PEERS – Platform for Enhancing Ecological Research & Sustainability

(Plataforma para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação em Ecologia e Sustentabilidade)

Azorean Biodiversity Group (CITA-A) /Grupo da Biodiversidade dos Açores (CITA-A)

2013 Annual Report and 2008-2013 Achievements

Angra do Heroísmo & Ponta Delgada, January 2014


Azorean Biodiversity Group (CITA-A) /Grupo da Biodiversidade dos Açores (CITA-A)

2013 Annual Report and 2008-2013 Achievements

Executive Summary

 In the end of 2013 the Azorean Biodiversity Group was invited to be part of another FCT center, the CENTRE FOR ECOLOGY, EVOLUTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE (Ce3C), based in Lisbon. Ce3C’s main objective is to perform research that addresses societal challenges in ecology, evolution and the environment—the three Es in the Centre’s name, for the 2015-2020 period covering the EU 2020 Horizon. Our 19 integrated members with Ph.D., plus Ph.D. students and collaborators will be now part of a large research centre, based in Lisbon, with 101 integrated members in which research questions will be addressed at both the continental and insular scales.  The ABG had a steady growth in the number of projects, publications and personnel over these last six years (2008-2013), increasing from six integrated members in 2008 to the current 19. In this period 25 senior researchers participated in the ABG —ten with an academic position, one with a research contract, and 14 post-doctoral grant holders. In addition, 23 Ph.D. students and 13 research grant holders worked with the senior researchers. The group also worked with 18 International collaborators acting as Associated Research Fellows in several projects and publications.  Main achievements by integrated members in 2013 included 44 publications, 25 of which being in International Indexed Journals with Impact Factor (57%). The mean Impact Factor in 2013 was 3.0, being the publications in high Impact Factor Journals (IF > 3.0) in the¸ area of Environmental Sciences - Ecology, corresponding to. 38% of the ISI publications (a total of 9 papers).  Overall 357 publications were published between 2008 and 2013. The Integrated Members of Azorean Biodiversity Group published 131 ISI papers between 2008-2013, with an impact factor of up to 9,737 (PNAS paper). 2

Particularly relevant is the fact that those publications in high Impact Factor Journals (IF > 3.0¸ area Environmental Sciences - Ecology), equate to c. 35% of the ISI publications (a total of 45 papers). In the period 2008-2013, other main achievements included the publication of seven authored Books and nine edited Books, 67 books chapters, 46 outreach publications, 39 papers in peer- reviewed journals with no impact factor, 20 papers in Proceedings of Symposia, seven publications online and an additional 31 other type of publications.  In these last six years the Azorean Biodiversity Group was substructured along several main research lines to achieve their integrated goals: i) species distribution and abundance (mainly bryophytes, and vascular plants) at different scales, performing multi-level evaluation of species extinction risk; ii) cave biodiversity and evolution, namely organisms that inhabit the extensive underground habitats of volcanic islands; iii) invasiveness and invasibility, investigating why some organisms are more prone to become established in the Azores, using ladybirds as model group; iv) ecological processes underlying small agro-ecosystems functioning in the islands in order to explore the use of autochthonous arthropods as natural crop protection and forestry resources; v) , distribution, physiology and ecology of Azorean bryophytes; vi) unified theory of island biodiversity under the framework “General Dynamic Model of Island Biogeography” (GDM); and vii) promote nature conservancy, viii) impacts of environmental risk factors on human health and other island organisms; ix) sustainable development of insular agro-ecosystems and natural ecosystems; x) Integrated Pest Management to control and possibly eradicate the termite pest in island systems; xi) communication and cooperation between the scientific and technological community, decision makers and the general public.  In an unprecedented collaboration of more than 200 taxonomists and other scientists the Azorean Biodiversity Group coordinated two accurate and comprehensive lists of terrestrial species in the Azores (Borges et al., 2010) and Madeira - Selvagens (Borges et al., 2008). This unique collaboration was fundamental to create the baseline taxonomic information for updating the taxonomic information, listing synonyms of the species, and quantified the total number of described species in Macaronesia. In this way we contributed to solve in part the ‘Linnaean’ shortfall, i.e. an incomplete taxonomic description of species-level diversity and the ‘Wallacean’ shortfall, i.e., incomplete knowledge of species’ distributions. These lists are now being used for testing biogeographical theories (e.g. SARs; GDM).  In the 2008-2013 period, members of Azorean Biodiversity Group participated in about 100 international meetings with (15 Plenary, 87 Oral presentations, 118 Posters) and 66 national conferences (13 Plenary, 59 oral presentations, 45 posters.


 An interesting indicator for our scientific output is the relative proportion of our production with that of the other research groups based in Azores. In 2011 and 2012 we published respectively 21% and 17% of the scientific output of Azores. This is a remarkable output since we were only about 10% of the researchers publishing in the years of 2010-2012.  Fifty six projects run in 2008-2013, 43 of which were coordinated by integrated members: 14 received international funding, 12 received national funding (eight by FCT) and 30 received regional funding (21 by DRCT and nine more projects were funded by other Agencies). These 56 projects brought about 2.390.993,00 Euros to the group. To these projects we must also add the funds obtained for Ph.D. and Pos-Doc Grants, which totalled 1,314.720 Euros in 23 grants (13 Ph.D and 10 Post-Docs).  The contribution of Azores regional funds was 51% of the total funds raised by Azorean Biodiversity Group, FCT contributed with 33% and international projects contributed with 16%.  Group members performed consulting in the areas of agriculture and urban pest control (particularly related to termites) and taxonomic species identification, particularly for bryophytes, vascular plants and arthropods, and provided tools (images, keys, literature) for species identification on its website, Azorean Biodiversity Portal and SOSTERMITAS.  In these last years our team with collaborations with other research groups (e.g. CIBIO-Azores) gathered enough data to overcome seven impediments to the effective protection of island species and test ecological and biogeographical theories for islands: 1) Azorean endemic species (particularly those of invertebrates) and their ecological services are mostly unknown to the general public (the public dilemma). With several initiatives our team is putting endemic species in the local Press agenda. With Azorean Biodiversity Portal (ABP; ( we are contributing to enhance public knowledge and appreciation of the Azorean biodiversity. ABP provides a wide range of resources that are used to promote students’ autonomy on the elaboration of herbarium projects, by improving their species identification skills and the understanding of higher rank taxonomy, allowing them to compare current published distributions with their observations; after validation, their records are used to feed the database, promoting collaborative work among scientists, teachers and students. 2) Policymakers and stakeholders are mostly unaware of species conservation problems (the political dilemma). By providing unrestricted, detailed information on the distribution and abundance of species, our team is contributing to conservation efforts in the Azores. Government managers frequently consult the team to obtain data on individual species distributions or


maps of species richness, and such information has been used to reshape the boundaries of protected areas of the region, both terrestrial and coastal. 3) Basic science on Azorean endemic species is scarce and underfunded (the scientific dilemma). For the first time, there is for a group of islands (Azores) information of quality for a group of arthropods and bryophytes, including taxonomy, natural history data, distribution and abundance data obtained with standardized techniques, information on species traits and also phylogenies of some genera. Natural history and ecological studies, based on broad sampling programs allows now knowing the species distributions and abundances, how such parameters change in space and time and how these changes relate with ecological change. 4) Most species are undescribed (the Linnean shortfall). In the last twenty years members of Azorean Biodiversity Group demonstrated that the knowledge on Azorean biodiversity was not uniform, and many groups lacked adequate sampling and/ or taxonomic revision. To solve that we performed research on classical (as well as molecular) taxonomy of the most diverse Azorean taxonomic group (arthropods), describing many species of and . Moreover, the web site “Azorean Biodiversity Portal” ( allows everyone to access updated information on Azorean biodiversity. As a direct outcome of this online database many national and international taxonomist have shown a growing interest in Azorean biodiversity and many new collaborations have been established that include taxonomic revisions and additional field work for specimens collection. 5) The distribution of described species is mostly unknown (the Wallacean shortfall) 6) The abundance of species and their changes in space and time are unknown (the Prestonian shortfall). To overcome the Wallacean shortfall implies the recognition that there is need to enhance the funding of traditional local and regional inventories, if possible using adequate standardized and optimized protocols. To overcome the Prestonian shortfall, implies the recognition that absolute abundances of species are usually impossible to obtain and too variable to measure, which can be solved with comparisons in space (through inventorying) and time (through monitoring). This was achieved using The BALA project (2000-2010; Biodiversity of Arthropods from the Laurisilva of the Azores) a survey of arthropods distribution in Azorean native forests, which was also an important step towards the inclusion of arthropod groups in biodiversity conservation planning in the Azores. In addition, other standardized databases were obtained for


arthropods (ISLANDBIODIV and EDEN), bryophytes (MOVECLIM altitudinal gradients database), and vascular plants (ISLANDBIODIV). 7) Species ways of life and sensitivities to habitat change are largely unknown (the Hutchinsonian shortfall). Although the ecology and sensitivity to habitat change of most species is unknown, our team is now gathering trait data for many arthropod, bryophytes and vascular plants species in Azores. With such kind of data it will be possible testing the impact of land-use and climatic changes in the functional diversity of native and disturbed communities.

 But more importantly we are contributing to create unique databases on species distribution and abundance in Azorean islands. With this kind of data Azores archipelago can be used to test fundamental biogeographical and ecological patterns and processes: i) neutral vs. niche species assembly; ii) species abundance distributions ( SADs); iii) influence of scale on ecological processes; iv) the role of local vs. regional processes in local species richness; v) the impact of land-use and climatic changes on phylogenetic, taxonomic and functional diversities; vi) the impact of forest fragmentation on species extinctions; etc.  Island ecosystems are particularly less resilient to the impacts of human activity or any other natural disrupting factor (e.g. species invasions). The results of our research were fundamental to the development of programs and preventive/mitigation measures to minimize the impacts of environmental risk factors (either of anthropogenic or natural origin) on insular inhabitants and other organisms. Our expertise on environmental risk assessment, pest control, science and environmental communication and outreach, provided an integrated outlook to support decision-making on island environmental health and sustainable development policies.  Our most important websites created or maintained in the last six years are the following:  Azorean Biodiversity Group Page (  Azorean Biodiversity Portal (  Azorean Biodiversity Gallery (  ATLANTIS database (  Azorean Spiders: (  Termites from the Azores (  E.D.E.N – Azores Habitats (


Research Group Description and Achievements for 2013 and for the period 2008/2013


Researchers that compose the Azorean Biodiversity Group (ABG) have complementary expertise that allow to address research questions framed in the study of biodiversity patterns (taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity), and its changes under the impact of climatic, land use alterations, and species invasions, which is key for guidelines of management and conservation. Emphasis are also given on the implementation of communication strategies and instruments to be used in participated risk appraisal, characterization and evaluation processes intended to facilitate the governance of the risk of environmental hazards, climate change and to increase social efficacy in the regions’ conservation of nature.

The ABG had a steady growth in the number of projects, publications and personnel over these last six years (2008-2013), increasing from six integrated members in 2008 to the current 20. In this period 25 senior researchers participated in the ABG —ten with an academic position, one with a research contract, and 14 post- doctoral grant holders. In addition, 23 Ph.D. students and 13 research grant holders worked with the senior researchers. It also worked with 18 International collaborators acting as Associated Research Fellows collaborating in several projects and publications.

The Group employed an integrated approach that combined multi-spatial and temporal scales (scale has a profound effect on detecting ecological and evolutionary patterns) with multi-metric measures of biodiversity (taxonomic, functional, phylogenetic) and their inter-relationships. It holds unique standardized databases from the last 13 years for arthropods (BALA, ISLANDBIODIV and EDEN), bryophytes (MOVECLIM altitudinal gradients database), and vascular plants (ISLANDBIODIV).


Spreading its acquired knowledge both within the scientific community and to the general public, was important for the ABG group in these last six years. Their interdisciplinary approach integrated science and education allowed the creation of six web-based resources (see below details).

The research produced by the ABG was crucial for wildlife conservation in Azorean natural habitats and the management of invasive species, some of which are useful for economic development. The Azorean government relied on the group for accurate information to establish protected areas.

The year of 2013 was another excellent year for the Azorean Biodiversity Group (ABG- CITA-A). The balance of the members of the ABG is good, especially those registered for Doctoral Degrees. It is particularly encouraging that the turnover in this latter group of researchers is predictably high, with a high and growing number of new students registering in 2012-2013. There is a healthy number of Associate Scientists including an international component as well as scientists who were formerly registered as doctoral students or Post-doctoral researchers. The great novelty is the application of Azorean Biodiversity Group to another FCT center, the CENTRE FOR ECOLOGY, EVOLUTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE (Ce3C), based in Lisbon. Ce3C’s main objective is to perform research that addresses societal challenges in ecology, evolution and the environment—the three Es in the Centre’s name, for the 2015-2020 period. Our 19 integrated members with Ph.D., plus Ph.D. students and collaborators will be now part of a large research centre, based in Lisbon, with 101 integrated members in which research questions will be addressed at both the continental and insular scales. We are also keeping our participation in CITA-A during 2014, a year of transition, and enhance our activity in Portuguese Platform for Enhancing Ecological Research & Sustainability (PEERS) network (

Between the years of 2008 and 2013 the Azorean Biodiversity Group (ABG) contributed to the CITA-A vision and mission, by conducting research on oceanic islands used as natural labs for testing ecological theory to understand how human 8 activities and natural processes interact under global changes.

TEAM in 2013 (see also

The ABG had a steady growth in the number of projects, publications and personnel over these last five years, increasing from eight integrated members with Ph.D. in 2008 to the current 20. In 2013 the group was composed by 20 senior researchers with Ph.D., nine of whom have academic positions at the University of Azores, one a position in a State Laboratory (LNEC), nine hold post-doctoral grants (six funded by Azorean Government FRCT and three funded by FCT) and one is a Research technician (funded by Azorean Government FRCT). The groups include at present 21 Ph.D. students (11 with FCT grants), seven research grant holders and 19 M.Sc. students. In addition, 16 Associated Research Fellows from several countries collaborate on different projects, creating a network of Island research investigators.

Integrated members with Ph.D. (21) Coordinator:

Paulo A. V. Borges (Univ. Azores, DCA)

Scientists with contract

Ana Moura Arroz (Univ. Azores, DE) António Onofre Soares (Univ. Azores, DB) David Horta Lopes (Univ. Azores, DCA) João Pedro Barreiros (Univ. Azores, DCA) Lina Nunes (LNEC) Patrícia Ventura Garcia (Univ. Azores, DB) Rosalina Gabriel (Univ. Azores, DCA) Rui Bento Elias (Univ. Azores, DCA) Virgílio Vieira (Univ. Azores, DB)



Alison L. Neilson (Univ. Azores, DCA), Funded by FRCT Artur Gil (Univ. Azores, DB), Funded by FRCT Carla Rego (Univ. Azores, DCA), Funded by FCT François Rigal (Univ. Azores, DCA), Funded by FCT Isabel Amorim (Univ. Azores, DCA), Funded by FRCT Isabel Borges (Univ. Azores, DB), Funded by FRCT José A. P. Marcelino (Univ. Azores, DB), Funded by FRCT Margarita Patricia Florencio Diaz (Univ. Azores, DCA), Funded by FRCT Mário Boieiro (Univ. Azores, DCA) (Starting in 2013), Funded by FCT

Grant Students:

Maria Teresa Ferreira (Univ. Azores, DCA)

Other Integrated members

Ph.D. Students: Ana Picanço (Univ. Azores, DCA), Funded by FRCT (M3.1.2/F/031/2011) Carolina Parelho (Univ. Azores, DB), Funded by FRCT (M3.1.2/F/048/2011) Christiana Faria (in collaboration with other research Center in UK) Débora Henriques (Univ. Azores, DCA), Funded by FRCT (M3.1.2/F/051/2011) Márcia Coelho (Univ. Azores, DCA), Funded by FRCT (M3.1.2/F/007/2012) Marta Costa (Univ. Azores, DCA), Funded by FRCT (M3.1.2/F/053/2011) Orlando Guerreiro (Univ. Azores, DCA) , Funded by FRCT (M3.1.5/F/003/2011) Reinaldo Pimentel (Univ. Azores, DCA) Funded by FCT (SFRH/BD/81079 / 2011) Rita Godinho (Univ. Azores, DCA), Funded by FRCT (M3.1.2/F/030/2011) Rui Nunes (Univ. Azores, DCA), Funded by FRCT (M3.1.2/F/035/2011) Ruben Abreu (Univ. Azores, DCA) (Self-funded) Sara Silveira (Univ. Azores, DCA) (Self-funded) Silvia Calvo Aranda (in collaboration with other research Center in Spain) Sofia Terzopoulou (in collaboration with other research Center in Greece) Sónia Duarte (LNEC, Lisbon) Funded by FCT (FRH/BD/84920/2012) Thomas Matthews (in collaboration with other research Center in UK)


Lara Silva (started in 2013) (Self-funded) Lurdes Silva (started in 2013) (Self-funded) Dinis Pereira (in collaboration with other research Center in PT) (funded by FCT) Diana Paula Linhares (in collaboration with other research Center in PT) Lisa Adelaide Toste(in collaboration with other research Center in PT)

Grant Students:

Enésima Mendonça (Univ. Azores, DCA) (Funded by FRCT) Lúcia Silveira (Univ. Azores, DCA) (Project grant) Nídia Homem (Univ. Azores, DCA) (Project grant) Rui Carvalho (Univ. Azores, DCA) (Funded by FCT) Annabella Borges (Univ. Azores, DCA) (finished contract in 2013) (Funded by FRCT) Filomena Ferreira (Univ. Azores, DCA) (finished contract in 2013) (Funded by FRCT) Nuno Bicudo (Univ. Azores, DB) (finished contract in 2013) (Funded by FRCT)

Technicians: Alda Brasil (Univ. Azores, DCA) Fernando Pereira (Univ. Azores, DCA) Isabel Cunha Neves (Univ. Azores, DCA) Paulo Rogério Silva (Univ. Azores, DCA)

Associate Research Fellows:

Alain Vanderpoorten (University of Liege) – Collaboration in the Biogeography of Azorean Bryophytes

Ana Margarida Santos (Past Ph.D. Student), collaborator based in the Natural History Museum of Madrid and team member in the Project PTDC/BIA- BIC/119255/2010 – “Biodiversity on oceanic islands: towards a unified theory” Aris Parmakelis (University of Athens) and team member in the Project PTDC/BIA- BIC/119255/2010 – “Biodiversity on oceanic islands: towards a unified theory” Clara S. Gaspar (Past Ph.D. Student and past Post-Doc, based now in Finland), current collaborator in Macroecology


François Guilhaumon (Ecosym, Univ of Montpellier), collaborator in Macroecology Jairo Patiño (University of Liege) – Collaboration in the Biogeography of Azorean Bryophytes Joaquín Hortal (Past Post-Doc), collaborator in Macroecology and based in the Natural History Museum of Madrid Jorge M. Lobo, collaborator in Macroecology and based in the Natural History Museum of Madrid José Carlos Carvalho, collaborator in Macroecology (Independent researcher). Kostas Triantis (Started in 2013 after finishing his Post-Doc contract), collaborator in Island Biogeography and based in the University of Athens, Greece Luís Crespo (Started in 2013 after finishing his Grant), collaborator in Taxonomy Pedro Cardoso (Started in 2013 after finishing his Post-Doc contract). collaborator in Macroecology and based in the Finish Museum of Natural History Rudolf Scheffrahn, collaborator in Termite ecology and based in University of Florida (USA) Sérvio P. Ribeiro, collaborator in Canopy ecology and based in Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP), Brasil. Simone Fattorini, collaborator in Island Biogeography (Independent Researcher based in Rome, Italy)

Past members: Ana Isabel Brasil Carolina Couto João Moniz Francisco Dinis Catarina Melo Rita São Marcos Lúcia Borba Ventura Ana Santos Jorge Azevedo Liliana Marques Ana Maria Ávila Simões

Past Associate Research Fellows: Alberto Jimenez-Valverde Andrés Baselga Hanno Schaeffer



YEAR 2013 Main achievements by integrated members in 2013 were the publication of 44 works, 25 of which being in International Indexed Journals with Impact Factor (57%). The mean Impact Factor in 2013 was 3.0, publications in high Impact Factor Journals (IF > 3.0¸ area Environmental Sciences - Ecology), equate to c. 38% of the ISI publications (a total of 9 papers). We published also of one authored Book and one Book as editors, three book chapters, five outreach publications, five papers in peer-reviewed journals with no impact factor, three papers in Proceedings of Symposia and one other type of publications (see Fig. 1).


ISI Journal with IF Book Author Book Editor Chapters - Books Papers in Journals without IF Education & Outreach Publications Papers Proceedings Symposia Other Publications Online Other Type of publications

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 N

Figure 1. Number ou publications on the year of 2013 in the several possible categories.

This makes more than two publications by integrated member with a Ph.D., and about 1.3 ISI papers per integrated member with a Ph.D. To those 44 publications we can add 23 more with the affiliation of the ABG (CITA-A, University of Azores) published only by our Associate Research Fellows (13 ISI

13 papers; 3 papers in Journals without IF; 1 proceedings paper; and 6 other type of publications). We must highlight the contribution of our collaborator Simone Fattorini, a freelance investigator based in Rome (Italy) that is contributing with many publications. The publications restricted to collaborators are promoting the internationalization of the ABG (CITA-A, University of Azores) and increasing the visibility of the group. . In summary the publications in 2013 were:



PERIOD 2008-2013

The Integrated Members of Azorean Biodiversity Group published 131 ISI papers between 2008-2013, with an impact factor of up to 9,737 (PNAS paper) (Fig. 2) (Table 1). Particularly relevant is the fact that those publications in high Impact Factor Journals (IF > 3.0¸ area Environmental Sciences - Ecology), equate to c. 35% of the ISI publications (a total of 45 papers) (see Fig. 3).


ISI Journal with IF Book Author Book Editor Chapters - Books Papers in Journals without IF Education & Outreach Publications Papers Proceedings Symposia Other Publications Online Other Type of publications

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 N

Figure 2. Number of publications between 2008-2013 in the several possible categories.

Table 1. Detailed data on scientific output between the years of 2008 and 2013.

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Other Type of publications 19 1 0 3 7 1 Other Publications Online 0 2 3 2 0 0 Papers Proceedings Symposia 5 9 3 0 0 3 Education & Outreach Publications 0 36 1 4 0 5 Papers in Journals without IF 8 10 3 6 7 5 Chapters - Books 15 4 31 7 7 3 Book Editor 2 1 3 1 1 1 Book Author 2 2 0 2 0 1 ISI Journal with IF 6 18 15 36 31 25 TOTAL 57 83 59 61 53 44

In the period 2008-2013 the main achievements included the publication of seven authored Books and nine edited Books, 67 books chapters, 46 outreach publications, 39 papers in peer-reviewed journals with no impact factor, 20 papers in Proceedings of Symposia, seven publications online and an additional 31 other type of publications (Table 1). Overall 357 publications were published between 2008 and 2013. Members of Azorean Biodiversity Group participated in about 100 international

15 meetings with (15 Plenary, 87 Oral presentations, 118 Posters) and 66 national conferences (13 Plenary, 59 oral presentations, 45 posters.

40 40

30 27

19 20 17

11 11

Numberofpublications 10 6

0 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 >6 Impact Factor

Figure 3. Number of papers (N= 130) by integrated members per class of Impact Factors in the period 2008-2013.

The mean Impact Factor was 2.2 in 2008, increasing for 2.88 in 2013 (Fig. 4).


4 3,5 3 2,5

IF 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013


Figure 4. Mean (+ se) Impact Factors in the period 2008-2013.

There was a steady increase in the number of publications in the last six years in Journals with Impact Factor (Fig. 5), with a maximum value of 36 in 2011. This increase in publication was related with the number of integrated members with Ph.D. (Fig. 6 and Table 3). The years of 2011 and 2012 were particularly productive. For the year of 2014 we have already 15 papers In Press (most of them online early in 2013) and 20 in evaluation, which gives a projection for 35 papers for 2014 (Fig. 5).


Figure 5. Number of papers in Journals of IF in the period 2008-2013 and projection for 2014.

Considering the main type of publications (books and papers in Journals with referee) and two main cycles 2008-2010 and 2011-2013, the output shows an increase from 70 to 113 publications (see also Table 2). In the period 2010-2013 about 1.6 ISI papers were published per integrated member with a Ph.D. (90 papers in three years by 19 researchers).

Table 2. Number of publications between 2008-2010 and 2011-2013 in the most important categories.

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Papers in Journals without IF 8 10 3 6 7 5 Book Editor 2 1 3 1 1 1 Book Author 2 2 0 2 0 1 ISI Journal with IF 6 18 15 36 31 25 2008-2010 2011-2013 Total 70 116


1,8 y = 1,4441x - 0,394

1,6 R² = 0,6627






0,4 log log (numberofpublications) 0,2

0 0,8 0,9 1 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 log (number of researchers)

Figure 6. Relationship between the log number of papers in Journals of IF and the log number of integrated researchers in the period 2008-2013.

0,25 0,21 0,20


0,15 0,12 0,10

0,10 Proportion

0,04 0,05

0,00 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Year

Figure 7. Proportion of papers in Journals of IF in relation to the totals published in Azores in the period 2008-2012.





0,06 Proportion 0,04


0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Year

Figure 8. Proportion of researchers of Azorean Biodiversity Group in relation to total Azorean researchers publishing papers in Journals of IF in the period 2008- 2012.

An interesting indicator for our scientific output is the relative proportion of our production with that of the other research groups based in Azores. We investigated the information in the Science Citation Index database (SCI) for the period 2008-2012 (2013 is still not updated). In 2011 and 2012 we published respectively 21% and 17% of the scientific output of Azores (Fig. 7). This is a remarkable output since we were only about 10% of the researchers publishing in the years of 2010-2012 (Fig. 8).


Table 3. Number of publications in the period 2008-2013 in journals with impact factor for the integrated members with Ph.D. We give details on the status of each author in 2014 and in grey the years in which the authors were not members (*NOTE: Mário Boieiro started in the end of 2013).

Total (mean per Author Status in 2014 Authors 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 year)

PI - UA Borges, P.A.V. 3 8 8 9 11 9 48(8)

Coll. (Past Post_Doc) Cardoso, P. 2 6 8 7 10 5 38(6,33)

Coll. (Past Post_Doc) Triantis, K.A. 2 3 3 6 6 20(3,33)

PI - UA Gabriel, R. 1 3 4 2 2 4 16(2,67)

Post_Doc Amorim, I. 3 2 4 2 11(2,2)

Post_Doc Gil, A. 6 2 1 9(3)

Coll. (Past Post-Doc) Gaspar, C. 2 3 2 1 8(2)

PI - UA Soares, A.O. 3 1 2 6(2)

Post_Doc Rigal, F. 2 4 6(1,5)

PI - UA Garcia, P. 1 2 2 5(1,67)

Post_Doc Rego, C. 1 3 1 5(1,25)

PI - UA Barreiros, J.P. 2 1 3(1,00)

PI - UA Elias, R.B. 4 4(1,33)

PI - UA Vieira, V. 1 1 2(0,67)

Post_Doc Florencio, M. 2 2(1)

Post_Doc Borges, I. 1 1 2(0,66)

PI - LNEC Nunes, L. 1 1(1)

PI - UA Arroz, A.M. 1 1(0,16)

PI - UA Lopes, D.H. 1 1(0,33)

Marcelino, Post_Doc 1 1(0,33) J.A.P.


Coll. (Past PI - UA) Simões, A. 0(0)

Coll. (Past Post_Doc) Neilson, A. 0(0)

Post_Doc Boieiro, M. * -

The detailed output of papers in journals with impact factor for each integrated member with Ph.D. is given in Table 3 and the profile of the relative paper abundance distribution per author is given in Figure 9. Eight out of 22 authors had 2 or more papers per year on average (36%), and 14 out of 22 authors had at least one paper per year (64%) (Table 3 and Fig. 9). Three of the most productive members will not be integrate members in 2014, but will keep their collaboration with ABG for some years in on-going projects. However, many Ph.D. students started their projects in 2012- 2013 and it is expected that they can contribute for a higher productivity of ABG between 2014 and 2017.


1,6 log (total papers)


log (papers/year)




0,6 log log numberofpapers 0,4


0 0 5 10 15 20 Rank

Figure 9. Rank authors productivity in Journals with IF in the period 2008-2013, considering the total number of papers and the number of papers per year of participation in the research group.


But what about the relative performance of our researchers in comparison with the researchers of other Azorean research groups? To answer this question we investigated the information in the Science Citation Index database (SCI) for the period 2008-2012 (2013 is still not updated) and considered all the authors with affiliation to a particular research group that published in the 2008-2012 period. Following the recent indicator of FCT for the evaluation of research groups in Portugal in the period 2008-2012, we calculated the number of investigators (here including all investigators, not only those with Ph.D.) with at least four papers in IF journals for this period. As we can see in Figure 10, the performance of our research group (ABG- CITA-A) was equivalent to CVARG, CITA-A (other sub-groups) and CIBIO- Azores. It is remarkable the number of researchers of IMAR-DOP with this indicator.




CITA_A (Others)

Research Group CIBIO-Azores



0 10 20 30 40 50 N

Figure 10. Number of researchers with at least 4 papers in Journals with IF in the period 2008-2012 (see text).

However, if we standardize for the pool of investigators publishing in this period and affiliated to these research groups, the results show an equilibrium between research groups, with ABG keeping a good relative performance. Howver, we we

23 consider only the TOP researchers, i.e., those that published at least 10 papers in this five years period (average of two per year) the results are quite different with only four research groups having such indicator: IMAR-DOP (12 researchers); ABG (4 researchers); (CIBIO-Azores (4 researchers) and CITA-A (others) (2 researchers) (see also Fig. 12 for the proportions based in the pool of researchers).




CITA_A (Others)

CIBIO-Azores ResearchGroups



0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6


Figure 11. Proportion of researchers with at least 4 papers in Journals with IF in the period 2008-2012 (see text)





CITA_A (Others)

CVARG ResearchGroups



0 0,02 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,1 0,12 0,14 Proportion

Figure 12. Proportion of researchers with at least 10 papers in Journals with IF in the period 2008-2012 (see text).

Highlights of the group’s main achievements include the following:

 We demonstrated that species richness does increase with increasing habitat diversity both in islands and the mainland, and that such effect appears even after accounting for other factors such as area or altitude (PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2013)  We have demonstrated that exotic species increase the homogenisation in indigenous assemblages in the Azores archipelago, but the trajectory of this process is independent and contingent of each island with the consequent implications for conservation programs (Diversity and Distributions 2013);  Described the first phylogeography of an invertebrate genus at a Macaronesian scale (J. Biogeography 2012);  Influenced the modification of the Common European Fisheries Policy via book created and sent specifically to EU Parliment members who make changes to the CFP (Neilson et al. (2012). Coastal fisheries in the Azores, Portugal – A question of sovereignty, sustainability and space. In K. Schriewer & T. Højrup (Eds.) European Fisheries at a tipping-point. pp. 465-505, Murcia, Es: Cátedra Jean Monnet Universidade de Murcia.)  Added to global discussions of sustainability via contributing to the creation of a book launched in Brasil at the Rio +20 conference (Neilson, A. L., Blomberg, D., & Gabriel, R. (2012). Spirited practice of transformative education for sustainability. In


A. Wals & P. Blaze Concoran (Eds.) Learning for sustainability in times of accelerating change. pp. 269-282. Wageningen University Press, Wageningen, NL.)  Evaluated the worldwide biology and statistics of the island SAR (J. Biogeography 2012);  Studied the effects of volcanogenic air pollution on human health, having for the first time demonstrated a higher risk of carcinogensis in humans inhabiting volcanically active environments (Environmental International 2012);  Demonstrated of the attraction to different light wavelengths of alates of the termite Cryptotermes brevis in South Florida and the Azores (Journal of Economic Entomology 2012);  Used remote sensing techniques to map influence of light pollution on Cory’s shearwater (European Journal of Wildlife Research 2012);  Studied the occupational exposure to air pollutants in workers from power plants exposed to VOCs, showing a higher risk for DNA damage (Mutation Research – Gentetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis 2012);.  Revealed the side-effects of agrochemicals on natural enemies, particularly on cold- stored diapausing egg wasps (BioControl 2009) and on the voracity of predators (Journal of Pest Science 2011);  Developed a sampling protocol for bryophytes that revealed 8 new species citations for Terceira island in less than twenty sampling stations (The Bryologist 2011)  Evaluated ecosystem services provided by a Special Protected Area (Journal of Coastal Research 2011);  Adapted the IUCN Red Listing criteria for invertebrates (Biol. Conservation 2011);  Described seven impediments in invertebrate conservation and how to overcome them (Biol. Conservation 2011);  Evaluated how the structure of the species pool influences the structure of island parasitoid communities worldwide (Journal of Biogeography 2011)  Described how archipelagos tend follow the same species-area relationship as their constituent islands (Global Ecology and Biogeography 2010).  Discovered extinction debt on oceanic islands for arthropods (Ecography 2010);  Developed the Azorean Biodiversity Portal, recognized as an internet database for regional biodiversity outreach (invited paper in Systematics and Biodiversity 2010);  Recorded, for the first time, an urban invasive termite Cryptotermes brevis in continental Spain and Portugal (Journal of Applied Entomology 2010).


 Demonstrated the role of island geological age in driving the diversification of Azorean arthropods (J. Biogeography 2009);  Edited books include the two most updated Biodiversity Checklists of Azores and Madeira archipelagos and the TOP100 most threatened species list of Macaronesia (see also publication in Biodiversity and Conservation, 2010), that involved the cooperation of more than 250 taxonomists.

In the ten most cited scientific articles of ABG, nine were published in the 2008- 2013 period. Below the complete list of these 10 influential papers: 1) Hortal, J., Borges, P.A.V. & Gaspar, C. (2006-2009). Evaluating the performance of species richness estimators: Sensitivity to sample grain size. Journal of Ecology, 75: 274-287. (IF: 4.841) (Selected for the first number of Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 1 (2009) DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2656.2006.01048.x (Virtual Issue) (IF: 5.924) (16.25 Citations/Year) (see odspapers.html). df 2) Bini, L.M., Diniz-Filho, J.A.F., Rangel, T.F.L.V.B., Akre, T.S.B., Albaladejo, R.G., Albuquerque, F.S., Aparicio, A., Araújo, M.B., Baselga, A., Beck, J., Bellocq, M.I., Böhning-Gaese, K., Borges, P.A.V., Castro-Parga, I., Chey, V-K., Chown, S.L., Marco, P., Dobkin, D.S., Ferrer-Castán, D., Field, R., Filloy, J., Fleishman, E., Gómez, J.F., Hortal, J., Iverson, J.B., Kerr, J.T., Kissling, W.D., Kitching, I.J., León-Cortés, J.L., Lobo, J.M., Montoya, D., Morales-Castilla, I., Moreno, J.C., Oberdorff, T., Olalla-Tárraga, M.Á., Pausas, J.G., Qian, H., Rahbek, C., Rodríguez, M.Á., Rueda, M., Ruggiero, A., Sackmann, P., Sanders, N.J., Terribile, L.C., Vetaas, O.K. & Hawkins, B.A. (2009). Coefficient shifts in geographical ecology: an empirical evaluation of spatial and non-spatial regression. Ecography, 32: 193-204. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0587.2009.05717.x, (IF: 5.124) (15.60 Citations/Year) See more in 3) Cardoso, P., Erwin, T.L., Borges, P.A.V. & New, T.R. (2011). The seven impediments in invertebrate conservation and how to overcome them. Biological Conservation, 144: 2647-2655. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2011.07.024. (IF: 3.794) (9.00Citations/Year) 86.pdf 4) Hortal, J., Lobo, J.M. & Jiménez-Valverde, A. (2007). Limitations of biodiversity databases: case study on seed-plant diversity in Tenerife (Canary Islands). Conservation Biology, 21: 853-863. DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2007.00686.x (IF:4.355)(8.86Citations/Year) 23-1739.2007.00686.x/abstract 27

5) Cardoso, P., Arnedo, M., Triantis, K.A., Borges, P.A.V. (2010). Drivers of diversity in Macaronesian spiders and the role of species extinctions. Journal of Biogeography, 37: 1034-1046. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2699.2009.02264.x. (IF: 4.863)(8.25Citations/Year) 5746711.pdf 6) Borges, P.A.V. & Hortal, J. (2009). Time, area and isolation: Factors driving the diversification of Azorean arthropods. Journal of Biogeography, 36: 178-191. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2699.2008.01980.x (IF: 4.863) (5.80 Citations/Year) f 7) Triantis, K.A., Borges, P.A.V., Ladle, R.J., Hortal, J., Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Dinis, F., Mendonça, E., Silveira, L.M.A., Gabriel, R., Melo, C., Santos, A.M.C., Amorim, I.R., Ribeiro, S.P., Serrano, A.R.M., Quartau, J.A. & Whittaker, R.J. (2010). Extinction debt on oceanic islands. Ecography, 33: 285-294. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0587.2010.06203.x. (IF: 5.124) (5.50 Citations/Year) f 8) Borges, P.A.V., Lobo, J.M., Azevedo, E. B., Gaspar, C., Melo, C. & Nunes, L.V. (2006). Invasibility and species richness of island endemic arthropods: a general model of endemic vs. exotic species. Journal of Biogeography 33: 169-187. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2005.01324.x (IF: 4.863) (5.25 Citations/Year) 2699.2005.01324.x/abstract 9) Carvalho, J.C., Cardoso, P. & Gomes, P. (2012). Determining the relative roles of species replacement and species richness differences in generating beta- diversity patterns. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 21: 760–771. DOI: 10.1111/j.1466-8238.2011.00694.x (IF: 7.223) (5.00 Citations/Year) f 10) Triantis, K.A., Guilhaumon, F. & Whittaker, R.J. (2012). The island species–area relationship: biology and statistics. Journal of Biogeography, 39: 215-231. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2699.2011.02652.x (IF: 4.863) (5.00 Citations/Year)


PROJECTS 2008-2013

Fifty six projects run in 2008-2013, 43 of which were coordinated by integrated members: 14 received international funding, 12 received national funding (eight by FCT) and 30 received regional funding (21 by DRCT and nine more projects were funded by other Agencies). These 56 projects brought about € 2.390.993,00 Euros to the group. In Figure 13 we see that most of these projects started in 2009, 2010 and 2012.



700000 600000


Euros 400000




0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Year

Figure 13. Money obtained in the 56 projects in the period 2008-2013. Each bar is the sum of the total budget of the projects started in a particular year.

These 56 projects include eight service acquisition projects, being the budget distribute as follows: 414.883 Euros in service acquisition and 1,976.110 Euros in research projects. To these projects we must also add the funds obtained for Ph.D. and Pos-Doc Grants, which totalled 1,314.720 Euros in 23 grants (13 Ph.D and 10 Post-Docs).

If we consider three types of funding, i.e. research projects, grants and service acquisition, in total we received almost 4 million Euros in the period 2008-2012, more 29 precisely 3,705.713 Euros (Fig. 14). As shown in Figure 14 most grants were obtained in 2012 although every year we obtained grants. Most of the money obtained in service acquisition was based in contracts starting in 2010.

800000 Comp 700000 SAq 600000 Grants


400000 Euros 300000



0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Year

Figure 14. Money obtained in the 56 projects and 23 Grants (Ph.D and Post-Docs) in the period 2008-2013. Each bar is the sum of the total budget of the projects started in a particular year. Comp – research projects; SAq = service acquisition; Grants = Ph.D. and Post-doc grants.

If we consider the money available for investment in each year, between 2010 and 2013 there was in average 400.000 Euros for investment (Fig. 15).






Euros 300000



0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Year

Figure 15. Funds available in the period 2008-2013 for each year.

The coordination of the 43 out of the 56 projects was distributed by 13 PIs (see Table 4)

Table 4. The number of projects coordinated by each PI between 2008 and 2013.

Members 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Grand Total

Borges, P.A.V. 5 5 5 1 16 Neilson, A.L. 1 3 2 6 Lopes, D.H. 2 1 1 1 5 Gabriel, R. 2 1 1 4 Soares, A.O. 1 2 1 4 Arroz, A.M. 1 1 2 Borges, I. 1 1 Cardoso, P. 1 1 Costa, M. 1 1 Elias, R.B. 1 1 Garcia, P. 1 1 Triantis, K.A. 1 1 Ventura, L. 1 1


600000 INT

500000 FCT

DRCT 400000


300000 Euros



0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Year

Figure 16. Money obtained in the 56 projects and 23 Grants (Ph.D and Post-Docs) in the period 2008-2013 in different funding institutions. Each bar is the sum of the total budget of the projects started in a particular year. Int – international projects; FCT = Portuguese Science Foundation; DRCT= Azores Science Foundation; FRCT = Azores Fund for Grants.





Euros 600000



0 INT FCT DRCT FRCT Others Fuding Institutions

Figure 17. Funds obtained from the 56 projects and 23 Grants (Ph.D and Post-Docs) in the period 2008-2013 in difffrent funding institutions. Each bar is the sum of the total budget of the projects. Int – international projects; FCT = Portuguese Science Foundation; DRCT= Azores Science Foundation; FRCT = Azores Fund for Grants.


Analysing the main funding institutions (Fig. 16) we can highlight the growing contribution of FCT between 2008 and 2010, and the important contribution of regional projects (DRCT and FRCT) in the year of 2012. The contribution of Azores regional funds (DRCT, FRCT and most of the Others) was 51% of the total funds raised by Azorean Biodiversity Group, FCT contributed with 33% and international projects contributed with 16% (Fig. 17). We must highlight several research contracts with national or international entities: 1) PEERS (starting in 2013)– Platform for Enhancing Ecological Research & Sustainability, a consortium between the Center of Environmental Biology (University of Lisbon, Portugal), the Azorean Biodiversity Group (University of the Azores, Portugal) and the Center of Functional Ecology (University of Coimbra, Portugal). 2) NATURE PARKS OF AZORES (starting in 2012)– We started an unprecedented collaboration with several Azorean environmental organizations to perform a Long Term Ecological Study in the natural forest of several Azorean islands. This study is possible due to the collaboration with the Natural Parks of Santa Maria, Terceira, Faial, Flores and Pico islands, the Botanical Garden of Faial island and the Furnas Monitoring and Research Centre (São Miguel island); and the SPEA. 3) BIG – Biodynamical Island Group (starting in 2013) – This is an International consortium research group implemented to model the General Dynamic Model of Island Biogeography. It includes 14 international Researchers, where five of them are either integrated members (P.A.V. Borges, F. Rigal), Ph.D. students (T. Matthews) or collaborators (K. Triantis, R. Whittaker) of the Azorean Biodiversity Group. 4) Development and Coordination for “RCE Açores” (starting in 2009)- part of UN international education network Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development, accredited by the United Nations University, Institute Of Advanced Studies.



Events (2008-2013)

Organisation of scientific dissemination activities (Training courses, symposiums, conferences, seminars, etc., organised by the research group)

1) (2012) Organization of the XV Iberian Congress of Entomology held in Terceira island (Azores, Portugal), 2-6 September, with approximately 140 participants from five countries. 2) (2012). Workshop “Software Prion - Priority Optimization Analysis.” Pedro Cardoso . 6 September, with approximately 15 participants; Workshop “Computing functional diversity - A brief travel in a “burgeoning literature” François Rigal. 6 September, with approximately 20 participants. 3) (2012). Workshop “Biotecnologia em Controlo Biológico”, held in Ponta Delgada, Açores (25 to 27 October). 50 participants. 4) (2012) Workshop “Augmentative Biological Control: scientific research, field application and business”, held in Ponta Delgada, Açores (15th May). 53 participants 5) (2011) Workshop “Identification and Taxonomy of Azorean Springtail Biodiversity” held in Ponta Delgada, Açores (7 September). 15 participants 6) (2011) Contributed to the Organization of the “II Iberian Symposium of Subterranean Biology” (University of Aveiro, Portugal 2 - 4 September). 7) (2011). Seminar: “Exploring the wealth of coastal fisheries: Listening to community voices” Conference-Community Input Hybrid, 21 -24 October 2011 Angra do Heroísmo & Ponta Delgada -- 30 participants from all nine islands, plus 12 scientists from Iceland, Denmark, Spain, Portugal, England, USA and Poland 8) (2011) Workshop on “Prevention and Control of Invasive Species” (27 to 29 October), 70 participants. 9) (2010) Conference cycle – “Knowing and protecting nature: 2010 34

International Year of Biodiversity”. To celebrate the 2010 International Year of Biodiversity ( we organized 36 talks in the Azores (Terceira and São Jorge islands) during 23 days/sessions that were attended approximately by 400 researchers, students and general public. 10) 2010 Biodiversity Photo Contest (RCE Açores) Ninety (90) photos with short narratives were submitted in three age categories (under 13; 13 to 17; and, over 17 years old) and from all islands, as part of a contest seeking to highlight Azorean perspectives about local biodiversity. An exhibition of the winning entries traveled between multiple festivals during the summer. The full exhibition of all entries were on display in the fall and winter with prize ceremonies and further activities on multiple islands. 11) (2010) Workshop for educatiors September 9, 10 & 11 or Educators (credit Biodiversity and Art course for in-service teachers) Fall 2010 -- 30 participants plus facilitators from Canada and Portugal 12) (2009) Workshop “COMBATE ÀS TÉRMITAS USANDO A TÉCNICA DA TEMPERATURA” (Angra do Heroísmo, Terceira, Azores, 3 July 2009) with 30 participants. 13) (2009) Event: “Sharing the Sea” series of mail art workshops for youth, on each of the nine Azorean islands, Newfoundland and Toronto. 1st workshop in Terceira in collaboration with Oficina d'Angra Associação Cultural, October 3 & 10, 2009 - 15 participants 14) (2008) Workshop “BIONATURA – GESTÃO E CONSERVAÇÃO DA BIODIVERSIDADE DA MACARONÉSIA” that was held in Angra do Heroísmo, Terceira, Azores, 13 - 14 June. 70 Participants.

Performances and exhibitions to the extent that they embody research

1) Isabel R. Amorim, Ana Moura Arroz and Rosalina Gabriel leaded and implemented outreach activities to raise awareness towards endemic of the Azores. Those initiatives, that involved many of the GBA members, included an unprecedented urban intervention in the Azores, “Azoreans for millions of 35

years". Unique macro photographs of insects were placed in 12 buildings in the main arteries of Angra do Heroísmo, in order to acquaint Azoreans with their unique natural heritage (see more at This outdoor exhibit resulted from the collaboration between experts of the of Azorean Biodiversity Group (CITA-A, GBA) in evolutionary biology, entomology, social psychology, communication design and extreme macro photography and was funded and supported by various institutions : FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology [Proj. PTDC/BIA-BEC/104571/2008] Association "The Montanheiros" ART - Regional Tourism Association, Regional Secretary of Natural Resources, Municipality of Angra do Heroismo. The photos were performed by Javier Torrent ( and communication design was led by Ana Moura Arroz in a team that also includes Rita São Marcos, Rosalina Gabriel, Isabel R. Amorim, Paulo Silva and Paulo A. V. Borges (the Coordinator of the FCT Project). 2) Facebook initiative “Chama-lhe Nomes!” ( This online contest challenged cybernauts to come up with creative common names for insects endemic to the Azores, raising awareness for the unique biodiversity of the archipelago. 3) Amorim, I.R. & Pereira, F. (2011). Ecossistemas Naturais dos Açores - Ecossistemas terrestres cavernícolas. Exposição on-line, Centro de Ciência de Angra do Heroísmo, 4) Clara Gaspar, Carla Rego, Paulo .V.A Borges, Pedro Cardoso (2012). Insetos vida nos Açores. 2 de Setembro 2012-2 de Fevereiro 2013. " developed by the Science Centre "Observatório do Ambiente dos Açores".

Web-based resources in the Period 2008-2012  Azorean Biodiversity Group Page (  Azorean Biodiversity Portal (  Azorean Biodiversity Gallery (


 ATLANTIS database (  Azorean Spiders: (  Termites from the Azores (  E.D.E.N – Azores Habitats (


In the period 20008-2013 seven PhD and 48 MSc students successfully presented their theses. We also contributed significantly to teaching within the graduate programmes and MSc courses in Biotechnology and Biological Control, Biomedical Sciences, Environmental Education, Engineer and Environmental Management, and PhD courses in Biology all at the University of Azores. Members of the ABG have also taught in graduate programs in other Universities, namely University of Alcala (Spain), the FCT funded PhD programmes on “Biodiversity, Genetics and Evolution” and “Biology and Ecology of Global Changes” (Univ of Lisbon) and in the joint PhD Program in Landscape Interdisciplinary Management, involving the University of the Azores, the University of Évora and the Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal.


AWARDS The “Azorean Biodiversity Group Prizes”, is an initiative of the group to highlight excellence in research and confer larger visibility to outstanding people. So far this initiative occurred in 2012 and 2013. Below the complete list of awards:

2013 “The Most Productive Young Researcher – Ph.D Student 2013” Award – Silvia Calvo Aranda (This prize will be awarded every two years to the most productive young researcher of the ABG Group, a Post-Doc and Ph.D. student interchangeably)

In 2013 the Prize goes for the most productive (in the last three years) of the current Ph.D. students, Silvia Calvo Aranda ( Silvia Calvo Aranda, a Spanish young researcher, was the most productive young Ph.D. researcher of the ABG Group with about 13 publications in the period 2009-2013, eight of which ISI papers (four of which as leading author). Two additional papers as leading author are currently under evaluation. She is conducting her research in “Bryophyte diversity patterns in the Macaronesian region” under the supervision of Prof. Jorge Lobo (Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN), Madrid, Spain) and Prof. Rosalina Gabriel and Prof. Paulo A. V. Borges from University of Azores (GBA, CITA-A). One of her publications was recently published in the leading ecological Journal Global Ecology and Biogeography (with an impact factor of 7.22).


“BALA –Biodiversity of Arthropods from Laurisilva of Azores 2013” Award – Joaquin Hortal ( (This prize will be awarded every year to the most influent researcher generating data or analyses in the BALA Project)

Joaquin Hortal started his independent scientific career in Azores as a Post-Doc in 2005 and in the following years participated in six of the ten Most Cited papers of the ABG ( He also leaded the most cited paper of ABG (*), published in 2006 in Journal of Animal Ecology, and later in 2009 selected for the first number of Methods in Ecology and Evolution (Virtual Issue) as an influential paper. Joaquin Hortal is currently a researcher in the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Depto. Biogeografía y Cambio Global (MNCN), Madrid, Spain. (*) Hortal, J., Borges, P.A.V. & Gaspar, C. (2006). Evaluating the performance of species richness estimators: Sensitivity to sample grain size. Journal of Animal Ecology, 75: 274-287.

“The Events 2013” Award – Isabel Amorim, Ana Moura Arroz and Rosalina Gabriel (This prize will be awarded every year to the investigator(s) that leaded an event of high relevance promoting the visibility of ABG)


Isabel Amorim, Ana Moura Arroz and Rosalina Gabriel leaded and implemented outreach activities to raise awareness towards endemic insects of the Azores. Those initiatives, that involved many of the GBA members, included an unprecedented urban intervention in the Azores, “Azoreans millions of years ago" and the Facebook initiative “Chama-lhe Nomes” ( Unique macro photographs of insects were placed in 12 buildings in the main arteries of Angra do Heroísmo, in order to acquaint the Azorean one unique natural heritage (see more at “Azoreans millions of years ago" resulted from collaboration between experts in evolutionary biology, entomology, social psychology, communication design and extreme macro photography of Azorean Biodiversity Group (CITA-A, GBA) and funding and supported from various partner institutions : FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology [Proj. PTDC/BIA-BEC/104571/2008] Association "The Montanheiros" ART - Regional Tourism Association, Regional Secretary of Natural Resources, Municipality of Angra do Heroismo. The photos were performed by Javier Torrent ( and communication design was led by Ana Moura Arroz in a team that also includes Rita São Marcos, Rosalina Gabriel, Isabel Amorim, Paulo Silva and Paulo A. V. Borges (the Coordinator of the FCT Project).



“The Most Productive Young Researcher 2012” Award – Pedro Cardoso ( (This prize will be awarded every year to the most productive young researcher of the ABG Group)

Pedro Cardoso was the most productive young researcher of the ABG Group, with about 12 ISI papers in 2012 and about 30 ISI papers in the last three years. Pedro Cardoso is a Community Ecologist who spent the last six years of research as Post-Doc in ABG and also in the Smithsonian Museum. He has a Ph.D. by the University of Lisbon – Faculty of Sciences (Supervised by Artur Serrano) and in September this year starts a new position in the Natural History Museum of Helsinki (Univ. of Helsinki).

“BALA –Biodiversity of Arthropods from Laurisilva of Azores 2012” Award – Clara Saraiva Gaspar ( (This prize will be awarded every year to the most influent researcher generating data or analyses in the BALA Project)


Clara Gaspar started her scientific career in Azores as one of the team members of Project BALA. Clara Gaspar leaded in the last 12 years the development of several taxonomic, ecological and trait databases of crucial importance for the research of the Group. She has a Ph.D. by the University of Sheffield (Supervised by Kevin Gaston and Paul A. V. Borges) and is currently doing a Post-Doc in Science Communication.

“The Azorean Biodiversity Group Engagement 2012” Award – Enésima Mendonça (

Enésima Mendonça was leading in the last six years the creation and management of the ATLANTIS database that is the support of the Azorean Biodiversity Portal. She is also coordinating many activities within the ABG being influential in the success of the Group. Enésima took her Bsc in University of Azores and is about to submit her MSc thesis this year.

“The Events 2012” Award – Carla Rego ( (This prize will be awarded every year to the investigator that leaded an event of high relevance promoting the visibility of ABG)


Carla Rego is a Post-Doc of ABG working on molecular ecology. She has a BSc and Ph.D. by the University of Lisbon – Faculty of Sciences. She leaded this year the organization of the most important event, the XV Iberian Congress of Entomology that occurred in Angra do Heroísmo (2-6 September) with about 130 participants.

“The Linnean Prize 2012” – Artur R. M. Serrano ( (This prize was awarded this year by the occasion of the Iberian Congress of Entomology to highlight the importance of taxonomic studies for the advance of ecological studies)

Artur Serrano is a leading Carabidae taxonomist in Portugal and Europe with also an expertise on ground- ecology. Artur took is Ph.D in Zoology by the University of Lisbon where he rapidly progressed as leading taxonomist in Carabidae. His studies also include biodiversity inventories in Madeira archipelago and collaboration with ABG in BALA project. He is contributing to solve the Linnean shortfall.




In Table 5 we summarize the overall contribution of all the investigators in projects in the 2008-2013 period. Below table 5 we list the projects.

Table 5. The number of projects for each member between 2008 and 2013. It is indicated only the starting year for each project, which means that for a member with one project starting in 2008 this project is only marked in 2008 and not in the following years of its participation.

Members Type 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Grand Author Total

Borges, P.A.V. IM 10 11 9 3 33 Gabriel, R. IM 1 5 4 5 1 16 Arroz, A.M. IM 1 4 4 1 10 Cardoso, P. IM/Col 1 1 6 8 Guerreiro, O. IM 3 4 1 8 Pereira, F. IM 2 4 2 8 Lopes, D.H. IM 2 1 2 2 7 Neilson, A.L. IM 1 3 2 1 7 Pimentel, R. IM 2 1 2 1 6 Soares, A.O. IM 1 3 2 6 Borges, A. IM 3 2 5 Elias, R.B. IM 4 1 5 Mendonça, E. IM 1 1 1 2 5 Rego, C. IM 2 3 5 Triantis, K.A. IM/Col 1 3 1 5 Amorim, I. IM 2 1 1 4 Garcia, P. IM 1 3 4 Aranda, S.C. IM 1 1 1 3 Azevedo, J. IM 2 1 3 Borges, I. IM 1 2 3 Marques, L. IM 2 1 3 Nunes, L. Col/IM 1 2 3 Rigal, F. IM 1 1 1 3 Santos, A. IM 2 1 3 Simões, A. IM 2 1 3


Ventura, L. IM 2 1 3 Ferreira, F. IM 1 1 2 Ferreira, M.T. IM 2 2 Gaspar, C. IM/Col 1 1 2 Gil, A. IM 1 1 2 Hortal, J. Col 1 1 2 Marcelino, J.A.P. IM 1 1 2 Marcos, R.S. IM 1 1 2 Neves, I. IM 1 1 2 Parmakelis, A. Col 1 1 2 Santos, A.M.C. IM/Col 1 1 2 Silva, P. IM 1 1 2 Barreiros, J.P. IM 1 1 Bicudo, N. IM 1 1 Carvalho, R. IM 1 1 Coelho. M. IM 1 1 Costa, M. IM 1 1 Couto, C. IM 1 1 Crespo, L.C. IM/Col 1 1 Faria, C. IM 1 1 Florencio, M. IM 1 1 Henriques, D. IM 1 1 Lobo, J.M. Col 1 1 Matthews, T. IM 1 1 Moniz, J. IM 1 1 Nunes, R. IM 1 1 Valderde, A.J. Col 1 1 Vieira, V. IM 1 1

INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS 1. NETBIOME – Europe –FCT NETBIOME/0003/2011 ISLAND-BIODIV: Understanding biodiversity dynamics in tropical and subtropical islands as an aid to science based conservation action (2012-2015)

Coordinator: Brent Emerson (Instituto de Productos Naturales y Agrobiología (IPNA- CSIC), Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain); Members: Paulo Borges, Rui B. Elias (CITA- A – Azorean Biodiversity Group, Portugal); Pedro Oromí, José María Fernández- Palacios (Univ. de La Laguna, Canaries, Spain); Dominique Strasberg (Université de La Réunion, Réunion, France); Christophe Thébaud (Université Paul Sabatier


(Toulouse 3), France), Juli Caujapé-Castells (Jardín Botánico Canario “Viera y Clavijo” – Unidad Asociada CSIC, Spain). Coordinator Portugal: Paulo Borges; Members: Rui B. Elias, António Onofre Soares, Pedro Cardoso, Carla Rego, José Marcelino, Isabel R. Amorim, Fernando Pereira (added recently: Rui Nunes, Maria Teresa Ferreira). Grant Student: Rui Carvalho. Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 61.044,00€

2. NETBIOME – Europe – DRCTC MOVECLIM: Montane vegetation as listening posts for climate change (2012-2015)

Coordinator: Claudine Ah-Peng (University of La Réunion); Members: Rosalina Gabriel (Azorean Biodiversity Group – Univ Azores); Magnin Hervé (Parc national de la Guadeloupe); Jean-Yves Meyer (Délégation à la Recherche, Gouvernement de Polynésie Française Research Department, Government of French Polynesia); Juana María González-Mancebo (University of La Laguna, Department of Botany); Jacques Bardat (Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle); Benoît Lequette (Parc National de La Réunion); Lisa Lavocat (Conservatoire Botanique National de Guadeloupe); Terry Hedderson (University of Cape Town, Botany Department); Michael Kessler (University of Zürich); Juergen Kluge (University of Marburg); Min Chuah-Petiot (Universiti Sains Malaysia); Coordinator in Portugal: Rosalina Gabriel (Azorean Biodiversity Group – Univ Azores) Portuguese team: Márcia Coelho, Débora Henriques, Silvia Calvo Aranda, Fernando Pereira, Rui Elias Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 70.000,00€

3. CESAB, Centre de Synthèse et d'Analyse sur la Biodiversité. Community assembly on remote islands: does equilibrium theory apply? PI: Christophe Thébaud. Members: Kostas Triantis (Position in the project: Research associate)

4. Biogeography, life history and conservation of endemic and threatened birds of the Penambuco center of endemism, northeast Brazil. PI: R.J Ladle (UFAL & Oxford). Members: Kostas Triantis (Position in the program: Technical advisor)


5. AGRICOMAC: Transferencia de Tecnologías al Setor Agrícola de la Macaronesia – MAC/1/C047 (2009-2011)

Coordinator: D. Henry Sicilia Hernández (ASAGA); Members: David João Horta Lopes (Azorean Biodiversity Group – Univ. Azores, Portugal); D. Juan Carlos Moreno Moreno (ICIA); D. Ricardo Melchior Navarro (Cabildo de Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain); Domingo Ríos Mesa (CCBAT); Dña. Guadalupe González Taño (Cabildo de la Palma, Canary Islands, Spain); Joao Francisco G. Nunes Ferreira (Associação de Agricultores da Madeira, Madeira, Portugal); José Manuel Nunes Castanheira da Costa (UMa); Miguel Ângelo Almeida Pinheiro Carvalho (ISOPlexis); Fernando Gastão da Sousa Sieuve de Menezes (FRUTER); Artur da Câmara Machado (CBA, Portugal);

Coordinator Portugal: David João Horta Lopes (Azorean Biodiversity Group – Univ. Azores, Porugal); Reinaldo Pimentel

Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 40.000,00€

6. BIOMUSA: Transferencia de I+D+I para o Desenvolvimento sustentável da cultura da bananeira nas RUPs MAC – MAC/1/C054 (2009-2011)

Coordinator: Juan Cabrera (ICIA); Members: David João Horta Lopes (Azorean Biodiversity Group – Univ. Azores, Portugal); Luís Ribeiro (DRADR); Esther Domínguez (ASPROCAN); Raimundo Cabrera (ULL);

Coordinator Portugal: David João Horta Lopes (Azorean Biodiversity Group – Univ. Azores, Portugal); Reinaldo Pimentel

Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 41.000,00€

7. CABMEDMAC: Estudo de implementação de medidas de combate à Mosca-do- mediterrâneo em Cabo Verde e na Macaronésia – MAC/3/A163 (2010-2013)

Coordinator: David João Horta Lopes (Azorean Biodiversity Group – Univ. Azores, Portugal); Members: Dalila Maria Bettencourt Caldeira Sena Carvalho (SRARN); Raimundo Cabrera Pérez (ULL); Santiago Domingo Perera Gonzalez (Cabildo


Insular de Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain); Isildo Gonçalves Gomes (Instituto Nacional de Investigação e Desenvolvimento Agrário (INIDA), Portugal);

Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 100.000,00€


Coordinator: Rosa Neves Simas (Coord.) (DLLM – UAç)

Members: Ana Moura Arroz (DCE – UAç);

Other participants: Licínio Vicente Tomás (DHFCS – UAç); Margarida Damião Serpa (DCE – UAç); Carlos João Gomes (DCE – UAç).

9. COST Project 2012-1-12550 - European Information System for Alien Species (2013-2016)

Coordinator: Helen Roy (NERC Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (U.K.); Members: Paulo Borges, António Onofre Soares, Rui B. Elias, Isabel Borges, Artur Gil, (CITA-A – Azorean Biodiversity Group);

10. (ODOEVO2011). Ancient responses to new challenges: ecology and evolution of the Odonata (2013-2016)

PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Professor Adolfo Cordero Rivera. INTERNATIONAL TEAM: Adolfo Cordero Rivera, Alejandro Córdoba Aguilar, Chris Beatty, Carlos Esquivel, Chris Hassall, Carlo Utzeri, Haomiao Zhang, Ivette Galicia Mendoza, María Calviño Cancela, new FPI student; hired PhD, Pere Luque, Phill Watts, Rosa Ana Sánchez Guillén, Robby Stoks, Tom Sherratt, Virgilio Vieira. INSTITUTIONS INVOLVED: Universidad de Vigo (Spain), Università la Sapienza di Roma (Italy), Universidade dos Açores (Portugal), Consorci del Museu Comarcal del Montsia (Spain), University of Liverpool (UK), Universidad San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador), South China Agricultural University (China), Universidad Autónoma de 48

México (Mexico), University of Carleton (Canada), Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (Costa Rica), Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium). FUNDING: 152.000,00 Euro by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación/Gobierno de España.

Members: Virgilio Vieira

11. LIFE- Project (Life12 bio7pt/000110). Restauro Ecológico e Conservação da Infra- Estrutura Verde Húmida Costeira da Praia da Vitória (LIFE-CWR) (2013-2017) - Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 120000 Euros

Coordinators ABG: Paulo Borges, Rosalina Gabriel (CITA-A – Azorean Biodiversity Group);

12. Biodynamic Island Group (BIG) - 14 experts in island biogeography Coordinator: Michael Borregaard & Robert Whittaker (based at the University of Oxford, UK) Members: Paulo A. V. Borges, François Rigal, Tom Matthews, Kostas A. Triantis

13. BIONATURA - Cooperación y sinergias en el conocimiento y la preservación de la biodiversidad de la Región Macaronésica e gestion Rede NATURA (INTERREG III B - 05/MAC/2.3/A4 2007). (2006-2008).

Coordinator: Paulo Borges; Members: Rosalina Gabriel; Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 90,000 Euros

Funded by FCT (Portuguese Science Foundation)

1. FCT - PTDC/BIA-BEC/104571/2008 – “What can the Macaronesian islands teach us about speciation? A case study of Tarphius beetles and Hipparchia butterflies” (2010-2012) Coordinator: Paulo Borges; Members: Rosalina Gabriel; Ana Moura Arroz; Isabel R. Amorim; Fernando Pereira; 49

Other participants: Brent C. Emerson and Christiana Faria (Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Conservation, School of Biological Sciences, University of East Anglia, U.K.); Artur R. M. Serrano (CBA- Fac. de Ciências de Lisboa, Portugal). Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 120.000,00€

2. FCT- PTDC/BIA-BEC/100182/2008 – “Predicting extinctions on islands: a multi-scale assessment” (2010-2013) Coordinator: Paulo Borges (Azorean Biodiversity Group, Univ. Azores, Portugal); Members: Kostas Triantis, Luís Crespo, François Rigal, Carla Rego, Fernando Pereira. Robert Whittaker (Biodiversity Research Group, Oxford University Centre for the Environment, U.K.); Aris Parmakelis (Department of Ecology and Taxonomy, Faculty of Biology, National & Kapdistrian University of Athens, Greece). Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 194.907,00€

3. FCT - PTDC/CCI/72381/2006 - ÁFRICA ANNES - Social perception in environmental risk communication – (2009-2011) Coordinator: António Felix Rodigues (CITA-A); Members: Rosalina Gabriel; Ana Moura Arroz; Paulo Borges. Total Budget: 95.000€

4. FCT - PTDC/AMB/70801/2006 - Understanding Underground Biodiversity: Studies of Azorean Lava Tubes. (2009-2011) Coordinator: Maria de Lurdes Nunes Enes Dapkevicius (CITA-A); Members: Rosalina Gabriel, Paulo Borges, Isabel Amorim, Fernando Pereira. Total Budget: 199.000€

5. FCT - Green Islands Project – “Use of woody plant biomass for energy production in the Azores Islands” – (2010-2012) Coordinator: Luís Silva (CIBIO- Azores); Members: Rosalina Gabriel, Paulo Borges, Sílvia Calvo, Artur Gil. Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 13.348,00€ Euros.


6. FCT - PTDC/BIA-BEC/099138/2008 - Conflict between human activities and the conservation of island endemics in a Global Biodiversity Hotspot. (2010-2013) Coordinator: Artur Serrano (CBA- Lisbon, Portugal) ; Members: Paulo Borges, Carla Rego, Clara S. Gaspar, Pedro Cardoso, Alberto J. Valverde, Joaquin Hortal, Ana Margarida Santos, Fernando Pereira. Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 8.000,00€ (Field Work)

7. FCT - PTDC/BIA-BEC/098783/2008 - Adaptive significance and genetic basis of a balanced colour-polymorphism. (2010-2012) Coordinator: Sofia Seabra (CBA- Lisbon, Portugal); Members: Paulo Borges. Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 3.000,00€ (Field Work)

8. FCT - PTDC/AGR-AAM/108312/2008. “An omnipotent guest in an omnipotent pest: Aphids/Wolbachia case “(2010-2013) Coordinator: Manhaz Khadem (Univ. Madeira, Portugal); Members: Paulo Borges. Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 3.000,00€

9. FCT - POCTI/BIA-BDE/59202/2004 - High Endemism Areas in the Archipelago of Madeira - Establishing priorities for the conservation of the endemic insect fauna. (2006-2009) Coordinator: Artur Serrano (CBA- Lisbon) ; Members: Paulo Borges, Carla Rego, Pedro Cardoso, Fernando Pereira, Sérvio Ribeiro, Isabel Amorim. Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 8.000,00€ (Field Work)

10. PTDC/BIA-BIC/119255/2010 – “Biodiversity on oceanic islands: towards a unified theory” (2012-2014) Coordinators: Paulo A. V. Borges and Kostas Triantis; Other participants from Azorean Biod. Group: Ana Margarida Santos, Pedro Cardoso, François Rigal (Post-Doc of the Project). Other participants from other Institutions: Robert Whittaker (Biodiversity Research Group, Oxford University Centre for the Environment, U.K.); Aris Parmakelis 51

(Department of Ecology and Taxonomy, Faculty of Biology, National & Kapdistrian University of Athens, Greece) Project’s consultants (Brent Emerson, John Halley, Joaquin Hortal and Richard Ladle; Luis António Borda Água) Projects Collaborators (Isabel R. Amorim, Miguel Ferreira and James Rosindell) Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 99.000,00€

Funded by DRCT (Azorean Science Foundation)

1. DRCTC - M.2.1.2/I/003/2008 “Consequences of land-use change on Azorean fauna and flora - the 2010 Target” (2009-2010) Coordinators: Pedro Cardoso, Paulo Borges; Members: Clara Gaspar; Silvia Calvo; Fernando Pereira, João Moniz. Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 25.000,00€

2. DRCTC - M.2.1.2/I/004/2008 . “EDUMAR Perspectives About the Sea and Sea Life Cetaceans and Tourism in the Azores and Newfoundland” – (2008-2010) Coordinator: Alison L. Neilson; Members: Rosalina Gabriel, Ana Moura Arroz, Enésima Mendonça. Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 25.000,00€

3. DRCTC - M2.1.2/F/007/2007 - Identificação de populações geneticamente distintas de espécies de artrópodes endémicas dos Açores para a conservação da biodiversidade no arquipélago (2009-2010) Coordinator: Rosalina Gabriel; Members: Paulo Borges, Isabel Amorim, Ana Simões. Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 35.000,00€ (Finalized)

4. DRCTC - M221-I-002-2009 - TERMODISP - A térmita de madeira seca Cryptotermes brevis (Walker) nos Açores: Monitorização dos voos de Dispersão e prevenção da colonização. (2009-2012) Coordinator: Paulo Borges; Members: Ana Moura Arroz, Ana Simões, Orlando 52

Guerreiro, Annabella Borges, Filomena Ferreira, Carolina Couto, Lina Nunes. Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 183.029,00€

5. DRCTC - M3.2.3/I/017B/2009, no âmbito da Medida 3.2.3 – “Apoio à edição de publicações científicas”, no âmbito do Eixo 3.2 – “Incentivos à produção científica”, do Programa 3 (Apoio à formação avançada (FORMAC)- “Listagem dos Fungos, Flora e Fauna Terrestre e costeira dos Açores / A list of the terrestrial and coastal fungi, flora and fauna of Azores” (2009-2010) Coordinator: Paulo Borges; Members: Rosalina Gabriel, Enésima Mendonça. Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 10.000,00€

6. DRCTC - M3.2.3/I/019B/2009, no âmbito da Medida 3.2.3 – “Apoio à edição de publicações científicas”, no âmbito do Eixo 3.2 – “Incentivos à produção científica”, do Programa 3 (Apoio à formação avançada (FORMAC)- “Abordagens ao ambiente em contexto escolar” (2009-2010) Coordinator: Rosalina Gabriel; Members: Ana Moura Arroz, Paulo Borges Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 5.000,00€

7. DRCTC- M212/I/039/2011 - Biodiversity Economic Valuation of Endemic Species (BioEcoValES) (2012-2014) Coordinator: Tomaz P. Dentinho; Members: Rosalina Gabriel. Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 67.000,00€

8. DRCTC- M2.1.2/I/005/2011 - Implications of climate change for Azorean Biodiversity - IMPACTBIO (2012-2014) Coordinator: Rui B. Elias; Members: Paulo A. V. Borges, Rosalina Gabriel, Silvia Calvo, Pedro Cardoso; Maria Teresa Ferreira Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 67.000,00€

9. DRCTC- M2.1.2/I/008/2011 - Biomonitoring air pollution: development of an integrated system - BIOAIR (2012-2014) Coordinator: Armindo Rodrigues; Members: Patrícia Garcia 53

Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 67.000,00€

10. DRCTC- M2.1.2/I/027/2011 - Mapping coastal and marine biodiversity of the Azores - ATLANTIS-MAR (2012-2014) Coordinator: Paulo A. V. Borges; Members: Enésima Mendonça, Pedro Cardoso, João Pedro Barreiros, Rosalina Gabriel, Rui Elias Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 67.000,00€

11. DRCTC- M2.1.2/F/040/2011 - Science and Policy Integration for a Sustainable Marine Strategy - SciPol-ISeMarS (2012-2014) Coordinator: Ricardo Serrão Santos (DOP); Members: Alison Neilson Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 4.000,00€

12. DRCTC- M3.2.3/I/035/2011 – Publicação “Problemas Fitossanitários nas Cameleiras da Ilha de São Miguel” (2011-2012). Coordinator: David João Horta Lopes; Members: Ana Santos, Jorge Azevedo, Liliana Marques, Lucia Ventura, Reinaldo Pimentel Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 2.330,00€

13. DRCTC- M3.2.3/I/036/2011 – Publicação “Folhas Divulgativas – Preservação de Variedades Regionais” (2011-2012). Coordinator: Lucia Ventura; Members: David João Horta Lopes, Ana Santos, Jorge Azevedo, Liliana Marques, Reinaldo Pimentel Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 1.616,00€

14. DRCTC- M4.2.2/I/015/2012 – Divulgação do papel da Protecção de Plantas no Combate aos problemas fitossanitários das culturas (2012) Coordinator: David João Horta Lopes; Members: Ana Santos, Jorge Azevedo, Liliana Marques, Lucia Ventura, Reinaldo Pimentel Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 4.994,00€

15. DRCTC- M3.2.2/I/017/2012 - XV Congresso Iberico de Entomologia (2012) 54

Coordinator: Paulo A. V. Borges; Members: Carla Rego Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 8.200,00€

16. DRCTC- (M3.1.7/F/002/2011) Impact of Land-Use changes in the arthropod fauna of the Azores (2012-2015). Coordinator: Paulo A. V. Borges; Membros: Margarita Patricia Florencio Díaz, Pedro Cardoso, Jorge M Lobo (in collaboration with “Museo de Ciencias Naturales- CSIC”, Spain) Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 63.000,00€ euros

17. DRCTC – (M3.2.2/I/034/2012). Workshop “Biotecnologia em Controlo Biológico” (2012)

Coordinator: António O. Soares; Members: Paulo A. V. Borges Patricia Garcia, David H. Lopes, Enésima Mendonça. Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 7.085,00€

18. DRCTC - M4.2.2/I/005/2011 A cultura científica no séc: XIX - a sustentabilidade do diálogo. Project, Comemoração do Dia Nacional da Cultura Científica. Coordinator: Alison L. Neilson (2011) Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 2500,00 €

19. DRCTC - M3.2.2/I/020/2011 Project, Scientific Meeting, Exploring the wealth of coastal fisheries: Listening to community voices. Coordinator: Alison L. Neilson (2011) Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 14888,00 €

20. DRCTC - M4.2.2/I/004/2010 Biodiversidade Seminario, Apoio à realização de reuniões no âmbito da divulgação científica e tecnológica - 1ª edição, Comemoração do Ano Internacional da Biodiversidade Coordinator: Alison L. Neilson (2010) Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 6150,00 €


21. DRCTC - M4.2.3/I/004/2010 Biodiversidade Foto Exposição, Apoio à realização de reuniões no âmbito da divulgação científica e tecnológica - 1ª edição, Comemoração do Ano Internacional da Biodiversidade. Coordinator: Alison L. Neilson (2010) Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 2320.00 €


1. Câmara Municipal de Angra do Heroísmo - “Combate e Gestão das Térmitas (Isoptera) na Cidade de Angra do Heroísmo” (2009) Coordinator: Paulo Borges; Members: Ana Simões, Orlando Guerreiro, Annabella Borges. Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 12.000,00€ (Finalized)

2 DRA- Direcção Regional do Ambiente - “Gestão de Resíduos Contaminados com Térmitas” (2009-2010) Coordinator: Paulo Borges; Members: Ana Moura Arroz; Orlando Guerreiro, Annabella Borges Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 24.000,00€

3. FLAD - [PRO-BIO] Profiling Reliable Organisms as BIOindicators (2009-2011) Coordinator: António Onofre Soares ; Members: Paulo Borges; José Marcelino, Patricia Garcia, Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 53.000,00 Euros.

4. Câmara Municipal da Praia da Vitória - “Monitorização da Térmita subterrânea Reticulitermes flavipes no concelho da Praia da Vitória, Ilha Terceira” (2010) Coordinator: Paulo Borges; Members: Lina Nunes, Orlando Guerreiro, Annabella Borges. Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 9.000,00€


5. United Nations University - RCE-Azores, UNESCO Research Centre of Expertise (2009-2014) Coordinator: Alison L. Neilson; Members: Rosalina Gabriel, Ana Moura Arroz, Enésima Mendonça, Paulo Borges, Ana Simões, Fernando Pereira. EU Leonardo DaVinci Programme for Vocational Training, Change Agents UK – support placement of interns with RCE Açores, two interns in 2011, three in 2012, two in 2013, two in 2014. Budget: 22.950,00€

6. Câmara Municipal de Angra do Heroísmo- “Teste da Técnica de Temperatura para combate às térmitas de Madeira Seca (Isoptera)” (2010) Coordinator: Paulo Borges; Members: Lina Nunes; Orlando Guerreiro, Annabella Borges, Filomena Ferreira. Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 162.480€

7. EDP – BIODIVERSITY PORTUGAL - “ Biodiversidade, endemismos e espécies protegidas associadas às lagoas e cursos de água da Serra da Estrela: valorização de um século de aproveitamento hidroeléctrico” (2012-2014) Coordinator: Artur R. M. Serrano; CBA- Lisbon) ; Members: Paulo Borges, Carla Rego, Pedro Cardoso, Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 5.000€

8. FLAD - [HOLI-BioPest] Desenvolvimento de um programa integrado para biomonitorizar a exposição a pesticidas em ecossistemas agrícolas: uma abordagem holística (2012-2014) Coordinator: Patrícia Ventura Garcia; Members: Armindo Rodrigues, Maria do Carmo Barreto, Luís Cunha, John Stark (Washington State University, USA) Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 24.000 Euros.

9. Direcção Regional do Turismo. Workshop “Augmentative Biological Control: scientific research, field application and business”. (2012)


Coordinator: António O. Soares; Members: Isabel Borges. Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 1.000,00€

10. SOS Termitas –Unidos na Prevenção (2010-2012) Funded by Mayor Ponta Delgada, Angra Heroísmo, Vila Porto; Horta Coordinator: Ana Moura Arroz; Members: Rita São Marcos, Isabel Neves, Orlando Guerreiro, Rosalina Gabriel, Paulo Borges; Paulo Silva Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 100.000,00€

11. SOS Termitas –Unidos na Prevenção II (2012-2013) Funded by Mayor Ponta Delgada, Vila Porto.

Coordinator: Ana Moura Arroz; Members: Rita São Marcos, Isabel Neves, Orlando Guerreiro, Rosalina Gabriel, Paulo Borges; Paulo Silva Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 20.000,00€

12. PICA; Projeto Investigação para combate a Afídeos em Viveiros Florestais: Utilização de agentes de controlo biológico para o combate a populações de afídeos em plantas endémicas produzidas em viveiro (PICA, Research Project to fight Aphids in Forest Nurseries: Use of biological control agents to fight endemic populations of aphids on plants grown in nurseries) (2013-2016). Funded by: SECRETARIA REGIONAL DOS RECURSOS NATURAIS (Direção Regional dos Recursos Florestais) Coordinator: António Onofre Soares; Members: Isabel Borges, Marta Costa, Carina Nóbrega e Catarina Quintela. Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 10.403,75 Euros

13.Monitoring wood insect pests in the Palaces of Azores (2010-2013) Funded by Azorean Government (Minister of Science and Equipment).

Coordinator: Paulo A. V, Borges; Members: Orlando Guerreiro, Filomena Ferreira, Nuno Bicudo Budget for the Azorean Biodiversity Group: 77.000,00€



In Table 6 we summarize the overall contribution of all the investigators that put the affiliation of Azorean Biodiversity Group in their publications. Below Table 6 we list all the publications in the 2008-2013 period.

Table 6. Overall publication contribution by author (IM – Integrated Member; Col - Associate Research Fellows)

AUTHORS TYPE PAPERS BOOK BOOK BOOK PAPERS OUTREACH PAPERS OTHER PUBLICATIONS GRAND ISI JOURNAL AUTHOR EDITOR CHAPTERS OTHERS P.SYMP. PUBLICS ONLINE TOTAL Integrated Members or Collaborators in the period Borges, P.A.V. IM 48 2 6 37 17 15 11 22 158 Cardoso, P. IM/Col 38 1 4 11 5 2 6 2 69 Gabriel, R. IM 16 3 2 13 3 7 6 3 53 Gaspar, C. IM/Col 8 1 3 3 17 32 Santos, A.M.C. IM/Col 9 6 7 6 3 31 Triantis, K.A. IM/Col 20 3 3 1 27 Amorim, I. IM 11 1 2 2 5 1 3 25 Pereira, F. IM 6 1 1 1 6 4 2 21 Vieira, V. IM 2 2 8 5 2 19 Mendonça, E. IM 3 6 1 2 6 18 Aranda, S.C. IM 9 2 1 1 13 Gil, A. IM 9 2 1 12 Rego, C. IM 5 2 3 2 12


AUTHORS TYPE PAPERS BOOK BOOK BOOK PAPERS OUTREACH PAPERS OTHER PUBLICATIONS GRAND ISI JOURNAL AUTHOR EDITOR CHAPTERS OTHERS P.SYMP. PUBLICS ONLINE TOTAL Nunes, L. Col/IM 3 2 6 11 Soares, A.O. IM 6 2 2 1 11 Homem, N. IM 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 10 Neilson, A.L. IM 1 3 3 2 1 10 Rigal, F. IM 6 1 1 7 Barreiros, J.P. IM 3 1 2 1 8 Arroz, A.M. IM 1 2 2 2 7 Garcia, P. IM 5 1 1 7 Dinis, F. IM 3 3 6 Elias, R.B. IM 4 1 1 6 Ferreira, M.T. IM 3 1 1 1 6 Crespo, L.C. IM/Col 3 2 1 6 Lopes, D.H. IM 1 2 2 5 Moniz, J. IM 3 1 1 5 Guerreiro, O. IM 2 1 1 4 Marcelino, J.A.P. IM 1 1 1 1 4 Melo, C. IM 1 1 1 1 4 Borges, I. IM 2 1 3 Florencio, M. IM 2 1 3 Borges, A. IM 1 1 2 Martins, B. IM 2 2 Silveira, L.M.A. IM 1 1 2 Sousa, E. IM 2 2 Terzopoulou, S. IM 2 2 Ventura, L.B. IM 1 1 2 Simões, A.M. IM/Col 1 1 2



Collaborators Fattorini, S. Col 28 2 1 17 48 Hortal, J. Col 7 4 1 1 13 Ribeiro, S.P. Col 4 1 2 1 8 Guilhaumon, F. Col 6 6 Lobo, J.M. Col 5 1 6 Schaefer, H. Col 4 1 5 Scheffrahn, R.H. Col 3 1 1 5 Vanderpoorten, A. Col 5 5 Jiménez-Valverde, A. Col 2 1 3 Patiño, J. Col 3 3 Parmakelis, A. Col 2 2 Carvalho, J.C. Col 2 2



2013 (n= 38)

By at least one integrated member (n= 25)

Aranda, S.C., Gabriel, R., Borges, P.A.V., Santos, A.M.C., Hortal, J., Baselga, A. & Lobo, J.M. (2013). How do different dispersal modes shape the species–area relationship? Evidence for between-group coherence in the Macaronesian flora. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 22: 483-493 DOI: 10.1111/geb.12008 (IF: 7.223) (P002) ( Boieiro, M., Carvalho, J.C., Cardoso, P., Aguiar, C.A.S., Rego, C., Faria e Silva, I., Amorim, I., Pereira, F., Azevedo, E.B., Borges, P.A.V. & Serrano, A.R.M. (2013). Spatial factors play a major role as determinants of endemic ground-beetle assemblages in Madeiran Laurisilva. PlosOne 8(5): e64591. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0064591 (IF: 3.730) (P460) ( Borges I., Hemptinne, J-L & Soares, A.O. (2013). Contrasting population growth parameters of the aphidophagous Scymnus nubilus and the coccidophagous Nephus reunioni. BioControl, 58: 351-357 DOI: 10.1007/s10526-012-9490-y (IF: 2.215) (P465) Cameron, R.A.D., Triantis, K.A., Parent, C.E., Guilhaumon, F., Alonso, M.R., Ibáñez, M., Martins, A.M.F., Ladle, R.J. & Whittaker, R.J. (2013). Snails on oceanic islands: testing the general dynamic model of oceanic island biogeography using linear mixed effect models. Journal of Biogeography, 40: 117-130. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2699.2012.02781.x (IF: 4.863) (P006) Camarinho R., Garcia, P.V. & Rodrigues, A.S. (2013). Chronic exposure to volcanogenic air pollution as cause of lung injury. Environmental Pollution, 181: 24-30. DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2013.05.052 (IF: 3.730) (P478) 62

Cardoso, P., Rigal, F., Fattorini, S., Terzopoulou, S. & Borges, P.A.V. (2013). Integrating Landscape Disturbance and Indicator Species in Conservation Studies. PLoS ONE, 8: e63294. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0063294 (IF: 3.730) (P467) ( Carvalho, J.C., Cardoso, P., Borges, P.A.V., Schmera, D. & Podani, J. (2013). Measuring fractions of beta diversity and their relationships to nestedness: a theoretical and empirical comparison of novel approaches. Oikos, 122: 825–834. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2012.20980.x. (IF: 3.329) (P418) (

Condini, M.V., Seyboth, E., Vieira, J.P., Varela, A.S., Barreiros, J.P., Favaro, L.F. & Garcia, A.M. (2013). First record of the dusky grouper Epinephelus marginatus (Actinopterygii: Epinephelidae) undergoing sexual transition in the South Western Atlantic, Brazil. Hidrobiologica 23: 448-451 (IF: 0.302) (P408)

Crespo, L.C., Bosmans, R., Cardoso, P. & Borges, P.A.V. (2013). On the endemic spider species of the genus Savigniorrhipis Wunderlich, 1992 (Araneae: ) in the Azores (Portugal), with description of a new species. Zootaxa, 3745: 330-

342. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3745.3.2 (IF: 0.974) (P415) Ellis, L.T., Asthana, A.K., Gupta, R., Nath, V., Sahu, V., Bednarek-Ochyra, H., Ochyra, R., Cykowska, B., Aranda, S.C., Fischer, E., Gabriel, R., Gorski, P., Gremmen, N., Hespanhol, H., Kurbatova, L.E., Smith, R.I.L., Long, D.G., Bell, D., Mogro, F., Sergio, C., Garcia, C.A., Stow, S., Martins, A., Smith, V.R., Vana, J. & Vanderpoorten, A. (2013). New national and regional bryophyte records, 34. Journal of Bryology, 35, 62-70. DOI: 10.1179/1743282012Y.0000000042 (IF: 1.351) (P500) Ellis, L.T., Aranda, S.C., Asthana, A.K., Bansal, P., Nath, V., Sahu, V., Bayliss, J., Asthana, G., Srivastava, S., Yadav, S., Brugués, M., Cano, M.J., Dulin, M.V., Fudali, E., Fuertes, E., Gabriel, R., Pereira, F., Silva, J.A.F., Gradstein, S.R., Hájková, P., Hájek, M., Heras, P., Infante, M., Lebouvier, M., Marka, J., Newsham, K.K., Ochyra, R., Pantović, J., Sabovljević, M.S., Phephu, N., van Rooy, J., Philippov, D.A., Porley, R.D., Puche, F., Schäfer-Verwimp, A., Segarra-Moragues, J.G., Sérgio, C., Smith, V.R., Ştefănuţ, S., Váňa, J. & Wigginton M.J. (2013). New national and 63

regional bryophyte records, 37. Journal of Bryology, 35: 290-305. DOI: 10.1179/1743282013Y.0000000073 (IF: 1.35) (P572) Florencio, M., Gómez-Rodríguez, C., Serrano, L. & Díaz-Paniagua, C. (2013). Competitive exclusion and habitat segregation in seasonal macroinvertebrate assemblages in temporary ponds. Freshwater Science, 32: 650-662. DOI: 10.1899/12-105.1 (IF: 2.957) (P497) Florencio, M., Cardoso, P., Lobo, J.M., Azevedo, E.B. & Borges, P.A.V. (2013). Arthropod assemblage homogenisation in oceanic islands: the role of exotic and indigenous species under landscape disturbance. Diversity and Distributions, 19: 1450-1460. DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12121 (IF: 6.122) (P457) Fortino, S., Genoese, A., Genoese, A., Nunes, L. & Palma, P. (2013). Numerical modelling of the hygro-thermal response of timber bridges during their service life: A monitoring case-study. Construction and Building Materials, 47: 1225– 1234. DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2013.06.009 (IF: 2.293) (P521)

Gil, A., Lobo, A., Abadi, M., Silva, L. & Calado, H. (2013). Mapping invasive woody plants in Azores Protected Areas by using very high-resolution multispectral imagery. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 46: 289-304 doi: 10.5721/EuJRS20134616 (IF: 0.206) (P240) Hortal, J., Carrascal, L.M., Triantis, K.A., Thébault, E., Meiri, S. & Sfenthourakis, S. (2013). Species richness can decrease with altitude, but not with habitat diversity. PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110: E2149– E2150. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1301663110 (IF: 9.737) (P496) Kotsakiozi, P., Rigal, F., Valakos, E. & Parmakelis, A. (2013). Disentangling the effects of intra-species variability, phylogeny, space and climate on the evolution of shell morphology in Greek endemic land snails of the genus Codringtonia. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 110, 796–813. DOI: 10.1111/bij.12169 (IF: 2.413) (P526) Marcelino, J.A.P., Silva, L., Garcia, P., Webber, E., Soares, A.O. (2013). Using species spectra to evaluate plant community conservation value along a gradient of anthropogenic disturbance. Environmental Monitoring and Assessement, 185: 6221-6233. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-012-3019-9 (IF=1.592) (P013) Parmakelis, A., Balanika, K., Terzopoulou, S., Rigal, F., Beasley, R.R., Jones, K.L., Lance, 64

S.L., Whittaker, R.J., Triantis, K.A. & Borges, P.A.V. (2013). Development of 28 polymorphic microsatellite markers for the endemic Azorean spider Sancus acoreensis (Araneae, Tetragnathidae). Conservation Genetics Resources, 5: 1133-1134. DOI 10.1007/s12686-013-9976-7 (IF: 0.708) (P503) Patiño, J., Guilhaumon, F., Whittaker, R.J., Triantis, K.A., Gradstein, S.R., Hedenäs, L., González-Mancebo, J.M. & Vanderpoorten, A. (2013). Accounting for data heterogeneity in patterns of biodiversity: an application of linear mixed effect models to the oceanic island biogeography of spore-producing plants. Ecography, 36: 904-913 DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0587.2012.00020.x (IF: 5.124) (P448) Plácido, A., Paíga, P., Lopes, D.H., Correia, M. & Delerue-Matos, C. (2013). Determination of Methiocarb and Its Degradation Products, Methiocarb Sulfoxide and Methiocarb Sulfone, in Bananas Using QuEChERS Extraction. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 61: 325-331 DOI: 10.1021/jf304027s (IF: 2.906) (P481) Radea, C., Parmakelis, A., Mourikis, T. & Triantis, K.A. (2013). Isimerope, a new genus of Hydrobiidae (Caenogastropoda: Rissooidea) from Greece. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 79: 168-176. DOI: 10.1093/mollus/eyt010 (IF: 1.358) (P505) Rigal, F., Whittaker, R.J., Triantis, K.A. & Borges, P.A.V. (2013). Integration of non- indigenous species within the interspecific abundance-occupancy relationship. Acta Oecologica, 48: 69–75. DOI: 10.1016/j.actao.2013.02.003 (IF: 1.621) (P016) ( Ros, R.M., Mazimpaka, V., Abou-Salama, U., Aleffi, M., Blockeel, T.L., Brugués, M., Cros, R.M., Dia, M.G., Dirkse, G.M., Draper, I., Saadawi, W. El, Erdağ, A., Ganeva, A., Gabriel, R., González-Mancebo, J.M., Granger, C., Herrnstadt, I., Hugonnot, V., Khalil, K., Kürschner, H., Losada-Lima, A., Luís, L., Mifsud, S., Privitera, M., Refai, M.S., Sabovljević, M., Sérgio, C., Shabbara, H., Sim-Sim, M., Sotiaux, A., Tacchi, R., Vanderpoorten, A. & Werner, O. (2013). Mosses of the Mediterranean, an annotated checklist. Cryptogamie Bryologie, 34: 99-283. DOI: 10.782/cryb.v34.iss2.2013.99 (IF: 1.039) (P419) Serrano, A.R.M., Amorim, I.R. & Borges, P.A.V. (2013). A New Species of Tarphius Erichson, 1845 (Coleoptera: Zopheridae) from North Africa and Notes on an 65

Iberian Species. Zootaxa, 3613: 493-500. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3613.5.5 (IF: 0.974) (P413) (

By Associate Research Fellows only (n = 13)

Dapporto, L., Ramazzotti, M., Fattorini, S., Talavera, G., Vila, R. & Dennis, R.L.H. (2013). Recluster: an unbiased clustering procedure for beta-diversity turnover. Ecography, 36: 1070–1075. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0587.2013.00444.x (IF: 5.124) (P519) Fattorini S (2013) Regional Insect Inventories Require Long Time, Extensive Spatial Sampling and Good Will. PLoS ONE 8: e62118. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone (IF: 3.730) (P501) Fattorini, S. (2013). Species ecological preferences predict extinction risk in urban tenebrionid beetle guilds. Animal Biology, 63: 93-106. DOI: 10.1163/15707563- 00002396 (IF: 0.767) (P449) Fattorini, S. (2013). Faunistic knowledge and insect species loss in an urban area: the tenebrionid beetles of Rome. Journal of Insect Conservation, 17: 637-643. DOI: 10.1007/s10841-013-9569-5 (IF: 1.801) (P509) Fattorini, S. & Di Giulio, A. (2013). Should we correct rarity measures for body size to evaluate arthropod vulnerability? Insights from Mediterranean tenebrionid beetles. Biodiversity and Conservation, 22: 2805-2819. DOI: 10.1007/s10531- 013-0556-7 (IF: 2.264) (P554) Fattorini, S., Sciotti, A., Tratzi, P. & Di Giulio, A. (2013). Species distribution, ecology, abundance, body size and phylogeny originate interrelated rarity patterns at regional scale. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 51: 279-286. DOI: 10.1111/jzs.12026 (IF: 1. 796) (P508) Fattorini, S., Monaco, R. Lo, Giulio, A.Di & Ulrich W. (2013). Latitudinal trends in body length distributions of European darkling beetles (Tenebrionidae). Acta Oecologica, 53: 88-94 DOI: 10.1016/j.actao.2013.09.006 (IF: 1.621) (P562) Mateo, R.G., Vanderpoorten, A., Munoz, J., Laenen, B., Desamore, A. (2013) Modeling Species Distributions from Heterogeneous Data for the Biogeographic


Regionalization of the European Bryophyte Flora. PLoS ONE 8(2): e55648. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0055648 (IF: 3.730) (P488) Patiño, J., Medina, R., Vanderpoorten, A., González-Mancebo, J.M., Werner, O., Devos, N., Mateo, R.G., Lara F. & Ros, R.M. (2013). Origin and fate of the single- island endemic moss Orthotrichum handiense. Journal of Biogeography, 40: 857-868. DOI: 10.1111/jbi.12051 (IF: 4.863) (P476) Patiño, J., Bisang, I., Hedenäs, L., Dirkse, G., Bjarnason, A.H., Ah-Peng, C. & Vanderpoorten, A. (2013). Baker´s law and the island síndromes in bryophytes. Journal of Ecology, 101: 1245-1255. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.12136 (IF: 5.431) (P477) Strona, G., Stefani, F., Galli, P. & Fattorini, S. (2013). A protocol to compare nestedness among submatrices. Population Ecology, 55: 227-239. DOI: 10.1007/s10144- 012-0343-4 (IF: 1.923) (P461) Strona, G., Stefani, F. & Fattorini, S. (2013). Fish parasites unravel the paradox of missing coextinctions. Nature Communications, 4, 1718: 1-5. DOI:10.1038/ncomms2723 (IF: 10.015) (P507) Ulrich, W. & Fattorini, S. (2013). Longitudinal gradients in the phylogenetic community structure of European Tenebrionidae (Coleoptera) do not coincide with the major routes of postglacial colonization. Ecography, 36: 1106–1116 DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0587.2013.00188.x (IF: 5.124) (P506)

2012 (n= 45)

By at least one integrated member (n = 31) Amorim, I., Emerson, B.C, Borges, P.A.V. & Wayne, R.K. (2012). Phylogeography and molecular phylogeny of Macaronesian island Tarphius (Coleoptera: Zopheridae): why so few species in the Azores?. Journal of Biogeography, 39: 1583–1595. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2699.2012.02721.x (IF: 4.863) (P001) ( Austin, J.W., Szalanski, A., Myles, T.M., Borges, P.A.V., Nunes, L. & Scheffrahn, R.H.


(2012). First record of Reticulitermes flavipes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) from Terceira Island (Azores, Portugal). Florida Entomologist, 95: 196-198. DOI: 10.1653/024.095.0131 (IF: 1.163) (P410) ( Costa, H., Aranda, S.C., Lourenço, P., Medeiros, V., Azevedo, E.B. & Silva, L. (2012). Predicting successful replacement of forest invaders by native species using species distribution models: The case of Pittosporum undulatum and Morella faya in the Azores. Forest Ecology and Managment, 34: 31-38. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2012.05.022 (IF: 2.766) (P431) Boieiro, M., Rego, C., Serrano, A.R.M. & Espadaler, X. (2012). Seed production and pre- dispersal reproductive losses in the narrow endemic Euphorbia pedroi (Euphorbiaceae). Plant Ecology, 213: 581-590. DOI: 10.1007/s11258-012-0023- 7 (IF: 1.534) (P003) ( Borda-de-Água, L., Borges, P.A.V., Hubbell, S. & Pereira, H. (2012). Spatial scaling of species abundance distributions. Ecography, 35: 549–556. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600- 0587.2011.07128.x (IF: 5.124) (P020) ( Borges, P.A.V., Cardoso, P., Amorim, I., Pereira, F., Constância, J.P., Nunes, J.C., Barcelos, P., Costa, P., Gabriel, R. & Dapkevicius, M.L. (2012). Volcanic Caves: Priorities for Conserving the Azorean Endemic Troglobiont Species. International Journal of Speleology, 41: 101-112. DOI: 10.5038/1827- 806X.41.1.11 (IF: 1.344) (P004) ( Calabria, G., Dolgova, O., Rego, C., Castañeda, L., Rezende, E., Balanya, J., Pascual, M., Sørensen, J., Loeschcke, V. & Santos, M. (2012). Hsp70 protein levels and thermotolerance in Drosophila subobscura: a reassessment of the thermal co- adaptation hypothesis. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 25: 691-700. DOI: 10.1111/j.1420-9101.2012.02463 (IF: 3.479) (P005) ( Cardoso, P. (2012) Habitats Directive species lists: urgent need of revision. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 5: 169-174. DOI: 10.1111/j.17524598.2011.00140.x (IF: 1.937) (P021) Cardoso, P. (2012). Diversity and community assembly patterns of epigean vs. troglobiont spiders in the Iberian Peninsula. International Journal of Speleology. 41: 83-94. DOI: 10.5038/1827-806X.41.1.9. (IF: 1.344) (P045) 68

Cardoso, P., Borges, P.A.V., Triantis, K., Ferrández, M.A. & Martín, J.L. (2012). The under-representation and misrepresentation of invertebrates in the IUCN Red List. Biological Conservation, 149: 147-148. DOI:10.1016/j.biocon.2012.02.011 (IF: 3.794) (P407) ( Carvalho, J.C., Cardoso, P. & Gomes, P. (2012). Determining the relative roles of species replacement and species richness differences in generating beta- diversity patterns. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 21: 760–771. DOI: 10.1111/j.1466-8238.2011.00694.x (IF: 7.223) (P022)

Carvalho, J.C., Cardoso, P., Crespo, L.C., Henriques, S., Carvalho, R. & Gomes, P. (2011). Determinants of spider species richness in coastal dunes along a gradient of mediterraneity. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 5: 127-137. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-4598.2011.00139.x (IF: 1.937) (P023) Fattorini, S., Cardoso, P., Rigal, F. & Borges, P.A.V. (2012). Use of Arthropod Rarity for Area Prioritisation: Insights from the Azorean Islands. PLoS ONE 7(3): e33995. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0033995 (IF: 3.730) (P009) (

Fattorini, S. & Borges, P.A.V. (2012). Species-area relationships underestimate extinction rates. Acta Oecologica, 40: 27-30. DOI:10.1016/j.actao.2012.02.006 (IF: 1.621) (P008) (

Fattorini, S. & Borges, P.A.V. (2012). Biogeographical kinetics on a island volcano (Capelinhos, Azores): fast colonization rates and dominance of arthropod exotic species. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 5: 358–366. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752- 4598.2011.00169.x (IF: 1.937) (P025) ( Feest, A. & Cardoso, P. (2012). The comparison of site spider “biodiversity quality” in Portuguese protected areas. Ecological Indicators, 14: 229-235. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2011.08.015. (IF: 2.890) (P034) Ferreira, M.T., Borges, P.A.V. & Scheffrahn, R.H. (2012). Attraction of alates of Cryptotermes brevis (Walker) (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) to different light wavelengths in South Florida and the Azores. Journal of Economic Entomology, 105: 2213-2215. DOI:10.1603/EC12240 (IF: 1.600) (P428) (


Garcia, P., Linhares, D., Amaral, A.F.S. &. Rodrigues, A. (2012). Exposure of thermoelectric power-plant workers to volatile organic compounds from fuel oil: Genotoxic and cytotoxic effects in buccal epithelial cells. Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 747: 197-201. DOI: 10.1016/j.mrgentox.2012.05.008 (IF: 2.220) (P010) ( Gil, A., Fonseca, C., Lobo, A. & Calado, H. (2012). Linking GMES Space Component to the development of land policies in Outermost Regions - the Azores (Portugal) case-study. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 45: 263-281. DOI: 10.5721/EuJRS20124524 (IF: 0.206) (P238) Grez, A.A., Viera, B. & Soares, A.O. (2012). Biotic interactions between Eriopis connexa and Hippodamia variegata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), a native and an exotic species associated with alfalfa fields in Chile. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 142: 36-44. DOI: 10.1111/j.1570-7458.2011.01202.x. (IF: 1.669) (P011) (

Mortillaro, J-M., Rigal, F., Rybarczyk, H., Bernardes, M., Abril, G. & Meziane, T. (2012). Particulate organic matter distribution along the lower Amazon river: addressing aquatic ecology concepts using fatty acids. PLoS ONE 7(9): e46141. DOIi:10.1371/journal.pone.0046141. (IF: 3.730) (P014)

Pekár, S., Šmerda. J., Hrušková, M., Šedo, O., Muster, C., Cardoso, P., Zdráhal, Z., Korenko, S., Bureš, P., Líznarová, E. & Sentenská, L. (2012). Prey-race seems to drive diversification of ant-eating spiders. Journal of Animal Ecology, 81: 838- 848. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2656.2012.01957.x (IF: 4.841) (P015) Rodrigues, P., Aubrecht, C., Gil A., Longcore, T. & Elvidge, C. (2012). Remote sensing to map influence of light pollution on Cory’s shearwater in São Miguel Island, Azores Archipelago. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 58: 147–155. DOI 10.1007/s10344-011-0555-5 (IF: 1.355) (P030) ( Rodrigues, A.S., Arruda, M.S.C. & Garcia, P.V. (2012). Evidence of DNA damage in humans inhabiting a volcanically active environment: a useful tool for biomonitoring. Environment International, 49: 51–56. DOI:


10.1016/j.envint.2012.08.008 (IF: 6.248) (P430) ( Serrano, AR.M., Aguiar, C.A.S., Boieiro, M., Borges, P.A.V., Rego, C., Amorim, I.R., Ribeiro, S.P. & Pereira, F. (2012). Synonymy of Orthomus susanae Serrano & Borges, 2009 with Orthomus annae (Donabauer, 2008). Zootaxa, 3219: 67-68. (IF: 0.974) (P236) ( Triantis, K.A & Sfenthourakis, S. (2012). Island biogeography is not a single-variable discipline: the small island effect debate. Diversity and Distributions, 18: 92-96. DOI: 10.1111/j.1472-4642.2011.00812.x (IF: 6.122) (P080) (

Triantis, K.A., Guilhaumon, F. & Whittaker, R.J. (2012). The island species–area relationship: biology and statistics. Journal of Biogeography, 39: 215-231. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2699.2011.02652.x (IF: 4.863) (P033) ( Triantis, K., Hortal, J., Amorim, I., Cardoso, P., Santos, A.M.C., Gabriel, R. & Borges, P.A.V. (2012). Resolving the Azorean knot: a response to Carine & Schaefer (2010). Journal of Biogeography, 39: 1179–1184. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365- 2699.2011.02623.x (IF: 4.863) (P032) ( Vardinoyannis, K., Demetropoulos, S., Mylonas, M., Triantis, K.A., Makris, C., Georgiou, G., Wiktor, A., Demetropoulos, A. (2012). Terrestrial slugs (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) in the NATURA 2000 areas of Cyprus island. ZooKeys, 174: 63-77. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.174.2474 (IF: 0.864) (P447) Vieira, V. (2012). Primeira citação de Utetheisa pulchella (Linnaeus, 1758) para a ilha de São Miguel, Açores (Portugal) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). SHILAP Revista de Lepidopterologia 40(157): 107-112. (IF: 0.306) (P412) Whittaker, R.J. & Triantis, K.A. (2012). The species–area relationship: an exploration of that “most general, yet protean pattern”. Journal of Biogeography, 39: 623- 626. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2699.2012.02692.x (IF: 4.863) (P417) (

By Associate Research Fellows only (n= 14)


Baiocchi, S., Fattorini, S., Bonavita, P. & Vigna Taglianti, A. (2012). Patterns of beta diversity in riparian assemblages (Coleoptera Carabidae): A case study in the River Aniene (Central Italy). Italian Journal of Zoology, 79: 136-150. DOI: 10.1080/11250003.2011.621071 (IF: 0.890) (P019) Basset, Y., Cizek, L., Cuénoud, P., Didham, R.K., Guilhaumon, F., Missa, O., Novotny, V., Ødegaard, F. , Roslin,T., Schmidl, J., Tishechkin, A.K., Winchester, N.N., Roubik, D.W., Aberlenc, H.-P., Bail, J., Barrios, H., Bridle, J.R., Castaño-Meneses, G., Corbara, B., Curletti, G., Duarte da Rocha, W., Bakker, Domir De, Delabie, J.H.C., Dejean, A., Fagan, L.L., Floren, A., Kitching, R.L., Medianero, E., Miller, S.E, Oliveira, E.G., Orivel, J., Pollet, M., Rapp, Ribeiro, S.P., Roisin, Y., Schmidt, J.B., Sørensen, L., Leponce, M. (2012). Arthropod diversity in a tropical forest. Science, 338: 1481-1484. DOI: 10.1126/science.1226727 (IF: 31.027) (P470) Carine, M.A., Jones, K., Moura, M., Belo Maciel, M.G., Rumsey, F.J. & Schaefer, H. (2012). Putting biogeography's cart back behind taxonomy's horse: a response to Triantis et al. Journal of Biogeography, 39: 1184-1187. DOI:10.1111/j.1365- 2699.2012.02736.x (IF: 4.863) (P237) (

Désamoré, A., Laenen, B., Stech, M., Papp, B, Hedenäs, L., Mateo, R. & Vanderpoorten, A. (2012). How do temperate bryophytes face the challenge of a changing environment? Lessons from the past and predictions for the future. Global Change Biology, 18: 2915-2924. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2012.02752.x (IF: 6.91) (P432) Fattorini, S. & Baselga, A. (2012). Species richness and turnover patterns in European tenebrionid beetles. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 5: 331–345. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-4598.2011.00164.x (IF: 1.937) (P024) Fattorini, S., Maurizi, E. & Giulio, A. Di (2012). Tackling the taxonomic impediment: a global assessment for the ant-nest beetle diversity (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Paussini). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 105: 330–339. DOI: 10.1111/j.1095-8312.2011.01810.x (IF: 2.413) (P026)

Fattorini, S., Santoro, R., Maurizi, E., Acosta, A.T.R., Giulio, A. Di (2012). Environmental tuning of an insect ensemble: the tenebrionid beetles inhabiting a Mediterranean coastal dune zonation. Comptes rendus Biologie, 335: 708–711.


DOI: 10.1016/j.crvi.2012.09.009 (IF: 1.804) (P462) Fattorini, S., Dennis, R.L.H. & Cook. L.M. (2012). Use of cross-taxon congruence for hotspot identification at regional scale. PLoS ONE 7(6): e40018. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0040018. (IF: 3.730) (P426) Fattorini, S. & Ulrich, W. (2012). Spatial distributions of European Tenebrionidae point to multiple postglacial colonization trajectories. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 105: 318–329. DOI: 10.1111/j.1095-8312.2011.01797.x (IF: 2.413) (P027) Fattorini, S. & Ulrich, W. (2012). Drivers of species richness in European Tenebrionidae (Coleoptera). Acta Oecologica, 40: 27-30. DOI: 10.1016/j.actao.2012.05.003. (IF: 1.621) (P425) Guilhaumon, F., Krasnov B.R., Poulin, R., Shenbrot, G.I. & Mouillot, D. (2011). Latitudinal mismatches between the components of mammal-flea interaction networks. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 21: 725–731. DOI: 10.1111/j.1466- 8238.2011.00714.x (IF: 7.223) (P028) Guilhaumon, F., Basset, A., Barbone, E. & Mouillot, D. (2012). Species-area relationships as a tool for the conservation of benthic invertebrates in Italian coastal lagoons. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 114: 50-58. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2011.12.001 (IF: 2.324) (P012) Jiménez-Valverde, A. (2012). Insights into the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) as a discrimination measure in species distribution modelling. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 21: 498–507. DOI: 10.1111/j.1466-8238.2011.00683.x (IF: 7.223) (P029) Strona, G., Galli, P., Montano, S., Seveso, D. & S. Fattorini (2012). Global-scale relationships between colonization ability and range size in marine and freshwater fish. PLoS ONE (11): e49465. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049465 (IF: 3.730) (P466)

2011 (n=46)

By at least one integrated member (n = 36)


Aranda, S.C. & Lobo, J.M. (2011). How well does presence-only-based species distribution modelling predict assemblage diversity? A case study of the Tenerife flora. Ecography, 34: 31-38. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0587.2010.06134.x. (IF: 5.124) (P036) Aranda, S.C., Gabriel, R., Borges, P.A.V., Azevedo, E.B. & Lobo, J.M. (2011). Designing a survey protocol to overcome the Wallacean shortfall: a working guide using bryophyte distribution data on Terceira Island (Azores). The Bryologist, 114: 611-624. DOI: 10.1639/0007-2745-114.3.611. (IF: 0.977) (P038) ( Augustinos, A.A., Santos-Garcia, D., Dionyssopoulou, E., Moreira, M., Papapanagiotou, A., Scarvelakis, M., Doudoumis, V., Ramos, S., Franquinho, A.M., Borges, P.A.V., Khadem, M., Latorre, A., Tsiamis, G., Bourtzis, K. (2011). Detection and characterization of Wolbachia infections in natural populations of aphids: is the hidden diversity fully unraveled? PLoS ONE 6: e28695. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0028695. (IF: 3.730) (P018) ( Borges I., Soares, A.O., Magro A. & Hemptinne, J-L (2011). Prey availability in time and space is a driving force in life history evolution of predatory insects. Evolutionary Ecology, 25: 1307-1319. DOI 10.1007/s10682-011-9481-y (IF: 2.407) (P039) ( Cabral, S., Soares, A.O. & Garcia, P. (2011). Voracity of Coccinella undecimpunctata: effects of insecticides when foraging in a plant/prey system. Journal of Pest Science, 84: 373-379. DOI: 10.1007/s10340-011-0373-2. (IF: 2.174) (P040) ( Cardoso, P., Pekár, S., Jocqué, R. & Coddington, J.A. (2011). Global patterns of guild composition and functional diversity of spiders. PLoS ONE, 6: e21710 -DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0021710. (IF: 3.730) (P041)

Cardoso, P., Borges, P.A.V., Triantis, K., Fernández, M.A. & Martín, J.L. (2011). Adapting the IUCN red listing criteria for invertebrates. Biological Conservation, 144: 2432-2440. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2011.06.020. (IF: 3.794) (P042) ( 74

Cardoso, P., Erwin, T.L., Borges, P.A.V. & New, T.R. (2011). The seven impediments in invertebrate conservation and how to overcome them. Biological Conservation, 144: 2647-2655. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2011.07.024. (IF: 3.794) (P043) ( Carvalho, J.C., Cardoso, P., Crespo, L.C., Henriques, S., Carvalho, R. & Gomes, P. (2011). Determinants of beta diversity of spiders in coastal dunes along a gradient of mediterraneity. Diversity and Distributions, 17: 225-234. DOI: 10.1111/j.1472- 4642.2010.00731.x (IF: 6.122) (P044) Carvalho, J.C., Cardoso, P., Crespo, L.C., Henriques, S., Carvalho, R. & Gomes, P. (2011). Biogeographic patterns of spiders in coastal dunes along a gradient of mediterraneity. Biodiversity and Conservation, 20: 873-894. DOI 10.1007/s10531-011-0001-8. (IF: 2.264) (P046) Chiarucci, A., Bacaro, G., Triantis, K.A., Fernández-Palacios, J.M. (2011). Biogeographical determinants of pteridophytes and spermatophytes on oceanic archipelagos. Systematics and Biodiversity, 9: 191-201. DOI: 10.1080/14772000.2011.603381. (IF: 1.884) (P047) Cruz, A, Benedicto, J. & Gil, A. (2011). Socio-economic Benefits of Natura 2000 in Azores Islands – a Case Study approach on the ecosystem services provided by a Special Protected Area. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 64, 1955-1959. Szczecin, Poland, ISSN 0749-0208. 0.679 (IF: 0.496) (P048) Elias, R.B., Dias, E. & Pereira, F. (2011). Disturbance, regeneration and the spatial pattern of tree species in Azorean mountain forests. Community Ecology, 12: 23-30. DOI: 11.1556/ComEc.12.2011.1.4. (IF: IF: 1.623) (P050) ( Ellis, L.T., Bednarek-Ochyra, H., Ochyra, R., Aranda, S.C., Colotti, M.T., Schiavone, M.M., Dulin, M.V., Erzberger, P., Ezer, T., Kara, R., Gabriel, R., Hedenas, L., Holyoak, D.T., Odor, P., Papp, B., Sabovljevic, M., Seppelt, R.D., Smith, V.R., Sotiaux, A., Szurdoki, E., Vanderpoorten, A., Van Rooy, J. & Zarnowiec, J. (2011). New national and regional bryophyte records, 26. Journal of Bryology, 33, 66- 73. DOI: 10.1179/1743282010Y.0000000014. (IF: 1.351) (P037) ( Evans, E.W., Soares, A.O. & Yasuda, H. (2011). Invasions by ladybugs, ladybirds, and


other predatory Coleoptera. BioControl, 56: 597-611. DOI 10.1007/s10526-011- 9374-6. (IF: 2.215) (P051) ( Ferreira, M.T. & Scheffrahn, R.H. (2011). Light attraction and subsequent colonization behaviors of alates and dealates of the West Indian drywood termite (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae). Florida Entomologist, 94: 131–136. DOI: 10.1653/024.094.0202. (IF: 1.163) (P057) Fonseca, C., Calado, H., Pereira da Silva C. & Gil, A. (2011). New approaches to environment conservation and sustainability in Small Islands: The Project SMARTPARKS. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 64, 1970-1974. Szczecin, Poland, ISSN 0749-0208. (IF: 0.496) (P058) Gaspar, C., Gaston, K.J., Borges, P.A.V. & Cardoso, P. (2011). Selection of priority areas for arthropod conservation in the Azores archipelago. Journal of Insect Conservation, 15: 671–684. DOI: 10.1007/s10841-010-9365-4. (IF: 1.801) (P059) ( Gil A., Calado H., Costa L.T., Bentz J., Fonseca C., Lobo A., Vergilio M. & Benedicto J. (2011). A Methodological Proposal for the Development of Natura 2000 Sites Management Plans. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 64, 1326-1330. Szczecin, Poland, ISSN 0749-0208. (IF: 0.496) (P060) Gil A., Yu Q., Lobo A., Lourenço P., Silva L. and Calado H. (2011). Assessing the effectiveness of high resolution satellite imagery for vegetation mapping in small islands protected areas. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 64, 1663-1667. Szczecin, Poland, ISSN 0749-0208. (IF: 0.496) (P061) Gil, A., Calado, H. & Bentz, J. (2011). Public participation in municipal transport planning processes – The case of the Sustainable Mobility Plan of Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal. Journal of Transport Geography 19:1309–1319. DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2011.06.010. (IF: 1.942). (P062) Gutierres, F., Gil, A., Reis, E., Lobo, A., Neto, C., Calado, H. & Costa, J.C. (2011). Acacia saligna (Labill.) H. Wendl in the Sesimbra Council: Invaded habitats and potential distribution modelling. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 64, 403-407. Szczecin, Poland, ISSN 0749-0208. (IF: 0.496) (P063) Kagiampaki, A., Triantis, K.A., Vardinoyannis, K. & Mylonas, M. (2011). Factors affecting plant species richness and endemism in the South Aegean (Greece). 76

Journal of Biological Research, 16: 282-295. (IF: 1.129) (P064) Lorenzo-Carballa M.O., Beatty C.D., Haitlinger R., Valdecasas A. G., Utzeri C., Vieira V., Cordero-Rivera A. (2011). Larval aquatic and terrestrial mites infesting parthenogenetic Ischnura hastata (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) from the Azores islands. Experimental & Applied Acarology, 54: 225-241. DOI 10.1007/s10493- 011-9437-5. (IF: 1.847) (P065) ( Meijer, S.S., Whittaker, R.J. & Borges, P.A.V. (2011). The effects of land-use change on arthropod richness and abundance on Santa Maria Island (Azores): unmanaged plantations favour endemic beetles. Journal of Insect Conservation, 15: 505- 522. DOI 10.1007/s10841-010-9330-2. (IF: 1.801) (P066) ( Pasquino A.F., Vaske-Júnior, T., Gadig, O.B.F. & Barreiros, J.P. (2011). Notes on the feeding habits of the skate Rioraja agassizi (Chondrichthyes, Rajidae) of southeastern Brazil. Cybium – International Journal of Ichthyology, 35: 105-109. (IF: 0.379) (P067) Pekár, S., Cardoso, P., Barriga, J. & Carvalho, J.C. (2011). Update to the zodariid spider fauna of the Iberian Peninsula and Madeira (Araneae: Zodariidae). Zootaxa, 2814: 19-32. (IF: 0.974) (P068) Pereira J.N., Neves, V.C., Prieto, R., Silva, M.A., Cascão, I., Oliveira, C., Cruz, M.J., Medeiros, J.V., Barreiros, J.P., Porteiro, F.M. & Clarke, D. (2011). Diet of mid- Atlantic Sowerby’s beaked whales Mesoplondon bidens. Deep-Sea Research Part I, 58: 1084-1090. DOI:10.1016/j.dsr.2011.08.004. (IF: 2.816) (P069) Reboleira, A.S.P.S., Borges, P.A.V., Gonçalves, F., Serrano, A.R.M. & Oromí, P. (2011). The subterranean fauna of a biodiversity hotspot region - Portugal: an overview and its conservation. International Journal of Speleology, 40: 23-37. DOI: 10.5038/1827-806X.40.1.4. (IF: 1.344) (P070) (

Rumeu, B., Elias, R.B., Padilla, D.P., Melo, C. & Nogales, M. (2011). Differential seed dispersal systems of endemic junipers in two oceanic Macaronesian archipelagos: the influence of biogeographic and biological characteristics. Plant Ecology, 212: 911–921. DOI 10.1007/s11258-010-9875-x. (IF: 1.534) (P071) ( 77

Rumeu, B., Caujapé-Castells, J., Blanco-Pastor, J.L., Jaén-Molina, R., Nogales, M., Elias, R.B. & Vargas, P. (2011). The Colonization History of Juniperus brevifolia (Cupressaceae) in the Azores Islands. PLoS ONE 6(11): e27697. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0027697. (IF: 3.730) (P072) ( Santos, A.M.C., Quicke, D. (2011). Large-scale diversity patterns of parasitoid insects. Entomological Science, 14: 371-382. DOI:10.1111/j.1479-8298.2011.00481.x. (IF: 0.981) (P073)

Santos, A.M.C., Besnard, G. & Quicke, D.L.J. (2011). Applying DNA barcoding for the study of geographical variation in host-parasitoid interactions. Molecular Ecology Resources. 11: 46-59. DOI: 10.1111/j.1755-0998.2010.02889.x. (IF: 7.432) (P074) Santos, A.M.C., Fontaine, C., Quicke, D., Borges, P.A.V. & Hortal, J. (2011). Are island and mainland biotas different? Richness and level of generalism in parasitoids of a microlepidopteran in Macaronesia. Oikos, 120: 1256-1262. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2010.19404.x (IF: 3.329) (P075) (

Santos, A.M.C., Quicke, D., Borges, P.A.V. & Hortal, J. (2011). Species pool structure determines the level of generalism of island parasitoid faunas. Journal of Biogeography, 38: 1657–1667. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2011.02521.x. (IF: 4.863) (P076) (

Silva, L., Elias, R.B., Moura, M., Meimberg, H. & Dias, E. (2011). Genetic variability and differentiation among populations of the Azorean endemic gymnosperm Juniperus brevifolia: Baseline information for a conservation and restoration perspective. Biochemical Genetics, 49: 715-734. DOI: 10.1007/s10528-011- 9445-5. (IF: 0.938) (P079) (

By Associate Research Fellows only (n = 10)

Albouy, C., Guilhaumon, F., Villéger, S., Mouchet, M., Mercier, L., Culioli, J.M., Tomasini, J.A., Le Loc'h, F. & Mouillot D. (2011). Predicting trophic guild and 78

diet overlap from functional ecomorphological traits: opportunities and limitations for fish ecology. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 436: 17-28. DOI: 10.3354/meps09240. (IF: 2.546) (P035) Dennis, R.L.H., Dapporto, L., Fattorini S. & Cook, L.M. (2011). The generalism- specialism debate: the part played by generalists in the life and death of species. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 104: 725-737. DOI: 10.1111/j.1095-8312.2011.01789.x. (IF: 2.413) (P049) Fattorini, S. (2011). Insect extinction by urbanization: a long term study in Rome. Biological Conservation. 144: 370-375. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2010.09.014. (IF: 3.794) (P052) Fattorini, S. (2011). Influence of island geography, age and landscape on species composition in different animal groups. Journal of Biogeography, 38: 1318– 1329. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2699.2011.02486.x. (IF: 4.863) (P053) Fattorini, S. (2011). Insect rarity, extinction and conservation in urban Rome (Italy): a 120-year-long study of tenebrionid beetles. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 4: 307-315. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-4598.2010.00129.x. (IF: 1.937) (P054) Fattorini, S. (2011). Biogeography of tenebrionid beetles (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) on the circumsicilian islands (Italy, Sicily): Multiple biogeographical patterns require multiple explanations. European Journal of Entomology, 108: 659-672. (IF: 0.918) (P055) Fattorini, S., Dennis, R.L.H. & Cook, L.M. (2011). Conserving organisms over large regions requires multi-taxa indicators: One taxon’s diversity-vacant area is another taxon’s diversity zone. Biological Conservation, 144: 1690-1701. DOI:10.1016/j.biocon.2011.03.002. (IF: 3.794) (P056) Schaefer, H., Carine, M.A. & Rumsey, F., (2011). From European priority species to invasive weed: Marsilea azorica (Marsileaceae) is a misidentified alien. Systematic Botany, 36: 845-853. DOI: 0.1600/036364411X604868. (IF: 1.287) (P031)

Schaefer, H., Hardy, O.J., Silva, L., Barracloug, T.G. & Savolainen, V. (2011). Testing Darwin´s naturalization hypothesis in the Azores. Ecology Letters, 14: 389-396. DOI: 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2011.01600.x (IF: 17.949) (P077)


Schaefer, H., Moura, M., Maciel, M.G.B., Silva, L., Rumsey, F., Carine, M.A. (2011). The Linnean shortfall in oceanic island biogeography: a case study in the Azores. Journal of Biogeography, 38: 1345-1355. DOI:10.1111/j.1365- 2699.2011.02494.x. (IF: 4.863) (P078)

2010 (n= 15)

By at least one integrated member (n = 15)

Aranda, S.C., Gabriel, R., Borges, P.A.V. & Lobo, J.M. (2010). Assessing the completeness of bryophyte inventories: an oceanic island as a case study (Azores: Terceira). Biodiversity and Conservation, 19: 2469-2484. DOI 10.1007/s10531-010-9854-5. (IF: 2.264) (P117) ( Borges, P.A.V., Gabriel, R., Arroz, A., Costa, A., Cunha, R., Silva, L., Mendonça, E. Martins, A.F., Reis, F. & Cardoso, P. (2010). The Azorean Biodiversity Portal: an internet database for regional biodiversity outreach. Systematics and Biodiversity, 8: 423-434. DOI: 10.1080/14772000.2010.514306. (IF: 1.884) (P118) ( Bosmans, R., Cardoso, P. & Crespo, L.C. (2010). A review of the Linyphiid spiders of Portugal, with the description of six new species (Araneae: Linyphiidae). Zootaxa, 2473: 1–67. ISSN 1175-5334 (IF: 0.974) (P119) Cardoso, P. & Almeida, A.P.G. (2010). Envenenamento por aranhas em Portugal. Verdade ou Mito? Acta Médica Portuguesa, 23: 33-38. (IF: 0.151) (P191) Cardoso, P., Arnedo, M., Triantis, K.A., Borges, P.A.V. (2010). Drivers of diversity in Macaronesian spiders and the role of species extinctions. Journal of Biogeography, 37: 1034-1046. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2699.2009.02264.x. (IF: 4.863) (P120) ( Cardoso, P. & Morano, E. (2010). The Iberian spider checklist (Araneae). Zootaxa, 2495: 1-52. ISSN 1175-5334. (IF: 0.974) (P121) Dolgova, O., Rego, C., Calabria, G., Balanyà, J., Pascual, M., Rezende E. L. & Santos, M. (2010). Genetic constraints for thermal coadaptation in Drosophila 80

subobscura. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 10(363): 1-16. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2148- 10-363. (IF: 3.285) (P122) Hrusková-Martisová, M., Pekár, S. & Cardoso, P. (2010). Natural history of the Iberian solifuge Gluvia dorsalis (Solifuges, Daesiidae). Journal of Arachnology, 38: 466- 474. (IF: 0.729) (P123) Gaspar, C., Gaston, K.J. & Borges, P.A.V. (2010). Arthropods as surrogates of diversity at different spatial scales. Biological Conservation, 143: 1287–1294. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2010.03.007. (IF: 3.794) (P124) ( Hortal, J., Borges, P.A.V., Jiménez-Valverde, A., Azevedo, E.B. & Silva, L. (2010). Assessing the areas under risk of invasion within islands through potential distribution modelling: the case of Pittosporum undulatum in São Miguel, Azores. Journal for Nature Conservation, 18: 247-257. DOI: 10.1016/j.jnc.2009.11.002. (IF: 1.535) (P125) ( Martín, J.L., Cardoso, P., Arechavaleta, M., Borges, P.A.V, Faria, B.F., Abreu, C., Aguiar, A.F., Carvalho, J.A., Costa, A.C., Cunha, R.T., Gabriel, R., Jardim, R., Lobo, C., Martins, A.M.F., Oliveira, P., Rodrigues, P., Silva, L., Teixeira, D., Amorim, I.R., Fernandes, F., Homem, N., Martins, B., Martins, M. & Mendonça, E. (2010). Using taxonomically unbiased criteria to prioritize resource allocation for oceanic island species conservation. Biodiversity and Conservation, 19: 1659- 1682. DOI 10.1007/s10531-010-9795-z. (IF: IF: 2.264) (P126) ( Nunes, L., Gaju, M., Krecek, J., Ferreira, M.T. & Bach de Roca, C. (2010). First records of urban invasive Cryptotermes brevis (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) in continental Spain and Portugal. Journal of Applied Entomology, 134: 637-640. DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0418.2009.01490.x. (IF: 1.56) (P127) Santos, A.M.C., Jones, O.R., Quicke, D. & Hortal, J. (2010). Assessing the reliability of biodiversity databases: identifying evenly inventoried island parasitoid faunas (Hymenoptera: Braconidae and Ichneumonoidae) wordwide. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 3: 72–82. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-4598.2010.00079.x. (IF: 1.937) (P128)


Santos, A.M.C., Whittaker, R.J., Triantis, K.A., Borges, P.A.V., Jones, O.R., Quicke, D. & Hortal, J. (2010). Are species-area relationships from entire archipelagos congruent with those of their constituent islands? Global Ecology and Biogeography, 19: 527-540. DOI: 10.1111/j.1466-8238.2010.00536.x. (IF: 7.223) (P129) ( Triantis, K.A., Borges, P.A.V., Ladle, R.J., Hortal, J., Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Dinis, F., Mendonça, E., Silveira, L.M.A., Gabriel, R., Melo, C., Santos, A.M.C., Amorim, I.R., Ribeiro, S.P., Serrano, A.R.M., Quartau, J.A. & Whittaker, R.J. (2010). Extinction debt on oceanic islands. Ecography, 33: 285-294. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0587.2010.06203.x. (IF: 5.124) (P130) (

2009 (n = 18)

By at least one integrated member (n = 18)

Bini, L.M., Diniz-Filho, J.A.F., Rangel, T.F.L.V.B., Akre, T.S.B., Albaladejo, R.G., Albuquerque, F.S., Aparicio, A., Araújo, M.B., Baselga, A., Beck, J., Bellocq, M.I., Böhning-Gaese, K., Borges, P.A.V., Castro-Parga, I., Chey, V-K., Chown, S.L., Marco, P., Dobkin, D.S., Ferrer-Castán, D., Field, R., Filloy, J., Fleishman, E., Gómez, J.F., Hortal, J., Iverson, J.B., Kerr, J.T., Kissling, W.D., Kitching, I.J., León- Cortés, J.L., Lobo, J.M., Montoya, D., Morales-Castilla, I., Moreno, J.C., Oberdorff, T., Olalla-Tárraga, M.Á., Pausas, J.G., Qian, H., Rahbek, C., Rodríguez, M.Á., Rueda, M., Ruggiero, A., Sackmann, P., Sanders, N.J., Terribile, L.C., Vetaas, O.K. & Hawkins, B.A. (2009). Coefficient shifts in geographical ecology: an empirical evaluation of spatial and non-spatial regression. Ecography, 32: 193-204. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0587.2009.05717.x, (IF: 5.124) (P163) ( Bolzern, A., Crespo, L.C. & Cardoso, P. (2009). Two new Tegenaria species (Araneae: Agelenidae) from Portugal. Zootaxa, 2068: 47–58. ISSN 1175-5334 (IF: 0.974) 82

(P164) Borges, P.A.V. & Hortal, J. (2009). Time, area and isolation: Factors driving the diversification of Azorean arthropods. Journal of Biogeography, 36: 178-191. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2699.2008.01980.x (IF: 4.863) (P165) ( Borges, P.A.V., Hortal, J., Gabriel. R. & Homem, N. (2009). Would species richness estimators change the observed species area relationship? Acta Oecologica, 35: 149-156. DOI:10.1016/j.actao.2008.09.003 (IF: 1.621) (P166) ( Cardoso, P. (2009). Standardization and optimization of arthropod inventories – the case of Iberian spiders. Biodiversity and Conservation. 18: 3949-3962. DOI 10.1007/s10531-009-9690-7 (IF: 2.264) (P167) Cardoso, P., Borges, P.A.V. & Veech, J.A. (2009). Testing the performance of beta diversity measures based on incidence data: the robustness to undersampling. Diversity and Distributions, 15: 1081-1090. DOI: 10.1111/j.1472- 4642.2009.00607.x (IF: 6.122) (P168) ( Cardoso, P., Lobo, J.M., Aranda, S.C., Dinis, F., Gaspar, C. & Borges, P.A.V. (2009). A spatial scale assessment of habitat effects on arthropod communities of an oceanic island. Acta Oecologica, 35: 590-597. DOI:10.1016/j.actao.2009.05.005 (IF: 1.621) (P169) ( Cardoso, P. & Scharff, N. (2009). First record of the spider family Symphytognathidae in Europe and description of Anapistula ataecina sp. n. (Araneae). Zootaxa, 2246: 45-57. ISSN 1175-5334 (IF: 0.974) (P170) Cardoso, P., Henriques, S.S., Gaspar, C., Crespo, L.C., Carvalho, R., Schmidt, J.B., Sousa, P. & Szűts, T. (2009). Species richness and composition assessment of spiders in a Mediterranean scrubland. Journal of Insect Conservation, 13: 45–55. DOI 10.1007/s10841-007-9116-3 (IF: 1.801) (P171) Gonzalez-Mancebo, J., Patiño, J., Werner, O., Gabriel, R. & Rós, R. M. (2009). Distribution patterns of Leucodon species in Macaronesia, with special reference to the Canary Islands. Cryptogamie- Bryology, 30: 185-197. (IF: 1.039) (P173) (

Hortal, J., Borges, P.A.V. & Gaspar, C. (2006-2009). Evaluating the performance of 83

species richness estimators: Sensitivity to sample grain size. Journal of Animal Ecology, 75: 274-287. (IF: 4.841) (Selected for the first number of Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 1 (2009) DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2656.2006.01048.x (Virtual Issue) (IF: 5.924) (see dspapers.html). (P174) Hortal, J., Triantis, K.A., Meiri, S., Thébault, E. and Sfenthourakis, S. (2009). Island species richness increases with habitat diversity. American Naturalist, 174: E205-E217. DOI: 10.1086/645085 (IF: 4.552) (P175) Jiménez-Valverde, A., Diniz, F., Azevedo, E.B. & Borges, P.A.V. (2009). Species distribution models do not account for abundance: the case of arthropods in Terceira Island. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 46: 451-464. (IF: 1.211) (P176) ( Pires A.E., Amorim I.R., Ginja C., Gomes M., Godinho I., Simões F., Oom M., Petrucci- Fonseca F., Matos J. & Bruford, M.W. (2009). Molecular structure in peripheral dog breeds: portuguese native breeds as a case study. Animal Genetics, 40: 383-392. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2052.2009.01849.x (IF: 2.584) (P178) Rodrigues, M., Fernandes, C., Palomares, R., Amorim, I.R., Bruford, M. & Santos-Reis, M. (2009). Isolation and characterization of 11 tetranucleotide microsatellite loci in the Egyptian mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon). Molecular Ecology Resources, 9: 1205-1208. DOI: 10.1111/j.1755-0998.2009.02624.x (IF: 7.432) (P179) Serrano, AR.M., Aguiar, C.A.S., Boieiro, M., Borges, P.A.V., Rego, C., Amorim, I.R., Ribeiro, S.P. & Pereira, F. (2009). A new species of Orthomus Chaudoir, 1838 (Coleoptera Carabidae) from Madeira Island (Macaronesia) and notes on related species. Zootaxa, 1972: 20–34. (IF: 0.974) (P180) ( Triantis, K.A., Parmakelis, A. & Cameron, R.A.D. (2009). Understanding fragmentation: snails show the way. Journal of Biogeography, 36: 2021-2022. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2699.2009.02211.x (IF: 4.863) (P181) Werner, O., Patiño, J., Gonzalez-Mancebo, J., Gabriel, R. & Rós, R. M. (2009). The 84

taxonomic status and the geographical relationships of the Macaronesian endemic moss Fissidens luisieri (Fissidentaceae) based on DNA sequence data. The Bryologist. 112: 315-324. DOI: bryo-112-02-13.3d. (IF: 0.977) (P182) (

2008 (n= 6)

By at least one integrated member (n = 6)

Borges, P.A.V. & Wunderlich, J. (2008). Spider biodiversity patterns and their conservation in the Azorean archipelago, with description of new taxa. Systematics and Biodiversity 6: 249-282. DOI: 10.1017/S1477200008002648. (IF: 1.884) (P203) ( Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Pereira, L.C., Silva, I., Henriques, S.S., Silva, R.R. & Sousa, P. (2008). Assessing spider species richness and composition in Mediterranean cork oak forests. Acta Oecologica, 33: 114-127. DOI:10.1016/j.actao.2007.10.003 (IF: 1.621) (P204) Cardoso, P., Scharff, N., Gaspar, C., Henriques, S.S., Carvalho, R., Castro, P.H., Schmidt, J.B., Silva, I., Szüts, T., Castro, A. & Crespo, L.C. (2008). Rapid biodiversity assessment of spiders (Araneae) using semi-quantitative sampling: a case study in a Mediterranean forest. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 1: 71-84. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-4598.2007.00008.x (IF: 1.937) (P205) Soares, A.O., Borges, I., Borges, P.A.V., Labrie, G. & Lucas. E. (2008). Harmonia axyridis; What will stop the invader? BioControl, 53: 127-145. DOI: 10.1007/s10526- 007-9141-x (IF: 2.215) (P206) ( Stech, M., Sim-Sim, M., Esquível, G., Fontinha, S., Tangney, R., Lobo, C., Gabriel, R. & Quandt, D. (2008). Explaining the "anomalous" distribution of Echinodium Jur. (Bryopsida): independent evolution in Macaronesia and Australasia. Organisms Diversity and Evolution, 8: 282-292. DOI:10.1016/j.ode.2008.02.001. (IF: 2.259) (P207) (


Triantis, K.A., Nogués-Bravo, D., Hortal, J., Borges, P.A.V., Adsersen, H., Fernández- Palacios, J.M., Araújo, M.B. & Whittaker, R.J. (2008). Measurements of area and the (island) species–area relationship: new directions for an old pattern. Oikos, 117: 1555-1559. DOI: 10.1111/j.2008.0030-1299.16808.x (IF: 3.329) (P208) (


2013 (n= 2)

By at least one integrated member (n = 2)

Silveira, L. (2013). Aprender com a História – Modos de Interacção cpm a Natureza na Ilha Terceira (Do Povoamento ao seculo XX). Princípia, 357 pp. ISBN: 978-989- 716-042-4 (P517) Costa, C., Lopes, D.H., Cabrera, R.P. (Eds.) (2013) Problemas Fitossanitários nas Cameleiras da Ilha de São Miguel. Centro de Investigação Tecnológica Agrária dos Açores, Universidade dos Açores, 55 pp. ISBN: 978-972-8612-88-7 (P549)

2012 (n= 1)

By at least one integrated member (n = 1)

Gabriel, R. (Ed.) (2012). Abordagens do Ambiente em Contexto Educativo. Princípia, 416 pp. ISBN: 978-989-716-045-5 (P083)

2011 (n= 3)

By at least one integrated member (n = 3)


Barreiros, J.P. & Gadig, O.B.F. (2011). Catálogo ilustrado dos Tubarões, e Raias dos Açores - Sharks and Rays from the Azores an illustrated catalogue. Instituto Açoriano de Cultura, Angra do Heroísmo. Edição Bilingue (Inglês).ISBN: 978- 989-8225-24-5 (P082) Gouli, V., Gouli, S. & Marcelino, J.A.P. (2011). Common Infectious Diseases of Insects in Culture: Diagnostic and Prophylactic Methods (Springer Briefs in Animal Sciences). Springer, The Netherlands. 68p. ISBN-10: 9400718896 (P085) Ventura, L.B., Lopes, D.H., Cabrera, R.P., Borges, P.A.V., Mumford, J.D. & Mexia, A. (Eds.) (2011) Problemas Fitossanitários e Fauna Auxiliar das Bananeiras na Ilha Terceira, Centro de Investigação Tecnológica Agrária dos Açores, Universidade dos Açores, 77 pp. ISBN: 978-972-8612-72-6 (P087)

2010 (n= 3)

By at least one integrated member (n = 3)

Borges, P.A.V., Costa, A., Cunha, R., Gabriel, R., Gonçalves, V., Martins, A.F., Melo, I., Parente, M., Raposeiro, P., Rodrigues, P., Santos, R.S., Silva, L., Vieira, P. & Vieira, V. (Eds.) (2010). A list of the terrestrial and marine biota from the Azores. Princípia, Oeiras, 432 pp. ISBN 978-989-8131-75-1 (P131) Pereira, M.J., Vieira, V. & Furtado, D. (Eds) (2010). O Jardim Romântico da Universidade dos Açores. Universidade dos Açores, Ponta Delgada, 104 pp. ISBN: 978-972-8612-62-7 (P132) Serrano, A.R.M., Borges, P.A.V., Boieiro M. & Oromí, P. (Eds.) (2010). Terrestrial arthropods of Macaronesia – Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution. Sociedade Portuguesa de Entomologia, Lisboa, 327 pp. ISBN:978-972-97241-2-1 (P133)

2009 (n= 3)


By at least one integrated member (n = 3)

Borges P.A.V. & Gabriel, R.G. (2009). Predicting extinctions on oceanic islands: arthropods and bryophytes. Universidade dos Açores. 80 pp. (Book Celebrating the BES Award for Excellence in the Conservation of Biodiversity in Portugal, 2008). ISBN: 978-972-8612-51-1 (P183) ( Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Borges, P.A.V., Gabriel, R., Amorim, I.R., Martins, A.F., Maduro-Dias, F., Porteiro, J.M., Silva, L. & Pereira, F. (2009). Azores - a natural portrait / Açores - um retrato natural. Veraçor, Ponta Delgada, 240 pp. ISBN: 989-8123-15-2 (P184) Pimentel, R., Lopes, D.H., Cabrera, R., Borges, P.A.V., Machado, A.C., Mumford, J.D. & Mexia, A. (Eds.). (2009). Problemas fitossanitários e fauna auxiliar das Macieiras na ilha Terceira. Ed. Centro de Biotecnologia dos Açores, Angra do Heroísmo, 77 pp. ISBN: 978-989-95707-4-0 (P185)

2008 (n= 4)

By at least one integrated member (n = 4)

Borges, P.A.V., Abreu, C., Aguiar, A.M.F., Carvalho, P., Jardim, R., Melo, I., Oliveira, P., Sérgio, C., Serrano, A.R.M. & Vieira, P. (Eds.) (2008). A list of the terrestrial fungi, flora and fauna of Madeira and Selvagens archipelagos. Direcção Regional do Ambiente da Madeira and Universidade dos Açores, Funchal and Angra do Heroísmo. 438 pp. ISBN: 978-989-95790-0-2. (P209) Homem, N. & Gabriel, R. (2008). Briófitos raros dos Açores / Azorean rare Bryophytes. Principia, Oeiras. 96 pp. ISBN 978-989-8131-08-9 (P210) Martín, J.L, Arechavaleta, M., Borges, P.A.V. & Faria, B. (Eds.) (2008) TOP 100 - As cem espécies ameaçadas prioritárias em termos de gestão na região europeia biogeográfica da Macaronésia. Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación


Territorial, Gobierno de Canarias, 500 pp. ISBN: 84-89729-38-7 (P211) Neilson, A. L. (2008). Disrupting privilege, identity, and meaning: A reflexive dance of environmental education. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. (P522)


2013 (n= 3)

By at least one integrated member (n = 3)

D’Amato, D., Kettunen, M., De la Cruz, A., Royuela, J.B. & Gil, A. (2013) Annex 1. Scoping Assessments of Benefits Provided by Protected Areas – an Example of Application. In: Kettunen M. and P. Ten Brink (Eds.) Social and Economic Benefits of Protected Areas - An Assessment Guide. Routledge. p368 (P536) Guerreiro, O., Ferreira, M., Cascalho, J. & Borges, P.A.V. (2013). Towards an Agent Based Modeling: The prediction and prevention of the spread of the drywood termite Cryptotermes brevis. In: Luis Correia, Luis Paulo Reis, José Cascalho (Eds.) pp. 480-491. Progress in Artificial Intelligence EPIA 2013 Springer Proceedings. (P515) Costa, H., Bettencourt, M.J., Silva, C.M.N., Teodósio, J., Gil, A. & Silva, L. (2013) Invasive alien plants in the Azorean protected areas: invasion status and mitigation actions. in L.C. Foxcroft, D.M. Richardson, P. Pyšek & P. Genovesi (eds.), Alien Plant Invasions in Protected Areas: A Global Assessment. Springer, pp. 375-394. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-7750-7_17, ISBN: 978-94-007-7749-1 (P475)

2012 (n= 7)

By at least one integrated member (n = 7)

Ávila, S.P.A., Arroz, A.M. & Gabriel, R. (2012). Em Defesa do Ambiente! - uma análise


de conteúdo das medidas propostas por alunos do 2º Ciclo do Ensino Básico nas PASE de Língua Portuguesa. In R. Gabriel (Ed.), Abordagens do ambiente em contexto educativo. (cap. 4). pp. 291-368. São João do Estoril: Princípia. (P115) Cordeiro, L., Arroz, A. M. & Gabriel, R. (2012). O ambiente sob o signo da infância: diversidade de conceitos e expectativas face ao futuro. In R. Gabriel, (Eds.), Abordagens do ambiente em contexto educativo (cap. 4). pp. 177-289. São João do Estoril: Princípia. (P116) Evans, E.W., Soares, A.O. & Yasuda, H. (2012). Invasions by ladybugs, ladybirds, and other predatory Coleoptera. In: Invasive Alien Arthropod Predators and Parasitoids: An Ecological Approach (Roy, H., De Clercq, P., Handley, L.-J. L., Sloggett, J.L., Poland, R. & Wajnberg, E. Eds.), pp. 223-238, Springer, Dordrecht. (P088) ( Neilson, A.L., Blomberg, G., & Gabriel, R. (2012). Spirited practice of transformative education for sustainability. In: Arjen Wals & Peter Blaze Corcoran (Eds.). Learning for sustainability in times of accelerating change. pp. 269-282. Wageningen University Press, Wageningen, NL (P097) Neilson, A. L., Cardwell, E. & Bulhão Pato, C. (2012). Coastal fisheries in the Azores, Portugal – A question of sovereignty, sustainability and space. In: Klaus Schriewer & Thomas Højrup (Eds.) Fisheries at a tipping-point, pp. 465-505. Murcia, Es: Universidad de Murcia. (P445). Pacheco, C.G., Sousa, F.R.S. & Gabriel, R. (2012). «As crianças ainda são imaturas» – Perspetivas dos educadores de infância sobre a abordagem de temáticas ambientais nos jardins de infância dos Açores. In R. Gabriel. (Ed.), Abordagens do ambiente em contexto educativo. (cap. 3), pp. 119-175. São João do Estoril: Princípia. (P114) Terroso, C., Borges, P.A.V., Gonzalez, P. & Gabriel, R. (2012). Perspectivas dos educadores de infância sobre concepções e práticas da educação ambiental. In R. Gabriel (Ed.), Educação ambiental: a perspectiva das crianças (cap. 2), pp. 57-117. São João do Estoril: Princípia. (P113) (


2011 (n=7)

By at least one integrated member (n = 7)

Garcia P. (2011). Sublethal effects of pyrethroids on insect parasitoids: What we need to further know. In: Stoytcheva M. (Ed.), Pesticides: formulations, effects, fate, 477-494 pp. ISBN 978-953-307-532-7, I-Tech Education and Publishing, Croatia. (P102) Hortal, J. (2011). Geographical variation in the diversity of microbial communities: research directions and prospects for experimental biogeography. In: Biogeography of microscopic organisms, is everything small everywhere? D. Fontaneto, ed., pp. 335-358. Cambridge, UK: Systematics Association & Cambridge University Press. (P103) Lopes, D.H., Cabrera, R., Figueiredo, A., Macedo, N., Pimentel, R., Azevedo, J., Ventura, L., Santos, A., Filipe; M.C., Ornelas; L., Martins, J.T.O., Mumford, J. & Mexia, A.M.M. (2011). Pragas que afectam a bananeira na ilha Terceira (Açores). In: Ventura, L.B., Lopes, D.H., Cabrera, R.P., Borges, P.A.V., Mumford, J.D. & Mexia, A. (Eds.) Problemas Fitossanitários e Fauna Auxiliar das Bananeiras na Ilha Terceira, pp. 9-27. Centro de Investigação Tecnológica Agrária dos Açores, Universidade dos Açores. (P104) Moniz, J., Santos, A.M.C., Borges, P.A.V. & Mendonça, E. (2011). Os artrópodes auxiliares generalistas associados às bananeira na ilha Terceira (Açores). In: Ventura, L.B., Lopes, D.H., Cabrera, R.P., Borges, P.A.V., Mumford, J.D. & Mexia, A. (Eds.) Problemas Fitossanitários e Fauna Auxiliar das Bananeiras na Ilha Terceira, pp. 51-69. Centro de Investigação Tecnológica Agrária dos Açores, Universidade dos Açores. (P105) ( Prendes, C., Lorenzo, C.D., Cabrera, R. & Lopes, D.H. (2011). Doenças que afectam a bananeira na ilha Terceira (Açores). In: Ventura, L.B., Lopes, D.H., Cabrera, R.P., Borges, P.A.V., Mumford, J.D. & Mexia, A. (Eds.) Problemas Fitossanitários e Fauna Auxiliar das Bananeiras na Ilha Terceira, pp. 29-42. Centro de Investigação Tecnológica Agrária dos Açores, Universidade dos Açores. (P106) 91

Triantis, K.A. & Bhagwat, S.A. (2011). Applied island biogeography. In: Conservation Biogeography (Robert J. Whittaker & Richard J. Ladle, eds), pp. 190-223. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. (P107) Vanderpoorten, A., Laenen, B., Gabriel, R., Conzalez-Mancebo, J.M., Rumsey, F.J. & Carine, M.A. (2011). Dispersal, Diversity and Evolution of the Macaronesian Cryptogamic Floras. In: David Bramwell & Juli Caujapé-Castells (eds.) The Biology of Island Floras, pp. 338-364. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. (P108)

2010 (n= 31)

By at least one integrated member (n = 31)

Aguiar, A.MF., Achterberg, K.v., Askew, R.R., Zwakhals, K., Santos, A.MC. & Borges, P.A.V. (2010). Hymenoptera (other families). In: Borges, P.A.V., Costa, A., Cunha, R., Gabriel, R., Gonçalves, V., Martins, A.F., Melo, I., Parente, M., Raposeiro, P., Rodrigues, P., Santos, R.S., Silva, L., Vieira, P. & Vieira, V. (eds.) A list of the terrestrial and marine biota from the Azores. pp. 244-246, Princípia, Cascais, 432 pp. (P134) ( Aptroot, A., Rodrigues, A.F., Schumm, F., Câmara, S. & Gabriel, R. (2010) List of lichens and lichenicolous fungi (Fungi). In: Borges, P.A.V., Costa, A., Cunha, R., Gabriel, R., Gonçalves, V., Martins, A.F., Melo, I., Parente, M., Raposeiro, P., Rodrigues, P., Santos, R.S., Silva, L., Vieira, P. & Vieira, V. (eds.) A list of the terrestrial and marine biota from the Azores. pp. 59-79, Princípia, Cascais, 432 pp. (P135) Boieiro, M., Menezes, D., Rego, C. & Serrano, A.R.M. (2010). Spatial patterns of endemism and the conservation of beetles (Carabidae and Staphylinidae) in Madeira Island. In A.R.M. Serrano, P.A.V. Borges, M. Boieiro & P. Oromí (Eds.). Terrestrial arthropods of Macaronesia – Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution. pp. 115-132. Sociedade Portuguesa de Entomologia, Lisboa. (P136) Rego, C. & Boieiro, M. (2010). Adaptability of endemic and widespread species to environmental change: a case study in Drosophila. In A.R.M. Serrano, P.A.V. Borges, M. Boieiro & P. Oromí (Eds.). Terrestrial arthropods of Macaronesia –


Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution. pp. 309-327. Sociedade Portuguesa de Entomologia, Lisboa (P137) Borges, P.A.V. (2010). List of Earthworms (Annelida). In: Borges, P.A.V., Costa, A., Cunha, R., Gabriel, R., Gonçalves, V., Martins, A.F., Melo, I., Parente, M., Raposeiro, P., Rodrigues, P., Santos, R.S., Silva, L., Vieira, P. & Vieira, V. (eds.) A list of the terrestrial and marine biota from the Azores. pp. 153-155, Princípia, Cascais, 432 pp. (P138) ( Borges, P.A.V. (2010). Opiliones. In: Borges, P.A.V., Costa, A., Cunha, R., Gabriel, R., Gonçalves, V., Martins, A.F., Melo, I., Parente, M., Raposeiro, P., Rodrigues, P., Santos, R.S., Silva, L., Vieira, P. & Vieira, V. (eds.) A list of the terrestrial and marine biota from the Azores. pp. 198, Princípia, Cascais, 432 pp. (P139) ( Borges, P.A.V. (2010). Branchiopoda, Ostracoda, Malacostraca, Maxillopoda. In: Borges, P.A.V., Costa, A., Cunha, R., Gabriel, R., Gonçalves, V., Martins, A.F., Melo, I., Parente, M., Raposeiro, P., Rodrigues, P., Santos, R.S., Silva, L., Vieira, P. & Vieira, V. (eds.) A list of the terrestrial and marine biota from the Azores. pp. 205-208, Princípia, Cascais, 432 pp. (P140) ( Borges, P.A.V. (2010). Symphyla & Pauropoda. In: Borges, P.A.V., Costa, A., Cunha, R., Gabriel, R., Gonçalves, V., Martins, A.F., Melo, I., Parente, M., Raposeiro, P., Rodrigues, P., Santos, R.S., Silva, L., Vieira, P. & Vieira, V. (eds.) A list of the terrestrial and marine biota from the Azores. pp. 208, Princípia, Cascais, 432 pp. (P141) ( Borges, P.A.V. (2010). Odonata & Ephemeroptera. In: Borges, P.A.V., Costa, A., Cunha, R., Gabriel, R., Gonçalves, V., Martins, A.F., Melo, I., Parente, M., Raposeiro, P., Rodrigues, P., Santos, R.S., Silva, L., Vieira, P. & Vieira, V. (eds.) A list of the terrestrial and marine biota from the Azores. pp. 212, Princípia, Cascais, 432 pp. (P142) ( Borges, P.A.V., Borges, A., Ferreira, M.T., Guerreiro, O., Myles, T. & Scheffrahn, R. (2010). Isoptera. In: Borges, P.A.V., Costa, A., Cunha, R., Gabriel, R., Gonçalves, V., Martins, A.F., Melo, I., Parente, M., Raposeiro, P., Rodrigues, P., Santos, R.S., Silva, L., Vieira, P. & Vieira, V. (eds.) A list of the terrestrial and marine biota 93

from the Azores. pp. 213, Princípia, Cascais, 432 pp. (P143) ( Borges, P.A.V. (2010). Strepsiptera, Trichoptera, Siphonaptera. In: Borges, P.A.V., Costa, A., Cunha, R., Gabriel, R., Gonçalves, V., Martins, A.F., Melo, I., Parente, M., Raposeiro, P., Rodrigues, P., Santos, R.S., Silva, L., Vieira, P. & Vieira, V. (eds.) A list of the terrestrial and marine biota from the Azores. pp. 232-233, Princípia, Cascais, 432 pp. (P144) ( Borges, P.A.V., Costa, A., Cunha, R., Gabriel, R., Gonçalves, V., Martins, A.F., Melo, I., Parente, M., Raposeiro, P., Rodrigues, P., Santos, R.S., Silva, L., Vieira, P., Vieira, V., Mendonça, E. & Boieiro, M. (2010). Description of the Terrestrial and marine biodiversity of the Azores. In: Borges, P.A.V., Costa, A., Cunha, R., Gabriel, R., Gonçalves, V., Martins, A.F., Melo, I., Parente, M., Raposeiro, P., Rodrigues, P., Santos, R.S., Silva, L., Vieira, P. & Vieira, V. (eds.) A list of the terrestrial and marine biota from the Azores. pp. 9-33, Princípia, Cascais, 432 pp. (P145) ( Borges, P.A.V., Vieira, V., Amorim, I.R., Bicudo, N., Fritzén, N., Gaspar, C., Heleno, R., Hortal, J., Lissner, J., Logunov, D., Machado, A., Marcelino, J., Meijer, S.S., Melo, C., Mendonça, E.P., Moniz, J., Pereira, F., Santos, A.M.C., Simões, A.M., Torrão, E. (2010). List of arthropods (Arthropoda). In: Borges, P.A.V., Costa, A., Cunha, R., Gabriel, R., Gonçalves, V., Martins, A.F., Melo, I., Parente, M., Raposeiro, P., Rodrigues, P., Santos, R.S., Silva, L., Vieira, P. & Vieira, V. (eds.) A list of the terrestrial and marine biota from the Azores. pp. 179-246, Princípia, Cascais, 432 pp. (P146) ( Borges, P.A.V., Costa, A., Gabriel, R., Gonçalves, V., Melo, I., Parente, M., Santos, R.S., Vieira, P. & Vieira, V.. (2010). List of problematic species. In: Borges, P.A.V., Costa, A., Cunha, R., Gabriel, R., Gonçalves, V., Martins, A.F., Melo, I., Parente, M., Raposeiro, P., Rodrigues, P., Santos, R.S., Silva, L., Vieira, P. & Vieira, V. (eds.) A list of the terrestrial and marine biota from the Azores. pp. 347-350, Princípia, Cascais, 432 pp. (P147) ( Cardoso, P., Borges, P.A.V., Dinis, F. & Gaspar, C. (2010). Patterns of alpha and beta diversity of epigean arthropods at contrasting land-uses of an oceanic island (Terceira, Azores). In A.R.M. Serrano, P.A.V.. Borges, M. Boieiro & P. Oromí 94

(Eds.). Terrestrial arthropods of Macaronesia – Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution. pp. 73-88. Sociedade Portuguesa de Entomologia, Lisboa. (P148) ( Cardoso, P. & Pinto, H. (2010). Acari (Astigmata; Oribatida; Prostigmata; Mesostigmata). In: Borges, P.A.V., Costa, A., Cunha, R., Gabriel, R., Gonçalves, V., Martins, A.F., Melo, I., Parente, M., Raposeiro, P., Rodrigues, P., Santos, R.S., Silva, L., Vieira, P. & Vieira, V. (eds.) A list of the terrestrial and marine biota from the Azores. pp. 198-201, Princípia, Cascais, 432 pp. (P149) Cardoso, P., Wunderlich, J. & Borges, P.A.V. (2010). Araneae. In: Borges, P.A.V., Costa, A., Cunha, R., Gabriel, R., Gonçalves, V., Martins, A.F., Melo, I., Parente, M., Raposeiro, P., Rodrigues, P., Santos, R.S., Silva, L., Vieira, P. & Vieira, V. (eds.) A list of the terrestrial and marine biota from the Azores. pp. 202-205, Princípia, Cascais, 432 pp. (P150) ( Gabriel, R., Sjögren, E., Schumacker, R., Sérgio, C., Aranda, S.C., Claro, D., Homem, N. & Martins, B. (2010). List of bryophytes (Anthocerotophyta, Marchantiophyta, Bryophyta). In: Borges, P.A.V., Costa, A., Cunha, R., Gabriel, R., Gonçalves, V., Martins, A.F., Melo, I., Parente, M., Raposeiro, P., Rodrigues, P., Santos, R.S., Silva, L., Vieira, P. & Vieira, V. (eds.) A list of the terrestrial and marine fungi, flora and fauna from the Azores. pp. 99-115, Principia, Lisboa, 432 pp. (P151) Lobo, J.M. & Borges, P.A.V. (2010). The provisional status of arthropod inventories in the Macaronesian islands. In A.R.M. Serrano, P.A.V. Borges, M. Boieiro & P. Oromí (Eds.). Terrestrial arthropods of Macaronesia – Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution. pp. 33-47. Sociedade Portuguesa de Entomologia, Lisboa. (P152) ( Neilson, A.L., Gabriel, R., Arroz, A.M., & Mendonça, E. (2010). Eating, jigging or watching? Ocean heritage and sustainable development. In: Rogério Amoêda, Sérgio Lira & Cristina Pinheiro (Eds.). Heritage and Sustainable Development, Vol 1. pp. 581-587, Green Lines Institute: Barcelos, Portugal. (P269) Oromí, P., Serrano, A.R.M. & Borges, P.A.V. (2010). Coleoptera (Coordination). In: Borges, P.A.V., Costa, A., Cunha, R., Gabriel, R., Gonçalves, V., Martins, A.F., Melo, I., Parente, M., Raposeiro, P., Rodrigues, P., Santos, R.S., Silva, L., Vieira, P. & Vieira, V. (eds.) A list of the terrestrial and marine biota from the Azores. 95

pp. 222-232, Princípia, Cascais, 432 pp. (P153) ( Pereira, M.J., Vieira, V., Furtado, D., Gonçalves, V. & Fonseca, M.A. & (2010). Flora e Fauna no Jardim. In: Pereira, M.J., Vieira, V. & Furtado, D. (eds). O Jardim Romântico da Universidade dos Açores. pp. 19-102, Universidade dos Açores, Ponta Delgada, 104 pp. (P154) Ribeiro, S.P. & Borges, P.A.V. (2010). Canopy habitat area effect on the arthropod species densities in the Azores: pondering the contribution of tourist species and other life histories. In A.R.M. Serrano, P.A.V. Borges, M. Boieiro & P. Oromí (Eds.). Terrestrial arthropods of Macaronesia – Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution. pp. 89-114. Sociedade Portuguesa de Entomologia, Lisboa. (P155) ( Silva, L., Moura. M., Schaefer, H., Rumsey, F. & Dias, E.F. (2010) List of vascular plants (Tracheobionta). In: Borges, P.A.V., Costa, A., Cunha, R., Gabriel, R., Gonçalves, V., Martins, A.F., Melo, I., Parente, M., Raposeiro, P., Rodrigues, P., Santos, R.S., Silva, L., Vieira, P. & Vieira, V. (eds.) A list of the terrestrial and marine biota from the Azores. pp. 117-146, Princípia, Cascais, 432 pp. (P156) Soares, A.O. (2010). Coleoptera (Coccinellidae). In: Borges, P.A.V., Costa, A., Cunha, R., Gabriel, R., Gonçalves, V., Martins, A.F., Melo, I., Parente, M., Raposeiro, P., Rodrigues, P., Santos, R.S., Silva, L., Vieira, P. & Vieira, V. (eds.) A list of the terrestrial and marine biota from the Azores. pp. 225, Princípia, Cascais, 432 pp. (P157) Triantis, K., Borges, P.A.V., Hortal, J. & Whittaker, R.J. (2010). The Macaronesian province: patterns of species richness and endemism of arthropods. In A.R.M. Serrano, P.A.V. Borges, M. Boieiro & P. Oromí (Eds.). Terrestrial arthropods of Macaronesia – Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution. pp. 49-71. Sociedade Portuguesa de Entomologia, Lisboa. (P158) ( Triantis, K.A. & Whittaker, R.J. (2010). Island Biogeography. In: Encyclopedia of Geography (Warf, B. ed.). SAGE Publications. ISBN: 9781412956970 (P099) Vieira, V. (2010). Diptera (Coordination). In: Borges, P.A.V., Costa, A., Cunha, R., Gabriel, R., Gonçalves, V., Martins, A.F., Melo, I., Parente, M., Raposeiro, P., 96

Rodrigues, P., Santos, R.S., Silva, L., Vieira, P. & Vieira, V. (eds.) A list of the terrestrial and marine biota from the Azores. pp. 233-240, Princípia, Cascais, 432 pp. (P159) Vieira, V., Diaz, S. & Báez, M. (2010). Diptera (other families). In: Borges, P.A.V., Costa, A., Cunha, R., Gabriel, R., Gonçalves, V., Martins, A.F., Melo, I., Parente, M., Raposeiro, P., Rodrigues, P., Santos, R.S., Silva, L., Vieira, P. & Vieira, V. (eds.) A list of the terrestrial and marine biota from the Azores. pp. 233-240 Princípia, Cascais, 432 pp. (P160) Vieira, V. & Karsholt, O. (2010). Lepidoptera. In: Borges, P.A.V., Costa, A., Cunha, R., Gabriel, R., Gonçalves, V., Martins, A.F., Melo, I., Parente, M., Raposeiro, P., Rodrigues, P., Santos, R.S., Silva, L., Vieira, P. & Vieira, V. (eds.) A list of the terrestrial and marine biota from the Azores. pp. 241-243, Princípia, Cascais, 432 pp. (P161) Vieira, V. (2010). Insectos. In: Pereira, M.J., Vieira, V. & Furtado, D. (eds.). O Jardim Romântico da Universidade dos Açores. pp 77-84, Universidade dos Açores, Ponta Delgada, 104 pp (P162)

2009 (n= 4)

By at least one integrated member (n = 4)

Borges, P.A.V., Amorim, I.R., Cunha, R., Gabriel, R., Martins, A. F., Silva, L., Costa, A. & Vieira, V. (2009). Azores. In: R. Gillespie & D. Clagu (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Islands, pp 70-75. University of California Press, California. (P186) ( Borges, P. A. V., Azevedo, E.B., Borba, A., Dinis, F.O., Gabriel, R. & Silva, E. (2010). Ilhas Oceânicas. In: H.M. Pereira, T. Domingos & L. Vicente (Eds.), Portugal Millenium Ecosystem Assessment. pp. 461-508. Escolar Editora, Lisboa. (P187) ( Lopes, D.J.H., Figueiredo, A., Santos, A.M.C., Macedo, N., Pimentel, R., Venturea, L., Aguiar, M.H., Dantas, L., Silva, D., Ornelas, L., Filipe, M.C., Rodrigues, R.,


Mateus, C., Mumford, J. & Mexia, A.M..M. (2009). Pragas que afectam as macieiras. In R. Pimentel, D.H. Lopes, R. Cabrera, P.A.V. Borges, A. C. Machado, J.D. Mumford & A. Mexia (Eds.). Problemas fitossanitários e fauna auxiliar das Macieiras na ilha Terceira. pp. 11-40, Ed. Centro de Biotecnologia dos Açores, Angra do Heroísmo. (P188) Moniz, J., Santos, A.M.C., Mendonça, E. & Borges, P.A.V. (2009). Os artrópodes auxiliares generalistas associados às Macieiras na ilha Terceira (Açores). In R. Pimentel, D.H. Lopes, R. Cabrera, P.A.V. Borges, A. C. Machado, J.D. Mumford & A. Mexia (Eds.). Problemas fitossanitários e fauna auxiliar das Macieiras na ilha Terceira. pp. 61-77, Ed. Centro de Biotecnologia dos Açores, Angra do Heroísmo. (P189) (

2008 (n= 15)

By at least one integrated member (n = 15)

Borges, P.A.V. (2008). Preliminary list of the terrestrial flatworms and earthworms (Platyhelminthes and Annelida) from the archipelagos of Madeira and Selvagens. In: Borges, P.A.V., Abreu, C., Aguiar, A.M.F., Carvalho, P., Jardim, R., Melo, I., Oliveira, P., Sérgio, C., Serrano, A.R.M. & Vieira, P. (eds.). A list of the terrestrial fungi, flora and fauna of Madeira and Selvagens archipelagos. pp. 209-212, Direcção Regional do Ambiente da Madeira and Universidade dos Açores, Funchal and Angra do Heroísmo. (P220) ( Borges, P.A.V., Abreu, C., Aguiar, A.M.F., Boieiro, M., Jardim, R., Melo, I., Sequeira, M.M., Sérgio, C., Serrano, A.R.M. & Vieira, P. (2008). Appendix 1. List of problematic species. In: Borges, P.A.V., Abreu, C., Aguiar, A.M.F., Carvalho, P., Jardim, R., Melo, I., Oliveira, P., Sérgio, C., Serrano, A.R.M. & Vieira, P. (eds.). A list of the terrestrial fungi, flora and fauna of Madeira and Selvagens archipelagos. pp. 377-382 Direcção Regional do Ambiente da Madeira and Universidade dos Açores, Funchal and Angra do Heroísmo. (P221)


( Borges, P.A.V., Abreu, C., Aguiar, A.M.F., Carvalho, P., Fontinha, S., Jardim, R., Melo, I., Oliveira, P., Sequeira, M.M., Sérgio, C., Serrano, A.R.M., Sim-Sim, M. & Vieira, P. (2008). Terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity of the Madeira and Selvagens archipelagos. In: Borges, P.A.V., Abreu, C., Aguiar, A.M.F., Carvalho, P., Jardim, R., Melo, I., Oliveira, P., Sérgio, C., Serrano, A.R.M. & Vieira, P. (eds.). A list of the terrestrial fungi, flora and fauna of Madeira and Selvagens archipelagos. pp. 13-26, Direcção Regional do Ambiente da Madeira and Universidade dos Açores, Funchal and Angra do Heroísmo. (P222) ( Borges, P.A.V., Aguiar, A.M.F., Boieiro, M., Carles-Tolrá, M. & Serrano, A.R.M. (2008). The arthropods (Arthropoda) of Madeira and Selvagens archipelagos. In: Borges, P.A.V., Abreu, C., Aguiar, A.M.F., Carvalho, P., Jardim, R., Melo, I., Oliveira, P., Sérgio, C., Serrano, A.R.M. & Vieira, P. (eds.). A list of the terrestrial fungi, flora and fauna of Madeira and Selvagens archipelagos. pp. 245-270, Direcção Regional do Ambiente da Madeira and Universidade dos Açores, Funchal and Angra do Heroísmo. (P223) ( Borges, P.A.V., Aguiar, A.M.F., Boieiro, M., Carles-Tolrá, M. & Serrano, A.R.M. (2008). List of arthropods (Arthropoda). In: Borges, P.A.V., Abreu, C., Aguiar, A.M.F., Carvalho, P., Jardim, R., Melo, I., Oliveira, P., Sérgio, C., Serrano, A.R.M. & Vieira, P. (eds.). A list of the terrestrial fungi, flora and fauna of Madeira and Selvagens archipelagos. pp. 271-356, Direcção Regional do Ambiente da Madeira and Universidade dos Açores, Funchal and Angra do Heroísmo. (P224) ( Borges, P.A.V., Santos, A.M.C. & Mendonça, E. (2008). Os artrópodes auxiliares generalistas associados aos citrinos na ilha Terceira (Açores). In D. Lopes, R. Cabrera, A. Pereira, J. Mumford & A. Mexia (Eds.). Problemas fitossanitários e fauna auxiliar dos citrinos. pp. 69-80, Angra do Heroísmo. (P225) ( Borges, P.A.V., Ugland, K.I, Dinis, F.O. & Gaspar, C. (2008). Insect and spider rarity in an oceanic island (Terceira, Azores): true rare and pseudo-rare species. IN: S. Fattorini (Ed.). Insect Ecology and Conservation. pp. 47-70. Research Signpost, 99

Kerala, India. ISBN: 978-81-308-0297-8, pp. 317. (P226) ( Cardoso, P., Borges, P.A.V.,, Costa, A. C., Cunha, R. T., Gabriel, R., Martins, A. M. F., Silva, L., Homem, N., Martins, M., Rodrigues, P., Martins, B. & Mendonça, E. (2008). A perspectiva arquipelágica - Açores. In: J. L Martín, M. Arechavaleta, P.A.V. Borges & B. Faria, (eds.) TOP 100 - As cem espécies ameaçadas prioritárias em termos de gestão na região europeia biogeográfica da Macaronésia. pp 421-449. Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación Territorial, Gobierno de Canarias. (P227) ( Dentinho, T. P., Porteiro, J., Calado, H. Silva, E., Fontes, J.C., Borges, P.A.V., Marques, J., Jonker, R. & Ferreira, J. (2008). Integrated water mangement in the Seven Cites basin. In: P. Meire et al. (Eds.), Integrated Water Management: Practical Experiences and Case Studies, pp. 141-153. Springer Verlag, Germany. (P228) ( Jiménez-Valverde, A., Hortal, J., Lobo, J.M., Borges, P.A.V., Abreu, C., Aguiar, A.M.F., Azevedo, E. B., Boieiro, M., Fontinha, S., Jardim, R., Oliveira, P., Sérgio, C., Serrano, A.R.M., Sim-Sim, M. & Nunes, D. (2008). Using predictive models of species distribution to validate biodiversity data: case studies for Madeira Island. In: Borges, P.A.V., Abreu, C., Aguiar, A.M.F., Carvalho, P., Jardim, R., Melo, I., Oliveira, P., Sérgio, C., Serrano, A.R.M. & Vieira, P. (eds.). A list of the terrestrial fungi, flora and fauna of Madeira and Selvagens archipelagos. pp. 27-56, Direcção Regional do Ambiente da Madeira and Universidade dos Açores, Funchal and Angra do Heroísmo. (P229) ( Martín, J.L, Arechavaleta, M., Borges, P.A.V. & Faria, B. (2008). A perspectiva Macaronésica. In: J. L Martín,. M. Arechavaleta, P.A.V. Borges & B. Faria, (eds.) TOP 100 - As cem espécies ameaçadas prioritárias em termos de gestão na região europeia biogeográfica da Macaronésia. pp. 389-419. Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación Territorial, Gobierno de Canarias. (P230) ( Martín, J.L, Borges, P.A.V., Arechavaleta, M. & Faria, B. (2008). A Lista Top 100. In: J. L 100

Martín,. M. Arechavaleta, P.A.V. Borges & B. Faria, (eds.) TOP 100 - As cem espécies ameaçadas prioritárias em termos de gestão na região europeia biogeográfica da Macaronésia. pp. 367-387. Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación Territorial, Gobierno de Canarias. (P231) ( Neilson, A. (2008). Deconstructing research practice. In: B. Kozuh, R. Kahn & A. Kzlowska (eds.). The practical science of society Pp. 247-256. College of Education and Human Development, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks. (P232) Soares, A.O., Borges, I., Borges, P.A.V., Labrie, G. & Lucas. E. (2008). Harmonia axyridis; What will stop the invader? In: Helen E. Roy & Eric Wajnberg, (Eds.). From Biological Control to Invasion: the Ladybird Harmonia axyridis as a Model Species. pp. 127-145. Springer Verlag, Germany. (P233) ( Silva, L., Ojeda Land, E., Rodriguez Luengo, J.L., Borges, P.A.V, Oliveira, P. & Jardim, R. (2008). Invasive alien species in Macaronesia. In: Silva, L., Ojeda, E.L. & Rodriguez-Luengo, J.L. (Eds.) Invasive Terrestrial Flora & Fauna of Macaronesia. TOP 100 in Azores, Madeira and Canaries. pp. 159-165. ARENA, Ponta Delgada. (P234) (


2013 (n= 8)

By at least one integrated member (n = 5)

Borges, P.A.V., Reut, M., Ponte, N.B., Quartau, J.A., Fletcher, M., Sousa, A.B., Pollet, M., Soares, A.O., Marcelino, J., Rego, C. & Cardoso, P. (2013). New records of exotic spiders and insects to the Azores, and new data on recently introduced species. Arquipélago Life and Marine Sciences, 30: 57-70 (P441)


( Crespo, L.C., Silva, I., Borges, P.A.V. & Cardoso, P. (2013). Rapid biodiversity assessment, faunistics and description of a new spider species (Araneae) from Desertas Islands and Madeira (Portugal). Revista Iberica de Aracnologia, 23: 11- 23. (P489)

Ferreira, M.T., Borges, P.A.V., Nunes, L., Myles, TG., Guerreiro, O. & Scheffrahn, R.H. (2013). Termites (Isoptera) in the Azores: an overview of the four invasive species currently present in the archipelago. Arquipélago Life and Marine Sciences, 30: 39-55. (P437) ( Henriques, D.F., Nunes, L. & De Brito, J. (2013). Mechanical evaluation of timber conservation processes by bending tests. Advanced Materials Research, 778: 612-619. DOI: 10.4028/ (P538) Vieira, V. & Cordero-Rivera, A. (2013). New data on the Odonata fauna from Graciosa Island (Azores). Arquipélago Life and Marine Sciences, 30: 79-82. (P516) (

By Associate Research Fellows only (n = 3)

Fattorini, S., Maurizi, E. & Di Giulio, A. (2013). Evaluating alpha and beta taxonomy in ant-nest beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Paussini). Psyche, 2013, Article ID 736939, 10 pages. DOI : 10.1155/2013/736939, Special issue: "Ants and Their Parasites" (P510) Fattorini, S., Di Giulio, A. & Dapporto, L. (2013). Measuring insect rarity: practical issues, pragmatic approaches. Journal of Insect Biodiversity, 1(10): 1-21. (P567) Fattorini, S. (2013). Variation in zoogeographical composition along an elevational gradient: the tenebrionid beetles of Latium (Central Italy). Entomologia, 1 (e6): 33-40. (P568)

2012 (n = 8)


By at least one integrated member (n = 7)

Ben-Dov, Y., Soares, A.O. & Borges, I. (2012). New Data on armoured scale insects (Hemiptera, Coccoidae, Diaspididae) from the Azores islands. Arquipélago. Life and Marine Sciences, 29: 67-68. (P484) ( Boieiro, M., Aguiar, C., Barrinha, C., Faria e Silva, I., Amorim, I.R., Borges, P.A.V., Cardoso, P., Pereira, P., Rego, C., Menezes, D., Ribeiro, S.P. & Serrano, A.R.M. (2012). New data on the spatial distribution of endemic ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from Madeira Island. Arquipélago Life and Marine Sciences, 29: 15-23. (P235) ( Crespo, L.C. & Muster, C. (2012). Philodromus pinetorum Muster, 2009 (Araneae: Philodromidae), new to the Iberian spider fuana. Revista Ibérica de Aracnologia (S.E.A), 21: 59-60. (P480) Neilson, A. L., Bulhão Pato, C., & Sousa, L. (2012). A short reflection on research and fishing cultures performing knowledge together. Revista Maria Scientia, 2: 73- 82. (P446)

Rego, I. E. & Arroz, A. M. (2012) Places of fear and attachment. How Azoreans perceive seismic and volcanic risk. Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice, 3: 1-9. (P268) Tavares, J., Ribeiro, F., Oliveira,L. & Vieira, V. (2012). Produção em massa de Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lep., Pyralidae). II. Alterações da temperatura e humidade relativa durante o seu ciclo biológico. Açoreana, 10: 455-459. (P564) Vieira, V. (2012). Teratologias alar e abdominal observadas em Sympetrum fonscolombii (Sélys, 1840) (Odonata: Libellulidae) dos Açores. Boletin de la Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa (S.E.A), 50: 541-542. (P433)

By Associate Research Fellows only (n = 1)

Maurizi, E., Fattorini, S., Moore, W. & Giulio, A. Di (2012). Behavior of Paussus favieri (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Paussini): A Myrmecophilous Beetle Associated with Pheidole pallidula (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Psyche, 2012: Article ID 940315, 103

9 pages. DOI: 10.1155/2012/940315 (P414)

2011 (n= 6)

By at least one integrated member (n = 6)

Borges, P.A.V., Cardoso, P., Cunha, R., Gabriel, R., Gonçalves, V., Hortal, J., Martins, A.F., Melo, I., Rodrigues, P., Santos, AM.C., Silva, L., Triantis, K.A.,Vieira, P. & Vieira, V. (2011). Macroecological patterns of species distribution, composition and richness of the Azorean terrestrial biota. Ecologi@, 1: 22-33. (P110) ( Barreiros, J.P., Machado, LF., Vieira, R.P. & Porteiro, F.M. (2011). Occurrence of Grammicolepis brachiusculus Poey, 1873 (Grammicolepididae) in the Azores Archipelago. Arquipélago. Life and Marine Sciences, 28: 83-88. (P111) Quartau, J.A., Boieiro, A., Rego, C., Menezes, D., Gonçalves, I. & Capela, R. (2011). Asianidia Zachvatkin (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae) associated with the laurisilva forest of Madeira island: species phenology and hostplant preferences. Cicadina, 12: 47-56. (P424)

Sendra, A., Achurra, A., Barranco, P., Beruete, E., Borges, P.A.V., Herrero-Borgoñón, J., Camacho, A.I., Galán, C., Garcia, L, Jaume, D., Jordana, R., Modesto, J., Monsalve, M.A., Oromí, P., Ortuño, V.M., Prieto, C., Reboleira, A.S., Rodríguez, P., Salgado, J.M., Teruel, S., Tinaut, A. & Zaragoza, J.A. (2011). Biodiversidad, regiones y conservación de la fauna subterránea hispano-lusa. Boletin de la Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa (S.E.A), 49: 365-400. (P109) ( Borges, P.A.V., Gaspar, C.S., Santos, A.M.C, Ribeiro, S.P., Cardoso, P., Triantis, K. & Amorim, I.R. (2011). Patterns of colonization and species distribution for Azorean arthropods: evolution, diversity, rarity and extinction. In: Martins, A.M.F., & M.C. Carvalho (Eds.), Celebrating Darwin: Proceedings of the Symposium "Darwin's Mistake and what we are doing to correct it", Ponta Delgada, 19-22 September, 2009. Açoreana, Supl. 7: 93-123. (P093) 104

( Gabriel, R., Homem, N., Couto, A., Aranda, S.C. & Borges, P.A.V. (2011). Azorean Bryophytes: a preliminary review of rarity patterns. In: Martins, A.M.F., & M.C. Carvalho (eds.), Celebrating Darwin: Proceedings of the Symposium "Darwin's Mistake and what we are doing to correct it", Ponta Delgada, 19-22 September, 2009. Açoreana, Supl. 7: 149-206 (P094) (

2010 (n= 3)

By at least one integrated member (n = 3)

Barreiros, J.P., Elias, R.B., Lourenço, J., Dias, E. & Borges, P.A.V. (2010). First record of Tarentola mauritanica (Linnaeus, 1758) (Reptilia; Gekkonidae) in the Azores. Arquipélago Life and Marine Sciences, 27: 73-75. (P190) ( Santos, A.M.C., Borges, P.A.V., Rodrigues, A.C. & Lopes, D.J.H. (2010). Lista de espécies de artrópodes associados a diferentes culturas frutícolas da ilha Terceira (Açores, Portugal). Boletin de la Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa (S.E.A), 46: 437-447. (P192) ( Serrano, A.R.M. & Borges, P.A.V. (2010). The cave-adapted arthropod fauna from Madeira archipelago. Arquipélago Life and Marine Sciences, 27: 1-7. (P194) (

2009 (n= 10)

By at least one integrated member (n = 10)

Albano, S., Salvado, E., Borges, P.A.V. & Mexia A. (2009). Floral visitors, their frequency, activity rate and Index of Visitation Rate in the strawberry fields of Ribatejo, Portugal: selection of potential pollinators. Part 1. Advances in Horticultural Science, 23: 238-245. (P195) (


Albano, S., Salvado, E., Mexia A. & Borges, P.A.V. (2009). Pollination effectiveness of different strawberry floral visitors in Ribatejo, Portugal: selection of potential pollinators. Part 2. Advances in Horticultural Science, 23: 246-253. (P196) ( Arroz, A. M., Figueiredo, M.P. & Sousa, D. (2009). Aprender é estar quietinho e fazer coisas a sério!” – Perspectivas de crianças em idade pré-escolar sobre a aprendizagem. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación, 48: 1-18. ISSN: 1681-5653 (P172) Aptroot, A., Schumm, F. & Gabriel, R. (2009). Lichens new to the Azores collected in Terceira. Herzogia, 22: 147-152. (P197) Cardoso, P., Crespo, L.C., Carvalho, R., Rufino, A.C. & Henriques, S.S. (2009). Ad-hoc vs. standardized and optimized arthropod diversity sampling. Diversity, 1: 36-51. DOI:10.3390/d1010036 (P198) Crespo, L.C., Cardoso, P., Henriques, S.S. & Gaspar, C. (2009). Spiders (Araneae) from Porto Santo (Madeira: Portugal): additions to current knowledge. Boletín de la Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa, 45: 471-475. (P199) Crespo, L.C., Cardoso, P., Silva, I. & Menezes, D. (2009). Spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) from Selvagens Islands (Portugal): additions to current knowledge. Boletín de la Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa, 45: 343-348. (P200) Crespo, L.C., Cardoso, P., Carvalho, R., Henriques, S.S., Rufino, A.C. (2009). Spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) from the Paúl de Arzila Natural Reserve (Portugal). Boletín de la Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa, 44: 305-313. (P201) Neilson, A. L. (2009). The power of nature and the nature of power. Special Issue: Inquiries into practice. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 14: 136- 148. (P177) Silva, L., Marcelino, J., Resendes, R. & Moniz, J. (2009). First record of the top invasive plant Leycesteria formosa (Caprifoliacea) in Terceira Island, Azores. Arquipélago, Life and Marine Sciences, 26: 69-72. (P202)

2008 (n= 8)

By at least one integrated member (n = 8)


Borges, P.A.V. (2008). Distribution and abundance of arthropod species in pasture communities of three Azorean islands (S. Maria, Terceira and Pico). Arquipélago. Life and marine Sciences, 25: 31-41. (P212) ( Cardoso, P. (2008). Biodiversity and conservation of Iberian spiders: past, present and future. Boletin Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa, 42: 487-492. (P213) Cardoso, P., Duy-Jacquemin, M.N. & Rasteiro, F. (2008). New and first records of Polyxenida (Diplopoda: Penicillata) from Portugal. Boletin Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa, 42: 360. (P214) Gaspar, C., Borges, P.A.V. & Gaston, K.J. (2008). Diversity and distribution of arthropods in native forests of the Azores archipelago. Arquipélago. Life and marine Sciences, 25: 1-30. (P215) ( Melo, C.D., Santos, A.M.C., Lopes, D.J.H. & Pereira, A.M.M. (2008). Afídeos como potenciais vectores do vírus da tristeza dos citrinos (CTV) na ilha Terceira (Açores). Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal, Sup. 14: 77-82. (P216) Santos, A.M.C., Borges, P.A.V. & Lopes, D.J.H. (2008). Parasitoid (Hymenoptera, Parasitica) diversity in fruit orchards of Terceira Island (Azores), with new records for the Azores and Portugal. Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal, Sup. 14: 139-144. (P217) ( Santos, A.M.C., Ferreira, M.A., Mateus, C. & Lopes, D.J.H. (2008). Ácaros (Acari) e tripes (Thysanoptera) associados às principais culturas frutícolas da ilha Terceira (Açores). Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal (História Natural), Sup. N.º 14: 145-152. (P218) Santos, A.M.C., Figueiredo, A., Ilharco, F. & Lopes, D.J.H. (2008). Afídeos (Hemiptera, Aphidoidea) nas principais culturas frutícolas da ilha Terceira (Açores). Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal (História Natural), Sup. N.º 14: 153-160. (P219)


2013 (n = 4)


By at least one integrated member (n = 3)

Correia, L., Reis, L.P., Cascalho, J., Gomes, L., Guerra, H. & Cardoso, P. (Eds.) (2013) Advances in Artificial Intelligence Local Proceedings, EPIA2013 CMATI, Universidade dos Açores, Portugal, 620 pp. (P537) Borges, P.A.V., Cardoso, P., Guerreiro, O., Rigal, F., Florencio, M., Amorim, I.R., Borda-de-Água, L., Cascalho, J. & Ferreira, M. (2013). Perspectives and progress of ecology and conservation science in the Azores: the possible contribution of Artificial Intelligence. In: Luis Correia, Luis Paulo Reis, José Cascalho, Luis Gomes, Hélia Guerra Pedro Cardoso (Eds.) Advances in Artificial Intelligence Local Proceedings, EPIA2013 CMATI, pp. 41-44. Universidade dos Açores, Portugal (P518) Nunes, L. (2013). Bases para a monitorização do risco de degradação na construção de casas de madeira. Proceedings do Seminário "Casas de Madeira", Eds. P. B. Lourenço, J. M. Branco, H. Cruz e L. Nunes. LNEC, Lisboa, 17 abril 2013: pp 29- 38. (P502)

By Associate Research Fellows only (n = 1)

Giulio, A. Di, Maurizi, E., Barbero, F., Sala, M., Fattorini, S., Balletto, E., & Bonelli, S. (2013). Sophisticated acoustical mimicry between myrmecophilous carabid beetle (Paussini, Paussus favieri) and its host ant (Myrmicinae, Pheidole pallidula). XVIth European Carabidologists Meeting, Prague, 22-27 September, 2013 (P569)

2012 (n = 4)

By Associate Research Fellows only (n = 4)

Henriques, D.F, Brito, J. & Nunes, L. (2012). In-situ experimental treatment and 108

consolidation of degraded timber elements from a XIX century building. Proceedings IRG Annual Meeting (ISSN 2000-8953), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, The International Research Group on Wood Protection pp 1-9. (P421) Duarte, S., Taylor, A.M., Kim, J-W., Lloyd, J.D., Duarte, M. & Nunes, L. (2012). Decay factors in termite in-ground monitoring stations. Proceedings IRG Annual Meeting (ISSN 2000-8953), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, The International Research Group on Wood Protection pp 1-10. (P422) Duarte, S., Welzbacher, C.R., Duarte, M. & Nunes, L. (2012). Assessment of Thermally Modified Timber (TMT) through Subterranean Termites Feeding Behaviour. Proceedings of the Sixth European Conference on Wood Modification 2012, Ljubljana, Slovenia. pp 235-238. (P458) Ribeiro, D., Garrett, J.A., Duarte, S., Nunes, L. & Machado, J.S. (2012). Probability of damage in timber structures by monitoring of biological activity – monitor project. Proceedings Icds12-International Conference, Lisbon, Portugal. (P429)

2011 (n= 1)

By Associate Research Fellows only (n = 1)

Duarte, S., Ricart, M.G. & Nunes, L. (2011). Preferências alimentares de Reticulitermes grassei (Clément) (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) relativamente a diferentes espécies de madeira. Actas do CIMAD 11 – 1º Congresso Ibero- LatinoAmericano da Madeira na Construção (7-9/06/2011, Coimbra, pp. 1-7. (P112)

2010 (n= 3)

By at least one integrated member (n = 3)

Aranda, S.C. & Lobo, J.M. (2010) La naturaleza incierta de los modelos de distribución. 109

En: Real, R. y Márquez, A. (eds.). Actas del V Congreso Español de Biogeografía, pp. 155-163. ISBN: 978-84-692-5169-0. (P453) Gabriel, R. & Homem, N. (2010). Divulgação de briófitos dos Açores. Actas das VIII Jornadas sobre Conservação da Natureza: Áreas Protegidas e Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (Seia, Abril 2007): pp. ?? (P266) Gabriel, R. & Silva, E. (2010). As atitudes face ao ambiente na ruralidade e urbanidade: que impacto no desenvolvimento agrícola e ambiental?. Actas do 13º Congresso da Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento Regional (Angra do Heroísmo, Julho 2007): 26 pp. (cd-rom). (P267)

2009 (n= 9)

By at least one integrated member (n = 9)

Bettencourt, S.C.X. & Simões, A.A.M. (2009). O papel das infestantes na multiplicação de parasitóides na ilha Terceira. Actas do I Workshop de Fruticultura – Contributo para o seu desenvolvimento (Angra do Heroísmo 222-226 Abril 2005), pp. 74-86. Angra do Heroísmo. (P270) Borges, P.A.V., Santos, A.M.C & Moniz, J. (2009). Padrões de distribuição e abundância da fauna auxiliar na ilha Terceira. Actas do I Congresso de Fruticultura e Viticultura (Angra do Heroísmo 17-19 Abril 2008), pp. 100-106. Angra do Heroísmo. (P271) ( Lopes, D.J.H., Perez, C.R., Pombo, D.A., Borges, P.A.V., Pimentel, R., Zorman, M., Macedo, N., Ventura, L.B., Carvalho, M.C.F., Ornelas, L., Martins, J.T., Mumford, J.D., & Mexia, A.M.M. (2009). O projecto INTERFRUTA II e o seu papel no desenvolvimento da friticultura na ilha Terceira. Actas do I Congresso de Fruticultura e Viticultura (Angra do Heroísmo 17-19 Abril 2008), pp. 2-12. Angra do Heroísmo. (P272) ( Lopes, D.J.H., Macedo, N., Rodrigues, R., Borges, P.A.V., Pimentel, R., Zorman, M., Carvalho, M.C.F., Ornelas, L., Mumford, J.D. & Mexia, A.M.M. (2009). Monitorização dos problemas fitossanitários e fauna auxiliar presentes em pomares de macieiras da ilha Terceira. Actas do I Congresso de Fruticultura e 110

Viticultura (Angra do Heroísmo 17-19 Abril 2008), pp. 84-92. Angra do Heroísmo. (P273) ( Lopes, D.J.H., Macedo, N., Borges, P.A.V., Pimentel, R., Zorman, M., Carvalho, M.C.F., Ornelas, L., Cabrera, R.P., Mateus, C., Pereira, A.M.N, Mumford, J.D. & Mexia, A.M.M. (2009). Problemas fitossanitários e fauna auxiliar presentes em bananais da ilha Terceira. Actas do I Congresso de Fruticultura e Viticultura (Angra do Heroísmo 17-19 Abril 2008), pp. 233-240. Angra do Heroísmo. (P274) ( Moniz, J. & Borges, P.A.V. (2009). Diversidade de artrópodes terrestres em dois tipos de culturas frutícolas na ilha Terceira, Açores: os predadores generalistas e himenópteros parasitóides (Hymenoptera, Parasitica). Actas do I Congresso de Fruticultura e Viticultura (Angra do Heroísmo 17-19 Abril 2008), pp. 164-172. Angra do Heroísmo. (P275) ( Santos, A.M.C., Borges, P.A.V., Rodrigues, A.C. & Lopes, D.J.H. (2009). Lista de espécies de artrópodes associados a diferentes culturas frutícolas da Ilha Terceira (Açores). Actas do I Workshop de Fruticultura – Contributo para o seu desenvolvimento (Angra do Heroísmo 21-23 Abril 2005), pp. 175-185. Angra do Heroísmo. (P276) ( Simões, A.A.M. & Bettencourt, S.C.X. (2009). Identificação do trinómio espécie vegetal/ hospedeiro/ parasitóide em zonas circundantes a pomares da ilha Terceira. Actas do I Workshop de Fruticultura – Contributo para o seu desenvolvimento (Angra do Heroísmo 21-23 Abril 2005), pp. 74-86. Angra do Heroísmo. (P277) Simões, A.A.M., Oliveira, C.M.B. & Armas, I. (2009). Dinâmica dos inimigos naturais de afídeos em pomares de macieira na ilha Terceira. Actas do I Congresso de Fruticultura e Viticultura (Angra do Heroísmo 17-19 Abril 2008), pp. 173-178. Angra do Heroísmo (P278)

2008 (n= 5)

By at least one integrated member (n = 5) 111

Arroz, A. M., Palos, A. C., Rego, I. E. & Borges, P.A.V. (2008). Science, society, politics, and the media: Joining efforts to manage the risk of termite infestation in the azores. In SRA 2008 Annual Meeting: Risk Analysis: the Science and the Art – ‘M4-B.2 Natural Hazards’, Boston, Massachusetts, 7-10 December 2008: 10 p..



2013 (n= 5)

By at least one integrated member (n = 5)

Amorim, I.R., Pereira, F., Gabriel, R. & Borges, P.A.V. (2013). Bichos e outras criaturas das profundezas – habitats subterrâneos dos Açores. Pingo de Lava, 37: 52- 56. (P540) Borges, P.A.V., Amorim, I.R., André, G., Cardoso, P., Crespo, L.C., Gaspar, C., Hortal, J., Melo, C., Pereira, F., Quartau, J.A., Rego, C., Ribeiro, S.P., Rigal, F., Santos, A.M.C., Serrano, A.R.M., Soares, A.O., Sousa, A.B., Triantis, K.A. & Vieira, V. (2013). Biodiversidade dos artrópodes dos Açores. Pingo de Lava, 37: 46-51. (P541) Elias, R.B. (2013). Florestas Naturais dos Açores. Pingo de Lava, 37: 43-45. (P555) Gabriel, R., Homem, N., Aranda, S.C., Coelho, M.C.M., Henriques, D. & Pereira, F. (2013). Musgos!? 13 ideias sobre musgos e outras plantas dos Açores. Pingo de Lava, 37: 76-85. (P546) Barreiros, J.P. (2013). Biodiversidade marinha dos Açores. Pingo de Lava, 37: 40-42. (P550)

2011 (n = 4) By at least one integrated member (n = 4)

Amorim, I.R. & Pereira, F. (2011). Ecossistemas Naturais dos Açores - Ecossistemas terrestres cavernícolas. Exposição on-line, Centro de Ciência de Angra do Heroísmo, (P544) Bulhão Pato, C., Neilson, A. & Sousa, L. (2011). Exploring the wealth of coastal fisheries: Listening to community voices/ Explorar a riqueza das


comunidades piscatórias ouvindo as suas vozes, final report, 21 -24 October 2011 Angra do Heroísmo & Ponta Delgada, Portugal. (English/Portuguese) (P523) Teixeira, R. & Rego, C. (2011). Drosófila de asa manchada. Boletim Técnico do INRB: 11: 1-2. (P409) Vieira, V. & Borges, P.A.V. (2011). Listagem dos organismos terrestres e marinhos dos Açores. Boletim do Núcleo Cultural da Horta, 20: 351-354. (P320)

2010 (n = 1)

By at least one integrated member (n = 1)

Rodrigues, A.F., Mendonça, E., Neilson A. L. & Gabriel, R. (2010). Passeio Pedestre para Observação da Biodiversidade da Orla Costeira da Prainha. Culturangra, RCE AÇORES & Grupo da Biodiversidade dos Açores (Universidade dos Açores). Angra do Heroísmo. (2nd prize in National Portuguese competition for environmental education activities – Biodiversity in Aquatic Systems, in Blue Flag Program). (P524)

2009 (n = 36)

By at least one integrated member (n = 36)

Amorim, I. & Pereira, F. (2009). Grutas. In Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Borges, P.A.V., Gabriel, R. et al., Açores um Retrato Natural. pp. 122-139. Ver Açor, Ponta Delgada. (P284) Amorim, I. (2009). Novas espécies. In Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Borges, P.A.V., Gabriel, R. et al., Açores um Retrato Natural. pp. 140-141. Ver Açor, Ponta Delgada. (P285) Borges, P.A.V. (2009). Prados e Pastagens. In Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Borges, 114

P.A.V., Gabriel, R. et al., Açores um Retrato Natural. pp. 168-183. Ver Açor, Ponta Delgada. (P286) ( Borges, P.A.V. (2009). Investigação desenvolvida nos Açores. In Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Borges, P.A.V., Gabriel, R. et al., Açores um Retrato Natural. pp. 34-35. Ver Açor, Ponta Delgada. (P287) ( Borges, P.A.V. (2009). Diversidade dos Açores em números. In Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Borges, P.A.V., Gabriel, R. et al., Açores um Retrato Natural. pp. 30-31. Ver Açor, Ponta Delgada. (P288) ( Borges, P.A.V. (2009). Em mais nenhuma parte do mundo. In Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Borges, P.A.V., Gabriel, R. et al., Açores um Retrato Natural. pp. 78-79. Ver Açor, Ponta Delgada. (P289) ( Cardoso, P., Borges, P.A.V. & Pereira, F. (2009). Vulcões e Mistérios. In Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Borges, P.A.V., Gabriel, R. et al., Açores um Retrato Natural. pp. 36-53. Ver Açor, Ponta Delgada. (P290) ( Cardoso, P. (2009). Áreas protegidas. In Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Borges, P.A.V., Gabriel, R. et al., Açores um Retrato Natural. pp. 76-77. Ver Açor, Ponta Delgada. (P291) Cardoso, P. (2009). Predadores. In Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Borges, P.A.V., Gabriel, R. et al., Açores um Retrato Natural. pp. 186-187. Ver Açor, Ponta Delgada. (P292) Gabriel, R. (2009). Turfeiras. In Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Borges, P.A.V., Gabriel, R. et al., Açores um Retrato Natural. pp. 102-117. Ver Açor, Ponta Delgada. (P293) Gabriel, R. (2009). Dispersão. In Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Borges, P.A.V., Gabriel, R. et al., Açores um Retrato Natural. pp. 54-55. Ver Açor, Ponta Delgada. (P294) Gabriel, R. (2009). Espécies epífilas. In Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Borges, P.A.V., Gabriel, R. et al., Açores um Retrato Natural. pp. 80-81. Ver Açor, Ponta Delgada. (P295) 115

Gabriel, R. (2009). Fungos. In Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Borges, P.A.V., Gabriel, R. et al., Açores um Retrato Natural. pp. 142-143. Ver Açor, Ponta Delgada. (P296) Gaspar, C. (2009). Floresta Nativa. In Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Borges, P.A.V., Gabriel, R. et al., Açores um Retrato Natural. pp. 58-75. Ver Açor, Ponta Delgada. (P297) Gaspar, C. (2009). Moldados pelo clima. In Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Borges, P.A.V., Gabriel, R. et al., Açores um Retrato Natural. pp. 56-57. Ver Açor, Ponta Delgada. (P298) Gaspar, C. (2009). São ou não são a mesma espécie. In Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Borges, P.A.V., Gabriel, R. et al., Açores um Retrato Natural. pp. 120-121. Ver Açor, Ponta Delgada. (P299) Gaspar, C. (2009). Tal pai tal filho? In Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Borges, P.A.V., Gabriel, R. et al., Açores um Retrato Natural. pp. 118-119. Ver Açor, Ponta Delgada. (P300) Gaspar, C. (2009). Pais extremosos. In Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Borges, P.A.V., Gabriel, R. et al., Açores um Retrato Natural. pp. 100-101. Ver Açor, Ponta Delgada. (P301) Gaspar, C. (2009). Abrigos, ninhos e ovos. In Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Borges, P.A.V., Gabriel, R. et al., Açores um Retrato Natural. pp. 98-99. Ver Açor, Ponta Delgada. (P302) Gaspar, C. (2009). Acasalamento. In Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Borges, P.A.V., Gabriel, R. et al., Açores um Retrato Natural. pp. 96-97. Ver Açor, Ponta Delgada. (P303) Gaspar, C. (2009). A vida por debaixo das folhas mortas. In Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Borges, P.A.V., Gabriel, R. et al., Açores um Retrato Natural. pp. 164- 165. Ver Açor, Ponta Delgada. (P304) Gaspar, C. (2009). Defesa. In Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Borges, P.A.V., Gabriel, R. et al., Açores um Retrato Natural. pp. 188-189. Ver Açor, Ponta Delgada. (P305) Gaspar, C. (2009). Quem come quem. In Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Borges, P.A.V., Gabriel, R. et al., Açores um Retrato Natural. pp. 184-185. Ver Açor, Ponta 116

Delgada. (P306) Gaspar, C. (2009). Boas relações. In Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Borges, P.A.V., Gabriel, R. et al., Açores um Retrato Natural. pp. 212-213. Ver Açor, Ponta Delgada. (P307) Gaspar, C. (2009). Aproveitamento. In Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Borges, P.A.V., Gabriel, R. et al., Açores um Retrato Natural. pp. 210-211. Ver Açor, Ponta Delgada. (P308) Gaspar, C. (2009). Consegues ver-me?. In Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Borges, P.A.V., Gabriel, R. et al., Açores um Retrato Natural. pp. 208-209. Ver Açor, Ponta Delgada. (P309) Gaspar, C. (2009). Natureza em risco. In Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Borges, P.A.V., Gabriel, R. et al., Açores um Retrato Natural. pp. 234-235. Ver Açor, Ponta Delgada. (P310) Gaspar, C. (2009). Vida social. In Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Borges, P.A.V., Gabriel, R. et al., Açores um Retrato Natural. pp. 230-231. Ver Açor, Ponta Delgada. (P311) Gaspar, C. & Cardoso, P. (2009). Introdução. In Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Borges, P.A.V., Gabriel, R. et al., Açores um Retrato Natural. pp. 8-27. Ver Açor, Ponta Delgada. (P312) Maduro-Dias, F. & Borges, P.A.V. (2009). Povoados Humanos. In Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Borges, P.A.V., Gabriel, R. et al., Açores um Retrato Natural. pp. 216-229. Ver Açor, Ponta Delgada. (P313) ( Lopes, D.H., Cabrera Perze, R., Borges, P.A.V., Aguin-Pombo, D., Pereira, A.M.N., Mumford, J.D. & Mexia, A.M.M. (Eds.) (2009). Folhas Divulgativas. Universidade dos Açores, Angra do Heroísmo. (P314) Santos, A.M.C., Borges, P.A.V. & Lopes D.J.H. (2009) Fauna Auxiliar-Parasitóides. In: D. H. Lopes, R. Cabrera Perze, P.A.V. Borges, D. Aguin-Pombo, A.M.N. Pereira, J.D. Mumford & A.M.M. Mexia, (Eds.), Folhas Divulgativas - pp. 182-183. Universidade dos Açores, Angra do Heroísmo. (P315) Santos, A.M.C., Borges, P.A.V. & Lopes D.J.H. (2009) Artrópodes predadores das Bananeira. In: D. H. Lopes, R. Cabrera Perze, P.A.V. Borges, D. Aguin-Pombo, 117

A.M.N. Pereira, J.D. Mumford & A.M.M. Mexia, (Eds.), Folhas Divulgativas - pp. 171-172. Universidade dos Açores, Angra do Heroísmo. (P316) Santos, A.M.C., Borges, P.A.V. & Lopes D.J.H. (2009) Artrópodes predadores dos Citrinos. In: D. H. Lopes, R. Cabrera Perze, P.A.V. Borges, D. Aguin-Pombo, A.M.N. Pereira, J.D. Mumford & A.M.M. Mexia, (Eds.), Folhas Divulgativas - pp. 173-176. Universidade dos Açores, Angra do Heroísmo. (P317) Santos, A.M.C., Borges, P.A.V. & Lopes D.J.H. (2009) Artrópodes predadores nos Pessegueiros. In: D. H. Lopes, R. Cabrera Perze, P.A.V. Borges, D. Aguin-Pombo, A.M.N. Pereira, J.D. Mumford & A.M.M. Mexia, (Eds.), Folhas Divulgativas - pp. 177-178. Universidade dos Açores, Angra do Heroísmo. (P318) Santos, A.M.C., Borges, P.A.V. & Lopes D.J.H. (2009) Artrópodes predadores nas Macieiras. In: D. H. Lopes, R. Cabrera Perze, P.A.V. Borges, D. Aguin-Pombo, A.M.N. Pereira, J.D. Mumford & A.M.M. Mexia, (Eds.), Folhas Divulgativas - pp. 179-181. Universidade dos Açores, Angra do Heroísmo. (P319)


2013 (n= 7)

By at least one integrated member (n= 1)

Rodrigues, A. & Garcia, P. (2013). Células de revestimento bucal biomarcadores de poluição do ar. UAciência, Açores Magazine, pp. 26-27. (P557)

By Associate Research Fellows only (n= 6)

Fattorini, S. (2013) Book Reviews Ecosystem Services in Agricultural and Urban Landscapes. Stephen Wratten, Harpinder Sandhu, Ross Cullen and Robert Costanza (eds.). Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester (2013). 218 pp. ISBN: 978-1- 4051-7008-6, £55.00, €68.20 (hardcover). Biological Conservation, 168: 66. 118

DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2013.09.014 (IF: 3.794) (P570) Fattorini, S. (2013) Book Reviews Wildlife Conservation in a Changing Climate. Jedediah F. Brodie, Eric Post and Daniel F. Doak (eds.). The University of Chicago Press (2013). 401 pp. ISBN: 978-0-226-07463-4, $45.00, £29.00 (paperback). Biological Conservation, 168: 88-89. Biological Conservation, 168: 88-89. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2013.09.015 (IF: 3.794) (P571) Fattorini, S. (2013) Book Reviews Effective Learning in the Life Sciences: How Students can Achieve their Full Potential, David J. Adams (Editor). Wiley- Blackwell, Chichester, UK (2011). 268 pp, price £29.95 / €36.00, paperback, ISBN: 978-0-470-66157-4 Biological Conservation, 157: 46. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2012.07.001 (IF: 3.794) (P450) Fattorini, S. (2013) Book Reviews Scientific Writing = Thinking in Words, David Lindsay (Editor). CSIRO PUBLISHING, Collingwood, Australia, 122 pp., price AU $ 29.95, paperback, ISBN: 978-0-643-10046-6. Biological Conservation, 157: 44. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2012.07.002 (IF: 3.794) (P451) Fattorini, S. (2013) Book Reviews Sustaining coastal zone systems, P. Tett, A. Sandberg & A. Mette (eds). 2011. Dunedin, Edinburg. Biological Conservation, 158: 73. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2012.08.027 (IF: 3.794) (P452) Fattorini, S. (2013) Book Reviews Climate and Conservation, Jodi A. Hilty, Charles C. Chester, Molly S. Cross (Eds.). Island Press, Washington (2012). 374 pp. Biological Conservation, 159: 3. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2012.12.008 (IF: 3.794) (P495)

2012 (n= 3)

By at least one integrated member (n= 7)

Amaral, J.J.S., Cabeceiras, S.C. & Borges, A. (2012). Prospeção de térmitas (Insecta: Isoptera) na Ilha de São Jorge. Relatórios e Comunicações do Departamento de Biologia, 40: 71-74. (P494) Barreiros, J.P.. (2012). Extinções, evolução e o impacto de Homo sapiens a partir do ano 1000 a.d.. Atlântida 62: 1-12 (P463) 119

Cardoso, P.A.V. & Borges, P.A.V. (2012). Os sete pecados na conservação dos invertebrados. UAciência, Açores Magazine, pp. 26-27. (P472) Ferreira, M.T., Borges, P.A.V. & Scheffrahn, R.H. (2012). Introdução da térmita da madeira seca Cryptotermes brevis (Walker) nos Açores. UAciência, Açores Magazine, pp. 26-27. (P471) Gil, A. (2012). Vigiando o ambiente terrestre açoriano desde o espaço. UAciência, Açores Magazine, pp. 26-27. (P459) Jorge, J.C., Moura, M., Neto, A.I., Gabriel, R., Constância, J.P. & Silva, L. (2012). As Plantas e os Cientistas: Catálogo da Exposição "À Descoberta da História Botânica dos Açores". Universidade dos Açores, Direcção Regional da Ciência, Tecnologia e Comunicações & Museu Carlos Machado., 72 pp. (P423) Vieira, V., T. Teixeira, M. Teixeira & L. Oliveira (2012). Novos Dados sobre Lepidópteros, Ondonatos e Himenópteros (Insecta) da Ilha de São Jorge, Açores. Relatórios e Comunicações do Departamento de Biologia, 40: 103- 112. (P486)

By Associate Research Fellows only (n= 3)

Fattorini, S. (2012) Book Reviews C. Dytham (2011) Choosing and Using Statistics: A Biologist’s Guide, Third edition, Wiley-Blackwell, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Chichester, UK. 298 pp., Price £24.99 / € 30.00 paperback, ISBN: 978-1-4051- 9839-4. Biological Conservation, 147: 276 (IF: 3.794) (P321) Fattorini, S. (2012) Book Reviews C. Barry Cox and Peter D. Moore (2010) Biogeography: An ecological and evolutionary approach, Eighth edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ (2010). 498 pp., price £36.99 / €44.40 paperback, ISBN: 978-0-470-63794-4. Biological Conservation, 148: 221. (IF: 3.794) (P323) Fattorini, S. (2012) Book Reviews Wilson, W.G. – 2011 - Constructed Climates: A Primer on Urban Environments, William G. Wilson. The University of Chicago Press. ISBN: 978-0-226-90146-6. Biological Conservation, 147: 277. (IF: 3.794) (P485) 120

2011 (n= 7) By at least one integrated member (n= 3)

Nunes, J.C., Constância, J.P., Costa, M.P., Barcelos P., Borges, P.A.V. & Pereira, F. (2011). Roteiro das Cavidades Vulcânicas dos Açores. Associação Os Montanheiros & GESPEA (Ed.). 16 p. ISBN: 978-989-97324-0-7. (P327) Neilson, A. L. (2011). Environmental Justice in Azores– Fisher´s perspectives on marine conservation need to be heard in education programs. Green Teacher, 92: 14- 15. (P328) Triantis, K. (2011). Island biogeography – A contribute session at the 5th International Biogeography Society Conference – Heraklion, Greece, 7-11 January 2011. Frontiers of Biogeography 3: 21-22. (P329)

By Associate Research Fellows only (n= 4)

Fattorini, S. (2011) Book Reviews Roger, L.H.D. (2011) A Resource-Based Habitat View for Conservation: Butterflies in the British Landscape. Wiley- Blackwell. 420pp., £50.00/€57.50, Hardback, ISBN: 978-1-4051-9945-2. Biological Conservation, 144: 659-664. (IF: 3.794) (P326) Fattorini, S. (2011) Book Reviews Graeme L. Worboys, Wendy L. Francis, Michael Lockwood (Eds.). (2010) Connectivity Conservation Management: A Global Guide. Earthscan Ltd., London and Washington, DC. ISBN: 978-1-84,407-604- 8 paperback, 382pp., price £ 49.99. Biological Conservation, 144: 1777. (IF: 3.794) (P479) Fattorini, S. (2011) Book Reviews Hayek, L.A.C. & Buzas, Martin A. (2010) Surveying Natural Populations. Quantitative Tools for Assessing Biodiversity. Second Edition. Columbia University Press, New York. ISBN 978-0-231-14620-3. Price: 85.00$. Ecoscience, 19: livres. (IF: 1.354) (P324) Fattorini, S. (2011) Book Reviews Parenti, L. R. & Ebach, M. C. – 2010 – Comparative 121

Biogeography: Discovering and Classifying Biogeographical Patterns of a Dynamic Earth. University of California Press. Berkeley. ISBN 978-0-520- 25945-4 Price: 39.95$. Ecoscience, 19: (IF: 1.354). (P325)

2010 (n= 1)

By Associate Research Fellows only (n= 1)

Fattorini, S. (2010) Book Reviews Roger, L.H.D. (2010) A Resource-Based Habitat View for Conservation: Butterflies in the British Landscape. Wiley-Blackwell. 420pp., £50.00/€57.50, Hardback, ISBN: 978-1-4051-9945-2. Fragmenta Entomologica 42: 531-533. (P330)

2009 (n= 1)

By at least one integrated member (n= 1)

Borges, P.A.V. (2009). Bern Convention Group of Experts on European Island Biological Diversity: an international network to preserve island biodiversity. Frontiers of Biogeography 1: 35-36. (P331)

2008 (n= 19)

By at least one integrated member (n= 19)

Borges, P.A.V. & Arechavaleta, M.-H. (2008). Ficha de espécies: Ommatoiulus moreletii (Lucas, 1860) In: Silva, L., Ojeda, E.L. & Rodriguez-Luengo, J.L. (eds.) Invasive Terrestrial Flora & Fauna of Macaronesia. TOP 100 in Azores, Madeira and Canaries. pp. 326-328. ARENA, Ponta Delgada. (P332) Borges, P.A.V. & Mendonça, E. (2008). Ficha de espécies: lundbladi Colas1938. In: J. L Martín,. M. Arechavaleta, P.A.V. Borges & B. Faria, (eds.) TOP 122

100 - As cem espécies ameaçadas prioritárias em termos de gestão na região europeia biogeográfica da Macaronésia. pp 170-171. Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación Territorial, Gobierno de Canarias. (P333) Borges, P.A.V. & Mendonça, E. (2008). Ficha de espécies: Thalassophilus azoricus Oromí & Borges, 1991 In: J. L Martín,. M. Arechavaleta, P.A.V. Borges & B. Faria, (eds.) TOP 100 - As cem espécies ameaçadas prioritárias em termos de gestão na região europeia biogeográfica da Macaronésia. pp 202-203. Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación Territorial, Gobierno de Canarias. (P334) Borges, P.A.V. (2008). Ficha de espécies: Cixius cavazoricus Hoch, 1991. In: J. L Martín,. M. Arechavaleta, P.A.V. Borges & B. Faria, (eds.) TOP 100 - As cem espécies ameaçadas prioritárias em termos de gestão na região europeia biogeográfica da Macaronésia. pp 174-175. Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación Territorial, Gobierno de Canarias. (P335) Borges, P.A.V. (2008). Ficha de espécies: Gietella faialensis Menier & Constantin, 1988. In: J. L Martín,. M. Arechavaleta, P.A.V. Borges & B. Faria, (eds.) TOP 100 - As cem espécies ameaçadas prioritárias em termos de gestão na região europeia biogeográfica da Macaronésia. pp. 180-181. Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación Territorial, Gobierno de Canarias. (P336) Borges, P.A.V. (2008). Ficha de espécies: Macarorchiestia martini Stoch, 1989. In: J. L Martín,. M. Arechavaleta, P.A.V. Borges & B. Faria, (eds.) TOP 100 - As cem espécies ameaçadas prioritárias em termos de gestão na região europeia biogeográfica da Macaronésia. pp. 186-197. Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación Territorial, Gobierno de Canarias. (P337) Borges, P.A.V. (2008). Ficha de espécies: Pseudoblothrus oromii Mahnert, 1990. In: J. L Martín,. M. Arechavaleta, P.A.V. Borges & B. Faria, (eds.) TOP 100 - As cem espécies ameaçadas prioritárias em termos de gestão na região europeia biogeográfica da Macaronésia. pp. 196-181. Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación Territorial, Gobierno de Canarias. (P338) Borges, P.A.V., Amorim, I.R. & Mendonça, E. (2008). Ficha de espécies: Trechus isabelae Borges & Serrano, 2007 In: J. L Martín,. M. Arechavaleta, P.A.V. Borges & B. Faria, (eds.) TOP 100 - As cem espécies ameaçadas prioritárias em termos 123

de gestão na região europeia biogeográfica da Macaronésia. pp 204-205. Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación Territorial, Gobierno de Canarias. (P339) Borges, P.A.V., Amorim, I.R. & Mendonça, E. (2008). Ficha de espécies: Trechus jorgensis Oromí & Borges, 1991 In: J. L Martín,. M. Arechavaleta, P.A.V. Borges & B. Faria, (eds.) TOP 100 - As cem espécies ameaçadas prioritárias em termos de gestão na região europeia biogeográfica da Macaronésia. pp 206-207. Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación Territorial, Gobierno de Canarias. (P340) Borges, P.A.V., Amorim, I.R. & Mendonça, E. (2008). Ficha de espécies: Trechus oromii Borges, Serrano & Oromí, 2004 In: J. L Martín,. M. Arechavaleta, P.A.V. Borges & B. Faria, (eds.) TOP 100 - As cem espécies ameaçadas prioritárias em termos de gestão na região europeia biogeográfica da Macaronésia. pp 208- 209. Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación Territorial, Gobierno de Canarias. (P341) Borges, P.A.V., Mendonça, E. & Cardoso, P. (2008). Ficha de espécies: Calacalles droueti (Crotch, 1867). In: J. L Martín,. M. Arechavaleta, P.A.V. Borges & B. Faria, (eds.) TOP 100 - As cem espécies ameaçadas prioritárias em termos de gestão na região europeia biogeográfica da Macaronésia. pp 168-169. Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación Territorial, Gobierno de Canarias. (P342) Borges, P.A.V., Pereira, F. & Cardoso, P. (2008). Ficha de espécies: Turinyphia cavernicola Wunderlich, 2005 In: J. L Martín,. M. Arechavaleta, P.A.V. Borges & B. Faria, (eds.) TOP 100 - As cem espécies ameaçadas prioritárias em termos de gestão na região europeia biogeográfica da Macaronésia. pp 210-211. Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación Territorial, Gobierno de Canarias. (P343) Cardoso, P., Borges, P.A.V. & Hernández, N.M. (2008). Ficha de espécies: Dysdera crocata C.L. Koch, 1838. In: Silva, L., Ojeda, E.L. & Rodriguez-Luengo, J.L. (eds.) Invasive Terrestrial Flora & Fauna of Macaronesia. TOP 100 in Azores, Madeira and Canaries. pp. 415-417. ARENA, Ponta Delgada. (P344) Elias, R.B. & Silva, L. (2008). Ficha de espécies: Juniperus brevifolia (Seub.) Antoine. 124

In: Martín JL, Arechavaleta MJ, Borges PAV, Faria B (eds). TOP 100 - As cem espécies ameaçadas prioritárias em termos de gestão na região europeia biogeográfica da Macaronésia. pp 182–183, Consejeria de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación Territorial, Gobierno de Canarias. (P487) Gabriel, R. & Homem, N. (2008). Ficha de espécies: Cheilolejeunea cedercreutzii In: J. L. Martín,. M. Arechavaleta, P. A. V. Borges & B. Faria, (eds.) TOP 100 - As cem espécies ameaçadas prioritárias em termos de gestão na região europeia biogeográfica da Macaronésia. pp 172-173. Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación Territorial, Gobierno de Canarias. (P345) Lopez, S.C., Borges, P.A.V. & Arechavaleta, M.-H. (2008). Ficha de espécies: Armadillidium vulgare (Latreille, 1804) In: Silva, L., Ojeda, E.L. & Rodriguez- Luengo, J.L. (eds.) Invasive Terrestrial Flora & Fauna of Macaronesia. TOP 100 in Azores, Madeira and Canaries. pp. 457-459. ARENA, Ponta Delgada. (P346) Lopez, S.C., Borges, P.A.V. & Arechavaleta, M.-H. (2008). Ficha de espécies: Paratrechina longicornis (Latreille 1802) In: Silva, L., Ojeda, E.L. & Rodriguez- Luengo, J.L. (eds.) Invasive Terrestrial Flora & Fauna of Macaronesia. TOP 100 in Azores, Madeira and Canaries. pp. 496-498. ARENA, Ponta Delgada. (P347) Lopez, S.C., Borges, P.A.V. & Arechavaleta, M.-H. (2008). Ficha de espécies: Eluma purpurascens Budde-Lund, 1885 In: Silva, L., Ojeda, E.L. & Rodriguez-Luengo, J.L. (eds.) Invasive Terrestrial Flora & Fauna of Macaronesia. TOP 100 in Azores, Madeira and Canaries. pp. 502-504. ARENA, Ponta Delgada. (P348) Lopez, S.C., Borges, P.A.V. & Arechavaleta, M.-H. (2008). Ficha de espécies: Linepithema humile (Mayr 1868) In: Silva, L., Ojeda, E.L. & Rodriguez-Luengo, J.L. (eds.) Invasive Terrestrial Flora & Fauna of Macaronesia. TOP 100 in Azores, Madeira and Canaries. pp. 499-501. ARENA, Ponta Delgada. (P349)


2011 (n= 2) By at least one integrated member (n= 2) 125

Cardoso, P. (2011) Portugal spider catalogue (v3.0). Available online at:´ (P350) Morano, E. & Cardoso, P. (2011) Iberian spider catalogue (v2.0). Available online at: (P351)

2010 (n=3) By at least one integrated member (n= 3)

Borges, P.A.V. (2010). Fauna cavernícola. Available online at: (P352) Borges, P.A.V. (2010). Artrópodes. Available online at: (P353) Gabriel, R. (2010). Briófitos. Available online at: (P354)

2009 (n=2)

By at least one integrated member (n= 2)

Morano, E. & Cardoso, P. (2009). Iberian spider catalogue (v0.6). Available online at: (P355) Cardoso, P. (2009). Portugal spider catalogue (v1.5). Available online at: (P356)