Commands Reference, Volume 4 Panel20 Command

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Commands Reference, Volume 4 Panel20 Command Bull AIX 5L Commands Reference Volume 4/6, n – r AIX ORDER REFERENCE 86 A2 43EF 02 Bull AIX 5L Commands Reference Volume 4/6, n – r AIX Software May 2003 BULL CEDOC 357 AVENUE PATTON B.P.20845 49008 ANGERS CEDEX 01 FRANCE ORDER REFERENCE 86 A2 43EF 02 The following copyright notice protects this book under the Copyright laws of the United States of America and other countries which prohibit such actions as, but not limited to, copying, distributing, modifying, and making derivative works. Copyright Bull S.A. 1992, 2003 Printed in France Suggestions and criticisms concerning the form, content, and presentation of this book are invited. A form is provided at the end of this book for this purpose. To order additional copies of this book or other Bull Technical Publications, you are invited to use the Ordering Form also provided at the end of this book. Trademarks and Acknowledgements We acknowledge the right of proprietors of trademarks mentioned in this book. AIXR is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation, and is being used under licence. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States of America and other countries licensed exclusively through the Open Group. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Groupe Bull will not be liable for errors contained herein, or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the use of this material. Contents About This Book ................................xi Who Should Use This Book .............................xi How to Use This Book ...............................xi Highlighting ...................................xi ISO 9000 ...................................xiv 32-Bit and 64-Bit Support for the UNIX98 Specification ..................xiv Related Information ...............................xiv Alphabetical Listing of Commands..........................1 named Daemon .................................1 named4 Daemon .................................2 named8 Daemon .................................4 named9 Daemon .................................8 namerslv Command ................................9 ncheck Command ................................12 ndp Command .................................13 ndpd-host Daemon ................................13 ndpd-router Daemon ...............................14 ndx Command .................................19 neqn Command .................................20 netpmon Command................................21 netstat Command ................................30 newaliases Command ...............................40 newform Command................................40 newgrp Command ................................43 newkey Command ................................44 news Command .................................45 next Command .................................47 nfsd Daemon ..................................48 nfso Command .................................49 nfsstat Command ................................65 nice Command .................................67 nim Command .................................69 nimadapters Command ..............................80 nimadm Command ................................84 nimclient Command ...............................89 nimconfig Command ...............................92 nimdef Command ................................94 niminit Command ................................98 nis_cachemgr Daemon ..............................100 nisaddcred Command ..............................102 nisaddent Command ...............................105 niscat Command ................................108 nischgrp Command ...............................109 nischmod Command ...............................111 nischown Command ...............................112 nischttl Command ................................114 nisclient Command ...............................115 nisdefaults Command ..............................118 niserror Command ...............................120 nisgrep Command................................121 nisgrpadm Command ..............................122 nisinit Command ................................123 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2003 iii nisln Command.................................125 nislog Command ................................126 nisls Command .................................127 nismatch Command ...............................128 nismkdir Command ...............................129 nismkuser Command...............................131 nisping Command ................................133 nispopulate Command ..............................135 nisrm Command ................................137 nisrmdir Command ...............................138 nisrmuser Command ...............................139 nisserver Command ...............................140 nissetup Command ...............................142 nisshowcache Command .............................143 nisstat Command ................................143 nistbladm Command ...............................144 nistest Command ................................148 nistoldif Command ...............................149 nisupdkeys Command ..............................151 nl Command ..................................152 nlssrc Command ................................154 nm Command .................................156 no Command .................................159 nohup Command ................................199 enotifyevent, notifyevent Command .........................201 nrglbd Daemon .................................203 nroff Command .................................203 nslookup Command ...............................206 nsupdate Command ...............................212 nsupdate4 Command ..............................213 nsupdate8 Command ..............................215 nsupdate9 Command ..............................217 ntpdate Command................................220 ntpq Command .................................221 ntptrace Command ...............................226 ntsc Command .................................227 nulladm Command ...............................228 number Command ...............................229 od Command .................................230 odmadd Command ...............................234 odmchange Command ..............................236 odmcreate Command ..............................236 odmdelete Command ..............................239 odmdrop Command ...............................240 odmget Command................................240 odmshow Command ...............................241 on Command .................................242 oslevel Command ................................243 ospf_monitor Command .............................244 pac Command .................................246 pack Command.................................247 packf Command ................................249 pagdel Command ................................251 pagesize Command ...............................251 paginit Command ................................252 paglist Command ................................253 iv Commands Reference, Volume 4 panel20 Command ...............................253 passwd Command ...............................254 paste Command ................................257 patch Command ................................259 pathchk Command ...............................264 pax Command .................................265 pcat Command .................................277 pdelay Command ................................278 pdisable Command ...............................278 penable Command ...............................279 pg Command .................................280 phold Command ................................283 pic Command .................................284 pick Command .................................290 ping Command .................................293 pioattred Command ...............................298 piobe Command ................................299 pioburst Command ...............................301 piocnvt Command ................................303 piodigest Command ...............................304 piodmgr Command ...............................305 piofontin Command ...............................306 pioformat Command ...............................307 piofquote Command ...............................310 piolsvp Command ................................310 piomgpdev Command ..............................313 piomkapqd Command ..............................314 piomkpq Command ...............................316 piomsg Command ................................318 pioout Command ................................319 piopredef Command ...............................321 pkgadd Command................................323 pkgask Command ................................325 pkgchk Command ................................327 pkginfo Command ................................328 pkgmk Command ................................330 pkgparam Command...............................332 pkgproto Command ...............................334 pkgrm Command ................................336 pkgtrans Command ...............................337 plotgbe Command................................338 plotlbe Command ................................340 pmcycles Command ...............................341 pop3d Daemon .................................342 portmap Daemon ................................343 portmir Command ................................344 post Command .................................346 pppattachd Daemon ...............................347 pppcontrold Daemon
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