Fy20 Atm Article Plastic Bag Ban Proposed
ARTICLE VII. ELECTED BOARDS, Section 3. BOARD OF HEALTH c. Plastic Bag Reduction: The purpose of this bylaw is to reduce the use of single-use, thin-film plastic, check-out bags by all retail establishments in the Town of North Attleboro and to promote the use of reusable bags. 1. Definitions: a. "Thin-film single-use plastic bags", shall mean those bags typically with handles, constructed of high-density polyethylene (HDPE),low-density polyethylene(LDPE), linear low-density polyethylene( LLDPE), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyethylene terephthalate(PET), or polypropylene(other than woven and non-woven polypropylene fabric), if said film is 4.0 mils or less in thickness and are intended for single-use transport of purchased products. b. Biodegradable bag" means a bag that: 1) contains no polymers derived from fossil fuels; and 2) is intended for single use and will decompose in a natural setting at a rate comparable to other biodegradable materials such as paper, leaves, and food waste. c. "Reusable bag" means a bag, with handles, that is specifically designed for multiple use and is made of thick plastic, cloth, fabric or other durable materials. d. “Retail Establishment” shall mean any business facility that sells goods directly to the consumer whether for or not for profit, including, but not limited to, retail stores, restaurants, pharmacies, convenience and grocery stores, liquor stores, seasonal and temporary businesses. 2. Use Regulations a. Thin-film single-use plastic bags shall not be distributed, used, or sold for checkout or other purposes at any retail establishment within the Town of North Attleboro.
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