[email protected] Twitter: @trapoet DISCLAIMER: I DON’T OWN THE RIGHTS TO THE MAJORITY, IF NOT ALL THE CHARACTERS USED IN THIS SCRIPT. COMMENT: Although not initially intended to, this script is also a response to David Goyer who believed you couldn’t use the character of the Martian Manhunter in a Justice League movie, because he wouldn’t fit. SUCK IT, GOYER! LOL! EXT. SPACE TOMAR-RE (V.O) Billions of years ago, when the Martians refused to serve as the Guardians’ intergalactic police force, the elders of Oa created a sentinel army based on the Martian race… they named them Manhunters. INSERT: MANHUNTERS TOMAR-RE (V.O) At first the Manhunters served diligently, maintaining law and order across the universe, until one day they began to resent their masters. A war broke out between the two forces with the Guardians winning and banishing the Manhunters across the universe, stripping them of whatever power they had left. Some of the Manhunters found their way to earth upon which entering our atmosphere they lost any and all remaining power. As centuries went by man began to unearth some of these sentinels, using their advance technology to build empires on land… and even in the sea. INSERT: ATLANTIS EXT. THE HIMALAYANS SUPERIMPOSED: PRESENT INT. A TEMPLE DESMOND SHAW walks in. Like the other occupants of the temple he’s dressed in a red and blue robe. He walks to a shadowy figure. THE GRANDMASTER (O.S) It is time… prepare the awakening! Desmond Shaw bows.