Preface This book is written for people of the new-age as well as for Christian desiring to understand the new-age mind. This is a personal account of my life story. I am exposing here the main ideas, belief system and intricacies making up the new-age philosophy which is rapidly becoming a new world religion. I am offering this book online free of charge because I believe in our Lord's command of : “freely ye received, freely give”, Matthews 10:08. This first edition is a work in progress, there are more chapters coming. I feel this information is so critical I want to make it available now, before its full completion. If you check back later, there will be more information added. I invite everyone of you reading this book to send me your comments, ideas, suggestions and sharing of your own experience of the new-age. The second edition will include the input I have received from you. You may send your emails at
[email protected] If you are a person of the new-age reading these lines, I want to tell you this book finding its way into your computer is not coincidental. I pray God will give you : ”Ears that hear and eyes that see” Proverbs 20:12 And I pray the Lord will pour His generous Spirit of truth and revelation unto you so that you may find liberation from the clutches of the new-age and realize true salvation. If you are a christian reading these lines, I want you to know I have also written this book for you.