Dakota Skipper (Hesperia Dacotae) Report on the Species Status Assessment Version 2 - September 2018
Dakota Skipper (Hesperia dacotae) Report on the Species Status Assessment Version 2 - September 2018 Photo: Phil Delphey Acknowledgements This document was prepared by the following U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service staff: Andrew Horton (Region 3, Twin Cities Ecological Services Field Office), Jennifer Szymanski (Region 3, Regional Office, Div. of Endangered Species), Phil Delphey (Region 3, Regional Office, Division of Endangered Species), Tara Nicolaysen (Headquarters Office, Division of Ecological Services), Sara Vacek (Region 3, Morris Wetland Management District), Laura Hubers (Region 6, Waubay NWR), Cami Dixon (R6, Regional Office, Division of Scientific Resources), and Becky Esser (Region 3, Detroit Lakes Wetland Management District). We would like to recognize the following Dakota skipper experts for participating in the expert elicitation process: Robert Dana (retired, MN Department of Natural Resources), Jerry Selby (Ecological and GIS Services, Indianola, IA), Ron Royer (retired, Minot State University), Erik Runquist (Minnesota Zoo, MN), and Richard Westwood (University of Winnipeg, Manitoba). Additionally, the following people reviewed a draft version and provided helpful comments: Richard Baker and Jessica Petterson (MN Department of Natural Resources), Robert Dana, Curt Bradbury (NRCS), Richard Westwood, Eileen Dowd Stuckel (South Dakota Department of Natural Resources), Katherine Kral (North Dakota State University), and Alisa Shull (Region 3, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service). Suggested Reference U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2018. Species status assessment report for the Dakota skipper (Hesperia dacotae). 97 pp. i Executive Summary U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) developed a species status assessment (SSA) for the Dakota skipper (Hesperia dacotae), which was listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act in 2014.
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