Heavy Rain Still Expected Wanted to Put This All Behind Them,” Mckenzie Said
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DISTRICT 8-AA CHAMPS! Upperman wins. B1 Herald-CitizenWEDNESDAY,Herald-Citizen FEBRUARY 20, 2019 | COOKEVILLE, TENNESSEE 117TH YEAR | NO. 36 75 CENTS Man pleads guilty to attempted rape of child BY PAIGE STANAGE HERALD-CITIZEN A New York man pleaded guilty to attempted rape of a child in the Putnam County Criminal Court Tuesday. Kerry Jarrod Washington, 28, was sen- tenced to 19 years behind bars following the plea, according to the agreement. He will also be under community supervision and will register as a sex of- fender for the rest of his life, the agreement states. BEN WHEELER | HERALD-CITIZEN Washington originally Putnam County is expected to see roughly six inches of additional rain over the next week, and spots faced at least 25 years if con- prone to flooding, such as this area on Willow Avenue, have been a concern for area agencies. victed of the original charge of rape of a child, Judge Gary McKenzie said. “The family (of the victim) Washington was in favor of the plea. They Heavy rain still expected wanted to put this all behind them,” McKenzie said. “They wanted BY BEN WHEELER all (Tuesday), making sure every- ing water to sweep someone off their fi nality. And I certainly considered the HERALD-CITIZEN thing is clear,” Brown said. “This feet. family’s wishes.” time of year, rain washes a lot of Brown and Smith both urge the The Herald-Citizen does not usually The National Weather Service leaves down and can clog (systems).” public to use extra caution during identify victims, but the mother of the predicts Putnam County will re- Putnam County Emergency the next few days, and not take victim gave her approval in this case, ceive roughly six inches of rain over Management Agency Director Tyler unnecessary risks with heavy rain according to the 13th Judicial District the next seven days. Smith said that they have measured expected. Attorney’s Offi ce. With a fl ood watch in eff ect until 13.32 inches of rain for the area Rain totals from Monday were re- Katlyn Dunn, 12, of Cookeville, was the Thursday, local agencies have since Jan. 1, 2019, including 6.85 portedly .01 inches and on Tuesday, victim. been preparing for what could be a inches in February. .95 inches was reported. She committed suicide approximately signifi cant amount of rain in a short “We’re in the fi ve to six (inch) The Cookeville Police Department two days after the incident with Wash- period. range in the next seven days. That’s posted a list of roads on its Facebook ington in 2016, according to 13th Judicial Public Works Director Greg a lot for us,” Smith said. “We are page that were listed as troubled fol- District Attorney General Bryant Dun- Brown says his employees have probably going to see some fl ooding lowing a storm earlier this month, away. already put out barriers in certain and want to make sure that people according to dispatcher’s notes. “Those who victimize children must areas in case they become fl ooded are aware.” The post includes E. Broad be held accountable,” Dunaway said. “It and have tried to clear drains to Smith says it only takes two feet Street-from Elm to Denton, 6th surprises some people that crimes are avoid any blockage. of water to take out most ordinary “We’ve been cleaning catch basins vehicles, and only 12 inches of rush- SEE RAIN, PAGE A2 SEE PLEA, PAGE A2 TennCare coverage for children bill proposed BY PAIGE STANAGE language. We are working committee,” Conway said. should run in the next few HERALD-CITIZEN with organizations and “If it makes it through the weeks, and then get the other lawmakers to decide full committee, then we’ll bill heard in the TennCare A proposed bill how this (bill) should be set go to the finance commit- subcommittee mid-March,” would provide TennCare up,” said Amanda Conway, tee.” said Conway. coverage to children under staff contact for Rep. Sam After the bill passes the The bill was intro- 18 years old who need in- Whitson’s office. finance committee, it will duced after Rosalie Howe, stitutional care through a Once sponsors decide be voted on by the House of a Cookeville mother, spent waiver program, regardless how the waiver program Representatives. two days on Capitol Hill in of their parents’ income. will work, an amendment The Senate will also have Nashville advocating for The bill is HB 0498, and will be written and added to pass its version of the a Katie Beckett Medicaid it is in the early stages of to the bill. bill in order for it to be- waiver for her seven-year- Rosalie Howes spent two days development. “It will have to go come a law, Conway said. old son, Hyrum. on Capitol Hill in Nashville “Right now, the legis- through the TennCare sub- “The process could take a Hyrum suffered a stroke advocating for a Katie Beckett lation is a caption bill, committee and then make it while, but we hope to decide Medicaid waiver for her son. which does not have full through the full insurance how the waiver program SEE BILL, PAGE A2 800-bed jail expansion explained BY JIM HERRIN county has to deal with would be coming back HERALD-CITIZEN jail overcrowding. He to you with a propos- said a committee that’s al.” The Putnam County been discussing the is- Sheriff Eddie Farris Jail would be expand- sue over the past sever- said the current jail ed by 800 beds under al months has decided was built in 1993 with a a preliminary plan that the best option is certified capacity of 170 presented to county for the county to build beds. commissioners Tues- additional jail cells on “After some addi- day night. The Justice the current site rather tions and modifica- Center would also be than building an all- tions, the jail was renovated with the new facility. recertified to 252 beds addition of three new “This is basically in 2009 and has been courtrooms. just an update of where at that number ever Brant Tharp of Cope we have come over the since,” he said. “In Architecture spent past several months of 2018, our jail had an about an hour talking working on this,” said average daily popula- to commissioners and County Mayor Randy tion of 381. Last year, JIM HERRIN | HERALD-CITIZEN answering questions Porter. “I hope in the Grant Tharp with Cope Architects talks to county commissioners about options the next few months we SEE JAIL, PAGE A2 Tuesday night about possible jail renovations. herald-citizen.com INDEX 2 sections | 14 pages OBITUARIES Page A5 DEAR ABBY A6 COMICS A7 OPINION A4 Jerry Long, Cookeville Joe T. Hill, Livingston CALENDAR A5 CROSSWORD A7 SPORTS B1 Otis Hargis, Cookeville Elizabeth Wysocki, Cookeville CLASSIFIED B3 LIVING A6 SUDOKU A7 A2 HERALD-CITIZEN FROM PAGE 1 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2019 herald-citizen.com 0LOTTERY0 Tuesday No charges expected from Monterey High threat Cash 3 Evening BY JIM HERRIN threats were made to his best that is alleged to have made Assistant Director of 1-7-9, Lucky Sum: 17 HERALD-CITIZEN friends which doesn’t make the threats is being questioned Schools Corby King confi rmed Cash 3 Midday 5-4-3, Lucky Sum: 12 any sense, so it appears that by both MHS administration some of the details of the Cash 3 Morning Charges will probably not be his account’s been hacked.” and the PCSO.” incident. 8-7-6, Lucky Sum: 21 fi led against a Monterey High The incident occurred Mon- The sheriff said it was “These threats appear to School student whose social day evening and led Monterey during that questioning that have been made by an individ- Cash 4 Evening media account was apparent- High School offi cials to send investigators determined the ual student acting alone,” he 4-4-5-3, Lucky Sum: 16 ly hacked and used to make out a message Tuesday morn- student’s account had been said. “Putnam County School Cash 4 Midday threats toward the high school ing to MHS parents. hacked. He said if offi cials can System offi cials would like 7-7-1-6, Lucky Sum: 21 and two fellow students. “A Monterey High School determine who broke into the to thank the Putnam County Cash 4 Morning “We’re still investigating student allegedly made some account, charges may be pos- Sheriff ’s Offi ce and the SRO 4-8-2-1, Lucky Sum: 15 the case, but it appears that social media threats last night sible against that person. at Monterey High School for Mega Millions the student account actual- (Monday) that was directed to “At no time was anybody in working quickly to identi- 17-24-34-56-65, Mega ly had been hacked,” said two other MHS students,” the any danger,” the sheriff said. fy the alleged source of the Ball: 3, Megaplier: 2 Sheriff Eddie Farris. “We’re message said. “At that time The high school had extra threats and to isolate that Est. jackpot: $206 million double-checking, but if that’s the MHS administration and security in and around the individual in order to main- the case, then there will be no the Putnam County Sheriff ’s building Tuesday “to assure tain the safety of all Monterey charges.” Offi ce started an investigation the students and parents of High School students and The sheriff said, “The into the threats. The student their safety.” staff .” 0READER SERVICES0 Address: Putnam mayor: Revenues looking good 1300 Neal St.