COMPLEX TRANSFORMER: A FRAMEWORK FOR MODELING COMPLEX-VALUED SEQUENCE Muqiao Yang*, Martin Q. Ma*, Dongyu Li*, Yao-Hung Hubert Tsai, Ruslan Salakhutdinov Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA fmuqiaoy, qianlim, dongyul, yaohungt,
[email protected] ABSTRACT model because of their capability of looking at a more ex- tended range of input contexts and representing those in While deep learning has received a surge of interest in a va- different subspaces. Attention is, therefore, promising for riety of fields in recent years, major deep learning models building a complex-valued model capable of analyzing high- barely use complex numbers. However, speech, signal and dimensional data with long temporal dependency. We in- audio data are naturally complex-valued after Fourier Trans- troduce a Complex Transformer to solve complex-valued form, and studies have shown a potentially richer represen- sequence modeling tasks, including prediction and genera- tation of complex nets. In this paper, we propose a Com- tion. The Complex Transformer adapts complex representa- plex Transformer, which incorporates the transformer model tions and operations into the transformer network. We test as a backbone for sequence modeling; we also develop at- the model with MusicNet, a dataset for music transcription tention and encoder-decoder network operating for complex [14], and a complex high-dimensional time series In-phase input. The model achieves state-of-the-art performance on Quadrature (IQ) signal dataset. The specific contributions of the MusicNet dataset and an In-phase Quadrature (IQ) sig- our work are as follows: nal dataset. The GitHub implementation to reproduce the ex- Our Complex Transformer achieves state-of-the-art re- perimental results is available at sults on the MusicNet dataset [14], a dataset of classical mu- muqiaoy/dl_signal.