Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1941-09-11

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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1941-09-11 Cub, Smcuh Fair Dod,en Twice Aa lOW": Fa" &o.la1; per\ll Cards Win 2 dOOllr ~_rTOW : See SIor1 Oil Palte .. aiII' warmer. low" Cl,y', M.ornin,, IYew,paper FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDA Y, SEPTEMBER 11, 1941 , VOLUME XLI NUl\IBER 297 • • Reds Counter-Attack; Blocks Foe s Coal Aims President Confer With Hull, Secretaries of War, Navy; Checl{ 3 Nazi Drives Doubles Length of Addres Observers Anticipate Announcement of ~ ·----------------- t * * * tep Taken to Safeguard merican Newswriters NazisReport I •• Stubborn! Interests at Sea Claim Germans Lindbergh Won't Po e Heavy Strafing! By RICHARD L. TURNER WASHLNGTON (AP)- Word that the S. Sci:lSR WBP, tOI'­ For Photograpbe1'8 pedoed and helled without warning At night and sank in two Fleeing Yelnya Of Leningrad i minute was issued yesterday by the state department while Charles A. L indb~rgh may be a great flyer and a "lcading non­ President. Roosevelt. nearly doubled the length of the import- Leningrad Suffers interventionist" but he is also a Illtetblified Luftwaffe ant addr he ha scheduled for Thur day night. stubborn man. Washington, the country and the capitals of the world loo k­ Incessant Bombing, Last night Lindbergh was in Attack Break Down I ed forward expectantly and impatiently to the address a an Heavy Artillery Fire Iowa City for about live mi nutes Field Fortifications expre sion of American reaction at a grim moment, with rela­ when he was on his way ta Des i tions between the United States and the allis nation strained MOSCOW, Thursday (AP)- Moi nes to speak at ao America BERLIN (AP) - German mili­ as they seldom have been be­ First rally. Mighty red counter blows have tary reports said yesterday that a fore. When the west-bound United number of sovlct field forti £iclI­ The presLdent rrtumed last night crumpled three Ger man drives on AirLin es mainliner stopped at the Argentina May lions blocking the GermJlD ad­ (rom Hyde Park Bnd Ihe tuneral of the vital central front and Soviet local airport at 8:50 last night, vance on Leningrad had been de­ Canadian. British and Norwegian ) Arctic archipelago, where, it was was unopposed. Typical of Spitz­ his mother to plunle immediately defenders are standing [I rm on Lindbergh was seated with his stroyed In terri flc dive-bombing troops have made a spectacular understood, they sma hed valuable. bereen's co stlme Is the view pic­ Expel German back plainly visiblc to the crowd into the activity reflecting deep the approaches to Leningrad, talds. round- trip expedilion from Eng- coal mines covet ed by Germany. tured abov . of photographers and newsmen The raids also were said to have land to Spitzbergen. Norway' The raid, announced by London, concern over th ~ Impact of the wal' Kiev and Odessa, Russian front waiting to shoot his picturc. silenced II numbcr of sovict anti­ ----, Amha sador on this country. Despite requests of both dispatches said early today. the aircraft and artillery potIltions • • • These savage coupter allacks newsmen and airline offiCials. about Leningrad. Secrdary of tale null met Lindbergh refused to show himself Leningrad's water works receiv­ ongr ional Group the chief e eeutlve al tht' rllll­ aimed to relieve pressure OQ to the crowd - and incidentally Mal e Detailed Defense road tIltlon and drove ",llh him ed several direct bomb hils lind those besieged cities were not didn't win any friends. R commend Action large fires resulted, the dlsPijtches throu~h th oppre Ivl' heat to delalled In the early morning said . To OU8t Von Thermann the White lIouse. The 8 eret 1'1 communique, bul war corres­ M eel 'Red Jlor Ddense GerrnaiLS ouid of war a nd navy at 0 were called U. Emissary W BUENOS AfRES (AP )-Expul­ 10 the exec ulh~ man Ion for pondents saId nazi troops, de­ 1.. 500 Atten d ' The reports ot Intensified luft- To Work Out / waCfe activity came as Germans sian of German Ambassador Ed­ conferences la I nlJ'hl. In ad­ feated In the ~6·day baUie of Discusse' Pea'p Ci -I Mill- PrOnwle Di.'1trl.lst mund von Thermann wos recom­ vanoe of l\fr. RooseveU's Import­ 15.- ·rport Dance described Leningrad as "still mended yesterday by Argentina's ant radio n 'Porl 10 the nation (0- Yelnya with a loss of from AI shooting from nil barrels" In a Aims With Pope VI , tary In Lea e - Lend 000 10 80,000 men, were In Ired-hot de/ense. C'ongresslonal "Dies committee" on day, wh,ldl. was ~ panded from heladlollJ m,ht weslward to- - -- There were intimations that to --- the eround thot he had "overstep­ It! orld nal lICope. LONDON (AP) - The British pcd his (unctions and abused his ward Smolensk, 40 mUes away. An.Day Celebration avoid a costly storming operation VATICAN CITY (AP)-Myron Requirement The add will be broadcast the nn~i high command might try C. Taylor, Presidcnt Roosevelt's government, moving to spike what privileges." over a ll networks at 8 p.m. cen ­ The morning communique tala Opens Iowa City's to starve. shell and bomb the city personal emlSl(lry, began an 1m- WASHINGTON '.(AP) - The was unoWclally termed n German When tbe presentment of the tral Btandard time. only of continuing fierce figh ting to surrender. portant exchange of views be- aup"ly priorities nd uliocatioKo d committee Investigating anti-At- • • • along the entire tront and at r c- Fall Shopping Sea 011 AuthoMzed sources acknowledg- tween the preSident Dod the Vall- " " .~ pro p a g a 1\ a <: amp a i /I n to IIcntlne activities was placed be- Secretary at War Stimson and peated German air attacks on ed that Lenlngrad still had ac('ess !:an yesterday in two long priva\e board Instructed I exeeutlve di- promote distrust over operations tore the house at deputies a lead­ Secretary o[ the Navy Knox rearh­ rector, Donald M . Nelson last oC the lease-lend act, aRl;ured th Ing member at congress predicted Leningrad, the big Bailie city. A crowd estimated at 1,500 ))Cr- to Lake Ladoga but declared that Inudiencc s with Pope Pius XII nnd cd tbe White Hou within mlOutcs Plane Statistics sons danced to th~ (ree music of the value of thi~ route was dimin- LUIgi Cardinal Maglione. papal night to work out a complete United States yeo terday It would privatel,y that the house would alter the prcsident Dnd Hull arriv­ 9643 Some German bombers broke D.oc Lawson and hIS orchestra Jast j hlng rapidly and that all land ' cretary or Slate, schedule of the nation's mUltary make certain that American goods vote tqday tor von Thermann'. ed. }'lory L. Hopkins, leasc-Iend and ~vtl'-n reQuiN!rnent In an Wcr' not used to bol. ter or ex- au ler ugh Len ingr ad'~ defenses mght as th~ ~ew C?ncre l'1Jnwll.Y approachcs were cut oCt, with Ger- There were indTcations that war uperviso. '0 attended the con- I eliort to solve the probJems of tend BriUsh world trade at the ex- The commHLeo reported it had Tuesd ay and dropped explosives a~ the mu.mclpal. airport ";'85 0(.(1- man forces within 15 miles of the and I)cRe e aLmS fi gured largely In terence. White House aide.! "aid shortales of matetlals and at ex- pense of United Stales business. documentary prool that von Ther­ and incendiaries but 31 planes clally dedIcated 10 connec~JO~ With city at the nearest point. the talks. the conferees were enjoined to Wl!re shot down, the communique the opening o( Iowa City stall 'Unprediotable F.:lements' The president's envoy was un- panslon of productlon :facilities. This wns done In a white paper, mann was directing nll%i poHtlcal strict secrecy and no statement was said. On Monday 59 German shoppmg. season. The effects at hunger and in- dcrst.ood in usually informed cir- The board announced the ac- accompanied by an oflfcial state- organization. In violation of Ar­ forthcoming after the meeting tl on, which it termed a detaUed ment of the British board of trade, genUne law. planes compared to 27 Russia!! Followmg thc open-air style ternaI confusion as aids m break- clcs to havc told thc pope that The address will tallow clo.ely were shot down, it was added. show and drll~n and bugle corps ing the Russian resistance were J insofar as Soviet Ru~sia was can- planning of the defense program, prepared "to prevent Germany The InvCltla.tors earlier had de­ upon Ihe sinking of the Scssa, 300 In the Gomel area, midway performance VIewed by some 700 described lIS unpredictable ele- 7 med, Mr. Roosevelt was more after b ringing to a full stop the (rom ulllg lease-lend grumbling cidcd to summon Capt. fritz Wei­ miles this side or Iceland. the expansion of civilian industries as the thin edge of a wedge to pry demann, Hi tler's World war com­ between Kiev and Smolensk, ments, and Germans in responsible mtere~ted In the well"rc of the bombing and slnkine of the S.S. which would require large quan- Britain and the United Stoles mander and tormer consul-general Ole 29th German Infantry dlvl- REV lEW positions Shunned speculation on world s people, than In the form Steel Seafarer In the Red , ea and tilies of defense materials. apart and hamper the a llied war at San Francisco, on b1a arrival In slon was said 10 have been the possible duration of the LenlO- of gov(>rnmcnt os buch.
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