De Novo Fatty Acid Synthesis Is Required for Establishment of Cell Type-Specific Gene Transcription During Sporulation in Bacill
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Molecular Microbiology (1998) 29(5), 1215–1224 De novo fatty acid synthesis is required for establishment of cell type-specific gene transcription during sporulation in Bacillus subtilis Gustavo E. Schujman, Roberto Grau, Hugo C. compartment (Lutkenhaus, 1994). The unequal-sized pro- Gramajo, Leonardo Ornella and Diego de Mendoza* geny resulting from the formation of the polar septum Programa Multidisciplinario de Biologı´a Experimental have different developmental fates and express different (PROMUBIE) and Departamento de Microbiologı´a, sets of genes (for reviews see Errington, 1993; Losick Facultad de Ciencias Bioquı´micas y Farmace´uticas, and Stragier, 1996). The fate of the forespore chamber Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Suipacha 531, 2000- is determined by the transcription factor sF, which is pre- Rosario, Argentina. sent before the formation of the polar septum but does not become active in directing gene transcription until completion of asymmetric division, when its activity is con- Summary fined to the smaller compartment of the sporangium (for A hallmark of sporulation of Bacillus subtilis is the for- reviews see Losick and Stragier, 1996) mation of two distinct cells by an asymmetric septum. The activity of sF is regulated by a pathway consisting of The developmental programme of these two cells the proteins SpoIIAB, SpoIIAA and SpoIIE, all of which are involves the compartmentalized activities of sE in the produced before the formation of the polar septum (Duncan larger mother cell and of sF in the smaller prespore. and Losick, 1993; Min et al., 1993; Alper et al., 1994; Die- A potential role of de novo lipid synthesis on develop- derich et al., 1994; Arigoni et al., 1995; Duncan et al., ment was investigated by treating B. subtilis cells with 1995). SpoIIAB is an anti-sigma factor that binds to sF cerulenin, a specific inhibitor of fatty acid biosynth- and holds it in an inactive complex (Duncan and Losick, esis. These experiments demonstrated that spore for- 1993; Min et al., 1993; Magnin et al., 1996). SpoIIAA, on mation requires de novo fatty acid synthesis at the the other hand, is an anti-anti-sigma factor that binds to onset of sporulation. The transcription of the sporula- SpoIIAB, thereby causing the release of free and active tion genes that are induced before the formation of sF from the SpoIIAB–sF complex (Alper et al., 1994; Die- two cell types or that are under the exclusive control derich et al., 1994). SpoIIAB is also a protein kinase that of sF occurred in the absence of fatty acid synthesis, phosphorylates and thereby inactivates SpoIIAA (Min et as monitored by spo–lacZ fusions. However, expres- al., 1993). Finally, SpoIIE is a serine phosphatase that is sion of lacZ fusions to genes that required activation capable of dephosphorylating SpoIIAA-P, thereby restor- of sE for transcription was inhibited in the absence ing the ability of SpoIIAA to bind SpoIIAB (Duncan et al., of fatty acid synthesis. The block in sE-directed gene 1995; Arigoni et al., 1996; Feucht et al., 1996). Interest- expression in cerulenin-treated cells was caused by ingly, SpoIIE has an additional function beyond its role in an inability to process pro-sE to its active form. Elec- sF activation (Bara´k and Youngman, 1996; Feucht et tron microscopy revealed that these fatty acid-starved al., 1996). In its absence, but not in mutants specifically cells initiate abnormal polar septation, suggesting that affected in SpoIIE phosphatase activity, the sporulation de novo fatty acid synthesis may be essential to couple septum develops an aberrantly thick layer of peptidogly- the activation of the mother cell transcription factors can and the time of septum formation is delayed (Bara´k with the formation of the differentiating cells. and Youngman, 1996; Feucht et al., 1996); the later effect is attributed to an amino acid sequence at the extreme COOH-terminus of SpoIIE (Feucht et al., 1996). Thus, Introduction combination of these two functions in a single polypeptide A hallmark of the process of sporulation in the Gram- may serve to couple the release of the cell-specific tran- positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis is the formation of an scription factors with the formation of the differentiating asymmetrically positioned (polar) septum that divides the cells. cell into a small forespore compartment and a large cell Establishment of forespore specificity through activation of sF is soon followed by induction in the mother cell of Received 26 March, 1998; revised 1 June, 1998; accepted 5 June, 1998. *For correspondence. E-mail [email protected]; a large set of genes under the control of the transcription Tel. (41) 350 661; Fax (41) 390 465. factor sE (Losick and Stragier, 1996). sE is an unusual Q 1998 Blackwell Science Ltd 1216 G. E. Schujman et al. sigma factor in that it is synthesized as an inactive large synthesis and septation in B. subtilis (Strauch et al., 1992). precursor, pro-sE, the primary product of the promoter Moreover, it has recently been demonstrated that branched- distal member (spoIIGB ) of the two cistron spoIIG operon chain fatty acids play an important role in cell–cell com- (LaBell et al., 1987). Pro-sE is converted to its active form munication and development in Mixococcus xantus (Down- by proteolytic removal of its pro-amino acid sequence, an ward and Toal, 1995; Toal et al., 1995). N-terminal extension of 27 residues. The product of the In this report, we demonstrate that de novo fatty acid first gene of the operon, spoIIGA, is a multispanning mem- synthesis after the end of exponential phase is required brane protein that is sufficient for activation of pro-sE and for spore formation and that a reduced level of fatty acid that is believed to be the processing enzyme (Stragier et synthesis allows formation of asymmetric septa but pre- al., 1988). As both pro-sE and SpoIIGA are present before vents activation of sE. We speculate that septal membrane septation, and are presumably segregated into each of the lipids play a key role in the establishment of differential cells after asymmetric division, confinement of sE activity gene expression during the morphogenetic programme to the mother cell implies that SpoIIGA-mediated pro-sE of sporulation in B. subtilis. processing is delayed until after septation, with the possi- bility that it occurs only in the mother cell (Losick and Stragier, 1996). The proteolytic activation of sE requires Results the activity of sF through the activity of the sF-directed The effect of inhibition of the de novo fatty acid gene spoIIR (Karow et al., 1995; London˜o-Vallejo and synthesis on sporulation Stragier, 1995). It has been suggested by Losick and Stragier (1996) that spoIIR would be transcribed by sF in To determine the role of de novo fatty acid synthesis on the prespore and act as a vectorial cell–cell signal that sporulation, we used the antibiotic cerulenin. This antibiotic would activate sE only in the mother cell. Consistent with is a potent inhibitor of lipid synthesis known to irreversibly SpoIIR acting as a cell–cell signal, characterization of alkylate an essential thiol group of b-ketoacyl-ACP syn- the spoIIR gene indicated that it encoded a protein with thase, the enzyme that catalyses the condensation of a secretion signal, and recent biochemical analysis has malonyl-CoA with acyl-ACP (D’Agnolo et al., 1973). Thus, shown that SpoIIR is secreted (Hoffmeister et al., 1995). cerulenin inhibits the fatty acid chain elongation step and Once secreted, SpoIIR could interact with the membrane- thereby lipid synthesis (Fig. 1). Cerulenin (10 mgml¹1)was bound SpoIIGA that cleaves the pro sequence from sE added to strain JH642 grown in DS medium at different to activate it. Thus, the main function of SpoIIR would be times: 1.5 h (t¹1.5) and 0.5 h (t¹0.5) before cells enter sta- to tie the transcription programme in the mother cell to tionary phase, at the onset of stationary phase (t0)orat the transcription programme in the forespore by allowing several times after t0 (Fig. 2). Cerulenin was a potent inhi- E F s to become active only after s has itself been activated bitor of spore formation when added to cells at t¹1, t0 or E and thus ensuring that s does not become active in the t0.5; however, this inhibitory effect disappeared when the predivisional sporangium. Although this model is intriguing, antibiotic was added at more advanced stages of sporula- E the notion that SpoIIR must act vectorially to activate pro-s tion (t1 to t4) (Fig. 2). Typically, 16 h after reaching station- processing is not without controversy. Zhang et al. (1996) ary phase, cells treated with cerulenin at t0 had a viable observed that sE activation was limited to the mother cell count of about 108 ml¹1 and produced about 106 spores compartment, even when SpoIIR was synthesized before ml¹1. In contrast, in the absence of cerulenin, strain septation and therefore presumed to be present in both JH642 had a viable count of about 6 × 108 ml¹1 and pro- compartments. These authors conclude that a sE activa- duced about 5 × 108 spores ml¹1. Monitoring the levels of tion factor other than SpoIIR, possibly SpoIIGA in a parti- fatty acid synthesis in the experiments shown in Fig. 2 cular orientation, could be restricted to the mother cell. revealed that de novo incorporation of [14C]-acetate into The identity of the factor(s) responsible for cell compart- phospholipids of cerulenin-treated cells decreased about ment-specific activation of sE and the details of how the 90% when compared with non-treated cells (data not directional processing is accomplished remain to be shown).