DARK ENTRIES GR: You Know,In Rlng-Otaku
words Anne lshii illustrationI MartinCendreda DARK ENTRIES GR: You know,in Rlng-otaku. They Rmg, and the mol Suzuki Method think aboutthat, in some way,an o KS: Interruptsm lutelynot, Anne. that. I ride motorc Tn ra,all-t scare someone,you have to inspire lear, nol lorce it. at a gym,for cryinl anyotaku who woL You have to allude to the horror. not show it. of a fun timeis h: the opensky wear not stayingcoupe overa vioeotape. ive years ago, four teenagers watched a haunted videotape in a rented cabin lf you arrangefor an interviewwith Suzuki, his and made permanent horror-Iilm history. Since the little wet Japanese qirl managerwill stipulatethat you understandthe GR: Yeah,but mos with long black hair in a white nightgown lirst stepped out of the hidden followingthree points:1. KoliSuzuki is NOTa At least in the U.S weli to avenqe her death, there have been no less than six films made, and horrorwr ter,2. KoliSuzuki did NOTwrite Jl-On, in Japan? at least two more film projects in the pipeline based on the worl<s of Scdoko/,So- 3. Koi Suzuklneeds an interpreter.As hisinter- morro creator, Koji Suzuki. But don't ask him what he thinks atrout those movres. preterand pub ic st, I havewatched practically KS: Lots of otaku Don'i ask him about Hideo Nakata's vision or Naomi Watts'acting ability. Definitely everyman, woman, and child on Earthtry to get it's kind of neatth don't ask him about Ju-On, The Eye, or The Rinq 2 ("MV r?jngr has created a lot ol him excitedabout the movies,and Suzuki is just the true testof a f: bastard children.").
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