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No. 968 DECEMBER 1990/JANUARY 1991 PRICE.$1 SUBSCRIPTION $10 PA Registered by Australia Post Pub. No. VBH 1433 Editors: G. A. Forster, B.A., B.Sc.; POSTED WITHIN AUSTALJ --ISSN 1035196 - - -- H. B. Eve, Dip. E.E.; E. M. Best (For overseas rates see- ast page) ' Behind the problems of social life lies the problem of individual life. - Henry George Imagine all the people sharing all the world. - John Lennon What is our message? How do we get Having once disposed of nature, the and what is called 'deep ecology'offers it across? The principles underlying earth, as something "other" to be con- a way out for our brutalized world, de- Henry George's message have not quered and exploited, it is but a short monstrating how freedom, justice and changed: Abolish all taxation save that step to regard fellow human beings as compassion are not incompatible, but upon land values. But. conditions in "other" - also to be conquered and in fact depend upon each other. Geor- the world have chaiged. Did not Albert exploited, this "way of thinking" holds gists understand that freedom requires Einstein say that the introduction of the that Man (i.e., the white males of the equal access to the use of the earth. atom bomb changed everything except human species) was given dominion Ecologists understand that survival of our way of thinking? over the earth and all therein; and that humanity depends upon giving room Wealth is still produced by labour among Man, as within nature, only the for other species to survive as well. In exerting itself upon land using some strongest survive. Human history is a the past, western culture has regarded wealth as capital . that has not record of the consequences of this disas- concern for other species as a luxury. changed. But. scientists now know trous misperception: the caste system, Now we know, as our tribal ancestors that land, the earth, is much more like the burning of witches and heretics, the knew: We are, with all other beings, an organism, of which we are a part. slaughter of native peoples in the Amer- both the weavers and the web of life, The Gaiahypothesis holds that Earth is cas and Africa, genocide against the and what we do to the web we do to much more than "raw materials" and Jews, atom bombs exploded in hun- ourselves. Deep ecology, like Taoism, "natural resources" to be exploited by dreds of "tests" to prove something to Buddhism, and Native American tradi- humanity. It is ancient wisdom that the someone, the mindless destruction of tions, holds that we are not self-existent modern industrial world forgot: Earth animal and plant species, the glorifica- entities but that we are with all things is our mother, and fellow species our tion of male/male violence, the drive to living in a dynamic interdependence or brothers and sisters. Seems to me our make "other people" "just like us" - or "interbeing". message must address this paradigm dead, the riot police sent in to evict shift if we are to survive into the 21st squatters from public parks and empty century: the shift towards being inter- buildings. connected, instead of being over and Hey! What about the Single Tax? Yes, against, all that lives. indeed! And is not the Single Tax the practice of justice? Is not justice the idea IAIOIIC. For centuries our "way of thinking" FE told us we had a mandate from The Man that no one should profit at the expense Upstairs (created by men in their own of an "other"? George's Progress and • Tasmanian Politicians image) to increase, multiply, fill, and Poverty showed how co-operation be- praise Hare-Clark subdue the earth - and to smite other nefits human survival just as Peter tribes, cultures, peoples and species Kropotkin's Mutual Aid showed how • An Anglo-Irishman that got in our way. Now we wait as this is also true for the other species in Abroad more and more nations, some of whom nature. "Social Darwinism" was shown imagine a similar mandate from their to be a "way of thinking" that justified • Dates for your Diaries "Man Upstairs", join (get?) the nuclear the established order. (See Back Page) club. A synthesis of George's Single Tax 13626 Page 2 PROGRESS Dec. '90/Jan. '91 It is time to restore harmony and bal- allowing payroll tax to continue at a Pre-tax income became more unequal ance to the human community; and, time of high unemployment still con- between 1979 and 1987, with the further, to restore balance to the ecolog- tinues. poorest fifth's share falling from 0.5 to ical community upon which we depend The Georgist movement not only has 0.3 per cent, and the richest fifth's rising for our welfare. Does not the Single Tax warned of the current economic deterio- from 45 to 51 per cent. Post-tax income prevent the cancer-like expansion of ration; it can offer an explanation and increased for the richest fifth from 40 suburbia into the wilderness, in its a remedy. to 45 per cent, and fell for the poorest flight from the rotten urban core? Re- Attention to such matters as interest fifth from 6.1 to 5.1 per cent. store the core to health, and the wilder- rates, balance of payments and various The research officer, Mr. Carey Op- ness will thrive. monetary levels is preoccupation with penheim, said: "Whichever way you If we are saying, with George, we must secondary matters. The primary matters measure it, poverty has grown signific- make land common property, then we are sites and resources, access thereto antly over recent years, pushing over 10 not only have a responsibility to by "labour" (in the full classical million people on to incomes which are socialize the rent of "domesticated" economic sense) aided by capital (de- unacceptably low, and depriving them land for the benefit of the human com- fined precisely as wealth devoted to the of the opportunities which the rest of munity, but also to hold in trust the wild production of further wealth and ser- society takes for granted." lands for the benefit of the larger com- vices), and the possibility of trade un- COMMENT munity of all beings. all species, human hindered by artificial man-made bar- and non-human. If we can extend our riers. The associated crucial issue is a, some of the concern could be Single Tax message to embrace a Single right-source, public revenue, viz, com- ted towards ascertaining the Earth message, we may find the key to munity created site values. causes of poverty, and perhaps the re- searchers could understand land how we can get our message across - As Keynesianism, collectivism, monopoly. because we will be responding to the monopolism, monetarism, Roger- crisis of our time. nomics and other approaches are in- Even now, as the politics of the much- creasingly revealed as inadequate, the vaunted/much-dreaded "one world" need for the Georgist approach, encap- CRACKDOWN LOOMS FOR becomes reality; as the "free market" sulated in the slogan "justice for all and JAPANESE SPECULATORS triumphs on the frontiers of Eastern privilege for none" becomes apparent. Europe while it rots in the urban and In particular, the folly of ignoring the Japan's Ministry of Finance and cent- rural heartland of America . we can fundamental role of land tenure and site ral bank have moved towards a crack- become the goddess of liberty who lifts rents - by the media, the politicians and down on real estate and stockmarket in- her lamp again to lead the world toward the economic "experts" - is the cause vestors, which could divert huge sums a new vision: A transformed and sus- of increasing and needless suffering. of money to overseas investments. tainable world political economy that Provided ignorance and distortion by An advisory panel to the Ministry of "liberates production from taxation, the vested interests can be overcome, there Finance has approved a proposed new earth from monopoly, and humanity is still hope for our ailing economy, if land tax which would penalise from poverty" - a "Geocracy" that offers fundamentals are faced and appropriate speculators in order to bring down justice to humanity, compassion to our action follows. Japan's sky-high land prices. mother earth and all her offspring, and G.A.F. freedom to create not only material The Finance Ministry panel's green light to the land tax is only the first step abundance, but. a new way of think- towards the tax being introduced but ing about "self" that is not defined or 10 MILLION BRITONS LIVING IN the mood within the Government and imagined as at the expense of the POVERTY, REPORT FINDS ruling party is swinging steadily behind "other". the proposal. Mark A. Sullivan, About a fifth of Britain's population - among them three million children - The Go(iernrnent has vowed for sev- U.S. "Henry George Newsletter", were living in poverty in 1987. eral years to lower land prices but the June-Aug. 1990. ("Age", 7/11/90) new move against real estate specu- The Child Poverty Action Group said lators, and a proposal to end tax rorts IS THERE A BETTER that using either of the two most com- for farming land, are the first teeth given ALTERNATIVE? monly accepted definitions, more than to the land reforms. 10 million people were living in poverty The new tax would be levied on all There is widespread talk of gloom and at that time. non-housing privately-owned land, cut- doom, of soft landings and hard land- The definitions, in the absence of an ting into the profits of real estate ings, and of hard times.