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ILLINOIS WESLEYAN ALL TIME MEN's BASKETBALL SCORES (Through 2018-19) ILLINOIS WESLEYAN ALL TIME MEN’S BASKETBALL SCORES (through 2018-19) Shurtleff 36-21 William & Vashti 21-23 Millikin 18-8 Hedding 19-29 Millikin 32-24 1912-13 (11-6) Augustana 36-27 Coach: Fred Muhl Hedding 43-28 1909-10 (3-2) Captain: George Hinshaw Lincoln 28-26 Coach: Fred Muhl Illinois 13-18 Millikin 26-27 Captain: F.R. Kerley Charleston 72-17 Illinois College 28-20 Illinois State 32-41 Illinois State 11-18 Augustana 36-17 Millikin 55-17 Bradley 31-16 Bradley 24-27 Eureka 21-20 Millikin 25-22 Millikin Illinois College 22-18 1915-16 (15-4) Knox 35-20 Christian Brothers 37-32 Coach: Fred Muhl Eastern Illinois 38-22 Captain: J. Norman Elliott 1910-11 (15-4) Christian Brothers 39-14 Lincoln 57-8 Coach: Fred Muhl Millikin 18-22 Illinois 18-25 Captain: Arch Schaeffer Shurtleff 49-21 Charleston 33-16 Pontiac YMCA 28-20 Bradley 17-23 Millikin 27-26 Eureka 66-26 Illinois State 17-23 Bradley 18-17 Illinois State 25-28 William & Vashti 62-16 Millikin 32-26 Millikin 28-16 Illinois College 18-12 McKendree 29-23 Knox 18-52 Millikin 28-25 Millikin 16-23 Lombard 28-27 Bradley 17-18 Illinois College 30-22 Illinois College 31-16 McKendree 37-20 Lincoln 35-19 1913-14 (14-5) Blackburn 34-20 Millikin 28-16 Coach: Fred Muhl Lincoln 64-6 Illinois College 53-3 Captain: J.Norman Elliott Bradley 40-36 Bradley 13-31 Eureka 84-13 Illinois State 36-18 Lake Forest 26-20 Illinois State 29-23 Illinois College 41-15 Millikin 26-23 Lincoln 47-20 Illinois State 31-19 Lombard 41-30 Illinois State 39-11 Bradley 25-16 Hedding 49-29 Millikin 36-19 Millikin 11-19 Millikin 20-32 William & Vashti 56-17 Bradley 23-24 Illinois College 31-24 Millikin 22-28 Illinois State 20-8 McKendree 62-22 1916-17 (7-9) Bradley 22-19 Illinois State 15-38 Coach: Fred Muhl Bradley 21-19 Captain: Howard Millard 1911-12 (14-3) Lincoln 32-23 Illinois College 41-31 Coach: Fred Muhl Illinois College 27-29 Eureka 26-21 Captain: Fred Young McKendree 13-31 Wabash 20-32 Eureka 41-27 Millikin 19-35 Monmouth 36-31 Lake Forest 23-36 Eastern Illinois 65-14 Illinois State 20-32 DePaul 35-25 McKendree 44-31 Bradley 33-20 Lake Forest 15-25 Bradley 50-24 Millikin 19-21 Illinois State 29-28 Hedding 61-23 Eastern Illinois 25-23 Millikin 30-26 Illinois State 40-26 Rose Polytech 32-26 Lombard 46-33 Augustana 38-40 William & Vashti 45-36 1914-15 (8-7) Augustana 23-24 Bradley 23-19 Coach: Fred Muhl Millikin 20-34 Millikin 13-29 Captain: Harlan Hart Bradley 14-18 Shurtleff 27-25 Illinois 39-50 Illinois State 27-7 Lombard 23-19 Illinois State 19-10 Eureka 20-32 Illinois State 31-22 Lincoln 41-21 Millikin 19-35 Hedding 20-10 Illinois College 23-34 Lombard 23-13 Augustana 30-34 1917-18 (11-4) Northwestern 18-14 Illinois State 26-29 Coach: Fred Muhl Armour 36-13 Lake Forest 32-30 Captain: Harlow Sutherland Nebraska 17-30 Monmouth 24-17 Eureka 27-30 Augustana 20-26 St. Viator’s 30-17 Millikin 36-18 Eureka 26-22 Bradley 35-24 Bradley 42-19 Augustana 24-29 Illinois State 32-15 Illinois State 25-24 1923-24 (16-4) Eastern Illinois 51-25 Northwestern 20-17 Coach: Clarence Cartwright Bradley 31-14 Millikin 25-29 Captain: Tommy Oliver Augustana 34-25 Knox 21-23 Butler 19-51 Illinois College 39-23 Knox 26-22 YMCA 27-15 Millikin 15-19 Millikin 16-21 Illinois State 17-9 Eastern Illinois 44-24 Armour 41-29 Shurtleff 58-18 Illinois State 17-15 Eureka 32-23 Eureka 33-13 Lombard 17-12 Illinois State 36-31 Lincoln 43-16 Millikin 28-23 Northwestern 38-27 Bradley 22-20 Eureka 20-38 Monmouth 32-21 Knox 16-30 Millikin 20-23 Lombard 40-22 Lombard 21-28 Millikin 13-21 Millikin 25-21 1918-19 (15-4) Augustana 26-42 McKendree 38-18 Coach: Fred Muhl Lake Forest 41-18 Captain: Russell Strange 1921-22 (15-7) Northwestern 45-19 Eureka 18-12 Coach: Byron Wimberly Lake Forest 28-22 Augustana 26-13 Captain: Frenchy Haussler St. Viator’s 27-23 Bradley 10-18 Illinois 19-35 Millikin 27-21 Millikin 19-32 Colgate 20-16 Illinois State 40-13 Illinois State 22-7 Eureka 25-7 Eureka 20-22 Eureka 31-21 Northern Illinois 22-13 Bradley 37-21 Eastern Illinois 38-21 Illinois State 37-18 St. Viator’s 25-23 Sparks 29-28 Arkansas 33-22 Eastern Illinois 18-19 Lombard 29-38 1924-25 (12-7) Augustana 35-30 Illinois College 44-26 Coach: Wally Roettger Illinois State 27-20 Millikin 26-27 Captain: Ross Anderson Illinois College 39-6 Monmouth 32-22 Lincoln 25-14 Bradley 30-23 Bradley 23-32 Cornell 23-9 Millikin 11-30 Knox 25-13 Lincoln 33-21 Millikin 30-24 Augustana 18-25 Alumni 33-15 Augustana 31-10 Millikin 22-19 Eureka 17-27 Illinois State 26-25 Eureka 23-16 Bradley 20-19 Eureka 29-21 Illinois State 29-16 Augustana 25-22 Millikin 17-15 Illinois College 38-26 Monmouth 36-28 Lombard 23-24 Eureka 26-14 1919-20 (6-9) Bradley 29-16 Monmouth 27-28 Coach: Fred Muhl Augustana 29-16 Lombard 21-28 Captain: Russell Strange Wabash 16-39 Millikin 23-30 Eureka 35-18 Alumni 31-27 Augustana 18-26 Augustana 27-28 St. Viator’s 32-28 Eastern Illinois 25-24 1922-23 (15-4) Bradley 26-33 Millikin 10-39 Coach: Byron Wimberly Illinois State 45-12 Bradley 16-22 Captain: Frank Finks Millikin 31-19 Illinois State 22-25 Notre Dame 25-32 St. Viator’s 21-26 Bradley 14-13 American Legion 36-19 Illinois State 22-21 Eureka 10-19 Concordia Seminary 20-36 Augustana 20-31 Shurtleff 42-7 1925-26 (14-4) Illinois State 25-17 Northern Illinois 32-21 Coach: Wally Roettger Millikin 21-23 Lake Forest 28-16 Captain: Ross Anderson Lombard 26-35 Illinois College 41-8 Lincoln 32-30 Hedding 34-27 Augustana 31-16 Cornell 28-19 Eureka 40-27 Millikin 25-16 DePauw 20-37 Augustana 23-24 Illinois State 23-14 Knox 42-18 Bradley 22-15 Lake Forest 41-21 1920-21 (12-8) Knox 27-20 Augustana 42-30 Coach: Fred Muhl Millikin 24-31 Millikin 19-20 Captain: Irv Pennock Augustana 38-23 Northwestern 35-20 Bradley 27-30 Notre Dame 12-24 Bradley 30-24 1929-30 (10-5) Shurtleff 33-25 Illinois State 35-22 Coach: Wally Roettger St. Viator’s 15-23 Illinois College 28-23 Captain: Joe Baker Illinois College 41-31 Carthage 27-21 Marquette 25-18 Millikin 39-30 Eureka 21-22 North Central 27-14 Bradley 22-24 Millikin 41-28 DePauw 29-28 Illinois State 46-20 Eureka 37-32 Lombard 24-20 Eureka 36-21 Illinois State 28-22 Millikin 27-30 St. Viator’s 32-21 Lincoln 25-22 St. Viator’s 23-14 Loyola 28-21 Illinois State 25-24 Bradley 27-31 1926-27 (13-2) Illinois State 21-24 Shurtleff 24-16 Coach: Wally Roettger Bradley 31-23 Millikin 34-25 Captain: Eldon Volk Eureka 35-16 Illinois State 31-29 Chicago Tech 61-7 Millikin 32-14 Eureka 34-24 Butler 21-27 Lombard 25-24 Loyola 33-22 Millikin 26-21 Bradley 21-28 Alumni 34-35 Lincoln 33-23 St. Viator’s 9-12 Eureka 32-23 Eureka 24-28 1933-34 (14-5) Illinois State 37-22 Coach: Wally Roettger Eureka 30-28 1930-31 (8-10) Captain: Tony Blazine Bradley 26-23 Coach: Wally Roettger Illinois 19-39 Carthage 56-28 Captain: Billy Meehan Centenary 41-28 Millikin 39-26 Marquette 11-16 Washington 33-32 Knox 40-23 Brigham Young 33-34 Arizona 49-44 Monmouth 31-13 Rice 27-36 Northern Illinois 37-31 Bradley 30-31 Notre Dame 17-24 Southern Illinois 30-28 Lincoln 36-34 North Dakota State 26-23 Shurtleff 42-23 Illinois State 45-22 Bradley 32-25 Millikin 25-19 Eureka 27-15 Illinois State 35-29 1927-28 (13-1) Millikin 15-16 Eureka 27-33 Coach: Wally Roettger Centenary 27-19 Illinois State 30-27 Captain: Hugo Lindquist Eureka 20-11 Eastern Illinois 49-25 Notre Dame 23-40 St. Viator’s 29-35 Bradley 40-29 DePauw 25-23 Millikin 32-18 Eureka 42-22 Millikin 24-15 Monmouth 25-21 Bradley 49-32 Monmouth 36-18 Illinois State 18-23 Illinois College 36-39 Eureka 42-22 Bradley 28-27 Millikin 19-26 Lincoln 46-32 St. Viator’s 22-30 South Carolina 18-14 Eureka 33-21 Illinois State 29-44 Pittsburgh 15-18 Illinois State 53-11 Monmouth 29-34 Lincoln 56-27 1934-35 (10-7) Bradley 34-28 1931-32 (8-7) Coach: W. Roettger, F. Parker Augustana 37-8 Coach: Wally Roettger Captain: Willard Benson Bradley 30-22 Captain: John Callans Illinois 33-32 Illinois State 40-19 Rose Polytech 39-9 Illinois 26-36 Millikin 41-25 Cornell 33-22 Mauline 32-24 Shurtleff 41-42 Centenary 29-44 1928-29 (9-4) St. Viator’s 22-24 Eureka 46-30 Coach: Wally Roettger Millikin 31-18 North Central 25-27 Captain: Fritz Rhea McKendree 28-19 Millikin 32-49 Concordia 37-18 Bradley 17-16 Illinois State 21-38 North Dakota 38-40 Illinois State 29-30 Northern Illinois 31-25 Fargo 37-22 Shurtleff 22-23 Bradley 39-21 DePauw 20-15 Eureka 34-14 Shurtleff 34-23 Lincoln 42-26 Millikin 18-22 Illinois College 29-44 Millikin 21-16 Bradley 37-30 Southern Illinois 33-24 St.
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