
State Senate Decides Gas Shortage Moves 1 Manchester Trackmen I Cheney Tech Director Arsonists Should Die To Threaten Farmers 1 Near CCIL Championship I Eyes Vernon Building P age 3 P age 7 1 P age 1 3 ' 1 Page 1 8 . . ^ ilanrliFatpr Cloudy Tonight, Rain Thursday Dalaila on paga 2

Gas Situation lEurntn^ Mrrat& • A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 • 200 Single Copy • 15$ Home Delivered One Connecticut city has Vol. XCVIII, No. 198 — Manchester, Conn,, Wednesday, May 23,1979 adopted a standby gasoline rationing plan patterned after California's, but state and motor club officials are predicting such plans probably won’t be needed Convict Escapes over the long Memorial Day weekend. However, the Automobile Club of Hartford and state officials said Tuesday motorists may have to took around for a while to find Chair in Florida an open station this weekend. The Hartford club said 20 per­ cent — one out of five — of the RAIFORD, Fla. (UPI) — Con­ thought the news flash was about the “I believe it appropriate to grant statiops it surveyed will be open victed killer John Spenkelink escaped federal court stay issued earlier the appiication for a stay until Sunday and Monday and nine oujt the electric chair today, at least tem­ Tuesday for Darden, “but a guard further action by the entire court,” of ten of the open stations won’t porarily, after frantic pleas to in­ notified him of the stay, and he got a Marshall said. The full court likely be putting any limit on the amount dividual Supreme Court justices. It is call from one of his lawyers confir­ will review the case at its regular of gasoline they’ll sell motorists. now up to the high court and it has ming the stay.” conference Thursday. A survey by the state Office of turned him down three times in the Spenkelink’s attorney said the first- A group of 250 demonstrators Policy and Management’s Energy past. stay came at 11:30 p.m. Tuesday in gathered across the road from the Division drew similar results. Spenkelink and another convicted Atlanta, where Judge Elbert Tuttle, prison began waving their candles Meanwhile, Middletown has killer, Willie Darden, were to have the senior member of the 5th U.S. and flashlights and chanting "Thank become one of Connecticut’s first been put to death at 7 a.m. today at Circuit Court of Appeals, ordered the God For Justice” and "Death Row cities to adopt a gasoline Florida’s Raiford Prison, but U.S. delay based on an “original” habeas Must Go” when they heard the news rationing program. District Judge W. Terrell Hodges corpus petition contending ineffec­ of the delay. The plan, adopted Tuesday by granted Darden an indefinite stay tive assistance of counsel. Gov. Robert Graham, who told a city officials and all but four of ^RlGHTi Tuesday afternoon. Attorney Andrew Graham said group outside his mansion the news, the city’s 30 gasoline station “Oh, thank God,” breathed the 30- Tuttle set a hearing for 9 a.m. today said through press secretary Steve operators, was a stiffer version of year-old Spenkelink, who has been in in Atlanta on the petition. Hull he had no immediate statement. California’s odd-even rationing TURN jail off and on since he was 18, when Almost a half hour after the first A spokesman said the death program. the news flashed on the TV screen in stay, at 11:59 p.m.. Supreme Court warrant expires Friday at noon, so IATALLi his cell that Supreme Court Justice Justice Thurgood Marshall issued a the execution could still be carried Region Survey Thurgood Marshall had issued a stay stay in Washington after two other out if the full Supreme Court refuses of execution. justices had rejected similar pleas. to make the stay permanent. Maine: State officials and Tm s ii Spenkelink, who unlike Darden had tourist industry spokesmen say exhausted the appeals process, had a gas supplies are tighter than last difficult time finding a judge who year but causing no major was willing to intercede. problems. Stations have curtailed His attorneys made a dual assault hours, but gas is readily Canada Voters on the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of available. No lines yet. 'M r Appeals and contacted individual MassachuaeUs: “Supply will Supreme Court justices and finally be tight this weekend, and people came up with two last minutes stays. will have to plan accordingly,” The first was granted at 11:30 p.m. Oust Liberals predicts the Bay State Gasoline in Atlanta, where Judge Elbert Tut­ Retailers Association. Eighty-five tle, senior member of the 5th U.S. TORONTO (UPI) - Canadian Trudeau’s estranged wife, percent of gas stations will be Circuit Court of Appeals, ordered a voters rejected Prime Minister Margaret, followed the results in the cloKd Sunday and Monday, an delay based on a petition contending Pierre Elliott Trudeau’s 11-year New York apartment of a friend and association spokesman said. Spenkelink had received ineffective Liberal Party rule Tuesday, dividing then went dancing at the famed ’^'New^fampahlre: AAA survey legal counsel. their already troubled country on Studio 54, where amid the thudding of 27 stations located in various^ State of Confusion Less that a half hour later, at 11:59 language lines, and asked a relative music and flashing lights she praised parts of the state shows that only p.m., Afershall issued another stay, unknown young westerner named Joe her husband. 30 percent of them will be open Motorists northbound on Route 5 in Bouth Windsor had the saying: “I believe it appropriate to Clark to form a minority Conser­ “He’s the most wonderful man I Sunday, May 27 — ccnnpared to 44 option of a right turn at all times onto Sullivan AvCnue, but grant the application for a stay until vative government. know,” said Mrs. Trudeau, dressed percent open on previous ­ in white disco pants and stiletto with the Connecticut Department of Transportation’s im­ further action by the entire court.” While Clark’s party almost shut out days; 85 percent will be open The full court likely will review the the Liberals in the vast region from heels. “He’s going to be the greatest Saturday, but only 35 percent will plementation of the “right turn-on-red” law which takes effect case at its regular conference the Great Lakes to the Pacific leader of the opposition, not only remain open after 6 p.m. July 1 it will be prohibited. S ip s banning a turn on red have Thursday. Ocean, in French-speaking Quebec it because he is going to fight for in­ Rhode Island: No supply hung at nearly half of the traffic-light intersections in the Tuttle originally set a hearing in could win only two of the province’s dividual freedom but because he’s problem and no lines, but many state. (UPI photo) the Spenkelink case for 9 a.m. today, 75 seats. going to fight boringness.” stations limiting sales and hours but after learning the Supreme Court Clark, 39, the youngest man ever to She said she would try to fly back to stretch supplies over Memorial also had interceded, Tuttle said this win the prime minister’s job, said in to Canada. Day weekend — including some morning: “There will be no action a victory speech in his oil-rich Alber­ The unofficial final tabulation of company-owned self-service (in his court) until after the Supreme ta district that he would ensure that seats in the enlarged 282-member stations which have begun GOP, Democrats Court acts.” Quebec is represented in his govern­ House of Commons showed the limiting purchase amounts for the Spenkelink, who has been on ment. But even raising the subject il­ Conservatives with a commanding first time this week. Florida’s Death Row for 5M: years. lustrated the weakness. 135 against the Liberals 115, the Vermont: Situation un­ Dispute Hearings Was convicted in December 1973 of In a dramatic concession of defeat, socialist New Democratic Party 26 changed, according to state killing Joseph J. Szymankiewicz, a the 59-year-old Trudeau said in Ot­ and the Quebec-based Social Credit Energy Office. Few weekend parole violator and traveling compa­ tawa he was stepping down after Party with 6. By GREG PEARSON town funds to be used for the project. closings, some curtailed hours but nion. He maintained he acted in self- more than a decade in the nation’s But the Liberal bulge of votes in no major problems. Energy Of­ Herald Reporter The 40-unit housing project is being toughest job but would not quit as Quebec contributed to a convincing planned and will be funded primarily defense. fice expects calls 5t end of week MANCHESTER - Democratic leader of the Liberal Party. national lead over the Conservatives with a state grant. But, the town Darden was convicted of killing a from some stations that are run­ Town Chairman Ted Cummings has “Naturally within two or three in the popular vote of more than 4 would have to provide some funds to Lakeland furniture store owner ning out of gas. proposed a series of public hearings James Turman and wounding a 16- days I will be leading my colleagues percent. complete the work. and a possible referendum question year-old boy who came to Turman’s ... to decide on the future of the Clark will have to govern with the The exact amount the town would Inside Today to determine if residents want to use aid. Darden claims he is innocent, government,” Trudeau told sup­ support of some other members to have to fund is not known, but the town funds to complete housing for despite two witnesses who testified porters crammed into the posh give him a majority in the House of Business...... 24 most recent estimate ranged from the elderly units on Spencer Street. to the contrary. Chateau Laurier Hotel. Commons. Trudeau ruled that way in Gassified...... 19-22 $75,000 to $220,000. Republican Town Chairman “John took a deep breath and so did “I think it is my duty at this time to 1972-74 with the support of NDP. Comics...... 23 Community Development funding Trudeau’s defeat was sealed in Editorial .’...... 11 Richard Weinstein, however, has I,” said the Rev. Tom Feamster, a recommend to my colleagues that we had been planned to pay part of this populous Ontario. While Quebec Entertainment___ ...... 16 called the proposal a “political I^esbyterian minister who waited hand the government over and that I ploy.” cost, but town voters last month recommend to the governor general showed even stronger allegiance to Fam iiy...... 25-32 decided to withdraw from the out the hours with Spenkelink and Cummings contacted Weinstein that he ask Mr. Clark to form a the Liberal Party than normal, On­ O bituaries...... 12 program. That decision now is being was with him when the reprieve last week and mentioned the idea of government,” he said. “As for me, I tario voters devastated the federal Peopletaik...... 2 challenged in U.S. District Court. came. “He’s a very unusual person. the Manchester Housing Authority think I will be a pretty good leader of Cabinet. Eight of 13 ministers were Sports...... 13-15 In that April vote, voters also He’s reserved.” Television ...... 16 conducting a series of hearings in Feamster said Spenkelink at first the opposition.” defeated. JV eather...... town to determine if residents want —See I’age Twelve ...... ■ - ■ ■ h Talk, Talk, Talk at Capitol unabashed frequency. Most of the senators Skelley, D-Tolland, 12; George Gunther, R- By ANDREW M. NIBLEY with a couple of years under their belts speak Stratford, 10, and Skowronski, nine. HARTFORD (UPI) - The legislative sparingly. Two senators had nothing to say — James process. Talk, talk and more talk. It drones on In the House, it’s just the opposite. The Murphy, D-Norwich, and William'Sullivan, D- hour after hour, day after day. veterans reach for their little black Waterbury. Other quiet ones in the upper But who’s doing all the talking? microphones considerably more often than the chamber included Alfred Santaniello, R- A two-week chronicling of vibrating vocal newcomers. . Norwalk; Mary Martin, D-Groton; and San- chords under the Capitol’s gold dome reveals Sometimes the constant chatter from some fonl Cloud, D-Hartford. Each of them spoke that House Minority Leader R.E. Van lawmakers irritates others. only once. Norstrand is far and away the man with the Recently, Sen. Eugene Skowronski, D- In the House, Van Norstrand was the most to say. The Republican from South Derby, a freshman who learned about his runaway winner with 44 speeches, followed by Darien addressed his colleagues 44 times microphone early on, spoke several times on a Reps. Jaekle, 28; Charles Matties, R-West during the lO^ay period. particular bill before conceding he might have Hartford, 24; Dorothy Osier, R-Greenwich, His closest competitors were Rep. Robert to rethink his position. 22; Paul LaRosa, D-Hartford, 21; Robert Jaekle, R-Stratford, and Sen. Richard Cun­ Lt. Gov. William O’Neill, who presides over Walsh, D-Coventry, 20; Richard Tulisano, D- ningham, R-Stamford. Each flapped his yap 28 the upper chamber, wryly observed, “As long Rocky Hill, 19 and Dorothy Barnes, R- times. as it’s got you thintog and not talking, Farmington, 18. Cunningham should be given the upper hand senator, that’s just fine with me.” There was only one Republican in the House In this regard because the Senate met fewer Senate Majority Leader Joseph Liebepnan, who chose to keep mum — Paul Abercrombie A times than the House. In fact, Cunningham, a D-New Haven, rose to express similar irrita­ of North Haven. But a total of 19 Democrats, freshman, spoke twice as much as any other tion last year after a handful of senators had including former House Speaker James senator. pretty much talked a bill to death. Kennelly, were silent during the two-week A couple of trends became apparent during “I would like to associate myself with my period. the past two weeks. previous remarks,” the Democratic leader In compiling the numbers, UPI did not count Republicans tend to speak more than said sarcastically, letting his colleagues know the times lawmakers, primarily committee Democrats. Perhaps, this is because there are that everything that n ^ e d to be said had chairmen, offered and explained bills. This is so few Republicans in the Connecticut been said and it was time to vote. a duty over which they exercise little control. Minority Leader R.E. Van Norstrand, right, talks with Assistant Legislature that they must work and talk The vocal ones in the Senate over the past What was counted were the instances in Minority Leader Robert G. Jaekle during a session of the Connecticut twice as hard to get their views across. two weeks were Cunningham, who spoke 28 which the people’s representatives stood to Anotiier strange twist is that in the Senate, times; Audrey Beck, D-Mansfleld, 14 times; offer an amendment or express their feelings House of Representatives. Talk, talk and more talk. It’s all part of the freshmen lawmakers speak with alarming and Nancy Johnson, R-New Britain, 13; Michael on an issue. legislative process. (UPI photo) EVENING HERALD, Wed., May 23, 1979 - PAGE THREE PAGE TWO - EVENING HERALD. Wed.. May 23. 1979 Employees^ < -^r • \ National Effort Begins Weiss Says Town Review Isn’t ‘Ffficien^y’ Study MANCHESTER — Town Manager recommendations about how to im­ everyone.” Weiss said. enough supervisors in a department. The firm will be paid a maximum of Thus, he thinks it is something that Health Exam Robert Weiss does not want persons prove the operation of the The study done by the Public Ad­ It will analyze the town’s method of $27,000 for the work, but the cost most persons are anxious to get To Draft Ted Kennedy to think that an upcoming study of departments. ministration Service actually will be purchasing and its use of motor could be less depending upon the started. Being Cut vehicles. number of hours spent on the study. “We’re all looking forward to it,” The analysis has been referred to a detailed report on how each depart­ expects to support him.” national health insurance. town operations wi' ill lead toolfices of The firm will provide a list of The firm has indicated it will spend WASHINGTON (UPI) - While by some as an efficiency study, but ment works. It will include discus­ Weiss said. “They (the town’s Southwick said Kennedy aides have In an interview in the Providence, workers moving like robots to in- recommendations about how the 75 percent of its study time in Sen. Edward Kennedy is saying that is a term Weiss does not like. sion with employees and the depart­ department heads) should think of been in touch with aides of the five R.I., Evening Bulletin this week, crease efficiency. town can improve its day-to-day Manchester, and it will meet regular­ M.ANCHESTER — A cut in the “please don’t,” five congressmen “That applies that there's inef­ ment heads. the study as an aid and not a threat,” are organizing a nationwide effort to congressmen ih an attempt to dis­ O’Neill said; "The truth of the The study of all town departments operation. ly with town administrators to dis­ Town Health Department's budget will be conducted by Hie Public Ad­ ficiency." he said. “You can tell a lot by employee at­ will mean a reduction in the dump President Carter and draft the courage the draft movement and “to matter is that if Kennedy were to The study was approved by the cuss its findings. he said. ministration Serviviee of Washington titudes," Weiss said. department's program of physical Massachusetts Democrat for the par­ make sure they got the message” run. Carter couldn’t get the nomina­ "The connotation of an efficiency Town Board of Directors, which Weiss has said the study is The study will start in early June D.C. It will be a review of all town The study will review such things CNaminations for new town ty’s 1980 presidential nomination. that Kennedy is not running. tion, in my opinion.” study is a man standing in a corner voted last week to hire the Public Ad­ something that will benefit the town and is expected to take about three departments, and I as whether there are too many or not employees. Town Health Ad­ Kennedy aides have tried to dis­ Despite his repeated statements of But O'Neill,' who unsuccessfully 1 the firm will make with a stopwatch who is timing ministration Service to do the job. and its government’s departments. months. ministrator Ronald Kraatz told the courage them — but the five were to support for Carter, Kennedy has urged Kennedy to seek the nomina­ Advisory Board of Health Tuesday. announce their effort formally at a avoided saying anything that would tion in 1976, said he discussed the The department will continue news conference today. flatly rule out his candidacy. matter with the senator last week providing physical exams for Liberal Democrats have become He has feuded openly with the ad­ and came away convinced he would STEEL CELLAR DOORS employees of the town police and fire increasingly vocal about their dis­ ministration on a number of major not run and would support Carter. Only Arsonists Deserve to Die: Senate department. Kraatz said the depart­ enchantment with Carter and his issups, especially on energy and HARTFORD tUPl) — For a time, the It started when Senate Majority Leader jumped up and offered an amendment that amendments continued to carry. Any ment will probably limit other policies in recent weeks. Draft Senate appeared bent on making sure Joseph Lieberman, D-New Haven, asked would allow judges to impose the death Fearful they might lose the arson bill, physicals to employees who do heavy Kennedy movements have sprouted mass murderers, arsonists who set fatal his colleagues to remove the death penalty penalty on persons who rape and then those who favored the death penalty Shape work. Those employed in office up in Massachusetts, Iowa, New Decisions at the Site fires and killers who rape their victims from the arson bill. murder their victims. backed off. The rape-murder amendment positions or clerical work will Hampshire, Minnesota, Ohio, Rhode come face to face with the "ultimate But Sen. Salvatore DePiano, D- A 14-year-old girl who lives near Cun­ was defeated and the mass murderer or probably be referred to their own Island and other key primary and punishment " — death. Bridgeport. said it was time the state got ningham was recently raped and killed amendment was reconsidered and physicians. Kraatz said. caucus states. Best in Emergencies But after more than two hours of stormy tough with arsonists. after she showed up for a fake baby-sitting withdrawn. Size He explained that there will be a House Speaker Thomas P. O’Neill, Chip Carter Bob Hope and emotionally draining debate, the DePiano prevailed and Lieberman’s job. Senate President Pro Tern Joseph "readjusting of some of our work meanwhile, said he thinks Kennedy WASHINGTON (U PI)-Em ergen­ Scranton also recommended development of emergency Senate Tuesday decided for the time being amendment went down 18-16. “It (death) is a deterrent to crime,” Fauliso, D-Hartford, was relieved. “I FREE ESTIMATES load" because the department's staff would win the nomination if he ran cies like the one at Three Mile Island think we were on a very perilous course,” can best be managed by officials at procedures that are well understood only the fire-setters deserved the death Sensing they had the votes, pro-death Cunningham said. “I believe it is the ul­ nurse position will be discontinued. against Carter — but he doubts timate punishment.” he said. Peopletalk the scene, not by those in by the populace, and making a penalty. penalty senators began offering other The Board of Directors has rejected Kennedy will enter the race. “The individual who commits sexual Sen. David Barry, D-Manchester, Washington, Lt. Gov. William Scran­ greater effort “to arrive at a popular The arson bill, approved on a 29-4 vote capital punishment amendments. a department request to change the Organizing the draft-Kennedy assault and then murders his victim agreed. “If we put people in prison it’s one ton III of Pennsylvania told Congress understanding of both the perils and and shipped to the House, appeared to be Sen. Louis Cutillo, D-Waterbury, said staff nurse prosition to a full-time, movement are Reps. Richard Ot- in fbr relatively easy sledding when it should not be dealt with on a point of law,” thing. If we put them in the ground, it’s town paid job. The federally funded tinger of New York, Richard Nolan today. the potential of the fissioh process.” the death penalty should apply to anyone came before the Senate Tuesday after­ agreed Sen. Michael Skelley, D-Tolland. quite another.” position is effective through Bob Hope Sets of Minnesota, John Conyers of In testimony prepared for a House Such knowledge would alleviate who kills more than one person at a time. Lieberman was beside himself. In the end, the Senate approved the ar­ “the potential of panic and fear” noon. Cutillo said the recent slayings of three September, but Lois Ann Beckwith Michigan, Fortney Stark of Califor­ Science and Technology subcom­ “The next amendment would impose son bill and sent it to the House. mittee, Scranton quoted Nuclear caused by nuclear power, he said. But a series of amendments quickly Purolator Security Inc. guards in his city has resigned from the position effec­ nia and Edward Beard of Rhode the death penalty on speeders,” he said. In Connecticut, there are now six Regulatory Commission official In testimony Tuesday, John T. turned the bill into what Sen. Wiiliarn were despicable and those responsible for tive in June. Island. Curry. D-Farmington. called an "omnibus But at that point Lt. Gov. William offenses to which the death penalty ^Road to China^ Harold Denton, who originally Conway, head of the American the crime deserved to die. TOM KIRBY Also. Kraatz said the budget cut Ottinger said the purpose of the capital punishment bill for unrelated O’Neal indicated he was going to send the applies. Killing someone by setting a fire has meant suspension of the move is to “tnake it irresistible for favored a general evacuation near Nuclear Energy Council, took a His amendment carried 18-16. swipe at power plant critics; “Those offenses. " bill to the legislative commissioners of­ would be the seventh. 872-6236 department's $1,000 referral contract him to run.” the plant site but later changed his Sen. Richard Cunningham, R-Stamford, fice if the capital punishment Bob Hope and his "road shows” Brand New Angel mind after reaching the Penn­ who advocate the shutdown of our with the Greater Hartford Council on follow thaws in diplomatic relations The five'congressmen frequently Charlie has a brand new angel — sylvania accident scene. operating nuclear power plants, and a Alcoholism. as surely as flowers follow the have criticized Carter and his one who was his namesake in her last “ I guess I’ve learned that moratorium on future nuclear power Kraatz said that referrals in the melting snow, and this time he’s off policies. Conyers had already an­ SNOPIARLY incarnation on the tube. emergencies can only be managed by plants are in fact supporting an ac­ Purolator Jury program have dropped off since its on the “Road to China.” nounced he would not support him for MANCHESTER GLASTONBURY Producers of ABC-TV’s “Charlie’s people on the site,” Scranton quoted tion that would constitute an un­ FOR T K L0N€ inception a few years ago. This past Hope will head the first American re-election and, despite Vice Presi­ 260 North Main at Main Fox Run Mall Angels” say they’ve signed Shelley Denton as saying. “They can’t be reasonable risk to the health and year there have been only about a variety tour ever on the Chinese dent Walter Mondale’s personal Delayed a Week half dozen referrals of employees Hack to replace Kate Jackson who pleas, Nolan has started a draft- managed back in Washington.” safety of the people of the United EAST HARTFORD MIDDLETOWN mainland next month —’ taping it in leaves the show this fall. Miss Hack HOLIDAY with work performance problems. Kennedy movement in Minnesota. Scranton, who heads the Penn­ States.” 1150 Burnside Avenue 900 Washington St. Rt, 66 Peking and Shanghai, showcasing top had a small role in “Annie Hall,” but sylvania Emergency Management Conway repeated the often-heard WATERBURY I UPI) — Following two hours of closed- Chinese entertainers and giving “This in no way changes the she’s best known to viewers as the Agency, said, “this point was, in­ argument that no one has ever been door discussions, the judge in the case of four persons ac­ Waddell Pool To Open Chinese audiences a firsthand taste senator’s position,” said jCennedy’s WE WELCOME YOUR FOOD STAMP PURCHASES “Charlie” girl of the Revlon com­ deed, one of the most important killed in a nuclear accident, unlike cused of slaying three Purolator security guards agreed MANCHESTER - Waddell Pool of Yankee humor. press secretary Tom Southwick. “He mercials. expects President Carter to be re­ lessons to be learned from the in­ mishaps involving other forms of to postpone for one week the convening of a grand jury. OPEN MON., TUES., WED., SAT. 8:30 A.M. to 9 P.M. TOPNOICHWIU. will open Saturday to begin the Says Hope, who’s made 22 Christ­ She’s the second Angel replace­ Superior Court Judge Walter Pickett granted Assistant nominated and re-elected and he cident.” energy. THURS. A PRI 8:30 A.M. to 10 P.M. Recreation Department’s summer mas trips overseas to entertain ment since Cheryl Ladd subbed for State’s Attorney Francis McDonald's'Vequest to postpone CLOSID MON., swim season. American troops, “It’s something Farrah Fawcett-Majors a year ago the grand jury hearing one week to June 4. The grand jury OPEN SUNDAY 10A.M. to 5P.M. Other pools in town will open June I’ve wanted to do ever since things and she’ll make her debut when the will meet to consider indictments being sought by the iEMORIAL 19 at 1 p.m. opened up between our two coun­ W s rttsrvs ths right to limH quanlititt to 4 uniti unissi othsrwiss tptcttlsd show begins its fourth season with an state. Not rttpontibis for lypographtcsl trrors . Waddell will open Saturday a 10 tries.” Betty Ford Sees Ted DAYI episode titled “Angels in the Sun,” to McDonald’s request was made after lengthy talks with a.m. and remain open until 6 p.m. PRICES EFFECTIVE MON.. MAY 21 THRU SAT.. MAY 26, 1979. He did the same thing with a broad­ be shot next month in the Virgin attorneys representing two female defendants. The hours will be the same over the cast from Moscow when Soviet- Islands. Lawrence J. Pelletier Jr.. 36. his wife, Evelyn “ Vega” holiday weekend. American relations first warmed up Pelletier. Donald Couture. 26. and his wife, Donna Beginning Tuesday, hours will be 3 in the early 1960s. As Dems’ Front Runner Quote of the Day Couture. 23. are all charged with capital felony murder in CA IN ’S p.m, to 8 p.m. from Monday through at the Waldorf Towers. “Everything the April 16 ambush of a Purolator Security Inc. garage SEE WHAT ' t a ^ MAYONNAISE Friday until school is out. Avant-rock musician Frank Zappa NEW YORK (UPI) - Betty Ford paquiddick will hurt him.” 1401. BOTTLE New Career seems to fall into place now. I can’t in which the three guards were killed and nearly $1.9 — whose three children he named says she believes Sen. Edward M. She said, however, many young °TsS\ 0 0 ^ Manchester Lodge It will be something of a second Moon Unit, Dweezil and Ahmet Kennedy is probably going to run for people just beginning to vote will believe it ... The energy I have, the million in loot stolen. HHNZ iSe honeymoon for international fashion Rodan — on the impending birth of a the presidency but thinks the Chap- “probably dismiss” the 10-year-old, greater curiosity about everything Both couples were arrested within 24 hours of the 0 o BUYS! KnCHUP MANCHESTER - The Manchester model Iman and husband Spencer fourth; “We’ll name it Burt paquiddick episode will hurt him. episode in which Kennedy’s car went robbery, allegedly following a tip by a female informant. COUPONS GOOD WITH COUPON AND AOOITIONAI '10 00 FOOD PURCHASE LIMIT Lodge of Masons will present 50-year Haywood, super hoopster for the off a bridge at Chappaquiddick Island Asked about her husband’s political On Tuesday Pickett heard nearly 40 motions from fttOPfoNE COUPON PER CUSTOMER COOO MAT 20 THRU MAY 2« 1171 Reynolds if it’s a boy and Clint The former first lady says she SUNDAY THRU SATURDAY! LVwithv pins Tuesday night at 7:30 at the New Orleans Jazz. She’s landed a Eastwood if it’s a girl.” doesn’t think her husband has any in­ and a young woman was drowned. future, she said, “I honestly don’t McDonald and the lawyers for the two male defendants. Masonic Temple, East Center St. A leading role in Otto Preminger’s know what he’s going to do.” She said He took most of the motions under advisement, in­ ALL COUPONS CAN BE REDEEMED WITH tention of running again, but adds; Ask^ about reports that former ONE ADDITIONAL '10.00 PURCHASE potiuck supper will be served at 6:30 “The Human Factor,” and he’s going Glimpses “I’ve learned never to say never.” Gerald Ford may challenge Sen. Ford is “waiting to see how he reacts cluding one seeking to have the capital murder charge EXCLUDIND THE VALUE OF COUPONS p.m. along to keep her company on loca­ Gary Hart, the Democratic incum­ to the candidates.” against Pelletier lowered, pending the outcome of the Pennsylvania Sen. John Heinz Mrs. Ford made the comments in tion filming in London and in Kenya an interview Tuesday after receiving bent in Colorado, Mrs. Ford said, “I As for Presideht Carter, she said, grand jury. joined national Hula>Hoop Champion / c n n u i s i — Iman’s’home country. an achievement award at a luncheon whuld doubt that.” “I think he’s in trouble.” Attorneys for the two women will present further f t ' ?I ^ I Brenda Fuller of Spartansburg, S.C., Tourism Test Coming Their 9-month-old daughter sponsored by the National Women’s During the interview, she spoke She said she hears complaints QWEET LIFE ■ ■ ■ ■ M l 1LB. BOX Tuesday, twirling three hoops at once motions to Pickett next Tuesday. Zumehka — that’s “precious” in with ease of her problems as an about the president everywhere she The public defenders appointed to represent Mrs. Mueltirt MIKUER'S CONCORD, N.H. (UPI) - Around on the Capitol lawn to kick off the Division of the Albert Einstein ,,H0rD 0 6 or Swahili — isn’t making the trip. alcoholic. She underwent treatment goes and “I don’t think people are Pelletier and Mrs. Couture have‘been seeking to have New Hampshire’s Lakes Region National Summer Recreation College of Medicine. She’ll stay with her grandparents in at the Long Beach, Calif., Naval saying this just to make me feel their clients’ cases tried separately. V H A iu m t 'MOW tourist industry officials say the Program ... Richard Nixon’s long­ Discussing the 1980 White House Memorial Day weekend will be the Mississippi while mama co-stars race, Mrs. Ford said, “I think Hospital’s Alcohol and Drug good.” R 0 U $ a PACK S^MlMAURMr time pal Bebe Rebozo has purchas^ ^ W IT H COUPON AND AOOITIONAI '10 00 FOOO PURCHASE LIMIT with Nicol Williamson, Robert She said she and her husband WITH c o u n u AMD ADDITIONAL 'ID 00 FOOD FUACNAH. LMD guide that tells how hard the gasoline probably Sen. Kennedy is going to Rehabilitiation Center. R o m e c o u p o n p e r c u s t o m e r 0006 m a t n thru m a y 21 i i r i a home near the former president’s 'on. CODMN FtA CU.TOAIEA. GOOD HAT 3D THAU MAY 34. 1ITI Morley, Sir Richard Attenborough Mrs. Ford, 61, looked happy as she “would have been very happy with a W * A. A.. AA a a . a j crunch will strike home. San Clemente, Calif., estate, accor­ run because he’s becoming so,.A'ery and Sir John Gielgud in the Graham chatted about the fun she had Mon­ win” during the 1976 presidential Marina operators, motel and ding to the San Clemente Daily Sun newsworthy ... BPACK restaurant owners say their entire Greene thriller. “I know he wants to be president day night when she kicked up her election, “but you have to be SPRINQ FLOWER ^ ■ Post ... President Carter ’Tuesday summer hinges on how many people sometime and if President Carter heels at Studio 54, New York City’s realistic.” ENGLISH A ^ presented 15-year-old Lisa Branchina are attracted to the region this Not a Candidate makes any more mistakes ...” she celebrity-conscious disco, after a “If you’re going to play the game, MUFFINS ^ ° of Hampton, Va., the 5 millionth birthday party for designer Ralston. you have to be prepared to lose,” she If You Didn’t Receive Your Circular... weekend. Chip Carter says he likes politics, presidential physical fitness award said. But she added that the "Most of my customers indicate but he wouldn’t take his father’s job Massachusetts Dempcrat “has lots “I feel just terrific and life is just said. . since the program began in 1966 ... Tn A I D O R so super now,” she said in her suite Super Value. Please Pick One Up At Any Top Notch Store! their friends are terrified about get­ if he could get it with boxtops. Says New York architect Philip Johnson of drawbacks and I think Chap- ting trapped up here without fuel,” he of the presidency, “I’ve seen it up has been named winner of the first Another said Dick Trexler, owner of Trexler’s close — it takes too much out of a Pritzker Architecture Prize — an Marine a boat marina on Lake Win- ^A G IN E I LAND O’ LAKES SLICED person.” honor that carries a $100,000 cash nipesaukee in Moultonboro. A prolessionat 8 ^ 0 co w portrait He adds of President Carter, “But award, the largest in the field ... “There are no lines in any of the CD Lawsuit Tough Issue my father thrives on it.” Young AUER, CHEESE gasoline stations here, but people are Carter addressed a Truman Day Now You Know MANCHESTER - The pending Town voters decided April 17 to pitched battle caused by the recent being pysched out by their dinner Tuesday in Knoxville, Tenn., Picasso’s full name was Pablo Community Development court case withdraw for two years from the legal entanglements. While this may for only experiences back home. Unless it im­ and discussed his own political Diego Jose Francisco de Paula Juan may lead to members of the Town federal Community Development create great opportunities for * MMSFORD S A V E 20 proves it will become a serious career, saying, "I have a 100 percent program. The decision, however, has lawyers, it is terribly upsetting and 88 Nepomuceno Maria de los Remedies Board of Directors having to decide SILVIRFIOSS problem for the tourist industry,” he record in politics. I ran for City Coun­ Cipriano de la Santisima Trinidad between obeying the court or obeying been challenged by a lawsuit filed by perplexing to the electorate,” Weins­ said Tuesday. CHARCOAL SAKRKRAIT cil in Plains (Ga.) and I won.” Ruiz Picasso. the voters of the town. At least that’s three low-income residents. tein said. 1502. CAN the opinion of Republican Town U.S. District Court M. Joseph “The democratic incumbents have 10LB. BAG JC tlM lbiR ,$179 Chairman Richard Weinstein. Blumenfeld granted a temporary in­ an obligation to run in the fall elec­ <- $119 Connecticut Weather junction to prevent the town from tion and have the voters judge heir l i i A I I B l i EU"niAM(S lb.l 30.3< “The heart of our democratic in­ withdrawing. He now will hold a actions and credibility. The voters Today sunny becoming cloudy this afternoon. High stitution and form of government is hearing on the full merits of the case deserve no less,” he said. FRESH S A V E 20 \ temperatures 60 to 65, 16 to 18 C. Tonight cloudy with threatened by the confrontation and a request Jor a permanent in­ Five of the six Democratic direc­ “CNKKEN CLASSK" nANKS ib CAM'S between the federal court and the junction. tors favored continuation in the Com­ 99* REUSN ' rain. Lows 50 to 55. Thursday rain heavy at times. Highs COLUMBIA OEM SWEET. HOT OOG (r | « W V O M around 60. Probability of precipitation 20 percent today, will of the electorate,” Weinstein “The town has been placed in the munity Development program. C H U MHO RANKS or HAMBURG 80 percent tonight, 90 percent Thursday. Winds easterly said. middle of what appears to be a ' tANFlUWiaMO around 10 mph today and tonight, 10 to 20 mph Thursday. ROM OIR VAU-PAK SiONM - t h e s e a r e n o t JUST p o r t io n s BUT ACTUAL HALF HAMS! $ 7 9 9 m "‘D S A V E 1S iTwra LMKAT PITTB RPC Coll To Organize Corps WITH CENTER SLICES FANMNC VIVA iqWIIT riMPIRATUIIS Long Island Sound BREAD I BUnER lAROE OUVES ^NEWOfUAM B FRESH FROM OUR OWN OVENS FKXLIS NAPIONS High pressure over the northeast states will move east MANCHESTER - Ned Coll is issues of human needs. Organizations, Individuals Now), : SMOKED HAMS .b '1402. JAR bringing his Revitalization Corps to The MCSR plans to deal with the as low pressure from the Gulf states moves northeast. which fought a losing battle to retain ; ■’1 WMU HOI DON tr A A C South to southeast winds 10 to 15 knots today, increasing Manchester and will have an issues of fair and decent housing, Manchester’s involvement in the ; NAMMRCROUSdoz 49* to 10 to 20 knots tonight and 15 to 25 knots Thursday. Most­ organizational meeting tonight at delivery of human services, protec­ federal Community Block Grants. ■ J SMOKED HAMS lb i flow 7; 30 at 34D Garden Drive. tion of human rights, as well as the UAIVtATMfn FOTOCAtT • ly cloudy today with a chance of rain late in the after­ Program. noon. Periods of rain and scattered thunderstorms Coll said he plans to begin a problems of employment, aging and Coil’s meeting tonight will take BEEF FROM CHUCK grassroots movement in Manchester youth, community involvement. The place at the home of Lucy ; For period ending 7 a.m. EST 5/24/79. Wednesday night tonight and Thursday. Visibility 3 to 5 miles in haze today, N H D iSS CMKK S1EAKS ib. will find rain or scattered showers throughout most of the lowering to 1 to 3 miles and locally below 1 mile in rain and is inviting all people who have group also will act a support base by Demirglan. one of the nlaintiffs in a .. • legal-aid lawsuit to force the town to ; 1 BONE-IN BEEF FROM CHUCK Atlantic states and parts of the Ohio Valley. Elsewhere, and fog late today through Thursday. Average wave problems to come to tonight’s providing a voice and educational ac­ generally fair weather is forecast. heights 1 to 2 feet today and 2 to 3 feet tonight, increasing meeting. tion. remain in the CD program. She has -J I nr iiAK snAKS »> ’Thursday. Meanwhile, some town residents Organizers of this new group, also been notified that her lease at LEAN BEEF FROM CHUCK have formed an organization, Gerry Harveey, Bob Faucher, the Garden Apartments off Main IB M CUE SIEAKS *>. Manchester Citizens for Social Joanne Mikoleit and Betty Tonucci, Street will not be renewed. BLUE BONNET Extended Forecast Responsibility, to deal with the were all members of JOIN (Justice,' ^ Beef from Chuck LEAN BEEF LIGHT SPREAD New England Weather .Choice ^Hrom Finished Professional Extended outlook for New England Friday thru Sun­ CALIFORNIA Mass. # R.I.: Becoming Cloudy this afternoon. Chance To AdvartiM To Roport Nawa day; Manchester of rain in the west late this afternoon. High temperatures East Hartford — Glastonbury Mass., R.I. Si Conn.: Cloudy with a chance rain Friday For a classified advertisement, call To report a news item or story idea: CHUCK 60 to 65,16 to 18 C. Rain tonight and Thursday. Rain may 643-2711 and ask for Classified. Office 3 9 9 * and Saturday. Fair Sunday. Daytime highs in the 60s and Evening Herald M anchester___ Alex Girelli. M3-2711 l e g a t i o n ' CHUCK be heavy at times. Overnight lows in the 50s. Highs hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday overnight lows from the mid 40s to the low 50s. USPS 327-500 East Hartford .. Chris Blake. 643-2711 .Children must be STEAKS 3lbs. or more Thursday upper 50s to mid 60s. through Friday. When the office is Glastonbury Charlie Maynard. 643-2711 Vermont; Mostly cloudy with showers ending Friday. Published daily except Sunday and ...... ■...... -...... ^ -BUT Vermont: Increasing cloudiness today. Highs 64 to 70. closed, classified ads may be placed by Andover...... Donna Holland. 646-0375 HOOD'S Clearing Saturday and sunny Sunday. Rather cool with certain holidays by the Manchester Rain likely overspreading the state tonight. Lows 45 to 52. calling 643-2718. Bolton...... Donna Holland. 646-0375 PHOTOGRAPHERS HOURS: DAILY 10 AM to8 PM MIDMTt highs in the 60s and lows in the 40s. Publishing Co., Herald Square, P.O. $178 OftANQE Thursday rain, breezy and cool. Highs in the 50s. For information about display adver­ Coventry ___Guy DeSimone. 640-9856 Maine and New Hampshire; Showers likely Friday. Box 591, Manchester, Conn. 06040. JUICE Maine: Clouding up today. Highs in the 60s, 18 C except tising. call Tbomas Hooper, advertising Hebron ... Patricia Mulligan. 228-0269 HaN OANon CtfSOfi Srm Clearing Saturday. Fair Sunday. Daytime highs in the director, at 643-2711. ?1” !1 coller along the immediate coast. Chance of rain north Hava a Complaint? South Windsor. Judy Kuehnel. 644-1364 60s. Overnight lows in the 40s. and occasional rain likely elsewhere tonight. Lows in the To Subacriba Vernon .. Barbara Richmond. 643-2711 Nows — If'you have a question or TUES. WED. THURS. FRI. 5S1 40s north to near 50 south. Occasional rain likely complaint about news coverage, call To subscribe, call .Customer Service To report .special news; MAY 24 Thursday. Highs in the mid 50s along the coast to near 60 at 647-9946. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to MAY 22 MAY 23 MAY 25 Frank Burbank, managing editor, 643- Business...... Alex Girelli. 643-2711 . T1| TASTE O' SEA inland. 2711. 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and 7 Church Notices . Alice Evans. 643-2711 DAILY: 10 AM - S PM n n r n •*07 ’'in to 10 a.m. Saturday. SEALTEST SEAFOOD PLATTER New Hampshire: Clouding up today. Highs in the 60s, Circulation — If yoii have a problem Opinion ' ...... Frank Burbank. 643-2711 TOLLAND TURNPIKE, MANCHESTER FRESH 18 C except cooler along the immediate coast. Occasional regarding service or delivery, call Suggested carrier rates are 90 cents F ainilv...... Beltv Rvder. 643-2711 SWEET CORN SOUR weekly. $3.90 for one month: $11.70 for TRI-CITY SHOPPING CENTER. VERNON rain likely tonight and Thursday. Lows tonight near 50. Customer Service, 647-9946. Delivery S poils...... Earl Yost. 643-2711 n r r r r f l ^ould be made by 5 p.m. Monday three months. $23.40 for six months, and CREAM 69 Highs Thursday in the mid 50s along the coast to near 60 The dog was the first animal film star. He played the hero in the 1905 picture Rescued by Rover. through Friday and by 7:30 a.m. Satur­ $«,80 for one year. Mail rates are Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. inland. available cm request. 6-89* day. Monday through Friday EVENING HERALD, Wed., May 23, 1979 - PAGE FIVE I’AC’.K KOl'R - EVENING HERALD, Wed., May 23. 1979 COEP Students Cited Town Reservoir Levels % At Year-End Banquet Considered No Problem By JUNE TOMPKINS MANCHESTER -L a s t winter, of­ voirs, although most of the reser­ past summers, the department department stores, and many other Herald Reporter . ficials in the Water Department sometimes has had to institute water businesses in between. voirs are just above that level. MANCHESTER - About 525 students, feared a lack of snow might lead to There has been a steady amount of bans during very hot periods when employers, faculty and town officials MHS principal Jacob Ludes 'III at­ problems of reservoirs with little rainfall all spring to help keep the water levels are low. These bans attended Manchester High School’s tributed the success of the high school water in the spring and summer. reservoir levels fairly high, Young restrict such activities as lawn Cooperative Occupational Education vocational students to the schpdl’s This problem, however, apparently said. ’The department also has been watering and car washing. Program awards banquet Tuesday night superior faculty and the outstanding sup­ will not develop —at least for now. using more well water this spring Jodaitis said the National Weather at The Colony in Talcottville. port given the program by Manchester “We’re not in any real trouble,” than it normally does, he said. Bureau is predicting a rainy summer and its surrounding communities. Frank Jodaitis, water and sewer ad­ A very hot summer could lead to a for the area. It was the students’ night including the ministrator, said. drop in the water supply, but even a "1 trust their guessing better than entertainment which was provided by a Ludes presented the COEP Scholarship “We’re about where we are nor­ larger drop still would not cause any mine,” he said. student rock group called “Rockslide.” Award to Toni Benedict. mally,” Bob Young, water treatment serious problems. Young said. In COEP students acted as hostesses and ’The following students were presented manager for the Water Department, escorted guests to their tables. awards by members of the COEP'staff; said of the present water levels. COEP counselor Ron Macadlo told James Jankowski, pre-vocatlonal The winter months produced much Bank Accord Reached rain, which led to a premature those present that the increasing number program; Robin Kerr, hospital nurse HARTFORD (UPI) - A com­ effect of non-bank subsidiaries of melting of snow. Much of this water of COEP students is “growing up to a aide; Sue Breen, convalescent hospital promise bill has been approved for state and out-of-state bank holding force really to be reckoned with by this ran off during the flooding periods legislative debate in an attempt to companies. nurse aide; Laura Ronzelio, dental aide; that occurred in January and town.’’ defuse a volatile dispute between The commission would report its Charlene Benedict, Youth Work February. The purpose of the COEP program is to Experience Program. Connecticut’s banking industry and findings to the Legislature by Feb. 1. During this time. Young had out-of-state financial investors. The state’s banking industry has introduce students to various working Also, Cindi Churchill and Lisa Brown, expressed concern that the water experiences and situations so that those The Legislature’s Banks Com­ stiffly opposed efforts by out-of-state Distributive Education I; Jessica Walters levels in the reservoirs might be low mittee, in an extraordinary session, banks to open non-banking sub­ who do not plan to further their formal and Cindi Hayes, Distributive Education in the spring and summer. education after graduation may make the Tuesday approved the bill to study sidiaries. The Connecticut Bankers Canadian Election II; Mark Raymond, COEP II; Mike state Police and members of the Town Fire nover Tuesday morning near the exit ramp Normally, the gradual melting of the effects of subsidiary investments Association has charged they will transition to the working world with snow in the spring helps build up the Albert, Alana Berntsen and Donna Department clean up the highway near Exit blocked two lanes of westbound traffic. by out-of-state banks. destroy the state’s delicate banking At left, Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau is reflective for a experience and education. reservoirs’ levels. But, the winter Bilodeau, COEP I; Gary Dixon, Inten­ (Herald photo by Pinto) The compromise bill, which will be competition and take all their profits 92 of Interstate 86 in Manchester. A truck tur­ rains left no snow to be melted in the moment in Toronto Tuesday as he speaks to party supporters after Recognition was given to the long list of sified Work Experience I; Aldo Enrico, submitted to the Senate and the out of the state. spring. losing the election. Above, Conservative leader Joe Clark and his wife employers who cooperated this year in the Intensified Work Experience II; John House for debate, calls for a one-year The compromise allows non­ The problem Young had said might Maureen wave to the crowd after his party defeated Trudeau and his program. The list included nursing homes Mongell, COEP evening program; Nicole moratorium on the activities of all banking subsidiaries of out-of state happen has not developed yet. V Liberal Party by 137 seats to 113 seats. (UPI photos) and sport stores, maohine shops and Bourgoin, Business Work Experience. Trucker Injuries Minor bank holding companies. It also calls bank holding companies to remain in He said there still is water flowing for a study by a six-member commis­ the state if they have received state over the spillways of the town reser­ MANCHESTER -A truck driver ment could clean the scene. Balf Co. Police said the trailer was sion to determine the desirability and and federal approval. suffered minor injuries and a Gene R. Belanger, 25, of 231 S. coming onto the highway from the Joyner Fails in Judge Move speeding summons after his vehicle Whitney St., Hartford, was issued a entrance ramp when the accident oc­ turned over ’Tuesday morning near summons for speeding too fast for curred. Tired of Paying Taxes HARTFORD (UPD — Merit selection of The move to take the bill up again was bond authorizations for construction at the daylong comfort... Exit 92 of Interstate 86. conditions, state police said. He The driver stepped on the brakes Story Misquoted on the Interest of your savings account dumped 66-80. new Western Connecticut State College cam­ and the vehicle skidded and went out Connecticut judges is officially dead for this The accident, which occurred at received minor injuries in the acci­ The Leoporance Agency Is offering a tax House Speaker Ernest Abate, D-Stamford, pus in Danbury. dent and was treated at Hartford of control, police said. It slid 121 feet legislative session, 10:20, blocked two lanes of west­ Town’s Attorney deferred program that features total Rep. Walter Joyner, R-Manchester, asked and Deputy House Speaker Joseph genuine bound traffic until State Police and Hospital and discharged. and the sand load shifted, which the House Tuesday to reconsider its rejection Coatsworth, D-Cromwell, who fought for a The bonding moratorium would be in effect members of the Town Fire Depart­ The truck involved is owned by the caused the truck to tip over, police flexibility. of a resolution aimed at changing the state panel to recommend nominees to the bench — one year. Stolberg claims enrollment es­ said. timates do not justify building a new campus. MANCHESTER —In the story on the Planning and ■k NO sales charges Constitution to allow for merit selection of a privilege now solely enjoyed by the governor /leather ’ Zoning Commission tabling action on a request by the In­ k NO withdrawal penalties judicial nominees. The bill failed by two votes — voted not to take the matter up again. He also has said the cost projections are now far higher than originally estimated. dustrial Park Corp. in Tuesday’s Herald Assistant Town NO minimum depost period Monday. In other action, the House approved and sent Attorney Kevin M. O’Brien was misquoted by The k to the Senate a bill to set up a 13-member com­ k NO Loss of earned Interest If you But even legislators who originally voted for contour Gaming Panel Dumped Herald. the bill said enough was enough. mission to propose fixed sentences for certain Another bill approved and shipped to the He reported to Town Planner Alan Lamson as follows: withdraw T don't think anything has changed since crimes. The commission would receive $20,000 Senate would expand the program to help vic­ HARTFORD (UPI) - Connec­ was the governor who asked for the would be dangerous.” “1 have reviewed the premise that a railroad spur is not last night." said House Majority Leaow^John in federal funds. tims of crime. The proposal would authorize sandals ticut’s gaming commission is headed $100,000 consultants’ report that “We are going to create one^big Example Groppo, D-Winchester, who had oppoMjj the The House defeated a bill sponsored by Rep. payment for medical or psychiatric treatment by Torcello the way of the dinosaur with final urged the panel be ditched in favor of monster,” warned Rep. Eugene a permitted use in Article II, Section 13:13 nor an accessory use under section 13:16. 5 yttrt 10 Vein IS Vein 20 Vim 30 Vem proposal. \ Irving Stolberg, D-New Haven, to cut off any if needed. Our regular legislative approval of a bill to dump one overall administrator. Migliaro, R-Wolcott. He and It $10,000- low price $10l the panel and replace it with a The overhaul would begin July 1 1 Miseikoski fought the proposal while “I find no merit in this premise in that the use of a Dipotit— $15,211" 23,136"! 35,192" 53,529" 123,M5" gambling “czar” of the governor’s “I don’t understand why we want sitting as members of the railroad spur in an industrial zone is customary and long choice. to break up a good thing,” said oppo­ Legislature’s Public Safety Com­ THE LESPERANCE AGENCY nent Rep. John Miseikoski, D- mittee. established. A review of the industrial sites in the town of ‘Theft’ Was Misunderstanding The House approved the proposal Manchester prior to the adoption of zoning regulations Torrington. “Concentrating too Under the bill, the governor would Will help you moxlmlzo your Mving* dollirti Invootmont 108-39 Thursday and sent it im­ and subsequent thereto indicate that a large number of Programs Avallablo at all Lavals. MANCHESTER — The theft of the wheel to lack of communication and a misunderstan­ trailer. They did not, and they apparently mediately to Gov. Ella Grasso. It much power in one gaming czar appoint an administrator for all riggings from a trailer on Elm Street Exten­ ding. assumed that the vehicle had been abandoned. Keep your legalized gambling activities in the feet looking major industrial sites in town are serviced by railroad sion property apparently was the result of a The problem developed in connection with The workers then removed the wheels and state. His salary is expected to be spurs. misunderstanding. the town’s work on the Park Street Bridge. axles from the trailer, which also was moved and feeling great the about the same as the $32,518 now whole day through in “I further note that Section 13.16 ‘Accessory Uses’ does The owner of the trailer and its missing The town has hired a private contractor to to permit work on the bridge to continue. Parade Route Planned paid the commission’s executive not list driveways, entrance ways or loading docks. The “They thought nobody wanted it,” Giles these classic contour wheels, Kenneth Burkamp, met Tuesday with work on repair of the bridge. MANCHESTER -The annual Memorial Monument. The parade secretary. logical extension of the proposed premise would exclude said. sandals! Natural wood Jay Giles, director of public works, to discuss Burkamp owns the property directly below Memorial Day Parade will_ start will then go west on the northbound The “czar’s” empire would be Call the matter. that bridge, and he stored an old tractor- Burkamp returned Monday to find the bottoms atop non-skid the servicing of industrial sites by motor vehicles and promptly Monday at 9:30 a.m". from lane of East Center Street and south Connecticut’s three jai alai frontons, “It was a real misunderstanding,’’ Giles trailer rig near the bridge’s base. wheels from his rig missing. After some work, soles conform comfortably to the shape of your foot... genuine leather one dog track, off-track betting well as trains, thereby rendering all industrial zones un­ 646-0505 , in front of the Army & Navy Club at on Linden Street, where it will enter said of the incident. The construction crew said that the rig the missing items were located in Hartford. uppers feature special adjust-to-fit slide buckle. Women's 5-tOM ... in parlors and lotteries. A first in the developable. Forest and Main streets and proceed Center Park and pass the reviewing would have to be moved so it could work on He then had to drive to Hartford to pick up the navy or white. Save 40% thru Memorial Day. world “teletrack” — where patrons “In conclusion, a railroad spur in an industrial zone is The wheels and axles, which detach from north on Main Street to East Center and speakers stand. part of the bridge. missing wheels and axles. can watch races beamed in — is un­ not in violation of zoning regulations." the body of the trailer, were taken Monday In the event of threatening CHARLES LESPERANCE At the time, however, no one knew who There still might be further discussion S t ^ t . from the Burkamp vehicle. They were The first stop along the parade weather, the decision to hold or der construction in New Haven and between Burkamp and the town about paying returned Monday night after the confusion owned the trailer, Giles said. Town Engineer V=SHOE -TOWN Tra. V l ^ great aavingt like thia, what batter time to try staff and the Andover 1 .9 9 onal So atop avarything. Try "Croat Your Heart” and tavel Volunteer Fire Depart­ short sleeve Ban-Ion* sport shirts. ment will play softball ’Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at Memorial Day Weekend kMonaiK».o»«iiyl.«M

TOTAL Selectmen Discuss Phones ^DuaV Graduate BOLTON — Telephones were once again BANKRUPTCY COURT ORDERS UQUIDATION year. area was checked and the problem will be Gets Job Offer discussed by the Board of Selectmen at its Mrs. Neath’s motion to do so failed. ’The corrected. OF 79 STORES recent meeting. Selectwoman Joann. BOLTON — Randy Fish, son of Mr. and board voted to rescind its earlier motion Barry Wagner of Brian Drive requested Neath has, for a tong time, tried to revise Mrs. William Fish of 116 Cider Mill Road, to remove one of the phones. “Children At Play” signs for that road. the phone system at the Community Hall has received an offer to continue his work Mrs. Neath voted against the motion. ’The selectmen appointed Joan Teller to to make it more efficient, as well as to in physics following college graduation. Mrs. Neath made a motion to remove the Board of Library Directors. save the town money. Fish is receiving a dual degree at At an earlier meeting the selectmen the pay phone from the kitchen. She said it Eastern Nazarene College in Wollaston, is rarely used and would save the town $16 Mass. / had voted to remove the phone from the a month. treasurer’s office in the fireplace room at Fund Drive Near Goal He is receiving a bachelor of science ’The motion passed but Selectman John HEBRON — ’The Capital Improvements degree in physics from Nazarene S d a the Community Hall. Carey voted against it. First Selectman Henry Ryba said the Fund Drive for St. Peter’s Episcopal bachelor of science degree in engineering Carey said, “It’s absolutely outrageous treasurer told him she needed the phone so Church has almost reached the goal of from Boston University in January. to keep talking about these phones.’’ he felt it there. There are two phones in $40,000 with the amount pledged to date Fish has maintained a perfect 4.0 the fireplace room, one for the public and Drain Repairs totaling $36,000. ’The Diocese of Connec­ average and led bis class in engineering at one for the treasurer. Tom and Noreen Carpenter asked the ticut will advance the parish money to pay Boston University. He served as a Mrs. Neath objected to the move and town to clean and repair the storm drain its bills for repairs, using the pledges as laboratory assistant at both colleges and said, “I don’t think the treasurer should be in front of their property on Hebron Road. collateral for the loan. has held lead roles in three musical and able to rescind the action of the Board of They said, "We understand the i^oblem ’The church will be getting a new roof dramatic productions at Nazarene. Selectmen. She said, "One phone in that has b ^ n recurrent in the past and we are and will also be painted and pointed. It He has accepted an offer to work this room could be moved near the treasurer’s concerned that water from the drain may will receive new storm windows and a summer for the Cambridge (Mass.) Ther­ office and have a long cord and everyone be affecting our well water.” paved parking lot plus serviceable mionic Corp. as a design engineer and has could use it. It would save the town $50 a First Selectman Henry Ryba said the redecorating of Phelps Hall. been given the option to join the firm on a full-time basis. sav Heads Garden Club Miss Naomi Foster of East Middle Turn­ save pike has been elected president of Manchester Garden Club. She succeeds Mrs. Mary Dimlow. Also elected were Mrs. Walter Fredrickson, vice president; Mrs. William Clegern, secretary; Mrs. Jon Marx, treasurer; Mrs. Harold Lord, program chairwoman; and Mrs. Robert S. Coe, Mrs. Lyman Taylor and Mrs. Richard Thomas, great sale days! directors. Coventry Plans Holiday Events p/ay this w$0k-§nd on whslyou SAVE TODAY THRU Friday at Worth's ALL OF OUR COVENTRY — The Town of Coventry will have a two- day observance of Memorial Day, this weekend. There will be memorial graveside services Sunday and a parade STOCKROOMS on Monday. ’The Sunday graveside services will be conducted at the EMPTIED OUT! graves of veterans in the town’s two cemeteries, with those at St. Mary’s at 1:45 p.m. and at the Center OFFI 12.99 Our stock clerks have transferred V» reg. 9161 everything remaining in our stock- Cemetery in North Coventry at 3 p.m. original prioaal The Rev. Frank Liszewski will offer prayers at the first rooms to the saies fioor. Add- service and Ernest Wheeler will lead the prayers at the lamouB Hunnor’ misses propoiHonsd itionai new merchandise was second service. ’The Coventry Ht^School Band will per­ mimas ooonllnatat Calcutta pants EVERYTMNe found and is now on dispiay... form and Richard Giggey will be%ie guest speaker. so, hurry In. Quantities ’The parade will start at 10 a.m. Monday at the Robert­ Naat polyester co- Super fitting polyester/cotton limited to stock on hand son School and proceed to the Nathan Hale Cemetery ordinatea to give you calcuttas will keep a crisp, and subject to prior where State Rep. Robert Walsh of Coventry, will be the lots ot fashion comfortable look all summerl guest Speaker. The parade will then continue on to School Zip front style with back sale. First come, Street. mileage and season- first served. Edward De Groff will be master of ceremonies. Oscar spanning versatility! elastic waist Insert. Navy, eUARANTEED Miller wifi be honorary parade marshal and John Klein, • Jackets brown, natural, red, green. parade master. • Blouses Sizes e-16 Petite & Average. • Skirts sportswear, downtown Voter Signupj Scheduled • Pants, petite & Manchester and TrI City Plaza, COVENTRY — In cooperation with Coventry High average sizes Vernon ®2g W J IIT M l School, the registrars of voters will conduct a voter­ • Yellow W VEHITO/jy making session Friday from 11 a.m. to noon, in Room 5 at • White WNT BELOW the high school. ’The session will be open to the public. • Mint The session is being conducted in observation of “Votes • Powder Blue Talk: Speak Out’’ week, an annual campaign to increase • Sizes 6-20 voter registratipn among 18-year olds in Connecticut. The week was proclaimed by Gov. Ella Grasso and Secretary sportswear, of the State Barbara Kennelly. downtown Manchester and WHOIESALEI M l l T A S n c Freezer DemoUstration Set TrI-CIty Plaza, 8.99 Vernon reg. 9181 50% VERNON — The Tolland County Cooperative Eixten- sion Service will sponsor a demonstration on freezing terry to gel ■ nM iiM nsccw n OF fruits and vegetables. May 30 at 10 a.m. and also at 7:30 |r. Z-pieco set J,SHOE CHOOSE SHU * * p.m. B S l from Esther Shoup, extension home economist, will Two-piece Jogging demonstrate the correct procedure for freezing early OFF! spring foods to maintain the best quality. 'The meeting is set Includes u-neck especially for less experienced people. t-top and pull-on ’Those wishing to attend should pre-register by calling shorts. Bright poly­ the Vernon extension office, 875-3331. Instructional ester/cotton Dimmed booklets will be available at the meeting. Later in the K aL F W ® W^FACTare with contrasting - . S f S g ' " ' , summer sessions will be conducted for experienced color. Cinnamon, g u a r a n t e e d ^ /Sggjwnww "Wowi preservers and one on canning for newcomers. W eLOW WHOLESALE! > jade, white. Nothing is held hack, everything LNOMERt •SNEAKERt Sizes S-M-L. the •C A tU ilu junior place, must go-right J**® •’JJJilJo L g downtown Remember, you 1 he Paying less W a n t than dealers are lor the same Manchester and goods. Once thev’re none that s It To S A V E $ TrI-CIty Plaza, ..S O , HURRY. Receive an 4.99 reg.$7l Vernon additional minimum discount of PatH tllpt so% OFF at the cashiers, no ABSOLUTELY, matter how low may be. TOTAL SAVINGS UP TO NO EXCEPTIONS! reg. $91 70% OFF & MORE! camisoles Jat EVERYTHING GOES FOOD WAllEHOIJSE Feminine, lacy and reg. 9131 TO THE BARE WALLS! smooth underthings In famous ‘huk-a-poo’ Osr Im sw rf day yrieo on non-cling Antron III* |r. plaid shirts Our doors will be closing soon, so nylon tricot. More take this last opportunity to avail Pringles popular than ever Bright woven plaldal Qreat sm yourself of remarkable savings on with eummer'8 eee- with all your jeans, skirts and famous branded top quality Potato throughe and bared shortsi Neat polyester/cotton merchandise. All are brand new, silhouettes. Asst, blends. Sizes 5-13. the junior MORE THAN fresh and currently styled. Chips pastels. Sizes S-M-L. place, downtown Manchester 9S final and cash only, due lingerie, downtown and TrI-CIty Plaza, Vernon ato the nature of this sale I Manchester and TrI-CIty EVER BEFORE! twiT^. Plaza, Vernon All Varieties This is your last call to take WARRANTIES advantage of the astounding discounts < * • • 5 available only in an Out AREVAUO $ * |0 7 4.99 9.99 9.99 of Business Sale, like this elisrgo at maeii at special $13 valuesi fi6Q$7*50 4-6x 7-14 ONAU |r. tee shirts JM Fields’ losses are mlss999atliig6wns girts’ shorts your gain, Hurryl APPUCABLE PRODUCTS You can count on us for S9uin9i Polyester/cotton V neck To tease satin sleep gowns ... Long drifts of great for weight loosers ... reduces A super selection of polyestfr/c OkoNMn'f yoM bi iho$$in| 9 cool comfort to top all your shorts, sllkey nylon, lace trimmed. Lovely as you do, a full 2 sizesi Subtract fits jogging shorts and knit shortsi Som l jeans, skirts. 10 colorsi Sizes s-m-l. shades to choose from I 6 stylesi and flattera while you’re dieting. with confrasi color bands. Thfr/giri’ iMiiig at Edsfardt Food Warthoisa The junior Place, downtown Sizes s-m-l. Lingerie, downtown Comfort and control, s-m-lxl. Under- shops, downtown Manchester. ALL SALES FINAL...AND CASH ONLY...DUE TO NATURE OF THIS SALE! CONOUCTIOeV Manchester. Manchester. fashions downtown Manchester. SAM NASSICOMDAIIY 205 Spencer Street X mart Plata OKOFIheMnerSlilMTOr MANCHESTER Four ITorth’s Charge Card maker shopping so easy! SILVER DUE, EAST HM TR 0|>en Monday thru Saturday 9: am to 9: |>m Downtown open Mon.-Set 9:30-5; Thura. evt ’til 0$)0; TrI-CIty Plan open Dally 10-5:30; Thurs. & FrI. 10-9 EVENING HERALD, Wed., May 23, 1979- PAGE ELEVEN I’AC'.K TK.N - KVEMNC5 HERALD. Wed.. Mav 23. 1979 Greg Pearson iBaudiriitn* tuniimj Fire Merger Plan To Air Manchester — A City o f Village Charm Founded Oct. 1, 1881 Politicians Gear Up for Fall objections to the revision itself but the department and says the chief VERNON — The Town Council Published by the Manchester Publishing C o , Herald Square. Monday night approved a proposed one representative of the Vernon will be appointed by the mayor on ap­ Manchester. Conn, 06040. Telephone (203).643-2711 Directors all are expected to seek re- sion during the past 12 months — The Democrats made a determined amendment to the charter and set Fire Department did question why proval of the majority of the Town Most folks probably would like to election. Carl Zinsser, William Diana Community Development, phase-in effort to keep the budget increase a more specific duties for the chief Council. It further states that the forget the idea of cold winter June 4 at 7:30 p.m. in the Memorial iW l Aud'l burdju ol C>rCuldlon Wembe' Uf' teO PfbbS IliletndboMJI and the budget. small one. The final increase, 3.47 Building for a public hearing. weren’t detailed. same method would be used to dis­ weather as we approach Memorial and P k e r DiRosa ail have indicated miss the chief, subject to provisions they will run again. Democratic Town Chairman Ted percent, could result in lower taxes The change, if approved by a The proposed amendment states n , E Turkinmon. Executive Editor Day. Cummmings says he sees it shaping for many town property owners. This referendum vote in November, would “There shall be a Town Fire Depart­ of the state statutes. Haymond F Robinson Editor-Publisher Frank A. Burbank, Managing Editor But, local political leaders already This leaves the Republicans with up as a campaign of “rights and is bound to be mentioned during the consolidate the town's two fire ment consisting of the fire chief and The town has had two separate are thinking about the chilly month of three vacancies to fill on their direc­ other such officers and employees as departments for many years, even wrongs.” campaign season. departments. November. tors slate along with picking can­ The Charter Revision Commission authorized by the Town Council from though the town governments were He expects the Republicans to Both Weinstein and Cummings Opinion Their thoughts, of course, are not didates for the Board of Education has already held a public hearing on time to time.” consolidated about 12 years ago. point to certain issues where they have said that their parties have a on the weather but on the town elec­ and other positions such as constable the proposal. No one voiced any It also sets forth the functions of plentiful supply of persons interested tion that will take place Nov. 6. and Board of Selectmen. feel the Democrats were wrong — in running for town boards. The total Republican Town Chairman Meanwhile, the Democrats also the phase-in, which now is being number, in fact, exceeds the number Railroad Link Richard Weinstein has said he hopes have begun discussion of the 1979 challenged in court, and the Com­ munity Development issue, which of candidates the party can run, txAh to present his party's slate of can­ election. That party has six members Arbitration Vote Blasted Republicans say would not have have said. didates to the town committee next on the Board of Directors. required a townwide vote if the The Community Development VERNON — Irked because Ver­ ficiais, said it takes fiscal decision­ school budgets account tor about 70 Needed Right Now month. One, Joseph Sweeney, already has making for local schools, out of the percent of a town’s total budget and Democrats had agreed at the begin­ issue is up in the air at this point The non’s legislative representatives Having the slate prepared by June said he will not run again. The other hands of elected public officials and teacher salaries are about 70 percent ning to withdraw from the program. U.S. District Court will decide on a voted for new legislation concerning is earlier than in past years, but five have not made formal decisions, gives it to third parties unrelated to, of the education budget. With the bin­ Connecticut doesn’t need any availability of cheap rail lawsuit that has challenged the binding arbitration. Councilman Weinstein appears to be interested in although Mayor Stephen Penny and The Democrats, however, can not selected by, and unaccountable to ding arbitration provision, voters more studies about transporta­ transportation would spur in­ town's decision to withdraw from the Beginning First Leg Morgan Campbell asked council getting an early start on the cam­ Directors Stephen Cas.sano and John emphasize the “rights” — those the citizens of a. town. will have little, if any, influence over tion needs, especially about the program. members Monday night to let the dustry growth in eastern paign work and candidate prepara­ FitzP atrick are expected to run issues they feel they have acted Concern has been expressed that a very large percentage of their tax Boarding a bus for New York City on their Emanuel Lutheran Church. The group, which legislators know if they feel the same desirability of the Manchester- again. properly on, Cummings .said. The matter is a legal one at this money. Connecticut. tion. first leg of a trip to the Scandanavian coun- will spend most of the time in Sweden, is way. the bill provides little limitation on The.se include the phase-in, which point, but it could have effects on the Other m ajor groups who have to-Willimantic railroad. The future for people The three incumbent Republican The campaign itself will be one tries are a group of more than 20 people, led scheduled to return to Manchester June 6. Morgan said, “In my opinion it (the what could be arbitrated and that supporters have .said assists most political climate come November issues such as class size, textbooks expressed opposition to the bill are But our legislators have transportation is with rail, too. , members on the Town Board of centering on issues of much di.scus- by the Rev. Ronald Fournier, pastor of (Herald photo by Pinto) iegislation) removes the power of homeowners, and the 1979-80 budget. this council to set the budget.” He and other concerns currently in the Connecticut Conference of stalled again, putting off the Existing public transportation teacher contracts could become the said he believes that the vote was not Municipalities, the Connecticut State subject of binding arbitration and ar­ Labor Council, and the Connecticut restoration project in favor of — buses on highways — is too to the best advantage of the town. Jack Anderson State Federation of Teachers. a study. The legislation passed in a 70-69 bitrator’s decisions could hamper the expensive. Rebuilding the ability of Boards of Education to 2 vote. This was despite the fact that Every day it becomes more Manchester-to-Willimantic Bid Waiver Questioned leaders in education, local Boards of provide educational programs to apparent that the 20-mile rail railroad could be ac­ Education and the Connecticut meet a town’s needs. Carter Sure Soviet Won’t Cheat The Connecticut board has said Grange Card Party link would be a boon, con­ complished at a small fraction VERNON — A request presented to ment. He said the ballgame season corrected with police patrols, but it Boards of Education, urged its One relatively simple screen the before the bill passed, that should it MANCHESTER - The Manchester sidering the energy crisis and WASHINGTON - The key to the A “ Top S ecret” report in the strategic advantage over the U.S.” the Town Council Monday night, to has already started and they want defeat. of the cost of completing wasn’t. He said he doesn’t think the pass it had voted to challenge the Grange will hold its monthly card SALT II agreem ent, and to its National Intelligence Daily, the Indeed, the CIA report speculates Russians use for their strategic waive bids on the purchase of a chain the fence as soon as possible. The bill calls for a third party to pollution problems. Interstate 84 to the east. fence will be the complete answer constitutionality of it in court. party Wednesday at the Grange Hall chances of approval by the Senate, is CIA's super hush-hush information that “an effort of this scope almost weapons was described to us by a link fence for the ball field at Henry He said the town has three com­ either. decide collective bargaining disputes Town officials feel that the binding on Olcott Street. Rebuilding the line is vital to It’S difficult to come up with “ verification,” Senators want to be newspaper for top government source: "When the Russians move Park, drew questions from some petitive quotes on prices for the between teacher unions and local certainly was approved at a high The motion was then made to the future of eastern Connec­ any arguments against the rail mobile missiles, there is sometimes 3 arbitration for teacher bargaining The public is invited. There will be sure the Soviet Union isn’t cheating leaders, has this to say: “In view of council members. fence. waive the bids and it passed with only boards of education. As did political level.” The CIA is con­ will be disastrous for the towns as prizes and refreshments. ticut. and also to southern New our incomplete understanding of a long logistics trail It’s like a circus Councilman Stephen Marcham Councilwoman Marie Herbst, also Marcha n viting against Campbell, Connecticut education of- line, although some residents on the number and variety of its vinced, in other words, that the men questioned the urgency of getting the said she didn’t like the waiving of England, for it would provide a of Manchester’s Grissom Road nuclear weapons. Soviet concealment and deception in the Kremlin are perfectly willing of vehicles going through the country fence and the necessity of waiving bids procedure and commented, Ascension Services much-needed inland connec­ feel that resumption of service President Carter has reassured activities and in view of the incon­ to cheat on the SALT agreement — and is as easily detected. But if they the bids. He said the council had been "Mr. Berger (Donald Berger, sistencies and uneveness of their use and our intelligence techniques can’t break the caravan up, moving one MANCHESTER — Ascension Day Duplicate Bridge tion for east-west rail traffic. on the right-of-way near their them . “ We are co nfid ent.” he asked to waive a lot of bids lately. recreation director) knows when the services are being planned for declared last . by various parts of the (Soviet) prevent them from getting away with truck at a time, we might not learn Mayor Frank McCoy said the sub­ baseball season starts.” The amount of truck traffic homes would hurt property about the move” Thursday at Concordia Lutheran Center Bridge Club month, “that no strategic forces ... our forecast... in it. ject of installing the fence just came Berger said he had hoped the Church and at Zion Evangelical in Connecticut shows there is values. significant viola­ this field must by highly tentative.” From secret documents and from in­ • Beginning about 1964. the Soviets up about two weeks ago during talks problems of people and dogs running May 18 at Manchester Masonic Temple — North-South: Lutheran Church. enough freight business to sup­ The link is needed and it is tion of the treaty Competent sources confirmed to telligence sources close to the SALT began “disruptive paintin " of their with members of the Parks Depart­ across the fields, and such, could be Jim Baker and Ken Kozak, first; Eugene Toch and At Concordia, the observance wiil port the rail link. And the needed now. -y could take place V /^ \ our associate Dale Van Atta that the negotiations, we learned the details intercontinental ballistic missile begin at 6 p.m. with supper in Kaiser Charles Tatro, second; Bruce Mott and Russell Granniss, without the report is all too true. It warns that of a number of the Russians’ tricks. complexes, constructing dummy Hall. The Ascension Day service, in­ third. United States *" ' ' despite the “considerable politcal, They have been using them since at roads, facilities, Equipment and cluding Holy Communion, wiil start East-West: Dot Christenson and Nancy Suizdak, first; economic and even military risks in­ least 1964 to hide thier weapons launch sites — mridern versions of at 7. Mr. and Mrs. John LaBelle, second; Barbara Phillips and Vernon Outgrows detecting it.” School Dinner Slated strength from American in­ "Potemkin villages " by the people Zion Church is planning an Ascen­ Barbara Farrell, third. But secret volved ... we cannot exclude the who invented the technique. HEBRON — The Friends of the the last day of school for this school sion Day service with Holy Commu­ Manchester Bridge Club docum ents do not support the possibility that Soviet leaders, if they telligence. We cannot report all their Gilead Hill School will sponsor a year. nion at 7:30 p.m. Budget Session- president's rosy assurance that the believed they could succeed, would tricks without revealing our own May 17, Maple Street — Mary Corkum and Peggy Dun- • In 1966, the Russians learned to spaghetti dinner June 1 from 5 to 7:30 Kindergarten students in both the Soviets will be unable to fool us. approve a program of concealment secret detection methods But is safe field, first; Burton Smyth and Sara Mendelsohn, second; time their activities to our satellite p.m. at the school. morning and afternoon classes, will The annual town budget Another strong argument Quite the contrary, in fact. and deception designed to help gain a to tell part of the story: Second Church Phyllis Pierson and Bette Martin, third; Terry Daigle schedules. "In respcjnse to warnings The menu will include spaghetti attend school from 8:35 to 11:05 a.m., and Marge Warner, fourth. meeting is an old new England against retention is the fact the with meatballs, green salad, Italian on both days. Lunch will be served as MANCHESTER — Two meetings of the approach of U S recon­ May 14— North-South: Jane Lowe and Frankie Brown, tradition that may have lost its meeting isn’t really represen­ £ i TA "O'iru bread, home-baked desserts and are scheduled for tonight at 7:30 at naissance satellites passed to all usual for students in Grades 1-6. first; Terry Daigle and Mary Bristol, second; Ronnie HULMC ’ 3 Second Congregational Church. usefulness in a town the size of tative as evidenced by sparse coffee and punch. Toomey and Judy Pyka, third. branches of the Soviet military es­ Pres-school children will be ad­ COC Meeting They are the bylaws committee East-West: Beverly Saunders and Irving Carlson, first; Vernon. attendance. tablishment," one document notes, and a group study of the “Life and mitted free. The price, for tickets HEBRON — The Central Office Ethel Robb and Marge Prentiss, second; Mollie Timreck The question of eliminating On the other side of the ques­ "both surface-to-air missile and air- bought in advance, is $2.50 for adults Teaching of Jesus.” and Faye Lawrence, third. Committee will hold a special the annual session has sur­ tion there are some people who warning-and-control radars restrict and $1.50 for children’s portions. Games are played each Monday and Thursday at 9 a.m. VI meeting May 30 at 7 i30 p.m. in the of­ faced each time revisions to feel even if one or two persons their electronic emissions at times Those wishing to make reservations fice of the superintendent of schools, Emanuel Lutheran New players are welcome. To learn more, call Judy should contact the school, 228-9458. attend the meeting, they when the emissions would be suscep­ Gilead Hill School. MANCHESTER - The Prayer Pyka. the charger have been con­ There will be an additional 25 cent tible to interception by satellites " T he c o m m itte e w ill a c t on Group of Emanuel Lutheran Church sidered since the town should have the right to be charge for tickets bought at the door proposed school calandar for the will meet Thursday at 10 a.m, at the governments were con­ heard. • In 1967, the Russians began the night of the supper. coming school year; will review a building tunnels big enough to hide up church. solidated about 12 years ago. Maybe there could be a com­ Early Dismissal report on the committee's compact The care and visitation committee to 20 missile-carrying submarines promise to have the charter A mmmm memorial day B u t it seems major Students at the Hebron Elemen­ revisions; and review the budget and is scheduled to meet at 11:15 a.m., Dummy subs were constructed to tary School will be dismissed early expenditure plan for the current and the Confirmation Class for proposals for charter revision contain a provision that would confuse American spies, and canvas on June 5 and also on June 13 which is school year. seniors at 6:30 p.m. become political footballs and require a quorum equal to tWo or "environmental" coverings were WEEKEND like the weather, everybody percent of the registered used to camouflage the facilities • Though the CIA claimed the.se talks about them, but no one voters to act on the budget. subterfuges never "seriously If the quorum isn’t present, does an5Tthing. hampered our ability to maintain an then the budget would be con­ ’• SALEI In the past years there have accurate count of Soviet sub­ Y i been arguments pro and con on sidered approved. marines. the agency admitted that Tongue-Tied Am ericans the issue. The Town Council con ­ it made it tougher to figure out a far One of the strongest sidered such a provision but more vital .statistic — the numberof Soviet subs in port at any given mo­ MEN'S arguments for the elimination ruled against it citing several LEVI'S ment ravel abroad and you’ll find, al­ this country can speak, read, or of the meeting is the one that a possible problems as reasons. most everywhere, people with write the foreign language easily. T special interest group can pack Some officials feel the Town enough grasp of English to give you The prevailing sense in this coun­ c o n o N Senate .skeptics with good reason, FOR GALS town meeting and have a Council is the legislative and are not viewing the SALT If agree­ directions, interpret a menu for try toward those in other lands “ Don’t let US intimidate you — we're doing a study of feelings of job 995 budget approved or rejected. policy-making body of the ment through Jimmy Carter's rose- you, or help with your travel sched­ seems to be; Let’em speak English. SHIRTS All 1st Quality In Misses and Juniors insecurity among bureaucrats who do funny government studies." ule. But a non-English speaking vis­ It’s a foolhardy attitude. It ill In Levi Denim and Soft Denim This argument is a matter of town, and as such, should have colored glasses itor to this country is hard-put to serves America’s interests and objec­ Western and record. the responsibility of adopting find such help. tives in the world community. Un­ Traditional Styles The outcome of the meeting the budget. Among industrialized nations, less it’s changed, the U.S. will find Sm. Med. & Large can and has been influenced by If the voters don’t like what the U.S. stands alone in its neglect itself at a disadvantage in grasping Washington Window pressure groups or special in­ the council does then perhaps of foreign language study. In the economic opportunities and meet­ Retails to 16.50 face of growing world interrelation­ ing its diplomatic responsibilities terest groups who may or may some recourse could be given ships — political, diplomatic, eco­ around the world. not have the beht interests of by means of the petition nomic — Americans’ familiarity At a time of detente with Russia Retails to $26 the town at heart. process and a referendum. Political Isolation for Sadat? with the tongues of others is in sor­ and rapprochement with China, an A town meeting can have The voters have never been By JIM A.NDERSON ry decline. appallingly small number of Ameri­ Dioixished CORDUROY strong emotional-political given a chance to vote on such More serious is the Saudi reversal of Kuwaiti funds, totalling some $1 i»> our Egyptian .soldiers in Last year the President’s Commis­ can students are taking up those WASHINGTON (UPI) — American a charter revision. of an earlier decision to finance the billion, from Egyptian banks would the .Sinai ■’ sion on Foreign Language and Inter­ languages at the advanced levels overtones because it has the officials are confident that Elgypt $525 million purchase of 50 F-5Es by be serious, if true But the K .:, American officials who have been JEANS power to make unlimited cuts We feel it ia past time when will be able to withstand punitive national Study was formed to find necessary for fluency. One member Egypt. Sadat said in an interview last government has denied that it in­ watching the growing Egyptian isola­ LADIES they should be given the oppor­ economic measures from the Arab ways to live up to international of the presidential commission For Men and in the budget recommended by week that he was going to turn to the tends to pull out the funds. tion with uneasiness, believe that world. But the real test will be agreements in which the U.S. has voiced distress on learning that the the mayor and approved by the tunity. .American people to try to raise the American and Egyptian officials Sadat’s political survival will depend Students whether President .Anwar Sadat will pledged to encourage the study of U.S. Foreign Service no longer re­ JEAN money by popular subscription, but believe that the impact of the loss of on several things: town council. be able to overcome the political • Whether the Israeli military foreign languages and civilizations. quires any foreign language back­ Retails to *18 that idea — according to American .Arab economic aid is minimal, in the effects of isolation from his former officials — does not appear to be well short run. chiefly because Egypt is withdrawal from the Sinai which is The commission’s initial findings ground for new service officers. ■ ...... Almanac allies. VESTS thought out. hard put to absorb the approximately scheduled to begin this month, will are dismaying: Because so few Americans study ...... - ...... The officials said that the .American and' Jordanian officials $1 billion a year it is now receiving produce political results for Sadat • Nine out of ten Americans can­ foreign langugages, he found, the economic and military impact of Today is Wednesday, May 23, Uie “Squalus” went down off New confirm that no payment has been from the United States. will enhance his credibility as a far- not speak, read, or effectively under­ State Department was forced to All Denim Vests Saudi Arabia’s aiding an Arab arms- 143rd day of 1979 with 222 to follow. Hampshire in 240 feet of water. received by the United States from American officials say that the seeing statesman who gets results stand any language but English. drop the requirement. IS building consortium will be minimal, MEN'S The moon is moving toward its new Thirty-three of the 59 men aboard Saudi Arabia for the planes and no most disturbing thing about the Arab • Whether the rest of the Arab • About 90% of all colleges have Much of America’s economic ■ mainly because the enterprise was in actions is that they may have a world, in face of Israel giving up the Retails to 19« phase. were rescued with a diving bell. money is expected. However, the no language requirements for ad­ growth in the years ahead will come its early stages. cumulative effect that could under­ Sinai and beginning talks about The morning stars are Mercury, In 1960, Israeli agents captured American officials said they do not SHORT SLEEVE mine Sadat’s domestic position, and autonomy for the Palestinians in the mission. One-quarter of all high from international trade. More and ...... mm...... man Adolf Eichmann in Argaitina and m s « consider the m atter closed, and the Venus and Mars. give the Egyptian people a sense of West Bank, will be able to maintain schools do not teach any foreign more people will be needed with The evening stars are Jupiter and spirited him back to Tel Aviv. He J t l O U g n t S State Dqiartment is discussing it language. skill in foreign tongues. By not pur­ with Saudi Arabia. isolation and alienation from the its unity against Sadat SHIRTS AOS m Saturn. was convicted there o l being a mass • College language enrollments suing language studies, many young Sadat also raised the possibility Islamic world. Sadat, apparently aiming to Cotton Blends STUDENT Those bom on this date are under killer of Jew s dnring World War II All tilings are eternal, That effect appears to be increased destroy that unity, said that he will that Saudi Arabia may back out of its have declined 21.2% in the pqst people are cutting themselves off and was hanged. for out of d3dng age Retails to 9.95 the sign of Gemini. decision to buy 60 F15s from the by Sadat's attacks on the Saadis and soon present proposals to Israel for decade. from rewarding careers in interna­ In 1976, the Elizabeth Ray affair springs forth new life. Ambrose Burnside, a Union United States. other oil exporters, whom he the return of .Jeru.salem. an idea that • Foreign language enrollments tional business. genffal in the Civil War, was bom broke into the open when a The weary days, once finished. described in a speech as “Arab may finally tempt Jordan and .Saudi dropped 15% among high school FATIGUES Elgyptian and American officials Knowledge of other languages May 23. 1824. Washington newspaper (The Post) Tmdge behind us. said that the report of the withdrawal dwarfs, who raised their oil prices Arabia to lake the negotiations with Israel serioiislv students between 1968 and 1974. and cultures is indispensable to On this day in history: said she was employed as a 114,000-e- and new dawns awaken. four-fold in 1973, at the exnense of the Less than one-quarter of high fruitful international relationships. MEN'S Khaki Twill bi 1701, Captain William Kidd was year secretary to serve only as the The Winter snows school students now study a foreign We in this country would do well to hanged in London on charges of mistress irf Ohio Democratic Rep. became Spring's rushing streams, l^DoagSaiyl Sizes 25 & 30 language, as against 32% in the support and stimulate such knowl­ SLACKS piracy and murder. Wayne Hays. refreshing Summer's thirsty days, THBUTTUPW mid-1960s. edge, lest we find ourselves stand­ im um mwBirro imsr. iwis SO ME PIMT m 10 w o r n In 1938, the U.S. Navy submarine reflecting Autumn’s colors. w ^ m • Only 17% of American foreign ing around with nobody to talk to The fallen fruit ummsmttiM... AKur m m m om language students taught wholly in except ourselves. ^ Retails From *12 to *20 p su n u p K drops seeds lUn flT tU t Yesterdays that hold potential trees. The elderly 25 Yean Ago are grandcfaildrsi president of the Catholic Coancil of ol iirfimt« bom generations ago, This date was a Sunday, The Women. UNITED no living Herald did not publish. Cadette Girt Scoots Janet Schaffer in mansiona of eternity. Ago and Kim Crealy win First Class 10 Yean Linda D. Stevens Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Group • Otis Group • Essex Group • Hamilton Standard • Sikorsky Aircraft * Mrs. J. Edward McKeevw of Badges, the highest honor in the Power Systems • Chemical Systems • Norden Systems • United Technologies Research Center IlKITORI HOUM: IllB IM M Manchester Ward Washington Street is installed as Cadette scouting program. Men. Mmi M lOam. • tpm WE ACCEPT’ m r The Cfaarcfa of Jesus Christ iaturdtjre from lOem. • ffm of Latter-day Saints W EVENING HERALD, Wed., May 23, 1979 - PAG^THIRTEEN PAGE TWELVE - EVENING HERALD, Wed.. May 23, 1979 East Hartford GOP Unlimited Turns on ‘Red’ _ _ _ -m MANCHESTERMANCHESTER — -Police Police charged charged Indians Step Nearer Title a 25-year-old local man with illegal possession of a controlled substance Would Cut lax at 14 Intersections and Lombardo placed 1-2 in the high 100; J. DeValve (M), 2. Sapia (W), 3. and illegal cultivation of marijuana By LEN AUSTER Hurst (M) :10,8. jump for another 8-1 edge. Kelley By CHRIS BLAKE The Board of Education budget is early this morning. Herald SporUwriter Mile: 1, Austin (W), 2. T. DeValve (M), cleared 6-feet, 2-inches, just missing ”a bitter pill to swallow,” but should Police said Thomas C. Scata of 62A MANCHESTER - The Manchester streets intersection which has a Green Manor Boulevard, Tollp.nd It’s been a long time coming, 3. Lemieux (M) 4:26.0. Herald Reporter at 6-4. be left alone, the statement said. Ruby Drive turned himself in after Police Department has variety of signals. Turnpike and the east and west en­ 15 years at least, but it looks 440: 1. McCrewell (W), 2. Sapia (W), 3. EAST HARTFORD — Three Town learning of the warrant for his When the state Department of trances to Caldor, Hartford Road and Manchester swept the two-mile run Blackstone has proposed a $21.9 recommended 14 intersections in like Manchester High is going J. DeValve (M) :51.4 (Windham school Council Republicans Tuesday million budget for the schools. arrest. He was released on a $500 town which allow right turns on red Transportation began installing the Bidwell Street and Adams and with Tim DeValve showing the way record), reieased a minority budget caliing The report said the school board's nonsurety bond, police said, for a lights when the new law takes effect signs, only 55 percent of the 10,500 in­ Hilliard streets. to win the CCIL boys’ track with a 9:53 clocking. Ed Lemieux and 330 liurrtles: ) Gelting (Ml, 2. Grey for a mill rate of 48.2 mills, a .4 mill salary account is ’’completely out of June 4 court appearance in East July 1. tersections in the state allowed right When recommending the championship in 1979. Doug Meek took 2-3. John Lahda and (W), 3. Stanton (M) :40,8. increase from a current rate and a .7 line” with a ’’ludicrous” ratio of one Hartford. ____ All other intersections in town turns. Many legislators, including prohibitions or turns, Lannan said he The Indian thinclads moved a giant Dave Timbrell trailed most of the 880; 1. Lahda (M), 2. Timbrell (M), 3. miii decrease from the rate proposed school employee for every 9.4 have total or partial prohibition of Third District Senator Marcella had to consider the worst possible way in the 880-yard run, letting a White (W) 2:02. Davis Isenberg, 18, of 32 Carpenter step towards that goal yesterday 220: 1. Sapia (W), 2. Gelting (M), 3. by Mayor Richard H. Blackstone. students. the right turns because of pedestrian Fahey, said not enough of the in­ moments of. the day for each in­ Windham runner set the pace, before Road, Manchester, was served with with a convincing 8314 to 6114 McCrewell (W) :23.3, The Republicans say the miil rate Declining enrollment — about 400 an arrest warrant Tuesday for viola­ traffic or the complexity of the in­ tersections allow right turns. tersection. Even if there were only triumph over Windham High in a bat­ turning on the afterburners in the can be achieved by increasing closing 110 yards to take 1-2. Lahda Two-mile: 1. T. DeValve (M), 2. less students are expected next year tion of probation, police said today. tersection, according to Police Chief There are 27 town-owned and 35 one or two instances during the day tle of unbeatens at Pete Wigren Lemieux (M), 3. Mee’k (Mi 9:53. revenue projections in four areas, — doesn’t warrant a budget ”of this Isenberg was held on a $500 cash Robert Lannan. state-owned intersections in when the prohibition is needed, he Track. turned in a fine 2:02 clocking. which wouid bring in $347,000 more Mile, relay; 1. Manchester (Kelly, magnitude,” the report states. bond. His trial was set for June 23 in The State Legislature has es­ Manchester. Besides the 14 areas said, the signs still must go up and re­ Manchester, 7-0 in the league and 9- Rich Gelling captured the 330-yard Elliott, Stanton, Lahda) 3:34.1. than the mayor has predicted. ’’Reluctantly, and with much East Hartford Superior Court. tablished the criteria for installing which permit the right turn from all main in effect all the time. 0 overall, clinched at least a tie for hurdles and took seconds in the 120 Javelin: 1. Patapchuck (M), 2. Burby Council Republicans Robert F. trepidayion, since this council has no the ”No Turn on Red” signs. Turns directions, there are 24 other in­ Nearly all the right turn the title with the victory. It can gain hurdles and 220. Mark Patapchuck (M), 3, Stimson (W) 165’ 5” . Ryan, Esther B. Clarke and John F. control over where the board cuts Police arrested Dominick J. are not allowed in areas of heavy tersections which allow right turns prohibitions in town are at school outright possession of the crown as it won the javelin for the Silk Towners Shot put; 1. Tourigney (W), 2. Bir­ Finnegan said the mayor has un­ should be made, and certainly not Faneili Jr., 18, of 3 Hickory drive, pedestrian traffic, particularly those from some but not all the ap­ crossings, the police chief has said. goes against Hall and Fermi at while Gary Burby took the long mingham (M), 3. Burby (Ml 51’ 9''. derestimated revenues in four areas Discus: 1. 'Tourigney (W), 2. Nelson wishing to see any instructional Coventry, on a warrant Tue^ay and used by elderly citizens and school proaches. Other criteria, besides the traffic Wigren Track today at 3:30. jump, gained second in the javelin to create an “unapprorpriated sur­ (W), 3. Burby (Mi 135' 10 >4". operations curtailed or eliminated, charged him with reckless driving children, or complex areas such as The five town-owned intersections complexity, include railroad preemp­ Windham slipped to 7-1 in the and thirds in the discus and shot put. plus.” we shall accept the budget as which permit turns from any direc­ tions or sight line obstructions. Windham’s Kevin McCrewell set a High jump: 1. Kelley (M). 2, Lombardo and evading responsibility. the Broad, Pine and East Center league, 7-2 overall. Hall also is once- (M), 3. Porter (W) 6' 2” . The report says the mayor has un­ proposed by the Board of He was released on a $100 cash tion are West Middle Turnpike and beaten in CCIL competition so the In­ school record in the 440-yard run with derestimated revenues from interest Lets Fly Long jump: 1. Burby (M), 2. Schocket Educatioi},” the minority budget bond for a June 5 court appearance. dians have to win, otherwise it’s a a :51.4 clocking. (W), 3. Walsh (M) 19' 3". income by $50,000, the suppiementai message said. Results: 440 relay: 1. Windham :46.8 motor vehicle tax by $90,000, yhe sur- One woman received minor in­ three-way split. Manchester’s Gary Burby Triple jump: 1. Lombardo (M|. 2. Rice Mrs. Clarke said today that she There were two key events for the (Manchester won but was disqualified for (M), 3. Schocket (Wi 40' 7". B pius by $200,000 and fines and tags by juries after a two-car collision gets ready to launch javelin in would vote against the mayor's Fund Hearings Disputed Silk Towners. Jeff Lombardo and passing out of the zone). Pole vault: 1. Kiel (Wl, 2. Sr^ith (Ml, $7,000. Tuesday at the West Center and 120 hurdles: 1. Grey (W), 2. Gelting meet against Windham. proposed $37.8 million budget on Norm Rice took 1-2 in the triple jump 3. Luchon (W) 10'. The GOP budget aiso caiis for a South Adams intersection, police Coiiliiiiird fruin Page One Weinstein wrote Tuesday to Cum­ ploy,” he said. (M), 3. tie Pugmire (W), Stanton (M) (Herald photo by Strempfer) reduction in the contingency fund by Thursday because ”it overtaxes said today. for a big 8-1 bulge while Chris Kelley :15.7. people.” rejected an advisory question that mings and . questioned why Cum­ Cummings, however, feels the fun­ $22,483, with $2,500 of this amount Louise Levesque, 72, of 21E Carver mings was interested in having the ding for the housing is important. He Schoolboy Baseball' going toward the purchase of radios She called the revenue estimates in Lane, was treated at Manchester asked if town funds should be used to pay for any Community Develop­ Republicans work on this matter. feels the hearings and a referendum for the police expiorers. Blackstone the minority report ’’very conser­ Memorial Hospital, police said. The ”I can come to only one conclusion question in November will permit in­ ment funded project. Nipped at the Wire MHS JAVVEES eliminated the radios from Police vative.” indicating they could have operator of the other vehicle was — that this is an attempt to blur the put from residents But, if the town does not find a With Skip Moreau spinning a three- Chief Clarence A. Drumm’s budget been even higher,, but the Alfred B. Sundquist, 72, of 50 Wyllys philosophical differences between us ’’I’ll bet the people will say yes, Manchester High’s Jim DeValve (right) gets his chest out and East Girls Set Records source of additional funding, the 40 list. Republicans had to base their figures hitter, Manchester High jayvee St. units off Spencer Street could be lost. and our respective parties,” Weins­ and I’ll pursue it,” he said of his nips Windham’s Tom Sapia in 100-yard dash in yesterday’s key The minority report, written by on available data. Police said Mrs. Levesque Two school records were East vs. Maloney Two-mile: 1. Kittredge (EC), 2. baseball team whipped Enfield High, Thus, Cummings has proposed the tein wrote. proposal. Councilman Ryan, said the mayor She said the Republicans used received a warning for failure to CCIL track meet. (Herald photo by Strempfer) shattered as the East Catholic so hurdles: I. Kozuch (E O , 2. Messier Horrigan (EC), 3. Jones (M) 12:28. 12-2, yesterday at Moriarty Field, public hearings. Cummings and five of the six Moreau is now 2-2 for the season has histrically “grossly un­ auditors’ reports and budget runoffs obey the red light. In IVIemoriain trirlQ’ trade tpam crushed (EC), 3. Mach (M) :12.7. Medley relay: 1, East 2:08,8. ”I suggested a bipartisan approach Democratic directors had sought g in s iracK i^eam crusnea lo,,., (e o , 2. wiiiiamce (EO, while the young Indians go to 10-8 derestimated” revenues, creating in preparing the report, but added continuation in the Community In loving memory of Margaret B. Anderton. Mile relay: 1, East 4:42,9. be taken to help the Manchester Maloney High, 116-7, and 3 Tobin (EO :ii.8. High jump: 1. Temple (EC), 2. Mack overall. Bill Herlth was 3-for-3 with 2 what accountants call an ‘'unappror­ that she would like to have delved Development program. Mother we think of you often, Housing Authority,” Cummings said. homestanding Pulaski High, Mile: 1. Kittredge (EO, 2. Peterson (M), 3. Griggs (M) 5' 3”. RBIs, Alex Britnell doubled and priated surplus” each year. more deeply into some accounts. Lottery Weinstein said the Democrats have But we know you are not alone; Herald The council Republicans have Time constraints and a lack of ”I thought this was something we For Unkie and Heni are wittv^ou 106-17, yesterday in New Bri- Long jump: 1. Williamee (EC), 2. tripled and knocked in four runs, and could undertake together and take ignored the Republicans in day-to- In the place you now call liome. . . ’ •’ 440: l.Ingalhnera(EC),2. Dakm(EC), Dakin (EC), 3. P. Walsh (EC) 14' 11 >4". reviewed budgets from 1973 to the available information prevented the day political activity. tain. Moreau and Jon DuBois each chipped HARTFORD — The winning out of the political field,” Cummings Loving you always— 3. Reddy (EC) 1:05,8. Shot put: 1. P. Walsh (EC), 2. Sullivan present and they Said this trend is GOP councilors from doing this, she ”T^is sudden interest in bipartisan Angle The double win gives the Eaglettes 440 relay: 1. East :54.2. in two hits. DuBois had two RBIs. number drawn Tuesday in the said of his proposal to seek additional Marjorie and Muriel (EC), 3. K. Walsh (EC) 36’ 11”. BENNET said. Grandchildren and 880: 1. Ferrari (EC), 2. Kaminski Discus: 1. P, Walsh (EC), 2. K. Walsh evident each year.' Connecticut daily lottery was 204. funding for the Spencer Street work. politics must be viewed as a political a 10-5 record for the season. Bennet varsity baseball team Great Grandchildren Earl Yqst Patti Walsh broke her own stan­ (EC), 3. Peterson (EC) 2:51.5. (EC), 3. Pickett (M) 100’ 10” , nipped Kosciuszko of Enfield yester­ dard in the shot put with a heave of 220; 1. Nolen (EC), 2. Ingallinera (EC), Javelin: 1. P. Walsh (EC), 2. K. Walsh Sports Editor day by a 5-4 count. 36-feet, 11-inches, bettering her 3. Tobin (EC) :27.5. (EC), 3. Sullivan (EC) 95' 9” . Joe Pereira picked up the victory, Town To Handle previous best by a foot. Freshman hurling 6 1/3 innings. He yielded four Anne Temple broke her own mark in hits and fanned eight. He aided his m the past. the high jump with a leap of 5-feet, 3- Own CD Defense own cause with two hits. Don Ideal Playing Field The portable snow fence had seen inches. That surpassed the previous Whm it ccMnes to Sumislaski tripled and singled and record by two inches. Manchester’s newest baseball dia­ its better days. Bicyclists and young Fournier Standout in Defeat Jamie Merisotis doubled and singled MANCHESTER — The town’s attorneys plan to handle mond, located on the campus of swimmers en route to nearby Globe Results: East vs, Pulaski for the B ears, now 4-4. Doug the Community Development case themselves unless the Manchester Community College, will Hollow would stalk across the out­ 80 hurdles: 1. Kozuch (EC), 2. Messier (EC), 3. Smigalis (P) :12.7. Whitaker got a save. hearing is schooled so soon that they will not have time get additional use this season when field while play was in progress, not East Catholic boys’ track BENNET JV 100: 1. Nolen (EC), 2. Williamee (EC), 880: 1. Goehring (SP), 2. Cohl (SP), 3. to prepare. bank intere^ rates,,, Moriarty Bros.’ entry in the Hartford to mention young mothers pushing Behind the three inning relief stint baby carriages traveling the same 3. Olis (P) :11.8. team suffered an 85-66 setback Patrick (EC) 2:05.7. ■Two of the attorneys — David Barry, head town at­ Twilight League will play home of Dave Dougan, Bennet jayvee route to Spring Street and Globe. Mile: 1. Kittredge (EC), 2. Lucus (P), at the hands of St. Paul yester­ 220: 1. Carr (EC), 2. Bayer (SP), 3. torney, and William Shea, an assistant — met Tuesday to games at the site starting Friday 3. Peterson (EC) 5:35. (EC) 1:05.8. baseball team topped Kosciuszko of Numerous foul hit balls would land Taillon (SP) :24.0. discuss the issue of handling the Community Develop­ night. 440 relay: 1. East (Kozuch, Williamee, day in Bristol. Enfield yesterday, 10-6. in the nearby interstate highway Pole vault: 1. Mark Fournier (EC), 2. ment case. Officially opened just over a year Tobin, Nolen) .54.2. The Eagle thinclads are 4-5 for the Mike Fournier (EC), 3. Pryor (SP) 11'. Dougan relieved in the fifth with nobody does it better! area, never to return. 880: 1. Ferrari- (EC), 2. Kaminski Barry said today that they have decided to continue ago, the playing surface is strictly season. Mark Fournier was a quadru­ Discus: 1. Mark Fournier (EC), 2. the bases loaded and no out and handling the case. big league, completely enclosed. There won’t be any cheap homers (EC), 3. Peterson (EC) 2:51.5. ple winner for East as he won the Hartman (EC), 3. Benevento (SP) 124' retired the next three in succession. at MCC field. The distances down the 220: 1. Nolen (EC), 2. Olis (P), 3. ‘T don’t see this as something where we have to hire Dugouts, bleachers and a scoreboard high jump, pole vault, discus and 10". He was touched for an unearned run someone who has handled a racial discrimination case are all in future plans. foul lines and to centerfield are Ingallinera (EC) :27.5. javelin. Harry Carr scored a triple Two-mile: 1. Perrault (SP), 2. Clifford Two-mile: 1. Kittredge (EC), 2. Lukus in the seventh. before,” Barry said. The MCC field is nameless at this major league. for the Eagles, taking the triple (EC), 3. Colliton (EC) 9:54. Paul Hohenthal and Dean Page “I don’t see any need and I don’t have any desire to turn All is not strawberries at MCC. (P), 3. Horrigan (EC) 12:28, Triple jump: 1. Carr (EC), 2. Urillo writing. Medley relay: 1. East (Ingallinera, jump, 220 and 120-yard high hurdles. each had two hits for the young this matter over to outside counsel,” he said. It wasn’t easy for Moriarty’s to Fans may have trouble finding the St. Paul, however, had too much (SP), 3. Tenant (SP) 38' 11”. Rupee, Nolen, Kozuch) 2:08,8. High jump: 1. Mark Fournier (EC), 2. Bears, now 5-5. There is a possibility that outside counsel might be make the move from Mt. Nebo’s field ... the first time ... The best Mile relay: 1. East (Williamee, Dakin, overall depth to overcome. ASSUMPTION needed, however. place to park is in the upper MCC lot, Mazzone (SP), 3. Robinson (SP) 6' 4” . Moriarty Field — named after the Reddy, Temple) 4:42.9. Results: Shot put: 1. Pryor (SP), 2. Mile relay: 1. St. Paul 3:43.9. Assumption Junior High tripped Barry said if the hearing On the case is scheduled very team sponsor — to the college area. where there is ample room. It’s a High jump: 1. Temple (EC), 2. Hartman (EC), 3, Meyer (EC) 58' 8(4”. Mansfield Middle School yesterday five minute walk through the woods soon his four-member staff might not have enough time On the othef hand. Matt Moriarty Jurgilewicz (P), 3. Heddy (EC) 5’ 3” 120 hurdles: 1. Carr (EC), 2. LaSalle by a 16-11 count. to prepare adequately for it. Sr., for whom Mt. Nebo’s baseball to the field. (new school record). (SP), 3. Durking (SP) :16.6. Kevin Watras had three hits in­ Javelin: 1. Mark Fournier (EC), 2. If this is the case, the hiring of outside counsel will have field was named for his many As there are no bleachers set up at Long jump: 1. Williamee (EC), 2. Olis cluding a homer and Steve LaRose to be considered, he said. generous contributions to baseball in the field, spectators are advised to (P), 3. Dakin (EC) 14’ 11 (4” . Hartman (EC), 3. Bearosky (SP) 170’ 1”. Hilinski Tops Mile; 1. Perrault (SP), 2. Wheeler also clubbed a roundtripper for 3-2 Barry is a member of the state Senate and those duties Manchester over the past 40 years, bring chairs or blankets. Shot put: 1. P. Walsh (EC), 2. Sullivan (EC), 3. K. Walsh (EC) 36’ U ” (new (SP), 3. Kittredge (EC) 4:33. Assumption. Six of the 13 Warrior will keep him busy through early June. He and his three did not object. After all, he was one If fans want to see adult baseball Complete knowledge of school record). Long jump: 1. Tenant (SP), 2. Dumont hits went for extra bases. assistants all work only part time for the town. of the founders of MCC and has lent a played under ideal conditions they his home course didn’t won’t have any complaints about the Discus: 1, P. Walsh (EC), 2. K. Walsh (EC), 3. Kelly (SP) 18’ 8” . U.S. District Court Judge M. Joseph Blumenfeid has guiding hand to the development of (EC), 3, Sullivan (EC) 100’ 10”. 330 hurdles: 1. tie Kelly (SP), Carr hurt veteran Stan Hilinski granted a temporary injunction that prevents the town the biggest community college in shift in Twi games from Mt. Nebo to Javelin: 1. P. Walsh (EC), 2. K. Walsh yesterday in the Central IlUng Squad the college. Manager Gene Johnson (EC), 3. Durkin (SP) :40.4. for now from withdrawing from the Community Develop­ Connecticut. (EC), 3. Sullivan (EC) 95’ 9”. 440 relay: 1. St. Paul :47.1. Connecticut Golf ment program. has conducted a major Frankly, it wouldn’t be a bad move 440: 1. Bayer (SP), 2. Kenikie (SP), 3. A ssociation’s One-Day Undefeated Blumenfeid will schedule a trial on the merits of the en­ to christen the MCC baseball dia­ ‘’housecleaning” with the Gas House Millerick (SP) :53.8. filing boys’ track team remained tire lawsuit and a request for a permanent injunction. He mond after Moriarty, too, in that in Gang’s roster with few faces retur­ 100: 1. Bayer (SP), 2. Pryor (SP), 3. Tournament at the unbeaten with a 79-7 win over a com­ will meet Friday with attorneys for both sides to discuss due time it will be the No. 1 playing ning from last year’s below-par Quick (SP) :10.8. Manchester Country Club. bined Silas Deane / Webb of a date and procedures for that hearing. area in Manchester. squad. The 60-year-old former Wethersfield squad. The Rams are Elaborate plans to improve Mt. Nine regular season and nine club champion turned in a Nebo, which were announced last playoff championships have been now 4-0, two over par 74 round to Butch Wemmell won the shot put, year, have gone by the board. The achieved by Johnson under Moriar­ high jump and 100; Gary Gates took field was to be completely fenced in ty’s banner and the coach has vowed SPORTS pace a field of 217 players. the 880 and mile; Neil Berry secured with a modern permanent night to make it 10 in each category season He finished at 37-37-74, SLATE Burleson Set Down the 440 and seconds in the high jump lighting unit. and playoff — as the 1979 TVi cam­ two strokes better than NEW YORK (UPI) - Shortstop and long jump; Tim Lepak won the There were problems at Mt. Nebo paign gets off the mark Friday night. Wednesday Rick Burleson of the Boston Red Sox Pete Pierson of Edgewood 220; Ed Dziato took the long jump Title to Bridge Windham al Manchester, has been suspended for three games and Fritz Kowalski of and second in the discus. Leon 3:30 for physical contact with umpire Les Pequabuck. Botteron won the discus and third in East Catholic at South Pratt during game May 16 against Hilinski picked up birds the shot. Mark Allen, Joe Cosgrove, Tech Win Skein Baltimore, the American League of­ Paul Smith, Dave Pesso, Doug Still in Question Catholic, 3:15 on the third and 15th holes East Hartford at Penney, fice announced Tuesday. but had bogies on four Potter, Tony Carr and Rick Hyde also scored points for filing. MANCHESTER — The Park Street Bridge has two 3:30 East Hampton at Bolton However, imposition of the others when he missed On the distaff side, filing girls possible owners, only neither apparently has proof of that Reaches to Three short putts in an otherwise scored a 52-34 win. Traci Sullins won ownership. TENNIS supsension won’t take place until the 100 and 220; Janet Locke took the The Town of Manchester and Kenneth Burkamp, who Windham at Manchester after Burleson has a hearing, which find performance under Exploding for five fifth-inning runs, Cheney Tech thumped shot and discus; Denise White won lives on Laurel Street, both think they have the ownership East Catholic at Xavier he requested, and which will be set perfect weather con­ rights to the bridge. Coventry High, 7-1, in COC baseball action yesterday at the Cheney Tech at Portland up within a reasonable period of ditions. the high jump, Sheri Robichaud took the mile, Giselle Plante won the 440 The town has used the bridge for years, but it has no And Ufe Offer A Techmen’s diamond. Manchester at Windham time. the sixth as Mike Pinkin was hit by a and Donna Carrier took the 880. ownership papers for the bridge. Jay Giles, director of The tournament-bound Beavers, (girls) pitch with the bases jammed forcing Platt at East Catholic public works, said. Burkamp, however, owns property off Wide Mnriety O f 10-7 in the conference and 12-7 in the run. Elm Street Extension that is directly underneath the overall, have won three straight and (girls) bridge, which goes over now unused railroad tracks. conclude regular season play GOLF Plans lb Choose From. ’’We’re playing pretty well now, Fitch / Waterford at East There seem to be no serious problems developing Thursday at conference champ especially defensively, cited Tech Ingraham’s RBI Single because of the question of ownership, though. Catholic Cromwell High. Coventry winds up Coach Aaron Silvia, ’’and we’ve been Giles said Burkamp is willing to give the town aerial TRACK its campaign at 8-11. hitting the ball pretty hard. rights above his property to continue use of the bridge. Long-Term Certificates of Deposit (8 year, Cheney moved in front in the first. F e rm i / Hall at ’’The bridge is there. It's been there for who knows how Dave Gustamachio doubled, Chris Manchester, 3:30 many years,” Giles said. The bridge probably was built 6 year, 4 year, 2y2-4 year, 1-2 year)** ’’Three wins in a row...that could SOFTBALL Vann singled putting runners at the Manchester at Windham, by the Cheney family early in this century and eventually These plans can provide money for any long-term goal corners and the former scored on a be good momentum going into In 1 Ith Nets Tribe Win was turned over to the town, Giles said. But, there ap­ you might have. The longer the contracted term of the tournament.” 3:30 wild pitch by Patriot starter Mark East Catholic at Bolton, parently is no proof of that ownership. deposit, the higher the interest rate paid. The Raiders knotted it in third on grounder to third respectively. Morse. 3:15 Several early chances were The question of ownership was brought up Monday Coventry knotted the count in the Dumez, junior lefthander, raised Rick Downs’ homer to left center- Hill, in 4 2/3 innings, yielded one Thursday squandered but Manchester during a discussion about missing wheels and axles from third. Mike Beach walked and swiped his record to 4-1 twirling a two-hitjer, field. hit, walked two and struckout four in an old trailer located underneath the bridge. 90-Day Notice Accounts** both issued to Strycharz. He walked BASEBALL High broke through for a ■ notching his first varsity victory. These accounts have the advantage of interest rates second. He moved to thW as Tom Mickey Coulombe walked and Lyon p ie town has hired a private contractor to repair the Strycharz grounded out. Morse four and fanned four in the route­ East Catholic at marker in the 11th inning to nip and McCluskey singled in the fourth He's lost three. Steve Masse turned bridge, and the vehicle was in the way of the repair work. higher than passbook accounts and availability of money walked and stole second. With Dave going effort. ’’Chuck is throwing real Manchester, 3:30 ' Enfield High, 3-2, yesterday in in a route-going performance for En­ Penney at South Windsor for a 2-1 Indian lead. Enfield again The owner of the vehicle was not known at the time, so in a relatively short period of time. McConnell squaring for a squeeze well now,” Silvia appraised. CCIL baseball action at Kelley tied it up in the sixth as Downs field. He scattered 13 hits while the vehicle was moved and the wheels and axles were Gustamachio, Vann and Nicholson Cheney Tech at try. Tech hurler Chuck Dumez un­ Field. singl^, stole second and advanced to walking eight and striking out seven. removed. The trailer actually belonged to Burkamp, who corked a wild pitch scoring Beach. each collected two hits for the Cromwell, 3:15 third as the catcher’s peg flew into The Indians stranded 14 on base, Regular Passbook Accounts** Brad Ingraham’s RBI single just eventually did recover the wheels and axles. Mike Nicholson singled, Vann Beavers. TENNIS centerfield and scored on Jay Your money tvill earn the highest interest allowed when out of reach of the second sacker’s singled and Randy Lanzano blistered Manchester at East Wheeler’s single. That knocked Tribe you deposit it into an SBM Regular Passbook Account. glove scored Tom McCluskey from ^lunrhesler (il) - Lyon ss. 5-1-1-0, an RBI double in the fifth and that Catholic (girls), 3:15 starter Steve Pyka from the hill with These accounts are great for special savings or as GOLF third base with the game-winner. McCluskey cf. 4-1-3-1. Ingraham dh. 5-0-2- emergency funds. > was all for Morse. He worked four in­ Cheney Tech (7) • Gustamachio lb, 4- junior righthander Ken Hill 1, Coffin 2b. O-O-O-O. Ogden 3b. 3-0-2-1. nings, gave up eight hits, walked 1-2-0, Nicholson 2b, 4-1-2-0, Vann 3b, 4-2-2- Manchester / Fermi at McCluskey, leading off, singled and dashed to third as the rightfielder relieving. Gauruder rf. 4-0-1-0. Ezerins if. 3-0-1-0. none and strucKout three. 0, Lanzano c, 3-1-1-1, Colpitts rf, 3-1-0-0, East Hartford Manchester almost pulled it out in Parks ph, l-O-O-O, Gluhoskv If. l-O-O-O. Reliever Kevin Green walked Wal­ P itts dh, 2-0-0-1, Pinkin ss, 2-0-0-1, East Catholic / Aquinas overran his blow. the ninth. McCluskey singled, stole Halloin lb. 3-0-0-0. Spears ph. l-O-l-O. Bridge IsnH Safe 6-Month Money Market Certificates Manchester upped its standard to ly Colpitte with Ken Pitts following Tamiso if, 3-1-1-0,- Dumez p, 2-0-1-1, at South Catholic second, followed by a walk to Ogden. Coulombe c. 4-1-1-0. Pvka p. 2-0-0-fl. Hill 7-11 with the win while Enfield goes ‘Ban/^ with a sacrifice fly to center, Lan­ Bushey cf, O-O-O-O. Totals: 29-7-9-4. Vinal Tech / Prince Tech Eric Gauruder singled to shallow p. 3-0-1-0, Totals: 39-3-13-3. MANCHESTER — The Park Street Bridge is unsafe for Gull 646*1700 for rurreni rulrs and delails to 10-8 with the setback. Manchester zano Uking third. He scored as at Cheney Tech right with McCluskey gunned down Kafii-ld (2) - Downs rf. 4-2-2-1. pedestrian traffic, a spokesman for the town engineering * UnItM you (bpoall tlOO.000 or own. Covenlry, (1) - Loughlin SS, 44)-0-0, hosts Windham High today and East Cerrato 2b. 5-0-0-0. Jay Wheeler cf. 5-0-1- Green unloaded a wild pitch, Colpitts Friday at the plate trying to score. department warned today. Savings Bank of Manchester * Each depooMorlmwod up to $40,060 by FDIC.lnttmiconipounMcontbMioiahi.crtdlttd monthly, day of dnooN . Beach 2b, 2-1-04), Strycharz rf, 3-0-2-0, TRACK Catholic Thursday to complete its ‘79 1, Jannev lb. 4-0-1-0. Frangiamore If, 4-0- to day M withdrawal. taking second. A groundnut moved . The A iders threatened in the 10th. The bridge is closed for repair. Although a steel Manchestsr, East Hadlord, South Windsor. Ashford. Andover, and Bolton. Morse p-cf, 2-041-0, McConnell 3b, 3-0-04), Manchester / East slate. 0- 0, Jeff Wheeler ss. 5-0-0-0, MoLcod dh. Member FDIC. 646-1700 FDIC rtfuiatkNM ptnaM wtthdrawab from that favlAgi accotnu btiora raalarity with Mtetantlal ptnaby. him to third with Rich Tamisio Hill issued a leadoff walk after barricade keeps motor vehicles from crossing the bridge, Green cf-p, 24)4)4), Lane lb, 14)4)4), K. The Silk Towners were on the 1- O-O-O. Masse p, l-O-O-O. Arena pr. O-O-O-O. drawing a bases on balls. Dumez Thalacker c, 24)4)4), Kv. Thalacker dh, 2- Catholic (girls) at State retiring nine straight. A one-out safe­ pedestrians have been getting around the barricade and board first in the opening frame. Maier 3b. 2-0-0-0. Wilcox e. 3-0-0-0. Ruel HELP CRUSADE AGAINST CANCER aided his ovm cause with an RBI 04)4), Caisse lf,il-04)4). Totals: 22-1-24). Sectionals ty placed runners at second and third ph, l-O-O-O. Totals: ,'15-2-4-2. walking across. TENNIS Jack Lyon walked, McCluskey Slop in unil see The (.unrer .Sooiely Doll House on display at the Main Office of llie Savings Bank of Maneliesler. Dull House drawing single with Tamiso later scoring on . Key: at bats-runs-hits-RBIs but Hill bore down, getting the next Manchester 100 100 (HKl 01 3 Frank Ennis of the engineering department feid today Cheney 100 051 x 7 East Catholic at singled, Ingraham sacrificed and the bridge is unsafe even for those afoot. wdll lake plaee on May 25, 1979 ’ another wild pitch. two on a soft liner to short and Enfield d«I 001 000 00 2 The Beavers added a final tally in Coventry 001 000 0 1 Northwest Catholic, 3:30 Doue Ogden drilled an RBI single. I’ACJK KlU HTKKN- KVKNIiNCJ HKRAI.IX Wi-d.. Mav 23. 1979 \ EVENING HERALD, Wed., May 23, 1979 - PAGE FIFTEEN High-Flying Hornets ‘■ ‘**‘* Hebner’s Bat Danielson Lauded s**""'""* TONIGHT’S GAMES National League Oil*TK VH. Lawyers, 6 — l,elier East R o I i ' h v » . Legion, 6 — Waddell Revives Mets W Aulo 1'riiii vg. Moriarly'g, 6 — Philadelphia Sure Of at Least Tie Riiekley Montreal NEW YORK (UPI) — Richie Hebner knew it would all come By National Group St. Louis nings worked. He walked four and NATIONAL back to him sooner or later. was compiled...... scoring; National honors have come Pittsburgh Pitching-rich East Hartford struckout fiVe in raising his record to Trailing 2-0 after two innings, You don’t spend 10 seasons in the Danielson will coach his 33rd and Chicago Hickey tripled and Andy Proctor High clinched at least a tie for 4-1. He. too. was the batting star for Carter’s rallied to tally four runs in major leagues making a living with Tuesday night were pitchers Kevin the way for Dick Danielson, final season in the upcoming ’79 cam- york singled to make it 3-0 in the fourth. East Hartford going 3-for-4 with two the third frame and wound up with a your bat and suddenly forget how to Kobel and Dale Murray and out­ veteran Manchester High paign in the fail. the CCIL baseball title yester­ Wethersfield plated its lone marker runs scored and two RBI. 7-2 win over Nichols Tire last night at hit. Never mind that an O-for-18 fielder Joel Youngblood. Kobel, who soccer coach, with word that In making the announcement, day with a 5-1 verdict over in the sixth with Leigh Stanton's • Paul Fitzsimmons went the dis­ Buckley. streak earlier this season had went six innings, combined with NHSACA Executive Director Carey visiting Wethersfield High. sacrifice fly to center scoring Paul Dave Brasenfield struck out nine he has been named 1979 tance for the Eagles. He walked brought waves of criticism and even Murray on a six-hitter and McDonald noted the organization” ... Cincinnati The Hornel.'! ran gain sole posses­ DiPralo who walked. batters in gaining the duke while National High School Athletic three and fanned seven. gotterf the boss, team owner Lorinda Youngblood hit a solo homer. is so pleased to have this opportunity San Francisco sion of their second straight crown The Hornets added some insurance Steve Byam contributed two hits DeRoulel, mad at him. The Cubs, meanwhile, continue to Coaches’ Association Coach-of- to honor you for your fine work in in their half of the sixth. Kohler Eiwi llm'ifiiril (,5) - DeSaulnier 3b, 4-0- Houston today against crosslown Penney along with Chris Ogden and Mike Hebner has been a hitter all his play poorly and there was growing the-Year in soccer in the athletics and your sport. You deserve Los Angeles Higli at the Black Knights' diamond walked and moved to second on a 1- 1, Flenke 3b. O-O-O-O, Hilchuk 2b. 4-0-0-0, Sweeney starred on defense. Nicholson If, 3-0-0-0, Jones lb, 3-0-0-0, life, and left to their own devices, speculation that Manager Herman Northeastern United States. this national recognition.” San Diego at 3:30. East Hartford is 13-4 in the sacrifice. Hickey ripped an RBI dou­ Durler c. 3-0-0-0, Frasca c, l-O-O-O, Kohler Bob Blake had two hits for the natural-born hitters eventually do Franks might call it quits before July As one of the eight • district Richard Cobb, Manchester High Atlant'a league. 14-4 overall, and riding a six- ble and took third as the throw from cf. 2-2-00, M. Proctor ss. 3-1-0-0. Hickey p, loser?, now 4-2, while Carter’s stand what they’re paid to do. And so, if the team keeps on its present nominees for National Coach-of-the- director of athletics, commented, “I game winning streak. Wethersfield the outfield went astray. He scored Tuesday’s Resul(s 4-2-3-2, Ouellette p, O-O-O-O. A. Proctor rf, at 3-2. Hebner’s time has come. course to nowhere. Year, he will be feted at the National have known ’Dick Danielson for 18 goes to 6-11 with the setback. on a wild pitch. Montreal 6, Pittsburg 3 2- 0-1-1-. Totals: 29-5-5-4. INTERNATIONAL The 31-year-old third baseman of ‘‘I’ll never resign,” Franks said Awards Banquet in Orlando, Fla,, years and the pleasure has been all Joe Kohler walked to start a Wethersfield threatened in the New York 4, Chicago 2 \\ •■lliiTsfirlil (1) - D'Ambrosio 2b, 4- Scoring eight times in the first ' the New York Mets continued his Tuesday night. ‘‘They’ll have to fire June 22. mine. His quiet, unassuming but firm Hornet .second-inning uprising. He ninth as the first men up singled and 0-0-0, Hemmann If. 3-0-1-0, Quinn rf, 1-0-1- Philadelphia 3, St? Louis 1 frame, Boland Oil stopped Ansaldi’s torrid batting spree Tuesday night me.” Danielson took over the soccer character is a distinct credit to the .swiped second and Matt Proctor walked respectively. But Bob 0. Stanton ss, 2-0-0-1, Tabshey lb. 4-0-0-0, last night at Leber, 12-1, as Sue Houston 4, Atlanta 1 when he belted a two-run homer and That seems unlikely as Bob reins in 1947 and has been at the helm teaching and coaching profession. reached on an error. Winning pitcher Ouellette was summoned from the Fitzsimmons p, 4-0-1-0. Rizzo 3b. 4-0-2-0, Wallace hurled a three-hitter. She San Diego 7, Los Angeles 6 a run-scoring single to lead the Mets Kennedy, the club’s executive vice 32 years. His clubs have won 292, lost His first concern is always what is Kevin Hickey singled in one run and bullpen by Hornet Coach A1 Lussier Fabrizi If-rf. 3-0-1-0. Trahan dh, 4-0-0-0, San Francisco 12, Cincinnati 2 fanned nine batters. to a 4-2 victory over the Chicago president and the man in charge of 108 and tied 35 games. He’s had 12 best for the student or athlete that he .Andy Proctor sacrificed the runners and he responded brilliantly setting DiPrato c, O-l-O-O. Dillon c, 2-0-0-0, Ander­ Today's Games son cf, O-O-O-O. Totals: 31-1-6-1. Eli McFoley had two hits for the such matters, is very fond of the 65- CCIL championship squads and three is involved with. The honor that he is along. Bob DeSaulnier's roller to down the next three in order. Cubs. Pittsburgh (Candelaria 3-2) at East Hartford 020 102 OOx 5 Oilers, the only player with more Hebner, who has driven in 11 runs year-old Franks. state titles .(1956, 1958, 1962). to receive in June is one that he has short was booted. Matt Proctor Hickey was credited with eight in- Montreal (Rogers 3-2), N Wethersfield 000 001 000 1 than one. in his last four games, drilled his Still, the team is not playing up to Manchester was state runner-up on more than earned over the 30 odd Chicago (Holtzman 3-3) at New AMERICAN homer off loser Dennis Lamp, 3-1, in its capabilities and recently, in­ seven other occasions. years of teaching and coaching..” York (Falcone 0-3), N Civitan romped over Army ^ Navy the first inning and added the single cluding Tuesday night, Franks has Manchester teams under Manchester Principal Jacob Ludes last night, 22-9. in the fifth in sending the Cubs down adopted the practice of closing the Danielson have qualified for state commented, ‘‘It is particularly St. Louis (Martinez 1-1) at Softball Bill Pawlick slammed two homers, Philadelphia (Ruthven 6-1), N to their sixth loss in a row. locker room doors to reporters for 10 tournament play 25 times and missed satisfying to be recognized by your Houston (Richard 4-41 at Atlanta one with the bases loaded, and Mike ‘‘It’s just a case of cream rising to minutes after the game. Moreover, only three years since 1951. It has peers. Dick Danielson is a most com­ TOMdin S (l AAIKS EASTERN first inning. Zipser Club had to (Matula 2-3), N Tomkunas and Glen Boggini com­ the top,” Mets Manager Joe Torre Dave Kingman and Bobby Murcer, qualified the last 12 consecutive petent professional; a dean of his I’liiiipi'i'iiii'ktc Kiistcrii. (> — Behind the eight-hit, shutout struggle to hold on in gaining a 5-4 Dick Danielson Los Angeles (Hooton 3-21 at San bined to hurl the triumph. said of Hebner’s recent surge. ‘‘This two of the team’s top stars, have years. sport. He clearly has earned this out­ pitching of Earl Custer, North United win over Allied Printing last night at Diego (Jones 4-2), N (JieiiC) Rod Gill also homered twice for is what we got him for. He is a been difficult with the press and Manchester during his tenure has standing distinction. All of us at Methodist blanked Alliance Printing Fitzgerald. Cincinnati (LaCoss 4-0) at San Second Congo Postal. (> — the Vets. productive hitter and he’s starting to stopped talking to the Chicago scored 1,039 goals and yielded 420. appearances. Manchester High School are proud of last night at Mt.Nebo, 13-0. Jim Grimes , Roger Talbot. Mike All.Nelio Bright spot for Civitan was little relax.” writers entirely. His 1958 state championship squad He has had only one losing team in our association with this talented Francisco (Blue 6-4), N Jim LaPenta and Jim Persinger Mistretta and Rich Gustafson each (Hass \s. Marlini/.ing. (i — Keeney Mike McMahon who has reached Sharinp the spotlight with Hebner Those are foreboding signs. Fishing Derby Coming Up was unbeaten but once-tied in 15 32 years, in 1949 when a 3-6-1 record gentleman.” Oil Ileal \s. l.aSirada. 6 — were in the three-hit class for the lashed out two hits, one by Grimes first base safely in his last eight Kit/.gerald Methodists and Dave Thomas and for four bases. times at bat. Annual Manchester State Bank-Manchester Recreation American League I'nriipike TA vs. Thrifty. 6 — .Nike Bernie Chappell were right behind Jeff Keopper, Joe Van, Mike Lolci NATIONAL FARM Department Fishing Derby will take place Saturday, June 2 at East (ins's vs. W ilson. 7:30 — Nike with two hits each. and Bill Morgan were each in the Carter’s outlasted Moriarty’s last Salters Pond from 8 to 11 a.m. Children 14 and under are eligible. W L Pet. GB Joe Niekro Happy Baltimore 26 14 ,650 BA's vs. Pirenien. (> — Kohertson Three hits rattled off the bat of two-hit bracket for the Printers. night at Bowers, 12-U. Hitting stars State Bank officials Nate Agostinelli and Stan Jarvis Boston Aloriarly's vs. Allied. 7:.30 — Paul Zura and Marty Thibodeau were Steve Ashbacke - two homers - RSox Get Breaks in Win 25 14 ,641 Vz demonstrate how to catch and net the trout that will be stocked. New York 23 Robertson added two more for Alliance. and Kevin Boyko - double and three Singleton single, Eddie Murray 18 .561 SVz Prizes will be for both boys and girls in various age categories. Milwaukee DUSTY RBIs - for Carter’s and Jim Burke After 100th Win BALTIMORE (UPI) - The walked and Lee May’s RBI double to 22 20 ,524 5 • Slugfest was captured by Town NIKE (Herald photo by Pinto) Boston Red Sox were due for a Detroit 15 20 .429 8Vz REC and John Rogers with two hits each right. Dick Drago then came on to Employees last night against the Two four-run frames lifted Multi Cleveland 17 23 .425 9 Pushing over one run in at least for the MB’s. few breaks, according to get Rich Dauer on a sacrifice fly to Jaycees at Robertson. 12-11. Circuits past Westown Pharmacy, 11- NEW YORK (UPI) — Joe Niekro cares more about his future Toronto 11 32 .256 16Vz every inning. Zembrowski's Stars AMERICAN FARM slugger Fred Lynn, and they make it 7-5. Two hits were recorded by Dave 8, last night at Nike Field, tripped up DeMolay last night at Joey Casey hurled a one-hitter last victories than the 100 that stand next to his name in the record got some Tuesday night as they In the eighth, the Orioles were W esl Peck. Bob Oliver, Sam Savino, Butch Kevin Bavier collected three hits book. Bochte All Smiles W L Pet. Keeney. 11-3. night at Buckland as Army I Navy threatening again. Rich Dempsey GB Savino, Steve Koski and Terry Grif­ and Bill Hilinski, Dennis Tomzalk, rode a seven-run second inning Minnesota Big stickers for the Stars were stopped Civitan, 7-4. Casey also “To win 100 is a good[oodreeling ifeeling i' ”...... singled and then pinch-hitter Pat Kel­ 25 14 .641 fin, all of the winners. Bob Brin- Jack.Frigon and Paul Philbrick two to defeat the Eastern Divison- California Marlin Rozie with three hits and Carl fanned 10 batters. . because you know you’ve been in the ly lined a one-out single to center. < 25 16 .610 1 . damour came up with two hits, one a apiece for Circuits. Rick Malloy and National League Texas Bujaucius. Roger Peck. Mike Hull Joe Angeloni was the hitting and league a long while,” Niekro said Following Victory leading Baltimore Orioles 7-5. up, so I ran like hell,” said Allenson. Red Sox reliever Bill Campbell then 23 17 .575 2Vz homer, for the Jaycees and Tom Bob Quaglia each stroked two blows Kansas City and Jim Rook, each with two bingles. fielding star for the winners. Tuesday night after pitching the “We haven’t had much luck hitting Jerry Remy and Rick Burleson came on to strike out Ken Singleton 22 20 .524 4Vz Gruswald added three hits and Bob for Westown. Chicago George McAuley and Biil Currie INT. FARM Houston Astros to a 4-1 victory over Phillies 3, Cardinals 1 NEW YORK (UPI) — Bruce Bochte had already done his job as a team,” said Lynn, who led off then wrapped run-scoring singles to and retire Murray on a fly to right. 19 20 .487 6 Ramierez, Jeff Keith, Brad Keezer Oakland each coilected two hits in defeat. Ansaldi’s bested 7-Eleven last the Atlanta Braves to reach the cen­ Greg Luzinski lined a two-run and was watching in horror from the Seattle dugout as the Kan­ the big second inning with a three- left and both trotted home when Lynn “The last couple of weeks. I’ve 15 27 .357 llVj and Don Foster two each for the Seattle W OMEN'S REC night at Verplanck, 18-17, as Wayne tury mark in career wins. homer to right-center with one out in run homer. “We’ve hit a lot of hard ripped his league-leading fourteenth been throwing the ball real well. The 15 28 .349 12 losers. sas City Royals erupted for five runs in the bottom of the ninth R took three innings to get started Lindstrom collected three hits and “I just hope I can continue to pitch the ninth inning. Luzinski also drove outs. We just haven’t had a lot of homer over the center field fence to arm’s getting better and it feels Tuesday's Results CANDLELIGHT INDY inning to send the game into extra innings. but when B&J did the team finished John Lynch a pair. Jim Kiely had well, stay healthy,” continued in a run in the first with a sacrifice breaks. We were due for this.” make it 7-0 Red Sox. stronger each week,” said Campbell, Boston 7, Baltimore 5 Moriarty’s started fast and didn’t Four runs in the top of the eighth But Bochte was all smiles after strong in a 10-5 decision over Tikey three hits as many RBIs and Eric Niekro,.who has lost 99 during his fly. Tug McGraw, who struck out the Orioles’ starter and loser Mike “It was kind of a cut-fast ball,” who recorded his third save of the Cleveland 8, Toronto 6 let up in posting an easy 14-3 ver­ inning snapped an 11-11 deadlock and Ruppert Jones singled home Julio last night at Cheney. Letendre doubled twice in defeat. career. ‘‘If my arm stays healthy and scoreless innings of relief to pick up Flanagan (6-3) was cruising along said Lynn. “It looked like he was year New York 12, Detroit 8 dict over the Jaycees last night at enabled Hartford Road Dairy Queen side in the top of the ninth in relief of Cruz with the winning run in the 12th Lany Dunbar led the way with four my legs hold up, I feel I can help the the win and Mark Lemongello, 1-6, with two out in the second when the trying to go outside a little with it. I The screwballs l,£ot Singleton on Milwaukee 7, California 1 Robertson Park. to subdue Peppino’s, 15-11, last night Randy Lerch, picked up his second inning Tuesday) night to lead the hits and Sue Stegeman added two Astros for some time.” suffered the loss. Red Sox erupted. was thinking fast ball and possibly were the best pitches! made of the Chicago 5, Oakland 4 Paul Frenette slammed a pair of at Nike, Gridder Satisfied win of the year against no losses, but Mariners to a 12-11 victory over the Rangers 4, Twins 3 more while Diane Repoli homered Niekro achieved the milestone in a broken thumb suffered Larry Butch Hobson lined a double to slow curve.” night,” he added. Texas 4, Minnesota 2 homers and Bob Coroso and Lou Tim O’Neil, Wayne Parker, Bill Royals. A solo homer by Buddy Bell in the and singled twice for the losers. Sue McCarthy and Rick Goss each had LOS ANGELES (UPI) - George view of his brother, Phil, who pitches Bowa tainted the win. The shortstop right center and after George Scott The Orioles cut the lead to 7-3 in “He’s always got the screwball, Seattle 12, Kansas City 11 Wellington each had three hits and ‘‘When you have the wind taken out eighth inning, his third RBI of the Hayes and Barbara Paul also had two two hits for the Queens, who Andrews, the Nebraska linebacker for Atlanta. Phil won his 200th game will be out a minimum of three walked, Dwight Evans blooped a run­ the bottom of the second on singles but when he’s got the fast ball he's Paul Ostuni, Karl Hasel and Dave of your sails like we did in the ninth, game, carri^ Texas over Minnesota Today's Games hits for the Painters. collected a dozen. Steve Wronker who was the Los Angeles Rams’ first earlier this season and felt happy his weeks. Ted Simmons reached Lerch scoring single to right. by Lee May and Rich Dauer and Billy real tough,” added Boston Manager Boston (Stanley 4-2) at Baltimore Oherg a pair each for the MB’s, it doesn’t sit too well,” said Bochte, and handed Twins pitcher Jerry CH ARTER O AK pick in the NFL draft, has signed a brother could reach a nice round for his eighth home run of the season. Gary Allenson then followed with a Smith’s three-run home, his first of Don Zimmer. (Palmer 5-2), N Joe Stack's two hits paced the rapped four hits, including a triple, to who drove in a career-high six runs Koosman his first loss after seven Ten runs in the fourth inning series of four one-year contracts with figure. He just wishes he had waited Expos 6, Pirales 3 freak infield hit over the pitcher’s the year. The Red Sox, with their victory, Cleveland (Garland 0-4) at Toronto Jaycees, pace Peppino’s 17-hit onslaught. with a homer, triple and two singles. straight wins. Jim Kern, in relief of powered Farr's to an 18-5 whipping of the six-time defending NFC Western to do it against someone else. Tony Perez hit a two-run double to mound, which scored Scott. The Orioles then knocked out closed to within a half-game of the (Huffman 2-4), N Starting off with three runs in the “That we came back to win is a real Center Congo last night at Fitzgerald Division champions. ‘‘We need the ballgames just as starter Steve Comer, pitched the last “I thought he was going to catch it, Boston starter and winner Steve Orioles in the American League highlight a four-run third inning. tribute to the team.” New York (Beattie 3-1) at Detroit Field. much as they do,” said Phil. “I know 1 1-3 innings for the victory to raise but halfway up the line I saw him pull Renko (3-1). In the sixth on a Ken East. Ross Grimsley, 4-2, earned the vic­ Bochte, not known for his defensive (Rozema 1-2), N The winners had 25 hits, four by if he didn’t get it here he would have his record to 6-0. tory, and Ed Whitson, 1-3, took the ability at first base, was lifted California (Aase 3-3) at Milwaukee Ron Roy and three each by Greg gotten it somewhere along the line. It loss. Brewiers 7, Angels 1 Eastf Indian Golfers Sweep following his seventh-inning triple as Lary Sorensen hurled a five-hitter (Travers 2-2), N Ellis and John Mace. Jeff Twerdy, wasn’t a mixed emotion feeling. I Gianis 12, Reds 2 the Mariners pounded out a club and Paul Molitor collected three hits Oakland (J. Johnson 1-6) at Jason Jones, Jim Welch and Ray knew he was going to get it.” Darrell Evans and Roger Metzger Tiant Wins First as Yankee East Catholic goit team scored two def. McQuillan 6-5, Fitzgerald (EC) def. and Jeff Dolin each carding 79s. Carl record 21 hits off five Kansas City and drove in two runs as Milwaukee Chicago (Kravec 3-3), N Frederickson each added two hits to Enos Cabell supported Joe Niekro drove in three runs each when Ed Manager Les Moss huddled briefly more victories yesterday, besting St. Hayes 5-4. O'Donnell (EC) def. Gobar7-5, Baker fired an 82 to complete the pitchers. snapped California’s six-game win­ DETROIT (UPI) - Luis Minnesota (Goltz 4-4) at Texas the cause. Homers were stroked by Crouchley (EC) WBF. East won medal with a home run and two RBI. Cabell Halicki pitched his third straight with President-General Manager (Jenkins 4-2), N Thomas Aquinas, 6-1, and homestan­ Manchester scores. Bochte was surprised with his per­ ning streak. Sorensen, 6-4, allowed Tiant knows exactly how Mark Ellis. Mace and Twerdy. point. “We’re peaking for the the ripped his fourth homer of the season complete game. Jim Campbell after the game and ding Northwest Catholic, 4-3, in HCC formance, noting that he had never just one hit after the fourth inning Steals Show Bill Brown, Mark Snyder, Harry Peaking at the right time, to'ughest part of the season and the with one out in the fourth off starter Fidrych feels. In 1971 Tiant both agreed to talk over Fidrych’s play at Tumblebrook Country Club in driven in more than three runs in a and retired 18 of the last 20 batters he CALIFORNIA CITY, Calif. (UPI) Griswold, Phil Hale, 'Clarence Manchester High’s golf team applied tournament,” noted Manchester and loser Mickey Mahler, 1-4. He was Fidrych. status today. It appeared likely he West Hartford. major league game. faced. He walked one and struckout — Press agents are supposed to stay Switzer, A1 Snyder and Bob Clark the whitewash brush to Windham and • Coach Tom Kelley. added a run-scoring single in the Tiant, whose arm was twice of­ would be removed from the starting The Eagles are now 5-1 in the con­ Tech Golfers Bow “I had seven RBI once in winter five. Dave Frost, 2-2, allowed all in the background but Gene Shefrin, each wound up with two hits in Wethersfield by 5-0 counts yesterday Results: Manchester vs. Wethersfield fifth. rotation and used sparingly in long ference, 19-2 overall. Northwest goes ball in the Dominican Republic,” seven runs and took the loss. ficially declared dead in 1971, hurled who publicizes comedian Norm defeat. in CCIL play at Ellington Ridge —Hickey (M) def. Gauvin 2-1, Baker (M) Houston scored its other runs on a Cheney Tech dropped a 5-0 decision relief before his confidence gets to 3-5, 14-8 and Aquinas 0-8, 7-9 with said Bochte, who boosted his average White Sox 5, A’s 4 seven shutout innings at the Detroit Crosby, stole the show at a charity FELINE the decisions. Country Club. def. Giardano 1-up, Dolin (M) def. single by Cesar Cedeno and an error to Portland High yesterday in COC record as he struggles through his thoroughly shattered. to .346 with his 4-for-4 night. “I Jorge Orta socked a two-run homer Tigers Tuesday night and the 12-8 golf tournament by shooting a hole- Trailing 5-4 after five innings. East’s Ken Forzley took medalist The Silk Town linksmen hold sole LeChance 3-2, Bickford (M) def. by first baseman Bob Horner. golf action at Portland Country Club. New York victory was the veteran own so-far less than impressive Mickey Rivers started Fidrych’s haven’t been that efficient driving in with one out in the eighth inning to in-one last Sunday. Thrifty Package rallied for four runs honors with a fine 3-over par 74. He possession of second place in the Sadowski 6-5, Manchester won medal Padres 7, Dodgers 6 The Beaver linksmen now stand 2- rehabilition from two seasons of arm downfall by lining a double to right runs in the past because I was putting lift Chicago over Oakland. Orta’s right-hander’s first since joining the Shefrin hit a driver on the 196-yard in the sixth and went in to tack a 9-5 fired a 3-under par 33 oh the back league at 8-3-1, trailing Conard which point, 317-348; Manchester vs. Windham Broderick Perkins smacked a one- 11 for the season. problems. center his first of two hits in the in­ —Hickey (M) def. Starkey 2-up, Baker too much pressure on myself. This homer, his second of the year, came Yankees as a free agent between 15th hole at Tierra Del Sol course and loss on Buffalo Tavern last night at nine, birdying 12, 14 and 15 and chip­ is 13-1 in CCIL action. Manchester is out single with the bases loaded in Results: Rudolph (P) def. Shelsky 5-4. “The Bird” survived a bases- ning. Willie Randolph walked, Graig (M) def. Shane 3-2, Dolin (M) def. year I’m trying to relax.” off losing reliever Dave Heaverlo, 2- seasons. saw the ball bounce into the cup. "It Mt. Nebo. ping out for birds at 17 and 18. Jamie 16-5-1 overall. * the bottom of the 10th to score Jerry Rosano (P) def. Johnson 6-4, Dem- “It’s about time, I guess,” Tiant ,loaded situation in the first inning, ■ Nettles ripped a single to right to Ferrigno 2-1, Bickford (M) def. 3, and brought Chicago from a 4-3 was my only decent shot of the day,” Roberta Hickey set the offensive Cliff Bickford fired a 77 to take Turner with the winning run. Jerry browski (P) def. Dzaikowski 6-4. Indians 8, Blue Jays 6 when he threw 28 of his 57 pitches, load the bases and Reggie Jackson Smith fired a 77 for the Eagles. Marchand 5-3, Manchester won medal deficit. Rich Hinton, 1-1, picked up said after squaring his record as a pace with four hits, including a triple medalist honors with Chris Hickey Reuss, 1-4, took the loss. Rollie Opuszynski (P) WBF, Portland won Andre Thornton belted a grand and got the side out in order in the se­ drew a walk to break the scoreless said the publicity man. Results: East vs. Northwest —Hyatt point, 317-334. the victory, shutting out the A’s over Yankee at 1-1. “It was tough. I’d been and homer. She drove in five runs. (NW) def. Smith 1-up. Peracchio (EC) Fingers, 4-3, earned the victory. medal point by forfeit. slam in the third inning and scored cond before getting blitzed out in the tie. the last four innings. Dwayne here IVi months, two months and Gooley Honored Donna Trudeau added three hits def. Eraser 1-up, Forzley (EC) def. Den­ the winning run on Toby Harrah’s hadn’t won a game.” third. ' Chris Chambliss laced a two-run Murphy hit a solo homer for Oakland WEST HARTFORD (UPI) - Quin- and Cathy Grant had a pair for Thrif­ ton 5-4. McGuire (NW) def. Fitzgerald 1- single to lead Cleveland over Toron­ Fidrych should take heart from Fidrych failed to retire a batter, single to rightand Moss removed ty while the Buffalos were paced at up, O'Donnell (EC) del. Czaja 7-6, Quinn Cheney Netmen Square Record to. Eric Wilkins, 2-2, pitched three and Claudell Washington smacked a but it should be noted his successors Fidrych in favor of Burnside, who nipiac College baseball Coach Dan solo shot for Chicago. Tiant’s on-again off-again career the plate by Bunter and Mary Purcell (NW) def. Crouchley 1-up, East won Cheney Tech’s tennis ■ The Beaver netters con­ def. West 6-3, 6-1; Bloomquist were trying to light fires with wet could only get two batters out before Gooley, who led his team into its first medal point, 498-524: East vs. Aquinas with two hits each and Jan Smyth team squared its record at clude regular season action (V) def. Hewitt 6-3, 7-6; matches, too. He left with the score Moss had to send for more help. NCAA college tou rnament, has been -Sm ith (EC) def. Harris 5-3, VanWinkle added a homer. 6-6 with a 4-1 victory over today at Portland. Landry-T. Melendy (CT) 3-0 against him but by the time Roy White doubled home a run and named New England Region NCAA (A) def. Peracchir 1-up, Forzley (EC) Vinal Tech yesterday in Results: Ference (CT) def. WBF, G. Melendy-Silverman Jai Alai Results Aurelio Lopez had gotten the final Jay Johnstone singled home two Division II coach of the year. Middletown. Foran 6-4. 6-1; Dabroi (CT) (CT) def. Smith-Smith 64), 6-1. out, Sheldon Burnside may have before Detroit finally got one out. TUESDAY earned himself a trip to Evansville CentraVs Scholz Holds Lead as New York scored eight runs in the FKST; TWO; fWVk Quneia 14 $51i0 Tour of U.S.A. 8.80 t40 4J0 2 2epiLaoda 7i0 4.40 3.00 AUTO 2Fw5tebpi 9.00 i20 W 4 M !k k ru a Perfecta 8-1 $18240 inning. MACOMB, Hi. (UPI) - SEolanda LOO 4.40 1 Mhtua M ivtf 5.80 3.00 LOS ANGELES (U P D - points in the first five Northern Iowa’s Bill TIRE SPECTACULAR 3 IMriCMi Moodri S.U 3.00 Trifecta 8-14 $2,108.90 3.40 4 Faust! Carea 4.20 Central Connecticut’s 1 Kurrefui loirw 2J0 1 thmsui lames ocvami: Russia’s national gym­ events, including a 50.98 se­ Lawson is second with 3,- Owiela 4-S $8i00 Q m U 1-2 $34.40 -IMI- 2-3 $31.80 I lascaraa Serea 2140 1040 7.80 Floyd Scholz is the early sriiL Perieda 4-S $371.40 Pariecta 2-1 $8140 FormaVs Schedule Tryouts nastic team will begin a cond mark in the 400 677 points, while Gregory PUNLOP A i n m A f i v i Pcrfecta 2-3 $90.N S Z i d ^ M e l 7.40 440 Trifecta 2-14 $227.10 leader going into today’s meters, a throw of 41 feet Willey of the University of d REPAIRS Triftcta 2-3-1 $31I.M Trifecta 4-S-l $ 1M $ 0 3 CroM Pierre 4.80 United States tour in June Double Glass BelfRadials QIa m M t td RADIAIS SOTR; final five events in ^ e 17th SEOMDc fOlim IkMeU 54 $70.00 Formal’s Inn women’s softball team, 17 years of age with two engagements in 8% in the shot put and a South Dakota is third with N11-14 '34.45 ★ Whitewall* ★ st Quality WhlteRalls I MoiHra 12.60 180 8.00 8 Eisebio Asia ■ 20.00 7J0 4 il 1 1 Faust! 10.40 6.80 3.00 Perfecta 8-5 $41118 and older, will hold open tryouts Saturday and Sunday, I-Day Sneak-A way annual NCAA Divlston II “Home o f Ur. Qoodwreneh" 4 bdri{MZ SiO 5J0 3 Orbea ■ ispa SiO 5.00 Southern California. long iumn of 22 feet 2Vz. 3,676. aiM4 •34.95 Niilii *39.95 8 U M 39.40 4.10 Trifecta 8-5-3 $92548 iliened! 7.40 1 IBe Eetnarr! 3J0 June 2-3, and Sunday, June 10, at times and sites to be an­ U'diy Schooner Crune Out o< Hntic. Cl Miy' decathlon competition. 171-13 3 ftrttcli! 4.40 TVOniL The team that includes June •eek-diy Kheduie Boerd 9AM. return R 71-14 *31.95 QuMHa 44 $42.60 QiMela 34 $37.40 Scholz scored 849 points C7I-1( aii-14 (41.95 OMiela 1-8 $47.80 1 tea HeMle R 14.80 120 4.00 nounced. 5 PM. Breiklist. lurKh. truck] included No • Complete Mechanical Service PerfecU M $9130 Perfecta 8-3 $134.10 Olympic gold medal eilris 519 50per person Alsooverru|htWind- ■iFii •49.95 E 71-14 nii-14/is *44.95 Periecta 1-8 $13S.30 SOrtoalSerea 100 3.40 The club, which captured the Connecticut ASA Senior limmer crutse. 1 ni|ht, I day. $nu| cabint in the high jump with a Trifecta 1-44 I li U T O Trifecta 1-3-1 $1,075.50 2 Zabab t e e m 3.80 winners Nelli Kim and Ifton C 1 /O^Pnr,■ * Trifecta 1-8-3 $342.90 aboard $39 00 per person These specul Day a Rii-is *39.95 F 71-14 aiM4/is (49.95 • Collision Repair snont QeUeta 1$ $41.80 Girls State title last year, will compete in the women's Nicolai Andrianov will per­ Cruises have been schedttled in response to a iu s. m .95 t 7l- 14/lS 7 ittm taS 12i0 SiO 4.40 Perfecta 1-5 $8110 division of the Central Connecticut Fast Pitch League. hundreds ot inouuies by busy loiks aho nant to ■ II-14/1S (41.95 • Auto Painting Skiendel 7.00 8.H form at the Forum in sail the coast for lust one day Instant Resetva' I 7M 4/ 1S Trifecta 1-5-2 $307.50 They will play a 20-game schedule and participate in as tionv Phone 53b'4218 Special iroup rates ■ I I - I S ^ 9 5 *50.95 4 lascaras 4i0 Atteodaace 3,1$S Inglewood Sunday after­ Write Mystu: Whaler Mystic, Ct r 171-14 • Low Cost Service Rentals THIS IS THE SEASON FOR mi-ti *33.K Jal Alai Entries iS-7$8160 tiandk 254,828 many tournaments as possible. noon, June 17 r « Factory Trained Technicians Perfecta 7-5 $15340 Informal workouts are planned twice before workouts. 3 P N T iroSSin TrifecU 7-S4 $1,70140 Tryouts are open to all who meet the age requirement BLACK Prtitnting oOr Ifamf. Our fktt VANS • Charge With Master Charge DGHTN: tirt bockad by o 90,900 mSt R.V'S OAzcalsisI ISiO 9.40 180 and do not reside in any of the other league member CARPENTER ANTS liinittd warranty. And ttw only • 24 Hour Wrecker Service FiSTr SEVENTH: 4 ZaUa EcaRarre 1100 120 towns of Glastonbury, South Windsor, Windsor Locks, major tiri brar^ to effur ont. l.U leiN arl I Irase-Irteciw l.leeQMn . it e s i SiMQrieGarita 5.M How good H our Knott? Rob* Tel. 646-6464 IGefle"Uada 4. Xeflede"leines ItesuraN 4. Z ^ fkMia44$83i0 the Stafford, Enfield and Windsor. Royco hot o H kiaiy opprouod H 70-15 ^ 4 6 .9 5 IHimpi-bpa 6. Pet^Hondra 5. GarimeMI iHeodel Perfect! M $24140 For further information, contact Dave Schwartz, 647- tho Dunlop ERto Sovonty for ro* 7. Zefii-lavier 1 8. Rodri|iieiCarta 7.DerM|e LEnwa Trifecta 14-S $2,737i0 Subs fie 9013. ploconwnt iM on Roib'Royco 170-15 * 4 9 .9 5 Saksii^eonet job vohidot, having thoroughly tttl- Stem aamt 4 lascaraa Carila 1108 4 i l •d tht tiro tolhoir ttondodt of l.hhlmu ICeM -M w l > 1. Joaquin-Oebea IUrtJMfriegd 3 te a fieaulez 108 I N tKColooco for rtdt, handbtg, 10-15 LT * 6 3 . 9 5 llndimit 4. Rodri|M2-larier 1 3. Orbea fi-Caraneafi 4. Cnnie-Ccetiarre 2 trena CersMoi 241 w tt grip and noito kvd. And an 5. kataWMdra iU"b#a S. DwMCe-Coazjlei tUnUmet QMeb34$31N finder FLETCHER GLASS CO. indipondoni totting company 7. IhnepoCifei IKeoe^Arteche 7. Eisebie-nerre LZebaU-tesI Perfecta 4-3 812140 put tho EBtt't now 4>rl> trood 11-15LT * 6 9 . 9 5 Oitee R-bts 1 Subs leeKn-OrQuiifa Trifecta 4-3-2 $30848 Ov«r J9 ftod oF fa^onence ofMANCHEITEH through oirtontivo driving tottt im MNTlt THTN> l.Zabala-Goualei Ilescaran-Zapj I infer I 1148 1148 S K e H e r a l d on pubRc highwoyt. lUtufli Ifw 12-15 LT * 7 3 . 9 5 l.ltwTefii-lindi Itise-lems ~ contittontly 3. Ceoe-Arteche 4.rete"hge I tea-EccMrre 4. leafda-Kcnt 1 Inna IN 541 CLASSIFIED AOVERTISiNQ COMPLETE AUTO GUSS SERVICE OACOOtfid tho worrontod mflo- k S. HeWiteei-leeeel Llbe-HMdn 5. Eesebie-SerM i Kewee Otbei 4 Pierre 741 WINDOW QUM m nm ouM ru M im H ii t o m . r eel-Bek«arl LZecei-Ashl 7. Zebice-biende 1 IVtanofariU' n c T V K ru m m - r m f im & doom m m o m 708 TUI CNClOSUflCS • 8KC 1AI WORK SdhUiarierl Sebs Enmti-Caraiieiidi TEXnt FONTt OVER BO YEARS OF OEPENDABLE SERVICE! l.ReMN IIBe I.lriiM IHrouia rdouicTors l U iZetii lAiea 4.€eiuatei DANISH PLATE* ILei«t ib v ie rl S Zdawa ItNiee PMEIDENTIAL lO rleel LCaree 7. Serea IRerie DECANTER* SakFante Subs Caraneni NUUNE atlas bantlq REPRODUCTION* FVni; EUVENTTk I.CcM-lenerl IttarreceiHindn Uha*mk9 IZabaU-ZegM Estmates Qady Oven IN M iira rl 4. Mriceti-Mcche 3. ItscarM-BrfMfa 4. leegil CariUi • 24 Hour Emergency Service IliM delM b ilrafli-Cvea 5. ZWaica-OchM lEnaie-Serea * Burner Sales & Service OPEN M.P (-«M PLASTICS IN STOCK ' 7. U-leaei 7. RiMii-CiraaiBHi i Inwrfiirra THUtL TIL *HM 3 / 16" X 1/4 " SiAi IrtaM^enialea Sake jeegiii [ciewe ‘ Clean Heating Oils SAT.I-SM STOCK SHEETS OR CUT SIZES' sort TWELFTH: I.M n M mi 9 Mr PuMin* I.EfuiCirinei Itee-Zegd S4 M0 leader of a drive to bring protect the submarine’s and Howard Sprout, baritone, will be of Hartford and was set up to provide ( S I Love Lucy (1970) Christopher George. 1:00 PARADE of and querying editors. m Jo ker's Wild 10:30 the world’s first nuclear systems and to monitor accompanied by the Greater Hart­ free concerts for the people of the ci­ Yvette Mimieux. (29 iQl ® Tomorrow Two general sessions will be upcii @ 32 Studio See ® Meet The M ayori 89 82 S I Tonigni submarine back to where it low-level radiation that me fiiiMiirf fNs ford Community Chorus directed by ty. 39 My Three Sons 39 Dick Van Dyke 39 The Rlflenian was built says the Navy could be emitted by its @9 Bonanza 32 Dick Cavstt 32 Captioned ABC News I DOG SHOW HANDLING ' 11:00 could save money by scrap­ nuclear power plant. 6:30 12:00 { STAflTINO THURS., MAY 24tli VALUESI ping plans to retire the sub The submarine is (D Six Million Dollar Man d> d ) 82 3 39 News ® I Love Lum a A T 7:00 P .M . ♦ ciMtihm^Mnd htrmm (S Bowling For Dollars d) Carol Burnett And Friends (3) Or. Scott On Hebrews in Maryland. currently undergoing Since we buy from bankruptcies, insurance 89 82 O NBC News ® Benny Hill 39 The Rifleman : SHERIDANE KENNELS t cumhenfand farm s ALL NATURAL FLAVOR 8$ Over Easy 89 Dick van Dyke Frank Sheetz, a Groton decommissioning at a companies and overstocked distributors, we 12:30 a Rt 66 • Hfbron 4 OLD FASHIONED 39 Adam-12 39 Honaymoonera ♦ 226-9069 t contractor who’s gone to California naval shipyard. buy for less and peddle way below what 32 The Crowing Years 32 Beat Of Bums And Allen ® Movie "'Comanche'" (1956) Congress and the Scheetz said he will try "Legitimate” stores have to get. Comes see the POPCORN 4 oz. 49^ Dana Andrews. Linda Cristal. 6;SS 11:30 Legislature in his bid to to convince the Navy that latest crop of goodies, and don’t forget your CHEESE n oz. 49^ Swiss Chocolate N' Fudge g9New s SJSw hch 12:37 the submarine base is walletl d ) The Gong Show ® & Mannix bring the submarine back 7:00 to southeastern Connec­ better equipped to provide PRETZELS STIX9 0Z. 59« ICE CREAM (D CBS News Flavor of the Month A B C News ticut, said Tuesday the the security and THINS 13 oz. 79^ Dating Gama MANCHESTER Navy estimates it would monitoring than is the toMKRT 2 PC UVING ROOM SET CHEESE CORN oz. 49« OLD Half (S) Festival Of Faith DRIVE-IN/ROUTES 6 & 44)1 cost from $5 million to $8 academy. 5 FASHIONEI 89 Journeys To The Mind MYSTiC WHALER Swin Gallon million to prepare a final The Legislature last CURLS 9 oz. 69^ Chocolitt 82 Newt OPEN EVERY MGHT N’ Fudg* Reg. 89 DIckCavntt resting place for the week approved a resolution ICE CREAR Sru':ik;m;n 8:10 John Trovolia POTATO CHIPS 8 oz. W Save 40c $1.69. @ Newlywed Gama urging President Carter to 39 The Odd Couple Nautilus at the U.S. Navy 32 Over Easy Inpbmd GREASE'pa Submarine Base in Groton. retire the Nautilus at ptlM The Navy has put the Groton at Scheetz has 7:29 B url Roynoldo cum6ariblM//arms S I Dally Numbers cost of required dredging asked a congressional com­ A" ' • 1109 longest yinriodio 7:30 and bulkhead work at the mittee. (£ P.M. Magazine Starte M - Animal Houtt U.S. Navy Academy in An­ dJ Carol Burnett And Friends lrv>ti'«nt KfSPtvdtions FRUIT DRINKa^ P honn ( )fj • Choice of 4 (S $1.98 Beauty Show 203 36-4218 napolis, -Md. — where Pioneer Tribute ALL FLAVORS S j Newlywed Game current plans call for the erculon Patterns • Finest Construction @1 Wild Kingdom Nautilus to be retired — Identical statues of the 82 ® Baseball • All Self Decked • Thick 7” Cushions would cost between $14 and “Madonna of the Trail” 89 32 MacNall / Lahrar Report have been erected in 12 O Hollywood Squared VernoncM UIIDEMV • Pillow back design • 'O im s IS RblfiiTOSi in $20 million, Scheetz said. their $ 2 0 0 9 0 84 O U R 39 "He ta c Dough AWlIRD NOMINEE states stretching from . Scheetz said he has aban­ Maryland to California. The • 2 Arm bolster cushions $589” PRICE 8:00 Cine 1 doned hope that the sub statues are a monument to d ) The JaHersons 7:10 -‘THE DEER - the courage and determina­ lUiultANCE LOSS TWIN ■MIMEMnD (T) Cross-Whs could be put on display at to" X 17" CAST IRON 6BANDHI-L0WBAND HALLOWEEN 9-J5. ths Submarine Memorial tion of America’s pioneer d ) & Eight Is Enough mothers. IIHMilS $012 RAnAN M a u i ® M ovie "Four Feathers" HUNTER" Association’s museum in SWING J - i a O M SCANNING RADIO (1939) Ralph Richardson. June CINE 2 Illing Junior High School students rehearse front line chorus are Kandie Townsend as Duprez. A British army olllcer DBSIMJRS Groton where the Croaker, 1st QUALITY ABS CHAIRS"“ withlUMM redeems himself from charges oj “Same Time Next Year” EAST WINDSOR a. diesel submarine, ROYALEX cttmhmr^nd ftortm a musical number for “Hold That Curtain,’’ a Dorothy Johnson, John Lampson as Steve cowardice when he manages to P8 USHOUT 15 D R I V E IN 671 already is on display. NOTICE ALUMINUM Newport story about a play within a play, to be Lindsey, Lisa Isko as ‘Ellen Montgomery, quell a native rebellion In Sudan. 1 STMTS FM BUZme SADDLES | 15’9” CANOES 89 Real People Because the Nautilus Probate Court is open for Walght 60 Iba. UmiTY SUDS presented Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the school ISI The Long Search ICE 61ub Lisa Seise as Gloria Leblanc, and Steve Bogli will become a national conferences with the judge . cap 600 lb. 6’x10’ m »» $156>* 39 Grease Day U.8JV. monument, it must be auditorium in Manchester. From left in the as Hillman. (Herald photo by Pinto) 32 Great Performances f/T/.if/.s/Vr'/f/ ^ p iiv c III t h a a lr e s from 6:30 P.M. to 8 P.M. 9’xl0’fc»,m $179« ‘ housed on federal proper- 8575 P*"' *2 79 *" 8:30 on Thursday nights. Night W mn EMMEl FIMSH CREME SODA (XI Good Times . ty, Scheetz said, so he is dJ MarvGrlflln NOW OPEN ALL WEEK! telephone number: 647- Mia8'IKH6'>CII0$S •Battery or Dec. ALL FLAVORS ^pushing for the sub base BUtxiKcxnunot Illing Presents Operetta 9:00 John Olivia site. 3227. •5” SPEAKER •Scans both TREATS MANCHESTER PARKADE • U 9-S491 MVKRA PATH) HOSE ACCESSORIES (X) Blind Ambhlon rawer gswB Travolta Newton-John II.MUS IIZ S The Nautilus navigated UMF-VHF ICE MILK BARS 24/12 oz. Cans problems confronted by the faculty d ) 39 Barry Manllow Special 1 300 William E. FitzGerald U KFM. lOM. IS MO law M no MANCHESTER - The Illing Melissa McCray, Kandie Townsend, SxruHDArAND SUHOAV ths Thames River since it WiBRELLAsaQM advisor and students during rehear­ O S ) M o vie "A Cry For Judge of Probate OSKCIKKTOYOiaHOU IC E C REAM Junior High School will present a Steve Bogli and Bruce Giggie. Justice" (Premiere) Robert Culp. was launched more than a their OUR three-act operetta titled “Hold That sals before the public performance of tlKir$l46 m A LARGE VARIETY XT $7490 SANDWICHES Susan Cain is piano accompanist Dennis Weaver. A police investi­ quarter of a century ago ' tUM MMHAU ITU V PWCE gator reopens a murder case S199.95 Curtain” Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at their annual operetta. and Lisa Seise is in charge of HANOVER M%-76%6FF^S SUNDAE CUPS « that was supposedly "solved" from the Electric Boat the school. More than 100 students are par­ S t r e e t iHJWPFKTonKrMm^ 3.99 choreography. The show is co­ two years earlier by his llashy, Division of General mniimfRiiai NUTTY BUDDIES YOUR PICNIC Per Case The public is invited, and admis­ ticipating in the operetta with lead directed by Mrs. Betty Lou Nordeen publicity-seeking partner. Dynamics where it was MICROWAVE' ‘ sion is free. roles played by John Lampson, Lisa I3l Great Performancea SONG BOOKS SWIRL CUPS and Ralph Maccarone, both of the built. •SStifi •W4m Nrs •ItnRtMNb HEADQUARTERS! 64 3z. N .R . Bottle 32 Rites Of Spring Plus VISES .■& TWIN POPS The story relates many humorous Isko, Anne Mistretta, Lisa Seise, school’s music department. •lltitinlCirMiil_____ •hitrictiiMli Full line of brind name Soda & Snacks 10:00 QoMI* Hawn ■ Chavy Chaaa He said the final monu­ TRUCK: and sometimes very serious IPG An Ainfriun IniffiuiKXul Krlfaxt FUDGE BARS Mustard • Relish • Ketchup • Rolls ID 32 News ment site 'also would have %"■» I bt *8 *® Cold Cuts • Ice • Plastic Cutlery d ) 3 9 V e ^ pncM! PQ s. 50% Off ORANGE TREATS Paper Plates • Napkins • Cups O T o Be Announced FOULPUY DU 5” h 58 5l «‘S^*53*® (3 The HaHetz Concert : CAPS : M-FMSnHO "aiir Charcoal • Charcoal Lighter , nKlBESiliiir $99.95 nitiilUNU .s;'$6g9o 6 or 12 PACK Dance Set for Arts Awards o*ib *5*!* CAR RADIOS 28 O Z . N .R . Bottles (F« It HARTFORD — Pilobolus Dance Lihamba Dancers and Drummers of : FROM : •2'3’ llcunds' jj* Kilpatrick of the National ’Theatre aT«(C«ilrtl Theatre will send two dancers to par­ Bridgeport. Named after its first Th e a te r iTESl ■fMmtiK I 1 C 9 I ‘34“ S T E R E O SR E ^ for the Deaf. FROM sowerndi ticipate in the June 2 Arts Awards choreographer, Lihamba is the S c h e d u le * *15900 * m n m m m a m Connecticut Arts Awards 1979, a UNSiuiRRiria •MR SUSPDRIONS celebration at Stratford. Alison professional performing troup of TEMRS Chase and Moses Pendleton will per­ presentation of the Connecticut Com­ ^ we have 78-79 ^ DISCO S L ID E S ..,. •OK NAY Youthbridge, a theatrical arts and mission on the Arts, is the second an­ WEDNESDAY form “Alraune,” a piece about Nor­ SENIORS. utKt st|i( 9 A19 SHOES crafts center for the Greater nual public celebration of the arts Manchester Drive-in — ★ ELCIMMOCAPS ^ dic .forest creatures, inspired by iJVK iNCONCiiirr SimStiH ^ F >SSLJ13t»»40|ir. Bridgeport community. ’They will statewide. ’This year eight awards "Grease” 8:10; ‘"The Longest Avoid ths Q m Lines M STOCK ★ Borghes’ Bestiary. Lighting, ir perform “Frekoba,” a play dance will be given, the winners selected Yard” 10:00 Fly American Airlines SSL, DISPOSABLE technical direction and music for the from Guinea, West Africa, ^ SUMMERHOURS ^ VOO SRYt «T m n 50% OPEN ALL DAY MEMORIAL DAY from more than 300 nominations sent Mansfield Drive-In — - TO NATIONAL PARKS duet are by Neal Peter Jampolis, choreographed by “ Afida.” "Grease” “Foul Play” Show Bryoe-Zlon-Qrand Canyon, ELLIOTT GOULD a - w e - e " tONlER 649-77S2 in by the public. plus 2 nights In Lee Vegas GOOD STUFF CHEAP! David M. Chapman and Robert Den­ In the aisles and lobbies will be starts at 8 p.m. CHRISTOPHER aw>lS« Ni hM |M 4n1 hm b Hw nis, all of Pilobolus. Connecticut Public Television will U.A. Theater 1— “Hanover lUM^.IUSthMbMntwvIngVw nm\ COR HARTFORD three jesters and the Brad Williams carry the event live on all channels in PLUMMER $MOwntrfor97YtAfl$.^kcofn- b I (naRHcraRbi?) fim [ SALE ITEMS THROUGH MAY 27 We Resenre the Right to Limit Quantities Pilobolus, enthusiastically Punch and Judy Theatre of Coventry. Street” 7:30-9:80 III m tN SKCT^ Ql your honM KTRMI ROADAPMEST. Me M R b wo4 |«r M the state in a broadcast that Is made U.A. Theater 2 - “A UtUe per p w io n SUSANNAH YORK a Ik im ilt Control E k i^ iu p o ^ lM d ★ BLOMSTEIN’S * received by audiences all over the The jesters are James H. Martin, Ju ly 0-18 Double occupancy IN Wt » Knoti toetmlcal lU R , plwno our tR IU S791 tm i4 MRW, N M In e b possible by q grant from United Romance” 7:1-9:20 $599 ItM TiNl local oMeo; MAKqiESTBl world, specializes in collective Jennifer (Teabag) Miller, and David partner ^ Camping CTR. ^ •eRyas III iM dMR (arf M km b Technologies Corp. WPBH, Connec­ U.A. ’Theater 3 — “Smokey THE SILENT ;' 9i pimbrt, ciRR|bbl m I choreography, a process that has Tabatsky. C A L L u s FOR DETAILS i t 784 TaleotMlI* Rd. i f Cumberland farms ticut Public Radio, will simulcast the and the Bandit” 7:20-9:15 WwmM) w Mkl e b 8» proved to be the mainspring of the The entire evening’s program on .m i SL 8» ’ VMNON , production on 90.5 FM. Vernon Cine 1 — “Same - ...-p- -t Mg iWt iK m mi kMw, 1200 stores - there's one near you! group. June 2 will be interpreted in sign O'KEEFE TRAVEL AGENCY inmRKJDinoL Free tickets for the June 2 celebra­ Time Next Year” 7:00-9:30 433 Silaa Deane, Welherafleld ' 82G-4321 PLEASE CALLTHEATRE s.liiiitaiciiw$MC«iiosiii • ni.\m * 875-6211 * Open 1 days for your convenience The June 2 roster of performing ar- language, for the live audience and l» bM oSiNriiilM f cS^ tion may be arranged by phoning the Vernon Cine. 2 — FOR SCREEN TIMES 1I» OMW a t»lM> !■ C«1 . ists now includes the Youthbridge- television, bv H.E. “Nikki’’ "Halloween” 7:10-9:10 ******* MClHtS. Me. r Hartford office. 566-4770. " EVENING HERALD, Wed., May 23, 1979- PAGE NINETEEN PAGE EIGHTEEN - EVENING HERiU.p^Wed., ■Stole Will Decide Mrs. Grommeck Heads INDEX ADVERTISING Help Wanled 13 Help Wanted 13 Help Wanted 13 Help Wanled 13 NO TICIS 1 Loit and Found DEADLINE BABYSITTER NEEDED- She Reralb 2 PART TIME Work from home South Church Women Paraonala Monday thru Thursday, 3 p.i CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 3 Announcamania 12:00 noon the day before on the phone servicing our m. to 10 p.gr. Own transportalicrtalion. Cheney Tech Director 4 — Entertammanl publication. customers in your spare time. MANCHESTER - Mrs. Ruth Eleanor Gordon. Epworth; Emily f. - Auctioni Deadline for Saturday and Mon­ 249-7773. Call 649-6022. Friday; DellaRocco and Sue Towle, Hollis; day is 12:00 Noon Friday. weekends anytime. Ulrich Grommeck of 55 Cedar Ridge FINANCIAL NEWSPAPER Drive. Glastonbury, has been elected Virginia Briggs, Lydia; Helen CALL: 643-2711 e Bondi'Siocks-Mortgagaa TEXAS OIL CO. needs Mallett. Mizpah-Spencer; Virginia 9 Peftonal Loang mature person. We train. GROWING WHOLESALE and installed as president of the - insuranca PLEASE READ DIS’TRIBUTOR- Seeks depen­ United Methodist Women of South Beggs, Reynolds; and Edna Eyes Vernon Building Write A.U. Dick, Box 789, Ft. DELIVERY EMPLOYMENT Worth, Tex. 76101. dable individual to assist with United Methodist Church. Zitkovitch and Grace Holman, 13 Help Wanted deliveries and warehouse — Business Opportunities YOUR AD Country Driver Needed \ Classified ads are taken over the work. Excellent opportunity Other new officers are Alberta Stanley. By BARBARA RICHMOND Edi Abbott, chairman of the study Adelard Lavigne, who represents 15 - Situation Wanted BABYSITTER NEEDED- The new president of the organiza­ group, asked Russell if the state the senior citziens on the study com­ phone as a convenience. The Call anytime after 6 p.m., 646- for advancement. Paid Hoagland. first vice president; Bar­ Herald Reporter EDUCATION Herald is responsible tor only vacations, holidays and tion is- a member of Edgar Circle. mittee, said the Rockville-Vernon 18 Private Instructions one incorrect Insertion and then 0767. bara Philip, second vice president; would have the money to follow — benefits. For appointment She also serves as president of the VERNON — John Garofalo, direc­ 19 Srhoois-Ciasses only to the size of the original in­ Come in For An Interview Ann Wabrek. secretary; and Fran through on any plans for the school Senior Citizens Club and the Tolland 20 •- Inst'uctions Wanted MEDICAL ASSISTANT FOR call, 649-4563. Country Gardeners of the Glaston­ tor of Howell Cheney Technical sertion. Errors which do not 9 AM to 11 AM at the Banning, treasurer. , and Russell said he didn’t know. County Chapter of the Americaii REAL ESTATE lessen the value of the adver­ DOCTORS OFFICE, ■ Mission coordinators are Mary bury Garden Club and vice president School in Manchester, has expressed Another committee member, Lee Association of Retired Persons feel 23 Homes lor Sale tisement will not be corrected by ROCKVILLE - Monday, Manchester Evening an interest in the use of Sykes School 24 - Lois-Land lor Sale an additional insertion. Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Mayo. Christian global concerns; of the Glastonbury Swimmers i J Belanger, who is a school board the school should be kept for its pre­ * 25 — Herald Investment Properly 12 to 6. Send resume to Box Carolyn Gray. Christian social in­ Parents Organization and leader of as a technical school, but it will be up member, said she had contacted the sent use. They expressed concern Z6 — Business Properly SECRETARY - Full time. 16 Bralnard Place to the state to make any final deci­ — Resort Property CC, c/o Manchester Herald, volvement; Margaret Webb. Chris­ Brownie Troop 815 at Hebron Avenue director of the area Indian Valley about having to build a new school in f 28 - Real Estate Wanted Some shorthand required. Mancheater, Conn. School in Glastonbury. sion. the future if the school population SECRETARY - Full time. Hours - Monday thru Friday tian personhood; and Betty YMCA as that group has been in need MISC. SERVICES 8:30 to 4:30 PM with an oc­ Mitcheltree. supportive community. A graduate of Russell Sage George Russell, a member of the of a building since it organized. She takes a turn upward. ^ 3. Services Oilered KEEP SMILING Some shorthand required. Sykes School Study Committee, told 32 - Painting.Papering South Windsor Bank & Trust casional Friday til 7 PM. App­ Heading the various committees College, Troy, N.Y., she is a member said she was told that all they really Miss Abbott reminded the com­ 33 — Build-ng-Conlraclmg KEEP HAPPY ly in person: South Windsor and past president of the Russell the committee ’Tuesday night, that he 34 - Rooing-Siding Co. Main office, ^ p ly in per­ Bank & Trust Co., 1033 John are Emily DellaRocco, fellowship- wanted is a gym area and one or two mittee that the building is “grand­ 35 — Heating.Plumbing son. 1033 John Fifcn Blvd., hospitality; Gwen Mott and Avis Sage Club of Hartford. j i had contacted Garofalo who told him fathered,” and should it be closed for 36 — Flooring Fitch Blvd., South Windsor. rooms and they feel they couldn’t — South Windsor. Between 9 AM Blomberg. kitchen; Bernice Miller, She and her husband, Herbert E. there is a waiting list of 200 for 3-* Moving. Trucking. Storage PLUMBER WANTED- Must RN or LPN - Full time. 11 PM fund the running of the entire school use and then it is decided later Why Not Order 36 Services Wanted and 3 PM. HOUSEKEEPING membership; and Helen McKinney, Grommeck, have two daughters, Ruth U. Grommeck Cheney Tech and as a result, only building. that it is needed, she said it would be exprienced. Top wages, 7 to 7 AM. Laurel Manor, 91 Your Happy Ad MISC FOR SALE □ NOTICES INSTALLER - 3M scotchtint APPLICATIONS Now being paid holidays and paid vaca­ Chestnut Street, Manchester. Karen, 12, and Suzanne, 9. ninth graders are being accepted. accepted for 2 full time nominating. Attorney Robert Kahan, com­ cost more than $1 million to bring it 40 Household Goods solar control films - start tion. Call evenings 643-6341. 649-4519. Russell said Garofalo said he Today! 41 Articles lor Sale Housekeepers. Apply Monday Also elected and installed are mittee member representing the up to federal and state standards. $4.00. High potential. wouldn’t be interested in the building 42 -- Building Supplies Parvonalf thru Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Edith MacKendrick, pianist; Sandra board of trustees of the Sykes School, It costs the school board about $73,- 43 Pets Birds- Dogs Excellent fringe benefits. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY RN or LPN - 7 AM to 3 PM. for use as a satellite technical school 44 Musical Instruments at Meadow’s Convalescent To South Windsor company of­ Laurel Manor, 91 Chestnut Todd, program resources; Shirley Bolton Road . Workers reminded committee members that 000 a year for the school’. - RIDE WANTED TO Training provided. Call Home, 333 Bidwell Street, 45 Boats & Accessories Elmore Associates, 647-1411. ficials in our rapidly growing Street, Manchester. 649-4519. Davis, sunshine; Joan Botti; publici­ but rather as a separate school. the building doesn’t belong to the Maintenancd costs are paid by the 46 Sporting GoodS HAMILTON STANDARD. Manchester, 647-9194. The study committee was ap­ 47 — Garden Products Windsor Locks, 7:30 to 4:00. manufacturing company. ty; Jeanne Johnson, shut-in coor­ town. He said if it’s used for other trustees. 48 — Antiques TSBcBBTe^nivr!^^ Call 643-5686. NURSE AIDES- We are PART TIME CUSTODIAN - Good to excellent typing and dinator; Ethel LeLeu and Pam pointed after Dr. Bernard Sidman, The committee has to have its 49 - Wanted to Buy shorthand skills. Aggressive Now H u Optninaa For Set June Union Vote than a school, that would come under looking for responsible, warm Apply in persdn: Metronics, superintendent of schools, suggested Spring Is Busting Out All Over... people interested in caring for and flexible person needed for Ruttgers. executive board members- the jurisdiction of the trustees and report ready for the Board of Educa­ RENTALS Bondt-Stocki-Mortgaget 8 Inc., Route 6 & 44A, Bolton. CASHKRS, COUNTER Hap, at-large; and Marion Jesseman, the closing of Sykes which is now tion by July 24. It will meet again on 52 Rooms iQf Rent the Elderly and Mentally this challenmng position. BOLTON — The town highway Jerome Walsh, town attorney, were maybe they can’t do anything about 53 Apartments lOf Rent Ability to work without super­ MAMTEIUMCEHaP. representative to Church Women housing Vernon’s Grade 6 students. 54 Homes lo' Rent GOVERNMENT Retarded. 3 p.m, - 11 p.m., employees will vote on June 25 to also at the meeting. it either. He said if the town says to June 26 at 8 p.m. at the Middle School and 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Apply in LATHE OPERATOR - 50 vision a plus. Apply In- Call Manehaatar Drtva*ln He suggested moving Grade 6 back to THE PENNY SAVER 55 Bus ’'pss ro' Re^’t GUARANTEED BUSINESS hours. Paid holidays. United. decide whether or not they want to Daniels said, “No one objected to close it as a school, the trustees to finalize its list of pros and cons for 56 — Resort Property lor Rent LOANS - $50,000 to $350,000, person to: Meadows Convales­ dustronics, 489 Sullivan Ave., aftar 6KX) p.m. the Middle School because of 5T — Wanted lo Rer^i Excellent insurance benefits. Leaders of the various circles are join a union. The election will be the election.” Ryba said, “The town might be able to dispose of it and the moving the Grade 6 students or Manchester Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Shop Phone 281-4112. cent Home, 333 Bidwell South Windsor. E.O.E. declining enrollments and because of 56 - M'se *or Rent Street, Manchester. Apply in person: Metronics, Barbara Philip, Cornell; Millie from 11;30 a.m. to noon at the Com­ has no objection to collective proceeds would revert to the Sykes keeping them where they are and to Inc., Route 6 & 44A, Bolton. Maxwell and Marion Atkinson, additional programs and the fact that 1/2 PRICE SALE On All Items AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE - 25 shares munity Hall and will be supervised bargaining.” heirs. also offer suggestions for alternative 61 Autos lor Sale MECHANIC NEEDED- To EMPEftlENCED GIRL FRIDAY / Sykes has no outside area for sports 62 Trucks lor Sale Manchester State Bank. LEGAL ASSISTANCE To do Dunee; Joanne Susag, Edgar; by the State Board of Labor Robert Hurd, bead of the viable uses for the building. Thura., May 24 - Swing In to Sea Ua work 4 hours per day. Must RECEPTIONIST - For 1 girl Daniels said, “If the vote is affir­ programs. 63 Heavy Equipment lor Sale Below market. Call 643-2621. Estate Settlement and little Relations. HOURS: TUES. - SAT. 10-S; THURS. TIL 8:30 64 MoiorcydesBicydes know construction equipment. PLUMBERS HELPERS office in Manchester. Must be mative, contract negotiations will Northwest Rockville Neighborhood research work. Full time or Commercial and Annual Hospital Ball Consent for the election, that will Several parents’ gropps and Association, said he wanted to 65 Campers. Trailer s-Mobiie Have own tools. Send resume familiar with typing, start about five days after the elec­ students have strongly objected to 46 PunMil Place (Behind Worth’s), Manchester Homes □ EMPLOYMENT to: P.O. Box 8, Coventry, part time, Estate Experience Industrial bookkeeping and filing. Hours VERNON — The Rockville General be by secret ballot, was given by tion, Saturdays, Sundays and explode a myth that there’s a ' 66 Automotive Service IS required. Call 633-4617. the move for a variety of reasons and Region Gets SUMMER SCHEDULE - CLOSED MON., SXt., JULY & RUG. Autos lor Rent Lease Conn., 06238. Call alter 5 PM 8:30 to 4:30 five days a week. Hospital Auxiliary will hold its an­ First Selectman Henry Ryba, Gerald holidays exclud^.” possibility the school might be $140./wk. Submit resume to several Rockville residents have also I 7m nual ball on June 6 at Piano’s in Daniels, staff representative of There are three employees in­ wanted for something other than Help Wanled 13 PEOPLE NEEDED FOR LEGAL SECRETARY- Fast 289-4895 289-1613 Box B, c/o Manchester Bolton. expressed concern about the WORK - Full or part time paced Glastonbury Law Firm Herald. Council 4, American Federation of volved, Lance Dimock, Richard Cor­ education. He cited the fact that Gasohol TOOLMAKERS - Machinists. seeks experienced Secretary There will be a cocktail hour from State, County and Municipal possibility of having another vacant there are many other vacant during the summer. 36 hours mier and Richard Highter. Recently SEABROOK, N.H. (UPI) - Apply 81 Commerce Street, or 18 hours weekly. $5.33 per for interesting and RECEPTIONIST- Medium 7:30 to 8;30 p.m. followed by dinner Employees, (AFSCME) and Manfred building in the center of town, where Glastonbury. PTG challenging position. Heavy they expressed discontentment with buildings in the Rockville section and Gasohol is coming to New hour. Must be over 18. Car size East Hartford Law Firm. and dancing. Muenz, assistant agent for the labor Sykes is located. COMPANY. 'Telephone 633- Real Estate and Domestic their wages and insurance. they have been vacant for many Hampshire. needed. Call 9-5 PM. 872-2128. Good typing skills. Call 289- Music for the evening will be board. The problem of vacating the years. 7631. Relations Work, much contact MACHINIST- Experienced 8625. Donato Rattazzi, road foreman, The fuel, a mixture of 90 percent with clients. Full benefit provided by “ Group Therapy.’’ ’The above named had a closed building is unique in that the town JoAnn Worthen, school board CARD GALLERY- Full time ^ lathe operators, set-up and who also expressed an interest in gasoline and 10 percent alcohol, will CERAMIC TILE MECHANIC package. Call 633-4617. work from blueprints. First COOK FOR 120 BED Reservations are being accepted for meeting Tuesday at the Community doesn’t own it. It was turned over for member, said she didn’t think it was Assistant Manager. Also: joining the union, will not be allowed CLIP & MAILI - Experienced .only. Top Part time Sales Clerk. Apply shift. Overtime availhble. NURSING HOME in Glaston­ town use through the will of the late make its debut at the Top Gas ser­ patrons at $40 a couple and donations Hall to decide what steps would be to because he is the foreman. TTiat appropriate to compare the Sykes wages, ^ p ly : Atlas Tile, 1862 BOOKKEEPER- Hebron bury. Full time job. Good George Sykes who specified it should vice station on Route 1 in Seabrook in person only. EOE. 336 A Paid health insurance. Also of $30 a couple. Reservations may be taken for the employees’ attempt to position is excluded by law from the building to some of the other vacant Berlin "^ke., Wethersfield, Broad Street, Manchester Board of Education. Full part time retired machinist. working conditions. Paid be used for a manual training by the end of next week. 563-0151. time. Payroll One Write made by calling Mrs. Robert Stocks, unionize. worker’s union. buildings, noting that Sykes is in good Parkade, Manchester, Conn. Inquire Chapel Tool Co., 81 Holidays, Vacations, Plus Station manager Erik Gove said System. Diversified. Call 228- Benefits. Phone 633-8914 for 872-9088. Selectman Ernest Shepherd and program. ’The provisions of the will NAME Woodland Street, Manchester. condition and is already departmen­ Tuesday he doesn’t anticipate any RN-LPN wanted for full or AT ONCE STOCK CLERK- 9458. 646-5836. interview. have been made more lenient over talized if it were to be used for of­ . part time on all shifts. Apply the years but always making sure large increase in business because he Part time, steady work. Must fices. She added, however, “If I had ADDRESS director of nursing. Salmon- ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLY- is adding gasohol to his product line. have working papers. Apply Experienced only. Flexible that industrial arts classes are part my druthers I’d ask the committee to brook Convalescent Home, off at: 299 Green Road, of the overall currifculum. “Probably during the first week or House Street, Glastonbury. hours. Loft Modular Devices EAST HARTFORD EAST HARTFORD focus on an educational use for the CITY Manchester, Saturday, Assembly May Challenge two a lot of people will come in just Please call 633-5244. I n c ., 91 E lm S tr e e t, PUBLIC SCHOOL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Russell said he contacted the assis­ building.” between 9 a.m and noon. Manchester, 646-7806, tant director of the division of to see what it’s all about. After that I P.O. BOX 591 Mrs. Belanger cautioned the com­ Manchester, Conn. 06040 NURSES AIDES wanted for expect it will be mostly our regular SEWERS- Experienced on In­ vocational education in the state mittee that it has to separate its pros full time on all shifts. Apply INVITATION INVITATION Department of Education who said customers and some others who will EXAMPLE: director of nursing. Salmon- dustrial Sewing Machines. and cons for closing the school on the brook Convalescent Home, off Will train if necessa^. Good INVITATION Emissions Delay Veto his department will probably take a be switching over from unleaded starting pay for the right peo- TO BID TO BID basis of what is good for the children House Street, Glastonbury. look at the building within the next premium,” he said. PHDNE 15 Words for 6 Days 1e. Hours: 7 to 3;30, Monday from the basis of what is good for Please call 633-5244. TO BID BID 500 ~ HARTFORD (UPl) - When Gov. “I will take It up with the ’They conceded they didn’t have the six months. Russell recommended Gove described gasohol as 8iru Friday. Apply in person BID 495 ■ Ella Grasso vetoed the dual drinking leadership,” he said. “The bill was votes. Rockville. j CHECK ENCLOSED Only ^9.00 at: Pillowtex Corp., 49 Regent Repair, Relocation & Installa­ Installation Acoustical Ceiling that the Vernon Board of Education “roughly equivalent to unleaded NURSES AIDES - Full time, BID 498 at 4 Schools age bill, lawmakers threw in the passed by very wide margins in both Although Mrs. Grasso was upset The neighborhood association is and part time, 7-3 and 11-7. Street, Manchester. Equal Retiling Work at Various tion of Fencing at 2 Schools pursue the matter further rather premium, both in octane rating and Opportunity Employer M/F. towel. But her rejection of the auto houses and I don’t think there will be with the delay in the auto inspec­ definitely against closing the Experienced preferred, ' but Schools Information may be obtained Information may be obtained than have the committee, which building. in price.” He said it can be used in FILL IN ONE WORD PER BLANK - MINIMUM 15 WORDS from Miriam P. Levinson emissions inspection bill has con­ any change in sentiment by the tions, other facets of this year’s doesn’t have any authority, do it. most cars on the road today. we will train. Apply in person: Information may be obtained from Miriam P. Levinson legislators.” East Hartford Convalescent EAST HARTFORD Assistant Director of Business Assistant Director of Business vinced some legislators it’s time to emissions bill pleased her. 1 . 2 3 4 5 from Miriam P. Levinson “Public acceptance is crucial and Home, 745 Main Street, East PUBLIC SCHOOL Services, East Hartford Services, East Hartford take her on. She said she favored the idea of Hartford. Assistant Director of Business School Department, 110 Long Last year, the Legislature passed a time is needed to get the message hiring a private contractor to run the Services, East Hartford School Department, 110 Long 6 7 8 9 10 Hill Drive, East Hartford, Ct. Hill Drive, East Hartford, Ct. law requiring Connecticut motorists across to the public,” Serrani added. NURSES AIDES- Full time, School Department 110 Long emissions testing program and she INVITATION 06108 until bid opening on June 06108 until bid opening on June to get their cars inspected for air “No one has proven that the program will provide for one through ad­ all shifts. Experience Hill Drive, East Hartford, Ct. 20, 1979 at 2:00 P.M. 11 12 13' 14 15 preferred, but training will be 13, 1979 at 2:00 P.M. polluting emissions each year, begin­ can.be fully implemented by January ministrative procedure if the TO BID 06108 until bid opening on June given. Apply in person: East 18, 1979 ,at,2:00.P.M. The East Hartford Public The East Hartford Public ning in 1980. This year, lawmakers 1.” Legislature doesn’t override her Hartford Convalescent Home, Schools is an Equal Oppor­ / 16 17 10 19 20 BID 496 Schools is an equal Opportuni­ overwhelmingly passed a bill bum­ Rep. Julie Belaga, R-Westport, veto. 745 Main Street, East Hart­ The East Hartford Public tunity Employer. Exterior Painting & caulking ty Employer. was equally appalled by the gover­ In her veto message, Mrs. Grasso ford. Schools is an Equal Oppor­ 082-5 ping the program back one year to 23 24 25 078-5 nor’s action. said she would also like to see law­ Cool savin« on 21 . 22 at Various Schools tunity Employer. 1981. Exercising her third veto of the “I’m really shocked. I think that makers remove the one-year delay, EXPERIENCED Information may be obtained 080-5 26 27 26 29 30 MACHINISTS & LATHE year, Mrs. Grasso Tuesday rejected the governor was very ill advised to raise the maximum cost for inspec­ from Miriam P. Levinson OPERATORS- Full or part Assistant Director of Business LEGAL NOTICE the delay In the inspections program, veto that bill,” she said. “I think we EAST HARTFORD tions from $5 to $10 and give 34 35 time. Excellent benefits. App- Services, East Hartford 31 32 33 PUBLIC SCHOOLS Town of Andover, Connecticut saying it would not be right to post­ may be able to override her veto.” motorists 30 days instead of 10 to fix the potent pitcher. ly in person at: 1422 Tolland School Department 110 Long Zoning Board of Appeals pone the clean air plan for another It will require two out of three law­ their defective autos. 'rurnpike, Manchester. LM Hill Drive, East Hartford Ct. 40 Gill Welding Manufacturing year. makers in both the 151-member Sources within the administration 36 37 3B 39 06108 until bid opening on June INVITATION The Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Andover, Co. Division of BHS, Inc., or Connecticut at a public meeting held on May 16,1979 took the “I am not In favor of extending the House and the 36-seat Senate to over­ said the governor is hoping the call 647-9931. 14, 1979 at 2:00 P.M. deadline for the commencement of turn Mrs. Grasso’s decision. Legislature will make these changes The East Hartford Public TO BID following action: this program,” the governor said. Backers of the bill that would have by sustaining her veto and amending ATTENTION - Need 2 people #167 — Robert Baril — Side yard variance of 11 feet was Schools is an Equal Oppor­ BID 499 But Rep. Thom Serrani, D- kept Connecticut’s drinking age at 18, another motor vehicles bill. over 21. Immediate employ­ tunity Employer. granted to construct a garage at Bausola Road, Andover. but prevented package stores from ment. This is not a fancy ad, Repairs or Replacement of Stamford, the father of the emissions Under the vetoed inspection we simply want a person who 079-5 Shades, Blinds & Drapes #168 — James D. Smith — Requesting a variance of 50 feet. bill, said he will do all he can to selling liquor to anyone under 19 measure, drivers would have been Variance was granted with the following stipulations: needs a permanent job. Ad­ Information may be obtained override the veto before the session chose not to test the governor when OLD FASHIONED vancement opportunity. Call required to get their vehicles in- EAST HARTFORD from Miriam P. Levinson 1. Plan showing proposed alterations to sanitary .system, ends June 6. she recentlv vetoed their measure. snected after Jan. 1. 1981. between 10 a.m. and 3 pm. - PUBLIC SCHOOL prepared by Dicesare, Bentley and Welling, Engineers, Inc., 528-3869. E.O.E. Assistant Director of Business Services, East Hartford dated July, 1976, be followed exactly when alterations are School Department, 110 Long being made. Hill Drive, East Hartford, CT. 2. Existing well be moved to a minimum of 75 feet from this 06108 until bid opening on June septic system and all neighboring septic systems. Legislature Approves Bill 19, 1979 at 2:00 P.M. 3. Water reducing devices be provided for all water fixtures. Can still be had m / The East Hartford Public No washing machines, dishwashers or garbage disposals are FREEH Schools is an Equal Oppor­ to be used. tunity Employer. Dated Andover, Connecticut 22 May, 1979 . For Teacher Union Fees a neighborhood FREEH )81-5 Zoning Board of Appeals reconsideration of the bill Andover, Connecticut HARTFORD (UPI) - A bill that would “retain the freedom of Mary C, McNamara, Chairman Wednesday and hoped to get support FREEH choice.” But it was defeated 18-13. mK!\ 083-5 designed to allow teachers unions to from absent Sens. James Murphy, D- I Court of Probate. District of collect agency fees from non­ Sen. Michael Skelley, D-Tolland, Manchester said the bill “was consistent with Norwich and Lawrence DeNardis, R- NOTICE OF HEARING members who enjoy benefits Hamden. ESTATE OF JOSEPH HAROLD negotiated by the union has been labor laws in the private sector” and or I CHRISTOPH aka JOSEPH H. Biit Lieberman asked for an im­ TAG I CHRISTOPH or JOSEPH “merely provides the unions the FREE CLASSIFIEDS NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SELL MOTOR VEHICLE given final legislative approval and mediate reconsideration vote with a I CHRISTOPH, deceased sent to Gov. Ella Grasso. right to negotiate, something already I Fhirsuant to an order of Hon. William AT PUBLIC AUCTION recommendation to reject the mo­ ; E. FitzGerald. Judge, dated May 17, ’The Senate Tuesday narrowly ap­ allowed in 10 states.” He said agency I 1979 a hearing win be held on an Notice is hereby given that Aamco transmissions of 53 Tolland proved the bill on a 16-15 vote. fees were mandatory in tion. FOR CAR POOUNG j application praying that an instrument Turnpike, Manchester, CT. has performed repairs upon a 1971 Lt. Gov. William O’Neill, the presi­ purporting w be the last will and testa- The bill would allow bargaining un­ Massachusetts. , ment of said deceased be admitted to Pontiac 'Tempest, Identification #233371G1I5924 on behalf of dent of the Senate, called the vote I probate as in said application on file its to negotiate with local school Sen. William Curry, D- Stan Maselek whose last known address was 47 Church Street, and the Senate voted against recon­ ! more ^ lly appears, at the Court of Vernon, Ct. The cost of the repairs is $508.25 together with boards a requirement that teachers Farmington, urged lawmakers to GARAGE SALE! •3 LINES 1 Probate on June 4. 1979 at 10:30 A.M. support the bill as “a vote of con­ sideration 16-15. The move thus Pearl J. Hultman. AssT. Clerii storage charges at the rate of $5,00 per day from May 1st, 1979. who do not belong to the unit but 1 076*5 science.” sustained the approved bill and Aamco Transmission claims an Artificers Lien against said receive all its benefits must pay an blocked any further consideration of •3 DAYS motor vehicle under the provisions of Connecticut General annual fee. Mrs. Johnson charged the bill was • NOW IS THE TIME the measure. Statutes # 49-61, in said amount plus cost of sale. The fee could not exceed the an economic and dictatorial move to To clean out your attic, cellar or houaa and gat extra money lor all thoaa Notice is further given that Aamco Transmissions intends to “prohibit the constitutional right of Sens. Cornelius O’Leary, D- I T O B E E U G I B L E : sell said vehicle in satisfaction of said Artificers Lien, storage amount needed by the local union to colleclablaa that aomebody alaa may want, and be willing to pay fori INVITATION TO BID choice.” Windsor Locks, Russell Post, R- charges, and sale cost at a Public Auction to be held at its place fund collective bargaining on con­ • must need ride to and from Sealed bids will be received in tracts and grievance proceedings. Quick action by Senate Majority Canton, and Gifton Leonhardt, D- of Business located at 53 Tolland Turnpike, Manchester, a . on Avon, abstained from the vote the Office of The Director of Presently, teachers receive all Leader Joseph Lieberman, D-New a THE HERALD IS THE PLACE work Saturday, June 9,1979 at 10 A.M. Dated at Manchester, Connec­ because of possible conflicts of in­ H General Services, 41 Center benfits negotiated in bargaining con­ Haven, cau s^ a Republican attempt Street, Manchester, Connec­ ticut this 21st day of May 1979, to kill the bill to backfire. terest. To advartlaa that Tag or Qaraga Sale, don’t over look your home town papor tracts by the local union but do not for tho boat raaulU. FO R A S LITT LE A S O N LY $4.05, Y O U C A N RUN Y O U R 16 • want to drive others or ticut, until June 5, 1979 at The Senate initially voted 16-15 to O’Leary is a teacher and Post and 11:00 a.m. for the following: have to be members. Leonhardt are attorneys with firms WORD AD FOR 3 DAY8I For ONLY $2.00* you eon odvorUto It In our Sunday Opponents, mostly Republican, approve the bill, but Sen. John Cun­ • want to share driving costs Sidewalk Construction t. involved in teacher-contract litiga­ SSavor, which goes to ovary home In Manchootor, Qloatonbury and Boat Hart- charged the bill would force a ningham, R-Stamford, asked that his lordl‘M SI* rmlM I 1 . in nw bn. hnUI Reconstruction — Various tion. Locations teacher to join an organization vote be switched. SPACE IS LIMITED NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SELL MOTOR VEHICLE against his or her wishes. This would put him on the Cunningham charged the bill was Painting of Four (4) Water Wa will giva you 2 Tag Salo Tanks AT PUBLIC AUCTION. Sen. Nancy Johnson, R-New Bri­ prevailing side and allow him to ask “a political push by teacher lob­ Notice is hereby given that Aamco Transmissions of 53 SIgna FREE, whan you Patching of Town Highways for reconsideration of the bill. Cun­ byists” who had contributed to the IHRSTCOME Tolland Turnpike, Manchester, Ct. has performed services upon tain, proposed an amendment The Town of Manchester is an election campaigns "of at least 16 come In and place your od In paraonl a 1965 Buick Station Wagon, Identification # 444655H173467. on providing several options to joining ningham said he planned to move for equal opportunity employer, senators.” Mr. Dealer: For each coupon the brand specified. Coupons IB R S T SERVED BASIS behalf of a Mrs. Gloria Sokolis whose last known address was 82 requires an affirmative / ------\ you accept, we will pay you will not be honored and must face value plus 6^ per cou^n- be voided if they are presented action policy for all of its Con­ Union Street, Rockville, Ct. The cost of the service is $45. Aam­ WEDDING SEASON IS UPON US for handling. Invoices proving through unauthorizM outside Offer expires June 9th tractors and Vendors as a con­ co Transmissions claims an Artificers Lien against said motor purchase of sufficient stock or agencies. vehicle under the provisions of Connecticut General Statutes # Order Your Cakes Early IIP dition of doing business with DRIVEWAYS our products to cover coupons Redeem by mailing coupons to: 49-61 in said amount plus cost of sale. presented for redemption must Brooke Bond Foods, Inc., Post the Town, as per Federal FREE ESTIMATES oe shown upon request. Office Box No. 1319, Clinton, Call 643*2711 Order 11246. Notice is further given that Aamqo Transmissions intends to This coupon is g ^ only on Iowa 52734. Bid forms, plans and sell said vehicle in satisfaction of said Artificers Lien and sale FLO’S CAKE ask for Tma or Joe specifications are available at cost at a Public Auction to be held at its place of business Decorating Supplies Inc,, Quality Workmanship & Materials She rtcralb located at 53 Tolland Turnpike, Manchester, Ct. on Saturday. Red Rose. ItV a potent cup of tea. IgggDS the General Services Office, June 9, 1979, at 11 A.M. Dated at Manchester, Conneetjeuf 41 Center Street, Manchester, r All halting & decorallng All Work Guaranteed this 21st day of May, 1979. -PRESENT TO YOUR GROCER ON RNY SIZE BOX OF RED ROSE TEA- Connecticut. ^ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING done on the premlsei C.A.B Construction ohe H e ra ld Town of Manchester, MARBRO CORPORATION D/B/A Complete line of Wedding Cake ClASSIFIED ADVERTISING Connecticut Aamco Transmissions TO Vnlom St OrnnmentM l*ii Gentrr Su Robert B. Weiss, M nnrhratrr by Michael A. Marino HfhetUe 1644-33021 6 43 -2711, askfor TInaor Joe General Manager President. V *fs-3sss u tM m n ^ .♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦wo♦♦♦♦ 071-5

r,. PAGE T\VENT\’ - EVJNING HERALD. Wed.. May 23. 1979 EVENING HERALD, Wed., May 23, 1979 - PAGE TWE.NTY-ONE

Houtehold Ooodt 4Q Articlet lor Sale 41 Doga-BIrdt-Pelt 4 3 Apartmentt For Rent 53 ATTENTION!! EVENING HERALD CUSSIFIED ADVERTISERS; - l i t DELIVERING DARK-LOAM FREEZE rT OVER REGISTERED LEOPARD 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT Looking;ing lor - 5 vards. $40 plus tax. Also - • new iMme? REFRIGERATOR- 19 Ft. APALLOOSA GELDING-16.3 For rent, $250 monthly, with T'ou don’t have Whirlpool.,used 1 year, "frost- •sand, gravel and stone. 643- hands broke, 4 years old. Call heat. Mr. Philbrick, Philbrick You'll find 9504. Agency, 646-4200, ■ I 8 perfeci 'it lo shell out much free.’ color-gold. $350. Call 633-5630, «T.il I in the Want Ada. to gel big results. 644-1460. 24 HOUR CLASSIFIED SERVICE SINGER, 600E PORTABLE FR E E TO GOOD HOME- UNHEATED 3 1/2 Room - SEWING MACHINE with Beautifnl male Irish Setter. 3 Available June 1st. Adults on­ ease. Sell-Threa'dng bobbin years old. Needs tender, ly. References, no pets. and Irge variety of cams. loving care. Call 649-4393. Appliances furnished. Securi­ DISHUASpER- Sears Deluxe Excellent condition. tl25. Call ty, Call 643-7279 after 5 PM. CALL 6 4 3 - 2 7 1 8 after 5 p.m. or 6 4 3 -2 7 1 1 during business hours 8:30-5 Dishwasher. Portable or after 3PM, 643-1437. Muticel Inatrumenta 44 31 Painting-Papering 32 Building Contracting 33 stationary. Avacado. $150. 454 MAIN STREET- Second Htip Wanttd 13 HtIp Wanlad 13 Telephone 649-8653 afternoons 2F-78 14 SNOW TIRES- New. 1/2 PRICE ON GUITARS and floor. 3 Room Heated Apart­ Help Wanted 13 yj Help Wanted .ind evenings. Black & Decker Skill Saw. C&M TREE SERVICE - Free QUALITY PAINTING and FARRAND REMODELING - Help Wanted 13 Ptivale Inatructlona 78 other instruments. Rivers ment. No appliances, no pets. Paper Hanging by Willis SUPERINTENDENT - lor insKnRnRRSir Call 649-4820 anytime, $225 monthly. Call 646-2426, 9 estimates, discount senior Cabinets and Formica 'Tops, Music. 7 Main Street. New citizens. Company Schultz. Fully insured Roofing, Gutters, Room /Ad­ apartment complex in WSI LIFEGAURD - Needed Britain. 225-1977. to 5. SEPTIC TANKS & LEACH lor summer pool. Apply Foun­ ASSISTANT TO PENSION RIDING LESSONS indoor I REAL ESTATE THREE PIECE WOODEN Manchester-owned and references, 649-4343. ditions, Decks, All types of ^Ianchester. Full time job lor Full or part time. Good salary and LAUNDRY POSmON ANALYST -Position requires riding ring. Western stock! FIELDS INSTALLED- older man. Must be pleasant worklns eunditloni. tain Viiiage 175 Downey Wc'ra all you naod to know KEEP HAPPY PATIO SET- $35.00. 1 Wicker JULY 1st. SECOND FLOOR Operated. Cali 646-1327. Grading, Loam. General Con­ Remodeling and Repairs. bookkeeping background, the seat, saddle seat and hunti TROMBONE- In excellent J.P. LEWIS. & SON- Interior Phone 643-6017. experienced in plumbing, Wmluw'i BrMil ^ Drive, Manchester. Application's are now In rtal ostato. Rocker, need some repair, Large 5-room apartment. Cen- tracting. G & H Paving & ability to complete seat. AH levels 228-9817. Neighborhood officoa condition. Buescher, with B i M TREE SERVICE - and Exterior painting, paper heating and electrical repairs. N P r a n t L being accepted lor part best offer, 646-1844, oversized case. $250. Call 649- trallocation. $ ^ monthly. No Construction Company. 646- Htilltrd,et EXPERIENCED LATHE mathematical computations avarywhara. Specialists in tree and stump hanging, remodeling,, carpen­ Apartment and salary. 643- time employment In our with close attention to detail. VOICE, PIANO Instructions. , GENERAL ELECTRIC 7085 anytime. utilities. Security required. 5033. Free Estimates. “30 try. Fully insured. 649-9658. 9674 between 8:30 AM and 9 »” •»***______OPERATORS & PORTABLE DRYER- $75. GAS FIRED WARM AIR Call 647-1876, after 5 p.m. removal. Senior Citizen Years Experience!” Member LEON CIESZYNSKI laundry department. Experience in or knowledge of Former faculty New York Discount. 24 hour service. 643- MACHINISTS. We need a lew Call 659-0646. FURNACE in excellent condi­ FAYETTE-CABLE PIANO. Manchester Chamber of BUILDER- New Homes, Ad­ m SECRETARY- Part time. good people to join a young, Applicants must be over 16. Pensions, or Investments Music and Art High School. LESPERANCE tion. $85. Call 528-0661, 7285. A&W PAINTING Contrac­ ditions, Remodeling, Rec Glastonbun Sale Ollice. 8:30 would be a plus, but will train Excellent condition. Call after MANCHESTER - Main Commerce. growing company. Excellent Excellent working con­ Professional Slnger/Pianist. WE BUY AND SELL USED tors. Quality painting and Rooms, Garages, Kitchens EARN EXTRA MONEY a.m . to 12:30 p.m. Good suitable applicant. Hours 8 644-8597. 5, 643-0448. Street, 2 and 3 rooms. Heated, paper hanging at reasonable benelits and overtime. Fuil or ditions. Contact Mr. FURNITURE. One piece or USED PINE CABINETS With hot w ater, appliances. No REWEAVING burn holes. Remodeled, (ceilings, Bath dtinini Office BuOdhig typing, telephone. Must be art time. Piease apply at: L a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday thru 646-0505 counter tops. Oven and sur­ Zippers, umbrellas repaired. rates. Fully insured. Free Tile, Dormers, Roofing. sell starter. Company Lavigne. Meadows Con' Scfiooft-Claatat 79 entire household. Cash on the Boatt-Accettorlet 45 pets.:ts. Parking. Security. 523- This is steady employ­ I Gill, Welding & Manulac- Friday. Reply in confidence to face plate. Cali 649-6234, Window shades, Venetian Estimates. Call Wayne 649- Residential or Commercial. benelits. Call 633-0777, R valescent Home, Monday- Box EE, b/o Manchester , 4S7 Center street line. Furniture Barn. 646-0865. 7047. 7696. ment. Work 5 evenings per turing. Division ol BHS, Inc., blinds. Keys. TV FOR RENT. BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAYS, 649-4291. between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Frlday. 8 A .M .-4 P .M . 647- Herald, stating qualifications FOR THE BEST - Manchester 1974 FU R Y - 16V4-foot Marlow’s, 867 Main St. 649- week lor a lew hours. 1422 T olland T u rnpike, 9194. Gymnastic School. 3 to 5 SOFA. RECLINER & CHAIR- EXCELLENT USED GAS fiberglass, tilt trailer, with LIVE-IN SITTER in exchange Parking Lots etc. Repairs Sc Manchester, Conn., or call background and experience. FIRED warm air furnace. 75,- 5221. Driveways Sealed, Free PERSONAL Paperhanging TRUCK DRIVERS- Must References required. pupils per teacher. FREE in-1 Skotchguard Fabric. Like 1975 55-horsepower outboard for low rent. One child For particular people, by Excellent opportunity lor Carl Skold 647-9931. new. $250. Call 649-6617. 000 BTU. Good for 4 or 5 Estimates. G & H Paving & have Class II License Apply Iroductory lesson with this ad. Chevy engine. 2 tanks, $2,500. accepted. Large 5 room apart­ Dick, Call 643-5703 anytime. LIGHT CARPENTRY - Rec couple or two partners to Experienced only please. rooms. Also used east iron ment with pool. Call after 4 ODD JOBS DONE - Cellars, Construction Co. 646-5033, “30 in person at Mancheslesler LAUNDRY WORKER- Full Cali 64&6306, or 646-3549. Also 50 horse Johnson out­ attics, garages, yards rooms, roofing and repairs. supplement their income. E.O.E. PART TIME SUMMER radiators. Call 528-0661. PM., 646-724 Years Experience!” Member Packing Company. 349 time, including every other Homes For Sala 13 Real Eatate Wanted , 28 board, $300. 228-0475 or 228- cleaned, moving, PROFESSIONAL PAINTING Free estimates. Call Charles Retirees will be con­ EMPLOYMENT- Concession 9550. of Manchester Chamber of WethereiT Street, Manchester. weekend, lor institution laun­ □ REAL ESTATE IMISC. FOR SALE MAHOGANY dining room, trucking.Loam for sale. Lawn Commerce. - Interior and Exterior, Schiavetti at 649-2405 sidered. Stand Attendants. Must be dry operation, VERNON- 4 room apartment Commercial and Residential. anytime. Apply in per- bedroom, bachelor chest and 3 in 2 family house. Convenient service. No job too big or For more inlormation Teacher Vocational able to work weekends. Over son: East Hartfortford uinvales- EAST HARTFORD- 6 Room 1971 GLASTRON Free Estimates. Fully In­ Articlet lor Sale 41 chairs. Excellent condition. rural location. $215 monthly, small. 568-8522. WILL CLEAN CELLARS, please write Box D. c/o Agrlcullura 18 please. Apply to manager: cent Home, 745 Main Street, Hornet For Sale 23 Cape. Complete aluminum FIBERGLAS BOAT- 14 foot, sured. 646-4879. siding. 1 1/2 baths. Garage. Call 643-0693. includes heat, hot water and ATTICS and haul away scrap Manchester Herald. EXPERIENCED' Certilication required. Friday thru Sunday evenings. East Hartlord. with new , Shoreline Trailer BRICK, BLOCK, STONE. East Hartlord Drive-In Immediate occupancy. 934,- and 65 HP Mercury Outboard. appliances. 647-1113 after 6:30 iron FREE OF CHARGE. RoolIng-SIdIng-ChImney 34 Position starts 1 July 1979. VERNON - Aluminum sided 6 Fireplaces,concrete. Chimney Call 644-3234. PAINTCRAFTERS - Not just Theatre, or East Windsor 900. 649-8371. owner. A STAR ABOVE YOUR AD $1700, 633-3890. p.m. Inquire Dr. Bernard Sid- 1/2 room Cape. Wail to wall repairs. No job too small painters - CRAFTSMEN. Not BIDWELL HOME Improve­ xperi NURSE RIDES Drive-In Theatre, Route 5. 7 carpeting throughout. Could help to sell your items * TAG SALES ...... lust quality - PERFECTION. man. Superintendent ol ALUMINUM Sheets used as VERNON- 3 Room Apart­ Save! Call 644-8356 for es­ COMPLETE REMODELING ment Co, Expert installation Journeyman & Helpers. p.m. to 9 p.m. Fireplaced living room. Many faster, rent your room quicker Sporting Qoodt 46 timates. Not just price - PRIDE. Call Schools, Vernon Public COLUMBIA- Lovely 3 printing plates. .007 thick ment, second, floor. Excellent SERVICE - Rooms, garages, o l aluminum siding gutters Excellent W ^e & Benelit Butinatt Opportunity 14 built-ins. Lovely private yard. and bring you better results! 23x32’ 25 cents each or 5 for 646-5424 or 643-0173. Package. EOE. Please call NEEDED CLERK - checking invoices, bedroom Ranch on 2.9 acres. TAG SALE- MAY 25-26, 9-4, 9 location. Only responsible, additions dormers, roofing and trim. Roofing installation Schools. Near schools. 9m ,900. Prin­ Ask the Herald Classified Ad $1. Phone 643-2711. Must be COMBINATION GOLF BAG and repairs 649-6495, 871-2323. 243-9543. To provide Nursing Care receipts and general office Garage. Hardwood floors. Cushman Drive. Appliances, & CART By Bagboy. .Very mature adults need apply. and siding. Call 643-5001. Tal. 872-7381 MANCHESTER Package cipals only. Call 875-7415. taker about details. Put the picked up Before 11 a.m, furniture, household items. Building Contracting 33 in private homes and ^ u a l Opportunity duties. 40 hour week. Apply Super taxes. 951,900. Squires good condition. $45. Call 646- Phone 529-6377, after 4:30. store. Excellent location. Well STAR to work for you! Phone ONLY. (Leaving town.) EXPERT PAINTING and CUSTOM DRAPERIES- AGENCY EXPANSION- Medical Facilities. Part Gaer Bothers, 140 Rye Street, established business. Call IMMEDIATE Cash for your Realty. 456-1849. 643-2711. 0406, after 5 p.m. WES ROBBINS Carpentry FOUR ROOM DUPLEX- LANDSCAPING Specializing Specialn^ring Time Rates! SPECIALIZI.NG cleaning and Highly competitive product lime, hill lima. Considsra- South Windsor. Marion E. Robertson, property. Let us explain our in Exterior House Painting. remodeling specialist.'ialist. Ad- repairing chimneys, roofs, lines, looking lor career, TWO 300 AMP Rectifiers - TAG SALE- MAY 25-26, 9-4, 6 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Newly remodeled. No Limited Time. Made to your tion given to pratarance aeoooooooooooi Realtor, 643-5953. lair proposal. Cali Mr. BOLTON- 18 acres. 8 Room Tree pruning, spraying, ditions, rec rooms, dormers, new roofs. Free estimates. 30 oriented agents. Lite, Health, Good condition.Good for Cushman Drive, Anilquet appliances. No utilities. $225 specifications. Free Decor oil— Location and Hours. COOK - Position available for Belfiore, 647-1413. House. Several other plating, or welding. Call 649- Miscellaneous items. Built in 48 mowing, weeding. Calf 742- and Measurements. Call 649- built-ins, bathrooms, years Experience. Howley, Casualty. Licensed Agents COMMUNICATIOr VENDING ROUTE - Nabissx) monthly. References kitchens. 649-3446. NO FEE - WEEKLY PAY breakfast and lunch cook. buildings.s. 300 foot frontage. 3439 from noon til 6:00 p.m. surface units and oven, bicy­ required. 647-9475. 7947. 4266. 643-5361. urelerred. Excellent com­ Come In for interview. Silver CABLE, INC. Snacks with locations 93,580 BOLTON- 18 acres, 300 foot WANTED TO BUY- 3-4 SOLID OAK DINING ROOM mission schedule. Draw Ac­ For informatioti call Zoned Commercial. Owner Bedroom Home, near cle, automobile, Lane Pavilion, 568-7520. CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-423- frontage main highway. financing. Frank Mott, 643- SET- 4 extensions, seats 21. CUSTOM Carpentry - homes. count available tor rigm in­ 643-9515 5 QlBfl Road, M an e hM ltr Hospital and High School. MOLDED FORMICA top and APARTMENT and HOUSES ROTO TILLING HOME 2355 Ext. 905. Excellent 8 Room House, plus 5658. paneled bar with two shelve’s Rare set in mint condition. Additions, Repairs, Cabinets. dividual. Call Mr. Brown at AID « ASSISTANCE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Principals only. Cali 643-0333. HUGE SALE FRIDAY 10 - 3. China & Silver to go with it. For Rent. We have 100s of ren­ GARDENS- Reasonable ROOFER WILL Install roof, MANAGEMENT several buildings. Zone and four stools. $175. 646-6028. rates. Please call 646-6640. Call Gary Cushing 345-2009. 649-2656. ol North Eastern Conn. 647-1468 Butinatt Properly 26 Clothes, 24" Girls Bike, Dou­ Antique Bureaus & Trunks. 5 tals in all Areas, Prices and FREE JUNK CAR siding or gutter for low dis­ OPPORTUNITY. Person to OFFERS INVITEt) / Commercial. Owner financing ble bed, chqirs, turtains, Sizes. Call Rental Assistors, Inc. manage new specialty RETAIL STORE ON available. Frank Mott, ALL CASH For your property, Royal Copenhagen Teerly REMOVAL! Call 649-7243. count price. Call Ken at 647- Btiwtan 8 8.111. and 8 p.m. FULL LENGTH Ranch Mink bedspreads. Miscellaneous 236-5646. Small Fee. AUTOMOBILE SIMONIZING 1566. 3S7 Eatt Canttr WHEELS- Make an easy $20,- Broker, 643-5658. EAST HARTFORD- Large within 24 hours. Avoid Rra Christmas Plates, 643-9298. ’^ ^ G R . E R S sandwich shop. Responsible POSITIONS Coat, excellent condition. Size household, 74 Kennedy Road. - Will Simonize your car in TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY Manchaitar for all aspects ol shop^s opera­ 000 per year. Excellent terms. Brick Building. Zoned Tape, Instant Service. Hayes Corp. 646-0131. 12 or 14. $800. 875-2344. MOVE RIGHT IN - Sunny 1 your driveway. $10 and up. Carpentry and general con­ Heating-Plumbing 35 tion, with strengths in per­ AVAILABLE Call John, at Chenette COVENTRY- 8 Room Raised Commercial. Has 4 WANTED: Antique funiture, bedroom with appliances and References. For details, call ■ W IN N ■ I TMMWiy T i m w GIANT TAG SALE - Two glass, pewter, oil paintings or tracting. Residential and sonnel management and In 2, and 3 Shim Associates, “Gallery Of Ranch, 2 bedrooms, possible apartments rented. Has nice NELCO SEWING MACHINE- porch. Only $185.00 (503-1). ROTOTILLING LAWN AND 643-8653. Ask for Dick. NMf li nd mWi M Mid tilN income. 2 stores or offices. families. Furniture, many other antique items. R. GARDENS with rear tine commercial. Whether it be a SEWERLINES, sink lines, MriN? llrirtN MW fif Ml IM customer relations. We are a On tha job training providtd. Homes,” 528-9081. third, 2 full baths, family •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Built - in button holer, household items, toys, mis­ Call Rental Assistors. Small room with fireplace. Easy plus 1500 square foot lower Harrison, 643-8709. Troy Built Tiller. Call 568- small repair job, a custom cleaned with electric cutters, “tiNpriliNiifi Si In TraW if hut growing company Inquira Main Otflca decorativei stitches. Excellent cellaneous. 170 Bryan Drive, fee. 236-5646. WOMAN W ITH g for someone with fast MANCHESTER- Store i 4 access to highways. 964,000. level. Plenty of parking. 9135,- Houtehold Qoodt 40 8791. built home or anything in by professionals. McKinney Pnpw" itMlIwi Jn i 1. S condition, including cabinet. Manchester. 9-5. Rain date EXPERIENCE WILL DO between, call 646-1379. food experience ready to take Room Apartment. Busy loca­ Owner. 742-8^. 000. Frank Mott, 643-5858. Bros. Sewage Disposal Com­ fir te |Mt ioiiin4 m HIGH SCHOOL REFRIGERATORS $150. 649-6437, June 2nd. □ REN TALS CARPETED 2 BEDROOM. Typing in own home for pany. 643-5308. INHM UllSpNINL P N t Mif «■ SOPHOMORE OR JUNIOR on the demanding position. tion. Excellent opportunity Kids okay. Has basement and Businesses and Students. Call Salary, growth opportunities. CLERK / CASHIER for owner/user. Priced to sell. Retort Property 27 Washers. / Ranges, used, CARPENTRY Sc MASONRY - o l M v mA isli «N If UN GIRLS - for part time WANTED FOR PATENT COUNTRY KITCHEN- Dining guaranteed and clean. New TAG SALE ■ A little bit of appliances. (555-1) Call Ren­ 646-2437. Additions and Remodeling. waitress work. After school profit sharing. Send resume to 941,900. Hayes Corp., 6464)131. REFINISHED KITCHEN iMlMt Mi hfiiit (rtehi rNl» MEDICINE DEPARTMENT- room, fireplace living room. 1 shipment damaged, G.E & everything. Saturday and Sun­ Rooms for Rent 52 tal Assistors. Small fee. 236- Free estimates. Call Anthony and Saturdays. Apply in per­ Box E , c/o c /o Manchester WEST DENNIS, MASS.- Nice­ SWIM POOLS 5646. CABINETS Sc COUNTER - ROOFING, PAINTING Done NO JOB TOO S.MALL - Toilet Ml irlMbiMM. fr. MthMIL In modern pharmacy. Plea­ bedrooms, rec room with ly furnished 3 Bedroom Cot­ FRIGIDAIRE. I/)w prices. day, from 9 to 5,104'West Mid­ Woodwork. Floors for homes Squillacote 649-0811. MI41I4 son: Brass Key Restaurant. Herald. MANCHESTER, JUST N«w, On Ground by reliable College Students, repairs, plugged drains, v r . aa. j4_ ■ ta-si------sant working conditions in a glass doors, 3 baths, 2 car gar­ tage. 9225 weekly. Minimum 2 B.D. Pearl Sc Son, 649 Main dle Turnpike. THOMPSON HOUSE- Cen­ and apartments. Call 667-3643, rrlCMuBt Unrtll i WuMWl LISTED- Excellent Cafe Wirehotne Stock Must Go How MANCHESTER TWO Compare prices, performance kitchen faucets replaced, professional atmosphere. Full age. Large treed lot. What weeks. Call 649-8760. Street, 643-2171. trally located. Downtown ask for Ken. repaired, rec rooms, liquor business with ail equip­ Doga-BIrdt-Pelt 43 BEDROOM APARTMENT. with any professionals. Mick KnaHOMESifiums time. Apply at once to ment. Call for particulars. more could you want? Group 31x16 x6' S939 Manchester, Kitchen CARPENTER - Repairs, bathroom remodeling, heat manager. Liggetts Rexall I, Keith Real Estate, 646:41^ FOUR-PIECE Pine Bedroom privileges. Call 649-2358. Second floor, heat, hot water, Simon, Dave Beaulieu. 646- remodeling, additions, gar­ ERA, Blanchard & Rossetto, Real Etiale Wanted 28 1564. modernization, etc. Free Parkade Drug, 404 West Mid­ Set. Excellent condition. A COMPLETE BOARDING appliances, parking. Security, ages, roofing. Call David PRODUCTION OPERATORS 646-2482. Priet Includot 1S'x24’x4' twlm working couple, no pets. 225 ED’S LIGHT TRUCKING - Estimate gladly given. M & M WATERFRONT year round Queen-size bed, triple dresser, KENNEL for Dogs and Cats. LADIES ONLY- Very clean SECRETARY / dle Turnpike, Manchester, Ct. •rti, big fundock, foncing, fllttr, Patria, 644-1796. Plumbing & Heating. 649-2871. home and summer resort ail SELLING your house? Call us dresser with shelved mirror, Dog Bathing and grooming. and nicely furnished room for Monsley, 65 Birch St. Can be Attics Sc Cellars cleaned. For Palntlng-Paperlng 32 RECEPTIONIST- We’ve got Prtate Inatructlona 16 •tc. seen from 4 PM to 8 PM. free estimate, call 646-1943. SECRETARY- Willimatic in one. 7 room maintenance first and we’ll make you a night stand. 4 years old. 9800. For reservations, please call rent. Community kitchen and this really good job in 1st and 2nd Shifts cash offer! T.J. Crockett, Maii...$1789 Squire...$2889 Canine Holiday Inne, 200 PAINTING - Interior and Manchester. It is an in­ Law Office. Excellent typing free Ranch. Located on an 5 ^ 3 5 . bathrooms. Cleaning lady and FIRST CLASS CARPENTRY BOTTI HEATING & REMEDIAL READING and exclusive private section of Realtor, 643-1577. Sheldon Road, Manchester. all utilities, except telephone NEED MORE SPACE? 5 exterior, paperhanging, PLUMBING- Toilet repairs, teresting and diversified posi­ To work In machining and/or assembly areas. skills essential. Will train. math; individualized work - Remodeling and Additions. Coventry Lake. Over 9100,000. ABSOLUTE BARGAINS! 646-5971. are included. Laundry room With appliances and BEAVER TREE REMOVAL- excellent work references. Kitchens and Rec Rooms. 35 kitchen and lav faucets tion offering excellent pay, Applicants for Itt shift must have some previous Submit resume and program, (lst-8th grade) by InstillBtlon optionBi, full finan* yard. Available now. Just Free estimates. Fully in­ Attractive financing MAY WE BUY your home? Custom made draperies, slip­ cing availabit. Call Ron collact facilities and off street Free Estimates. Call 742-9553 years experience! For Free replaced and repaired. good fringes, and congenial factory work experience. Applicants for 2nd shift references to Box DD, c/o master’s degree teacher. 569- $195.00 ( 623-3). Call Rental sured. Martin Matson, 649- Manchester Herald. available. R. Zimmer, J.D. Quick, fair, all cash and no covers and upholstery. Budget 203-324-9269 TWO YEAR OLD AFGHAN parking. Walking distance to and “Leave It To Beaver” . Estimates, call 646-4239. Remodeling. Call 646-8641. surroundings to someone who must have previous production metal working 8075. problem. Call Warren E. Hound for sale. Excellent pet. Assistors. Small fee. 236-5646. 4431. has a pleasant personality, is Real Estate, 648-1980 or 647- Terms Arranged. Call 289-2331 stores and bus line. experience using drill presses, millers, lathes, 1139. Howland, Realtors, 643-1108. or 646-1000. $50. 649-6404. Best to call References and security are above average typist, and can before 2:30 PM. Hornet tor Rent 54 handle a busy telephone. grinders, etc. 1st shift hours - 7 am to 3 " pm. 2nd required. Call after 6 p.m,, 644-0383, Hours- 8:45 a.m. until 4:45 shift h ou rs - 3 " pm to 1 2 " pm. Air conditioned, am ­ MALE ROOMATE to share p.m., Monday thru Friday. PUPPIES - Labrador ple parking and excellent fringe benefits. Apply at R etfeiver’ Nb papers. Call LADIES ONLY - Furnished large furnished house with Reply in confidence, including Resort Properly MUST SEE! LADIES SHOES- after 5 PM. 643-9474. room for rent. AH utilities in­ other males. $150 Monthly in­ Omcea-Stores tor Rent 55 Offices-Stores lor Rent 55 Wanted to Rent 57 business and personal HIGH STANDARD INC cluding utilities. 649-8005. For Rent 56 references to Box .C, c/o REOAL MUFFLER All styles. Small Sizes. cluded. Close to bus line and AKC SHELTIE - Sable and WANTED- .Apartment for 2 Manchester Herald. 31 Pratllg* Park Circle Clothing and accessories. 389 stores. References and securi­ East Hartford Forbes Street, East Hartford. white male pup. Champion ty required. Call 644-0383. EXTRA LARGE 3 OFFICE SPACE DUE TO CAN’CELLATION- working girls- 2 bedrooms. SINGLE OFFICE Cottage available Call 633-8155 after 6:00 o m. Manufacturing/marketing (porting firearmi Your complute car care center Please call 569-2645. quality and temperament. 643- BEDROOM HOUSE with carpeting, garage, washer / FOR RENT Charlestown, R.I., for July (locaM In Um rev of the Acmat building) GENTLEMEN ONLY - FOR RENT GROUP I: A select eiiocietlon ol nEALTOns serving the greeter DINING ROOM SET - 5 Kitchen privileges. Central dryer and more, (558-3) Call 250 square leei. tenter of $800. 5 minutes from beach. FILE CLERK Menchester eree with more edvertiilng expertise, Rental Assistors. Small fee. All utilities, including dis­ -MANCHESTER BOLTON Impect end efficiency for both buyers end sellers. chairs, table and buffet. SHELTIE PUPPIES- AKC location. Free parking. Manthester, air ton- Refrigerator and stove. Call Registered. Fluffly white Security and references 236-5646. ditiqniiig and parking. hwasher, dryer. Well fur­ COVENTRY- Middle age 646-3M7, collars. Home raised with required. 643-2693 for appoint­ Includes all utilities and ( all 643-9551. nished, large deck. Sleeps 6. business,man desires clean, Full time position, must RRAKE SPECIAL Call 649-2653. children. Shots, wormed, and ment’. OMcet-Storet for Rent 55 Air Conditioning. Central quiet room. Call 742-9865. 9 have good communica­ CETA VACANCIES UNUSUALI SCREENED LOAM - complete Vet checked. Call location. a.m. - 11 a m. only. tion skills and good alpha­ Town of Manchester Driveway gravel, processed 633-5626, or 646-3897. GENTLEMAN - Central. Next MANCHESTER- Main Street MODERN, CARPETED, air COVENTRY LAKE - numeric abilities. Full gravel, sand, stone and fill. to shower. Parking. Call 649- modern office available. 4W Caii643>9551 conditioned offices, ample Excellent furnished cottage 2 - 3 BEDROOM DUPLEX in $7,400 Annual Salary 2 5 *»*., very near lake. From now to com pany benetits, free Plus Parts George Griffing, Andover. FREE KITTENS - 6 weeks 6801 after 6 PM. sq. ft. Heat, AC included. Call free parking. Broad Street Verplanck School area. 649- parking. MANAGEMENT TRAINEE 742-7886. old. Mother calico. Father 646-2469 or 646-2755. location. Call 646-8422 or 646- October. $100 weekly. 647- 4899. Includes Installation of new brake pads or brake shoes all four 1145. Please call Marie Brester Tabby. Litter box trained. 646- Apartmentt For Rent 53 MANCHESTER- Retail, 5762. Assist in the preparation of operating manuals for the finance 466 MAIN STREET. North of at 547-4700. wheels, cleaning. Inspecting, and repacking wheel bearings. WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE 6205 after 6 PM. storage, and/or manufac­ related departments. Requirements for the position are a four SALE - Disston Cordless Elec­ LOOKING for anything in real Post office, about 5,000 sq. ft. turing space. 2,000 square feet (For motl pattenger cars and light duty Iruckt.) year college degree with course work in Public or Business Ad­ tric hedge shears. $13.74; FREE HEALTHY BLACK estate rental - apartments, of centrally located space. to 50,000 square feet. Very ministration. .d>.... -J i S ^ Disston Cordless Electric long KITTEN with a white speck. homes, multiple dwellings? Ideal for store, office or other reasonable. Brokers TWO CLEAN HOME8 handle grass trimmers $13.74; Needs good home. Found in No fees. Cali J.D. Real Estate business or commercial use. protected. Call Heyman ONE 8 ROOM8- ONE 6 ROOM8 tjst snowmobile safety helmets East Hartford, Call 568-6604. Associates, Inc. 646-1980. Call 646-2426 9-5 pm. Properties, 1-226-1206. AIDE FOR ELDERLY OUTREACH * pkntn $7.50; assorted lawn TOTAL OP THREE OARAOEB sprinklers (Thompson) $.59 FRONT WHEEL DRIVE AUDITOR- We are looking for Makes initial contact with elderly citizens in need of TOTAL OF 3Vi BATH8I LUBE, (ML & FILTER « ti 5 qii. I fiHir and up: hand sprayers ^59 DILLON FORD PRESENTS a person good with figures to assistance or supportive service and facilities. Acts as liaison -TWO FAMILY P088IBILITY ON ONE W9T0US and up; quantities limited. Ail b«ome a member of our per- between the elderly and the available services. Preference will sales final. Open Monday- manent Auditing Staff. be given to college graduate with experience in home contact BU8INE88 ZONE TWOI Friday, 7:30-4:30. Closed 1979 DODGE COLT HATCH OACK Benefits include msurance. ofhr npim work. Useful background would be Public Health Nursing or ALL THI8 Mij 3Ut Saturdays. Cadwell & Jones, Profit Sharing and Expenses. 46 Adams Street, Manchester. For interview, please call 7-11 Field Social Work. ON 104x191 n. OF TREED LANDI io n Sanior CKIz m a ______^ Food Stores at ^-8261. Equal Applicants must meet all CETA requirements and must go to LESS THAN TWO BLOCK8 FROM MAIN 8T.I Regal 32 MFC CITY - 40 MFC HIGHWAY ^ __ DiuNnt M Firti Opportunity Employer. the Comprehensive Manpower Office at 806 Main Street, CALL-BUT DO IT8UBITOI Manchester, to determine eligibility. 78 IMCHUI TOWN COUPE SUMMER JOBS Available An Equal Opportunity Employer. 369 MAIN ST„ MANCHESTER 14.000 miles. LoidedI Was immediately at CGS. We are THE WIUIAM L BELHORE AGENCY StO.800. HOURS-MON-FRI. 8 AM-6 PM, WEO.'tll 9 PM, SAT. 9 AM-3 PM recruiting Typists, 647-1413 NOW $9995. Secretaries, Clerks, ______646-2112______Calculator Operators. Work for a few weeks or the entire 7 7 MARK V Al Boulals, Ass’t Service summer at excellent hourly TOP HOUSING VALUES! 29.000 miles. LoededI Was $9695. Manager at Chorches rates. Never A Fee! CGS Ser­ M o tors Invites h is friends vices, 111 Pearl Street, Hart­ NOW $8795. and former service ford, 246-5626. SHARP USED VEHICLES customers to call him at RNs - LPNs - Join growing I 77 UNCOIN TOWN SEDAN Chorches Motors for staff of CGS Professionals. — —S/—...... — ' Loaded. Was $9895 Oldsmoblle Service. Al has WrJWk Msastaiai, We offer excellent hourly WAGONS COMPACTS R.V.’S & TRUCKS over 30 years G.M. rates, vacation pay, instant NOW $8595. experience. Call him Joday OFFICIAL pay plan, bonus awards. Work 76 AMC $3195 79JEEPCJ-7 $7995 at: Sportabout, 6 . oylindar. 76BUICK $2895 Renegade pkge.. hardtop INDIANAPOUS “500” PACE CAR REPUCA one day, a week'or become a automaUc, PS, woodgraln pan- Sharp Skyhawk hatchback. V-6 quadra-trac. 6 cyi.. swing tire LIBHTHOUSE LINCOLN Intatior Full Time Employee. Call us allnj, roof rack, radlali. 8109k No. analne, 4 apeed Iransmiaalon, carrier, rear seal, roll bir. pow. for placement close to home. AM/FM alareo tapt, radlala, allver steer., auto, trans., tracker tires, CHORCHES MOTORS INC. • Recaro bucket seats with special cloth seat trim, a MERCURY, INC. padded/net head-restrarni system, and adjustable GOOD SELECTION for Immediate Delivery CGs Services, 111 Pearl I melalllc. Slock No. 23S9-1. metallic maroon finish, tan In­ 80 OAKLAND ST. f^ llY M O U TH $2995 terior. absolutely mint. Slock Rt. e K es, p a c k a g : ■ seat backs and thigh supports Street, Hartford, 246-56^. • Cobra instrument panel with Indianapoks Motor Sport F u ^ Station Wagon, 75 PLYMOUTH $2695 #2351-1. MANCHESTER Extartof ENER6Y EFFICIENT automatic, PS. 3 seats, air cond., Oualar 2 door Sport Coupa, 6 Columbia, Conn. Speedw ay badge* R0LUN6PARK AM/FM, green metallic. Stock No. cylinder, automatic, PS. new Urea, 228-9442 643-2791 • Unique Pewter Extenor Color CARPENTER Custom Cape with loads of extra insulation, 77J£EP Ci-7 $5995 AdpHlonal Standard Equlpmant EXPERIENCED INI Full dormered Cape. 1V4 baths, fireplaced living 2302-1. radio, powder blue. Stock No. Sm V-8, soil top, roll bar. rear • Black greentiouse moldings aluminum siding, special oversized furnace, plus 9 2311-1. • Special front fascia with fog lamps • Pkp-up open air roof SPECiAL PURCHASE seat, swing down tall gate, REMODELING - Call Robert rooms, garage and tennis court! Call today. ONE room, dining room, good size kitchen and a ONE 76 PONTIAC $3895 guadra-lrac. pow. steer., radio, • S ^ i a l hood scoop • C r^so le Jarvis 643-6712. YEAR LIMITED HOME WARRANTY! Grand Safari 6 passenger wagon, 75 DATSUN $3495 brown finish, black Interior. Slock • "Mustang” nomenclature on hood • Leather wrapped sport steering wheel YEAR LIMITED HOME WARRANTY! automatic. PS. air conditioning, 710 2 door hardtop, beautiful car, 12284-1. •Specialrear spoiler • Intermittent windshield wipers stereo, radlals, 6 way drivers seat, ona owner, full aarvica hiatory at • Black lower back panel • AM/FM Stereo Radio with Cassette Tape DEMONSTRATORS: Earn up bronze metallic finish. Stock No. our ahop. 4 apaed. AM/FM radio, 77 DATSUN $3995 • Special Pace C a r tape treatment' • Premium sound system 2356-1. • Rubstrip/bodyside molding accent stripes color>keyed • Color-keyed deluxe seat belts CHRYSLER CORP. CARS to 30% commissions. Hours to Iroal white wllh blue Inlarlor. Model 620 U'l Hustler Pickup..6 ft. 643-5135 24 HOUR TOWING suit yourself. Name brand Slock No. 2190-2. body. 4 sp. reaular qas, rust- to tape treatment • Light group toys and gifts. Treasure 73 AMC $2395 proofed. one owner. 21,000 mi, • C o ix a black lower bodyaide treatment • Power steering SportsboOt, 6 cylinder, regular 76 VOLME $3195 AM-FM radio, yellow Stock • Dual remote control sport mirrers • Power brakes House party plan. Call collect las engine, roof rack, light green, #2360-1. Functional • Qhia level deluxe sound package person to person for Miss hock No. 2247-1. 2 dr. tadan, ruggad 0 oyl., auto., 1978 DODGE ASPENS pow. ataar., undar 20,000 orig. S.OL engine (2.3L turbo optional) Carol 491-2100. Also booking 73 FORD F-lOO $2695 Michekn T R X tires with forged metric aluminum 73 OLDS $2795 mllaa, vary pratty. Stock 92390-1 I / w o w i i lERS/ 2 drs. -> 4 dra. parties. Styleside pickup, regular gas. 6 wheels, specially tuned suspension Cutlasa srtitlon wagon. 0 cyi.. auto., camper cap, step & Balance of factory Warranty all equipped with auto trans., pow. steering, pow. pasaanger, automatic. REGULAR Sequential serial number 74 O K It M $1895 tow bumper, front disc brakes. Sport tuned exhaust (manual transmission)" brakes, body side moldings, W SW tires, deluxe wheel covers, radio, air cond., WE ARE LOOKING for a | GAS engine, PS, power windows, 6 cyL. ttand. ehlft. reg. gaa, ^.200 miles, green Stock #2369- sunroof, 4 new tires, maroon, 40.- buokM^^raUaymrlpaa,^ I 3ISCiNri8ST.,MAN€Hlina,CONN.*HieiM*43-513S tinted glass, bumper guards. hard working and conscien­ 000 original miles. Stock No. tious saleswoman with some 9HV1 1 I 5 to choose from starling at retail experience for 30 to 40 REDECORATED COLLECTIBLES hours / week. Diamond Show- | Throughout is this 3 bedroom Colonial. Formal HUBELOT 73 OEVEliE $1995 67 VOLVO 122S$2395 case, Manchester Parkade. Makes this 7 room Colonial with central air con­ Wagon. Rogular gat amWI V4, 74M|IVERICK $2695 2 dr. sedan, last year of this living and dining rooms, first floor den, covered auto., paw. atoar., ona ownar, un- Four door aadan, 8 cylinder, modal— apotlesa inside and out. it ditioning a real buy! Familyroom, fireplace, gar­ aulomaOc, PS, air condluonlnp, FOR PROFESSIONAL QUALin NOW ON DISFLAY dar 46,000 ml., tan finlah you love Volvos. you won't be EXTRUDER OPERATOR I porch, and a ONE YEAR LIMITED HOME age, and much more! rajto, blue metallic. Slock No. WARRANTY! matolilng vinyl Intarlor. Blooli ^250-1. able to past this one up. Stock CONTROLLEO AUTO ROOT REPAIRS TRAINEE- Growing company ,12321-1 #2292-1 will train .person with good on all makaa work history. Night shift. Excellent company benefits. | PARTIAL LISTING ONLY Call weekdays I IBLANCHARD & ROSSEni MANY MORE IN STOCK LOAN and RENTAL CARS I Available by Appointment. NURSES AIDES- If you have I RULTORS 1 years experience, call CGS. DILLOn 189 Waal Cantar CHORCHES of MAHCHESTER We'd like to tell you about our Comar Of RM n 80 OAKLAND STRLLT. MANCHESTER, 643-2791 Excellent Rates, our | w||)„DeConiiier lAotors ^ 646-2482 STANOZIKX, fl7»7'7'f i OHNMOIIOmHUilSOli mSPM (SIDIUS»IU«0«ltllSPM Vacations, Pay Bonuses, our ■OUAL HOUaiNQ OPKIITUWTV DILLON SALL-S A SERVICE tNCORPOnATED InsUnt Pay Plan. CGS Ser- 285 Broad 8t Manchester 301-315 CENTER ST., MMiblKSTER ices, 111 Pearl St FORD ti>: MAIN ‘ - I’AGE TWENTY-TWO - EVENING HERALD. Wed.. Ma.v 23. 1979 EVENING HERALD, Wed., May 23, 1979 - PAGE TWENTY-THRRi;! Frank and Ernest ***\ Ptanuts — Charlaa M. Schulz

PHARMACY S0ME80 PY GET IT.' X60Trr/l60TIT/ P0N'TSAYWVE60T IN m HUMBLE ' Dear Abby SOMBBOPY6ETIT! IT UNLESS WU'RE, OPINION,I THINK, ACROSS DOWN Answer to Previous Puzzle AB^Uin-ELY, t h i s I'VE T IT...^ PRE-MEMORIAL DAY 5UREWVE60TIT! 60 1 Baksheesh 1 Complete - y — 4 Asrdwolf I n ~ i M E D I C I N E W i L l . By Abigail Van Buren 2 Barometer - y - 9 Comedian line rr Conway 3 False (prefix) Y O U , ------12 CIA 4 Borders predecessor 5 Truly ' viM f- N 0 8 0 0 Y t - u ^ s E v e r 13 Macabre 6 Sin 14 Compass 7 Zero c o m b b a c k p o p A / point 8 Vast period of 15 Foot part time 16 Actress Pantie Puzzle 9 Disease S e c o n d Bo t t l e . SALE Thomas carrying fly 1m V £ $ 5-lJ 17 Period Priscilla’s Pop — Ed Sullivan 16 Is next to 10 Middle — His or Hers? Eastern nation 44 Kind of 20 Brazilian port Fleming JEN NV LU, A R E SO U , / \WHAT PO SOU PO OH, I LOOK ' -ANP WHEN I 11 Dinners 22 Load 32 Humbug automobile vJEAUXJS OF YlWENSOUSEE .FOR AWHILE' GET TIREP, I PUT 19 Most anger- Autos For Sale 61 A u to s For Sale 61 23 It is (contr.) 35 Mildest 46 Safecracker OTHER AN UNUSUALLV /AS> /WRROR , 26 Employs prone 36 Gnomelike 47 American Western Style By Abigail Van Buren G IR L S ? , PRETTV QRL?> TOWN. 27 Most » 21 With browned 38 Show-me Indians 1965 PLYMOUTH FURY- 1974 DODGE WAGON- e 1D7D by cnicigo Ttlbun*N.Y. N iM Synd. Inc. optimistic covering (2 50 Baseballer Oi- Runs but needs work. Best HUGE DISCOUNTS state (abbr.) 29 Coagulate Automatic, air conditioning, wds.) 39 Avoid as Maggio offer. Call 633-8258. 30 Process power steering, power brakes. 23 Tightens hurtful 51 Infinity of leather 53,500 mites. $1400. 646-6145 24 Part of to be 40 Widen time WE PAY TOP PRICES for DEAR ABBY: SUSIE IN SPOKANE found a pair of silk 31 Gridder after 5:30 p.m. 25 Impassive 52 Time zone Wrecked and junk cars. A & B panties in her husband's pickup truck and would like to meet Jim m y__ 41 Singer Reddy 26 Author (abbr.) Auto Salvage, used auto parts. 1968 CHRYSLER NEWPORT- the chick who's fooling around with him. 33 Those in Call Tonv 646-6223. What makes her so sure it's a chick? Maybe it's a rooster. office 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 door, excellent condition. 34 Hawaiian 1971 VOLVO 1425 2 Dr. Susie's husband could be macho-atraight when he's with her, 12 13 Best offer dver $350.00. Call volcano, 14 One owner. 4 speed, radio. 742-7459. but a transvestite who enjoys fondling feminine underthings Exceptionally Clean Test SAVE M a u n a _____ IS 18 17 now and then, either alone or in the company of another Drive Soon. rooster. 35 Bind closely FORD - 1973 GRAN TORINO. 1974 PONTAIC VENTURA - 2 18 19 20 21 door. Good' condition. 37 Sent forth Excellent condition. Must JOE IN CHESTER, PA. 41 Pork type (pi.) •1795 22 23 24 25 26 sell. $1200. 643-8422. Automatic. AM fadio. Price 42 Turf 1976 TOYOTA COROLLA negotiable. Call ’Connie 289- UPTO DEAR JOE: Rooster or chick—it's a fowl situation. Captarn Easy — Crooks & Lawrence 27 43 Osiris' wife 28 29 2 Or., mahogany finish, one 1973 TORINO - 302. Runs 2731, 8 to 5. EXOISB ME FOR BORROWINe 45 Hollow owner. 4 speed. AM-FM, radlals. excellent. Must sell, DEAR ABBY: 1 have a divorced daughter who has been BA&y BINDS THB CREW eiRU’6 30 31 32 Tnrifty! WRI5T5 WITH HER OWN PELT- . YOUR NECKBKCHIEFl , 47 Close relative sacrificing! Any reasonable 1969 TOYOTO- Running condi­ living with her lover. She's 35 and self-supporting, so I 48 Aloha symbol tion. Needs some work. Call 33 34 offer over $1650. Call after can't tell her how to live. However, I am deeply concerned I KNOW ^ 49 Expel •3195 after 4 p.m., 646-8027. YOU’VE e o r 3:30 p.m., 649-1150. 528-6063. over the fact that my three grandchildren (3. 5, and 7) who 53 Auxiliary verb 35 38 37 38 39 40 1976 CHEVETTE 2 Dr. LOADS TO TELL live with their mother, are very much aware of the situation 54 Snaky letter 1969 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS ME, SW E E T IE -, 41 42 The Scooter Model. 4 speed, 1974 DATSUN 260 Z- Air. since they frequently crawl into bed with themi 55 Long-necked 43 44 radio. Real gas miser! AM FM 8 track, 4 speed. S CONVERTIBLE - Excellent bird running condition. $375. Call I know that this sort of thing is not uncommon these days, 45 46 47 Excellent condition! $4000 or M . 0 0 0 56 Greek letter but I feel that the children will be very much confused as to •2695 best offer. 649-4182. 684-2847. 48 46 SO 51 what is the right way to live when the time comes to tell 57 Indefinite in 52 53 order 1975 MUSTANG S4 The Sharp Qhia model. Snappy 1967 MUSTANG- Runs well. 1978 PLYMOUTH VOLARE - them about life, sex, etc. 58 Men 55 56 V>6, auto, trans., p/steering, Station wagon. 4 new radial How can a mother tell her 12- or 13-year-old daughter that New tires. Standard 4 speed, 8 59 Skin tumor 5/ 58 59 radlals. None sharper! cylinder. $550. Call 649-5873. tires, shocks and brakes. Call this is wrong, when slje is doing it? 646-4644. ^ CONCERNEDPARENT •2 •3395 1973 FORD COUNTRY 1973 FORD SQUIRE- Air conditioning. PHOTO-GUIDE 19T5 BUCK CENTURY 19T7 BUCK LESABRE CPE. DEAR PARENT: Obviously, your daughter doesn't con­ PATTERN Qreen LTD. 4 door, 6 cyl., auto, Power steering, brakes, and sider her lifestyle ‘Nvrong,” or she wouldn't openly practice trans., p/ateering, factory air. windows. AM/FM stereo. 1971 CHRYSLER 6 passenger Sm. V-8, auto., P.S., P.B., A/C, low V-6, auto., P.S., P.B., A/C, 29,000 mi. it in the presence of her children. Win at bridge Above average mileage but clean, Very good condition! $1195. Town and Country Station Alley Oop — Dave Graue excellent running! 646-1736. Wagon. Low mileage, 8200 mileage. One owner. DEAR ABBY: I used to get upset because my husband LOOK.OOPf HERE YIPPEE/ NOW UH-UH, NOT YET/ I DUNNO-MEBBE ALL •1295 excdlent condition. Loaded. Small forgot birthdays and anniversaries until I recalled how my 1972 PONTIAC CATALINA - Power steering, brakes. Dual father used to go out with the boys on Saturday night, come O D M f e T H ' WE CAN EAT.' FIRST I GOTTA HOW N. THIS FUSS OVER 'IM Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag 1976 PLYMOUTH Beige, black vinyl top. 6 Modium MAKE A SPEECH COME OOP'S) HAS MADE TH' air. front and rear. Etc. Lorg* I home in a cab, broke, drunk and ready to fight at 3 in the Smart brown Volare 2 Or. with tan Micnelin tires. New brakes, TEUUN' TH' FOLKS regular gas. $1400 firm. 643- Reg. Price Reg. Price SALE morning. HOW G R E A T ^ ------' , ...... 'A vinyl roof. 6 cyl., auto, trans., extras. Very good condition. m i. SALE p/sleering. $995. Call 643-7245. Dad was a wonderful, attractive, smart man, but he just Y'ARE/ I ^ ueEESH!^ plate? Weak defense scores high Sew a handsome west­ $2895 PRICE $4595 PRICE couldn't handle his liquor. Eventually he lost his job, then Trucks tor Sale 62 one will play at a low part •3095 CHRYSLER CORDOBA 1977- ern-style shirt for the his self-respect. From then on, it was downhill all the way. *2595 NORTH 5-23 score and probably make it man in your life. Nice So now I rate my husband five stars for coming home 1973 COUGAR XR HT 'Medallion Edition.” Mint 1977 DODGE SPORTSMAN for gift-giving. ♦ K J 9 2 or go down a trick or possi­ Another yellow beauty. A/trana., Condition! Air, electric win­ window van. Excellent condi­ No. 8200 with Photo- sober every night. V K Q 10 6 bly two. At this one table p/steerIng, fac. air. This car must dows, power steering and tion. Very low mileage. Cap­ Guide is in Sizes Small, Four stars for fidelity. ♦ Q 10 9 North, who liked to open the be seen & driven. Absolute QemI brakes, automatic, lean-burn tains chairs. Stereo and Medium or Large. Medi­ 1976 FORD MAVERICK 1978 MERCURY MONARCH Three stars for paying the bills. ♦ J 9 bidding and never bid a four- engine, valour upholstery. cassette. Radials. 429-9461. um, (15-15%) 2% yards Two stars for being a good father to our kids. WEST EAST card major, opened one dia­ •2695 Firm price $3650. 646-0299 45-inch, 4 Dr. Sedan, 6 cyl., A.T., P.S., P.R., 4 Dr. Sedan. 6 cyl., auto., P.S., P.B., One star for working harder than he'd have had to work if ♦ A43 ♦Q 10 87S mond. South didn’t know 1974 CAMARO evenings. 1977 CHEVY 1/2 TON Pattema available only he had stayed single. VA854 WJ97 exactly what to do and just Stunning green, 8 cyl., auto, PICKUP- Customized. Asking in sizes shown. Air Conditioning and More. AM-FM radio, radial tires. And minus one star for forgetting occasions like anniver­ ♦ J 8 6 3 ♦ A2 raised to two. trans., p/steerIng. A real eye TO ORDER, tend SI.0D for Mcli ♦ A 8 ♦ 10 5 3 $4500 or best offer. Call 647- attern, plus 29C fur poitaRS ind saries and birthdays. Now West, a free spirit, catcher In top shape! 9261 before noon, or after 6 Bundllni. So my man still gets 14 stars. Not bad, huh? SOUTH elected to compete with a S9QQI« 1966 CHEVELLE p.m. SUE BURNETT NO COMPLAINTS The Flintatonea — Hanna Barbara Productions ♦ 6 takeout double. East re­ Minclwtftr Evening Herald ¥ 3 2 CONVERTIBLE - Automatic. 1150 Ave. of Amerlces sponded with two spades and 1972 CADILLAC Motorcycles-BIcycles 64 Reg. Price SALE Reg. Price SALE I'D LIKE ♦ K754 ^uth bid his six-card club 8 cylinder. $650. Call 646-1142 New York, N.Y. 1003D DEAR NO COMPLAINTS: Not bad if you’re into TO TAKE ♦ KQ7M2 Nice Coupe DeVllle with full before noon. aitrology. suit. When this got back to power options. Fac. air - ride - MOTORCYCLE Print Name. Rddresa wltti ZIP $2725 PRICE $4500 PRICE ADVANTAGE Vulnerable: North-South East he went to three CODE, Style Number and Slie, 4 ^ penormance. BANK REPOSSESSIONS INSURANCE- Lowest Rates *2595 OF VOUR Dealer: North spades. North wanted to FASHION '79 is filled *4395 FOR SALE - 1975 Oldsmobile Available! Immediate Bin­ It yoa need help In writing letters of sympathy, eon- OFFER/ double, but he got no chance. •1495 ding. Sunny Day Option. Call with many lovely designs. West North Elaat South South went to four clubs and Vista Cruiser Station Wagon, Also 2 BONUS Coupons! gratnfttfona *r thniik-you lettera, get Abby's booklet "How Pass 24 1973 WAGONEER Joan, 643-1126. to West doubled. needs body work $2100; 1973 Price . . . $2.00 a copy. Writo Letten for all Oecaitoaf.'’ Send t l and a long, Dbi. Pass 2 ¥ 3¥ Blue 6 cyl., 4 wheel drive, .Ford Country Sedan Station lUmped (28 cental, aelf-addroiiod envelope to Abby: 132 Pass Pass 34 44 He had an interesting rea­ Add $2.00 for the New 1975 PONTIAC LEMANS son for this double. He was p/steerIng. (ac. air., auto, trans. Wagon $900; 1972 Ford FO R COMPETITIVE 1978 BUICK LESABRE Laslv Dr,, Beverly HiUe, Calif. 90212 Dbl. Pass Pass Pas Very clean! Maverick $900; 1970 Chevrolet MOTORCYCLE SUCCESS IN SEWING. looking at three aces and he Malibu $700; 1970 Chrysler INSURANCE- Call the 2 Dr. HT, V-8, auto., P.S., P.B., 46,000 thought that his partner •2995 New Yorker $650. The above experts at Crockett Agency, 2 Dr. Cpe., V-8, landau roof, air con­ Opening lead: #3 would have just one dia­ 1974 HONDA may be seen at the Savings 643-1577, ask for Marilyn or miles, one owner. ditioned, low mileage. mond. Therefore, he led the Civic 2 Door. 4 speed, radio, thrIN Bank of Manchester, Mam Judy. Motorcycles-BIcycles ■ 64 three of diamonds. ''. Must be seen! Street, Manchester. East produced the ace 1978 MOTOBECANE- Like SCHWINN 1978 BMX much to West’s happy •2195 1977 FORD PINTO new, 200 miles. $400 firm. Call BICYCLE. Excellent condi­ Astrograph surprise and promptly led RUNABOUT- Excellent con­ 643-5193. tion. Electro-forged frame, 36 Reg. Price SALE By Oswald Jacoby the suit back. West was then Reg. Price The Born Loaar — Art Sansom and Alan Sontag SUBURBAN dition. Plus extras! Asking whole spoking heavy duty able to collect tricks with his $2350. Call 289-6617 after 5 1978 HONDA 750 F VETTER rims, forged steel front forks. $2925 PRICE $5300 common sense before lending own three aces and give When a hand is played a East a diamond ruff to come MOTOR CAR INC. ).m. FAIRING. Excellent condi­ Best offer. Call after 5:30,643- anything of value to one who Is couple of hundred thousand m 83 (Maneheetef- tion. Call 649-5506, careless with his or her own out with pius 300 on a non­ Talcottville Line) 5278. Cfour times it is almost impossible 1970 NOVA - Parts for sale. 6 possessions. vBRurus?/ descript sort of hand. 648-2076 to get a complete top or (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) ylinder. Body in good condi- - ^Birthday SC O R P IO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) You bottom score. Nevertheless, Open 8 to 8 lion. Good tires. Extra parts. / 1974 FORD ELITE 1977 COUGAR XR7 will not appreciate having your we are going to show a Call after 5 PM. 528-3294. | Independence tampered with ..T.iini»uAAM.ok. “I knew there was a catch to i t ... Two weeks on a tropical island for $6 a dayl" PAGE TWENTY-FOUR - EVENING HERALD. Wed.. toy MJW 9 Business CNG Rates Going Up HARTFORD (DPI) — Connecticut early next week. Natural Gas Co.'s fleeting the increase CNG had asked for an 11.6 percent hike which could be cmplted by early next which would have increased its revenues week, by $9.3 million. CNG had askd for arf 11.6 preent hike The DPUC decision, approved by a 3-1 which would have increasede increase hearing panel vote, allow ^ CNG a higher taking effect possibly by the. beginning of return on equity but rejected the com­ next week. pany's request for a 7.7 percent inflation But if the lack of consumer outcries at allowance. public hearings is an accurate reflection During hearings on the increase only six FANTASTIC The microwave oven — that symbol of quick, easy meals for busy people — can of how customers feel about rate in­ persons showed up to discuss the request do more than heat leftovers. People who love to entertain have discovered new-found creases. CNG apparently had the public's and none spoke against it. Northeast freedom with microcooking. Whether it's an informal brunch or an elegant dinner blc.ssings in seeking the higher rates. Utilities’ pending request fot a record party, the microwave can help you entertain on a moment's notice. The Division of Public Utilities Control $131.2 million increase in gas and elctrici- - as the Public Utilities Control Authority ty rates has drawn sharp protest from ANNIVERSARY EVENT Impromptu get-togethers and drop-in gOests can be a welcomed surprise, offer­ is now known — approved the rate in­ consumer groups and the state’s con­ ing you a chance to try interesting variations on popular recipes. The Kraft Kitchens crease Monday while at the same time sumer counsel. suggest adding cubes of cream cheese for Savory Scrambled Eggs. Serve with bacon scolded the utility for not promoting con­ In its 51-page ruling Monday the DPUC and tasty Pumpkin Muffins for a distinctive weekend brunch. Microcook a delectable servation efforts enough. criticized CNG for not having a written dinner entrde of Herb Sauced Fish in a monterey jack cheese sauce. Ratatouille LAST 3 DAYS SAU ENDS SATURDAVI Pyrenees Is an ideal vegetable complement. II you have any left, keep covered in the The 4.8 percent rate hike will take effect policy on how it could save energy in its after the utility returns to the DPUC for office or in the use of gasoline by its refrigerator. It will provide a delicious cold appetizer or snack for several days. For dessert, treat your company to Creamy Mallow Cheesecake made with marshmallows approval of a new rate schedule reflecting vehicles. OUR SIFT TO YOUSAH BREEN STAIRPSi and a hint of lemon. the increase which could be completed by Landgrebe Gets Hughs Award FREE WITHEVERY PURCHASE EAST HARTFORD - The American Washington, D.C. Helicopter Society has awarded Anton J. Landgrebe joined the Research Center 1 MAYIAG @ S A N Y O Landgrebe of United Technologies in 1959 and is the author of more than 20 0 Pumpkin Muffins Research Center the 1979.Howard Hughes publicatioaa,^ helicopter rotor Award for his contributions to fundamen­ aerodynamics an3" design. 1-1/2 cups flour 1 egg, slightly beaten tal helicopter technology. He received his bachelor’s degree in ^ i/77-n ., KitchenAld 1/2 cup sugar 1 cup canned pumpkin Landgrebe. who is supervisor of rotary aeronautical engineering from New York 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/3 cup Squeeze Parkay margarine wing technology at UTRC, was selected University in 1959 and a master’s degree ‘-00*19N 3/4 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 cup milk for the award fob his "contributions to the in engineering science from Rensselaer EMERSON CARRIER 3/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup raisins understanding of helicopter rotor Plytechnic Institute in 1966. MAGIC Combine dry ingredients. Add remaining ingredients; mix well. Line plastic aerodynamics and wake phenomena.” He He and his family are residents of South Q uasar chef IT S A SONY” muffin tray or custard cups with paper liners. Spoon batter into six cups, received the award at the Helicopter Windsor. ^FISHER SyiVANIA filling each cup 1/2 full. Microcook 3 to 5 minutes or until Society's 35th annual forum in tops are set, turning once each minute. Remove muffins from tray or cups immediately. Cool on wire rack. 8&H BONUS S&H BONUS Repeat with remaining batter. Lydall Pension Administrator 1000 STAMPS 2500 STAMPS Approximately 1 dozen MANCHESTER - Terri A. Ellington ty of Connecticut. She and her husband 1500 STAMPS To Reheat: MIorocook on paper towel until QUASAR hot using the following times as guide­ has been promoted to corporate pension David live in Mansfield Depot. WHIRLPOOL GE DRYER administrator of Lydall Inc. Lydall Inc. is a $102 million diversified 25" lines. Serve Immediately. Ms. Ellington has been with Lydall since manufacturer of products for industry AUTOMATIC AUTOMATIC 1 muffin — 10 to 15 seconds 1977 and was previously employed by the which include engineered fiber materials; COLOR 2 muffins — 20 to 25 seconds New England Research Application metal, plastic, elastomeric and fil^r com­ 2-SPEED SD w ith sen s o r ! I 3 muffins — 25 to 30 seconds Center at the University of Connecticut. ponents; specialized packaging and MULTI-CYCLE T.V. Tip: Some muffins may be done before others. If so, remove; continue micro- Ms. Ellington has a bachelor’s degree in material-handling systems. CONTROL cooking remaining muffins a few seconds. rehabilitation services from the Universi­ WASHER Warranty Heads Association FREE 1 Yr. Sarvict, (Savorj (Scrambled Eggs HARTFORD — Leo J. Bond was installed as president parta A labor of the Connecticut Association of Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling contractors at its annual state convention held 1 tablespoon Parkay margarine 1 3-oz. pkg. Philadelphia Brand recently. 6 eggs cream cheese, cubed Bond will head the Connecticut delegation to the S&HBONUS S&HBONUS S&H BONUS 1/3 cup mllK Salt and pepper National Association of Plumbing, Heating-Cooling Con­ 1600 S T A M P S ' -1800 STAMPS Microcook margarine in 1-1/2-quart casserole 30 seconds or until melted. tractors convention to be held in June in Philadelphia, 1700 STAMPS K Iic h e n A id Add eggs and milk; mix well. Add cream cheese. Cover; microcook 3-1/2 Pa. — ^1 GE rrWWESTINGHOUSE | to 4 minutes or until eggs are almost set, stirring after 2 minutes. Stir; let Bond proposed to stress a program of seminars and MYSAVER iib h stand, covered, 2 minutes before serving. Season to taste. 4 servings workshops at the assocition’s monthly meetings to help REFRIGERATOR FREEZER members enhance their knowledge of the latest plumbing WASHER 455 lb. cap. Variations: Add chopped parsley, chives, green onion slices or crisply and heating technology and products. ^ 2 DR. cooked bacon, crumbled, to eggs with cream cheese. Bond has been in the plumbing and heating business in 14 CU. FT. ~ load-As- Omit cream cheese. Microcook eggs as directed until almost the Hartford area for more than 30 years. He is a past, You-Like FREE --set. Add 1/2 cup (2 ozs.) shredded-Kraft sharp natural Cheddar president of the Hartford County Plumbing and Cooling AUTO-DEFROST FOOD INSURANCE * or Casino monterey jack cheese. Coritinue as directed. Contractors Association of Columbus and Elks Club. He is also a commissioner of the East Hartford Housing Authority, a member of the Democratic Town Com­ mittee, and vice chairman of the Second District. Bonds’s son and business associate recently earned his FRONT PANEL OPTIONAL contractor’s P-1 license, making him one of the youngest Leo J. Bond master plumbers in the state. S&HBONUS S&H BONUS S&HBONUS Woolworth Buys in State 1700 STAMPS* 1400 STAMPS 350 STAMPS Creamy Mallow C heesecake GE DELUXE NEW YORK - A record $17,894,000 and the 274 Woolco stores in the United RCA 12" BLACK & WHITE 1/4 cup Parkay margarine 2 8-oz. pkgs. Philadelphia Brand worth of Connecticut products were States. AUTOMATIC CLOCK PORTABLE T.V. 1 cup vanilla wafer crumbs cream cheese purchased by the F.W. Woolworth Co. “Purchases in Connecticut are expected 13" COLOR T.V. 2 tablespoons lemon juice during 1978, the company’s Northeastern to increase during 1979 because of CONTROLLED 100% Solid Bute 4 cups Kraft miniature marsh- 2 teaspoons grated lemon rind regional office announced. Woolworth’s continuing program of • 100% Solid k'' Limit mallows 1 teaspoon vanilla Edward Carter, regional vice president expansion and an anticipated increase in SELF CLEANING Slalt 1 por family 1/3 cup milk 1 cup heavy cream, whipped •AFT of Woolworth, which is observing its 100th consumer spending,” he said. Microcook margarine in small bowl 45 seconds or until melted. Blend in l«LOW POW ER 1 anniversary, explained that the products OVEN RANGE crumbs; reserve 1/4 cup for topping. Press remaining crumb mixture onto Woolworth employs approximately 1,029 CONSUMPTION came from small and large Connecticut persons in its Connecticut operations and bottom of 9-inch springform pan. companies that employ thousands of per­ last year paid the state $3,263,000 in taxes. Combine marshmallows and milk in large bowl; toss to coat marshmallows sons in manufacturing and distribution. The company has 1,225 shareholders with milk. Miorooook 1 to 1-1/2 minutes or until smooth when stirred, stir­ The dollar total does not include throughout the state. ring every 30 seconds. Chill until slightly thickened. Mix until well blended. perishable food and horticultural items Miorooook cream cheese in bowl 30 to 45 seconds or until soft. Add lemon that the company purchases for its stores Attorney Appointed juice, rind and vanilla, mixing at medium speed on electric mixer until well from local sources, he said. VERNON — Attorney Katherine Y. blended. Beat in marshmallow mixture; fold in whipped cream. Pour over “The products purchased were sold in Hutchinson, who has law offices in Ver­ S&H BONUS S&H BONUS crust; sprinkle with reserved crumb mixture. Chill, Garnish with mandarin S&HBONUS orange segments, strawberry halves or peach slices, if desired. the 16 Woolworth and five Woolco depart­ non, has been installed as treasurer of the CHEST A UPRIGHT 1500 STAMPS 2500 STAMPS ment stores located in various sections of Connecticut Bar Association. FREEZERS Connecticut and in some or all of the 1,458 She was installed at the recent annual FRIGIDAIRE RCA XL-100 Woolworth stores located in the United dinner of the association and will take of­ Q.E. Datatouille Pyrenees States, Puerto Ricd and the Virgin Islands fice on July 1. WESTINQHOUSE 25" COLOR T.V. FRIQIDAIRE 30" 2 medium zucchini, sliced 1 green pepper, cut into strips WHIRLPOOL 100% Solid State ELECTRIC 1 medium eggplant, peeled, cubed 3/4 cup Catalina French dressing Family Stead SIgnalock 1 medium onion, sliced 1 pt. cherry tomatoes, halved Fraazara , RANGE Electronic Tuning Elected at Hartford PR ICED FROM .„nu»,..F»COOKMA8TER blor Trak Combine ingredients except tomatoes in 3-quart casserole; mix lightly. Cover; microcook 12 to 14 minutes or until vegetables are crisp-tender, HARTFORD — Foster R. Drury of Manchester has r8Ef^''.!lSoO^ CONTROLS •TIMED COOKINO stirring alter 5 minutes. Add tomatoes. Cover; microcook 2 to 3 minutes or been elected an assistant vice president of Hartford Life until hot. Serve hot or cold. 10 to 12 servings and Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Companies of Ratatouille will keep in the refrigerator, covered, for several days and is The Hartford Insurance Group. plua 8SH Slampa delicious served cold. He is responsible for group sales activities in all five of 1 ^ ^ 2 8 8 the group department sales areas. In addition, he has responsibility for recruiting, supervision of field training, and maintenance of large risks. He is a 1961 graduate of Herb (Sauced Fish Williams College. SIHBONUS I S&H BONUS S&HBONUS 1/4 cup celery slices Dash of pepper Drury joined The Hartford in 1970 as manager, group 1/4 cup chopped onion 1-1/4 cups milk sales, in the Syracuse regional office. He was promoted DEHUMIDIFIERS 1500 STAMPS 2200 STAMPS 3 tablespoons Parkay margarine 1 cup (4 ozs.) shredded Casino to zone manager in 1971, field director, group sales, in AIR CONDITIONERS 3 tablespoons flour brand natural monterey jack 1975, and was elected assistant director of sales in 1OT6. FAMOUS BRAND FRHRDAtRE 1/4 teaspoon salt cheese The Hartford Insurance Group is one of the nation’s G.L 19’’ COLOR TV REFRIGERATOR 1/4 teaspoon tarragon leaves, crushed 1 lb. fish fillets oldest and largest multi-line insurance operations. WESTHGHOUSE 100% So lid Slats 17 C U . fl Microcook vegetables and margarine in 2-quarl casserole 4 to 5 minutes or Founded in 1810, it employs more than 18,000 persons in until vegetables are tender, stirring after 2 minutes. Blend in flour and sea­ Foster R. Drury 350 offices across the naiton. EMERSON 2 D R . sonings. Gradually add milk, stirring constantly. Cover; microcook 4 to 5 DELUXE minutes or until .sauce boils and thickens, stirring once each minute. Add GARRER cheese; stir until melted. Arrange fillets in 11-3/4 x 7-1/2-inch baking dish; To Manage Research Center FROST FREE top with cheese sauce. CoveT; microcook 4-1/2 minutes, turning alter 2 AM GONOmONERS minutes. Let stand, covered, 2 to 3 minutes before serving or until fish flakes EAST HARTFORD - Francis R. Preli dard division as a project engineer. aalowaiHOS** aalawaa*148** easily with fork. 4 servings has been appointed to the new position of He holds a bachelor’s degree in elec­ Variation: Add 1 tablespoon sherry to cheese sauce. manager, research marketing for United trical engineering from the University of piiM S&H StAMPSI Technologies Research Center. Connecticut, and is a member of the Tau Preli will have responsibility for direc­ Beta Pi and Eta Kappa Nu engineering FREEI SERVICE • LOCAL DELIVERY •REMOVAL OF OLD APPLIANCE These and over 35 other recipes are featured in "Microwave Cookery From Kraft." The booklet also contains a helpful introduction on microwave ting the marketing activities of the honor societies. He is a resident of East “IF YOU HAVE A MASTER CHAROB, Research Center’s engineering research, Hartford. cooking and a number of quick-to-fix food ideas and tips. For a free copy write: Microwave Cookery from Kraft energy research, materials technology, AMERICAN EXPRESS, CARTE wssimn. electro-magnetics and physics, and EXIT Department FE Legal Secretaries OR DINERS CLUS CARO, engineering operations departments. At P.O. Box 5955 OOALIFY POR He also will coordinate the marketing HARTFORD — The Greater Hartford 443^8 NASTFOMMIO. 1 / 1 / MANCHESTfR, Chicago, Illinois 60677 efforts of the industrial laser department Legal Secretaries Association will meet CWOIT® ISSTANT COMBI OF Mens ST.-B0 OF U O tP I . and the Optics and Applied Technology May 30 at the Hotel Sonesta. Fro# Sorvico t Local Oelivary A social hour at 5:30 p.m. will precede THE PEOPU WHO IM M YOU a s m Laboratory, the latter located in West ,No Extra Chargoa UIW FPJCES & FERIOIIAL SIRffICE MW., TWIjl. i m. Palm Beacji, Fla. the dinner. Preli joined the Research Center’s The program will consist of installation program development staff in 1961 after of officers, a raffle prize drawing, and a 6 4 7 - 9 9 9 7 TMi.«M.fli5 nine years with United’s Hamilton Stan- round-table discussion. ( U n IM I MEIIMU. MV PAGE TWENTY-SIX - EVENING HERALD, Wed., May 23, 1978 F.VENING HERALD, Wed., May 23, 1979 — PAGE TWENTY-SEVEN

Pan-fried Trout Fillets Special Vitamin Supplement for Drinkers \ MICHAEL CONLON But, the FDA researcher Dearborn’s product has'a C and B capsules at just critics contend they are not are not likely to get in any for nutritional imbalance. plied use of alcohol is for­ NEW VORK (UPI) - Clarifipd butter or oil for butter ahead of time, flour. Place each one as added, “There’s nothing suggested retail price of over $2 for the same because nutrient needs trouble with a vitamin The company is current­ bidden in TV advertising. Chef Paul Prudhomme’s frying refrigerate it but let soften prepared into the hot fat ad ■i* WASHINGTON (UPI) - magic and nothing unique 35.95 for 60 capsules. The number.. vary with each individual. deficiency.” ly advertising its new Ahlman said the adver­ recipe for pan-fried trout Browned butter, lemon to spreading consistency at fry until golden brown. A California company about a C and B-complex FDA researcher suggested, , Replenish contains 1,667 Dr. Sidney Wolfe, head of He also questioned the product on radio stations tising has been cleared by fillets with pecan butter juice and chopped fresh mealtime. Remove from heat and expects to have nationwide vitamin pill.” the same nutrients in lower percent of the RDA of Ralph Nader's Health need for more than the and in print media. Ahlman the c o m p an y ’s s ta ff can also be made with parsley for garnish Season the fillets (or turn each immediately and distribution by the end of He also questioned the doses could probably be thiamine. The company research Group, agrees “normal amount” of any said the firm will ask the lawyers, and there has whole trout. Roast pecans in a single whole trout) lightly with carefully with a spatula to summer of a new vitamin need for more than normal bought fo $2 per hundred. says it set the levels thiamine deficiency is a vitamin. National Association of been “ absolutely no For 6 servings; layer in a shallow pan in a salt, pepper and granular avoid breaking. Place the pill for people who drink. potency. A vitamin pill that A check with one drug because it felt they were major problem with heavy Ahlman said his comp- Broadcaster to clear the problem” with either the About 1 cup pecans, preheated 375 degree F garlic. Place enough sklllet(s) at once on th e ' The once-a-day high provides just the store in Washington, D.C., needed by. persons using drinkers and alcoholics. nay believes “there is need product for television FDA, which regulates ef­ roasted oven 5-10 minutes, or until clarified butter or. light center rack of a preheated potency pill consists of recommended daily showed a B-compIex and C the product. The whole But he said those who “eat in the market” for its promotion to calm any ficacy claims for drugs, or 1/4 cup cold butter, lightly browned; stir oc­ cooking o il' in a heavy 375 degree oven, and water-soluble C and B- allowance should be capsule containing the nor­ RDA question is a matter a good diet in addition to product because moderate fears stations might have the Federal Trade Com­ preferably unsalted casionally. Let cool. skillet with an ovenproof bake about 5 minutes, or complbx vitamins. The enough, he said, and would mal RDA selling for just of debate. Defenders say drinking, as someone with to heavy drinkers have not that advertising it implies mission, which regulates 1 tablespoon lemon juice Measure out 1/2 cup of handle to come to the tops until the undersides are mmufacturer says havey probably cost less. under $5 per 100, and other the levels are accurate and enough money might do. been aware of the potential the use of alcohol. The im- advertising. 1 teaspoon roasted pecans for the of the fillets or whole fish golden brown and crisp. (tinkers fend to develop butter and chop the without running over. The Remove, drain quickly on deficiencies in these M PICK UP YOUR VALUE PACKED CIRCULAR Worcestershire sauce ALL FOOD MART STORES OPEN SUNDAY 9 A.M. TO 4 P • IV I . IN THE STORE. WHILE SUPPLY LASTS! 6 trout fillets, 1-1 remainder coarsely for skillet should be large paper towels and place on nutrients because of poor l/2inches thick and 4-5 in­ garnish. enough to hold the fish in a serving plates. Spread eating habits and increased ches long Place the 1/2 cup of single layer without each fillet or fish with urination.. Salt, pepper and pecan halves in an electric overlapping. If necessary, pecan butter about as Bob Ahlman, vice presi­ Outdoor Eatin’-Time Again! granular garlic to taste blender or food processor use two skillets, and have thickly as you would butter dent for marketing at 1 cup flour mixed well fitted with the chopping fat very hot before adding bread; sprinkle with the Dearborn Pharmaceu^cal with 1 teaspoon salt, 1/2 blade. Add the 1/4 cup of fish. reserved chopped roasted Co., Chatworth, Calif.,/said WALDBAUM'S We're the fresh teaspoon ground black cold butter, 1 tablespoon of Dip one fillet or whole pecans, a little browned the firm test marketed the pepper and 1/4 teaspoon lemon juice and the fish at a time into the butter, a drop or two of product. Replenish,' last produce experts.. Worcestershire sauce. lemon juice and some year in Denver, Colo.’ and granular garlic seasoned flour, then into It's that "just-picked" 2 eggs, lightly beaten Blend to a puree, using on- the egg-milk mixture and chopped fresh parsley. Champaign, III. freshness that makes the big with 1 CUD milk off motion. If you make the again into the seasoned Serve at once. “It was widely Food M a rt difference and wait 'til you see accepted,” Ahlman said. the variety! You just owe it to KREME LEMON CHOCOLATE HONEY DIPPED OLD FASHIONED “We hoped to get 4 to 6 per­ yourself to come in this week and find out what a pleasure It Or cent of the market but we picked up as much as 12 is to "Pick-Your-Own" from percent in Denver.” Sale Starts Sunday, May 20 thru the largest variety of bulk produce in town! 1,1 1 2 ,3 4 5 * WINNERS He added that the pill is Sunday, May 27. not really intended for oc­ casional drinkers. LAST YEAR. “The individual we’re Coca Prince Waldbaum^s N.Y. Style Deli! after is the 25 to 45-year- FRESH FLORIDA Michael Haberern and Irene Bissett, Citizens Week at the Senior Citizens Center in Elbow Wan til you feast your eyes on the wonderful variety of receive plaques naming them Mr. and Mrs. old executive — sales Cola sliced-to-order cold cuts galore . . freshly made Manchester. Awards are given for “time, ef­ THIS YEAR YOUR CHANCES executive, white collar salads . . and domestic & imported cheeses from our Senior Citizens from Carl Zinsser, a member fort and deep concern to fellow Senior 2 LITER. appetizer department! Just step up to our counter. .. worker — who leaves the Macaroni sample a little . .. and save a lot! It's like having your of the Manchester Board of Directors. Citizens and their programs.” (Herald photo ARE EVEN b e t t e r : house at 6:30 a.m. He com­ (67.6 0 2 .) B O TTLE 2 POUND BOX 'Watermelons own deli right around the corner! Presentation was made during Senior by Pinto) mutes an hour and half to Last year, we had a game that offered 3 ways to win. work, has a couple cups of IMPORTED tBiwktwBweasfwi LUNDY GOURMET This year, with our new Easy Dough game, there are coffee and a doughnut. 7 S * » 6 9 * Red Ripe COOKED JARLESBURG. 5 games to play. Which gives you 5 ways to win. ’Then he has a couple of SWISS Menus cocktails and a steak Dailey Relishes Viva Napkins HAM We’re offering over $1,000,000 in food and cash prizes. sandwich for lunch,” he & Juicy! CHEESE So play Easy Dough today. said. HOT DOG, SWEET or HAMBURG DEEPTONE or DESIGNER LARGE - FLORIDA LB. / SLICED TO ORDER Hebron gelatin with topping. Wednesday; Fish sticks "When it’s time to go 140 TEXAS SWEET JUMBO Vernon There’s no purchase necessary. The game is void where COUNT Friday; Chef’s choice. with tartar sauce, potato home, he waits until the PKG. Slicing Tomatoes • LB. j a i i i i B * LU. prohibited by law. It’s open to everyone Onions REO or SPANISH Elementary All Schools puffs, chilled peaches, roll traffic clears and has a GREAT FOR SALADS or HAMBURGS! Monday: Holiday. and butter. 16 years and older at participating couple more drinks. Then A LL VARIETIE«5 FRESH CRISP VIRGINIA STYLE - SLICED TO ORDER Tuesday: Roast beef, Coventry Monday: Holiday. Thursday: Pizza with at home he has a martini or Kraft Barbeque Sauces 59* Cooked (Slazed Ham lb *2.79 Tuesday: Tacoburger on Dunkin’ Donuts shops. FANNINGS LB, Red Radishes N Y SHARP mashed potato, green High & Hale meat sauce, topped with wine before dinner. He’s Cheddar Cheese *2.49 beans, peaches. roll, corn chips, salad, fruit The game ends June 30,1979. probably not eating a Bread & Butter Pickles ”*'« 53* NATIVE (MASS.) GREAT IN SALADS! Monday: Holiday. cheese, tossed salad, Wednesday: Hamburg cup. applesauce. balanced diet. So our 10 C O U N T Tuesday: Punch, tuna PKQ. 89* Slicing Provolone *1.99 Wednesday: Salisbury product should contribute Bes Pack Trash Bags Green Cucumbers Fresh Spinach pizza, garden salad, orange grinder, potato chips, Friday; Chef’s choice. »UMKiM®iASYOOU6H steak, onion gravy, mashed O O iiV T V SWAYS TO WIN QAMC to social well being.” FRESH CRISP GREEN Yankee Ambrosia *2.89 juice bars. waxed beans, strawberry irs WORTH 7H» Tm# CHICKEN of FRESH potato, green beans, bread An FDA vitamin expert, Thursday: Chicken-rice- or lemon fluff. Food Club the SEA LONG! Leaf Lettuce Long John Franks lb s-| 39 cheese bake, mixed and butter, chocolate cake. South Windsor] asked to comment on the i ™*1. Wednesday: Spaghetti ’Thursday: Juice, pizza, general question of vitamin Solid White vegetables, choice of fruit and meatballs, grated All Schools SODA German Bologna lb *1.99 dessert. applesauce, ice cream (all deficiency in drinkers, said cheese, Italian bread, Monday; Holiday. DIET S BEOULAR. Friday: Macaroni and schools except Middle). some persons do need TUNA Famous “ Driscoll” Brand green beans, chilled fruit Juice, turkey or salami Tuesday; American chop ASSORTED FLAVORS IN OIL OR WATER HEBREW NATIONAL LOX SALE! cheese, fish sticks, cole supplements — depending HAND SLICED cup. suey, salad, mixed ‘ n O Z . CANS 6.6 OZ. CAN slaw, pineapple crunch. grinders, potato chips, on how much they imbibe. Kosher Beef ALASKAN Thursday: Link sausage, vegetables, Italian bread applesauce (Middle). He said one B-complex Sweet Fresh California Rham applesauce, mashed Friday: Fishwich on roll, and butter. Salami'■Bologna e s • «* » tppf /aj . vitamin, thiamine, or B-1, % l B. H # Monday: Holiday. potatoes, buttered peas, Wednesday: Salisbury a M r y«M wtn . T “ tartar sauce, carrot and does frequently show up as B . ? i . 9 Franks Tuesday; Sloppy Joe on rye bread, chocolate chip HAND SLiCEO celery sticks, french fries, steak, whipped potato, a deficiency in heavy Knockwurst roll, rice, cole slaw, fruit. cookies. No lunch at the pears and cherry. gravy, corn, roll and Aluminum Foil Charcoal NOVA SCOTIA drinkers and “this is BRIQUETTES Wednesday: Roast beef-, high school due to in- butter. 2 STATE ST., HARTFOM) REYNOLD’S HEAVY DUTY Strawberries RTE S3; TDLCOTTVUE RD., probably due to poor diet.” 18"x2b’ ROLL TOPCO • 20 LB. BAG gravy, mashed potato, service day. ’Thursday: Pizza, salad, S 9 0 9 10S4 HUM ST., EAST HARTFORS O th e r B co m p lex lb. ^ I h • green beans, strawberry Friday; Juice, pizza, Glastonbury carrot sticks, ice cream SSO EIHLD ST., ENFILD PUNKINV ALL OF OUR vitamips are B-2, niacin, B- whip. cole slaw, fruit or cup or ice cream sandwich. 450 NEW RARK AVL, STRAWBERRIES ARE All Schools 22S S U S K M E MNNWSY, 6, pano'thibiic acid, folic SOLD BT THE POUND “Hot” Bagels aK ei1 2 ^ ° " * 1 .0 9 Thursday; Oven baked gelatin. Friday: Chef’s Day. WEST HARTFORD BRICK OVEN \ W HOLE on HALF ^ Monday: Holiday. m in iO S FILS h k w o r t h d i e tr i p u acid, and B-12. TO ASSURE THE chicken, mashed potato, Milk and choice of three FAIREST PRICE TO ALL Laroe White Fish *2.39 ’Tuesday: Hot dog in bun, ^Estimated figure. For further details, contact Marden-Kane. Inc. 666 Fifth finite.. N.Y.. N.Y. 10019. B&M Baked Pea Beans ?*°rf49* DOMESTIC . SLICED TO ORDER mixed vegetables, plums. Robertson & desserts with each meal. OF OUR CUSTOMERS french fries, -hot mixed Lean Roast Beef *3.59 Friday: Tuna salad, Life Cereal *1.09 CARANDO - SLICED TO ORDER vegetables, pudding. ^'-0 FASHIONED PLAIN POWDERED SUGAR RAISED JELLY BAVARIAN K R t^ 10V> OZ SQUEEZE BOTTLE macaroni salad, cole slaw, Grammar Produce Item of the Week! Genoa Salami *3.19 slice pickled beets, French Wednesday; Elbow Plochmann’s Mustard 33* FRESH LONG WEAVER - OVEN ROASTED bread, fruit mix. Monday: Holiday. macaroni with meat sauce, Turkey Breast tI orI?r *1.69 Tuesday: Punch, tuna salad greens, yeast roll, Green Scallions 5» BUNCHESM. Fresh Hfiod’s ConHiBt Food Mart Fresh S hrimo Salad Tresh" *3.19 grinder (Robertson) sloppy gelatin. WALDEN FARMS - ALL VARIETIES COLE SLAW. POTATO o r_ 12 OZ. Joe on roll (Grammar), Thursday: Tuna Grade W Large Macaroni Salads CHoicE LB 5 5 ' potato chips, wax beans,' sandwich on roll, potato Among the students in­ ICE Lo-Cal Dressing BOTTLE 89*' Alfalfa Sprouts Bolton strawberry or lemon fluff. chips, fruit cup, cookies. ducted into honorary U.S. FANCY "Washington State" - 2V." MIN. RED Wednesday: Spaghetti Friday: Pizza, tossed engineering societies at the CREAM EGOS Health & Beauty Aids! Elementary * and meat ball, grated salad, fruit. Milk is served ANatural University of Connecticut ASSORTED FLAVORS , BROWN or WHITE Delicious Apples 2 lbs 89*' 4 OZ. Agree Shampoo are: 'HALF GAaO|4 PKG. Toothpaste Monday: Holiday.- cheese, Italian bread, with all meals. Menus are BEAUTIFUL AQUA FRESH REGULAR niLY. BALSAM Rockville: Timothy Tuesday: Cook’s choice green beans, chilled fruit subject to change without 6.4 OZ. TUBE PROTEIN 8 OZ BOTTLE • Layman, 7 Adrian Ave. and Potted Geraniums POT M .49 a great way to top off your salads! day. cup. notice. (EXCEPT BERLIN & ROCKY HILL) Wednesday: Cold turkey ’Thursday; Link sausage, Brian Vincent, 36 David Ave., Tau Beta Pi and Etta sandwich, pickle chips, applesauce, mashed Comlniiatioii. REGULAR OILY EXTRA BODY Oreo Cookies french fries, chocolate- potatoes, peas, rye bread, East Hartford Kappa Nu. White Plates GAYLORD PAPER CREME SANDWICH Aqree Creme Rinse B o f *1.09 chip cookies. Our new “Premium Brick Oven BakecT’pizza, Bolton: Joel Fontanella, CHOCOLATE or SWISS chocolate chip cookies. All Schools 150 COUNT PKG. U.S.D.A. CHOICE - BEEF 100‘ c o u n t TRIPLES or 300 COUNT REGULAR TTiursday: Fruit juice, Friday: Juice, pizza, 88 Cider Mill Road, Etta Monday: Holiday. Kappa Nu. 15 02. T o d c o Cosmetic Puffs 59' meat and cheese pizza, vegetable sticks, fruit or and 25 ^ off the price! PKG. BIG BALL' SCENTED or UNSCENTED Tuesday: Hotdog on roll, Manchester: Robert G. tossed salad, fruited gelatin. Ban "S n ' Deo(dorant B O T l *1.89 french fries, chilled pears. Butler, 63 Horton Road, LONDON This is the all natural, mouth Etta Kappa Nu; and Mary Kraft Marshmallows 1“ 49* LINEN TWEED watering pizza you’ve been hearing Parla, 55 Bruce Road, Chi TOTES for TAPES! about. At an unheard of 25C off the Carpet Fresh C O N TA tN E R *1.59 Epsilon. KOSHERVr POLISH -HERES HOW OUR TOTE GIVEAWAY PROGRAM WORKS Little-Known Facts About Air retail price! Vernon: Kenneth R. Each time you shop you'll be given Green Cash Register Tapes & Vlasic Dill Pickles 99* BROIL Saver Envelopes. When you've collected the tapes required for Some people think that I It’s made from only the finest Hammel, 32 Evergreen the tote you've selected, merely turn them in at the Courtesy air is weightless, is made up high-protein flour, whole milk Road, Etta Kappa Nu. Counter and you'll be given your FREE Tote! SHOULDER 'Plus la* where aoohcaoie mostly of oxygen q f dust* mozzarella cheese, California Peri L. Comollo of 71 Frozen Favorites free except for what we put | in it, but each of these is a ripe tomatoes and imported Constance Drive, Cool Whip Strawberries popular fallacy. spices for wholesome Manchester, received a BIRDS EYE• TOPPING TOP FROST - 10 OZ. PKQ. "55''off'‘P'35''’ ofr ON A 33 OZ. CAN Actually, air molecules, nutrition and that ‘Old World’ bachelor of science degree ON A 1 LB. CAN though unbelievably tiAy, pizzeria taste. in management at gradua­ Country Time have weight. A cubic foot of | Take this coupon to tion exercises May 20 at 10,75 OZ. PKO. LB. SANKA air at sea level and at stan* TYSON U.S.D.A. CHOICE - BEEF dard pressure at 59” F. your nearest participating Salve Regina, The Newport 1.99 LEMONADE Sara Lee Pound Cake *1.09 CHICKEN in .,„ Boneless supermarket and save College in Newport, R.I. /U .S . GOVT. inspectI d" COFFEE weighs about .0765 pounds. 6 0Z g g e the BASKET pkg BLADE REGULAR OR PINK Within the first 40 to 60 some dough on the Gaylord Lemonade 6 CANS Grade *A’ Offer #2865-0 REGULAR - DRIP miles above earth, air is 78 Robert D. Kenney of 23 ORE IDA Valu-Pro STEAK * #2869-0 OR ELECTRIC PERK frozen pizza that Split or Cut Up MEAT FRANKS L B 9 5 ‘ 2.09 percent nitrogen and only Bretton Road, Manchester, Crinkle Cut Potatoes “a°g 89* With ihit coupon Food W ith th>$ coupon at Food doesn’t taste like U.S.D.A. CHOICE - BEEF Mart Good thru Sun May Marl Good thru Sun May was Inducted recently into Food Club 27 Limit on* can ■ ona 27 Limit orL* can one ( g j l ranE*^on*cMbond^ AFTER-A remarkable new air filter on you’re eating the Dairy Delights CHICKENS MEAT FRANKS LB M.29 Boneless - Underblade coupon p«r tamity ■ coupon per lamiit ide, and minute traces of particles larger than 0.002 mm, all ■ ik box. Phi Beta Kappa, Epsilon neon, helium, methane, ^9 percent of all airborne Chapter, at the University TROPICANA Food Club CHUCK CASA D1 PIZZA. 100% PURE FLORIDA Mrs. Filbert’s krypton, hydrogen, xenon o^cteria. Yet it needs replacement only after 15,000 miles. of Connecticut where he is k V jr. BEEF FRANKS LB *1.39 STEAK *2.09 ^ T s '" o fT and ozone. Until now, no one has 100 percent of the pollen i Margarine L8. a senior. Orange Juice Hillshire Polish U.S.D.A. CHOICElOICE - BEEF ON A 32 OZ. CAN ON ANY SfZE The atmosphere carries concerned himself with the that normally passes HALF GALLON CARTON GOLDEN QUARTERS He is the son of Mr. and KIELBASA LB *1.89 Chuck ny kinds of dust as wdl, air passengers breathe, but through a car’s ventilation VoOD CLUB DURKEE or Deluding som e from for 1979 the new Saab 900 system. It also decreases the Mrs. Chester Kenney. •1.0 B 1 LB. I Swift’s Premium CUBE KOOLAID meteors, salt particles, and features a specially con* risk of misting before a car PKQ. SIZ2LEAN tToz p.KO *1.49 CANNED HAMS STEAK *2.39 ASSORTED FLAVORS FOOD CLUB pollen in addition to the sbiicted air filter. Mounted is thoroughly heated up and Donna Pryor, daughter HOOD'S ICED TEA DRINK A HALF OSCAR MAYER various gases and solid im* under the hood of the 900 can diminish the possibility ' of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel ------G A LLO N Regularor Jumbo U.S.D.A. CHOICE - BEEF Offer #2150-0 Fruit Drinks FRUIT PUNCH CARTON 59* #2152-0 SPICES purities resulting from and easily replaced when of traffic film on the inside Pryor of Manchester, was FOOD CLUB INOfVIOUALLY WRAPPED • YELLOW or WHITE WEINERS *1.69 Boneless human activity. dirty, it effectively rids all of the windows. COLONIAL - SEMI OSCAR MAYEN SHOULOER$>| 0 Q With ihit coupon at Food With ihi$ coupon at Food More and more people are air entering the interior recently inducted into the American i?iis Singles ’Ik°g^*1.09 Regularor Jumbo Mari Good thru Sun May Mart Good thru Sun May Scientists estimate that Boneless e.j eg 27 Limit one can 27 Limit one container jo in in g idarmed about air through the heating and University of Vermont’s r io u l a j . s h a l l GUTOm cALrFORNiA bfTeaks to n e BEEF FRANKS L® *1.79 ROAST LB coupon p«r lamiiy 9 one coupon pe< lamuy pollution. Common Bource, ventiiation ayatem of dua’t” ‘"®'? ^*1 1979-80 Mortar Board, a Cottage Cheese " " '"«oz tub 77* HAMS LB^l u COLONIAL ** ** i^M ** * are tranaportation emia- pollen and bacteria. 300 Beef & Chicken LU billion molecules, but national honorary society 70 aiona, power and heat gen- Tested by the Ear, Nose for seniors. HYGRADE FRANKS *1.19 Seafood Specials! 10^ olf eration,* industrial proc^es and ITiroat Department o? that there is Fresh Baked Goods GERMAN. SKILLET Of GARLIC She was recognized for Boneless Ham Q Q and the burning of solid the University of Linkoping *Pac« between Waldbaum’s - 8 Count Colonial , eb Fresh ON A 25 FOOT ROLL in Sweden, it also removes outstanding service, NUGGETS LB I . BOLOGNA '■'<0 *1.39 $ 1 6 9 Surprisingly to some, oyer sooty particles and other Oxygen, the life*giving ele* scholarship and leadership HAMBURG or SW in’S PREMIUM "HOSTESS' COLONIAL Scrod Fillets TOPCO 50 p er^nt of air pollution solid impurities. ment in the air, helps plants Center Cut 4 M S 4 . in the best interests of the HOT DOG ROLLS PKGS. Canned by weight is caused by To allergy sufferers, a fil* make food and animals use p k g '■ N H ’RuiidiaiBMAIlMiBeMI' college campus. WALDBAUM'S - 20 OUNCE SLICED BACON *1.49 Fresh ALUMINUM t^sportation. The fumes ter like this can be an these substances as th o u ^ HAM $2.29 that vehicles emit come essential driving safety and they were fuel. The heat A junior majoring in nur­ Sandwich White Bread 2 tor 99* QUART,., Sole Fillets PICKLES 0, ICICLE JAR *1. FOIL throu^ the windows and^Comfort feature at certain this process gives off sup* sing, she is a member of WALDBAUM‘8 - 12 COUNT 18 OZ. >KG ‘ ^ ^ HORMEL BONELESS 19 c l a u s s e n venUlation systems of to* times of the year. Medical plies energy, just as burning BLOOMFIELD, NJ. the Noah’s ARC program, New England Style Rolls 69* Cure 81 With itiit coupon at Food Wiih ima coupon at Food Pickled Fresh Center Cut t O 99 Mari O ofd thru Sun May Mart Good thru. Sun May day’s passenger cars to an* experts have documented gasoline keeps an engine is involved with Christian QUART 27 Lund one roll • on* 27 Limit one p*g - one 22 02. OOf HAMS LB TOMATOES JAR *1.09 Swordfish Stea f\ W ■ LB coupon ptrlamitv coupon per family noy and harm those inside, that the filter can absorb running. Youth activities and nur­ Waldbaum’s Apple Pies PKO. 9 9 iS / sing faculty evaluations. In laim aM to Pur cuatom tra. w t r tttrv o the right lo Hmlt ealee lo 3 pkg* ot wiy item except where oiherw tM noUd Kerns offered tor u le not aveilable In case lots or lo other retell dealers or wholesalers Not responsiMe (or lypogrephicel errors 'Alow, uheee cr-N — : P IP h c ■> c f o .' Dianne C. Gold of 59 •JOiT , ’ Barry Road, Manchester, wair- received an associate of } AOONC 71 science nursing ijegree at m ifB -tO"*' W>» Curry College’s annual MANCHESTER Some hive believed that wearing jaipar mikei one inviiibie. commencement exercises 410 WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE on May 6,

10'^ of"f ON A 10 OZ. PKG. FOOD CLUB CHEESE CRACKERS PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT - EVENING HEHAli^. Wed., May 23, 1979 ^ EVENING HERALD, Wed., May 23, 1979 - PAGE TWENTY-NINE America’s Changing Lifestyles are on Exhibit Good Loving Care at Day Care Center > cents a pound teen and in one-gallon, re-sealable, By JEANNE LESEM lists suggests their protein ’The impact of bote small chopped and formed to Despite the soaring price By JUDI HASSON turer began introducing his content is not as high as, households and two-income resemble bacon strips. of ground beef, only one everybody was in a panic,” plastic jugs. _ancestors was explored demonstration school for budget of $65,000 from tui­ work day for parents to the curriculum and which there are no day with children based on Women now account for DPI Pamily Editor products in the Northeast say, many sandwiches. families on the Kod They had a pleasantly manufacturer showed Penson said. “We saw CONVENT STATION, with a world map and Bridge to Reading, a tion payments and fund­ clean and repair the youngsters standing in line c a re s l o t s , ” sa id a themes such as feelings N.J. (UPI) — It was time DALLAS (UPI) - recently. Among his new Some new products market was reflected in spicy flavor. Safes packaged non-meat ground beef in a local up to 20 percent of all markers drawn from every technique for teaching raising activities. They school. Parents built the for activities in groups of spokesmah for the like “angry” and “happy,” to start at the beginning of America’s changing products are bottles of red reflect both the con­ such normally luxurious manager Don Preston said extenders for home use. supermarket today (May purchases in the name to their “roots.” children that uses the receive no state or federal kitchen, bathroom 20 or more, according to Washington-based group. or actions like "spanking.” the alphabet for the lifestyles were mirrored in and white chili sauces venience trend and jtems as frozen quail, the company expects to ’They come in six flavors: 8) for $2.09 a pound.” automotive sections of It was time to devote a theme of a letter of the aid. Tuition is $170 per facilities, painted the Miss Schmidlein. A recent four-year And they take field trips to the two exhibit halls at the whose incendiary level we recognition of small pickled quail eggs — bote complete testing within spaghetti sauce, sloppy ’The do-it-yourself trend grocery chains and dis­ children at Bridge to Lear­ week to studying tee letter alphabet each week. monte and Bridge to Lear­ building and built the Bridge to Learning has a government study of day tee grocery store, the ten­ food industry’s annual con­ would rate at moderate. households. A Houston rice from a Sumter, S.C., com­ one to one-and-a-lulf years joes, tacos, chili, ham­ is being felt in non-foods count stores, said a Dallas ning, a day care run by “A” and 32 children aged 2 But the educational ning is open 50 hours each facilities for an outdoor defined structure for lear­ care centers showed teat nis courts or the nearby vention in Dallas. More and more equip­ miller is beginning pany that until now has of a breakthrough frozen burgers and meatloaf. sections of supermarkets manufacturer in in­ parents without benefit of to 6 were exploring every systems firm that founded week ail year. playground. Pearson says ning and a teacher to stu­ more than 5 million Greek amphitheater. state or federal aid. All the trends were there ment is designed to make national distribution of sold largely to restaurants turkey product now Russell Penson, and groceries. Several troducing its six-pack car­ possibility. ' the school pulled out, Parents are encouraged the children take pride in dent ratio of one to seven. children under 13 are being Recently, the school, at the Food Marketing supermarkets and indepen­ flavored rice mixes whose and hotels; smoked turkey available in about 17 per­ marketing vice president motor oil manufacturers ton of motor oil in quarts. In one comer of a large, Nearly five years ago, a leaving parents without a to take an active interest in the involvement of their ■■rhe National Association cared for by someone other which serves a hot lunch in Institute’s recent four-day dent grocers competitive labels provide directions parts from a Liberty, Iowa, cent of tee country; 6-10 for the Ibnsas City, Mo., introduced their products Another new nonfood gaily deeprated room teat group of parents incor­ day'care facility and tee what their child is doing. parents in the school. for the Education of Young than a parent for 30 hours a addition to mid morning meeting. But many of the with fast food franchisers for preparing 1, IVk, 2 or 3 packer and Danish dessert pound frozen stuffed birds company. Said a lot of in narrow-necked plastic product, lemon-scented was once a chapel, children porated themselves into a prospect of paying hefty Arthur Pearson, chairman Director Jean Children says tee set-up is week. The study said the and afternoon snacks of new pr^ucts are still only and chains in vending hot cups of cooked rice at a cheeses flavored with tee designed to be cooked store buyers were bottles to make it easy for tall kitchen bags from a were making an apple non-profit corporation to tuition at some centers or of the board of trustees of Schmidlein says the center part of a growing trend for best learning takes place fresh fruit, raisins and in test markets or dogs, burgers, chicken, time. likes of Grand Marnier, without prior thawing. expressing interest in the amateurs to change oil. Peabody, Mass., manufac­ cobbler with tee help of run Bridge to Lam ing as a joining the ranks on tee school, said policies provides more than just a the increasing numbers of when children are gathered other healthy foods, cont. otherwise limited distribu­ fish and doughnuts. One One frozen food cognac or rum. Tlie first of ’They cook in about seven line, which has been A growing number of turer, smelt so artificial their teacher. In another, day care center and waiting lists at others. are set by the board of place for parents to drop working or single parents into small groups of less ducted a “nutrition week” tion. One manufacturer es­ fryer cleans the fat as it manufacturer showed in­ the three cheeses was par­ hours, Preston said. ’The available continuously women now do their own some consumers may find African masks were tacked kindergarten for their Today, Bridge to Lear­ parents. “Our primary off their kids for the day. who can not find adequate than 18. In the center here, stressing good eating to a wall. timated total national dis­ cooks. Another uses the dividual cream and fruit ticularly delicious. . stuffing is tee traditional since tee 1973 beef shor­ car maintenance, said a the bags as unpleasant as children. ning is owned and operated objective is to provide good Many day care facilities day care for their children. children are placed by age habits in the children’s dai­ tribution of two of his new same shortening for both pies, cheesecakes and A Chicago meat packer sage-flavored, moist varie­ tage and boycott. Bradford, Pa., manufac­ the odors they are designed On a bulletin board, tee The facility originally solely by parents who run loving child care,” he says. provide only custodial care “There are millions of in learning and activity ly activities. The staff products was far as four chicken and doughnuts frozen desserts. sampled beef strips cured. ty. “Ground beef was only turer, introducing motoroil to mask. theme of the children’s was started as a the school on a yearly' Once a year, there is a with teachers “winging” children in this country for groups of 6 to 8. followed this up with a years away. without mixing flavors, the Each day, activities are special parent’s night to Items promoting fitness manufacturer said. set up designed to foster help parents carry out good and health included fruit ’The equipment that drew creativity and “self- dietary practices in the and yogurt blends for the biggest crowds was a All StQp&Shofis open Sundoy 9am-5pm All Stgp&Shoiis open Sunday 9 am-spm directed time,” according home. babies; an American-made machine from a Montreal to Miss Schmidlein. “It’s unfortunate there Swiss cheese with no salt manufacturer that heats r lW W I|siopsShop Coupoiil* * ^ * ^ p M 1 l |siopsShop Coupon|^ * ^ y | j * * * * * * |siopsShop C o u ;^ * * f f y * * * |siop» Shop Coupon * * rStop«Shop C o u ^ M * * 9 Kids use a workbench aren’t more places like added (good texture but hot dogs or other fillings MhHica<)on I WHhWaoaoonWMh M s coupon WNh - this coupon' — ■ Wrth this coupon with hammers and nails, th is. T h e re ’s a nice 5 anda$7.S0 bland-tasting compared to while simultaneously ■ aidisrio w d a $ 7.S0 and a $7.50 paints and easels, play relationship between — purchM a purchase. ptfchase. I purchase. the real thing); yogurt punching holes and Fresh idiokes dough and paper collages. parents and the school,” bran bread with honey; and toasting the insides of Georgia s Teachers write stories says Miss Schmidlein. a vending machine that dis­ buns,^French breads or penses gallon bottles of rolls to make dripless Peadies ^ Fresh Cut Florida drinking water and-or sandwiches that also help ■S’ 3 ”! Lack of Respect water purified for low- keep the fillings warm to sodium diets, steam irons the last bite. and other appliances. Women may talk a lot Slows Recovery about scratch cooking, but ^M IM em idon A Tacoma, Wash., baker 5»Potatoes jSTOP&SHOP SaveSO* RUFFLES STOP & SHOP I STOP & SHOP assigning personnel — whose light brown bread is lAanufacturers reported hFresh Large S lid n g ^^ Fresh ONANY MH By DALE SINGER sold nationally has begun wide interest still in con­ 7 ounce bag 26oz. bottle— I 9 ounce jar ---MH--- |12------ounce------can ST. LOUIS (U PI) - black patients generally venience foods, particular­ Caiifomia STOPSSHOP Failing to understand and want white doctors and expanding to include seven •o uro to f “B” size other related products ly by working persons. ’This WvnbwA&C. 9 9 POTATO TOMATO "" MUSTARD -FROZEN respect a hospital patient’s nurses to look after them. “It may not be true that within the next two years: trend was reflected not mnatoes FRESH G re a t on culture may be just as the whites give better English muffins, burger only in a greater variety of Romaine Lettuce 59.* Cello Radishes Fresh COfe SISW aafCtpadiaot 39* KETCHUP 1 .^ .- ... harmful to a satisfactory 35S69* CHIPS H o t Dogs! care,” she said, “but tee and hot dog buns, dinner fresh meat and poultry Lest Lettuce 49J Fresh Scallions 3 “ — 7 9 ‘ Fresh Florida Umes 8 ..*1 M i i m ‘ ^ 4 9 PIZZA » LEMONADE recovery as failing to and brown-and-serve rolls cuts but also in processed GeadStn.H«20-Sa.Wiy2& 204 GaDdSui,lby20-$iLM»26. 205h GaGdStn.U>y?0-SjLU>y2S. prescribe proper medical blacks often judge the Piantgskvpot J Uml n p« oJSlamr Lini one ps ofiianv______foods. CIjicoryorEscarole 4 9 : Red orSpanish Onions 39t Peanut in Shell •1.69 IMmpvculDnK______quality of their care by and three loaf breads: ■■ I Grocery | , , treatment. sandwich, split top and old- At least two more That lesson is taught by what the white patients style. ’The latter is heavier manufacturers have joined Marilyn Rubin, a professor get.” and more dense than the the noodle-based lunch mix at St. Louis University, in Hospital rules may seem original product. crowd, one with oriental her course on transcultural arbitrary and impersonal The popularity of style mixes and the other, nursing. to all“ patients, regardless Mexican-style food is American. Neither of the Not every culture views of background. But to growing so rapidly around two new brands have imely values for your first holiday illness in the same way. someone from another the country that one long- nutritional labeling, and a Save enerew, save traffic, save money. Have your picnic in your Miss Rubin said in an inter- culture. Miss Rubin said, time San Antonio manufac- reading of the ingredients own yard. we(re here to heip,with special values on plenty of great food view, so American they may seem particular­ Even cook-out grills and coolers! Come get your Stop & hospitals and nurses should ly harsh and could even be Shopsworth. Be sure to get fresh film too. And after the holiday, you be careful not to impose harmful. can bring it back to us tor our terrific photo processing sen/ice. distinctly American values “ Some patients, when oittoffhe they are acutely ill, may Social Security J season! on patients from other 2 liter(67.6oz) bottle 16 ounce bottle ^ ^ 32 ounce canister not want their spouses to dairy Freshness you value! backgrounds. be with them. American Q. Back in January, I for services by doctors in Hot dogs for every taste! Save on our meaty chicken, ideal for barbecuesi J “We don’t study every culture,” Miss Rubin said, Indians want their retired and started getting the fields of pathology and S im ^ w y Itfdian ^ e s t e a l c e d Assorted Ravors No one we luiow of has a bigger choice of “ but we use a few mother’s sisters, who are Social Security checks. I radiology, even if you 1 ]■ franks, The best-known branos, regular and very important to them. know that if I go back to haven’t met your annual Regular D ressing Tealtfix examples to whet the i \ beef frankSt with mild or robust flavors, o r D iet Country students’ appetites, to open “This is important to work, my earnings may medical insurance deducti­ 1 \ are all on sale this week at Stop& Shop: ^ White Gem’’ Assorted know, especially in affect my checks. But, ble. Because the full their eyes to these Flavors with Sugar 9 4 9 questions. hospitals where many w hat about incom e I reasonable charges are 1 1 pound pkg. Stop & Shop Kraft & Lemon Yogurt times only the husband or receive from savings and paid, however, they do not “We want to make sure 8 9 they’re not denying wife is allowed in the investments? count toward meeting your intensive-care unit. This A. When figuring what $60 deductible. Glad Regular Straws 2 '* S ''3 9 ‘ Worcestershire Sauce TcJbSf 55* O&C Potato Sticks 7orc«cin 69* c u p s ^ ^ anything to their patients ickeuLeg 2 ^ - ‘1 just because they don’t un­ would be very bad for the Q. I will be eligible for Extra ^fild / 2BouKecan income may affect your Ideal Plastic Flatware Coke, Tab or 28irtB7eoi.)batBe 95* Friends Baked Beans 69* Spoony FOks or AmoM Mrs. Filberts Margarine 59* derstand their needs. It dignity of this family. Social Security checks, you Medicare later this year, “When a Chinese father must count earnings from and I’m trying to decide Eranlcs*lt9 _Hot Dog Hamburg or Sweet 24 ounce jar Stop & Shop Powdered Whipped Cream Cheese 89* works.” Lectures by represen­ is dying, it’s the oldest son work of any kind, whether whether I will need ad­ SealtestCottageCheese tSourcectg) 7 9 who should be there. If this or not it’s covered by ditional health insurance.- SmalorLirgeCurd tatives of black, American COLONIAL 1 pound pkg. RATH1 pound pkg y b f i c Drink Indians and Chinese is denied to the son, and Social Security, except tips What exactly does 2 4 o z . m j S ^ Gallon Jug Stop & Shop only the wife may go in, Medicare cover? cultures are part of the amounting to less than ^ Extra Miid h n n Wieners h q q With Back 5-6 lb. pkg. this could be terribly upset­ in a month with one A. Medicare hospital in­ . Brol over slow fire, baste with your favorite J f l l A course. Miss Rubin Franks...... 1 2 9 Relishes Pickles M akes ting to tee family. It goes employer. However, in­ surance helps pay for in­ Smoked Flavor! .o y barbecue sauce. Each quarter is a generous serving. r i b Orange recalled what a black 8 Q uarts nurse on the university’s against their culture, their come from savings, in­ patient hospital care and, COLONIAL 1 pound pkg OSCAR MAYER 1 pound pkg Heinz Assorted 1 0 o z ^ 2 j^ V Ju ice staff told the students: tradition, sometimes even vestments, insurance, or after a hospital stay, for in­ Flavors their religious beliefs.^ royalties won’t affect your patient care in a skilled Chicken Wieners h -7Q Chicken Breast Quarters~«iS'*»59i 2 9 9 “After white patients have been hospitalized for Interest in transcultikal checks. nursing facility and for Hot D ogs...... o 9 SmokedRavor i./iy Heinz Relishes 2 ’5?89* Kosher Dill Spears 24an*itfSkpIStap fO 7Q* ‘1.19 100% Pure d ® ® nursing is nejii—tTut Q. After a long illness, home health services. Gem" frcxTi a few days, nurses ARMOUR 1 pound pkg FENWAY 1 pound pkg Boneless Chicken Breast •2.29 Stop & Shop Sweet Relish T G 9 f Kosher or Polish Dills •1.19 Dry Roasted Peanuts 12 ounce jar ‘1.19 concentrate probably wHl address them growing. Miss Rubin said. my sister passed away last Medicare medical in­ In a profession dedicated surance helps pay for doc­ Package of 100 Orchard Fresh Apple Juice S 89* by their first name. The month. I’ve notified Social Meat or Beef h o n Early Caiifomia 3 Varieties, Kraft to helping patients be com­ Security to stop her SSI tors’ services, outpatient ReddhWip Topping 79* patients may be calling the nurses by their first name. fortable and recover as payments. Should I also hospital services, out­ R a n is ...... 1 . 3 9 Franks...... 1 . D 9 l6ouicecup Breakstone Sour Cream 75* easily as possible, little notify her bank? She had patient physical therapy SdecC Rarbecue But blacks generally don’t COLUMBIA 1 pound pkg RRST FYize 1 pound pkg yoz.C old things can mean a lot. her monthly payments and speech pathology ser­ Individually Wrapped Stop& Shop like that. BeefChnck ^ “They want to be ad­ “If you’ve ever visited in deposited directly into a vices, and a number of Childuniiaiviiia Miid on Beef $-1 on Olives SauCe Cups “Great Beef’ dressed more formally, to a foreign country where savings account. other medical services and \F ra n k s ...... 1.39 Franks...... 1 6 9 / stop CheeseFood they don’t speak English, A. If an SSI beneficiary’s supplies not covered by (^icn 1* Cuts bone in Pitted f be called Mr. or Mrs. They 6 oz. c a n ^ ^ ^ B Shop BOm haven’t had a history of you know how good it is to payments were being hospital insurance. For comer deli Great foods for yoii come home and hear your de^sited directly into an more information, ask for N resh Seafood m SUces this respect in our culture ^ AvailabiB in stores featuring a service dek aaerican ^ — for a long time if was mother tongue. account in a financial in­ a copy of “ A Brief Sirloin Steak Beef Shell Loin ■2.29. 16 ounce jar Insulated Foam Cups pastcumed W hite or ^ 4 1 0 9 Specials! Gloria Stuffed Gives 69* Heinz Baitecue Sauce 65* 49* ‘Hey, boy’ or calling them “That’s how it is with stitution, the institution Explanation of Medicare” Always good values. Slept Shop7SArol Pfotess. . Yellow ■ Deutschmacher Stuffed OllVGS TrtooTlKMinStkounctiv 65 Open Pit Barbeque Sauce laoijo 65* Aluminum Foil 99* rmese food these people. Even having should be notified of bis or at any Social Security of­ USDAChoice » 0 O Q 12 oz. p kg by their first name. They Boneless Blade Steak B eefC huck want to be addressed with visitors from their own her death as soon as possi­ fice. package of 140 Stop & Shop culture can help speed ble. ’This will permit tee in­ Q. What happens to tee package of 100 Dorman Sliced Mpzzarella SS 89* respect. It affects the per­ Iranks F re d i Sun Gkxy Drinks 89* sonalization of their care.” their recovery and show stitution to return any money paid into Social C e lb Underblade S teak 89. that their needs are not payments received after Security by a person who casing i ^ a M a r ^ Stop & Shop Plain Yogurt ^ 8 & y . Miss Rubin said care P aoer should also be taken in being ignored.” the death. dies without collecting? (5 pound box *6.99) 1 ? Q. I will be going into tee A. ’The contributions paid Bonelessibp Sirloin SteakuiA^‘2.79 Namkins m allow s b e k e r y Buys from our own ovens! ^ hospital soon for an opera­ by workers go to pay Comer Deli Bologna •1.49t P in t Plates Stop i Shoo Qamtn Brvd Quality yoi/ll enjoy tion and I may receive benefits for people current­ Strip Steak Beef Loin "Great Beef" bone-in ■3.59. inch Assorted . 0 ^ Stop& Shop Sandwich or pathology services by a ly on tee Social Security Comer Deli Fresh Steaming Clams 99i W hite (Dolors P k g s ^ Day Care doctor. Will Medicare rolls. If a person dies Flounder Rllets FrMh •2.49b 55* hospital insurance cover without leaving survivors, traidcfiurt Dressed Haddock fw* •1.39b Upton Ice Tea Mix French Squeeze Mustard 55* Brachs Circus Peanuts3 2 tw *1 these services? he or she has no need of tee Roast For Delinquents A. No. While you are an survivors, retirement, or Upton 100% Instant Tea Freeze Dned Coffee Mrim4onceAv •2.49 Brachs Assorted Jellies ^ 79* ’ ^^te'’^ » R 0 l l S frozen meats specials on Cooked are, as a rule, a little on tee inpatient in a qualified disability protection he or Shank By LISA ADLER hospital. Medicare medical she has been paying for, easy, no fuss meals. scruffy side and fond of Sliced to order Save energy) (Set these money-savers) R!l up your freezer shelves) SANTA MONICA, Calif. insurance pays 100 percent and no monthly payments Portion frozen foods (UPI) — They are urban obscenities. water added l b of tee reasonable charges would be forthcoming. Baked Ham sois>«« '3.79b 2 lb. pkg. Stop.& Shop >Ham Stop & Shop 2 ^ 7 9 updates of the little red For many of them, tee 12 ounce can Sun Glory \ ^ o p & Shop Cole Slaw°'a°49; McCain schoolhouse. Community Day Center is Buttercrest Bread 22^‘1 Youngsters of varying the last resort before they 16oz S <1 .Cotrited Cooked Ham Rump Portion ssa99j aL lce Variety Breads 2 ixMi I ages work side-by-side in a are assigned to youth camp a super buy OUr kitchen oestring 100% VWule Wheal Ran or Swwtah or a probation center for N for your holiday cookout! icken single room. The lone Armour Boneless Ham Juice Stop & Shop teacher instructs each juvenile criminals. Potatoes child individually. “The CDCs are and 2 0 ounce B ut these are not attempt to keep youngsters SIbs. Potato e i^ ld e average students in an or­ out of the juvenile justice dinary schoolroom. The system,” Sloan said. It takti five Mcondi for the tound of thunder to travel Weaver Chicken *2.79 Favorites Freezer Queen Dinners * 3 ^ ‘1.49 Stop & Shop W affles lOfuncepKlagt 39* Mortons Cream Res 39* students at Community “CDCs are there to assist TN#«IOnMM« Pie the youngster in com­ one mile. Salad ^ 9pkg. 9 Green Beans a«»sh«cu<>n«« 3 % '1 Coffee Lightener a«»s«> 5J££.'1 Whipped Topping 2S.89* Day Center schools (1 pound p kg 4 9 (t), Weaver Chicken Breast *2.89 throughout Caiifomia are pleting a high school MMrOppid IS «.!*•. Taste OSea Clam Platter % 89* Stop & Shop Cheese Pizza - ‘1.09 Pepperidge Farm Cake 99* diploma and maintaining C oco ra ChocoUlA wSm or BoUon CiMrn package chronic juvenile offenders, wards of the court living at and continuing the Holiday Cook-Out Sausage Sale! t o f h P O f k DaisyDonuts 59* home with their parents. educational process." Date Nut Bread ifounn^ -8 9* Community Day Centers Called storefront schools Triple Triple e*w«TeeBrMdl2'i^l*aorCnri)«nrNulBrMd12o2(Ag are alternative public in some areas, each CDC Ribs Insulated Insulated schools for students who classroom has about 20 ^ u m v y f i n e health & beauty aids Quality j cannot or will not function students and a special Short Ribs of Beef Chuck •1.89. brands at special savings! ^ in normal high schools, ac­ curriculum is developed cording to Jerry Sloan, for each pupil. Academic work is completed at the Hot or Sw eet 2V2 - 31b. pkg 32 ounce bottle superintendent of the Los Beef Kabobs Cut from the Round 2 .3 9 . Angeles County Special student’s own pace. The sturdy, itnU* Hokts'hotor For quicker cooking on the g ri, spit cokDiquIdsL Schools section. Students youngsters do not compete lengthwise. S ^ In hard rote, impart l**c. with each other. Hairy tkdyvAi WidemrxJth lisletine a re assigned by the Beef Top Round S teak'*M «r2.59. piMirhintli leakproot spout juvenile court to attend the Melvin Peters teaches 25 HILLSHIRE FARMS PEI^I Hot or Sweet A u t is q i^ CDCs as a term of proba­ students at the Santa Barb<>Light Charcoal Lighter Fluid orartorxrtaher 59* Monica CDC, aided only by “Helps kill germs, * m S v tion. Beef Round Tip Steak^‘fflffl’'2.59. provation officer 'Linda Poilable Charcoal Grill lerdanetertxw) •5.99 Anchor Hocking Glass Tumblers MixorMawi 4 . , ‘1 freshens breath too.” CEX? students all have & g e ....‘1.89. Sau^ge Jkg1.99 Hmygum«giP,ai«Miladcan*u(«on 9oz. On the FkxdailBoz. Cooler or 12oz.Baveisoe arrest records, some simp­ Hicks. Al natural Ingredenls Should^ Steak Beef Chucki..£!N2.29L ly for truancy but many for “These kids have been grand theft auto. Most shuttled around. They have have been expelled froih at a lot of problems,” Peters least one high school. They said.

-J EVENING HERALD, Wed., May 23, 1979 — PAGE THIRTY-ONE PAGE THIRTY - EVENING HERALD, Wed., May 23, 1979 Sample-Herman Personality Spotlight Judy Braiman-Lipson— Consumer Crusader . Another reason you'll do better , / really dying,” she said, “I sons. death toll or body count.’’ the product s safety is By MARK D. FRANK left lung. A pathologist, after said, ‘How can you have The association is She has been threatened made. ROCHESTER, N.Y. requesting her to bring all lung cancer one day and be primarily concerned with with lawsuits — one by the "I resent being a guinea (UPI) — It was Christmas the aerosol sprays from cured the next?”’ toy safety and the perils of hair spray manufacturer— pig, particularly here in 1966. Judy Braiman-Lipson her home, determined the But laboratory tests con­ cosmetics. Mrs. Braiman- and with arrest. Her house Rochester because we’re a I WE^END BARB^QUE had had her third child just nodules were “inhalation vinced her that iter infirmi-' Lipson has been instrumen­ had to be guarded several test market,” she said. a few days before. Then; abscesses” caused by the ty had been caused by the tal in having certain years ago when she took on "They tell us products are AOVERTISEO ITEM PCXJCY; Eldi ol Him idvirtiNil Itlffli ll riquirid to bo riodHy without warning, she woman’s favorite hair hair spray. products temporarily a company with alleged un­ safe and they’re not. Peo­ ivalloMtIoriiliatorbilowttio ntwtM prlco In oacli AU> Stori K C ipt M i|)ictNcalty removed from shelves or derworld connections. ple figure if it’s on the noMbiUiliid. developed a bad cough and spray and not cancerous. From that day on, Mrs. began spitting up blood. Sfre w as o u tra g e d , Braiman-Lipson has been having warning labels af­ “I’m not frightened by shelves it’s safe. Doctors first diagnosed fa te fu l and befuddled. involved in one campaign fixed to them. the size of the company if Everything should be SHOP EARLY FOR WEiaRSHOUDAY WBEK the frightening symptoms “I had used that hair after another, taking on the She served two, the facts are right,” she questioned.” S ALE" A" BR ATION Soon after her recovery, ODAHEAaAUSnRESCUmUOnAY, as pneumonia. spray about six months,” government and cor­ "frustrating” years from said. A&P IS A SMOKED HAM SHOP A&P IS A POULTRY SHOP Her condition worsened. she recalls. "I was ab­ porations in the name of 1975-77 on the federal But now, she said, “the she participated in a MAY28.m.miORIMDAY. ^ Her illness was diagnosed solutely shocked that it product safety for con­ Product Safety Council. companies deal with us by boycott of local super­ as lung cancer. could be caused by an out­ sumers. Now a well-known “I was pretty disgusted talking to us.” markets that resulted in futiYCOOKmiwatsrackm Surgeons cut into her side influence and I consumer advocate, she is when I $erved because Success is measured not the shares of one local chest and discovered up to demanded to see my X- president of the Rochester- everything^ was dragging in whether a product is supermarket chain falling jMFAM* 60 “rounded nodules” in rays. based Empire State Con­ on,” she said. Government banned, but whether it’s to record lows. Sm oksd her lungs. They removed a “I thought the doctors sumer Association, an all­ officials, she said “don’t do taken off store shelves un­ "I portion of the housewife’s didn’t want to tell me I was volunteer group of 187 per­ anything until they have a til a final determination on OfBCOIl TRAWBERRIES HAMS lO tcM fij. FulhtCooked-Smokod SALE TODAY THRU ■ WHOLE HAMS 22^ 9 9 « t *"T,'o?onS3ll’K H J o r '“ Fully Cooked-Smoked Ham 1409 with Pop-Up TtaM, AU>-100«PinButti, SAiyRDAY, MAY 26th | SHANK HALF I V rC^^/pharmacy QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED Fulhl Cooked-Smoked Ham 1410 BASTED ♦ mcont 59' RUMP HALF 1!” Centa, Sllces-Roaats o, 1 4 70 TURKEYS Mrs. V. Alric Sample Jr. 1 RBHtK^jm HAM STEAKS l \ Dorothy Ann Herman of Manchester and V. Alaric HOUDAY WEEKEND SAVINGS! M Boneless-'nilnCut-B,eakla8t S 4 0 O III. FHyCookea-SnKkMHam to to Sample Jr. of New Haven were married May 19 at South W A m M E L O N HAM SLICES I V 14lta.' x \ Methodist Church in Manchester. RUMPPORTION FROZEN TURKEYS S 3 The bride is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Ralph S. Her­ DOUBLE man of 9 Sanford Road, Manchester. The bridegroom is A&P IS A BUTCHER SHOP the son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent A. Sample of 974 Forbes HIBACHI GRILL SEA St., East Hartford. 10” X 17" CUSTOM CUT TO ORDBi-BONBISS CUSTOM CUT TO ORDBl CUSTOM CUT TO ORDBl The Rev. Frank Jago of Mount Holly, N.X, the bride’s BEEF ROUND-WHOLE 10 to 12 LBS. cousin, performed the double-ring ceremony. The altar &SKI BEEF RIB-WHOLE 10 to 12 LBS. BEEF TOP LOIN-WHOLE 16 to 20 LBS. was decorated with gladioli and chrysantheumums. Ellen t- SUNTAN Sanders of Elizabeth City, N.C., the bridegroom’s cousin, Red-Rlpe-Fancy-Hot House Bora LOTION SIRLOIN BONELESS $ «4 9 was organist. 7 TOM ATOES The bride was escorted by her brother, Robert C. Her­ Our Regular 6.99 man of Philadelphia, Pa., and given in marriage by her i;: SORRY NO RAINCHECKS TIPS R I B E Y E S 9 . T O P L O I N S lb. father. MNMMS She wore a sataglo and venise lace gown designed with SEA & SKI California-Long Whlte-“B" Size SIRLOIN TIP STEAKS *2.69 RIB EYE STEAKS *3.99it] an Empire waistline, illusion neckline. Bishop sleeves i h i i p u :s CHARCOAL UGHTER and A-line skirt terminating in a lace-trimmed train. She SUNTAN LOTION POTATOES A&P IS A COUNTRY FARM PORK SHOP A&P IS A POULTRY SHOP wore a walking-length mantilla with venise lace and WMAHEMriFaney-138 ^ carried a bouquet of trailing , stephanotis, freesia, 4 ounce AiMMa wtaa aen- m rn m m Fmmm white carnations and baby’s breath. PORKLOW-A^iTn Katherine H. Zapadka of Greensboro, N.C., was her Our Regular 79' 4 4 ^ Made Fresh Dally sister’s matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Suzanne CELERY HEARTS Kaps of Bonn, West Germany, Diane E. Treadwell PORK CHOPS » . Deering, Galveston, Texas, and Debra B. Herman of Our Regular 2.09 aMrwnrk-Enirali,Ct*iar]tar Philadelphia, Pa., the bride’s sister-in-law. BUGLES CVS COLOR Pork Loin-Lean & Meaty Fresh (Lesser S t ^ lW lE la David F. ^m p le of East Hartford, the bridegroom’s MOMAMeLETTuee 391 brother was best man. Ushers were Richard Amato of CORN SNACK PRINT FILM . PEDS Amto-riKow-Slldng o r > t Frasb-Gfion-Buncb a R fio rL O M PORK CHICKEN eo,' 110-20 Orancock, Va., Jerome Allen of Flint, Mich., and Arthur For instant loading pocFet cameras ONIONS e.29 SCALLIONS 4ic^1 7 ounce PORK CHOPS BACK RIBS LEGS 4 T lb. Moffitt of East Hartford. 126-20 SPORTS SOCKS Tingy-Afcy-Flofidoj MW-Swool-tt oi pkg. r% Immediately following the ceremony, a reception was Fits instant loading cameras LIMES 4 ,0 ,5 9 CARRETTES 3,c M Pork Loin . Qulck Frozen-White Meat held at the Manchester Country Club. ’The couple left for ( t i 20 Exposures cinionM-Frub a n t Ro(i-. pkg. $1J9) or (Nassiff photo) CVS 12C 20 COMPARE TO: A&P GROUND BEEF SALE Kodak*126-20& 110-20 at 1.75 I sMussHetr ' .' Fully Cooked-Water Added (HaNes S1.39 lb.) MEATFRANKS SEMI-BONELESS HAMS Whole-KotharDIII B 4 9 4 0 M Y o r a d e Annf age (ASP 1-lb. pkg. $1.59) OXFORD PICKLES T 2^® WILKINSON SLICED BACON STAINLESS A&P IS A SEAFOOD SHOP GAVISCON LOVE A LOOFAH PRANKS AaP-OomeatIc ^ S B * 0 0 AvallabtoWed.-Sat-FreMi STEEL ENGLISH LEATHER •199 TABLETS FACIAL BUFF CANNED HAM 3^ 5’’ COD FILLETS A unique way to A natural way to seller, BLADES SHAVE CREAM Ra'th Canned Ham t ^ O O Quick Frozen-Percb Turbot or 6 4 3 9 relieve heartburn smoother skin 11 ounce Iham HONEY GLAZED 3-7®® HADDOCK FILLETS 1 too count 5 countm Hebrew Natlonal-Knockwurst. Midget Salami or Bologna 1491 a iMSeMb-epMStiw, Quick Frozen-Batter Dtpped-AAP 1 4 1 9 3 IP IKRAUSS $i49POTATOor a fit GRIDDLE FRANKS Z 2 ^ FISH PORTIONS Z ■ 339 FOR bologna k c oni AAP-Qulck Frozen-Breaded 7 Our Regular 1.55 [ ^ 1 ^ ! S % 4 9 f Our Regular 99' Our Regular 99* ea 99 Our Regular 4.69 89 HICKORY SMOKED FISH STICKS X 79 ■ CHUNK LIGHT TUNA-NOIL OR WATBl YOURCHOKSANNPAGE CLAIROL This Week’s Super Specials! VASELINE SEALTEST PURE PETROLEUM ASP-BROWN BMMBLE BEE VEGETABLES FOR FRESH BREATH NEWiaUORlOE FINAL NET JELLY I COTTAGE LARGE SIGNAL AQUAFRESH HAIR NET Non-aerosol, regular 3.75 ounce tube CHEESE EGGS • WHOLE KERNa CORN I6ttnz. MOUTHWASH TOOTHPASTE . 12 ounce Resn«ade'A' • MIXED PEAS 17 oz. I • CUT WAX BEANS 15H0Z. 59* • CREAM STYLE CORN lettoz. CLAIROL CONDITION RAID ALLFLAVORS-YUKON MARVEL-WHnE-9NCH r ANT & ROACH Our Regular 89' Our Regular 2.89 SHAMPOO I Protein Enriched KILLER BEVERAGES PAPER PLATES All types ■ 16 ounce 11 ounce ALLaAVORS BONNE BELL REFRESHING HANDLE HOOD ANN PAGE SUN TERRACE SUN TERRACE 10-0”6 79* .a A T ARM-7 POSITION a A T ARM LOTION WITH CARE I Our99* Regular 1.49 Special Care Wash ICECREAM LEMONADE Our99* Regular 1.89 VLASIC-SWST7H0TD0C. HAMBURG ASSORTW-VIVA CHAISE LAWN 16 ounce 16 ounce LOUNGE CHAIR i -I . -^ili I REUSHES Mrs. Francis J. Sposito 4 9 4 9 395 Our99* Regular 1 48 Donna Marie Russell and Francis J. Sposito, both of Flicker I * 1 2 * 6 ea. Westfield,, Mass., were married May 18 at St. Mary’s 1 Church in Westfield. CVS GENERAL FOAM 24INCH-AOJUSTABLE The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Marlene M. Russell of I HAWAIIAN STYLE FRESH BAKED REAL GUSTO 40 QT. WITH HANDLE WITH HANDLE Westfield. The bridegroom is the son Mr. and Mrs. John CVS One Size Fits All SPICED-ICED TODDLERS UA P B IS Sposito Sr. of Ite W. Center St., Manchester. DARK TANNING APPLE SPANISH STYROFOAM The Rev. Vernon DeCoteau of St. Mary’s Church in WOOL WASH OIL OR LOTION COOLER Westfield performed the double-ring ceremony. ’The altar PIE BAR CAKE SCHLITZ BEER PAMPERS I 16 ounce was decorated with baskets of flowers. Michael Dulac of 6 ounce SpringHeld, Mass, was organist and Barbara Russell of CVS SANDWICH Westfield was soloist. 77* i FLICKER LADIES’ YOUR Our Regular 1.26 ^ The bride, given in marriage by her brother, William I BAGS CHOICE M. Russell of Westfield, wore a gown designed with an SAFETY SHAVER ivory satin skirt and train and a lace and seed pearl Em­ 5 blades 80 count C O M PA RE TO: I COMPARE TO: Our Regular 49* ea.' pire bodice. Her fingertip-length ivory veil was attached Our Regular 1.56 HtwiMin Tuple Suiitin OH or Lolliin 6 oz.it 2.77 WoolltB Liquid 16 o l at 1.53 ------1 to a beaded cap and she carried a cascade bouquet of SORRY ND RAINCHECKS sweetheart roses, stephanotis and baby’s breath. A M F A O I I Deborah A. St. Jean of Westfield was maid of honor. Mrs. Katherine C. Fitzgerald of Westfield, the bride’s I cousin, was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Lori A. I Fitzgerald of Westfield, the biide’s'cousin; and Anne M. I Sporito of tonchester, the bridegroom’s sister. C^/pharmacy Edward T. Sposito of Cromwell was his brother’s best I man. Ushers were Martin F. Fitzgerald and Rory J. I Vernon Manchester Enfield Mansfield I Fitzgerald of Westfield, the bride’s cousins; and Robert CVSConsumer Value Stores Center Manchester Parkade » Enfield Square East Brook Mall J. Sposito of Aiulover, the bridegroom’s brother. I . .... A reception was held at the bride’s home in Westfield, Routes 83 & 30 Broad St (across from Marshall's) I 90 Bm Street Off Routes 195 & 84 h e a l t h a n d b w u t y after which the couple left for Pittsfield. ’They will reside 871-1661 H7) ViMMay2oSe, 1979 O J E ypMbM VM4 May S0-2S, 1979 I 646D302 in WesUield. I Mrs. Sposito is a student at the Holyoke (Mass.) Com- munitv QiIleK and Providence (R.I.) Hospital School of Radiology, w . Sposito is employed at Hartford In­ surance Group in Hartford. (Llsi |^ t o ) I

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