MINUTES of the Parish Council Meeting held on Friday 23rd April 2021 @ 7.30PM. Meeting held via Zoom


Cllr. K. Jones (Chairman) Cllr. J. Sims 3 residents of Cllr. P. Galley Cllr. D. Myers Cllr. P. Brand Cllr. S. Dobson (CCC) Clerk – Geraldine Vallis

Before the meeting started, the Chairman proposed and held a one-minute silence as a mark of respect for the recent death of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. 46/21. Declaration of Interests/Recording at Meetings All Members were reminded that they must disclose any interests they know they have in items of business on the meeting’s agenda and that they must do so at this point on the agenda or as soon as they become aware of the interest. They are also obliged to notify the Monitoring Officer of the interest within 28 days of the meeting, if they have not previously notified her about it. The Chairman to offer members the opportunity to declare any interests ALL and note them. Members of the Public/Press to declare their intention to record the session. None declared. 47/21. Apologies for Absence  Cllr. S. Tatum (Vice Chairman) – working. Cllr P. Mitchell – technical issues ALL with zoom and Cllr T. Alexander – technical issues with zoom. It was resolved unanimously to accept apologies for absence. 48/21. Minutes It was resolved unanimously that the Minutes of the Parish Council ALL Meeting of 10th March 2021 were approved. 49/21. Public Forum The Chairman allowed a maximum of 15 Minutes for the Public to address the Council (extended on approval of the Chairman). None KJ present. 50/21. Cllr. Sue Dobson – City Council Cllr. Dobson stated that not got a lot to report about Midddlemead issues unless for particular questions. No questions given. 51/21. West Hanningfield Village Hall/Working Party Representatives reported the following: DP/L • Further work done to final stage of plans

Clerk: Geraldine Vallis, CILCA, Quaintways, South Hanningfield Road, South Hanningfield, Chelmsford, CM3 8HJ Tel: 01268 710939 e-mail: [email protected] web: www.whpc.org.uk


• Communication schedule on progress with dates for consultation to rest of village • Committee been in contact with E&SW as looking at becoming

a charitable incorporated organisation as it limits liability to trustees. RCCE advised this before signing contract with E&SW. This change of name needs to be on new landlord lease and in continued dialogue on this with E&SW. • Committee want to maximise car parking site design on plans, appreciate agreement building boundary fenceline section and

would need help to maintain car parking and access, etc and

needs approval from E&SW. Add to further agenda to consider. • PG asked Committee to share drawings with WHPC to consider. DP/L • KJ asked if there would be an overflow car park and DP confirmed there would be.

52/21. Solar Farm – Working Party KJ introduced and thanked Cllr. Paul Galley & John Dunton (resident) JD/PG who has formed a Working Party to look at these three particular planning applications. JD confirmed that he had done a lot of work looking at one application and started on other two applications but keen to meet deadlines for all. KJ thanked JD for the report which he

had done which is very informative for West Hanningfield. KJ said

she had spoken to the Planning Officer at CCC and have agreed to th extend the date to 10 May for comments to all three applications. KJ said that after speaking to CCC, it would be worth looking at all three applications as a whole as well as singularly to prove the case for impact on West Hanningfield. JD agreed that it would be worth separating each solar farm and looking at the three together as add more credibility to argument. KJ said that if JD needs help before submitting comments on behalf of the Parish Council, to let PG and KJ know. KJ asked if they need to get feedback from CCC to find out what the document should look like and PG/KJ to speak to the Planning Officer at CCC. PG/KJ

Cllr S. Dobson confirmed that she had a long discussion with RC

from the perspective. Cllr Dobson cannot take part

Clerk: Geraldine Vallis, CILCA, Quaintways, South Hanningfield Road, South Hanningfield, Chelmsford, Essex CM3 8HJ Tel: 01268 710939 e-mail: [email protected] web: www.whpc.org.uk


in this discussion as she sits on the Planning Committee where these applications will be discussed. KJ said that even though there is one planning application on this agenda, it would be better to wait until comments for all three are prepared and sent together nearer the agreed deadline. JD did say that there was some feedback on the applications from the

Police who commented that there would be an increase in rural crime

from solar farms. th It was resolved unanimously to work to 10 May deadline to submit comments for all three applications singularly and as a whole ALL application. 53/21. Review of Policies/RA’s It was resolved unanimously to accept the following: ALL • Reserves Policy • Training Intent • Training Record • Financial Risk Assessment 54/21. Parish Council Meetings Council to review the latest advice re holding face-to-face meetings and discuss options/change Parish Council meeting dates. It was resolved unanimously to move Parish Council meetings to the first Wednesday of the month from now on to allow for the new Parish ALL

Clerk’s working arrangements.

It was resolved unanimously not to hold an Annual Parish Meeting ALL this year. JS suggested putting an item in the next PC’s newsletter to ask residents if there are any particular topics that can be brought up at a future meeting. The Parish Clerk reported that the issue of the end of Remote Meetings for local councils is still being discussed at the High Court and a decision won’t be made until the end of the month. It was resolved unanimously to defer making a decision about ALL resuming face-to-face meetings to the next meeting which will be the Annual Parish Council Meeting on the 5th May. 55/21. Middlemead – Anti-Social Behaviour/Speeding issues. Chairman reported that she had not received any reply to the letter KJ sent from the Chairman to Cllr. Kevin Bentley (ECC), and key contacts of copies to Rt. Hon. John Whittingdale, Cllr. Ian Grundy

Clerk: Geraldine Vallis, CILCA, Quaintways, South Hanningfield Road, South Hanningfield, Chelmsford, Essex CM3 8HJ Tel: 01268 710939 e-mail: [email protected] web: www.whpc.org.uk


(ECC), Cllr. Sue Dobson (CCC) giving history of the issues at Middlemead and asking for urgent action to be taken. Cllr Dobson commented that she had been in touch with a contact at the Police who was to come back to her but has not so far but will send follow up email. KJ agreed to send a follow up letter/email to ECC and key contacts. KJ A discussion followed about extra Police resources and alternatively

the suggestion of providing private security to monitor the anti-social behaviour/speeding issues at Middlemead. Cllr Dobson stated that she is trying to arrange a face-to-face meeting with the Police rather than sending communications. Cllr Dobson stated that Cllr I Grundy was trying to get the speed limit potentially reduced on Middlemead. KJ said that at the last PC meeting with E&SW, that if a speed reduction is applied to Middlemead, then more likely that the gates will be moved. Cllr Dobson would continue to contact Cllr Grundy to get an update on the speed reduction. 56/21. CCTV/ANPR  Cllr. Galley said that he had nothing to report from the contact he had PG with Chelmsford City Council. PG had asked to discuss the options from the consultation and said he is giving time between emails for CCC to respond before chasing up. KJ asked about the noise situation was like on Middlemead recently and DM said that there are still instances of speed issues especially during night-time. 57/21.. Planning  Reference: 21/00394/FUL Address: Land East And West Of A130, North And South Of Canon Barns Road East Hanningfield Chelmsford Essex KJ/ST

Description of works: Installation of a solar photovoltaic (PV) park generating up to 49.9 MW of electricity spread over three sites (sited either side of the A130/Canons Barn Road), comprising of ground- mounted photovoltaic solar arrays, battery-based electricity storage containers, and One Point of Connection (POC) mast of up to 35m in height on Church Road (junction with Link House Farm), together with inverters/transformer stations, Distribution Network Operator (DNO) Substation, access and cable connection to POC mast to

Clerk: Geraldine Vallis, CILCA, Quaintways, South Hanningfield Road, South Hanningfield, Chelmsford, Essex CM3 8HJ Tel: 01268 710939 e-mail: [email protected] web: www.whpc.org.uk


connect to 132 kV power line, customer substation/switchgear and meter kiosk, batteries, internal buried cabling and grid connection cables, internal access tracks, security fencing and gates and CCTV cameras, other ancillary infrastructure, landscaping and biodiversity enhancements. PC Comment: Defer comments until the next PC meeting. ALL Councillors/Clerk will be invited to share any further planning related information. None received. 58/21. Review of LHP/Highways Issues Middlemead pathway/kerb issues. Clerk has not received any response yet to email sent last month. DM confirmed that E&SW DM/GV were asked to do repairs to kerb issues as a gesture of goodwill rather than Middlemead residents paying for the works. Clerk to follow up email to E&SW. Clerk received email from ECC to confirm repair work being done re potholes in Blind Lane. 59/21. Finance  a) The Clerk & RFO to be appointed. It was resolved unanimously to change the Clerk’s details and appoint Geraldine Vallis as the Parish Clerk and RFO for West ALL

Hanningfield Parish Council.

b) Council to approve Karen Kuderovitch (the previous Clerk) remain KJ as a Unity authorised user until the change of Clerk’s details have been administered with Unity. KJ said that this is no longer necessary as GV is the new Clerk. c) Clerk - Unity Bank Signatory – Cllr. Brand status of application. GV GV to look at obtaining new form electronically/paper for Cllr. Brand to sign so can process moving forward. st d) Chairman to approve the Unity Bank Statement as at 31 March 2021. It was resolved unanimously to defer making a decision about 59/21 ALL d) to the next meeting which will be the Annual Parish Council th Meeting on the 5 May. e) Chairman to approve the Bank Reconciliations as at 31st March 2021. It was resolved unanimously to defer making a decision about 59/21 ALL e) to the next meeting which will be the Annual Parish Council Meeting on the 5th May. f) Clerk to report end of financial year 20-21 figures.

Clerk: Geraldine Vallis, CILCA, Quaintways, South Hanningfield Road, South Hanningfield, Chelmsford, Essex CM3 8HJ Tel: 01268 710939 e-mail: [email protected] web: www.whpc.org.uk


It was resolved unanimously to defer making a decision about 59/21 f) to the next meeting which will be the Annual Parish Council Meeting on the 5th May. ALL g) Councillors to review and approve the following payments made/to be made – schedule to be reported at the meeting. It was resolved unanimously to defer making a decision about 59/21 ALL g) to the next meeting which will be the Annual Parish Council Meeting on the 5th May. 60/21. General Village Items/Information • Tree Bench – Compasses Farm- Cllr. Brand reported that the PB tree bench has been assembled. Cllr Brand said it just needs to be unbolted before moving forward. • Residents contact. Play equipment safety. WHPC received an email about the safety of a piece of play equipment. It was confirmed that the annual safety inspection of all equipment was booked which will include this piece of equipment and an independent assessment made. A discussion followed and it was resolved unanimously that ALL there was play equipment suitable for different ages and abilities in the play area. GV to reply back to resident’s email. GV • Residents contact. Village Hall football pitch use. WHPC received two emails about the use of the recreation ground. A resident who volunteers with a particular Chelmsford children’s football team was using much of the recreation ground as a football pitch on one occasion and had a discussion with a parish councillor which resulted in an email from the resident to WHPC. KJ spoke to Cllr Mitchell who has expertise working with boys football clubs. KJ stated that WHPC rents the recreation ground from E&SW and have a lease with terms and conditions of use. It was confirmed that the resident and team had not sought permission beforehand from WHPC to use the recreation ground. There was a discussion about the use of the recreation ground including the issue that if there is an accident on the field, whose responsibility would it be. PG asked about the village hall car park insurance cover, would signage be appropriate to put on the recreation ground to comply with insurance. It was stated that the recreation ground is for everyone and there are other users such as dogwalkers, outdoor gym users who use the field. It was ALL resolved unanimously to verify with the insurers and ask any

Clerk: Geraldine Vallis, CILCA, Quaintways, South Hanningfield Road, South Hanningfield, Chelmsford, Essex CM3 8HJ Tel: 01268 710939 e-mail: [email protected] web: www.whpc.org.uk


groups such as this children’s football club to let WHPC know of when they would like to use the recreation ground in future. A resident emailed WHPC about the use of motor bikes and quad bikes on the recreation ground. A discussion followed including the question of responsibility if an accident happened and the suggestion of providing signage to cover this. It was resolved unanimously GV to get signage produced for ALL the recreation ground with the wording agreed regarding using GV the facility at own risk. • Football Association - funding ideas It was resolved unanimously to defer this item to the next ALL meeting which will be the Annual Parish Council Meeting on the 5th May. • Councillors/Clerk will be offered the opportunity to relay any ALL further information. DM said that he had received residents feedback about the DM play equipment needs to be cleaned. DM confirmed that he has cleaned the play area equipment before and will clean all play and gym equipment this year. DM said the Christmas lights are still on the sign and tree and needs to be taken down. J Cousins to be contacted by GV to GV dismantle. DM said that the gate post on Pandon Close footpath, Church Road is broken and fallen down. J Cousins to be contacted by GV GV to repair. DM said that the spiky swings on the play area equipment need replacing. J Cousins to be contacted by GV to repair. GV 61/21. Having regard to the confidential nature of business to be transacted, the meeting will be closed to the press & public, pursuant to Section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to KJ Meetings) Act 1960. A vote to be taken to close the meeting. ALL It was resolved unanimously to defer the report from the Personnel Committee to the next meeting which will be the Annual Parish Council Meeting on the 5th May. ALL

Clerk: Geraldine Vallis, CILCA, Quaintways, South Hanningfield Road, South Hanningfield, Chelmsford, Essex CM3 8HJ Tel: 01268 710939 e-mail: [email protected] web: www.whpc.org.uk