Trinity Episcopal Church

The Great Vigil of The Three Days - 2018


The Liturgy begins in the Courtyard.

The new fire is lit, the is prepared. The Celebrant says


After the candle is lit, the carries it to the Parish Hall, followed by the congregation. The Cantor and the congregation sing three times.

Cantor People When you enter the Parish Hall, go to the seats on your right.

The acolytes will pass light from the Paschal candle to all assembled.

Please remain standing with your lit candle.

The Exsultet is sung by the Cantor.


Cantor People Cantor People

The Cantor continues





Sung by the choir



Sung by the choir



The hymn is on the next page.





Sung by the choir





Sung by the choir



The song is on the next page Celebrant


At the ringing of the bell, please follow the choir from the Parish Hall to the Church Door.

Celebrant People

The congregation enters the church.

Celebrant People Celebrant The Celebrant says the Collect.

The reader concludes with a declaration to which the people respond:

Deacon People

Deacon People


People Celebrant People Celebrant People

Celebrant People


People Celebrant

People Celebrant People Celebrant

People Celebrant


Celebrant People Celebrant People


The Celebrant sprinkles all with the blessed water.

The People sing the following hymn. The tune is (Hymn 296)

Celebrant People

Sing O my love, O my love My love, my love: This have I done for my true love.

Sing O my love…

Sing O my love…

Sing O my love…

Sing O my love…

Celebrant People Celebrant People Celebrant People

The people remain standing.


People and Celebrant

All baptized persons are invited to receive Holy Communion. You may receive both the bread and the wine or just one of them. Gluten-free bread is also consecrated. When the comes to you with bread, say “gluten-free.”

Celebrant and People

The Celebrant or Deacon dismisses the people with appropriate phrases to which the people respond:

Liturgical Ministry Organist: Oboe: Lectors: First Lesson: Second Lesson: Third Lesson: Fourth Lesson: Fifth Lesson: Sixth Lesson: Seventh Lesson: Eighth Lesson: Ninth Lesson: Lector for the Epistle: Lector for the Sermon: Cantor: Bearers: Ushers: Acolytes: Altar Guild: Cover Art

Benedicite, omnia opera Domini Mit Freuden zart, Kirchengesänge

Adon Olam

Ecce, Deus


Rendez à Dieu,

for forgiveness has risen from the grave.