IX Finnish Symposium on Plant Science, May 17–19, 2010
reports and studies Elina Oksanen & Markku A. Huttunen (eds) IX Finnish Symposium on Plant Science, May 17–19, 2010, Joensuu, Finland | 1 IX Finnish Symposium on Plant Science, 2010,May Joensuu, 17–19, Finland This book compiles the abstracts of the IX Finnish Symposium on Plant Science (IX Kasvitieteen päivät), IX Finnish Symposium on Plant Science, to be held on May 17–19, 2010, at the University of Eastern Finland, May 17–19, 2010, Joensuu, Finland Joensuu campus. Abstracts The 37 oral and 64 poster presentations were placed under eight themes: Changing environment, Ecophysiology, whole-plant physiology and plant development, Stress and signaling, Omics, Genetics and evolution, Potential of novel plant biology applications, Ecosystems and biodiversity, and Plant interactions. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland Reports and Studies in Forestry and Natural Sciences Publications of the University of Eastern Finland Reports and Studies in Forestry and Natural Sciences isbn 978-952-61-0110-1 issn 1798-5684 issnl 1798-5684 ELINA OKSANEN & MARKKU A. HUTTUNEN (EDS) IX Finnish Symposium on Plant Science, May 17–19, 2010, Joensuu, Finland Abstracts Publications of the University of Eastern Finland Reports and Studies in Forestry and Natural Sciences No 1 University of Eastern Finland Faculty of Science and Forestry Department of Biology Joensuu 2010 Cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus L.) cultivar ’Nyby’ – an example of domestication of wild plant species to cultivation Marjatta Uosukainen marjatta.uosukainen•mtt.fi, MTT Plant Production Research, Finland Throughout history, human has domesticated wild plant species into cultiva‐ tion. In Finland, berry species have been a fruitful target for this work.
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