11-22 44th Rd Long Island City, NY www.false-flag.org
[email protected] VIRGINIA LEE MONTGOMERY Born in Houston, TX and lives in TX Work s between T X and NY , USA EDUCATION 2016 Yale Universit y, Scul pture, MFA 2008 The Univ ersity of Texas at Aust in, BFA EXHIBITIO NS 2020 DREAM C OCOON, Hesse Flato w, New York, NY — SOLO up c om ing After Carolee, Curat or Anne tte DiMeo Carloz zi, Art pa ce , San Antonio, TX upcoming WITCH HUN T, Curato rs Alison Kar asyk & Jeppe Ugel vig, Kunsth al Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark upcoming Exquis ite Corp se of the Surrea l: Bring Your Own Beam er, Cu rator Mary Magsamen, Menil Collection, Houston, TX upcoming In Union, Re motely, The Sha ke r Museum, Mount Leb anon, N Y — upcoming VLM: SK Y LOOP , Lawndale Art Cente r, Houst on, TX — SOLO Oxford Film Festiv al, Expe rim ental Short Films, 2019, O xford, MI Virtual D ream Cen ter: P reC og Screening, Queens Muse um, Queens, NY BAIT BALL, Curated by Like A Little Disaster Gallery, Palazzo Sa n Giuseppe, Polignano a Mare, Italy 2019 HONEY MOON , Mi d night Mom ent at Times S quare, Times S quare A rt Alliance, New York, NY — SOLO PONY COC OON, False F lag Projects, Queens, NY — SOLO Screen Series: V irginia Le e Mont gomery , Curator Ka te W iener, New Museum, New York, NY — SOLO THE PONY HO TEL: VLM & Geor ge Minne, Mus eum Folk wang, Essen, Germany — SOLO An unb ound knot in the wind, Curator Alison Karasyk, Berrie Center, Ramapo, Mahwah, NJ CYFE ST12 Internati ona l: Perso nal Ident ity, Curator Victoria Ilyushkina, St.