Plastic Shopping Survey

1. Check the that best describes where you live.

Response Response

Percent Count

Bucoda 0.8% 29

Lacey 24.8% 939

Olympia 30.4% 1,152

Rainier 1.7% 65

Rochester 2.9% 108

Tenino 2.1% 80

Tumwater 7.0% 265

Yelm 7.1% 267

Unincorporated Thurston County 17.4% 658

I do not live in Thurston County 5.8% 221

answered question 3,784

skipped question 0

1 of 142 2. Please rate the following statements:

Strongly Strongly Rating Response Agree Neutral Disagree N/A Agree Disagree Average Count

I always recycle my plastic 43.3% 30.9% 11.3% 7.9% 4.5% 2.1% 1.97 3,449 grocery . (1,495) (1,066) (390) (273) (154) (71)

I am concerned about the amount 57.0% 27.5% 8.9% 3.0% 3.4% 0.2% of and trash plastic bags 1.68 3,429 (1,954) (943) (306) (104) (116) (6) create.

I always use reusable bags when I 20.3% 33.7% 24.0% 13.8% 6.7% 1.4% 2.52 3,431 shop. (698) (1,157) (825) (472) (230) (49)

Making plastic bags uses too many 42.2% 24.3% 20.1% 5.4% 6.4% 1.7% 2.08 3,373 resources. (1,422) (819) (678) (183) (215) (56)

I always my plastic bags for 63.7% 27.3% 4.9% 1.5% other purposes, like picking up pet 1.7% (58) 1.0% (34) 1.47 3,452 (2,198) (942) (168) (52) waste or lining my trash can.

I am concerned about marine 62.3% 23.3% 8.1% 3.1% 0.4% animals and birds being injured or 2.7% (92) 1.60 3,424 (2,134) (799) (279) (106) (14) killed by plastic bags.

answered question 3,493

skipped question 291

3. Are plastic bags recyclable in your curbside recycle cart?

Response Response

Percent Count

Yes 12.4% 428

No 61.5% 2,130

I don't know 26.1% 905

answered question 3,463

skipped question 321

2 of 142 4. The average American uses 350-500 plastic shopping bags each year. How many of these actually get recycled?

Response Response

Percent Count

5% 63.7% 2,161

35% 28.2% 955

65% 5.8% 198

95% 2.3% 78

answered question 3,392

skipped question 392

5. Would you support an ordinance in Thurston County that bans plastic "check-out" bags in retail stores and allows stores to charge a fee for bags?

Response Response

Percent Count

Yes 49.2% 1,725

No 25.9% 907

Maybe - I need more information 24.9% 873

answered question 3,505

skipped question 279

3 of 142 6. We would like to know your thoughts about use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag ? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)




answered question 1,569

skipped question 2,215

4 of 142 5 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

1 Being able to recycle at curbside. Oct 15, 2012 7:35 AM

2 I hate plastic bags but don't want to create new challenges for low-income folks Oct 12, 2012 3:18 PM related to fees.

3 Plastic bags and should be banned. Oct 12, 2012 2:48 PM

4 I like using plastic bags to line my trash cans and to carry items to and from Oct 12, 2012 2:46 PM home.

5 I avoid them and use paper or reusable when possible. Oct 12, 2012 12:23 PM

6 You can reuse them over an over. Oct 12, 2012 12:11 PM

7 Provide incentives to use or switch to reusable. Provide reusable bags for free. Oct 12, 2012 11:19 AM Fine businesses that continue to use or provide.

8 Don't allow. Make people buy them like in Europe. Oct 8, 2012 1:34 PM

9 -am not in favor of cutting old growth for paper bags. -if paper gags come from Oct 8, 2012 11:05 AM recycled produts-for sure.

10 I can reuse them for other things. However, retailers are too wasteful by not Oct 8, 2012 11:03 AM filling them all the way *shoppers* litter bags when it is not always necessary.

11 Light weight. Easy to Handle-I don't forget to take them in. Oct 8, 2012 10:42 AM

12 Have more places to recycle bags. People don't wash their reusuable bags, and Oct 8, 2012 9:48 AM I don't like the unsanitary problems.

13 We all shold return them to the place where they shopped! Oct 8, 2012 9:36 AM

14 Plastic bags can almost always be used for other than their original purpose. Oct 8, 2012 9:32 AM

15 Make plastic bags that cost 50cents and last to be re-used. Oct 5, 2012 4:24 PM

16 Plastic bags are hazardous to the environment and should no longer be Oct 5, 2012 3:34 PM available for use. I use paper bags.

17 It's good that some grocery bags now give discounts for bringing your own bags. Oct 5, 2012 3:18 PM

18 I like to use plastic bags for garbage-yard waste. Oct 5, 2012 3:17 PM

19 Ban packaging Oct 5, 2012 3:02 PM

20 Light-have plastic bqags recycled in garbage pick-up Oct 5, 2012 3:00 PM

21 Humanity has surpassed the planetary carrying capacity, and it makes sense Oct 5, 2012 2:49 PM according to the precautionary principle, to take immediate and urgent actionto lessen our impact.

22 fold & hand in to food bank.Or reuse at times. Oct 5, 2012 2:29 PM

6 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

23 No more plastic bags.! Oct 5, 2012 2:27 PM

24 Reusable, but these bags are reusable to the max! Oct 5, 2012 1:58 PM

25 My DD clients reuse them and they're free for them. Oct 5, 2012 1:52 PM

26 To be able touse them when I need them for stuff around my house. I agree that Oct 5, 2012 1:35 PM we should get rid of plastic bags. We are filling up our land fills to quickly.

27 I'd support a tax on plastic bags-enought to cause stores to offer a 5 cent rebate Oct 5, 2012 1:22 PM to customers for reusing bags. then when the bags are worn and torn, the DEQ could have a $100,000 sweepstates, with 20 broken bags turned intor recycling to enter.

28 I do re-use mine several times over for various causes. Very helpful when Oct 5, 2012 11:45 AM carrying objects containing moisture.

29 But they make great poop bags for dogs. Oct 5, 2012 11:43 AM

30 Plastic bags can be useful when you need a cheap waterproof . Oct 5, 2012 11:41 AM

31 Increase with curbside pick-up Oct 5, 2012 11:39 AM

32 People need to be more aware of bringing your own bag. Oct 5, 2012 11:11 AM

33 Not a whole lot. Make recycling easier for people . Cost. Landfill. Oct 5, 2012 11:09 AM

34 I can carry a lot more at one time in plastic. Oct 5, 2012 9:45 AM

35 Offer it curbside. Oct 5, 2012 9:32 AM

36 ffff Oct 5, 2012 6:11 AM

37 Ban them! Oct 4, 2012 9:47 AM

38 It can be frustrating to be charged a monthly fee to recycle. Oct 4, 2012 9:07 AM

39 Curbside recycle for plastic would be nice! Oct 4, 2012 9:06 AM

40 I would like to see more plastic bags recycling, and more recycling of all that we Oct 4, 2012 9:00 AM use, paper, food, etc.

41 We reuse plastic bags alot in our house, but we also recycle them. Oct 3, 2012 10:02 AM

42 I support a ban. Oct 2, 2012 3:27 PM

43 Store signs in parking lots. Oct 2, 2012 2:58 PM

44 Sometimes plastic is useful for chicken at the grocery store. Need reusable Oct 2, 2012 9:53 AM options for that.

45 I like plastic bags but there should be an easier way to recycle. I take them to Oct 2, 2012 8:40 AM

7 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

Fred Meyer but it would be easier to put them in my recycle bin. I use my cloth bags when I shop and for a lot more like my trips to Costco. People need more education also on what happens when plastic bags hit the environment.

46 How about an incentive to not use plastic bags and use reusable ? Oct 2, 2012 8:34 AM

47 How about an incentive to not use plastic bags and use reusable containers? Oct 1, 2012 8:56 AM

48 I use my plastic bags for pet litter. Otherwise I recycle them. Oct 1, 2012 6:22 AM

49 I use plastic bags for pet waste. I'll have to buy them if I don't get them via Sep 30, 2012 6:54 PM shopping. I use reusable bags for a portion of my shopping. Having recycling of plastic bags at curbside would help with recycling. The stores don't always recycle the ones that you take there. They sometimes throw them in the trash. If they were biodegradable it would help with ones that get loose in the environment (it won't matter in a landfill). I wish people weren't so irresponsible with disposal.

50 Too much governmental regulatoins with zero accountability. Suggest a solution Sep 29, 2012 7:43 PM rather than a regulation. What about paper bags again that are automatically recycled regardless of the direction they go - paper goes back to the land they came from as trees. Less export of our lumber to other nations and cultures and more of that wood going to make paper bags. Back up the clock folks and the plastic bags go away in favor of paper. Thank you.

51 Reusable shopping bags breed bacteria leading to food poisoning. I find the Sep 29, 2012 5:24 PM plastic bags new are safer for food carrying. Plastic bags have been made recently more fragile. Tear easier, bottoms not fully sealed, thinner. All in the effort to apease the anti plastic bag people. I do feel for wildlife and the garbage waste on our beaches. I find it very sad people are so lazy they can't be bothered to dispose of bags. I use bags for pet waste, containing garbage to take to can, To keep food from being contaminated from other foods. I am disabled and the plastic bags are easier for me to carry vs. paper bags. I want the choice to use what I view is best for me. Not to be mandated what I have to use and charged on top of that. Fixed income means just that. We can't afford food, power, phone, shelter, transportation, medical care and now another charge is to be added. NO NO NO NO. Leave my plastic bags ALONE.

52 The imposition of bag fees would create a significant problem for those of us Sep 29, 2012 3:49 PM who use the Food Stamps program to feed ourselves, as well as other problems.

53 They are re-usable in many ways and I don't need to pay for other inconvenient Sep 29, 2012 2:08 PM methods to carry things.

54 I use the bags to line small garbage cans and for other purposes. If they wind up Sep 29, 2012 12:40 PM in the garbage, it's because they are full of other garbage. Stop telling me how to live my life.

55 The whole "green" thing is way to extreme. The problem is not the bags, it is Sep 29, 2012 11:48 AM irresponsible people, government always punishing all over the few.

8 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

56 I believe there should be a charge for both plastic and paper bags; thereby Sep 28, 2012 11:40 AM enforcing the use of reusable bags. The right sollution in protecting our environment is eliminating the convienence of pollutants. The reuse of plastic bags, for pet wast as an example, still harms our environment. Pet owners should use biodegradable bags which are much more size appropriate for the task.

57 I believe it should be up to an individual whether or not to use whatever type bag Sep 28, 2012 10:45 AM they choose. If you are going to require people to bring their own bags, for a period of time give free bags to customers. Some people can't afford to buy them. Some elderly and low income people can't afford even the nickel to buy them. If an elderly person has $50 to spend on groceries and forgets their bag and their bill is $47.99, they don't have the nickel to pay for a bag.

58 I strongly support a plastic bag ban. I really wanted to attend some of the public Sep 27, 2012 7:25 PM meetings, but I was unable to do so. I think Thurston county should be amongst the other cities/counties in the country leading the way in . Such bans have been implemented successfully elsewhere with little difficulty and vast improvements in waste reduction. Plastic does some wonderful things for us, but we don't need plastic shopping bags!

59 Plastic bags can be reused in many ways and I do so, using mine for pet waste Sep 27, 2012 1:42 PM as well as for wastebasket liners and for putting messy garbage in before it goes in the trash can. We can encourage recycling by having the recycling companies take them away--possibly in a separate container as the is now done. Once amonth would be sufficient. Having merchants charge 5 cents for a is a big ripoff of the consumer. Did anyone notice how quickly the big corporations, e.g. Safeway, quickly stopped giving a credit when consumers brought in their own bags? Another way to gouge the public and increase corporate profits. I never let my plastic bags become litter. I have used cloth bags, but am concerned about cleanliness, especially where fresh meat is concerned. A very small percentage of the population would faithfully wash those bags weekly. If plastic bags are banned, how about requiring merchants to provide paper bags? I shop mostly at Trader Joe's where they always provide strong, reusable paper bags. Education is the solution to the plastic bag problem.

60 I would look to what has been done in other communities regarding plastic Sep 25, 2012 12:32 PM shopping bags. What has worked and what hasn't? What are the forces that will oppose such a ban and do we have the political will to withstand those forces?

61 I reuse plastic bags for other purposes but i feel that we all need to recycle Sep 24, 2012 1:51 PM plastic bags. Every shopping or grocery outlets should have a recycling bin.

62 It makes no sense to continue to use plastic bags when most of them end up in Sep 24, 2012 10:05 AM landfills. I think that Thurston County should take a stand and end this cycle of ignorance. We need to honor our environment and become "greener". Yes, plastic bags are great to pick up dog waste, line trash containers...but, not for grocery or retail shopping. Nothing is worse than buying one item and receiving it in a plastic bag that sometimes gets tossed before even leaving the store....that is plain and simply, wrong. Curbside bag recycle would help but not

9 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

alleviate the problem. Yes, plastic bags are convenient but at what cost....our future, the future of our wildlife, the environment...... our children!!!

63 Accepting bags in our recycling bins would be the #1 way to increase bag Sep 24, 2012 9:27 AM question. I think most folks don't recycle their bags because they have to gather them up somewhere, which takes space, then they have to transport them to a recycling collection area, usually a grocery store. Most often, we forget to take them with us, on our trips to the store, or they sit in the for weeks before we remember them. I'm sure they often get thrown out at some point in this delivery system, before the recycling actually occurs. Even if you asked folks to gather them up for awhile and place them in the recycling as a bundle, many of us would be thrilled to do this, just to be able to put them in our bins. I think plastic bags certainly have their value. Many folks use them to line garbage, or carry things, etc. But, if we make these free, there is widespread abuse. They must be purchased for use, then people treat them with more respect, more conservation of their use. I would suggest if they ARE sold, that it wouldn't be as single bag use at grocery lines. A nickle or dime still isn't enough to avoid the abuse. BAN the BAGS!!! They are a public menace, and Thurston County is progressive enough to act smart on this one, especially since we are a waterfront community, the place many bags end up. Change most often is accompanied by a nudge to make people alter their habits. This is OK, when we are faced with the environmental degradation we perpetrate on this earth each and every day. Anything we can do to mitigate that is something we should try.

64 The only place i know of that still accepts plastic bags for recycling is Fred Sep 22, 2012 10:31 AM Meyer. More places to drop off bags of a way to put a bundle of them on with our comingled recycling would at least make it easier for those of us who already try hard to recycle plastic bags. With some education it might even entice others to make an effort to recycle them. I reuse plastic shopping bags for garbage pale liners. I wish there was a good, durable biodegradable alternative to plastic garbage bags too.

65 I grew up not using paper or plastic bags at stores in Europe. 40 years ago! Sep 22, 2012 8:11 AM What is taking us so long?

66 Making bags recycleable in curbside bins would be a huge step to helping Sep 21, 2012 4:01 PM reduce the number in landfills.

67 I do like re-using plastic bags to store veggies in my fridge and to use as packing Sep 21, 2012 11:18 AM materials. At the same time, I would rather they be banned to reduce trash entering the waste stream and because they are wasteful.

68 get rid of them. go all the way get rid of all bags. make people actually bring the Sep 20, 2012 7:46 PM million reusable ones they have at home or even sitting in their cars! maybe start with reminders at the front of all major grocery stores!

69 I resue bags several times. If not availabe I'm not sure what I'd use. Sep 20, 2012 4:11 PM

70 I like to use them for other things & it's a money saving issue for me, I don't buy Sep 20, 2012 4:10 PM small bags for bathroom or dog waste.

10 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

71 Side note: We want used (clean, no holes) plastic bags at Thurston Co. Food Sep 20, 2012 4:07 PM Bank. We use all sizes to repackage food for distribution to schools & sites.

72 Just use paper. Sep 20, 2012 3:37 PM

73 I like reusing them around the house. Sep 20, 2012 3:34 PM

74 What I like is using thme for doog poop clean up/juice pulp. Sep 20, 2012 3:18 PM

75 Ban plastic bags or some kind of incintive for recycling. Sep 20, 2012 3:09 PM

76 There needs to be more ways to recycle plastic bags. Sep 20, 2012 3:06 PM

77 Curbside bag recycling!! Sep 20, 2012 3:05 PM

78 More recycle locations Include in curbside recycling Sep 20, 2012 1:47 PM

79 Provide more avenues for reuse or recycling. If plastic bags are banned those Sep 20, 2012 1:36 PM who douse/need them will then need to purchase them.

80 No spell check needed-Examine to Portland ordinance that appears to be quite Sep 20, 2012 1:35 PM successful-Plagerism is the greatest for of flattery.

81 Remebering the re-usuable bag. Sep 20, 2012 1:33 PM

82 Don't have rcycling. Sep 20, 2012 11:46 AM

83 Use reusuable except when I forget them. Sep 20, 2012 11:46 AM

84 The hawks prairie facility makes recycling just about anything very easy. They Sep 20, 2012 11:14 AM get all my plastic bags that are not repurposed. More grocery stores & other merchants who use plastic bags should all have a recycle bag container at their front doors.

85 Provide more information to the public. Sep 20, 2012 10:57 AM

86 It would be nice if my neighborhood recycling receptacle would take them so I Sep 20, 2012 10:53 AM don't have to take them to the grocery store.

87 I like plastic bags because I reuse them to pick up pet waste. I also make useful Sep 20, 2012 10:35 AM items out of them like reusable shopping bags by crocheting them together.

88 Come up with a better alternative (financial) Sep 20, 2012 9:28 AM

89 I reuse plastic bags every day of my life - for pet waste, garbage, transporting Sep 20, 2012 8:11 AM plants from my garden to friends, packing in , and on and on. I would be lost without them. And what about all the grocery items that sweat or leak? Paper bags are a joke in a like that - they break through! I can put a soiled plastic bag in the trash - think of the water, detergent and electricity I would use if I had to wash a "reusable" bag. If a paper bag is soiled, I can't even recycle it and must also put it in the trash. What about all the products that are made from recycled plastic bags - what would happen to fleece, other plastic items, etc.

11 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

Make people aware of the other uses for the plastic bags - and make the recycle bins for these bags more available to the public. Or make a more "recycleable" plastic bag? How much do plastic bags contribute to total waste and litter? I'd even pay a nickle for a PLASTIC BAG!

90 Increase by charing for plastic Encourage paper Sep 19, 2012 3:44 PM

91 I like that we reuse them for trash bags, lunch bags, packing extra clothes-they Sep 19, 2012 3:32 PM have more than one use.

92 They are convient. Sep 19, 2012 3:16 PM

93 Add to curbside recycle. Sep 19, 2012 2:43 PM

94 Lets just stop using them, it may take time to adjust but we will get used to Sep 19, 2012 1:23 PM it....Americans fear change!

95 More often I reuse the plastic bags until they are totally gone or gross. Sep 19, 2012 1:06 PM

96 They carry light stuff. Sep 19, 2012 1:05 PM

97 More energy is used to make paper bags then plastic bags. Sep 19, 2012 1:03 PM

98 Light and easy to carry groceries in. Curbside recycling would help. The cost for Sep 19, 2012 12:04 PM poor people on fixed income.

99 Just continue to put info out there. People will change eventually. Sep 19, 2012 11:59 AM

100 Ban them. Sep 19, 2012 11:44 AM

101 They are hazardous to wildlife. Sep 19, 2012 11:34 AM

102 If we ban free plastic bags people will have to purchase plastic bags to dispose Sep 19, 2012 10:59 AM of garbage and pet waste. Who does that hurt? Low income familites!!! What about how many get re-used!

103 Charging a fee for paper would create issues for many lower income residents. Sep 19, 2012 10:53 AM However, recognising the intersechionality of these issues and acknowledging the work of bag give-aways such as these canhelp to create more of an equal community.

104 I reuse plastic grocery bags as trash bags rather then purchase commercial Sep 19, 2012 10:49 AM bags, as well as for general uses as parent/pet owner/etc (carrying stuff!). Then recycle when no longer usable.

105 Bags use oil, oil costs money and is harmful to our environment. No need! Sep 19, 2012 10:43 AM

106 Just ban them. We'll get used to it again and figure out another way to get by. Sep 19, 2012 10:11 AM We got along for decades before they arrived and we'll get by fine once they're banned.

107 I don't use plastic shopping bags and rarely shop at stores that supply them. I Sep 19, 2012 7:31 AM

12 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

would support a ban on the plastic but not a surcharge on paper to make food even more expensive. Leave it up to the stores. If they want to charge their customers for paper then they can if they don't then they don't have to. Mandating the charge just hurts people who can't afford food as it is. Increase recycling. I would love to be able to recycle all the various types of . I was told that I can't because the plastic gums up the sorting machines that the recyclers use. Plastic film is the largest part of my waste stream.

108 Plastic shopping bags are no worse than aluminum cans or cardboard Sep 18, 2012 8:30 PM packaging. it makes bsolutely NO sense to target these as an evil to be banned from use. We recycle our bags or manage them responsibly for other uses such as trash can liners. Cigarette butts and general litter are much worse than bags. This legislation to ban the bags is ridiculous and a waste of our lawmakers' time.

109 In our area, Costco gets by without providing bags. When the wind blows hard, Sep 18, 2012 7:07 PM plastic bags appear in too many unlikely places.

110 Plastic bags are easy and sometimes I forget to bring my own. However, I still Sep 18, 2012 4:37 PM think that we all need to be aware about all kinds of recycling and the county needs to educate better and provide convenient recycle place.

111 Hard to ban them, especially for EVERY type of shopping. Grocery stores are Sep 18, 2012 3:53 PM likely the highest volume of usage - focus efforts there. Really need to make recycling easier and increase/improve messaging about the benefits of non- plastic bag use

112 Encourage people to revise them for different uses. Sep 18, 2012 3:51 PM

113 I still like paper for certain things. Recycle but mostly use bags. Sep 18, 2012 3:50 PM

114 There is absolutely no need for them. There are viable alternatives that Sep 18, 2012 3:02 PM everyone would use if plastic bags were no longer available.

115 Making it affordable to transition for businesses. Sep 18, 2012 2:48 PM

116 Ban use and charge for use Sep 18, 2012 2:11 PM

117 No comment Sep 18, 2012 2:11 PM

118 Improve the quality of retailers' reusable tote bags. Fred Meyers are the worst; Sep 18, 2012 2:08 PM they tear and part seams easily. Trader Joes makes the very best. Strong and durable. I agree with the author that it requires a conscious habit change to remember to take the reusable totes each trip. I'm getting better...

119 Plastic bags are often very useful for certain items. They are used with our Sep 18, 2012 2:08 PM shopping bags and then reused.

120 Question 4 is leading and UNPROFESSIONAL Sep 18, 2012 12:32 PM

121 thanks for the reusable bag! Sep 18, 2012 12:06 PM

122 Have all curbside recycling take them Sep 18, 2012 12:06 PM

13 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

123 Banning plastic bags cannot happen soon enough. Sep 18, 2012 12:05 PM

124 Grocery stores should have recycle for bags. Sep 18, 2012 12:03 PM

125 I need to be more dilligent about these bags! Sep 18, 2012 12:00 PM

126 More research needed. Keep containers on ships so bags not dropped by Sep 18, 2012 11:59 AM container full. Try corn based plastic, etc.

127 Store easily. I like resuing them for garbage. Sep 18, 2012 11:55 AM

128 More stores recycling. Sep 18, 2012 11:49 AM

129 I like that I can reuse them. Curbside collection would be beneficial. Sep 18, 2012 11:45 AM

130 Make public aware of how to recycle them... I don't kow how to do.... Sep 18, 2012 11:43 AM

131 So many people can't afford reusable shopping bags, to discontinue use. Maybe Sep 18, 2012 11:34 AM help them get them started, or make recycling more readily availabe!

132 Thank You Sep 18, 2012 11:30 AM

133 I want to change my plastic bag habits to reduce the enviromental impact-forcing Sep 18, 2012 9:39 AM me to will help.

134 Make it possible to recycle in the curbside bins so it's more convienient for Sep 18, 2012 9:37 AM everyone.

135 Don't like them Sep 18, 2012 9:36 AM

136 Ilike getting plastic bags sometimes because I always reuse them at least once. Sep 18, 2012 9:14 AM I wouldn't mind paying a small fee for them at the grocery store.

137 Keep some Sep 18, 2012 9:13 AM

138 I prefer to have no plastic bags available to the public. I is easy to change habits Sep 18, 2012 8:52 AM when we have to. We can have really lightweight bags or baskets or containers in our vehicle or in the stores themselves, such as in the Food Co-ops and Costcos where there are boxes available for costomers who don't have their own containers. I carry my own bags and containers in the back of my vehicle. I rarely forget. I often can walk out with some things in my hands, such as a few clothing items from a store or a loaf of bread and of milk. When I was in theplastic bags available at the grocery stores. That was many years ago.

139 Offer more places to recycle plastic bags and maybe charge 5 cents per bag?? Sep 17, 2012 8:26 PM

140 I alway's try to ask for paper or bring my own. But sometimes I for get and get Sep 17, 2012 7:14 PM plastic. "Just Ban Them" Charge a $1.00 a bag ! That will stop us all.

141 They need to be recycled. Sep 17, 2012 4:51 PM

142 Educating & dialogue directed to get people to think is probably good but Sep 17, 2012 4:42 PM

14 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

legislation is usually ultimately ineffective.

143 I don't like them at all. they rip too fast and nobody puts them in the recycling Sep 17, 2012 3:42 PM bins.

144 We always take our reusuable bags to the store but forget them in the car. Put Sep 17, 2012 3:40 PM signs in the parking log "Did you bring your reuse bags"

145 I'd rather have paper you can use it for wrapping , drawing, plastic rigps too Sep 17, 2012 3:09 PM easily. Besides paper is more reusuable, i can do without plastic.

146 All bags should be compostable!! Sep 17, 2012 3:06 PM

147 No Sep 17, 2012 2:49 PM

148 Plastic bags often wind up as litter and affect wildlife. Sep 17, 2012 2:48 PM

149 Folks need to hear why the plastic bags are harmfu. They need to see the Sep 17, 2012 2:47 PM connection to their choices and how it eventually harms all of us.

150 -----ppard Rocks! Sep 17, 2012 2:38 PM

151 Easy to store for reuse. Sep 17, 2012 2:32 PM

152 I never actually remember my re-usuable bags when I go shopping and I never Sep 17, 2012 2:29 PM want to buy more so plastic t-shirt bags come in handy.

153 Let individuals make the decision. Sep 17, 2012 2:28 PM


155 not a real issue to be dealt with, instead of hopping on the bandwagon lets use Sep 17, 2012 2:13 PM some common sense and leave people to their own decisions

156 I like plastic Bags because they have a one Time use,no Germs collect like in Sep 17, 2012 1:17 PM reuseble Bags.I use them for my Garbage if I dont have them then i will have to buy Garbagebags,so the plastic Bags will always be there anyway.

157 I do reuse my plastic bags as liners in my garbage cans. Like my mom I could Sep 16, 2012 10:03 PM line them with paper bags. If plastic bags were banned I would be forced to use my reuse bags which I have a trunk full of. I support banning plastic bags.

158 I must admit I am guilty of using plastic bags when I shop. I have a trunk full of Sep 16, 2012 9:59 PM cloth bags as well as bags from Trader Joes. I do use them but if plastic bags where banned I would be forced to use them always instead of sometimes. On the other had I always reuse my plastic bags as liners in my garbage cans. I remember growing up my mom always lined the garbage with paper. I can and should do that too! I am in support of banning plastic bags to help the

15 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)


159 I would like to see a ban and we would just have to cope. I currently both Sep 16, 2012 8:50 PM recycle bags and use them for cat litter disposal and for storing some vegetables and sometimes for garbage before putting it into compostable bags, since they tend to digest before I'm ready to put them into the bin. You can increase bag recycling by having curbside pickup. But it is better to not use them in the first place. Have a 5Cent charge for getting a plastic bag in the store. Outlaw them from stores.

160 1. Bags are not the problem. PEOPLE ARE. 2. Bags are being reused Sep 16, 2012 1:41 PM everywhere: garbage, storing, carrying things, gifting, projects, sorting, etc.

161 I'd like to be able to recycle bags in our mixed recycling container. Sep 15, 2012 4:21 PM

162 I like to use plastic bags as liners for my small garbage cans in the bathroom. Sep 15, 2012 10:35 AM

163 I like plastic bags though they need to be thicker/stronger so they don't break so Sep 14, 2012 9:37 AM easy. Love that they can be recycled for other uses. Hate this website Thurston County! Looking for something and it redirects you else where.

164 ban plastic bags Sep 13, 2012 1:55 PM

165 Plastic bags are convienent because they are so readily available. Sep 13, 2012 1:54 PM

166 They use petroleum which needs to be discontinued. Sep 13, 2012 1:41 PM

167 Just do it! Sep 13, 2012 1:39 PM

168 Too much plastic in food industry, not just in check-out bags. Sep 13, 2012 1:37 PM

169 Recycle them. Sep 13, 2012 1:17 PM

170 Putmore containers in parts to reuse bags for poop. Sep 13, 2012 11:13 AM

171 I suppose one could recycle the bags as like some sort of lining for your Sep 13, 2012 11:12 AM recycling can.

172 I agree that plastic bags are bad for the environment. Sep 13, 2012 10:39 AM

173 I think we can and should be a leading couty for reducing the use of plastic bags Sep 13, 2012 10:32 AM to as little as possible.

174 I think we can increase plastic bag recycling by reminding people more often. Sep 13, 2012 10:31 AM

175 I think we can increase bag recycling if at the enterance of any store we saw a Sep 13, 2012 10:28 AM big sign about that. Did you recycle today?

176 I would support a plastic bag fee (5 cents) if a person wanted one from a store. Sep 13, 2012 10:26 AM Thank you!

177 I use paper bags, then "mulch" them with . Sep 13, 2012 9:17 AM

16 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

178 We need lots of them. Sep 13, 2012 9:09 AM

179 They can be used as trash liners. Sep 13, 2012 9:08 AM

180 I rather motivate than punish. Sep 12, 2012 4:56 PM

181 I use them daily in my public education classroom. Sep 12, 2012 4:51 PM

182 Lots of lazy people! Sep 12, 2012 4:50 PM

183 They are convenient and make possible to rscycle in the bin. Sep 12, 2012 4:42 PM

184 I prefer plastic for wet & organic garbage. I like the option to recycle at grocery Sep 12, 2012 4:20 PM stores. Paper gabbing should be encouraged but charging will not do that.

185 I think TC needs to get on board with Seattle and many other 1st world countries Sep 12, 2012 4:02 PM (GB) and charge for bags provided in stores. People will learn quickly.

186 More information about where/how to recycle pplastic bags. Sep 12, 2012 3:47 PM

187 Didn't know curside recycle included plastic bags. Sep 12, 2012 3:30 PM

188 Plastic bags don't rip as easy. Sep 12, 2012 3:14 PM

189 1, Plastic bags don't leak & fall apart like paper. 2. I don't know. 3. More people Sep 12, 2012 3:12 PM will use reusuable bags if plastic bags are banned.

190 Bags don't last too long-they get brittle and usually get thrown away in the trash Sep 12, 2012 2:58 PM or burned.

191 I like the convenience of carrying plastic bags & the ability to use them multiple Sep 12, 2012 2:40 PM times.

192 School recycling program to educate kids. Sep 12, 2012 1:48 PM

193 Some people cannot afford, maybe pre-pay for some so that all can have. Sep 12, 2012 1:47 PM

194 Familiar with Seattle's attempt. Reaaly unsure of how a ban would affect me. Sep 12, 2012 1:46 PM

195 Wish bag recycling could be in recycle container/curbside. Sep 12, 2012 11:40 AM

196 Reusable bags carry the strong possibilty of germs contanminating my food at Sep 12, 2012 11:32 AM the market. I don't use when I shop at the market. We reuse or recycle our plastic bags always.

197 Meat needs to be in plastic. Food handling risk. Sep 12, 2012 10:28 AM

198 I hate plastic bags. I came from a town with a plastic bag ban. It is very easy to Sep 12, 2012 10:14 AM not use plastic bags once you get used to it.

199 I feel that we don't support recycling as much as we could. I don't recycle nor do Sep 12, 2012 9:52 AM my friends, but I hate polluting. Fuck plastic bags. They are terrible.

17 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

200 I like them because I reuse them at my house for different things. I wouldn't be Sep 12, 2012 9:48 AM against banniing them in stores or charging for them. Peace Love & Rainbows.

201 keep encouraging people to use their own bags. Sep 12, 2012 9:43 AM

202 I dont think that bag recycling necessarily needs to increase, as it encourages Sep 11, 2012 10:00 PM the use of plastic bags. I fully support a ban on plastic bags, or a fee for use. I already do not use plastic if I remember to bring my reusable bags with me, or if I only have a few items. Having a small fee brings the issue of plastic bag use, and the environmental impact from that use to your mind every time that you need to purchase the plastic bags.

203 More stores with recycle bins for plastic bags. Sep 11, 2012 4:08 PM

204 People have a choice, let them decide for themselves. Sep 11, 2012 3:36 PM

205 I can understand banning plastic but to ban them and charge for paer is not Sep 11, 2012 3:27 PM something I am interested in.

206 If cleaned & reused by patron we would not need to have ordanices. Sep 11, 2012 3:19 PM

207 Just do it!! Sep 11, 2012 3:16 PM

208 Get rid of all plastic bags. Sep 11, 2012 3:15 PM

209 A degradable bag would help. Sep 11, 2012 3:14 PM

210 There should be more options for recycling these bags. Sep 11, 2012 3:01 PM

211 I'd really like to have a ban on plastic bags. Sep 11, 2012 2:59 PM

212 I use all my bags Sep 11, 2012 2:54 PM

213 Good Luck Sep 11, 2012 2:48 PM

214 I like the idea of getting a bag credit when I bring reuseable bags. Sep 11, 2012 2:42 PM

215 Fees! Sep 11, 2012 1:56 PM

216 Letting people know how the plastic effects things. And show how easy it is Sep 11, 2012 1:56 PM

217 Do not agree with ordinance to avoid giving out bags. Sep 11, 2012 1:54 PM

218 Have separate plastic bin. Sep 11, 2012 1:53 PM

219 curbside pick up Sep 11, 2012 1:52 PM

220 Make recycling available curbside. Sep 11, 2012 1:51 PM

221 Convience Sep 11, 2012 1:49 PM

222 Charge higher fee for bags, paper & plastic. Sep 11, 2012 1:47 PM

18 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

223 Encourage using recycled plastic bag Sep 11, 2012 1:46 PM

224 Less plastic use other materials like recycled paper. Sep 11, 2012 1:44 PM

225 I want curbside recycling for plastic bags. Sep 11, 2012 1:40 PM

226 Charging customers for plastic bags at retail outlets!! Sep 11, 2012 1:21 PM

227 High taxes on plastic bags. Sep 11, 2012 12:40 PM

228 To reuse as trash bags. Sep 11, 2012 12:35 PM

229 I like to reuse as garbage bags. Sep 11, 2012 12:34 PM

230 I do not like the use of plastic. I prefer paper. Sep 11, 2012 12:28 PM

231 Have environmentally friendly bags at the stores. It is costs dollars, that's ok. Sep 11, 2012 12:28 PM

232 I reuse them because I have them, which I like. I just have too many. Sep 11, 2012 12:07 PM

233 I reuse my plastic bags. They're hardy for shopping at the market. Sep 11, 2012 12:06 PM

234 There should be a small charge for each bag. Sep 11, 2012 12:05 PM

235 I'd be concenred that some small businesses would be hugley affected (but Sep 11, 2012 12:04 PM probably yes)

236 Sanitary, reusable, and my store takes them back when I do not need Sep 11, 2012 8:53 AM them. Ever use a paper bag in the rain? Food costs to much to fall to the ground.

237 OK only if they are reusable. Sep 10, 2012 3:34 PM

238 I would rather use recycle or paper. Sep 10, 2012 3:18 PM

239 No more plastic bags! Use more reusable discount instead of charging for Sep 10, 2012 3:03 PM plastics!

240 Truckers wrap in plastic that is also ending upin landfille=10X worse. Sep 10, 2012 3:01 PM

241 Banning plastic bags is very unrealistic! Much better to educate people on the Sep 10, 2012 2:59 PM recycle and especially the reuse of plastic bags.

242 If there was mandated recycling. Sep 10, 2012 11:47 AM

243 Waste of my tax dollars to spend time and money on this when there are many Sep 10, 2012 10:06 AM more pressing issues, such as over-regulation and jobs needed.

244 Until you ban Glad bags...what's the point? Sep 7, 2012 4:49 PM

245 Make them biodegradeable so thy break down faster/easier. Sep 7, 2012 4:48 PM

19 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

246 I like the idea of grocery stores not unsing any plastic. Sep 7, 2012 4:24 PM

247 I like them for gooey things or to protect in the rain. Sep 7, 2012 4:01 PM

248 Not sure why folks are so against a plastic bag ban since bringing your bags is Sep 7, 2012 3:35 PM not a hard habit to remember. I remember mine!

249 Ban them!!!! It's not that hard to take your own bags to the grocery store. Sep 7, 2012 3:29 PM

250 The obvious benefit of plastic bags is the convenience. I think most people Sep 7, 2012 2:56 PM could be motivated to recycle bags by understanding the personal benefits. Alot of people aren't motivated by environmental benefits (GHG reduction, harm to animals/birds, less litter) and don't care as long as they don't perceive to be inconvenienced. People need to understand the direct financial benefit to our pocketbooks, how the social costs affect our pocketbooks and our local governments' budgets (which also affects our personal finances). People need help connecting the dots back to "what's in it for me?" I think people also need help understanding that reusable bags are inexpensive and as easy to remember to take into the store with you as remembering your purse or make it a habit. Some arguments for the ban could be (1) our addiction to plastic bags further contributes to our dependence on foreign oil and how that impacts the American economy, (2) if we reduced by, say, half the number of plastic bags used in America in a year, how much money would that free up to invest in our economy and jobs? (or other viable comparison), (3) are the far-reaching consequences of our plastic bag addiction worth the amount of time bags are used? (e.g., the 30 or 60 minutes from store to home to recycle or garbage can).

251 Easy to use on all kinds of sitiations. Sep 7, 2012 2:34 PM

252 Ambivalent Sep 7, 2012 2:28 PM

253 Don't like them. Sep 7, 2012 1:52 PM

254 Stop using plastic and use more paper bags. Sep 7, 2012 1:45 PM

255 I like to have plastic bags to use as trash bags in my home, to keep in my car for Sep 7, 2012 1:01 PM when I pick up other people's litter at the beach or roadside, and other varied purposes. I think charging for them would be an excellent incentive, but that banning them completely is tricky because I hate to support companies making crappy plastic trash bags. I use my cloth bags about 95% of the time I shop, and when I forget them, i either juggle my purchases, or take a plastic bag for reuse purposes. It is a tough decision between encouraging companies to make bags that hold up better for reuse because they then take longer to break down. I just moved to Thurston County and have never lived somewhere that filmy plastic is recyclable. Paper bags are a huge waste of resources, wood and fuel for transportation, much heavier than plastic. More effort for letting people know that bags are recyclable ( I know, you are probably already doing this, but I have not seen it). Encourage biodegradable plstic bags, or at least ones made from recycled materials... Long winded, but I will support any efforts to get these off our streets, out of the sound, and out of our trash.

20 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

256 Yes. Please allow for plastic bag recycling in curbside containers! Also, , Sep 7, 2012 11:35 AM ets.-all types of plastic!

257 I would like to see the stores stop offering plastic bags and go to paper only. Sep 7, 2012 11:28 AM

258 I really haven't put enough thought into plastic bags to have a strong opinion on Sep 7, 2012 9:49 AM the matter. If it is a problem, perhaps better efforts to educate the public rather than ban them?

259 I like the idea of charging a small fee. Sep 6, 2012 4:36 PM

260 I am for banning plastic bags but against charging for paper. Stores already Sep 6, 2012 4:35 PM make $ for their cheaper reusuable bags.Unless they charge very small and the money goes towards direct social services like the food bank.

261 Limiting plastic bag use would be great, but I'm concerned that charging a fee for Sep 6, 2012 4:09 PM paper and banning them outright would disproportionaly affect and pennalize lower income folk who may have limited access to other bags.

262 Encourage the use of recyclable bags by providing more incentives for them and Sep 6, 2012 4:06 PM making them ore accessible.

263 Trashcan liners Sep 6, 2012 4:04 PM

264 Plastic bags can be useful in other ways then just at the store. i think we could Sep 6, 2012 3:02 PM message the consciousness of our useage. This surveyhelped me realize that alone.

265 Plastic bags are for lazy people! Sep 6, 2012 2:58 PM

266 Make it easier to recycle the bags at curbside. Sep 6, 2012 12:56 PM

267 grocery stores could give a larger discount for bringing reusable bags. 10c a bag Sep 5, 2012 4:03 PM is an incentive

268 I use them for use at home. Don't have curbside recycle. Sep 5, 2012 11:55 AM

269 Get rid of them. Sep 5, 2012 11:51 AM

270 Begin taking plastic bags in recycing container. Sep 5, 2012 10:40 AM

271 For: rainy days plastic keeps groceries dry against. Too many tossed Sep 5, 2012 9:58 AM everywhere.

272 Printed handouts with details on how to re-use plastic bags without entering Sep 4, 2012 4:30 PM waste steam.

273 10 cent/bag charge Sep 4, 2012 4:11 PM

274 I think the city needs to check the science rather than spread untrue statements Sep 4, 2012 3:54 PM about plastic bags. The fact are that paper bags create more waste. Check it out on line or the Discovery Channel.

21 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

275 We would like to see it banned. Sep 4, 2012 3:11 PM

276 I would like to hear the phrase: Flagrant Abuse of our Natural Resourses. All that Sep 4, 2012 3:10 PM I have heard is that it is 'such a waste'. Talk about plastic bottles for all the people. Right here in Mottman industrial there are millions of bottles made every week. I cannot imagine what it is like world wide.

277 Need plastic bags for some items in stores that are leaky! Sep 4, 2012 2:55 PM

278 I do not like them! Sep 4, 2012 2:38 PM

279 Would love to see them gone! Sep 4, 2012 2:37 PM

280 There should be curbside recycling of plastic bags! Sep 4, 2012 2:29 PM

281 They should be banned. Sep 4, 2012 2:04 PM

282 I recycle by using as a garbage bag. Sep 4, 2012 1:28 PM

283 We simply must stop filling our environment with waste that is harmful. Sep 4, 2012 1:26 PM

284 They are too easily used to pack purchases at stores-perhaps an outright ban Sep 4, 2012 1:24 PM would lead me as well as others to remember our reuseable bags that are in the trunk of my car.

285 I just think that there's better solution other then burning plastic bags. Maybe Sep 4, 2012 1:21 PM going back to paper.

286 I hate everything about plastic bags and would support banning them in our Sep 4, 2012 1:01 PM community.

287 Use them for garbage but would use biodegradable bags if plastic were banned. Sep 4, 2012 11:46 AM

288 Trash liners! Sep 4, 2012 11:44 AM

289 No comment. Sep 4, 2012 11:22 AM

290 I use for dog waste from my own yard and while out walking. Sep 4, 2012 11:12 AM

291 They fit my kitchen garbage container. Sep 4, 2012 10:47 AM

292 Allow for curbside pick up-other states allow curbside pick up. Sep 4, 2012 10:45 AM

293 Find a way to recycle at curbside. Sep 4, 2012 10:26 AM

294 Allow them in curbside recycling. Sep 4, 2012 10:14 AM

295 Not a good idea. Sep 4, 2012 10:14 AM

296 Like they can be used for other purposes (such as trash and other uses). Not Sep 4, 2012 9:54 AM too found of some of the alternative options.

22 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

297 I re-use the bags as trash can liners. It is unclear to me whether plastic bags can Sep 3, 2012 3:07 PM go into the recyclables. I throw away (in my garbage) the bags that have holes in them; I only re-use the good ones.

298 I would like to see plastic bags go away. there is no need for them Sep 3, 2012 12:34 PM

299 plastic bags littering the streets and freeways shows just how much of a throw- Sep 3, 2012 9:25 AM away society we are. Eliminating plastic bags can help change that mentality. Just the texture and feel of a paper bag intuitively tells people how easy it is to reuse or recycle, since we're all pretty used to recycling other paper products.

300 I am for banning plastic bags. I would like to help in any campaign for this. I Sep 1, 2012 2:44 PM rarely use plastic bags and when I do receive them I either reuse them or take them to the recycle center. Magen Blevins [email protected]

301 I generally use my own reusable bags, but sometimes i don't have them with me. Sep 1, 2012 2:29 PM I use the plastic bags to line my kitchen waste can or hold pet waste. I also collect any bags with holes in them and return them to the store along with other plastic packaging, if I can poke my finger through it (recyclable) . If plastic bags are banned, the county should require stores and drycleaners to take in clean non bag plastic packaging- wrappers, plastic film, baggies, etc. for recycling.

302 I think plastic bags are a waste of resources and that reusable bags should Aug 31, 2012 3:37 PM become mandatory or a surcharge put on plastic bags to support recycling efforts. I also think they are a danger to marine life and a hazard to the well being of our planet. Credit for reusable bags and charge for plastic or paper would encourage the use of reusable bags. Some may argue that the manufacturers of these bags will suffer however some risk is always involved when change is necessary.

303 Have a contest between elementry schools. Aug 31, 2012 1:44 PM

304 I like to resue them for pet waste & trash. Aug 31, 2012 11:41 AM

305 enforce reusable bags Aug 31, 2012 11:38 AM

306 Because it recyclable and easy to use! Aug 31, 2012 10:54 AM

307 Plastic bag-needs for some waste matters malls & grocery store should Aug 31, 2012 10:33 AM encourage people to recycle plastic bag carefully.

308 Convience Aug 30, 2012 3:21 PM

309 More recycling points of contacts and mandate waste companies to accept them. Aug 30, 2012 2:25 PM

310 They don't rip as easyas paper bags. Have more recycling places at the stores. Aug 30, 2012 2:10 PM

311 Need to make recycling available at more sites and start a research project to Aug 29, 2012 4:36 PM develop and design "plastic" bags that will rot into compost after a specific time period.

312 Curbside plastic bag recycling from home would help. Educate school kids about Aug 29, 2012 4:33 PM

23 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

it because they will care and nag their parents when they use them. hee hee!

313 Used properly, plastic bags are an efficient item to use, e.g., pet waste and Aug 29, 2012 10:45 AM wastepaper baskets. If plastic bags could be recycled along with other curbside recyle, that might decrease littering and detrimental exposure to wildlife.

314 Having curbside recycling of these bags would make it so easy to recycle them. Aug 29, 2012 8:29 AM They also have other uses, so I'm not in favor of not having them anymore, just make it easier to recycle them.

315 Go TCSW - eliminate those bags! Aug 28, 2012 8:19 AM

316 Until we can get plastic bags eliminated, we need to do something to eliminate Aug 28, 2012 7:06 AM the litter from plastic bags flying out of the one-person trash pick up trucks. I suggest that large stickers be added to trash cans that say "no loose plastics" and in small letters, "reuse or recycle your plastic bags". Stickers shold be added to recycle bins that say "no plastic bags". I think on windy days, the trash trucks should be required to have a secondperson pick up the flying trash. Plus, the county should pick up trash soon after the edges of the roadways are cut back, lots of trash visible and easy to get to, especially plastic bags. If not everywhere, at least near Puget Sound. Our roadway drainage ditches become creeks that go right to Henderson Inlet.

317 More places to recycle! Aug 27, 2012 3:15 PM

318 Plastic bags are insignificant compared to packaging and needless products. Aug 27, 2012 2:14 PM

319 Banning plastic is fine. Paper should be free. Aug 27, 2012 2:11 PM

320 The only thing I like about plastic bags is I always reuse them for many other Aug 24, 2012 4:41 PM things.

321 A better way to recycle plastic bags. Aug 24, 2012 4:29 PM

322 Educate community Ban - 1. Hazard to sea life 2. Take too long to Aug 24, 2012 4:27 PM

323 They create a lot of roadside trash Aug 24, 2012 4:22 PM

324 They are easy to use Aug 24, 2012 4:21 PM

325 They should be banned. it uses to many resources. Aug 24, 2012 4:15 PM

326 I don't like plastic bags. No more plastic bags. Plastic bags riun our ecosystem Aug 24, 2012 3:24 PM

327 Surely someone has invented a bag that is more easily biodegradable? Aug 24, 2012 3:22 PM

328 More info. about where can recycle Aug 24, 2012 2:59 PM

329 Eliminate the plastic holders on beer & pop cans - Please! Aug 24, 2012 2:54 PM

330 How much change in the environment do you really believe will occur if Aug 23, 2012 4:11 PM everybody recycled their plastic bags?

24 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

331 Sometimes more convenient. Can stuff a lot. Aug 23, 2012 4:06 PM

332 All of above Aug 23, 2012 4:02 PM

333 Ability to clean cat box Aug 23, 2012 4:01 PM

334 I think going back to paper bags is one option and good idea. If people change Aug 23, 2012 3:50 PM to using reusable bags they need to know how to sanitize reusable bag.

335 I'd like to see curbside recycle of bags! Aug 23, 2012 3:01 PM

336 Too many resources need to manufacture them Harmful to aquatic life and Aug 23, 2012 2:59 PM wildlife Ban them

337 Increase public awareness More recycling stations Aug 23, 2012 2:55 PM

338 My local TRL library recycles plastic bags for checked out materials. I agree with Aug 23, 2012 1:01 PM this and I think something similar should be done all over Thurston County. I am a strong believer in reusable cloth bags instead of the wasteful plastic ones. I am for banning the use of plastic bags. Perhaps, an incentive can be given to those who use cloth bags throughout Thurston County. The limiting of plastic bags would certainly help the community and the planet all at the same time.

339 Get rid of plastic bags all together. Aug 23, 2012 11:58 AM

340 Most people do not carry bags for groceries. People might not shop knowing no Aug 23, 2012 11:57 AM bags. Maybe have stores give out free shopping bags.

341 like them for convenience, sanitary, re-usable (i use a few as waste basket Aug 23, 2012 11:48 AM liners), recyclable (local grocery store). if multiple plastic bags were bagged inside a single one and tied off to make a bundle, they wouldn't be the problem they are loose for recyclers. i'm strongly against a ban, and am stock piling for that contingency.

342 Don't like plastic bags Aug 23, 2012 11:46 AM

343 Plastic bags are convient for number of uses, but reusable are better. Aug 22, 2012 7:42 PM

344 I reuse the plastic bags and do not want them banned or charged for paper Aug 22, 2012 6:29 PM bags. Using reuseable bags can cause food containment and are hard to clean.

345 Try not to use plastic bags. Aug 22, 2012 4:54 PM

346 Use the store to recycle Aug 22, 2012 4:52 PM

347 More recycle for bags - curbside Aug 22, 2012 4:51 PM

348 All stores should be required to offer options even if there is an extra charge. I Aug 22, 2012 4:48 PM try to use my own recyclable shopping bags as much as possible.

349 Banning bags can cause extreme expense. Instead we should reward recycling Aug 22, 2012 4:33 PM in some way, or at least make it easier.

25 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

350 I like being able to repurpose plastic bags. Aug 22, 2012 4:32 PM

351 I like easy - I always forget my reuseable bags and I like to use them for other Aug 22, 2012 4:30 PM things. I would like to be able to use the recycling bin at home.

352 Like - easy to use at store Aug 22, 2012 4:27 PM

353 Easy to handle Aug 22, 2012 4:23 PM

354 I like the plastic back because I reuse them. Aug 22, 2012 4:20 PM

355 Do it!! Aug 22, 2012 4:19 PM

356 Disposable are more collapsable - will fit in my jacket pocket. Aug 22, 2012 4:01 PM

357 Build something with recycled bags to show the public exactly what can be done Aug 22, 2012 3:57 PM with the bags versus just throwing them away.

358 No, reuseable Aug 22, 2012 3:53 PM

359 Good for wet items, take up little space. More places available for plastic bag Aug 22, 2012 3:31 PM recycling and advertise thse place to make them known.

360 I always reuse my plastic bags. But i wish the baggers at the would Aug 22, 2012 1:59 PM bag stuff different so its less bags at the end.

361 more stores now have reusable bags for sale right at check out stand, good idea. Aug 22, 2012 1:22 PM I use maybe 1-2 plastic bags per week, which get reused or recycled.Prefer not to have them banned, but making other alternatives more and more available. Clerks asking "do you need a bag?" helps people think about it more.

362 Plastic bags are a detriment to the city, county, country, and world. Living in Aug 22, 2012 12:31 PM Africa and seeing the landscape glittering with plastic (a beautiful, but horrifying site) made me not want to touch another plastic bag. I have not taken one from a store since, and re-use the ones I acquire elsewhere as many times as possible, then put them in the pet pick-up containers around town. I fully fully support a ban (and will start a cloth bag making business if it passes!)

363 I think we should ban shopping bags and people can bring their own fabric bags Aug 21, 2012 4:48 PM or back packs to the stores like in some other countries. I like the idea of being able to wash them for reuse.

364 Not the governments job to control plastic bags. consumers can do so by Aug 21, 2012 4:33 PM shopping choice.

365 Plastic bags are super for collecting litter box waste for putting in garbage can! I Aug 21, 2012 3:58 PM also give them to our church thrift store for bagging purchases. Not sure what we would use for picking up dog waste in the park, but I imagine an alternative would be found. Thank you for your concern.

366 I reuse my plastic grocery bags for garbage bags. I hate the idea of buying Aug 21, 2012 1:05 PM garbage bags. It seems wasteful to buy something for the purpose of throwing it

26 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

away. That's why I "reuse" the plastic bags. However, since I have several reusable shopping bags, I guess it is equally wasteful for me to take the plastic grocery bags just to use them as trash bags. Either way they get thrown out. I think it comes down to the garbage bags cost me money and the grocery bags are free to me.

367 I do not like plastic bags, and use them as little as possible. I recycle them at the Aug 21, 2012 10:56 AM grocery store, but it would be easier if we could recycle them at the curb at the same time as the other recyclables.

368 Show pictures of what plastics do to wildlife. Show a picture from "the great Aug 20, 2012 5:34 PM pacific gyre". We've used cloth bags for 30 years and like them better--maybe have a contest for a design(s) for reuseable bags and sell them cheaply to get people to buy/use them.

369 It is not governments business to interfer with how a store helps a customer take Aug 19, 2012 3:09 PM out purchased goods. What is this country coming to?

370 Plastic bags are clearly unhealthy for animals of many kinds, an environmental Aug 18, 2012 9:16 PM disaster of waste and oil use. I did not want reusable bags at first, but once I used them, they are a fashion statement, easy to clean, hold more and don't break, so are clearly superior. They do not pile up and make annoying full bags hanging around.

371 Plastic bags are extremely useful for many purposes, so I always reuse mine Aug 18, 2012 3:52 PM until they fall apart. They should not be banned! The majority of reusable bags for purchase are made overseas, taking much more resources to make per bag, as compared to plastic. Plastic bags also break down much faster in a landfill than reusable bags. I do not believe that plastic bags are a major threat to marine/wildlife. Recycling of plastic bags can be encouraged by offering a bonus, perhaps at recycling centers (like aluminum cans) or roadside pick-up with other recylables. Stores which pay 5 cents per reusable bag which the customer brings with, might consider doing the same with the customer's plastic bags. I use my reusable bags at stores which offer the refund, and accept plastic at those which don't, but then reuse them at home mostly for garbage can liners. Recycling should be encourage, but bags should not be banned.

372 Make it easier for plastic bag recycle. Have all grocery stores have a place for Aug 18, 2012 11:20 AM drop off of plastic bags.

373 I have no idea why a MUCH higher percentage of plastic bags aren't recycled. Aug 18, 2012 10:28 AM The grocery stores, with the exception of Grocery Outlet, make it quite convenient. // Also, are plastic bags really essential for newspapers, especially when you have a curbside box for them?

374 I'd like to see plastic bags used more responsibly. Aug 17, 2012 5:41 PM

375 I don't like plastic bag. Plastic bags is better. Aug 17, 2012 3:08 PM

376 Have stores use paper bags-not charge them. Aug 17, 2012 3:03 PM

27 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

377 I use for lunch bags, litter pick up. Aug 17, 2012 3:00 PM

378 Bio bags are too expensive. Aug 17, 2012 2:57 PM

379 'Plastic' bag is a misnomer. They are not made from a derivative of oil but natural Aug 17, 2012 2:46 PM gas. To help w/recycling bags: Incentives to recycle- stores give a 5 cent refund per bag for using/bringing your own bag. Do community bag recycle days at events (Thurston Cty Fair) Find ways to reuse/repurpose as trash can liners, dog poop pick up... Banning the bags outright puts bag makers and employees out of business/out of work. Better to find ways to get the bags back for recycle/reuse.

380 If there was a plastic bag ban people would quickly get used to having to bring Aug 17, 2012 2:43 PM their own bags to the grocery store.

381 OK to ban plastic bags. Don't charge for locally manufactured paper bags. Jobs Aug 17, 2012 1:21 PM are created. Renewable resources - trees - can be used.

382 Curb side pick up to recycle plastic bags would be great. We currently reuse our Aug 17, 2012 11:58 AM bags or recycle them at local stores that have a bin for recycle. But not all stores have them. Thank you for making this a priority.

383 Make recycling easier - it is a real pain to recycle in Thurston county. One has to Aug 17, 2012 11:17 AM be a mind reader to find plastic bag recycling centers. It is even worse trying to figure out when glass recycle pickup occurs. When working with NASA, I could easily figure out how to build the International Space Station. But Pacific rarely picks up when they should - so I put out out every time the other recycle containers go out. We could recycle a whole lot more if you provided a separate container for food waste. My blue container for yard waste is usually filled within three days after recycle pickup, so no room there for food waste. I have to store shredded paper until the winter when I no longer have yard waste. That is NOT feasible for food waste. Thurston county either doesn't have a scrap metal (e.g., old screws, bolts, nuts, gas grills) recycling program (beyond what we can put in with paper) or else it is not very well publicized, after all I have only lived here for four years.

384 The plastic bags are an obvious problem; stop using them. Lazy people don't Aug 17, 2012 9:58 AM care about our environment, so just eliminate the problem.

385 The environmental and health hazards of permanent bags are so much greater Aug 16, 2012 3:24 PM than plastic bags that to ban plastic would only be a political move to exert power over the populace. Plastic bags are reusable and do not carry the pathogens of the fabric bags.

386 Plastic are a disgraceful use of resources. In addition, they pollute Aug 16, 2012 3:23 PM our neighborhoods and are hazardous to many types of wildlife. At a minimum, users should be charged a fee for each bag that they request from retailers. At best, we should eliminate them entirely from our stream of consumption.

387 I will still use plastic bags for various things.....the difference is I will buy them Aug 15, 2012 4:57 PM rather than re use the store your stupid ordinance will cost me

28 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)


388 We need to get all trash pickup to allow recycling of plastic bags in our recycling Aug 15, 2012 3:20 PM systems.

389 Some of the foods at grocery stores benefit from non-paper; however, I mostly Aug 15, 2012 1:57 PM use paper. I also occasionally bring in a basket for purchases or simply don't take a bag. I do take our used bags to the grocery store for recycling. I hate the thought of buying, say tampons, and having to carry them out without a bag, and I really have an aversions paying for bag.

390 Where I live I am required to use plastic bags to dispose of garbage in a Aug 15, 2012 12:36 PM dumpster--no paper or boxes. I am single & have small trash containers in my home, so grocery bags are perfect for me and I always reuse them for garbage this way. Will store-bought household single-use bags be banned too? Even if they aren't, I'm very low income and can't afford to buy plastic bags to dispose of my garbage. This is a conundrum for me because I really am concerned about the environment and the effects of human waste on the planet's flora and fauna. A question: Are we trying to get rid of plastic bags in landfills altogether, or is a ban directed only at bags that aren't recycled or reused, the ones we all see rolling down streets and sidewalks?

391 Thanks for promoting this issue in Thurston County! I think it's high time Aug 15, 2012 9:25 AM Olympia/Thurston County implements a ban on plastic bags for all the reasons that other cities in Washington state, the US, and around the world are doing it (largely due to the variety of environmental costs). The only way I can think of to increase bag recycling is to include them in curbside recycling pick-up. Having to regularly remember to collect them and drop them off at Safeway is inconvenient and, unless you're someone who strongly believes that recycling plastic bags is important, you're not going to bother. I think that sums up the mentality of the majority of people. If I had to choose between increasing bag recycling or banning them altogether, I would choose the ban.

392 too much plastic but so handy, I don't agree on the charge for a paper bag but I Aug 15, 2012 8:50 AM do think people are responssible for furnishing their own bags and recycling the plastic bags.

393 Use paper bags with no charge Aug 15, 2012 6:21 AM

394 put a 25 cent tax on each one and let the market sort it out Aug 14, 2012 11:27 PM

395 Ban the damn bags! As soon as possible! I wrote the Olympia City Council a Aug 14, 2012 8:33 PM few years ago asking that they ban plastic shopping bags in Olympia and Mayor Mah wrote back declining to take any action at all, so I am thrilled at the prospect of the ban. They are not recyclable in Olympia so I can't recycle those which come to me. I personally use reusable bags for every type of chopping, not just grocery shopping. Being disabled, occasionally friends shop for me and often use plastic bags. I reuse those bags MULTIPLE times until they die. Even then I've often used torn bits of bag as plant ties in the garden. I plan to actually buy or make some reusable bags for my friends to use when helping me in the future. Seriously, there is no legitimate argument in this day and age for the

29 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

continued use of plastic shopping bags. They are a waste of limited petroleum resources. The are unnecessary. They are expensive for governments (and their taxpayers) to dispose of. Businesses and customers were able to do without them for centuries. They are a horrible source of litter. They are a horrible source of environmental pollution that kill wildlife. Etc., etc. etc. And I'm sick to death of people who say this is not a government responsibility - it absolutely is! It has financial and environmental ramifications which are a government responsibility. Don't let these naysayers and right wing extremists, with their heads firmly buried in the sand, bully you out of banning single use plastic bags. It will be a great public service to ban them! Please get rid of the damn things! Thank you...Linda Donaldson

396 Hawaii has set some examples with the ban. Just go ahead. In the long run, all Aug 14, 2012 7:10 PM the whining won't mean a thing.

397 Prefer working toward voluntary compliance, however if it takes legislation to Aug 14, 2012 4:52 PM garner attention, then it needs to happen. One must keep in mind it is not the sole responsiblity of any one entity... indivual consumer, manufacturer or retailer. Each carries a relatively equal stake in the benefits and impacts of plastic bags. I say equal stake because environmental degredation affects everyone at some point - whether financially, socially or aesthetically. Humans are creatures of habit and prefer simplicity and convenience. Making it possible to put in curbside is likely going to net the greatest recycling return. Some cities say to make a basketball size clump into one bag and put them in recycle. These can then come out in presort. Getting retailers, grocers and manufacturers on board to host take back recycling depots, at best, will be second best. Everyone has to be at the table for any solution to be viable. Producer responsibility might be the answer. But then the consumers have a responsiblity to do the right thing too. I think more data needs to come out of the cities where bans were recently implemnted. What has been the net effect? Are there more trash liners purchased, are reusable bags being disposed?

398 I generally use bags, but sometimes don't remember to bring them. We Aug 14, 2012 4:22 PM use plastic bags in our house as "trash bags". (Why BUY a trash bag? Granted- we don't produce much trash in our two person household.) The local Safeway store has a bin for recycling any excess plastic bags- but I don't think many people know about it. I will sometimes request a paper bag from the store because that's what I use to collect recyclable mail and , then plunk it into the recycle bin when full. I don't know about a BAN on plastic bags, but I'd be okay if there were to be a small charge for each one. (Say 2 cents the first year, moving up to 5 cents or so? Any profit could go to recycling awareness? A penny extra for a paper bag?) Like my friend says, "There are two kinds of people- those who want a bag ban, and those who need to scoop a cat box."

399 I like because they are lightweight-I dslike that they are against most that I Aug 14, 2012 10:45 AM beleive. Easier to recycle if grocery stores had their bins more visible.

400 I strongly support plastic bag recycling and plastic bag bans. They are harmful Aug 14, 2012 10:32 AM to the environment in many ways.

401 They are convenient but I prefer reusable bags-my problem-I usually forget them Aug 14, 2012 10:31 AM

30 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

in the car.

402 I like reusing the bas for household uses. I prefer reuable shopping bags as they Aug 14, 2012 10:29 AM are sturdier and more environmentally sensitive.

403 Plastic bags are easily accessible and can be used for other things after grocery Aug 14, 2012 10:15 AM shopping.

404 Recycle bins could be placed at city parks for dog walkers to reuse for poop. Aug 14, 2012 9:54 AM

405 Don't have a problem with charging for store provided bags. Aug 13, 2012 3:17 PM

406 I like reusing to line my small wastecans, otherwise I recycle clean grocery bags. Aug 13, 2012 3:16 PM

407 Customers should drop the used plastic bags back to the store, where tey collect Aug 13, 2012 2:58 PM the used bags back!

408 reusable Aug 13, 2012 2:57 PM

409 I want to have bag recycle available at the curb. Aug 13, 2012 2:53 PM

410 I reuse my plastic bags to scoop my cat boxes. If the bags have holes in them, I Aug 13, 2012 8:48 AM recycle them at the store. I think the real problem is that there are too many people. We will never clean up all the trash, or the environment or save endangered species until we get a handle on population growth. Why should stores get to charge consumers for bags? If we do the self checkout, we don't get a discount for doing the checker's job for them. Don't know all the answers, but the real problem is simple-too many people.

411 At our house we use plastic bags for trash bag in our cars, for the food bank. We Aug 12, 2012 8:34 PM also recycle them at the store that we shop at. We use themfor so many thing that I would hate to seem them go. They only cost the store about 3 to 4 cents each. As much as we buy when shopping for food we would need dozens of reuseable bags.

412 A fee for using plastic or paper bags would make people think about it more. Aug 12, 2012 9:49 AM Stores should coach their employees to go easy on the bags, pack more efficiently. I'm sure you're following the results from some other programs regarding this - hopefully it's working well. There is way too much thoughtless and unnecessary waste. A small fee for bags might help. I would vote "yes" on a bag ban.

413 I hope that this ban passes and the pro plastic bag lobbyists can't buy this Aug 11, 2012 10:01 PM decision. I have been using reusable bags for about 2 years now. It took awhile for me to develop the habit to remember them and take them into the store, but now I would rather carry items out by hand then use a plastic bag. As an avid outdoors-woman, I have seen far too many plastic bags around our county lakes, streams and wetlands, street gutters and vegetation. We have a better option now, lets use it. If people had the option of setting out their bags like they do their glass for recycling they would recycle more. People just don't remember to take them to the grocery store bin to recycle. On the other side, i could see people arguing against a ban because some people are really strapped for cash

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and paying $1 per reusable bag might seem insane to them.

414 At this time, when the economy is SO bad and so many are struggling to make it Aug 11, 2012 7:29 PM through the month....WHY are you considering this NOW?? I do not feel plastic bags cause the issues that most say they do. Maybe in bigger cities like north in the Seattle area, this could be true. But not in this county. Everyone I know reused the plastic I do...or they recycle them. And I have never seen any mammal or bags in the waters around this area, either. Don't do this or if you do, put it to a vote!

415 I hate plastic bags. They don't "stand". I wouldn't object at all to paying for bags, Aug 11, 2012 4:21 PM though I wonder if this will change shoppers' habits in the long run. At first it would generate publicity about the issue, but habits are hard to change. I keep my reusable bags on the front sest next to me, and I always take one or two into the store - even if I am going in for one item. (One item always seems to turn in to more once I am in the store.) I haven't bought trash bags in decades - we use paper bags in the kitchen trash can. I can't see any benefit to plastic shopping bags but if others like plastic bags, great - they can be used as reusable bags - though I rarely see this happening in stores.

416 I believe we should choose, as a county and/or City of Olympia, to ban the Aug 10, 2012 9:44 PM plastic bags. We should do so in an informed, gradual way so that the public can prepare for it, mentally and physically. It will take some tolerance and the courage to rise above conventional habits....change always does. Short of a total ban, I would support a 'tax' on plastic and paper bags....with the funds going towards the clean-up necessary for their existence, and perhaps also tax breaks and/or grants for organizations that re-use or re-purpose the bags for other products. I absolutely believe that right now, we should be able to curbside recycle our plastic bags. Not being able to do so, and needing to take them to a grocery store, is the single greatest impediment to recycling them. There would be a huge spike in recycling this plastic, if this were made possible. Of course plastic bags are very useful....perhaps with a ban on their free use as grocery bags, we could allow them to be sold in be used more wisely, less often, and with a little sting to our pocketbook.

417 why charge a fee for paper? stores don't now, why charge when plastic not Aug 10, 2012 11:18 AM available? We travel a lot and plastic bags are everywhere in every state. I support gettng rid of plastic.

418 Ban them!!! It is ridiculous that we use so many of these bags, we have other Aug 9, 2012 2:24 PM options. We also need to ban the "produce" style plastic bags too! I don't like anything about the plastic bags, nothing at all. Increase recycling by charging 25 cents per bag m(if not banned), and have bins at every store.

419 I always reuse my plastic bags. In fact, my friends from a neighboring county Aug 9, 2012 11:49 AM save their plastic grocery bags for me. I reuse them as garbage liners, but my main use for recycle is for picking up pet waste. And donating them to the dog parks and entrances that have pet bag containers for people to place plastic bags in. I would not want to see plastic bag banned. A fee maybe, but not a ban.

32 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

420 I love plastic bags! Aug 9, 2012 9:36 AM

421 I find so many uses for the plastic bags I get that I would miss them if they Aug 9, 2012 8:34 AM weren't available anymore.

422 At this point and time goverment needs to leave this issue alone and thank about Aug 9, 2012 4:00 AM what really more importaint. Fix the roads, public safety, Open the new jail. Stop the fluff and focus on the more importaint issues...... fed up with this crap

423 I bring my own shopping bags most of the time but like to have a supply of Aug 8, 2012 9:40 PM plastic bags on hand for many reasons - collecting trash, transporting wet or messy items, using for laundry when traveling, sorting and storing craft items, etc. I think emphasis on reducing use of plastic bags is more reasonable - maybe charging for them which might get people's attention more than the cents off for bringing a bag, or using more biodegradable bags. I read that somewhere in Ireland where plastic shopping bags were banned, sales of plastic trash bags and liners went up because people still needed bags.

424 If you take a single link out of a chain, what do you have left? Scrap metal. All Aug 8, 2012 7:17 PM plastic can be recycled. From bags to cars to furniture to prosthetic limbs. Its melted down. I have seen many, many thousands of wildlife deaths in photos and in real life caused by these horrible things. People are too lazy and unwilling to change for any reason. The people as a whole society have to be forced to change for the protection of that which gives us all life. We are killing our ecosystems and therefore ourselves. We cannot move to Mars. We only got one Earth. We only get one chance. And this is it. It starts here and it has to start now. Will you take the first step and lead the way to the future? Or will you cower in the darkness and wait, in fear and ignorance, for death to take your children's lives before your very eyes? I choose to step.

425 I have no problem bringing my own bags when I shop and I now prefer it. I would Aug 8, 2012 3:54 PM rather use paper bags than plastic bags. I would support a plastic bag ban.

426 More recycling bins. Aug 8, 2012 11:06 AM

427 Make options available. Aug 8, 2012 10:55 AM

428 Make biodegradeable bags cheaper. Aug 8, 2012 9:36 AM

429 Against-not sure poor people can afford bags. Aug 8, 2012 9:29 AM

430 I need them for many purposes and sometimes forget to take along to g. stores. Aug 8, 2012 9:13 AM

431 It's too high. People waste way too many. Aug 8, 2012 9:12 AM

432 Allow plastic bags in recycle bin in Olympia. Aug 8, 2012 9:11 AM

433 Have none. Aug 8, 2012 9:06 AM

434 At the very least charge for plastic bags we can learn to use less plastic! Aug 8, 2012 9:04 AM

435 keep govenment out of my life Aug 8, 2012 5:24 AM

33 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

436 While plastic bags are convenient and light weight to use I feel that every store Aug 8, 2012 1:17 AM owner and store chain that uses plastic bags for bagging should be required to have a bag recycling container/program to collect and recycle the bags. (Not just a few grocery stores in the area). I also think the plastic bag industry should also be held responsible for helping to collect and recycle the product at the local level. Plastic bags should either be banned or made and certified from plant materials that can organically breakdown over time (or dissolve when submersed in water). In addition, I'd like to see the County ban the use of Styrofoam packaging materials (from food containers to shipping material).

437 See number 5. Aug 7, 2012 10:42 PM

438 Concern for fee for paper for poor people- don't like that idea Aug 7, 2012 7:33 PM

439 i reuse tbe bags that i receive at the stores Aug 7, 2012 6:51 PM

440 I ma all for using reusable cloth bags whenever possible. I am concerned about Aug 7, 2012 3:58 PM environmental impact, the only drawback is, not everyone has a car, and it rains a good portion of the year here. Cloth bags are not water resistant, plastic is. If you have to get your purchases home on public transportation or by foot cloth bags have their drawbacks in inclement weather. If they could make reusable bags water resistant or sealable I think you would have a lot more support. I do try to use cloth bags as much as I can, but you don't always have one when you decide to go to the store.

441 Ban the bags. :) Aug 7, 2012 3:11 PM

442 Plastic bags are handy and reusable more awareness. Aug 7, 2012 3:06 PM

443 Recycle at curbside. Aug 7, 2012 3:03 PM

444 Some people can or will reuse them like myself. Aug 7, 2012 3:01 PM

445 I like that I can reuse them around the house and they do not take up alot of Aug 7, 2012 2:59 PM space. Simply provide more awareness. Thre are people who utilize bags correctly and recycle.

446 i do use plastic bags to clean my cat's litter boxes. since i go to the co op with Aug 7, 2012 2:03 PM my own reusable bags, i ask my coworkers for the plastic bags from their houses. dog owners who walk their dogs around the neighborhood will need something to put their dog's waste into, but maybe i am unaware of alternatives to that situation. either way, this is awesome, and i support thurston county's idea to ban plastic bags! YAHOO! very cool.

447 I would strongly support a plastic bag ban in Thurston county. I was doing some Aug 7, 2012 12:49 PM research on starting a petition to ban the bag in Thurston county when I found this website. I think that plastic shopping bags are unnecessary, unhealthy, wasteful, and many other cities have already successfully proven that implementing bag bans is easy. Change can be instigated by the people but ultimately has to come from the laws and leaders. Please do the right thing and put Thurston county one step in the right direction- NO MORE PLASTIC BAGS!

34 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

Thank you!

448 The reusable bags gave been known to carry e coli and most recently MRSA. Aug 7, 2012 11:17 AM You need to make this information known to the public and not hide it.

449 Mandate that grocery stores have a plastic bag recycle bin at the front of the Aug 7, 2012 10:11 AM store. Some already do but most do not.

450 Obviously, convenience, but that is highly shortsighted as it does not take into Aug 7, 2012 9:49 AM account the production of them and the (safe?) decomposition of them. Make them recyclable at every store and have bins in the mall too. I'm all for a ban. I need the help to resist the easy but ultimately destructive choice of plastic bags. We all do.

451 I like refusing plastic bags in some of my trash receptacles but they still end up in Aug 6, 2012 7:28 PM the trash eventually. Preaching at folks doesn't seem to change their behavior (except for young folkd) so how about pictures with short but factual captions of marine animals and birds caught in plastic bags and maps and photos of the plastic stews in the oceans. These could be posted in stores, on community bulletin boards…and on county websites and information sent to the public. No big deal made of them but where people can easily see them. In addition places that recycle the bags need to be more numerous. increased

452 I do not have a problem using and recycling my plastic bags. Just ban the use of Aug 6, 2012 7:26 PM plastic shopping bags and go back to basics. I do not have a problem with going back to just brown paper bags and cloth shopping bags. I DO have a problem with charging to use brown paper bags. What did/do stores do now? Are we charged for using their bags? Have you considered curbside "recycling" of bags? Doing the same thing we do now when we take them to the store to recycle - shopping bags within one bag for pickup - no loose bags or the offender gets fined. May sound harsh, but if paying for shopping bags at stores is draconian, then the next logical step is fines. Thank you for letting me vent.

453 If you would have curbside recycling of the bags it would be nice. Has for a ban Aug 6, 2012 6:44 PM I would be 100% AGAINST it,,

454 Use to share garden produce and other items that would soak through paper. In Aug 6, 2012 2:23 PM Thurston Cty, I see many people using reusable bags, anyway, but would probably see more if stores again started paying a small amount when customers use them rather than threatening to charge when a customer requests a bag.

455 I use my own bags. I carry them in my car. The biggest argument against is for Aug 6, 2012 1:04 PM the situation when you are without a bag for some reason, but that is a pretty lame argument. I support making recycling much easier (curbside is best) and a ban if possible.

456 I recently became aware that reusable bags often harbor bacteria and should be Aug 6, 2012 12:34 PM cleaned frequently. The ones I have cannot be machine washed, but can be wiped down with disinfectant. Consumers should be made aware of this and stores that "sell" their paper bags should be required to provide, for purchase,

35 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

bags that can be sanitized.

457 We need to create incentive for businesses to reduce their use. So many times Aug 6, 2012 9:31 AM cashiers have bagged my purchase before I even have a chance to say I don't need them. If this cost businesses more money, I'm sure they would train their staff to ask. Plastic bags are a problem but there are a lot of other more concerning things that are ending up in our waste stream (e.g. electronics, hazardous materials, etc.).

458 If the plastic was compostable, or we had a plastic composting program, that Aug 5, 2012 9:39 PM was maybe a group being funded by grant money to use mycellium to comsume plastic, that would be nice. Otherwise I do not support the production of resources that cannot be returned to the planet in their raw materials. Thank you for initiating this process in changing the way we incorporate our economy with the ecology.

459 if plastic bags can be recycled, that is news to me. i never see drop off places at Aug 5, 2012 4:07 PM grocery stores any more.

460 I don't necessarily agree with banning plastic bags because they have an Aug 5, 2012 3:35 PM enormous amount of secondary uses. I think the only way you can get people to stop using plastic shopping bags is if residents were afforded at set to accommodate their family size. Plastic shopping bags are free, reusable and arguably disposable after its secondary or tertiary use. Until reusable bags are just as easy to accumulate, I doubt people will fully utilize the alternatives. I wouldn't mind using cardboard flats previously used from the stock room, I think if you encourage people to make an alternative choice for maybe, material cost refund for not using plastic bags you can be able to break some bad habits and poor practice. You achieve the same goal without having to forbid anyone of anything.

461 As in much of Europe, plastic bags at check out should cost money. In Ireland Aug 5, 2012 3:12 PM and France, it really stings, so people have purchased reusable bags for shopping. I have one nylon fold up sack for my purse that I bought at Monoprix in Paris. I use it 4-5 times per week. For larger orders, I brought home some really large, strong bags from Carrefour supermarket in Nice. I can fit way more than our US reusables allow and that means fewer trips out to the car.

462 I very much dislike the overuse of plastic bags. I was unaware that they could be Aug 5, 2012 3:10 PM recycled, I think that getting the knowledge out there will increase bag recycling. The one thing I do like about plastic bags, are their varied uses. I pick up pet waste, transport wet clothing and use them instead of . I have never thrown away a plastic bag without getting multiple uses out of it.

463 It would be nice to allow plastic bags to be a part of curbside recycling (separate Aug 5, 2012 3:01 PM container if needed. For example there is a separate container for glass).

464 I like to reuse plastic bags for garbage bags and do NOT need to buy plastic Aug 5, 2012 2:12 PM garbage bags, ever. However, I would gladly pay 10 cents or 20 cents for a plastic bag whenever we need them. Please, please make plastic bags a for- charge item at the grocery store. I support ending the use of plastic grocery

36 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

bags!! Thanks!

465 Allowing for easier bag recycling may be helpful if a ban does not go through. I Aug 5, 2012 1:48 PM have to go out of my way to a grocery store I don't frequent just to recycle my bag collection.

466 get rid of them and allow stores to charge the cost of paper bags. Aug 5, 2012 1:39 PM

467 I believe they should be banned. I don't think we should be charged for paper Aug 5, 2012 1:37 PM bags.

468 Completely against the ban on plasic bags, regulating this problem is just Aug 5, 2012 1:17 PM another example of local government making a law about something that doesn't need to be constrained by an ordinance. Instead, maybe provide tax incentives to businesses who opt for paper or otherwise cut down on plastic bag consumption. There's a time where regulation is needed, but regulating what consumers do isn't good for the economy or solving the problem. Money spent on consumer awareness would be much more productive.

469 If I could recycle them in my semi-monthly recycle pickup that would be great. Aug 5, 2012 1:08 PM If they were banned then people like my handicapped brother would have to use paper that gets wet when waiting for a bus. (He forgets things a lot and would not remember to bring his own reusable bags.) I think the cities could promote reusable bags if they had an art contest for the creation of bags that the cities could hand out at events.

470 We always reuse our plastic bags and if we weren't able to get them when Aug 5, 2012 1:01 PM purchasing, we'd have to purchase those too! We used them for trash collection. If they start building up in quantity, then we use our cloth bags at the store, but if plastic bags were banned, then we'd have to buy trash bags. It would cost us more and not save anything on resources.

471 Plastic bags are too dangerous and wasteful to be freely given away at every Aug 5, 2012 12:55 PM point-of-sale in the county. Go pick up garbage along any roadway or waterway and you will see the effects of plastic bags on our county. They are very convenient, but they don't breakdown like paper bags and they are harder to recycle. We should ban them. We have an opportunity to be a leader in this movement to eliminate plastic bags - let's seize it!

472 I re-use plastic bags to line my trash cans, pick up pet waste, and make crochet Aug 5, 2012 12:39 PM mats. Bags that have holes in them I save to recycle. If plastic bans were banned, I would have to buy plastic trash bags, which adds expense and inconvenience to my household, and defeats the purpose of a ban. If Pacific Disposal allowed plastic bags in the recycling bins, I think an enormous percentage of people would then recycle bags in Thurston County. I believe education is the real key here, rather than instituting arbitrary regulations. Helping people understand the impact of plastic bags on the environment, and making recycling them more convenient are the best options.

473 Lightweight plastic carryout bags are commonly found in litter and escape into Aug 5, 2012 12:30 PM our waterways where they remain as a pollutant forever. Fish and other marine

37 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

animals commonly mistake pieces of plastic and bags for food. When plastics break down into smaller and smaller pieces, those microscopic particles may also be consumed by small animals in the oceans and enter the food chain. Because of plastic’s persistence in the environment, the City believes the use of throw-away plastic products should be minimized. BagBan/FAQsShoppers/index.htm

474 I like being able to re-use the plastic bags I get from the store, and often return Aug 5, 2012 12:26 PM them to the store's recycle bin. I disagree with a total ban on plastic bags, because not everyone has the forethought or ability to purchase re-usable bags. Perhaps a credit system would be effective, where stores would deduct 5 cents from a purchase if a reusable bag, paper/cloth or plastic, was provided by the consumer.

475 BAN IT! Aug 5, 2012 12:24 PM

476 i reuse them, so i find them useful Aug 5, 2012 12:23 PM

477 I think it makes more sense to reuse shopping bags for garbage and use Aug 5, 2012 12:22 PM reusable bags when shopping when we don't need more for other purposes. Buying plastic bags for garbage is what should be banned. If people reuse the shopping bags for their garbage they will buy fewer bags for that purpose. Plastic is bad, but people are not going to use reusable garbage bags and curbside garbage service asks that our garbage be in bags anyhow.

478 People have been given the choice to find their own solutions for grocery bags Aug 5, 2012 12:20 PM for long enough, and too many of them choose to continue using them. I believe it's time to eliminate plastic bags from circulation entirely. Shoppers can either bring their own bags, purchase reusable ones from the store in which they are shopping, or don't use bags at all. Bellingham, WA has a good model in place now. Let's learn from them and help Olympia be a leader for South Puget Sound!

479 Let's just do it. Seattle did - why can't we? Aug 5, 2012 12:19 PM

480 Plastic bags are convenient, easy to carry and more durable than paper in the Aug 5, 2012 12:18 PM sense that they can easily be stuffed together without ripping. Make bag recycling more apparent, easier to do and more people will participate.

481 We should definitely ban plastic bags at checkout! They are completely Aug 5, 2012 12:15 PM unnecessary. However, it's very difficult for businesses to be the "first" or "only" business doing something like this, which is why it makes sense to have a complete ban on them. That way, no one is singled out by doing the right thing. To me, banning plastic bags at checkout is obvious. The trickier question is hoe to get rid of produce bags. I don't know the answer to that.

482 Have more places for recycling of plastic bags and advertise it. Aug 5, 2012 10:37 AM

483 I am a senior citizen. It would be very difficult for me to handle paper bags Aug 4, 2012 3:35 PM unless they were the type with handles. I would not mind the ban if they would

38 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

require the handles, although I do reuse my plastic bags for many purposes. I like the fact that plastic bags are easy to store and not as cumbersome as paper. You can increase recycling through public education.

484 More places to recycle the bags. Incentives for recycling the bags. Please do Aug 4, 2012 11:44 AM not make it even more expensive to go to the grocery store.

485 Banning plastic bags in Thurston County will not make a big impact. There are Aug 3, 2012 10:41 AM too many rules & regulations in place now that are not enforced...why waste time and money on a new ordinance? The citizens of Thurston County will pay if a ban is put in place. Let Oly/Lac/Tum do their thing, but don't force it on us!

486 at first, start just charging a surcharge for plastic bags to phase them out. This Aug 3, 2012 7:10 AM should be easier to pass. I'm for banning completely, but need to walk down the path slowly to get public on board.

487 I would probably support a ban on plastic bags but think a more effective method Aug 2, 2012 12:30 PM would be to charge for plastic/paper bags?!

488 I would support laws encouraging use of recycle bags or incentives for recycling, Aug 2, 2012 12:08 PM but not banning plastic bag use as it puts undue burdens on busineese to be forced to change practices.

489 Petroleum in any form is bad. Aug 2, 2012 12:06 PM

490 We always reuse our plastic bags and it should be up to the stores and Aug 2, 2012 12:00 PM businesses that provide them not for the government to regulate.

491 I do like the fact that I can use the plastic vegetable bags for other uses. Don't Aug 2, 2012 11:49 AM think there is any reasonable use for grocery plastic bags.

492 I would support getting rid of plastic bags. I think shoppers could bring back their Aug 2, 2012 11:29 AM paper bags for donated reuse as well as using reusable bags.

493 I think we should add more plastic bag recycling can like garbage cans. Aug 2, 2012 11:13 AM

494 We use plastic bags for dog waste. Aug 2, 2012 11:05 AM

495 I don't like plastic bags but reuse them as packaging when I send packages to Aug 2, 2012 11:04 AM grandkids or turn them into the recycling bin at my work/store.

496 Bag recycling needs more public service message. Aug 2, 2012 11:01 AM

497 They're handy but create much hazards. Aug 2, 2012 10:58 AM

498 Make it mandatory for recycling companies to accept plastic bags with curb side Aug 2, 2012 10:44 AM pick up, then educate, educate, educate the consumers.

499 The reasons to ban plastic bags range from peak oil to their dangers to wildlife. Aug 2, 2012 9:32 AM Bringing a reusable bag is easy and it is time to normalize it!

500 I support the ban of plastic bags at retail outlets. I am prepared to shop without Aug 2, 2012 7:34 AM

39 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

the use of the "free" plastic bags.

501 Need curb bag recycling. I use some bags for doggy poopoo. Aug 1, 2012 9:29 PM

502 I reuse every bag that we receive from grocery stores, sometimes two or more Aug 1, 2012 9:26 PM times. The cloth/plastic reusable bags are just not sanitary.

503 Why can't disposable bags be made of biodegradable cellulose? Aug 1, 2012 6:01 PM

504 Require stores that use plastic bags, to also have recycling bins for the bags. Aug 1, 2012 4:01 PM

505 Plastic bags are convenient. Plastic bags are bad for the environment. I wiuld Aug 1, 2012 3:11 PM definitely recycle plastic bags if they could be picked up curbside. A ban would be great. People would either be forced to use reusable bags or pay to use paper bags.

506 I believe more emphasis should be placed on recyling them. Aug 1, 2012 2:03 PM

507 I reuse most of the retail plastic bags as trash can liners. Although when the Jul 31, 2012 6:58 PM bags are ripped, I through them away without reuse.

508 I was shocked and how many plastic bags were gathering underneath my Jul 31, 2012 1:03 PM kitchen sick but even more so, how many groceries I could fit 3 of my reusable bags. My daughter & I guess that it would have been at least 15-20 plastic bags. I love using my reusable bags, even took them with me to Best Buy & Payless last night! Saved two plastic bags! YES!

509 It's not hard to get into the habit of bringing your own bag to the store. I actually Jul 31, 2012 12:06 PM just carry a little bag in my purse with me, so that if I stop by the store on my way home, I'm prepared. Let's ban those suckers!

510 I would hope that the ban would apply to all retail outlets and food vendors as Jul 31, 2012 11:53 AM well (take-out food).

511 I use the bags every day in my home - store veggies in fridge, store harvest from Jul 31, 2012 6:11 AM my garden, etc.

512 Keep them! They are convenient and have many uses after initial use. Jul 30, 2012 10:40 PM

513 This made up issue is a waste county time, money, and resources. Hopefully, Jul 30, 2012 4:46 PM this fall we can begin voting you out of power.

514 Just get rid of them. Jul 30, 2012 3:29 PM

515 Plastic bags have handles making really conveinent to carry several at once, Jul 30, 2012 3:23 PM and/or hang on to young children when carrying bags of things with you.

516 I think everyone should use reusable bags. Jul 30, 2012 3:19 PM

517 Sell cheap reusable bags at check out. I do use plastic bags often in car for Jul 30, 2012 3:16 PM trash.

40 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

518 I try to reuse them for other things. If plastice bags are banned it would be a Jul 30, 2012 2:59 PM welcome invitation to use reusable bags!

519 We reuse them as garbage bags at our house. The only way we throw them Jul 30, 2012 2:55 PM away is if they have garbage in them. The one time we had too many, we returned them to the recycle box at the store. If we did not get them at the store we would have to buy more garbage bags to use.

520 recycle. Jul 30, 2012 11:20 AM

521 trash liners. Jul 30, 2012 11:17 AM

522 conveniet. Jul 30, 2012 11:14 AM

523 We can recycle and reuse them as small garbage bags or sleepover packs. Jul 30, 2012 11:12 AM

524 We need more plastic bags recycling stations. . . the only one I know in Yelm is Jul 30, 2012 11:01 AM in Safeway.

525 I think we should always use paper bags. Jul 30, 2012 11:00 AM

526 Having more convenient places to recycle bags and better information on which Jul 30, 2012 10:59 AM are reusable.

527 I don't know, reuse them. Jul 30, 2012 10:53 AM

528 I rarely get/use plastic bags at the grocery store as I use cloth bags (and I try to Jul 30, 2012 10:39 AM remember them at "nongrocery" stores too). However, I feel very strongly that we should NOT ban plastic bags - we don't need a "plastic bag police." Continue ways of encouraging alternatives. Go ahead and charge for plastic bags if desired, but do not legislate their use (or nonuse).

529 They are good for animal waste. Jul 30, 2012 10:31 AM

530 I really don't like Plastic bags. I could use other things for scooping litterboxes Jul 30, 2012 9:56 AM

531 I recall being charged for needing a plastic bag when shopping in Finland many Jul 30, 2012 9:36 AM years ago. Everyone carried a reusable bag instead. We could do the same in Thurston County.

532 We should use paper bags or plastic bags that are recyclable. I am not sure why Jul 30, 2012 9:20 AM the charge for paper bags. I ask for paper bags now and there is no charge. My folks used paper bags for years and there was no charge. There is so much pollution with coal, gas, oil and so much plastic waste. Plastic bags are just the tip of the iceburg. But it is a start.

533 I should have the right to choose what kind of bag I use. I do reuse my bags :) Jul 30, 2012 8:55 AM

534 I honestly think banning them would not be a bad idea. I would definitely Jul 29, 2012 9:00 PM remember to use my reusable bags if there were no other free option to fall back on.

41 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

535 i have ALWAYS re-used my bags for all sorts of uses around the home. i do Jul 29, 2012 7:24 PM NOT support making any new laws or ordinances that are going to raise costs in any way. we have too many laws now. i believe that education on how to re-use the bags would be better then charging money for paper bags.

536 i would like to see more visible places where the plastic bags could be recycled. Jul 29, 2012 3:43 PM

537 I would like more recycling bins for the plastic bags Jul 29, 2012 12:00 PM

538 I believe we should have an ordinance on plastic bags for retail stores, but don't Jul 29, 2012 11:38 AM know enough about the paper bag fee option. I do like having plastic bags for lining garbages, putting wet towels, suits after swimming, etc. I would like more info on how to increase plastic bag recycling. I don't think LeMay offers that for residents. Thank you!

539 They are a great resource for lining indoor trash cans. Much better than paper Jul 28, 2012 10:34 PM bags as any accidental liqued put in there will not result in a "blow out" that will occur with paper bags. As for picking up pet waste, they can't be beat. For me, picking up pet waste with the plastic bag is better for the enviorment than letting the pet waste decompose and increase the fecal matter that flows into the puget sound. When plastic bags were frist introduced 30 or so years ago they were touted as better for the enviorment than paper bags as it "saved a tree". We still have plenty of trees. It makes me wonder if this push to ban plastic bags is just an effort by the timber indurtry and local government to increase their profits and taxes..

540 I like to use plastic bags for foods that could leak, when we are having a Jul 28, 2012 6:50 PM particularly rainy day, and I do use them for disposal of cat litter. They are also handy when traveling. Clearly marked plastic bag recycle bins at the front of all stores that use them would help to increase recycle efforts.

541 Make it easier to recycle along with other recycling. Jul 28, 2012 11:02 AM

542 charge $ for plastic bags at checkout counter. Jul 28, 2012 10:55 AM

543 Thank you for your efforts. I will continue to try and remember my cloth bags - Jul 28, 2012 8:19 AM ban plastic and make me pay the price for paper if I continue to forget my cloth bags.

544 Get rid of them. Jul 28, 2012 8:08 AM

545 While I agree that efforts to increase plastic bag recycling must be promoted, I Jul 28, 2012 7:22 AM am strongly opposed to a ban. Reusable bags at the grocery store have a high risk of carrying and transferring harmful bacteria and the grocery clerk must handle these contaminated bags and then turn around and handle someone else's clean food. Also, plastic bag production creates many jobs in the USA, while most reusable bags are made in China. I'm sure the process of making the bags in China and shipping them here is at least as environmentally detrimental. Recycling could be encouraged by offering it curbside. Some people are just going to litter regardless of the choices given them, but many more may comply if given the option of curbside bag recycling.

42 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

546 I carry mesh produce bags & 3 nylon bags in my purse at all times. I am getting Jul 27, 2012 4:37 PM better & better at using my own bags but it would be very helpful if the checkout person asked everyone if they want/need a bag. Sometimes I get distracted and before I know my "stuff" is bagged up! The worst thing about carrying your own bags is that people have to remember to wash them regularly...clerks shouldn't have to handle icky bags!! What helped me get into the habit was to find the right bags that fit in my purse. That way I always have them with me ( I use the "flip & tumble"bag...they wash up great & I can fit 3 in my purse). The cloth bags handed out by stores to be used didn't work because I didn't have them with me when I needed them!

547 I would like to see tplastic bags banned and a fee set on paper bags. I have Jul 27, 2012 2:11 PM several reusable bags that I carry in my car, but I invariably forget to take them with me into the store. For awhile, if I forgot the reusable bags, I would just not use any bags. Unfortunately, I found the plastic or paper bags were just too convenient and started using them again. I know I am not the only person who forgets the reusable bags. Perhaps if we ban the bags, more people, like myself, will get it together! I do believe plastic bags are recycable curbside, and I have started using that service. Thank you for running this survey.

548 It would help to have curbside plastic bag recycling. I don't want to have to pay Jul 27, 2012 11:12 AM more for paper bags, however, I try to use my own fabric bags as much as possible. There are times when the use of plastic bags is really helpful and sanitary. I use them to separate my meats and chemical products from each other and from foods. So, we should still be able to have plastic bags. I also want to be able to use plastic garbage bags for our home needs! Whenever bans are in place, they don't seem to account for legitimate uses.

549 I purchase Costco's can liners for my garbage cans.. .will those be banned too? Jul 27, 2012 10:51 AM How about the plastic 6-pack binders? Would a plastic bag ban be in effect in "all" stores? If I went to a hardware store and purchased a bunch of nails, or to a corner market and bought a bunch of candy, wouild I need to bring a bag in? I think it's a great idea!

550 come up with a compostable substitute for things like pet waste, really icky Jul 27, 2012 10:21 AM messy gross garbage ( I only get mine picked up monthly vs. weekly so I need to seal stuff up well for odor prevention) and things like soiled diapers that need sealed up

551 Plastic bags are a bad idea that was poorly implemented. Jul 27, 2012 10:15 AM

552 Being able to bundle plastic bags and add them to the recycle bin would be easy Jul 27, 2012 8:52 AM to do. A charge on plastic bags is a more progressive step than banning them outright(for now).

553 If plastic bags are banned then I need some type of disposable container to pick Jul 27, 2012 8:22 AM up pet waste and line my garbage cans. I don't use a lot because i am good at recycling/composting food waste.

554 I like the bags to put my daughter's poopy diapers in. Our church, First United Jul 27, 2012 8:08 AM Methodist Church of Olympia is having Vacation Bible Camp next week & we're

43 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

collecting plastic bags to help the kids understand the importance of recycling. We're going to then take the plastic bags & I guess the United Methodist Women have learned how to crochet them into mattresses! What a way to reuse & give to someone in need!

555 I wish there were more places to recycle plastic bags. It would be very Jul 27, 2012 7:48 AM convenient if I could recyle them at the curb.

556 It would be more convenient to have them picked up w/our garbage which may Jul 27, 2012 7:22 AM make it easier for others to recycle them.

557 If we have curbside recycling plastic bag then lot of people will use that service Jul 26, 2012 10:26 PM rather then through in garbage (like we all do recyclling cardboard,paper,bottel and can etc)

558 Plastic bags have been around for approx. 25 years! I prefer to use paper bags Jul 26, 2012 10:20 PM for grocery shopping. My "stuff" tends to roll around in the back of my car if I use plastic bags. I reuse my paper bags until they fall apart. I do have some reuseable bags that I use as well. If I get plastic bags, I reuse those for garbage bag liners and other uses. If I get too many bags collecting in my pantry, I will recycle them at the local grocery store. I don't think people should be charged for using any type of bag.

559 It's out of control! Jul 26, 2012 10:16 PM

560 Bag recycling only at grocery stores now. Hard to remember to bring them. It is Jul 26, 2012 9:41 PM also usually not obvious in the store. I would be willing to have a separate container for curbside. I would be in favor of banning most plastic bags, You do need something for leaky meat packages.

561 I use reusable bags most of the time. Occasionally I intentionally ask for plastic Jul 26, 2012 9:03 PM bags to line my waste baskets. It makes no sense to buy plastic bags for waste baskets. Paper bags and even boxes used to be used in the stores. I favor going back to this approach.

562 Why can't we recycle it? Jul 26, 2012 8:35 PM

563 I use and reuse my plastic bags from the store for home, garage, and car many Jul 26, 2012 8:28 PM times. When I am through with them, I ALWAYS put them in recycle at store. I do NOT like cloth bags, I have had produce and meat leak in them-threw them away, 2nd time I used a cloth bag, the grocer wrapped them in plastic which defeats the purpose of banning plastic. I will continue to use my plastic bags, will NOT support a ban, and will hoard and just bring my own to bag if necessary. I can't help it if others are too lazy to bring theirs back to the store & recycle. I would focus on the plastic pop/bottled water, and the plastic thing they use to keep the cans together.

564 I live in the unincorporated county area. I would love to be able to recycle plastic Jul 26, 2012 8:26 PM bags with my recyclables. As it stands now, I take my bags to my church which is in the city of Oly and is able to recycle them, or send them to the food bvank.. Formerly I took them to the grocery store. I almost never take a plastic bag in

44 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

any store - but still they seem to mount up. Right now I have a big bag full in my garage. We have got to cut back on single use fossil fuel products. I can think of no reason for using plastic grocery bags, or others, for that matter!

565 First step: Stores start charging for EVERY bag used- paper OR plastic- and Jul 26, 2012 8:09 PM that will get the public's attention. Giving 5c credit for bringing your own bag has not been very effective. Find out how Ireland pulled off no-plastic in grocery stores...I visited there a few years ago, and it's just the way things are--people adjust.We need to simply ban plastic bags, let consumers pitch a fit, then move on.

566 Single use plastic bags should be completely eliminated. Stores that insist on Jul 26, 2012 8:03 PM using them should be required to charge a per bag fee for each customer. That fee could go into a fund to be used for education, outreach and promotion of reusable bags.

567 I would be happy to use a newspaper at the store to wrap meat in to take home Jul 26, 2012 6:29 PM instead of a plastic bag. Or wrap my wine bottles in paper instead of more plastic. I do take my reusable bags to shop and wouldn't protest at paying an extra 5c to purchase a paper bag if I forget. Oh, I also don't have a problem collecting and returning bags to the stores that recycle them. Recycle or die!

568 I've been taking my own shopping bags to stores for many years as I just don't Jul 26, 2012 6:11 PM care for plastic bags and the problems they cause. I'm in favor of getting rid of all that plastic.

569 Just ban them and people will be forced to do it right. the optional method hasn't Jul 26, 2012 5:30 PM made a big enough dent. It's not just that they are not aware, they either don't care of are too lazy. A ban is truly the only way to make the impact we must. thank you!

570 They are readily available for multiple use,but cloth bags works as well in most Jul 26, 2012 5:30 PM cases. Publicity like this email will hopefully help; awareness is a good portion of the solution.

571 I think that it would be great if you could recycle these bags with your weekly Jul 26, 2012 5:18 PM recycle pick-up. I also think that Washington needs to eliminate plastic al- together! If can do it, any state can do it! I appreciate this survey and I will tell my friends to do it too! Thanks a bunch!

572 Pro: convenience, secondary use, can be recycled Con: litter problem, waste of Jul 26, 2012 5:10 PM resources

573 Get at litter Jul 26, 2012 5:02 PM

574 Create a program for recycling plastic bags from home, such as an option to set Jul 26, 2012 4:31 PM them out on glass day.

575 An option for setting out plastic bags with recycling (maybe a small bin picked up Jul 26, 2012 4:23 PM on glass day) would be great. Currently we save any we get to take to the recycling center every couple of months, and if we forget our reusable bags

45 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

(which is quite often with three kids in tow!) we ask for paper (since that is easy to recycle).

576 How about a plastic bag tax Jul 26, 2012 4:22 PM

577 A ban on plastic bags is needed. It works in France, Great Britain and Hawaii. It Jul 26, 2012 3:43 PM can work here. and you know it. The question is how can you sell the public on banning bags and pass the necessary law.

578 We try to recycle our plastic bags. We do reuse the plastic bags as much as Jul 26, 2012 3:39 PM litter, trash liners, etc. We like plastic bags for the ease of handling (having handles) the little weight, and the easy compact storage for reuse. We are trying to shop using shopping bags. Often we forget them, sometimes we are without them, and sometimes it is not convenient. Wet or nasty messy things fit best in a plastic bag. IF we had curbside recycle for plastic bags included with all our other recycle, we would use it!!! Totally. We believe and use recycle as much as we can. A ban is somewhat harsh, I think better recycle could work, too.

579 I support a ban on plastic bags. I am especially concerned about their damage Jul 26, 2012 2:41 PM to wildlife. I have been using cloth bags for years. There should be some incentive to use them at first, i.e. a discount. All vendors should make cloth bags available in their stores at a low price. Kids from local schools could decorate cloth bags and sell them outside grocery stores or department stores, with benefits going to environmental groups. We also need to ban plastic bags in the produce department. Paper bags would be slightly better, or smaller cloth bags could be made available.

580 We reuse them in the bathroom trash bin to dispose of sanitary napkins. We Jul 26, 2012 2:29 PM consumers did not ask for plastic bags - before, it was just paper bags (great for the NW Lumber Industry) - end of story. Then, we were asked at the checkout counter - "Paper or Plastic?" Now, you're asking us for a solution? Ban plastic bags and let businesses go back to paper bags and let them determine how to incur the cost. Do not dictate how - like your suggestion that they add a bag- charge to the consumer. In the past, they just raised prices else to cover the cost.

581 the allow me to use them as pet waste bags or trash bags buut if I had to do Jul 26, 2012 2:28 PM without them I guess I could.

582 The main problem with plastic bags (and other trash) is the self-centered "I don't Jul 26, 2012 1:47 PM care" attitude. It's not the bag but the person. Banning the bags might be "politically correct", but would have a negative impact on the public with the added cost that would necessarily follow the ban.

583 I haven't used the plastic checkout bags for years (carry my own reusable ones) Jul 26, 2012 1:24 PM and think that there really should be a charge for them in stores. They are a convenience only. I admit that although I reuse plastic produce bags repeatedly, when they tear I use more. I haven't found a good replacement for them.

584 I think that increasing people's access to information regarding the benefits of Jul 26, 2012 1:22 PM

46 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

using reusable shopping bags, recycling/reusing plastic bags, etc. is more effective than banning plastic bags. If plastic bags are banned, people will still need shopping bags, as not everyone uses/has access to/always remembers reusable shopping bags, so bags will still have to be given out. The other communities that I have visited that have plastic bag bans use mostly paper bags, which is still contributing to the problems listed for plastic bag use (litter, waste of resources, etc.), even if it is to a lesser degree. I think the saying, "You attract more flies with honey than you do with vinegar," is an appropriate way to approach this problem-- help people to understand the issues surrounding plastic bag use and the benefits of using reusable bags or recycling plastic bags, instead of banning plastic bags altogether.

585 Work with the stores to create a better system don't just force your opinion on Jul 26, 2012 12:27 PM the consumer with a ban.

586 Need to ban for the control of litter. Jul 26, 2012 12:23 PM

587 Make recycling curbside available to everyone. Jul 26, 2012 12:21 PM

588 While I always TRY to take a bag for my groceries, I often forget-or I purchase Jul 26, 2012 12:20 PM more than they will hold. I don't think an outright ban should be implemented, however I would like to see 'plastic' bags that are made of material that will decompose naturally instead of plastic bags made out of oil products. (yes there is such a thing as bags made of corn products that decompose) I have read conflicting reports about the debris swirling in the Pacific... some say it is an urban I would advise Thurston County to research this more before implementing such a ban here. We are not King County!

589 I like that we can recycle them. Most people would not go for a ban as a lot don't Jul 26, 2012 12:19 PM care to recycle :)

590 Proper recycling can resolve all trash issues. Jul 26, 2012 11:51 AM

591 They are reusable at home: wastebasket liners, throw dirty diapers (conceals Jul 26, 2012 11:46 AM odors). But alot of stress is put in our environment.

592 They don't give out plastic bags at grocery stores in Switzerland and they make Jul 26, 2012 11:44 AM customers for paper bags. They sell reusable bags for about 50 cents more than the paper ones.

593 They are very useful but they get loose so easily. If curbside recycling could be Jul 26, 2012 11:41 AM made to work that would help.

594 Not ready to have them banned. Jul 26, 2012 11:38 AM

595 Need more places to recycle. Jul 26, 2012 11:33 AM

596 Our garbage company should let us recycle plastic bags. Big business should Jul 26, 2012 11:28 AM develop a new kind of plastic bag that breaks down more in the garbage dumps. However, I am more concerned about the loss of paper bags, which I prefer. Ban plastic bags, but not paper bags.

47 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

597 Need more places tor recycle. Jul 26, 2012 11:20 AM

598 It seems some are crying "WOLF" and making plastic bags the greatest evil in Jul 26, 2012 11:05 AM our society. We have been told paper bags are bad because they cause too many trees to be cut. Clothe bags are bad because they harbor too many germs. Maybe everyone should stop shopping.

599 I can't make the bags into "plarn." Jul 26, 2012 10:57 AM

600 I like plastic bags. It seems a lot of folks do not/will not take responsibility for Jul 26, 2012 10:56 AM theirs. I wish they would. A few spoil it for the many.

601 I always reuse or recycle my plastic bags. Encourage stores to give discounts to Jul 26, 2012 10:53 AM customers who bring their own bags.

602 Make plastic bag recycling easier. Either through allowingb them in the curbside Jul 26, 2012 10:25 AM carts or education on where to take them.

603 Better to educate people and let them change their behaviors. Jul 26, 2012 10:19 AM

604 Reuse for garbage bags. Jul 26, 2012 10:12 AM

605 I have mixed feelings, because I don't think they're good for the environment & Jul 26, 2012 9:25 AM yet we do use them consistently to line our wastebaskets etc. I'm glad there is going to be some dialogue about the issue.

606 I, personally, hate plastic bags and try to use paper or my own bags whenever Jul 26, 2012 9:17 AM possible. -- Curbside and other easy and convenient ways to recycle plastic bags need to be available. -- Require stores that use plastic bags to post public posters on environment impact and ways to reuse plastic bags.

607 I hate plastic bags and rarely use them - except the plastic bags from Target. Jul 26, 2012 7:00 AM Those are strong and I use those repeatedly. I think that if plastic bags were recyclable in my area, I would recycle them. I don't mind a ban on plastic bags, but I don't think that there should be a fee charged to the customer for paper bags.

608 I reuse them for other purposes, like pet waste. If they were recyclable in the Jul 26, 2012 1:47 AM recycle can I think more would be recycled. Look at recycling in general, before curbside recycling how much got recycled compared to after?

609 I do use them at home. Give nore info on tv and etc of the harm they do to the Jul 25, 2012 10:53 PM fish and animals. people will not like to be charged for the use of paper bags.It will be neassary to use plastic for some foods and etc.

610 I do like to reuse them to carry dirty clothes or shoes when traveling with a Jul 25, 2012 9:59 PM . I also use them to pick up after our dog.

611 For - I like having some bags available. We use them for trash can liners, lunch Jul 25, 2012 8:46 PM bags, laundry bags when we travel. Against - Uses resources, fills the landfills, is a hazard to the environment, take a long long time to deterioriate. Make it easier - more places to recycle, curbside recycling I would support a ban and a

48 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

very modest fee at the checkout line.

612 I reuse my plastic grocery bags at least once and sometimes twice. If we ban Jul 25, 2012 8:26 PM them, we then play into the plastic bag makers - the ones we will have to BUY to place as garbage can liners, use as lunch bags, use has carry bags for kids at schools, use daily when distributing items at donation sites, picking up dog poo, etc. If I ever (rarely) feel I have an overabundance - I take them to a variety of grocery stores that have recycle boxes just for them :-)

613 I rarely use plastic bags and bring them back to safeway for recycling. I try to Jul 25, 2012 7:38 PM use fabric bags, they are far stronger, carry more and are easier to carry. I avoid plastic bags

614 I hate plastic bags Jul 25, 2012 6:40 PM

615 I try to take my cloth bags, but when in a hurry, I forget and will ask for paper Jul 25, 2012 6:31 PM when checking out put. . It would be nice to have paper available for the food we are buying to put the items before checking out.

616 Grocery stores should elect to not use plastic bags. They should charge for the Jul 25, 2012 3:45 PM use of plastic ones, and give credits for use of recycle bags. Strong education and TV ads dramatically reduced cigarette smoking. The same could be true for plastic bag usage.

617 more access to recycle locations Jul 25, 2012 2:18 PM

618 If stores provide bags, they should be biodegradable and not harmful to the Jul 25, 2012 10:28 AM planet.

619 I would support banning plastic if there was no charge for paper...why should the Jul 25, 2012 9:55 AM public be fined for banning plastic? Please get more info out on recycling the plasatic bags...I thought I could only return them to stores with bag bins by the doors.

620 I use plastic bags to pick up soiled cat litter and deposit it into my garbage cart. I Jul 25, 2012 2:23 AM only use a few for this and would be very willing to recycle the rest but I do not know how to do that. Maybe the city could educate us in how to do that??? Are we allowed to put them into our Recycle Cart? I am a Senior Citizen and groceries are a lot easier to carry when they are in a plastic bag because they have handles, unlike most paper bags.

621 We use to many plastic bags for nothing basically. Jul 24, 2012 3:43 PM

622 Majority wins :) Yes to me :) Jul 24, 2012 3:41 PM

623 Nothing--thin, rip and not good. Jul 24, 2012 3:39 PM

624 My preference would be to ban them totally, Seattle has the right idea we should Jul 24, 2012 2:46 PM follow suit!

625 I think if plastic bags do get banned then there should be some sort of transition Jul 24, 2012 2:44 PM phase where shoppers are "awarded" for bringing in their own bags (be it

49 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

canvas, paper or plastic) such as 5% off their one time grocery bill of $50 or more.

626 Curbside recycling of bags. Jul 24, 2012 11:05 AM

627 There are uses for the bags--so they are needed. Jul 24, 2012 11:02 AM

628 Safeway give discount on soap products when using your own bags. I see many Jul 24, 2012 11:01 AM people using there own bags at Safeway because of this.

629 Get rid of them. Give free recycable bags/containers. Jul 24, 2012 10:58 AM

630 In favor of plastic bags. They have many uses after shopping. Jul 24, 2012 10:57 AM

631 I like to reuse plasic bags for food trash liners, but would prefer a stronger Jul 24, 2012 10:47 AM decompostable liner. We should eliminate plastic in grocery stores and charge a fee for paper (another wasted resource). That will force people to take responsibility for their actions and encourage them to remember to bring their own shopping bags.

632 prefer bags Jul 24, 2012 10:00 AM

633 I would be more inclined to use reusable bags if I didn't have to purchase them Jul 23, 2012 8:05 PM when not bringing one with me.

634 Denmark grocery stores don't offer free shopping bags. They sell heavy duty Jul 23, 2012 6:11 PM plastic, reusable bags: $.50 for a small bag and $ 1.00 for a large. Most people in Denmark remember their shopping bags when they shop. Of course, they don't buy as many things per shopping trip as we do in the States; they shop more often. Once the bags are beyond re-use they can be recycled at the regular recycling station.

635 Plastic bags kill -- it is that simple. I have seen photos of birds and marine Jul 23, 2012 4:39 PM animals with plastic bags suffocating them, binding them, etc. And we need to figure out how to get rid of those floating islands of garbage in our oceans. We do not seem to understand the harm that we do.

636 Get rid of them. Give free recycalbe bags/containers. Jul 23, 2012 3:21 PM

637 In favor of plastic bags. They have many used after shopping. Jul 23, 2012 3:19 PM

638 Use them in snall waste baskets. Cat litter clean up. Jul 23, 2012 3:12 PM

639 Plastic bags are a good size and is reused in my household for other things. If Jul 23, 2012 3:10 PM we could go with out them we would. We should all do our part to take care of what God creates.

640 People don't like change. A problem! Jul 23, 2012 3:07 PM

641 People don't like change. A problem! Jul 23, 2012 2:56 PM

642 I reuse them at home. Jul 23, 2012 2:30 PM

50 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

643 It's better to use reusable bags. Jul 23, 2012 2:18 PM

644 Time to move on. Beyond plastic. Jul 23, 2012 2:17 PM

645 They have many uses. Jul 23, 2012 2:13 PM

646 I use and reuse plastic bugs all the time. Jul 23, 2012 2:09 PM

647 I see no reason to not ban plastic bags. I would lovd it if all bags were reusable. Jul 23, 2012 2:02 PM

648 Get rid of plastic bags. Jul 23, 2012 1:59 PM

649 My wife likes the plastic bags to put over paper garbage bags. Jul 23, 2012 1:58 PM

650 I don't like plastic bags but they are conveinet and always seem to be around. Jul 23, 2012 1:57 PM I'm not sure, other than banning them, how to reduce use or increase recycle. It's hard to un-train people who have become accustomed to our "throw away" society. A good use for recycling plastic bags is to reuse as a material for crocheting to make your won reuse bag, out of plastic yarn!

651 I use plastic bags for cat litter. Would uby some type of container (within cost Jul 23, 2012 1:37 PM reason) stop using plastic bags.

652 Follow Seattle! Jul 23, 2012 1:35 PM

653 I agree with elimination of plastic bags; don't think most folks will ever recycle Jul 23, 2012 1:35 PM them. Pro paper and reusable bags!

654 If I didn't have plastic grocry bags to line waste basket, I will have to purchase Jul 23, 2012 1:33 PM the heavier plastic bags. What are you going to do with dept. store and produce bags?

655 Good for lining waste baskets. Jul 23, 2012 1:31 PM

656 If reusable bags were given out free, people may use them more. Also advertise Jul 23, 2012 1:01 PM how bad plastic is for the environment and wildlife.

657 They are an unnecessary pain in the neck! Jul 23, 2012 12:58 PM

658 I still use plastic bags for meat and other messy items. Jul 23, 2012 12:57 PM

659 The reusable bags are sometimes filled so full they are too heavy to carry. Jul 23, 2012 12:57 PM

660 They would be of much more use if they didn't have holes in the bottom--great Jul 23, 2012 12:54 PM liners for waste baskets in the (?) home.

661 They can be recycled at the grocery stores. Curbside recycle cart would be Jul 23, 2012 12:49 PM great for these bags.

662 I like the cleanliness that they offer. New bags are sterile and have many other Jul 23, 2012 11:44 AM uses after they are brought home.

51 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

663 Food banks need plastic bags. We are often running low. Jul 23, 2012 11:12 AM

664 Plastic bags can be conveniniet but actually but every unsubstanial way carry Jul 23, 2012 11:11 AM things, and are pointless when reusable bags are available. They are not worht energy. They use to be created, and are devastating to wildlife and are (?) at the WARC. Down with plastic!

665 Allow plastic bags to be recycled at all grocery stores. Ban them. I use the bags Jul 23, 2012 11:01 AM in my garbage can rather than buying them.

666 i like to reuse plastic bags. Ban or charging for will create another unneccesary Jul 23, 2012 10:59 AM charge for lower income people who are already struggling.

667 I really don't like plastic bags. I usually forget to bring the other ones with me. Jul 23, 2012 10:49 AM

668 I reuse my plastic bags when I gorget to use my shopping bags. Jul 23, 2012 10:45 AM

669 Reuse Jul 23, 2012 10:20 AM

670 Would love to see them added to our recycle bins list of required "recycle" items. Jul 23, 2012 10:18 AM

671 They can amke recycable plastic, can't they? increase recycling of plastic bags Jul 23, 2012 10:14 AM by allowing/offering curbside pick up.

672 Curbside recycle. Jul 23, 2012 10:12 AM

673 paper bags are thiner and rip when times you have too double bag to Jul 22, 2012 10:33 AM get the strong enough to hold your items. Iwas informed that I can not recycle my bags in my recycle bid because it plugs up the machinery at LeMay!!!!

674 I use plastic bags for garbage in the vehicles that i drive. Jul 20, 2012 5:24 PM

675 I don't like using plastic bags but like most of us i forget my re-usable ones; Jul 20, 2012 10:37 AM perhaps if we were forced to not use them we wouldn't be so forgetful bringing our re-usable bags.

676 If I am required to no longer be able to have a plastic bag then paper or reusable Jul 20, 2012 10:15 AM bags need to be provided from the store. I feel it is most definitely the stores responsibility to provide boxes, paper or any other means for me to take my items home. If I shop at their store.

677 Useful for lining paper garbage bags and bathroom garbage containers. Since Jul 20, 2012 9:31 AM we recycle most everything, we don't use plastic bags nearly as much as we used to. So maybe 6 bags a month go as garbage the rest I have been taking to the Library - they use them for folks needing a container to carry multiple books home. Which, not that I think about it, may not be such a good idea if they aren't recycled at some point. I take the plastic bags covering the daily newspaper to Safeway for them to recycle. But, I see in the latest flyer from Thurston County that I can take all plastic bags to the recycle center.

678 Our environment is, on an immeasurable scale, more important than our "right" Jul 20, 2012 8:50 AM or "freedom" to produce/use certain products. Plastic shopping bags are on the

52 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

list of such products.

679 Plastic bags are lighter and take up less space when transporting than paper Jul 19, 2012 11:31 AM bags. The also hold more weight for their size than paper. Reusable bags can carry bacteria and viruses if not properly cared for. The United States is about freedom and choices. Each individual is different and needs to makes choices based on their situation. Teach responsibility not reducing freedoms.

680 I went to Maui for vacation and they don't have a plastic bag in site there. The Jul 19, 2012 11:13 AM fee for the brown bag was almost nothing. It's a good thing!

681 if you want to ban plastic bags or charge a fee you must give out free reusable Jul 18, 2012 5:30 PM bags to everyone and be prepared for lawsuits when poeple get sick from contaminated bags

682 Charge a deterrent fee for each bag, use the money to fund roadside cleanup. Jul 18, 2012 4:15 PM

683 Plastic bags are good dog pooh bags. Jul 18, 2012 2:44 PM

684 Groceries should have ban on plastic bags. Jul 18, 2012 2:38 PM

685 Stop reulating! Use education! Keep options available. Jul 18, 2012 2:36 PM

686 No arguments but excited about what other alternatives there are about grocery Jul 18, 2012 2:35 PM shopping--I shop for alot when I go to the market.

687 Could be used for trash. Jul 18, 2012 2:33 PM

688 Keep plastic bags out of ocean. Jul 18, 2012 2:29 PM

689 It would be better for the inverment if the plastic bags were recycled, or not used Jul 18, 2012 2:25 PM at all.

690 Adding them to my curbside would be nice. Jul 18, 2012 2:18 PM

691 I don't get why throw away items are made from something that lasts forever. Jul 18, 2012 2:13 PM

692 Plastic bags create an ever-growing contamination problem that is easily Jul 18, 2012 2:06 PM stemmed by the use of reusables. Banning them and charging for paper bags is a brilliant way to get people in the habit of bringing their own damn bags.

693 Plastic bags that degrade. Jul 18, 2012 1:57 PM

694 Needs to be all recycling. Jul 18, 2012 1:47 PM

695 Often useful, but charges would help lower use! Jul 18, 2012 1:31 PM

696 I like them for using as garbage bags and as a back up when I forget my Jul 18, 2012 1:30 PM reusables.

697 Use them for garbage liners. Jul 18, 2012 1:29 PM

53 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

698 I would recycle my plastic bags if I could curbside. I would fully support a ban on Jul 18, 2012 1:28 PM plastic bags in Thurston County. If bags were banned, I'd like to have alternative bags available for free to those individuals that cannot afford to purchase re- usable bags.

699 It would help if plastic bags were collected at Sargent Road waste location. Jul 18, 2012 1:12 PM

700 I reuse for waste . box liners. Jul 18, 2012 1:08 PM

701 We use plastic bags for dirty diapers and dog poop only. Jul 18, 2012 1:03 PM

702 Increase ideas for reuse of bags. Jul 18, 2012 1:02 PM

703 I would prefer that we ban plastic bags and make using paper or reusable bags Jul 18, 2012 1:01 PM mandatory.

704 I do think it's excessive but if we can redirect people to reuse them instead of Jul 18, 2012 12:58 PM chargin them to use paper it would be a win win.

705 I use all that I receive while shopping or I would buy plastic bag. Jul 18, 2012 12:51 PM

706 The only reason I use plastic bags is that I'm not in the habit of always having Jul 18, 2012 12:50 PM them on hand--I'm working on it.

707 Plastic bags have multiple reuses--I would hate not being ableto get them. Jul 18, 2012 12:48 PM

708 They are useful, however dangerous. But only in rare occasions. Jul 18, 2012 12:44 PM

709 I think we should limit the use of plastic bags as much as possible. Jul 18, 2012 11:17 AM

710 Ban 'em! Jul 18, 2012 10:59 AM

711 I believe plastic bags can definitely be replaced by paper!! Jul 18, 2012 10:58 AM

712 Banning plastic bags will hlp our environment because people will think more Jul 18, 2012 10:56 AM when they use them.

713 Conenient recycling locations. Jul 18, 2012 10:52 AM

714 I try to use shopping bags instead of plastic but don't always remember. I also Jul 18, 2012 10:35 AM opt for no bag when possible.

715 Remind us of organizations that cleaned plastic can be taken--Food coop, Jul 18, 2012 10:32 AM animal services.

716 I re-use plastic bags as small garbage bags, dont ban them!! Jul 18, 2012 9:42 AM

717 They have many uses. Jul 18, 2012 9:13 AM

718 I do use them for my small trash cans that are very handy. Jul 18, 2012 9:11 AM

719 Paper bags tear easier than plastic bags. Jul 18, 2012 9:09 AM

54 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

720 I like that plastic is convient when walking my dogs or lining the recycle bin in the Jul 18, 2012 9:08 AM house. However I hate that I constantly see them on the side of the road. I believe they are wasteful.

721 The state of Washingtn needs to pass a law that you have to recycle plastic bags Jul 18, 2012 9:05 AM and put into place a recycling program.

722 Don't like much about them. Have plastic bag recycling bins in every town. Jul 18, 2012 9:02 AM

723 What percentage of total garbage waste are plastic bags? Probably less than Jul 17, 2012 9:49 PM 1%. Therefore banning them has essentially no effect on waste volume. Plastic bags cost less to transport. Paper bags weight more, burning more fuel in the trucks that haul the bags. Green house gas net effect?

724 There should be some "exceptions" if plastic bags are banned -- like for people Jul 17, 2012 4:21 PM taking the bus, the elderly, a parent walking with small children. I defer to the plastic bag industry when they say the recycling stream is robust -- if it is I would like more enforcement of recycling on the public as well as a (nearly) total ban, see above. If the recycling stream is not robust, then they need to step up and make it so. But so many people don't recycle. Thanks.

725 Separate bin for curbside by LeMay. Jul 17, 2012 3:09 PM

726 Get rid of them. Jul 17, 2012 3:08 PM

727 Curbside recycle would be awesome. Jul 17, 2012 3:05 PM

728 Reuse plastic bags. Put drop off locations in stores. Jul 17, 2012 3:03 PM

729 I like to use them for other things, like pet waste. Jul 17, 2012 3:01 PM

730 I thoroughly support a ban on plastic bags! Being able to put them in the Jul 17, 2012 2:29 PM curbside recycle might help recycling efforts.

731 Plastic bags are re-used. If we were not allowed to have them I would need to Jul 17, 2012 10:56 AM purchase them to use as I do now for free.

732 The convenience of plastic bags at the grocery checkout really is hard to beat. Jul 16, 2012 6:17 PM Even though I have reuseable bags in my car, it is still hard to remember to bring them in! Yet I am very concerned about plastic bag litter and all plastic litter; we need to take drastic action before our planet looks like it does in Wall-e. Can plastic bags go in curbside recycling? That would be wonderful.

733 Get rid of them. Some are breaking down to microscopic levels and are found Jul 16, 2012 4:43 PM everywhere including the food chain. The economics of the bag isn't worth the danger they pose in the future.

734 I think it should include all stores, including retail big box stores in addition to Jul 16, 2012 4:16 PM grocery stores

735 I have no idea how or where to recycle plastic bags Please publish recycle Jul 16, 2012 2:44 PM opportunities.

55 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

736 I always reuse my plastic bags. I would prefer to keep plstic bags as an option-- Jul 16, 2012 1:58 PM reuseable can store germs if not washed properly which can be a health issue.

737 Easy to use. Jul 16, 2012 1:53 PM

738 Dog waste. Jul 16, 2012 1:52 PM

739 Need more recycling opportunities, advertise other use for plastic bags. Jul 16, 2012 1:49 PM

740 Easy, cheap, convenient. Jul 16, 2012 1:35 PM

741 Styrofoam need to be recycled too. Thanks. Jul 16, 2012 1:31 PM

742 Hard to figure out at this time. Jul 16, 2012 1:24 PM

743 I like to reuse them. That's about it. Jul 16, 2012 1:20 PM

744 I think a ban on plastic bags is a great idea and people shouldbe more Jul 16, 2012 1:19 PM encouraged to use reusable bags.

745 No more plastic bags. Paper bags you can reuse it as many times. Jul 16, 2012 1:14 PM

746 Charge for plastic bags! Jul 16, 2012 1:11 PM

747 The amount of waste the bags create is huge! I think banning the production Jul 16, 2012 1:08 PM and usage in stores is important. I don't like anything about them.

748 I don't really have any. They are convient so I've never researched or bothered Jul 16, 2012 12:58 PM about it.

749 I like my freedom yo coose my whether or not I want to use plastic. Jul 16, 2012 12:52 PM

750 Let's outlaw plastic bags and figure out how to recyclr styrofoam--curbside! Jul 16, 2012 12:45 PM

751 Don't like going to Safeway because they give you credit on soap,etc. when you Jul 16, 2012 12:24 PM use your own bags.

752 I like them-easier to use than paper bags. Jul 16, 2012 12:21 PM

753 Keep government out . Educate the people to make their own choices. I support Jul 16, 2012 12:17 PM recycling and using reusable bags, but that choice should be up to me.

754 In Europe, they charge you to use bags so it's normal to bring your own Jul 16, 2012 12:14 PM bags/baskets to shop.

755 They are convient for reuse and save money for my small trash cans and for my Jul 16, 2012 12:09 PM dog waste and used training pads.

756 Unfortanately, encouraging paper bags isn't a better option. Jul 16, 2012 9:31 AM

757 My sister uses the old ones. Cuts them up, makes them into yarn and crochets Jul 16, 2012 9:30 AM other bags with them to go shopping with.

56 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

758 I reuse bags until they have holes and then recycle them! Jul 16, 2012 9:28 AM

759 Ban plastic. Jul 16, 2012 9:27 AM

760 Curbside recycling is the problem. If they would take them then this would be Jul 16, 2012 9:25 AM solved.

761 I don't want the government telling me what to do. Jul 16, 2012 9:10 AM

762 I really only use them because that's what is available. Jul 16, 2012 9:08 AM

763 I reuse them. Jul 16, 2012 9:02 AM

764 Get rid of them! Jul 16, 2012 8:44 AM

765 It's easier than bringing bags. Jul 16, 2012 8:36 AM

766 You can use as trash bags. Jul 16, 2012 8:01 AM

767 Don't like them. Jul 16, 2012 7:57 AM

768 Tax like OR on cans. Jul 16, 2012 7:48 AM

769 Get rid of them! Jul 16, 2012 7:45 AM

770 Worried about resources for paper bags. Don't like fees (Olympia's fees are Jul 16, 2012 7:42 AM higher than others).

771 We recycle but it gets cluttered waiting to take them back to a store. Jul 16, 2012 7:39 AM

772 Increase bag recycling-recyle w/rest of curbside recycling. It would be better for Jul 15, 2012 7:14 PM our environment-we would get used to using paper or bringing our own bags for use at the stores.

773 Plastic bags are NOT the problem - Careless people are - and you can't Jul 15, 2012 5:04 PM regulate them!! It would be nice to be able to put torn plastic bags in the recycle bin but we repurpose all good bags. Banning plastic bags will not keep plastic from harming animals - they will still be exposed to dirty Pampers, and other plastic products. Will there also be a ban on plastic diapers and red Solo cups ??? Mfg. of plastic bags employs people! And a final thought - there are some stores that provide plastic bags that are bio-degradable!!!

774 If I didn't have shopping bags I would have to purchase bags for my small trash Jul 15, 2012 4:40 PM cans.

775 stores bag up groceries in too many plastic bags. Sometimes only one item is in Jul 15, 2012 3:12 PM a bag. Have more bins for plastic bag recycling and at the entrance of stores.

776 simply offer recycling in the normal recycle cart or curbside in a separate Jul 15, 2012 3:10 PM container instead of another ridiculous ordinance

777 Keep your liberial minds out of a good product, have recycle bin at grocery Jul 15, 2012 2:34 PM

57 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)


778 Keep some plastic bags accessible through retailers because they are still Jul 15, 2012 2:05 PM needed. Consider using a use/pay system which might encourage "second-use" from those who use them. Have retailers stop giving a "bonus 5 cents" for bringing your own bags. Stop selling the web/gauze bags, they're horrible to wash.

779 I like using them to line my trash cans in the house and for packing boxes. Jul 15, 2012 12:42 PM Argument for: easier to carry several bags at once when unloading groceries. Argument Against: Not good for the environment.

780 If there were no plastic bags, then we would find a way to do without them. Jul 14, 2012 11:53 AM

781 Let the free market decide. Jul 14, 2012 10:25 AM

782 Increase education to the public about bag recycling picked up at home. And, Jul 13, 2012 10:09 PM since we are a diverse population, consider communication in other languages.

783 BAN PLASTIC, however, I do not agree with charging a fee for paper bags. Jul 13, 2012 4:38 PM Paper bags degrade readily, can be used in gardening and for trash liners and do not persist in the environment. The fee, I believe, is only in place to placate the . The paper industry is vital to the Pacific Northwest economy and paper companies are integral in natural resource management. Our family works hard to refuse plastic bags at check out. We see plastic bags floating in the air and along the roadside, rarely do we see paper bags hanging in tree branches. YES, ban plastic bags. The long term value of paper and reusable bags far out weighs the short term, perceived cost savings and convenience of the check out plastic bags.

784 I don't like plastic bags. I prefer paper or a . Jul 13, 2012 1:47 PM

785 It can work-Portland does it! Jul 13, 2012 10:41 AM

786 Better then paper, less natural resources use. Jul 13, 2012 10:37 AM

787 Use Seattle plan. Jul 13, 2012 10:35 AM

788 Recycle them. Jul 13, 2012 10:33 AM

789 Ban them! Jul 13, 2012 10:30 AM

790 Cross contaimination of meats is the only concern that I use plastic for. Jul 13, 2012 10:27 AM Convenience for frozen foods is waining :)

791 They are nice to reuse as garbage bags, but I still wish people didn't use them Jul 13, 2012 10:25 AM so much. I would be fine if they were banned.

792 We need some. But not nearly as many as we use. Jul 13, 2012 10:23 AM

793 convenience, but I would gladly use fabric reusable bags. Jul 13, 2012 10:22 AM

58 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

794 I would like more info on the energy/practices used to produce reusable bags. Jul 13, 2012 10:14 AM Some that have been advertised as "eo" choice seem to be made in countries requiring long transport, toxic substances, etc. So are they better?

795 I like reusing plastic bags and really don't see them totally going away. Jul 13, 2012 10:04 AM Sometimes nothing else does what they do!

796 Ban it, make reuseable ones that are cheap and good quality :) Jul 13, 2012 10:03 AM

797 BAN THEM! Jul 13, 2012 10:02 AM

798 Pros- some people use them for dog waste-important use around Jul 13, 2012 10:01 AM beaches/estuaries. Cons-animal injuries, uses non renewable resources.

799 I use them as garbage bags but I actually hate them. Jul 13, 2012 9:59 AM

800 I miss the old brown paper bags "the good old days!" Jul 13, 2012 9:56 AM

801 Just alot of people gonna be angry. Jul 13, 2012 9:54 AM

802 Less waste. Jul 13, 2012 9:52 AM

803 Useful for garbage reliner, but I could find a substitute.Against, as makes Jul 13, 2012 9:29 AM problems in our environment. I saw mountains of trash with plastic bags in China. We can do better.

804 Keep the bags. Prefer them to those "reuseable" bags that are always in the Jul 12, 2012 3:57 PM wrong car... or never take enough of them into the store...or are growing mold and bacteria in the bottom.

805 If plastic bags are removed and people are charged for paper then also Jul 12, 2012 3:40 PM implement a system for donating back paper bags.

806 I would very much like to see plastic bag recycling available in the Olympia Jul 12, 2012 3:37 PM curbside recycling program.

807 Help me remember my reuseable bags. Works great in Maui. Jul 12, 2012 3:26 PM

808 This is a common decision we can make to improve our environment in the Jul 12, 2012 3:25 PM county.

809 I use cloth bags for shopping and I reuse plastic bags for produce. Jul 12, 2012 3:24 PM

810 Educate on what we did for 100 years -dry metal container-no liquid waste- Jul 12, 2012 3:23 PM empty and wash!

811 I use plastic bags with my cleaning biz to hold dirty towels and to line trash. I'd Jul 12, 2012 3:22 PM be willing to switch to paper, though plastic bags seem more sanitary in cleaning situations. I support the challenge to "think outside of the bag." If there is curbside recycling for plastic bags, I don't know about it!

812 Collect plastic bags with regular recycling pickup. Jul 12, 2012 3:18 PM

59 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

813 They choose nature. Are typically single use before they tear. Blow around and Jul 12, 2012 3:18 PM are sign of the times.

814 I line to reuse them for things around the house and for my car! Jul 12, 2012 3:13 PM

815 I would like to see curbside pick up at my house. Jul 12, 2012 3:06 PM

816 Make them stronger and more people would reuse them for other purposes. Jul 12, 2012 3:05 PM

817 Plastic bags if recycable woube great! Paper bags I use for newspaper and Jul 12, 2012 3:04 PM such!

818 I like to use them as garbage liners. Some of the bags are getting to be weak. Jul 12, 2012 3:00 PM

819 Since garbage is only picked up twice a month, plastic bags are helpful keeping Jul 12, 2012 2:59 PM it contained and bug and animal free. You could allow us to recycle plastic bags in our recycling.

820 They are everywhere! Garbage. Jul 12, 2012 2:56 PM

821 I think having alternatives in groceru stores like reused containers on hand is Jul 12, 2012 2:50 PM helpfu to not choosing the plastic bag.

822 Encourage grocery stores to have parking lot signs that remind you to bring in Jul 12, 2012 2:49 PM your bags.

823 I reuse plastic bags for so many things, like lning my trash cans. The idea of Jul 12, 2012 2:48 PM having to buy bags to line trash, etc. sucks :)

824 Curbside pick up! Free paper bags at grocery stores instead of plastic. Jul 12, 2012 2:45 PM

825 Would a ban create more of a market for other disposable bags? I don't know. . Jul 12, 2012 2:44 PM .but when we have them we use them for the cat box. If they weren't around I guess we'd find another solution

826 You can increase bag recycling by having it picked up with the weekly garbage Jul 11, 2012 2:11 PM and recycling

827 I don't want government to dictate this issue. Jul 11, 2012 1:13 PM

828 If Lemay offered recycling of plastic bags I would recycle them. I currently reuse Jul 11, 2012 10:18 AM many of my used bags. I oppose any tax on plastic bags.

829 Providing a recycling opportunity would be better than banning them. Jul 11, 2012 9:52 AM

830 I like plastic bags because they are useful many times over and are very Jul 11, 2012 9:50 AM hygienic, much more hygienic than reusable cloth bags.

831 I guess that I would have less of an issue with plastic bags is there were Jul 10, 2012 10:04 AM convenient places to recycle them. Currently my curb side waste/recycler doesn't pick them up and I have to search around to find places that will accept them. So if we're going to continue to use them, lets make it easy to recycle. If

60 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

not, ban them.

832 I would like to see more biodegradable plastic bags used. I think it may also be Jul 9, 2012 10:27 PM hard on lower income people to have to pay for bags if they forgot to bring reusable bags, so that's not too good. But I really would like to see less plastic bags in the trash stream.

833 Reusable bags can be breeding grounds for bacteria. Plastic bags have a ton of Jul 9, 2012 2:03 PM other uses in the home after being used as grocery bags. A curbside recycle of plastic bags would be extremely helpful in getting people to actually recycle them. Let US decide if we want to use these bags or not. Government has no place telling us what kind of grocery bag we can or cannot use. Let the grocery store owners decide how they want to conduct their business. If they want to attract people who don't like plastic they can implement their own plan by not using them themselves.

834 I'd like to see equipment developed that would allow the recycling of plastic Jul 9, 2012 12:18 PM bags, as long as we have to deal w/them being manufactured in the first place.

835 The concern I would have is how to wash out the reuseable totes, sometimes the Jul 9, 2012 10:16 AM odor from foods can be impossible to get out the fabric or insulation of the cold bags

836 crbside bag recycling if bags not banned Jul 9, 2012 10:10 AM

837 Because I repurpose them in my home, I hate to see them go away. However, Jul 9, 2012 9:47 AM even w/ my repurpose, I know I am contributing to the problem because the bags STILL make it to land fill. I have had reusable bags since the beginning of awareness. I bought a dozen from online site - this was before there were such things available at the stores. So - I am a mixed up fruit salad in what I do, and what I OUGHT to do!!!!

838 It would make it a lot easier for everyone to incorporate plastic bag recycling into Jul 9, 2012 9:38 AM curb-side recycling. I would love to see a ban on plastic bags but at the same time those plastic bags contain my household garbage, baby diapers and cat litter. I also heard a study that in places where they have banned plastic bags people are using the store bought plastic bags which are thicker and take much longer to break down. (i.e people are going to use plastic bags for their garbage no matter what whether it be the free ones from the grocery store or store bought bags)

839 how can banning plastic bags help @ all.... i havent bought garbage bags for Jul 8, 2012 6:44 PM many years... i use the shopping bags...if they are banned then i would have to buy OTHER plastic bags

840 We use plastic grocery bags for disposal of pet feces, cat box litter and to line Jul 8, 2012 4:24 PM small bathroom/bedroom waste paper baskets. Those that we don't use are periodically recycled in a recycle bin at our Hawks Prairie Safeway store. Banning these bags means that we have to purchase some alternative bag which may not be recycleable. While we may agree with the intent of this proposed ban, it would make more sense to find an alternative grocery bag that

61 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

would be degradeable, not harm the environment and doesn't cost more than the existing bags. While the bags are a convenience provided by grocers, these bags are also calculated into the price of our goods that we purchase regardless of what you may wish to think. Banning them will be a lot harder as long as they are manufactured anywhere, are avalilable other places and don't have a reasonable alternative. Requiring people to use reuseable bags invites food contamination and spread of infectious diseases even if washed between uses. GO BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD AND FIND AN ALTERNATIVE BAG BEFORE YOU TAKE THIS LEAP!!!

841 I work at Subway and often times have to clean up garbage when birds get to Jul 8, 2012 3:45 PM our dumpster and scatter trash around. I have noticed on more than one occasion that the mojority of the trash (besides paper) is plastic bags. There is no need to waste our resources on plastic bags which will go staight to the landfill, harm our environment, and harm us! Let's ban the bags!

842 If we keep plastic bags, it would be nice to either have them collected with the Jul 8, 2012 1:21 PM curbside recycling or to have more and better places to recycle them. Right now the grocery store only takes their bags back, and I never know what to do with the ones that they don't take.

843 I've always used them as free kitchen garbage bags, but if they disappeared, Jul 8, 2012 1:20 PM that would be better for the planet. Gretchen Reinhardt

844 I hate plastic bags. increase recycling by banning grocery bags and having more Jul 8, 2012 11:52 AM venues to recycle. BEST would be to have a bin for curbside recycling. I have no argument against a ban.

845 the only real purpose plastic bags serve is in this area, it is more likely than not Jul 8, 2012 9:09 AM it will be raining when you are shopping. plastic works better in the rain. if plastic bags were recyclable curbside, there would be higher participation. remembering to take used bags to the store is like remembering your reusable shopping bags...once you pull into the parking lot, you remember...

846 I strongly oppose the use of plastic bags in grocery stores and honestly get Jul 8, 2012 9:00 AM upset every time I shop and see how many plastic bags are used for every customer. The checkers put at most 3 items in each bag and oftentime only one! I will ask all my friends to take this survey. I recently visited my hometown of San Francisco and was very excited to see they they have banned plastic.

847 If I didn't get bags from store, I would have to buy them to line basket and other Jul 8, 2012 8:32 AM uses. Groceries are not always clean, this is another problem with reusable bags. In these difficult times, the last thing we need is a government solution that creates more burdens on those of us that aren't "yuppies" or living in the security of those government jobs with there outlandishly expensive benefits paid for by the rest of us. Amazes me how govenment employees have no clue how the rest of us have to save to pay for our livings, including our retirements. I suspect one exotic vacation to Belize, etc burns more oil than a life time of plastic bags. This is another feel good idea that has minimal real benefits. Why not ban single use political signs and brochures? Perhaps a special tax on single use newspapers? While a bit tongue in cheek, the same logic applies to these

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items, it is just that the feel good crowd rarely sees the sin in their own vices.

848 I use them as surrogate garbage bags, pick up what's floating around, and Jul 8, 2012 7:22 AM recycle the rest. I have almost NEVER bought plastic bags for any reason. I am able to reuse until the cows come home. Asking people to buy new ones for garbage bags is ... um, almost an insult. But not everyone thinks that way I suppose.

849 we don't need them. ban them. Jul 7, 2012 9:37 PM

850 people already have the option to use reusable bags if they want. let the Jul 7, 2012 5:06 PM population decide if they want to use plastic bags or not they have the option. making people pay for other options as others have done like paying for paper bags is not right. let the market decide if people stop using plastic the stores will stop providing them. problem solved without government mandates.

851 convenient, use to bag my recycling, don't like the reuseable bags as they get Jul 7, 2012 10:08 AM dirty & ripped

852 rather use paper bags, but plastic bags are still necessary for some items like Jul 6, 2012 6:36 PM produce and other retail items consumers need to understand the results of not being responsible for the proper recycling that affect our environment

853 My husband and I try to always take our own bags to the grocery. My main Jul 5, 2012 7:10 PM concern regarding charging folks to use plastic bags is our senior population. My dad is 90 years old. It would be very inconvienant for him to try to always take his own bag to the grocery and he uses the plastic bags to line his kitchen trash can. PLEASE REMEMBER OUR SENIORS!!!!! Don't penalize them.

854 I have heard that plastic bags don't really get recycled, that they are more likely Jul 5, 2012 10:44 AM taken to China where they are burned along with other "recycled" products that can not be disposed of legally in the U.S. I really hope that this is mis-information and I continue to recycle them in the hopes that I really am making a difference. I know a few people who through away plastics because they too don't believe that plastic truly is recyclable.

855 Any ban on plastic bags is good, but it should be statewide. If the Legislature Jul 5, 2012 10:27 AM won't act, then it should be at least countywide. But, even if that is too difficult, then individual cities must take the lead.

856 I am now refusing to use plastic bags in grocery stores. I hate them, they aren't Jul 4, 2012 1:55 PM functional. They tear before I get home, sometimes my food falls out. The food is thrown together in a bag, which squishes produce and other things. I have arthritis in my hands and the thin handles on the plastic bags hurt my hands. One paper bag will hold 3-4 plastic bags full of stuff and the stuff stays how it is packed because the bag is more durable and not so flexible. Paper bags are biodegradable, recyclable, reusable, do a better job and don't hurt a thing, trees can be planted and grown to produce more paper products. I am totally against even making so many plastic bags, the kind in the grocery stores. I would vote to do away with them. Some people will recycle, but most won't. The Thurston county garbage pickup/recycling says on their recycling cans: DO NOT PUT

63 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

PLASTIC BAGS IN HERE. So, you guys don't even recycle them!!!

857 Plastic bags ought to be banned. They are a public nuisance and environmental Jul 4, 2012 12:11 PM hazard, and a reusable bag is an easy alternative.

858 I use the plastic bags for picking up dog poop. Otherwise, I recycle them. It Jul 4, 2012 11:40 AM would be nice if they could be picked up with our other recycling. Pro for banning -- environmental issues, particularly in our waters.

859 I think plastic bags are great. You are fucking morons for even considering Jul 3, 2012 8:02 PM banning them.

860 In my opinion we use plastic bags because they are there. If they cost us money Jul 3, 2012 3:25 PM or were not available we would figure something else out. I seldom recycle them (except I repurpose them often instead of buying a plastic bag) because recycling is too complicated.

861 I think there should be a small charge for plastic bags. A ban will never work, Jul 3, 2012 2:08 PM reusable bags get forgotton and it is not visitor friendly.

862 Like metal can pull tabs plastic bags have had there time and have proven to be Jul 3, 2012 1:44 PM to toxic for ongoing use. Time to move on to a sustainable option.

863 Arguments for: It could encourage people to use their own reusable bags Jul 3, 2012 1:07 PM Argument against: The people who would get penalized are people who are already stressed financially/ don't happen to have mental space to focus on bringing their own bag (?) Idea: maybe the plastic bag collection- place in Safeway, etc. could be bigger? That would probably just penalize Safeway though (taking up visual space)...Good questions...To keep the conversation going and get good ideas, this question could be put to students from elementary- high school or college, through essay contests or drawing contests (like "Reflections" contests PTA's used to sponsor). Maybe different groups (conservation, business, government) could be approached to pool money for small prizes. Some of these ideas could be shared through media interviews (goal being: to get everyone thinking about what they CAN do, versus seeing it as an "us versus them" example. Teachers could be encouraged to have students research/ debate/ role play different perspectives.

864 I am handicapped as well as my wife. Plastic bags hold up better than paper if Jul 3, 2012 10:06 AM you have only one working hand. Try to hang a paperbag on your walker or wheelchair - it does not work. Besides that, we are on a limited income and if we have to pay extra for paper bags, it further limits us.

865 We need curbside plastic bag recycling bins just like we have for newspaper and Jul 2, 2012 10:58 PM other plastics.

866 I think if stores are going to charge for the use of plastic bags, then shoppers Jul 2, 2012 3:05 PM should have a choice again between paper or plastic - and there should be NO CHARGE for paper.

867 I think this should be left up to the store if they want to change the way their Jul 2, 2012 10:14 AM

64 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

customers get their groceries home! This is not something the government city/county/state should get into. If a store wants to charge a fee then let them, let the store pass it to the customer, let the store take the complaints of the customer. Yes it's adventually going to end up in a landfill, but isn't that what garbage customers are paying for? Because yes, I do PAY for recycling. Thank you -

868 I'd much rather use cloth bags. Sometimes I forget them and so I get plastic, but Jul 1, 2012 8:02 PM I be sure to either reuse them around the house, or drop them off for recycling. If I remember, I try and ask for paper. I'd much rather see plastic not available and stores just charge for paper. There has to be a cost effective way for people to get at least 3 or 4 cloth bags before a fee goes into effect though.

869 The single most amount of trash that goes into my waste is plastic products, e.g., Jul 1, 2012 9:47 AM plastic packaging, etc. Plastic bags for use at the grocery stores should be of the compostable type. Even if it cost more, it would be worth it.

870 I used to like plastic bags as they keep moisture in(frozen foods, meats), easier Jun 29, 2012 1:15 AM to carry multiple bags(have handles), make great free trash bags. However, they pose a huge threat to the environment and wildlife, end up in sea creatures, choke our landfills and is a petroleum product that is not essential to life. I would like to see a ban on plastic bags with a provision for stores to use strong,biodegradable +/or sustainable bags. Increase the availability of cheaper reusable bags especially at grocery stores, markets. Not everyone can afford $5- 15 reusable bags. Why not cut back on providing plastic bags? Use less, make less, people will fuss then adapt. Increase bag recycling? I would increase point of use education even more than we already do. For a period of time (every customer who ends up using plastic bags) let them know your store recycles plastic bags and location of the collection '' for their use(next visit).Also set a deadline for providing regular plastic bags,offer alternatives. Clearly visible signs explaining any changes and small flyer in grocery bags to take home might give those folk with questions a chance to understand the need for change. You asked.

871 The only time I like plastic bags is when it's raining heavily! I do not like how Jun 28, 2012 3:22 PM plastic bags are unstructured - stuff falls over & spills - plus you can't get as much stuff in the standard plastic bags, which requires using more. However, I carry a lot of reusable bags in my car, some which have waterproof linings. I try to use my reusable bags whenever possible but unfortunately sometimes I do forget...or I'm with someone else who doesn't have any with them. I think if you charged for the plastic bags it might cut down the use for some & perhaps make people think twice about bringing their own. The only argument against a ban is that if the store is only going to offer paper bags in our rainy climate it could be a problem. Perhaps if the stores offer reusable bags at a steep discount, say $.50, it might encourage people to buy them and use them.

872 The only thing I like about them is I can use them when I scoop my cat boxes. I Jun 28, 2012 10:46 AM hate getting groceries in them cause they fall over in the back of the car and dump everything out. If the bags have holes, I can't use them on the litter box so I recycle those at the store.

65 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

873 Make curb recycling available. I use them for cat litter and bathroom trash liners. Jun 28, 2012 9:10 AM Sometimes I forget my cloth bags or don't have enough when I go to the store. A ban would be good, or charge for plastic, but not paper.

874 I would like to see plastic bags banned at grocery and other retail stores. It Jun 26, 2012 10:53 AM disgusts me the amount of plastic that is wasted by folks. I don't mind taking my plastic bags to the store to be recycled but it would be nice to have curbside recycling or other collection centers (like at apartments).

875 Work with the large, chain stores on a campaign. Checkers say (cheerfully) Jun 25, 2012 1:41 PM "Bring your own bags with you today?" No? That's ok" etc. etc. The repetition would be powerful.

876 I like to use plastic bags to pick up pet waste. I would like more education on Jun 25, 2012 11:28 AM whether 'biodegradable bags" actually biodegrade.

877 Get rid of them please!!! Jun 24, 2012 3:23 PM

878 We recycle plastic bags at the grocery store. Jun 23, 2012 12:01 PM

879 have more available bag recycling locations. Jun 22, 2012 8:58 PM

880 Ban 'em! Jun 22, 2012 7:45 PM

881 the plastic bags work well for other purposes like leaving the plastic bag around Jun 22, 2012 8:59 AM the uncooked meat packages when placed in the fridge after grocery shopping, picking up animal waste, lunch bag since paper bags get wet from the condensation of the frozen water used to keep food cold. The bags also work well for send with the kids to camp to put dirty clothes, wet towels and other items in as i don't want the kids losing or other kids stealing expensive /bags. I used them to put the wet soccer and football cleats in after practice or a game to bring them home. If i don't reuse the plastic bag for the above items, I collect a majority of them and drop them off at fred meyers/. I have a few of the reuseable bags but never seem to have them with me when i need them. Since the reuseable bags have to be washed and disinfected I have never used them for getting groceries. Maybe if the grocery stores had a reuseable bag exchange program, I would be more likely to use the reusable bags if I could bring bags back when i remember to do so (like on my sunday shopping day). But if I could use or "borrow" a reusuable bag on my unexpected shopping trips and not have to worrying about cleaning and disinfecting them I would be glad to collect and return them later. I would be okay with charging a $.01 charge for each plastic bag to be used toward clean up and or education purposes on plastic bags vs reusuable bags.

882 promote the danger of plastics on the enviornment, see the short film "bag it", Jun 21, 2012 10:42 AM have Komo4 problem solvers do a special on the evening news and promote a youtube link to the film "bag it". curbside recycle would be good. banned plastic bags in stores.

883 I recently moved from Bellingham. We stopped using plastic bags in March. Jun 21, 2012 4:34 AM

66 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

884 After watching the Documentary called Bag It I realized there is way to much Jun 20, 2012 3:25 PM plastic and of course the BPA and other chemicals are not good. There has to be some way to motivate recycle and/or not using plastic. I believe the public is way under informed about the harm plastic does...

885 Plastic bags are horrible to our health and environment, I strongly think we Jun 20, 2012 3:10 PM should put a ban or fees to be charged for using plastic bags!!!

886 Too many people don't give it a second thought about using plastic bags. A fee Jun 20, 2012 1:04 PM should be charged for using plastic bags, not paper bags. Encouraging people to use reusable shopping bags should be a priority. Search out companies to give away reusable bags - not only helps the environment, but they get advertising out of it too by putting their name and information on the bags! Another effort should be contacting the two DeCA commissaries at Fort Lewis and McChord. These two bases combined make up the largest military installation on the west coast. Many people (active duty and retired), from Thurston and surrounding counties use these commissaries, some people come from miles around to do a monthly shopping trip. Every day many plastic bags go out of these commissaries(some items double bagged), but on a payday weekend it is not uncommon to see carts completely loaded with plastic bags. In turn, even if plastic bags are banned in Thurston County a great number of plastic bags will still return to the county from the commissary shopping. The commissaries do see reusable bags, but normally I see them on a rack and not displayed very well. Almost like an after thought. To a lesser extent, but still using plastic bags are the two AFEES exchanges at the bases. Perhaps they could be encouraged to provide reusable bags too. Thanks for the opportunity to provide some input. Keep up the great work! Darold Rhodes

887 i reuse the plastic bags for cleaning up after my pets with their cat litter, etc. i Jun 20, 2012 12:47 PM use them for trash that is not recyclable. i use them to carry my lunch to work and containers home again. i use them for everything i can until they fall apart. unfortunately they are made poorly and some don't even make it home from the store. many stores double bag so they protect food better. some stores place beer in them which makes no sense as they can be carried without a bag. bags should only be utilized when necessary. not with gaollon milk , beer, etc. once these bags are gone then the next ban will need to be the bags we buy since they are plastic too.

888 I reuse the plastic bags for pet waste and as garbage bags themselves. I feel Jun 19, 2012 9:37 PM there is more danger of food contamination from re -useable bags than from plastic bags. The multi use bags require that they be washed and cleaned after each use, which eliminates some of the value attained by getting rid of plastic bags.

889 While I realize too many people do not use plastic bags responsibly, I would hate Jun 19, 2012 6:45 PM to see them banned cause I use them for many things that if I didn't have them, I'd have to purchase a product to take their place.

890 BAN THE BAG! Because there are so many alternatives I see no reason to Jun 19, 2012 1:46 PM continue to rely so heavily on these harmful plastic products.

67 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

891 I use reuse plastic shopping bags for my household trash disposal and would Jun 19, 2012 12:44 PM just have to buy other plastic garbage bags for that purpose, if plastic shopping bags were banned.

892 Why are only plastic shopping bags being targeted? Plastic bags are also Jun 19, 2012 9:25 AM provided in the produce and meat aisles of the food market. Would those plastic bags be banned too? How will produce and meat prevent moisture from getting on reusable grocery bags and causing mold? Will prepackaged plastic containers for foods and liquids be eliminated too? Plastic is so entwined in our everyday shopping that there is no clear answer what to do with plastic. Why aren't plastic drink bottles being banned too?

893 Stop making up statistics about how damaging plastic bags are to the Jun 19, 2012 8:23 AM environment - The vast majority of plastic bags end up in landfills with the rest of the garbage - Do you want to ban the rest of our garbage also? How much energy and resources will have to be expended when millions of reusable bags have to be made and washed over and over?

894 We reuse our plastic bags when we walk the dog. Also we line our waste Jun 18, 2012 4:21 PM baskets with them. In addition we take plastic bags in our luggage when we travel for dirty or sandy shoes, collecting our aluminum soda cans for recycling. We recycle extra plastic bags at the grocery store.

895 like--convenience increase bag recycling---eliminate plastic bags as an option. i Jun 18, 2012 11:05 AM have eco-friendly shopping & produce bags that I use to shop---it took a little getting in the habit of remembering them, but now it's a natural thing to take my own bags shopping, so I minimize the consumption of paper & plastic. arguments--they aren't biodegradable, harmful for the environment and animals, dependence on petro, can't be good for produce that sits in it in the fridge.

896 The convenience of plastic bags is absolutely not worth the extent of Jun 18, 2012 10:20 AM environmenatl damage they cause.

897 We use the plastic bags as waste basket liners, as shipping "peanuts", etc. Jun 17, 2012 10:22 PM

898 Businesses can ban plastic bags. It's the charge for the other bag that pushes Jun 17, 2012 8:09 AM my limit. Basically this says to me "our environment isn't important enough to businesses to provide another source, other than plastic bags, so instead of doing their part (while I do my part) they make me pay for their part.

899 People that live in Olympia do not have to pay for Recycle service or yard waste Jun 15, 2012 10:03 PM removal but I live in Thurston (same county) and have to pay to recycle and dont even have option for yard waste removal, I suggest update the system so more people will even recycle at all....people wont pay to recycle and we shouldn't have.

900 Plastic is unsightly, wasteful, toxic to life People using canvas or other re-usable Jun 15, 2012 4:35 PM bags are happy to be appreciated

901 I don't believe that banning anything is the proper way to deal with any issue. It's Jun 15, 2012 8:49 AM

68 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

a weak copout instead of actually dealing with things and comes across as arrogant and self righteous, regardless of intention. Plastic bag recycling bins used to be by the front doors of some grocery stores but I haven't seen any in quite a while. I generally use plastic bags because they don't fall apart when wet and for their infinite uses at home.

902 I use my plastic bags for trash liners. I work for EYC and pick up trash along the Jun 14, 2012 9:23 PM highways in Thurston County. I see an overwhelming amount of plastic bags along the roads and in the plants. It's really gross to see how some plants grow over the plastic bags and how they are hidden under the dirt.

903 I see very few people in grocery stores using cloth bags. I don't think they Jun 14, 2012 2:23 PM realizes how damaging plastic is to the environment, animals, and people. Due to the chemicals involved in making plastic bags and the chemicals released in land fill and in the ocean is toxic. Using made out of plant substance, using less plastic, and recycle the plastic we already have and eventually try to eliminate plastics made out of petroleum and natural gas. I would like to see a ban on the conventional petroleum based plastics. Education at schools starting from 1st grade to 12th about recycling, discussing the harmful effects of plastics in our environment. More places to recycle plastics. What about other types of plastic packaging, where does it go?

904 I can't stand the use of plastic bags. I've been opposed to them for years and Jun 14, 2012 9:08 AM only use them when I forget my reuseable bags. Years ago I marketed the very first "market bags" so people could carry their produce home in cloth bags - like Europe has done for eons. You can increase bag recycling by making curbside pick-up take the bags. Arguments for the ban are: to protect all forms of wildlife - on the land and in the sea; to keep litter off the streets and in out of public areas; to stop supporting the oil industry; production of bags creates pollution and supports the oil industry. Poor use of resources. Reusing promotes sustainability and a sustainable life style. Getting rid of plastic bags gets people out of 'use once and throw away' consciousness.

905 I sue them for trash liners in my wastebaskets, to carry items when I take the Jun 14, 2012 9:06 AM kids for walks, we reuse them until they are ragged. I think this is a non-issue that wastes resources better spent on real problems like math labs and funding for education.

906 People are NOT going to wash their grocery reusable bags like they're supposed Jun 13, 2012 7:33 PM to do. Evidence: the outbreak of disease traced back to them with large numbers of students affected/made ill. When you bring your own clerks are not covering harmful chemical products with plastic bags to separate them at checkout. Things leak! Also some cold things sweat onto the reusable bags. Both of the former are ways bacteria can be introduced and multiply.

907 I try to use my cloth bags every time, however sometimes it is hard to make it a Jun 13, 2012 7:14 PM habit. I believe that having plastic bags available makes it harder to make the habit, and I often am given a plastic bag when I don't need it. I re-use the ones that do come home with me. I don't think plastic bags are accepted in our recycling bins. I am very much against the production and use of plastic bags. Our environment and our people are suffering in the pursuit of oil, from the many

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devastating oil spills, to the wars in the Middle East. This endless demand for plastics is unsustainable. Plastic bags are very detrimental to sea life, birds, childern, water quality, etc. and the production process is wasteful. I believe that re-use receptacles like those provided in some parks for pet waste, are a great community solution. Community gardens, the food co-ops, and other grocery stores would be good locations.

908 I like having them for cat litter clean up, but that is somewhat inappropriate and I Jun 13, 2012 2:37 PM could easily get along without them. Ban away!!!! They are not worth the resources and the garbage they create - we got along fine without them before we had them - they don't hold too many groceries anyway.

909 I prefer paper. I am not a fan of plastic bags. Jun 13, 2012 12:10 PM

910 Once people use reusable bags, they will see the many benefits, the wide variety Jun 13, 2012 9:40 AM of colors, logos, better holding power, holds more items, washable, easy to find and use, etc. Plastic bags break, things have little or no protection from breakage or damage, they are super horrible for the environment, they add costs to our groceries, they add up in annoying places and need to be dealt with....etc....

911 In support of ban-use of plastic bags increases our reliance on foreign oil and Jun 13, 2012 9:22 AM our environment.

912 Charging for them dramatcially decreases their use. It has proven successful Jun 13, 2012 9:01 AM elsewhere.

913 Personally, I am of the belief they need to be banned altogether...and I totally Jun 13, 2012 8:25 AM support any and all initiatives that would encourage that happening!

914 I think that customers who use reuseable bags should be rewarded for using Jun 12, 2012 12:08 PM them. For example, the Storman stores give $.05 for each reuseable bag, while the Haggen/Top Food stores only give $.05 if you have purchased one of their bags with their logo on it (what a waste if you already have other bags). My son, on the other hand, likes plastic bags becasue he uses them as garbage bag liners. All in all, I think that there should be a ban on plastic bags. Or if not, make recycling them available in our curbside recycling.

915 I use & reuse my plastic bags 100% of the time since we can't recycle them Jun 12, 2012 11:55 AM (unless we bring them back to Safeway). But I use my own cloth bags 95% of the time and for small purchases do not use a bag at all. Good luck banning plastic bags. We need to change our ways. I support the ban.

916 I think you should enforce an ordinance for people to use the re-usable bags. Jun 12, 2012 11:44 AM Give everyone a chance to start purchasing or have them given away at bigger stores, and get people prepared when the plastic bag ordinance is enforced. This will force individuals to limit or completely stop the use of paper and plastic bags.

917 If Thurston county is going to ban plastic bags, I think it would be in the counties Jun 12, 2012 10:56 AM intrest to offer several free recyclable bags initially.

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918 Rather than tax the use of plastic bags, it may be more useful to incentivize the Jun 12, 2012 8:38 AM reuse of non-plastic bags. Thanks.

919 Plastic bags are A problem, not THE problem. Portland has a plastic bag ban Jun 12, 2012 8:07 AM and a deposit, and trash is everywhere. People ignore the bottle deposit and instead "recycle" their bottles and cans. What is the value of the stupid nickel? I realize people feel like they're doing something but plastic bags are the tip of the proverbial iceberg compared to industrial environmental devastation.

920 Allowing bags in curbside bins would help, but I support a ban. Jun 12, 2012 6:37 AM

921 I use my own canvas bags or ones made out of recycled materials. On the few Jun 12, 2012 5:55 AM occasions, that I forget to bring my bags I will request paper, if available. I recycle the paper or plastic ones, or use them for something else. I have done this for the past 7 years.

922 I spend a lot of time in Washington DC, where there is a 5 cent charge for each Jun 12, 2012 5:29 AM grocery bag used. It is amazing how that small amount causes shoppers to bring reusable bags or just carry their food home in their pockets! I am 100% behind reusable bags, and yet I used to often forget to bring them; now I am much more likely to remember. I like signs in grocery store parking lots that remind me to bring my bags out of my car! I think it's much more effective and fair for there to be a county or city wide ban rather that having individual stores take the leap; then everyone's in it together. Also, info about how much a store spends per year on "free" bags can be very effective.

923 I work at a grocery store I don't mind if we get rid of them. I do mind when I hear Jun 11, 2012 10:51 PM that people on welfare do not have to pay the 5 cents on paper. They have money for phones, beer and their nails. If you decide to go ahead anyway them give them 5 reusable bags. dont discriminate against the working class by making us pay for paper bags and not the rest.

924 If it's true that E.coli and other germs are collecting/growing in our reusable Jun 11, 2012 10:13 PM plastic/non-fabric grocery bags, and, therefore, we need to wash our reusable bags, then I like that single-use plastic bags seem to be more sanitary. I don't need one more household chore to add to my list of things to do. Banning single-use grocery bags would force (in a good way) people to get into the habit of bringing their own bags. Costco doesn't provide bags to its customers and somehow those customers get their purchases home. Costco and the Oly Food Co-Op have cardboard boxes available for customers to use, and after being re- used, the boxes can be broken down and recycled in curbside recycling containers.

925 Just ban them. Jun 11, 2012 10:00 PM

926 I would support a ban on plastic bags. I would appreciate some public education Jun 11, 2012 9:31 PM about alternatives for fruit and vegetables in the grocery store. It's also more expensive initially to purchase enough alternative food storage and lunch containers - so this would have more impact on lower income people. Plastic is not good for the environment or our health.

71 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

927 PLastic bags are a blight on the environment and the future of our way of life as Jun 11, 2012 9:01 PM a community, nation, and planet. We can either rid ourselves of plastic bags or choke on them in the near future. It's not always easy for the consumer to reduce the use of these things but if the stores didn't give us the choice,as they do in other countries, I'm sure we would get used to it.

928 i try to use my own or boxes i then reuse or recycle. i try to avoid using new Jun 11, 2012 8:23 PM paper bags as much as possible. I recently purchased cloth alternatives to plastic produce bags.

929 people could simply become accustomed to using their own (canvas? etc.?) Jun 11, 2012 3:03 PM bags and save a lot of harm to innocent fish animals and birds, plus the side of the road looks cleaner and landfills less saturated.

930 I do not support a government telling stores what they can or can't use. What Jun 11, 2012 1:53 PM next? Birth Control? I believe plastics are a problem, but also believe that the consumer needs to change this. We vote by what we use or choose not to use. I believe if consumers were educated, then they would chose to not use the plastic, and the stores would stop supplying them.

931 outlaw plastic bags or charge for them. Jun 11, 2012 12:15 PM

932 Even though I do not support the use of plastic bags because I believe they are Jun 11, 2012 11:30 AM having an impact on the environment and are a danger to wildlife , including aqua creatures. I think that if plastic bags are banned, people that have pets will still buy them to clean up litter and clean up their pet droppings in public places. Perhaps it would be good to promote an idea for this use.

933 Plastic bags are convenient, but we did without them for decades. Many people Jun 11, 2012 11:06 AM buy and use plastic bags in addition to those they may reuse or recycle. Food storage bags, for example, are very thick, take much longer to biodegrade, and are widespread. So eliminating free plastic bags and encouraging people to THINK before they go to the store and get more free plastic bags is just the beginning of the solution. I believe that a lot of people are completely unaware of the impact their actions (or non-actions) have on the world. AND THEY ARE LAZY-- It will take a huge raising of awareness--I hope this is a start!

934 Plastic bags are to thin for proper reuse, they should be thicker and every places Jun 11, 2012 10:51 AM that carries them should be required to recycle them.

935 I am in strong support of either banning plastic bags (and charging a fee on Jun 11, 2012 9:53 AM paper bags) or charging a fee for both plastic and paper bags. I am very concerned with the amount of non-decomposable refuse that plastic bags create and believe that with the right incentive, customers will purchase and utilize reusable shopping bags. I have recently moved to Thurston County and would be extremely proud to state that my new county has enacted a ban/charge on plastic bags. This would directly contribute to a major focus of the Puget Sound Partnership's 2012 draft Action Agenda, which employees individuals, organizations, and agencies in Section C.1 to "prevent, reduce, and control the sources of contamination entering Puget Sound." Banning plastic bags would also directly contribute to the Action Agenda's Recovery Targets of increasing

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marine water quality and reducing toxics in fish.

936 The best way to promote change (unfortunately) is monetary penalty. Charge a Jun 11, 2012 9:36 AM .05 cent bag fee and I'm going to walk back out to my car for my reusable bags.

937 I don't think there is any need for plastic bag use. Creating a law to protect the Jun 11, 2012 8:58 AM environment and to encourage personal responsibility (such as using canvas bags) is the right thing to do. Precedent has been set with emissions laws and littering laws. It's time.

938 In the United States alone, an estimated 12 million barrels of oil is used annually Jun 11, 2012 8:45 AM to make the plastic bags that Americans consume. The United States International Trade Commission reported that 102 billion plastic bags were used in the U.S. in 2009. These bags, even when properly disposed of, are easily windblown and often wind up in waterways or on the landscape, becoming eyesores and degrading soil and water quality as they break down into toxic bits. Their manufacture, transportation and disposal require large quantities of non- renewable resources and release equally large amounts of global-warming gases. Governments around the world have taken action to ban or restrict the use of plastic bags. In 2008, China banned the use of ultra-thin plastic bags, and it is estimated to have eliminated 40 billion bags in the first year. Ireland placed a fee on plastic bags and reportedly reduced consumption by 90%. Towns all over the United States are rising to the challenge and standing up to the oil, gas and plastic industries. San Francisco has banned plastic bags. Seattle has fought a hard fight to place a fee on single-use disposable plastic AND paper bags, only to be shut down by the American Chemistry Council, a group that profits greatly from the production of plastic bags. Recently, Seattle successfully passed an ordinance that would ban plastic bags and place a small charge on paper bags. The plastic industry and their lobbying groups spend millions annually to combat anti-plastic bag campaigns across the country. In spite of this challenge, U.S. cities including Austin, Boston, New Haven, Phoenix and Annapolis are considering bag bans or fees. In the past year, a number of cities passed plastic bag bans including Aspen and Basalt, CO, Portland, OR, San Jose, CA, and Santa Clara and Marin Counties in CA.

939 Plastic bags are exceptionally useful for gross garbage like chicken and fish Jun 11, 2012 7:33 AM waste. The few that ever get to come home with me are saves for obnoxious materials. If I do not have a reusable bag with me in a store then I suffer by NOT using any bag. I usually have 3 reusable bags in my purse.

940 To increase plastic bag recycle, please allow them to be put in the residential Jun 10, 2012 4:37 PM recycle bin. It requires more motivation than many people have to remember to collect them and return to stores like Fred Meyer and Target that collect for recycle.

941 Please don't bring the State down on us further. I already pay a big tax bill to Jun 10, 2012 3:21 PM Thurston County. Mind your own business and get out of our lives.

942 Use for Pet waste and disposal of items that go to Hazo house. Rest goes Jun 10, 2012 12:47 PM into the recycle bins in food stores. Maybe have the bags made from material (cornstarch ?) that degrades more quickly. Plastic bags do not

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work well in our climate and I am to old to chase food that rips out of paper bags.

943 Essentially, plastic (especially grocery) bags are a trashy blight on the Jun 10, 2012 7:27 AM landscape, and a danger to wild life, as well. Recycling is available, as is reuse, but doing the right thing does not seem to be reward enough for most people. Therefore, a ban, with the (negative) incentive of having to pay for a paper bag seems a reasonable way to go. If it worked in Bellingham and Seattle, it could work in Thurston County.

944 If bags will still be available in the future, One bag should cost at least 50cents. Jun 9, 2012 11:32 PM Having people pay for plastic bags will most likely make them think twice. Baskets or even laundry baskets are a great alternative when going grocery shopping. Items can be loaded in the cart and then put in a laundry basket in the car. This also makes it easier to carry the groceries inside the house. If the grocery bags don't exist anymore, people with have to start using alternatives. Providing plastic bags at the store simply makes it to easy for the customer and too hard on the environment. Bann them and soon enough no one will miss them. Bringing a bag or basket to the supermarket will be like bringing your wallet. I grew up in Germany and know how it is without plastic bags.

945 They should never have been invented. Jun 9, 2012 9:48 PM

946 There is nothing I like about plastic bags. I think they should be banned entirely Jun 9, 2012 6:03 PM along with many plastic containers that food and beverages come in. Businesses should use biodegradable instead.

947 Keep reminding us to take our bars into the store. I notice and appreciate Jun 9, 2012 5:43 PM grocery stores who post reminders in their parking lots.

948 Re-useable bags are best. They are kinder on the hands than plastic.( Jun 9, 2012 4:20 PM Particularly for bus riders.) Grocery plastic bags are good for garbage gags, What else is available? They do not drip, they hold together well, they are easily transported.

949 The only place I know to recycle plastic bags is at Safeway. I really think that as Jun 9, 2012 4:11 PM long as plastic bags are free they will be used without abandon, thus I believe that their real price must be realized by the end users. Thanks for all your hard work!

950 I reuse my bags or take them back to the store for recycling. Jun 8, 2012 2:20 PM

951 What! More control over our life choices --- banning plastic bags, making us use Jun 8, 2012 1:35 PM dangerous CFL lightbulbs -- what next!!!!


74 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)


953 Plastic bags are very handy, both for first use as groceries are taken to cars, and Jun 8, 2012 11:37 AM at home for all kinds of things. They are much easier for senior citizens especially, to take groceries to cars, especially in the rain. They contain spills, wet things. EDUCATE people, and maybe fine them for not recycling, but don't ban. If banned I would have to either reuse old plastic bags at grocery store (if I remembered them) or just have to take out my groceries without any bags and have to ask for help in loading them into the car, costing the store more in labor. I would use some store paper bags but certainly wouldn't pay for them. Paper gets soggy and breaks. Reusable bags that grocery stores sell are not clean or sanitary enough, especially if something has previously gotten spilled unnoticed in them. Ban, NO: recycle, YES, EDUCATE EDUCATE EDUCATE

954 It is completely ineffecient to produce a plastic grocery bag that will only be used Jun 8, 2012 11:07 AM for 10-15 minutes when the bag will stay buried and compacted in a solid waste facility for 10,000 years (or however long it take plastic to decompose). That said, sometimes I forget to bring my reusable bag to the store and a bag to carry groceries home. I wish there could be an easy way to recycle plastic bags. Grocery stores used to have a drop-off site, but I don't see them anymore. They only accept little produce bags. In any case, the few plastic bags that I do bring home, I use it to line trash cans.

955 I like the convience of the plastic bags at the store, however I think it is with Jun 8, 2012 10:48 AM practice it would get easier to remember the bags I purchased that are stronger & eiser to load & unload from the car.

956 I like plastic bags because they are easy and convenient. I own many reusable Jun 8, 2012 10:20 AM bags, but unfortunately forget to bring them with me into a store. One way to reduce plastic bag usage is to reeducate store clerks on how to bag groceries. I don't know how many times I've in packed my bags with just a couple of items and sometimes only one item in a bag! Educating the public about why the bags are bad news to throw away is probably the best. I appreciate just about every store I shop has a bin to recycle the bags.

957 I would not like to see the plastic bags banned, Plastic bags are stronger than Jun 8, 2012 9:22 AM paper and don't break spilling contents and sometimes breaking items you are carrying. Beings we cannot put them into our recycle containers, if stores especially grocery stores had a bin close to entrances to recycle these bags I think people would use them.

958 Maui is a great example of how people have switched from all plastic all the time Jun 8, 2012 6:45 AM to recyclable bags. The difference in plastic bag litter on that island is amazing. And this is a place where recycling is a fairly new effort. If they can switch, so

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can we.

959 I use the plastic bags to line my small trash can. This helps me save the limited Jun 7, 2012 11:58 PM money that I have. I also use the plastic bags to hold wet items when I'm traveling. It also helps with my painting keeping the paint off of the table or floor. You can't do this with reusable/cloth bags.

960 I do use them for pet waste, the only plus, but I use cloth bags most of the time. Jun 7, 2012 11:33 PM

961 I try not to throw my plastic bags away I feel guilty!! So I save them in a giant Jun 7, 2012 10:42 PM garbage bag and use them for other things. I would be ok with using paper but what's the extra fee I just don't want something else to have to pay for I would then just use the reusable bags or go bag less

962 Its not the bags fault irresponsible people dont dispose of them propererly.Why Jun 7, 2012 9:09 PM is it responsible people always pay the price?

963 There is nothing to like about plastic bags. We need to encourage people to Jun 7, 2012 8:23 PM bring their own bags, wherever they come from, city or town. My local have bins so you can bring in bags to be recycled. People are lazy and must be led down the path to doing the right thing.

964 LeMay should definitely pick up bags with curbside recycling. Maybe places Jun 7, 2012 7:59 PM other than grocery stores could have plastic bag recycling stations--like the pharmacy or the post office. More parks and on the Chehalis Western Trail there should be those holders that people can stuff used bags into so others can use them for dog waste.

965 I see almost no reason to continue the practice of handing out plastic bags at Jun 7, 2012 7:15 PM checkout. It is pure laziness on the part of consumers that keeps them from bringing their own reusable bags. If they insist on doing so, they should be charged extra. (We might all forget or get caught without a bag on occasion, but that should be the exception, not the norm.)

966 We have been using plastic grocery bags for decades. If the use of grocery bags Jun 7, 2012 7:06 PM are becoming your issue, you will then complain about plastic garbage bags. Your complaints will continue. Plastic has many uses and are not found laying around the country in liter. If there is a concern, recycle!

967 It's funny that environmentalists pushed so hard years ago to get these Jun 7, 2012 6:01 PM implemented and now we find they are so bad. Let's be smarter in the future and not go by knee jerk decisions.

968 Education!! Jun 7, 2012 5:18 PM

969 I think having a supply of plastic bags in the house is quite handy. I reuse them Jun 7, 2012 4:02 PM to line wastebaskets, pick up the pet waste my neighbors leave in my lawn and transporting dirty clothing and shoes. I use reusable canvas grocery bags on occasion and when my stockpile of plastic bags becomes excessive I recycle them at the grocery store. If you want to increase bag recycling, allow them in the curbside bins. If they clog your machine, build a better machine. I am against

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the ban on plastic bags. If the issue is the bags becoming litter, enforce littering laws. We don't need more laws, we need to enforce the existing ones.

970 The surveys about plastic debris as a threat to sea life posted on your website Jun 7, 2012 3:48 PM do not list plastic grocery bags as a source of the problem. From the NOAA's own website: " To date there are no published studies specifically researching how many marine mammals die each year directly due to marine debris. " Making paper bags is far more wasteful and takes up more space in landfills: dyn/content/graphic/2007/10/03/GR2007100301385.html Rather than ban plastic bags, the recycling programs for them should be improved!!

971 I see people, including myself, reuse the bags all the time.I would say that only Jun 7, 2012 3:41 PM about 5% the ones that have holes in them, are not reused. I use them from garbage liners to making sac lunches, and see others use them in the same way. Also,if it is such a big thing to recycle them, then why aren't the local schools doing it besides just the recycling paper? You do make some good points about what it does do to the wild life.

972 educating stores to use fewer plastic bags when people forget bags. I often see Jun 7, 2012 2:58 PM clerks put just one or two things in a bag. Charge for plastic bags - continue credits for bringing own bags.

973 I use them around the house and what I don't use gets recycled at store. Jun 7, 2012 2:47 PM

974 I'm appalled when I leave a grocery store (with my reusuable bags full) and see Jun 7, 2012 2:46 PM someone with dozens of plastic bags in their carts. Cashiers often put just one or two items in a bag! If plastic grocery bags cannot be outlawed in Thurston Cnty., than I'd like to see only ones that are biodegradable used by stores + a fee for each bag charged to the customer.

975 we need to just ban plastic bags in all stores. l frequently visit India (third world Jun 7, 2012 2:37 PM country) All stores use cloth bags, food and clothing stores alike. You would have a hard time finding plastic bags. This is just not an issue there. We, as a leading world country know the hazzards of plastic bags so why should this even be a question. Let the USA lead the way.

976 I reuse all of my plastic bags for pet waste. And even then, I sometimes run short Jun 7, 2012 2:20 PM of them. I must have very messy cats! If I couldn't get them at the store as a by- product of my normal shopping, then I would have to buy them. So I am NOT in favor of plastic bags being banned in Thurston County. Please do not advocate that as an issue!

977 I'd support a ban on plastic shopping bags. I don't think the recycle industry Jun 7, 2012 2:17 PM deals well with 'em. Use of paper bags and personal re-usable shopping bags should be encouraged.

978 I hate the bags!!!! I use it only for small stuff wehn I forget my shopping bags. Jun 7, 2012 1:51 PM

77 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

979 I like to use them for pet waste disposal. Can increase bag recycling by finding Jun 7, 2012 1:38 PM more ways to use them. I am against a ban on plastic bags -- not comfortable with more government interference. Government should spend it's time balancing its budget, not worried about how I bring my groceries home.

980 Exerpt from If all of these places on this planet have already banned Jun 7, 2012 1:36 PM plastic bags...lets follow suit! Bangladesh was the first country to ban plastic bags, in 2002, in part because they blocked storm drains and helped cause devastating floods. Toronto would become the first large city in Canada to ban plastic bags when the council-approved prohibition goes into effect Jan. 1, 2013. (Fort McMurray, Alta. has also already banned plastic bags.) In February, San Francisco voted to extend its bag ban at large supermarkets and pharmacy chains to every retailer. Here are other places around the world that ban plastic bags by large or all retailers, in some cases based on the thickness of the : • Sioux Lookout was the first in Ontario. • Wood Buffalo, Alta., and two others in Manitoba: Thompson and Snow Lake. • The French island of Corsica was the first region in Europe, banning plastic bags in large stores in 1999. • China, where the ban as in many places is on thin plastic carrier bags. On the ban’s one-year anniversary in 2008, the China Chain Store and Franchise Association estimated 40 million bags had been saved. • Rwanda, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Togo, Chad and Somalia in Africa, as well as Tanzania’s Zanzibar Islands, imposed bans although Rwanda had had the most notable success. • Mumbai, India. However, a three-year attempt in New Delhi failed. • The Mexican capital of Mexico City and the Burmese capital of Yangon. • Twelve towns in , starting with Sydney's Oyster Bay suburb as well as the states of South Australia, Tasmania and Northern Territory. • Eleven other towns in the U.K., including Hay-on-Wye. • A dozen California cities and towns, most recently Los Angeles. Elsewhere in the U.S.: Westport, Conn.; Edmonds, Wash.; Brownsville, Texas; Bethel, Alaska; North Carolina’s Outer Banks; Portland and Seattle. • The American state of Hawaii, as of last month. • County seats and main tourists areas in Tibet. • In Europe, Italy is the only country that bans all non-biodegradable bags. • The United Arab Emirates • In South America, Buenos Aires and La Paz, Bolivia.

981 plastic bags are my life. Jun 7, 2012 1:31 PM

982 they should be banned, without a doubt. That is the only way you can guarantee Jun 7, 2012 1:29 PM that people will learn to use reusable bags. Plastic grocery bags were a horrible idea in the first place. And, we don't need to cut down more trees to make the paper for paper bags!

983 I had to check NA on one item in question 2, but I wanted to indicate that I don't Jun 7, 2012 1:19 PM know enough about feed stocks and processes. Before making a law, I would like to see good reporting on manufacturing (feedstocks and processes) and uses for recycled plastic bags. The best first step is to encourage minimal use of plastic bags. I find it easy to limit use and recycle what I need to use (such as bagging bulk oatmeal). I have permanent bags in the car to use in grocery and other stores. I usually get more than one use out of a bag before placing it in recycle (which is a plastic bag in my garage, that when full is taken to a grocery store.

78 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

984 Not sure if paper bags are better than plastic (trees vs. oil) but a "green fee" or Jun 7, 2012 1:05 PM "convenience fee" should be charged for all disposables, including shopping bags, with onging education and incentives for use of durables.

985 Ban plastic bags, but do it in a 3 stage process: 6 months no change with Jun 7, 2012 12:56 PM education notices 6 months charge for plastic & paper bags ban all plastic bags, small fee for paper

986 Anything that can be done to reduce the use of plastic bags would be very good Jun 7, 2012 12:38 PM for our environment.

987 Convenient, cheap, can be reused for garbage liners to keep garbage containers Jun 7, 2012 12:14 PM cleaner and more sanitary. Banning involves unneccesary government interference and regulation. At the least, should be banned only through a vote of the people. Too controversial to not have a vote.

988 They can be recycled and they are cheap for the store to purchase. Jun 7, 2012 11:27 AM

989 If plastic bag recycling were available I would be glad to use it. I try to reuse as Jun 7, 2012 11:26 AM many as possible.

990 Let the retailer keep the fee for the bag. Don't start a new government program. Jun 7, 2012 11:14 AM That would be a waste of money. Just discourage the use by charging.

991 Two of my favorite stores here in West Olympia are Target and Top Foods. At Jun 7, 2012 11:10 AM both these stores I get a 5 cent discount for bringing in my reusable bags. At other stores, I also bring in my reusable bags to avoid the store giving me a plastic bag. IF I wind up with plastic bags from a store, I ALWAYS bring them into Target, Top Foods, or Safeway and place them in their recycle bins they have there for plastic bags.

992 i dislike plastic bags, they are not only a pain when you bag your groceries, they Jun 7, 2012 10:55 AM do not belong in the land fills and not all people are responsible enough to recylce them. Paper bages are recycable. they can hold my recyclble items (paper,etc.) until i carry them out to the bin.

993 -To increase recycling... put out more collection bins and make them more Jun 7, 2012 10:49 AM visible at stores, etc. -Train grocery workers not to put one or two items in a plastic bag and consider it "full". -Provide a method of curbside recycling -- could plastic bags be bundled in such a way (binders, stuff into one bag and tie off, provide a small box that can be recycled as well - like a tissue box in reverse) so they could go in with all the recyclables and then be sorted out first? -More education about uses for recycled/reused plastic bags. (I'm glad that lining your trash can is considered a reuse!)

994 I use plastic bags for garbage and other things that paper bags will not work Jun 7, 2012 10:37 AM

995 The plastic should contain materials that will rot. I recycle by using them as trash Jun 7, 2012 10:37 AM can liners and donate extra to library, charity shops, vegetable stands for reuse with their customers. I also use mine to pick up trash in the streets of my neighborhood. Thurston County Waste can surely find a way to recycle them or.

79 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

if customers separate (like glass), find another business to pass them onto. I wouldn't mind paying $.05 for each bag, be it plastic or paper. That is what many European countries do, and they have far less trash alongside roads. Ruth Fuller

996 I don't feel paying more for a paper bag is acceptable. Paper bags hold much Jun 7, 2012 10:30 AM more than plastic bags, using paper would not be a huge cost to stores Re- usable bags , What does a checker do if they are not clean? Checker/bagger can be spreading germs from one bag to another. The whole cleanliness idea has not been thought out. I cringe each time I see a dingy bag being used. Huge health concern

997 Plastic bags for groceries are a lot less hassle than reuseable or paper bags. Jun 7, 2012 10:23 AM And we then also use them to line our waste baskets and for garbage, etc. We have no provision for recycling them otherwise. We understand that they jam existing recycling machines. Rather than ban them, we believe that local/state/federal governments should use "green energy" funds to provide for the development of machinery that would process/recycle them.

998 Education is the most important aspect. I became in favor of banning plastic Jun 7, 2012 10:21 AM bags by becoming informed. People will not be in favor of a ban if we do not understand the reasoning behind it. What I like about plastic bags is the diversity of uses there are for them. When we have the mindset that old plastic bags are something valuable to be reused, we will throw them away less. You could encourage people to do something as simple as get on the internet and look up "how do I do _____ with plastic bags"; encourage people to get creative. Educating others about how to go out and educate even more people is also important. When more people have knowledge about the issues surrounding plastic bags, the need for a ban in the first place is lowered, which is good because bans are usually controversial things. Empower the individual and community to take care of themselves as much as possible.

999 Make it easier to recycle plastic recycling curbside carts would be great. Jun 7, 2012 10:20 AM If this is already possible, let people know better.

1000 they do more harm than good given the data there are plenty of alternatives Jun 7, 2012 10:11 AM available that make good sense for the environment and our future generations.

1001 I would support a fee for plastic bags, but not banning them all together. They Jun 7, 2012 10:07 AM have many reuse purposes. Most stores offer a 5 cent credit if you bring your own bag. So why not just charge 5 cents per bag or per $10 (self check outs) When I have too many bags I bring them to the store to recycle. Concerns/Questions: 1) torn bags are usually thrown away - can they be brought to the store to be recycled? 2) Reused bags get dirty and are thought to be less sanitary than fresh bags. 3) Costco and the food co-op don't offer bags at all. Costco uses boxes, for free and the co-ops expect people to bring their own bag, use no bag, or have a space where customers can bring bags to be reused by other customers. 4) It is more appropriate to put some products with a potential to leak liquid in plastic bags rather than paper or cloth.

1002 I believe we are not addressing the cleanliness issue when people are bringing Jun 7, 2012 10:04 AM

80 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

their own bags into the grocery store. Customers are bringing their own dirty bags that are covered with pet hair into the grocery store and laying them on the belt where I am putting my groceries--yuck! Checkers are having to handle these filthy bags and then handle my fresh produce. I am against the public bringing in their own bags!

1003 I began using my own bags years ago and found that if I have them on the front Jun 7, 2012 9:59 AM seat of my car, I will always take them in to shop. I think it is an easy, economical, no nonsense way to fix this problem. People just need to take the time.

1004 I think that plastic bags should be banned because there are far too few of us Jun 7, 2012 9:33 AM who recycle them. As it is now, I recycle bags but if they were banned, then I would use my own cloth bags.

1005 I am a member of the Yelm Food Co-op in Yelm, Wa. When the store opened in Jun 7, 2012 9:32 AM 2007 the Board agreed that they would not use plastic bags and to this day they don't. The store sells paper bags for 5 and 10 cents and cloth bags for $1.99 ea. They also accept used paper bags from customers. Our customers have never complained about this. most either bring their own bag or carry their items out in their arms, purses and pockets.

1006 Recycle our plastic bags for many uses around the house. Make recycling Jun 7, 2012 9:28 AM easier for those who don't.

1007 I think a ban is an elitist liberal idea that promotes using those cloth bags that Jun 7, 2012 9:04 AM hold like 5 items. Only rich people with time to kill and no kids go to the store every day and use those cloth bags. If you do any kind of real grocery shopping those bags are impractical. I use the plastic grocery store bags for garbage bags in my home, lining the cat box, carrying extra clothes for my kids, taking my lunch to work, putting wet bathing suits in, etc. It is ridiculous to say they have only one purpose and are not reused. What you need to do is educate people about how to properly dispose of them - not ban them!

1008 Plastic bags are re-used for many purposes not the least of which is to pick up Jun 7, 2012 9:04 AM dog poop and many other kinds of litter. We always carry a plastic bag while we walk to pick up litter. If we didn't have plastic bags, we wouldn't do that. We re use plastic bags for garbage, storing items, carrying damp or wet items, i.e. flowers, camping gear, baby items, etc. There are TOO MANY uses for reusable plastic bags that I can't name them all. Most of uses require that bags get so dirty they have to be washed and that uses extra water & detergent. Whenever we try to change things we always forget the law of unintended consequences. Banning plastic bags will just result in waste of other resources in the end!

1009 I feel that financial incentives and disincentives are necessary to make this Jun 7, 2012 8:42 AM change on a broader scale. It would be great of people made the change on their own but realistically it's not likely (or would take more time than we have to get a handle on this and other environmental issues). We can look to cities like Seattle that have done a great job of enacting successful policies. No need to reinvent the wheel. Plastic bags are convenient, and nice to reuse for picking up pet waste, lining trash cans and so on. I would happily purchase biodegradable bags

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for this purpose, am fine with internalizing that cost (though realize some people won't be). On bag recycling, it's hard to find places to recycle them, or maybe these locations aren't prominent enough. My only concern on a ban would be adequately addressing needs of entire population, low income, transient, etc. Glad to see the county and cities working on this!

1010 Other cities have made it simple. Bring your own bag or pay a moderate fee for a Jun 7, 2012 7:59 AM pastic bag. They seem to be happy with the result.

1011 plastic bags are good for fresh vegetables that are wet or slightly damp, e.g. Jun 7, 2012 7:56 AM celery, or any that get automatically sprayed with cold water at the supermarket. If I had to pay 5 cents per bag, I would bring my own and reuse them. I think charging for plastic or paper bags, even 5 cents would encourage customers bringing their own bags. Argument for a ban on plastic bags: We went on a SW road trip a few years ago staying on I-10 through S California to Texas. There were plastic bags blowing around and caught on signs or brush all along the way. The laws against littering do not seem to help with proper disposal of these bags. Also, here in the NW plastic bags floating in Puget Sound are dangerous for marine animals.

1012 I much prefer using my cloth bags when grocery shopping, I keep them in a bin Jun 7, 2012 7:54 AM in my car. my husband will not use cloth so I have to take his plastic bags with me to recycle them. However I do use the plastic bags the newspaper comes in for animal waste. I would fully support a plastic grocery bag ban, it is just so easy (actually easier)to use the cloth bags, once you get in the habit of doing so.

1013 The Daily Olympian puts plastic bags on every newspaper they deliver to our Jun 7, 2012 7:45 AM box! We've asked repeatedly for them not to. We recycle about 5% of them for dog waste or other garbage. With all the plastic bags available at the grocery stores, there is NO REASON for the Olympian to put this waste into the garbage stream. The County should consider levying a tax on the newspaper for dumping this waste on its customers. Paper bags have their own significant environmental costs. Why are you nerds focusing on plastics?

1014 I hate them. Not only is there a guilt factor, but they are so cheap they often fall Jun 7, 2012 7:41 AM apart while carrying, or have holes and items fall out. Can we afford the waste? Will peoples habits change if they're banned? I'm sure they would. It would be a smart move and I support it 100%.

1015 Before a total ban, I would charge for plastic but continue to use paper for free Jun 7, 2012 7:36 AM (at the checkout lines). More stores need to accept more kinds of plastic bags to recycle. In Olympia, I have found only Ralph's and Bayview accept more than just checkout bags--bags such as sandwich bags and dry-cleaning bags, etc. See this article: bags-dry-cleaning-bags-and-more?hpt=Sbin

1016 When buying meat at the store I use plastic bags for them only because I do not Jun 7, 2012 6:50 AM want my groceries contaminated so do not charge for this.

1017 I always ask for paper bags at the checkout, and use them to line my trash Jun 7, 2012 5:58 AM container. With the wet stuff going into the compost bin, it stays clean. The few

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plastic bags we do get are used for pet waste. This would be a good thing for our region. If not an outright ban, perhaps what Vancouver BC does and charge for the bags. That will at least diminish their use.

1018 Have free paper bags if we are to ban plastic. It is unsanitary to use home bags Jun 6, 2012 9:21 PM for food. Thank you.

1019 we need legislation to protect the best common interests of human society, Jun 6, 2012 3:38 PM which includes a healthy and sustainable environment, in accord with the precautionary principle. In terms of environemental impact, we need to think not only about our own well-being, but the well-being of everyone else with whom we are all interconnected and interdependent, including not only our children and grand-children, but theirs as well, many generations into the future.

1020 There is not enough outreach on the availability of recycling plastic bags. There Jun 6, 2012 3:25 PM should be a greater effort to establish more convenient recycling locations, and advertising the locations. A would have greater support for a bag ban that only effects gas stations and quickie marts. If there is a plastic bag ban, a mandatory paper bag fee should NOT be included. This should be left to the retailer to determine if they want to charge a fee.

1021 With the cost of living increasing & my income decreasing I cannot afford to pay Jun 6, 2012 2:42 PM for paper bags @ the check-out. Initially, the environmentalists insisted on the plastic bags, please make up my mind!

1022 I would like to see the use of plastic bags in retail curtailed. if not banned then Jun 6, 2012 6:56 AM maybe a usage fee that would encourage the use of reuable bags. large enough to be noticed and to go towards recycling efforts.

1023 They are more sanitary than reusable bags. That is why there was an infectious Jun 5, 2012 8:57 PM disease causing many people getting ill at an event in Everett. Not everyone can afford to purchase and wash and disinfect recyclable bags. These are very hard times for most families. My family is living on a budget of less than $200. a month. We recycle and reuse all our plastic including bags.

1024 Don't take up much space. Make bag recycling more accessible. Worried Jun 5, 2012 4:39 PM about cost for fixed/low income -- just adds to food costs.

1025 Ban plastic Jun 5, 2012 2:29 PM

1026 I would say the best option would be to add a tax that is earmarked for local Jun 5, 2012 2:03 PM environmental uses. That way, use would go down and the city could gain from the wasteful practice. I know I would remember my reusable bags more often if that were in place.

1027 It would help alot if there were more recycling opportunities around Thurston Jun 5, 2012 12:41 PM County like at the Rainier or RochesterTransfer Stations. I actually prefer to use reusable bags at the grocery stores but think that the old school plastic bags have a place in society for many reasons and I cannot help but wonder if it would create a loss of jobs at facilities that make and recylcle these bags. We do not need more job losses at this time.

83 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

1028 Increase bag recycling by having more drop sites to deposit plastic bags. Have Jun 5, 2012 9:25 AM plastic bags part of the curbside recycling. I am really getting tired of government getting into my personal life and making choices for me. Enough already!

1029 There awesome its just that they are dangerous. Jun 5, 2012 8:14 AM

1030 We are shipping our plastic bags over seas because the recycling of these are Jun 5, 2012 12:32 AM too stinky and messy for the USA. In the mean time recycle places overseas are shutting down, so even through you increase recycling there is no where to send them to recycle them. Save the world and ban them!

1031 I use those plastic bags for so many other uses after I bring them home after Jun 4, 2012 11:23 PM grocery shopping--lining waste and garbage cans, when I would otherwise have to buy more, or carry items in them. It would be a shame that people have to buy more bags at the store for that purpose, and most are more careful than ever about either recycling them or reusing them as much as possible. Please do not ban them!

1032 The only time I like plastic bags is when it's raining. I haven't had any problems Jun 4, 2012 3:59 PM with paper bags or my reusable bags when it's raining, so I wouldn't object to a ban on plastic bags. I keep forgetting to take my plastic bags back to the store - I need some sort of reminder. I'm also not sure if everybody takes a mixture of different types of plastic bags. Is there a market for mixed plastic bags? I hear plastic bags are cheaper and use less resources. If I don't have enough reusable bags, I often get double plastic bags, and they don't put as much stuff in them as they do in paper bags, so I'm not sure if I buy this argument.

1033 Reusable bags carry bacteria and cause people to get sick, I reuse or recycle all Jun 4, 2012 10:09 AM of my plastic bags. I DO NOT agree with a bag ban!!!! There are much more inportant things to worry about!!!!!

1034 It is my understanding that the production of plastic bags does not require a Jun 4, 2012 10:09 AM mass quantity of petroleum products. We all need to re-use/recycle plastic and paper products as much as possible but not place a ban or charge extra for these products.

1035 Plastic bags are an inexpensive way for consumers to bring their purchases Jun 4, 2012 8:28 AM home from the store. This system is a win-win for retailers and consumers alike. I believe that we should encourge the reuse of plastic bags as a study was done showing a plastic bag only needs to be reused once or twice to overcome the environmental impact of creating the bag. I believe that most people do use these bags to line their smaller household garbages thereby reducing the total amount of bags purchased (they have to line them with something, why not a bag already used?). Canvas/composite shopping bags were shown to need over 100 uses, without washing, to overcome the environmental impacts of making the bags. Washing the bag starts the count over again. If the real purpose of a plastic bag ban is out of concern for our environment, the preferred way to do that is to encourage both recycling (by allowing curbside pick up) and reuse. I appreciate your allowing the public's input on this very important subject that affects us all.

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1037 I would support a ban on plastic bags immediately. However, not a charge for Jun 2, 2012 8:37 AM paper bags at the outset. Let people adjust to the one change for a short period (6-12 months) and then institute the charge. I'd be happy with the charge at that point.

1038 At store charge for each plastic bag. People will start to remember to bring Jun 2, 2012 8:18 AM reusable bags. Most plastic bags are so thin and rip so easily that they cannot be re-used for other purposes. Reusable shopping bags sold at store shouldn't be made out of plastic either but some other fiber.

1039 We always reuse our plastic bags that we get from retailers. However our Jun 2, 2012 8:05 AM newspaper arrives in a plastic bag and we don't have a reuse for that and I don't know where to recycle the bags. The Trosper Road Albertsons used to have plastic bag recycling, but that seems to have recently disappeared.

1040 PLastic bags don't weaken when wet. We could switch to bio-degradable plastic Jun 1, 2012 9:06 PM bags. Stores should charge 1c for using each plastic bag and subtract 1c for each bag that customers supply themselves.

1041 I own a bookstore and although most of our customers don't want a bag. But Jun 1, 2012 5:50 PM when its raining many do and that's why we have plastic bags in two sizes printed with our store logo

1042 Please increase bag recyling. They are very useful to have available for certain Jun 1, 2012 4:42 PM purposes. Campaign for more awareness, make it easier to recycle for people such as through their home recyling, not having to take an extra step to bring them wherever their jurisdiction has such a service available. You can go too far in either direction with this issue, total ban no, better ways to recycle yes. KEEP THE BAGS!!!!

1043 I do reuse the plastic food bags from the bulk foods that I buy because they are Jun 1, 2012 3:28 PM the perfect size for homemade bread. I save my paper bags from shopping and those are usually double bagged so I can stuff more into them. I think it is wasteful how cashiers are instructed to bag items in plastic bags when a double bag would hold so much more. 3-5 items in a plastic bag makes alot of waste. Also....when purchasing one or two items why even put them into a bag. Is it so difficult to carry a gallon of milk by itself, or laundry detergent. I do recycle my plastic bags when I remember, but meanwhile they are taking up space in my home.

1044 A little actual research (as opposed to the feel-good idea that plastic bags MUST Jun 1, 2012 12:38 PM be bad) would reveal that reusable bags are actually worse for the environment (many are petroleum based, harbor germs and must be used over 100 times to break even on the environmental impact of making them) than plastic bags. If store clerks in Thurston County could figure out how to put more than one item in a plastic bag, that would reduce the number of bags I get at the store. Seriously,

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buy 6 things at ANY grocery store and see how many bags you end up with--it's crazy.

1045 Reusables carry food bourne illnesses. Plastics are lighter gauge and use way Jun 1, 2012 10:29 AM less energy and raw materials than paper. I reuse my bags or I recycle them. You need to educate your customers about plastic bags getting recyled. Getting rid of plastic bags hurts business and won't help the environment. Thank you

1046 1. Plastic bags keep fluids contained 2. Can be reused multiple times then Jun 1, 2012 9:28 AM recycled 3. Plastic bags save NW trees which produce 02 4. Paper bags get soggy and break. 5. People buy plastic garbage bags anyway for our kitchen and bathrooms 6. Plastic bags need to be re-engineered to be made environmentally dissolvable instead

1047 Banning plastic shopping bags is not the answer. Promoting the idiom of Jun 1, 2012 8:32 AM Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, is! Instead of the knee-jerk reaction of outright banning something (which seems to be the norm lately), we need to consider the alternatives. In this case, why not require the use of compostable plastic?

1048 I fully support a ban on plastic shopping bags in Thurston County. May 31, 2012 9:50 PM

1049 A ban is just stupid. Hard to enforce,... For example, .. the city of Portland has May 31, 2012 4:03 PM banned plastic bags from grocery stores etc for a little over a year now. Okay,... great... but what about all the other stores and places that use them. Food venders, ... the Goodwill, .. Thrift stores, book stores etc... they're still out there. Sure... grocery stores and places like that are the big producers of the problem...but if it was made easier to recycle them... (like being able to put them in the recycle bin with all the other stuff....) I would be more likely to be more conscientious about what I was doing with them.

1050 Plastic bags should be made to be recycled. It can be done. May 31, 2012 8:10 AM

1051 I don't like plastic bags, but if we make people change to paper then how many May 31, 2012 7:48 AM trees would it take to replace them. Infinite use cloth bags are the only viable alternative to throw away plastic or paper. That said paper is a LOT easier on the environment.

1052 I don't think it's the government's business to decide what type of bags we use. I May 30, 2012 8:50 PM reuse my plastic bags, and I would hate to have to buy them separately Please do not interfere with the use of plastic bags..

1053 I support a total ban on plastic bags an totally support bags made of recycled May 30, 2012 7:13 PM materials.

1054 Increase bag recycling by allowing in recycle bins. Have to currently remember May 30, 2012 11:51 AM to take them to Safeway or Fred Meyer (only places I know of that have place for them). I often forget to put them in the car or take them out. Would be easier to put in a bin. I otherwise use 97 percent of them for pet waste and if didn't have them would have to find another alternative (would not desire to buy bags for that). Sometimes they are flimsy and break though and recycle is only option.

86 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

1055 Giving the waste disposal companies an incentive to allow plastic bags to be May 29, 2012 3:54 PM recycled with the other recyclable materials might help. I think before anyone decides to ban plastic bags they should do extensive research on what kind of impact they have on the environment versus the manufacturing of paper bags. In some cases, plastic bags may use less natural resources to produce and dispose of than paper bags.

1056 A simple way to increase bag recycling is to ensure that bag recycling stations May 29, 2012 3:44 PM are set up around town, similarly to the CFL collection boxes around town. I think the biggest hurdle to overcome with "ban the plastic bag" is libertarian- minded people thinking that the county is "overregulating" their lives and taking their choices away from them. Adding a per-bag fee for paper bags in addition to banning plastic bags will be a tough pill for a lot of people to swallow. Maybe start with the plastic bag ban, and then (a year or two later), phase in the per-bag paper fee. Also, it might be a good idea to get the local grocery stores to give reusable bags away for free for a period of time if the ban goes into effect, bagging groceries in them automatically.

1057 I am for educating, not legislating. Let the people know the dangers of plastic May 29, 2012 11:17 AM bags to marine and other animals, and they will respond by curbing their use. Some people, like me, recycle their check-out plastic bags, using them as trash can liners. So it makes no sense to ban them, because then I'd just have to BUY plastic bags, and we're no nearer a solution to the problem. (I also use my check-out PAPER bags as dry-waste can liners.) One concern I have, that I see no one addressing, is this: 7 out of 10 check-out plastic bags have a tiny (or not so tiny) hole in the bottom. This makes it impossible to reuse them as trash liners, because the liquid seeps through. If you're going to make a law, then make a law that the companies manufacturing the plastic bags can't distribute them if they have holes in the bottom. If they did a better job of manufacturing them, I believe most people would be recycling them - especially if you can get the word out about the damage plastic bags are doing. Whenever I do have to throw away a plastic bag, I cut it up into small pieces, particularly making sure that no "loops" are on the plastic that an animal could catch its head in. I think this should also be part of the education: tell people that by cutting up the bags they must throw away, they greatly reduce the chances of an animal getting caught in, or suffocating in, the plastic. And, of course, another great solution: get the recycling companies to accept plastic bags! I know of none that do!

1058 Plastic bags are convenient for pet waste mgmt and lining trash cans. If banned, May 29, 2012 8:24 AM would use really decline, or would people just purchase what they need? Maybe a better idea is to encourage manufacturers to create more short lived biodegradeable alternates.

1059 Hate them. don't know how to change people's behavior except to not allow the May 29, 2012 7:14 AM bags.

1060 workshops on how to make your own shopping bags out of recycled materials May 29, 2012 6:58 AM would be good. I think focusing on positive movement rather than banning and focusing on negative aspects will get more people on board. Maybe stores could provide cloth shopping bags that when returned the customer get some cents off per bag, or coupon, or entry into a drawing. To pay for the bags, stores could get

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sponsors, and have logos printed on them, etc. I think charging for paper bags would have a negative affect on how people relate to the county government.

1061 They did it in Maui, no problem as far as I can see. May 28, 2012 10:22 PM

1062 we regularly reuse plastic bags after shopping. I feel reusable bags are a big May 28, 2012 9:43 PM pain in the butt. we already have enough to remember to bring to the store for our kids without worrying about bags. as far as a ban is concerned I don't feel it is the governments place to tell us what we can and can't be provided from the store of our choice. If people are so concerned about the bag waste then recycling should be made available curbside county wide. and the idea of charging an extra fee for bags is just stupid. most of the people in this area are having a hard enough time paying for groceries let alone the bags to hold them. instead of worrying about this stupid issue why not worry more about reducing regulations on business so that they can afford to employ more people and fix this messed up economy.

1063 Bans for some plastic are ok but do not agree with charging for paper bags. We May 28, 2012 11:34 AM need some type if waterproof bag for this climate.

1064 plastic bags should be banned unless for medical uses or for health issues May 27, 2012 8:28 PM

1065 We don't need them, and they don't even work very well (food rolls around the May 27, 2012 7:22 PM back of the car, spaghetti have been know to split the seams, etc). I see no reason not to ban plastic shopping bags. They are wasteful, harmful to sealife, ugly, and difficult to recycle. Even if we could increase the recycling rate, these bags still waste resources and would still escape into the environment. Let's get rid of them!

1066 Paper bag handles break too easily. The plastic bags are easier to carry. May 27, 2012 6:25 PM

1067 Plastic bags are convenient, pliable, plentiful and cheap. That's about it for their May 27, 2012 11:45 AM virtues, and those aren't enough (or important enough) to continue their use when we now know the negative affects they have on the environment. We won't ever wean ourselves from using plastic bags until there's a ban on them. The motivation of having to pay 10 cents, or more, for the use of a paper bag is a great motivator for those who don't care about the consequences of using the plastic bags. Our family is trying, oh so hard, to remember to take our reusable bags into stores with us. We're hitting about 33% of the time, but improving steadily. Remembering to use the reusable bags is a habit that we feel we're forming. We know we'll firm up the habit shortly, just as our habit of recycling our plastic bags at retailers around the area has evolved. Thank goodness Costco doesn't use bags, but even there, we never use any of their boxes. In short, Thurston County needs to move toward banning plastic bags. The positive affects of this ban would serve a much larger "good" than the individual's need for using plastic bags because they're convenient. AND, until plastic bags are banned, we (the population) won't focus seriously on the use of reusable bags.

1068 Good for various uses like lining bathroom trash cans and re-using for things I May 27, 2012 11:33 AM am donating, etc. I would support a ban with a fee for paper bags with an

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excemption for people using state assistance. Not everyone can afford re- usable bags. Or if there was a refundable deposit for re-usable bags that the store provides. That would work too.

1069 Ban them May 26, 2012 5:02 PM

1070 Against ban: Plastic grocery bags don't leak in pairs-- pet waste. Aren't most May 26, 2012 4:10 PM ''cloth'' permanent bags made of plastic? - Nylon &/or ? Pro Ban: people really don't recycle plastic bags. I have seen them rolling for mules like the Southwest's ''Tumblin' Tumbleweeds''. After floods, I've seen trees flappingly festooned with bags... for years! This is not good for the population, for fish, wet and wetland animals, or for tourism. And I have seen a cat caught in one, terrified, urinating, racing in circles, and crying piteously. Considering our area has raised generations as loggers,we might get some money back to the State. So, to ban them, let's try mass education on TV, radio, Iphone & I pads, posters in hamburger joints. Also on androids, clothes and food stores first for 3 months. Tell people three times in one ad. Then a month's warning with tickets and ticket signs like the seatbelt signs, an then if no change, ban the bags! And fine the bag tossers even on their own property!

1071 They are a nuisance that can easily be replaced by other May 26, 2012 10:13 AM nondisposable/biodegradable solutions. They are an ecologically expensive convenience. People and businesses must be compelled to use other means to carry their goods from stores.

1072 I use the grocery plastic bags for my kitchen garbage can. If they are banned, I May 25, 2012 8:47 PM will have to buy plastic garbage bags.

1073 since i'm not sure if they can go into our recycling bin, that would be a way to May 25, 2012 5:05 PM increase that recycling; taking them back to store is sometimes hard to forget to do.

1074 It has been said that bag recycling at stores does not work because the stores May 25, 2012 1:47 PM just throw them away. I don't really know for certain. I would be motivated to use reusable bags more if there was a surcharge for bags; Ten cents a bag is reasonable in my mind. Thank you for the survey.

1075 Thurston County should redirect our efforts towards improving (not increasing) May 25, 2012 12:50 PM core services such as law enforcement and road maintenance. We should NOT be imposing restrictions on private business in this manner.

1076 Make them part of curb recycling. Charge $ for them at checkout, increasing the May 25, 2012 9:36 AM number of people who will use cloth bags.

1077 I would like to see few to zero plastic bags in stores for bagging purchases. I do May 25, 2012 8:15 AM recycle bags.

1078 -Convenient -No bacteria or other harmful entities due to spillage etc. -I use May 24, 2012 11:28 PM plastic bags for other purposes, one it lining the trash cans and lining other applications -I cut plastic bag and use them as a sheet that I hang on it pictures, buttons, etc.. -I reuse plastic bags to carry other items in them

89 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

1079 I would like them banned. May 24, 2012 8:36 PM

1080 Leave them alone. May 24, 2012 5:01 PM

1081 They should be banned!! May 24, 2012 12:32 PM

1082 Get recycling vendor to accept plastic bags. Ban plastic grocery bags. May 24, 2012 11:29 AM

1083 I am against a ban on plastic bags. If plastic bags were accepted at curb side May 24, 2012 11:25 AM recycle the problems associated with them would be reduced or eliminated.

1084 Some people use their plastic bags for garbage - particularly those on a fixed May 23, 2012 10:33 PM income. I wouldn't like to see them have to pay for bags. I make fabric grocery bags for myself, friends & family and because I make them easy for cashiers to use, they're almost always happy to see them. I also make produce bags out of mosquito netting. I think more people would be willing to use fabric bags if they could get a decent one for a reasonable price. The heavy ones that were given out by stores several years ago shrank and didn't hold their shape. That said, I do use the shopping bags which my son brings home for cleaning up after the dogs and a few other things but if I get a few cents off my grocery bill for using my cloth bags I can afford to buy plastic bags for those purposes. One thing that would certainly cut down on the number of plastic bags used is for cashiers to put more that 3 or 4 items in them.

1085 I personally do the following: 1) keep and reuse or recycle all plastic bags 2) if at May 23, 2012 1:53 PM all possible, I avoid getting checkout bags at the store, or I take my own bag I don't know where to recycle bags, otherwise I would. I'm not sure about supporting a ban, although I do think it would drastically reduce bag use...

1086 like to reuse so I don't have to buy plastic bags. To increase bag recycling offer May 23, 2012 10:30 AM $ for bags or from the stores offer discounts...

1087 I think charging a fee would sharply reduce the amount of plastic bags shoppers May 22, 2012 4:47 PM use. My family has been using reusable bags for years and it's super easy. The hard part is remembering to bring them with you from the car. I can't believe how many bags I see people using at the store. If only half of those bags weren't used, our environment would be much healthier!

1088 Let's ban the bag! People will complain at first, but they'll get used to it May 22, 2012 2:55 PM eventually. It really seems to be the only way to stop their use.

1089 Plastic bags are easy to use and are available at the store check out. There May 22, 2012 1:50 PM needs to be an alternative bag that the store provides, if plastic cannot be used. I recylce over 95% of the plastic bags that I receive. When I shop, I would need 10 or more reusable bags. This is not practible and what happens if I purchase more than will fit in the bags that I bring? I would not want to be forced in buying additional reusable bags.

1090 I think the plastic bag ban and similar bans (like styrofoam) are a step in the right May 22, 2012 1:44 PM direction. By enacting a ban Thurston County would be joining a regional movement embraced by neighboring metropolitan areas that would effect real

90 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

changes in the way we use disposable materials. Items like single-use bags are something we simply do not need to function and thrive. The sooner we move to better habits, the better. A ban is one way of accomplishing this.

1091 I like the handles, but they need double bagging, which is a concern. I reuse my May 22, 2012 9:11 AM bags for a variety of things. If you are going to replace it with something else, don't charge, people are tapped out

1092 In most stores -- even the ones with signs up reminding you to remember your May 22, 2012 8:55 AM reusable bags -- checkers automatically hand you plastic bags. Often, even when reusable ones are sitting in front of them! And I have had checkers start to bag in plastic, stop, and PUT MY BAG IN THE RECYCLE BIN! without ever having even made it out of the store -- So, accepting plastic bags is the path of least resistance. While I personally would be fine with a ban on plastic bags, many people resent the 'government interference' -- and, who likes to be told what to do? Wouldn't it be more effective to create a system where accepting the plastic bag is the choice that requires the most effort? That you have to *ask* for the plastic bag? If it becomes the choice of *most* effort, aren't people less likely to take it? I am a member of the Olympia Food Coop -- and they have a place to bring in bags -- and other containers, for that matter -- to be reused. What if other stores did this, as well? At the very least, there would be a place where people could grab an already used plastic bag, and at most, could grab a paper or other sort of bag. They also have signs up where there are plastic bags -- reminding people there are other choices, and one has the option of reusing a container and weighing it, instead of using any sort of bag or single use container, at all. Another idea would be to pass on the cost at point of sale -- if people are paying three cents a bag at the register, it becomes an incentive to bring reusable bags. Many stores have incentive cards and programs -- there could be a fee for using the bag -- and say a penny reward for using their own. I know many people who use their plastic shopping bags to line their garbage, pack their lunches in, etc -- we need to find inexpensive, sustainable alternatives, if we want people to stop accepting and using 'single-use' plastic bags. I have a friend who is very environmentally conscious -- who, while often using reusable bags, justifies the use of plastics because so many people line their trash with them. We need to offer other ways to fill these needs that don't require plastics. Perhaps stores could offer 'loaner bags' (for which they'd pay a small deposit) or credit every time a club-member uses their own bags towards a 'free' re-usable bag? Or create a forgot your bags? holding area, where people could stash their cart while they run out (or send their teenager out) to grab the bags from the back of the car... I think the bottom line is, we need to make it easier to use reusable bags than to use the plastics. We need to offer people information about the consequences of their choices;(pictures of beautiful animals with plastic bags choking them are very effective in changing behavior). We need to empower people to make positive choices on their own, and then reward those choices. And we need to find and make available viable -- and better -- alternatives for reusable plastics 'other uses' -- what CAN you line your kitchen garbage can with that isn't bad for the environment? I know that most people want to do the right thing. The more we can do to make that convenient and even *Fun*, the more people actually will.

1093 Let us recycle them in our regular curbside recycling bins. May 21, 2012 7:30 PM

91 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

1094 we just moved from Az. plastic bags are all over the roadsides there. They are May 21, 2012 5:51 PM not sturdy and to me are more harmful than good. It is easy to keep cloth totes in the car or use chico bags which are very compact and are made from recycled plastic bottles.

1095 Just ban them. But do not charge for paper bags. May 21, 2012 3:22 PM

1096 I am fine with a ban on plastic, but not for charging customers for bags. May 21, 2012 3:21 PM

1097 Let's face it, people take the path of least resistance. Curbside pick-up for May 21, 2012 1:23 PM plastic bags would make it more convient for the average customer to recycle their bags. I do support a ban on plastic bag use! It's too easy to forget your reusable bags when there's the easy alternative of plastic bags. Businesses can always have paper bags or recycled boxes (think Costco) available for folks without reuseable bags.

1098 If I could recycle them in my curbside bin, that would be great. It's hard to find a May 21, 2012 1:09 PM recyling point for them, and have them with me when I do. I would also be fine with stores not offering plastic bags at check out. But I do NOT support charging for a paper bag replacement. Plastic bags have a time and place, but the have become extemely over used.

1099 Plastic bags create more trash. They are to thin for animal waste. Don't have May 21, 2012 12:07 PM very many places to recycle. People need to use fabric bags over and over.

1100 We all forget our bags sometimes, so plastic bags are convenient, but the cost to May 21, 2012 9:08 AM the environment is too high. So lets ban them and we will have to remember our bags or pay something to have the store provide papper bags.

1101 If we are only talking about plastic check out bags, having them in the grocery May 21, 2012 8:50 AM store means I don't have to purchase them to use for my household garbage. Our household reuses every bag we get from the grocery store in one way or another--paper are used to pack things we ship, plastic for the trash. When we have plenty of these at home we we use cloth bags to get groceries and other store bought items. I think we should go with education before taking away resourses that will just have to be replaced by things people purchase for the purpose--which is what would happen.

1102 The only reason I like plastic grocery bags is that I use them to line some of my May 20, 2012 7:27 PM trash containers. I would like the ability to be able to recycle them with my regular recycling if they continue to be used. I have several reusable cloth type grocery bags in my car, but so many times I forget to bring them into the store.

1103 I don't think the use of plastic bags warrants the attention being given, but if we May 20, 2012 6:58 PM "need" to do something - switching to paper bags would seem to be a very good option. Trees are the ultimate renewalable resource and if you use post consumer recycled fiber that is even more environmentally friendly. Personally the idea of using re-usable grocery bags seems un-sanitary - I don't know of any of my friends that use cloth bags who washe them on a regular basis.

1104 I would like to see them banned. I recycle most of my plastic bags but some are May 20, 2012 3:57 PM

92 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

reused. Even with plastic bag recycle available at the grocery stores they are always seen along the freeways etc.

1105 I strongly believe they should be banned. They are an environmental hazzard in May 20, 2012 10:40 AM many ways. Even if they ever disintegrate they are in the air forever. Cloth bags are easy, inexpensive and do not harm humans or wildlife. They can even be washed and reused! Amazing concept. Somehow people have been able to get garbage into a can or into the compost without plastic bags.

1106 I always reuse and/or recycle bags. They can be a convenience if reused May 19, 2012 10:10 PM responsibly for lining garbage, etc. I fail to understand why people litter the bags and do not recyle them correctly - they spoil it for the rest of us. The only cure is to ban them altogether.

1107 I do use plastic bags for pet refuse and they are very handy. However, I don't May 19, 2012 5:58 PM use as many as I would get if I didn't also use my own cloth bags.

1108 I like that I can use them for the dog poo--on the other hand wrapping poo in May 19, 2012 5:23 PM plastic seems odd too. If I didn't have the store bags, I would probably buy something biodegradable for the poo.

1109 I only get plastic when I forget to bring in my own shopping bags. If I take home May 19, 2012 5:06 PM I recycle and use some for pet waste. I would not know what bags would be used for produce. I have my own I use, but never enough for all the produce I buy. Wet items seem like they would be difficult to not have in plastic.

1110 Plastic bags have been recycled at curbside in Seattle/King County for a decade May 19, 2012 1:17 PM but still aren't in Thurston County. WE take them back to the grocery stores when we can't reuse them otherwise. I take my reusable fabric bags to the store as often as possible. We must reduce use of the plastic bags.

1111 Sometimes you need a waterproof or wipeable bag. I have a reusable bag made May 19, 2012 12:08 PM from recycled plastic bags which is great for wet items or foods you want to be able wipe up after like raw chicken. I would like to see plastic bags limited rather than banned. Thanks!!

1112 I think that charging a fee or banning plastic bags is not the correct answer. It May 19, 2012 11:18 AM will burden poorer families with fees that they cannot afford. I try to use my reuseable bags, but I don't like putting meat or things like that in them that can easily contaminate other food. Most reuseable bags want you to wipe them with a damp cloth instead of throwing them in the washer which creates a hassle. I like to use my plastic bags for cleaning out the litter box and as garbage bags for my cans in my bathrooms. You can also make non scratch scrubbers out of them for your dishes. They have may uses besides just bagging your groceries. My thought is if you don't like them, don't use them but don't try to make everyone else do what you want them to do. Also I think if people were able to put them in their recycle bin that would help also.

1113 I like plastic bags for holding raw meat and for holding sticky produce. I would May 18, 2012 10:20 PM not mind paying extra for using the store's plastic bags, but I do like having them as an option both for the above reasons and for the rare time when I decide to

93 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

shop and do not have any reusable bags with me. Because I use plastic trash bags anyway, I just reuse the grocery bag rather than using a new trash bag. I think more people might be motivated to make the extra effort to reduce plastic bag use and dispose of them properly if there was more education about the effects of plastic bags. I saw a video a few years ago about what happens to recycled bags in the US - they are shipped to western China and sort of burned, creating toxic pollution there. I would much rather reduce & reuse!

1114 Make recycling plastic bags an option if it already isn't, I'm not aware if it is. May 18, 2012 3:10 PM

1115 I just do not agree with a fee for a bag. As long as there is a no cost option I can May 18, 2012 12:20 PM agree with a ban on plastic.

1116 Being able to put them in with the recycling would be great. With a ban, people May 18, 2012 12:14 PM would learn to get along without them. How hard could it be? After all, we haven't always had plastic bags.

1117 Ban all non-biodegradable bags. Promote manufacturing of biodegradable May 18, 2012 11:53 AM packaging.

1118 The only thing I like about plastic bags is that they are there for the times I forget May 18, 2012 11:07 AM my reusable bags. I wish that I could throw the bags in with my mixed recyling. I recycle everything I can put in that bin, but if I have to save things and take them somewhere, I am not so committed to recycling.

1119 My main argument about the ban is that I believe companies should be able to May 18, 2012 10:55 AM make that choice on their own.

1120 Banning plastic bags is a giant step toward sustainability, local and global. May 18, 2012 9:58 AM Without them we find alternatives that require a bit of effort on our part, wash/rinse/reuse. A few minutes a week weighed against harmful waste in production and use/distribution.

1121 Ban them. May 18, 2012 9:34 AM

1122 I would very much like to see them banned. they are a waste of resources and May 18, 2012 9:25 AM harm our environment.

1123 I use plastic bags for dog poop and for garage sales, but that's about it. I only May 18, 2012 9:19 AM get them if I forget my reusable bags at home. I don't know if there is a way to increase plastic bag recycling. It is a huge pain, and I am an avid recycler of EVERYTHING, and I hate bringing them to the store with me, so the average person is never going to, at least the way that the current system works. I am definitely PRO banning plastic bags, but I do have a few concerns. I have enough money to buy re-usable bags when I need them, and can pay the extra fee for paper if I forget them, but what about families that are on the edge and can't afford these things? Will there be free re-usable bags provided to those that want them, say 4-6 per family? Basically there needs to be a way for low income families to get bags so it's not going to be another burden on their finances. I also think there should still be some sort of plastic bags available, for cleaners and things that leak, and also for things like paper/cards/magazines/etc.

94 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

because we do live in WA and it rains A LOT here.

1124 I like plastic bags for their reusability -- garbage can liner, pet waste. When they May 18, 2012 8:57 AM are unusable I put them in a box at home to the to recycling at the grocery store. I would prefer it if we could put them in curbside recycling. I'm not sure about total ban -- I read that when Ireland did this, more plastic bags had to be produced because people had to buy garbage can liners, etc. So that caused a net increase in use of resources. I don't know how current this study was. I have finally learned to take reusable shopping bags with me 90% of the time and I reuse the produce bags. Kind of a hassle, but better than wasting resources -- there is no free lunch.

1125 I worry about a backlash about banning plastic bags, although I think it would be May 18, 2012 7:52 AM a good idea. Perhaps charging at the store an amount for new bags that would encourage bringing own bags would be less difficult.

1126 Make it easier for people to recycle plastic bags. Have bins in many more May 18, 2012 7:32 AM places or allow recycling through home pick up. We use our bags for lining trash cans. If we didn't re-use the store bags, we would just purchase more plastic bags for that purpose. What we don't use we recycle but it is not always apparent where the recycling bins are...this must keep many people from actually recycling them.

1127 Ban them now!!! May 18, 2012 12:05 AM

1128 I like plastic bags for produce. I usually ask for a paper bag if I forget my May 17, 2012 10:45 PM shopping bags. I think grocery stores have done a lot to encourage shoppers to use their own bags but it is something that has to become a habit and that takes awhile. I suspect there would be people in our county, especially south county who would have a fit is plastic bags were banned. I hope I am wrong. I am glad to see that TC is so concerned about plastics. You might be interested to know that I went to this survey because Occupy Olympia posted it on Facebook!

1129 i really dont care for them . home depo makes a bag that hooks on the sides of May 17, 2012 10:15 PM the shopping caret I think they should make a unaversal style for all carts and charge a couple bucks for something like that.

1130 I do NOT like plastic bags. In Ireland they are not available in shops and people May 17, 2012 7:48 PM adjusted. The plastc bag trash heaps in India and Nepal are staggering. They harm wild life in many ways and waste resources. Recycling and reusing are not enough--I support total ban.

1131 Banning plastic bags will cause people to buy other plastic, so no gain. Show May 17, 2012 6:44 PM people how bags can be further used more actively, i.e. pet waste, etc. More incentive to use own bags, i.e. Fred Meyer with $..05. I always remember there, and forget other stores. I use my plastic bags all the time for a variety of things to be disposed of, rather than loose garbage in the cans.

1132 There are some handy uses for them, but there are way too many. They should May 17, 2012 6:17 PM NOT be included in curbside. Stores could do more to discourage excessive use and encourage recycling.

95 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

1133 I try to remember my reusable bags and I reuse or recycle plastic bags when I May 17, 2012 6:06 PM have them. Paper bags are not as easy to carry as plastic for people who have to walk to the store or don't have vehicles. I'd be interested in more community education on this issue.

1134 They're handy for other stuff; reuseable bags collect germs after a few uses and May 17, 2012 2:53 PM most cannot be washed without special handling. Paper bags are needed by Thurston Co. Food Bank and they also recycle plastic bags. Make it easier for us to recycle the bags.

1135 What a POOR Question: The average American uses 350-500 plastic shopping May 17, 2012 12:28 PM bags each year. How many of these actually get recycled? Why charge for shopping bags (paper). That is insane.

1136 I strongly support a ban on plastic bags!! There is no reason that shoppers May 17, 2012 10:34 AM cannot bring their own reusable shopping bags ~~ they are available for free just about everywhere. Plastic bags are dangerous and a large waste of resources.

1137 I use reusable shopping bags, but need plastic bags for over my raw meat May 17, 2012 10:15 AM purchases, multiple fruit and veggies, so use those bags to scoop my litter boxes. I feel we have too much "big brother" out there and feel most people try to recycle and conserve. A law against plastic bags is too much. Instead, reward shoppers with a bag credit for any reusable bags, not just the store brand bag. Also, charging a dollar or $1.99, for a bag, makes them more affordable, rather than $3.99, on up.

1138 I currently recycle my bags at the Thurston County Waste & recovery center. I May 17, 2012 9:35 AM think adding the convenience of curbside pickup would be a huge move in getting others to participate in bag recycling. We also have to think of how to replace the uses of plastic bags that aren't recycled (picking up animal waste, as garbage liners in homes, etc). I've found the compostable and biodegradable bags at the Olympia Food Coop but the availability of these alternatives don't seem to exist in the large chain stores. In fact most folks aren't aware of them as alternatives. How can we help folks with education and availability of these alternatives? As for the proposed ban in this survey, I'm 'for' banning the bags but I'd leave it up to the stores to decide whether they'd charge for paper bags. I don't think that should be directed by the county.

1139 I want more credible information on all possible trade offs before banning plastic May 17, 2012 8:37 AM bags. We have become a scare tactic society. As soon as environment is used in a sentence, we panic without considering who is running the statistics. I have become a little skeptical at times. Your survey is an example. Of course I have concern for animals and the environment. So, the results of your survey will show that there are high percentages for those two and thus we should ban plastic bags, regardless of anything else. there is more to the issue, but most governing bodies don't have the nerve to explore them in this State run by Evergreen State College graduates.

1140 1. Make a bag of bags a permitted item in the mixed recycle bins offered by May 17, 2012 6:18 AM Waste Connections, Inc. 2. More media attention to alternative uses for recycled bags.

96 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

1141 We all need to start to recycle them, maybe have a bin or a way to get them May 17, 2012 12:05 AM picked up like the 9other materials.

1142 I don't like plastic bags but I don't prefer using cut down trees for paper bags May 16, 2012 10:32 PM either. The tough thing about banning plastic bags is the handles on paper ones are not usually equal to the strength of plastic bags. Thank you for the idea - I'd love to know more!

1143 Plastic bags are unnecessary for shopping bags. I have used reusable cloth May 16, 2012 8:41 PM bags for over 20 years. However plastic bags are convenient for vegetables that are dripping with moisture. I reuse the plastic vegetable bags as long as possible. I have not found a good alternative. I have made some bags of lightweight nylong that work well for dry vegetables and for fruit. Providing more convenient locations for recycling plastic bags would help increase recycling.

1144 I like the plastic bag when I put a paper bag in it, it is easier for me to carry items May 16, 2012 8:24 PM around. The handles on the paper bags always rip while the ones on the plastic do not. I like plastic bags in my trash cans because liquid does not leak in to the waste basket like if you were using paper bags. Perhaps if you rewarded people for recycling instead of charging them, they would have the incentive needed to recycle. You ban plastic bags you raise the prices of merchants everywhere. Plastic bags are by far cheaper then paper bags. Don't merchants have enough overhead costs? When they have more costs the merchandise they sell goes up and people stop buying.

1145 I bring very few "new" plastic bags into our home because primarily we use May 16, 2012 8:13 PM reusable cloth bags for groceries and I just don't need a bag for many of the items i may buy. But I do use the bags for trash in our waste cans, and for picking up aluminum cans along the road (and sometimes trash too) and for deadheading dandelions to put in the trash and for noxious weed "herb robert" to put in the trash...but somehow there always seems to be a plastic bag when you need it. I do recycle plastic bags periodically and these bags often come from other homes than mine - such as my parents who don't recycle them. And from work where I will find them in the garbage needlessly. Basically, I think plastic bags CAN have a purpose but I think we have a HUGE over abundance of them produced.

1146 Like: convenience, useful for other purposes (such as enclosing shoes packed May 16, 2012 8:12 PM in a suitcase, or holding wet swim suits & towels after a day at the beach or an swim at the pool, or sweaty clothes after a hard workout). Increase recycling: more drop off sites, charge a fee for them (as they do in Italy), allow in curbside recycling. For ban: damage outweighs benefits Against ban: people like the convenience Compromise position: charge a fee

1147 I don't like plastic bags and try not use them. I always recycle any plastic bags May 16, 2012 7:15 PM that I get.

1148 None of my plastic bags goes directly into the trash. I reuse them for many May 16, 2012 6:10 PM things: dog poop, waste basket liners, to carry my lunch to work, as trash bags in my car, to store things at home, etc. My lunch bag gets reused repeatedly until it falls apart. If I use my reusable bags for grocery or other shopping too often, I

97 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

don't have enough plastic bags to reuse.

1149 I don't think the consumer asked for plastic bags, I am fine with banning them, May 16, 2012 5:16 PM but I do not believe we should be charged for paper bags. I think more people would recycle them if they could be put in the same recycle bin.

1150 I do not like plastic bags, I never have. I think they should go back to paper or May 16, 2012 4:50 PM reusable

1151 I use the plastic bags in 2, of course, is to recycle them -- but also, I May 16, 2012 4:38 PM used them as garbage bags. If I couldn't get them in the grocery store, then I would probably buy them for garbage purposes -- that would defeat the purpose of banning them!

1152 We need to go back to basics. "Progress" is killing this country. Ban plastic May 16, 2012 4:30 PM bags completely.

1153 There are just to many of them being placed in the landfill. There has to be a May 16, 2012 4:07 PM better way.

1154 I like plastic bags for cold groceries, like meat, frozen veggies or ice cream, as May 16, 2012 3:31 PM paper sacks rip and wilt with these items. I always reuse my bags to line my garbage can. I always put my garbage in these bags prior to putting out by the street. When I have been behind garbage trucks, I often see litter flying out of their trucks, which is caused by 2 things: The garbage in the trucks is not in bags and the garbage trucks are not covering the freshly picked up garbage before driving to the next pick up. They leave their truck backs open and the unbagged garbage flies right out, and turns into litter along our roadways. I have written our garbage hauler about this, and received no response. Why don't you all tackle this problem, before you worry about the plastic bags????

1155 How can we increase bag recycling? May 16, 2012 2:43 PM

1156 I was told that they cannot be recycled in our curbside recycle bins. May 16, 2012 1:12 PM

1157 I re-use my plastic bags for garbage collection and then put them in the trash for May 16, 2012 12:28 PM collection..They can also be cut into strips and crocheted into various items - quite nifty. There is no way to recycle plastic bags in our local recycle bin pickups - they do not take them at all. Plastic bags are convenient to use at the grocery store for packaging small items and I would think they use fewer of our resources than do paper bags. Many of the plastic bags are already made from re-cycled products. Now to find a way to keep them out of the rivers, lakes and oceans.

1158 I resuse plastic grocery bags for garbage bags and to pick of pet waste. If May 16, 2012 11:33 AM plastic grocery bags are banned, then I will have to purchase plastic bags.

1159 recycling bags at the curb would be nice...... I like the stores that give a .05 credit May 16, 2012 11:12 AM for bring your own bags.

1160 on a very very rare occasion, I need to seal something really gross and would May 16, 2012 10:51 AM use one but I have learned to live without them at home pretty much except for

98 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

garbage can liners-- I only use one or two very simple, thin ones per MONTH. At work however, as a school nurse, I need something to put clothing in that has been vomited, pooped or piddled on in order to send them home and not stink up the whole school... any ideas?

1161 No plastic bags....period. If you don't bring your own to the store, then you May 16, 2012 10:43 AM should have to pay for a recycleable bag there at the store! Curbside bag recycling would be great but really...these are something we should totally eliminate from all stores. Bring your own!

1162 I would completely support a ban on plastic bags. I would also like to see May 16, 2012 10:01 AM manufacturers held accountable for the waste created by their packaging choices. I try to avoid as much as possible but sometimes there is no choice. It should not be "free" for manufacturers to choose to create waste.

1163 Don't need to ban them; figure out how to recycle them more efficiently, like May 16, 2012 9:01 AM putting them in our recycling container along with other plastics, etc. The only place to take bags is to a grocery store that has a container for them. We were forced to go to plastic bags, because 20 years ago the environmentalists said we were wasting too many trees to make paper bags. What's next?

1164 Too much regulation now. just do a positive PR bit re: use of plastic bags....let May 16, 2012 8:35 AM people make individual decisions. Don't impose regulation at retail level.

1165 Plastic bags are a convenient way to manage purchased items, and a terrible May 16, 2012 5:08 AM ecological disaster for wildlife and landfills. Replacement solutions, i.e. cloth bags, are inconvenient and not always remembered. I must have ten of them in my Prius and I often forget to carry them in to the grocery store, resulting in using plastic bags or an extra trip to the car to get them, which I often do. Cloth bags were used as marketing tools, so some of my bags say TOP or SAFEWAY on them; I don't like ubiquitous advertisements, especially when I had to pay for the product with the advertizing on it. But I believe we MUST get rid of the plastic ones. Lee Chambers, West Olympia [email protected]

1166 I think there are much more important issues to be solved than banning plastic May 15, 2012 10:22 PM bags.

1167 I think we should get rid of plastic bags. May 15, 2012 10:04 PM

1168 I try not to use plastic bags for my groceries and choose paper if I forget my May 15, 2012 10:02 PM reusables. I would support a ban on plastic bags. We also need better options for produce bags. I know it is difficult to recycle the bags so banning may be the better option. If they are not available, more people would go to reusables and paper would still be available. Paper uses trees but trees are renewable.

1169 I am all for a ban. Make it expensive to not bring your own reuseable bags - May 15, 2012 9:51 PM people won't do the right thing for nature until it hits them in the pocketbook. I don't like plastic bags, but I am occasionally guilty of forgetting my own bags, a ban would help me remember! A ban would be the surest way to safe resources and protect the wild life.

99 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

1170 I try to always remember to bring my own shopping bags, but occasionally May 15, 2012 9:38 PM forget. I reuse the plastic bags for produce at grocery stores for garbage can liners in the smaller bathroom garbage cans because garbage bags don't come that small.

1171 Because they are readily available, I do not always bring my reuseable bags. If May 15, 2012 9:33 PM a ban were to go into effect, I would like the option of using them for some messy groceries.

1172 No comments at this time. What do we substitute for vegetables and fruits? May 15, 2012 9:18 PM

1173 Sometimes I forget my reusable bag or I don't have enough and its nice to have May 15, 2012 9:14 PM the plastic bag available. I also reuse many of the plastic bags in my home. I have too many plastic bags because I am not aware where I can recycle them. Push for more places to accept bags to recycle and promote these locations.

1174 Have curb-side recycling; do a campaign that encourages use of reusable bags. May 15, 2012 9:04 PM My one concern is charging low income families a fee for plastic or paper bags when they may not have reusable bags.

1175 plastic bags are helpful with items like separating fish or meat at the grocery May 15, 2012 8:42 PM store. I always try to recycle them and try to remember own bags at stores. I always forget to reuse them for wet produce items like lettuce, etc. As long as they're available, we will continue to "forget" to do something better.

1176 I reuse my bags to line garbage can which is designed for that sort of bag. I use May 15, 2012 8:41 PM reusable ones except when I need them for garbage can. I would not like it if I could not get plastic bag for the clothes and other things I buy since it rains so much here. I am willing to listen to suggestions for how to address this but do not like bans, at least as the first step.

1177 I reuse the bags for other trash. As I recall there used to be a place to recycle May 15, 2012 8:41 PM your bags at the stores. If we use paper, it has to come from trees and plastic comes from petrolum so what are we going to gian one way or the other, it is a lose, lose no mater what you do. Let the people decide what they want to use and keep the government out of it.

1178 Plastic bags are handy to have for many household uses. I like the fact that May 15, 2012 8:32 PM they're fairly small and therefore not so heavy to carry. Most of all, I love the handles. When my bag supply is high, I return the ones I have to the grocery store for recycling.

1179 Occasionally they are handy when I forget my bags or I underestimate how May 15, 2012 8:25 PM many bags are needed. But, I would be just as happy with paper or I try to get away with no bag at all.

1180 The last question was really two questions and I would support a plastic bag ban May 15, 2012 8:07 PM but would not support a fee for paper bags. Poor survey question.

1181 I think it is fine to use plastic bags. I need them for my pet's waste, and if there May 15, 2012 7:47 PM is a problem then the recyclers need to make it so that they can be recycled curb

100 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

side... but it should not cost extra!! Otherwise, the extra can be taken to the grocery store where you can recycle them there!!! Don't be like STUPID Seattle!!!

1182 Although I don't like the careless use of plastic bags, I do sometimes take plastic May 15, 2012 7:34 PM bags at stores like Target, where the bags are strong enough to be reused to line my garbage cans. Why pay for rolls of plastic bags if you can get them for "free" and reuse them? Since I compost and recycle, I don't need very many. I never take bags from stores where the bags are so weak they immediately tear and become unusable. A can see the benefits to banning plastic bags, though, since I see so many littering our streets.

1183 plastic bags are versatile, I use them as trash can liners instead of buying thicker May 15, 2012 6:51 PM plastic bags increase plastic bag recycling by offering recycling of plastic bags with paper products or other plastic products

1184 I do like reusing plastic bags for pet waste, but I can't make any good argument May 15, 2012 6:35 PM for not banning plastic bags. I would be curious to know the perceived impact on resources used to make paper bags. How much do you expect that to increase? Have there been studies to show the per bag cost that consumers can accept, while maximizing the use of canvas/reusable bags? Where does the money go that's collected for paper bags? To the store? A conservation fund? Transparency about these kinds of questions will hopefully help consumers accept a plastic bag ban.

1185 I don't really like plastic bags and I think when the store is bagging your May 15, 2012 5:23 PM groceries they use too many (putting only a small number of items in each bag). I recycle the plastic bags I do get by taking them back to the store, I don't know if any other way to recycle them (other than using them for garbage bags).

1186 Plastic bags pollute everywhere and they take too long to decompose. May 15, 2012 5:03 PM

1187 I do not believe that the time, effort and cost of recycling is actually worth it. Not May 15, 2012 4:55 PM to mention the amount of time wasted talking about it.

1188 I don't like plastic bags. They are bad for the environment and there is no need May 15, 2012 4:48 PM for them. I have cut my overall use of plastic bag use, including the produce clear plastic, to almost zero. I still use one or two a week for meat and fish to prevent leaks. One way to increase recycling is to allow them in the curbside recycle bins. I now have to take them to the grocery store to recycle them. This may keep some people from recycling. I would like to see paper bags go away as well. There is no reason why stores couldn't give out reusable bags for a small fee. It would be a good way for them to advertise the store brand and would be helping the environment.

1189 My wife has been taking her own grocery bags for over 30 years! She shops at May 15, 2012 4:32 PM Fred Meyer where they give her 5 cents per bag for bringing her own. There should be a charge of 5 cents for each plastic bag and paper bag at grocery stores. However, would prefer a ban altogether. Americans are not only spoiled and lazy, they are becoming like a Third World Nation.

101 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

1190 Ithink plastic bags have become a nuisance. I TRY to use permanent bags and May 15, 2012 4:25 PM have bought net bags for produce. The problem is changing old habits. I favor a charge for using either plastic or paper bags from the store. The discount for bringing my own doesn't perk my memory, but I think an additional charge would. The charge should be used to offset costs.

1191 Curbside bag recycling would be nice May 15, 2012 3:43 PM

1192 I don't like a thing about plastic bags; I would recycle if I could do it curbside. I May 15, 2012 2:15 PM simply don't take them if offered, I either go bagless if I've forgotten my own, or will chose paper if I have to.

1193 Other than the fact that I would continually have to run back out to my car to get May 15, 2012 2:06 PM the reusable bag that I had forgotten to take into the store, I ALWAYS use the self check-out when possible and don't know how the reusable bags work with those.

1194 I keep re-usable shopping bags in my personal vehicle, and I'm generally May 15, 2012 2:05 PM successful at using them +90% of the time. Occasionally, I go the store and I'm using alternate transportation, so I have to use the ones the store provides (plastic). Also, if I end up buying more groceries than the 2-3 reusable bags can easily hold...then the same deal; the store bags are the backup. So I guess I'm glad they are there when I need them. Is there any data on what makes people who use re-usable bags successful at it? Also, is there data on where the plastic bags end up after their initial or secondary use? Finally, almost of equal concern to plastic bags are PET clam-shell packaging. We need to find a solution for these packaging types... or we need to be able to take them back to the vendor. Thanks for asking! WmB

1195 I don't care for plastic bags and much prefer paper, both for useability and use of May 15, 2012 1:57 PM resources. However I'm not in favor of regulation of a fee to consumers for single-use bags. I'd prefer to see discounts for consumer use of re-useable containers, and/or incentives to businesses to not use the fly-away type of plastic grocery bags.

1196 I use reusable bags and have done so for years-but yes I sometimes forget and May 15, 2012 1:39 PM then I may get a plastic bag. Mostly I forget to bring them when I go to a big pet store. I recycle them all. I think we can all get used to not using store-supplied bags--costco is an example. All this said, I don't believe there should be any mandated charge for not providing your own bag.

1197 I take the bags from the newspaper to the grocery store for recycling. I mostly May 15, 2012 1:05 PM reuse grocery store bags for waste basket bags. I regularly use the reusable bags at the grocery store, but my husband is not as diligent. We end up with plenty to use for garbage bags! If bags were easier to recycle, more folks would likely do it. Working with folks in poverty, I don't like to add a charge for bags at the grocery store or limit the availability of bags.for those who would have difficulty affording reusable bags.

1198 The plastic bags are light weight and strong. Make recycling as easy as possible, May 15, 2012 12:36 PM curbside recycling a thought. ban p. bags because they are a serious hazarad to

102 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

marine/wild life. The manufacture process cannot be good for the enviroment.

1199 I reuse plastic bags all the time for lining garbage cans, packing material, loading May 15, 2012 12:13 PM items into cars or transporting items to people, etc. I don't like reusable bags becasue of e coli material that can be carried from one food item to another and other contamination that occurs. The reuseable grocery bags should be wahed after every use for food safety.

1200 I reuse plastic bags to line my garbage cans, but I 100% support a ban on them. May 15, 2012 12:03 PM I don't believe Lacey has a curbside option to recycle plastic bags, but I hope that we would get one soon.

1201 If plastic bags are such a problem, just ban them! Costco uses their boxes for May 15, 2012 11:53 AM customers products.

1202 Many European cities have never provided plastic bags and they all seem to get May 15, 2012 11:51 AM their groceries home. There is simply no reason to provide bags for people. With the hundreds of reusable bags available on the market today, plus the tote bags we seem to get at conferences, etc. providing bags for yourself is extremely convenient. One only needs to visit an area where plastic bags are prevalent and trash collection is not to see why they should be banned world wide.

1203 I think there should be a charge for the plastic bags. Sometimes you just do May 15, 2012 11:46 AM forget to bring in your reusables, so it's nice to have that occasional option. When we visited Hawaii recently they didn't have plastic bags available in the big grocery store we went to, but they would sell you the reusable woven bags for a very modest 50 cents. That seemed sensible to me. If you don't want to keep buying new ones, it will help you remember to bring them to the store. But I fear that stores would start getting greedy and change more than necessary for those bags. Perhaps there should be a big effort made by the county to provide free bags to residents as part of a public awareness program, and then after that have the plastic bags not be free anymore after that. I almost always use my canvas bags now, but plastic certainly does have it's place, such as meat products that may be dripping and could contaminate other foods; or juicy fruits that could make a mess on the way home from the store. Another use is to double wrap poison for use in the home or yard. Since I reuse my plastic bags for many things, from transporting sandy or wet shoes/items back from the beach to lining my trash cans, if I weren't getting them from the store, I'd probably have to buy more trash bags in any case. Plastic bags are also essential for certain things such as dog poop removal and other highly disposable uses. If you are using cloth diapers, I don't know how else one could easily transport them when you are away from home.

1204 Plastic bags are recycled to make decking or other products. Paper bags can be May 15, 2012 11:44 AM recycled into new paper bags. Also can be placed in the yard waste bin to be transformed into fertilizer. Hawaii's Kauai has implemented a requirement preventing plastic bag use and the stores, etc. appear to be adapting well. (Except Walmart which has turned it into a profit making exercise.) Hilo Hattie's uses plastic like bags which are biodegradable and can be placed in the garbage (after being reused a couple of times). I think a greater issue is plastic water bottles. We are teaching a whole generation of kids to drink only from single use

103 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

plastic water bottles and to shun drinking fountains and kitchen sinks for water.

1205 I like plastic bags for lining my wastebaskets - but then each week the bag goes May 15, 2012 11:38 AM into the landfill, which contributes to the problem. I re-use produce bags several times before recycling. I would support a ban on plastic bags at checkout, but not necessarily a charge for paper.

1206 Plastic bags are a wasteful luxury. It is one that Americans need to get over. I May 15, 2012 11:30 AM lived in Europe where everyone just is used to bringing their own bags to the markets. We absolutely need to be doing that.

1207 It would be great if there were more places to recycle plastic bags. May 15, 2012 11:29 AM

1208 Mixed bag here (no pun) I prefer paper #1 because I make a lot of popcorn... May 15, 2012 11:23 AM Plastic melts. #2 paper is so much more useful... Mulch, weed abatement. #3 plastic is reclycable if people are diligent... My brother is probably the #1 recycler (business) in thurston county

1209 1. Plastic bags could be picked up with glass once a month. 2. I object to May 15, 2012 11:18 AM business use of "extra fee" for paper bag. It is a cost of business and they should manage it instead of blaming it on government.

1210 1. I would like the bags to be compostable but sturdy for multiple use. 2. I like May 15, 2012 11:17 AM plastic bags because of their many after uses.....I like them in the store because I forget re-usable bags. 3. Do have a container for bag recycling in many more convenient places---however remember that those bags can transmit horrible disease, such as norovirus.

1211 We always reuse the plastic bags from grocery shopping for garbage sacks, pet May 15, 2012 11:10 AM waste and things that need to be carried and kept dry.. If we didn't have grocery plastic sacks, we would be buying plastic sacks which would not reduce manufacturing. For plastic sacks like Zip Lock etc. they already get many uses before finally being used for disposal purposes. The main reason small plastic sacks which aren't reusable for much get tossed instead of recycling is there isn't much information available on where to recycle them. We are pretty good at recycling as much as we can but not perfect! Mostly, much of the litter we see is waste from fast food places and larger plastic sacks - not the grocery sack size.

1212 Enable curbside plastic bag recycling. Some plastic bags are very convenient. May 15, 2012 11:06 AM A ban on plastic bags is probably not doable unless/until it becomes a Federal mandate.

1213 I completely agree that plastic bags of all sizes are a nuisance and a danger to May 15, 2012 10:55 AM birds, fish, children, and other life. Although I would like to see a great reduction in their use, I would also like the residents of the county and the cities to learn what is proper recycling. Perhaps neighborhood associations, such as the one I live in, should hold trainings at their gatherings. People also respond to incentives but I can't think of a way to reward people for using their recycling bins or purchasing the organics service that doesn't have an economic impact. I think what I am saying is that we should get more "buy-in" for all kinds of reducing/reusing/recycling before we get tough on just plastic bags. Earth Day is

104 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

every day! I realize that I didn't exactly answer the questions, but that is because I think that if residents learned to think about recycling everything, the bag issue might just diminish.

1214 I like plastic bags because they're easy to carry. Increasing bag recycling could May 15, 2012 10:52 AM be done by educating folks and putting the recycling boxes in convenient, very visible locations. I think providing an incentive (as some stores already do) for bringing in your reusable bags is a good solution.

1215 Advertise via water and garbage bills. May 15, 2012 10:51 AM

1216 Plastic bags are like tumble weeds, they get blown all over the land and water, May 15, 2012 10:49 AM there aren't any good reason to use them.

1217 I do like plastic bags for pet waste, carrying boots to the beach, and other May 15, 2012 10:47 AM miscellaneous uses, but I try to reuse the ones that I currently have. Is it possible to have a separate recycling container for plastic bags? Or some kind of recycling on garbage Mondays that recycles plastic bags and other plastics or items? Perhaps charging people for using plastic bags as well as paper bags would be a good option. 25 cents per plastic bag would get people's attention. Thanks for trying to find good solutions for a difficult problem.

1218 The strength of a plastic bag is directly related to its convenience and its cost to May 15, 2012 10:46 AM the retailers. One way to cut the use is to charge a fee high enough for people to notice, one that will make a difference in changing behavior. Like any other service the people who choose to single use plastic over reusable also make the choice to pay for it. The incentive to go reusable currently doesn't outweigh the convenience factor of a "free" plastic bag. The creation of new habits continues to evolve, but people must first recognize the need for change. Often the first "r", REDUCE, isn't emphasized, favor being placed on re-use and recycling. The larger concept of needing less is ignored because it hinders economics. Are we back to where we started? Creation of social change by economic incentive seems a feasible option, and can be successful if it makes that difference that can be felt. Use the funding for clean up, rather than the production of more. The idea certainly isn't new, and makes great sense. Economically it has to matter, which is unfortunate, since economy has won over environment in nearly every arena. In this case why can't it work for us rather than against us? Less is more, really, but how can we achieve it if we don't believe it?

1219 I support stores charging a fee to use paper bags if the fee goes to some sort of May 15, 2012 10:39 AM recycle benefit, not just for the store's profit. Stores need to be set up to accept the cloth bags we bring in and bag more easily. Clerks need to be more friendly when you bring them in. It will take some education to get people used to this. I shop at the co-op and always use my cloth bags. but not at anywhere else because stores are not set up for it with any sort of friendliness. Also I need a few plastic bags to line trash cans.

1220 Ban them completely. May 15, 2012 10:37 AM

1221 I hate plastic bags, but am against imposing a fee for paper bags. Just eliminate May 15, 2012 10:34 AM the crappy plastic ones and make Thurston County a paper only county!

105 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

(Granted, I am not in the retail industry and have NO idea of what costs are involved). :)

1222 I would greatly appreciate plastic bag recycling in my recycling cart, I heartily May 15, 2012 10:33 AM endorse the idea. Thank you!

1223 Paper sacks are too hard to carry and often tear. Maybe we need a new design May 15, 2012 10:06 AM that would make them more likeable.

1224 I am totally in favor of banning plastic bag use in grocery stores. I was just down May 15, 2012 10:02 AM visiting family in San Francisco and they no longer offer plastic bags. They do not charge for paper bags. I honestly am shocked when I see customers leaving a grocery store with 10-20 plastic bags and 1-2 items in each bag!

1225 I don't think adding more regulations is the solution. Offering positive incentives May 15, 2012 9:56 AM to use alternate resources sits better with me. I think curbside plastic bag recycling would be very useful, as the bags often get forgotten at home when we head to the grocery store. Also, I believe many people use the bags to line their smaller garbage cans. If they don't use those, they may very well purchase bags specifically for that purpose. In that case, those bags are only being used once, versus the plastic grocery bags being used twice -- once to bring groceries home and once to line a garbage can.

1226 I would like to see them banned, however will miss them personally for trash can May 15, 2012 9:51 AM use, poop scooping..

1227 My family and I don't use plastic bags. If we forget our own bags at the grocery May 15, 2012 9:48 AM store, we ask them to put the items in a paper bag. If it's just one or two items, I'll just carry them out. My only concern about a plastic bag ban is how that affects individuals who don't have the money to buy reusable bags...will there be a time period where the city would give away reusable bags. I really hate when cities make a great ban like this one but then those who cannot afford are the ones affected....remember $30 car tabs....that seemed to hurt those who struggle the time, my car tabs went up to $30 and I was just out of school and trying to find a job. I just don't want to make more of a hardship for people who are already feeling a financial burden.

1228 1. Availability when I forget my shopping bag. 2. If none of our chemists or other May 15, 2012 9:46 AM geniuses can come up with a way of making biodegradable bags, then ban the manufacture of them. In the meantime, try relocating recycle containers in a more obvious location, like at the store entrance.

1229 The only thing I like about them is that I can reuse some of them in garbage May 15, 2012 9:43 AM cans. I alway use canvas bags for shopping.

1230 I use cloth bags (when I remember them) I didn't know there was a place to May 15, 2012 9:42 AM recycle our old plastic bags. I would like to see recycling of plastic bags more readily available.

1231 dont care for the plastic bags would rather pay for paper it i need to usally use May 15, 2012 9:37 AM my own bags

106 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

1232 I use my own bags and have been for a few years. I sometimes forget them in May 15, 2012 9:36 AM my car, but have been pretty diligent in the past year. I care about our environment and hope others do too!

1233 I don't want my choices limited by bureacratic commands or governmental laws. May 15, 2012 9:34 AM There's too much of this going on!!! I say, let's go back to paper bags and put some loggers back to work! At the very least, I want a choice of paper or plastic at the check out stand! NO BANNING OF PLASTIC BAGS!!!

1234 If you like disease go for the reuseable grocery bags. May 15, 2012 9:28 AM

1235 I would like to see a ban on plastic bags. They serve no purpose and don't May 15, 2012 9:24 AM degrade fast enough.

1236 We make our own produce bags out of old sheets or pillowcases, and we use May 15, 2012 9:24 AM these and grocery bags at the store. We've even given these as gifts. We reuse glass jars at the co-op or for things like Olykraut. We are regular folks too, not hippies.

1237 I like the plastic bags because they are right there where at the check out May 15, 2012 9:20 AM counter, and I can never remember to bring in my reusable ones. I reuse the plastic bags for wet garbage, pet waste, and other things. I don't compost, (because a compost bin requires grass clippings to really get hot enough to work, and I don't have a lawn.) Plus, my area's garbage pickup (Joe's Refuse), doesn't offer the composting curbside pickup service. The reusable bags have recently been shown to carry bacteria and viruses (i.e. Norovirus) and you cannot launder the synthetic bags the stores sell. You can launder the canvas ones, but they're much too expensive for someone like me, who's been unemployed since 2008. The reason more people don't recycle the plastic bags are many. If someone like me cannot remember to take the reusable bags in to the store (and they are in my car), what makes you think I am going to remember to take in that wad of plastic bags in my pantry? I wish the county had a LOT more bins for plastic bag recycling, then I would do it. If I could put my plastic bags in my recycling curbside bin, I would do it. The stores have to be on board, I read that some of them merely empty their plastic bag recycling bins into the dumpster. And some retail clerks have to be constantly 'reminded' to give the customer that nickel discount for using a reusable bag. The stores don't want to lose that darned nickel! Many places don't want the recycling bins because people dump their garbage in them, because garbage fees are so very high. Don't ban plastic bags, you cannot legislate morality.I hate it when I see plastic bags in the ocean and in the forest, but banning them won't work. Instead, make it easy to do the right thing. If you allow plastic bags in the green recycling curbside bins, people will do it. If the stores charged a nickel for each PLASTIC bag one used (they do that in Germany), and gave a bigger discount (let's say .25,) for using the reusable ones, people would use more reusable bags. If the store provided free paper bags along with plastic bags, the customer would have three choices: use their own bag (and get a 25 cent discount per bag), use a free paper bag, or pay 5 cents for each plastic bag. That nickel for the plastic bags should go to the county in order to handle them. The stores will resist and complain, of course, and probably even lobby the legislature (or, more likely, lard the palms of the legislators) to keep such a thing from becoming law. But

107 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

punishing the customer isn't working. You have to hold the STORES accountable, TOO. If you make ALL the stores that use plastic bags abide by the law, they will be forced to comply. Or, you can tax them for the privilege of handling the plastic bags for them. Don't punish the consumer, punish the stores that don't want to play along.

1238 I moved here 5 years ago from Ky/Ohio. So many parts of this county are a May 15, 2012 9:17 AM DUMP. Derelict old abandoned buildings, yards full of trash piled in their yards, I live in Lacey , on Shady lane. I am getting to be embarrassed to say I live here . Why don't you clean up the garbage that already is here instead of new legislation. Oh I know, you feel the need to be politically correct better to leave junk all over the county and concentrate your resources on plastic bags, I feel so strongly about this ill even leave my name. wake up lawmakers do something! saraliz. Christoph

1239 I like plastic shopping bags because they are super convenient to reuse as trash May 15, 2012 9:15 AM bags. I've never had to buy a trash bag in my life. But most people don't get it or are lazy. I don't know how one could make the plastic bag recycling bins at retailers any more obvious. I think retailers just need to start charging a fee for bags in an effort to reduce the number used.

1240 Basically, I don't like plastic bags. And I don't see the advantage of increasing May 15, 2012 9:14 AM recycling. We need to stop wasting petroleum to produce plastic bags. Period. And we need to stop wasting trees for those paper bags. I think the only way folks are going to start being responsible for transporting their groceries is to do exactly what you are proposing.

1241 I recycle mine at stores that have the plastic bag recycling bins (Albertson's, May 15, 2012 9:12 AM QFC, etc.). I don't particularly like them and a ban would be wonderful for our environment.

1242 I feel like plastic has it's usefulness in some cases. Vegetables, Meats, etc... But May 15, 2012 9:11 AM I like to bring my own bags in to use whenever I possibly can (most of the time now, I remember). I also like to bag my own groceries, ( i'm a former checker) because for years I have watched the checkout/bag people not fully use the plastic bags and you can come home with a few groceries and as many as 8-10 bags!! Ridiculous~

1243 At grocery try not to give out the bag or charge them. Encourage them to bring May 15, 2012 9:09 AM recyclable bags. Actually I don't need to deduct 5 cent each bag i bring. Try to charge 5 cent or more to encourage them to bring their own bags. My hubby always use plastic bags and he refused to use recycle bags ;-/ I think its dpened on individual some people aren't care and some are do.

1244 There need to be a recycle ben for plastic bags not another way of life taken May 15, 2012 9:05 AM away or another tax. More education about plastic bags and how to recycle them.

1245 I prefer to use my own reusable bags that I bring to the store a get a 5 cent per May 15, 2012 9:01 AM bag credit. When I forget to bring my own bags in I would prefer the stores use paper over plastic except when bagging my meat products. I do re-use a small

108 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

amount of plastic bags for leaky garbage and pet waste. The rest of them I take back to the store for recycling. I would not support an outright ban on plastic bags.

1246 In rural Thurston county, maybe allow plastic bags to be put into one bag, tied, May 15, 2012 9:00 AM and then put in with glass in the separate glass bins, for recycling. Instead of giving a recycling rebate on monthly garbage bills, use the money to give a larger credit, at all businesses in the county, as an incentive to people who use their own reusable bags.

1247 I can NEVER remember to bring my reuseable nags with me and I often shop on May 15, 2012 8:57 AM a whim in any case. I do save my bags and reuse them to clean out the litter box. My one complaint is that they're usually so thin, they're not meant to be used more than once and that often means I have to tape up the holes before I can reuse them. I literally do not know how I would live without them. If I could add the torn ones to my usual curb-side recycle bin, that would be helpful and I think that would solve your lansfill issues as well...

1248 I can reuse them for other things. Bags we buy to reuse become soiled and you May 15, 2012 8:56 AM may get sick from them if not washed constantly.

1249 I hate plastic bags but I wouldn't want a fee added to my grocery bill for paper May 15, 2012 8:56 AM bags. They are very convenient and make carrying groceries easy. They are at the store ready for you to use. Ruseable bags are getting bad press for having lots of germs on them. Then when you leave your bags at home your only option is the plastic or paper. It's been said that the paper uses more energy to produce. Until someone comes up with an energy effecient and waste reducing bag - there are very little options available. Use the plastic and polute the earth, use the reusable and polute your body, use the paper and use too much energy. Bamboo bags are probably too expensive to make and might use too much energy. The problem when using cloth bags or reusable is you don't know where they've been or what's been in them. Costco doesn't use bags, they use their boxes. Using boxes could be an option at the store expect that most aren't really set up for that. There just doesn't seem to be a simple solution. We should have never started using plastic bags. People are too used to them. Changing peoples shopping habits is difficult but necessary. We could put our sights back to the old days before plastic and paper bags were invented. What did people do then? Of course huge grocery stores weren't around then. Trying to re- educate doesn't work for a large majority of the polulas, you have to take measures and say "no more plastic bags", people will get used to it.

1250 the question "I always use reusable bags when I shop" was answered with a May 15, 2012 8:55 AM strongly agree, but sometimes I forget my recylced bag! I go back to my car before paying for my purchase, to get my bag.


109 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)


1252 Plastic bags are durable, light weight, effectively protect garbage cans & are May 15, 2012 8:34 AM great for transporting and containing wet/dirty items. More bag recycling recepticles. They are often overfull & only at one entrance of the grocery stores. A larger variety, more available & low cost alternative in biodegradeable bags would make a ban more effective.

1253 I have no problem with a ban on plastic bags- I like using my own bag - May 15, 2012 8:31 AM

1254 Alternatives to plastic bags should be devised and their cost incorporated into May 15, 2012 8:30 AM the cost of doing business.

1255 I usually use reusable bags but occasionally get plastic bags because repurpose May 15, 2012 8:27 AM them in lots of ways. I would possibly support a small charge for those who choose to use plastic bags, especially if they were made a little thicker such that they could be reused for groceries. My concern is for those who are less fortunate -- paper bags are more difficult to transport by walking or bus, and are likely to rip due to weight or water (rain!) damage.

1256 Simply charge a fee for new plastic bags at the POS and the problem will May 15, 2012 8:24 AM [almost] take care of it self.

1257 I think bringing reusable bags to the store instead of using plastic is one small May 15, 2012 8:24 AM and easy change we can make that will go a long way in helping our environment. Using paper bags as an option for people who want that seems like a great option for those that choose it.

1258 I just think they are wasteful but there are times I forget my reusable and end up May 15, 2012 8:11 AM with plastic. If I could recycle them at home that would be very helpful.

1259 I don't like plastic bags at all. I think banning them, and charging a fee for May 15, 2012 8:03 AM paperbags, would help us all convert to the reusuable shopping bags. It wouldn't take us very long to make the change.

1260 It is next to impossible to find retailers with the recycle bins for bags. They May 15, 2012 8:02 AM should be more plentiful, like in EVERY store. I was dissappointed that I didn't find a list of local bag recycling stations on your website. I try to always take my own bags shopping. Often stores say they will credit you if you use your own, but most often that credit is forgotten and not given as advertised. This credit should be offered more readily.

1261 Plastic bags are occasionally useful for items that are inappropriate for May 15, 2012 7:59 AM cloth/reuseable bags.

1262 There should be a charge for plastic bags, maybe even paper. That would really May 15, 2012 7:59 AM encourage people to bring their own. Went to France last summer, the plastic bags had a scan code on them and were swiped like anything you purchase. Most people used their own bags. I like having them around to reuse, but ultimately they are plastic and NEVER disappear.

1263 dont work they brack and stuff is everywhere. I hate them. I double bag them May 15, 2012 7:57 AM

110 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

and that makes twice the garbage. I need to make my own bags

1264 I don't like plastic bags at all except that I can use them to line my garbage can May 15, 2012 7:56 AM sometimes. Having curbside recycling would help. I'm on the fence right now about bans and wish there were a better way to encourage retailers to find other methods to package purchases.

1265 IF we can not get rid of them require that they be compostable May 15, 2012 7:51 AM

1266 Make them degradeable. May 15, 2012 7:48 AM

1267 Require all plastic bags to decompose after three months. May 15, 2012 7:47 AM

1268 Only biodegradable plastic bags should be offered and used. A ban on regular May 15, 2012 7:47 AM plastic bags would be the only way to keep people from using them or having them available for use. Recycling plastic bags is a good thing, but it is just one more "chore" for people to do. Eliminating the non-biodegradable bags would, in my opinion, be the only way to get them out of the garbage bins and dumps.

1269 As soon as there is a charge for ANY bag at the market, we'll remember to bring May 15, 2012 7:46 AM our own bags !

1270 I believe there is a place for both plastic and paper bags. It is not the bags May 15, 2012 7:40 AM themselves that cause the problem. Rather, it is those who use the bags who are accountable for what happens with those bags. Education and awareness about responsible use of the bags would be helpful as opposed to banning them altogether.

1271 Just ban all shopping bags, plastic and paper. Consumers will adapt and the May 15, 2012 7:39 AM market will respond. Problem solved.

1272 Public awareness of the problem of plastic bags is a major issue. I think a lot of May 15, 2012 7:32 AM people just don't think about it. I think fees for plastic bags would impact low- income people negatively, so I think big stores should just start using alternatives (boxes, supplying reusable bags for free for a year or 6 months until it becomes "the new normal"). Habits are hard to break, but if big stores just started changing their practices, the public would eventually catch on.

1273 I do need to keep some for pet waste and for peeling vegetables, but I recycle May 15, 2012 7:30 AM most of them--take them to bin at Fred Meyer. My usual grocery store pushes plastic bags and you have to ask to get paper ones (a few of them are needed for travelling, etc. I think education is the key. Banning the bagts will just make people angry.

1274 I like plastic bags because I reused them in my household for anything that May 15, 2012 7:25 AM needs bagging. Recycling can be the same way we do plastic containers; it's a established ordnance, why fixed something if it isn't broken, just apply it to plastic bags. We havn't heard any argument(s) on plastic bags except what I've heard on the news on TV about litter and causing some problems on animals and water creatures.

1275 I would support a ban on plastic bags--we didn't have them when I was a kid we May 15, 2012 7:23 AM

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don't need them now. However, I would not support a fee for paper bags. Paper bags are biodegradable, recyclable, and made from wood products that store and sequester carbon. Stores can give a 5 cent rebate for people that bring their own bags...otherwise you get a paper bag.

1276 The most compelling argument against use of plastic bags is that most are used May 15, 2012 7:21 AM only once and then end up in the landfill or in our landscape. Once there they remain forever, with serious effects on wildlife and our environment.

1277 Plastic bags are not to blame. It's the people who discard the plastic bags May 15, 2012 7:18 AM irresponsibly. I think most of them do it without thinking about it. Instead of banning these bags, why don't you try an educational campaign blitz -- similar to what the State Dept. of Ecology did with the LITTER back in the 70's -- get a public service message out there -- make those people more aware of the impact of their actions. Equate irresponsible discarding of plastic bags to bad citizenship and bad stewards of earth. Make them feel bad. I have yet to see such a push.

1278 I understand grocery shopping bag none use. What about other use? May 15, 2012 7:05 AM Hardware, drug, mom and pop et stores. I turn down bags at most of these places. Also it may not be convenient to carry a personal shopping bag in many cases. Traveling or walking most people are not going to carry a bag. Paper is the alternative of course. Plastic garbage bags should go as well. What a waste as well. They are so engrained in our way of life I guess.

1279 I use my plastic bags for all household needs, from storage to delivering things May 15, 2012 7:04 AM from one place to another. I recycle the ones I DON'T use at Fred Meyer regularly. I do NOT like or use reusable cloth bags. The first time I used one, my meat had leaked in the bag and I had to toss it. I can't imagine the bag itself breaks down any better in a landfill and may be worse. I went back back to plastic and will continue to use plastic, will NOT support a plastic ban. My extended family uses them as well.

1280 I prefer to use cloth shopping bags but sometimes forget to bring them. When I May 15, 2012 7:02 AM shop at Ralph's Thriftway, I sometimes intentionally opt for their plastic bags made out of recycled plastic because I use those solely as garbage bags. I am in favor of banning plastic bags in Thurston County. I think we need more community outreach, especially in lower income areas, on this subject and we need to make cloth bags more accessible and inexpensive so ensure people will use them. A big hurdle, I think, is that people (including me!) forget to bring their bags.

1281 If treated properly these bags photodegrade, the county could set upa program May 15, 2012 7:01 AM or instruct resident on how to "force" the bags to break down naturally.

1282 +convenience, availability, can be reused, an option for recycling other plastic May 15, 2012 6:58 AM products -which we have too much of... -people who don't reuse them, or leave them around so they become floating litter... These litterers are always a problem... I have troubles remembering to put my reusable shopping bags back in the car... Or they are in the other car... How about a shopping bag exchange program? Leave your extras at your favorite store for others who forgot theirs to

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use. (I have lots, just forget them and so revert to plastic a lot) I would often rather have my groceries packed in boxes, so use that option at grocery outlet or Costco. Another reuse-able option...

1283 I do not like plastic and if given a choice I choose paper which is easily May 15, 2012 6:52 AM reuseable. I would not like a charge to use paper.

1284 If using recycled bags is so important, then stores should provide a reusable bag May 15, 2012 6:52 AM for every $100 or so dollars used. I do not support people buying reusable bags to save a store $. Reusable bags harbor bacteria and I am 100% opposed to using them for meat products. You can't recycle paper bags that have blood from meat. I reuse my bags or recycle them. Many areas where families would play and picnic don't have trash cans or cans aren't emptied enough so, therefore, more plastic bags end up in the environment.

1285 I don't like plastic bags. They are just a bad habit we have come to rely on and May 15, 2012 6:49 AM habits can be changed. I try to use my own bags when shopping but sometimes forget them. It is just a matter of thinking ahead and being better prepared. Charging a fee would incentivize this behavior.

1286 Ease of use. I do prefer paper bags and recycle them. I know of one prson who May 15, 2012 6:42 AM knits plastic bags together to make a plsatic . Other bags that are used will take up resources and cost moeyn tol prduce or purchase.

1287 I would recycle 99% of my plastic bags if they could be put into curbside pickup. May 15, 2012 6:39 AM I'd rather use paper bags, but not for a fee.

1288 Please don't make my life less safe. Plastic bags are clean, reusable ones carry May 15, 2012 6:31 AM diseases. I have a compromised immune system, and vastly prefer plastic bags. We have plenty of space in landfills.

1289 Ban on plastic bags is not practicle, instead charge for use. example: I use both May 15, 2012 6:31 AM my cloth bag. I use the plastic to wrap meat when grocery shopping.

1290 I always use all my plastic shopping bags for trash and avoid buying trash can May 15, 2012 6:25 AM liners this way. I try to always have my reusable shopping bags with me (I have many of them), but I intentionally bag in plastic when I go to Safeway (about once every 1 or 2 weeks) so I have those bags for trash. I mainly shop at Yelm Food Co-op where there are only paper bags available for purchase; otherwise shoppers use reusable bags, which they've trained themselves to bring. I'd like to know the ecological impact of the manufacture of the plastic bags. And it seems like biodegradable, but temporarily liquid-proof, bags would be ideal, if these exist.

1291 Having to buy bags to use In my house is an extra expense May 15, 2012 6:15 AM

1292 A charge for plastic (and paper) bags might be more acceptable to the public May 15, 2012 6:05 AM than a total ban.

1293 The only way to recycle plastic bags is to include them in the mixed recycling May 15, 2012 3:59 AM pickup. If you want recycling, you have to make it convenient.

113 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

1294 Please ban the plastic bags!!! May 15, 2012 3:43 AM

1295 Please ban them. I have seen the documentary. I would support a ban on May 15, 2012 1:30 AM plastic bags. Wish there were highly biodegradeable bags of some sort. These could be the only bags available to shoppers, and for a fee. So when bringing our own bags doesn't work, or we forget them, we would purchase the earth/friendly biodegradeable bag if needed.

1296 I alternate between paper bags, which I then use for composting, and plastic May 15, 2012 12:54 AM bags, which I then use to dispose of cat litter in our normal trash. I only take as many plastic bags from the grocery store as necessary for the cat box and use either paper or canvas bags for the rest.

1297 Lets get rid of them! Having the capital of Washington become a plastic bag free May 15, 2012 12:49 AM town will help our green reputation. I'm proud to live in WA and have been working at home for a cloth diaper company for the last 2 years. We are a very eco conscious family as are most of my friends. I think this idea would go over smoothly in our county. I did not realize bags were recyclable. I would suggest a plastic bag ban week and advertising on the bridge on capital... With a reminder to recycle plastic bags,!

1298 More places need to have plastic bag recycling or stores need to allow people to May 14, 2012 11:55 PM bring back & re use the store plactic bags

1299 I don't like plastic "check-out" bags because they have no future use. I can use May 14, 2012 11:42 PM paper bags for other purposes. However, paper bags deteriorate in the rain, so then I have no choice but plastic. People must be FORCED to do the right thing.

1300 I've noticed that clerks at some stores in the area ask if I want a bag or not when May 14, 2012 11:37 PM I'm buying something that really doesn't need a bag. I usually tell them I don't need one. I think that's great. I'm sure there are other ways like that to lessen the use of plastic bags. Educating people is a much better way to go than government regulation. It preserves freedom. I'm really tired of the government trying to regulate every aspect of our lives.

1301 Paper bags even with a surcharge are an acceptable option. People can adapt if May 14, 2012 11:31 PM they don't want to pay the price. Two options: Use reusable bags or keep a box or cooler, etc. in the vehicle and take the groceries out in the cart. I don't have a solution for leakage, particularly meat, if one uses reusable bags.

1302 Plastic bags are a problem, and it would seem that we could work harder to May 14, 2012 11:31 PM recycle them--but my concern is all the freezer bags, and all of the plastic rings on 6 packs, and the prepared foods. Why can't manufacturers come up with something that won't fill the land fills and create a real problem for our habitat? 1

1303 Plastic bags are convenient when you forget your reusable bag. I always recycle May 14, 2012 11:22 PM my plastic bags, but many times the recycle box is full. I would support a ban if paper bags were provided at no cost-as in the past. Paper is safer to make and easier to recycle. The companies making plastic bottles and bags is what needs to be changed! Consumers use them because of convenience.

114 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

1304 i've read paper bags can be just as bad for the environment as plastic. if we May 14, 2012 11:17 PM have a better alternative to plastic/paper, then i'm all for it. if paper bags can be properly recycled in our compost containers, we should demand a switch to paper, whether or not consumers pay for it at the store. at the very least, we should be able to more easily recycle plastic bags. we have huge bags full of smaller bags to recycle but rarely remember to bring them back to the store for recycling, assuming there's a store nearby that will take them. thanks for bringing this issue up and being proactive about it.

1305 Easy to take them back to the Grocery Store. I prefer paper, but some products May 14, 2012 11:07 PM are better in plastic.

1306 We MUST save our planet! We can do much better than we are doing, and May 14, 2012 11:05 PM banning use of plastic bags is only a tiny effort. We can do this!

1307 I like plastic bags for portable ways to dispose of garbage and to line smaller May 14, 2012 11:02 PM garbage cans without having to buy bags specifically for it. I agree that there should be a deterrent to using plastic bags. I am for that since it would encourage me to remember to bring my own which I have. Another option is to have recyclable plastic bags since some people still have other uses for them.

1308 I use them for lots of things around the house; those that don't get reused get May 14, 2012 10:54 PM recycled. My grocery store pays me $.05 for every bag I bring, so it would not be to my advantage to lose that and have to pay when I need a paper bag. Find a better way for people to discard their bags.

1309 I don't like plastic bags. I would like to be able to recycle bags like in Bellevue May 14, 2012 10:30 PM where one puts all the bags in one bag , ties it up, and then this stuffed bag goes in the recycling bin for home pick up. I support the ban.

1310 easier to store than paper or cloth. Gumment already tells me what to do too May 14, 2012 10:14 PM much of the time...let me use my plastic bags if'n I wanna

1311 Encourage recycling, paper, reusable but do not "ban" plastic bags unless it is May 14, 2012 10:00 PM for an additional revenue stream. And if that is the case, come out and announce it as such.

1312 #1. You could start by improving your recycling system to accomodate the May 14, 2012 10:00 PM plastic products currently disallowed. What I hear is plastic bags are high on the list of environmental issues, yet municipal recycling systems cannot process these & an unacceptably high number of other plastic products. These systematic limitations are BS of the first order, actually insulting as a citizen. Modernize the recycling programs and/or introduce legislation requiring manufacturers to produce plastic products that are 100% recyclable.

1313 Use for dog waste May 14, 2012 9:58 PM

1314 If more businesses would provide reusable bags and stop offering plastic, I think May 14, 2012 9:46 PM it would be a good all around choice for everyone

1315 We use them for disposal of kitty litter and lining garbage cans. We prefer May 14, 2012 9:46 PM

115 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

reusable bags for groceries. Charging for a bag would remind us to use our own bags. Aren't paper bgs a waste of resources also? "They" used to say to use plastic rather than papers. We are for Reduce Reuse Recycle and let's minimize waste.

1316 Like the recycling by the grocery stores and others that use the bags. An May 14, 2012 9:39 PM outright ban would be bad because of the others uses (namely pet litter pick up) that can made of the bags. Also need them for car litter use.

1317 It's hard to assess how effective a ban would be - it certainly wouldn't affect me May 14, 2012 9:39 PM much, since I generally use a reusable bag for shopping. Seems like the best information would probably come from observing the experiences of other U.S. cities and towns that have enacted bag bans.

1318 Curbside recycling would be great. May 14, 2012 9:14 PM

1319 I confess I like having a certain number of plastic bags to reuse for hauling May 14, 2012 9:07 PM muddy shoes or lining the garbage can, etc. But I also have washable tote bags that I could use to haul yucky stuff, and--though it would pain me to actually buy plastic bags--I could probably figure out some other way to contain the solid waste in our house. At this point, most of our waste is actually film plastics and plastic lids from packaging that can't be recycled. We can now compost all our "dirty papers," so our waste stream is really very small. We have kids and a home-based business with employees, and still use the bi-weekly mini-can service provided by the City of Olympia. It's shocking that people are still producing so much solid waste when there are so many options for , composting, and recycling/reusing! Good luck with your campaign!

1320 They are good for using other ways, like disposing of dog and cat poo but I use May 14, 2012 9:06 PM paper bags more. I can recycle them better, using the bags over and over again. Many plastic bags you get are already torn at the bottom, therefore they are not good as soon as you get them.

1321 I agree we should get rid of plastic bags but I do not think we should have to pay May 14, 2012 9:01 PM for paper bags. Groceries are already expensive enough, I don't want to pay even more when I forget my reusable bags.

1322 Too easy for stores to use. May 14, 2012 8:59 PM

1323 It would be great if we banned plastic bag! I have been using my own bags for May 14, 2012 8:59 PM groceries even before it became a popular thing to do. I am very concerned about how much plastic is being produced in our society.. and long-term health effects as well as impacts to fish and wildlife; for example, the Great Garbage Patch in the Pacific Ocean. Educate kids about the impacts of plastic and reusing bags.. give incentives for those that bring in their own bags..

1324 I'm ok with reusing my plastic bags, and using fewer of them. I'm also ok with May 14, 2012 8:50 PM more plastic bag locations - not every grocery has them, and convenience stores could be encouraged to offer recycling. I'm much less ok with mandatory anything. This site does a pretty good job of indicating cons of plastic, but it has remarkably changed our lives over the last 50 years. Maybe we could put more

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effort (those are dollars) into research about reusing plastic, and creating a less environmentally toxic product.

1325 Reverse the process, in other words charge for plastic bags at the checkout May 14, 2012 8:47 PM instead of a credit for reuseable. The charge could be $.25 per bag. Melodie

1326 Allow the bags to be placed in recycling bins! It would be 100% easier to recycle. May 14, 2012 8:47 PM I would support a bag ban but I'm not sure charging extra for paper would fly- food is so expensive as it is. Make bags available to purchase cheap at every grocer.

1327 I like how many uses they have, and how they contain leakage, especially of May 14, 2012 8:46 PM meat products, on the way home. Aside from wastebaskets - I guess they aren't recycled then! - they are very handy for sending collections of things with other people, and are great for collecting garbage when traveling or out on a picnic. I find recycling the bags easy, since the grocery stores take them. Come think of it, I collect very few of the actual shopping bags for recycling - it's mostly extra large or small bags, the plastic produce bags, and plastic wrappings from various products. I have no idea how one might motivate people to recycle more. Usually carrots work better than sticks - if alternatives can be found for these many uses, an ad campaign for these rather than a ban might be more effective. How was it successfully done elsewhere?

1328 We recycle newspaper bags for pet waste. The few shopping bags we get are May 14, 2012 8:42 PM used for waste can liners. We appreciate being able to recycle plastic bags at participating grocery stores. I'm surprised that even "greenies" at Trader Joe's don't have reusable bags. A big educational push is the best bet for getting people to use less of them.


1330 Plastic bags are everywhere at every store making it very easy to grab or use May 14, 2012 8:37 PM them. One way to encourage recycling the plastic bags is to allow these plastic bags to include in the curve side recycling pickup. Currently, it is require additional collection and a trip to grocery store to recycle. It is not as convenience therefore discourage recycle for many.

1331 If they were picked up we would recycle almost all that weren't soiled in other May 14, 2012 8:34 PM uses. I have concern that reusable bags take substantialy more resources to make and have a limited life. I also am concerned about contamination/illness with reusable bags.

1332 we should ban plastic bags in thurston co May 14, 2012 8:33 PM

1333 Plastic bags are used in other areas of my house, but still support a ban. May 14, 2012 8:22 PM

1334 Make it easier to recycle them. Most people store them and then forget to take May 14, 2012 8:22 PM them to the stores that do recycle them, when they get too many, they go in the garbage. I'm for a ban on plastic bags but can see an issue with charging for

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paper bags. A rebate for using your own reusable bags would pass a vote a lot easier.

1335 There are far more important things for government to be addressing. Sure, May 14, 2012 8:15 PM plastic is problematic. But I bet that those who are concerned, do their fair share to help. Those who aren't concerned, probably never will be. So, how about tackling issues like crime, drugs, needless regulation, getting the youth off the streets, ..... Sure plastic is a concern, but not as big as over issues.

1336 There are too few collection points. I prefer paper bags because they are made May 14, 2012 8:15 PM from a renewable resource. Add them to the recycle bin.

1337 The only thing that I use plastice bags for is non-compose waste (liners for my May 14, 2012 8:15 PM trash can). I use cloth bags for all my groceries. Very seldom (when I forget my recyclable bags) do I use plastic. If you want people off plastic, you will either have to ban plastic (for paper) or charge people for the use of plastic...... 10- 25 cents a bag. When it hits the pocket book, people will change. By the way, there needs to be an educational approach to the use of recyclable bags regarding sanitation. Salmonella bacteria from food sources such as chicken can leak onto the bag. People need to know this and make sure that the recyclable bags they get are washable!

1338 I reuse the plastic bags for a kitchen trash can liner. If these bags were May 14, 2012 8:14 PM eliminated, then I would be forced to buy bags to line the trash can - more expense for me and now only one use for the purchased bags vs. two uses for the grocery store plastic bags.

1339 Plastic bags have multiple uses. I don't agree with a ban but would support a May 14, 2012 7:54 PM program to make recycling easier, i.e. allow bags to be included with the other mixed recylables. Banning seems extreme since we don't have that much litter generated by discarded bags.

1340 There should be a charge for plastic bags in the stores (.25). It should be state May 14, 2012 7:49 PM law, and universal (that way stores wouldn't use their availability as a marketing device as people go through transition.) The biggest argument against this change is change itself. People will vehemently protest this on the basis of all sorts of reasons, but in time will adjust. Look at Europe, older and younger generation, complained so so so so loudly about the change, and now people even forget how it was. It goes without saying that stores would need to transition into the change. Offer reusables, (THAT ARE STYLISH AND COOL) at a discounted price. Also once the change is permanent, there should be boxes (produce etc..) available for those who forgot. BTW we already pay for plastic bags, it is just the price is included in the goods we buy.

1341 Can we also support a switch to biodegrade-able plastic for other uses that we May 14, 2012 7:43 PM have not found a way around yet?

1342 I like the handles - useful in carrying groceries and other store-bought items. May 14, 2012 7:37 PM And that also helps me stretch them across my trash cans or fill them with garbage not slated for the organic waste barrels.

118 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

1343 At this time I believe that I am in favor of banning plastic bags. It may be an May 14, 2012 7:37 PM inconvenience but would soon become the norm.

1344 I only think plastic bags are ok if I have to carry things like milk or ice cream etc. I May 14, 2012 7:36 PM ask for paper bags or ask for NO bag when i do not have my own bags with me. I do know I could do better to remember to bring my cold product bag with me. I have never liked plastic bags and detested it when they started shoving those on us years ago by saying we were saving a tree. I can at least recycle paper bags at the curb. The plastic bags are even thinner and less useful than before. I actually cannnot stand them. The only thing I like about them is that I can use them to line my bathroom wastebaskets. WIthout them I would buy ones that breakdown. I would like to see them banned.

1345 An argument for the ban is that all the threats of the destruction of Western May 14, 2012 7:30 PM civilization or, to be more inclusive, all of civilization if certain materials or items were banned have thus far proven false. Lead in gasoline; smoking in restaurants or airplanes; cocaine in CocaCola; mercury in dental fillings; lead in household paint; chloroflurocarbons for air conditioning, phthalates in baby toys....the list is endless and civilization has survived.

1346 I would like to stop using plastic bags but I am so often forgetting to either take in May 14, 2012 7:29 PM my own reusable bags or take in plastic bags received on other shopping trips. If there was a charge for plastic bags or if they were banned, that would help me a lot to do what I already want to do. Sometimes I just take items in my shopping cart without bags and load the items from the cart into my car.

1347 I hate plastic bags. I use a reusable bag whenever I can. May 14, 2012 7:27 PM

1348 Would support a ban if enough education and resources (availability of reusable May 14, 2012 7:03 PM bags) were available to all income levels. Recycling sites at all stores or as part of curbside recycling would be necessary if not a ban.

1349 I realize that it takes a small amount of effort for all of us to be responsible about May 14, 2012 6:51 PM recycling plastic bags. maybe if it was part of the carbide pickup we would get better results

1350 Reusable bags are cumbersome, inconvenient, and are hotbeds for food-bourne May 14, 2012 6:48 PM illness. An outright ban without a reasonable alternative would only serve to annoy shoppers and increase the grocery bill for those of us who don't want to lug around these bags that require more work and trips to the car to bring them in. Not to mention the problem of having more grocery items than would fit in reusable bags if one failed to bring a giant stack of these costly bags. If such a ban were instituted, I would still continue to use (and reuse) plastic bags and grudging pay the extra charge or shop where the ban has not been instituted. Clarification on whether the bags can be placed in the curbside recycle bin would be helpful as well. I have been placing them in the recycle bin and only throw them in the refuse bin if the bags are filled with household trash. Thank you.

1351 I used to be able to request paper instead of plastic. This is rarely possible now May 14, 2012 6:37 PM with only plastic available if I've forgotten to bring in my own bag. Instead of charging us for use of paper (I'm already charged for my cloth bags), charge the

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stores a fee for using plastic that covers recycling.

1352 Not mucj, get rid of them. Have retailers embrace the following: Have recycle May 14, 2012 6:35 PM bins for plastic bags at their stores which are easy to find; encourage folks to use individual bags rather than making you feel like a criminal when you carry a recycable bag into the store; charge for the plastic bags if you must charge; commericialization of friendly bags for pet wastes; have retailers positively inclined to shoppers who use "bring your own bags" by saying thank you.

1353 I would like to see plastic bag usage decrease drastically. I would choose my May 14, 2012 6:24 PM canvas bags over paper and paper over plastic. Recycling is hard because stores like Fred Meyer only want their bags back where Best Buy takes everything. Plastic bags that are of plastic that can recycled more than one time is preferable.

1354 I try to use reusable bags when ever possible but there are times I buy things May 14, 2012 6:17 PM spur of the moment and just don't have one with me so the plastic ones are handy. I would not mind if I had to put all my plastic bags inside one bag before putting them in the recyle bin. That way they are not running loose in there.

1355 Top Food is the only place I know that accepts used plastic bags. Make more May 14, 2012 6:15 PM recycle drop offs available. I am all for a ban on the grocery store and retail store plastic bags.

1356 More places, or more visible places to recycle. In the grocery stores I frequent, May 14, 2012 6:05 PM they are way off to the side.

1357 I think you should promote the film "Bag It!" to a wider audience. I fully support a May 14, 2012 5:53 PM ban on plastics bags. I would also like to see newspaper plastic sleeve bags banned. Even when it's not raining,and even though we have a covered newspaper , we still get a bag around our newspapaer. I wrote to the Olympian but was told it was the route person's choice.

1358 Add a way for curbside recycling instead of having to remember to take them to May 14, 2012 5:36 PM the store. I don't like the ban because it's a simplistic solution. Paper bags carry their own costs of production and shipping. I just don't like govt. micromanaging every aspect of life.

1359 I like to keep a few plastic bags on hand for reuse but I most often use cloth May 14, 2012 5:24 PM bags for grocery shopping. I need to do a better job using cloth for other shopping but often carry out an item or two from the store without plastic (if it is OK with the store). More stores should be using compostable/biodegradable bags. I'm not too keen on having to pay say $.20 for a plastic bag because I am needing a few. I don't know how to get people vested in recycling. Many people just don't care. Probably we need to start with the little kids and set a good example in school.

1360 I don't understand why there is such a focus on plastic bags when there are May 14, 2012 5:13 PM easier and bigger problems with the environment. It seems like a petty issue.

1361 Put pictures of what the recycled bags are used for, by the display cases that May 14, 2012 5:11 PM

120 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

accept them (major groceries, it seems). (e.g. products they are turned into). So people can see the value in recycling. Or show pictures of birds, etc. who are harmed by stray bags in the wild.

1362 Hate 'em. Ban 'em. May 14, 2012 5:10 PM

1363 I work for an organization that promotes responsible pet waste disposal. May 14, 2012 4:59 PM Unfortunately, scooping poop and placing it in a plastic bag is the only recommended solution. Maybe someday we'll have curbside poop pickup and generate energy using methane digesters. Until then, I reuse a lot of my plastic bags to pick up poop. I think society will adapt to a ban on plastic bags. It will push us to remember to bring one or maybe more stores will shift to a "Costco" method of boxing purchases in packing boxes that are recyclable.

1364 As a pet owner, I see more and more public pet waste containers using these May 14, 2012 4:56 PM plastic bags. If the region was to ban these bags, what would happen to the pet waste bag stations - and would those bags be banned as well? How about mulch packaging, etc - way too much plastic being used in EVERYTHING. If a fee was proposed for paper sacks - could that fee be used towards the purchase of a re-useable sack?

1365 I have bought a couple of garbage cans that are made specifically to recycle my May 14, 2012 4:49 PM grocery store plastic bags to use for trash and kitty litter. My concern over using the reuseable grocery bags is the germs that they can carry.

1366 I dont know what the comparable resource use is when discussing plastic versus May 14, 2012 4:42 PM paper. Of course, the danger to wildlife, and lack of compostable bags impacts the use of plastic. I do use them for any number of things like lining garbage bags, even though I use cloth bags for my shopping. And I use compostable bags for some things like my garbage in the kitchen. I like to have plastic bags to put shoes in when hiking and wet clothes from backpacking trips etc.... I would support getting rid of the plastic though...but then..... what about the elderly. A plastic bag is a lot easier to carry than a full paper bag. There are no easy answers. many other countries have banned why not here!

1367 They have safety value in helping to prevent bacterial contamination of groceries May 14, 2012 4:30 PM and other purchases. They are reusable for many purposes. They should not be banned."Enviro Nazis" among some politicians and vocal "Greeners" vastly overstate any potential environmental impact. Proposed bans invariably call for fees (taxes) on paper bags @ retail level.

1368 Plastic bags are all over along the roadways! Remember to include fast food May 14, 2012 4:30 PM bags!!! People just throw the food bags, plastic cups and other materials onto the roadside when they are done eating! If McDonalds can use paper bags AND (mostly) paper cups so can the rest!. (note: Burgerville uses clear cups made from corn) Thanks

1369 They can be handy for hauling raw meat. It's a bummer when "meat juice" May 14, 2012 4:28 PM contaminates a cotton bag.

1370 I think that banning plastic bags is an unnecessary and rather "draconian" step May 14, 2012 4:24 PM

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to take. However, there needs to be more education about the effect that the bags have on the environment and people need to be encouraged to reuse and recycle the bags they get and encouraged to use reusable grocery bags whenever possible.

1371 If the plastic bags are biodegradeable I would support there use May 14, 2012 4:23 PM

1372 Most grocery stores give a rebate for bringing your own bags; why don't they May 14, 2012 4:22 PM charge extra for providing plastic bags for your purchases?

1373 i reuse all my plastic bags. I use them in he car and home. I pick up animal May 14, 2012 4:20 PM waste.

1374 Plastic bags are completely recyclable and actually take less energy to produce May 14, 2012 4:18 PM than paper bags. Make plastic bags curb side pick up.

1375 The only thing I like about plastic bags is that I use them as garbage bags. May 14, 2012 4:15 PM

1376 They are better than the paper bags that have a higher fail rate. I use them to May 14, 2012 4:15 PM line trash cans and reuse them for many purposes at home. Paper degrades and is useless for the long term purposes I use bags at home. I do not agree with the control freaks and tree huggers who try to impose an agenda on the rest of society. I see no problem. Authorize plastic bag recycling for those who want to to get rid of their bags. Leave the rest of us alone.

1377 Plastic bags are useful and paper bags also use lots of resources. Make May 14, 2012 4:10 PM recycling available for bags and itewill siginificantly decrease the waste as it has done for all other recyclable wastes. Can't stores charge now for paper or plastic bags? Bans stink. Consider requiring plastic bags to be made of recyclable material or material that will readily decompose.

1378 V. good for pet waste. May 14, 2012 4:08 PM

1379 I bring in my bags when I shop. I usually calculate right but yesterday missed by May 14, 2012 4:03 PM 2 bags. I'm still trying to remember my produce bags so that I won't have to use that plastic. I think that some people are lazy and some just plain don't care how they leave a bigger imprint on the environment. My mom is a big waster and was mad that now they have to have mandatory recycling containers. She will never change her ways. I think though for travellers I wouldn't want them to pay extra for a bag. When you fly it's not like you can bring a lot with you and bags aren't on that list. I refuse plastic and was bringing my own bags to the stores before some would even alow me too. Some retail stores said that they had to put it in a plastic bag. Now they have caught on. Thank you.

1380 I don't like anything about plastic bags. We try to never accept plastic bags. May 14, 2012 3:59 PM They are a complete waste of resources and unnecessary landfill waste. The only advantage to plastic bags is that they are convenient for people who are too lazy and thoughtless about the earth to bother to carry their own.

1381 I can remember when plastic bags were hailed as the environmental salvation of May 14, 2012 3:56 PM the forest. Are we having another fad here? At one time plastics were the way

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to recycle the refinery wastes after the gasoline was extracted. What percentage of crude petroleum is now directly used in the manufacture of plastics? You are focusing on one narrow segment of the packaging industry. Retailers only fill the bags halfway. After doing graduate work in environmental engineering I am convinced that the rational way of disposal of "plastics" and paper. is to burn solid waste to generate electricity.I am the former supervisor for solid waste disposal of the City of Dallas.

1382 I would like to see local Yelm fluorescent light bulb recycling at those stores that May 14, 2012 3:53 PM SELL THEM.

1383 Paper bags with handle would be necessary. Charging for plastic bags would be May 14, 2012 3:53 PM ok. I know sometimes I go to the store for just a few items and end up with a ton of bags. store seems to give you more than you need. I'd LOVE to be able to use my curbside recycling. I would recycle 100% of my bags.

1384 1. Why can't all plastic bags be made from "green" materials that will make them May 14, 2012 3:48 PM break down in the landfill, or in the forest, or in the ocean - the same way that paper bags break down? 2. Encourage people to bring their own bags by giving more than 5 cents if they don't use the store supplied bag.

1385 Perhaps banning thin bags which tear easily and aren't good for re-use is one May 14, 2012 3:48 PM option in moving forward with reducing our plastics use. Plastic can be very easy to recycle through re-pelleting if certain plastic materials and ink standards are adhered to, so before making a decision one way or the other, the county should look into how much energy is required for plastic bag recycling versus paper bag recycling, because I'm not sure that is more "efficient."

1386 It's easier, especially for seniors, to handle groceries in plastic bags. Have May 14, 2012 3:33 PM plastic recycleable at the curb in a separate container.

1387 It is unclear whether the plastic bag recycling in stores actually go to recycling May 14, 2012 3:29 PM efforts or are simply thrown away. I would support a tax on the creators of throw away garbage; the stores themselves. All responsibility for recycling or proper disposal gets dumped on the consumer once that bag or other packaging leaves the store. If stores where taxed (fast food restaurants also) for the garbage they create, there would instantly be less garbage guaranteed.

1388 Although I do not use plastic bags, there are some members of our community May 14, 2012 3:22 PM that have no choice. And to charge for paper bag is ludicrous! We are already "charged" to death, with no increase in income. Why not mandate that businesses use only biodegradable bags? I purchase the bio=bags for food garbage and pet excrement even though they cost more than the plastic bags from the grocery store. Bag recycling at curbside would certainly encourage folks to recycle. When I return the bags to the store, their collection bins are normally stuffed to overflowing.

1389 Just require bio-degradable plastic bags at the stores. May 14, 2012 3:17 PM

1390 My problem is that I have a really hard time remembering to bring my reusable May 14, 2012 3:13 PM bags to or in the grocery store. We accumulate a massive amount of bags, and

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end up recycling them but I'm still not convinced this is the best solution. If I COULDN'T use plastic bags, I'd have to remember to bring reusable ones to the store - or at least request paper.

1391 I use ALL of my plastic bags for picking up dog waste; which I feel is also May 14, 2012 3:13 PM important for the environment. If I have to buy bags I will be less likely to perform this job.

1392 The ban exists in other municipalities, why not ours. The time for a ban is now. May 14, 2012 3:09 PM

1393 Make it easier to recycle them, or have re-usable bags available for free for time May 14, 2012 3:03 PM when you forget your own.

1394 I get at least two uses out of every one of mine, and every so often I take the May 14, 2012 2:57 PM extras I have in a bundle back to the store to the recycle barrel. I know they're used for things like the Trex Deck I have in my back yard. The problem with reusable bags is most people do not clean them and they are full of bad bacteria. Eventually we're going to see a bad out break of some disease started from this.

1395 People should bring their own grocery bags with them to the market. We do. May 14, 2012 2:46 PM

1396 Or, allow them to be put into the recycle bin. May 14, 2012 2:35 PM

1397 Not all plastic bags are harmful, since some get used for other purposes. Before May 14, 2012 2:35 PM the invention of plastic we used paper bags, or reusable bags of some sort. Paper is not all that good becuse it is using a diminishing resource, but at least it is bio-degradable. Surely, our genius chemists can invent a plastic bag that is bio-degradable, or that dissolves in some fashion, eliminating them as a major portion of our nation's landfill.

1398 Charging a fee at the store is just another taxation without representation. May 14, 2012 2:22 PM

1399 If plastic bags are banned, retailers need to offer another form of bags, like the May 14, 2012 2:10 PM good old fashion paper bags. If plastic bags were recycleable in my curbside recycling, I would recycle them that way. Until then, I use resuable cloth bags as much as possible. And when i do leave a store with a plastic bag, I always re- use it for another purpose such as lining a wastebasket..

1400 Plastic bags are widely available (in case I forget to bring a reusable bag). But May 14, 2012 1:49 PM they cannot be easily recycled - at least, I don't think they can be put into my comingled recyclables bin, for LeMay (Butler Cove Refuse). I still ask for paper, from time to time, but almost all my grocery shopping is with reusable bags. The way to increase bag recycling? Have stores charge for bags.

1401 Plastic bags should be banned, they are wasteful they cause problems in the May 14, 2012 1:46 PM environment, they are expensive for businesses to purchase, the cause death to marine life.

1402 I love the idea of taking my (many) cloth bags with me to shop. It is fun to have May 14, 2012 1:33 PM different styles and designs. Plastic is a terrible thing in our oceans, bays, roads. They are all over the ground in 3rd world places and water breeds misquitos. Ban the darn things here in Thurston Co. Kathy K

124 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

1403 What I like is that I can re-use them for things like cleaning the cat's litter box, May 14, 2012 1:31 PM lining bathroom trash cans, consolidating things I'm taking to friends and family, etc. Recycling could be increased by simply allowing the plastic bags to be placed in the recycling container. A ban on plastic bags increases cost to consumers, it makes shopping less convenient, and who knows what problems the re-usable bags that stores sell will cause the envioronment.

1404 Retailer clerks are too quick to put items in plastic bags even when I have my May 14, 2012 1:23 PM own bags with me. When plastic bags are needed for bagging, many retailers put too few items per bag thus requiring even more bags. I wish we could recycle the bags at our curbside pickup.

1405 For the most part, I would like to see a ban on plastic grocery bags. That said, I May 14, 2012 1:17 PM use my own reusable grocery bags (when I remember! which is about 90 percent of the time). I do intentionally bring home some plastic grocery bags to reuse to line waste baskets and to collect pet waste from my cat and dog. For several years I was purchasing rather expensive biodegradable large kitchen trasg bags. However, I am self-employed and recently experienced some loss of client work that translated into reducing my home budget. Right now, it would be an excessive expense for me to purchase both biodegradable kitchen and trash/pet can liners. So, I end up purchasing regular plastic kitchen bags these days and rely on the grocery bags for the other household uses. It's a conundrum for me personally, and I don't have an answer for that right now. However, if banning plastic grocery bags came up for a vote today, I would probably go ahead and make the sacrifice to do away with them and find another method, such as purchased paper bags, to dispose of my pet litter and line my smaller trash bags. I would continue to purchase non-biodegradable kitchen size plastic bags. Thanks for the opportunity to express my opinion. Holly E. Harmon

1406 I would be all for bannig use of plastic bags by stores. I use my reusable bags May 14, 2012 1:16 PM all the time. Would this ban also be on plastic bages used for produce and meats? I would hope to keep these bags for leaking items in my reusable bags.

1407 Be able to drop a bundle of bags in recycle bin. I use the bags in my garbage May 14, 2012 1:11 PM cans in my home.

1408 I take my own bags into most stores; otherwise, I usually refuse a plastic bag May 14, 2012 1:07 PM when I can carry out my purchases, if I haven't brought in my own bag. I turn the plastic ones in at Walmart for recycling. I reuse produce bags, then submit them for recycling along with things like bread bags, etc. Plastic grocery bags are such an expense and waste of energy and they clutter and endanger our environment.

1409 I don't like plastic bags and don't use them! May 14, 2012 12:58 PM

1410 being able to recycle plastic bags in trash is a good idea. MAYBE folks would May 14, 2012 12:49 PM use that alternative


125 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)


1412 Plastic bags should be banned. Most people are unaware of the problems they May 14, 2012 12:29 PM create and do not choose on their own to avoid them. The ban would educate people and stop the problem. I NEVER take plastic bags myself but I am aware.Others need a little help to stop using them.

1413 I always bring my own shopping bag to do all of my shopping, even at the mall. I May 14, 2012 12:14 PM would like to see the bags banned, people just don't seem to get the need for recycling them.

1414 Even if plastic bags are re-used once, they still end up in the environment. What May 14, 2012 12:14 PM happens to the plastic bags that are recycled? I like the bags that are biodegradeable. (Ralph's Thriftway uses them) We could require that those are the only bags allowed by retailers in our community if they use plastic bags.

1415 My family uses every plastic bag that it gets from shopping to either 1) line our May 14, 2012 12:08 PM waste baskets in the house, 2) empty cat litter, or 3) another purpose, like carrying things on day trips. If plastic shopping bags were banned - I would have to buy bags for that - how would that help the environment?

1416 My major concern in this issue is that there may be more productive ways to use May 14, 2012 12:05 PM our tax money and energies. Plastic bags are a problem, for sure, but . . .

1417 I willuse plastic bags for some things like meat that might contaminate other May 14, 2012 11:47 AM things, and for fruit and veggies and gooey bakery atuff, but we always use them over to line our kitchen compost

1418 I do not support BANs. I support choice. If choices save money or cost money May 14, 2012 11:46 AM that is a choice I am willing to make.

1419 They may be recyclable but they are not organic. At least paper bags will break May 14, 2012 11:45 AM down as will newspapers. I would prefer limited use of plastic bags available in grocery stores (for messy or drippy produce and meat) and the use of paper bags. How about charging for plastic and NOT paper? That might make a difference. I recycle all of my plastic bags but I know very few people that do. People should be fined for not recycling. It is the only responsible thing to do.

1420 I like reusing some of the plastic bags I get, but I would use a different solution if May 14, 2012 11:38 AM I didn't have them. I also throw some away, which I know I shouldn't. Recycling bags is difficult, because I have to collect them and remember to take them to a store with a bag recycle center. Requiring to charge for bags and letting the retailer keep the bag fee would be equitable and effective, I believe. Everyone would think more about bringing their reusable bags if there was a fee. I'd pay for the occasional paper bag and live without plastic.

1421 I strongly advocate getting rid of as much plastic as we can. We live on the salt May 14, 2012 11:36 AM water, and plastic is on the beach every day. One of the very worst offenders of plastic in the salt water is the shell fish farmers. I've picked up thousands and thousands of their plastic debris. (This is not an exaggeration. We have shown

126 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

two county commissioners this garbage and nothing is done to stop it.)

1422 I would like the curbside recycling to pick up the plastic bags, even if it's in a May 14, 2012 11:32 AM separate container. Plastic bags are handy and easy to use, but we can do without them. The negatives of plastic bags FAR outweigh the benefits.

1423 l like it when the retailers ask if I even need a bag. Many times my purchases May 14, 2012 11:30 AM just fit in my purse or I carry it to my car. I also like using Costco's boxes. Those are easy to recycle. Maybe we can use some of those boxes at our grocery stores, etc. PLASTIC BAGS ARE NOT EASY TO RECYCLE. COULD YOU MAKE THEM OUT OF SOME "FOOD" PRODUCT LIKE THE "PEANUTS" USED AS PACKING MATERIAL THAT MELT IN YOUR MOUTH? (I KNOW IF THEY MELT WITH LIQUIDS IT WOULD MAKE IT DIFFICULT TO USE.) OR CHARGE US .50 FOR 1 PLASTIC BAG AS THAT WOULD FORCE ME TO BRING MY OWN!! THAT WOULD SERVE AS A REMINDER TO ME!! AND THEN I'D REALLY GET ON BOARD. $$$ MAKE ME CHANGE MY BEHAVIOR. If I don't change then I should pay through the nose for contributing to damaging the enviroment. Incentive tends to change behavior...unfortunately.

1424 Need these bags for pet waste. I reuse every one I bring home. If they were May 14, 2012 11:26 AM banned we would use alot more energy to make bags out of paper or some other material. It is extremely effecient to make plastic bags using very little energy compared to paper. I wish City of Oly would take plastic in their curbside recycle bins, so far only bottles.

1425 By the time I take my plastic bags to the grocery store recycle collection area, May 14, 2012 11:24 AM there are so many I can barely fit them in the collection bin and I feel like I have done something wrong to leave a giant bag of bags outside the bin. Making recycling easier (curbside) or banning the plastic is the way to go. I have reusable bags but only remember them maybe 20% of the time.

1426 I think the survey should have been done differently. Strongly disagree does May 14, 2012 11:24 AM not equal never. Is it easy to recycle your bags? People have no clue that the wind across a dump would have anything to do with the plastic trash bag they put in the garbage. How does that get to the fish and fowl? How about a $.05 discount for paper or recycle bags? Better yet I like Costco. NO BAGS at all.

1427 Poorly written questionaire. May 14, 2012 11:21 AM

1428 I don't like them - and would support a ban. May 14, 2012 10:59 AM

1429 I support a ban on plastic grocery bags. However, I do not support the stores May 14, 2012 10:59 AM charging for paper bags. In my opinion, that's the cost of doing business. Maybe the stores' executives could accept only a $1 million raise per year instead of more...

1430 I like plastic bags. They are easy to carry and to store. The County needs to May 14, 2012 10:55 AM allow for them in the large recycling containers.

1431 I don't mind the use of plastic bags; however, they definitely need to be recycled. May 14, 2012 10:51 AM Our family recycles 100% of the plastic bags we get. We take them over to the

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recycle place at the dump since our curb side service doesn't address those. Seems like those could be picked up on the same schedule as glass.

1432 Change human behavior now: start charging for use of plastic bags: 25 cents May 14, 2012 10:48 AM each.

1433 I was on vacation in Kauai a month ago. The Walmart Store offer their own May 14, 2012 10:48 AM recyclable bags for a small fee. They had no plastic bags at all. Great way to get the plastic out and recycle bags in.

1434 grocern store-based plastic bags are a souce of other uses such as pet waste, May 14, 2012 10:44 AM home garbage can liners etc. In many cased these uses maybe additional consumer purchased pastice bags rather than re-used plastic bags. Baning grocery bags is not a solution to limiting pastic bag use. Be clear about the purpose and outcomes. At present the messaging is a little onesided.

1435 The only things I like about plastic bags is their use for pet waste, and that they May 14, 2012 10:43 AM seem to keep my produce fresh for a longer period of time than when I don't bag the produce. I never think to take bags in for recycling, but am trying to be better about taking previously used bags along when I shop. A ban would be fine - I'd just need to change my habits.

1436 It is my opinion that we do a good job of general recycling in this area. However, May 14, 2012 10:29 AM we do not need an ordinance which no one will enforce. This is not a good use of the diminishing staff resources of Thurston County. The budget, county roads, public safety and public health should be our county government priorities.

1437 Look at what's worked in other communities. Incentives can work better than May 14, 2012 10:28 AM bans.

1438 We've been on the band wagon with re-useable bags since 2006. We re-use, May 14, 2012 10:24 AM recycle what few we bring into the house. While I'm not against banning bags, there needs to be a cost effective alternative, to take their place. And I'm not sure that cutting more trees is the answer. Although they compost very well.

1439 Offer recycling of these bags just as we do other recyclables May 14, 2012 10:23 AM

1440 If we're going to use "one use" plastic bags for groceries, i'd like them to break May 14, 2012 10:23 AM down faster so they less likely to cause problems with animals

1441 They are easier to carry groceries. More places to recycle the bags. It is harder May 14, 2012 10:23 AM for the elderly to take bags into the store.

1442 I have tried using reusable shopping bags before, but they get loaded so heavy I May 14, 2012 10:20 AM can't carry them - I got tired of trying to get the clerks to not load them so heavy. I would reuse plastic bags if they were better quality and didn't get holes in them after one use. Reusuable bags also don't have a disclaimer on them informing you to wash them regularly, so this increases the risk of illness, another reason I am hesitant to start using them.

1443 We reuse the plastic bags that we do receive whereever possible, and recycle all May 14, 2012 10:20 AM

128 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

torn or ripped bags that cannot be reused. Our living community requires trash to be bagged so that the staff can handle it for compacting. More bags would be recycled if this was offered curbside. I now bring mine to work or to the grocery stores that offer recycling. We have reusable grocery bags and we reuse our extra paper bags from Trader Joe's until it is time to compost them. I am concerned about the recent case of a young man, from the Tacoma area I believe, who has lost an arm due to flesh eating bacteria that was linked to his family's reusable grocery bags. This is frightening. Several of our bags are plastic coated and cannot be washed in the washing machine. The ban against plastic bags will likely increase costs, but I am okay with stores charging more for paper bags. It would encourage all of us to use reusable bags more often and reduce the litter and waste of unsturdy plastic bags.

1444 I always reuse my plastic bags. However, I have a large family and it is May 14, 2012 10:16 AM necessary to purchase large loads of groceries at one time and it would be very difficult to have that many cloth bags available to bring home my groceries. My boys reuse the plastic bags for their lunches and they get recycled at their high school.

1445 I store food, line small trash cans in the house, keep using one for about a week May 14, 2012 10:16 AM to put scooped cat litter into, tote items to work or to family's houses, use as car litter bag, etc. I only consign bags to the landfill that are soiled beyond rescue. When they are somewhat soiled, I wash them with anti-baterial dish soap, hang them to dry, and re-use them. (I know this uses water so not the best course, but...) I recycle ALL plastic grocery bags I can by taking them to a grocery store that accepts them.

1446 Favor a push for reusable bags as paper bags take more resources to make May 14, 2012 10:15 AM even though they are compostable.

1447 Curbside recycling would be GREAT! Also having more locations in grocery May 14, 2012 10:15 AM stores could help.

1448 More places to recycle plastic bags would be helpful. I reuse my bags and May 14, 2012 10:14 AM recyclce them at the grocery store. A "ban" is unecessary.

1449 I don't believe there is a recycle option for plastic bags in Thurston County. I May 14, 2012 10:13 AM reuse my bags for other uses as much as possible, but they still end up in the garbage eventually. I would recycle them if that was an option.

1450 Currently plastic bags cannot go into our mixed recycling. Allowing this would go May 14, 2012 10:11 AM a long way toward minimizing their impacts. I probably re-use about 50% of the plastic bags I get by using them for garbage can liners and especially for a trash bag in my car. I would not support a ban on the use of plastic bags, but would support an added fee that would support litter removal crews in the county and/or increased reycling fees to allow these bags to be recycled in a co-mingled recycling.

1451 I like the fact that they are not as full as a brown bag and they are easier to May 14, 2012 10:10 AM carry.

129 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

1452 I regularly use reusable bags, but I don't like to get penalized for an occasional May 14, 2012 10:10 AM laps of memory. There are also certain items that do not due well in paper. I would like to see some voluntary cooperation efforts first.

1453 They are convienent and inexpensive is why we use them. However, they May 14, 2012 10:10 AM persist in the environment and are a hazard to some wildlife and are an eyesore. Their widespread overuse has created a problem that should be addressed. A simple change in human behavior can remedy the problem we have created. Currently these bags are free to consumers. They should not be as their use creates a cost to society. They should be priced accordingly.

1454 Concern for low income individuals having to pay for a paper bag. I would hope May 14, 2012 10:09 AM the corporate stores would give out free reusable bags.

1455 I don't like plastic bags, and I don't like when you get them at the grocery store May 14, 2012 10:08 AM they usually only put a few items in so you have so many bags.

1456 I always re-use my plastic bags for pet waste and garbage can liners. Saves me May 14, 2012 10:07 AM money!

1457 I use the bags for garbage. A ban would have me purchasing similar sized May 14, 2012 10:07 AM plasitc bags for my garbage. I try to use a cloth bag when I don't need a plasic bag for my garbage.

1458 Although I do see people bringing in their own reusable bags to grocery stores, it May 14, 2012 10:07 AM seems that most people don't. The clerks use way too many too - putting only a couple of items in each plastic bag. I need to use some plastic bags for kitty litter but try to use reusable ones whenever I can (and I remember to take them in). If stores sold reusable bags or gave them away if you spend a certain amount of money that might help. Also, stores like Target, Macys? What about them? Thanks..

1459 make them recyclable through Pacific Disposal recycling curbside. Have stores May 14, 2012 10:07 AM stop giving them with every little pack of gum. Stop wrapping my hairspray when adding it to the bag of canned goods or pack it with other household cleaners or non-edible/non-pet food items. Get more into the practice of asking customers if they even need a bag. Even the little black bags from the convenience stores could be severely reduced. I'm going to drink that soda when I get in the car. Why do I need a bag for it and the bag of chips. There's no use for it, other than to make sure the person only walks out with what they paid for at the counter.

1460 If we could recycle plastic bags in our curbside recycling, it would be MUCH May 14, 2012 10:06 AM easier to do!

1461 I think if more solutions were offered, more people would recycle them. Perhaps May 14, 2012 10:05 AM give some type of store credit for turning in used plastic bags or some type of incentive. I would be more supportive of that rather than a negative action (such as a ban and a fee).

1462 I re-use plastic bags during the summer months as I sell vegetables and use the May 14, 2012 7:05 AM plastic bags for customers to carry their produce once purchased as these bags

130 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

have handles.

1463 I try to use reusable backs most of the time, but there are times I forget them in May 12, 2012 6:28 PM the car or we have more groceries that can fit in my bags.

1464 I reuse all that I can, but I would like to see a ban on plastic is ridiculous May 12, 2012 5:31 PM to use something one time and throw it away. We need to protect our environment, reduce our use of petroleum products and reshape our societies consumer habits. I support a ban!

1465 Move to a city that already has this useless ban. Quit infringing on my life and May 12, 2012 11:56 AM rights.

1466 I reuse plastic bags and if banned, would simply purchase them for trash May 12, 2012 12:34 AM baskets, picking up dog waste, etc. As a result, there still would be plastic bags in my garbage. The difference would be that I paid for them, along with my larger plastic kitchen garbage liners, my lawn-leaf plastic bags, my plastic large garbage can liners, my plastic contractors bags, my plastic freezers bags, and my plastic sandwich bags.

1467 My usage of plastic bags is limited to produce bags for fresh produce--maybe 1- May 11, 2012 7:34 PM 2/week. I reuse them, but eventually they usually end up in the trash.

1468 Whay shoud we have to pay for paper bags when we didn't before the stroes May 11, 2012 3:56 PM used plastci bags. And if you are going to outlaw palstic bags make it for alll reatail store not just grocery stroes

1469 Instead of banning plastic bags, make recycling available curbside. Many of us May 11, 2012 2:07 PM use our bags for pet waste.

1470 I really try to reduce my use of plastic bags. I bring my own reusable bags to the May 11, 2012 12:41 PM store or just carry my items out of the store with no bag. Checkers should ask, "Do you NEED a bag?" before automatically putting one or two items in a bag. They may find when the question is put like that people will say, "no, not really," The only time I use plastic is with drippy chicken or meat. Also, it's hard to buy 10 loose oranges without plastic or some way to "wrangle" them. A lot of plastic is used in the produce section. Banning plastic? Yes, because they are a sorce of pollution, no because sometimes you just need plastic, like drippy meats etc. I'd be very happy if plastic was banned in Thurston Co. I'd figure a way to cope with my small concerns.

1471 Personally I prefer to use paper bags because I reuse them for other reasons May 11, 2012 10:19 AM and they can be recycled in my curbside bin. However, there is a significant amount of literature suggesting that plastic bags have less overall environmental impact. More facts are needed to make an informed decision. Also, it would be a LOT more convenient if plastic bags could be recycled curbside.

1472 I think a documentary about plastic bags (featuring other plastics as well) May 11, 2012 9:51 AM clogging our oceans and other waterways should be available for the public to view via public arenas for educational purposes. Also, more general education on how to re-use plastics. e.g., My mother braided rugs out of plastic

131 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

bags...lasted a long time and they looked great!

1473 Plastic bags can be donated/recycled at the Lacey Library, for carrying checked- May 11, 2012 1:10 AM out books, as well as at many grocery stores. I always contain/control my plastic bags, never letting one of them be released into the environment. I am strongly disappointed in other people that cause problems with their plastic bags. However, I do not believe that the answer is a total ban. Instead, the perpetrators should be educated into proper behavior through peer-pressure and public service announcements (some of which could be funded through grants). Political intervention through attempts at legislating morals and politically correct behavior doesn't work. There are a myriad of other more pressing problems in our world and county, which scream out for correction. I implore you to NOT succumb to the political hysteria which has fueled several cities to jump on the band-wagon of bag-bans. Stop and think for yourselves, which should bring you to the realization that bag-bans don't make either financial or political/ethical sense. Hoped-for benefits to the environment won't outweigh the deliterious effects on a fragile economy. The plastic load in the environment is already huge, from all sources... not just bags. Besides that, the enormous debris field heading our way from the Japanese earthquake/tsunami last year will likely dwarf the litter problem. We need to get ready statewide, to address that impending natural transfer of humankind's refuse from one side of the world to the other. Don't get sidetracked on plastic bags, since those who do risk defeat at the next election. It's just part of the same human nature you aim to re-align.

1474 I try to use re-useable bags as much as possible. If I don't take one of my re- May 10, 2012 11:39 PM useables into the store, my next option is to request paper (except for items like raw meat or items that are wet, like produce). Reducing the amount of plastic bags used is definitely needed, but there are still situations where the plastic is either preferable (like raw meat, wet produce, or wet garbage) or is required (our trash pickup prefers the trash to be placed in plastic trashbags). Perhaps the fee should be on requesting plastic shopping bags instead of paper, and reinstate the 5-cent discount for using re-useable shopping bags at stores.

1475 I personally always ask for paperbags when shopping at the grocery store. The May 10, 2012 4:39 PM only plastic bags I ever have from the store is an occasional one for vegetables and produce. Where available I use paper sacks for those too. I use the paper bags for my garbage collection

1476 only needed for sticky dripping things like chicken, Sometimes I forget, but May 10, 2012 1:32 PM otherwise always bring cloth bags. Occasionaly get a paper bag becuase I need one for paper recyling

1477 I think plastic bags are handy for some items like meat, but mostly they should May 10, 2012 9:21 AM not be produced, used or put back into the waste stream.

1478 BAN THE BAGS!!! We are smart enough to do without this wasteful practice! :) May 9, 2012 3:46 PM

1479 I don't like plastic bags, other than compostable bags. During my travels in May 9, 2012 3:35 PM Europe, I've observed that shoppers are expected to bring their own bags (often a rolling shopping cart) - and when they don't, a fee is charged for plastic bags. I would like to see Thurston County move in this direction.

132 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

1480 I use my plastic bags for garbage and lining my trash cans. I also use them for May 9, 2012 3:27 PM carrying things when needed. I feel that cloth bags get dirty real quick and need continuous washing which cost me money for detergent and water and electricity for cleaning them, I live on a limited income and with all the taxes and other things that need to be paid, I can't afford them.

1481 I'm from Germany and we have the plastic bags ban for 20 + years in use now. I May 9, 2012 2:47 PM think it is a great idea. It's just a madder of getting used to.

1482 I don't know about the curbside recycling of plastic bags. I take mine to either a May 9, 2012 2:39 PM supermarket to recycle or to the excellent hawks prairie transfer station for recycling. I like plastic bags because they don't leak like paper bags. I don't think you will increase bag recycling because 85% of humans are apathetic or lazy pigs.

1483 Quit the social engineering you liberal loonballs. May 9, 2012 2:00 PM

1484 I think that curbside recycling would greatly increase the amount of recycling of May 9, 2012 1:51 PM plastic bags.

1485 plastic bags are convenient - make them to be able to put in the recycle bin - tied May 9, 2012 1:41 PM up like shredding etc. put more "recycle" boxes in places around store - 1 in a huge store like Fred Meyer is ridiculous. i try to use my own bags - but i don't always remember for a "quick" run into the store.

1486 I think we should cut out plastic bags all together or charge a high fee for each May 9, 2012 10:16 AM bag used. If thats not possible then it would be great for baggers to but more than just one or two items in a plastic bag and then move on to the next. Also people need to use more reusable bags because I see plastic bags thrown away all the time and it disgusts me.

1487 Easy to throw away and compact very well. May 9, 2012 9:35 AM

1488 YOU the people who make the changes can't seem to make up your mind about May 9, 2012 7:59 AM what is safe. You let insane groups to decide issues that effect all the people. How much resources go into making cloth bags? Or cardboard boxes? Spend more time in reducing the way products are packed for the consumer! Remember Paper or Plastic? YOU LOSE!

1489 I prefer reusable cloth bags because they are larger, stronger, and much more May 9, 2012 7:49 AM convenient overall. Instead of using environmental scare tactics or a new law, try educating the public with a POSITIVE message about the convenience of cloth bags. I'm so tired of the "gloom and doom" rhetoric.

1490 i dont like enything about plastic bags becus i cant do enything with them but May 9, 2012 1:55 AM throw them in the trash after i hav reused them. i personaly thingk that plastic bags should be band and that it be reqired that all paper bags be made of reciceld matirial. but thats just me.

1491 I really don't like anything about plastic bags. Everything I need can be taken May 8, 2012 5:05 PM care of with a reusable bag. I believe it would be beneficial for businesses who

133 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

"opt out" of plastic bag use to receive some incentive. I have no idea what that would be; however, I believe the only way to really facilitate what we want to achieve is to work with businesses. I don't feel that adding a fee for paper bag use is the answer, either. Also, not all reusable bags are created equal. Some of those bags have been found to be made with questionable materials. I guess an argument, against, would be the cost of replacing them...which will probably be felt by the consumer. If there would be a plastic bag recycling bin provided to residents, that would be a huge plus! Educate the public by showing us what is done with recycled plastic bags. Thank you for addressing this issue.

1492 Seems checkers are encouraged to put only a few same type items in one bag. May 8, 2012 2:51 PM

1493 Ban the bags! May 8, 2012 2:05 PM

1494 I would like to see less use of plastic bags in the county. I think they do have May 8, 2012 12:11 PM some good uses especially if they are reused for other purposes. I like reusable bags but I have concerns that they too will start filling up the land fills. Especially the ones that have the plastic or lining. I also feel that it would help to have the ability to recyle bags curbside. If it's easier, more people will do it!

1495 There are no valid arguments against a ban. There are plenty of alternatives to May 8, 2012 11:58 AM plastic bags.

1496 You (Lawmakers/Goverment) pushed us to use plastic without thinking things May 8, 2012 11:09 AM through. Which I believe our goverment seems to always do.... or uses the statement "Your just going to have to pass it to see what's in it". Our state parks (overnighters) don't even have recyle bins, we are suppose to haul it all back. So "NO!", I would not support a ban and then charge us for paperbags. We as consumers have to live in the beds we make.... so now you do too.

1497 People who litter plastic bags should be made to wear them. (Pin them to thier May 8, 2012 10:39 AM shirts). Or, maybe they should be made to put them over their heads and tied tightly around their necks.

1498 I reuse plastic bags for so many things until they are no longer useful. I don't May 8, 2012 9:06 AM know if they can be recycled, but they should be.

1499 I worry about customers who cannot afford to pay for bags, but it is easy to keep May 7, 2012 5:37 PM bags in the car and use them. Maybe the phasing in needs to be time sensitive.

1500 Have more recycling containers available or locations where we can donate May 7, 2012 4:40 PM them for use, i.e., salvation army, food bank???

1501 I don't really like plastic bags and don't usually use them. What we do acquire, May 7, 2012 3:33 PM gets recycled at Fred Meyer. If you take the plastic bags away, people will figure out they need to provide their own bags or buy a paper bag. Reward those that think ahead to bring their bags or refuse a bag for a small item (Fred Meyer credits you five cents per re-usable bag. In Europe, we were introduced to having to purchase a plastic bag for what was less than a penny but it sure added up if you bought a lot. Double bagging was very rare because no one wanted to pay double for the plastic bags. If you purchased something in a

134 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

speciality store, they wrapped your item in paper and handed it over with no bag of any kind. It was learned early to bring your own shopping bag to carry what you purchased. My opinion is no plastic bags, just use cloth bags that can be washed for health purposes of cashiers and that can be thrown into the trunk of your car. They don't take up much room when not being used and if you remember to put them back, you're never without them.

1502 If plastic bags were banned then I would be more diligent about bringing & using May 7, 2012 2:51 PM my own bags. If plastic bags were picked up curbside then I would be more likely to recycle them. I don't toss them in the trash unless I have reused them for garbage so I suppose that means they end up in the landfill. Ooops. They are convienient for some uses like the disposal of wet items (a meat or fish tray or their paper wrappings) or lining a bathroom can.

1503 Have all stores which sell goods in plastic bags be required to recieve them for May 7, 2012 11:51 AM recycling. .Againsst ban because it infringes on rights of storeowners and consumers.

1504 I think plastic bags are wasteful. However, more ordinances and regulations are May 7, 2012 11:30 AM not the solution. Instead of more laws, how about promoting reusable bags, biodegradable bags, or charging for the checkout bags. I usually bring my own bags both for produce and for checkout, but I wouldn't mind if I was charged for paper bags, and would be thrilled if there was a biodegradable alternative to plastic. Let's think of useful, functional solutions instead of regulating ourselves to death.

1505 Increase bag recycling would be great, more locations and options. I don't like May 7, 2012 10:55 AM charging for paper bags, since I need them for compost/yard waste. I usually use reusable shopping bags, but if I forget or am low on paper I will get paper so I can use them for compost.

1506 They are a representation of how pathetically entitled we have become. May 7, 2012 8:59 AM Convenience, convenience, convenience...we will eventually become so fat and lazy and feel so entitled to convenience that some other country will quietly overtake us and we won't see it coming or know what to do when it is happening.

1507 I avoid plastic bags like the plague. The only ones I use are for produce and May 6, 2012 9:03 PM ziploc bags. Both I wash & reuse until they have holes in them or you can't get the smell out of them. I do not take a plastic bag at check out. I either bring my own or carry out what I've purchased without a bag.

1508 Lets go back to paper bags! May 6, 2012 8:25 PM

1509 Many other jurisdictions across the nation are taking this approach. Change isn't May 6, 2012 3:19 PM always easy, but the simple act of switching to canvas bags can avoid worse changes in the future as people cope with a damaged environment.

1510 Curbside recycling would probably increase recycling. We take ours back to the May 6, 2012 2:54 PM store and deposit them there.

1511 Plastic bags are a wasteful blight that have become a bad habit in our "use it May 5, 2012 10:33 PM

135 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

once and throw it out culture" There is no good reason to use them. bag recycling would not be necessary if there was a ban on theses overvalued items.

1512 PROS: Convenience! Perfect design for their purpose if not considering May 5, 2012 4:06 PM disposal.Can be used for a few secondary purposes. Recycleable. CONS: Ubiquitous to the point of having no percveived value. So they are created and discarded to excess. The things that make it great for its purpose makes it hard to manage in the waste stream... lightness makes it easily picked by wind/water & durability makes it persistent. Look digusting strewn about on the roadsides and drainages. I love the idea of using reuseable bags instead, but doubt that it makes such a huge difference in in overall environmental impact when the energy for production and the relatively heavier/bulkier materials are factored in. Any bags will ultimately be in the waste stream. So we trade 1000 small bags for 1 bag that is 1000 times the mass. A ban seems extreme and reactionary. Something like a surcharge for ANY bags, paper or plastic that the customer does not bring in themself, makes more sense to me; say a min $1 for the 1st & 0.25 for each additional. Then put a 0.05 returnable value on them to help get back those that are taken; dealing with bag deposits refunds sounds lika total nightmare though. I would definitely remember my own bags if I knew I'd save couple bucks each time. And if charging will change the perception of their value and cause people to think about them. Maybe squeeze a 2nd use out of them before disposing/recycling.

1513 Banning plastic bags will not solve the problem of needing more recycling May 5, 2012 9:55 AM awareness, nor will it stop the degredation of the environment. It is simply one more regulation placed upon citizens and a form of revenue causing an already hurting economy to pay for reusable and/or paper bags. Do not forget that the factories that manufacture these bags employ human beings, there are consequences to banning them; just as there are consequences to using them.

1514 I remember that we were "led" to plastic bag use to alleviate the use of paper May 5, 2012 7:06 AM bags and save the Paper Planet. Now you are wanting to send us back to paper bags. I will then buy and use small plastic bags for animal waste. You will not win.

1515 I really don't like Thurston County trying to ban what bags I use. They try and May 4, 2012 6:51 PM restrict everything I do...from how/what I garden, now to what kind of bag I use at grocery stores!! Get out of my business!! I am not against plastic bags not being available, but I do not like the fee for paper bags.

1516 In my opinion the islands of plastic and trash we throw "away" is shameful. My 6 May 4, 2012 6:40 PM year old daughter asked, "mommy, where is away?"

1517 There's really no excuse for people not being able to bring their own bags when May 4, 2012 3:49 PM doing most shopping. Occasionally we can forget, but that's when an appropriate small fee can be charged for the bags from the store. Thanks for considering this issue!

1518 If the plastic bags are replaced with the paper bags with the handles, I'd not be May 4, 2012 2:52 PM upset.

136 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

1519 I think it needs to be more convenient for the consumer to be able to recycle May 4, 2012 2:09 PM their plastic bags with their curb recycle & garbage. Retail stores should also have more receptacles available to collect old bags. I wouldn't be against having a plastic bag ban & having a fee for paper bags. It would encourage us all to reuse our bags, reduce waste & protect our environment.

1520 plastic bags are great for used kitty litter. save them for this use and as waste May 4, 2012 11:12 AM basket liners in the bathroom.

1521 I often use cloth bags when shopping, but, when I do get a plastic bag, I May 4, 2012 10:04 AM reuse/recycle it. I use reuse them by using them to pick up pet waste and placing in the trash. For bags that have too many holes in them to reuse, I recycle them at a local grocery store. I feel that I am a responsible plastic bag user, but feel others are not. Because of this, I would like to see a ban on plastic bags. (Even though it means I would have to buy bags for pet waste disposal!)

1522 I do use plastic shopping bags for trash can liners and to pick up pet waste, so I May 4, 2012 8:50 AM have a use for the bags if I forget my reusable bag. If a ban is put in place I would recommend charging for the use of plastic bags (disincentive for using them) and conducting a campaign to inform citizens that it is not the stores that are charging the fee. At the beginning I would also offer a way for folks to get free or discounted reusable bags, possibly by having businesses donate them or donate funding to have special bags made as part of an outreach campaign.

1523 Keep out of the issue. May 4, 2012 7:44 AM

1524 If bags were banned, i know sometimes i would find this annoying and May 3, 2012 9:31 PM inconvenient, but would accept the fee if i had to purchase bag(s) at check out. People, including me, need to be more conserving and resourceful - like people where only 50 or so years ago. In time, carrying a reuseable bag or bags would become the norm. People don't like change, so expect push back -- but know that if this is adopted, people will adapt and get used to it in time. I wholeheartedly support the ban. Thanks for seeking input.

1525 What I like about plastic bags is that they hold grocery items (etc.). We can May 3, 2012 6:49 PM increase bag recycling by making a bigger on the bags saying something like, "Please reuse this bag or recycle at any local grocery store." We can also make all stores have a plastic bag recycling station.

1526 I would like to see public bag recycling programs. Plastic bags are very useful to May 3, 2012 5:31 PM me and my family. It would be difficult without them.

1527 They are very useful at home for picking up animal waste and as small garbage May 3, 2012 5:01 PM bags. I typically shop in stores that use free paper bags and only get a bag or two per week that is plastic. I also own many reusable ones but I am always forgetting to take them with me to the grocery store. It is probably a habit issue one that I need to get into and this type of change would get people thinking about it more but it is also one that hit's people in the pocket and when you're low on money for food the last thing you want to do is have to spend those dollars on grocery bags.

137 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

1528 The number of plastic bags used is ASTONISHING! I think there's got to be a May 3, 2012 4:50 PM better way. Banning their use at the check-out stand while charging for the use of paper bags is a great idea: many fewer plastic bags will be used AND shoppers have an incentive to bring their own reusable bags. My grocery store gives me a 5-cent credit for each bag I bring --also a good idea!

1529 Plastic bags are great for a multiple of uses. I use them to line my bathroom May 3, 2012 4:46 PM garbage can, to pick up after my animals at home and at the dog parks. There have been times that I have extras which I take to the dog park for other dog owners that do not have anything to use to pick up their animal waste. Plastic bags do have a use in a lot of american households.

1530 i love plastic bags, can't you find something else to do May 3, 2012 3:36 PM

1531 Plastic bags are handy for a variety of reasons (wet clothes, covering wet May 3, 2012 2:33 PM paintbrushes/paint rollers, faux painting). Instead of charging consumers for paper bags or banning plasitc bags altogether, it would be better to allow plastic bags to be put in with other recyclables since I don't see them ever going away completely. The obvious best method would be for all stores to go back to paper only and absorb that cost as the cost of doing business. Believe me, they are making plenty of profit and we, the consumer, are already paying for the price of either type bag through goods we purchase.

1532 Provide more locations where bags can be dropped off for recycle (Fred Meyer May 3, 2012 2:03 PM is where I take mine). For the ban: Reduce litter, decrease resource usage. Against the ban: I use them to line waste baskets. I use them when I forget to use my recycled bag. They are more convienient than paper bags for many products. At some self-check-outs, using your own bag requires having one of the clerks come by to bypass using your own bag.

1533 Currently plastic bags are not on the recycle bin list in my area, although I May 3, 2012 1:44 PM recycle them for other uses when I do get them. I try to use reusable bags when I remember to bring them with me on spur of the moment shopping trips. Plastic bags are great to reuse for wet items and garbage bags but eventually we have to throw them away. A ban on these bags may not be the entire answer, most everyone I know uses some kind of plastic bag for lining thier garbage cans even if it is not a plastic grocery bag. It would be more appropriate I think to have a "better plasitc bag", one that will break down in a very short amount of time. Taking steps to ensure that garbage does not enter our waterways would also be helpful.

1534 I like plastic bags since I do reuse them for other purposes. But I fully May 3, 2012 1:04 PM acknowledge that the majority of people do not and they end up hurting marine life and at times terrestrial animals if they injest them.

1535 Ban them. It's the only way people will change their habits. May 3, 2012 12:36 PM

1536 If we do this how about cutting the government budget by 25% too just in wages. May 3, 2012 12:28 PM

1537 I like having the bags to reuse for "icky" household waste that has to go in the May 3, 2012 12:19 PM garbage. (i.e. snotty tissues, rags used for really gross cleanups, etc.) I reuse

138 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

plastic bags at least once, and sometimes more. I take reusable bags with me whenever I can. It helps when the stores have "Did you remember to bring your bags" signs, especially when those are posted in the parking lot. I do not support a plastic bag ban. Bans are not all that effective. See William Rathje's book, "Rubbish" and his research in The Garbage Project.

1538 Get your hands off of your tax payers. If you ban the bags then we will just May 3, 2012 12:04 PM PURCHASE plastic bags for our garbage and pet waste. This will in turn increase the manufacturing, shipping and other related items to get these additional bags to the consumer. This will increase fuel consumption (green house gases), energy use to manufacture, etc. I am unsure if the plastic bags can be placed in the recycle container but will happily do so if the service is provided. I do like to reuse the bags for garbage can liners and pet waste and to temporarily hold damp clothing for the wash. I also like to reuse paper bags for storing shredded documents for recycling.

1539 Think about the actual cost of the "reusable" cloth bags and where they are May 3, 2012 11:55 AM manufactured? Who made them, what natural resource was used, labor laws, etc... Which product actually does more harm in total? This country still does far more recycling than others. Don't push the liberal agenda on the majority just because you get the press time.

1540 Some things just need to be go into a plastic bag, whether shopping or May 3, 2012 11:16 AM disposing. HOWEVER, they represent a minimum of my purchases. I use my own shopping bags when possible. Many of the bags are just too flimsy and have holes in the bottom, so you can't really use them when you need a water- tight container. They are also too small for more than a few items at the grocery store. Those that are more substantial do get used over and over in my home, I never just throw them out. Keeping paint brushes & rollers from drying out during lunch or overnight, dog doo, cleanup rags or towels from oven cleaning, many other uses. My mother never threw them out (a child of the depression), they were always folded w/ a loose knot and kept in a large bag in her cleaning closet.

1541 Get rid of them. People won't switch to using reusable bags until plastic is taken May 3, 2012 11:09 AM out of the picture as an option.

1542 I always reuse my plastic bags! I don't really feel it is the counties business to May 3, 2012 10:43 AM dictate the type of bags that can be used.

1543 Promote paper bags using discount or give one free usable bag for every $50 May 3, 2012 10:31 AM you spend. I do like all the plastic bag recycle stands in stores.

1544 The only positive aspect about plastic grocery bags is the ability to re-use them May 3, 2012 10:14 AM in restroom trash cans and for pet waste. They're especially useful for blown-out disposable diapers away from home. However, all of these options still contribute to waste, whether the bag is reused or not. I'm all for a ban on plastic bags in grocery stores. Sure, my family would need to purchase garbage bags for our restrooms, but we also reuse bread bags for pet waste, and our children won't be in diapers forever.

139 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

1545 I would love to see more recycling options like being able to recycle plastic bags May 3, 2012 10:12 AM and styrofoam from home. I have stopped trying to recycle any plastic bags I do end up with (I mostly use reusable bags) because the places that take them are far and few between and when you can find them, I can't fit the bags through the tiny hole or the bin is already full. Thanks for letting us comment.

1546 I feel like this would be government getting too involved in business and a May 3, 2012 9:32 AM person's personal choices. I strongly prefer using plastic bags, and I always recycle them.

1547 I would like to see more recycling stations for plastic bags. I tend to reuse mine May 3, 2012 9:13 AM for other purposes, but I would recycle them if it was available where I shop.

1548 Plastic bags are way better. May 3, 2012 8:36 AM

1549 i always use mine for something :) they are handy for a lot of things. do not ban May 3, 2012 8:34 AM them just try to encourage people to use the other ones.

1550 I really need the plastic bags for all the uses. I would go out of my way to shop May 3, 2012 8:09 AM at a location that has them. Curbside recycling should be required to take them. If any ordinance was needed that should be the ordinance.

1551 They are reused for pet waste and trash bags at our home. I would still need May 3, 2012 8:04 AM bags but these are free.

1552 It would be great to have curb-side plastic bag recycling. LaMay in May 3, 2012 7:54 AM unincorporated Thurston County does not offer this.

1553 Plastic bags are good for cat litter etc. messy jobs. Always reuse bags!!! May 2, 2012 4:25 PM Garbage people want that stuff in a bag. What to use if bags banned. Fresh, brand new bags????!!!!!

1554 I know I should use my reuseable bags, but I don't always remember and don't May 2, 2012 4:22 PM think it is fair to penalize someone for using a bag. Also, the bags are useful for other things, like lining trash cans, and if I didn't have them to use for that purpose, I'd be buying other bags, which would not help the situation. Also, I think it is too much government intrusion into our lives to ban plastic grocery bags. If those, then what would be next?

1555 Behavioral economics research shows that we are more likely to go with a May 2, 2012 4:07 PM "default" option instead of investing the energy to make a different choice. Thus if we want people to use reusable bags or reuse plastic bags we should make that the default like they do in Europe. Also, we are more likely to change our behavior when we lose (have to pay) instead of gain (get a bag refund) when participating in a behavior.

1556 We need to do away with all plastic bags (although I like to clean up pet waste May 2, 2012 4:04 PM with them -- if only they were biodegradable!)

1557 I think they should ban them because there are alternative ways to package May 2, 2012 3:36 PM groceries, etc.

140 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

1558 I have a lot to say about plastic bags. First of all, I want to make one thing clear: May 2, 2012 3:22 PM we should start using paper bags made from 100% recycled paper. The plastic bags that Americans have come to know are suffocating Mother Nature. Plastic bags stay in landfills for decades, centuries, even, when discarded. Only a small amount of them actually gets recycled. Plastic bags can make their way out to the ocean, and can potentially kill marine life. Thousands of birds die each year by mistaking plastic bags for food. Plus, the factories that make plastic bags are harming the environment, too. Producing plastic bags requires millions of gallons of petroleum that could be used for transportation or heating. Paper bags may be heavier than plastic bags, but they are recycled more easily. Also, they make good fire starter. Unlike plastic bags, paper bags don't release harmful fumes when burned. That is all I have to say. I hope that this can add to your list of reasons to ban plastic bags.

1559 I didn't think plastic bags were recycleable?! May 2, 2012 2:31 PM

1560 I HATE them....cahiers only put 3 items per bag then your groceries roll all May 2, 2012 1:50 PM around, fall out, the bags snag and your stuff gets damaged.

1561 Biodegrable plastic bags would be the way to go. The stores could provide them May 2, 2012 1:47 PM so people don't have to purchase them-if they couldn't afford to. Argument for plastic bags: they are cheap to produce (i don't know if that is true) Everybody else uses them, what's wrong with them?

1562 Like: they have handles and make it easy to carry stuff. Dislike: use petroleum May 2, 2012 1:46 PM in manufacturing them, non-biodegradable. To increase bag recycling can there be more drop-off places to make it more convenient? Or can we include them with the other curbside recycling? If the retailers pass along the cost of plastic bags to the consumer, people would be more likely to use the reusable bags to keep their costs lower.

1563 I happen to reuse my plastic bags for other purposes. Recycling would be easier May 2, 2012 1:25 PM if there were such bins at the entrance to grocery stores or if my refuse collector/recycler accepted such.

1564 If able to put in curbside recycle. May 2, 2012 12:31 PM

1565 Plastic Bags are not the problem. It's the people that litter them and all the other May 2, 2012 12:19 PM stuff they throw out their windows. Better ban McDonalds Cups - I see more of them along the highways!

1566 I totally agree that they shouldn't be used, but never remember to bring bags May 2, 2012 11:39 AM from home. I recycle through my own personal use. I wouldn't mind a ban on plastic but am not sure I think you should be charged for paperbags.

1567 Don't ban! If you want to discourage use, charge a fee to cover the cost of May 2, 2012 11:32 AM landfill / recycling, and let the market work!

1568 Please institute a ban on plastic bags- another concern I have, being a part time May 2, 2012 9:49 AM janitor, that I would guess that there is a huge amount of plastic bags used in small office trash can liners. What to do about them? Can you pass a law that

141 of 142 Page 3, Q6. We would like to know your thoughts about plastic bag use in Thurston County! (ex: What do you like about plastic bags? How can we increase bag recycling? What are some arguments for or against a ban on plastic bags?)

allows only the use of bags that are biodegradable?

1569 I use plastic bags to line my garbage can, to pick up dog poop, to keep things May 1, 2012 8:54 PM dry. I reuse and/or recycle every plastic bag I get. I don't get many, since I bring my canvas bags to the grocery store. The store gives ME a nickle for each of my bags I use. Why would I want to pay a nickle when I do need an extra bag?

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