Memoirs of the Geological Survey

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Memoirs of the Geological Survey BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME F ROM THE SAGE E N D O W ME N T F U N D THE GIF T OF i l e um m . g ag e N O T I C E. “ The SESSION of the ROYAL SCHoOL OF MINES and of SCIENCE applie d to the ARTS comm e nce s e arly in Oct obe r in e ach e ar durin wh c the followin Course s of y , g i h g Le cture s are de live re d. C e mi s r w th s e c al f r n h t y, i p i re e e ce t o i t s a ca ons i n the A s nd A . W . Hofmann LL.D. ppli ti rt a , , F .R S Manufacture s l Gen e a Na u al Hi T H Huxle . r l t r story . y, F R S P s cs o n T n da Ph . D . hy i J h y ll, , F.R . S . M A e d e c an cs Ro e W s M.A ppli h i b rt illi , F. R . S . Me au ohn Pe c M D t ll rgy J r y, ., F.R . S . Ge o o A C . Ra . m sa . l gy y, F R S Wa n on W . m M S A . ri gt yth, . , Mining and Mine ralogy F.R . S . The Chemical Laborat or unde r the di y, re ction of Dr. Hofm ann and the Met allur ical Laborat or un , g y, de r the dire ction of Dr. Pe rc are o e n for the y, p inst ruction of Stude nt s . A Prospe ctus and Informat ion may be obtaine d on applicat ion t o T RENHAM REEK Re i str r S, g a t ' J erm n S tre et L on don S . PV. y , , M E M O I R S OF THE GE OLOGICAL SURVEY G RE AT B R IT A IN, AND OF TII] MUSEUM OF RA AL P CTIC GEOLOGY. THE GEOLOGY OF THE COUNTRY ROU ND BANBURY WOODSTOCK BICE , , STER, AND BUCKINGHAM . ( S HEE T 45 OF THE MAP O F TH E GE OLOGICAL SURV E Y OF GR E B R AT ITAIN. ) EEN M A A. H. GR , . ., g; N E OW OF GO E A D CAl US CO EGE MBR GE . F LL NV ILL LL , CA ID L T F F L BY . ET E D E F . G. S . IS S O OSSI S R H RI G , M A A \ -V I M N ‘N V N V \A M M "” ’ PUB LISHED B Y ORDER OF THE LORDS COMMISSIONERS B E R MAJE STY S TREAS URY. w v ~ v v v v vv v W M W W W \ W W “ n w v w vw w w . ~ L O N D O N ’ I E PRINTED F OR. HER MAJE STY S S TATIONERY OFF C P UB LIS HE D B Y LON MAN EEN L NOMAN ROBERTS AND GREEN . G , GR , O , , ' ' Pr i ce Two S l ulhngs . CONT N S E T . E R CHAPT I. - — — — I nt roduction . Ta e of F o ma ions . P si cal fe a bl r t hy ture s . Ge n eI al e o — g o ca s uc u e . D i n l gi l tr t r ra age . — E R Ii . L CHAPT i As . Lowe r - Min l — — Li as . e a c a ac Ma e an d n e . Ban u a b ble . F r h r t r r g ry r ossils . — — S ec ti on s at As cott F os sils Mar ls t e or i e —M — on M ddl Li as . ine al c a ac e and an S e c ion n r h r t r r ge . t s a d — fos sils oun d Banbu . Di o o n W r ry tt r u d oodstock . — U er Li as Mine a1 c a ac e an d an e — Lowe st e ds — pp r h r t r r g b Upper p art. E R III — LOW E R OO S CHAPT . LIT E . In erior O li — Min e al a and — — o te . e n S e c i on s T i nnin of f r ch ract r Ia ge . t h g Lias an d Infe io Ooli e t o t he S .E . and o f G e a Ooli e F o e s r r t , r t t , r t M le an d n — a b Co as t o the N . E . Foss ils r , r br h . G ea t L we r an —R n r t or B a h Ooli te . o B d epre s e te d in t he n orth by The No t am on San ds i m i ne al c a a an d an e — De e m in a r h pt ; the r r h r ct er r g . t r ion — s s l D d n — t of their true age F o i s at e di n gto . S outhern re pres enta “ — ive The St one sfield Sla e . It s m ine al c a ac e and an e Lis t t r h r t r r g . t — i of papers . Foss ls . n —Min a Gre at or B ath Ooli te . U er B a d. e l c a ac e an d n pp r h r t r ra ge . S e c ions In lowe b e ds in m iddle an d u e b e ds oun d W ds c t r , pp r r oo to k — — and alon we s e n e s ca m e n . Faul s ne a B ac l S e c i ons g t r rp t t r r k ey . t b e we e n B ac le an d Buc in am alon valle of t he Ous e an d f t r k y k gh , g y o — — h bo o . Fau1 s In Le c am ead Valle S ec ions t e Thorn rough bro k t kh pst y . t — — n a Wi e n T ic n e ss . F ossils . e r ck . h k — Min e al c aac e an d an e —Se c i ons i n W oods F orest Marble . r h r t r r g t tock di s ict —Las ace s of t he fo m a ion at Tin e wic T o n on an d tr t tr r t g k, h r t , — dm a n — i ell Ou lie at Ta o . Foss l s . Lillingst on Lov . t r rt — - n — Main m as Min e al c a ac e an d a e . a s S e c i n h o s . Cornbm s . r h r t r r g ( ) t ' — S e c ion at Th ornb OI ou h — Lowe n s bou da . Cornb rash clay . t g r ry Mo o n an d L am s e ad —c Inlie s (6) Outliers at Maids rt eckh p t . ( ) r b etween — i Fossils . Islip and Marsh G bb on . — ' ‘ ~ M E O I E R IV OL I E S . CHAPT . IDD L — . M n a c a ac e an d an e S e c i n s n Clanch or Oxford Clay i er l h r t r r g . t o i — c n e a Buc i n am an d n e a Go ddin t on . Fossil W oodstock distri t, r k gh , r g s — — — Ou li e at A ele . T ic n e s s at Oxfo d . Lowe b oun from last . t r k y h k r r — daryr Fossils . ' i t e —Min e a1 c a ac e s of Lowe Calca eous Gi it an d Co al Coralline Ool . r h r t r r r r — — — He ad n W t am Hill . Roun d in o and S an on St . Rag Range . y h gt t t — la e e sen in Co a line Oo i e b e we en Stude le an d John. C y r pr t g r l l t t y - i F ossi ls . Quainton H ll . i v C ONTE NT S . — ’ ‘ R U E R OO L II E S . CHAPTE V . PP ' ’ Kime — Min e a1 c a ac e an e an d fos sils rzd} e Clal r h r t r, r g , z ‘ — —a Mai n m ass Ou PortlandB edsi Mi neral character an d range . ( ) ‘ e a s e anti l Hill B ill C il on an d Lon C e n don, C iers at Muswe ll , r , h t g r h r l y i ll an d N e nd n Ove Winc en don As en don Lod e H , e the r Wi nch o , r h , h , g — uain n F os sil s .
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