Monthly Protection Monitoring Report March 2015

Executive Summary

3,215 incidents have been recorded in March 2015. The number has decreased by 12% compared to February 2015, when 3,653 incidents have been reported.

The territories Incidents per territory of and have 402

accounted for LUBERO 439

the majority MASISI 774

of incidents in NYIRAGONGO 159

RUTSHURU 756 March 2015 WALIKALE 685

TOTAL 3215 Incidents per alleged perpetrator Incidents per category of victim

Number of cases per type of incidents

The majority of incidents in March 2015 were violations to the right of property and


I. Summary of main protection concerns

 In Rutshuru there has been an increase in the number of cases of attacks against vehicles followed by homicide, maiming and kidnapping of civilians, perpetrated by FDLR members and by unidentified armed individuals, especially on the Kiwanja-, Rwindi-Kibirizi, Kiwanja- and Kiwanja-Ishasha roads.  On 11 March 2015, six minors who used to be members of Mai Mai Shetani have surrendered to FARDC in Nyamilima, in groupement de Binza in Rutshuru.  In Beni a lady was killed by her relatives for having refused to be forcefully married.

II. Protection context by territory

MASISI The security situation in Masisi remains unstable, with intense activity by armed groups. On 16 March 2015, the situation has been characterised by the clashes between APCLS and FARDC in Butemule and Katiri villages, localité of Lwibo, groupement of Bapfuna. A massive displacement of local population to several villages around Nyabiondo, Buchuchu, Muundu and to the forest has been observed as a consequence of this fighting, as well as pillaging and suspension of commercial and educational activities around Nyabiondo. On 18 March 2015, another attack by APCLS against the FARDC was reported in Kibarizo, localité of Muhanga, around the displacement site of Muhanga. Shooting of both light and heavy weapons has created much fear among the population. The clashes reported in the groupement of Kisimba in between FDLR and NDC Cheka caused a massive displacement of the population towards Pinga.

RUTSHURU Throughout the month of March 2015 the situation in Rutshuru was characterised by the tracking down of FDLR elements by FARDC in certain areas and by intense activity of other armed groups such as Mai Mai Shetani. Therefore there have been a number of cases of homicide and a significant degree of fear among the population, as well as movement restriction for farmers to access their fields and disruptions to school and commercial activities in certain areas. A massive population displacement was observed, from Buramba to the neighbouring locations of Kisharo and Nyamilima, in the groupement of Binza, escaping from the acts of vandalism carried out by armed groups and individuals. Violations perpetrated against civilians by FARDC, PNC, ANR and DGM as well as certain local authorities continue to be reported in a number of groupements in .

WALIKALE The situation in Walikale was characterised by intense activity by armed groups, especially towards the end of March, and by a significant amount of fugitives from the central prison. 56 detainees, civilians as well as military, have dispersed in the forest around the groupements of Bana Bangi, Utunda and Bakusu. Incursions by Mai Mai Kifuafua in the village, localité of Makungurano, have been reported, as well as incursions by Mai Mai Cheka in Kishanga, Tukumbi and Kalenga villages, localité of Bana Mukobya. Clashes have also been reported, for example between Mai Mai Cheka and Mai Mai Gudot in the Twamakuru village, localité of Robe, groupement of Ihana, as well as attacks by Mai Mai APCLS/Janvier against FARDC positions in the Bulinda/Kashebere village, localité of Bana Ulengo, groupement of Luberike.

NYIRAGONGO Attacks by FARDC against FDLR members have been reported, during which a civilian was killed and another one gravely hurt; after these operations, the inhabitants of Mutaho are afraid of potential violent acts and looting by FDLR who roam around that area. Two vehicles, a jeep belonging to an NGO and a truck, were attacked by unidentified armed individuals on the way from Rutshuru to Goma in Kamahoro, groupement of Buhumba. The presence of an unusual amount of unidentified armed men in uniform was observed in the village of Kanyanja on the Rwando-congolese border in the groupement of Buhumba, moving towards the Virunga National Park West of the groupements of Kibati, Buhumba and Rusayo. Violations committed against civilians by FARDC, PNC, ANR members and certain local authorities continue to be reported in various groupements.

BENI Throughout the period examined in this report, FARDC has intensified operations in the areas under control of ADF. During this time, many violations have been allegedly perpetrated by FARDC members who are deployed in the operation zones, especially in South-eastern . In armed men who are related to FARDC are accused of having hurt people inside their homes. Five people were killed in an invasion by ADF to Mbongia, Mulolia, Kididjwe and Mayangose, in the rural area of , outside Beni city. Intense movement by armed groups has been reported in Beni Territory, especially ADF, FDLR and unidentified armed individuals. This situation is very distressing for the population. Fearing for their security, many farmers have avoided going to their fields in certain areas. On March 25 a meeting was held in Oicha, where many measures were taken, remarkably the formal interdiction for farmers not to access their fields in the operation areas.

LUBERO Certain areas that had been considered unstable have regained some relative tranquility during the month of March. In some areas the strong presence of FARDC has contributed to improve the protection of civilians and decrease the mobility of armed groups. On the other hand, the presence of armed groups is strong in Bandulu, groupement of Babika. Additionally, the attacks by NDC Cheka and Mai Mai Kyandenga against FDLR have strengthened the retaliation by FDLR against the population in the groupements of Tama and Itala. It is important to remember that many abuses have been perpetrated against the communities living in since the announcement of the operations against FDLR and other armed groups. Many incursions by armed men have taken place in the city of . However, the cases of homicide have substantially decreased. On March 17, over 50 FDLR members have gone to Matwa and Isiro villages in the groupement of Lughenge and on 28 March a group of FDLR members arrived at South-eastern Ndwali. III. Analysis of the context

III.1 Table of incidents per territory

VIOLATION OF THE RIGHT TO VIOLATION OF THE RIGHT TO LIBERTY VIOLATION OF THE RIGHT TO PROPERTY SEXUAL VIOLENCE OTHER PHYSICAL INTEGRITY Other Arbitrary Forced Forced Illegal Tax Theft/ Injuries / Other Kidnapping Extortion Fire Homicides Torture Rapes sexual Total arrest Recruitment Labour Collection Pillaging Maiming incidents violence BENI 81 6 3 - 102 2 8 64 67 13 1 45 8 2 402 GOMA 4 - - - 8 - 1 11 14 1 - - 1 1 41 LUBERO 76 43 - 14 79 50 12 79 54 3 6 15 4 4 439 MASISI 90 2 6 90 164 86 11 139 100 9 18 31 8 20 774 NYIRAGONGO 14 1 - 19 26 38 1 - 8 2 8 - - 1 118 RUTSHURU 102 21 - 145 224 88 7 93 36 6 5 20 6 3 756 WALIKALE 89 9 - 127 162 105 4 91 37 3 19 17 4 18 685

TOTAL 456 82 9 395 765 369 44 477 316 37 57 128 31 49 3215


 The number of protection incidents has decreased by 12% compared to February 2015 when 3,653 incidents were reported.  The number of incidents collected in Lubero has increased by 26% compared to February 2015 when 348 incidents were recorded. Nevertheless, most territories saw a decrease in the number of cases reported. In Masisi, the number of cases decreased by 22% compared to February 2015, while in the same period the reduction in the number of cases in Nyiragongo and Walikale was of 18% and in Rutshuru the number of incidents decreased by 13%.  In March, 1,655 cases of violation of the right to property were reported, a decrease of 13% in comparison with February 2015, when 1,914 cases were reported.  The total number of homicides reported has decreased significantly. In February 2015 212 homicides were reported, while in March there were 37, representing a decrease of 82%. The number of homicides has decreased in all territories.  Even though the general trend in March has been of a decrease in the number of cases, some types of violations saw a significant increase. The number of kidnappings reported in March 2015 has increased by 67% compared to the previous month, when 49 cases were reported. Likewise, the number of intentional fires has increased by 46,6% in March 2015 compared to February 2015, when 30 such cases were reported.

III.2 Table of incidents per actor

VIOLATION OF THE RIGHT TO VIOLATION OF THE RIGHT TO LIBERTY VIOLATION OF THE RIGHT TO PROPERTY SEXUAL VIOLENCE OTHER PHYSICAL INTEGRITY Other Arbitrary Forced Forced Illegal Tax Theft/ Injuries / Other Kidnapping Extortion Fire Homicides Torture Rapes sexual Total arrest Recruitment Labour Collection Pillaging Maiming incidents violence

FARDC 163 2 - 192 267 178 1 54 87 2 16 8 7 15 992 FDLR 10 7 - 42 100 37 - 37 28 5 3 4 1 - 274 ADF/Nalu - 4 3 - 1 - 2 3 11 11 - - - - 35 Nyatura - - - 16 43 21 - 14 6 - 1 4 - 1 106 Mai Mai 9 19 - 55 41 10 - 31 8 - 11 2 1 3 190 Other AG 5 4 - 49 80 18 2 49 25 - 12 4 - - 248 PNC 212 - - 23 57 31 2 4 21 4 10 5 2 9 380 Other Civ. AT. 4 1 - 8 17 46 - - 4 - - 2 - 2 84 Civilian pop. 4 - 5 10 8 2 7 21 64 3 1 68 16 12 221 Others 49 45 1 - 151 26 30 264 62 12 3 31 4 7 685 TOTAL 456 82 9 395 765 369 44 477 316 37 57 128 31 49 3215


 The number of incidents has been allegedly perpetrated by FARDC has decreased by 15% in comparison with February 2015 which had 1,179 cases. However, even though the total number of incidents allegedly perpetrated by FARDC has decreased, the number of arbitrary arrests reportedly carried out by FARDC has increased by 45% in March 2015 compared to the previous month, and the number of rapes has increased from 3 in February 2015 to 8 in March 2015.  The category of “other armed groups“ had a significant decrease of 61% in cases perpetrated in March 2015 compared to February 2015, when 639 cases were allegedly perpetrated by “other armed groups”.  A decrease in the activity of Nyatura can be observed, taking into consideration that in March 2015 the number of cases which had this armed group identified as perpetrator has decreased by 34%.

III.3 Table of incidents per category of victim/survivor

VIOLATION OF THE RIGHT TO VIOLATION OF THE RIGHT TO LIBERTY VIOLATION OF THE RIGHT TO PROPERTY SEXUAL VIOLENCE OTHER PHYSICAL INTEGRITY Other Arbitrary Forced Forced Illegal Tax Theft/ Injuries / Other Kidnapping Extortion Fire Homicides Torture Rapes sexual Total arrest Recruitment Labour Collection Pillaging Maiming incidents violence

Residents 289 36 3 225 465 299 21 259 160 28 31 92 20 23 1951 IDPs 70 26 5 76 123 11 16 96 82 1 9 10 2 16 543 Returnee IDPs 96 20 1 94 177 58 7 122 72 8 17 26 9 10 717 Spontaneously repatriated 1 - - - - 1 - - 2 - - - - - 4 Refugees ------

TOTAL 456 82 9 395 765 369 44 477 316 37 57 128 31 49 3215


 There has been a significant decrease in the number of cases involving spontaneously repatriated people, from 51 cases in February 2015 to 4 in March 2015, representing a decrease of 92%.  Residents have suffered the greatest proportion of violations, with a slight increase from 59% of victims in February 2015 to 61% of victims in March 2015.

III.4 Table of incidents disaggregating gender and age

VIOLATION OF THE RIGHT TO VIOLATION OF THE RIGHT TO LIBERTY VIOLATION OF THE RIGHT TO PROPERTY SEXUAL VIOLENCE OTHER PHYSICAL INTEGRITY Other Arbitrary Forced Forced Illegal Tax Theft/ Injuries / Other Kidnapping Extortion Fire Homicides Torture Rapes sexual Total arrest Recruitment Labour Collection Pillaging Maiming incidents violence Women 0-4 ------5-11 - - 2 4 - - - 1 1 - - 5 - 1 14 12-17 4 2 - 1 9 4 - 2 7 - - 53 18 - 100 18-59 37 1 - 6 181 95 14 107 64 6 - 65 13 12 601 60+ 1 - - - 1 - - 9 2 - - 3 - 1 17 Subtotal 42 3 2 11 191 99 14 119 74 6 0 126 31 14 732 Men 0-4 1 ------1 - - - 2 5-11 - 1 1 3 1 - - 1 3 2 - - - 1 13 12-17 12 5 5 23 10 9 1 7 11 - 1 - - 1 85 18-59 392 71 1 355 557 259 28 334 220 29 52 2 - 26 2326 60+ 9 2 - 3 6 2 1 16 8 - 3 - - 7 57 Subtotal 414 79 7 384 574 270 30 358 242 31 57 2 - 35 2483 Total 456 82 9 395 765 369 44 477 316 37 57 128 31 49 3215


 In relation to the protection of children against human rights violations, the Protection Monitoring System recorded 2 deaths, 8 cases of kidnapping and 8 cases of forced recruitment of minors. Additionally, 58 cases of rape of minors and 18 cases of other types of sexual violence including forced marriage and sexual assault have been reported. Children have been the victims in 6,6% of reported incidents in March 2015, a significant increase in comparison to February 2015, when children accounted for 3,6% of cases.  In relation to the protection of women, they account for 22,7% of total incidents, and for 98,7% of survivors of the sexual violence cases reported in March 2015. It is also important to note that the number of rapes reported increased by 39% compared to February 2015, when 92 cases were identified. Lubero (400%) and Walikale (466%) have seen the greatest increase in the number of rapes.