NEW 1938 FALL PROGRAM LOCATOR Truii/Ellt Ls of the Year
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NEW 1938 FALL PROGRAM LOCATOR trUII/ellt lS Of the year HC \ Yiclor Cou..ole GraIU19jl\.C. ~ll(mn Ul.fHt·. i~ iI I,i~ r.ulio on nl:'\\ 8IriJ..illJ: horizontal lillt.. ~. and ("fluipp."tl "itlt R<':_\ Yi("tor FJf"("lric TlInin~. ') 011 11..\(" onl~ 10 I:',afllin~ aud bear thi.. ill-trllnu'nt to Ulltlt'r-tand "11\ it h'18 "on immt"(lial(' I-lltTe~.. alllulIJ! <III "ho liLt' It(~)il radio. lJa~ '1agit, L~e. Straight-Line Uial. \ i('lrula Push-Button anll oth('r illllKlrlilllt fCillurc!l. Anti thl' pri('(' is oul~ 585* ONE OF 40 NEW RCA VI I Cl0R. RADiOS THAT Push a bulton ... there's your slation ... C('Dtur~ period ('abineb and table sct~ in the lbal's RCA Victor Electric Tuning nc'\ Continental !'It) Ie. " hate'"cr) our needs, the mark of a modern radio lOU can Ita,-e a genuine Re.\. , ictor Ele('lric THIS easy way to lune is presented in a Tuning model ut a price to suit )'our bud{!:cl. truly seujug ill the RCAVictor Visit Jour RCA' ietor dealer. Sec the ('om· Console Grand. The superb new instrumcnt, plcte range of choice hc offers. Tcst Elec· shown in the pholograph above, offers lOU trie Tuning. ::'\otc the beauty of design and finbh. ~\~k about a tradc·in on )our present Only RCA Victor Offers Oul) H.CA Victor bas the a completely new measure of radio value. sel, aDd the convenient terll1~ availahle. RCA Victor Metal Tubes Victrola Button Its appcarance, its performance and ib hLX Filial I<",("h in producins a ...din ...ith Th<:" ictrola Dullon Oil your n('W 1939 urious ease of operation represent a real Then) ou will see that right now you can «""1'1..,<:, harmo",. aII'll RCA Y;("IOr lie" 'i("tor inlu'1IIy l"rnA on Ihe Vie_ triumph in radio design and manufurture. have the radio yOll want. .\I ..tal 1,,1_. L~ ",('luAively i'l It{:" trol. \ttaebment which piaYI Yiet.,., 'OctOII' Hadi<H. "h~ al-o impro..• th.. Rt'«ml. with the full tone of)'our nldio. This scnsational instrument is onl) one • perf..r...._ of .n" ....Ir.(' of ...din Read .p«ial oll"er below. of 40 ne,\ RA Victor models, all wilh Elec You can bu~ RC-\ Victor Radios on C. I.T. eagy Ilay. ment piau. An~ rudio in"lrulIlent iR better \\ illl au tric Tuujug_ all offering startling ne" fea RCA \(a'-terAntenna. -.\11 prices f.o.b. Camden.:'I. J.. Gel. 2.5.95 Value, itt Vicloror Bluebird Records tltrc~-each a remarkahle value at its price. llubjectto dmnge" ithoutllotice. (111(/ RCA Viclrolc~ Aliachmel1l,Jor 14.95 In addition to the Console Grand models, RCt presen's ,I,e "'M{lgil~ Key" (!l'cry Sl/I/(lay, )'ou will find instruments housed in 18th 2 to 3 I'. If.. ":. S. T., on ,he l\ IJC BIllc Networl,..~ Sav(' Il! This special offer gives you $14.95 (list price) RC \ Yictrola \t1achmellt. S9 in Victor or Blut'· bird Record,!!;. 2 sub ~cription to Victor Rec onl Re"iew. other Victor ..,,~"'" Re('Qrd Society Benefits all for 14.95-0. sav· itl~tlf ... lJ. Seeyour dealer for details. A SERVICE OF TlIE RADIO CORPORATIO OF AMERICA AT __ ~.~ S ION RADI<4?~ At Long Last .•. es, and permits us to know better the southern colonies or the 'Barna Some weeks ago we inquired DOUBLES YOUR RADIO ENJOYMENT Negroes, or the musical comedy tartly in these columns if we in and American opera of the past. America were to be deprived of 731 PLYMOUTH COURT, CHICAGO, ILL Wednesday: This Living World television while the listeners of is the title under which minds leap England and Germany were to be from the rights of minorities to the served well by their own broad wheels on your armchair, seven that many a casual listener has bullying bandits of Manchu plains, casting companies. The most satis league boots on your feet, and the found his mental horizons, willy or from the Monroe doctrine to a factory answer is the one made last spirit of Columbus in your brain, nilly, being pushed back. Patagonian oil strike. week by Mr. David Sarnoff, presi you have something out of the ordi For example, Monday's class Thursday: Here are "New Hori dent of the Radio Corporation of nary. Something quite out of the hears the most authoritative and zons" for all. A rich day, this, with America, that sets will be available ordinary is a ten-year--old airshow amazing news of those frontiers of such titles for individual programs soon and a regular service will be now being presented by the Colum democracy, science and housing as: The Empire of the Dinosaurs. available on the opening of the bia Broadcasting System and called and health and recreation. Its lis the Conquest of Space, Davy Jones' New York World's Fair next year. imposingly "The American School teners who may be lost in empty Locker, the Vanishing Wilderness. But what does the promise mean? of the Air." Not nearly enough at counties or barren parishes find These talks are planned for We have asked Mr. Sarnoff for a tention has been called to it. Under themselves suddenly citizens of young Americans, but many an further explanation of what sort of the direction of able Sterling Fisher, importance in a great nation. eager adult is getting a new slant sets and service we may expect this program provides a kilocycle Tuesday: Music of America on things by listening regularly from his company, which, through classroom of such attractiveness comes from all climes and all class- each day, at 2:30 p.m. EST, to Co its control of innumerable patents, lumbia's invaluable "American is supposed to have television in School of the Air." the hollow of its hands. We have further surveyed the whole field CONTENTS Bloops and had our findings checked by Jittery network officials in New experts. On these facts and on Mr. We're Going to Church End of Ecstasy 13 York have acquired new gray hairs Sarnoff's answer, we are preparing Next Sunday 2 Listening to Learn 14 because of the new Broadway mu At Home with Kenny Baker 15 an article which will both explain Highlights of This Week 4 sical called "Hellzapoppin." Walter and debunk. In the meantime, you Playbill: "Oan Harding'. New Fall Program Locator 16 Wife" 6 Mr. Fairfax 17 Winchell wanted to mention the may turn off your radio each night The March of Music 8 Puzzle, Records of the Week 19 show on a recent Sunday night pro· This Week's Programs 20-35 without worrying that tomorrow Airialto Lowdown 10 gram. "Can't do it. It's profane," your set may be obsolete. It just Hollywood Showdown 11 On Short Waves 36 The Radio Tattler 12 Football Broadcasts 37 was the answer. Orchestra leaders won't happen that way. Get the wanted to play music from the M. L. ANNENBERG, Publisher most you can out of radio today. show. "Can't do it. The title is pro Get those new tubes. Or buy a new CURTIS MITCHELL, Editor fane," was the edict. So news about set. Tomorrow may give you a new Vol. 8. No.4 November 12, 1938 one of the funniest shows ever to Munich conference, a new Nazi hit Broadway and music from it putsch. or a new Jack Benny-Charlie were barred from listener ears for McCarthy-Bob Burns. You want several days until some courageous that, with or without television. bravo decided to take a chance and see what might happen. Well, noth· Adventures at Home ing happened. Now you hear the When a radio program puts name almost every night. 1 Memo to the Boas. To: CM From: JS WE'RE GOING TO CHURCH F YOU buy lhis piece, Ibe sales price is going directly into circula I tion for purchase of the following articles, to wit: Two coal-oil lamps, two dozen candles, one case of con centrated soups, one ax, a battery-set NEXT SUNDAY radio and about a dollar's woHh of stamps to send my copy of "Gone Wilb Ibe Wind" bock 10 Margaret Mitchell. Also I am going to return to Bromfield my copy of 'The Rains BY JAMES STREET Came." However, I am keeping for ever an old edition of Alger's "Sink or Swim" and a first..ed.ition of Sinclair Lewis' "It Can't Happen Here." Be "HOW GREAT IS GOD, AND HOW LITTLE IS MAN," SAYS JAMES cause it did! Once upon a time, boss, you told me that U I ran into any unusual events STREET IN THIS GRAPHIC WORD-PICTURE OF THE NEW EN- during my wanderings to drop you a memo and perhaps we could pull a story out of same. Maybe this is not GLAND HURRICANE THAT LEFT HIS HOME A SCENE OF HAVOC unusual, but our family has just shaken off the shackles of a nightmare during which we literally lived in our dog house for a day and a night while the rains came and our little world up here in Connecticut went with the "We are going to church next Sun at times) that our next investment must dido'l in any way dislurb tbeir lives. wind. And we, to whom news is the day." be a battery set. I didn't know a radio Locust trees and pears and apples staff of life, didn't know there was a The littlest little Jim said, "I want could be so friendly until we were and cherries formea a regiment on our European crisis until it was all over! a battery radio set for Christmas.