EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MIHAI V. PUTZ Laboratory of Computational And

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EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MIHAI V. PUTZ Laboratory of Computational And EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MIHAI V. PUTZ Laboratory of Computational and Structural Physical Chemistry Biology-Chemistry Department West University of Timişoara Pestalozzi Street No.16, Timişoara, RO-300115 ROMANIA Phone: +40-256-592638, Fax: +40-256-592620 E-mail: [email protected] SENIOR EDITOR MIRCEA V. DIUDEA Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering “Babes-Bolyai” University A. Janos Street No. 11, 400028 Cluj-Napoca ROMANIA E-mail: [email protected] EXECUTIVE EDITORIAL BOARD EDUARDO A. CASTRO Research Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physical-Chemistry (INIFTA) Theoretical Chemistry Division, Suc. 4, C.C. 16 Universidad de La Plata 1900 La Plata, Buenos Aires ARGENTINA E-mail 1: [email protected] E-mail 2: [email protected] ROBERTO TODESCHINI Milano Chemometrics and QSAR Research Group Department of Environmental Sciences University of Milano-Bicocca P.za della Scienza 1 20126 Milano Italy michem.disat.unimib.it/chm President of the International Academy of Mathematical Chemistry www.iamc-online.org/index.htm DULAL C. GHOSH Department of Chemistry University of Kalyani Kalyani 741235 INDIA E-mail 1: [email protected] E-mail 2: [email protected] IVAN GUTMAN Faculty of Science University of Kragujevac P.O.Box 60 34000 Kragujevac SERBIA E-mail: [email protected] JOEL F. LIEBMAN University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry 1000 Hilltop Circle Baltimore, MD 21250 USA E-mail: [email protected] OTTORINO ORI Actinium Research Parma Office: Via Secchia 26 43056 Rivarolo di Torrile (PR) ITALY E-mail: [email protected] TOMAZ PISANSKI Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics (IMFM) Jadranska 19, SI-1000 Ljubljana SLOVENIA E-mail: [email protected] LIONELLO POGLIANI Dipartimento di Chimica Università della Calabria 87036 Rende (CS) ITALY E-mail: [email protected] MIQUEL SOLÀ Institut de Química Computacional and Departament de Química Universitat de Girona E-17071 Girona, Catalonia SPAIN E-mail: [email protected] PAUL MEZEY Canada Research Chair Scientific Modeling and Simulation Laboratory Department of Chemistry and Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography Memorial University of Newfoundland 100 Prince Philip Drive St. John’s, NL, A1B 3X7 CANADA E-mail 1: [email protected] E-mail 2: [email protected] SÁNDOR KUNSÁGI-MÁTÉ Department of General and Physical Chemistry University of Pécs Ifjúság 6, Pécs, H-7624 HUNGARY E-mail: [email protected] TEIK-CHENG LIM School of Science and Technology SIM University (UniSIM) 535A Clementi Road S599490 SINGAPORE E-mail: [email protected] VASILE CHIŞ Faculty of Physics “Babes-Bolyai” University Kogalniceanu Street No. 1 Cluj-Napoca, RO-400084 ROMANIA E-mail: [email protected] BONO LUČIĆ NMR Center Ruđer Bošković Institute Zagreb, CROATIA [email protected] FRANCO CATALDO Actinium Chemical Research Rome, ITALY [email protected] ADVISORY EDITORIAL BOARD DAN CIUBOTARIU Faculty of Pharmacy University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babeş” Timişoara Bd. Eftimie Murgu No. 2 Timişoara, RO-300041 ROMANIA E-mail: [email protected] BORIS FURTULA University of Kragujevac Faculty of Science P. O. Box 60 34000 Kragujevac SERBIA E-mail: [email protected] A. K. HAGHI Faculty of Engineering University of Guilan P.O.Box 3756 Rasht 41635 IRAN E-mail 1: [email protected] E-mail 2: [email protected] E-mail 3: [email protected] DRAGOŞ HORVATH UMR 8576 CNRS USTL – 59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq FRANCE E-mail 1: [email protected] E-mail 2: [email protected] PETER E. JOHN Institute of Mathematics Technical University, Ilmenau GERMANY E-mail: [email protected] CSABA L. NAGY Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering “Babes-Bolyai” University A. Janos Street No. 11 400028 Cluj-Napoca ROMANIA E-mail: [email protected] LÁSZLÓ POPPE Department of Organic Chemistry and Technology Budapest University of Technology and Economics Gellért tér 4, H-1111 Budapest HUNGARY E-mail: [email protected] MIHAI POPESCU National Institute R&D of Materials Physics P. O. Box. Mg. 7 077125-Bucharest-Măgurele ROMANIA E-mail: [email protected] CHRISTOPHER A. REYNOLDS Department of Biological Sciences University of Essex Colchester, Wivenhoe Park, CO4 3SQ UNITED KINGDOM E-mail: [email protected] ZHONG-ZHI YANG Department of Chemistry LiaoNing Normal University Dalian 116029 CHINA E-mail: [email protected] .
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