245 © the Author(S) 2020 R. Aliakbari (Ed.), Comparative Print Culture
INDEX1 NUMBERS AND SYMBOLS Aghayean, 67 1930s, 85 Ahenakew, Edward, 17, 230, 232–234, 236, 238, 239 Ahmaddiya movement, 168 A Akçura, Yusuf, 71 The abolitionist movement, 129 Akutagawa, Ryūnosuke, 191 The abolition of slavery (1865), 125 Alabama, 135 Advertising, 56, 197 The Alarming News from Russia, 8, 107 Aesthetics, 14 Album of Caliban, 16 Afghanistan, 7 Ali, Hüseyinzade, 71 African-American cookbooks, 11 Allen, 176 African-American intervention, 1 All India Women’s Conference African Americans, 123 (1926), 179 African book histories, 5 Alphabetical literacy, 17, 226 African heritage, 136 Alpomis, 77 African newspapers, 13 Alterity, 11, 19 African women, 12 Alternate modern, 12 women readers, 158 Alternate vision, 15 women’s written literature, 12, 146 Alternative African modernity, 13 Ağaoğlu, Ahmet, 70, 71, 75 Alternative literacies, 228 Agency, 139 Alternative literary modernities, Age of Consent Act of 1891, 180 1, 15, 19 1 Note: Page numbers followed by ‘n’ refer to notes. © The Author(s) 2020 245 R. Aliakbari (ed.), Comparative Print Culture, New Directions in Book History, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-36891-3 246 INDEX Alternative literary print Asturian insurrection, 91 modernization, 9 Audiences, 5 Alternative modernities, 10, 12, 16, Australia, 1, 42 19, 130, 159 The Australian Woman’s Mirror, 5, 45 Alternative or dissenting African Authors, 14, 213 modernity, 146 Authorship, 220 Alternative print cultural practice, 159 Avant-garde, 1, 83, 205 Alternative print modernity, 16 art and mass culture, 100 Alternatives, 3,
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