T-F08AF00110 Final Report FINAL PERFORMANCE REPORT South Carolina State Wildlife Grant SC-T-F08AF00110 (T-43) South Carolina Department of Natural Resources October 1, 2008—December 31, 2017 Project Title: Conservation of Migratory Land birds in South Carolina Principal Investigator Amy Tegeler Bird Conservation Coordinator South Carolina Department of Natural Resources 900 Clemson Road, Columbia, SC 29229
[email protected] Objective 1: Coordinate and collaborate with internal and external partners to implement land bird objectives outlined in the CWCS at state and regional scales. Provide avian input into the CWCS update and implement recommendations. [NOTE: The Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy (CWCS) of 2005 was renamed the State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP) when it was revised in 2015.] Accomplishments: I. Work within the agency and with partners to develop, implement and fund management, monitoring and research projects to achieve land bird objectives. Assessing the Status of Loggerhead Shrike in South Carolina Participated in the International Loggerhead Shrike Working Group. The goals are to identify limiting factors, quantify genetics of remaining loggerhead shrikes in eastern North America, better understand population demographics, and develop habitat models addressing habitat requirements. To assist with these efforts, developed and funded a graduate project titled “Assessing the status of Loggerhead Shrike in South Carolina” in collaboration with Clemson University. The project evaluated 1) what factors affect loggerhead shrike detectability, 2) how land cover characteristics influence loggerhead shrike occupancy on a landscape and habitat patch scale, and 3) factors influencing Page 1 of 113 T-F08AF00110 Final Report loggerhead shrike nest site selection in South Carolina.