Organic Portals – Soulless Humans | Piercing the Veil of Reality

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Organic Portals – Soulless Humans | Piercing the Veil of Reality “Aconsiderable=percentageof=the=peoplewe=meeton=the=streetarepeople=who=are=emptyinside,thatis,theyare=actuallyalready dead.It=is=fortunateforus=thatwe=donot=seeanddo=not=know=it.=If=weknew=whata=number=of=people=are=actually=dead=and=what a=number=ofthese=dead=people=govern=our=lives,=we=should=gomad=with=horror.” –=G.I.=GurdjieS These=are=interesting=times.On=onehandtherearechangeshappeningonaglobalscalethat=can’treallybe=ignored=much longer.Ontheother=handthemajority=ofthepopulationseemto=livetheirlivesas=ifeverything=isjust=asit=alwaysis=and alwayswill=be,lockedinatunnel=visionofpersonalandmaterial=interest. As=long=aswe=keeplying=to=ourselves=based=onconditioning,wishful=thinking,suppressionor=denialandbelieve=thelies=“out there”,mistaking=themfortruth,nothingwill=change.This=goesalso=beyondhaving=a“positive”aitude,where=hope=canbe merely=a=trap=and=lieto=the=self.=Believing=in=lies=that=are“positive”=in=appearance(regardless=how=well8meaning=the=intent=or goodheartedtheperson)is=actuallybeingnegative=and=blocksone’sawarenessandspiritualevolution.Being=positivecan mean=acknowledging=something=negativebecauseit=is=the=truth,=seeing=it=for=what=it=is.=If=you=believe=a=lie,=even=if=it=seems positive=and=makes=you=“feel=good”,=you=give=away=your=free=will=and=that=has=spiritual=implications.=In=these=times=of transition=it=becomes=imperative=to=do=seek=truth=and=strive=towards=objectivity(hp:// /02/the8positivityofobjectivity8andthe8time8of8transition/)sowe=don’ttakethe“wrong”turnintoentropy. Withthe=approachof=the=era=oftheHolySpirit,everythingmust=begraduallybroughtto=the=lightof=day,notonlythe=secretsof=the laboratory=but=the=deepest=meanings=of=esotericism.=The=same=musthappenwithillusions,=errors=and=lies,=which=mustalso=be revealed=sothattheycanlaterbe=rectiQed. […] The=worldis=suering=from=a=lackof=harmonywhich=gets=deeper=oneveryplane,=andthis=is=a=serious=dangerto=the=moral andspiritual=recoveryof=humanity.=It=also=involvesa=seriousrisk=of=failure=in=the=last=stage=of=thisTime=of=transition=that=we=are now=entering.=If=this=risk=is=not=overcome,=the=Deluge=ofFire=awaits=us.=We=wilI=have=to=make=an=immense=eSort=to=ward=o=this fate,and=wehave=very=liletime=inwhich=to=doit.Man=hasonlyhimself=to=blamefor=the=greatness=of=the=eSort=needed:=this=is=a result=of=hisobstinaterefusalto=heedthewarnings=thathave=been=addressed=tohimtime=and=again=bytheDivine=Voice,=just=ashe continues=today=to=blind=himself=tothe=fact=that=the=Deluge=of=Fire=is=being=made=ready. [=GnosisII,=BorisMouravieS=] Manypeople=are=notawareofthe=paththis=world=iscurrentlygoingtowards.Sure,therearesome=selfproclaimed=“aware” and=“conscious”folksouttherewhobelievethat=all=isjust=going=asit=hastogoandhumanity=willwake=upeventually=in2012 or=the=Golden=Agewhereeveryone=is=enlightened=without=having=to=do=anything=at=all=to=reach=that=state.=“Just=be”=and show“love”isthemantrathesedays,withoutreally=understandingwhat=“being”and“love(hp:// /10/all8you8needis8love/)”means=to=beginwith=or=soit=seems.However,=Idon’t=wantto=get=into=thetrapsof=the=Pseudo Spirituality=promoted=through=this=“New=Age=Religion”=these=days.=Past=writings=and=videos=(hp:// /timeoransition)have=examinedthat.Mygoal=isalso=notto=try=toconvince=anyoneofanything,becausenoonecanmake anotheronechange.This=isjust=aboutquestioningsome=fundamentalbeliefsandgiving=foodforthought. SomesourcesthattalkaboutaShiV=orTransformationoccurringinour=age=alsomentiona“spliing”ofhumanity=andthat not=everyoneisgoing=to=wake=up.The=mainreasonforthiscanbefoundinaveryinterestingissuethis=planetfacesand whichhasbeenwrienaboutinvariousesoteric=teachings=aswell=astransmied=throughcertainchanneled=material.It relates=to=two=diSerent=“races”=or=“humanities”=coexisting=on=earth,=alike=from=theoutside,=but=unlikein=the=inside. The=commonspiritual=loVyideathatruns=throughthe=world=these=daysis=“we’reallone”and=justby=recognizing=thiswe 1 of 39 shoulduniteunderworld=peaceandharmony.All=what=theworld=leadersneedto=dois=recognize=the=same,hence=many people=send=“loveand=light”=to=the=rulers==and=leaders=,=so=they=may=seethis=“truth”=as=well,=because=they=areso=misguided and=just=need=“love”=and=“compassion”,=etc……Well,=yes,=everything=is=one=from=a=HIGHER=perspective.==As=a=maer=of fact,it=ispreyobviousthat=All=isOne,isit=not?Thedevil,=however,isalways=inthedetails.LauraKnightJadczykgives=a good=insight=into=the=misplacement=of=“higher=truths”=in=her=book=“TheSecret=History=of=theWorld”: Many=modernday=“teachers”=and=“gurus”=tell=us“Since=there=is=only=One=Being=which=permeatesall=things,=all=we=have=to=do=is see=everythingas=onlylight”,andthat=willtransmutethedarkness,andwe=will“createourownrealityof=light.” Such=a=statementignores=the=factthatthe=statement“Godis=One”=describesa=reality=thatis=ahigher=level=from=which our=own=“mixed=being”=manifests.=The=manwho=assumes=that=he=can=become=like=God=at=this=level=just=by=thinking=it,=ignores the=facts=ofBeingvs.Nonbeingwhichoutraysfrom=“Godis=One”at=a=level=ofexistencethat=isclearlyseverallevels=above=our own.Evil=isREAL=onitsownlevel,and=the=taskof=man=isto=navigatetheCosmic=MazewithoutbeingdeQled=bytheEvil=therein. This=is=the=root=of=Free=Will. Man=faces=a=predicament=asREAL=ashimself:he=isforced=tochoose=–toutilizehisknowledgebyapplyingit=–betweenthe straight=path=which=leads=to=Being,=and=the=crooked=paths=which=lead=toNon8Being. Humanbeings=are=required=to=discernbetween=good=and=evil=–=consciousness=energy=directors–=at=every=stage=of=theirexistencein this=reality.=Because,=in=fact,=they=must=understand=that=God=is=consciousness=and=God=is=maer.=God=is=good,=and=God=is=evil.=The Creation=assumes=all=the=diSerent=properties=of=the=many=“Names=of=God.”=The=Cosmosis=full=of=Life8giving=and=Slaying, Forgiveness=and=Vengeance,=Exaltation=and=Abasement,=Guidance=and=Deception.=To=aempttoassume=God’s=pointof=view and“mix=everything”=atthis=level,=results=onlyin=STAYING=atthis=level.Therefore,human=beingsmust=alwaysseparate God’s=point=ofview=fromtheirownpointof=viewandthefact=thatallcreation=assumes=the=divineNamesandTraits. Yes,=we’re=all=one,=but=we’renot=all=the=samein=this=3rd=density=experience=hereon=planet=earth.=Sure,=Gandhi=and=Hitler=are one,=but=one=of=them=doesn’t=seem=to=haveany=conscience.=The=biggest=illusion=and=projection=regular=folks=seem=to=haveis the=assumption=thatthe=people=in=positions=of=power=think=and=feel=justlike=we=all=do=and=if=they=don’t=itis=assumed=that=they arejust=misguided=and=lack=love=in=their=lives.=However,=what=if=thereexists=a=typeof=human=who=has=no=connection=to=the higher=centers=of=universal=love/awareness=at=all=by=birth?=He/she=is=not=even=genetically=wired=this=way,=not=being=ableto access=it=this=lifetimearound=but=he/shecan=emulateand=fakethesehigher=characteristics=quite=well=and=even=distract=you fromevolving=bysappingyour=energyandfeeding=oSit.They=cantellyouexactlywhat=you=wanttohear,appear compassionate,empathetic=andunderstandingwithoutmeaningor=feeling=itonebit.And=whatifthistype=ofhumanmakes uphalf=ofthe=world’spopulation?He/she=might=be=even=afamily=member,=aco8worker,=neighbor,bossor=evenaclose=friend, alover,husbandor=wife?=Certainly=notapleasant=thought=and=certainly=ablowtothepopularNewAgeparadigm=of“we’re allone=and=humanity=is=becoming=enlightened=just=by=focusing=on=Love,=Light”=and=so8called=“positive=thinking!”. When=exploring=this=idea=moreclosely,=with=an=objective,=open=and=critical=mind,=it=gives=huge=clues=to=thestateof=the=world. Let’slookat=some=ofthesesourcesthattalkaboutthetwodiSerent=“races”ofhumanity.Oneofitis=Boris=MouravieS’s “Gnosis”Trilogy.(hp:// 2 of 39 (hp:// Suppression=and=distortion=of=esoteric=knowledge=is=one=of=the=means=for=control=of=the=masses=here=on=planet=earth.=This=has been=going=on=for=thousands=of=years.=Even=the=material=presented=in=“Gnosis”=is=covered=around=a=biblical=gloss=that=one needs=to=weed=through.=As=weenter=the=Timeof=Transition,=deeper=Knowledge=about=our=reality=and=world=is=coming=to=the surface=again,=but=only=the=ones=able=to=SEE=will=truly=recognize=it.=Truth=vibrates=on=a=certain=frequency=and=it=requires=a certainstate=of“Being”tosee,understand,andmostimportantlyapply=it.Thisis=achievedthroughesoteric=work.MouravieS notes=thatall=seriousesoteric=teaching,=asinordinary=education,is=almostuniform: Itis=generallyacceptedthat=nobodycango=onto=secondaryschoolwithouthavingcompletedan=elementaryeducation.Norcana person=beadmiedto=a=universitywithouthavinga=secondaryeducation.These=graduations=automatically“select”thoseable=to become=active=members=of=the=cultural=elite=of=human=society. Exactly=the=same=is=true=in=the=esoteric=Tradition. However,=inourmodernworld,=we=encounter=a=curiousphenomenon.==Forexample:=we=would=not=seek=to=discussNewton’s binomialtheoremwithouthavingstudied=algebra,forwithoutthis,everyopinionwe=expressed=onthesubjectwouldbe=worthless. Yet,=inthe=esoteric=Qeld,=we=Qnda=hostof=“experts”=who=declare=their=opinions=on=esotericism=withouthaving=ever learnedeven=the=rudiments=of=this=knowledge. Atthesame=time,someof=themdemand=“simplicity”from=esotericteachingson=the=generallyacceptedprinciplethat=Truthitself must=be=simple.==They=conclude=from=this=that=access=toTruth=ought=tolikewise=be=simple.==Then=they=assert=that=the=methods=to access=Truth=must=be=easily=assimilable. This=argument=would=be=perfectly=correct=if=human=beings=and=the=problems=they=face=were=simple=and=just.==However,=that=is=not
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