roper growth stage for treatment, prior to broadlea! weed treatment. Both FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and CLASSIC herbicide should be applied to actively growing weeds at the proper growth stage. Do not apply either herbicide if weeds appear to be stressed due to unfavorable temperatures, drought, water saturated soil, and/or low soil fertility.

Apply FUSILADE 2000 herbicide with an approved adjuvant to annuals and/or perennial grass weeds at the recommended rate and growth stage listed in the APPLICATION DIRECTIONS SECTION of the label for FUSILADE 2000 herbicide.

FUSILADE 2000 herbicide is a systemic herbicide, theiefore, when treating grasses, allow at least 7 days to elapse prior to an application of CLASSIC herbicide. This will enable FUSILADE 2000 herbicide to be adequately translocated to meristemic regions of the plant.

After the appropriate time interval has elapsed, apply CLASSIC herbicide with an approved adjuvant at the recommended rate to susceptible broadleaf weed as outlined on the label for CLASSIC herbicide.

Tankmix Applications - FUSILADE 2000 Herbicide and CLASSIC Herbicide

FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and CLASSIC herbicide may be applied together in a tankmix in a postemergence program for control of volunteer com, shattercane and broadleaf weeds at the proper growth stages for treatment listed on the respective product labels.

The FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and CLASSIC herbicide tankmix should b~\<:IJ1!)lied ttol:"r.tively growing weeds. Refer to the FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and CLASSIC :hefniCide labals for defined environmental conditions that promote active growth. ":. .. Do not apply the tankmix if soybeans show injury from prior herbicide applications.

Read and carefully observe all applicable directions, restrictions and precautionary st::llerrents on the FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and CLASSIC herbicide labels before using. ------

Page 25 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSK - RS-102392K

In Region A, FUSILADE 2000 herbicide should be added to the tankmix at 12 to 16 ozs. per acre. The 16 oz. rate may be necessary under conditions of low humidity and low soil moisture and should be used when volunteer com and/or shattercane foliilge is dense or has reached the maximum recommended grow1h stage.

In Region B, FUSILADE 2000 herbicide should be added to the tankmix at 24 ozs. per acre.

CLASSIC herbicide should be added to the tankmix at the recommended rates for broadleaf weed growth stages described on the CLASSIC herbicide label.

Always add an approved non-ionic surfactant at a rate of 1/2 pint 125 gallons (0.25% v/v) of water or an approved crop oil concentrate at 1 quart 1 25 gallons (1 % v/v) of water.



Tankmix Applications - FUSILADE 2000 Herbicide and PURSUIT Herbicide - Soybeans Only - (Region A Only)

FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and PURSUIT herbicide may be applied together in a tankmix in a post emergence program (Region A only) for control of volunteer corn, shaltercane and broadleaf weeds at the pror;er growth stages for treatment listed on tt18 respective product 'abels.

The FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and PURSUIT herbicide tankmix should ,,,; applied to actively growing weeds. Refer to the FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and PURSLiIT herbicide labels for environmental conditions that promote active growth.

Do not apply the tankmix if soybeans show injury from prior herbicide applications.

Read and carefully observe all applicable directions, restrictions and precautionary statements on the FUSll..ADE 2000 herbicide and PURSUIT herbicide labels before using.

FUSILADE 2000 herbiCide should be added to the tankmix at 1? to 16 ozs. per acre. The 16 oz. rate may be necessary under conditions of low humidity and low soil moisture and should be used when volunteer corn and/or 8haltercane foliage is dense or has reached the maximum recommended growth stage. • PURSUIT herbicide should be added to the tankmix al the recommended ratos fc:r broadr9?f I'/eed growth stages described on the PURSUIT herbiCide label. : :: , . , , , . , . .., Always add an adjuvant ( approved nonionic surfactant or crop oil concel;trate ) and 'liquid fertilizer to the spray mixture. r'leler to the PURSUiT herbicide label for adrjitivp rates:.. : ' . ,





FUSILADE 2000 + 24 fJ. oz.lA 111;, to 2 pts.lA 8ASAGRAN

FUSILADE 2000 + 24 fl. oz.fA 1 y, to 3 pts.JA BLAZER

FUSiLADE 2000 + 24 II. oz.lA 117 to 3 pts.lA TACKLE

FUSILADE 2000 + 24 fl. oz.lA 1 to 1 Y, p15.1A lV, to 2 pts.lA REFLEX 2LC + I BASAGRAN I , - 'Follow the recommended rate and growth stages for the grass and broadleaf weeds on the respective lubels. 'Region A - All states except the areas of Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, New Mexico, West Oklahoma, West Texas, and Utah as outlined. 'Refer to REr:LEX 2LC label for maximum use rate for speCIfied geographic regions. Page 2.7 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS1 04B.RSK - RS-102392K




FUSILADE 2000 + 24 - 48 fl. oz.!A 1·1/2 to 2 pts.! A 0.5·1% COC BASAGRAN 0.25 • 0.5% NIS

FUSILADE 2000 + 24 . 48 fl. oz.!A 1·1/2 to 3 pts.!A 0.25 - 0.5% NIS BLAZER DO NOT USE Goe WITH . THIS MIXTURE FUSILADE 2000 + 24 . 48 fl. oz.lA 1·1/2 to 3 ptsiA 0.5·1% COC TACKLE 0.25 - 0.5% NIS "== . ~ 'Follow the recommended rate and growth stages for the grass and broadleaf weeds on the respective labels. 'Region B . For the areas of Arizona, California, Colorado, HawaII, New Mexico, West Oklahoma, West Texas, and Utah as outlined in the "Directions for Use" section. 'Not registered in California for tankmlx with this product.

\.. \ the WHIP 1EC herbicide container label.

For improved annual and perennial grass control, a tankmix of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and WHIP 1 EC herbicide may be applied at the recommended rates 'lnd growth stages listed in this. FUSILADE 2000 herbicide should be applied at 9.0 - 20.0 fl. oz. per acre and WHIP 1EC herbicide should be applied at 6.5 - 12.8 fl. oz. per acre depending on weed species and size as listed on the chart below.

For all ground applications, use crop oil concentrate in the tankmix at 1% v/v (1 quart per 25 gallons of spray solution). For aenal applications, use crop oil concentrate at 1 pint per acre.

Tankmixes for Control of Broadleaf Weeds

The tankmix of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and WHIP 1 EC herbicide may be applied in combination with REFLEX 2LC*, BASAGRAN, or BLAZER herbicides as described on the FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and WHIP 1EC herbicide labels. If there are differences in labeling, the most restrictive labeling applies. DO NOT tankmix with REFLEX 2LC, BASAGRAN or BLAZER herbicides when rhizome Johnsongrass is ihe predominant grassy weed problem.

'Refer to REFLEX 2LC Herbicide Regional Use Map on page _~. '-.J,;- I . ..J

Page 29 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSK - RS-102392K

.. ======r======~ RATE FOR TANKMIX

FUSILADE 2000 WHIP lEC ANNUAL GRASS SPECIES Height RateJA RateJA (Inches) (II. oz.) (II. oz.)

Barnyardgrass 2·3 12·20 6.5-12.8

Broadleaf Signalgrass 2·4 12,16 6.5'12.8

Crabgrass Large 1·2 12-20 6.5·12.8 Smooth 1·2 12·20 6.5·12.8 Southern 1-2 12·20 6.5-12.8 Tropical 1·2 12·20 6.5·12.8

Downy Brome 2·6 12-16 6.5'9.5

Fall Panicum 2·6 12·16 6.5·9.5

Field Sandbur 2·4 12·16 65·9.5 -·----.------4------+------~------~1 Foxtails Giant 2·6 9·16 6.5-9.5

Green 2·6 9·16 I' 6 5 S 5 Yellow 2·4 9·20 65 ) 5

::=G=.o=o=s=e:gr=a=s=s ======:1 ===~__ .- 2~'.-4_ -_ - ___~+-- __·~=_···==_1-2_~._1-6_-~=t=--~~~---·~i Italian Ryegrass 12·16 I _. 6 ~9." _.. II Itchgrass 12·16 65·95 I 1~-·~------~------1_------+-·------·-- Johnsongrass. Seedling 9·12 65·95 -----t------.-j--.------. ---- .. I Junglerice 12·16 f) S-12 8 ------+-.----.------.-.-.- .----... -. I· Red Rice 12·16 65·95

II_S_h_a_tt_8_rc_a_n_e ______-+_------f---·----8~;-;-·---- __-_-._··.· __ ·._-6_.5_._9_5_-. ______1

Sorghum Almum 6·12 12-16 6.5-95 I . --_.. ------_._------_.- 2·6 G.5·95

2-8 12·16 6.5·9.5 I ------.--1_-----.-.--+---_._.----_._----._------Volunteer Cereals Barley 2-6 12-16 Corn 12·24 9·1~ Milo 6·12 12·16 Oats 2-6 12-16 Rye 2-6 12·16 Wheat 2·6 12·16

Wild Proso Miliot 4-8 .------.----.------_.---_._------+-- .... ==- . -' .-. Wrtchgrass 2·4 6.5·9.5 ------.-'--'_.------Wild 0,,15 2-6 12·16 65·9.5 1----.--..- .... -..- .. ..._-----_.- .- .

t ::-~N-r~-u,:-:-ra-;-:-ASS-S-P-E~;-ES-+- ___2_.4._. __ .~r__-.----9-.-l.-6-----·-r·------6-.5-.-t-2-.e.,..: __. ---

~lome J.~hnsongras~ . • 12.18. __ .. =.~...... ,. __~1_ .• 2=.2~4=_.= .. ~=_=.=.=J~. __ ~ __ -6~.~5~-:~"'5=..~ .. ~._o_--') Page 30 of 57 FUSILAOE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSK - RS-102392K


• Always read and follow the restrictions and limitations for all products whether used alone or in a tankmix. The most restrictive labeling of any preduc! used applies in tankmixtures.

• Do not apply less than 24 fl. oz.!A FUSILAOE 2000 herbicide in a tankmix with broadleaf herbicides in soybeans, except as specified on this label.

• Do not apply tankmixes if rain is threatening. REFLEX herbicide requires a 4-hour rain-free period; TACKLE herbicide requires a 4-6 hour rain-free period; BLAZER herbicide requires a 6 hour rain-free period; and BASAGRAN herbicide requires an 8-hour rain-free period for best results.

• Do not apply a total of more than 2 quarts of BASAGRAN herbicide per acre in one season to soybeans.

• A maximum of 1.5 pints per acre of REFLEX 2LC herbicide may be applied per growing season for soybeans in Region 1. A maximum of 1.25 pints of REFLEX 2LC per acre may be applied in alternate years in Region 2. A maximum of 1.0 pints REFLEX 2LC per acre may be applied in alternate years in Region 3. A maximum of 1-1/2 pints of REFLEX 2LC may be applied per acre in alternate years in Region 4. (Do not make more thiln one application of REFLEX 2LC per growing season.)

• Apply REFLEX 2LC herbicide before soybeans bloom.

• Do not apply mere than 4 pints (1.0 lb. active) per acre of BLAZER herbicide per growing season for soybeans.

• Do not apply BLAZE~~ or TACKLE herbicide within 50 days of harvest for soybeans.

• Do not apply more than 3 pints per acre of TACKLE per growing season.

• Do not apply more than 1 oz. of CLASSIC per acre per SRason.

• Make the last application of CLASSIC to soybeans 60 days before soybean maturity.

• In the case of crop failure, only soybeans may be immediately replanted following use of BASAGRAN, BLAZER, REFLEX and TACKLE. • . • • Do not make more than one application of the FUSILAOE 2000/REFLI;:X ;2LC; nfSIU'.OE 2000/BASAGRAN; FUSILADE 2000/BLAZER; FUSILADE 2000/T ACt,L8 In FUSIJ.J\OE 2000/REFLEXIBASAGRAN tankmix in a single season. :. .• • Do not make sequential or tilnkmix applications of any of these herbicidr:s if the weees ,:ippear stressed due to unfavorable temperatures, drought and/or low soil fertility. -, '-AI i ,)

Page 31 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSK - RS-102392K



FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and AMBUSH, CYMBUSH 3E, BYDRIN 8, OR CYGON 400 insecticides may be used in a tankmix when required according to the weed and insect problems present. Apply FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and an approved adjuvant to actively growing annual and perennial grasses at the recommended rate and growth stage listed in the APPLICATION DIRECTIONS SECTION of the FUSILADE 2000 herbicide label. Apply AMBUSH, CYMBUSH 3E, BYDRIN 8, or CYGON 400 as per label recommendations for insect control based on scouting reports. Subsequent applications of AMBUSH, CYMBUSH 3E, BYDRIN 8 or CYGON 400 may be required at intervals of 5 to 7 days for insect control. Regrowth or subsequent emergence of grasses may require treatment according to rate and growth stage recommendations on the FUSILADE 2000 herbicide label.

Use of crop oil concentrate or a non ionic surfactant as indicated in the APPLICATION DIRECTIONS SECTION of this label is required in the tankmix.

Load the spray tank with half the amount of required water and add the recommended amounts of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and AMBUSH, CYMBUSH 3E, BYDRIN 8, or CYGON 400 insecticide while the agitator is running. Add crop oil concentrate or nonionic surfactant and the remaining quantity of water and mix thoroughly.

. . Page 32 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSK - RS-l02392K




FUSILADE 2000 + 12-24 fl. oz.lA 0.4-0.8 pUA AMBUSH

FUSILADE 2000 + 12-24 fl. oz.lA 0.16-0.27 pt.lA CYMBUSH 3E (0.06-0.1 Ib~. aVA) I FUSILADE 2000 + 12-24 fl. oz.lA 0.25-0.5 pUA CYGON 400

FUSILADE 2000 + 12-24 fl. oz.lA 0.1-0.5 pt./A BIDRIN 8

'Follow the recommended rate and growth stages for the grass and target insect pests on t.he respective labels. 'Region A - All states except the areas of Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, New Mexico, West Oklahoma, West Texas, and Utah as outlined in

\ Page J3 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS1 04B.RSK - RS-102392K


FUSILADE 2000 + 16·48 II. oz.I P, 0.4-0.8 pt.lA 0.5·1% COC AMBUSH 0.25% NIS I -- FUSILADf 2000 + 16·48 II. oz.l A 0.16·0.27 pt./ A 0.5·1% COC CYMBUSH 3E 0.25% NIS

FUSILADE 2000 + 16·48 II. oz.lA 0.25·0.5 pl./A 0.5 - 1% COC I CYGON 400 I 0.25% NIS FUSILADE 2000 + 16·48 II. 0z.lA 0.1·0.5 pt./A 0.5'10/~ BIDRIN 8 0.25% NIS .. - 'Follow the recorTimended rate and growth stages lor the grass and target Insect pests on the respective labels. 'Region B . For the areas 01 Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, New MexIco, West Oklahoma, West Texas, and Utah as outlined in the "Directions for Use" Section.

\ \ ; r \ ~I •• uy~ I~UU 0.11-' IVI'V •• \11'-' 1'-'~lIl'-'UV"...;t U ...... " •• II'...... UV' • ..;! IV' ("" ... , ...... "'...... , ..... ", ...... ~ ...... "" ...... ' in a tankmix. The most restrictive labeling of any product used applies in tankmixtures. I

• For additionai precautions, restrictions, limitations, and sprayer clean-up information, refer to the appropriate sections in the respective labels.

• Do not apply a total of more than 12 pints (3 Ibs. ai/acre) of AMBUSH per acre per season.

• Do not apply a totai of more than 1.0 lb. ai/A of CYMBUSH 3E per acre per season.

• Do not apply a total of more than (3 applications) of Bidrin 8 per acre per season.

• Do not apply more than 2 applications of Cygan 400 at the higher rate (0.5 pint/A) per season.

• Bidrin 8 may not be applied within 30 days of harvest.

• Repeat application of Cygon 400 should not be made at intf'rvals closer than 14 days.

• Automatic flagging devices should be used when possible whenever Bidrin 8 is used.

• Do not enter area treated with Bidrin 8 for 48 hours unless appropriate clothing is worn.

• Oral or written warnings must be given workers who are expected to enter a treated areCl or area about to be treated with Bidrin 8. Oral warnings must be in language customarily understood by workers.

• When applying Cygan 400, if automatic flagging is not possible, ther. the human !lagger must wear protective clothing and respirator as specified JIl the Cygon 400 label.

. . Page 35 of 57 FUSI LADE 2000 Booklp.1 FUS 104B.RSK - RS-10239?K


FUSILADE 2000 herbicide can be used to control annual and perennial grass weeds in fallow land; in nonbearing groves, orchards or vineyards, during site preparation prior to transplanting; on tree farms', and in many newly transplanted and established nongrassy omamentals, trees, shrubs and ground covers and in non crop areas. Noncrop areas include airports, electric transformer stations and sub-stations, pipeline pumping stations, around t..uildings, storage yards, fence lines, parkways, roadsides, rights-af-way, and other noncropland areas. See the following tatles for specific recommended uses.

GENeRAL US~ PRECAUTIONS FOR NONFOOD USES Noi for use or storage in or around the home.

• Apply FUSILADE 2000 herbicide to actively growing grasses belore they exceed the recommended growth stages in the following Tables.

• Spray to obtain thorough coverage of grass foliage, but not to runoff. Repeat treatrnents rnay be necessary to provide full season control.

• Use stalldard pesticide hollow cone or flat fan nozzles.

• Apply FUSILADE 2000 herbicide when the first grass species in a mixed Qrass weed population reaches the recomrnended growth stage for treatment.

• Do not apply FUSILADE 2000 hrnbicidc to grasses which are stressed due to moisture, ternperature. low soil fertility, rnechanical or chemical injury.

• Do not apply to C)rassE's whiell have tillered, formed seed heads. or exceeded recornrnended growth stages.

• When tre3tinQ nonbearing trees and vines. avoid contact of spray with foliag(~ hy using directed sprays.

• Do not apply to foliage of ornamental trees. shrubs. or (Jround covers uni,}ss they are listed in Table I of the ornamental section of this label.

• Do not apply to trees, vines. ornamentals, or other listed crops that will be harvesteC' Iryi')od within Llne year after application. • • • Do not apply to asparaQus from which spears Will be harvested within ~ yca~ of tre3tment. Hefer to page f~r usc directions for ilppliciltions to ilsparaglJs th8t wjli be tJar,JE'sted within 1 year. • • .

• Do not graze or harvest Florigraze perennial peanuts for 1 year after treatrlerL

• Do not plant rotational grass crops sllch as corn, sor(Jhum and "crcals within 60 days d;t." thc last application of FUSILADE 2000 hprhiclde.

'Usc of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide on tree farms is not registered for use in California. --

Page 36 01 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSK - RS-102392K


Apply 32-48 oz. per acre of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide along with 1% crop oil concentrate (2 pints per 25 gallons) or 0.25% (1/2 pint per 25 gallons) of a nonionic surfactant to annual and perennial grasses at the recommended growth stages in the following tables.


Annual Grass Species

Make applications when grasses are 2-8 inches tall, but before tillering and/or heading.

Barnyardgrass Prairie cupgrass Broadleaf signalgrass Red Rice Crabgrass, large ShattercanelWildcaneNolunteer milo Crabgrass, smooth Sorghum almum Crabgrass, southern Southern sandbur Crabgrass, tropical Southwestern cupgrass Fall panicum Texas oanicum Field sandbur Volunteer barley Foxtail, giant Volunteer corn Foxtail, green Volunteer oats Foxtail, yellow Volunteer rye Goosegrass Volunteer wheat Guineagrass, seedling Wild Oats Itchgrass Wild proso millet Italian ryegrass Witc:lgrass Johnsongrass, seedling Wrolly cupgrass Jungler' ;e


Perennial Grass Species Growth Stage

Bermudagrass 4-8" runners Guineagrass 6-12" tall belore seed head initiation Kikuyugrass' 4-8" nmners Ouackgrass G-lO" Rhizome johnson grass 8-18" tall and before boot stage Torpedograss' , 3-6" tall (1 st application) 2-3" tall (subsequent application) Wirestem muhly 4-12" tail and belore seedhead initiation

'Not Rcgistr.rf~d in Calilornl


Acerola (West Indian Cherry)' Lemons Almonds Limes Apples Asparagus Mango' Avocados Olives Berries Oranges Conifers' Pears Ct:ristmas tree plantings Pineapple Nursery beds Pistachios Seedling establishment Pomegranates Tangelos Dates Tangerines Figs Walnuts Filberts Florigraze perennial peanuts' (Nursery stock only) Ginseng' Grapes Grapefruit Guava' Jojoba Kiwi'

'Not applicable in California. ' ..


Apply 32-48 Ol per aCle of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide along with lJ 2'> ',. i 1.2 Pill! pt'~ 2~. 'Idll(jf/:-. of a nonlonlc surfactant DO NOT USE A CROP OIL CONCENTRATE WITH FUSILADE 2000 HERBICIDE ON ORNAMENTALS Refer to the weed ti1hles In the Fallow land Noncrop areas and Nunbeanng crops for recommended grow1h sti1ges of grasses at i1ppllcatlun

FUSILADE may be applied over-the-top or as a directed spray Please refer to 1 able 1 for a list of ornamental species tor which over-the-top application IS appropnate. For species listed In Tables II-IV, directed spray applications afe necessary to minimize phytotoxiCity. However. there is the possibility of damage in the range listed for each table when applied at labe! rates.

NOTICE TO BUYER AND USER. It IS impossible to test every species and vanety :)r cultlvar of omamental or nursery plants under all conditions. Plant tolerance of pesticides vary as condltlOIlS vary. Plant tolerance of FUSILADE 2000 herbiCide at label rates has been found to he acceptable withi'l the ranges specified for the Indicated genera and sp,;cies. Neither the manufacturer nor the seller has determined whether or not FUSILADE 2000 herbicide can safely be used on plants not specified on this label. The professional user should determine if FUSILADE 2000 herbicide can be used safely prior to use. ; t, 1- ~, • ,t' . : f'\i 't .-'(j(l! h,,, ,j..,h·:


OVER- THE-TOP APPLICATIONS ;n", (" "I'P""(J I·. [n,' h lil"Wiflfj llrrldrTlentals Use Only

SCientific Name Common Name/Vafiety

Abelld yr drH.l111L>r d GlOSSy abella Ables balsamea' Balsam fir Ahles concolor Concolor fir Ables procera Noble fir AcaCia redolens Acacia ongerops AcaCia salaclna Willow-leafed acacia A 'lela sallgna Willow acacia Ac,' -fa schafnerll Jim wheat acacia Acae,'i stenophylla Shoe-string acacia Ar.er glnnala' Flame amur maple Acer palmatum Maple/japanese Acer platanoides Norway maple Acer s8ccharinum Silver maple Acer saccharum' Sugar maple Achillea filipendulina Coronation gold, fernleaf yarrow Achillea millefolir.;m Cornrnon yarrow Acrecastrum romanzoffianUIll Queen palm Agapanthus africanus Peter pan lily of the Nile Agave americana Century plant Ageratum sp. Aglanoema commutatum Silver queen evergreen, Fransher evergreen Treubii ribbon evergreen Aglanoema crispum Painted evergreen Alcea rosea Hollyhock Allium schoenoprasum Chives Aloe barbadensis Barbados aloe Aloe vera Aloe zanzibanca Alyssum sp. Antirrhinum majus' Snapdragon Yellow floral carpet Araucaria h€terophylla Norfolk Island pine Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Red bearberry

Arctotheca calendula Cape weed , ' Arenaria verna Sandwort Asparagus densiflorlJs Sprengeri. Myres asparaqus, Sprenger asparagus Astilhe x arendsil False spirea

'Nat applicable in Cillifornia, i ,'j) Ii • Page 40 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS 104B. RSK - RS-l02392K

Scientific Name Common NameNariety

Atriplex sp. Saltbrush Aucuba japonica Aucuba Aucuba japonica variegata Begonia Semperflorens cultoreum* Scarletta begonia Berberis mentorensis Mentor barberry Berberis thunbergii* Crimson pygym, Redleaf Japanese barberry Betula pendula* Eastern white birch Bougainvillea sp. Raspberry ice Buxus microphylla korean a Korean boxwood Buxus microphylla var. japonica Japanese boxwood Buxus sempervirens Welleri, Common boxWOOd Caesalpinia cacalaco Caesalpinia gilliesii Bird of paradise Calendula officinalis' Orange coronet Calendula sp. Marigold Ca!listemon lanceolatus Bottle-brush Calluna vulgaris Scotch heather Camellia japonica Camellia Camellia sasanqua Sasanqua camellia Campanula carpatica Bellflower Carissa grandiflora NC" plum Carissa tuttlei Camegiea gijantea Saguaro cactus Carpobrotus chilensis* Trailing hottentot-fig Cassia artemisioides Feathery cassia Cassia dldymobotrya African cassia Cassia sturdii Celtis occidentalis* Hackberry Centaurea cineraria Dusty miller Cerastium tomentosum Snow in summer Ceratonia siliqua Carob tree '~nrcis canadensis Red bud v, laenomeles speciosa* Flowering quince Chamaecyparis obtusa Cripps hinoki false cypress Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Allum lawson cypress Chamaecyparis pisifera Plumosa .. Chamaerops excelsa Windmill palm Chamaerops humilis Mediterranean fan palm Chrysalidocarpus lutescens (small)Golden fruited palm Chrysanthemum x superbum Shasta daisy

*Not applicable in California Page 41 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSK - RS-102392K

Scientific Name Common NameNariety

Cissus rhombifloia Ellen Danica, grape ivy Cistus hybrid us Rock rose Citrus aurantium Sour orange Citrus paradis! Grapefruit Clerodendrum speciosum Pagoda flower Cleyera spp. Cleyera Clivia miniata Kaffir lily Cocos plumosa Queen palm Codiaeum variegatum Croto') Coffea arabica Coffee Magnolia grandiflora* Southem magnolia Coleus x hybridus Coleus Jade wizard Convolvulus oneorum Bush momingglory Coprosma baueri Mi rror plant Coprosrna repens Varigated mirror plant Cordyline terminalis Ti Coreopsis verticil!ata Threadleaf coreopsis Comus florida Flowering dogwood Comus mas Comelian cherry dogwood Comus sericea Red twig dogwood, Flaviramea Cotoneaster apiculata Cotoneaster dammeri Coral beauty, Royal beauty Cotoneaster divaricatus Spreading cotoneaster Cotoneaster microphyllus Cotoneaster repens Cotoneaster Cotoneaster salicifolius franch Willowleaf cotoneaster Crossandra nilotica Crossandra Cupressus sempervirens Italian cypress Cycus revoluta Sago palm Deutzia gracilis Slender deutzia Dianthus barbatus Sweet William Dieffenbachia amoena Giant dumbcane Diervilla lonicera Bush honeysuckle Dodonea viscosa purplurea Purple hopseed bush Echinocatus sp. Hedgehog cactus Elaeagnus angustrifolia Russian olive Encelia farinosa Bittle brush Erythrina fusca Fastadiata, Swamp immortella Escallonia fradessli Escalionia rubra

'Not applicable in Califomia. Page 42 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS 104B. RSK - RS-102392K

Scientific Name Common NameNariety

Eucalyptus microtlleca Gum-barked coolibah Eucalyptus polyanthemos Red box gum Eucalyptus rostrata Red gum Eucalyptus spathulata Narrow-leaf gimlet Eucalyptus rudis Desert-gum Eugenia myrtifolia Brush cherry Euonymus alala Siebold Euonymus fortunei Euonymus japonica Silver king Euonymus kiautschovicus Spreading euonymus Euphorbia lactea Candelabra plant Euryops pectinatus Fatshedera lizei Fatshedera Ferocactus sp. Barrel cactus Ficus benjamina Exotica weeping fig Ficus elastica decora Rubber tree Ficus microcarpa nitida Indian laurel Ficus nitida Indian laurel Ficus repens Creeping fig Forsythia iniermedia Forsythia sp. Forsythia suspensa Weeping forsythia Forsythia x intermedia Fouquieria splendens Ocolillo Fragaria chiloensis Omamental strawberry Fraxinus americana" White ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica" Green ash Fraxinus velutina Arizona ash Gardenia jasminoides Gardenia, dwarf Gardenia taitensis Tahitian gardenia Gazania splendens Gazania gold rush Gazar.ia unif10ra leucoleana Geijera parviflora Australia Willow Gelsemium sempervirens Carolina jessamine Geranium pratense Cranesbill Gladiolus x hortulanus Debbie, Jennie, Mahogany, Stargazer Gleditsia triancantllos var. inermis Honey locusVshade master Graplophyllum pictum Caricature plant G revillea robusta Silk oak rosmarinifolia Spider flower Hedera canariensis Algerian ivy Hedera helix English ivy Hedera helix hahnii Hahn's ivy Hemerocallis hybrids Daylily

"Not applicable in California. Page 43 of 57 FUSILA.DE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSK - RS-102392K

Scientific Name Common NameNariety

Hemigraphis sp. Waffle plant/Metallic plant Hesperaloe parviflora Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Chinese hibiscus Hibiscus syriacus Althea Hosta lancifolia Varie>gat,")d hosta Hydrangea panicultata Panicle hydrangea Hydrangea quercifolia Oakleaf hydrangea Iberis sempervirens Candytuff lIex comuta Dwarf buford holly Ilex crenata Japanese holly lIex glabra Compact inkberry lIex opaca American holly lIex vomitoria Dwarf yauponfTall yaupon lIex x Meserveae Meserve holly Ilex x attenuata Fosteri holly Iris sp. Isotoma sp. Blue star creeper Ixora coccinea Ixora Jacaranda acutifolia Jacaranda Jacobinia ghiesbreghtiana Juniperus horizontalis' Admiral Juniperus scopulorum Cologreen Juniperus virginiana Red ceder Justicia spicigera Firecracker, Mexican indigo Kochia scoparia f. trychophylla Compact bumingbrush Koelreuteria paniculata' Golden-rain tree Varnish tree Lagerstroemia indica Crepe myrtle Lantana camera Bush lantana Lantana sellowiana Purple lantana (trailing) Leptcspermum laevigatum Leucophyllum frutescens Texas sage L.iatris spicata Gay feather Ligustrum amurense Amur River Ligustrum lucidum Wax ligustrum Ligustrum ovalifolium PriveVcalifomia Ligustrum texanum Texas privet Ligustrum x Vicari Vicari Liquidambar styraciflua American sweetgum Liriope spicata Liriope Liriope museari Green liriopeNariegated liriopa Livistona chinenis Chinese fan palm Lonicera x morrowii Morrow honeysuckle Lonicera xylosteum Emerald mound

'Not applicable in California. Page 44 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSK - RS-l02392K

Scientific Name Common NameN:3riety

Lysiloma thomberii Desert fem tree Lysimachia nummularia MoneywortlWandering Sally Magnolia sp. Oregon Grapeholly Magnolia stellata Star magnolia Mahonia aquifolium Mahonia Mahonia wagoneri' King's Ransom Malus f10ribunda Showy crabapple Mesembryanlhemum drosanhemum hispidum Rose ice plant Mesembryanthemum lampranthus productus Purple trailing ice plant Mesembryanthemum lampranthus spectabilis Red spike ice plant Metrosideros excelsus New Zealand christmas tree Musa maurelli Ethiopia barana Myoponum parvifolium Prostrate myoponum Myrica cerifera Wax myrtle Nephrolepsis exaltata Sword fem Nerium oleander Pink, variegated, petite oleander Odocanthus sp. Olea europaea Olive tree Olneya tesota Ironwood Opuntia Cholla Cholla cactus Osmanthus fragrans Osmanthus, tea olive Osteospermum fruticosum alba While african daisy Pachysandra terminalis Japanese pachysandra ,/ Parkensonia aculeata Green palo verde Rhus aromatica Fragrant sumac Passiflora pfordtiii Passion vine Pelargonium domesticum Geranium Pelargonium peltatum Ivy geranium Pelargonium X hortorum' Smash Hit Red geranium Pennisetum setaceum Red fountain grass Peperomia scan dens Radiator plant Petunia sp. Philadelphus coronarius Aurea Philodendron oxycardium "Micans" velvetleaf philodendron Philodendron selloum Phoenix canariensis Canary Island date palm Phoenix roebelenii Pygmy date palm Photinia x fraseri Photinia . ·. . Phyllostachys aurea Golden bamboo ·• Physocarpus fruticosa Gold drop, ·. Jackmanni, Abhotswood Physocarpus opulifolius Dwarf Ninebark, Nanus Picea abies Norway sprlce . '. 'Not applicable in California. • • • I -f) (J1-1J tv .., . Page 45 of 5"1 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSK - RS-102392K

Scientific Name Common NameIVariety

Picea glauca Dwarf Alberta, Black Hills, Densata Picea omarika Serbian sprJce Picea pun gens Blue spruce Pieris japonica Lily-ol-the-valley bush Pilea nummulariifolia Creeping Char1ie Pinus canariensis Canary Island pine Pinus clause' Sand pine Pinus echinata' Shortleal pine Pinus ellioltW Slash pine Pinus glabra' Spruce pine Pinus mugo Dwarf Swiss mountain pine Pinus niQra Austrian pine/Black pine Pinus palustris' Longleaf pine Pinus ponderosa Westem/Ponderosa pine Pinus pun gens' Table-Mountain pine Pinus resinosa Red pine Pinus rigids' Pitch pine Pinus serotina' Pond pine Pinus strobiformus Mexican border pine Pinus strobus Eastern white pine Pinus sylvestris Scotch pine Pinus taeda' Loblolly pine Pinus virginiana' Virginia pine Pittosporum Tobira Wheelers dwarf, variegated Piltosporum phillyraeoides Desert willow Platanus sp.' Sycamore Plumbago capen sis Cane plUfllbago Podocarpus gracilior African fern pine Podocarpus macrophylla Yew pine Polygonum capitatum Pink clover Po!yscias fruticosa Parsley panax Polystichum capense Portulaca grandiflora' Sungle portulaca Potentilla fructosa Gold drop, Primrose beauty Potentilla verna' Prosopis chilensis Chilean mesquite compacts' Protea ' Giant/king protea ' Protea ' Oleander-leaved protea P rote a repens' Protea PnJmus trialoba Flowering almond Prunus caroliniaFla ompacta Carolina cherry Pseuderanthemum atropurpureurn Purple false eranthemurll

'Not applicable in California , Page 46 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSK - RS-102392K

Scientific Name Common NameNariety

Pseudotsuga mensiessi Douglas fir Pyracanths koidzumii Lodense pyracanths Pyracanths angustifolia Variegated firethom Pyracanths coccinea Scarlet firethorn, Lalandei Pyracanths graberi Pyracanths koidzumii x coccinea Mojave firethom Pyrus calleryana Bradford pear Quercus palustris' Pin oak Quercus virginiana Oak, live Raphiolepis indica Pink lady Raphiolepis umbellata Yedda/Indian hawthorn Rhamnus frangula Tallhedge buckthorn Rhododendron "Gable Hybrid" Elizabeth Gable, Purple splendor, Rose greely Rhododendron catawbiense Less dark purple, Roseurn elegans, Chionoides r1IododendfO'l, White catawba, v Purple elegans, RoseLJrn superbum, English roseum Rhododendron formosa Rhododendron obtusum Pmoenum, Coral bells

Blaauw's prnk, Rutherfordiana Constances White cascade. Prize, Kluis sensation, Sweetheart, Kaempo, Royalty, Hahm red, Red wing, Rhododendron sOl. (conl'd) Gumpo white, Salmon spray, .. Road runner, Tradition, Gloria, Gumpo pink, Greeting, Pink pearl,

'Not applicable in California Page 47 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSK - RS-l02392K

Scientific Name Common NameNariety

Pericat, Tabor, Mother's Day, Snow, Masasoit, Red ruffle. Delaware Valley white, Purple gem, H. H. Hume, Stewartstonian, Hino red, Rosebud, Fashion, Herbert, Gibraltar, Gerard's rose, Boule de neige, President Lincoln Rhododendron yedoense Korean azalealPoukhanense Rhl1ellia califomica Rhus lancf'a .',Irican sumar standard Rosa Banksiae Rosa hybrida Hyb:id tea rose R(lsa sp. Rose Rmmarinus officinalis prostratus Rosemary dwart Rumohra adiantiformis' Leatherleaf fern S'jlix alba White willow ~;alix babylonia' Weeping willow Salix matsudana Tortuosa corkscrew willow Salix purpurea' Purple willow Basket willow Salvia greggii Sansevieria sp. Moon Glow Sansevieria trifasciata Hahaii/Molher-in-law's tongue Santolina chanaecy parissus Lavender cotton ScheHlera arboricoia Manila Ripple Schlnus molle California pepper Schinus terebinthifolius Brazilean pepper Sedum brevifolium Green stone crop Sedum Quatemalense Brown beam Sedum spectabile Sedum Sedum x rubrotinctum

'Not applicable in California a.- 0 .-J":'I'- , ~/ '\

Page 48 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSK - RS-l02392K

Scientific Name Common NameNariety

Sempervivum tectorum Hen and chickens Simmiondsia chinensii Jojoba Sorbus americana' knerican mountain ash Sophora japonica* Pagoda tree Spiraea japonica' Coccinea Spiraea nipponica Snowmound spirea Spiraea thunbergii' Thunberg Spiraea x billiardii Billiard spirea Spiraea x bumalda Froebelii, Crispa spirea, Gold flame, Anthony Waterer Statice sinuata Annual stat ice sinuatus Firewheel tree Strelitzia nicolai Giant bird of paradise Strelitzia reginae Bird of paradise Syringa meyeri Palibin Syringa patula Komen lilac Syringa viilosa James McFarlane lilac Syzgium paniculaturn Australian bush cherry Tagetes sp. Marigold Taxus cuspidata ,Ilpanese yew T axllS x media layeri yew, Hicks yew, Oense yew Tecoma stans angustate Yellow bells Tecomaria capen sis Cape honeysuckle Temstroemia gymnanthera Cleyera Thevetia peruvianaa Yellow oleander tree Thuga occidentalis White cedar, Emerald green, Woodwardii, Techny, Pyramidalis, Globosa, Techny american arborvitae Thuja orientalis Berkman's Tilia cordata' Little-leaf linden Trachelospermum asiaticllm Asiatic jasmine Trachelospermum jasminoides Star jasmine Trifolium fragiferum O'Conners legume Tsuga canadensis Eastern hemlock Viburnum dentalum Arrowwood viburnum Viburnum japonicum Viburnum/japanese snowh.,11

'Not applicable in California .") ~

Page 49 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS 1048. RSK - RS-102392K

Scientific Name Common NameNariety

Viburnum opulus Nanum Vibumum odoratissium Vibumum Viburnum plicatum Doublefile viburnumltomentosum Vibumum suspensum Sandankwa viburnum Vibumum trilobum Compact cranberrybush viburnum Viburnum x juddi Judd Viburnum x rhytidophylloides Vibumum/willowwood Vicia sp. Crown Vetch Vinca major Periwinkle Vinca minor Myrtle, Dwarf periwinkle Virbumum lantana' Wayfaring tree Twistwood Vlrbumum lentago' Nannyberry Washingtonia robusta Mexican fan palm Weigel a florida Newport red, Pink weigelia Xylosma senticosa Yucca filamentosa Yucca Yucca gloriosa Spanish dagger Yucca pendula Weeping dagger Zinnia sp.

'Not applicable ill California. ------

'. Page 50 of 51 FU3lLADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSK - RS-102392K



• When plant growth habit allows, applications should be made as a directed spray to the ornamental plants listed below to minimize phytotoxicity.

• Limited testing of the omamental plants listed below has shown phytotoxicity of up to 20% wilen FUSILADE 2000 herbicide is applied over-the-top at label rates. (Phytotoxicity can occur whenever spray comes in contact with the foliage, even during directed sprays.)

Scientific Name Common NameNariety

Abies fraser Fraser Fir Acer rub rum Maple/red Ajuga variegata Bugle weed Ajuga reptans Varigated ajuga Aquilegia hybrida Columbine Arbutus unedo Strawberry tree Banksia prinotes' Protea Banksia victoria' Protea Banks;;! speciosa' Protea Begonia tweediana Cats claw, Yellow trumpet Callistemorn viminalis Weeping bottle-brush Ceonotllus griseus Cupressocyparis leylandi Leyland cypress Dracaena fragans Massangeana, dracaena Dracaena marginata Tricolor dracaena Eucalyptus citriodora Lemon-scented gum FeiJoa sellowiana Pineapple guava Gamolepsis chrysantllemoides Gazania ringens G!adlolus x hortlliilnllS Gallery Grewia caffra Lavender star plant Hermiria glabra Green carpet Juniperus chinensis Pfitzenana Nana, Spearmint, Old Gold, Prostrata, Robdsta. Maney Juniperus conferta Blue Pacific Juniperus horilontalis Wiitonii, Hughes, Webberi, Vanag8ta.

'Not applir.alJlr. in Californl

Page 51 of 57 FLJSILADE 2000 Booklet FLJS104B.RSK - RS-l02392K

Scientific Name Common NameNariety

Blue Rug, Youngtown Compacta Juniperus japonica San Jose Juniperus sabina Tamariseifolia, Arcadia, Scandia, Broadmoor Juniperus scopulorum Welchii, Pathfinder Juniperus virginian a Sky rocket, Grey owl Lantana montevidensis x White lantana Leucothoe axill'lris Fetterbush LigustnJm japonicum Japanese privet Lonicera japonica Japanese honeysuckle Luecospermum cordifolium' Pincushion protea Nandina domestica Heavenly bamboo Nerium oleander standard Oleander Ophiopogon japonicum Mondo grass Opuntia sp. Prickly pear cactus Pennisetum sectaceum Green fountain grass Philodendron sp. Plumeria acuminata Temple tree Podocarpus macrophyllus Maki Potenlilla v~rna Spring cinquefoil Rhododendron indicum Indica Rhododendron obtusum Kurume Eureka Sunglow Rhododendron sp. PIM Rhoeo spathacea Oyster plant Ruellia ciliosa Ruellia Salix caroliniana Willow Spirea x vanhouteii Vanhoutte spirea Syringa chinensis Lilac Viburnum macrocephalum Chinese snowball

"Not applicable in C;\lifornla. Page 52 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS 1048 RSK - RS-102392K



• When plant growth hahit allows, ap;Jlications should be made as a directed spray to the omamental plants listed below to minimize phytotoxicity.

• Limited testing of the omamental plants listed below has shown phytotoxicity of up to 50% when FUSILADE 2000 herbicide is applied over-the-top at label rates. (Phytotoxicity can occur whenever spray comes in contact with the foliage, even during directed sprays).

Scientific Name Common NameNariety

Acacia farnesiana Sweet acacia Acacia latifolia Aptenia cordifolia Hearts and flowers Asystasia gange:;~J Coromandol Bacchalis sarothroides Desert broom Brachychiton populneum Bottle tree Cassia condolioma Cercidium praecox Sonoran palo verde Citharcxylum spinosum Fiddlewood Cordyline stricta Cordylinc Cupaniopsis anacardioides Carrot wood Crassula argentea Jade plant Cyperus aiterniiolius Umbrella ~ I~nt Dicentra srectabitis Bleeding heart Dracaena deremensis Janet Craig,Warneckii Epipremnum aureum Mamie Queen pothos Eucalyptus nicholii Exococaria cochichinensis Chinese crenate croton Hibiseus lepenk Juniperus chinensis Armstrongil Juniperus scopulonJm Spiny Greek, Excelsa Strieta Juniperus virginian a Burkii ,Iusticia betonia White shrimp plant Justicia brandegeana Shrimp plant Justicia carnea Ki'lgs crown Magnolia gradiflora Southern magnolia Mesembryanthemurn dclosperrna aiba White ice plant (trailing) Odontonema strictum Red justicia Oenothera berlandier Mexican evening primrose Pachystachys lutea Yellow shrimp pl<1nt Pedilanfhus tithymaloides Slipper flower Peperomia obtusifolia Baby rubber plant Plpctranthus australis Swedish ivy

'Not applicable in California. Page 53 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSK - RS-102392K

Scientific Name Common NameNariety

Polygonum capitatum Pinkhead knotweed Prunum avium* Mazzard cherry Rhododendron indicum Formosa Rhododendron oblusum Hersey red, Hino pink, Hinodegeri Rhododendron poukhanensis Karen ) Thunbergia laurifloia Laurel-leaved thunbergia Vaccinum ashe Tifblue Blueberry

'Not applicable in California. '. Page 54 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104BRSK - RS-l02382K



• When plant growth habit allows. applications should be made as a directed spray to the omamental plants listed below to minimize phytotoxicity.

• Limited testing of the ornamental plants listed below has shown phytotoxicity greater than 50% when FUSILADE 2000 herbicide is applied over-the-top at label rates. (Phytotoxicity can occur whenever spray comes in contact with the foliage. even during directed sprays.)

Scientific Name Common NameNariety

Acalypha godsefeiana hertophylla Alsophia australis Australia tree fern Betula nigra Birch/River Catharanthus rose us Marlagascar periwinkle Chamaecyparis pisifera Boulevard falsecypress Chlorophytum comosum Spider plant Cortederia selloana Pampas grass Euonymus alata Compacta Juniperus chinensis Sea Green Juniperus horizontalis Blue Chip. Price of Wales, Bar Harbor Juniperus scor;ulorum Blue Haven Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi Lavender-scallops Kalanchoe tubitlora Chandelier plant Physocarpus fruticosa Katherine Dykes Rhododendron obtusum Hinocrimson Setcreasea purpurea Purple twart Zebrina pcndula Wandering jew ~. ',r' , ' f )~~ ! . , , . Page 55 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSK - RS-l02392K


PROHIBITIONS: Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal. Open dumping is prohibited. Do not reuse empty container.

STORAGE: Store in original container only, Keep container closed when not in use. Do not store near food or feed. In case of spill or leak on floor or paved surfaces, soak up with sand, earth or synthetic absorbent. Remove to chemical waste area.

PESTICIDE DISPOSAL: Pesticide wastes are toxic. Improper disposal of excess pesticide, spray mixture or rinsate is a \!iolation of Federal law. If these wastes cannot be disposed of by use according to label instructions, contact your State Pesticide or Environmental Control Agency or the Hazardous Waste Representative at the nearest EPA Regional Office for guidance.

CONTAINER DISPOSAL Metal Containers: Triple-rinse (or equivalent). Then offer for recycling or reconditioning, or puncture and dispose of in a sanitary landfill or by other procedures approved by state and local authorities. Plastic Containers: Triple-rinse (or equivalent). Then offer for recycling or reconditioning, or puncture and dispose of in a sanitary landfill, by incineration or, if allowed by state and local authorities, by burning. If bumed stay out of smoke. Glass Containers: Triple-rinse (or equivalent). Then offer for recycling or reconditioning. or puncture and dispose of in a sanitary landfill or by other state and local procedures.

MINI BULK CONTAINER PRECAUTIONS - Before refilling, inspect thoroughly for damage, such as cracks, punctures, bulges, dents. abrasions and damaged or wom thread on closure deVices. REFILL ONLY WITH FUSILADE 2000. The contents of this container cannot be completely removed by cleaning. Refilling with materials other than FUSILADE 2000 herbicide will result in contamination and may weaken container. After filling and before transporting, check for leaks. Do not refill or tlansport damaged or leaking container. C')NTAINER fS NOT SAFE FOR FOOD, FEED OR DRINKING WATER

AMBUSH', CYMBUSH', FUSIl.ADE", GRAMOXONE", and REFLEX" arc trademarks of ICI Group Companies. BASAGr·MN" and BLAZER'" are trademarks of BASr~ Corporation TACKLE" is a trademark of Rhono-Poulenc. . CLASSIC'!) and BIDRIN" 8 are trademarks of E. I. duPont de Nemoilis I{ C'JrnrJa'lY. WHIP'" herbicide is a trdrJernark of Hoechst-Roussel Agri-Vet. .. CYGON" 400 insecticide is a trademark of Amcricar. Cyanamid Company.

AMRUSH, CYMBUSH, Clnd GRAMOXONE EXTRA are restrrcted usc pestICides ,- I ; L ,J ., Page 56 of 51 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSK - RS-102392K

- CONVERSION TABLE FUSILADE 2000 HERBICIDE RATE TO BE APPLIED Lb. a.iJAcre PintS/Acre FI. OzJAcre Acres/Gallon ~ 0.094 3/4 12 10.7 0.125 1 16 8.0 0.156 1-1/4 20 6.4 0.188 H/2 24 5.3 0.250 2 32 4.0 0.375 3 48 2.7

For more information, cail ICI Americas at 1-800-759-2500.

ICI Americas 1989

Made in U.SA lei Agricultural Products A business unit of lei /\mericas Inc. Wilmington, Delaware 19897 · , .f '" Page 57 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS 104B. RSK - RS-l02392K

APPENDIX Scientific names are listed for those weeds referred to in the FUSILADE 2000 herbicide label.


Barnyardg rass Echinochloa crusgalli Bermudagrass Cynodon dactylon Broadleaf signalgrass Brachiaria platyphylla Crabgrass, large Digitaria sanguinalis Crabgrass, Smooth Digitaria ischaemum Crabgrass, Southem Digitaria ciliaris Crabgrass, Tropical Digitaria bicomis Downy brome Bromus tectorum Fall Panicum Panicum dlchotomiflorum Field Sandbur Cenchrus incertus Foxtail, Giant Setaria faberi Foxtail, Green Setaria viridis Foxtail, Yellow Setaria lutescens Goosegrass Eleusine indica Guineagrass, seedling Panicum maximum Italian Ryegrass lolium multiflorum Itchgrass Rottboellia exaltata Johnsongrass, Rhizome Sorghum halapense Johnsongrass, Seedling Sorghum ha!apense Junglerice Echinochloa colonum Kikuyugrass Rennisetum clandestinum Prairie cupgrass Eriochloa contract" Quackgrass Agropyron repens Ratbi!footgrass Polypogon monspeliensis Red Rice Oryza sativa Shattercane Sorghum bicolor Sorghum almum Sorghum almurn Southern Sandbur Cenchrus echinatus Southwestern cupgrass Eriochloa gracilis Texas Panicum Panicum texan urn Volunteer Cereals V. Barley Hordeum vulgare V.Corn Zea mays V, Milo Sorghum bicolor V, Oats Avena sativa V. Rye Ser.ale cereale V Wheat Triticum aestivum Wild Proso Millet Panicum miliaceum Wild Oats Avena fatua Wirestem Muhly Muh1enbergia frondosa Witchgrass Panicum capillare Wooly cupgrass E riochloa villosa ') / 11 t , ' L I Page 1 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet , . FUS f~4BlllSj - RS-040792.1 t"nt,; ( )·'J·,'[.\T~ In !:/'.\ /" ",,) ',',d: (Frc'nt Cover) 0~ :):)1.- L" __ ...

FUSILADE" 2000 Herbicide lln'" "" /',,:, , ' , Fu: , Postemergence Herbicide for Cob\J',':,;'.", of Perennial and Annual Grass We' .r~---'

Complete Directions for Use and Use Precautions

(Inside of Front Cover)

DIRECTIONS FOR USE AND CONDITIONS OF SALE AND WARRANTY '( IMPORTANT: Read the Entire Directions for Use and the Conditions of Sale and War,anty before using this product.


The Directions for Use of this product are believed to be reliable and should be followed carefully. However, it is impossible to eliminate all risks inherently associated with the use of this product. Crop injury, ineffectiveness or other unintended consequences may result because of such factors as timing and method of application, weather and crop conditions, mixture with other chemicals not specifically recommended or other influencing factors in the use of the product, all of which are beyond the control of the seller. All such risks shall be assumed by Buyer and User, and Buyer and User agree to hold Seller harmless for any claims relating to such factors.

Seller warrants that this produr.t conforms to the chemical description on the label and is ( :easonably fit for the purposes stated on the label, subject to the inherent risks referred to above, when used in accordance with directions under normal conditions of use. This warranty does not f ~nd to the use of this product contrary to label instructions, or under abnormal conditions or under conditions not reasonably foreseeable to or beyond the control 01 Seller and Buyer and User assume the risk of any such use. SELLER DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF FITNESS OR MERCHANTABILITY.

When Buyer or User claims losses or damages resulting from the use or handling of this product (including claims based on contract, negligence, strict liability or other legal theories), ~~¥er or User must promptly notify in writing Seller of any claims to be eligible to ,rp,~iye eitp~" 01 the remedies sel forth below. The EXCLUSIVE REMEDY OF BUYER OR USI;R kr(,j the LIMIT OF LIABILITY of Seller will be, at the eiection of Seller, refund of the purchase Mc,s. paid fpr Wqjuct bought, or replacement of amount of product used. SELLER SHALL NOT: Bf: LiABi.:E' FOR CONSEQUENTIAL SPECIAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES RESUL liNG FROM THE USb OR HANDLING OF THIS PRODUCT AND SELLER'S SOLE LIABILITY AND BUytFtn AND USER'S EXCLUSIVE REMEDY SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE REFUND OF THE PURCHASE PRIGE.

I" , , .

BEST AVA~, """I E rl .,. "~'.-,. U,,- Copy Page 2 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSJ - RS-040792J

TABLE OF CONTENTS Page STATEMENT OF PRACTICAL TREATMENT PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS DIRECTIONS FOR USE Re-entry General Information Applieation Directions Spray Additives Ground Application Band Application Aerial Application Spot Treatment General Use Precau1ions Apricots, Cherries, Nectaries, Peaches, Plums and Prunes Asparagus (WA, OR, MD, DE, NC, VA, NY and NJ only) ( Carrots (including seed carrots), Dry Bulb Onions, Garlic Coffee (HI only) Cotton Endive Pecans Rhubarb (MD and NJ only) Soybeans Stone Fruit (Apricots, Cherries, Nectarines, Peaches, Plums and Prunes) Sweet Potatoes and Yams Tabasco Peppers (LA only) Regional Use Map Annual Grass Use Rates Region A Annual Grass Use Rates Region B Perennial Grass Use Rates Region A Perennial Grass Use Rates Region B ( Annual & Perennial Grass Use Rates For Coffee Tankmixes for Soybeans FUSILADE & REFLEX 2LC FUSILADE & BASAGRAN FUSILADE & REFLEX + BASAGRAN FUSILADE & BLAZER or TACKLE FUSILADE & CLASSIC FUSILADE & PURSUIT FUSILADE & WHIP 1EC Soybean Tankmix Rate Table Soybean Tankmix Use Precautions ....• Tankmixes for Cotton ,• •• ..f •• ·... Cotton Tankmix Rate Table · ... • Cotton Tankmix Use Precautions f •• , Non-food Uses General Use Precautions Fallow Land, Non-crop Areas, and Non-bearing Crops Omamentals ·, .• t • ·••. .• ) ( n _.t I' ! Page 3 of 57 Cp J~/!\J FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSJ - RS-040792J


Storage and Disposal Rate Conversion Table Scientific Names of Weeds (Appendix)


. \

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.... ~ ~ . .•• .. • ____1 ______

..~ 'Iii I ) ~ .. A( ,:.,; Page 4 of 57 -- FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSJ .. RS-040792J



ACTI'IE INGREDIENT: Fluazifop-P-butyl Butyl (fl)-2-[4-[[5-(lriiluoromethyl)-2-pyridinyl]oxy] phenoxyjprupanoate' ...... 13% INERT INGREDIENTS ...... 87% TOTAL 100%

'FUSILADE 2000 herbicide contains 1 pound (+) isomer (fluazifop-P-butyl) per gallon

EPA Reg. No. 10182-104


IF IN EYES: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water. Call physician if irritation persists.

IF ON SKIN: Wash with ~!enty of soap and water. Get medical attention if irritation persists.


FOR CHEMICAL EMERGENCY: Spill, leak, fire, expo~ure, or accident call CHEMTREC 1-S00-424-9300.




HARMFUL IF ABSORBED THROUGH SKIN OR INHALED. CAUSES EYE IRRITATION. MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTIONS. Avoin "on!act with skin, eyes or clothing. Avoid breathing vapor or spray mist. Wear protective clothing and PVC gloves when spraying. Wear protective clothing, PVC gloves, apron and full face shield when handling or mixing concentrate. Remove contaminated dothing and \.A.'ash before reuse. Wash thorcughly with soap and water after handling.

ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS . This product is toxic to fish. Do not apply directly to water, or to areas wlleif;'~l1rfaC\r water is present, or to intertidal ..neas below the mean high water mark. Do not cori:amiri3te watet when disposing of equipment washwaters. Do not apply when weather conditions laJ.:;r drift fiOrr. )irget area.

PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL HAZARDS Do not use or store near heal or open flame. ,. '-. ii, ,). _I' " ) {./ -1 ...J i ! .... Page 5 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B,RSJ - RS-040792J


It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.

This labeling must be in the possession of the user at the time of application.


Do not apply this product in such a manner as to directly or through drift expose workers or other persons. The area being treated must be vacated by unprctected persons.

Do not treat areas while unprotected humans or domestic animals are present in the treatment areas. Do not allow entry into treated areas without protective dothing until sprays have dried. Because certain states may require more restrictive reentry intervals for various crops treated with this product, consult your State Department of Agriculture for further information.

Written or oral wamings must be given to workers who are expected to be in a treated area or in an area about to be treated with this product. When oral warnings are given, wamings shall be given :n a language customarily understood by workers. Oral wamings must be given if there is reason to believe that written wamings cannot be understood by workers. Warnings must include the following information:

CAUTION: Area treated with FUSILADE® 2000 herbicide on (date of application). Do not enter without appropriate protective clothing until sprays have dried. In case of accidental exposure to pesticide spray, wash the skin thoroughly with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. If in eyes, flush with plenty of water. If irritation persists, get medical attention.


Read all label directions before using.

FUSILADE 2000 herbicide is a selective postemergence herbicide for control of annual and perer,nial grass weeds in aprir.ots, asparagus (restricted to Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Cregan, Virginia and Washington), carrots, cherries, coffee (restricted to Hawaii), cotton, endive, gartic, nectarine~, onions (dry bulb), peaches, pecans, plums, prunes, rhubarb (restricted to Maryland and New Jersey), soybeans, sweet potatoes and yams, Tabasco peppers (restricted to Louisiana). FUSILADE 2000 herbicide can also be used on fallow land, on non crop areas, and on nonbearing crops and ornamentals. FUSILADE 2000 herbicide will provide effective control of grass weeds in conventional tiliage, minimum tillage, and no-till plantings. FUSILADE 2000 herbicide does not control broadleaf weeds or sedges (nutgrass) . . . FUSILADE 2000 herbicide is a systemic herbicide which moves from the tr£&tz:;! foliag;:)~ i:1to the shoots. roots, rhizomes, stolons. and growing points (meristematic regic·ns) (·f treated grass weeds. ' .

FUSILADE 2000 hertbicidc is rainfast in one hour. Page 6 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSJ - RS-040792J

Control Symptoms Thorough coverage of all \\f8ed plant foliage is In1portant for good activity. Optimum weed control is achieved when young actively growing weeds are treated that are not under stress from moisture, temperature, low soil fertility, mechanical, or chemical inJury.

Growth of treated grass weeds stops soon after application. Symptoms include loss of vigor, yellowing anctlor reddening, and eventual death to the treated grass plant. Symptoms are generally observed within one week after treatment, depending on grass weed species and environmental conditions.


Timing - Best control of susceptible grasses is obtained when FUSILADE 2000 herbicide IS applied to actively growing grasses before they exceed the recommended growth stages shown on this label. Refer to the grass weed table for specific recommendations on weed growth stages

Spray Additives - Only crop oil concentrate and non:onic surfactants cleared for use on growing crops undsr ,~O CFR 180.1001 may be used in spray mixture.


• Crop 0;[ Concentrate - Add a non-phytotoxic crop oi: concentrate or a once-refined vegetable oil concentrate containing 15-20~~ approved emuls'!ier, at 0.5-1 % vlv (1·2 pints p,"r ;:: gallons) of the finished spray volume For aerial applications, add 1 pint of crop 0:1 COiicentrate pf:'r acre.

• t;o~iOr.IC Surfactant - Add nonicnic surta1.1ant containing at least 75% surface-active ag,"n\, at 0.25·0.5~~ viv (1/2-1 pint per 25 gallons) of the finished spray volume for ground spra/s. For ",,"rial application. add 1 pint of suriacL,nt per acre

J" (:ij'~,: ',en tr) crsp oii concentrate or noni0nic surfactanl. ),'quid nitrugen leri'!,:zer (28S~, or s~mda~) (,(:i:; t~· 2r~~j~,'j t') th'? :'·Cfc/ mixtu,., !n soybS'ans 0'-;)/. ThIS 28:~ Jiqui·-j nltrogl?,n fertilizer IS \ ... at~r so>;t'r;' d sr,';~:d be us',d at a rat'" )1 one gallon p'?r acre. Lir:;Uld nitrogen fertilizers should net t.-; usc-; ~S a S0tstltute for crop 01: Clncenlrale or n.:;nlonic suriact

C:2:Y,rn'.:.,:-:r~j~ ~_'~i:YJr}'1J!~. (aqu(?()US [)mrnon,iurn r/)!yphosphate) commonty sold as a slJ!uti~,n i 1 C·3-~·C can be ad:!e:! to !rle> spraj mixture. HilS water sofub/(, malenal shaul,] be uses at ;:; r,,:" r,f 2 c,t', p" r acre. ulamrn,)fllum phosphate> silould not be used as a subsLtute for crop 0" (.(,i,r.,=-ntr6t::- f';(jf n()njcr-i!~, suriai:tant in the Sprely rl,'lxture

GROUt\D APPLICATION . Use sufflr;,en~ spra; volume and pres~,[re to ensure complet" r:c)'.,'~rCi~~t~ (,t th€: !;'j(~?:t 0:'25,,::[;5 Apply In 5·-40 g3:Jons r,:sr acre of s~ray mixlure v/ith spra/ r,r':C'·J":S G! ,~r;.£/J rs' at the nc·z;le tip. When qrac,s 'rJila')e IS dense use f{1 r'51.and Q "'·"JllmurT, ()~ ?U ') Clns ~,(·r acr c_" to ensure coveraqc (If wer:·rj follaqe Do nDt e'[CE2C the rT'.<-Xlinurn ;'!rJ~)::'-.(j~ir)rl r;:jiCJ:, fry( FU0JL.ADE '2000 hc:·rhicidr:




BAND APPLICATIONS - Thorough weed coverage is important for control. Best coverage is obtained with a minimum of two nozzles, one directed to each side of the planted row. Application with a single nozzle directed over the top of the row is not recommended. Cultivation of untreated areas may be needed following band applications.

When making band applications and cultivating in the same operation, position nozzles in advance of the cultivation device. This will reduce dust in It e spray area. Dust can intercept the spray, reducing weed coverage, resulting in less than adequate weed control.

Calculate the amount of herbicide and water volume needed for band treatment by the following formulas:

Band width in inches X broadcast rate = Band herbicide rate row width in inches per acre per acre

Band width in inches X broadcast volume = Band water volume row width in inches per acre per acre

Band applications to perennial grasses are not recommended as reinfestation of the treated band from the untreated middle may result.

AERIAL APPLICATION - Use sufficient spray volume to ensure complete coverage of target grasses. A minimum of 5 gallons per acre should be applied. When grass foliage is dense, use a minimum of 10 gallons per acre to ensure coverage of weed foliage. Add one pinlfA of crop oil concentrate or non ionic surfactant in the spray mixture.

CUL TIVA TION - Cuitivation of treated grasses is not reco nmended within 7 days prior to or within 7 days ,. er appiicatiol of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide as weeds may be put under stress reducing weed control. Timely cultivation 2-3 weeks after applying FUSILADE 2000 herbicide may assist weed control.


Mix FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and crop oil concentrate or nonionic surfactant with water according to the amounts shown below. Spray to obtain thorough coverage, but do "ot spray to runoff. Re-treat if necessary. 'r' , ,.,/ . t) f . .jJ Page 80157 FUSILAOE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSJ - RS-040792J


Add These Amounts To Make This CropNegetable Nonionic Spray Volume FUSllADE 2000 Oil Concentrate" or Surfactant ~. 1 gallon 1-1/2 II. oz, 1-1/2 II. oz. or 1/2 II. oz. (3 tbsp.) 10 gallons 13 II. oz. 13 II. oz. 3 II. oz 25 gallons 1 quart 1 quart 1/2 pint 50 gallons 2 quarts 2 quarts 1 pint

"Do not use a crop oil concentrate on omamentals. Use only nonionic surfactant on omamentals.


Apply FUSILAOE 2000 herbicide as a postemergence ground application. Apply with sufficient spray volume to ensure complete coverage 01 the target grasses. Applications can be made as a broadcast, strip band, or spot spray application.

Apply 32 ounces per acre 01 FUSILAOE 2000 herbicide along with 1% crop oil concentrate (2 pints per 25 gallons) or 0.25% (1/2 pint per 25 gallons) of a nonionic surfactant to annual and perennial grasses at the recommended growth stages in the weed tables.


Apply FUSILAOE 2000 herbicide as a directed postemergence application in the intersraces and around the base of the trees while avoiding contact of spray with loliage of trees. Apply With sufficient spray volume and pressure to ensure complete coverage 01 target grasses. Applications can be made as a broadcast, strip band, or spot spray application at rates and growth stages listed in the weed tables. Do not apply when harvestable fnuit or nuts are on the ground.




• Apply to actively growing grasses. Do not apply to grasses which are stressed due to moisture, temperature, low soil fertility, mechanical or chemical injury.

• Apply atlhe recommended rale to grasses at the recommended growth stages as outlined. Do not apply to grasses which have tillered, formed seed heads, or exceeded recommended growth stages.

• Apply when the first grass weed species in a mixed grass weed population reaches the recommended growth stage fo~ treatment. Use the highest recommended rate for grasses in that group.

• Where irrigation is used as part of normal cropping practice, best results are usually obtained when FUSILADE 2000 herbicide is applied within 7 days after irrigation.

• Best perennial grass control can be obtained if rhizomes or stolons are cut up by preplant tillage practices (discing, plowing, etc.) to stimulate maximum emergence of grass shoots.

• Do not pl;,.;')t rotational grass crops such as com, sorghum, and cereals within 60 days of last application of FUSILADE 2000 herbidde.

• Avoid drift to all other crops and nontarget areas. Grass crops are highly susceptible to FUSILADE 2000 heJi:liciGe.

• Do not tankmix FUSIl..ADE 2000 herbicide with other pesticides, liquid fertilizers or any other additives except as specified on this label or other supplemental labeling. Use of liquid nitrogen fertilizer (28% or similar) as recommended on this label is for lise in soybeans only.

• Sequential applications of other herbicides except as specified on this label or on supplementallabeliog within five days before or after FUSILADE 2000 herbicide application may result in crop injury andlor reduced grass control.

• Thoroughly clean spray tank with water and a commercial tank cleaner before and after each use.

• Do not apply FUSILADE 2000 herbicide if rainfall is expected within 1 hour.


• Do not apply a lolal of more than 144 fl. oz. of FUSILADE 2000 heJi:licide per acre per season.

• Do not haNest within 14 days of application.

• Do not graze animals in Ireated areas. ( ""; ') 'j .... L i' . . \ : ,...1 ./ ' Page 10 01 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUSt04B.RSJ - RS-040792J


New Jersey, Maryland, Oregon and Washing10n only:

• Do not apply a total of more than 96 oz. of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide per acre per season to bearing asparagus.

• Do not halVest asparagus within one day of application.

Delaware, North Carolina, New YOO< and Virginia only:

• Do not apply a total of more than 96 oz. of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide per acre per season to bearing asparagus.

• Do not halVest asparagus within 7 months of last application.

• Sprays must be applied after last halVest.

CARROTS (including seed cDrrots), DRY BULB ONIONS AND GARLIC

• Do not appiy a total of more than 96 oz. of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide per acre per season to carrots, dry bulb onions or garlic.

Do nol harvest carrots. dry bulb onions or garlic within 45 days after application.


• Do not apply a total 01 more than 96 II. oz. of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide per acre per season to cottee.

• Do not ha~est coffee within 1 day of application.


• Do not apply a t01al of more than 96 oz. of FUSlLADE 2000 herbicide per acre per season to cotton,

• Do not apply to cotton after boll set.

• Do not harvest cotton within 90 days of FUSILADE 2000 application,

• Do not graze or harvn,st lor forage or hilY,


• Do not apply a total 01 more than 9G Ol 01 FUSILADE 2000 herbicide pe, "cre p'~( !:>u'son 10 cnctlvP-,

• Do not harvest endive within 2B days 01 application, ,~ " ./)~ .J Page 11 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSJ - RS-040792J


• Do not apply a total of more than 144 fl. oz. of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide per acre per season.

• Do not halVest within 30 days of application.

• Do not graze animals in treated areas.

RHUBARB (Maryland and New Jersey only)

• Do not apply a total of more than 72 oz. of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide per acre per season to rhubarb.

• Do not halVest rhubarb within 14 dc.ys of the spring application.


• Do no! apply a total of more than 64 oz. of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide per acre per season to soybeans.

• Make the last FUS!LADE 2000 herbicide application to soybp-ans !:>efore bloom.

• Do not g~aze or halVest for forage or hay.


• Do not apply a total of more than 96 oz. of FUSILADE 201;0 herbicide per acre per season 10 sweet potatoes and yams.

• Do not harvest within 55 days of application.

TABASCO PEPPERS (Louisiana Only)

• Do not apply a total of more Ihan 96 oz. of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide per acre per season to Tabasco peppers.

• Do not harvest Tabasco peppers within 45 days of arplication~ '71')( (I.j Page 12 of 57 FUSIUl.DE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSJ - RS-040792J



Regional Use Map

Region A

Region B

Region A - Includes the following states or portions of states where FLJSILADE 2000 herbicide can be applied at recommended rates.

Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Califomia (Northem; see regional map), Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, LoUisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada (Northem; see regio;]al map), New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma (east of Interstate 35), Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas (east of Interstate 35), Utah (Northem; see regional map), Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

Region B - Includes the following states or portions of states where FUSIUl.DE 2000 herbicide can be applied at recommended rates.

Arizona, California (Southern; see regional map), Colorado, Hawaii, Oklahoma (west oilnterstate 35), Nevada (Southe:n; see regional map), New Mexico, Utah (Southem; see regional map), and Texas (west of Interstate 35). ');- .) Page 13 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSJ - RS-040792J


Ht. No. of Leaves Rate(s) Special' Rate(s) Annual Grass Species' (In.) Not to Exceed fl. ovA fl. ovA Barnyardgrass 2-3 3 24 20 Broadleaf signalgrass 2-4 5 24 20 Crabgrass Large crabgrass 1-2 4 24 20 Smooth crabgrass 1-2 4 24 20 Southern crabgrass 1-2 4 24 20 Tropical crabgrass 1-2 4 24 20 Downy Brome' 2-6 4 16 Fall Panicum 2-6 6 24 20 Field Sandbur 2-4 4 24 20 Foxtails Giant foxtail 2-6 4 24 20 Green foxtail 2-4 4 24 20 Yellow foxtail 2-4 4 24 20 Goosegrass 2-4 6 16 Italian Ryegrass 2-4 4 24 20 Itchgrass 4-24 6 16 Johnsongrass, seedling 2·8 4 12 Junglerice 2-3 3 24 20 Red rice 1/2-1 2 32 20' Shattercane 6-12 8 12" Sorghum almum 6·12 8 16 Soulhern sandbur 2-6 6 24 20 Texas Panicum 2·8 8 24 20 Volunteer Cereals V. Barley 2·6 6 16 V.Com 12-24 10 12" 105 V. Milo 6-'12 4 126 V. Oats 2-6 6 16 V, Rye 26 6 16 V Wheat 2-6 6 16 Wild ProsQ Millet 4-8 6 12" Witchgrass 2-4 6 24 20 Wild Oats 2-6 6 16 . Woolly cupgrass 2-4 6 24 20 ------. (Footnotes on following page) T _ .....

Page 14 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104BRSJ - RS-040792J

'Retreatment at the recommended rate may be needed to control later germinating grasses or if regrowth occurs.

2Not registered in Califomia for use on this species.

3USE DIRECTIONS FOR SPECIAL RATE Rates of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide/acre can be reduced to the rates listed for species indicated under the following conditions:

• Application under favorable soil moisture and humidity conditions, normally within a few days after rainfall or irrigation. Avoid extreme air temperatures.

• Application at earliest growth stages indicated on rate tables.

• Application in highly competitive crop stands such as narrow row or drilled soybeans, or where cultivation is planned.

• Application to light or moderate weed densities.

• Application with 1% v/v crop oil concentrate only.

• Application alone, avoiding tank mixes with other pesticides.

'Most infestations require two applications at 20 oz. of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide/acre to achieve satisfactory control.

"A second application of 10 fl. oz. per acre may be necessary if infestations of this weed are heavy or to control later germinating plants such as those emerging from buried ears.

·Use 12 to 16 fl. oz. per acre when tankmixing with broadleaf herbicides in soybeans. Use the 16 fl. oz. rate when under conditions of low soil moisture or low humidity or when weeds have reached the maximum recommended grov.th stage. Page 15 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS1i:J4B.RSJ - RS-040792J


REGION t3 Ht_ No. of Leaves Not Rate(s} Annual Grass Species1 (In.) to Exceed flo ovA Barnyardgrass2 1-2 3 24 Canarygrass, littleseed3 24 4 24 Crabgrass, Large3 1-2 3 24 Crabgrass, Smooth3l4 1-2 4 24 Johnsongrass, seedling 2-4 3 16 Junglerice3 2-3 3 24 Panicums 3l Fall PaniGum • 2-6 6 24 Texas Panicum3l4 8 8 2.4 Rabbitfootgrass3 2-4 4 24 Volunteer Cereals I V. Barley 2-4 3 24 3 i V. Com 12-18 6 24 V. Milo 2·4 4 24 V. Oats 2-4 3 24 V. Wheat 2-4 3 24 Wild Oats' 2-4 4 24

'Retreatment at the recommended rate may be needed to control late genninating grasses or if regrowth occurs. 'Use 48 oz. In Califomia and Arizona. 3Not labeled for control of this species in Arizona and California. 4Recommended for use in Colorado, Ok.lahoma, and Texas on these species. Page 16 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSJ - RS·040792J


Bermudagrass 115 1st 4-8 24 oz. (runner length)

2nd 4-8 16 oz. Quackgras?" 1st 6-10 24 oz. up to 2nd 10 in. 16 oz.

Rhizome johnsongrass"'" 1st 8-18 240z" 2nd 6-12 16 oz. Wirestem muhly516 lsV2nd 4-12 24 oz.

1 Make second application to Bermudagrass if regrowth occurs (usually about 4 weeks after firs! application). Bermudagrass control may be improved by directing the spray beneath the crop canopy. To improve coverage, make applications in a minimum of 15 gallons per acre.

£ Make second application 2-3 weeks after the first, but before the Quackgrass exceeds 10 inches in height. Always use 1% v/v crop oil concentrate. In no-till soybeans, a preplant application of GRAMOXONE EXTRA herbicide is recommended. Spot treatment is not recommended.

3 Make first application before the boot stage. In eastern Oklahorr,a, the Brazos Bott>Jms, the Blacklands, Coastal Bend and Rio Grar.de areas of eastem Texas, make the first application at 8-12 inches. If new shoots emerge or regrowth occurs, make a second application at 4-6 inches.

• This rate of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide/acre can be reduced to 16 oz. for control of johnsongrass under the following conditions:

• The directions in (3) above are followed. • Application under f,worable soil moisture and humidity conditions, normally within a few days after rainfall or irrigation. Avoid extreme air temperatures. • Application in highly competillve crop stands such as narrow row or drilled soybeans, or where cultivation is planned • Application to light or moderate weed denSities. • Application with 1% v/v crop oil concentrate only. • Application alone, avoiding tank·mixes with other pesticides.

, Make second application if regrowth occurs.

fi Rates of F USILAOE 2000 herbicide should be increased to 48 oz. for the first appli-::a'IOJ' and 32 oz. for the second application when applied in sodded orchards. ' T/J"J{ I i ;~} Page 170157 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSJ - RS-040792J - COlTON, SOYBEANS, AND OTHER REGISTf.RED CROPS (EXCEPT COFFEE) FUSILADE 2000 HERBICIDE PERENNIAL GRASS CONTROL USE RATE TABLE REGION B For best results, apply FUSILADE 2000 3 days before to 7 days after irrigation_ Ht_ Rate Grass Species Application (In_) fI_ oziA

8ermudagrass 1/2 1st 4-8 32-48 (runner length)

2nd 4-8 32-48

3l 5 Rhizome johnsongrass • 1st 12-18 32-48 2nd 12-1 B 32-485 -

1 Make second application to Bermudagrass if regrowth occurs. (Usually about 4 weeks after first application.) Bermudagrass control may be improved by directing the spray beneath the crop canopy. To improve coverage, make applications in a minimum of 20 gallons per acre. In soybeans, do not apply more than 64 oz. in one season.

2 In Colorado, Oklahoma (west d Interstate 35), and Texas (west of Interstate 35) under good soil moisture and favorable growing conditions, make applications 3t reduced rates of 24-32 fl. oz.lA.

3 Make lirst application belore the boot stage. If new shoots emerge or regrowth occurs, make a second application. (Usually about 4 weeks after the lirst application.) In soybeans, do not apply more than 64 oz. in one season.

• In Colorado, Oklahoma (west of Interstate 35) and Texas (west of Interstate 35) under good soil moisture and favorable growing conditions, make the first application to 8-18 inch johnsongrass at a reduced rate of 24 II. ozs.fA. Make the second application to 6-12 inch johnsongrass at a rate 0124 fl. ozs'/A.

5 FOR CALIFORNIA ONLY, make first application to Johnsongrass at 32 11. oliA; and second <.pplication at 24-32 11 oliA. ~', .)J , Ii)!.., Page 18 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSJ - RS-040792J


Annual Grass Species Make applications when grasses are 2-8 inches tall, but before tillering and/or heading.

Barnyardgrass Prairie cupgrass Broadleaf signalgrass Red Rice Crabgrass, large ShattercanelWildcaneNolunteer milo Crabgrass, smooth Sorghum almum Crabgrass, southern Southern sandbur Crabgrass, tropical SOlithwestem cupgrass Fall panicum Texas panicum Field sanabur Volunteer barley Foxtail, giant Volunteer corn Foxtail, green Volunteer oats Foxtail, yellow Volunteer rye Goosegrass Volunteer wheat Guineagrass, seedling Wild oats Itchgrass Wild proso millet Italiar. ryegrass Witchgrass Johnsongrass, seedling Woolly cupgrass Junglerice


Perennial Grass Species Growth Stage

Bermudagrass 4-8" runners Kikuyugrass 4-8" runners Quackgrass 6-10" Rhizome johnsongrass 8-18" tall and before boot stage Wirestem riluhly 4-12" tall and before seedhead initiation -, ,.. I IT j Page 19 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSJ - RS-040792J


See Tables 1 and 2 for Tankmix Application Rate Table.

Fill the spray tank with half the amount of required water a.,d add the recommended amounts of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide, an appropriate broadleaf herbicide, and proper rate of approved adjuvant while the agitator is running, and then add the remaining quantity of water.

NOTE: Tankmix applications sometimes have resulted in reduced grass weed control and possible increases in crop injury as compared to either product used alone. If grass regrowth occurs following an application of the tankmix or an additional flush of grasses er,lerge, make a second application of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide to actively growing grass weeds, as per the label recommendations. When perennial grasses are the predominant grass to be controlled, a tankmix is not recommended. Follow the directions for sequential applications of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and the appropriate broadleaf herbicide.


Refer to the REFLEX 2LC herbicide Label Use Map for specific state/county recommendations. Refer to the Application Rate Tables for recommendations by weed species and growth stage.

A maximum of 1}':2 pints per acre of REFLEX 2LC herbicide may be applied Der growing season for soybeans in Re(;ion 1. A maximum of 114 pmts of REFLEX 2LC herbicide per acre may be applied in alternate years in Region 2. A maximum of 1 pint REFLEX 2LC herbicide per acre may be applied in alternate years in Region 3. A maximum of 1Y1 pints of REFLEX 2LC herbicide may be applied per acre in alternate years in Region 4. (Do not r:1ake more than one application per growing season.)

(REFLEX 2LC Regional Use Map)

"REFLEX 2LC herbicide is not registered for use in California, Connecticut or Florida. Page 20 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS1048.RSJ - RS-040792J

FUSILADE 2000 herb;cide and REFLEX 2LC herbicide may be used together in a posteme'gence program for broad-spectrum weed control in soybeans.

FUSILAOE 2000 herbicide and REFLEX 2LC herbicide may be applied sequentially or in a tanKmix. The growlh st<'S::: of weeds at the time of application will determine which method of application will provide the most satisfactory results.

Both FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and REFLEX 2LC herbicide should be applied to actively growing weeds. Do not apply either herbicide if weeds appear st.essed due to unfavorable temperatures, drought and/or low soil fertility. Do not apply REFLEX 2LC herbicide or FUSILADE 2000 herbicide Ie· lkmix if soybeans show injury from prior herbicide applications.

METHOD 1: Sequential Application - FUSILADE 2000 Herbicide - Followed by REFlEX 2LC Herbicide

(Annual and/or perennial grass weeds at proper growth stage for treatment, prior to broadleaf weed treatment.)

Apply FUSILADE 2000 herbicide with an approved adjuvant to annual and/or perennial grass weeds at the recommended rate and growlh stage listed in the APPLICATION DIRECTIONS S[CTION.

FUSILADE 2000 Iwrbicide is a systemic herbicide; therefore, when treating annual grasses, allow at leas: 3 d,.;s, ar,d when treating perennl~d grasses, allow at least 5 days to elapse prior to a REFLEX 2LC application. This wi'l enable FUSILADE 2000 herbicide to be adequilte!y translocated to the mer;siematic regions of the plant.

After the appropriate t,rne inter,al has elapsed, apply REFLEX 2LC with an approved adjuvant at the recorilmsnded rate to suscepj;ble broadleaf weeds as outlined on the REFLEX 2LC label.

ME THOD 2 Sequential Application - REFLEX 2LC Herbicide Followe'· by FUS!LADE 2000 Herbicide

(Broddleaf weeds at proper growth stage for treatments, prior to annual and/or perennial grass weed treatment.)

App!y REFLEX 2LC with an approved ildJuvant to slJsceptible brJadleaf weeds at the rocommendod rate and qrowlh slar]C

A sequ(:ntial application of FUSILADE 2000 ilerbicide may be ilflplied foll[)w;"~ a REFLEX 21.C application wh,n grasses resur:le active grO'h1h W;U, Ihe development of a new leaf. tollow the rcr:ornnwndeLi rales Emd growth stages listed If) the APPLICATION DIREC Tl0~IS Sf .T'fJtJ ior th" ~l',ISS wreds beir:q treeted. ., , Page 21 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSJ - RS-040792J

METHOD 3: Tankmix Applications - FUSILADE 2000 Herbicide and REFLEX 2lC Herbicide

(Annual grasses and broadleaf weeds are at the proper stage of growth for treatment, as per respective labels_)

A tankmix of FUSILADE 2000 and REFLEX 2LC herbicides may be applied at the recommended rates and growth stages to susceptible annual grass and broadleaf weed species in a manner consistent with respective labels.

Use a nOnionic surfactant or crop oil concentrate in the tankmix. Follow water volume an~ spray pressure rP.commendations, as per the REFLEX 2LC label.



FUSILADE 2000 herbocide and BASAGRAN herbicide may be used together in a postemergence program for broad-spectrum weed control in soybeans.

FUSILADE 20()0 herbicide and BASAGRAN herbicide may be applied sequentially or in tankmix. The growth stage of weeds at the time of application will determine which method of application will provide the most satisfactory results.

Both FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and BASAGRAN herbicide should be applied to actively growing weeds. Do not apply 8ASAGRAN herbicide or FUSILADE 2000/BASAGRAN herbicide tankmix If soybeans show injury from prior herbicide applications. Read and observe all applicable 'abel directions and limitations for both FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and BASAGRAN herbicide before uSing

METHOD 1: Sequential Application - FUSILADE 2000 Herbicide Followed by BASAGRAN Herbicide

(Annual and/or perennial grass weeds al proper growth stage for treatment, prior to broadleaf weed treatment.)

Apply FUSll~ADE 2001) herbicide and all approved aUJuvant to annual and/or perennial grass weeds at the recommended rates ancJ growth stages 11:,t<::d in the APPliCATION DIRECTIONS SECTION of thiS label. Followillg the FUSILADE 20')0 herbicide application, allow at least 24 hOllrs to elapse prior to a BASAGR/IN appiication Thi:; will !:nable FUSILADE 2000 herbicido \0 be adequately translocated to the menstematic regions of the planl Apply BASAGRAN \0 susceptible broad leaf weeds according to the BASAGRAN lab!:1.

MeTHOD 2: Sequential Application - BASAGRAN Herbicide Followed bl rUSII.:AqE 2000 Herbicide

(Broadlcaf weeds at proper growth stage for treatment, prior to annual dnd/or ~u0nnial grass weed treatment.) Page 22 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS 104B.RSJ - RS-040792J

Apply BASAGRAN to susceptible broadleaf weeds at the recommended rate and groW1h stage according to the BASAGRAN label. A sequential application of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide mdY be applied 24 hours after a BASAGRAN application following the recommended rates and growl!'. stages in the APPLICATION DIRECTIONS SECTION of this label for the grass weeds being treated.

METHOD 3: Tankmix Applications - FUSILADE 2000 Herbicide and BASAGRAN Herbicide

(Annual grasses and broadleaf weeds are at the proper stage of growth for treatment, as per respective labels.)

A tankmix of FUSILADE 2000 and BASAGRAN herbicides may be applied at the recommended groW1h stages to susceptible annual grass and broad leaf weed species in a manrer consis!ent with respective labels.

Use only a crop oil concentrate in the tankmix. Follow water volume and spray pressure recommendations, as per the BASAGRAN label. This tankmix can be applied by ground or aerial application.



Refer to REFLEX 2LC Herbicide Regional Usc Map on page __.'

FUSILADE 2000 herbicide, REFLEX 2LC herbicide and BASAGRAN herbicide may be used together in a tankmix as a postemergence program for broad spectrum weed control in soybeans. The tankmix should be applied at the recommended rates and gro Ah stages to susceptible annual grass and broadleaf weed species in a manner consistent wit respective labels.

The FUSILADE 2000/REFLEX 2LC/BASAGRAN herbicide lankmix should be applied to actively growing weeds. Do not apply this tankmix if weeds are stressed due to unfavorable temperatures. drought and/or low soil fertility. Do not apply the FUSILADE 2000/REFLEX 2LC/BASAGRAN t'erbicide tank mix if soybeans show injury from pnor hprbicidr: arplications

Usc a non Ionic suricctant or cror oil concentrate. Apply in ;, minifY'llm nf 1,) 'lallOn5 per acre of spray mixture With 5pray pressures of 40-60 PSI at the nozzle tip.


FUSILADE 2000 herbicide ana BLAZER or TACKLE herbicide may bf IJSf'd tog(ther In a postemergence program for brQad spectrum weed control in soybeans.

FUSILADE 2000 heltJiclde and BLAZER or TACKLE herbicide may h!: applkd ~equentlilily or in a tankmix. The Urowlh staqe of weeds at the time of application will cletermir.C' which mrt'lOd of apr1ir:ation will pr()vidr: th!: m()~,t ';atlsfactory rpsult~; Page 23 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSJ - RS-040792J

Both FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and BLAZER or TACKLE herbicide should be applied to actively growing weeds. Do not apply either herbicide if weeds appear stressed due to unfavorable temperatures, drought and/or low soil fertility. Do not apply BLAZER or TACKLE herbicide and FUSILADE 2000 herbicide as a lankmix if soybeans show injury from prior herbicide applications.

""TACKLE herbicide is not registered for use in Califomia.

METHOD 1: Sequential Application· FUSILADE 2000 Herbicide Followed by BLAZER or TACKLE Herbicide

(Annual and/or perennial grass weeds at proper growth stage for treatment, prior to broad leaf weed treatment.)

Apply FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and an approved adjuvant to annual and/or perennial grass weeds at the recommended rate and growth stage listed in the APPLICATION DIRECTIONS SECTION.

FUSILADE 2000 herbicide is a systemic herbicide, therefore when treating annual grasses allow at least 3 days, and when treating perennial grasses allow at least 5 days to elapse prior to a BLAZER or TACKLE herbicide application. This will enable FUSILADE 2000 herbicide to be adequately translocated 10 the meristematic regions of the plant.

After the appropriate time interval has elapsed, apply BLAZER or TACKLE with an approved non ionic surfactant to susceptible broad leaf weeds according to the BLAZER or TACKLE label.

METHOD 2' Sequelltial Application • BLAZER or TACKLE Herbicide Followed by FUSILADE 2000 Herbicide

(Broadleaf weeds at proper growth stage for treatment, prior to annual and/or perennial grass weed treatment.)

Apply BLAZER or TACKLE with an approved nor110nic suriactant to susceptible broadleaf w,"eds at thr: recommended lale and growth sta(Jf~

A soqucntlal applica!:rm of FUSILADE 2000 herblcldo may be applied followin\) a BLAZER or TA,CKLE application when grasses resume active growth With the development of a new leaf. Follow the recommended rates and gro\\Jl stagc~; in thc APPLICATION DiRECTIONS SECTION for the C)ra',', wceds being treatr:d.

M[THOD 3 Tankmix Applications - FUSILADE 2000 Herbicide and BLAZER or TACKLE Herbicide

(Annual grasses and broact:eaf weeds are at the proper stage of grow·h fOI treatment, as per respective labels.) . .

A tankmix of FUSILADE 2uOO hNiJicidr and BLAZER or TACKLE rna:' 1J0 appli!)'i "f Ihr rpwmmcnded rates ilnd growth stilges to slJsccrtiblp annual nrass and broilcleCl: weed s,wcirs 111 it lTl;ilH1('r ceHl';rstrnt with resprctivr l

Follow water volume and spray pressure recommendations as per the BLAZER or TACKLE label. For BLAZER, use only an approved nonionic surfactant in the tankmix. For TACKLE, use an approved nonionic surfactant or crop oil concp-ntrate. This tankmix can be applied by ground or aerial application.



Sequential Application - FUSILADE 2000 Herbicide Followed by CLASSIC Herbicide

FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and CLASSIC heibicide may be applied sequentially in a postemergence program for broarl-spectrum weed control in soybeans.

Sequential applications can only be made by applying FUSILADE 2000 herbicide first followed by CLASSIC herbicide. Use of this sequential application is appropriate when annual and/or perennial grass weeds are at the proper growth stage for treatment, prior to broadleaf weed treatment. Both FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and CLASSIC herbicide should be applied to actively growing weeds at the proper growth stage. Do not apply either herbicide if weeds appear to be stressed due to unfavorable temperatures, drought, water saturated soil, and/or low soil fertility.

Apply FIJSILADE 2000 herbicide with an approved adjuvant to anr.~als and/or perennial grass weeds at the recommended rate &I1d growth stage listed in the APPLICATION DIRECTIONS SECTION of the label for FUSILADE 2000 herbicide.

FUSI LADE 2000 herbicide is a systemic herbicide, therefore, when treating grasses, aliow at least 7 days to elapse prior to an application of CLASSIC herbicide. This wil! enable FUSILADE 2000 herbicide to be adequately translocated to meristemic regions of the plant.

After the appropriate time Interval has elapsed, apply CLASSIC herbicid' with an approved adjuvant at the recommended rate to susceptible broadleaf wei'd as outlined on the label for CLASSIC herbicide.

Tankmix Applic.;ations - FUSILADE 2000 Herbicide and CLASSIC Herbicide

FUSiLADE 2000 herbiCide and CLASSIC herbiCide may be applied together In il. tankmlx in a postemergence program for control of volunteer com, shattercane and broadleaf weeds at the proper growth stdges for treatment listed on the respective rroducl labels.

The FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and CLASSIC herbicide tankmlx should be applied 10 aclively growing weeds. Refer to Ihe FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and CLASSIC herbicide labels for defined environmental conditions Ihat promote active growth.

Do not apply the lankmix if soybeans show injury from prior herbicide app.icatifJns.

Read and carefully observe all aprlicable directions, restrictions and precau;;vnary slol,~,nents on the FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and CLASSIC herbicide labels before USlf'O Page 25 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSJ - RS-040792J

In Region A, FUSI LADE 2000 herbicide should be added to the tankmix at 12 to 16 ozs. per acre. The 16 oz. rate may be necessary under conditions of low humidity and low soil moisture and should be used when volunteer com and/or shattercane foliage is dense or has reached the maximum recommended growth stage.

In Region B, FUSILADE 2000 herbicide should be added to the tr.'1kmix at 24 ozs. per acre.

CLASSIC herbicide should be added to the tankmix at the recommended rates for broadleaf weed growth stages described on the CLASSIC herbicide label.

Always add an approved non-ionic surfactant at a rate of 1/2 pint 125 gallons (0.25% v/v) of water or an approved crop oil concentrate at 1 Quart 1 25 gallons (1 % v/v) of water.



Tankmix Applications - FUSILADE 2000 Herbicide and PURSUIT Herbicide - Soybeans Only - (Region A Only)

FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and PURSUIT herbicide may be applied together In a tankmix in a post emergence program (Region A only) for control of volunteer corn, shattercane and broadleaf weeds at the rroper growth stages for treatment listed on the respective product labels.

The FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and PURSUIT herbicide tankmix should be applied to actively growing weeds Refer to the FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and PURSUIT herbicide labels for environmr:ntal conditions that promote active grov.1h

Do nut apply the tilnkmix if soybeans show injury from pnor herbicide appllca!lons.

Rr:ad and carelully observe all applicable dlrecliorls. restrictions and precautionary statemC'nts on th(~ FUSILADE 2000 hr:rblcldr: and PUf,SUIT herblcldr' labr:ls br'fore using.

FloSILADE:: 2000 herbicide should be added to the tankmlx at 12 to 16 alS. per acre. 'P1l: 1601 ratr may br' necc::osary under conditions of low humidity and low soli mOisture and should be IX,0'CJ Wti['ll vollJntnr:r c()rn ;wri/or <:hattercane 101la9P IS riens" or has reached the maXlmlim r[!Ciif11menoJl'ci (Jlu'tith stClfj['

PUHSUI r helblclde should be added to tile lanknllx at the recornrnenejpd rates fur tJluacJleal w[>('d growth sta~jCs descnbed on the PURSUIT herbicide label.

Always add an adjuvant ( approved nonionic surfactant or crop oil CO[f~ei!~r('.te ) anc' Ilqlliri fertilizer to the spray mixture. Refer to the PURSUIT herbicide label for aririitivf' ralc"




FUS'LAOE 2000 + 24 II. oz.lA 1 te 1'i, pis.!A REFLEX 2LC

FliSILADE 2000 + 24 II. oz'/A , y, to 2 pts)A 8ASAGRAN

FUSILADE 2000 + 24 II. ez.!A 1Yz to 3 plsJA BLAZER I r-- FUSILADE; 2000 + 24 II. oz.lA , l7 te 3 pIs)! TACKLE

FUSILADE 2000 + 24 II. oz.!A , 10 1\\ ptsJA 1 y, t? 2 pts.lA REFLEX 2LC + BASAGRA.N I

To:!SlW lh'3 recarnmAndAd rate and growth stages for 1he grass ~nd broadlo:]f woods on 1MB respec11v8 13befs. ~n':'~~I'!n A - t~!l st~'AS e)(c~pt the areas of ArilOf1<1, CallfDrnia, Colorado, Hawaii, New Mox!co, Wo!:.! Okiahom,'1. ~V8St Texas, and Ut8;h as Ol...:t ]ne'oi ~,) n,rJTEX 2LC label for maximum use ra'e for Sp'3crll~d gl?ngraphlc rf:l9!ons .....------

Page 27 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSJ - RS-040792J




FUSILADE 2000 .. 24· 48 fl. oz'/A l-1i2 to 3 ptsJA 0.25 - 0.5% N'S BLAZER DO NOT USE COC WITH THIS MIXTURE

FUSILADE 2000 .. 24 - 48 fl. oz./A 1-112 to 3 ptsJA 0.5 - 1% COC TACKLE 0.25 - 0.5% NIS "'""' ~ 'Follow the recommended rata and growth stages for the grass and broadleaf weeds on the respoctivo labe:s. 'Region B . For the areas of Afllona. Calrtornia. Colorado. Hawaii. New Mexico. West Oklahoma. W%t Texas, and Utah as outlined in the "Directions for Usc· section, 'Not registered in Calrtornia for tankmix with tris product. For improved annual and perennial grass control, a tankmix 01 FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and WHIP 1EC herbicide may be applied at the recommended rates and growth stages listed in this. FUSILADE 2000 herbicide should be applied at 9.0 - 20.0 fl. oz. per acre and WHIP 1 EC herbicide should be applied at 6.5 - 12.8 II. oz. per acre depending on weed species and size as listed on the chart below.

For all ground applications, use crop oil concentrate in the tankmix at 1% v/v (1 quart per 25 gallons of spray solution). For aerial applications, use crop oil concentrate at 1 pint per acre.

Tankmixes for Control of Brcadleaf Weeds

The tankmix of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and WHIP 1EC herbicide may be applied in combination wilh REFLEX 2LC', BASAGRAN, or BLAZER herbicides as described on the FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and WHIP 1EC helbicide labels. If there are differences in labeling, the most restrictive labeling applies. DO NOT tankmix with REFLEX 2LC, BASAGRAN or BLAZER herbicides when rhizome Johnsongrass is the predominant grassy weed problem.

"Refer to REFLEX 2LC Herbicide Regional Use Map on page __.'


Tankmix Applications - FUSILADE 2000 Herbicide and Bugle Herbicide

Before using these products, read and carefully observe all applicable directions, restrictions. and precautionary statements on the EPA-approved FUSILADE 2000 herbicide container ;~1L";i and the Bugle herbicide container label.

For improved control of annual grass"~, a lankmix of FUSlLADE 2000 herbicidcl and Bugle herbic:de may be applied. When using this tankmix combination, apply FUSlLAC'F ~OOO herbi;::ide at a rate of 12.0 fluid ounces per acre and Bugle herbicide Rt a rate of 8.2 fluid 0unces per acre. Refer to the FUSILADE herbicide label for the recommended growth stage of the annual grass species for proper timing of application.

For all ground applications, use crop oil concentrate in tha tankmix at 1% v/v (1 quart per 25 gallons of spray solution). For aerial applications, use crop oil concentrat~ .at. l.pint p.E:lf aere.

DO NOT apply this product through any type of irrigation system. Page 29 of 57 (( 'j../- I! ;;; FUSILADE 2000 600klet FUS 1 04B.RSJ - RE>040792J


FUSILADE 2000 WHIP 1EC ANNUAL GRASS SPEClES Height RateJA RateJA (Inches) (II, oz.) (11. oz.)

Barnyardgrass 2-3 12-20 6.5'12.8

Broadlea! Signalgrass 2-4 12-16 6.5-12.8

Crabgrass Large 1-2 12-20 6.5-12.8 Smoo!h 1-2 12-20 6.5-12.8 Southern 1-2 12-20 6.5-12.8 Tropical 1-2 12-20 6.5-12.8

Downy Brome 2-6 12-16 6.5-9.5

Fall PaniculTl 2-6 12-16 6.5-9.5

Field Sandbur 2-4 12-16 6.5-9.5

Foxtails Giant 2·6 9-16 6.5-9.5 Green 2·6 9-16 6.5-9.5 Yellow 2-4 9-20 6.5-9.5

Goosegrass 2·4 12·16 6.5'12.8

Italian Ryegrass 2-4 12-16 65·9.5

Itchgrass 4-24 12-16 6.5·9.5

Johnsongrass, Seedling 5·10 9-12 6.5-8.5

JlInglerice 2-3 12·16 6.5'12.8

Red Rice .5-1 12-16 6.5-9.5

Shartercane 6-12 9-12 6.5·9.5

Sorghum Almurn 6-12 12-16 6.5-9.5

Southern Sandbur 2-6 12-16 6.5-9.5 f-. Texas Pan!cum 2-e 12·16 6.5-9.5

Volunteer Cereals Barley 2-6 12-16 6.5-9.5 Corn 12-24 9-12 6.5-9.5 Milo 6·12 12·16 6.5-9.5 Oals 2-6 12·16 6.5-9.5 Rye 2-6 12-16 6.5-9.5 Wheat 2·6 12-16 6.5-9.5 • i Wild Proso M,lIet 4·8 9·16 --. f.5·12.8' : Wrtchgrass 2·4 12·16 .; 5·9.5 . ----- ~---'- Wild Oals 2·6 12·16 - 3.5'9.5 Wooly Cupgrass . 2-4 9·16 ---_._--t\~·12.B PERENrllAL GRASS SPECIES Rhizome Johnsongrass 1?·1 B 12-24 (;.5-9.5 ' .. - .= I ' , \..,L , Page 30 of 57 /' FUSllADE 2000 Booklet FUS 1048.RSJ - RS-040792J


• Always read and follow the restrictions and limitations for all products whether used alone or in a tankmix. The most restrictive labeiing of any product used applies in tankmlxtures.

• Do not apply less than 24 fl. oz.lA FUSILA.DE 2000 herbicide in a tankmix with broadleaf herbicides in soybeans, except as specified on this label.

• Do not apply tankmixes if rain is threatening. REFLEX herbicide requires a 4-hour rain-free period; TACKLE herbicide requires a 4-6 hour rain-free period; BLAZER herbicide requires a 6 hour rain-free period; and BASAGF:AN herbicide requires an a-hour rain-free period for best results.

• Do not apply a total of more than 2 quarts of BASAGRAN herbicide per acre in one season to soybeans.

• A maximum of 1.5 pint~ per acre of REFLEX 2l.C herbicide may be applied per growing season for soybeans in Region 1. A maximum of 1.25 pints of REFLEX 2LC per acre may be applied in alternate years in 8egion 2. A maximum of 1.0 pints REFLEX 2LC per acre may be applied in altemate years in Region 3. A maximum of 1-1/2 pints of REFLEX 2LC may be applied per acre in alternate years in Region 4. (Do not make more than one application of REFLEX 2LC per growing season.)

• Apply REFLEX 2LC herbicide before soybeans bloom.

• Do not apply more than 4 pints (1.0 lb. active) per acre of BLAZER herbicide per growing season for soybeans.

• Do not apply BLAZER or TACKLE herbicide within 50 days of harvest for soybeans.

• Do not apply more than 3 pints per acre of TACKLE per growing season.

• Do not aaply more than 1 oz. of CLASSIC per acre per season.

• Make the last application of CLASSIC to soybeans 60 days before soybean !TIaturity.

• In the case of crop failure, only soybeans may be immediately replanted foHcwing use of BASAGRAN, BLAZER, REFLEX and TACKLE.

• Do not make more than one application of the FUSILADE 2000/REFLEX 2LC; FUSILADE. 2000/BASAGRAN; FUSILADE 200o/BLAZER; FUSILADE 2000ITACKLE or FUSILADE 2000lREFLEXIBASAGRAN tankmix in a single season.

• Do riot make sequential or tankmix applications of any of these herbicide~; i: :1 ,I! wee~5 appear stressed due to unfavorabl8 temperatures, drought and/or low soil krtiliiy. J - - I Page 31 of 57 /}-:-. ' .) FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSJ - RS-040792J



FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and AMBUSH, CYMBUSH 3E, BYDRIN 8, OR CYGON 400 insecticides may be used in a tankmix when required according :0 the weed and insect problems present. Apply FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and an approved adjuvant to actively growing annual and perennial grasses at the recommended rate and growth stage listed in the APPLICATION DIRECTIONS SECTION of the FUSILADE 2000 herbicide label. Apply AMBUSH, CYMBUSH 3E, BYDRIN 8, or CYGON 400 as per label recommendations for insect control based on scouting reports. Subsequent applications of AMBUSH, CYMBUSH 3E, BYDRIN 8 or CYGON 400 may be required at intervals of 5 to 7 days for insect control. Regrowth or subsequent emergence of grasses may require treatment accNding to rate and growth stage recommendations on the FUSILADE 2COO herbicide label.

Use of crop oil concentrate or a nonionic surfactant as indicated in the APPLICATION DIRECTIONS SECTION of this label is required in the tanl(.'nix.

Lead the spray tank with haif the amount of required water and add the recommended amoun!s of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide and AMBUSH, CYMBUSH 3E, BYORIN e, or CYGOr-.; 400 insecticide while the agitator is running. Add crop oil concentrate or nonionic surfactant and the remaining quantity of water and mix thoroughly. Page 32 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Bcoklet FUS104B.RSJ - RS-040792J



FUSILALJL: ~ooo + , "-24 fl. oz'/A 0.4-0.8 pt./A AMBUSH - FUSILADE 2000 + , 2-24 fl. oz'/A 0.15-0.27 ptJA CYMBUSH 3E (0.06-0.1 Ibs. aVA) - FUSILADE 2000 + , 2-24 II. oz'/A 0.25-0.5 pt./A CYGON 400 - FUSILA.DE 2000 + , 2-24 II. oz'/A 0.' -0.5 pt.lA BIDrilN A

'Follow lhe recommended rate and growth stages for the grass and targe: ,~see.t pests on the respective iab




FUSILADE 2000 + 16-48 II. oz'!A 0.4-0.8 pt./A 0.5 - 1% COC AMBUSH 0.25% NIS

FUSILADE 2000 + 16-48 II. oz.!A 0.16·0.27 ptJA 0.5 - 1% COC CYMBUSH 3E 0.25% NIS

FUSILADE 2000 + 16·48 II. oz.lA 0.25-0.5 pt./A 0.5 - 1% COC CYGON 400 0.25% NIS

FUSILADE 2000 + 16·48 II. oz.lA 0.' -0.5 pt./A 0.5 - 1% COC BIDF11N a 0.25% NIS

'Follow the recommended rate and growth stages 10~ the grass and target insect pests on the respective labals. 'Reg;on B . For the areas of Arizona, California, Co:orado, Ha'¥aii, New Mexico, West Oklahoma, Wast Te)(as, and Utah as outlined In the 'Directions for Use" Section. III Q lell""I"'. lilt:: IIIU::i1 1t:::illl~UVt: I

• For additional precautions, restrictions, limitations, and sprayer clean-up information, refer to the appropriate sections in the respective labels.

• Do not apply a total of more than 12 pints (3 Ibs. ai/acre) of AMBUSH per acre per season.

• Do not apply a total of more than 1.0 lb. ai/A of CYMBUSH 3E per acre per season.

• Do not apply a total of mo~e than (3 applications) of Bidrin 8 per acre per season.

• Do not apply more than 2 applications of Cygon 400 at the higher rate (0.5 pinVA) per season.

• Bidrin 8 may not be app!ied within 30 days of harvest.

• Repeat application of Cygon 400 should not be made at intervals closer than 14 days.

• Automatic flagging devices should be used wh"n possible whenever Bidrin 8 is used.

• Do not enter area treated with Bidrin 8 for 48 hours unless appropriate clothing is wom.

• Oral or written wamings must be given workers who are expected to enter a treated area or area about to be treated with Bidrin 8. Oral wamings must be in language customarily understood by workers.

• When applying Cygon 400, if automatic flagging is not possible, then the human flagger must wear protective clothing and respirator as specified on the Cygan 400 label, ------_._------

Page 35 of 57 1- r)/ ,I '.J FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSJ - RS-040792J


FUSILADE 2000 herbicide can be used to control annual and perennial grass weeds in fallow land; in nonbearing groves, orchards or vineyards, during site preparation prior to transplanting; on tree fanns .. and in many newly transplanted and established nongrassy omamentals, trees, shrubs and ground covers and in noncrop areas. Noncrop areas include airports: electric transfonner stations and sub-stations, pipeline pumping stations, around buildings, storage yards, fence lines, parkways, roadsides, rights-of-way, and other noncropland areas. See the following tables for specific recommended uses.

GENERAL USE PRECAUTIONS FOR NONFOOD USES Not for use or storage in or around the home.

• Apply FUSILADE 2000 herbicide to actively growing grasses before they exceed the recommended growth stages in the following Tables.

• Spray to obtain thorough coverage of grass foliage, but not to runoff. Repeat treatments may be necessary to provide full season control.

• Use standard pesticide hollow cone or flat fan nozzles.

• Apply FUSILADE 2000 herbicide when the first grass species in a mixed grass weed population reaches the recommended growth stage for treatment.

• Do not apply FUSILADE 20(/) herbicide to grasses which are stressed due to moisture, temperature, low soil fertility, mechanical or chemical injury.

• Do not apply to grasses which have tiIIered, formed seed heads, or exceeded recommended growth stages.

• When treating nonbearing trees and vines, avoid contact of spray with foliage by using directed sprays.

• Do not apply to foliage of ornamental trees, shrubs, or ground covers unless they are listed in Table I of the omamental section of this label.

• Do not apply to trees, vines, omamentals, or other listed crops that will be harvested for food within one year after application.

• Do not apply to a<;paragus from which spears will be harvested within 1 year of treatment Refer to page for use directions for applications to asparagus that will be harvested within 1 year. •

• Do not graze or harvest Florigraze perennial peanuts for 1 year after treatment.

• Do not plant rotational grass crops such as corn, sorghum and cereals withill 60 days arter the last application of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide.

'Use of FUSII..ADE 2000 herbicide on tree fanns is not registered for lise in California Page 36 of 57 J ··!f!i ,) FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS1048,RSJ - RS-040792J


Apply 32-48 oz, per acre of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide along with 1% crop oil concentrate (2 pints per 25 gallons) or 0,25% (112 pint per 25 gallons) of a nonionic surfactant to annual and perennial grasses al the recommended growth stages in the following tables,


Make applications when grasses are 2-8 inches tall, but before tillering andlor heading,

Bamyardgrass Prairie cupgrass Broadleaf signalgrass Red Rice Crabgrass, large Shattercane/WildcaneNolunteer milo Crabgrass, smooth Sorghum almum Crabgrass, southem Southem sandbur Crabgrass, tropical Southwestem cupgrass Fall panicum Texas panicum Field sandbur Volunteer barley Foxtail, gi"l'lt Volunteer com Foxtail, gre;m Volunteer oats Foxtail, yellow Volunteer rye Goosegrass Volunteer wheat Guineagrass, seedling Wild Oats Itchgrass Wild proso millet Italian ryegrass Witchgrass Johnsongrass, seedling Woolly cupgrass Junglerice


Perennial Grass Species Growth Stage

Bermudagrass 4-8" runners GlJineagrass 6-12" tall before seed head initiation Kikuyugrass· 4-8" runners Quackgrass 6-10" Rhizome johnsongrass 8-18" tall and before boot stage Torpedograss •• 3-6" tall (1st applicat:on) 2-3" tall (subsequent application) Wirestem muhly 4-12" tall and before seed head initiation

• Nol Registered in Calilomia lor use on tl1is species. ··Use 48 II. oz. p8r acre per application. Three applications may be needuJ. Page 37 of 57 --! br)/:-)) ,',y FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.ASJ - RS-040792J


Acerola (West Indian Cneny)* Lemons Almonds Limes Apples Macadamia Asparagus Mango· Avocados Olives Berries Oranges Conifers' Pears Christmas tree plantings Pineapple Nursery beds Pistachios Seedling establishment Pomegranates Tangelos Dates Tangerines Figs Walnuts Filberts Florigraze perennial peanuts' (Nursery stock only) GinsDnfj* Grapes Grapefruit Guava" Jojoba Kiwi"

"Not applicable in California.

..... ), . - ~ ) _-'.'; Page 38 of 57 ..\ FUSILAIJE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSJ - RS-040792J


Apply 32-48 07.. per acre of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide along with 0.25% (1/2 pint per 25 gallons) of a nonionic surfactant. DO NOT USE A CROP OIL CONCENTRATE WITH FUSILADE 2000 HERBICIDE ON "IRNAMENTALS. Refer to the weed tables in the ~allow land, Noncrop areas, and Nonbearing crops for recommended growth stages of grasses at application.

FUSILADE may be applied over-the-top or as a directed spray. Please refer to Table 1 for a list of ornamental species for which over-the-top application is appropriate. For species listed in Tables II-IV, directed spray applications are necessary to minimize phytotoxicity. However, there is the possibility of damage in the range listed for each table when applied at label rates.

NOTICE TO BUYER AND USER: It is impossible to test every species and variety or cultivar of ornamentaJ or nursery plants under all conditions. Plant tolerance of pesticides vary as condition!-' vary. Piant tolerance of FUSILADE 2000 herbicide at label rates has been found tfl oe acceptable within the ranges specified for the indicated genera and species. Np:tiler the manufacturer nor the seller has determined whether or not FUSILADE 2000 hert>!:::ide can safely be used on plants not specified on this label. The professional "sc' should determine if FUSILADE 2000 herbicide can be used safely prior to use. Paga 39 of 57 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSJ - RS-040792J


OVEn-THe-TOP APPLICATIONS may be applied to the following ornamentals: Use Only Nonionic Surfactant on Ornamentals.

Scientific Name Common NameNariety

Abelia grandiflora Glossy abelia Abies balsamea' Balsam fir Abies concolor Con color fir Abies procera Noble fir Acacia redolens Acacia ongerops Acacia salacina Willc,w-Ieafed acacia Acacia saligna Willow acacia Acacia schafnerii Jim wheat acacia Acacia stenophyl:a Shoe-string acacia Ace .. ginnala' Flame amur maple Acer palmatum Maple/japanese Acer platanoides Norway maple Acer saccharin.lm' Silver maple Acer saccharum Sugar maple Achillea filipendulina Coronation gold, femleaf yarrow Achillea millefolium Common yarrow Acrecastrum romanzoffianum Queen palm Agapanthus african us Peter pan lily of the Nile Agave americana Century plant Ageratum sp. Agl"noema commutatum Silver queen evergreen, Fransher evergreen Treubii ribbon evergreen Aglanoema crispum Painted evergreen Alcea rosea Hollyhock Allium schoenoprasum Chives Aloe barbadensis Barbados aloe Aloe vera Aloe zanzibarica Alyssum sp. Antirrhinum ma.ius' Snapdragon Yellow floral carpet Araucaria heterophylla Norfolk Island pine Arctostaphylos uva-u rsi Red bearberry Arctotheca calendula Cape weed Arenaria vema Sandwort Asparagus densillorus Sprengeri, Myres asparagus, Sprenger asparagus Astilbe x arendsii False spirea

'Not applicable in California. Page 40 of 57 '}J of iI h FlISILAUE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSJ - RS-040792J

Scientific Name Common NameNariety

Alliplex sp. Saltbrush Aucuba japonica Aucuba Aucuba japonica variegata Begonia Semperflorens cultoreum* Scartetta begonia Berberis mentorensis Mentor barbeny Berberis thllnbergii* Crimson pygym, Redleaf Japanese barbeny Betula pendula* Eastern white birch Bougainvillea sp. Raspbeny ice Buxus microphylla korean a Korean boxwood Buxus microphylla var. japonica Japanese boxwood Buxus sempervirens Welleri, Common boxwood Caesalpil1ia cacalaco Caesalpinia gilliesii Bird of p"lradise Calendula officinalis* Orange coronet Calendula sp. Mar.gold Callistemol1 lanceolatus Bottle-bnJsh Calluna vulgaris Scotch heather Camellia japonica Camellia Camellia sasanqua Sasanqua camem'l CampanLJla carpatica Bellflower Carissa grandiflora Natal plum Carissa tuttlei Camegiea gijantea Saguaro cactus Carpobrotus chilensis· Trailing hottentot-fig Cassia artemisioides Feathery cassia Cassia didymobotrya African cassia Cassia sturdii Celtis occidentalis· Hackbeny Centaurea cineraria Dusty miller Cerastium tomentosLJm Snow in summer Ceratonia siliqua Carob tree Cereis canadensis Red bud Chaenomeles speciosa* Flowering quince Chamaecyparis obtusa Cripps hinoki false cypress Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Allum lawson cypress Chamaecyparis pisifera Plumosa Chamaerops excelsa Windmill palm Chamaerops humilis Mediterranean fan pain, Chrysalidocarpus lutescens (small)Golden fruited palm Chrysanthemum x superburn Shasta daisy

·Not applicable in California Page 41 of57/(;C)t!:ilLJ FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSJ - RS-040792J

Scientific Name Common Namefllariety

Cissus rhombifloia Ellen Danica, grape ivy Cistus hybridus Rock rose Citrus aurantium Sour orange Citrus paradist Grapefruit Clerodendrum spedosum Pagoda flower Cleyera spp. Cleyera Clivia miniata Kaffir lily Cocos plumosa Queen palm Codiaeum variegatum Croton Coftea arabica Coffee Magnolia grandiflcra Southern magnolia Colem: x hybridus· Coleus Jade wizard Convolvulus oneorUrTl Bush momingglory Coprosma baueri Mirror plant Coprosma repen~ Varigated mirror plant Cordyline termrnalis Ti Coreopsis verticillata Threadleaf coreopsis Comus florida Flowering dogwood ( Comus mas Comelian cherry dogwood Comus sericea Red twig dogwood, Flaviramea Cotoneaster apiculata Cotoneaster dammeri Coral beauty, Royal beauty Cotoneaster divaricatus Spreading cotoneaster Co:oneaster microphyllus Cotoneaster repens Cotoneaster Cotoneaster salicifolius franch Willowleaf cotoneaster Crossalldra nilotica Crossandra Cupressus semp8rvirens Italian cypress Cycus revoluta Sago palm Deutzia gracilis Slender deutzia Dianthus barbatus Sweet William Dieffenbachla amoena Giant dumbcane D:ervilla lonicera Bush honeysuckle Dodonea viscosa pvrplurea Purple hopseed bush Echinocatus sp. Hedgehog cactus Elaeagnus angustrifolia Russian olive Encelia farinosa Bittle brush Ertthrina fusca Fastadiata, Swamp immortella Escallonia fradessii Escallonia rubra

"Not applicable in California. --- ~~------Page 42 of 57/0 I ~ if:; FUSILADE 2000 Booklet I FUS104B.RSJ - RS-040792J

Scientific Name Common NllmeNariety

Eucalyptus microtheca Gum-barked coolibah Eucalyptus polyanthemos Red box gum Eucalyptus rostrata Red gum Eucalyptus spathulata Narrow-leaf gimlet Eucalyptus rudis Desert-gum Eugenia myrtifolia Brush cherry Euonymus alata Siebold Euonymus fortunei Euonymus japonica Silver king Euonymus kiautschoviclls Spreading euonymus Euphorbia lactea Candelabra plant Euryops pectinatus Fatshedera lizei Fatshedera Ferocactus sp. Barrel cactus Ficus benjamina Exotica weeping fig Ficus elastica decora Rubber tree Ficus microcarpa nitida Indian laurel Ficus nitida Indian laurel Ficus repens Creeping fig Forsythia intermedia Forsythia sp. Forsythia suspensa Weeping forsythia Forsythia x intermedia Fouquieria splendens Ocotillo Fragaria chiloensis Omamental strawberry Fraxinus americana" White ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica" Green ash Fraxinus velutina Arizona ash Gardenia jasminoides Gardenia, dwali Gardenia taitensis Tahitian gardenia Gazania splendens Gazania gold rush Gazania uniflora leucoleana Geijera parviflora Australia willow Gelsemium sempervirens Carolina jessJ.mine Geranium pratense Cranes Jill Gladiolus x hortulanus Debbie, Jennie, Mahogany, Stargazer Gledltsia triancanthos var. inermis Honey 10cusVshade master GraptophylL :1 pictum Caricature plant G rf'villea robusta Silk oak Spider flower Hedera canariensis Algerian ivy Hedera helix English ivy Hedera helix hahnii Hahn's IVY Hemerocallis hybrids Daylily

"Not applicable in California. Page 43 of 57 ! 0) y,.-1/0 \ FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSJ - RS·040792J

Scientific Name Common NameNariety

Hemigraphis sp. Waffle plantlMetallic plant Hespera!oe parviflora Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Chinese hibiscus Hibiscus syriacus Althea Hosta lancifolia Variegated hosta Hydrangea panicultata Panicle hydrangea Hydrangea quercifolia Oakleaf hydrangea lberis sempervirens Candytuff lIex comuta Dwarf buford holly lIex crenata Japanese holly lIex glabra Compact inkberry lIex opaca American holly lIex vomitoria Dwarf yauponfTall yaupon lIex x Meserveae Meserve holly lIex x attenuata Fosten holly Iris sp. Isotoma sp. Blue star creeper Ixora coccinea Ixora Jacaranda acutifolia Jacaranda Jacobinia ghiesbreghtiana Juniperus horizontalis" Admiral Juniperus scopulorum Cologreen Juniperus virginiana Red ceder Justicia spicigera Firecracker, Mexican indigo KOC.lia scoparia f. trychophylla Compact bumingbrush Koelreuteria paniculata* Golden-rain tree Vamish tree Lagerstroemia indica Crepe myrtle Lantana camera Bush lantana Lantana sellowiana Purple lantana (trailing) LeptospF::,mum laevigatum Leucophyllum frutescens Texas sage Liatris spicata Gay feather Ligustrum amurense Amur River Ligustrum lucidum Wax ligustrum Ligustrum ovalifolium PriveVcalifomia Ligustrum texanum Texas privet Ligustrum x Vicari Vicari Liquidambar styraciflua American sweelgum Liriope spicata Liriope Liriope muscari Green iiriopeNaiiegated 1;[iul>e Livistona chine:nis Chinese fan palm Lonicera x morrf'WIl Morrow honeysuckle Lonicera xylosteum Emerald mound

"Not applicable in California. ------_... Page 44 of 57103 ot )10 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSJ . RS-040792J

Scientific Name Common NameNariety

Lysiloma thomberii Desert fem tree Lysimachia nummularia MoneyworVWandering Sally Magnolia sp. Oregon Grapeholly Magnolia steliata Star magnolia Mahonia aquifolium Mahor.ia Mahonia wagoneri* King's Ransom Malus floribunda Showy crabapple Mesembryanthemum drosanhemum hispidum Rose ice plant Mesembryanthemum lampranthus productus Purple trailing ice plant Mesembryanthemum lampranthus spectabilis Red spike ice plant Metrosideros excelsus New Zealand christmas tree Musa maurelli Ethiopia banana Myoponum parvifolium Prostrate myoponum Myrica cerifera Wax myrtle Nephrolepsis exaltata Sword fem Nerium oleander Pink, variegated, petite oleander Odocanthus sp. Olea europaea Olive tree Olneya tesota Ironwood Opuntia Cholia Cholia cactus Osmanthus fragrans Osman thus, tea olive Osteospermum fruticosum alba White african daisy Pachysandra terminalis Japanese pachysandra Parkensonia aculeata Green palo verde Rhus aromatica Fragrant sumac Passiflora pfordtiii Passion vine Pelargonium domesticum Geranium Pelargonium peltatum Ivy geranium Pelargonium X hortorum* Smash Hit Red geranium Pennisetum setaceum Red fountain gra':>s Peperomia scan dens Radiator plant Petunia sp. Philadelphus coronarius Aurea Philodendron oxycardium "Micans· velvetleaf philodendron Philodendron selloum Phoenix canariensis Canary Island date palm Phoenix roebelenii Pygmy date palm Photinia x fraseri Photinia Phyllostachys aurea Golden bamboo Physocarpus flllticosa Gold drop, Jackmanni, Abbotswood Physocarpus opulifolius Dwarf Ninebark, Nanw:: Picea abies Norway spruce

"Not applicable in Califomia. Page 45 of 57 )Ot1 ~(/I,o FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSJ - RS-040792J

Scientific Name Common NameNariety

Picea glauca Dwarf Alberta, Black Hills, L>ensata Picea omarika Serbian spruce Picea pun gens Blue spruce Pieris japonica Lily-of-the-valley bush Pilea nummulariifolia Creeping Charlie Pinus canariensis Canary Island pine Pinus clause* Sand pine Pinus echinata* Shortleaf pine Pinus elliottii* Slash pine Pinus glabra* Spruce pine Pinus mugo Dwarf Swiss mountain pine Pinus nigra Austrian pine/Black pine Pinus palustris* Longleaf pine Pinus ponderosa WeslemlPonderosa pine Pinus pungens* Table-Mountain pine Pinus resinosa Red pine Pinus rigids' Pitch pine Pinus serotina* Pond pine Pinus strobiformus Mexican border pine Pinus strobus Eastern white pine Pinus sylvestris Scotch pine Pinus taeda* Loblolly pine Pinus virginiana* Virginia pine Pittosporum Tobira Wheelers dwarf, variegated Pittosporum phillyraeoides Desert willow Platanus sp.* Sycamore Plumbago capensis Cane plumbago Podocarpus gracilior African fern pine Podocarpus macrophylla Yew pine Polygonum capitatum Pink clover Polyscias fruticosa Parsley panax Polystichum capense Portulaca grandiflora" Sunglo portulaca Potentilla fructosa Gold drop, Primrose beauty Potentilla vema" Prosopis chilensis Chilean mesquite Protea compacts" Protea Protea cynaroides' GianVking protea Protea eximia" Prolea Protea neriifolia" Oleander-leaved protea Protea repens" Protea Prumus trialoba Flowering almond Prunus caroliniana ompacta Carolina cherry Pseuderanthemum alropurpureum Purple false eranthernum

"Not applicable in California Page 46 of 57 I05'(}fII(J FUSIu\DE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSJ - RS-040792J

Scientific Name Common NameNariety

Pseudotsuga mensiessi Douglas fir Pyracanths koidzumii Lodense pyracanths pyracanths angustifolia Variegated firethom pyracanths coccinea Scarlet firethorn, Lalandei Pyracanths graberi Pyracanths koidzumii x coccinea Mojave firethorn Pyrus calleryana Bradford pear Quercus palustris" Pin oak Quercus virginiana Oak,live Raphiolepis indica Pink lady Raphiolepis umbellata Yeddallndian hawthorn Rhamnus frangula Tallhedge buckthorn Rhododendron "Gable Hybrid" Elizabeth Gable, Purple splendor, Rose greely Rhododendron catawbiense Less dark purple, Ro~eurn elegans, Chionoides rhododendron, White catawba, Purple elegans, Roseurn superbum, English roseum Rhododendron formosa Rhododendron obtusum Amoenum, Coral bells

Rhododendron sp. Blaauw's pink, Rutherfordiana Con stances White cascade, Prize, Kluis sensation, Sweetheart, Kaempo, Royalty, Hahm red, Red wing, Rhododendron sp. (conl'd) Gumpo white, Salmon spray, Road runner, Tradition, Gloria, Gumpo pink, Greeting, Pink pearl,

"Not applicable in California Page 47 of 57 J00I)fJJG FUSILADE 2000 BOuklet FUS104B.RSJ - RS-040792J

Scientific Name Common NameNariety

Pericat, Tabor, Mother's Day, Snow, Masasoit, Red ruffle, Delaware Valley white, Purple gem, H. H. Hume, Stewartstonian, Hino red, Rosebud, Fashion, Herbert, Gibraltar, Gerard's rose, Boule de neige, President Uncoln Rhododendron yedoense Korean azalealPoukhanense Rhuellia californica Rhus lancea African sumar standard Rosa Banksiae Banksia Rosa hybrida Hybrid tea rose Rosa sp. Rose Rosmarinus officinalis prostratus Rosemary dwarf Rumohra adiantiformis* leatherleaf fern Salix alba White willow Salix babylonia' Weeping willow Salix matsudana Tortuosa corkscrew willow Salix purpurea* Purple willow Basket willow Salvia greggii Sansevieria sp. Moon Glow Sansevieria trifasciata HahaiilMother-in-law's tongue Santo!ina chanaecy parissus lavender co\1on Schefflera arboricola Manila Ripple Schinus molle California pepper Schinus terebinthifolius Brazilean pepper Sedum brevifolium Green stone crop Sedum quatemalense Brown beam Sedum spectabile Sedum Sedum x rubrotinctum

'Not applicable in California Page 48 of 57 107 {}}ilio FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSJ - 8S-040792J

Scientific Name Common NameNariety

Sempervivum tectorum Han and chickens Simmiondsia chinensii Jojoba Sorbus americana' American mountain ash Sophora japonica' Pagoda tree Spiraea japonica' Coccinea Spiraea nipponica Snowmound spirea Spiraea thunbergW Thunberg Spiraea x billiardii Billiard spirea Spiraea x bumalda Froebelii, Crispa spirea, Gold flame, Anthony Waterer Statice sinuata Annual statice Firewheel tree Streiitzia nicolai Giant bird of paradise Strelitzia reginae Bird of paradise Syringa meyeri Palibin Syringa patula Korean lilac Syringa villosa James McFar1ane lilac Syzgium paniculatum Australian bush cherry Tagetes sp. Marigold Taxus cuspidata Japanese yew Taxus x media Thayeri yew, Hicks yew, Dense yew Tecoma stans angustate Yellow bells Tecomaria capensis Cape honeysuckle Temstroemia gymnanthera Cleyera Thevetia peruvianaa Yellow oleander tree Thuga occidentalis White cedar, Emerald green, Woodwardii, Techny, Pyramidalis, Globosa, Techny american arborvitae Thuja orientalis Berkman's Tilia cordata­ Little-lea! linden Trachelospermum asiaticum Asiatic jasmine Trachelospermum jasminoides Star jasmine Trifolium fragiferum O'Conners legume Tsuga canadensis Eastern hemlock Vibumum dentatum Arrowwood vibumum Vibllmum japonicum Vibumurn!japanese sncv,::n:1

'Not applicable in California Page 49 of 57 JoFrfi-IJIo FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSJ - RS-040792J

Scientific Name Common NameJVariety

Viburnum opulus Nanum Viburnum Odoratissium Vibumum Viburnum plicatum Doublefile viburnum/lomentosurn Viburnum suspensum Sandankwa vibumum Viburnum trilobum Compact cranberrybush vibumum Viburnum x juddi Judd Viburnum x mytidophylloides Vibumumlwillowwood Vicia sp. Crown Vetch Vinca rnajor Periwinkle Vinca minor Myrtle, Dwarf periwinkle Virburnum lantana· Wayfaring tree Twistwood Virbumum lentago· Nannyberry Washingtonia robusta Mexican fan palm Weigela florida Newport red, Pink weigelia Xylosma senticosa Yucca filamentosa Yucca Yucca gloriosa Spanish dagger Yucca pendula Weeping dagger Zinnia sp.

·Not applicable in California.

, . Page 50 of 57 I iilo.r- ! J L) FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104E.RSJ - RS·040792J



• When plant growth habit allows, applications should be made as a directed spray to the ornamental plants listed below to minimize phytotoxicity.

• Limited testing of the omamental plants list£'1 below has shown phytotoxicity of up to 20% when FUSILADE 2000 herbicide is applied over-the-top at label rates. (Phytotoxicity can occur whenever spray comes in contact with the foliage, even during directed sprays.)

Scientific Name Common NameJVariety

Abies fraser Fraser Fir Acer rubrum Maple/red Ajuga variegata Bugle weed Ajuga reptans Varigated ajuga Aquilegia hybrida Cclumbine Arbutus unedo Strawberry tree Banksia prinotes* Protea Banksia victoria * Protea * Protea Begonia tweediana Cats claw, Yellow trumpet Callistemom viminalis Weeping bottle-brush Ceonothus griseus Cupressocyparis leylandi Leyland cypress Dracaena fragans Massangeana, dracaena Dracaena marginata Tricolor dracaena Eucalyptus citriodora Lemon-scented gum Feijoa sellowiana Pineapple guava Gamolepsis chrysanthemoides Gazania ringens Gladiolus x hortulanus Gallery Grewia caffra Lavender st3r plant Hemiaria glabra Green carpet Juniperus chinensis Pfitzeriana Nana, Spearmint, Old Gold, Prostrata, Robdsta, Maney Juniperus conferta Blue Pacific Juniperus horizontal is Wilton ii, Hughes, Webberi. Variagata,

·Not applicable in California Page 51 of 57/10 rV I/fo FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSJ - RS-040792J

Scientific Name Common NameNariety

Blue Rug, Youngtown Compacta Juniperus ;aponica San Jose Juniperus sabina Tamariseifolia, Arcadia, Scandia, Broadmoor Juniperus scopulorum Welchii, Pathfinder Juniperus virginiana Sky rocket, Grey owl Lantana montevidensis x White lantana Leucothoe axillaris Fetterbush Ligustrum japonicum Japanese privet Lonicera japonica Japanese honeysuckle Luecospermum cordifolium" Pincushion protea Nandina domesticc. Heavenly bamboo Nerium oleander standard Oleander Ophiopogon japonicum Mondo grass Opuntia sp. Prickly pear cactus Pennisetum sectaceum Green fountain grass Philodendron sp. Plumeria acuminata Temple tree Podocarpus macrophyllus Maki Potentilia vema Spring cinquefoil Rhododendron indicum Indic3 Rhododendron obtusum Kurume Eureka SU.lglow Rhododendron sp. P.I.M. Rhoeo spathacea Oyster plant Ruellia ciliosa Ruellia Salix caroliniana Willow Spirea x vanhouteii Vanholltte spirea Syringa chinensis Lilac Vibumum macrocephalum Chinese snowoall

"Not applicable in Califomia. ... Page52of57 i ;1 X'iJ FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSJ - RS-040792J



• When plant gro\,y'th habit allows, applications should be made as a directed spray to the orT'amental plants listed below to minimize phytotoxicity.

• Limited testing of the ornamental plants listea below has shown phytotoxicity of up to 50% when FUSILADE 2000 herbicide is applied over-the-top at label rates. (Phytotoxicity can occur \,henever spray comes in contact with the foliage, even during directed sprays).

Scientific Name Common NameNariety

Acacia tamesiana Sweet acacia Acacia latitolia Aptenia corditolia Hearts and flowers Asystasia gangetic a Coromandel Baccharis sarotl1roides Desert broom Brachychiton populne'lm Bottle tree Cassia condo/ioma Cercidium praecox Sonoran palo verde Citharf'xylum spinosum Fiddlewood Cordy/me stricta Cordyline Cupaniopsis anacardioides Carrot wood Crassula argentea Jade plant Cyperus altemifo/ius Umbrella plant Dicentra spectabilis Bleeding heart Dracaena deremensis Jane! CraiWWameckii Epipremnum aureum Marble Queen pothos Eucalyptus nicholii Exococaria cochichinensis Chinese crenate croton Hibiseus lepenk Juniperus chinensis Armstrongii Juniperus scopulorum Spiny Greek, Excelsa Striela Juniperus virginian a Burkii Justicia betonia White shrimp plant Justicia brandegeana Shrimp plant Justicia camea Kings crown Magnolia gradiflora Southern magnolia Mesembryanthemum de/osperma alba White ice plant (trailing) Odontonema strictum Red justicia Oenothera berlandier Mexican evening primrose Pachystachys lutea Yellow shrimp plant Pedilanthus tithymaloides Slipper flower Peperomia obtusifolia Baby rubber plant P/ectranthus australis Swedish ivy

'Not applicable in California. Page 53 of 57 JIJ/if I" ~ FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS J04B.RSJ - RS-040792J

Scientific Name Common NameNariety

Polygonum capitatum Pinkheat:i knotweed Prunum avium' Mazzard cherry Rhododendron indicum Formosa Rhododendron obtusum Hersey roo, Hino pink, Hinodegeri Rhododendron poukhanensis Karen Thunbergia laurifloia Laurel-leaved thunbergia Vaccinum ashe Tifblue Blueberry

"Nut applicable in California. . . • " I ' -," ,

Page 54 of 57 ,! 3rO;,i ) FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSJ - RS-040792J



• When plant growth habit allows, applications should be made as a directed spray to the omamenlal plants listed below to minimize phytotoxicity.

• Limited testing of the ornamental plants listed below has shown phytotoxicity greater than 50% when FUSILADE 2000 herbicide is applied over-the-top at label rates. (Phytotoxicity can occur whenever spray comes in contact with the foliage, even during directed sprays.)

Scientific Name Common NameNariety

Acalypha godsefeiana hertophylla Alsophia australis Australia tree fem Betula nigra BirchlRiver Catharanthus roseus Madagascar periwinkle Chamaecyparis pisifera Boulevard falsecypress Chlorophy1um comosum Spider plant Cortederia selloana Pampas grass Euonymus alata Compacta Juniperus chinensis Sea Green Juniperus horizontalis Blue Chip, Price of Wales, Bar Harbor Juniperus scopulon.lm Blue Haven Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi Lavender-scallops Kalanchoe tubiflora Chandelier plant Physocarpus fruticosa Katherine Dykes Rhododendron obtusum Hinocrimson Setcreasea purpurea Purple heart Zebrina pendu!a Wandering jew Page 55 of 57 .II' . iF ~. FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSJ - RS-040792J


PROHIBITIONS; Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal. Open dumpillg is prohibited. Do not reuse empty container.

STORAGE: Store in original container only. Keep container closed when not in use. Do not store near food or feed. In case of spill or leak on floor or paved surfaces, soak up with sand, earth or synthetic absorbent. Remove to chemical waste area.

?ESTICIDE DISPOSAL: Pesticide wastes are toxic. Improper disposal of e)(cess pesticide, spray mix1ure or rinsate is a violation of Federal law. If these wastes cannot be disposed of by ~se according to label instructions, contact your State Pesticide or Environmental Control Agency or the Hazardous Waste Representative at the nearest EPA Regional Office for guidance.

CONTAINER -,ISPOSAL: Metal Containers: Triple-rinse (or equivalent). Then offer for recycling or reconditioning, or puncture and dispose of in a sanitary landfill or by other procedures approved by state and local authorities. Plastic Containers: Triple-rinse (or equivalent). Then offer for recycling or reconditioning, or puncture and dispose of in a sanitary landfill, by incineration or, if allowed by state and local a'J!horities, by buming. If bumed stay out of smoke. Glass Containers: Triple-rinse (or equivalent). Then offer for recyding or reconditioning, or puncture and dispose of in a sanitary landfill or by other state and locai procedures.

MINI BULK CONTAINER PRECAUTIONS - Before refilling, inspect thoroughly for damage, such as cracks, punctures, bulges, dents, abrasions and damaged or wom thread on closure devices. REFILL ONLY WITH FUSILADE 2000. The contents of this container cannot be completely removed by cleaning. Refilling with materials other than FUSILADE 2000 herbicide will result in contamination and may weaken container. After filling and before transporting, check for leaks. Do not refill or transport damaged or leaking container. CONTAINER IS NOT SAFE FOR FOOD, FEED OR DRINKING WATER.

AMBUSH'", CYMBUSH'", FUSILADE", GRAMOXONE'", and REFLEX'" are trademarks of ICI Group Companies. BASAGRAN'" and BLAZER'" are trademarks of BASF Corporation. TACKLE'" is a trademark of Rhone-Poulenc. CLASSIC'" and BIDRIN'" 8 are trademarks of E. I. duPont de Nemours & Company. BUG LEN and WHIP'" are trademarks of Hoechst-Roussel Agn-Vet. CYGON'" 400 is a trademark of American Cyanamid Company.

AMBUSH, CYMBUSH, and GRAMOXONE EXTRA are restricted IJse pes!iGj"~3 Page 56 of 57 11':.),-110 FUSILADE 2000 Booklet FUS104B.RSJ - RS-040792J

CONVERSION TABLE FUSILADE 2000 HERBICIDE RATE TO BE APPLIED Lb. a.iJAcre Pints/Acre Flo OzJAcre Acres/Gallon 0.094 3/4 12 10.7 0.125 1 16 B.O 0.156 1-1/4 20 6.4 0.1BB 1-1/2 24 5.3 0.250 2 32 4.0 0.375 3 4B 2.7

For more information, call IGI Americas at 1-B00-759-2500.

IGI Americas 1989

Made in U.S.A. IGI Agricultural Products A business unit of IGI Americas inc. Wilmington, Delaware 19B97