catalogue raisonné of cross-media editions 1968 - 2006 12/8/05 Dictionary of the Avant-Gardes (ed. Richard Kostelanetz): “[Barbara] Rosenthal’s work tends to be personal, if not autobiographical, each product reflecting her mentality at the time it was made.... [S]he has produced photographs, videos, super/8 films, objects, games, stories, novels, performances, [installations], book-art, and...‘[interactive] novelties.’ [A] truly original artist....” Existential art in collections of MoMA and The Whitney. Catalogue Raisonné of Cross-Media Editions Barbara Rosenthal 1968-2006 This is an on-demand, continually updated publication differentiated by edition date on lower right of front cover. This copy belongs to the 6th edition, designated as 6: 12/8/05. The first catalogue, 1968-2004 was prepared for the artist’s lecture at Carnegie-Mellon University, Pgh, PA, February 16, 2004, and acquired by The Fine Arts and Special Collections Department of the Hunt Library, CMU campus (monoprint: 2/11/04/1). Acquisitions of updated variations have been made by MoMA Special Collections Library (edition of 3: 4/11/04/1), Whitney Special Collections Library (3: 4/11/04/2), Brooklyn Museum Special Collections Library (4: 5/28/04/4 and 5: 5/2105). To receive copies of current edition, contact 55 Bethune St. A-629, NY, NY 10014-2035 212.924.4893
[email protected] For further information about this artist, refer additionally to website URL’s: © NYC Halloween, 2006 2 catalogue raisonné of cross-media editions 1968 - 2006 My work is a manifestation of my soul and psyche.