Practice – Tango, American Ballroom

Remember to WARM UP and COOL DOWN! Practice LEAD (left first) and FOLLOW (right first) for all steps.

Basic Step Remember: Gliding steps! This is a smooth, Latin dance! • Forward – Heel leads into a step. Then, push off back foot and turn that toe over (like you are ice-skating). • Backward –Toe reaches out skimming the floor.

SAY the : “Slow, slow, quick-quick, slow...” TIMING: “1 (and), 2 (and), 3-and, 4 (and) NUMBER OF STEPS: 1 2 3-4 5 (hold) (shown below)


Forward LEFT Side RIGHT (4),

(3) 4 drag LEFT together (5)

3 Forward RIGHT (2)

Forward LEFT (1) 2


Forward or “Lead” Start

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Dance Practice – Tango, American Ballroom

Backward Start or “follow”

Backward 1 RIGHT (1)


Backward LEFT (2)


4 Side LEFT (4), Backward drag RIGHT together (5) RIGHT (3) 5

TIPS: Keep knees and hips slightly bent, and back erect with upright posture. (Like you are dancing inside a “Hobbit House” with slightly a low ceiling!)

2 | Page 4 Last Updated: 28 October 2018

Dance Practice – Tango, American Ballroom

SIMPLIFY IT! WALK the TANGO! Just walk it!

Walk forward for a few GLIDING counts beginning with the LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT…, then…

Side RIGHT (2), Together LEFT (3)


Forward 1 2 LEFT (1) Start

…then continue walking forward on your RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT… ------

Walk backward for a few GLIDING counts beginning with the RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT…, then:


Back RIGHT 1 (1) 2


Side LEFT (2), Together RIGHT (3)

…then continue walking backward with your LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT… Always step on the beat of the music.

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Dance Practice – Tango, American Ballroom


When you see this kind of outlined foot “step”, it means that there is no (or very little) weight on that step.

Often, a foot will move into a “close” position near the other foot, between beats of music (think “hold” or “and”), to get ready for the next step.


WEEKLY BALANCE CHALLENGE: Remember how smooth your steps were while you danced the tango? It’s because you were stepping first with your heels! Improve this “heel-toe” motion and strengthen the front of your shins by lifting your toes up off the floor. • If you feel unsteady doing this motion, practice lifting your toes while holding onto a sturdy surface. • You can practice this while you’re sitting in a chair, too!

SAFETY TIP of the WEEK: When attempting to walk backward, always be sure that you are comfortable doing this. Scan your environment and clear any obstacles, and note any uneven surfaces. If your balance is challenged walking backward, practice it ONLY near a sturdy surface like a countertop or railing where you can use your hand to steady you. Also, use another person as a partner when practicing dancing backward: It’s fun AND safer!

4 | Page 4 Last Updated: 28 October 2018