Quarterly Report October—December 2017 Quarterly Report October—December 2017 1 Quarterly Report October—December 2017 CTrides.com 1-877- CTrides (287-4337)
[email protected] A Service of the Connecticut Department of Transportation 2 Quarterly Report October—December 2017 CTrides: Quarter 4 Marketing Activity Summary October - December 2017 The main CTrides Marketing focus for Q4 revolved around positioning itself for the upcoming fiscal year, which started November 1 following a contract renewal. One of CTrides’ main objectives for FY ‘18 centers around an in-depth analysis of CTrides marketing strategies through the use of behavioral economic tactics. BEworks CTrides procured the services of BEworks, a firm that specializes in behavioral economics, to take a holistic look at CTrides’ entire marketing portfolio. Further, BEworks will engage with CTrides employer partners to get a better understanding of how organizations are receiving messages and what will drive them to use an alternate commute. This process will take the entirety of the fiscal year and kicked off in Q4 with the planning and developmental phases. A discovery stage involved CTrides providing current marketing materials to BEworks as part of their initial examination, as well as interviews with current CTrides team members and key stakeholders at the Connecticut Department of Transportation. These interviews included the Commissioner’s Office. Once BEworks processes the interviews and materials, a workshop will be held in Q1 to discuss initial findings before employer interviews are conducted. Additional Marketing CTrides began development of a completely revamped Transportation Leaders program during Q4 for rollout during 2018 Q1 or Q2. This is intended to give organizations an incentive to continue to strive to implement commuter-friendly programs by creating multiple recognition levels that an employer can achieve.