This is a self-archived Final draft version of an original article. It differs from the original in pagination and typographic detail. Please cite the original version: Kettunen, S., Joensuu-Salo, S. & Sorama, K. 2017. Supporting female student's entrepreneurial intention factors. Brussels : European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management. Proceedings of the Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business conference, RENT XXXI : Relevance in Entrepreneurship Research, 15-17 November, 2017, Lund, Sweden. Supporting Female Student’s Entrepreneurial Intention Factors Salla Kettunen, Expert R&D, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, School of Business and Culture P.O. Box 42, 60101 Seinäjoki, Finland Phone: +358 408680140,
[email protected], Sanna Joensuu-Salo, Principal Lecturer of Marketing, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, School of Business and Culture Kirsti Sorama, Principal Lecturer of Entrepreneurship, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, School of Business and Culture Key Words: Qualitative, entrepreneurial intentions, motives of entrepreneurship, female entrepreneurship, mental models ABSTRACT Objectives Despite of the several actions implemented to support female entrepreneurship, women are still a minority in new business start-ups and in running growth firms. More understanding of female students’ entrepreneurial intentions and goals related to their entrepreneurship is needed to better support them during their studies. In this research, we use narrative approach and fuzzy cognitive mapping (FCM) to have an in-depth view on female students’ mental models related to their entrepreneurial intentions. The specific objectives of the present study are: 1) what kind of goals and mental models the female students in higher education have about their own entrepreneurship, 2) what reasons have affected their entrepreneurial intentions, and 3) what are the best ways to support students in different stages of entrepreneurship.