Impaired Driver Kills 3 in Halloween Horror
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LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS PAGE 10 November 8, 2015 Your Neighborhood — Your News® $33 million for local roads IMPAIRED DRIVER KILLS BY PATRICK ROCCHIO Major changes are planned for a swath of east Bronx roads and highways that will fi nally unclog an everyday bottleneck. 3 IN HALLOWEEN HORROR Assemblyman Michael Bene- detto, working with the state De- partment of Transportation, has Out-of-control obtained an approximately $33 mil- lion traffi c mitigation plan for I-95 between Country Club Road and car takes off the Hutchinson River Parkway, Pelham Parkway and for a new exit BY ROBERT WIRSING off the Hutch into Co-op City. On Halloween, a day of trick It is fully funded in the state or treating turned into a terrible budget and ready to go. nightmare, that left three dead, The changes do not require any including a 10-year-old girl. new large-scale infrastructure, but On Saturday, October 31 at uses existing underutilized areas 4:53 p.m. an out-of-control vehicle near the roadways and a new ex- went air born near the intersec- tended onramp to create new traf- tion of Morris Park and Bogart fi c patterns for the area. avenues, mounted the sidewalk The propsed plan, which could and struck several individuals be completed in just a few years, celebrating the holiday. would reduce entrances and exits Police offi cers from the 49th onto I-95 from seven to four in the Precinct discovered Louis Perez, vicinity of Pelham Parkway. 65, of 755 Morris Park Avenue, It will create two new intersec- unconscious and unresponsive tions for highway access just east having sustained servere head and west of the highway on Pelham trauma after being hit by a black Parkway, said the assemblyman. 2011 Dodge Charger. “Most of the changes will be di- Five others were also hit, be- rected at alleviating a lot of the I-95 fore the car slammed through a (north) corridor backup that exists fence. beginning around the Country EMS responded to the accident Club Road exit and extends up to Police and fi re workers investigate the accident that claimed three lives on Halloween. Photo by David Greene Continued on Page 4 Pelham Parkway,” said Benedetto, who added “The state DOT, being creative and thinking outside of the box, has suggested a number of improvements and changes to this whole situation.” Community mourns loss of Ben Randazzo Beside the amount of traffi c on these roadways that necessitate BY STEVEN GOODSTEIN family’s business on Arthur Av- ence Avenue) after they bought the Benedetto’s chief of staff in 2007. the new measures, DOT believes Throggs Neck is mourning the enue, Randazzo’s Fish Market, in property with other parties, a loca- In that position, Benny was in- that the amount of entrances and loss of a caring, kind and commu- the late 1960s after briefl y working tion they would both operate until strumental in organizing two of exits in the I-95 north roadway in nity-comes-fi rst type individual. for the original AT&T company. the early 2000s. Throggs Neck’s biggest annual such a short span is a major factor Ben ‘Benny’ Randazzo, an Many of Benny’s business bud- After selling the marina, Benny events - the Halloween Day Parade contributing to the traffi c slowing 74-year-old lifelong Throggs Neck dies often referred to him as ‘Red’ was introduced to Assemblyman along East Tremont Avenue and down, indicated Benedetto. resident, passed away on Monday, because of his red hair, somewhat Michael Benedetto after Benny’s the Christmas Tree Lighting at De- The DOT’s ideas, would still al- November 2, fi lling many local res- unusual for an individual of Ital- son, Frank, who was a member of rosa O’Boyle Triangle. low for the same amount of access idents with sadness and sorrow. ian descent. Benedetto’s Chippewa Democratic At about 9:15 a.m. on Saturday onto I-95 southbound and north- Born on August 28, 1941 to In October 1966, Benny married Club, had recommended that his morning, while setting up for this bound, would also be a boon for Frank and Mary Randazzo, Benny his wife Maria. father work for Benedetto part- year’s Halloween Day Parade, pedestrians looking to reach Co-op attended and graduated from In the early 1980s, along with time. Benny suddenly became uncon- City by providing traffi c controls Mount St. Michael Academy and his brother Cosmo, Benny ran the After working part-time for scious and unresponsive. Continued on Page 4 eventually began working at his Shelter Cove Marina (near Clar- a few years, he was appointed as Continued on Page 11 A CNG Publication • Vol. 674 No. No. 45 5 • Vol. 67 No. 5 UPDATEDUPDATEDUPDATED EVERYEVERY EVERY DAYDAY DAY ATAT AT BXTIMES.COMBXTIMES.COM BXTIMES.COM TOP BRONX NEWS STORIES RHOOD BO - YO CB4’s DM announces resignation GH U EI R N N E BY STEVEN GOODSTEIN ever, I am also looking forward to R W The district manager of Commu- this new opportunity along with U S O nity Board 4 recently announced other opportunities that will fol- ® Y his resignation from the position. low.” Jose Rodriguez, CB4’s DM for It is clear that CB4 will miss Jo- nearly the last eight years, made his se’s leadership. announcement early this month. “I hope he cancels his resigna- Rodriguez, who was appointed tion,” joked CB4 chairwoman Kath- in 2008, informed the community leen Saunders, who knows that his board that he would be leaving the departure is inevitable. “He was in- THE BRONX CLASSIFIEDS FOR position to pursue another career volved in so many fun community opportunity in the Bronx. activities and positive programs for He has not yet disclosed the job the area, such as Movie Night and position that he will take once he Family Day.” BRONX WEEKLY November 8, 2015 2 NovemberBRONX WEEKLY 8, 2015 The Bronx Times finishes his tenure as DM. “It will definitely be a loss for Rodriguez also did not confirm our community and the board, but On-Line which day will be his last at the over these last eight years, he has board, although he expects it to been a real pleasure to work with take place sometime at the end of and I certainly wish him well in the Your world is November. future.” 24/7... NOW Now that he is in his last month, Saunders, who has been the Rodriguez has had time to reflect on board’s chairwoman for the last ten SCORES BRONX SPORTS THE LATEST his experiences during his term. years, said that CB4 will not begin so are we. “During my time with the board, looking for a new DM until after his (Right) Rodriguez, who was appointed to the I learned three principles - expect last day, when they will begin to re- more than others think is possible, position of district manager nearly eight view resumes for potential candi- ÜÜÜ°LÝÌiðV dream more than others think is years ago, said that his resignation is bitter- dates. practical and risk more than oth- sweet. Photo courtesy of Community Board 4 Rodriguez was the board’s fourth ers think is safe,” said Rodriguez, DM, after Margarita Hunt held the who has spent his whole life living tersweet, because I have received position for over 20 years and David in the Bronx, including areas of Co- so much support from this board Mojica was DM from 2005-07. Her- op City, Parkchester and currently as well as the community and I will bert Samuels was the first DM in Morris Park. “This change is bit- miss everybody very much. How- the board’s history. &//$s(%!,4(s4%#(./,/'9 Seriously, choosing a Medicare Advantage Plan is not easy. We work hard to make it easier. '&!#&" &)!# !*&)"& &,)(% #& ! &' %# % ' ( + ' ( ! ) *#(#)( &)) ( #"# ##) &!& %&) ' ( "& #! "( #& "+&+ $ % $0 ( #')# &! "!! )# "+&+ $ % We’re here for your call. 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