Pronominal Reference in Thai, Burmese, and Vietnamese
Pronominal Reference in Thai, Burmese, and Vietnamese By Joseph Robinson Cooke B.Th. (Biola College, Los Angeles) 19^9 A.B. (Biola College, Los Angeles) 1952 A.B. (University of California) 1961 DISSERTATION Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in Linguistics in the GRADUATE DIVISION of the UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY Approved: "> Committee in Charge Degree conferred Date Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study has been prepared as a doctoral dissertation in Linguistics, for presentation to the Graduate Division of the University of California, Berkeley, in 1965* Ik is the result of some eighteen months of research undertaken between November, 1963 and May, 1965i and it has been made possible largely by the financial aid of the American Council of Learned Societies. This aid has enabled me to devote full time to my studies and to complete the task more quickly and easily than would otherwise have been possible. I cannot sufficiently express my appreciation for the help and advice of those who have directed my research. Foremost among these is Professor Mary R. Haas, whose constant interest, encouragement, suggestions, and careful attention to detail have contributed immeasurably to any merits that the present study may possess. I have also profited materially from the help and encouragement of Professors Murray B. Emeneau and Kun Chang, who have shared responsibility for directing my work. I am in debt, too, to a rather large number of Thai, Burmese and Vietnamese informants. These have given in valuable assistance in my work,with their helpfulness, con sideration, interest, and cooperation.
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