WEST DISTRICT COUNCIL Town and Country Planning Acts require the following to be advertised 18/01939/HHD CONLB. Ivanhoe The Green Leafield 18/01771/HHD CONLB. Old Laundry Cottage Old Forge Road 18/01834/HHD CONLB. 15 High Street Standlake 18/01985/HHD Leafield CONLB. 3 Pond Court Fairspear Road Leafield 18/01718/RES Witney MAJ. Land At West Witney Downs Road Curbridge 18/01459/FUL Wootton CONLB.Wootton Down Farm Wootton Woodstock 18/01732/HHD CONLB. 14 Standlake Road Ducklington Witney 18/01720/HHD Witney CONLB. 9A West End Witney Oxfordshire 18/01743/HHD Witney CONLB. 5 Church Green Witney Oxfordshire 18/01744/LBC Witney LBC. 5 Church Green Witney Oxfordshire 18/01517/FUL Carterton MAJ. Linden House Kilkenny Lane 18/01671/FUL Wootton CONLB. Killingworth Castle Inn Road Wootton 18/01759/HHD Aston, Cote, and Chimney CONLB. 44 Saxel Close Aston Bampton 18/01761/FUL with CONLB. Gate Farm Park Road Over Kiddington 18/01954/HHD CONLB.Wynyard Church Street Stonesfield 18/01716/HHD Witney CONLB. 9A West End Witney Oxfordshire CODE KEY: ADDINF Additional Information Received. ADESC Amended description. AMDINF Amended Information Received. CONLB Conservation Area or Listed Building – affecting. DEP Departure. EIA Environmental Impact Assessment. LBC Listed Building Consent. PROW Affects Public Right of Way. WP Wider Publicity. Applications can be viewed online at www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning or at the council offices at Elmfield, New Yatt Road,Witney, OX28 1PB. REPRESENTATIONS IN WRITING BY: 26.07.2018 Comments on the applications should be made online at www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning or via e-mail to [email protected] or by post to Planning, District Council, Elmfield, New Yatt Road,Witney, OX28 1PB. Please note your comments are not confidential and will be made public on our website. PLEASE QUOTE APPLICATION NUMBER IN ALL CORRESPONDENCE OR ENQUIRIES. Dated: 5th July 2018