Australian Institute of International Affairs

ACN : 004 560 829 ABN : 42 727 001 279


Registered Office: Dyason House, 124 Jolimont Road, East , VIC 3002 OFFICE BEARERS AND COUNCIL MEMBERS AS AT 30 June 2009

VISITOR Professor David De Kretser AC, PATRONS The Rt. Hon Sir , AK, GCMG, GCVO The Rt. Hon Sir , KG, AK, GCMG, GCVO, KBE The Hon. Sir , AC CVO , AC CVO MBE LIFE MEMBERS Mr John Brookes Mr Michael Coultas OAM Ms Zara Kimpton Professor John Legge AO Dr Leo Teller EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PRESIDENT Hon. Michael MacKellar VICE PRESIDENTS Mr Graham Barrett Mr Leslie Rowe HONORARY TREASURER Mr Greg Romanes EXECUTIVE OFFICER Ms Peta McDermott

COUNCIL Assoc. Prof. Paul Battersby Mrs Pat Petitt Ms Robyn Byrne OAM Ms Jessica Pitt (ACCESS) Prof. Richard Chauvel Dr Michael Porter Assoc. Prof. Matthew Clarke Mr Julian Reeves Mr John Cohen OAM JP Ms Judy Rothacker Ms Toni Feddersen Hon. Jim Short Mr William Fisher Ms Catherine Sullivan Mr Richard Green Mr Greg Thompson Dr Carlos de Lemos Mr Laurence Wade Ms Margaret Papst Ms Annette Webb

COMMITTEES Finance Chair: Greg Romanes Membership Chair: Vacant Programme Chair: Graham Barrett Consular and Diplomatic Links Chair: Margaret Papst and Carlos De Lemos Academic Links, Research & Publications Chair: Richard Chauvel VCE Schools Program Chair: Judy Rothacker Volunteers & Interns Chair: Peta McDermott ACCESS Chair: Jessica Pitt Fundraising Chair: Greg Romanes Study Tour Chair: Leslie Rowe Institutional Chair: Greg Thompson House Chair: Annette Webb DFAT Links Chair: William Fisher Building, OHS & Garden Chair: Zara Kimpton Library Chair: Pat Petitt International Careers Conference Chair: Paul Battersby/Matthew Clarke Website / IT Chair: Peta McDermott

AIIAV 2008/2009 Annual Report Page 2 of 14 ABOUT US

he Australian Institute of International Affairs (AIIA) is an independent organisation which promotes the objective study of International affairs. It has no political biases and hears T all views. Established as a federal organisation in 1933, the Institute has its national headquarters at Stephen House in , and branches in all states and territories. Like its sister Institutes in New Zealand, Canada, South Africa and India, it is affiliated with the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House, London. The AIIA provides a forum for discussion and research on subjects of topical and continuing interest through meetings, conferences and seminars addressed by distinguished specialists and public figures. Over the years these meetings have contributed much to informing public opinion on international affairs and have assisted the development of the Australian Diplomatic Service and the study of international issues in Australia. Founded in 1925, the AIIA Victoria has included many notable authorities on international affairs, amongst them being Sir John Latham, Sir , Sir Ian Clunies Ross, E.C. Dyason and Professors Norman Harper and Macmahon Ball. The AIIA is housed in Dyason House, named after E.C. Dyason, a prominent past member and one of its most generous benefactors. Membership is open to any individuals who are Australian residents, to corporate bodies, to diplomatic representatives, schools and students.

PRESIDENT‟S REPORT outstanding job in all the demanding I can happily report that the AIIA Victoria aspects of the position. has come through a challenging year in I mention this because the reasonably good shape. Council and the Executive believe We depend very greatly on the the ultimate progress of the outstanding and dedicated support of Institute demands more than one our members, particularly the Chairman person can possibly manage and members of the individual alone. Our aim therefore is to committees. recruit an Executive Director who will be involved with compiling and This year has been no exception. But the managing the programme, developing the efficient working of the Institute is also highly strategic plan and positioning the Institute, dependent on its permanent staff, volunteers focussing on collaboration and co- and interns. ordination with other bodies and We were sad to lose in August our Executive organisations, securing business and Officer Annette Nicol after 2 ½ years in the philanthropic sponsorship and generally job. Simone Roworth took over the role in a raising the profile of the Institute. temporary capacity and most capably held Naturally this has been a difficult ambition the fort until she too left for a new position at to achieve in a time of major financial the end of the year. Markus Gorondi also pressure. We are convinced that such a helped out during this period. development is essential to our future The new Executive – our former President success. Prof. John McKay retired from the Presidency In saying this, I would like to emphasise at the AGM in late November – had as one of most strongly our need to husband our its first tasks the selection of a new person to financial resources with the greatest care. run the office with all that that entails. We were extremely fortunate to obtain the The Programme services full time of one of our members, The heart and soul of the Institute is its Peta McDermott. She picked up the reins in programme of events and activities. AIIA January of this year and has done an Victoria can be rightly proud of the

AIIAV 2008/2009 Annual Report Page 3 of 14 frequency and quality of its yearly Sheridan; and the end of the civil war in Sri programme. Lanka. It is most pleasing that the level of On Africa we returned to Zimbabwe with a attendance at the virtually weekly events in panel discussion and visited Nigeria. the last 6 months has escalated and been For global concerns we were indebted to maintained. Prof. Richard Tanter on security challenges Our programme over the course of the facing Australia; to Dr Paul Monk on the big financial year sought to cover issues of the global trends; and to Dr George Friedman of moment as well as more enduring concerns. Stratfor on the theme of the next 100 years. We looked at the advent of the Obama We ended our latest Collins Street series, presidency as the single biggest international on global business prospects, with an development, seeking the opinions of Greg address by Austrade chief economist Dr Tim Sheridan, foreign editor of The Australian; Harcourt. Prof. Geoff Garrett of the US Studies Centre at Sydney University, in the first of two talks; AIIA's national conference was a highlight of and the author Don Watson. the financial year with the representatives of more than 20 associated institutions The greater Middle East featured large as from around the world convening in always. Former Iranian President Melbourne for two days of discussions on Mohammad Khatami spoke on the international affairs, thanks to the momentous trends in his country, backed up endeavours of our national office. by another Iranian event, the US Consul- General, Mr Michael Thurston, on his To cap our programme we included events previous posting in Iraq; our Ambassador to on Australia's intelligence agencies; the Egypt, Mr Bob Bowker; the Consul-General of issue of nuclear energy; bringing tyrants to Turkey, Mr Aydin Nurhan; three events on justice; issues in the Pacific; how the Afghanistan, including Mr Rodney Cocks on European Union is coping with its current his experiences as counter-narcotics adviser crises; and, to finish calendar year 2008, at the British Embassy in Kabul; and visiting the eminent Harvard psychiatrist and AIIAV Israeli specialist Dr Jonathan Spyer on his member Dr George Vaillant on what makes country's strategic dilemmas. us happy. The on-going partnerships we enjoy with European and EU Centre, Monash Asia Institute, La Trobe University Centre for Dialogue, La Trobe University IUEU, Readings, Melbourne Writers Festival and CEDA have been significant in developing an extensive programme.

For Asia we looked closely at China, including With over 60 events for the year the the first of two talks on Xinjiang; one on Tibet; amount of hard work in obtaining and a broad view on China and its challenges by briefing speakers, writing flyers, organising Rowan Callick of The Australian; and an food and refreshment, setting and clearing insight into the culture of China by Dr Jane up after events often late into the night, Orton. With developments in Indonesia we collecting and entering attendance fees, is turned to Prof. Tim Lindsay; Dr Richard truly phenomenal. Chauvel; and especially to the AIIAV study I would like to pay a special tribute here to tour participants led by a life member and our Vice President Graham Barrett, who has former president, Ms Zara Kimpton. More done for some years now a herculean job widely we scrutinised Prime Minister Rudd's with respect to the programme. He has had Asian ambitions through a panel discussion; of course the assistance of his committee human rights in North Korea; the crisis in members – but without his experience, Georgia; and the aftermath of the Mumbai range of contacts and capacity to overcome massacre; Thailand's political turmoil; Asia last minute hiccups and obstacles, we and its challenges to foreign policy with Greg

AIIAV 2008/2009 Annual Report Page 4 of 14 simply would not have achieved the The International Careers Conference 2008 attendance and success that we have. The AIIA Victoria‟s 2008 International 2009 VCE Seminar Report Careers Conference was held at RMIT Judy Rothacker once again organised our University on Friday 30 August. The event VCE Seminar Programme. I enjoyed chairing was very well subscribed with 340 the seminars and learnt a great deal. We registrations. Including volunteers, around held 3 this year and they were successful. 350 university students attended on the day. In March the first seminar explored the 2009 nominated essay topics for the International We were fortunate to attract two Studies subject. Globalisation and outstanding keynote speakers: John Internationalism were addressed by our first Denton, CEO and Partner Corrs Chambers guest speakers – Ms Anna Louise Simpson Westgarth and Rev. Dr. Tim Costello, CEO (Chief Examiner), Professor John Langmore World Vision Australia. In all, the ICC and Mr Ron Anderson. program included 24 guest speakers from a wide range of employers including DFAT, In May the second seminar focused on AusAID, MSF, AVI, Deloitte, Summit “Conflict in the Post Cold War World”. We Thailand, ASIS, AFP, ITS Global, Cardno Acil. were fortunate to have Mr Allen Behm from This year‟s ICC included an emphasis on Knowledge Pond Pty Ltd take the leading role careers in international project in speaking with the students. Mr Behm management and it should be noted that spoke on many current global security issues the morning project management breakout and drew from his experiences as the former session was very well attended. Head of the International Policy and Strategy Divisions in the Department of Defence. Mr This year‟s conference was funded from Ron Anderson also spoke on this topic from student registrations and sponsorship from his experience as a former Chief Examiner. the Walter Mangold Trust ($9,000) and RMIT ($2,000). All costs were covered and Our final seminar “Power and National the conference thus earned a small profit Interest” saw Mr Stuart Harridge from which will be rolled-over to subsidise next Mazenod College open the afternoon “from year‟s event. the teacher‟s perspective” and then Professor Bruce Jacobs from Monash Dr Paul Battersby chaired the committee University broadened the students and gave special thanks to Margaret Papst understanding of the topic from his wealth of for her support and advice. He also paid knowledge on this area of study. tribute to ACCESS and ICC Committee Markus Gorondi, Sasho Ripiloski, Imogen The success of these seminars has been due Ord-Evans, and Ishita Acharyya for their to the hard work of all our speakers, the enthusiasm and hard work in designing and excellent location of the venue and the promoting this event. Without their careful administrative work of Peta commitment and initiative the ICC could not McDermott. The Iwaki Auditorium has again have been a success. proved to be logistically an accessible venue for schools coming from many different The ICC is of profound importance in the locations across Melbourne. We would like outreach and promotion of AIIA Victoria and to thank the ABC for their assistance with the 2009 ICC is shaping up as another each of the events. successful event. The interest and involvement of the Study Tours speakers, the teachers present, and the Study Tours conducted by AIIA Victoria have questions and attention of the students a very proud history. They aim to give demonstrate clearly the importance of the participants updates on the political, seminars as an outreach function of the AIIA economic, social, cultural and foreign Victoria. policies of the countries visited, as well as Judy deserves great praise for the dedication an opportunity to visit cultural and tourist and enthusiasm she has demonstrated, in highlights. They also enable contacts to be not always easy circumstances, in bringing developed with our counterpart bodies in the programme to fruition. other countries.

AIIAV 2008/2009 Annual Report Page 5 of 14 We conducted two study tours during the guest speaker with Professor Geoffrey financial year 2008-2009. The first to the Blainey AC providing a commentary. A new Russian Federation from 6-19th July 2008 committee under the chairmanship of the and the second, to Indonesia, from 24 May – Hon. Jim Short has been working extremely 6 June, 2009. hard to make the evening a great success. The tour to Russia included an introductory The Building Committee program in Moscow involving extensive The building committee undertook two briefings on political, economic and social major projects during the year. The first developments in the country as well as visits was the long overdue renovation of both to some of the cultural highlights of the bathrooms which was successfully capital. This was followed by visits to the completed in November 2008. The Golden ring cities – Vladimir, Suzdal, committee then turned its focus to the Kostroma, Yaroslav and Sergiev Posad - and kitchen which also required updating. The St Petersburg. The group was extremely preparatory work was undertaken in the appreciative of the guidance and assistance final quarter of the year in readiness for offered by the Australian embassy in Moscow installation which took place after the end and the Honorary Consul in St Petersburg. of the financial year. Both projects have The tour to Indonesia involved an enhanced the appearance of Dyason House introductory briefing program in Jakarta and and improved the facilities for members visits to Bandung, Yogyakarta and Bali. and staff. The committee has also been Indonesia is a major bilateral partner and working on a review of all OHS procedures neighbour of Australia and the itinerary was to make sure that these comply with current chosen to give a snapshot of a country which, regulations. Discussions have also taken despite proximity, is little visited by place with our garden designer and Australians (other than to Bali). Both the contractor to ensure that the garden looks Australian Embassy in Jakarta and the as good as possible during the current Consulate-General in Bali were extremely drought. We have also made efforts to helpful in assisting with the program and in improve the front area of Dyason House providing briefings. and this has involved discussions with the The tours were under the leadership of Vice Melbourne Heritage Restoration Fund. President Les Rowe whose extensive foreign Many other small improvements have been affairs experience and postings were of made during the year as part of an ongoing tremendous assistance in planning the program to upgrade our facilities. Tours. We are extremely grateful to Zara Kimpton, Zara Kimpton as his deputy leader made a who not only has ably chaired the special contribution, particularly having taken committee, but gave a most generous over the leadership of the tour to Indonesia donation enabling the new kitchen to be when Les had to withdraw at the last completed to its high standard. moment. Zara also produced two detailed ACCESS - AIIA Victoria‟s Programme for reports of the Tours, copies of which are held Younger Members in the AIIA Victoria library. The ACCESS team is a most important On returning to Australia each of the tour segment of AIIA Victoria‟s total organisation. groups reported back to the AIIA Victoria During the year membership has increased membership on their findings. Already there and activities and forward planning are well are discussions on possible destinations for in evidence. Highlights of activities include: the next tour. Publications The Sir Zelman Cowen Oration Access Monthly: email newsletter including Unfortunately there was no Oration during opinion pieces on current issues, the financial year 2008-2009 due to last informative news pieces, overview of jobs, minute changes in circumstances. However, scholarships, recommended websites and by the time this report is presented we will book reviews (lead by Olivia Cable) have held the next Oration on October 15th. Access Quarterly: accessible academic Professor the Hon. Robert Hill will be the journal, to be published in both pdf and

AIIAV 2008/2009 Annual Report Page 6 of 14 html format – the latter providing for online enabled us to successfully stage the interaction with and for the readership (lead International Careers Conference, the VCE by Daniel Wilson) Seminars programme plus the capacity to digitise our weekly presentations. Their Support and Involvement International Careers Conference (Access contribution has been of tremendous committee). importance in the continuing development of AIIA Victoria and its service to the Events membership. Asia and its Challenges to Australian Foreign Policy (Ishita Acharyya) The Friends of the AIIA Society The Politics of Apology, Forgiveness and th Reconciliation: International and Domestic As part of its 75 Anniversary celebrations, Perspectives on the Politicization of the AIIA launched a new „Friends of the AIIA Reconciliation (Ishita Acharyya) Society‟ dedicated to recognising and honouring those individuals who have made Melbourne International Film Festival Film an outstanding financial contribution to the Night – viewing of the film „Stolen‟, followed organisation. by a Q&A session (Hannah Jakubenko, Alexandra Horwood and Emily Jackson). AIIA Victoria joined with the National Office in contacting all our members seeking their The forward programme is also impressive support – a donation of $500 or more or an with an International Law Panel and a indication of an intention to leave a bequest Professional Development Day planned. A to the AIIA enabling them to be recognised most interesting development is the proposal as a Friend of the AIIA. I should add that to develop an ACCESS-AIIAV mentoring Zara Kimpton is the Patron of the Society. programme. The following members responded to the The enthusiasm and imagination being appeal and are now formally recognised as displayed by so many of the members of Friends of the AIIA. ACCESS bodes very well for both their individual careers and also continuing Mr William Fenner support for the AIIA Victoria. Mrs Beryl Hooley Mrs Diana Kimpton and Mr James Website Kimpton AM We are now well established with the national website, . The site Ms Zara Kimpton contains a great deal of very useful Mr John and Mrs Penny Lewisohn information, including our calendar of events - you can even register your attendance for Mr Frank and Dr Eve Mahlab any of our events. Of particular interest is Mr Hugh Morgan AC the newly uploaded recordings of our 2009 Mr Richard Morgan AM events, which can be found in the Resources section, under Papers and Transcripts. Our Mrs Elizabeth Murphy-Chapman thanks must go to the Walter Mangold Trust Dr Victor Wayne in providing a grant for this project of digitizing our presentations, enabling us to Donations purchase a digital recorder and equipment to We are always most grateful for donations to transfer prior tape recordings to digital. Our the Institute. This year the following, as thanks also to our volunteer, Pha Phorn, who recorded on page 10 of this report, have was able to undertake the editing, and to the been generous in their support. National Office for their assistance with the audio upload. Library Walter Mangold Trust Pat Petitt has been consistently visiting the Library and getting things up to date. The I would like to make special mention of the books, apart from recent donations, have continuing and generous support of the been catalogued on cards and labeled. Still Walter Mangold Trust. Their support has to be done are the compilations of

AIIAV 2008/2009 Annual Report Page 7 of 14 documents and new indexes, such as Keesings. The Executive and Council Pat has outlined her belief that the next major I would like to express my great appreciation step will be to make the catalogue available for the work and support of the Executive on the AIIA Victoria website and she has and the Council. The Executive has met proposed how this can be achieved for a monthly and the Council will meet 5 times reasonable cost. There is still a need to this year. Our Vice Presidents, Graham create more space and again we still need to Barrett and Les Rowe and our Treasurer make decisions on the measures proposed. Greg Romanes have assisted enormously Pat deserves great credit for the progress that with their corporate knowledge and long has been made. standing membership of the AIIA Victoria. Our thanks also to our most generous The Council has always been ready to members who have donated books to the question and offer suggestions on agenda library during the 2008/2009 year. We were items and the members chairing our also fortunate to receive books via the committees deserve our great thanks. Indonesia Study Tour from the Parliament of Former Council members have continued Indonesia, and our thanks to Zara Kimpton for their contributions to the well being of the bringing these back for our library. Institute. Zara Kimpton and Trish Ritman Collaboration with Readings spring immediately to mind. We continue to enjoy a good relationship with I would also like to thank the outgoing Readings. In May, I chaired a book launch in Council members Prof. John McKay, Ian conjunction with Black Inc, Readings and Wilcock, Markus Gorondi and Alistair Cinema Nova to launch Dr George Friedman‟s Urquhart who left the Council after the 2008 most interesting book, “The Next 100 Years”. Annual General Meeting, and to Jane The next event will be the launch of exiled Blaxland who resigned in February 2009. Uighur leader Rebiya Kadeer‟s challenging We welcomed the Hon. Jim Short to the book “Dragon Fighter – One Woman‟s Fight Council in June 2009. for Peace with China”. Finally, my thanks to all those members who The Financial Situation turned up sometimes through driving rain 2008-2009 has been a difficult one and wind, to make up an appreciative financially for the Institute. Not only was our audience for our speakers. investment income reduced as a result of the Collaboration with National Office financial crisis, the income expected from the Our relationship with the National Office has Sir Zelman Cowen Oration was not realized, a continued to be most harmonious. Melissa change of tenant meant 3 months of missed Conley Tyler has worked closely with our rent, and the annual rent needed to be office in dealing with the setting up and reduced. working of the website as well as dealing Additionally, school renewals were moved to promptly and efficiently with any issues that coincide with other membership renewal arose. We are grateful for their help and dates resulting in a 6 month hiatus in school advice. renewal income. The overall result for the financial year show our operating loss before depreciation of $15,044. Of concern for the future is the likely expenditure associated with the Hon. Michael MacKellar maintenance and upkeep of Dyason House. PRESIDENT

AIIAV 2008/2009 Annual Report Page 8 of 14


Category Rate ($) 30/06/2006 30/06/2007 30/06/2008 30/06/09 Standard 121 148 171 211 243 (Formally Ordinary and Individual Consular) Concession 77 109 111 131 145 (Formally Retired & Country) Institutional 330 14 22 19 28 (Formally Corporate, Consulate and Institutional) Spouse 55 28 27 33 41

School 121 35 44 46 46

Student 44 86 200 247 273

Speakers 11 14 22 22

Honorary 4 4 4 4

Free List 8 3 - 7

Life - - 4 5 Members

Total 447 604 717 814

AIIAV 2008/2009 Annual Report Page 9 of 14

DONATIONS AND SPONSORSHIP 1st July 2008 – 30th June 2009

Listed below are the names of all those who kindly made a donation to and sponsored AIIA Victoria during the year. The Institute would like to thank all of these people and institutions for this invaluable assistance in its ongoing efforts to upgrade its activities and to improve the facilities at Dyason House.

DONATIONS Mr Frank and Dr Eve Mahlab

Dr Ruth Birrell Mr Edward Miller Mr Henry Bosch AO and Mrs Daphne Bosch Mr Hugh Morgan AC

Mr Christopher Butler Mr Richard Morgan AM

Mr John Cohen OAM JP Mrs Elizabeth Murphy-Chapman

Mr Michael Coultas OAM and Mrs Julie Reid Mrs Judy Coultas Mr Greg Romanes Mr Bill Fenner Ms Catherine Sullivan Mrs Deborah Crow Ms Susanne Sweetland Dr Michael Dale Mr Alister Urquhart Ms Toni Feddersen Dr George and Mrs Caroline Vaillant Mr Bob and Mrs Jan Foster Dr Victor Wayne Mr John and Mrs Helen Fuller

Mrs Elizabeth Grant SPONSORS

Mrs Isabella Green Australian Broadcasting Corporation Mr Hartmut Hofmann

Mrs Beryl Hooley Walter Mangold Trust

Mr Simon Kerr Roy Morgan Research Mr James Kimpton AM and Mrs Diana Kimpton RMIT University Ms Zara Kimpton

Professor John Legge AO

Mr John and Mrs Penny Lewisohn

Mr Daniel Magasanik

AIIAV 2008/2009 Annual Report Page 10 of 14 AIIA PAST FUNCTIONS 1st July 2008 – 30th June 2009

Professor Robert Bowker, Former 9th July 2008 A Changing Middle East Ambassador, now at the ANU Mr David Templeman, Monash 16th July 2008 The Struggle over Tibet Asia Institute Associate Professor Adrian Little, British Politics - The Rise and 23rd July 2008 Fall of New Labour Lunch at 401: Global Business Mr Tim Harcourt, Chief Economist - 24th July 2008 Prospects Series: Exporting Austrade Australia to the World Mr James Button, Former Europe 30th July 2008 Europe's Age of Uncertainty Correspondent of The Age Ms Anna-Louise Simpson VCE Seminar 'Power and 14th August 2008 Prof Bruce Jacobs National Interest' Prof Nick Bisley Mr Garry Woodard Panel Discussion: „The World of 14th August 2008 Mr Paul Barratt, AO Kevin Rudd‟ Professor John McKay American Journey – a narrative 20th August 2008 Mr Don Watson of the US in the Bush era Professor Tim Lindsey, University of Rising Religious Tensions in 26th August 2008 Melbourne Indonesia? 2nd September Dr Gideon Boas, Monash University Taking Tyrants to Task 2008 Mr Jeff Hart, High Commissioner of Nigeria and the Realities of 8th September 2008 Abuja Africa 11th September Mr Daniel Flitton and Mr Lou VCE Seminar: Foreign Policy 2008 Spanos 11th September Report given by members of the Inside Russia Today 2008 Study Tour to Russia Rebranding America – Does 18th September Ambassador Derek Shearer the US role in the World need 2008 an Overhaul? 24th September Professor Geoff Garrett, CEO, US What can Aust Expect from the 2008 Studies Centre, Sydney University next US President Mrs Zubayra Shamseden, Xinjiang and the Plight of the 1st October 2008 University of South Australia Uighur People in China 9th October 2008 Dr Jeremy Dwyer, Monash Crisis in the Caucasus

AIIAV 2008/2009 Annual Report Page 11 of 14 University 15th October 2008 Mr John Cohen, OAM, JP Israel Today Special Talk: Current Financial Associate Professor Mark Crosby, 22nd October 2008 Crisis and its International Melbourne Business School Implications Mr Kenneth Davidson, Columnist Meltdown Averted: Now for 30th October 2008 with „The Age‟ and Editor of Managing the Recession Dissent 13th November Global Warming –is it Really a Mr Desmond Moore 2008 Threat? The US Presidential Election 20th November Mr Michael Thurston, US Consul and Challenges for the New 2008 General Administration 27th November Dr David Dorward, African South Africa on the Political 2008 Consultancy Services Precipice Humanity is Not Going to the Professor George E Vaillant, 3rd December 2008 Dogs: Evidence from History Harvard Medical School and Neuroscience Obama‟s World – What the Mr Greg Sheridan, Foreign Editor of 5th February 2009 New Presidency Means for „The Australian‟ Australia Professor Marika Vicziany, 12th February 2009 After the Mumbai Massacre Director, Monash Asia Institute Professor Richard Tanter, Nautilus Security Challenges Facing 18th February 2009 Institute of Security and Australia Sustainability Mr Michael Thurston, US Consul- 25th February 2009 A New Iraq Begins to Emerge General Ms Anna-Louise Simpson, Chief Examiner, Professor John VCE Seminar: Globalisation and 5th March 2009 Langmore, University o f Internationalism Melbourne, and Mr Ron Anderson Mr Rowan Callick, Asia-Pacific 5th March 2009 Editor of „The Australian‟ and China and its Challenges former China correspondent Dr Faridullah Bezhan, Monash Asia 12th March 2009 Afghanistan: War Without End? Institute Dr Jonathan Spyer, Centre for Israel‟s Strategic Dilemmas in a 19th March 2009 Global Research, Israel Changing Middle East Book Launch with Quaker Service “Friends in deed – 50 Years of 20th March 2009 Australia. MC: the Hon Margaret Quaker Service Australia” Reid, AO

AIIAV 2008/2009 Annual Report Page 12 of 14 9th International Conference on 20th – 21st March Conference Co-Sponsorship North Korean Human Rights & 2009 Refugees Both Sides of the Curtain: Professor John Bailey, University of 25th March 2009 Discovering the Music of London and Veronica Doubleday Afghanistan H.E. Seyed Mohammad Khatami, 27th March 2009 former President of Iran (1997- Special luncheon presentation 2005) Dr Fraser Cameron, Director of the Can the European Union 1st April 2009 EU-Russia Centre, Brussels Survivie its Current Crises? Mr Nic MacLellan, Researcher and 8th April 2009 The Politics of the Pacific Journalist Dr Sekai Nzenza Shand and Mr 16th April 2009 Life and Death in Zimbabwe David Jamali, Aid Workers Mr Auydin Nurhan, Consul General 20th April 2009 Turkey in the Global Village of Turkey Dr Richard Chauvel, Victoria A New Vote for Democracy in 22nd April 2009 University Indonesia Dr Marc Askew, University of 30th April 2009 Melbourne and King Prajadhipok Thailand in Political Chaos Institute, Bangkok Associate Professor Shahram Iran: 30 Years After the 4th May 2009 Akbarzadeh, University of Revolution Melbourne H.E. Mr Sven-Olaf Petersson, Sweden Tackles Global 6th May 2009 Ambassador of Sweden to Concerns Australia and New Zealand Dr Paul Monk, Security, Global Challenges of the 21st 13th May 2009 Intelligence and International Century Affairs Specialist Book Launch with Readings, Black Inc and Cinema Nova: Dr George 19th May 2009 “The Next 100 Years” Friedman, Global Intelligence Expert Mr Allan Behm, Knowledge Pond, VCE Seminar: Conflict in the 21st May 2009 and Mr Ron Anderson Post Cold War World Mr Greg Barns, Human Rights 21st May 2009 Bringing Tyrants to Justice Barrister 24 May – 6th June Study Tour to Indonesia 2009 Mr Greg Sheridan, Foreign Editor of 25th May 2009 ACCESS Event – Asia and its „The Australian‟ Challenges to Australian

AIIAV 2008/2009 Annual Report Page 13 of 14 Foreign Policy Dr Paul Muldoon, Monash University, Mr Lucho Riquelme, co- ACCESS Event – The Politics of 27th May 2009 founder of the Latin American Reconciliation: an International Solidarity Network and Chilean Perspective Popular and Indigenous Network Mr JC Weliamuna, Executive Beyond War: What Next for Sri 1st June 2009 Director, Transparency Lanka? International, Colombo Dr Jane Orton, University of Making Sense of Other 11th June 2009 Melbourne Cultures Dr Ziggy Switkowski, Chairman of 18th June 2009 the Australian Nuclear Science and The World of Nuclear Energy Technology Oganisation Mr David Reese, former Deputy Inside Australia‟s Intelligence 24th June 2009 Director-General, Office of National Agencies Assessments Mr Rodney Cocks, Counter- How Opium is Fuelling a World 29th June 2009 Narcotics Adviser, British Embassy, of Trouble Kabul

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