Designer of Landmarks E. Chester Nelson, Architect Fort Smith's Hangin' Times Man on the Street: Admirals: in Fort Smith Images from Garrison Avenue's Eberle and Cooke mystery photographer Vol.33, No. 1, April 2009 MISSION: The mission of the Fort Smith Historical Society, Inc., founded in 1977, is to publish The Journal of the Fort Smith Historical Society and through The Journal and other activities to locate, iden- tify and collect historical data; to publish source materials and historical articles, all pertaining to the City of Fort Smith and the immediate surrounding area. Preservation of Fort Smith history is our primary mission and to this end, we always welcome the loan of Fort Smith historical material and will return it promptly. MEMBERSHIP & ORDERS: Journal back issues are QUESTIONS pertaining to the Fort Smith Historical available. Cost for the current issue is $7.50 plus a $2 mail- Society or The Journal should be addressed via e-mail to: ing charge per copy. Cost for past issues is $4 plus the $2 Charles Raney
[email protected] mailing charge. A composite index for Volumes I through Joe Wasson
[email protected] IX is available for $10 plus a $4 mailing charge. Cost for Billy Higgins
[email protected] the complete set of Journals, Volumes 1 through 32, is $225. Volumes I and II will be reproduced copies, as these copies are no longer available in original form. VISIT OUR WEBSITE! Our website is updated regularly and contains information Membership in the Fort Smith Historical Society includes on the Organization, Membership, Back issues: How to a subscription to The Journal of the Fort Smith Historical order, Tables of Contents of Back Issues, Contacts & Links, Society, which is published semi-annually.