This work was funded withh the generous support of the American people through the Leader with Associates Cooperative Agreement No.EPP-AA-00-06-00014-00 for implementation of the TransLinks project. The contennts of this reportt are the responsibility of the author and do not necesssarily reflect the views of the United States government. C O MMUNI TY ENG AGEME NT A N D TRAIN ING PAR ABIOLO GISTS FOR THE PRO TECTIO N OF GLOBA LLY THREATEN ED SPECIES IN A ND AROUN D SOUTH ERN S ANGAY N ATIONAL PA RK, E C UADOR M IDTERM R EPORT Adrian Treves: University of Wisconsin-Madison Catherine Schloegel: Fundación Cordilleera Tropical ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Provided by the Land Tenure Center. Comments eencouraged: Land Tenure Center, Nelson Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706 USA
[email protected]; tel: +608-262-8029; fax: +608-262-0014 Community engagement and training parabiologists for the protection of globally threatened species in and around southern Sangay National Park, Ecuador MIDTERM REPORT August 18, 2010 By Adrian Treves, PhD Catherine Schloegel, M.S. for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service International Programs With support from CCL and FCT Midterm Report to USFWS – August 2010 1 1. Grantee information Organization name Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, (PI) Adrian Treves, Ph.D. Carnivore Coexistence Lab, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
[email protected] Project officer Sarah Gannon-Nagle, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Division International Conservation, 4401 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 100, Arlington, Virginia 22203, T: 703-358- 1950, F: 703-358-2115,
[email protected] Assistance Award Number 96200 - 9 - G219 Start and end date of Award performance period 8/25/2009 – 3/30/2011 Start and end date of the reporting period 8/25/2009 – 8/18/2010 2.