New Information from Hearings That Were
REQUESTS FOR DETERMINATION Greenberg/Morachnick 17 Pocomo Road Laurentide Environmental, LLC 14 South Shore Road Nantucket, MA 02554 e-mail: (508) – 332 – 9722 Field Inspection Report Date: September 1, 2015 Applicant / Owner: Mark Greenberg & Tami Morachnick Location: 17 Pocomo Road Agent: Blackwell & Associates - Art Gasbarro Comments: Developed lot off Pocomo Road. Due to time constraints, I was unable to visit the property on 9/1. Will be able to inspect on 9/16. The project narrative has the limit of work at the 25-foot buffer and the proposed garage no closer than 50 feet to the wetland boundary. These setbacks have usually required the filing of a NOI. However, the submitted plans show the limit of work in excess of 50-feet to the wetland boundary and the proposed garage partially outside the 100-foot buffer. Questions and Recommendations: Clarify the wetland setbacks for the project. Wait for the results of the wetland boundary review on 9/16. Inspector: B. Perry CERTIFICATES OF COMPLIANCE Otto 4 Brant Point Road SE48-2712 Draft Minutes Proposed Minutes for September 2, 2015 CONSERVATION COMMISSION PUBLIC MEETING 2 Bathing Beach Road Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 4:00 P.M. 4 Fairgrounds Road, Training Room Commissioners: Ernie Steinauer (Chair), Andrew Bennett (Vice Chair), Ashley Erisman, David LaFleur, Ben Champoux, Ian Golding, Joe Topham Called to order at 4:00 p.m. Staff in attendance: Jeff Carlson, Natural Resources Coordinator Attending Members: Steinauer, Bennett, Erisman, LaFleur, Champoux, Golding, Topham Absent Members: None Late Arrivals: None Earlier Departure: None Agenda adopted by unanimous consent *Matter has not been heard I.
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