God, grants and special VOLUME XXVI AID Eucharist and Pro-Life Stance, opportunities, p. 8 p. 4 NUMBER 3 P AGE Supreme Court and Ten 44 NO. PERMIT SAN ANGELO, TX ANGELO, SAN US POST US Collection for tsunami victims Commandments, p. 9 ORG. NONPROFIT largest in history, p. 5 MAR Radio en Español, p. 11 Diocesan Conference Day, p. 7 2005 INSIDE Rite of Election, p. 12 UESTED THE WEST REQ VICE TEXAS PO BOX 1829 BOX PO DIOCESE OF SAN ANGELO SAN OF DIOCESE SAN ANGELO TX 76902-1829 TX ANGELO SAN NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF SAN ANGELO
[email protected] • www.san-angelo-diocese.org SER ADDRESS One week after tracheotomy, pope ‘continues to improve,’ Vatican says by Cindy Wooden Catholic News Asked later if the Vatican's Holy Week Service and Easter schedule, would be changed dras- VATICAN CITY (CNS) – After a week in tically, the spokesman said the Holy Week Rome's Gemelli hospital, where he under- and Easter liturgies "are fixed." went a tracheotomy to ease breathing diffi- "The pope must decide, once he has re- culties, Pope John Paul II "continues to im- turned, the way he will participate in these prove and show progress," the Vatican ceremonies. But at the moment, nothing has spokesman said. been decided," he said. "The surgical wound is healing," spokes- Navarro-Valls said he did not think any man Joaquin Navarro-Valls told reporters changes were being made to the papal apart- March 3. The pope was hospitalized Feb. 24 ment in the Vatican in anticipation of the and underwent the tracheotomy, in which a pope's return, nor did he think special medi- Pope John Paul II blesses the faithful during a surprise appearance from the window tube is placed in the trachea through a hole cal equipment was being installed.