Homological Properties of the Perfect and Absolute Integral Closures of Noetherian Domains
HOMOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF THE PERFECT AND ABSOLUTE INTEGRAL CLOSURES OF NOETHERIAN DOMAINS MOHSEN ASGHARZADEH Dedicated to Paul Roberts ABSTRACT. For a Noetherian local domain R let R+ be the absolute integral closure of R and let R∞ be the perfect closure of R, when R has prime characteristic. In this paper we investigate the + projective dimension of residue rings of certain ideals of R and R∞. In particular, we show that any prime ideal of R∞ has a bounded free resolution of countably generated free R∞-modules. Also, we show that the analogue of this result is true for the maximal ideals of R+, when R has + residue prime characteristic. We compute global dimensions of R and R∞ in some cases. Some applications of these results are given. 1. INTRODUCTION For an arbitrary domain R, the absolute integral closure R+ is defined as the integral closure of R inside an algebraic closure of the field of fractions of R. The notion of absolute integral closure was first studied by Artin in [Ar], where among other things, he proved R+ has only one maximal ideal mR+ , when (R, m) is local and Henselian. In that paper Artin proved that the sum of any collection of prime ideals of R+ is either a prime ideal or else equal to R+. As were shown by the works [H1], [He1], [HH1], [HL] and [Sm], the absolute integral closure of Noetherian domains has a great significance in commutative algebra. One important result of Hochster and Huneke [HH1, Theorem 5.5] asserts that R+ is a balanced big Cohen-Macaulay algebra in the case R is an excellent local domain of prime characteristic, i.e., every system of parameters in R is a regular sequence on R+.
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