Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1941-09-11
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Cub, Smcuh Fair Dod,en Twice Aa lOW": Fa" &o.la1; per\ll Cards Win 2 dOOllr ~_rTOW : See SIor1 Oil Palte .. aiII' warmer. low" Cl,y', M.ornin,, IYew,paper FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDA Y, SEPTEMBER 11, 1941 , VOLUME XLI NUl\IBER 297 • • Reds Counter-Attack; Blocks Foe s Coal Aims President Confer With Hull, Secretaries of War, Navy; Checl{ 3 Nazi Drives Doubles Length of Addres Observers Anticipate Announcement of ~ ·----------------- t * * * tep Taken to Safeguard merican Newswriters NazisReport I •• Stubborn! Interests at Sea Claim Germans Lindbergh Won't Po e Heavy Strafing! By RICHARD L. TURNER WASHLNGTON (AP)- Word that the S. Sci:lSR WBP, tOI' For Photograpbe1'8 pedoed and helled without warning At night and sank in two Fleeing Yelnya Of Leningrad i minute was issued yesterday by the state department while Charles A. L indb~rgh may be a great flyer and a "lcading non President. Roosevelt. nearly doubled the length of the import- Leningrad Suffers interventionist" but he is also a Illtetblified Luftwaffe ant addr he ha scheduled for Thur day night. stubborn man. Washington, the country and the capitals of the world loo k Incessant Bombing, Last night Lindbergh was in Attack Break Down I ed forward expectantly and impatiently to the address a an Heavy Artillery Fire Iowa City for about live mi nutes Field Fortifications expre sion of American reaction at a grim moment, with rela when he was on his way ta Des i tions between the United States and the allis nation strained MOSCOW, Thursday (AP)- Moi nes to speak at ao America BERLIN (AP) - German mili as they seldom have been be First rally. Mighty red counter blows have tary reports said yesterday that a fore. When the west-bound United number of sovlct field forti £iclI The presLdent rrtumed last night crumpled three Ger man drives on AirLin es mainliner stopped at the Argentina May lions blocking the GermJlD ad (rom Hyde Park Bnd Ihe tuneral of the vital central front and Soviet local airport at 8:50 last night, vance on Leningrad had been de Canadian. British and Norwegian ) Arctic archipelago, where, it was was unopposed. Typical of Spitz his mother to plunle immediately defenders are standing [I rm on Lindbergh was seated with his stroyed In terri flc dive-bombing troops have made a spectacular understood, they sma hed valuable. bereen's co stlme Is the view pic Expel German back plainly visiblc to the crowd into the activity reflecting deep the approaches to Leningrad, talds. round- trip expedilion from Eng- coal mines covet ed by Germany. tured abov . of photographers and newsmen The raids also were said to have land to Spitzbergen. Norway' The raid, announced by London, concern over th ~ Impact of the wal' Kiev and Odessa, Russian front waiting to shoot his picturc. silenced II numbcr of sovict anti ----, Amha sador on this country. Despite requests of both dispatches said early today. the aircraft and artillery potIltions • • • These savage coupter allacks newsmen and airline offiCials. about Leningrad. Secrdary of tale null met Lindbergh refused to show himself Leningrad's water works receiv ongr ional Group the chief e eeutlve al tht' rllll aimed to relieve pressure OQ to the crowd - and incidentally Mal e Detailed Defense road tIltlon and drove ",llh him ed several direct bomb hils lind those besieged cities were not didn't win any friends. R commend Action large fires resulted, the dlsPijtches throu~h th oppre Ivl' heat to delalled In the early morning said . To OU8t Von Thermann the White lIouse. The 8 eret 1'1 communique, bul war corres M eel 'Red Jlor Ddense GerrnaiLS ouid of war a nd navy at 0 were called U. Emissary W BUENOS AfRES (AP )-Expul 10 the exec ulh~ man Ion for pondents saId nazi troops, de 1.. 500 Atten d ' The reports ot Intensified luft- To Work Out / waCfe activity came as Germans sian of German Ambassador Ed conferences la I nlJ'hl. In ad feated In the ~6·day baUie of Discusse' Pea'p Ci -I Mill- PrOnwle Di.'1trl.lst mund von Thermann wos recom vanoe of l\fr. RooseveU's Import 15.- ·rport Dance described Leningrad as "still mended yesterday by Argentina's ant radio n 'Porl 10 the nation (0- Yelnya with a loss of from AI shooting from nil barrels" In a Aims With Pope VI , tary In Lea e - Lend 000 10 80,000 men, were In Ired-hot de/ense. C'ongresslonal "Dies committee" on day, wh,ldl. was ~ panded from heladlollJ m,ht weslward to- - -- There were intimations that to --- the eround thot he had "overstep It! orld nal lICope. LONDON (AP) - The British pcd his (unctions and abused his ward Smolensk, 40 mUes away. An.Day Celebration avoid a costly storming operation VATICAN CITY (AP)-Myron Requirement The add will be broadcast the nn~i high command might try C. Taylor, Presidcnt Roosevelt's government, moving to spike what privileges." over a ll networks at 8 p.m. cen The morning communique tala Opens Iowa City's to starve. shell and bomb the city personal emlSl(lry, began an 1m- WASHINGTON '.(AP) - The was unoWclally termed n German When tbe presentment of the tral Btandard time. only of continuing fierce figh ting to surrender. portant exchange of views be- aup"ly priorities nd uliocatioKo d committee Investigating anti-At- • • • along the entire tront and at r c- Fall Shopping Sea 011 AuthoMzed sources acknowledg- tween the preSident Dod the Vall- " " .~ pro p a g a 1\ a <: amp a i /I n to IIcntlne activities was placed be- Secretary at War Stimson and peated German air attacks on ed that Lenlngrad still had ac('ess !:an yesterday in two long priva\e board Instructed I exeeutlve di- promote distrust over operations tore the house at deputies a lead Secretary o[ the Navy Knox rearh rector, Donald M . Nelson last oC the lease-lend act, aRl;ured th Ing member at congress predicted Leningrad, the big Bailie city. A crowd estimated at 1,500 ))Cr- to Lake Ladoga but declared that Inudiencc s with Pope Pius XII nnd cd tbe White Hou within mlOutcs Plane Statistics sons danced to th~ (ree music of the value of thi~ route was dimin- LUIgi Cardinal Maglione. papal night to work out a complete United States yeo terday It would privatel,y that the house would alter the prcsident Dnd Hull arriv 9643 Some German bombers broke D.oc Lawson and hIS orchestra Jast j hlng rapidly and that all land ' cretary or Slate, schedule of the nation's mUltary make certain that American goods vote tqday tor von Thermann'. ed. }'lory L. Hopkins, leasc-Iend and ~vtl'-n reQuiN!rnent In an Wcr' not used to bol. ter or ex- au ler ugh Len ingr ad'~ defenses mght as th~ ~ew C?ncre l'1Jnwll.Y approachcs were cut oCt, with Ger- There were indTcations that war uperviso. '0 attended the con- I eliort to solve the probJems of tend BriUsh world trade at the ex- The commHLeo reported it had Tuesd ay and dropped explosives a~ the mu.mclpal. airport ";'85 0(.(1- man forces within 15 miles of the and I)cRe e aLmS fi gured largely In terence. White House aide.! "aid shortales of matetlals and at ex- pense of United Stales business. documentary prool that von Ther and incendiaries but 31 planes clally dedIcated 10 connec~JO~ With city at the nearest point. the talks. the conferees were enjoined to Wl!re shot down, the communique the opening o( Iowa City stall 'Unprediotable F.:lements' The president's envoy was un- panslon of productlon :facilities. This wns done In a white paper, mann was directing nll%i poHtlcal strict secrecy and no statement was said. On Monday 59 German shoppmg. season. The effects at hunger and in- dcrst.ood in usually informed cir- The board announced the ac- accompanied by an oflfcial state- organization. In violation of Ar forthcoming after the meeting tl on, which it termed a detaUed ment of the British board of trade, genUne law. planes compared to 27 Russia!! Followmg thc open-air style ternaI confusion as aids m break- clcs to havc told thc pope that The address will tallow clo.ely were shot down, it was added. show and drll~n and bugle corps ing the Russian resistance were J insofar as Soviet Ru~sia was can- planning of the defense program, prepared "to prevent Germany The InvCltla.tors earlier had de upon Ihe sinking of the Scssa, 300 In the Gomel area, midway performance VIewed by some 700 described lIS unpredictable ele- 7 med, Mr. Roosevelt was more after b ringing to a full stop the (rom ulllg lease-lend grumbling cidcd to summon Capt. fritz Wei miles this side or Iceland. the expansion of civilian industries as the thin edge of a wedge to pry demann, Hi tler's World war com between Kiev and Smolensk, ments, and Germans in responsible mtere~ted In the well"rc of the bombing and slnkine of the S.S. which would require large quan- Britain and the United Stoles mander and tormer consul-general Ole 29th German Infantry dlvl- REV lEW positions Shunned speculation on world s people, than In the form Steel Seafarer In the Red , ea and tilies of defense materials. apart and hamper the a llied war at San Francisco, on b1a arrival In slon was said 10 have been the possible duration of the LenlO- of gov(>rnmcnt os buch.